50 of the funniest, most searing movie reviews ever written

  • Movie reviewers have had some pretty scathing takes on films throughout the years. 
  • One reviewer referred to a film as like "Grease: The Next Generation" acted out by the food-court staff at SeaWorld.
  • Another riffed "Some movies leave a bad taste in the mouth. This one causes full-on halitosis."

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For many viewers, a movie can simply exist as something to fill a void of upwards of 90 minutes. Film critics, who spend their lives scribbling notes in dark theaters, ask for a little more.

" I have a colleague who describes his job as 'covering the national dream beat,' because if you pay attention to the movies they will tell you what people desire and fear in their deepest secrets," the late Roger Ebert wrote in 1992 . "At least, the good ones will. That's why we go, hoping to be touched in those secret places. Movies are hardly ever about what they seem to be about. Look at a movie that a lot of people love, and you will find something profound, no matter how silly the film may seem."

Sometimes the best thing to come out of a movie is a blistering review. INSIDER rounded up 50 of the funniest, most searing movie reviews ever written.

Critics said that heartbreak was preferable to watching "Valentine's Day."

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"'Valentine's Day' is being marketed as a Date Movie. I think it's more of a First-Date Movie. If your date likes it, do not date that person again. And if you like it, there may not be a second date." —   Roger Ebert , Chicago Sun-Times.

Critics eviscerated "Twilight," but the movie still made more than $390 million at the box office.

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"I've had mosquito bites that were more passionate than this undead, unrequited, and altogether unfun pseudo-romantic riff on 'Romeo and Juliet.'" — Marc Salov , The Austin Chronicle.  

"The Other Woman" wasn't a hit with critics.

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"I know what you're thinking ... 'Enough beating around the bush. Just tell us whether you liked it.' Consider this, which I will say in terms this movie would understand, if you were on an airplane, 'The Other Woman'   might not be preferable to simply staring into your empty airsick bag, but it has enough nicely executed physical comedy that in the event you become ill, it is definitely preferable to staring into your occupied airsick bag." — Linda Holmes , NPR.

"The Emoji Movie" has an 8% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

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"This is a movie about how words aren't cool, but you can still expect a girl to fall at your feet in response to mild wordplay. Please keep up. Or throw whatever device you’re reading this on into the ocean. Send me a postcard ... tell me what it’s like to be free." — Kaitlyn Tiffany and Lizzie Plaugic , The Verge.

Netflix is making a sequel to "Bright" despite the fact it was totally panned by critics.

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"While I had the misfortune to see 'Bright' in a theater, most people will simply press 'play' out of curiosity on their Roku remote. I am willing to concede that this might elevate the experience a little ... the ability to take a quick trip to the kitchen or restroom after shouting 'no, don't pause it' to your partner on the couch will be liberating." — Jordan Hoffman , Vanity Fair.

"Battlefield Earth" was a box-office bust and a critical failure.

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"'Battlefield Earth' saves its scariest moment for the end: a virtual guarantee that there will be a sequel." — Desson Howe , The Washington Post.

The basic plot of "Milk Money" perplexed critics.

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Roger Ebert imagined what the conversation between studio executives would have looked like when they greenlit the movie:

"Studio Executive A: Kind of like 'Working Girl Turns a Trick?'

"Studio Executive B: Cuter than that. We start with three 12-year-old boys. They're going crazy because they've never seen a naked woman.

"Studio Executive A: Whatsamatter? They poor? Don't they have cable?"

Even fans of the HBO series prefer to pretend "Sex and the City 2" doesn't exist, according to critics.

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"When viewed as a rom-com, 'Sex and the City 2' is terrible and crappy and a horrific inversion of everything the show once was. But when viewed as a science fiction film, 'SATC2' is subversive, stylish and chilling. Like The Island from 'Lost,' we may never know The City's true identity — Is it a VR computer program? A malevolent interdimensional god? Satan?" — Cyriaque Lamar , i09.

Making fun of "Gigli" became a national past-time.

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"Even making a little game of it, and trying to pinpoint the exact moment when Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez fell in love, stops being fun after a while. Perhaps it's when he says, in an attempt to seduce her, 'I'm the bull, you're the cow.' Or when she beckons him into foreplay by lying back in bed and purring, 'Gobble, gobble' — which could forever change the way you view your Thanksgiving turkey." — Christy Lemire , The Associated Press.

"The Adventures of Pluto Nash" wasn't a hit with critics.

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"It's good to know that, if we have to leave Earth someday, we won't have to go without our kitsch. Forensics experts will be digging through the rubble of this fiasco for a long time, trying to reconstruct the accident. How did so many lines fall flat? Why were the action scenes so corny and unconvincing? Who put the stink on this?" — Jack Mathews , New York Daily News.

"Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2" has a 2% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

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" At its best/worst, 'Superbabies' hallucinatory idiocy inspires open-mouthed horror at what happens when an ill-conceived premise leads to even more jaw-droppingly misguided execution." — Nathan Rabin , AV Club.

Critics thought "Gotti" was so bad it was almost criminal.

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"I'd rather wake up next to a severed horse head than ever watch 'Gotti' again. The worst movie of the year so far, the long-awaited biopic about the Gambino crime boss' rise from made man to top dog took four directors, 44 producers and eight years to make. It shows. The finished product belongs in a cement bucket at the bottom of the river." — Johnny Oleksinski , New York Post.

Critics got personal with their contempt for "Jaws: The Revenge."

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"In the just-released 'Jaws: The Revenge' the shark's main course is intended to be Roy Scheider's widow, Ellen Brody, a frumpy middle-aged woman played by boring actress Lorraine Gary, who happens to be married to the president of MCA Universal, which finances the 'Jaws' films and which explains her lead role. Let's put it this way: When you see and hear the nasal Lorraine Gary on screen you want the shark to eat her." — Gene Siskel , Chicago Tribune.

"One Missed Call" didn't warrant anyone's attention, according to critics.

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"The kid in front of me spent most of the movie playing Tetris on his phone. I didn't care enough about the movie to ask him to stop, or to find a cooler game." — Wesley Morris , The Boston Globe.

The critical response to "Jack Frost" was icy.

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"With emotions as sincere as the soap flake snow on its sets, 'Jack Frost' goes on to show how much fun it is to have a snowman as a loving, though dead, father … As one more Hollywood effort to look on the sunny side of fatality, 'Jack Frost' is so sugarcoated that it makes other recent efforts in this genre look blisteringly honest." — Janet Maslin , The New York Times.

"The Snowman" left critics cold.

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"'The Snowman' is like if aliens studied humanity and tried to make their own movie in an attempt to communicate with us. This simulacrum contains all the requisite pieces of a movie, but humanity got lost in translation." — Barbara VanDenburgh , The Arizona Republic.

Critics saw "Batman & Robin" as more of a cash-grab than a movie.

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" The people who made this movie — which, as always, is set up for a sequel — will be laughing all the way to the bank. But isn't there someone in that bank who can lock them all inside a safety-deposit vault and throw away the key?" — Peter Rainer , The Phoenix New Times.

"Cool World" was almost universally hated by critics.

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"The plot of Michael Grais' and Mark Victor's screenplay is even more nonsensical than it needs to be, revolving around frequent unmotivated trips between parallel cartoon and live-action universes, and around the question of whether cartoon women will have sex with human men." — Janet Maslin , The New York Times.

"Titanic" won 11 Academy Awards, but critics thought it took its sweet time getting to the point.

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"'Titanic' is a good, often stunning movie caught in a three-and-a-half hour drift. As we marvel at the physical spectacle of the Titanic's last few hours, we're left staggeringly untouched by the people facing their last moments. This movie should have blown us out of the water. Instead, we catch ourselves occasionally thinking the unpardonable thought: 'OK, sink already.'" — Desson Howe , The Washington Post.

"Howard The Duck" was a one-note movie that prompted critics to question for whom exactly the movie was made.

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"The story has no center; the duck is not likable, and the costly, overwrought, laser-filled special effects that conclude the movie are less impressive than a sparkler on a birthday cake. George 'Star Wars' Lucas supervised the production of this film, and maybe it's time he went back to making low-budget films like his best picture, 'American Graffiti.'" — Gene Siskel , The Chicago Tribune.

"Catwoman" is considered by critics to be one of the worst superhero movies ever made.

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"The film could have turned out worse, but only via the addition of a Tom Green cameo, or an accident in which the actors caught on fire." — Keith Phipps , The AV Club

Critics thought "Mac and Me" was a discount version of "ET: The Extraterrestrial."

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"'Mac and Me,' which opened yesterday at the Guild and other theaters, has a final police shootout and a fiery explosion in which Eric is the victim. When a doctor announced that Eric was gone, a small boy behind me said, 'He ain't dead,' with all the calm assurance of an experienced moviegoer who knows perfectly well that if E.T. came back, so would Eric. Cloning is a dangerous thing." — Caryn James , The New York Times.

Only a sucker would bother watching "Sucker Punch" after reading reviews.

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"In the end, though the metaphor of mental institution as battleground is an interesting one to explore, that is not the analysis at the heart of this movie. Nope, 'Sucker Punch' is a two-hour $82 million fetish film examining how hot sad schoolgirls look when holding weapons. Snyder should have just made a porn movie — it might have been better, and it definitely would have been cheaper and more honest." — Dodai Stewart , Jezebel.

"Movie 43" prompted devastating reviews.

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"It's as if 'Movie 43' was itself a feature-length f--- you to Hollywood, a movie made simply to show how bad a movie a studio could be induced to make and actors could be persuaded to act in." — Richard Brody , The New Yorker.

The best thing critics could say about "Fifty Shades Freed" was that the trilogy was finally over.

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"Universal has had some fun with its marketing campaign, using the tag-line, 'Don't miss the climax.' It's a shame, though, that the posters exhibit considerably more ingenuity than the film itself." — Brian Lowery , CNN.

"A Christmas Prince" falls squarely in the category of "so bad it's good."

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"It's a Netflix original movie, but it feels like a violation of nature that it somehow isn't from Lifetime or the Hallmark Channel. Nathan Atkins is credited with the screenplay, but this film is such a perfect amalgam of established tropes that I am not entirely convinced that isn't a pseudonym to keep us from discovering that Netflix has created the artificial-intelligence technology to generate a script using auto-complete." — Dana Schwartz , Entertainment Weekly.

"A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding" seemed to revel in shoddiness.

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"It plays like a piece of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan fan fiction, written by a child who actually doesn't know who they are but has watched the 'Princess Diaries' films." — Carly Mallenbaum , USA Today.

Critics thought "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" was far too depressing for a superhero movie.

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"An even less charitable way to put it is that a clearly excited 7- or 8-year-old kid sitting in front of me busted out crying and had to be whisked out of the theater by his father within the first five minutes. Perhaps he was unnerved by the harsh, operatic violence of Bruce Wayne's parents getting murdered — the mom's pearls get tangled around the gun, somehow, which allows for some very tight and poignant slow motion — or maybe he was offended by the notion that a 2016 Batman movie felt it necessary to depict Bruce Wayne's parents getting murdered. Either way, this kid bounced." — Rob Harvilla , Deadspin.

Critics thought "Transformers: The Last Knight" was simply too incoherent to describe.

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"I'll admit, I've been dreading the thought of trying to at all explain the plot of this movie — even in broad, simple terms. I honestly had anxiety dreams last night about this moment. It's like staring at a projected kaleidoscope for two and a half hours and then trying to tell someone about the plot." — Mike Ryan , Uproxx.

Many thought "The Brown Bunny" was tedious and only remembered for its inclusion of one explicit scene.

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"It's not really a movie. I suppose it's what could be called a recorded behavior. It simply reproduces, with some crude fidelity, the hapless anguish of a grieving man as he copes with his loss. It has no characters, it has no conflict, it has nothing that could be called a plot. It offers no reason to watch it — that is, no reason within the picture." — Stephen Hunter , The Washington Post.

Critics were thoroughly disgusted by "The Human Centipede," but they were also bored by it.

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"This is one of those movies where victims repeatedly have opportunities to escape but choose not to, guaranteeing still more grotesque degradation, full of gore, torture, and sexual humiliation — and contains not an iota of wit or intelligence to justify any of it." — Michael Ordoña , The Los Angeles Times.

"Avatar" is still the highest grossing movie of all time, but not everyone was a fan.

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"' Avatar' isn't about actors or characters or even about story; it's about special effects, which is fine as far as it goes. But for a movie that stresses how important it is for us to stay connected with nature, to keep our ponytails plugged into the life force, 'Avatar' is peculiarly bloodless. It's a remote-control movie experience, a high-tech 'wish you were here' scribbled on a very expensive postcard. You don't have to be fully present to experience 'Avatar'; all you have to do is show up." — Stephanie Zacharek , Salon.

Critics thought "I Know Who Killed Me" was embarrassing for everyone involved.

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"Pretentious and inane, 'I Know Who Killed Me' arouses unexpected sympathy for its embattled star. 'Should we populate the movie with competent, strong performances, or were we looking for stars?' asks the producer, Frank Mancuso Jr., in the film's production notes. Out of the mouths of producers." — Jeannette Catsoulis , The New York Times.

Critics thought there was nothing redeeming about "Sorority Boys."

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"I'm curious about who would go to see this movie. Obviously moviegoers with a low opinion of their own taste. It's so obviously what it is that you would require a positive desire to throw away money in order to lose two hours of your life. 'Sorority Boys' will be the worst movie playing in any multiplex in America this weekend, and, yes, I realize 'Crossroads' is still out there." — Roger Ebert , The Chicago Sun-Times.

"Forrest Gump" won multiple Academy Awards, but it still prompted some biting reviews.

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"With two decades of perspective on 'Forrest Gump's triumph, you get the sense that '90s audiences were relieved to see a film that said it was OK — even honorable — to ignore all the bad stuff about war. So, too, was the Motion Picture Academy, which 12 months after lauding 'Schindler's List'   decided, 'Screw it, let's give the awards to the movie that sells cookbooks.' — Amy Nicholson , LA Weekly.

Critics absolutely hated "Life Itself."

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"'Life Itself' thinks you're stupid. Or, if not stupid, unable to understand how a movie should work. It's a movie made for people who can't be trusted to understand any storytelling unless it's not just spoon-fed but ladled on, piled high, and explained via montage and voiceover" — Kate Erbland , IndieWire.

"Ridiculous 6" felt intentionally offensive.

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"There's the broad racism and misogyny of the piece. After the controversial walk-offs, Netflix claimed that this was 'satire.' It's not. There's nothing satirical about Sandler's bad Native American accent, which totally comes and goes, by the way, or Schneider's Hispanic caricature. Saying that this is satire is like the drunk guy at the bar telling you how many black friends he has after telling a racist joke. Don't fall for it." — Brian Tallerico , RogerEbert.com.

"The Village" felt like a waste of time to some.

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" [M. Night Shyamalan] directs the material as if he'd written it (which he did), and not a single friend dared tell him the truth." — Mick LaSalle , SFGate.

The extreme level of product placement in "Crossroads" was an issue for critics.

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"It turns out that 'Crossroads' is not a music video, not yet a movie, but more like an extended-play advertisement for the Product that is Britney." — Ann Hornaday, The Washington Post.

Critics thought "Grown Ups" was a lazy attempt at comedy.

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"The movie is symptomatic of a social attitude that might be called the security of incompetence. There's something reassuring about a bad movie that doesn't ask you to think or feel or even pay attention ... we can all be happy D-minus students huddled together in communal self-disgust in a D-minus world." — Stephen Holden , The New York Times.

Critics thought "Grown Ups 2" was so bad that it made them appreciate the first movie.

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"In 'Grown Ups 2,' which is set on the last day of school, our heroes are now all living in the same small town together, and everybody's pretty happy, so there's little to motivate the action. It makes the first movie look like 'The Maltese Falcon.'" — Bilge Ebiri , Vulture.

Some thought "Suburbicon" was too smug for its own good.

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"You absolutely can fault [George Clooney] for wrongheadedness in making a movie that condemns racism, and specifically segregation in the postwar housing boom, albeit in the most broad, perfunctory, awareness-ribbon-wearing way while barely allowing its black characters to speak. 'Suburbicon' might be the biggest embarrassment to pious Hollywood liberalism since 'Crash' won best picture in 2006." — Chris Klimek , NPR.

"Mother!" may not have been enjoyable, but it certainly was memorable.

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"I admired the camerawork, the wide-angle close-ups of flaring nostrils, and the pandemonium of the crowd scenes in the second half of the film when it goes haywire and insanity reign. It's an odd sensation to still remember moments of technical brilliance in a movie I never want to see again." — Rex Reed , The Observer.

Some thought "Freddy Got Fingered" was an embarrassment for everyone involved.

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" This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels." — Roger Ebert , Chicago Sun-Times.

Critics thought there just wasn't anything funny about "Joe Dirt."

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"Why do American audiences accept the stance that silly movies have to be terrible by definition? There's nothing enjoyable about 'Joe Dirt.' Absolutely nothing. Spade's generic nonperformance is the centerpiece of a very wobbly story, and he simply isn't enough of an actor to keep you interested." — Paul Tatara , CNN.

Critics thought "Fantastic Four" was the opposite of fantastic.

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"My notebook usually remains near my lap, but at this movie, it made involuntary trips over my mouth to cover all of my gasping. The entire experience is shameful — for us, for the filmmakers, for whoever at the studio had the job of creating the ads, in which the cast appear to be starring in hostage posters." — Wesley Morris , Grantland.

"From Justin to Kelly" was embarrassingly amateur, according to critics.

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"How bad is 'From Justin to Kelly?' Set in Miami during spring break, it's like 'Grease: The Next Generation' acted out by the food-court staff at SeaWorld." — Owen Gleiberman , Entertainment Weekly.

"National Lampoon's Gold Diggers" has a 0% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

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"Just how repellent is 'National Lampoon's Gold Diggers?' So stupefyingly hideous that after watching it, you'll need to bathe in 10 gallons of disinfectant, get a full-body scrub and shampoo with vinegar to remove the scummy residue that remains. Some movies leave a bad taste in the mouth. This one causes full-on halitosis." — Jen Chaney , The Washington Post.

"Venom" was a tonally-uneven, muddled mess, according to most critics.

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"For all of its cult potential, and my God, is this film rife with it, it is 'Venom's' insidious political intonations, which were entirely avoidable, that become the least palatable aspect of the film. And this is a movie where you see Tom Hardy eat out of a garbage can." — Sarah Tai-Black , The Globe and Mail.

"North" almost universally disliked by critics and prompted one of Roger Ebert's movie memorable reviews.

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"' North' is one of the most unpleasant, contrived, artificial, cloying experiences I've had at the movies. To call it manipulative would be inaccurate; it has an ambition to manipulate, but fails … I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it." — Roger Ebert , Chicago Sun-Times.

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‘The Beast Within’ Review: Kit Harrington’s Werewolf Movie Transforms into a Clunky Metaphor for Domestic Violence

Vikram murthi.

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It’s old hat for werewolves on screen to be deployed as symbols; you can date the practice back to the Lon Chaney -starring monster films Universal Pictures made in the ’30s and ’40s. But “The Beast Within” has nothing much to offer except the domestic violence allegory at its center, so Farrell repeatedly emphasizes, spotlights, and underlines it in red, just in case anyone was unclear about what the film was really about. Werewolves might be the film’s supernatural hook, but “The Beast Within” exhibits little interest in the therianthropic beyond its use as a writerly device. It’s as if someone set a film in space just to interrogate the “black void” that is American federal tax policy.

This approach wouldn’t necessarily be a dealbreaker if the film’s family drama were at all compelling on its own merits, but instead it trades in broad strokes rather than specifics. “The Beast Within” technically follows the 10-year-old Willow (Caoillinn Springall) who lives an isolated life in her family’s compound in the English wilds. She has a respiratory condition that requires her to frequently use an oxygen tank, so she spends much of her time indoors or close to her mother Imogen (Ashleigh Cummings) and her grandfather Waylon ( James Cosmo ). Much of the film features Willow listening in on tense conversations between the haggard adults in her life from behind closed doors or within the shadows.

While the principal actors do their best to imbue the writing with genuine feeling, whether that’s terror or uncontrollable anger or affection, it’s difficult to invest in such rank clichés even correcting for the story’s fantastical elements. Harrington delivers a decent monologue roughly halfway through the film where his character confesses the truth about himself; as he avoids his daughter’s gaze, he wears a potent mixture of disgrace and bitterness as he explains how he’s doomed to be only half a person. But any time he’s required to be a rage case or a superficially sweet father, he relies on generalities and unspecific gestures. Similarly, Cummings tries to embody an abuse victim’s emotional dilemma — stuck between defending a person whom she loves while constantly managing and avoiding their behavior so she doesn’t contend with more savagery — but the character itself feels like an amalgamation of generic tics rather than a full-fledged person. Even Cosmo, who successfully leans on being a sweet, tough old man, mostly goes through the motions of being a father forced to watch his daughter stay married to a monster.

Granted, folklore tends to elide pesky details for the sake of mood, but the internal logic of “The Beast Within” feels flimsy at best. It’s unclear what triggers Noah’s transformations other than “nighttime,” and while the English countryside might be a perfect place to stow a werewolf away from civilization, it seems like the worst locale for a child with severely compromised health. (Without spoiling much, however, Willow’s oxygen tank turns out to be more plot device than characterization.) The film’s temporal fuzziness also baffles: everything screams mid-19 th century except for the appearance of cars and headphones. Sadly, these are nitpicking queries that arise when the film itself fails to garner much involvement on its own. Even the traditional horror and suspense elements in “The Beast Within” feel uninvolved. The jump scares are predictable and tacky, and the final confrontation drags on forever.

“The Beast Within” is now playing in theaters.

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‘trap’ review: a wily josh hartnett propels m. night shyamalan’s moderately entertaining thriller.

In the director's latest film, a father and daughter attend a pop concert that becomes part of a ploy to catch a deadly serial killer.

By Lovia Gyarkye

Lovia Gyarkye

Arts & Culture Critic

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(L-r) JOSH HARTNETT as Cooper and ARIEL DONOGHUE as Riley in Warner Bros. Pictures’ crime drama thriller TRAP, a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

According to M. Night Shyamalan , the premise of his latest feature boils down to a simple question : “What if The Silence of the Lambs happened at a Taylor Swift concert?”

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Riley, who has been struggling with some friends at school, seems particularly excited. She rushes her father through the parking lot where they’ve parked, eagerly joins a group of girls dancing near concessions and marvels at the merchandise available for purchase. This would be a typical concert scene if it weren’t for the swarm of police officers patrolling the arena and guarding each entrance. 

With the help of an amusing merchandise vendor, Jamie (a scene-stealing Jonathan Langdon), Cooper learns that Lady Raven’s show is a sting operation. Federal agents and local authorities are trying to catch The Butcher, a serial killer whose victim count recently entered double digits. As Jamie divulges the details of the enterprise, including the special code words staff must use in the presence of The Butcher, Cooper gets increasingly nervous.

For the truly spoiler-averse, now is the time to stop reading. (Just know that you should stay for a funny post-credits sequence.) Those who watched the trailer know that Cooper is the wanted man, but that’s only the first twist. 

For a while, it’s thrilling to see Cooper outwit the authorities and Hartnett is a big part of that. His performance is wily, often funny and subtle in its shiftiness. He’s introduced as an anxious father but then his particular behaviors — a hyper-attention to detail, the effortful attempt to control his jaw muscles, the tenseness of his smile — become signs of a more malevolent violence. As Cooper sneaks into private areas, chats up the arena staff and schemes a getaway, one can see how his charm and humor make him a perfect suburban husband to wife Rachel ( Alison Pill ) and father to their kids, as well as an infamous murderer. Hartnett convincingly balances Cooper’s bifurcated identity: He is a serial killer whose relief comes from cutting up his victims’ bodies and a father trying to give his daughter the world. 

With so many different threads, Trap struggles to maintain its momentum. The repetitive nature of Cooper’s chase blunts the stakes and a side quest with Lady Raven ends up not feeling as significant as it should. By the end of the second act and well into the third, Trap , although stylishly directed, can’t help but lose some of its edge.

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As someone who venerates Harold and the Purple Crayon , Crockett Johnson ’s 1955 hymn to the power of imagination (I gift every love one's new baby with a copy of the book with a purple crayon taped inside),  the idea of a film adaptation has always filled me with a certain sense of trepidation. This is due to the somewhat uneven track record of past attempts to bring the great works of children’s literature to the screen. Sure, a film like Spike Jonze ’s take on Maurice Sendak’s beloved “ Where the Wild Things Are ” captured the delicate charms of its source material in ways that enchanted viewers both young and old. But for every one of those, there's something like that monstrous live-action version of “The Cat in the Hat,” a movie just as bad as the original Dr. Seuss book was good.

Now “Harold and the Purple Crayon” has arrived in theaters in all its live-action glory. It starts on a surprisingly engaging note: a 2-D animated sequence that recaps Harold’s adventures in the book. The sequence finds a decent approximation of the book’s famous visual style and features narration by Alfred Molina . Unfortunately, that sequence lasts about 90-odd seconds, and the real story kicks in after that. Everything goes straight to ultra-garish Hell via a narrative that feels more like a failed “ Jumanji ” knockoff than anything that the late Johnson’s work could have possibly inspired. Here is a film that pays lip service to the importance of creativity without ever displaying a demonstrable shred of it during its seemingly interminable run time.

After that recap of the original story, we see a now-grown Harold ( Zachary Levi ) still cavorting through his cartoon world along with friends Moose ( Lil Rel Howery ) and Porcupine ( Tanya Reynolds ) and the ever-present voice of the narrator. Then, one day, the narrator’s voice disappears, and Harold decides to use his all-powerful crayon to draw a portal to our world so that the three of them can try to track him down. Alas, the real world proves to be odd and confusing for them, so luckily, Harold and Moose (now in human form, though he occasionally switches back for no apparent reason) end up running into Terri ( Zooey Deschanel ) and Melvin ( Benjamin Bottani ), a mother and middle school-aged son who are still in the dumps since the death of Mel’s dad. For reasons that defy explanation, she allows them to stay the night at her house, where Harold finds Mel to be a kindred spirit — he has an unseen imaginary pet that is equal parts eagle, lion, and alligator — and lets him in on the magical crayon. (Porcupine, for the record, has gotten separated from the others and is off wreaking benign havoc on her own.)

While Terri is off at her job at Ollie’s — an institution shown far more reverence here than Johnson’s book — Mel ends up helping Harold and Moose to find the narrator, leading to any number of wacky slapstick scenes in which they fly through the air in a plane or cause mayhem at the store. They also enlist the aid of Gary (Jermaine Clement), a creepy librarian with the hots for Terri, who is also the author of an unpublishable fantasy novel called “The Glaive of Gagaroh” (allowing the film also to alienate fans of “Krull” to boot). Eventually, Gary reveals to Harold that he is, in fact, a character from a book, which sends Harold, Moose, and Mel off on a trip to Crockett Johnson’s house to finally see him. Although Google helpfully reveals the address, it inexplicably fails to mention the key reason why they could have skipped that trip. Meanwhile, Gary, having seen the crayon’s power first-hand, schemes to acquire it for himself and bring the universe of his book to life. 

Trying to transform Crockett’s 64-page book into a feature-length film would always be a dubious proposition. But even the most pessimistic of minds could have imagined something as dire as this. For starters, Harold himself has been transformed into one of the most annoying screen characters in recent memory thanks to the appallingly clumsy screenplay by David Guion and Michael Handelman that tries to make him into an irrepressible free spirit along the lines of Buddy in “ Elf .” Still, he only manages to make him obnoxious beyond belief. Things aren’t helped much by Levi’s awful performance, which tries for winsome adorableness throughout but which comes across as if a.) Levi had been struck in the head with a board before every take, and b.) that director Carlos Saldanha did enough takes to rival Kubrick before he (and presumably only he) was satisfied. Beyond that, the storyline is choppy, the visuals are utterly blah, the big set-pieces are the usual CGI-happy dreck, the sentimental moments are woefully unearned, and the notion of a film ostensibly celebrating children’s literature utilizing a librarian as the bad guy is infuriating.

Before you send me comments scolding me for not looking at this film through the eyes of a child, based on the available evidence, no one involved with “Harold and the Purple Crayon” had any real interest in engaging younger viewers on any level. Sadly, exploiting the good name of a familiar piece of IP in the hope of scoring a few bucks from families that have already seen “ Inside Out 2 ” and “ Despicable Me 4 ” and are looking for something else to watch seems to have been of more importance to actually living up to the legacy of said IP.

Ultimately, “Harold and the Purple Crayon” is the product of people working under the cynical belief that kids will just accept anything foisted upon them in the name of “family entertainment” as long as it is noisy and colorful. If you genuinely care for your kids, you will give this movie a wide berth and use the ticket money to buy and read Crockett’s original book and its follow-ups. Trust me, they'll thank you for it one day.

Peter Sobczynski

Peter Sobczynski

A moderately insightful critic, full-on Swiftie and all-around  bon vivant , Peter Sobczynski, in addition to his work at this site, is also a contributor to The Spool and can be heard weekly discussing new Blu-Ray releases on the Movie Madness podcast on the Now Playing network.

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Film credits.

Harold and the Purple Crayon movie poster

Harold and the Purple Crayon (2024)

Zachary Levi as Harold

Lil Rel Howery as Moose

Benjamin Bottani as Mel

Jemaine Clement as Gary

Tanya Reynolds as Porcupine

  • Carlos Saldanha
  • David Guion
  • Michael Handelman

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Emma Myers leads a suspenseful teen mystery in ‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’

A teenage girl wearing a red backpack stands near a row of lockers.

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As someone who grew up reading the Hardy Boys, collecting a long shelf of those beautiful blue spines, I am all about the teenage detective. Nancy Drew, “Scooby-Doo,” Shelby Woo , Hayley Mills in “The Moon-Spinners.” As for the teens and tweens such stories nominally target, that is a population into whose lives every day brings some new mystery — mysteries of the heart, mysteries of the changing body, mysteries of the weird parents, mysteries of the missing friends with apparently new friends. These stories can be empowering, like spiritual krav maga.

Adapted by Poppy Cogan from British writer Holly Jackson’s popular 2019 YA novel, “ The Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, ” premiering Thursday on Netflix, is an involving ride — not so much for the plot as for the characters (which is how all detective stories live or die) and a great performance by Emma Myers (“ Wednesday ”) as its central sleuth, Pippa Fitz-Amobi. It’s less whimsical than the title might lead one to expect, but short on grit and long on feeling.

Bridgerton. (L to R) Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton, Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in episode 307 of Bridgerton. Cr. Liam Daniel/Netflix © 2024

From ‘Bridgerton’ to ‘Ripley,’ Netflix’s latest hit adaptations have also boosted book sales

Several recent hit Netflix series were adapted from books, leading to a boost in book sales. Next, the streamer is turning to Holly Jackson’s book series “A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.”

July 8, 2024

We are in Little Kilton, a picturesque English village, the sort of place where, sayeth Miss Marple, “You turn over a stone and have no idea what will crawl out” — and Miss Marple is rarely wrong. Five years earlier, the town was roiled by the disappearance of teenager Andie Bell (India Lillie Davies) and the confession and apparent suicide of her boyfriend, Sal Singh (Rahul Pattni). Though the villagers seem intent on leaving the past in the past, there is also a big mural honoring Andie and what looks like a steady stream of flowers and mementos marking the shrine. So that book is not entirely closed.

Pippa or Pip, now a senior herself, remembers seeing Andie and Sal on the day of her disappearance, and also that Sal was always nice to her; she doesn’t think he’s someone who could kill anyone, and for her senior project, or under cover of same, has decided to investigate the case.

Teenage boy and girl standing a green, grassy field.

This connects her with Ravi (Zain Iqbal), Sal’s younger brother, who, like everyone but Pip, accepts the accepted verdict; at least, he has put it behind him, until Pip gets him interested, and together they turn sleuth — he calls her “Sarge,” as in detective sergeant, and they spar over who’s Holmes and who’s Watson, or more specifically, who’s Cumberbatch and who’s Freeman . But it’s clearly Pip leading the way.

Pip turns her bedroom wall into a murder board, pasted with clippings and photographs and various notes to self. (It takes her mother a while to notice this.) Across six 40-minute episodes, she moves about the town, from garden party to rave to locker room, as her “project” morphs from schoolwork to amateur police work. Threatening notes and texts arrive warning her to “stop digging.” But she also has reason to question her own motives.

“I’m just trying to find out the truth,” Pip tells Andie’s look-alike sister, Becca (Carla Woodcock).

“It’s not about the truth,” Becca replies. “People act like this stuff is for the dead person, but it’s not, it’s for them.”

As the title indicates, Pip’s a good girl, who doesn’t exactly go bad, but she will lie to her parents (Anna Maxwell Martin and Gary Beadle), ignore their orders, do shots in exchange for information and commit a fair amount of breaking and entering — entering, anyway — in order to find clues and steal evidence. Which, frankly, is good training to be a detective in crime fiction.

It’s a big cast, replete with siblings, friends, townfolk and parents, including Mathew Baynton of “The Wrong Mans” and the U.K. version of “Ghosts” as Pip’s teacher and the father of her friend Cara (Asha Banks). But above all, it’s Myers’ show. (The actor is American, reversing the more common situation of Britons playing Yanks, but, really, I had no idea.) Small and slight, with big, expressive, wide-set eyes, a forehead made for writing thoughts upon and the mouth of a silent movie star, at 22 she makes an entirely credible 17-year-old — scared and excited, sure of herself even as she’s unsure of herself. Myers is especially fine conveying a sort of shyness seasoned with bravado, along with various degrees of worry that only increase as she blusters her way into ever more perilous situations.

Five teenagers sitting on stairs.

The direction, by Dolly Wells and Tom Vaughan, is admirably straightforward; the show is suspenseful because it’s full of suspenseful situations, not for being overloaded with dark music, disturbing sound effects and shocking camera moves. As is true of the best British mysteries, we’re in a real place among plausible people. There’s no attempt to make the teenage characters glamorous or sexy or overly adult — a couple of the older-generation youngsters fancy themselves to be so, but they’re fairly transparent. Pip’s friends trend nerdy and late-blooming, which should make them relatable to a large segment of the show’s young and, for that matter, formerly young audience. (I’d advance them as role models, as well, but that is perhaps wishful thinking.) They may be pushed out of their comfort zone by circumstances, but they are not pushed out of it by the writers, if you see what I mean.

Not everything Pip does when faced with trouble makes much sense, but in this she has plenty of adult detective company. You can often find me yelling through the screen at gumshoes who, alone with a killer, announce that they know what they did and how they did and therefore must wriggle out of danger one more time. It goes with the territory.

As to the endgame — no spoilers here — the details are not predictable in themselves but, to put it in musical terms, there’s a sort of half cadence followed by an authentic cadence followed by a plagal cadence. You will have guessed some of it from the first episode, if you have any experience with mysteries, or even movies, though you could not possibly see the rest coming, because essential information is held back until late and guilty parties in TV mysteries are extraordinary good at seeming innocent. They tend not to play fair, and “Good Girl’s Guide” is no exception.

I probably should have mentioned, though it should be obvious from the above, that this is also a coming-of-age story, centered on a partnership that becomes a friendship that might one day turn into something more — and which, like every screen romance ever, will run into trouble about two-thirds of the way through.

I can say no more.

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Italian Boxer Quits Bout, Sparking Furor Over Gender at Olympics

The Italian, Angela Carini, stopped fighting only 46 seconds into her matchup against Imane Khelif of Algeria, who had been barred from a women’s event last year.

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Two boxers standing in a ring, with a referee in between them.

By Tariq Panja and Jeré Longman

Reporting from Paris

An Italian boxer abandoned her bout at the Paris Olympics after only 46 seconds on Thursday, refusing to continue after taking a heavy punch from an Algerian opponent who had been disqualified from last year’s world championships over questions about her eligibility to compete in women’s sports.

The Italian boxer, Angela Carini, withdrew after her Algerian opponent, Imane Khelif, landed a powerful blow that struck Carini square in the face. Carini paused for a moment, then turned her back to Khelif and walked to her corner. Her coaches quickly signaled that she would not continue, and the referee stopped the fight.

Khelif, 25, was permitted to compete at the Olympics even though she had been barred last year after boxing officials said she did not meet eligibility requirements to compete in a women’s event. Another athlete also barred from last year’s world championships under similar circumstances, Lin Yu-ting, has also been cleared to fight in Paris.

The International Boxing Association, which ran those championships and ordered the disqualifications, offered little insight into the reasons for the boxers’ removal, saying in a statement that the disqualifications came after “the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test .”

The association said that test, the specifics of which it said were confidential, “conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors.”

Those rules, which the boxing association adopted for the 2016 Rio Games, are the same ones the International Olympic Committee is operating under as the authority running the boxing tournament at the Paris Games. But the rules, the I.O.C. confirmed, do not include language about testosterone or restrictions on gender eligibility beyond a single line saying “gender tests may be conducted.”

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An robot with a holographic head and a woman in a yellow coat standing by a bar in Mars Express.

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The best sci-fi movies of the year so far

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We love science fiction here at Polygon. We cover it in games , movies , TV , books — whatever medium you can find the genre in, we’re there.

This year has already delivered a lot for fans of the genre, with fascinating stories from around the world for sci-fi faithful in theaters and at home. There have been crowd-pleasing blockbuster hits, contemplative smaller projects, joyous B-movie genre fare, and everything in between.

So here are the best sci-fi movies of 2024 so far and where to watch them. They are sorted into two sections: the top tier, can’t miss movies of the year, and the best of the rest. This list will continue to be updated throughout the year, and will be sorted in reverse chronological order, so the newest movies always show up first.

The can’t-miss, top-tier sci-fi movies of 2024

Rebel moon: chalice of blood.

Where to watch: Netflix

Jimmy the robot brandishing a knife in Rebel Moon

When the first part of Zack Snyder’s sci-fi epic arrived on Netflix late last year, it was met with criticism over its shallow world and vapid story. However, there was one notable caveat: Snyder himself had already explained that Netflix made him release a shorter , toned-down version of the movie first before he could release his director’s cut that better fit his vision . Unsurprisingly for some , now that the director’s cut has arrived, it’s a totally different and infinitely better movie.

Rebel Moon: Chalice of Blood , the subtitle for the director’s cut of part one, is exactly what Snyder promised the series would be: A tremendous space opera with intricate, complicated lore and tremendous visuals. The story is more or less Seven Samurai in space , which is a perfect prism to use to introduce us to this world. Rebel Moon’s universe floats exactly in the middle ground between Star Wars and Warhammer, which as it turns out means that everything in the movie is exceptionally cool. Skulls and bones are shoveled into engines to power faster-than-light travel, an unexplained order of red-clad priests collect the teeth of enemies of the horrible fascist Imperium, all in the name of a dead child-god. It’s all incredibly metal, and an excellent — if very over-the-top — space opera, that we should thank our lucky stars for. — Austen Goslin

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Where to watch: For digital rental/purchase on Amazon , Apple TV

…Furiosa (Anya Taylor-Joy) in George Miller’s Furiosa

The Mad Max franchise never fails to reinvent itself. Furiosa is a direct prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road , but writer and director George Miller approaches it completely differently than any other Mad Max film so far. Of course, it’s an outstanding action movie, with action that feels massive, bombastic, and impressive enough to match the mythical framing, but it’s the storytelling itself that makes Furiosa such a special entry in the sci-fi canon.

The story of Furiosa ’s life, and what brought her to be the ruler of the Citadel, takes on a mythic quality, the kind of tall-tale about a legend that gets shared and expanded over a thousand retellings beside fires in the Wasteland. Both Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa herself and Chris Hemsworth as Dementus the warlord — whose cruelty shaped the course of Furiosa’s life — hand in incredible performances that more than live up to the larger-than-live qualities the story ascribes to them. Thanks to all these details, Furiosa isn’t just one of the best action movies of the last decade, it’s one of the best science fiction prequels ever , too. — AG

Mars Express

A robot with a holographic head and a red arm points to a screen next to a blonde haired woman in a trenchcoat in a futuristic vehicle in Mars Express.

Set in a future where humanity has colonized space and sentient robots live side-by-side with their creators as a caste of servants, Jérémie Périn ’s sci-fi thriller is a gorgeous and fully realized world bursting with imagination and intrigue around every corner.

Centered around a pair of private detectives — a soft-spoken human woman with a drinking problem and the simulated consciousness of a dead man preserved in an artificial body — searching for a missing girl and an elusive hacker, Mars Express slowly but surely unravels into a byzantine mystery where seemingly everyone, and every thing , has a secret to keep. With explosive action sequences, beautifully detailed backgrounds, and a plot that evolves from a simple missing persons case into a singularity-adjacent revelation, Mars Express is an original sci-fi adventure worth experiencing. —Toussaint Egan

Where to watch: Criterion Channel, or for digital rental/purchase on Amazon , Apple TV

Gabrielle (Léa Seydoux) and Louis (George MacKay), a pale man and woman dressed in 1910 Parisian fashions — her in a green gown with her hair in ringlets, him in a black bow tie and jacket and blue vest — stand together, looking offscreen in a disaffected way in The Beast

“ Cloud Atlas meets Mulholland Drive ” is the most succinct way to describe Bertrand Bonello’s sci-fi drama to someone who hasn’t seen it yet. Truthfully though, even that comparison falls short in encompassing everything The Beast attempts, and succeeds, at conveying. The surface likeness is uncanny: A story of two lovers, played by Léa Seydoux and George MacKay, who meet one another time and again across several lifetimes only to be ripped apart from one another.

Despite how that might sound, however, The Beast is anything but a fairy tale. A sci-fi odyssey that combines period piece romance with contemporary slasher aesthetics and dystopian dread, Bonello’s film is a disorienting and terrifying plunge into a future where love is a liability that’s more certain to break your heart than it is to ever make you feel whole. The Beast isn’t just one of the best sci-fi films of the year; it’s one of the most daring movies of the year, period. –TE

The Animal Kingdom

Where to watch: Hulu, or for digital rental/purchase on Amazon / Apple TV

Paul Kircher walks through a forest with a look of amazement on his face in The Animal Kingdom

One of the year’s most fascinating movies, The Animal Kingdom is a French science fiction drama about a mutation that has started to transform some people into human-animal hybrids. The film primarily follows a father (Romain Duris) and his son (Paul Kircher) as they look for the family’s missing mother, who is in the midst of just such a transformation.

As I wrote in our best movies of the year list:

Featuring realistic creature designs that blend practical and digital effects, a rich father-son relationship anchored by strong leading performances, and a compelling overarching narrative metaphor welcoming all sorts of interpretations , The Animal Kingdom stands out in modern sci-fi. It fires on all cylinders to create one of the more powerful movies of the year, evoking a rich world populated by fascinating people. Part of the brilliance of The Animal Kingdom is the continued mundanity of human existence. Yes, everything we thought we knew about our species is being thrown into chaos, but there’s still work to do and school to attend and new love and enduring love and all the other shades of the human (or human-animal hybrid) experience. It’s in those moments that the true heart of the movie lies. — PV

Dune: Part Two

Where to watch: Max , or for digital rental/purchase on Amazon , Apple TV

Timothée Chalamet as Paul Atreides and Zendaya as Chani in DUNE: PART TWO

Frank Herbert’s Dune has always been a cautionary tale about the fallibility of charismatic leaders, and Denis Villeneuve’s follow-up to his 2021 epic part-one adaptation of the novel delivers on illustrating that message to chilling and awe-inspiring effect.

With his father dead and his enemies now in power, Paul Atreides must earn the trust of the Fremen of Arrakis to rally them to his cause of exacting revenge on the Harkonnens and asserting his claim of supremacy. He is a man at odds with himself: both resistant yet resigned towards embracing a destiny he knows will result in the deaths of millions and cement his own legacy as a tyrant . Dune: Part Two is an epic tragedy disguised as a blockbuster spectacle, a cautionary tale about the perils of fanaticism that inspires you to cheer in awe all the while begging you to question on behalf of who, or what, exactly it is you’re cheering for. —TE

Alienoid: Return to the Future

Where to watch: Prime Video, Hoopla, or for digital rental/purchase on Amazon , Apple TV

Wearing 14th century garb, Kim Tae-ri points a pistol at Ryu Jun-yeol in Alienoid: Return to the Future

Part two of the deliriously funny 2022 Korean blockbuster Alienoid , Return to the Future picks up where the first movie left off and delivers a pitch perfect combination of action, comedy, and time-travelling science fiction hijinks.

I’ll keep the plot details light for those that haven’t seen the first movie, but the Alienoid movies take place in both the 14th and 21st centuries, following a pair of humanoid robots sent to monitor alien prisoners being held inside human bodies. Along the way, they accidentally adopt a 14th century child and bring her to the modern day.

The movie is funny, but it also has impressive visual effects work, and surprisingly strong action sequences for a comedy-forward movie. But the real strength of the Alienoid franchise is the cast, led by the great Kim Tae-ri ( The Handmaiden , Space Sweepers ) as a pistol-wielding badass in the 14th century, Kim Woo-bin as the robot Guard (a meaty role where he gets to play many different types), and Ryu Jun-yeol as a clumsy 14th century swordsman with a great destiny.

Return to the Future does start with a recap of sorts, which is helpful because of how dense the plot is. But it’s well worth watching both of these very fun movies, which epitomize the kind of crowd-pleasing, cross-genre fun you can have with a blockbuster movie. — PV

The best of the rest

Rebel moon: curse of forgiveness.

Sofia Boutella as Kora looking up at a giant robot who’s peering down at her in Rebel Moon: Part 2 the director’s cut

While it’s not nearly as successful as the first part, thanks in part to Chalice of Blood ’s much more focused scope, part two of Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon director’s cut is still a pretty great sci-fi romp. More like a sequel than a true part two, Curse of Forgiveness is essentially the last half of Seven Samurai stretched into three hours thanks in large part to an extraordinarily epic hour-plus long battle. If the first Rebel Moon movie is all about world building for Snyder, then the second is all about payoff, giving us glorious action scene after glorious action scene, meticulously paying off the storylines he set up in the original.

Of all of these stories, by far the most effective is that of Jimmy, a robot voiced by Anthony Hopkins who was created to serve on a team of personal bodyguards for the late king. The robots were all designed as state of the art killing machines, but once the king died they mysteriously stopped being capable of violence. But over the course of the first two Rebel Moon parts, Jimmy finds something worth fighting for again, and boy does it result in a sick killing montage toward the end of Curse of Forgiveness . If your tolerance for earnestness and silliness in equal measure is as high as your desire for epic sci-fi action, you’re sure to love Snyder’s second run at Rebel Moon and certain to hope he gets the chance to tell more stories in this world. — AG

A Quiet Place: Day One

Where to watch: Theaters

Sam (Lupita Nyong’o) sits fearfully in a dark space, covered with dust, her cat Frodo in her lap, in Michael Sarnoski’s A Quiet Place: Day One

The first two Quiet Place movies are surprisingly effective, but it took replacing original director John Krasinski (and him moving to an executive producer and story writer role instead) for the franchise to get its first truly great entry. His replacement director is Michael Sarnoski, who previously directed the Nicolas Cage drama Pig . Sarnoski impressively marries the intimate, character-focused sensibilities that made Pig so fascinating with the kind of blockbuster horror-action you’d expect from an alien invasion movie set in Manhattan.

Sarnoski’s apocalyptic New York is gorgeously shot, with tension waiting in every alley and every noise feeling like certain death. But more than anything it’s the lead performance by Lupita Nyong’o as a terminally ill woman who’s still desperately trying to survive that gives A Quiet Place Day One so much life. It’s easily the most intimate, low-key, and tragic blockbuster of the year, which turns out to be a perfect mode for the franchise. — AG

Kalki 2898 AD

Prabhas kneels in the dust, ready for action, in Kalki 2898 AD.

The most expensive Indian film ever made and the highest-grossing Indian film of the year, Kalki 2898 AD is a blockbuster epic in every sense. While it has drawn comparisons to RRR because of the success and scale of that movie, the two really aren’t all that similar. Kalki’s sprawling plot spans from 3102 BC to the titular year, with Hindu deities, post-apocalyptic wastelands, and a ragtag group of heroes brought together to save a woman and her unborn child.

Whil e Kalki has excellent vehicle and weapon design and makes some interesting narrative and character choices (especially with the Prabhas’ lead character, the self-centered bounty hunter Bhairava), the pacing makes the movie very hard to follow, and the directing and editing choices don’t help at all. It’s also a movie very focused on human cruelty, so expect a lot of that. But strangely, despite not really liking Kalki all that much, I can’t wait for the next entry in this series. The production design is evocative, and the movie ends in a much more interesting place than it starts. While it’s not a great movie, it has the bones of a great franchise. — PV

Robot Dreams

An image of an anthropomorphic cartoon dog carrying a briefcase, smiling and holding hands with a tall, gangly robot, as they walk through the streets of the East Village in New York City in the animated feature Robot Dreams

Nominated for a surprise Best Animated Feature Oscar at this year’s Academy Awards, Robot Dreams finally rolled out to wider audiences this May.

As our colleague Petrana Radulovic put it in our list of the best movies of the year :

Director Pablo Berger was so dang moved by Sara Varon’s graphic novel Robot Dreams that he started an animation studio to make it into a movie. Told entirely without dialogue, Robot Dreams is about a lonely dog who befriends a robot and the whirlwind summer they spend together before life forces them apart. The characters are evocative and the anthropomorphic world is very charming. But despite the humanized animals, this isn’t a goofy, gag-filled movie; Robot Dreams is actually an incredibly poignant and bittersweet film all about the meaningful friendships that we can’t always take with us as life goes on. The last scenes hit like a gut punch, aching in the best sort of way.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Where to watch: Hulu, or for digital rental/purchase on Amazon, Apple TV

Key art of an ape riding a horse with a falcon perching atop their arm with the overgrown ruins of a city in the background.

The fourth entry in a Planet of the Apes prequel series sounds awfully bleak on paper, but the reality of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes couldn’t be further from the truth. The latest entry in the franchise, directed by Maze Runner filmmaker Wes Ball, is a fantastical adventure that proves to be the most fun Apes movie in years. While the previous two movies were both dower meditations on war, combat, and the limitations of peaceful coexistence, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is a fun action/adventure movie that feels pulled right out of the 90s.

It follows a young ape named Noa who has to go on a quest to save his village after his friends and family get kidnapped. That journey takes Noa around the ruins of the once great human world, and shows us how the apes have been attempting to build civilizations of their own. All of this makes for excellent world building, and a surprisingly effective prequel to the future imagined in the original Planet of the Apes movies. — AG

Code 8: Part II

Robbie Amell uses electric powers in Code 8 Part II

In 2020, a small Canadian sci-fi movie supported by more than 30,000 Indiegogo contributors dropped on Netflix. Code 8 , produced by and starring real-life cousins Robbie Amell ( Upload ) and Stephen Amell ( Arrow ), would become a breakaway hit on the platform, helping spawn a straight-to-Netflix sequel a few years later. It’s easy to see why they became hits — their dedication to interesting world-building and the clear passion behind the projects make them enjoyable to watch, warts and all.

In the world of Code 8 , superpowered people have existed since the early 20th century. Those people became a labor class, using their powers to perform dangerous jobs. But as the Industrial Revolution progressed and automation became more standard, society decided the dangers of superpowered workers outweighed the benefits, turning those former workers into a heavily policed and marginalized class of people. When a young man with electric powers looks for a job to help pay for his mother’s medical bills, he falls in with a gang of powered criminals looking to secure a big score.

The Code 8 movies are not the most polished projects. But in some ways, that works to their benefit, in concert with the “low-budget passion indie” mood of the projects. (It also makes you appreciate how good the evil robot cops look in the series — some are reminiscent of Automatons in Helldivers 2 , while others are straight riffs on Boston Dynamics’ terrifying robot dogs).

Part heist movies, part sci-fi, part stories about power and who wields it, the Code 8 movies don’t always execute at a high level, but they are working with some interesting ideas and are committed to seeing them through. Sometimes, that’s what you want from low-budget sci-fi. — PV

Badland Hunters

Ma Dong-seok fires a pistol in a hallway full of slumped bodies in Badland Hunters

When you’re looking for a great sci-fi movie to watch, sometimes you’re looking for a thoughtful meditation on humanity’s role in the galaxy, with hard science elements and beautiful, almost fantastical cinematography. Other times, you’re looking for Ma Dong-seok absolutely laying into fools in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Badland Hunters is for those other times.

A (bizarre, tonally speaking) sequel to the serious apocalyptic earthquake drama Concrete Utopia , Badland Hunters is a Mad Max-esque story of a hulking man looking out for his found family and destroying anyone who gets in his way (including a mad scientist up to some twisted experiments). While it doesn’t reach the high heights of Ma’s work in Train to Busan or the Roundup movies , he is such a reliably entertaining and charismatic movie star that you can’t help but enjoy this B-movie experience. (And director Heo Myeong-haeng, a former stuntman who will helm the upcoming The Roundup: Punishment , knows exactly how to shoot the big man’s action sequences.) It’s one of Netflix’s standout international releases of 2024 so far, and a fun time for people looking for some popcorn-worthy sci-fi. —PV

Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One

Where to watch: Max

The Flash looks over his shoulder at an evil-looking Superman in Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One

The second phase of the DC Animated Movie Universe is wrapping up with the three-part Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline — all three have been released, but only the first two are on Max. I haven’t seen the third yet, but enjoyed the first in the context of DCAU projects (the second felt less strong, but I’m still excited for when the third one arrives on the streaming platform).

Presented in a nonlinear narrative as Barry Allen “trips” around time, Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One takes more chances with its story than other DCAU projects, and they pay off. Barry travels to multiple Earths and meets multiple versions of the Justice League superheroes, learning of an anti-matter wave that threatens the entire multi-verse. It’s pulpy, comic book fun with a game voice cast (Darren Criss as Superman, Jensen Ackles as Batman, Matt Bomer as Flash, Zachary Quinto as Lex Luthor — the list goes on), and it’s more sci-fi forward than many other DC animated movies.

And some teases for the other entries: Part Two features Terry McGinnis from Batman Beyond , and Part Three features the posthumous final performance of the great Kevin Conroy as Batman, as well as the final performance of Mark Hamill as the Joker. — PV

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The 33 best movies on netflix right now, understanding the history of director’s cuts through 9 great examples, loading comments....

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14 Funniest Movies of All Time, According to Reddit

14 Funniest Movies of All Time, According to Reddit

There are some comedies that are so funny they never get old. A user took to r/movies to ask what the hands-down funniest movies of all time were. Redditors came out in a big way to give love to their favorite films, and it’s an epic thread (that’s filled with killer flicks).

From slapstick movies to raunchy buddy comedies, there’s no shortage of laughs in these films. Ranging from the 1970s all the way to the 2000s, these classic comedies have stood the test of time and will go down in history among the greatest funny movies ever made. Fans should add them to their must-watch list.

Updated on September 30, 2023, by Ryan Heffernan:

Amid the vast scope of experiences cinema can offer, there is nothing quite as enjoyable as a truly great comedy movie. Able to make us laugh until our sides hurt, these comedy films were nominated by Reddit as being the very best the genre has to offer.

14 ‘Borat’ (2006)

14 Funniest Movies of All Time, According to Reddit

Still viewed by many today to be Sacha Baron Cohen ’s cringe-worthy and crude masterpiece, Borat is undoubtedly one of the premiere comedy films of the 21st century so far. The mockumentary follows a Kazakhstani journalist who ventures to the United States to interview real-life Americans.

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Cohen augments a brilliant though painstaking culture clash as his oblivious Borat engages with Americans from all walks of life with the results ranging from hilarious to heinous. MrSlimPigginz recalled seeing it in theaters on opening night, describing it as “the most insane experience I’ve ever had at the movies.”

13 ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ (2014)

What We Do in the Shadows (2014)

Another successful mockumentary film, What We Do in the Shadows worked as a spectacular blend of awkward, observational comedy and fantasy/horror parody. It follows a documentary crew who are granted access to the home of vampire housemates to film them in their daily lives which includes adapting to modern times and mentoring a newly turned vampire.

CrieDeCoeur praised the New Zealand comedy film, saying it was “a laugh a minute, and a great intro to the works of Taika Waititi .” The movie has also been adapted into a popular television series for FX .

12 ‘Office Space’ (1999)

The Cast of Office Space

A cult comedy classic satirizing the typical working day of the 1990s, Office Space wasn’t just a razor-sharp comedy but a cathartic experience for many when it was released in the late ‘90s. It follows a disgruntled software engineer who, along with two of his workmates, plots revenge against the company and their greedy boss.

MihalysRevenge related to the taste of the movie, saying “I spent a big chunk of my 20s in call centers so the humor really hit close to home.” While the film’s criticism of corporate culture was plain to see, it also had an underlying charm as well as a poignant gravitas.

Watch on Max

11 ‘Dr. Strangelove’ (1964)

Dr. Strangelove smiling with a deranged expression on his face in Dr. Strangelove.

There was seldom a genre Stanley Kubrick didn’t master during his career as a filmmaker. His horror was terrifying, his war alarming and poignant, and his comedy was absolutely hysterical as was shown in his acclaimed classic Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb .

RELATED: The Best Movies of 1964, Ranked

The satirical war drama boasts a witty black comedy, following the political and military fallout as a U.S. general orders a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union. Strayl1ght stated it was their favorite film before commenting “most modern comedies just don’t really make me laugh for some reason. I don’t like the humor.”

10 ‘The Blues Brothers’ (1980)

The Blues Brothers

It doesn’t get much funnier than The Blues Brothers when it comes to classic comedy. SNL alums Dan Akroyd and John Belushi costar as two brothers who must reunite with their R&B band to save the Catholic home where they grew up. It’s so hilarious that it was ranked one of the 10 best movies of 1980 .

Gattsu2000 took to Reddit to add this one to the conversation about the funniest movies, saying, “ The Blues Brothers. The film is [completely] bonkers and the scene with the Nazis in their car never stops making me laugh.” User MechanicalTurkish simply replied, “We’re on a mission from God.”

9 ‘Clue’ (1985)

The cast of Clue looking out an open door.

When it comes to ’80s comedy with an epic cast, Clue stands out from the rest. Based on the children’s board game, the film features Tim Curry , Madeline Kahn , Eileen Brennan , Christopher Lloyd , Martin Mull , Michael McKean , Lesley Ann Warren , and Colleen Camp . Each cast member is funnier than the next as every scene unfolds.

Naedus said about the flick, “ Clue . I loved this movie to pieces, and can be easily biased since I’ve managed to maintain my love for the movie since childhood.” Funny and irreverent, it’s a classic whodunit. Kids and adults alike will love this one, making it the perfect family movie night pic.

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8 ‘Three Amigos!’ (1986)

Three Amigos - 1986

Steve Martin , Chevy Chase , and Martin Short are the ultimate comedy trio in the classic comedy Three Amigos! Out-of-work actors accept an invitation to perform their bandit routine in Mexico, but they have no idea that the danger is real. This one just gets funnier and funnier with every watch.

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Reddit user HueRooney said about the movie, “This is a tough call, but every single time I watch Three Amigos (1986), I laugh out loud at the same scenes. I can’t think of any other movie that still cracks me up after so many viewings.” While some may argue that it hasn’t aged well, it’s considered a beloved classic by many fans.

7 ‘Young Frankenstein’ (1974)

'Young Frankenstein' (1974).

One film that Redditors repeatedly added to the thread about the funniest movies of all time is Young Frankenstein . Directed by the legendary Mel Brooks , the ensemble cast ( Gene Wilder , Terri Garr , and Marty Feldman , to name a few) turn out hilarious performances in this unforgettable comedy.

Redditor Excellent_Nothing_86 wrote, “ Young Frankenstein will forever and always be my #1 favorite comedy, no matter what, based on the amount of laughter I’ve gotten out of it and how much I reference it in my daily life. I’m happy to see it listed here so many times.” Part horror and part comedy , Young Frankenstein has gained a cult following and considerable critical acclaim.

6 ‘A Fish Called Wanda’ (1988)

A Fish Called Wanda - 1988

Looking for a good laugh? Then look no further than the classic comedy A Fish Called Wanda . Directed by Charles Crichton and starring John Cleese , the movie was nominated for three Academy Awards ( Kevin Kline took home the 1989 Oscar for Best Actor In A Supporting Role). Not to mention a stand-out performance by Jamie Lee Curtis .

The user conspiringdog wrote on Reddit, “I always check to see if anyone’s mentioned A Fish Called Wanda when comedy questions come up. I think recommending it is basically my job now. A group of thieves and their lawyer frantically double-cross each other as they all try to recover the goods after a London heist. Great cast, infinity quotable, reliably brings me to tears of laughter.”

5 ‘Dumb and Dumber’ (1994)

Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber is the movie that put the Farrelly Brothers on the map. Jim Carey and Jeff Daniels are supercharged as two dim-witted fellas who embark on a misadventure to return a suitcase to a beautiful woman. It’s crass, juvenile, and laugh-until-you-cry hysterical.

TheKingInTheNorth said about the film, “I understand that sense of humor varies from person to person. But if someone I know does not think Dumb and Dumber is funny, I think less of them as a person.” This film gets extra points for being one of the best comedy movies of all time .

4 ‘Tropic Thunder’ (2008)

The cast of Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder is a raunchy comedy that doesn’t take itself too seriously. The story follows the production of a big-budget war movie where the actors end up in an actual war zone and must become the soldiers they’re depicting. Robert Downey Jr. earned an Oscar nom for Best Supporting Actor (in a role that could never happen today).

RELATED: The Best War Comedy Movies of the 21st Century

User hosndosn said, “I recently rewatched Tropic Thunder , and man… this movie is almost the perfect laugh-out-loud stupid parody movie. Yea. I’d actually put it at the top right now.” Ben Stiller , Jack Black , Jay Baruchel , and Brandon T. Jackson round out the amazing cast.

3 ‘Superbad’ (2007)

Seth and Evan complaining to Fogell about his fake iD in Superbad.

Superbad is a high school comedy movie for the ages. Best friends Evan and Seth (played brilliantly by Michael Cera and Jonah Hill ) have a wild night as they attempt to get their hands on some booze for the party of all parties. It’s the perfect depiction of the last weeks of school leading up to graduation.

Reddit user braujo said about the film, “It’s Superbad for me, and it’s not even close. Many movies have made me laugh hard, but there’s just something about Superbad that makes it the perfect comedy for me.” This one is so iconic that it’s easily one of the most quotable teen movies .

Watch on Netflix

2 ‘Airplane!’ (1980)

Leslie Nielsen, Robert Hays, and Otto in Airplane!

Leslie Nielsen gives a stand-out performance in the classic movie Airplane! This is slapstick comedy at its best. When the passengers and crew of a flight come down with food poisoning, it’s up to a traumatized ex-military pilot to land the plane safely. Uncontrollable hilarity ensues.

Redditor nautius_maximus1 wrote, “I’m old enough that I saw Airplane! in the theater as a kid. It blew my mind because the grown-ups seemed to be losing their minds. One lady kind of got hysterical and I remember her husband had to try to calm her down. We went back the next day to watch it again, so we could catch all the jokes we missed while laughing. I’d be really surprised if I ever see a movie that beats Airplane! “

1 ‘Raising Arizona’ (1987)

Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter holding baby Arizona in Raising Arizona

Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter play a married ex-con and ex-cop who kidnap a baby (from a set of quintuplets) when they can’t have one of their own. Directed by the Coen Brothers , Raising Arizona is out-of-control funny, and filled with quotable dialogue. Viewers should be prepared to laugh non-stop.

User ki11a11hippies wrote, “ Raising Arizona . I must have first seen it in Elementary School, and it is still the most painful gut-busting laughter I can remember. When the bad guy biker is introduced in a dream, he’s tossing hand grenades at bunny rabbits on the highway. I mean, come on, that’s f**king gold.”

Watch on Hulu

NEXT: Modern Raunchy Comedies Destined to Become Classics

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The idea of the greatest movies of all time is always debatable, but when it comes to the best movies, Reddit users have some strong opinions. The social networking site has a massive amount of film fans, and they pride themselves on their film knowledge and their understanding of history. Of course, there are also those who just are passionate about their favorite movies. This makes threads where Reddit movie fans start discussing the best movies in any specific genre entertaining to follow. When it comes to the ideas of the best movies of all time, Reddit offers an incredible starting point for people looking for something to watch.

Movies have been around for well over a century, starting with the silent era and moving through various stages along the way. There have been periods where genres like Westers and horror movies ruled the day as well as eras where independent cinema won out at the box office. There are also blockbusters, superhero movies, and everything in between. While it is always subjective, the best debates about the best of the best involve understanding and explaining what makes a movie so good, and for the best movies, Reddit always has pundits who love to point out why their favorites should top the list.

15 12 Angry Men (1957)

The 12 Angry Men movie gathered together.

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Director Sidney Lumet did something amazing with 12 Angry Men . He created a courtroom drama that took place out of the courtroom, with almost the entire movie taking place in the juror's room as 12 men debated a murder case. The camera never left the room through almost the entire movie, although Lumet began to lower it and have it close in, showing the claustrophobia that the jurors felt as they argued over the case. The cast was top-notch and the suspense was high, as many on Reddit pointed out. Redditor devonta_smith wrote, " It’s timeless and transcends generations. Tightly shot and flows like water through its runtime, every scene has a purpose ."

14 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption

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Frank Darabont adapted a Stephen King story into what many people consider to be the best movie of all time. The Shawshank Redemption sits on many best-of lists, including topping the IMDb list of highest-rated movies of all time. What really helps Shawshank Redemption hold its high status is that it is a movie that is hopeful and inspirational, the story of a man who never gives up hope, even when all seems lost. ArziltheImp wrote, " It's a brilliant movie, that depicts something authentically, its really well shot, acting performances are great. " They went on to praise it as one of the best movies Reddit saw by writing, " It just hits on every single aspect. "

Related: The Shawshank Redemption: 10 Things That Still Hold Up Today

13 Back To The Future (1985)

Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox in Back to the Future

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Robert Zemeckis has always been on the cutting edge of movie tech throughout his entire career. It really all started for him in 1985 with the science fiction movie, Back to the Future . The movie saw young Marty McFly sent back in time to when his parents were in school. However, he messes up the timeline and has to fix it all before he ends up being wiped out of existence. Serbutters wrote, " The execution of this movie is perfect ." They praised the characters, actors, and said the music was the best ever written for the screen. They finished by calling it one of the best movies Reddit saw, writing, " Entertainment at its finest. "

12 Goodfellas (1990)

Goodfellas cast looking seriously at the camera

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Martin Scorsese has made a lot of gangster movies in his career, but the best of the best might be his 1990 release, Goodfellas . Based on the true story of Hendy Hill, a mob associate who rose up the ranks of the mafia only to turn over evidence to avoid jail, this movie picked up six OPscart nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director. With a cast including Joe Pesci (who won an Oscar), Ray Liotta, and Robert De Niro, the movie was a masterclass of cinema. Spaxkillerzzz wrote, " It's crazy how every scene is rewatchable in the movie and doesn't get boring ." It has since been added to the National Film Registry for preservation.

11 The Thing (1982)

Kurt Russell holding dynamite in The Thing.

It seems almost hard to believe that The Thing was the movie that almost ruined John Carpenter's career. It was a box office bomb and cost Carpenter at least one job after that . However, it has stood the test of time as one of the best movies Reddit ever saw. The movie stars Kurt Russell as a pilot at an Antarctic research station when a shape-shifting alien attacks and starts to morph into the various people there to kill them one by one. DarthRampage wrote, " It was just a perfect horror movie that was original, innovative, intelligent, entertaining, and creepy. " They went on to say that they wished they could experience movies like this again.

10 Pulp Fiction (1994)

Jules and Vincent aiming their guns in Pulp Fiction.

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Pulp Fiction is widely considered director Quentin Tarantino’s masterpiece, with the renowned comedy crime film telling different stories about Los Angeles’ criminal underworld. Iconic characters like Vincent Vega , Mia Wallace, and Butch Coolidge are introduced through the movie, which depicts their wild misadventures ranging from collecting a mysterious briefcase to saving someone from a heroin overdose. KneeHighMischief writes attests that Pulp Fiction is "the first thing that popped into my head upon reading the question " of what the best movie of all time is — and many Redditors seem to agree. With its unique plot, vibrant characters, and stylistic visuals, it’s not surprising that it’s a fan favorite.

9 Alien (1979)

Ellen Ripley in an astronaut suit looking up in Alien 1979

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Set in the future on the commercial space tug Nostromo, Alien is centered on a crew’s fight for survival after an extraterrestrial creature boards their ship. This is the result of a creepy encounter with an abandoned spacecraft, which leads to the alien’s intrusion on the Nostromo. It’s one of the best movies Reddit ever saw for Green_Impression2429 because it’s “ the only horror movie that scares [them] every time [they] watched it. ” Despite being released over 40 years ago, it holds up incredibly well thanks to its brilliant use of atmosphere, sound, and practical effects to achieve its terrifying sequences.

Related: Every Alien Movie in the Franchise, Ranked From Worst To Best

8 Amélie (2001)

Audrey Tautou in Amelie

The whimsical rom-com Amélie tells the story of the titular character, a loner who spent most of her childhood isolated from others by her parents. When she lands a job in an idyllic Parisian café, she appreciates the small things and makes it her mission to bring happiness to others in creative and thoughtful ways. The Redditor angel19999 doesn’t have to say much beyond “ Amélie ” on a post about the best movies Reddit ever saw, but the number of upvotes shows how many support it as a must-watch movie. The feel-good tone of Amélie hits all the marks, with its artsy visuals, charming soundtrack, and well-written protagonist who’s easy to root for.

7 Children Of Men (2006)

Theo and Kee walking in Children of Men.

Often cited alongside the best sci-fi movies ever made , Children of Men takes place in a dystopian future where decades of infertility have caused society to crumble. Asylum seekers flock to the United Kingdom, the last country with a functioning government. This is all seen through the civil servant Theo Faron’s eyes, as he embarks on a quest to help a refugee named Kee. When asked for the best movies Reddit ever saw, neonraisin chooses the thought-provoking film because it “ just seems like everything’s in it effortlessly. ” From its convincing world-building and powerful characters to its moving message and tear-jerking conclusion, it should be considered essential viewing.

6 Jurassic Park (1993)

Alan Grant distracts the T-Rex in Jurassic Park

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Jurassic Park is a film that needs no introduction. Set on the fictional Isla Nublar, it portrays the disastrous events that follow after a shutdown of the park’s safety precautions and facilities, which gives the de-extinct dinosaurs freedom to roam and hunt the island’s visitors and resident scientists. Gbaby245 details how they “love the original storyline” because it’s “well written, and the original dino creations look so much better than CGI.” Many would agree with their opinion, given the low ratings of the more recent entries in the franchise, which just don’t come close to the unique viewing experience only the original can provide.

5 Parasite (2019)

Cho Yeo-jeong in Parasite

The comedy thriller film Parasite rightly became an international hit when it was first released, becoming an instant classic known for its jarring twist and powerful message. The movie is centered on a low-income family’s attempts at infiltrating a wealthy family’s home by posing as skilled workers. In a thread about the best films of all time, MustachioBashio admits that they’re not sure if “ this is recency bias but Parasite ” when suggesting their number one movie. The film’s original plot and shocking midpoint twist quickly became a global topic of discussion, with the director and cast eventually earning awards for their work.

4 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004)

Joel and Clementine lying on frozen ice in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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When Joel Barish discovers that his girlfriend Clementine Kruczynski had her memories of him erased in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind , he decides to do the same out of spite and anger. Large parts of the film are set inside Joel’s mind , as he experiences the erasure procedure by going through the worst and then best parts of his relationship with Clementine. Ritapoo recounts how " I watched this when I was heartbroken and it hit me so hard. I have only seen it once but I will always say it was the best movie i have ever seen!". The heartbreaking film is an intimate portrait and fascinating perspective of a breakup, which becomes even more painful once Joel realizes too late that he doesn’t want to lose memories of the love of his life.

3 Baby Driver (2017)

Baby puts his headphones in from Baby Driver

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A talented getaway driver uses music to make sure he’s performing at his best in Baby Driver , but the trajectory of his life changes after he falls in love. The titular protagonist believes he can escape his life of crime, but the ruthless boss who controls him thinks otherwise. The user Desperate_Wrap1501 feels the film “ is mentioned less than other Edgar Wright movies, " but that they “ honestly think it’s his best one. ” The Redditor especially applauds the attention to detail like the changing graffiti in the background, not to mention the killer soundtrack that elevated the entire movie to a whole new level of entertainment.

2 How To Train Your Dragon (2010)

Hiccup and Toothless in How To Train Your Dragon

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Often considered one of the best DreamWorks movies , How to Train Your Dragon birthed an entire franchise that has amassed a loyal fandom over the years. The original fantasy film takes place in a mythical Viking village where the awkward teen Hiccup hopes to prove his dragon-slaying abilities by killing a rare Night Fury, which he ends up befriending instead. The user nwdogr considers it one of the best movies Reddit ever saw because while “it doesn't contain any of the most jaw-dropping moments in movie history, [...] as a package it is impeccable. ” They go on to describe how it has an “ amazing soundtrack, excellent voice acting, zero-fat script, ” and is “ heartfelt, genuine, consequential, rewatchable, and full of character development. ”

Related: How To Train Your Dragon Trilogy, Ranked Worst To Best

1 Se7en (1995)

Detective Mills holding papers in Se7en.

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Se7en is a popular psychological thriller film that tells the story of Detective David Mills who teams up with the experienced William Somerset to track down a serial killer. The murderer incorporates the seven deadly sins in his crimes, leaving grotesque scenes that only add to the pressure the authorities are already feeling. A Reddit user writes how “being a thriller fanatic, ” they have to pick the movie as one of the best movies Reddit has seen. Its brilliant story and genuinely surprising twist make it an unforgettable one, with amazing performances from its cast only making it more riveting and worth watching at least once.

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‘deadpool vs. wolverine’ in 3d is a welcome blast from the past.

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In Deadpool vs Wolverine , the former declares, in character, that he is, “Marvel Jesus” – saving the MCU with his dual katanas and his seemingly bottomless bag of quips. Critically, it’s a classic case of critics vs audience. For anyone in the “Marvel movies are the death of narrative cinema” brigade – this will be exhibit ‘A’ in the prosecution – judging by fan reactions and the office box office though: the cinema-going public is loving it. Personally, it got me onside – I found it hugely entertaining: a hilarious riot of snark, over-the-top action, and ridiculous costumes. In terms of style and approach it's amazing to think that The Eternals and Deadpool vs Wolverine , occupy the same cinematic universe – though only technically, thanks to the get-out-of-any-jail-free card that is the multiverse.

Just as the multiverse allows characters from different universes to interact, it also seems to enable Deadpool to know about our world: the plot, such as it is, is mainly about movie IP: as in intellectual property rather than internet packets: though if Ryan Reynolds wants to do a Deadpool version of that movie, I’d probably watch it. Either way, it's safe to say that Martin Scorsese isn't going to sing its praises.

Deadpool vs Wolverine is a must seen in IMAX 3D - but as it's likely not showing in that format ... [+] anymore you'll have to either get a time travel pad from the TVA or check in out in a regular screen in RealD - which is probably easier.

I saw it at an early IMAX showing and as I went in, I was surprised to be handed a pair of 3D glasses. As I complained back in 2021, when I saw Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings , a 3D presentation was absent, so seeing it on offer once again was a surprise: especially as the first two Deadpool movies did not have 3D versions created.

Deadpool vs Wolverine was not filmed natively in 3D and has been post-converted and is available in both 3D IMAX and RealD 3D. While filmed with the IMAX-certified Arri Alexa LF, the film is a 2:39:1 aspect ratio in all theaters, with no scenes using the IMAX Digital 1.90:1 format: there’s also no 48fps or Truecut Motion magic going on, it’s all 24fps.

3D is considered by many people to be silly irreverent and unnecessary – and when done properly: a huge amount of fun – which sounds like it should be a perfect match for Deadpool: and so, it proved.

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‘can’t wait to debate’: walz says he’s eager to face 'creepy' and 'weird' vance, today’s nyt mini crossword clues and answers for wednesday, august 7th.

While many people only think about 3D as stuff coming at you out of the screen, what I love about it is also how it gives depth and beauty to landscapes – especially when there are large vistas – it certainly did that for the scenes set in the Void. However, that's not to say that there wasn't a heck of a lot of flying pointy scimitars in-your-face stuff going on as well - there certainly was. The opening credits have a frankly silly amount of body parts and credits flying around the screen and 3D is the way it should be seen. At one point a katana comes out of the screen so effectively that you'll feel you're in danger of getting an unwanted haircut if you are leaning forward. My favourite 3D moment though comes towards the end, when the heroes burst out of the back of a bus with glass shattering in slow motion – not just forward but breaking the 2.:39:1 frame of the movie – it's very effective stuff.

Sadly, theaters only seem to offer the IMAX 3D version for early showings, and. Like Deadpool joining the MCU, I’m a little late to the party, so if you fancy 3D for this, RealD is likely your only option. If you do, it’s worth seeking out a screen that you know has a good, bright digital projector. The only downside of the 3D IMAX is that it was a tad dimmer than I would have liked. I saw it in a local theatre with single-laser projection and I feel it would have benefited greatly from a bright dual-laser projection.

Alternatively, you can also see it in 3D in 4DX showings. Having seen Twisters in that format recently, I’m sure Deadpool vs Wolverine would work well for that too. So while unexpected, I was glad to have caught this one in 3D. It seems that the industry is getting the balance right and having lurched from offering 3D for everything where it was wanted or needed, to banishing it seemingly altogether, it understands that for the right movie, and done the right way, 3D has its place.

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10 Hilarious Movies You Probably Haven't Seen, According to Reddit


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The 10 Best 'Forrest Gump' Quotes, Ranked

10 movie characters who don't appear until the end, every solo 'mothra' movie, ranked.

Comedy isn’t just one of the oldest cinematic genres but one of the most universally cherished. It has provided audiences with so much fun and escapist entertainment for over a century of film history. While there have been countless classics throughout that time, there have also been plenty of hilarious yet overlooked movies to which the vast majority of audiences haven’t been exposed.

With that in mind, the question was put to r/AskReddit concerning the funniest movies people don’t know about. The community’s answers came thick and fast and included everything from criminally underrated modern masterpieces to forgotten gems of decades-long past.

10 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' (1999)


While it was met with underwhelming reviews and became a box office bomb upon release, Drop Dead Gorgeous has amassed a following to become a small cult comedy hit. Taking place in a small Minnesota town, the mockumentary follows the peculiar and deadly incidents in the town leading up to a highly competitive beauty pageant.

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The film actually flaunts a fantastic cast, with Kirsten Dunst starring while Allison Janey , Ellen Barkin , Denise Richards , and Kirstie Alley also appeared, and Amy Adams made her acting debut. The user Lala5789880 described the film as being “completely over the top satirical mockumentary style but the acting is amazing.”

9 'Johnny Dangerously' (1984)

Young crook Johnny Dangerously (Michael Keaton) wears a suit and a hat as he stands in the street.

An undervalued highlight of ridiculous ‘80s comedy that hearkened back to the gangster flicks of the 1930s, Johnny Dangerously was as sharp as it was absurd. It stars Michael Keaton as Johnny Kelly, a good-natured man who moonlights as up-and-coming mobster Johnny Dangerously to fund his mother’s medical bills and his brother’s law school studies.

Amy Heckerling ’s direction imbued the film with a fast-paced wit and an off-kilter quality, which likely contributed to its small target audience and its cult status in equal measure. The user wanderer3131 praised the film on the Reddit forum, listing its impressive comedy cast and describing it as “freaking hilarious.”

8 'Strange Brew' (1983)

strange brew image

A simple beer comedy that found an endearing charm in its lowbrow earnestness, Strange Brew was a Canadian comedy film that helped launch Rick Moranis ’ career in Hollywood. An extension of SCTV's Bob and Doug McKenzie skit, the film was loosely based on Hamlet , following the two bumbling brothers as they land jobs at their favorite brewery where they learn of a Bremeister Smith's ( Max von Sydow ) evil scheme to take over the world.

It is completely ridiculous, but therein lies its appeal as Bob (Moranis) and Doug ( Dave Thomas ) combine saving humanity with downing copious amounts of beer. The user kwixta mentioned it on the forum, and it seemed a popular pick, with many Redditors responding with their favorite quotes that celebrate the Canadian quirkiness of the cult film.

7 'Kung Fu Hustle' (2004)

Stephen Chow and two other men standing behind him with axes in 'Kung Fu Hustle'

Coming from China, Kung Fu Hustle became a cult sensation and a critically lauded martial arts comedy, which became a box office success. Given its focus on lampooning martial arts movies, it was always going to be targeted at a specific audience, which has seen the film fail to become the widespread hit it so thoroughly deserved.

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From the mind of Stephen Chow , who directed, co-wrote, and starred in it, Kung Fu Hustle follows two petty con men who find themselves embroiled in a notorious gang’s feud with a small town that houses three kung fu masters. The user HugeAppeal2664 praised the film, commenting, “not just hilarious but it also has very good action sequences.”

6 'The Nice Guys' (2016)

The Nice Guys' Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe bending down to investigate

As a major Hollywood comedy, The Nice Guys may not be the most obscure film ever made, but it hasn’t become the landmark success it should have been given it was arguably the best comedy of the 2010s. Set in 1977 Los Angeles, the crime-comedy follows a private eye and a violent enforcer as they work together to investigate a missing girl linked to the death of a porn star.

The chemistry between stars Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe was nothing short of perfection. It enabled every gag and send-up of neo-noir mystery movies to land exactly as intended. The user SuperArppis expressed their surprise at the film’s underwhelming box office performance before saying, “it had me laughing all the way through and it is also a very well done detective movie.”

5 'Dirty Work' (1998)

Two slacker buddies sit next to each other in a green house in 'Dirty Work'.

An off-kilter buddy film armed with black comedy and some of American cinema’s most revered comics, Dirty Work , has come to be viewed in a better light today than it was upon release. It follows Mitch Weaver ( Norm McDonald ), an aimless slacker who starts a revenge-for-hire business with his friend Sam ( Artie Lange ) to make money fast when Sam’s dad has a heart attack requires a costly surgery.

The film was admittedly juvenile but has garnered a cult following off the back of the beloved Norm McDonald’s starring performance. The user bastardo1313 simply commented, “ Dirty Work . I miss Norm.” and was met with well over a thousand upvotes as others shared quotes from the overlooked film, which made them laugh most.

4 'Palm Springs' (2020)

Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti in 'Palm Springs'

With its cinematic release severely compromised by the pandemic, Palm Springs probably would have become a massive comedy hit with Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti in the starring roles, but sadly, it became more of an overlooked cult hit. It follows two wedding guests who find themselves stuck in a time loop and form a budding relationship as they re-live the same day over and over.

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While a time-loop rom-com is easily comparable to Groundhog Day , P alm Springs did well to differentiate itself from the start, becoming something refreshingly unique in the process. Responding to the Reddit chain, Reddit user Patricio_Guapo said, “ FANTASTIC movie. It has the same basic premise as Groundhog Day , but it goes in completely different direction.”

3 'Rat Race' (2001)

Competitors vying for a $2 million cash prize start racing against each other in 'Rat Race'.

It is frankly staggering that a film stacked with talent like Rowan Atkinson , John Cleese , Whoopi Goldberg , Seth Green , and Cuba Gooding Jr. , among many others, went almost completely unrecognized. Rat Race did just that, though, as negative critical reviews and competition with American Pie 2 and Rush Hour 2 undermined its comedic punch at the time and undoubtedly contributed to the film being overlooked.

It follows a Las Vegas casino magnate who organizes a race for people to find $2 million in a storage locker in New Mexico as a competition for his high rollers to bet on. The user benzilla04 ’s nomination of the film garnered 1.5k upvotes as he mentioned, “the Hitler car scene is my favorite.”

2 'Tucker & Dale vs. Evil' (2010)

Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine covered in blood in the woods in Tucker & Dale vs Evil

A farcical blending of slasher horror hysteria and happenstance comedy chaos, Tucker & Dale vs. Evil was a fantastic movie idea that failed to make a mark at the box office. The horror-comedy follows two brothers whose vacation to their cabin in the woods takes a dark turn when some holidaying teenagers mistake them for savage murderers and, in their panic, find increasingly absurd ways of accidentally killing themselves as they try to escape.

The film leaves no stone unturned in its endeavor to find humor in the classic tropes of horror cinema. It was also critically praised and well-received by general audiences who saw it, and many on the subreddit agreed with the user TreeShoeBeating that it was a great yet underrated comedy film.

1 'Top Secret!' (1984)

American rock star Nick Rivers (Val Kilmer) is apprehended by German officers.

Starring Val Kilmer in his cinematic debut, Top Secret! was an ambitious musical comedy that lampooned everything from Elvis Presley ’s movies to old-timey war and spy films. The plot follows an American rock star as he performs in East Germany, falls in love with a resistance fighter, and becomes embroiled in the underground movement’s plot to rescue his lover’s scientist father from the Germans who plan on using him to create a dangerous weapon.

It is as frenetic as it is wild, and with film icons like Omar Sharif and Peter Cushing appearing, it excels as a genuinely hilarious spoof movie. While it was a moderate hit for the time, it sadly has not endured in the public eye, but many Redditors did agree with the users Pristine_Solid9620 about its unappreciated brilliance.

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  1. What's the funniest movie you've ever seen? : r/flicks

    Monthy Python and the Holy Grail. Team America. It's Superbad for me, and it's not even close. Many movies have made me laugh hard but there's just something about Superbad that makes it the perfect comedy movie for me. "You don't want girls to thing you suck dick at fucking pussy". "Take off the vest, Fogel.

  2. What's the funniest negative review of a movie you've ever read?

    Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter is the worst thing to happen to Lincoln in a theatre. Freddy Got Fingered, also by Ebert; "This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels."

  3. The 50 Most Bizarrely Funny Movie Ratings : r/movies

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) - Rated PG for quirky situations, action and mild language. Define "quirky", and how it might affect kids. Matilda (1996) - Rated PG for elements of exaggerated meanness and ridicule, and for some mild language. Just a few elements of meanness, not the entire concept.

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    The worst movie of the year so far, the long-awaited biopic about the Gambino crime boss' rise from made man to top dog took four directors, 44 producers and eight years to make. It shows. The ...

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  6. 10 Most Gloriously Stupid Movies, According to Reddit

    9 'Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story' (2007) Image via Sony Pictures Releasing. Ripping on rock stars and self-important biopics in equal measure, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story excelled as a sharp ...

  7. 10 Best Smart Comedy Movies, According to Reddit

    9 'The Thin Man' (1934) Image via Loew's Inc. This comedy mystery stars William Powell as Nick Charles, a retired detective, and Myrna Loy as his wife Nora. The story kicks off when a friend of ...

  8. Chapter One: Chalice of Blood

    Ultimately watching the Director's Cut, Rebel Moon: Chapter One - Chalice of Blood (who the hell thought it was a genius move to rename the movie's subtitle? Hell even the marketing posters can't fathom the name changes!), after having already seen the first two PG-13 versions is an indisputable chore. Knowing you've got another 3 hours to go for the Director's Cut of Chapter Two may even ...

  9. Deadpool & Wolverine Review Roundup: What the Critics Are Saying

    Marvel Studios' Deadpool & Wolverine hits theaters July 26, but the review embargo for the film broke on Tuesday, and the early reaction from critics has been largely positive. The third ...

  10. Trap movie review & film summary (2024)

    Pop music really can change your life. That's part of the setup of M. Night Shyamalan's near-miss of a thriller "Trap," a movie that feels less like the Night Brand than a lot of his twisty ventures, a pared-down version of what he does that needed a round or two more of fleshing out its best ideas and amplifying its visual language.

  11. The Beast Within Review: Harrington's Werewolf Movie Is All Metaphor

    Imogen and Waylon try to conceal the truth about Noah's "condition" from Willow, but eventually curiosity gets the best of the young girl and she discovers where they take her dad at night.

  12. The 10 Most Rewatchable Comedies Ever, According To Reddit

    The World (2010) M_s_philips cites Scott Pilgrim vs. the World as the most rewatchable comedy movie ever, arguing that they "can and have watched it dozens of times and still chuckle at all the same spots." The action-comedy is based on a comic book, and few other movie adaptations of comic books have brought the source material to life like ...

  13. 'Trap' Review: Josh Hartnett in M. Night Shyamalan Concert Thriller

    Trap opens with Cooper (Hartnett), a dad-joke machine, and his daughter Riley (Ariel Donoghue) at a concert for pop sensation Lady Raven (Saleka Shyamalan).The stadium overflows with hyperactive ...

  14. 22 Of The Funniest Movie Reviews From Film Fans Of 2021

    Vote up the reviews that made you giggle. "Favorite Letterboxd review of 2021?" Over on Twitter, Letterboxd asked film fans for their favorite reviews from the site in 2021. And they did not disappoint. Over the year, the social media site for film lovers garnered quite a few hilarious reviews for both new and old movies.

  15. The scariest movies of all time, according to the curator of Shudder

    This is a completely irreplicable film, despite many trying to replicate the experience over the years. Its story [three film students investigating a murderous local legend] taps into deeply ...

  16. What's the funniest movie review you've read : r ...

    I love her reviews, but in some she really has her own agenda and forgets to be unbiased. I like her when she's roasting shit like Radhe, Kabir Singh, etc. She has a good knowledge of cinema, but there was this instance where she gave a negative review for a tamil anthology called "Paava Kadhaigal" which was about the horrific nature of ...

  17. Harold and the Purple Crayon movie review (2024)

    As someone who venerates Harold and the Purple Crayon, Crockett Johnson's 1955 hymn to the power of imagination (I gift every love one's new baby with a copy of the book with a purple crayon taped inside), the idea of a film adaptation has always filled me with a certain sense of trepidation. This is due to the somewhat uneven track record of past attempts to bring the great works of ...

  18. Why did Jordan Chiles' score change after floor exercise? Explaining

    At first, the judges flashed a 13.666, which slotted her into fifth place, but Chiles' coaches thought something was amiss with her score.

  19. The 10 Best Movies Of 2022 So Far, According To Reddit

    Movies that look like they were shot in a single take are becoming more and more popular. Whether it's the comedy Birdman or the war epic 1917, inventive filmmakers are continuously finding ways to fool audiences that their movies look like one shot.However, Boiling Point actually was filmed in one take. User Ionlyspeakfactz gives two simple reasons why they think it's the best movie of 2022 ...

  20. 10 Most Unintentionally Funny Movies of All Time, According to Reddit

    5 'Samurai Cop' (1991) In the movie Samurai Cop, Joe Marshall and Frank Washington are two determined detectives who will stop at nothing to bring down the Katana, a rogue Yakuza gang made up of ...

  21. 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' review: Emma Myers shines as a sleuth

    Small and slight, with big, expressive, wide-set eyes, a forehead made for writing thoughts upon and the mouth of a silent movie star, at 22 she makes an entirely credible 17-year-old — scared ...

  22. The 60 Best Movie Comedies on Netflix

    Julie & Julia (2009)77%. #50. Critics Consensus: Boosted by Meryl Streep's charismatic performance as Julia Child, Julie and Julia is a light, but fairly entertaining culinary comedy. Synopsis: Frustrated with a soul-killing job, New Yorker Julie Powell (Amy Adams) embarks on a daring project: she vows to prepare...

  23. Italian Boxer Quits Bout, Sparking Furor Over Gender at Olympics

    The Italian, Angela Carini, stopped fighting only 46 seconds into her matchup against Imane Khelif of Algeria, who had been barred from a women's event last year.

  24. The best sci-fi movies of the year so far

    Here are the best sci-fi movies of 2024 from around the world and where to watch them, including great new sci-fi movies on Netflix and hits like Dune Part 2.

  25. 14 Funniest Movies of All Time, According to Reddit

    A user took to r/movies to ask what the hands-down funniest movies of all time were. Redditors came out in a big way to give love to their favorite films, and it's an epic thread (that's filled with killer flicks). ... Director's Cuts movie review (2024) ... these comedy films were nominated by Reddit as being the very best the genre has to ...

  26. Funnymoviereviews

    Up (in a nutshell) The movie "Up" is about an old man that tries to have one last adventure and ends up killing hiss childhood hero with a young boy in South America. 2 0. Share. u/Justin2get. • 3 yr. ago An IMDB review fitting many movies. "THE REVIEW.

  27. 15 Best Movies Of All Time (According To Reddit)

    11 The Thing (1982) Stream now on Tubi. It seems almost hard to believe that The Thing was the movie that almost ruined John Carpenter's career. It was a box office bomb and cost Carpenter at least one job after that. However, it has stood the test of time as one of the best movies Reddit ever saw.

  28. 'Deadpool Vs. Wolverine' In 3D Is A Welcome Blast From The Past

    Sadly, theaters only seem to offer the IMAX 3D version for early showings, and. Like Deadpool joining the MCU, I'm a little late to the party, so if you fancy 3D for this, RealD is likely your ...

  29. 10 Funniest Movies You Probably Haven't Seen, According to Reddit

    9 'Johnny Dangerously' (1984) Image via 20th Century Fox. An undervalued highlight of ridiculous '80s comedy that hearkened back to the gangster flicks of the 1930s, Johnny Dangerously was as ...

  30. Funniest

    Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets ... Netflix's 100 Best ...