Complete Guide to Setting Up HubSpot Lead Routing

Discover the complete guide to setting up HubSpot lead routing, from key questions to considerations to best practices and common issues.

Lead routing is the process of assigning leads to the most appropriate sales representatives or teams within an organization . It ensures efficient distribution of leads while providing a seamless experience for potential customers.

In case your company has more than one sales approach such as self-serve, transactional, and enterprise, lead routing passes potential customers to the proper sales model.

A round-robin assignment to your sales representatives according to who is next in line is one easy way to implement automated lead routing. Mature lead routing models consider a number of factors. Deal value, territory or geography, use case or specialization, or a lead scoring system's combination of several factors are examples of this.

There are chances that your business attracts different types of customers unless you’re in a niche industry. With lead routing, you can ensure the right prospect reaches the right representative at the right time to save business resources and time. 

A company may have different lead-routing processes or criteria for marketing, sales, and even service.

For Marketing: Lead routing in marketing may involve directing non-sales-ready leads to nurture automation or workflow.

For Sales: Lead routing in sales involves assigning a sales-ready lead to a specific salesperson based on location or industry and assigning follow-up tasks to that person.

For Service: Lead routing assigns tickets to technical resources based on availability or support request tiers. 

Key Questions to Consider Before Initiating the Process

Every company is unique, and its GTM motions are too. In light of that, before you start setting up your lead routing, ask yourself the following key questions as well as those of your entire GTM team.

How are leads entering your CRM?

What happens when the leads enter the CRM?

When and how leads should be passed off to your team members? (consider lead interests, contact properties, qualifications, and behaviors)

When and who from your sales team and account executives touch leads?

When can you consider leads as sales or marketing qualified?

After having the answers to all the above questions, you’ll have a good picture of the process of flowing your leads through your CRM. Now, it’s time to map your lead flow to a corresponding HubSpot property. For example, in case you require a minimum of 100 employees to qualify a lead before routing them, which HubSpot CRM property is that value stored under? This is crucial because you'll need to set up a system to gather the information needed to turn your lead routing idea into a reality.

Setting Up Lead Routing in HubSpot

HubSpot enables users to configure lead routing through its powerful "Workflows" feature within the "Automation" menu . This functionality allows for the implementation of various lead routing strategies tailored to meet specific business needs, such as round-robin, territory-based, or custom routing workflows based on different criteria.

To manage lead routing, you'll primarily work with workflows, where you can set up and customize the routing rules to optimize lead distribution among your sales team.

Step 1: Access HubSpot workflows

Click on “ Automation ,” by going to workflows in your HubSpot account, and then click on “ Workflows .”

Step 1: Access HubSpot workflows

Step 2: Create a new workflow

Click on “ Create Workflow ” and choose “ From scratch ”.

Create a new workflow in HubSpot

Step 3: Define enrollment triggers

Find out triggers that enroll contacts into your workflow, such as when they submit specific forms.

Define enrollment triggers in HubSpot workflows

Step 4: Qualify leads

To ensure leads meet qualification criteria, add an “ If, then ” branch, such as an employee size greater than 100.

Step 4: Qualify leads

Step 5: Segment leads

Based on criteria, further segment leads. Territory or product interest are examples of this.

lead assignment hubspot

Step 6: Assign and manage leads

Assign, manage, and overwrite lead rotations using the " rotate record to owner " function.

Assign and manage leads in HubSpot

HubSpot Lead Routing Best Practices

HubSpot offers a comprehensive platform for configuring and managing lead routing, crucial for optimizing sales efficiency. To ensure the success of lead routing in your organization, it's imperative to follow best practices:

Regular Review and Adjustment: Continuously review and adjust lead routing rules to align with performance and changing business conditions . By fine-tuning the process, you can achieve better results by evaluating the effectiveness of your routing strategies regularly.

Utilize HubSpot’s Analytics: Leverage HubSpot’s lead routing reports and analytics to gather valuable insights. These analytics provide crucial data on the performance of your routing strategies, allowing you to identify bottlenecks or areas for improvement . Utilizing this data-driven approach helps optimize your workflows and make informed decisions.

Foster Collaboration: Maintain continuous communication and collaboration between marketing and sales teams. This collaboration ensures effective lead routing as both teams share insights and feedback . By keeping lines of communication open, you can further enhance your lead routing process and drive better outcomes for your organization.

Both teams can share insights and feedback to further enhance your lead routing process by maintaining open lines of communication. 

Lead Routing Limitations in HubSpot

Although HubSpot provides an appropriate set of tools to help marketers as well as the sales department, its lead routing functionalities are not without limitations. Implementing custom lead routing in HubSpot can present several challenges:

Complex Setup for Round-Robin or Custom Logic Distribution: Establishing round-robin distribution or incorporating custom logic for lead assignment is complex, particularly when there are multiple rules to consider like shift-time bases.

Lead-to-Account Matching Complexity: Ensuring that leads are consistently assigned to the same account representative, especially upon re-engagement with your business, requires intricate nested if/then branching statements, which can be somewhat tricky and hard to manage.

Setting up effective lead-routing processes helps organizations  streamline their sales operations and maximize the potential of their customer acquisition efforts. Businesses can ensure the efficient distribution of resources while delivering a seamless experience for potential customers by systematically assigning leads to the most appropriate sales representatives or teams.

Asking key questions and understanding the unique dynamics of a company’s go-to-market strategy is crucial before initiating the lead routing process.

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How To Automatically Assign Lead Owners with HubSpot and Salesforce

by Lauren Ryan on December 2022

Automating lead assignment is essential to reduce your speed to lead with HubSpot and Salesforce. When new contacts enter your database, they need to get into the right hands as soon as possible for conversion.

If you’re using the HubSpot Salesforce integration , you have several options for lead assignment. You can manage this in HubSpot or Salesforce. Before picking the tool for assignment, first consider how you want to assign leads.

Types of Inbound Lead Assignment

Round robin lead assignment.

First, round robin lead assignment. Round robin lead assignment means that you want all users on a team to be assigned an equal amount of new leads. Round robin lead assignment could apply to your entire sales team - or it could apply to all users within a division of your sales team. For example, you may want all new leads in the state of New York to be distributed evenly between 5 team members. In this example, you’d want to use a combination of round robin and criteria-based assignment.

Criteria-Based Lead Assignment

Now, let’s talk about criteria-based lead assignment. Criteria-based lead assignment means that leads have to meet a certain set of qualifications before they can be assigned. These criteria usually include a combination of their geographic location, industry, company size, or product interest. 

Should I Assign Leads in HubSpot or Salesforce?

If you decide to use round robin lead assignment, HubSpot Workflows will be your best route. Using the HubSpot “rotate owner” Workflow action, you can easily add criteria-based if/then branches for new leads and then assign the leads evenly throughout a specific team. Or, you can enroll all new leads in a Workflow without criteria and distribute them evenly throughout your sales team. Round robin assignment can also be accomplished in Salesforce using queues, APEX code, or a custom app. But, the HubSpot Workflows route is far easier to implement and takes less work to maintain.

If you’d like to use criteria based assignment and assign a specific user to new leads, you can stick with HubSpot Workflows or begin to explore your options in Salesforce. 

Salesforce Options for Automatically Assigning Lead Ownership

Salesforce lead assignment rules.

Lead assignment rules in Salesforce are very easy to navigate. Lead assignment rules can be activated in the Setup section of Salesforce. To create lead assignment rules, you’ll create a formula in the Lead Assignment rule builder. This creation experience is similar to the other formula tools in Salesforce. You’ll select the specific criteria for each individual users that should be assigned new leads. Once activated, this will recalculate your current lead owners and reassign leads accordingly.

If you’d rather use a lead assignment method that will only apply to net new leads, rather than updating all existing leads in Salesforce, consider using a Salesforce Flow for lead assignment.

Salesforce Flow

Salesforce Flows are similar to HubSpot Workflows in that you can use decision splits and actions to segment records by criteria and update records with new property values. Using a Flow, you can enroll all new leads, review the criteria you’ve set, and assign the appropriate owner.

To summarize, the best options for lead assignment in HubSpot and Salesforce are the HubSpot Workflows tool, Salesforce Lead Assignment rules, or Salesforce Flows.

The easiest method to maintain is round robin lead assignment in HubSpot Workflows. So, if you’re looking for a light administrative lift, this is the way to go.

Now that we’ve discussed the options, here’s a look at how to implement each of these three lead assignment approaches.

Wrap Up: Automating Lead Assignment

To recap, we've shown you three ways to set up lead assignment in HubSpot and Salesforce by using HubSpot workflows, Salesforce lead assignment rules, and Salesforce Flows. Of these, HubSpot workflows are the easiest to create and maintain for both round robin and criteria-based assignment.

Looking for help with automating lead assignment? Reach out to our team at Coastal Consulting for help with automation with HubSpot and Salesforce.

Need to learn more about the HubSpot Salesforce integration fast? Enroll in our 8 module HubSpot Salesforce integration course .

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Free Lead Management & Tracking Software

HubSpot lead management software interface showing timeline of activities

Organize, prioritize, and engage prospects in one centralized platform with free lead management software.

Get full visibility into each lead’s journey with your business

Streamline automated lead assignments and follow-ups

Use custom criteria to automatically score and prioritize leads

Centralize lead management to boost conversions.

Stop wasting time tracking leads through disconnected tools and databases. With HubSpot’s lead management software, you have all your contact data in one place, so you can personalize prospect outreach without digging for details.

Easily access each lead’s history, including company information and a timeline of every touchpoint between the contact and your business. Automatically prioritize leads with custom scoring criteria, and grow your database with smart segmenting and nurturing features.

HubSpot lead management software showing a lead's history of activities

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Get full context on every lead.

HubSpot lead management software interface showing list of contacts

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Automatically score and prioritize leads.

HubSpot lead management software showing lead scoring interface

Segment and nurture leads with data.

HubSpot lead management software showing lead nurturing interface

Streamline your lead management process.

HubSpot lead management software showing lead rotation interface

Have questions? Give us a call and we'll walk you through it.

Related Resources

If you’re interested in lead management software, these related resources may help.

Generating Leads With HubSpot

In this video, you'll learn how to use HubSpot to build your lead generation strategy with examples.

Watch the lead generation video

How to Manage Leads at Every Stage in Your Sales Funnel

Learn how to manage every stage in the sales funnel with effective sales lead management.

Read the blog on lead management

Introduction to Lead Management

Explore the HubSpot Academy course on the fundamentals of lead management.

Start the lead management course

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lead management.

Lead management is the strategy that sales teams use to understand which stages of the pipeline their deals are in. This  helps sales teams know whether a lead or prospect is on a path to closing. Many companies choose to use software that streamlines this process, leveraging automation to move leads through the sales process with workflows and targeted marketing.

With HubSpot’s lead management software, your team can eliminate manual lead tracking and replace it with a fully automated system. Instead of wasting time on manually triggering workflows and data entry, your team can use the platform to view all leads in one place and take action on them as needed.

What makes HubSpot’s lead management software popular?

Popular features of HubSpot ‘s lead management software include:

  • Engage with your leads from within your CRM contact record
  • Automatically update the lead record as soon as a call or email takes place
  • Record all of your customer calls from within your browser and log them directly to the contact record
  • Make use of templates and automation to make customer follow-up easy
  • Understand performance at a macro and micro level with built-in team-wide analytics 
  • Keep your database clean and tidy without cobbled data quality software

What’s the difference between lead management and pipeline management?

Both lead management and pipeline management are terms used in sales and marketing to refer to the activities involved in turning prospects into customers. However, there are some nuances that differentiate both terms: Lead management is a concept used to describe the process of capturing, managing, and tracking potential clients. This process includes lead generation marketing campaigns, lead scoring, and follow ups. 

Pipeline management refers to the process of managing the entire customer journey, from first-touch to check out. Pipeline management involves tracking prospects at each phase of the sales process. Data-driven pipeline management can help sales leaders identify roadblocks in their approach and capitalize on opportunities. HubSpot's Smart CRM includes free features to help you manage leads and take control of your sales pipeline.  

How much does HubSpot’s lead management software cost?

HubSpot’s lead management tools are is available in multiple HubSpot products , and you can get started with them for free. If you’re looking for more advanced features to help automate and scale your lead management, HubSpot also offers premium features in the Starter, Professional, and Enterprise editions of our products.

How much time does it take to implement lead management?

It depends on whether you’re already using a lead management system. If you need to undergo data migration or have a complex or large amount of data to move over, your implementation time may increase. On the other hand, most teams with a short sales cycle also have a very rapid implementation period for lead management software.

For companies that have never done any lead management, the implementation is seamless — the only thing you need to set up before getting started is access for your team and information about their specific roles.

Popular Features in HubSpot

Lead management software is available in multiple HubSpot products. Explore additional HubSpot features below.

Connect with your website visitors in real time to convert new leads, close more deals, and provide better customer support.

Add company and contact records with a single click, log sales activities automatically, and keep records up to date.

Complete sales activities, see detailed company and contact records, and view communication history in one place.

Automatically populate contact records with company details from our database of over 20 million businesses.

Add deals with a single click, assign tasks, and track progress in your dashboards.

Qualify leads, book meetings, provide customer support, and scale your one-to-one conversations.

Use live chat, team email, a Facebook Messenger integration, and an easy-to-use chatbot builder to have unlimited, personalized conversations at scale.

Connect your team email addresses to a universal inbox that makes collaboration more efficient.

How to do Lead Rotation in HubSpot for Territories

Kyle Jepson

Updated: June 23, 2020

Published: October 16, 2019

If you have more than one salesperson at your company, chances are you have some form of territory division. At the very least, you’d probably like to have some way of making sure your salespeople aren’t tripping over each other--double-hitting some leads and entirely overlooking others. It just makes sense.


Creating Lead Rotation in HubSpot for Territories 

Unfortunately, making this happen is an entirely different matter. Depending on how you define your territories, it can be very difficult to organize your CRM data around those definitions.

Not to worry—HubSpot’s automation tool is here to help! Using workflows, you can sort records into territories and, if you have more than one person working a territory, you can also divvy up those leads equally between those reps.

Access Your Workflows in HubSpot

To develop lead rotation based on territories you will need to:

  • Define your territories 
  • Create your workflows 
  • Quality leads and rotate 

Creating Territories in HubSpot 

There are many different ways to think about territories, but geographic boundaries is usually at least a component of a territory, if not the full definition. You might define those boundaries using states or regions, countries, or even postal codes. Whatever the case, pulling together a list of everyone within a given territory can get messy pretty quickly.

To simplify things, you’ll first need to create a custom property. You can call it “Territory” or whatever makes the most sense to you. The most important thing is that you make it a dropdown property with pre-set options--one for each of your territories:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9.34.24 AM

Once you’ve done that, you can create a workflow that will update that property based on your territory definitions.

Creating a Workflow in HubSpot 

Every workflow is made of two main elements: enrollment criteria and actions. Enrollment criteria define what records will get pulled into the workflow. So let’s say you have a territory for North America that includes any leads based in Canada, the U.S., or Mexico. Your enrollment criteria would be any records that have one of those countries in their “Country” property. That would look like this:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9.37.19 AM

The second half of a workflow is the actions. Actions are the things you want the workflow to do. In this case, we want our workflow to take those records and updated the “Territory” property for each one of them to say “North America.” To do this, we would use an “Update Property” action, like this:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9.38.53 AM

Now, instead of having to search for three things (“Country is Canada” or “Country is U.S.” or “Country is Mexico”), you only have to search for one thing: “Territory is North America.”

Qualifying and Rotating Leads in HubSpot 

Great, but what if you have more than one salesperson in that territory? That’s where the lead rotator comes in. The lead rotator is a workflow action that divvies out leads to a particular group of people.

But before you start ladling out leads to your salespeople, you need a way to qualify those leads. After all, sales people don't need to talk to every single person in their territory, just the ones who might be interested in buying from you. To make this distinction, you'll need a lead qualification workflow.

There are many different actions a lead can take that might demonstrate their interest. They might view your pricing page or request a quote or attend a particular event your company hosts. Whatever the case, you can use these actions to trigger a workflow that updates the leads “Lifecycle Stage” property to “Marketing Qualified Lead.” That might look like this:

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This is where different workflows start to support each other. If you have one workflow that’s automatically stamping records with the appropriate territory, and if you have another workflow that automatically flags leads as qualified when they’ve taken certain actions, then you can have a third workflow that uses the “Territory” and “Lifecycle Stage” properties to rotate leads to the appropriate sales rep. The enrollment criteria for that workflow would look like this:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9.50.45 AM

Now for the lead rotator action. There are a couple of different ways you can set it up. One is to choose the individual people you want the leads rotated to. But if you’re using the team function in HubSpot, a more elegant solution is to have the leads rotated to a team, like this.

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The advantage of using a team is that, as you add and remove user from the team, the workflow keeps up with those changes. If you manually select the people you’re rotating leads to, then you’ll need to update the workflow whenever someone joins or leads the team.

Either way, when a record gets assigned to one of your reps, they’ll receive a notification about their new lead. Notifications are great because they immediately alert the the rep that the record has been assigned to them, but it’s a good idea to take an additional step and also have the workflow assign a task to the rep. Unlike notifications, which can be dismissed and forgotten, a task remains until it’s been marked complete. Additionally, you can have the workflow assign a due date to the task if you want your reps to contact their leads within a certain timeframe.

Here’s an example of a workflow action that assigns a task to the rep with a due date one day later:

Screen Shot 2019-10-09 at 9.56.44 AM

Bringing together your Territory Rotation  

To bring together and create these workflows in your HubSpot account, take the following steps:

  • Create a dropdown property with all of your territories in it.
  • Create a workflow for each of your territories that updates your custom property based on your territory definitions.
  • Create a workflow that updates the “Lifecycle Stage” property to “Marketing Qualified Lead” whenever a person takes an action that indicates they’re ready to talk to sales.
  • Create a workflow for each of your sales teams that rotates the marketing qualified leads in their territory to the reps on that team. Make sure this workflow also assigns a task to the rep that receives the rotated lead.

Want to know more? Check out HubSpot Academy’s lessons on workflows !

Start the HubSpot Marketing Software Certification course from HubSpot Academy.

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Product Overview

Our patented technology has been developed across hundreds of different use cases to work as a platform that optimizes your entire sales funnel. 

Lead Assign is available as an all-in-one solution that integrates with your existing technologies or as amodular API based technology solution using your own user interface.

Advanced Routing

Conversion capture, data integration.

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How to Set Up Lead Routing with HubSpot

Person typing at their computer, Lead Assign and Hubspot logos.

Are you struggling with lead routing in HubSpot? We’re here to help! 

As a marketing, sales, and customer service tool, HubSpot’s dynamic range of features can be overwhelming for both new and seasoned users.

However, for those looking to assign leads within the platform, the good news is that it is possible. All it takes is some patience and a little guidance to speed up the process.

Ready to simplify your lead management process? Let’s see what our team has to say about lead routing within HubSpot.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guide are based on our personal analysis as of the publication date. We recommend conducting your own research and evaluations before passing judgment on the companies discussed.

Understanding effective lead routing

Before we dive into the practical steps, let’s discuss the basics of lead routing. 

Lead routing, also known as ‘lead assignment’, centers around the concept of automatically directing leads to the right team members. This ensures that every lead goes to the most suitable person within your organization quickly and accurately. 

For large organizations or those dealing with distinct market segments, effective lead routing can:

  • Boost conversion rates: More accurate and efficient lead assignment will increase your chances of converting customers with better response times.
  • Optimize resource allocation: Efficient lead routing ensures that your sales and marketing teams focus on qualified leads they are best equipped to handle, making the most of your resources.
  • Streamline lead tracking: Proper lead routing simplifies lead tracking and management, helping your organization keep tabs on potential opportunities.
  • Reduce manual effort: Automation in lead routing minimizes the need for manual intervention, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Boost sales team morale: When sales reps receive leads that match their expertise, they are more likely to achieve success, which can motivate and energize your salesforce.
  • Enhance the customer experience: When leads are routed to the most qualified personnel, they receive better assistance and information, leading to a more positive customer experience.

Exploring lead routing strategies

While no aspect of the sales process should involve a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, professional sales teams need to be particularly careful when it comes to lead routing.

Different businesses will require different strategies to ensure they’re reaching customers in the right way. Because of this, it’s important to be aware of what lead routing tactics exist before investing in support tools for your business.

Some examples of lead routing strategies include:

  • Account-based matching: This strategy directs leads from specific accounts to the respective sales reps who specialize in those accounts.
  • Territory-based routing: This is most suitable for businesses operating in different regions to ensure leads go to the right regional sales reps.
  • Product line matching: This allows companies with diverse product lines to assign leads to reps with expertise in specific product categories.
  • Performance-based assignment: This strategy allows you to reward your top-performing sales reps by routing high-potential leads directly to them.
  • Round-robin assignment: This approach ensures every lead goes to a different sales rep in a fair cycle, balancing workloads and opportunities among the team.

A step-by-step guide to lead routing with HubSpot

Now that you understand a little more about lead routing and the considerations your business needs to make before investing in lead routing software, let’s shift our attention to HubSpot workflows.

Despite not being known as a purpose-built platform for lead routing, HubSpot does offer tools to facilitate and manage lead routing. However, because prior knowledge of HubSpot will be required to implement these steps, if you’re not already a HubSpot user, we recommend skipping to the next section to discover an alternative solution for your lead management needs. Note: Customizing lead routing triggers in HubSpot can vary depending on your unique criteria and requirements. The instructions provided below offer general guidelines to help you get started, but you may need to adapt them to align with your specific lead routing needs.

How to set up lead routing in Hubspot workflows:

Step 1: access hubspot workflows.

  • Go to Workflows in your HubSpot account by clicking on “Automation”, and then clicking on “Workflows”.

Step 2: Create a new workflow

  • Click “Create Workflow” and select “From scratch”.

Step 3: Define enrollment triggers

  • Determine triggers that enroll contacts into your workflow, e.g. when they submit specific forms.

Step 4: Qualify leads

  • Add an “If/then” branch to ensure leads meet qualification criteria, e.g. an employee size greater than 50.

Step 5: Segment leads

  • Segment leads further based on criteria. This can include territory or product interest.

Step 6: Assign and manage leads

  • Use the “rotate record to owner” function to assign, manage, and overwrite lead rotations.

The limitations of HubSpot as a lead routing solution

There’s no doubt that HubSpot offers a powerful range of features to support marketing and sales teams in their endeavors, but in terms of its lead routing capabilities, it doesn’t come without its challenges. Even though the instructions outlined in the previous section might sound straightforward, in practice, setting up custom lead routing triggers in HubSpot will involve some trial and error.

This is why many marketing and sales teams often choose to opt for a designated lead assignment and management tool to streamline their processes and ensure prospects aren’t impacted by human error or lengthy response times.

Common lead routing issues HubSpot users face:

  • No weighted assignment: HubSpot lacks comprehensive native support for performance-based lead assignment, forcing users to explore custom-coded solutions.
  • Availability and workload-based assignment: Routing based on team members’ availability or workload isn’t natively supported. This can lead to sales reps missing out on the opportunity to connect instantly with qualified leads.
  • Workflow maintenance: While HubSpot succeeds in offering a positive user experience in other areas when it comes to lead routing, large workflows can be challenging to maintain and may lead to errors.
  • Routing log: HubSpot currently offers no way to backtrack on all the steps a lead went through before reaching your sales rep.

Lead Assign: Your all-in-one, AI-driven lead management system

As mentioned, given the complexity involved in configuring robust lead routing capabilities within HubSpot, the optimal choice is to consider a dedicated system that specializes in lead assignment and management. 

This is where Lead Assign comes in.

With AI-driven lead matching and a dynamic range of advanced but easy-to-use features, Lead Assign can instantly transform your sales pipeline and customer relationship management strategy.

Lead Assign is more than a solution; it’s a game-changer for your business. 

Some of Lead Assign’s stand-out features and customization options include:

  • AI-powered lead matching: Efficiently match and route leads based on your company’s departments and teams, ensuring the most qualified agent handles each opportunity.
  • Precision geolocation: Agents receive leads within their designated areas, ensuring local expertise and swift responses.
  • Performance-boosting routing: Agents who actively use our software receive more leads, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Timely response prioritization: Prioritize quick lead responses by automatically routing timed-out offers to the next available agent or partner in line, aligning with your unique business strategy.
  • Tailored reporting: Customize data reports to meet executive needs, tracking lead acceptance rates, conversion cycles, and more.
  • Visual lead mapping: Gain insights with a map view of lead generation for data-driven decisions and budget allocation.
  • Flexible branding: Easily brand our software with your company’s name for a seamless user experience. Alternatively, integrate our solution into your UI for a discreet, seamless integration.
  • Strategic support: Collaborate with our experts to optimize your lead routing strategy for greater efficiency and competitiveness, as well as supporting policies based on equality, fairness, and security. 

Simplify your lead routing with Lead Assign

If HubSpot doesn’t seem like the right fit for your lead routing and management needs, don’t worry — you’re not the first one to feel this way! With a more specialized focus on lead routing and management, Lead Assign can help you transform your short-term and long-term sales lead strategies for better results.

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Assignment of Salesforce owners to HubSpot contacts, companies, or deals

Last updated: September 18, 2023

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Salesforce owner assignment rules differ for contacts, companies, and deals. Depending on the rule, HubSpot can create a new object in Salesforce or sync to an existing Salesforce object. If you're using timeline sync, learn more on how owners are synced for activities .

If a HubSpot contact creates a new Salesforce lead and is assigned a HubSpot owner that matches an active Salesforce user's name and email address before it first syncs to Salesforce, that owner will be assigned in Salesforce. If not, Salesforce lead assignment rules will apply. After the initial owner assignment in either HubSpot or Salesforce, changes to either the Contact owner property in HubSpot or Owner ID field in Salesforce will sync to the other system. If a HubSpot contact syncs to an existing Salesforce lead with an active Salesforce owner, Salesforce lead assignment rules will not apply, and the existing Salesforce owner will be honored on the first sync . In subsequent syncs, the most recent owner value will update the value in the other system.

Please note: Salesforce requires records to have Owner values, so when an unassigned HubSpot record syncs to Salesforce and a new record is created, its Owner will be set to the Salesforce user that created it, the portal's integration user.

If a HubSpot company creates a new Salesforce account, and is assigned a HubSpot owner that matches an active Salesforce user's name and email address before it first syncs to Salesforce, that owner will be assigned in Salesforce. If not, it will be assigned to the Salesforce integration user. If a HubSpot company syncs to an existing Salesforce account with an active Salesforce owner, the existing Salesforce owner will be honored on the first sync. In subsequent syncs, the most recent owner value will update the value in the other system.

If a HubSpot deal creates a new Salesforce opportunity, and is assigned a HubSpot owner that matches an active Salesforce user's name and email address before it first syncs to Salesforce, that owner will be assigned in Salesforce. If not, it will be assigned to the Salesforce integration user. HubSpot does not deduplicate deals, so any HubSpot deal that syncs to Salesforce will create a new opportunity, and will not sync with any existing opportunities.

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Lead assignment not running properly with Hubspot

Hi, I set up lead assignment rules to assign new Hubspot leads to specific owners based on certain criteria. When I create a new lead in Salesforce and hit save, all the rules run perfectly. The problem is the Hubspot leads, they are not following the rules. Any tips for a lead flow from Hubspot leads/contacts to salesforce users. We've tried the HubSpot workflow but that doesn't seem to be working.

Another weird thing is if I update the lead in Hubspot with the country of Japan it will update in Salesforce but won't run the rule I created. (Any leads with a country of Japan go to a specific rep. ) When I click on the lead in Salesforce, click edit, do nothing, then click save, the salesforce rules run and the lead gets routed to the rep in Japan. Any tips with Hubspot leads in SFDC?

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