Programming DSA using Python Nptel Week 2 Assignment Answers

Are you looking for the Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python NPTEL Week 2 Assignment Answers 2024 ? You’re in the right place! This guide provides detailed solutions to the Week 2 assignment questions, covering key concepts in Python programming, data structures, and algorithms.

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Programming, DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers

Programming DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers (July-Dec 2024)

Q1.One of the following 10 statements generates an error. Which one? (Your answer should be a number between 1 and 10.)

x = [[3,5],”mimsy”,2,”borogove”,1] # Statement 1 y = x[0:50] # Statement 2 z = y # Statement 3 w = x # Statement 4 x[1] = x[1][:5] + ‘ery’ # Statement 5 y[1] = 4 # Statement 6 w[1][:3] = ‘fea’ # Statement 7 z[4] = 42 # Statement 8 x[0][0] = 5555 # Statement 9 a = (x[3][1] == 1) # Statement 10

Q2.Consider the following lines of Python code.

b = [43,99,65,105,4] a = b[2:] d = b[1:] c = b d[1] = 95 b[2] = 47 c[3] = 73

Which of the following holds at the end of this code?

a[0] == 47, b[3] == 73, c[3] == 73, d[1] == 47 a[0] == 65, b[3] == 105, c[3] == 73, d[1] == 95 a[0] == 65, b[3] == 73, c[3] == 73, d[1] == 95 a[0] == 95, b[3] == 73, c[3] == 73, d[1] == 95

Answer: a[0] == 65, b[3] == 73, c[3] == 73, d[1] == 95

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These are Programming DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers

Q3. What is the value of endmsg after executing the following lines?

startmsg = “anaconda” endmsg = “” for i in range(1,1+len(startmsg)): endmsg = endmsg + startmsg[-i]

Answer: “adnocana”

Q4. What is the value of mylist after the following lines are executed?

def mystery(l): l = l[2:] return(l)

mylist = [7,11,13,17,19,21] mystery(mylist)

Answer: [7,11,13,17,19,21]

These are Nptel Programming DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers

Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python NPTEL All weeks: Click Here

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Programming DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers (JULY-DEC 2023 )

These are Programming Data Structure And Algorithms Assignment 2 Answers

Q1. One of the following 10 statements generates an error. Which one? (Your answer should be a number between 1 and 10.) x = [“slithy”,[7,10,12],2,”tove”,1] # Statement 1 y = x[0:50] # Statement 2 z = y # Statement 3 w = x # Statement 4 x[0] = x[0][:5] + ‘ery’ # Statement 5 y[2] = 4 # Statement 6 z[4] = 42 # Statement 7 w[0][:3] = ‘fea’ # Statement 8 x[1][0] = 5555 # Statement 9 a = (x[4][1] == 1) # Statement 10

Q2. Consider the following lines of Python code. b = [23,44,87,100] a = b[1:] d = b[2:] c = b d[0] = 97 c[2] = 77 Which of the following holds at the end of this code? a[1] == 77, b[2] == 77, c[2] == 77, d[0] == 97 a[1] == 87, b[2] == 87, c[2] == 77, d[0] == 97 a[1] == 87, b[2] == 77, c[2] == 77, d[0] == 97 a[1] == 97, b[2] == 77, c[2] == 77, d[0] == 97

Answer: a[1] == 87, b[2] == 77, c[2] == 77, d[0] == 97

Q3. What is the value of endmsg after executing the following lines? startmsg = “python” endmsg = “” for i in range(1,1+len(startmsg)): endmsg = startmsg[-i] + endmsg

Answer: python

Q4. What is the value of mylist after the following lines are executed? def mystery(l): l = l[1:] return() mylist = [7,11,13] mystery(mylist)

Answer: [7,11,13]

Assignment Question s

Question 1 A positive integer m is a prime product if it can be written as p×q, where p and q are both primes. Write a Python function primeproduct(m) that takes an integer m as input and returns True if m is a prime product and False otherwise. (If m is not positive, your function should return False.) Here are some examples of how your function should work.

Write a function delchar(s,c) that takes as input strings s and c, where c has length 1 (i.e., a single character), and returns the string obtained by deleting all occurrences of c in s. If c has length other than 1, the function should return s Here are some examples to show how your function should work.

Write a function shuffle(l1,l2) that takes as input two lists, 11 and l2, and returns a list consisting of the first element in l1, then the first element in l2, then the second element in l1, then the second element in l2, and so on. If the two lists are not of equal length, the remaining elements of the longer list are appended at the end of the shuffled output. Here are some examples to show how your function should work.

More Weeks of Programming Data Structure And Algorithms Using Python: Click here

More Nptel Courses: Click here

Programming, DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers (JAN-APR 2023)

Q1. One of the following 10 statements generates an error. Which one? (Your answer should be a number between 1 and 10.)

Q2. Consider the following lines of Python code.

After these execute, which of the following is correct? a. x[2] == 487, y[0] == 397, u[2] == 487, w[0] == 357 b. x[2] == 487, y[0] == 357, u[2] == 487, w[0] == 357 c. x[2] == 487, y[0] == 397, u[2] == 397, w[0] == 357 d. x[2] == 487, y[0] == 357, u[2] == 397, w[0] == 357

Answer: a. x[2] == 487, y[0] == 397, u[2] == 487, w[0] == 357

Q3. What is the value of second after executing the following lines?

Answer: ‘aedsoe’

Q4. What is the value of list1 after the following lines are executed?

Answer: [88, 53, 12, 88, 53, 97, 62]

Assignment Question

1. A positive integer m can be partitioned as primes if it can be written as p + q where p > 0, q > 0 and both p and q are prime numbers. Write a Python function primepartition(m) that takes an integer m as input and returns True if m can be partitioned as primes and False otherwise. (If m is not positive, your function should return False.) Here are some examples of how your function should work.

2. Write a function matched(s) that takes as input a string s and checks if the brackets “(” and “)” in s are matched: that is, every “(” has a matching “)” after it and every “)” has a matching “(” before it. Your function should ignore all other symbols that appear in s. Your function should return True if s has matched brackets and False if it does not. Here are some examples to show how your function should work.

3. A list rotation consists of taking the first element and moving it to the end. For instance, if we rotate the list [1,2,3,4,5], we get [2,3,4,5,1]. If we rotate it again, we get [3,4,5,1,2]. Write a Python function rotatelist(l,k) that takes a list l and a positive integer k and returns the list l after k rotations. If k is not positive, your function should return l unchanged. Note that your function should not change l itself, and should return the rotated list. Here are some examples to show how your function should work.

More Weeks of Programming Data Structure And Algorithms: Click Here

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Programming DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers(JULY-DEC 2022 )

Answer: c – a[0] == 65, b[3] == 73, c[3] == 73, d[1] == 95

Answer: ‘anaconda’

Assignment Answers

Q1. Write a function intreverse(n) that takes as input a positive integer n and returns the integer obtained by reversing the digits in n. Write a function matched(s) that takes as input a string s and checks if the brackets “(” and “)” in s are matched: that is, every “(” has a matching “)” after it and every “)” has a matching “(” before it. Your function should ignore all other symbols that appear in s. Your function should return True if s has matched brackets and False if it does not. Write a function sumprimes(l) that takes as input a list of integers l and retuns the sum of all the prime numbers in l.

These ar e Nptel Programming DSA using Python Week 2 Assignment Answers


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R Programming Project 1

github repo for rest of specialization: Data Science Coursera

For this first programming assignment you will write three functions that are meant to interact with dataset that accompanies this assignment. The dataset is contained in a zip file that you can download from the Coursera web site.

Although this is a programming assignment, you will be assessed using a separate quiz.

The zip file containing the data can be downloaded here: [2.4MB] Description: The zip file contains 332 comma-separated-value (CSV) files containing pollution monitoring data.

Part 1 ( pollutantmean.R )

Part 2 ( complete.r ), part 3 ( corr.r ).


SUSANKI commented Jul 30, 2020

Thank u so much, It's a little bit complicated for me @-@

Sorry, something went wrong.


Cyberclip commented Sep 14, 2020

Here it says when I try to do part 1 that there's no package named 'data.table', what should I do?


harshit229 commented Oct 7, 2020

use rstudio


Romeroc3 commented Dec 27, 2020 • edited Loading

Thank you very much for this assignment information. I am currently doing my case study on the refugee situation and I need to study data science to analyze the data. Interestingly, the idea for the research came spontaneously when I read in preparation for lesson. These free essay examples got me interested more in migration and globalization issue. Therefore, I decided to do a little research, but I lack the skills to do a high-quality analysis of big data.


kennethwoanyah commented Feb 3, 2021

@SUSANKI yep, complicated for me too . lol. Works perfectly though.


flaviaouyang commented Feb 18, 2021

you need to install the package. install.packages(data.table)


Bell-016 commented Feb 23, 2021

I am very frustrated with this course. I took it assuming it will explain things from the beggining for a beginner, but the first assignment to me is unreadble, I would never give this answer because I felt I never learn this things you used for your answer.


utamadonny commented Mar 16, 2022

i run the corr.R and it return "Error in eval(bysub, parent.frame(), parent.frame()) : object 'ID' not found"


Rushield commented Apr 9, 2022

Bruh this course is just annoying because it ain't show us how to do those things, even understanding your simplified code in a week 2 is damn hard.


emcdowell28 commented Dec 15, 2022

You and me both. I've been using multiple other online textbooks to try and gain any kind of fundamental understanding of this material. I don't usually struggle with things like this, but nothing makes me feel more unintelligent than being tested over things we haven't even been taught yet.

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  • by Anderson Hitoshi Uyekita
  • Last updated about 2 years ago
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