research hall bloodborne walkthrough

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Future Press gone behind the scenes with Bloodborne's creators to unearth every secret hidden within the mysterious city of Yharnam. Your hunt through the streets of Yharnam will be your most exciting and rewarding journey yet, and the road will be hard. But fear not! These guides are your key to mastering the merciless challenges and navigating the darkest depths of the city. [ ]

Research Hall

» » Research Hall

page revision: 42, last edited: 10 Aug 2024
Recommended: Player Level 85 & Weapon Upgrade +9

Dirty Damp Blood gem(5)

Finestrike Damp Blood Gem(5)

Lethal Damp Blood Gem(5)

Pulsing Damp Blood Gem(5)
+ for entering Research Hall
+ for encounter
+ for defeating
+ for encounter
+ for defeating
+ for giving 3rd Brain Fluid
Research Hall - (Previous Area)
- (Next Area)
right room on the base floor which is accessed from behind via elevator.
right next to Research Hall lamp.
that you can speak with, and although they may ask you for help, there is nothing you can do to help them other than put an end to their suffering.
: is located at Top-left corner on the Floor 3 and top-left corner on the Floor 5. When “ woman” is present, versus PvP invasions are possible.
: Gain access to the Living Failures boss; Non-hostile Clocktower Patient will move from 3F to the 4F. [ ]
: Gain access to the Lumenwood Garden Lamp | Open the way to Astral Clocktower
: Gain access to the Astral Clocktower Lamp | With Celestial Dial open path to the Fishing Hamlet

: In plain view immediately to the right of the boss room entrance.
" rune.
” from the messengers in the Hunter’s Dream. In some areas you may be able to summon up to two NPC Hunters.
Walkthrough & Maps
and .
  • Research Hall Entrance : As soon as the altar elevator comes to a stop you'll find the Research Hall lamp directly in front of you, so before doing anything else, make sure to light it. If you wish to head back down to the Recovery Room, simply step back onto the altar and it will descend.
  • Floor 1 - Main Hall : There are no real enemies on this floor so there's no need to be on guard and you can freely explore the area. There are, however, two Wandering Nightmares that you should deal with first to make sure they don't escape. The first of these is near a pillar just to the left of the entrance. The second one is on the stairs at the back of the pool of liquid, and it's best if you approach it from the side so that it runs into the low wall nearby. The pool of liquid is extremely toxic, so try to avoid stepping into it whenever possible, and make sure to sprint to the middle and back when attempting to pick up the item there. Also near the pool you'll find a non-hostile Clocktower Patient that you can speak with, and although it asks you to help find its eyes, there is nothing you can do to help it other than put an end to its suffering. There are also two doors on this floor, but at the moment you're unable to open either of them; the Laboratory Floor 1 door can only be opened from the other side, and the 1 st Floor Balcony door requires a key. Your only way forward at this time is to head up the large wooden staircase, but be careful as you approach the landing, because you'll encounter some hostile Clocktower Patients. There are two at first, but another two will approach from the stairs to the right. Once they've been killed, you can either take the stairs on the right to reach Floor 2 - West Side, or the stairs on the left if you want to go to Floor 3 - East Side.
  • Floor 1 - Laboratory : To be able to enter this room you'll need to go up to Floor 3 - East Side, and then use the elevator in the Laboratory there to descend down to this Laboratory. There are no items to pick up in the room, but you will be able to talk to Adeline, whom you'll find strapped to a chair in the corner. She is desperate for you to bring her some Brain Fluid, and unlike the Patient you encountered in the Main Hall, you can actually fulfill her request. There are a total of three Brain Fluids you can give to her, and doing so will net you some very good rewards, including the key to the 1st Floor Balcony, and the Milkweed Caryll Rune.
  • 1st Floor Balcony : After going through the door you'll find yourself on a small balcony with a gap in the railing that you can drop through to land on a rooftop. You can then drop down again to the floor below. Once you land, follow the path around to the left to reach an item on a corpse hanging over the end. Below in the garden area you'll see a large number of Clocktower Patients - these ones are significantly more dangerous than the normal ones, because they all have access to extremely damaging long range magical attacks. As soon as you drop down into the garden area they will all stop working and stand guard, and if one of them spots you, any within range will start attacking you. The best way to deal with these enemies is to take advantage of the fact that they won't move unless you get close to them, and if they lose sight of you for a while they'll go back to standing guard. With that in mind, drop down and use a plunging attack on the Patient below, following up with some normal strikes if it's still alive. Once it's dead, quietly walk over to the one just to the right of the large pillar, and then use a charged R2 to stagger it and then finish it off. If done correctly, you should not alert any of the other nearby enemies. Move back away from the pillar again before going down and hugging the back wall until you're behind the Patient, and then once again use a charged R2 and follow-up to kill it quickly. That will alert the enemy nearby, so quickstep back behind the large pillar and stay out of sight until it stops attacking you. Repeat the process for reaching the enemy to get behind and finish it off in the same manner. The final enemy in this part of the room will usually detect you during this process. If it does, quickly get behind the pillar again until it stops attacking, and then go around the other side of the pillar to get behind it and kill it. Go up the nearby steps to get out of the garden area, and then run around the path, where you'll be overlooking another Patient below. As before, use a plunging attack to weaken it and then finish it off quickly. The remaining two enemies in the area are too close to each other to sneak up on, so the best thing to do is run up and attack them to try and kill them before they can retaliate. Once all of the enemies have been killed you can safely claim the Blacksky Eye item from the corpse in the middle of the room. After collecting your prize, cross to the other side of the room and break the window to gain access to the Recovery Room Balcony.
  • Recovery Room Balcony : There's a Wandering Nightmare along the left side of this Balcony, so it's worth going that way first to kill It before It escapes. Go around to the other side of the Balcony and you'll come to a hole in the floor that you can jump across to reach a chest containing a Blood Gem. Once you have the contents of the chest, drop down through the hole to land on a small ledge below, and from there drop down onto one of the beds In the Recovery Room. By accessing the Recovery Room In this manner, the usual altar elevator should be in its raised position (If It’s not, step onto the altar to trigger the elevator, and then step off quickly before it gets too high), which will reveal a hidden altar. Stepping onto this second altar does not trigger the elevator, so approach it and pick up Laurence's Skull. After picking up that item, pull the lever to operate the elevator, and then quickly run onto the hidden alter to be lowered down to a secret area with a chest containing the Church Cannon. Step onto the hidden altar to return to the Recovery Room, and then pull the lever there to lower the elevator again so you can access the normal altar and return to the Research Hall.
  • Floor 3 - East Side : Be careful as you approach the shelving units on this floor, because there are pressure plates just in front of some of them that when stepped on, cause the jars of chemicals on the shelves to explode. If you get hit by the liquid you'll take a large amount of damage, so step on the pressure plate and then wait for the jars to explode before moving on. Halfway along the balcony there's a Church Messenger standing on a ledge, and while you can run up and attack him to knock him off, that won't kill him; it's best to wait and let him move away from the ledge so that you can kill him without knocking him off and have him turn up unexpectedly later. There is only one room you can enter on this floor, but it's quite an important one because it acts as the shortcut hub for the entire area. Guarding the room are three Wheelchair Huntsmen, however, and you'll need to deal with them first. Thankfully they're all fairly spread out In the room and two of them have their backs to you so killing them Is fairly straightforward. Once the room is clear, you'll have a few paths you can take. At the back of the room is an open trapdoor with a ladder you can use to reach Floor 2 - East Side (you can also drop down from the ledge outside this room to reach the same location), and while you can't use the elevator on the left, the one on the right will take you down to the Laboratory on Floor 1. Once you're in that room not only will you be able to speak with Adeline, but you can also open the door to create a shortcut back from the lamp.
  • Floor 2 - East Side : It's recommended that you access this floor via the trapdoor in the Laboratory on Floor 3 rather than dropping onto the staircase outside, because it will put you in a better position for fighting the enemies in the Laboratory. From the bottom of the ladder, if you walk towards the nearby ledge you'll see an enemy directly below you, so drop off and use a plunging attack on it. These particular Clock- tower Patients are extremely agile and tend to leap around a lot, so try to finish this first one off before it can start moving around. When tackling other enemies of this type, remember that it's possible to knock them over by shooting them with any firearm; this makes fighting them much easier. After clearing the room, make sure to pick up the Decorative Hunter Attire and then exit out onto the balcony. If you go left along the balcony you'll come to an enemy guarding an Item, and going to the right will lead you out to another non-hostile Clocktower Patient that you can talk to, or kill. The large wooden stairs on this floor don’t lead anywhere at this time, but if you head up them, two Labyrinth Rats will drop down that you can kill for some extra Blood Echoes.
  • Floor 2 - West Side : There are two doors you can enter on this floor, both of which contain ladders that lead up to the Patient Room on Floor 4. The entrance to the Laboratory is directly in front of you when you first reach this floor and It contains a large number of Clocktower Patients. The main thing that makes this room problematic are the enemies on the mezzanine throwing acid bottles down at you. While you can go underneath the mezzanine to avoid them, doing so limits your movement options for dealing with the other enemies. A better approach is to head left along the balcony towards the Patient Room, but stop and turn around when you get close to it, because a group of Clocktower Patients will come running out of the Laboratory towards you. After dealing with those enemies, enter the Patient Room, where you'll find more non-hostile patients that you talk to and kill If you like. Climb up the ladder in this room to reach the Patient Room on Floor 4, and after dealing with the Clocktower Patient there, approach the ladder that leads back down to Laboratory on Floor 2. If you look down just to the left of the ladder you'll see a Clocktower Patient below you; step off the ledge and use a plunging attack on it. The other Patients nearby have their backs to you when you approach from this side, so you can start the fight with a fully charged R2 for an early advantage. After killing those enemies, go through the doorway and turn to the right to the see the area where the acid bottle-throwing Patients are standing. Start going down the stairs towards them, but be ready to move back once you get to the bottom of them, because the Patient will come running towards you. Fighting that enemy near the top of the stairs should mean the acid-throwers don't hear you, so you can then sneak up behind the first one and use a charged R2 in its back to stagger it for a Visceral Attack follow-up. Doing that will usually alert the other enemies to your presence, so be ready to evade towards the other acid-thrower and take it out quickly, before another Patient approaches. All that's left now is to drop down and take out the last couple of Patients in the area below.
  • Floor 4 - West Side : To reach this floor you will need to climb up one of the ladders on Floor 2, and while they both lead to the same room, the ladder in the Patient Room will put you in a much better starting position against the first enemy you'll encounter. This enemy is a tougher version of the Clocktower Patients, and it patrols back and forth along a small section of the room. If you took the ladder from Floor 2 Patient Room, a narrow tunnel will hide you from the enemy's sight, allowing you to watch its movements and time your approach so you can hit it from behind. After killing that enemy, follow the stairs up and start running along the balcony until you come to a ledge with an item on it; you can drop down from the ledge onto the landing below to reach Floor 4 - East Side if you wish. Further along the balcony you'll come to a set of stairs going up, and at that time two Clocktower Patients will come out of the nearby Patient Room and attack you. After defeating them, approach the doorway leading into the Patient Room, but do so very slowly because just inside to the left there's another Clocktower Patient waiting to ambush you. If you inch into the room slowly you can attack and kill it before the ambush triggers, and then deal with the other enemy in the room normally. The small set of stairs in that room leads out onto a ledge overlooking the other Patient Room on this floor. To proceed from this floor you need to go up the large stairs from the balcony. When you do so it's best to sprint, because you'll come under fire from a Wheelchair Huntsman with a Gatling Gun on Floor 5. When you reach the landing halfway up those stairs, you'll have the option of either going down the stairs on the right to reach the Floor 5, or taking the stairs directly ahead to reach a ladder that goes up to the Rafters.
If you're attempting to reach this area by dropping onto the landing from Floor 4 - West Side, the first thing you'll have to face is an enemy Hunter blocking your path to the stairs. It's possible to drop down without being detected, which will allow you to sneak around to the side of him and use a charged R2; it's difficult to get much closer before attacking because the nearby Clocktower Patient Head will start talking and alert him to your presence. By attacking aggressively from the start you can knock the Hunter off the landing for an easy win.The Clocktower Patient Flead in this area is non-hostile and you can talk to it if you wish. Its main secret, however, is that if you attack it, it will drop one of the Brain Fluids that Adeline so covets.

There are no other items or enemies on this floor, and the open doorway only leads to an elevator shaft for the elevator that runs between Floor 3 and Floor 5. If that elevator is down on Floor 3, you can drop down the shaft from this floor and land on top of it. From there you can drop through the hatch in the roof to reach Floor 3. Alternatively, to leave this floor you will have to return to the landing you dropped onto at the start, and then jump across to the balcony on Floor 3 - East Side.
Unlike the other Floors in the Research Flail, the balcony on this one wraps around so you can access both sides. The Laboratory door directly in front of the stairs you use to reach this floor leads to an elevator that you can use to go back down to the Laboratory on Floor 3 where the other elevator is, in case you need to return to the lamp. Be careful as you move along the balcony on this floor, because there are pressure plates again that will trigger the acid bottles on nearby shelving units to explode. Just past the first of those pressure plates you'll be able to finally take out the Gatling Gun-wielding Wheelchair Huntsman that was shooting at you earlier.

If you continue along to the other side of the balcony you’ll encounter a headless variation of the Clocktower Patients; these enemies will wander around harmlessly unless you attack them, at which point they'll retaliate. Finally on this side you'll come to a Patient room that you can enter, and inside are a number slowly pulsating Clocktower Patient Heads, and a couple of items at the back of the room.

The Heads are not initially hostile, but once you pick up the Enlarged Head Attire at the back of the room they will all start attacking. Instead of picking the item up first, it's best to attack the Heads as you come to them, as that puts you in a much better position for starting the fight. All of their attacks inflict Frenzy buildup, so if you get hit even once or twice. It's best to back off and let your Frenzy levels go back down. Before trying to exit the room, however, look above the door and you'll see another sneaky Head attached to the wall, and if you go back through the doorway it will drop down and grab you.To avoid this ambush, use any kind of ranged weapon to knock it down from its hiding spot first, and then kill it normally.
  • Research Hall Rafters : The Rafters span the entire Research Hall and you can freely walk along any of the beams. Two Labyrinth Rats also patrol along the beams, so be very careful if you attempt to fight them on the narrow sections. Similar caution should also be employed when going for the item that's on a corpse hanging off one of the beams, because when you get close to it, a Carrion Crow will drop down and attack you. From the starting point of the Rafters, if you take the first left, and then left again, you can drop down onto a small platform with a ladder on it that leads to the Upper section of the Rafters. Cross the Rafters to the other side of the hall and you'll find a pair of Carrion Crows in the corner guarding another item, along with a non-hostile Clocktower Patient that you can speak with. The main reason for coming up here, however, is the large mechanism in the center that you can operate, because doing so will raise the entire staircase structure and allow you access to new parts of the area. Once the stairs have been moved, however, they cannot be moved back, so you'll need to take slightly different routes to move between the floors.
  • Research Hall Upper Rafters : You can reach the Upper Rafters via the Ladder from the floor below, or if you activate the mechanism to raise the stairs you'll automatically end up here. On one side of these rafters you'll find another non-hostile Head that you can talk to, and then if you attack it you'll get a second Brain Fluid for Adeline. Going the other way you'll find a Carrion Crow sitting on the end of a beam, and when you approach it, it will fly down to the ledge below as if showing you the path to take. Follow the Crow and drop down from the end of the beam, and if you kill it you'll get a handy Guidance Caryll Rune.
  • Back through the Hall : Now that you've moved the stairs, you can access the door that leads to the boss room. To reach that door, cross back over the rafters and drop down to the platform with the ladder going to the Upper Rafters, where you'll be able to use some stairs to go down. When you reach the landing, if you go down the stairs on the left you can reach a small platform where you'll find some Carrion Crows guarding a chest containing a Blood Gem. Going down the stairs to the right on that landing will take you down to Floor 5. Once there, run around the balcony to the Laboratory and use the elevator to go down to Floor 3. Exit the Floor 3 Laboratory and follow the balcony along to the right until you come to a set of stairs, and then follow them up and open the large door to face off against the Living Failures.
  • Floor 3 - West Side : To access this part of the Research Hall, make your way to the Laboratory on Floor 3 - East Side. Just outside the room there's a ledge you can drop from to reach a landing on the stairs below. If you go up the stairs to the left from this landing you’ll be able to reach Floor 4 - East Side. If you haven’t already been there, and if you take the stairs going down from there you'll reach a small platform. On this platform you'll find a Crawling Clocktower Patient that you'll need to kill before picking up the Loch Shield from the nearby corpse. This shield is extremely handy, as it greatly reduces all non-physical damage. From that platform you can also drop down to Floor 1 if you wish, but be careful because raising the stairs released a large number of Crawling Clocktower Patients down there. You'll also find a couple of new items in the toxic pool, so it's worth battling past the new enemies to get them. The set of stairs going up to the right from that landing bring you to the West Side of Floor 3. Follow the balcony along on this floor, killing the Clocktower Patients as you come to them until you reach the Patient Room. Just to right in side of this door, a Clocktower Patient with an infected hand is waiting to ambush you with a grab as you enter. To counter this ambush attempt, step through the doorway and then quickly evade backwards so the grab misses you. After killing the enemy you'll be able to claim the item on a corpse here, which is the Underground Cell Key.
  • BOSS Living Failures : At the start of this battle you'll only have to face one or two of these enemies, but as the fight progresses, more and more will gradually appear in the area. While each one only has a relatively small amount of health and can be killed off, you need to defeat enough of them to deplete their overall shared HP pool. Because they have quite high physical resistance, your best means of killing them is to use elemental attacks, or try to Interrupt them and use Visceral Attacks, since they will still deal significant damage. Once you've killed enough of them to finish the fight you'll automatically get the Astral Clocktower Key, and the Lumenwood Garden lamp will appear at the back of the area near the locked door.
  • BOSS Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower : Upon entering the Astral Clocktower you'll notice a mysterious figure sat in a chair on the opposite side of the room; approach the chair and inspect the corpse to trigger a cutscene. As soon as that cutscene is over the fight with Lady Maria will begin, so make sure you're ready beforehand. Maria can quickly cover a lot of ground with her attacks, but you can use this to your advantage in the early phase of the fight because quickstepping forward and to the side slightly will evade a great deal of her attacks. Once you've defeated her you'll find the Celestial Dial on the ground near the entrance, and the new Astral Clocktower lamp will appear nearby. With the Celestial Dial in hand, approach the large clock face and hold it up when prompted to trigger the clock mechanism to turn. Once the clock has stopped moving there will be a new opening that you can walk through to reach the Fishing Hamlet.
: by Die NooB by Lucians_Sword
535 1198 x2 [5%], x1 [15%]
535 653 (1) [100%]
841 980 x4 [76%], x2 [12%], x1 [4%], x1 [4%]
841 762 x4 [76%], x2 [12%], x1 [4%], x1 [4%]
841 762 x6 [76%], x2 [12%], x1 [4%], x1 [4%]
2064 871 x2 [21%], x1 [1%]
Clothes 688 871 x1 [8%]
Naked 688 1089 x1 [8%]
458 1198 x1 [8%]
382 1307 Random Murky Blood Gem x1 [8%], x8 [92%]
688 1198 x2 [4%], x1 [4%]
1299 1525 Random gem based on area x1 [12%], x2 [88%]
688 653 x1 [8%]
688 1307 x1 [2%], (8) x1 [2%], x1 [2%]
206 87 x2
3058 3594 Random gun type gem x1 [20%], x4 [80%]
688 1307 x1 [8%]
2899 7718 x5 [100%]
Item Location
(9) x1
(10) x1
(10) x1

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters walkthrough and guide: How to start and complete the DLC

Our complete guide to The Old Hunters DLC.

Yharnam beckons once again in The Old Hunters . Bloodborne's new - and only - expansion takes players beyond the brink of madness, delving deep into the lore of this Lovecraftian city and serving up a sizeable challenge in the process.

If Father Gascoigne gave you trouble and the Shadow of Yharnam proved too much, you might not be quite ready for what awaits in The Old Hunters, an add-on that introduces new tools, new enemies and new areas.

Even if you've got the stomach for the next round of encounters, you might still find the following The Old Hunters walkthrough useful as you work your way through the twisting corridors and blood-tinged swamps.

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters walkthrough

On this page

Bloodborne: The Old Hunters - Eye of the Blood-drunk Hunter, Old Hunter Bell, The League Accessing the DLC, joining the League, and taking your first steps inside Hunter's Nightmare.

Other pages:

Bloodborne - Hunter's Nightmare, Oedon's Chapel, Twisted Yharnam, Grand Cathedral Explore Hunter's Nightmare, get the Old Hunter gear and unlock the sealed gates.

Bloodborne - Boom Hammer hunter, Beast Cutter, Church Executioner, Eye Pendant Kill the Boom Hammer hunter, bag the Beast Cutter weapon, and kill the Church Executioner.

Bloodborne - River of Blood, Turret traps, Firing Hammer Badge, Old Hunter Top Hat Survive the turrets, kill the grenade-throwers, and get the Firing Hammer Badge.

Bloodborne - Bloodlickers, Amygdalan Arm, Constable's Gloves, Oedon's Chapel shortcut Beat the Bloodlickers and best the Blood-Starved Beast once more.

Bloodborne - Beyond the bridge, Beasthunter Saif, Constable's Trousers, Constable's Garb Unlock the Constable items, kill the red-eyed Hunter, and get the Beasthunter Saif.

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

Bloodborne - Cannon Executioner, Butcher set, Madaras Twin summon, Nightmare Church Kill the Executioners, get the Butcher gear and light a new lamp.

Bloodborne - Whirligig Saw, summon points, Henriett summon Grab the Whirligig Saw, find useful summon points, and prepare for your first boss battle.

Bloodborne - Ludwig the Accursed, Underground Corpse Pile, Holy Moonlight Sword Defeat Ludwig, the first boss in The Old Hunters.

Bloodborne - Underground Cells, Brador, Fist of Gratia, Surgery Altar Survive the underground cells, find Brador, then track down the Surgery Altar.

Bloodborne - Research Hall, Patient Room 2, Patient Room 4, spiral staircase Explore the Research Hall, and eliminate the threat in Patient Room 2.

Bloodborne - Laboratory Floor 5, Brain Fluid, pressure plates, secret passage Look around Laboratory Floor 5 and grab some Brain Fluid while you're at it.

Bloodborne - Laboratory Floor 2, Saint Adeline, Blood of Adeline, raising the staircase Explore Laboratory Floor 2 and say hello to Saint Adeline.

Bloodborne - Underground Cell Key, Balcony Key, Blacksky Eye, Yamamura Set Bag some essential items for yourself, including the Yamamura gear.

Bloodborne - Living Failures, Astral Clocktower Key, Lumenwood Garden lamp Kill the Living Failures and light the new Lumenwood Garden lamp.

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

Bloodborne - Lady Maria, Astral Clocktower lamp, Celestial dial, clock face Beat the Lady Maria boss and light up the Astral Clocktower lamp.

Bloodborne - Fishing Hamlet, village well, shark attack, shortcut Explore the Fishing Hamlet and survive the shark attack.

Bloodborne - Harrowed Set, Lighthouse Hut lamp, Simon's Bowblade, Inner Chamber Key Unlock the Harrowed set and get hold of some essential items.

Bloodborne - Brador fight, Bloodied Arm Bands, lantern trap, Beast Hide Garb Survive the first of Brador's invasions and unlock some new loot.

Bloodborne - behind the lighthouse, caves, Snail Kin Surviving the caves and those creepy snail-like creatures.

Bloodborne - Bloodied Trousers, Winter Lanterns, Rakuyo, Blood Rock Bag some more items and kill the Winter Lantern creatures as you approach the final fight.

Bloodborne - Orphan of Kos, Great One, Kos Parasite, Coast lamp Kill the Orphan of Kos boss and light yourself one last lamp.

Bloodborne - Laurence the First Vicar, Milkweed rune, Church Cannon, Beast's Embrace Lay rest to Laurence the First Vicar and wrap up the last loose ends.

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

How to start The Old Hunters DLC

Welcome hunter! Welcome once more to Yharnam - land of gothic spires, fabulous hats and endless torment. You can, of course, expect all three (in considerable doses) as you enter From Software's soul-crushingly tough Bloodborne expansion, The Old Hunters.

To access The Old Hunters, however, you'll want to be sufficiently prepared. Firstly, at the very least, you'll need to have defeated Vicar Amelia at the Grand Cathedral and interacted with the altar after the fight.

Due to the expansion's extreme difficulty though, it's recommended that you progress through as much of the main game as possible before delving into the new content (our Bloodborne walkthrough can help with this.)

Regardless of where you start, however, high level hunters are likely to struggle at times!

Once you've investigated the altar, Yharnam will be plunged into twilight, unlocking the items needed to access The Hunter's Nightmare (as the new area is known). To retrieve the items, you'll first need to return to the Hunter's Dream. Next, collect the Eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter from the Messengers on the ground at the foot of the steps, close to the Doll's usual resting spot.

You should also grab the Old Hunter Bell lying just outside the workshop, further up the steps - which will only be visible if you're carrying at least one Insight. The Old Hunter Bell enables you to summon the help of powerful NPC hunters at specific markers placed around the new content area, at the cost of one Insight per summon.

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Locating the Hunter's Nightmare headstone

There's one last thing to note here: once you've accessed the Hunter's Nightmare for the first time and illuminated the lamp in the starting area, you'll be able to fast-travel to it via a brand-new headstone located in the Hunter's Dream. It can be found at the top of the steps running alongside the Chalice Dungeon headstones - on the right-hand side, just outside the workshop. More locations will be added to the headstone as you progress through the new area.

Joining The League

Before continuing, you should also consider joining Bloodborne's new guild, known as the League. This will add additional, and extremely helpful, NPC summon points to the new content area.

To enrol in The League, locate the Frontier Headstone in the Hunter's Dream and warp to the Forbidden Woods. Once you materialise at your destination, make your way inside the windmill to the right. Note that you'll need to complete the first portion of the Forbidden Woods area in order to access the windmill, as its entrance is locked from the other side.

Inside the building, you'll spot a man standing against the wall to the right. Speak with him and he'll introduce himself as Valtr, Master of the League. Agree to join the League and you'll receive the Impurity Caryll rune. Equipping this rune at the Memory Altar in the Hunter's Dream will enable you to see additional summon spots while in the Hunter's Nightmare.

Talk with Valtr again and he'll tell you about Vermin. When you've managed to collect Vermin from a defeated opponent during your travels, you should crush it in your inventory. Once one Vermin has been crushed, return to Valtr in the Forbidden Woods and speak with him again to receive the League Staff weapon and the fancy League Oath gesture. Note that you don't need to collect Vermin in order to access the Hunter's Nightmare.

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Accessing the Hunter's Nightmare

When you're ready to explore the Hunter's Nightmare, return to the Hunter's Dream (if need be) and use the Yharnam headstone to make your way back to the Cathedral Ward.

Once you materialise at the lamp, descend the steps ahead and take a left at the bottom. Make your way down the next flight of stairs and turn right when you emerge out into the night air. Approach the lone tree standing behind the gravestones ahead and locate the corpse nearby. When the creature's hand swings down, let it grab you and - after the cutscene is complete - you'll be transported to the Hunter's Nightmare.

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to start safely exploring Bloodborne's Hunter's Nightmare region.

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Bloodborne Wiki

  • Research Hall
Research Hall
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The Research Hall is a location in Bloodborne 's The Old Hunters DLC.

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Lamps in the Area
  • 3 Connections
  • 4.1 Ground Floor
  • 4.2 1st Floor Balcony
  • 4.3 Laboratory Floor 2/3
  • 4.4 Patient Room Floor 2
  • 4.5 Patient Room Floor 4
  • 4.6 Patient Room/Laboratory Floor 5
  • 4.7 Laboratory Floor 4 and Patient Room Floor 3
  • 4.8 Rafters
  • 6.1 NPC Hunters

Description [ ]

This hidden research facility of the Healing Church , is dedicated to the knowledge and methods of attaining the transcendence of humanity through the creation of Kin .

From what is gathered by its denizens - the many Clocktower Patients that did not become wildly violent as a result of going mad; including Saint Adeline - and Simon himself, who has guided players thus far, it appears that the many doctors experimented with the minds of these patients, imbibing them with water somehow.

It is implied that the experiments that took place in this hall would culminate with the creation of the Celestial Emissary .

Lamps in the Area [ ]

  • Lumenwood Garden
  • Astral Clocktower

Connections [ ]

  • Surgery Altar

Ground Floor [ ]

The ground floor is composed mostly of the Lamp, the poisonous pit in the center of the rotating staircase contraption, the door to the Balcony, and the shortcut to other floors via the elevator in Saint Adeline 's room. One can find a passive Clocktower Patient looking for its "eyes" here.

When the rotating staircase has been raised, a number of Bound Clocktower Patients will appear on the Ground Floor along with two more items, one of these items being a Lethal Damp Blood Gem.

  • Blood Stone Chunk x4
  • Blue Elixir x1

(These items below can only be accessed once the rotating staircase has been raised)

  • Lethal Damp Blood Gem x1
  • Kin Coldblood (10) x1

1st Floor Balcony [ ]

This area can only be accessed via the Balcony Key . This area seems to share a strong semblance to the Lumenflower Gardens . The 1st Floor Balcony houses a number of Clocktower Patients who can attack using Arcane spells, it also houses the Blacksky Eye .

One can break through the large window in the area much like in a similar way how one breaks through the large window in the Lumenflower Gardens . Through this window, one will end up being on the upper layer of the Surgery Altar . On this upper layer, one can find a Wandering Nightmare and a Pulsing Damp Blood Gem. Lastly, the player needs to jump over a small gap and open a chest for an item .

  • Blacksky Eye x1
  • Pulsing Damp Blood Gem x1

Laboratory Floor 2/3 [ ]

The third floor will have a single Church Servant on it and a naked Clocktower Patient . On this floor one can find a passive Clocktower Patient begging for Lady Maria. Inside the third Laboratory room will be a trio of Wheelchair Huntsman , two wielding Pistols while one wields a Rosmarinus . One can access the first (where Adeline can be found), second and fourth (if the player has opened the short cut) Laboratory rooms from the third room. The third room also serves as a get between to get to the different floors faster.

The second floor can only be accessed from the third Laboratory room. The second floor will have about 3 Feral Clocktower Patients . Also, it's where the player can find the rest of the Decorative Old Hunter Set . One more thing the player can find on the second floor is another passive Clocktower Patient on a Balcony digging through some dirt.

  • Madman's Knowledge x1
  • Beast Blood Pellet x6
  • Decorative Old Hunter Garb
  • Decorative Old Hunter Trousers
  • Frenzied Coldblood (9) x1

Patient Room Floor 2 [ ]

On this floor, one will encounter a surprisingly large number of Clocktower Patients. In the first room one will encounter a large number of Clocktower Patients, these Patients will roam in and out of the room. On the top layer of the room, there will be about 2 Clocktower Patients throwing Bottles of corrosive liquid at the player.

The second room is hidden behind some medical equipment. In this room is a number of passive Clocktower Patients begging for help. Both rooms must be gone through to access the fourth floor.

  • Blood Vial x2
  • Sedative x3

Patient Room Floor 4 [ ]

The main part of this floor can only be accessed through the first room. In the first room, the player will first encounter a Giant Clocktower Patient attacking seemly at random. When the player exits the first room they will witness a Gatling Gun Wheelchair Huntsman gunning down some Clocktower Patients.

In the second room the player will be ambushed by an Infected Clocktower Patient there is also one normal Clocktower Patient just roaming around in the middle of the room. Also from the second room, the player can get to the top layer of the first room, from there, the player can find a Dirty Damp Blood Gem.

  • Blood Vial x5
  • Antidote x2
  • Quicksilver Bullets x3
  • Dirty Damp Blood gem (5) x1

Patient Room/Laboratory Floor 5 [ ]

This floor is important as the very first door will have the elevator shortcut that connects to the ground floor, and it's the only way to get up to the Rafters. The player can encounter the Gatling Gun Wheelchair Huntsman that was gunning down the Clocktower Patients from before on this floor. This is the only floor apart from the first floor that the player can access both the Laboratory Room and the Patient Room without needing to use the rotating staircase.

The Laboratory Room just serves as an elevator shortcut, While Patient Room is a lot more interesting. Outside the Patient Room is a number of Headless Clock tower patients who will wander aimlessly around and aren't hostile to the player. Inside the Patient Room is a number of Clock Tower Patients who are just Heads. Unlike the Headless Patients outside these ones are hostile and will attack the player. Also inside the Room is the Enlarged Head . Another thing to note is beware when leaving the room because a Head will attempt to ambush the player when leaving the room.

  • Blue Elixir x4
  • Enlarged Head x1

Laboratory Floor 4 and Patient Room Floor 3 [ ]

These two Floors can mostly be accessed via going through a secret path from the elevator that leads to Laboratory Floor 5 to Laboratory Floor 3. Laboratory Floor 4 serves no purpose at first. But when the rotating staircase has been raised it serves as a get between to get to Patient Room Floor 3 and to get to the Loch Shield .

When going from Laboratory Floor 4 to Patient Room Floor 3 via the rotating staircase one can access the Loch Shield . Just go down the furthest staircase and one will find a Bound Clocktower Patient and an item, this item being the Loch Shield .

Patient Room Floor 3 holds a small number of Clocktower Patients, one of these Patient being a Bottle Thrower. After getting through the Patients the player will find 4 Quicksilver Bullets and more importantly the Underground Cell Key . But be warned when attempting to get the Underground Cell Key an Infected Clocktower Patient will attack from behind.

  • Loch Shield x1
  • Quicksilver Bullets x4
  • Underground Cell Key x1

Rafters [ ]

The topmost part of the Research Hall and the most important part of it. To get to the Rafters the player must first get pass the Giant Clocktower Patient who is guarding the ladder to the Rafters.

The Rafters unlike most of the Research Hall don't contain any hostile Clocktower Patients but it dose contains few animal type beasts, these animal beasts being Labyrinth Rats and Carrion Crows . This floor is important as it holds the device that can raise the rotating staircase and it holds one of the quest important items for Adeline‘s questline. Also on this floor, the player can find two passive Clocktower patients, The first one is banging his head against a wall while the other one is on a higher layer. The other passive Clocktower patient is important for Adeline ’s questline.

Beware when leaving the Rafters when the device that controls the rotating staircase has been triggered. As when the player reaches the middle part of the rotating staircase a trio of naked Clocktower Patients will run up and attack the player. Also when leaving the player will notice a chest being guarded by a trio of Carrion Crows, this chest will have a Finestrike Damp Blood Gem.

  • Great One's Wisdom x1
  • Blood Stone Chunk x1

(The item below can only be accessed via the rotating staircase and only when the rotating staircase has been raised)

  • Finestrike Damp Blood Gem (5) x1
  • Brador, Church Assassin
  • Saint Adeline
  • Simon the Harrowed
  • Yamamura the Wanderer
  • Clocktower Patient (non-hostile ones)

Enemies [ ]

  • Carrion Crow
  • Church Servant
  • Clocktower Patient
  • Labyrinth Rat
  • Wheelchair Huntsman

NPC Hunters [ ]

  • Church Pick -wielding Yahar'gul Hunter .
  • Female Black Church Hunter who wields Ludwig's Holy Blade .
  • Female White Church Hunter who wields a Threaded Cane .
  • Male Black Church Hunter who wields a Threaded Cane and Repeating Pistol .
  • Living Failures
  • Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

Summons [ ]

  • It is likely also the tallest, likely rivaled only by the Healing Church Workshop .
  • Said traps can only be found adjacent to large bookcases.
  • There is a wolf figure under the bed in the altar which resembles the wolf figure under the bed the hunter see in the opening cinematic. This suggests that, not only the Hunter , but many people experience the "mere bad dream" during blood transfusion . But, no Messengers statue can be found in the Research Hall, which suggests they don't appear to many and only those who the Messengers choose would become Hunters of the dream. "Ah! You found yourself a Hunter"- The Doll .

Gallery [ ]

Research Hall concept art

  • 1 Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
  • 2 Great Ones
  • 3 Bloodborne Wiki
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research hall bloodborne walkthrough

Bloodborne The Old Hunters – How to Find Brain Fluid, the Balcony Key and the Holy Moonlight Sword

Image of Bryan Dawson

When you reach the Research Hall in the Old Hunters, shortly after defeating Ludwig , there are two items you must obtain to continue in the DLC, and one extra weapon that you need to backtrack to find. You can find a complete walkthrough of the Research Hall in our Old Hunters guide, but if you’ve been through the area and just need to find these specific items, this article will tell you where they’re located.

Brain Fluid

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

There are two places in the main Research Hall where you can find Brain Fluid. The first is at the very top where you can traverse the rafters. There are several crows and a few rats in the area, but nothing too foreboding. In this area head to the platform in the middle and turn the gear to raise the platform to the very top. From here, turn back in the direction you just came and look in the far left corner to see a Brain enemy on a platform. This enemy will not attack, but if you kill it you can obtain Brain Fluid.

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

On the third floor there’s a Hunter that you will run into near another Brain enemy in the middle platform. You can take the hidden passage from the elevator if you haven’t moved the gear near the roof. If you have, you can take an elevator directly there. Defeat the Hunter, then kill the nearby Brain enemy to obtain another Brain Fluid item.

Balcony Key

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

Take both Brain Fluid items to Saint Adeline at the bottom of the adjacent elevator. Speak with her and she will request the Brain Fluid. In exchange she will give you the Blood of Adeline. You cannot accept this if you have the Blood of Arianna or the blood any other Saint in your inventory. Accept the item, then use the nearby Research Hall lamp to go back to Hunter’s Dream, effectively zoning out of the area.

Head back to the Research Hall lamp and speak with Adeline again. If she doesn’t ask for another Brain Fluid, you may have to use your Blood of Adeline, zone out of the area again, or both. Once she asks for another Brain Fluid, hand it over and she will give you the Balcony Key as a reward.

Holy Moonlight Sword

research hall bloodborne walkthrough

After defeating Ludwig you can equip any Church gear you may have an approach Ludwig’s head to the left of the stairs to obtain the Holy Moonlight Sword. If you don’t have any Church gear on you, activate the gear at the top of the Research Hall, then go back to the Underground Corpse Pile lamp and look to the left of the stairs to see Ludwig’s head. Examine the head now and you can obtain the Holy Moonlight Sword. If you come back to the lamp too soon, you won’t see an item on the severed head and you won’t be able to collect the item.

For more information on Bloodborne The Old Hunters, check out our Bloodborne game hub .

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Tips and tricks for conquering Research Hall? It's excruciating to get through.

I've posted many times about my love for this game, including Rom, Cainhurst. All of it. Just recently got to the Research Hall and it's excruciating. I hate stealth sections in games, would rather annihilate everything in my path. But the enemies are insane, they hit like trucks and are erratic in movements and there is a fuck ton of them. They also swarm at the easiest inconvenient moments. I'm using Ludwig's Holy at +8, am level 70 with 30 vit, 27 strength, 24 skill. They die in two hits to my transformed Ludwig L2, but it's slow and when they swarm its hard to line them up. Also, when I die they all fucking respawn insanely. And it's very difficult to run past.

Any advice? Better weapons? Level higher? Good items for it?

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8 years ago#1
8 years ago#2
8 years ago#3
8 years ago#4
8 years ago#5

Definitely kill that one.
8 years ago#6

Definitely kill that one.

8 years ago#7
8 years ago#8

Yeah, that's a good one to kill too.
8 years ago#9
Master Willem

8 years ago#10

Master Willem


Grant us eye (rune)

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  1. Research Hall

    Research Hall - Bloodborne Guide - IGN. The Research Hall is the third area in the new DLC, located after unlocking the path in the Underground Corpse Pile . Once you go up the stairs after the ...

  2. Research Hall

    In front is a staircase leading up to the Research Hall, a vertically designed level full of convoluting staircases and insane patients with enlarged heads. Head up the stairs and to your left you will see a Scurrying Beast. Dispatch it quickly, and you will be rewarded with x2 Blood Stone Chunk.

  3. Research Hall

    There is an NPC tied to a chair you can talk to. --NOTE--. This NPC is Adeline who has a little questline attached to her. Step 1: Talking to her will tell you to grab Brain Fluid which are dropped from the blob sacs in the Research Hall. Step 2: Give her two Brain Fluids, reload and you will get the Balcony Key.

  4. Research Hall

    Research Hall Entrance: As soon as the altar elevator comes to a stop you'll find the Research Hall lamp directly in front of you, so before doing anything else, make sure to light it. If you wish to head back down to the Recovery Room, simply step back onto the altar and it will descend. Floor 1 - Main Hall: There are no real enemies on this floor so there's no need to be on guard and you can ...

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    Explore the Research Hall, and eliminate the threat in Patient Room 2. Bloodborne - Laboratory Floor 5, Brain Fluid, pressure plates, secret passage Look around Laboratory Floor 5 and grab some ...

  10. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Walkthrough

    Guide on how to get all the items, weapons, and attire in the Research Hall from Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC. For more on Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, check out our full wiki guide here at ...

  11. Research Hall

    The Research Hall is a location in Bloodborne's The Old Hunters DLC. This hidden research facility of the Healing Church, is dedicated to the knowledge and methods of attaining the transcendence of humanity through the creation of Kin. From what is gathered by its denizens - the many Clocktower Patients that did not become wildly violent as a result of going mad; including Saint Adeline - and ...

  12. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters Walkthrough

    Guide on how to get all the items, weapons, and attire in the Research Hall from Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC. For more on Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, ch...

  13. The Old Hunters DLC Research Hall 100% Walkthrough (ALL ITEMS)

    The Old Hunters DLC Research Hall 100% Walkthrough (ALL ITEMS) Thanks for making this. This area is one of the more confusing areas of the dlc. I was really lost my first time. It helps to know an optimal way of getting through here. just so you know, i really appreciate these walkthroughs. and your commentary is really enjoyable.

  14. Walkthrough

    Welcome to the Walkthrough for Bloodborne. The realm of Yharnam is a dangerous place for any hunter, and even the best will find that death is right around the ... Research Hall: Living Failures ...

  15. Bloodborne The Old Hunters

    When you reach the Research Hall in the Old Hunters, shortly after defeating Ludwig, there are two items you must obtain to continue in the DLC, and one extra weapon that you need to backtrack to find.You can find a complete walkthrough of the Research Hall in our Old Hunters guide, but if you've been through the area and just need to find these specific items, this article will tell you ...

  16. Bloodborne

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  17. Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC Walkthrough

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  18. Hunter's Nightmare

    Step 2: After killing Ludwig's head, Simon will appear next to the Lantern. Step 3: Raising the staircase at the Research Hall will cause Simon to appear at the start asking you to kill Lady Maria. Step 4: Simon can be found nearly dead in a shack in the Fishing Hamlet where he will give you a Key and a weapon.

  19. r/bloodborne on Reddit: Tips and tricks for conquering Research Hall

    Beyond that, if you just want to run through slashing indiscriminately, you need about 20 or 30 more levels and a lot more VIT. Your level and weapon is ok. Use bolt paper (those enemies are weak to bolt). I fought one at a time in some parts of the staircases and hallways and rushed my way to unlock the shortcuts.

  20. Bloodborne : the Ultimate Guide 100%


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    What to do with the research hall patients? ioki 8 years ago #1. There's several big headed patients here that talk. Some ask for death, some ask about Maria and others are just splish-splashin and plip-ploppin. What it do? stonyg 8 years ago #2. Kill the sack ones, the blip blop and slip slop ones. There are 2.

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