
🖋 50 Impactful Memoir Writing Prompts to Get You Writing TODAY

If you’re thinking about writing your memoir but facing a blank page, I have a few great memoir writing prompts that will get you writing TODAY . Let’s do this! ⚡️

Writer’s Block? Nah!

Creative writing prompts are useful tools for unlocking memories so you can get your life stories onto the page. I have a deep respect for the creative process, and I’m a fan of creative writing prompts because they work. They’re a diving board into your memories, helping to unlock past experiences you may have forgotten. If you struggle with writer’s block, memoir prompts are more like the well-meaning swim coach that gives you a purposeful nudge, right into the water. Once you’re in, you’re in! 🏊🏻‍♀️

Writing is an intuitive process, and this is especially true for memoir . It can be helpful to think about specific memories or moments in your life that were particularly meaningful to you. Other times, it can be helpful to focus on a specific theme or area of your life that you would like to explore in your writing. Don’t be surprised if you end up pivoting in a different direction, too. If you stay open, the story you are meant to write will reveal itself to you (this might sound silly, but it’s been true for me and all the books I’ve written ).

Creative writing prompts can be a warm-up to the actual writing, or the writing itself. You can decide the shape of your memoir once you know what you’re writing about and have generated enough material that can serve as the foundation of your memoir. You can smooth your prose and make everything cohere into a memoir everyone will want to read. 🤗

But right now? Get writing.

Using Creative Writing Prompts

Creative writing prompts and writing exercises that help you write your memoir by providing structure and ideas to get you started. They offer simple but thoughtful questions to help you excavate the stories that are wanting to be discovered. ⛏

Prompts can be as simple as asking you to describe a significant event in your life, or they can be open-ended, like asking you to write about a specific theme or feeling. Sometimes you’ll end up writing about something completely different than the memoir prompt, and that’s okay. Trust wherever it takes you.

The more writing you do, the more memories will get unlocked. Not only that, but a little bit of writing each day adds up to a lot of writing if you just keep going . And as an added bonus, you’ll be developing your writing skills with each prompt you write. 🏋🏻‍♀️

Memoirs are a great way to share your life story with the world. These prompts will help you get the most out of your writing and get your creative juices flowing.

Why Memoir Writing Matters

Memoir writing as a creative process that serves the writer and ultimately the reader. 🤓

For the writer, writing our personal narratives is a way to remember and process our own life experiences, to help us understand the significant events of our lives that helped shaped who we are. Writing these stories down can be a source of comfort and healing, providing a space to reflect on our past and make sense of our present. They offer a creative outlet for exploring our thoughts, feelings, and memories, and are a great way to connect with our past selves.

For the reader , memoirs can be a source of inspiration for others, offering a glimpse into someone else’s life and providing hope, motivation, and insight. I’ve always viewed memoir as proof that we’re not alone, that others have been through similar experiences and can relate to us. Great stories help us appreciate what we have in the present moment, and offer compassion for ourselves and others.

What are Some Good Memoir Topics to Write About?

biography essay prompts

Unless you already know what you want to write about in a memoir, and it can be difficult to know where to start. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Some good topics include your childhood, your family and friends, your education and career, your hobbies and interests, and any significant life events. These topics can also be used as creative writing prompts to help you get started on writing your memoir, even if you plan to focus on something different.

Most memoirs have a specific theme, which can help you frame your writing and your manuscript. Learn more about themes (vs topics) here , and download a printable list of themes that you can use while writing and revising your work.

Memoir Prompt Writing Tips

Before you begin, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Be honest and raw

Be honest with yourself and your writing. Don’t worry about putting on a show or looking perfect. Don’t start changing family members’ names because you’re worried they’ll get mad. Remember that no one is going to see your work at this stage unless you show it to them.

Experienced memoir writers know it takes many drafts to get to a polished manuscript, but you have to start at the beginning, and beginnings are usually pretty messy. Give yourself permission to write without any inhibitions — no censoring of your words or thoughts. Just get it down, and then decide what to do with it once you’re finished. If you really hate it or feel horribly embarrassed, you can always toss it out. But you probably won’t. 😉 

Write by hand

When it comes to writing prompts, I’m a strong proponent of writing by hand. Before you panic, you’ll only be doing this for ten minutes (see below), and there’s a connection that’s made between the brain and the page when you write by hand. I do most of my writing on my computer — I’m a fast typist and a fast thinker, so I prefer to have my fingers on the keyboard … except when I’m responding to a prompt. Something important happens when we write by hand, and it gets missed when we’re on the computer or on our phones.

If you’re not convinced, try it for one week and see what happens.

Establish a daily writing practice

When you decide you’re going to write, a daily practice helps keep you on track. Have a writing process in place ensures that you get the writing done, and with each day that passes, you become a better writer.

Some memoir writers swear by Julia Cameron’s morning pages , which I love but don’t always have the time to do. My recommendation is to set the bar low — begin with writing ten minutes a day. Choose a prompt, set the timer, and keep your hand moving (thank you, Natalie Goldberg ). When the timer goes off, stop. You can spend another 10 minutes revising and reshaping the work, or you can put it aside to rest.

If you do this daily, you’ll have 365 individual vignettes by the end of the year (366 if it’s a leap year). Whether you choose to use them in your memoir is up to you, but these are excellent starting points and you’ll usually find some gems in there, which you can submit individually to literary magazines or string together into a collection of personal essays or narratives. If micro memoirs are your thing, I have some proposed writing schedules here that might help.

The most important thing is to write, and write daily. 📆

Tell a story and give us details

Every memoir tells a specific story the writers wants to share. Memoirs are not a recounting of every fact or statistic of your entire life like an autobiography or biography, but a glimpse into a particular moment.

I like to use the example of a photograph — sometimes what is outside the frame is just as important as what’s inside the frame. Use sensory details to bring us in the moment with you. What’s happening?

When you’re ready, and once you’ve selected the pieces you want to spend time on, you can revise your work. This will give you a chance to do a deeper dive into whatever it is that want to say, and shape the work for a reader. But again, you don’t have to worry about that now, just be assured that you can “fix” whatever you need to fix, later. 👩🏻‍🔧

Fountain pen on paper.

Mem oir Writing Prompts & Ideas

Let’s get started! Use the following memoir prompts to get your creativity flowing. These open-ended prompts are very flexible so choose at random, switch them up, make them yours. Use them as a starting point, trust the process, and GO. 🏃🏻‍♀️

  • The Alphabet Autobiography (similar to the abecedarian poetic form). You’ll write one sentence of line for each letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. Start with the letter A, and think about something (or someone) in your life that begins with A. It doesn’t have to “important” — don’t overthink it. Go with whatever comes up first, and keep going until you reach the end of the alphabet.
  • Write about a family heirloom.
  • What were the cartoon characters of your childhood, and which one did you identify with?
  • Write about your first best friend. 
  • Not everyone has owned a pet, but we all have animal companions in some form. Think stuffed animal, class pet, a totem animal. Write about the first one that comes to mind.
  • Write about a favorite teacher. 
  • What’s the first thing you did this morning? 
  • Have you ever had a near-death experience?
  • Write about your first love.
  • What was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in high school?
  • What is the best memory you have of a place you traveled to?
  • When was the last time you saw a relative you don’t know very well? Tell us what you think about them. How are they related to you?
  • Tell us about your favorite article of clothing. Where did you get it, why do you love it, what does it say about you?
  • What was the first thing you ever bought yourself?
  • What is your favorite gift you’ve ever given (or received)?
  • Who do you love to spend time with? Why?
  • Think of a time you lied.
  • Think of a time when you stole something.
  • Think of a time when you laughed so hard, you cried.
  • Think of a time when you felt triumphant.
  • Think of a time when you were completely and utterly in love.
  • What was the worst day of your life?
  • What’s your favorite season? Why?
  • What’s your favorite holiday? Why?
  • When were you the happiest you’ve ever been?
  • When you were the saddest you’ve ever been?
  • What is one of your most vivid memories of your parents?
  • When was the last time you felt jealous?
  • Write about a random act of kindness someone did for you. 
  • What is your favorite smell?
  • Write about your name. What does it mean? Do you have a nickname? Does it suit you?
  • What is something no one knows about you?
  • Tell us a recipe that you make by heart. How did you learn it? How often do you make it?
  • Did you have a comfort object growing up? What was it, and when did you need it?
  • Write about a recurring dream.
  • When you look in the mirror, what feature do you notice first? Write about that.
  • What was the first place you ever traveled to?
  • How has your worldview changed since you were a child?
  • What was your first car?
  • When was the last time you went swimming?
  • What’s a job you would love to do?
  • How many siblings do you have, and what are their names?
  • Tell us about your favorite kind of sandwich.
  • Write about your scars.
  • What’s your go-to cocktail?
  • How many times have you moved in your life?
  • Describe the house you grew up in.
  • How many tattoos and piercings do you have, and why did you get them?
  • Write about the last time you were in nature, and what happened.
  • Write about a camping trip.

More Great Resources

  • Experiment with micro memoirs and establish a simple writing practice to help you write regularly.
  • Read this post,  10 Tips on How to Write a Book About Your Life , for an overview of the writing process.
  • Read this post, Top 10 Must-Read Books on How to Write a Memoir , which features books by some great writers of the genre.
  • Want to know when I add more prompts? Join my newsletter ! 💌

How to write a biography essay

Picture of Ibrahim Akturk

  • March 29, 2022

A biography essay is a type of academic writing that tells the story of someone’s life, typically focusing on their achievements, struggles, and impact on the world.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling biography essay that engages readers and tells the story of a person’s life in a meaningful way.

Choose a person to write a biography

First you need to choose a person to write about. The person should have made significant contributions to his/her respective field. This person should also be well-known as you will need resources to find information.

For this guide, we will be writing our biography essay on French-Algerian philosopher and author Albert Camus . There’re some reasons why Albert Camus is a suitable topic for a biography essay:

  • He is an influential person in his field.
  • He has many works that we can refer to in our essay .​
  • There are many reliable sources where we can find information about him. ​

Gather information on the person

You need some information about your the person you chose. While getting this information, pay attention to two main factors: the credibility of your source and what information you are putting in your essay.

Credibility of your source

  • Does this source have any authors and/or editors listed?
  • Does this source cite or link to trustworthy sources?​
  • Is this source prepared professionally?​

If your sources check all the boxes, they are most likely reliable sources . However, if a source doesn’t have any authors, has no citation, or is poorly written, consider it risky.

Information included in the essay

  • Is this information useful in the context of my essay?
  • Is this development remarkable in my subject’s life story? ​

You can definitely add the information if they meet these criteria. If not, it’s best to keep them out.

Use of important information on the person

Now, we will be choosing information from Albert Camus’ life story to include in our biography essay. 

  • Albert Camus was born on 7 November 1913 in French Algeria. (We choose to include this information because it is reasonable to start with this line for a biography essay.)
  • He published his essay The Myth of Sisyphus in the year 1942. (This information is essential because this essay explains his notion of “the absurd,” a philosophy he is widely known for.)​
  • He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. (This event is a significant acknowledgment of his works; therefore, it should be included.)​
  • He died on 4 January 1960 in France. (A reasonable ending point for a biography essay.) ​

Create an outline

essay outline structure

Preparing an outline is essential for biography essays just like any other essay . You can follow our typical outline preparing process in this step because biography essays also adhere to the traditional essay structure.

Biography Essay Outline Example

Albert Camus Biography Essay

  • Open with a curious quote by Albert Camus
  • Explain how Camus contributed to his field
  • Further explore Albert Camus' stance on the field
  • Present your thesis statement
  • Topic sentence of your paragraph
  • Albert's accomplishments and more personal information
  • Closing sentence
  • Restate your thesis statement
  • Mention the importance of Albert Camus
  • Finish your essay with memorable concluding sentences by highlighting Camus' importance

Important reminder

Write an introduction.

The introduction paragraph is crucial. Because you need to grab the reader’s attention at this part. This is where a hook sentence is useful. With a hook sentence , you can start your essay in multiple interesting directions for you reader: 

  • Start your introduction with a quote from your subject, especially one that reveals their personality.
  • Start with an intriguing story or an interesting anecdote about your subject. ​
  • Start by informing the reader about a significant accomplishment of your subject.​

Biography essay introduction example

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” This is a quote by French-Algerian philosopher, writer, and journalist Albert Camus. Camus was born in French Algeria on 7 November 1913. Opening: Intriguing quote that grabs the reader’s attention and summarizes Camus’ philosophy He is one of the most prominent writers of absurdist philosophical thought. Subject: A sentence which explains the subject’s contribution to their field. Through his works, Camus contributed to the rise of the absurdist philosophy, which was essentially a response to nihilism. Stance: Further explanation of the subject’s stance on the field He wrote works that conveyed an abiding faith in the human race’s displaced but still righteous situation. Thesis statement: You highlight your stand and main focus of the essay.

Biography essay body paragraphs

This is the section where the results of your research come in. Like other types of essays, body paragraphs are the central part of your biography essay (see biography essay example ).

Through these paragraphs, you will discuss the milestones in your subject’s life, their accomplishments, and their works.

Biography essay body paragraph example

During his literary career, Camus published his works in three cycles. In each cycle, he published a novel, an essay, and a play. The first cycle of his works was on “the absurd,” and they were published from 1942 to 1944. Topic sentence: Further exploration of the claim presented in the introduction. This cycle’s works were some of his most significant works: The Stranger as the novel, The Myth of Sisyphus as the essay, and Caligula as the play. Camus also explored the concepts “the revolt” and “the love” through the cycle structure. Subject’s accomplishments: Reveal of the subject’s extensive work on the field Through his major works, Camus earned the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he then published his work named Algerian Chronicles. This work revealed his pacifist tendencies. Personal information: Brief introduction into the subject’s personal reflections. After Camus’ death, two more works of his were released. One is his novel titled A Happy Death and an unfinished autobiographical novel named The First Man. Some of the significant themes Camus explores through his literary career are alienation, rebellion, and guilt. Closing sentence: Information on the subject’s identity.

Biography essay conclusion

In your conclusion paragraph , what you need to do is to bring in your final thoughts. Do not make the mistake (see common mistakes ) of only repeating the claims you made throughout the essay.

As an alternative, you can choose to tie your subject’s legacy into the current day . You can ask yourself these questions to figure out what to say in your conclusion paragraph:

  • What was my subject’s contribution to the ideas/events that are relevant today?
  • Are they still remembered? How do people honor their work?​
  • Out of the people that are significant today, who did my subject influence?​

Biography essay conclusion example

Camus died on 4 January 1960, when he was only 46 years old. He died in a car crash, and many scholars point out the “absurdity” of his death. Restatement: Connection with the subject’s main works Since Camus himself had previously stated that the most absurd way of dying he could think of would be a car accident, people regard his death as ironic. Today, Albert Camus is still considered to be one of the most significant thinkers of Western philosophy. Importance of the person: The subject’s relevancy today He is acknowledged as one of the most critical contributors of the absurdist philosophy. He is referred to as one of the best literary writers of his genre and one of the best thinkers of his age. Closing statement: Concluding sentences by highlighting the subject’s influence

Now you know all the separate parts of a biography essay and how to create them.  Remember that these steps can be used in all academic essays.

Before closing this article, let’s have a look at an extensive biography essay example on Mustafa Kemal Ataturk , you see below. 

5-Paragraph Biography Essay Example

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: The Modernizer of Turkey


Body paragraphs, key takeaways.

  • A biography essay should tell the story of a person's life, but also focus on their contributions and impact.
  • Start by doing thorough research and organizing your information into a chronological outline.
  • Use vivid details and anecdotes to bring your subject to life and make the essay engaging for the reader.
  • Incorporate analysis and reflection to help the reader understand the significance of the subject's life and work.
  • End with a strong conclusion that summarizes the key points and leaves the reader with a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a biography essay.

Start your biography essay by giving a general information about your subject, such as their profession or importance.

What is biography example?

Biography is a literary work in which a person’s life is narrated. They are based on facts, and the main purpose of them is educating people about well-known individuals.

How do you write an outline for a biography?

A proper biography outline should include details about the information that will be presented in the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Picture of Ibrahim Akturk

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How to Write a Biography in 8 Steps (The Non-Boring Way!)

Compelling biographies help us better connect with others while fostering empathy and understanding. Discover the steps to write one that captivates your audience!

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Have you ever been captivated by someone’s life story? From the ancient tales of great conquerors to the modern accounts of influential figures, biographies have enchanted readers and viewers for centuries. 

The stories of real people’s lives not only entertain and educate but also provide a unique window into the human experience. In fact, according to research 1 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8796048/ , human stories like biographies can help us better connect with others while fostering empathy and understanding.

In this article, let’s dive into how to write a compelling biography, from the research phase to delivery.

What Are the Key Elements of a Biography?

The key elements of a well-written biography bring characters to life. They include thorough research, relevant interviews, clear structure, captivating prose, compelling themes, and a balance between objectivity and empathy. 

  • Thorough research: Helps create an accurate portrayal of your subject
  • Relevant interviews: Insights help provide a deeper understanding of your subject
  • Clear structure: Helps you outline your ideas for a compelling narrative
  • Captivating prose: Provides descriptive language to paint a picture of your subject
  • Compelling themes: Showcases the motivations and desires behind your subject
  • A balance between objectivity and empathy: Keeps biases in check and allows your subject to shine for who they are

As you develop your biography, remember that these stories hold an enduring appeal because they offer people an opportunity to explore the depths of the human psyche, unravel extraordinary accomplishments, and discover the vulnerabilities and triumphs of individuals who have left their mark on the world. 

Here are the topics a biography typically covers:

  • Early life and background : Provide context about the subject’s upbringing, family, and cultural influences.
  • Achievements and milestones: Highlight notable accomplishments, contributions, and significant events throughout their life.
  • Challenges and struggles: Explore the obstacles they faced, the lessons learned, and how they overcame adversity.
  • Personal characteristics: Describe their personality traits, values, beliefs, and motivations that shaped their actions and decisions.
  • Impact and legacy: Discuss the lasting influence and contributions of the subject, both during their lifetime and beyond.

Ready to start crafting your biography? Find greater success with this helpful goal-setting resource!

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Do you set the same goals over and over again? If you’re not achieving your goals – it’s not your fault! Let me show you the science-based goal-setting framework to help you achieve your biggest goals.

Let’s look at the six key elements of a well-written biography more closely and the steps you can follow to develop your own.

How to Write a Biography in 8 Steps Using Key Elements

Choose your presentation format.

Presenting your biography can take on various forms, the most traditional being written form. The basis for this article assumes you’re writing a conventional biography; however, this foundation can also help you create a multimedia presentation or website as well. 

Consider these various formats to present your biography:

  • Traditional Written Biographies: This classic approach provides a comprehensive account of a person’s life through the written word. Traditional biographies can be published in print or ebooks , allowing readers to engage deeply with the subject’s story.
  • Multimedia Presentations: In the digital age, multimedia presentations offer a dynamic way to present biographies. Incorporate audio, video, photographs, and interactive elements to enhance the audience’s experience.
  • Online Platforms: Online platforms, such as blogs or dedicated biography websites, provide accessible avenues for sharing biographies. They allow for easy updates, reader engagement, and the incorporation of multimedia elements. 

Choose your subject and conduct research

To create a vivid and accurate portrayal of a person’s life, conduct extensive research. Dive into archives, read letters, examine diaries, explore photographs, and immerse yourself in the historical and cultural context surrounding your subject. This will help you unearth the small details that breathe life into your biography. 

Whether you’re writing a biography about a historical figure, contemporary icon, or everyday individual, you’ll want to consider the different factors to focus on. Here are some examples of three types of individuals and the kind of research that will be most helpful.

  • Historical Figures: When writing about historical figures, immerse yourself in their era. Understand the social, political, and cultural forces that shaped their lives. I recommend visiting your local library and connecting with a research librarian for support. Otherwise, other tools for historical research include Google Scholar. Analyze primary sources and multiple perspectives to present a well-rounded account.
  • Contemporary Icons: Biographies of modern icons offer a chance to delve into their ongoing impact. Conduct interviews or gather insights from their close associates to understand their present-day influence. Stay current with the latest developments, and be prepared to update your work as the subject’s story unfolds.
  • Everyday Individuals: Biographies need not be reserved for the famous. Every day individuals possess stories that can be just as compelling. Uncover the extraordinary within the ordinary, highlighting the struggles, triumphs, and personal growth of individuals who might otherwise remain unsung.
  • Yourself! Want to write a biography on yourself? Autobiographies are a great way to explore who you are. Get ready to do some serious self-reflection with the steps below.

Pro Tip: Compile your research digitally using helpful cloud filings systems like Google Drive , OneDrive , or Dropbox . Organize your files by category, including information about their youth, family, achievements, and life lessons. You may also choose to write down research references or collect paper clippings on note cards, categorizing your physical files of research along the way.

Develop compelling themes and motifs 

Identify overarching themes or motifs that emerge from the subject’s life. These could be resilience, ambition, love, or societal change. Weave these elements into the narrative, highlighting their significance and impact on the person’s journey. Here are some examples:

  • Overcoming Adversity: These biographies feature perseverance, resilience, and determination. Examples include Helen Keller, Nelson Mandela, and Malala Yousafzai.
  • Pursuit of Excellence: These biographies highlight people who have worked tirelessly to achieve their goals. Examples include Steve Jobs, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan.
  • Quest for Knowledge: These biographies focus on the curiosity that led to significant contributions to our world. Examples include Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Charles Darwin.
  • Personal Transformation: These biographies explore a change in beliefs, values, or priorities. Examples include Malcolm X, Oprah Winfrey, and Maya Angelou.
  • Legacy and Impact: These biographies examine a body of work that made a lasting contribution to society. Examples include Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, and Mahatma Gandhi.

Conduct relevant interviews 

Whenever possible, seek firsthand accounts from those who knew or interacted with the subject. Conduct interviews with family members, friends, colleagues, or experts in the field. Their insights and anecdotes can provide a deeper understanding of the person’s character and experiences.

When conducting interviews for a biography, consider the following tips to ensure a productive and insightful conversation:

  • Familiarize yourself with the interviewee’s background and accomplishments.
  • Develop a list of well-thought-out questions that cover key aspects of their lives and experiences, including questions about your subject’s youth, family, achievements, and life transitions or struggles.
  • Begin the interview by establishing a comfortable and friendly atmosphere to put the interviewee at ease.
  • Show genuine interest in their story and listen actively to their responses.
  • Ask open-ended questions encouraging detailed and reflective responses.
  • Avoid yes/no questions and ask for their insights, memories, and personal perspectives.
  • Some topics you might consider for your questions include early life, achievements, challenges, motivations, values, relationships, lessons learned, and advice.
  • Pay close attention to the interviewee’s answers, body language, and tone of voice.
  • Ask follow-up questions to clarify or delve deeper into specific topics.
  • Show empathy and understanding, creating a safe space for the interviewee to share personal or sensitive information.
  • Remain flexible during the interview, allowing the conversation to flow naturally.
  • Be prepared to deviate from your prepared questions if unexpected but relevant topics arise.
  • Respect the interviewee’s boundaries and be mindful of any topics they may not wish to discuss.
  • Take thorough and organized notes during the interview to capture important details.
  • Consider recording the interview (with permission) to ensure accurate quotes and references.
  • Ask for permission to follow up with additional questions or for clarification.
  • Doing a biography on yourself? Ask yourself deep questions to harvest new stories and anecdotes.

Remember, the goal of the interview is to gather valuable information and personal perspectives that will contribute to the authenticity and depth of your biography. Approach the interview process with sensitivity, respect, and genuine curiosity about the interviewee’s life and experiences.

Develop a clear structure

Outline your biography, ensuring a logical and engaging narrative flow. Consider the chronological order, significant milestones, and turning points in the subject’s life. Organize your gathered information to capture the essence of their journey while maintaining a compelling rhythm throughout. 

A good outline for a biography can vary depending on the specific subject and the desired structure of the narrative. However, here’s a general outline that can serve as a starting point:

A. Introduction

a) Hook or engaging opening to capture the reader’s attention

b) Background information (birthplace, date, family, etc.)

c) A brief overview of the subject’s significance or why they are worth exploring

B. Early Life and Background

a) Childhood and upbringing

b) Influences, such as family, education, or cultural factors

c) Formative experiences or events that shaped the subject’s character or interests

C. Major Achievements and Milestones

a) A chronological exploration of the subject’s notable accomplishments, contributions, or milestones

b) Focus on key moments or achievements that highlight their impact or significance.

c) Provide context and details to paint a vivid picture of their achievements

D. Challenges and Obstacles

a) Discussion of the challenges, setbacks, or adversities the subject encountered

b) How they overcame obstacles or grew through difficult experiences

c) Insights into their resilience, determination, or problem-solving abilities

E. Personal Life and Relationships

a) Exploration of the subject’s relationships, such as family, friends, or romantic partners

b) Insights into their personal joys, struggles, or transformative experiences

c) How their personal life intersected with their professional or public achievements

F. Legacy and Impact

a) Examination of the subject’s lasting influence, contributions, or impact on society

b) Discuss how their work or actions continue to resonate or shape the world today

c) Reflection on their legacy and the lessons we can learn from their life story

G. Conclusion

a) Summarize the key aspects of the subject’s life and their significance

b) Provide a final reflection or insight on their overall journey or impact

c) Leave the reader with a lasting impression or call to action

Pro Tip: Looking for help drafting an outline to get you started? Use free tools like ChatGPT to jumpstart your outline by putting in a prompt request like, “Write an outline for a biography about X, including any relevant details on the subject that should be included.”

Craft captivating prose

Employ descriptive language to transport readers into the subject’s world. Paint vivid portraits of their physical appearance, mannerisms, and surroundings. Use sensory details to evoke emotions and create a strong connection between the reader and the subject. 

Here are some examples:

  • “She was a force of nature, with a fierce determination and an unwavering commitment to justice.” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg)
  • “His piercing blue eyes seemed to look right through you, and his voice had a commanding presence that demanded attention.” (Winston Churchill)
  • “She moved with a grace and elegance that belied her inner strength and resilience.” (Audrey Hepburn)
  • “His rugged features and piercing gaze made him a natural leading man, but it was his depth and vulnerability that set him apart.” (Marlon Brando)
  • “She had a contagious energy and a magnetic personality that drew people to her like a moth to a flame.” (Princess Diana)
  • “His quiet intensity and unwavering dedication to his craft made him one of the greatest artists of his time.” (Leonardo da Vinci)

Action Step: While writing descriptive prose takes some practice, it’s an art you can master with little creative writing skills. To help you write descriptive prose, practice closing your eyes and imagining your subject. 

  • What expression is on their face? 
  • How are they dressed? 
  • What does their body language express? 
  • How do they smell? 
  • How do they make you feel? 
  • How do they make others feel? 
  • What’s in their surroundings? 
  • What are they doing with their hands? 
  • What do you imagine they’re thinking about? 

With questions like these, you’ll start to use descriptive language to bring your subject to life.

Build a balance of objectivity and empathy

Strive for an objective portrayal while infusing empathy and understanding into your writing. Remain aware of biases and preconceived notions, giving your subject the space to shine in their unique light. 

To check yourself, filter your writing and interviewing with these tips:

  • Verify Information: Cross-reference information from various sources to ensure accuracy. Use tools like Fact Check Explorer to fact-check claims, dates, and events to avoid errors or inaccuracies that could skew the narrative. 
  • Multiple Perspectives: Seek out different viewpoints on the subject. This includes interviewing or reaching out to people with significant interactions or relationships with the subject. Incorporating diverse perspectives can counterbalance biases and provide a broader understanding.
  • Empathetic Listening: During interviews or conversations, practice active listening and empathize with the interviewee’s experiences and emotions. This allows you to understand the subject’s perspective and incorporate their insights and feelings into the narrative.
  • Contextualize Emotions: When sharing the subject’s emotional experiences or personal struggles, provide sufficient context and background. This helps readers understand the motivations and circumstances behind their actions and allows for empathetic understanding without veering into excessive sentimentality.
  • Credible Interpretation: While interpreting the subject’s thoughts, motives, or intentions, be clear about what is factual and what is speculative. Clearly distinguish between evidence-based information and your interpretations to maintain objectivity.
  • Respect Boundaries: Be mindful of the subject’s privacy and any requests they may have regarding sensitive or personal information. Respecting their boundaries shows empathy and allows for a respectful portrayal while maintaining the necessary level of objectivity.
  • Acknowledge Limitations: Recognize that achieving complete objectivity in a biography is challenging. Biases can inadvertently seep into the narrative. However, by being aware of your biases and consciously presenting a fair and balanced account, you can mitigate their influence.

Respect truth, privacy, and sensitivity

Remember, writing biographies carries ethical responsibilities. It’s important to maintain accuracy through credible research and gain consent while being sensitive to controversial or difficult topics. Here are some considerations:

  • Accuracy: Maintain a commitment to truth and accuracy. Verify facts and corroborate information from multiple sources to ensure the reliability of your narrative. Cite your sources and be transparent about any uncertainties or gaps in knowledge.
  • Privacy and Consent: Respect the privacy of living individuals mentioned in your biography. Seek consent when sharing personal details or sensitive information. Balance the subject’s right to privacy with the importance of honesty and transparency.
  • Sensitivity: Approach sensitive or controversial topics with care and empathy. Consider the potential impact of your words on the subject’s loved ones or affected communities—present differing perspectives without sensationalism or bias.

Writing a Biography FAQs

The length of a biography can vary greatly, depending on the subject and the depth of exploration. Some biographies span a few hundred pages, while others extend to multiple volumes. Focus on capturing the subject’s life’s essence rather than strictly adhering to a predetermined length.

Some common mistakes to avoid when writing a biography include the following: Lack of thorough research or reliance on a single source. Inaccurate or misleading information. Excessive personal bias or projection onto the subject. Neglecting to verify facts or failing to cite sources. Poor organization or a disjointed narrative flow. Neglecting to balance objectivity with empathy. Overloading the biography with irrelevant details or digressions. Failing to respect privacy or ethical considerations.

While chronological order is commonly used in biographies, it is not required. Some biographers employ a thematic approach or explore specific periods or events in the subject’s life. Experiment with different structures to find the most engaging way to tell your subject’s story.

The purpose of writing a biography is to capture and share an individual’s life story. Biographies provide insights into a person’s experiences, achievements, and challenges, offering readers inspiration, knowledge, and understanding. They preserve the legacy of individuals, contribute to historical records, and celebrate the diversity of human lives.

When choosing a subject for your biography, consider someone who inspires you, interests you, or has significantly impacted society. It could be a historical figure, a contemporary icon, or even an everyday individual with a remarkable story. Choose a subject with sufficient available information, access to primary sources or interviews, and a narrative that resonates with you and potential readers.

Key elements to include in a biography are: Early life and background: Provide context about the subject’s upbringing, family, and cultural influences. Achievements and milestones: Highlight notable accomplishments, contributions, and significant events throughout their life. Challenges and struggles: Explore the obstacles they faced, the lessons learned, and how they overcame adversity. Personal characteristics: Describe their personality traits, values, beliefs, and motivations that shaped their actions and decisions. Impact and legacy: Discuss the lasting influence and contributions of the subject, both during their lifetime and beyond.

Including personal anecdotes can add depth and humanize the subject of your biography. However, be selective and ensure that the stories are relevant, contribute to understanding the person’s character or experiences, and align with the overall narrative. Balancing personal anecdotes with factual information is critical to maintaining accuracy and credibility.

Conducting research for a biography involves exploring a variety of sources. Start with primary sources such as personal papers, letters, journals, and interviews with the subject or people who knew them. Secondary sources such as books, articles, and academic papers provide additional context and perspectives. Online databases, archives, libraries, and museums are valuable resources for finding relevant information.

Consult a wide range of sources to ensure a comprehensive and accurate biography. Primary sources, such as personal documents, letters, diaries, and interviews, offer firsthand accounts and unique insights. Secondary sources provide broader context and analysis, including books, articles, scholarly works, and historical records. Remember to evaluate the credibility and reliability of your sources critically.

Organize the information in your biography logically and engagingly. Consider using a chronological structure, starting with the subject’s early life and progressing through significant events and milestones. Alternatively, adopt a thematic approach, grouping related information based on themes or significant aspects of their life. Use clear headings, subheadings, and transitions to guide readers through the narrative flow.

Writing Biographies Key Takeaways

In summary, take note of these ideas and tips before you start writing your biography:

  • Biographies hold enduring appeal, offering a glimpse into the human experience across time.
  • Thorough research, interviews, and captivating prose are essential for crafting compelling biographies.
  • Ethical considerations, such as accuracy, privacy, and sensitivity, are crucial when writing about real people’s lives.
  • Choose subjects that genuinely inspire and resonate with you.
  • Immerse yourself in the subject’s world to understand their motivations and challenges.
  • Develop strong research skills and utilize a wide range of sources.
  • Craft a compelling narrative that engages readers from the very first page.
  • Seek feedback from trusted sources to refine your writing and storytelling abilities.
  • Continuously explore new biographies to broaden your understanding of different styles and approaches.
  • Embrace the unique voice and perspective you bring to the storytelling process.

Writing a biography book? Check out this helpful article, How to Write a Book: 10 Questions to Ask Before You Start Writing !

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How to Write a Biography

Learn how to write a biography with our comprehensive guide.

Farzana Zannat Mou

Last updated on Aug 27th, 2024

How to Write a Biography

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How to write a biography can be a fun challenge as you share someone’s life story with readers. You may need to write a biography for a class or decide to write a biography as a personal project. Once you’ve identified the subject of your biography, do your research to learn as much as you can about them. Then, immerse yourself in writing the biography and revising it until it’s best. What I am going to share with you in today’s post is how to write a biography. If you want to know the rules of how to write a biography correctly then this post of ours is essential for you. 


While it’s true that most biographies involve people in the public eye, sometimes the subject is less well-known. But most of the time, famous or not, the person we’re talking about has an incredible life. Although your students may have a basic understanding of How to write a biography, you should take some time before putting pen to paper to come up with a very clear definition of biography.

Before knowing how to write a biography, let’s first understand what a biography is. A biography is an account of a person’s life written by someone else. Although there is a genre called fictional biography, by definition biographies are mostly non-fiction. In general, biographies trace the subject’s life from early childhood to the present day or until death if the subject is deceased. 

Biography writing is not limited to describing the bare facts of a person’s life. Instead of just listing basic details about their upbringing, interests, education, work, relationships, and deaths, a well-written biography should also paint a picture of a person’s personality as well as that person’s life experiences.

How To Write a Biography

1. ask the subject’s permission to write a biography.

Here are the first tips on how to write a biography. Before starting your research, make sure you get your subject’s consent to write their biography. Ask them if they’re ready to be the subject. Getting their permission will make writing a biography much easier and ensure that they are open to information about their lives.

If the theme does not allow you to write a bio, you can choose another theme. If you decide to publish a profile without the subject’s permission, you may be subject to legal action from the subject. 

If the topic no longer exists, you don’t need to ask permission to write about them. 

2. Research primary sources on the topic

Primary sources may include books, letters, photographs, diaries, newspaper clippings, magazines, Internet articles, magazines, videos, interviews, existing biographies, or autobiographies on the subject. Find these resources in your local library or online. Read as much as you can about the topic and highlight any important information you come across in your sources. 

You can create research questions to help you focus your research on this topic, such as: 

What do I find interesting about this topic? Why is this topic important to readers? 

3. Conduct interviews with subjects and their relatives

Interviewing people will turn your research into reality: the people you interview will be able to tell you stories you can’t find in history books. Interview the subject as well as people close to them, such as spouses, friends, business associates, family members, co-workers, and friends. Interview in person, over the phone, or via email.

For in-person interviews, record them with a voice recorder or voice recorder on your computer or phone. You may need to interview the subject and others multiple times to get the documents you need.

4. Visit places important to the topic

Whenever you want to know how to write a biography, to understand the history of the subject, spend time in places and areas that are significant to the subject. This may be the subject’s childhood home or neighborhood. You can also visit the subject’s workplace and regular meeting places. 

You may also want to visit areas where the subject made important decisions or breakthroughs in their life. Being physically present in the area can give you an idea of what your subjects may have felt and help you write about their experiences more effectively.

5. Research the time and place of the subject’s life

Contextualize your subject’s life by observing what’s going on around them. Consider the period in which they grew up as well as the history of the places they lived. Study the economics, politics, and culture of their time. See current events happening where they live or work.

When you studying how to write a biography, ask yourself about time and place: 

What were the social norms of this period? 

What happened economically and politically? 

How has the political and social environment influenced this topic?

6. Make a timeline of a person’s life

To help you organize your research, create a timeline of a person’s entire life, from birth. Draw a long line on a piece of paper and sketch out as many details about a person’s life as possible. Highlight important events or moments on the timeline. Include important dates, locations, and names. 

If you think about how to write a biography You can also include historical events or moments that affect the topic in the timeline. For example, a conflict or civil war may occur during a person’s lifetime and affect their life.

7. Focus on important events and milestones

Major events can include marriage, birth, or death during a person’s lifetime. They may also achieve milestones like their first successful business venture or their first civil rights march. Highlights key moments in a person’s life so readers clearly understand what’s important to that person and how they influence the world around them.

For example, you might focus on one person’s achievements in the civil rights movement. You could write an entire section about their contributions and participation in major civil rights marches in their hometowns.

8. Cite all sources used in  biography

Most biographies will include information from sources such as books, journal articles, magazines, and interviews. Remember to cite any sources that you directly quote or paraphrase. You can use citations, footnotes, or endnotes. If the biography is for a course, use MLA, APA, or Chicago Style citations according to your instructor’s preference.

9. Reread the biography

Check the biography for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Circle all punctuation marks in the text to confirm they are correct. Read the text backward to check for spelling and grammar errors. 

Having a biography full of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors can frustrate readers and lead to poor grades if you submit your work to the class.

10. Show your biography to others to get their feedback

It is a momentous step of how to write a biography. Once you have completed your draft biography, show it to your colleagues, friends, teachers, and mentors to get their feedback. Ask them if they have a good understanding of someone’s life and if the biography is easy to read. Be open to feedback so you can improve the biography and make it error-free. Revise profile based on feedback from others. Don’t be afraid to trim or edit your biography to suit your readers’ needs.

11. Use flashbacks

Flashbacks happen when you move from the present to the past. You can start with the present moment, and then bring in a scene from the person’s past. Or you could have one chapter focusing on the present and one focusing on the past, alternating as you go.

The flashback scene must be as detailed and realistic as the present-day scene. Use your research notes and interviews with subjects to better understand their past to reminisce. 

For example, you can move from a person’s death in the present to reminiscing about their favorite childhood memory.

12. Outline Your Story Chronologically 

This is another important step in how to write a biography is to write an outline that describes your story in chronological order. An outline is a tool that helps you visualize the structure and key elements of your story. This can help you organize your story into chapters and sections. 

You can write your plan in a digital document or draw it with pen and paper. Remember to store your outline in an easily accessible place so you can refer to it throughout the writing process.

Need inspiration? Check out these biography examples to see how different types of bios are written for various contexts.

What citation style should I use for my biography?

Use MLA, APA, or Chicago Style citations based on your instructor’s preference when citing sources in your biography.

Should I include personal opinions in a biography?

No, a biography should be objective and based on facts. Avoid injecting personal opinions or bias into the narrative.

What’s the difference between a biography and an autobiography?

A biography is written by someone else about a person’s life, while an autobiography is written by the subject themselves about their own life.

Can I write a biography about a living person?

Yes, you can write a biography about a living person with their consent. Ensure you respect their privacy and follow ethical guidelines when writing about them.


Other than creating a sense of closure, there are no set rules about how a biography ends. An author may want to summarize their main points about the subject of their biography. If the person is still alive, the author can inform the reader about their condition or circumstances. If the person has died, inheritance can be discussed. Authors can also remind readers how they can learn from the biographical subject. Sharing a closing quote or about a person can leave the audience with a point to consider or discuss in more detail.

For further insights into writing and to avoid common mistakes, check out our article on Most Common Mistakes in Writing . Additionally, explore the Best Writing Tools for Writers to enhance your writing skills and discover the tools that can assist you. If you’re looking to improve your typing speed and accuracy, our article on How to Type Faster with Accuracy offers valuable tips.

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How to Write a Biography


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Posted on Jun 30, 2023

How to Write a Biography: A 7-Step Guide [+Template]

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Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.

About Dario Villirilli

Editor-in-Chief of the Reedsy blog, Dario is a graduate of Mälardalen University. As a freelance writer, he has written for many esteemed outlets aimed at writers. A traveler at heart, he can be found roaming the world and working from his laptop.

From time to time, nonfiction authors become so captivated by a particular figure from either the present or the past, that they feel compelled to write an entire book about their life. Whether casting them as heroes or villains, there is an interesting quality in their humanity that compels these authors to revisit their life paths and write their story.

However, portraying someone’s life on paper in a comprehensive and engaging way requires solid preparation. If you’re looking to write a biography yourself, in this post we’ll share a step-by-step blueprint that you can follow. 

How to write a biography: 

1. Seek permission when possible 

2. research your subject thoroughly, 3. do interviews and visit locations, 4. organize your findings, 5. identify a central thesis, 6. write it using narrative elements, 7. get feedback and polish the text.



Biography Outline Template

Craft a satisfying story arc for your biography with our free template.

While you technically don’t need permission to write about public figures (or deceased ones), that doesn't guarantee their legal team won't pursue legal action against you. Author Kitty Kelley was sued by Frank Sinatra before she even started to write His Way , a biography that paints Ol Blue Eyes in a controversial light. (Kelley ended up winning the lawsuit, however).  

biography essay prompts

Whenever feasible, advise the subject’s representatives of your intentions. If all goes according to plan, you’ll get a green light to proceed, or potentially an offer to collaborate. It's a matter of common sense; if someone were to write a book about you, you would likely want to know about it well prior to publication. So, make a sincere effort to reach out to their PR staff to negotiate an agreement or at least a mutual understanding of the scope of your project. 

At the same time, make sure that you still retain editorial control over the project, and not end up writing a puff piece that treats its protagonist like a saint or hero. No biography can ever be entirely objective, but you should always strive for a portrayal that closely aligns with facts and reality.

If you can’t get an answer from your subject, or you’re asked not to proceed forward, you can still accept the potential repercussions and write an unauthorized biography . The “rebellious act” of publishing without consent indeed makes for great marketing, though it’ll likely bring more headaches with it too. 

✋ Please note that, like other nonfiction books, if you intend to release your biography with a publishing house , you can put together a book proposal to send to them before you even write the book. If they like it enough, they might pay you an advance to write it.  


Book Proposal Template

Craft a professional pitch for your nonfiction book with our handy template.

Once you’ve settled (or not) the permission part, it’s time to dive deep into your character’s story.  

Deep and thorough research skills are the cornerstone of every biographer worth their salt. To paint a vivid and accurate portrait of someone's life, you’ll have to gather qualitative information from a wide range of reliable sources. 

Start with the information already available, from books on your subject to archival documents, then collect new ones firsthand by interviewing people or traveling to locations. 

Browse the web and library archives

Illustration of a biographer going into research mode.

Put your researcher hat on and start consuming any piece on your subject you can find, from their Wikipedia page to news articles, interviews, TV and radio appearances, YouTube videos, podcasts, books, magazines, and any other media outlets they may have been featured in. 

Establish a system to orderly collect the information you find 一 even seemingly insignificant details can prove valuable during the writing process, so be sure to save them. 

Depending on their era, you may find most of the information readily available online, or you may need to search through university libraries for older references. 

Photo of Alexander Hamilton

For his landmark biography of Alexander Hamilton, Ron Chernow spent untold hours at Columbia University’s library , reading through the Hamilton family papers, visiting the New York Historical Society, as well as interviewing the archivist of the New York Stock Exchange, and so on. The research process took years, but it certainly paid off. Chernow discovered that Hamilton created the first five securities originally traded on Wall Street. This finding, among others, revealed his significant contributions to shaping the current American financial and political systems, a legacy previously often overshadowed by other founding fathers. Today Alexander Hamilton is one of the best-selling biographies of all time, and it has become a cultural phenomenon with its own dedicated musical. 

Besides reading documents about your subject, research can help you understand the world that your subject lived in. 

Try to understand their time and social environment

Many biographies show how their protagonists have had a profound impact on society through their philosophical, artistic, or scientific contributions. But at the same time, it’s worth it as a biographer to make an effort to understand how their societal and historical context influenced their life’s path and work.

An interesting example is Stephen Greenblatt’s Will in the World . Finding himself limited by a lack of verified detail surrounding William Shakespeare's personal life, Greenblatt, instead, employs literary interpretation and imaginative reenactments to transport readers back to the Elizabethan era. The result is a vivid (though speculative) depiction of the playwright's life, enriching our understanding of his world.

Painting of William Shakespeare in colors

Many readers enjoy biographies that transport them to a time and place, so exploring a historical period through the lens of a character can be entertaining in its own right. The Diary of Samuel Pepys became a classic not because people were enthralled by his life as an administrator, but rather from his meticulous and vivid documentation of everyday existence during the Restoration period.

Once you’ve gotten your hands on as many secondary sources as you can find, you’ll want to go hunting for stories first-hand from people who are (or were) close to your subject.

With all the material you’ve been through, by now you should already have a pretty good picture of your protagonist. But you’ll surely have some curiosities and missing dots in their character development to figure out, which you can only get by interviewing primary sources.

Interview friends and associates

This part is more relevant if your subject is contemporary, and you can actually meet up or call with relatives, friends, colleagues, business partners, neighbors, or any other person related to them. 

In writing the popular biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson interviewed more than one hundred people, including Jobs’s family, colleagues, former college mates, business rivals, and the man himself.

🔍 Read other biographies to get a sense of what makes a great one. Check out our list of the 30 best biographies of all time , or take our 30-second quiz below for tips on which one you should read next. 

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When you conduct your interviews, make sure to record them with high quality audio you can revisit later. Then use tools like Otter.ai or Descript to transcribe them 一 it’ll save you countless hours. 

You can approach the interview with a specific set of questions, or follow your curiosity blindly, trying to uncover revealing stories and anecdotes about your subject. Whatever your method, author and biography editor Tom Bromley suggests that every interviewer arrives prepared, "Show that you’ve done your work. This will help to put the interviewee at ease, and get their best answers.” 

Bromley also places emphasis on the order in which you conduct interviews. “You may want to interview different members of the family or friends first, to get their perspective on something, and then go directly to the main interviewee. You'll be able to use that knowledge to ask sharper, more specific questions.” 

Finally, consider how much time you have with each interviewee. If you only have a 30-minute phone call with an important person, make it count by asking directly the most pressing questions you have. And, if you find a reliable source who is also particularly willing to help, conduct several interviews and ask them, if appropriate, to write a foreword as part of the book’s front matter .

Sometimes an important part of the process is packing your bags, getting on a plane, and personally visiting significant places in your character’s journey.

Visit significant places in their life

A place, whether that’s a city, a rural house, or a bodhi tree, can carry a particular energy that you can only truly experience by being there. In putting the pieces together about someone’s life, it may be useful to go visit where they grew up, or where other significant events of their lives happened. It will be easier to imagine what they experienced, and better tell their story. 

In researching The Lost City of Z , author David Grann embarked on a trek through the Amazon, retracing the steps of British explorer Percy Fawcett. This led Grann to develop new theories about the circumstances surrounding the explorer's disappearance.

Still from the movie The Lost City of Z in which the explorer is surrounded by an Amazon native tribe

Hopefully, you won’t have to deal with jaguars and anacondas to better understand your subject’s environment, but try to walk into their shoes as much as possible. 

Once you’ve researched your character enough, it’s time to put together all the puzzle pieces you collected so far. 

Take the bulk of notes, media, and other documents you’ve collected, and start to give them some order and structure. A simple way to do this is by creating a timeline. 

Create a chronological timeline

It helps to organize your notes chronologically 一 from childhood to the senior years, line up the most significant events of your subject’s life, including dates, places, names and other relevant bits. 

Timeline of Steve Jobs' career

You should be able to divide their life into distinct periods, each with their unique events and significance. Based on that, you can start drafting an outline of the narrative you want to create.  

Draft a story outline 

Since a biography entails writing about a person’s entire life, it will have a beginning, a middle, and an end. You can pick where you want to end the story, depending on how consequential the last years of your subject were. But the nature of the work will give you a starting character arc to work with. 

To outline the story then, you could turn to the popular Three-Act Structure , which divides the narrative in three main parts. In a nutshell, you’ll want to make sure to have the following:

  • Act 1. Setup : Introduce the protagonist's background and the turning points that set them on a path to achieve a goal. 
  • Act 2. Confrontation : Describe the challenges they encounter, both internal and external, and how they rise to them. Then..
  • Act 3. Resolution : Reach a climactic point in their story in which they succeed (or fail), showing how they (and the world around them) have changed as a result. 

Only one question remains before you begin writing: what will be the main focus of your biography?

Think about why you’re so drawn to your subject to dedicate years of your life to recounting their own. What aspect of their life do you want to highlight? Is it their evil nature, artistic genius, or visionary mindset? And what evidence have you got to back that up? Find a central thesis or focus to weave as the main thread throughout your narrative. 

Cover of Hitler and Stalin by Alan Bullock

Or find a unique angle

If you don’t have a particular theme to explore, finding a distinct angle on your subject’s story can also help you distinguish your work from other biographies or existing works on the same subject.

Plenty of biographies have been published about The Beatles 一 many of which have different focuses and approaches: 

  • Philip Norman's Shout is sometimes regarded as leaning more towards a pro-Lennon and anti-McCartney stance, offering insights into the band's inner dynamics. 
  • Ian McDonald's Revolution in the Head closely examines their music track by track, shifting the focus back to McCartney as a primary creative force. 
  • Craig Brown's One Two Three Four aims to capture their story through anecdotes, fan letters, diary entries, and interviews. 
  • Mark Lewisohn's monumental three-volume biography, Tune In , stands as a testament to over a decade of meticulous research, chronicling every intricate detail of the Beatles' journey.

Group picture of The Beatles

Finally, consider that biographies are often more than recounting the life of a person. Similar to how Dickens’ Great Expectations is not solely about a boy named Pip (but an examination and critique of Britain’s fickle, unforgiving class system), a biography should strive to illuminate a broader truth — be it social, political, or human — beyond the immediate subject of the book. 

Once you’ve identified your main focus or angle, it’s time to write a great story. 

Illustration of a writer mixing storytelling ingredients

While biographies are often highly informative, they do not have to be dry and purely expository in nature . You can play with storytelling elements to make it an engaging read. 

You could do that by thoroughly detailing the setting of the story , depicting the people involved in the story as fully-fledged characters , or using rising action and building to a climax when describing a particularly significant milestone of the subject’s life. 

One common way to make a biography interesting to read is starting on a strong foot…

Hook the reader from the start

Just because you're honoring your character's whole life doesn't mean you have to begin when they said their first word. Starting from the middle or end of their life can be more captivating as it introduces conflicts and stakes that shaped their journey.

When he wrote about Christopher McCandless in Into the Wild , author Jon Krakauer didn’t open his subject’s childhood and abusive family environment. Instead, the book begins with McCandless hitchhiking his way into the wilderness, and subsequently being discovered dead in an abandoned bus. By starting in the middle of the action  in medias res, Krakauer hooks the reader’s interest, before tracing back the causes and motivations that led McCandless to die alone in that bus in the first place.

Chris McCandless self-portrait in front of the now iconic bus

You can bend the timeline to improve the reader’s reading experience throughout the rest of the story too…

Play with flashback 

While biographies tend to follow a chronological narrative, you can use flashbacks to tell brief stories or anecdotes when appropriate. For example, if you were telling the story of footballer Lionel Messi, before the climax of winning the World Cup with Argentina, you could recall when he was just 13 years old, giving an interview to a local newspaper, expressing his lifelong dream of playing for the national team. 

Used sparsely and intentionally, flashbacks can add more context to the story and keep the narrative interesting. Just like including dialogue does…

Reimagine conversations

Recreating conversations that your subject had with people around them is another effective way to color the story. Dialogue helps the reader imagine the story like a movie, providing a deeper sensory experience. 

biography essay prompts

One thing is trying to articulate the root of Steve Jobs’ obsession with product design, another would be to quote his father , teaching him how to build a fence when he was young: “You've got to make the back of the fence just as good looking as the front of the fence. Even though nobody will see it, you will know. And that will show that you're dedicated to making something perfect.”

Unlike memoirs and autobiographies, in which the author tells the story from their personal viewpoint and enjoys greater freedom to recall conversations, biographies require a commitment to facts. So, when recreating dialogue, try to quote directly from reliable sources like personal diaries, emails, and text messages. You could also use your interview scripts as an alternative to dialogue. As Tom Bromley suggests, “If you talk with a good amount of people, you can try to tell the story from their perspective, interweaving different segments and quoting the interviewees directly.”



How to Write Believable Dialogue

Master the art of dialogue in 10 five-minute lessons.

These are just some of the story elements you can use to make your biography more compelling. Once you’ve finished your manuscript, it’s a good idea to ask for feedback. 

If you’re going to publish your own  biography, you’ll have to polish it to professional standards. After leaving your work to rest for a while, look at it with fresh eyes and edit your own manuscript eliminating passive voice, filler words, and redundant adverbs. 

Illustration of an editor reviewing a manuscript

Then, have a professional editor give you a general assessment. They’ll look at the structure and shape of your manuscript and tell you which parts need to be expanded on or cut. As someone who edited and commissioned several biographies, Tom Bromley points out that a professional “will look at the sources used and assess whether they back up the points made, or if more are needed. They would also look for context, and whether or not more background information is needed for the reader to understand the story fully. And they might check your facts, too.”  

In addition to structural editing, you may want to have someone copy-edit and proofread your work.



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Importantly, make sure to include a bibliography with a list of all the interviews, documents, and sources used in the writing process. You’ll have to compile it according to a manual of style, but you can easily create one by using tools like EasyBib . Once the text is nicely polished and typeset in your writing applications , you can prepare for the publication process.  

In conclusion, by mixing storytelling elements with diligent research, you’ll be able to breathe life into a powerful biography that immerses readers in another individual’s life experience. Whether that’ll spark inspiration or controversy, remember you could have an important role in shaping their legacy 一 and that’s something not to take lightly. 

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[PDF Download] 65 Memory Prompts: How to Write Your Biography, Life Story or Memoir

Capture memories you didn't know you had .

Wondering how to write your biography? Whether you are writing yourself, or working with a ghostwriter , it can be hard to know where to start and what to include. At Story Terrace, we often use memory prompts to kick-start the process - easy and fun questions designed to jog your memory and bring back moments you haven't thought about for years.

It's the perfect first step, and something you can later assemble into a timeline or structure for your story. We’ve hand-picked 65 of our favourite memory prompts to share with you. You can check out 9 example prompts right here on the blog - but make sure to download the full list of 65, which we've assembled into a print-ready PDF for you.

Remember - the idea is not to answer every question. Just scan through the list, and think about which of these prompts speak to you the most. You’ll soon find you have more than enough to talk about.

les-anderson-175603 (1).jpg

How to Write Your Biography: Childhood

1. What is your earliest memory?

2. Talk about your family’s heritage and history.

3. What did your childhood home look like?

How to Write Your Biography: Adolescence

4. How did your physical appearance change in your teenage years? What was that change like for you?

5. How was your relationship with your parents?

6. Who was your first crush?

How to Write Your Biography: Adulthood

7. What did an ordinary day in your life look like?

8. Name a big success story for you during this time

9. Did you travel? What was your most memorable vacation?

Hopefully writing your biography just got a little easier and these prompts have got your brains in gear, recalling all sorts of different memories from your childhood all the way through to just yesterday!

Remember to download the full list for all 65 questions to jog your memory.

Download the full list of 65 Memory Prompts!


Download Now (Click Here)  

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How to Write a Biography

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Biographies are big business. Whether in book form or Hollywood biopics, the lives of the famous and sometimes not-so-famous fascinate us.

While it’s true that most biographies are about people who are in the public eye, sometimes the subject is less well-known. Primarily, though, famous or not, the person who is written about has led an incredible life.

In this article, we will explain biography writing in detail for teachers and students so they can create their own.

While your students will most likely have a basic understanding of a biography, it’s worth taking a little time before they put pen to paper to tease out a crystal-clear definition of one.

Visual Writing

What Is a Biography?

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A biography is an account of someone’s life written by someone else . While there is a genre known as a fictional biography, for the most part, biographies are, by definition, nonfiction.

Generally speaking, biographies provide an account of the subject’s life from the earliest days of childhood to the present day or, if the subject is deceased, their death.

The job of a biography is more than just to outline the bare facts of a person’s life.

Rather than just listing the basic details of their upbringing, hobbies, education, work, relationships, and death, a well-written biography should also paint a picture of the subject’s personality and experience of life.

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Full Biographies

Teaching unit.

Teach your students everything they need to know about writing an AUTOBIOGRAPHY and a BIOGRAPHY.

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Features of a Biography

Before students begin writing a biography, they’ll need to have a firm grasp of the main features of a Biography. An excellent way to determine how well they understand these essential elements is to ask them to compile a checklist like the one-blow

Their checklists should contain the items below at a minimum. Be sure to help them fill in any gaps before moving on to the writing process.

The purpose of a biography is to provide an account of someone’s life.

Biography structure.

ORIENTATION (BEGINNING) Open your biography with a strong hook to grab the reader’s attention

SEQUENCING: In most cases, biographies are written in chronological order unless you are a very competent writer consciously trying to break from this trend.

COVER: childhood, upbringing, education, influences, accomplishments, relationships, etc. – everything that helps the reader to understand the person.

CONCLUSION: Wrap your biography up with some details about what the subject is doing now if they are still alive. If they have passed away, make mention of what impact they have made and what their legacy is or will be.


LANGUAGE Use descriptive and figurative language that will paint images inside your audience’s minds as they read. Use time connectives to link events.

PERSPECTIVE Biographies are written from the third person’s perspective.

DETAILS: Give specific details about people, places, events, times, dates, etc. Reflect on how events shaped the subject. You might want to include some relevant photographs with captions. A timeline may also be of use depending upon your subject and what you are trying to convey to your audience.

TENSE Written in the past tense (though ending may shift to the present/future tense)


Like any form of writing, you will find it simple if you have a plan and follow it through. These steps will ensure you cover the essential bases of writing a biography essay.

Firstly, select a subject that inspires you. Someone whose life story resonates with you and whose contribution to society intrigues you. The next step is to conduct thorough research. Engage in extensive reading, explore various sources, watch documentaries, and glean all available information to provide a comprehensive account of the person’s life.

Creating an outline is essential to organize your thoughts and information. The outline should include the person’s early life, education, career, achievements, and any other significant events or contributions. It serves as a map for the writing process, ensuring that all vital information is included.

Your biography should have an engaging introduction that captivates the reader’s attention and provides background information on the person you’re writing about. It should include a thesis statement summarising the biography’s main points.

Writing a biography in chronological order is crucial . You should begin with the person’s early life and move through their career and achievements. This approach clarifies how the person’s life unfolded and how they accomplished their goals.

A biography should be written in a narrative style , capturing the essence of the person’s life through vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and quotes. Avoid dry, factual writing and focus on creating a compelling narrative that engages the reader.

Adding personal insights and opinions can enhance the biography’s overall impact, providing a unique perspective on the person’s achievements, legacy, and impact on society.

Editing and proofreading are vital elements of the writing process. Thoroughly reviewing your biography ensures that the writing is clear, concise, and error-free. You can even request feedback from someone else to ensure that it is engaging and well-written.

Finally, including a bibliography at the end of your biography is essential. It gives credit to the sources that were used during research, such as books, articles, interviews, and websites.

Tips for Writing a Brilliant Biography

Biography writing tip #1: choose your subject wisely.

There are several points for students to reflect on when deciding on a subject for their biography. Let’s take a look at the most essential points to consider when deciding on the subject for a biography:

Interest: To produce a biography will require sustained writing from the student. That’s why students must choose their subject well. After all, a biography is an account of someone’s entire life to date. Students must ensure they choose a subject that will sustain their interest throughout the research, writing, and editing processes.

Merit: Closely related to the previous point, students must consider whether the subject merits the reader’s interest. Aside from pure labors of love, writing should be undertaken with the reader in mind. While producing a biography demands sustained writing from the author, it also demands sustained reading from the reader.

Therefore, students should ask themselves if their chosen subject has had a life worthy of the reader’s interest and the time they’d need to invest in reading their biography.

Information: Is there enough information available on the subject to fuel the writing of an entire biography? While it might be a tempting idea to write about a great-great-grandfather’s experience in the war. There would be enough interest there to sustain the author’s and the reader’s interest, but do you have enough access to information about their early childhood to do the subject justice in the form of a biography?

Biography Writing Tip #2: R esearch ! Research! Research!

While the chances are good that the student already knows quite a bit about the subject they’ve chosen. Chances are 100% that they’ll still need to undertake considerable research to write their biography.

As with many types of writing , research is an essential part of the planning process that shouldn’t be overlooked. If students wish to give as complete an account of their subject’s life as possible, they’ll need to put in the time at the research stage.

An effective way to approach the research process is to:

1. Compile a chronological timeline of the central facts, dates, and events of the subject’s life

2. Compile detailed descriptions of the following personal traits:

  •      Physical looks
  •      Character traits
  •      Values and beliefs

3. Compile some research questions based on different topics to provide a focus for the research:

  • Childhood : Where and when were they born? Who were their parents? Who were the other family members? What education did they receive?
  • Obstacles: What challenges did they have to overcome? How did these challenges shape them as individuals?
  • Legacy: What impact did this person have on the world and/or the people around them?
  • Dialogue & Quotes: Dialogue and quotations by and about the subject are a great way to bring color and life to a biography. Students should keep an eagle eye out for the gems that hide amid their sources.

As the student gets deeper into their research, new questions will arise that can further fuel the research process and help to shape the direction the biography will ultimately go in.

Likewise, during the research, themes will often begin to suggest themselves. Exploring these themes is essential to bring depth to biography, but we’ll discuss this later in this article.

Research Skills:

Researching for biography writing is an excellent way for students to hone their research skills in general. Developing good research skills is essential for future academic success. Students will have opportunities to learn how to:

  • Gather relevant information
  • Evaluate different information sources
  • Select suitable information
  • Organize information into a text.

Students will have access to print and online information sources, and, in some cases, they may also have access to people who knew or know the subject (e.g. biography of a family member).

These days, much of the research will likely take place online. It’s crucial, therefore, to provide your students with guidance on how to use the internet safely and evaluate online sources for reliability. This is the era of ‘ fake news ’ and misinformation after all!


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⭐How to correctly ask questions to search engines on all devices.

⭐ How to filter and refine your results to find exactly what you want every time.

⭐ Essential Research and critical thinking skills for students.

⭐ Plagiarism, Citing and acknowledging other people’s work.

⭐ How to query, synthesize and record your findings logically.

BIOGRAPHY WRITING Tip #3: Find Your Themes In Biography Writing

Though predominantly a nonfiction genre, the story still plays a significant role in good biography writing. The skills of characterization and plot structuring are transferable here. And, just like in fiction, exploring themes in a biographical work helps connect the personal to the universal. Of course, these shouldn’t be forced; this will make the work seem contrived, and the reader may lose faith in the truthfulness of the account. A biographer needs to gain and maintain the trust of the reader.

Fortunately, themes shouldn’t need to be forced. A life well-lived is full of meaning, and the themes the student writer is looking for will emerge effortlessly from the actions and events of the subject’s life. It’s just a case of learning how to spot them.

One way to identify the themes in a life is to look for recurring events or situations in a person’s life. These should be apparent from the research completed previously. The students should seek to identify these patterns that emerge in the subject’s life. For example, perhaps they’ve had to overcome various obstacles throughout different periods of their life. In that case, the theme of overcoming adversity is present and has been identified.

Usually, a biography has several themes running throughout, so be sure your students work to identify more than one theme in their subject’s life.

BIOGRAPHY WRITING Tip: #4 Put Something of Yourself into the Writing

While the defining feature of a biography is that it gives an account of a person’s life, students must understand that this is not all a biography does. Relating the facts and details of a subject’s life is not enough. The student biographer should not be afraid to share their thoughts and feelings with the reader throughout their account of their subject’s life.

The student can weave some of their personality into the fabric of the text by providing commentary and opinion as they relate the events of the person’s life and the wider social context at the time. Unlike the detached and objective approach we’d expect to find in a history textbook, in a biography, student-writers should communicate their enthusiasm for their subject in their writing.

This makes for a more intimate experience for the reader, as they get a sense of getting to know the author and the subject they are writing about.

Biography Examples For Students

  • Year 5 Example
  • Year 7 Example
  • Year 9 Example

“The Rock ‘n’ Roll King: Elvis Presley”

Elvis Aaron Presley, born on January 8, 1935, was an amazing singer and actor known as the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Even though he’s been dead for nearly 50 years, I can’t help but be fascinated by his incredible life!

Elvis grew up in Tupelo, Mississippi, in a tiny house with his parents and twin brother. His family didn’t have much money, but they shared a love for music. Little did they know Elvis would become a music legend!

When he was only 11 years old, Elvis got his first guitar. He taught himself to play and loved singing gospel songs. As he got older, he started combining different music styles like country, blues, and gospel to create a whole new sound – that’s Rock ‘n’ Roll!

In 1954, at the age of 19, Elvis recorded his first song, “That’s All Right.” People couldn’t believe how unique and exciting his music was. His famous hip-swinging dance moves also made him a sensation!

Elvis didn’t just rock the music scene; he also starred in movies like “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock.” But fame came with challenges. Despite facing ups and downs, Elvis kept spreading happiness through his music.

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Tragically, Elvis passed away in 1977, but his music and charisma live on. Even today, people worldwide still enjoy his songs like “Hound Dog” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” Elvis Presley’s legacy as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll will live forever.

Long Live the King: I wish I’d seen him.

Elvis Presley, the Rock ‘n’ Roll legend born on January 8, 1935, is a captivating figure that even a modern-day teen like me can’t help but admire. As I delve into his life, I wish I could have experienced the magic of his live performances.

Growing up in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis faced challenges but found solace in music. At 11, he got his first guitar, a symbol of his journey into the world of sound. His fusion of gospel, country, and blues into Rock ‘n’ Roll became a cultural phenomenon.

The thought of being in the audience during his early performances, especially when he recorded “That’s All Right” at 19, sends shivers down my spine. Imagining the crowd’s uproar and feeling the revolutionary energy of that moment is a dream I wish I could have lived.

Elvis wasn’t just a musical prodigy; he was a dynamic performer. His dance moves, the embodiment of rebellion, and his roles in films like “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock” made him a true icon.

After watching him on YouTube, I can’t help but feel a little sad that I’ll never witness the King’s live performances. The idea of swaying to “Hound Dog” or being enchanted by “Can’t Help Falling in Love” in person is a missed opportunity. Elvis may have left us in 1977, but he was the king of rock n’ roll. Long live the King!

Elvis Presley: A Teen’s Take on the Rock ‘n’ Roll Icon”

Elvis Presley, born January 8, 1935, was a revolutionary force in the music world, earning his title as the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Exploring his life, even as a 16-year-old today, I’m captivated by the impact he made.

Hailing from Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis grew up in humble beginnings, surrounded by the love of his parents and twin brother. It’s inspiring to think that, despite financial challenges, this young man would redefine the music scene.

At 11, Elvis got his first guitar, sparking a self-taught journey into music. His early gospel influences evolved into a unique fusion of country, blues, and gospel, creating the electrifying genre of Rock ‘n’ Roll. In 1954, at only 19, he recorded “That’s All Right,” marking the birth of a musical legend.

Elvis wasn’t just a musical innovator; he was a cultural phenomenon. His rebellious dance moves and magnetic stage presence challenged the norms. He transitioned seamlessly into acting, starring in iconic films like “Love Me Tender” and “Jailhouse Rock.”

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However, fame came at a cost, and Elvis faced personal struggles. Despite the challenges, his music continued to resonate. Even now, classics like “Hound Dog” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love” transcend generations.

Elvis Presley’s impact on music and culture is undeniable. He was known for his unique voice, charismatic persona, and electrifying performances. He sold over one billion records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling solo artists in history. He received numerous awards throughout his career, including three Grammy Awards and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Elvis’s influence can still be seen in today’s music. Many contemporary artists, such as Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, and Justin Timberlake, have cited Elvis as an inspiration. His music continues to be featured in movies, TV shows, and commercials.

Elvis left us in 1977, but his legacy lives on. I appreciate his breaking barriers and fearlessly embracing his artistic vision. Elvis Presley’s impact on music and culture is timeless, a testament to the enduring power of his artistry. His music has inspired generations and will continue to do so for many years to come.

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Teaching Resources

Use our resources and tools to improve your student’s writing skills through proven teaching strategies.


We have compiled a sequence of biography-related lessons or teaching ideas that you can follow as you please. They are straightforward enough for most students to follow without further instruction.


This session aims to give students a broader understanding of what makes a good biography.

Once your students have compiled a comprehensive checklist of the main features of a biography, allow them to use it to assess some biographies from your school library or on the internet using the feature checklist.

When students have assessed a selection of biographies, take some time as a class to discuss them. You can base the discussion around the following prompts:

  • Which biographies covered all the criteria from their checklist?
  • Which biographies didn’t?
  • Which biography was the most readable in terms of structure?
  • Which biography do you think was the least well-structured? How would you improve this?

Looking at how other writers have interpreted the form will help students internalize the necessary criteria before attempting to produce a biography. Once students have a clear understanding of the main features of the biography, they’re ready to begin work on writing a biography.

When the time does come to put pen to paper, be sure they’re armed with the following top tips to help ensure they’re as well prepared as possible.


This session aims to guide students through the process of selecting the perfect biography subject.

Instruct students to draw up a shortlist of three potential subjects for the biography they’ll write.

Using the three criteria mentioned in the writing guide (Interest, Merit, and Information), students award each potential subject a mark out of 5 for each of the criteria. In this manner, students can select the most suitable subject for their biography.


This session aims to get students into the researching phase, then prioritise and organise events chronologically.

Students begin by making a timeline of their subject’s life, starting with their birth and ending with their death or the present day. If the student has yet to make a final decision on the subject of their biography, a family member will often serve well for this exercise as a practice exercise.

Students should research and gather the key events of the person’s life, covering each period of their life from when they were a baby, through childhood and adolescence, right up to adulthood and old age. They should then organize these onto a timeline. Students can include photographs with captions if they have them.

They can present these to the class when they have finished their timelines.


Instruct students to look over their timeline, notes, and other research. Challenge them to identify three patterns that repeat throughout the subject’s life and sort all the related events and incidents into specific categories.

Students should then label each category with a single word. This is the thematic concept or the broad general underlying idea. After that, students should write a sentence or two expressing what the subject’s life ‘says’ about that concept.

This is known as the thematic statement . With the thematic concepts and thematic statements identified, the student now has some substantial ideas to explore that will help bring more profound meaning and wider resonance to their biography.


Instruct students to write a short objective account of an event in their own life. They can write about anyone from their past. It needn’t be more than a couple of paragraphs, but the writing should be strictly factual, focusing only on the objective details of what happened.

Once they have completed this, it’s time to rewrite the paragraph, but they should include some opinion and personal commentary this time.

The student here aims to inject some color and personality into their writing, to transform a detached, factual account into a warm, engaging story.


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  • Understand the purpose of both forms of biography.
  • Explore the language and perspective of both.
  • Prompts and Challenges to engage students in writing a biography.
  • Dedicated lessons for both forms of biography.
  • Biographical Projects can expand students’ understanding of reading and writing a biography.

Biography Graphic Organizer

FREE Biography Writing Graphic Organizer

Use this valuable tool in the research and writing phases to keep your students on track and engaged.


writing checklists

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To Conclude

By this stage, your students should have an excellent technical overview of a biography’s essential elements.

They should be able to choose their subject in light of how interesting and worthy they are, as well as give consideration to the availability of information out there. They should be able to research effectively and identify emerging themes in their research notes. And finally, they should be able to bring some of their personality and uniqueness into their retelling of the life of another.

Remember that writing a biography is not only a great way to develop a student’s writing skills; it can be used in almost all curriculum areas. For example, to find out more about a historical figure in History, to investigate scientific contributions to Science, or to celebrate a hero from everyday life.

Biography is an excellent genre for students to develop their writing skills and to find inspiration in the lives of others in the world around them.


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How to write an Autobiography

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How to Write a Historical Recount Text

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15 Awesome Recount & Personal Narrative Topics

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Personal Narrative Writing Guide

biography essay prompts

Explore our Teaching Unit on BIOGRAPHY WRITING

How to Write a Biography Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

A biography essay is a powerful tool to reveal the essence of a person. It goes beyond mere facts, delving into the impact a person has had on the world. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of crafting a compelling biography essay that captures the spirit of the individual you're exploring.

Biography Essay Writing Guide

Writing a biography essay requires a thoughtful approach. It's not just about narrating a person's life but understanding their impact on the world. Follow these steps to create a meaningful and well-structured biography essay:

1. Choose a Compelling Topic

The first step is crucial. Select a person whose life and work resonate with you. Your passion will shine through in your writing, making the essay more engaging.

2. Research Thoroughly

Dive into the life of your chosen subject. Unearth interesting facts, anecdotes, and pivotal moments. A well-researched essay adds credibility and depth to your writing.

3. Craft an Engaging Introduction

Your introduction sets the tone for the entire essay. Create a captivating opening that introduces the person and sparks curiosity in the reader.

4. Develop a Chronological Narrative

Organize your essay chronologically to provide a coherent timeline of the person's life. Highlight significant events and their impact on the world.

5. Analyze Their Impact

Move beyond facts to analyze the person's impact. Discuss how their work, ideas, or actions shaped the world around them.

6. Conclude Reflectively

Conclude your essay by reflecting on the enduring legacy of the individual. Summarize their contributions and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

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When it comes to crafting a biography essay, EssayTigers brings you the best in custom paper writing. Our guides and expert writers ensure that your essay is not just informative but impactful.

Dos and Don'ts of Biography Essay Writing

  • Choose a subject you are passionate about.
  • Thoroughly research the person's life and contributions.
  • Craft a compelling and engaging introduction.
  • Organize the essay chronologically for clarity.
  • Analyze the impact of the person on the world.
  • Conclude with a reflective summary.
  • Seek professional help from EssayTigers for custom paper writing.
  • Choose a subject without sufficient historical or biographical material.
  • Rely solely on one source of information.
  • Start the essay with generic information.
  • Present information in a disorganized manner.
  • Neglect to analyze the person's broader impact.
  • Rush the conclusion; take time to reflect thoughtfully.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: how do i choose the right person for a biography essay.

A: Choose someone whose life and contributions align with your interests. Passion for the subject will enhance the quality of your writing.

Q: Is it necessary to include both positive and negative aspects?

A: While it's important to be objective, focus on presenting a balanced view rather than dwelling solely on negatives.

Q: Can I use the first person in a biography essay?

A: It's advisable to maintain a third-person perspective for a more formal and objective tone.

Final Thoughts

Writing a biography essay is a rewarding journey into the life of a remarkable individual. Through thorough research and thoughtful analysis, you can create an essay that not only informs but leaves a lasting impact on your readers. Trust EssayTigers for the best in custom paper writing to ensure your biography essay stands out.

Useful Resources:  https://www.stellarsurvey.com/how-to-write-a-survey-paper-what-you-need-to-know-about-writing-a-great-paper/

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How to write a biography essay

The complete guide on biographical storytelling

Anyone can learn how to write a perfect biography essay about someone else’s life by making sure to focus on true, objective facts about a specific person. First, determine the scope of the person’s life (years), pick a central theme, and write out the biography using the classic narrative arc.

Many college courses include an essay writing component, and a biography essay is one of the types of essays that you may encounter, especially if you are taking courses in liberal arts disciplines such as history or cultural studies. This guide from Ultius will provide you with a thorough overview of how to write an effective biography essay. The guide will include the following sections:

  • purpose of a biography essay
  • biography and culture
  • elements of a good biography essay
  • how to write a great biography essay
  • samples/examples
  • additional information

After reading this guide, you should feel confident in your ability to write a strong biography essay, or at least in your ability to find the right kind of help to write such an essay.

Purpose of a biography essay

"Biography" literally means the story of a life. So, when you write a biography essay, what you are trying to do is to write the story of someone's life. ( Autobiography is a related concept that refers to the story of your own life.) If your biography essay is successful, then by the end of reading it, the reader should have a clear idea of what your subject did in his/her life and why his/her life was interesting and/or important enough to be the subject of a biography essay.

According to the Ultius glossary, a biography is a detailed descriptions of a famous person’s life and accomplishments (as a genre). Biographies typically contain intricate details of the subject’s personal life and sometimes include an analysis of the person’s personality and attributes.

A biography essay is similar to other forms of essays, such as the narrative essay, insofar as it involves telling a story. A biography essay, however, is supposed to be rooted in historical fact, and it should describe your subject using objective tone and language.

Narrative essay how-to guide. Click here is you are interested in learning how to write a narrative essay instead.

  Biography essay Narrative essay
To describe the life arc of a selected subject To tell a story about something you experienced
"Søren Kierkegaard was born in the year 1813 in the nation of Denmark." "Last weekend, my friends and I went to the water park."
history journals, full-length books some columns in political and cultural magazines
third-person, objective, scholarly, rational first-person, subjective, informal, imaginative
MLA or Chicago style citations required scholarly citations are generally not required

There are two important things to remember about a biography essay.

1. It is a true story that describes the life of your subject. You are not allowed to just make things up, and there should be scholarly documentation confirming that what you are writing is valid.

2. It is a story about someone else, generally a famous historical figure . If you were writing about yourself, that would be a memoir, which for present purposes should be considered as different from a biographical essay.

Only use details and facts that can be verified through documents or existing sources. An important hallmark of biography essays is that they are true.

The importance of biography essays

The English writer Samuel Johnson had this to say about biographies:

"No species of writing seems more worthy of cultivation than biography, since none can be more delightful or more useful, none can more certainly enchain the heart by irresistible interest, or more widely diffuse instruction to every diversity of condition.”

The main idea here is that my reading biographies, people can gain insight into the lives of other people who have done amazing things. This can be enchanting in its own right, and it can also provide the reader with inspiration for his own life and help the reader look at his own life with fresh eyes.

Stuck with writing? Essay services from Ultius can help with biography writing.

For example, are you interested in doing philosophy? If so, you may find it inspiring to read biographies such as:

  • Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius , by Ray Monk
  • Albert Camus: A Life , by Olivier Todd
  • Søren Kierkegaard: A Biography , by Joakim Garff

A nice thing about the genre of biography is also that biographies are written about a huge range of different figures in different disciplines, meaning that you can find biographical subject that may specifically interest you or move your heart.

Biography and culture

Biographies play an important role in preserving human cultural memory: it is like history, except focused on the life of one person. People have been telling stories about heroes and other admirable figures since the beginning of the human species.

Alexander the Great mosaic

Modern biography, though, is somewhat different from the old heroic stories, in that modern biography is supposed to be objective and scholarly, and it is generally rooted in a secular view of time and history. In other words, modern biographies are based in reason more than imagination, and they are not supposed to include magical and/or irrational events.

Biography vs. legend

Biography is a modern scholarly discipline that has some similarities to the much older genre of the legend, but it is also different in some important ways.

  Biography Legend
Written records, objective recorded facts, contemporary documents Oral tradition, subjective impressions and hearsay, cultural beliefs
Rational, scholarly Imaginative, heroic
More secular and linear More mythic and cyclical
Generally not allowed, unless events have been strongly corroborated The supernatural is often taken for granted as a normal part of reality
the old stories about King Arthur and his knights

So, the genre of biography carries on the old tradition of telling stories about the lives of admirable figures. But whereas the old legends were more imaginative and quasi-fictional in their tellings, modern biography is supposed to be based on reason and objective, verifiable facts about the life of the subject.

Elements of a good biography essay

In order to write a compelling biography essay, there are certain elements that you will have to include. Here are some of them.

Linear narrative arc

This may seem somewhat obvious, but a human life naturally resembles a story, starting with birth and ending in death, with various drama and events happening in between. This is the natural arc that you should follow when writing your biography essay. In general, you should begin your essay with the birth of your historical figure and then follow him/her through the events of his/her life until death.

The plot rainbow | Ultius

Some biography essays might be able to get with innovations such as non-linear structure, but unless you really know what you are doing, that can get very confusing, and your biography essay would be difficult to follow. So, for all intent and purpose, we can say that following a linear narrative arc is a best practice for writing a biography essay.

Different types of narrative structures

These are some of the possible types of narrative structure. When writing a biography essay, you are strongly advised to stick to the linear structure.

  Features Example
the story starts at a specific point in time, and it moves forward by following the subject's experiences over time — , a novel by Eugene Vodolazkhin
— , a novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky
the story may include flashbacks, reversed order of events, and other devices that fragment the narrative — , a film by Christopher Nolan
— , a TV show by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy
— , a novel by David Foster Wallace
there may be not even be a story per se, and various ideas may be introduced on the basis of key themes — , a philosophical work by Søren Kierkegaard

The linear structure is the standard for most biographies; it starts at a specific point in the protagonist's life and moves forward in chronological order. Nonlinear structure is more complex as this style moves between time periods with time skips and flashbacks. Thematic structure strategically conveys given and new information to frame and insert specific themes.

Choose a compelling biography essay subject

For your biography essay, your subject will be the person whose life story you will be writing. In order for your biography essay to be effective, you will have to pick a subject who is interesting, important, or otherwise qualified to be the subject of a biography essay. You should ask yourself the question: why choose your subject, and what has your subject done that deserves to be recorded and remembered?

Of course, there's a sense in which every single human life is interesting and important. But for the purposes of your biography essay, you will want to dig deeper and consider why your subject is worthy of being remembered in the collective cultural memory.

An effective biography usually focuses on someone who has affected history, or someone who has achieved a high level of excellence within his/her discipline or field.

Søren Kierkegaard: A very important philosopher

Portrait of Søren Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard would be an example a good subject for a biography essay, because his works are generally considered a turning point in modern philosophy.

The subject of your biography essay does not necessarily need to be well-known. In fact, it can be a lot of fun to dig into the life of someone is not well known but should be. The important thing is that your subject must be compelling, and there must be a solid reason why his/her story should be told.

Also, when picking a subject, you may want to make sure that you actually like your subject. That can make writing a biography essay more fun, and your respect for the subject (or lack thereof) will also probably come across in your writing. If you want to convince others that your subject is compelling, then it would help if you find him/her compelling.

Choose biographical (life) events wisely

A lot can happen in a life, and it would probably be impossible for you to include everything there is to know about your subject within a single biography essay. So, you should choose the high point, or the most important points, and then focus on those.

Events in the life of Kierkegaard

These are key events that could be the focus of a biography essay on Kierkegaard.

  Event Rationale
Kierkegaard is born on the 5th of May, 1813. Logical starting point for the biography essay.
Kierkegaard breaks his engagement with a girl named Regine Olsen on the 11th of August, 1841. This is considered to be a turning point in his life and a major catalyst behind several of his works.
affair Kierkegaard gets into a bitter public dispute with a tabloid called the . This renewed his creativity in the later part of his life.
Kierkegaard dies on the 11th of November, 1855. Logical ending point for the biography essay.

Garff, Joakim. Søren Kierkegaard: A Biography. Princeton: Princeton U P, 2007.

How to write a great biography essay

Now that you know about the elements of a biography essay, you can follow these steps in order to ensure that your biography essay turns out to be a success.

Writing a Biography Essay | Ultius

Next, integrate the specific biography related aspects listed below.

Determine the scope of your biographical essay

Again, your biography essay won't be able to include everything there is to know about your subject. So, you will want to map out the scope of your biography essay before you get started. The birth and death of your subject are the logical starting and ending points for your essay. Then, you will want to select a few events or accomplishments in the life of your subject that are worthy of remembrance.

You can develop a full-fledged outline, or you can use a table like the one developed above. Either way, though, you will have to have a clear idea of where you will begin, where you will end, and the path that you will take from the beginning to the end.

Compile credible sources

Your biography essay has to be rooted in verifiable facts about the life of your subject. This means that it is important that you identify and document the sources of your information. The essay sources should generally be scholarly in nature, and you should avoid using websites to the greatest extent possible. This is because it is often difficult to tell whether the content on websites have been drawn from credible sources.

Questions to ask when compiling sources

Questions to ask when finding sources

If there are references listed on a website about your subject, then you should trace those references back to the original academic sources. Those are the sources you should use for your biography essay.

The differences between primary and secondary sources | Ultius

Write in a clear and compelling style

Remember: with your biography essay, you are at least partly trying to show your reader why your subject is interesting and why he/she deserves to have an essay written about him/her.

Your interest in your subject should come across in your writing style. After all, if you feel bored with your subject, then why should anyone else pay attention?

The language you use should be scholarly (but still filled with imagery ), but you should also focus on varying sentence structure, using excellent word choice, and other writing techniques that tell the life story of your subject in a compelling way that does justice to the importance of your subject.


See the example biographical essay below for a clear example of how it needs to be written.

As the sample shows, it’s very important to be focused on true details. Please see the list of blog posts below for more examples of biography essays:

  • Biography essay on Hillary Clinton
  • Biography essay on Frank Rosolino
  • Short essay on Edgar Allan Poe

If you need more help or would like something written for your own needs, consider buying custom essays from Ultius . Our talented writes can help you get something done in as fast as three hours.

Additional information

That brings us to the close of this guide on the biography essay. Here is a recapitulation of some of the best practices that have been covered here.

Develop a focused arc

You should use a linear narrative structure, starting with the birth of your subject, ending with their death, and focusing on selected key events and accomplishments in the subject's life.

Write in the scholarly mode

Although a biography essay is a kind of "story," it should still be written in a rational, scholarly way, and referencing in MLA or Chicago style is usually required for this kind of essay.

Love your subject

If you get to choose your subject, then you should pick a subject that you personally admire. This will make the writing process more fun, and your interest will also show in your writing and make the biography essay more enjoyable for the reader.

Find help if you need it

Finally, Ultius has plenty of resources that can help you write a successful biography essay and hone your skills as a writer. Please feel free to lean on us.

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Jun 23, 2023

Biographical Essay Examples: Learn How to Tell a Compelling Life Story in Writing

Explore the art of storytelling through captivating biographical essays. Join us on a journey of discovery as we unveil inspiring examples that teach you how to craft compelling life stories. Step into the world of biography writing and learn how to engage readers with fascinating narratives. Get ready to bring extraordinary lives to life on the page!

The art of storytelling has been an integral part of human culture since the dawn of civilization. It is through stories that we learn about the lives of others, understand different perspectives, and gain insight into the human experience. Biographical essays, in particular, provide a unique opportunity to delve into the life story of an individual and share their journey with readers. In this article, we will explore biographical essay examples and learn how to tell a compelling life story in writing.

What Is a Biographical Essay?

A biographical essay is a piece of writing in which you narrate the life story of an individual. It provides an opportunity for you to conduct research and discover fascinating details and perspectives concerning someone. A biographical essay is also a written account of an individual's life, highlighting their achievements, experiences, and personal characteristics. It can be about historical figures, famous personalities, or even ordinary people who have made a significant impact on the world or those around them. Biographical essays are often used in academic settings to provide insight into a person's life and contributions, but they can also be written for personal, professional, or entertainment purposes.

One of the key elements of a compelling biographical essay is a well-crafted narrative. The narrative structure helps to engage readers and keeps them interested in the story being told. A 

A good biographical essay should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, just like any other story. It should have a strong opening that hooks the reader, a well-paced middle that provides details about the person's life, and a satisfying conclusion that ties everything together.

Biographical Essay Writing Tips

Writing a biographical essay requires careful planning, research, and storytelling skills to create a compelling narrative that captures the essence of a person's life. Here are some tips to help you craft an engaging biographical essay:

Choose a Fascinating Subject:

The first step in writing a biographical essay is to choose a subject whose life story is intriguing and resonates with your audience. Whether it's a historical figure, a famous personality, or an ordinary person who has made a difference, ensure that your subject has a compelling life story that is worth exploring and sharing.

Conduct Thorough Research:

Research is the foundation of any biographical essay. Conduct in-depth research on your subject, including their background, achievements, challenges, and contributions. Utilize primary and secondary sources, such as biographies, memoirs, interviews, and historical records, to gather accurate and reliable information. This research will provide the basis for your essay and ensure that your writing is well-informed and credible.

Develop a Clear Outline:

Before you start writing, develop a clear outline that organizes your ideas and provides a structure for your essay. Outline the main sections of your essay , such as the introduction, background information, key events or milestones, challenges faced, achievements, and conclusion. This will help you maintain a coherent and organized flow throughout your essay.

Tell a Story:

A biographical essay is not just a collection of facts, but a compelling story that engages the reader. Use storytelling techniques, such as vivid descriptions, dialogues, and anecdotes, to bring your subject's life to life on the page. Focus on key events or moments that shaped your subject's life and highlight their emotions, motivations, and experiences. This will create a personal connection between the reader and your subject, making your essay more engaging and memorable.

Be Objective and Balanced:

While it's important to be inspired by your subject, strive to maintain objectivity and balance in your writing. Present a well-rounded and nuanced view of your subject, including their strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures. Avoid bias or exaggeration, and ensure that your essay is based on factual information and credible sources.

Provide Context:

Provide context for your subject's life story by incorporating relevant historical, social, or cultural information. This will help readers understand the background and circumstances in which your subject lived and provide a deeper understanding of their life and achievements. However, be mindful of not overwhelming your essay with excessive background information, and focus on what is relevant to your subject's story.

Edit and Revise:

Like any other form of writing, editing, and revising are crucial in crafting a compelling biographical essay. After completing your first draft, take the time to review and revise your essay for clarity, coherence, and flow. Check for any factual inaccuracies, grammar, or spelling errors, and ensure that your essay follows a logical structure. Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to gain different perspectives and improve your essay.

Show Respect and Empathy:

When writing about someone's life, it's important to show respect and empathy towards your subject. Avoid sensationalism or exploitation of their life story and strive to depict them in a dignified and compassionate manner. Acknowledge their achievements, challenges, and contributions with sincerity and respect, and be mindful of their privacy and personal boundaries.

Be Authentic:

Finally, be authentic in your writing. Share your voice and perspective while staying true to the facts and nuances of your subject's life. Bring your unique perspective and insights to the essay, and strive to make it a genuine reflection of your writing style and personal connection with your subject.

In conclusion, writing a biographical essay requires careful research, storytelling skills, and a respectful

Personal Essay

My Journey: Embracing Life's Adventures

Life is an unpredictable adventure, full of twists and turns that shape who we become. Throughout my journey, I have encountered challenges, triumphs, and everything in between. I have learned that

Resilience and perseverance are crucial in overcoming obstacles, and every experience, whether positive or negative, has valuable lessons to offer. I have also realized the importance of cherishing the present moment and embracing new opportunities with an open heart and mind. Life may be uncertain, but I am determined to make the most of it, explore new horizons, and continually grow and evolve along the way.

Essay Examples

"The Untold Story of Nelson Mandela: From Prisoner to President"

This biographical essay tells the life story of Nelson Mandela, a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. The essay starts with an attention-grabbing opening that introduces the reader to Mandela's imprisonment on Robben Island and the hardships he faced during his time in captivity. It then delves into his early life, education, and activism against apartheid, painting a vivid picture of his journey from prisoner to president. The essay includes anecdotes, quotes, and historical context that provide a well-rounded portrayal of Mandela's life and legacy.

"The Power of Perseverance: The Life of Helen Keller"

This biographical essay tells the remarkable story of Helen Keller, an American author, political activist, and lecturer who was both blind and deaf. The essay begins with an engaging introduction that highlights Keller's disabilities and the challenges she faced from a young age. It then delves into her childhood, her relationship with her teacher Anne Sullivan, and her accomplishments as a writer and social activist. The essay uses vivid descriptions and sensory details to transport the reader into Keller's world and conveys the incredible strength of her character.

"Rising Above Adversity: The Journey of Malala Yousafzai"

This biographical essay tells the inspiring story of Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education and women's rights who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban. The essay begins with a gripping prologue that describes the attack on Malala and sets the stage for her remarkable journey. It then traces her early life, her advocacy for girls' education, and the challenges she faced under the Taliban's rule. The essay includes anecdotes, quotes, and personal reflections that provide a compelling portrayal of Malala's courage and resilience in the face of adversity.

Writing Inspiration

Writing a biographical essay can be an inspiring and fulfilling endeavor. As a writer, you have the unique opportunity to delve into the life story of an individual and share their experiences, achievements, and personal characteristics with readers. Here are some sources of inspiration that can help you find compelling stories for your biographical essay.

Historical Figures:

Throughout history, there have been countless individuals who have made significant contributions to society, shaped the course of events, or left a lasting legacy. From political leaders and innovators to artists and activists, the lives of historical figures are often rich with intriguing stories that can make for compelling biographical essays. You can choose to write about well-known figures like Martin Luther King Jr. , Marie Curie , or Leonardo da Vinci , or explore lesser-known figures whose stories deserve to be told.

Famous Personalities:

Celebrities, athletes, musicians, and other famous personalities often have fascinating life stories that can make for compelling biographical essays. These individuals often face unique challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve remarkable success in their respective fields. Writing about their journey, struggles, and achievements can provide insights into their lives beyond the public persona, and offer readers a glimpse into the realities of fame and fortune.

Ordinary People:

While historical figures and famous personalities may be popular choices for biographical essays, the lives of ordinary people can also be a rich source of inspiration. Everyday individual who have faced adversity, achieved personal milestones, or made a difference in their communities can have compelling life stories that resonate with readers. It could be a family member, a neighbor, a teacher, or someone you have come across in your community whose story has profoundly touched you. Writing about their life can shed light on the power of resilience, determination, and the human spirit.

Personal Experiences:

Another source of inspiration for a biographical essay can be your own experiences. Reflecting on your own life story or the lives of those close to you can provide unique insights and perspectives that can make for a compelling narrative. It could be a story of overcoming challenges, pursuing a passion, or learning from failures and successes. Sharing your personal experiences in a biographical essay can be deeply introspective and provide a genuine connection with your readers.

Researching various topics , events, or historical periods can also lead you to interesting life stories that can inspire your biographical essay. Exploring different eras, cultures, or social movements can uncover fascinating individuals whose stories are worth telling.

Essay Structure

The structure of a biographical essay typically follows a basic essay structure consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, there may be slight variations depending on the purpose of the essay and the specific requirements of the assignment.

Here is a breakdown of the typical structure of a biographical essay:


The introduction sets the tone for the essay and should grab the reader's attention. It should provide some background information about the subject of the essay and include a thesis statement that summarizes the main point of the essay.

Body paragraphs

The body of the essay contains the main content and should be organized into several paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a different aspect of the subject's life or accomplishments, such as childhood, education , career, or personal relationships. It should provide specific details, anecdotes, and examples to support the thesis statement and provide a clear understanding of the subject's life.

The conclusion ties everything together and should restate the thesis statement differently. It should summarize the key points made in the body paragraphs and leave the reader with a lasting impression. The conclusion may also provide some final thoughts or reflections on the subject's life and legacy.

Famous Personality

Allama Iqbal: A Visionary Poet and Philosopher

Allama Iqbal, also known as Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, was a prominent poet, philosopher, and politician who is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers in the history of modern South Asia. Born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, a city in present-day Pakistan, Iqbal grew up in a devout Muslim family and was deeply influenced by the teachings of Islam from a young age.

Iqbal's early education took place in Sialkot, and he later went to Lahore, where he completed his Bachelor's degree from Government College. He then traveled to England to pursue higher education, where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics from Cambridge University and later completed his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Munich University in Germany. During his time in Europe, Iqbal was exposed to various intellectual and philosophical ideas, which would later shape his worldview and contribute to his renowned poetry and philosophical writings.

One of Iqbal's most significant contributions was his poetry, which is known for its rich imagery, deep philosophical insights, and powerful messages of spiritual awakening and social reform. Iqbal's poetry was deeply rooted in his love for Islam and his longing for the revival of Islamic values and principles in the face of colonialism, social injustices, and moral decay.

In his poetry, Iqbal emphasized the importance of self-realization, self-respect, and self-reliance, and called for Muslims to rise above their individual and societal challenges and strive for excellence. He actively participated in the struggle for the rights of Muslims in British India and advocated for the establishment of an independent Muslim state. Iqbal's famous Allahabad Address in 1930, where he proposed the idea of a separate Muslim state in the Indian subcontinent, laid the foundation for the creation of Pakistan as an independent nation for Muslims in 1947.

Despite his remarkable contributions, Iqbal's life was not without challenges. He faced criticism, opposition, and personal setbacks during his lifetime, but his unwavering commitment to his beliefs and his passion for serving humanity remained unshakable

Life Stories

Throughout history, countless individuals have left indelible marks on the world through their remarkable lives. From visionaries and leaders to artists and activists, their stories inspire and captivate us, showcasing the boundless potential of the human spirit. Here are three compelling biographical stories of individuals whose lives have had a lasting impact on society.

Nelson Mandela: The Courageous Anti-Apartheid Activist

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, born on July 18, 1918, in a small village in South Africa, grew up witnessing the oppressive system of apartheid, which enforced racial segregation and discrimination. As a young man, Mandela became a vocal advocate for the rights of Black South Africans and joined the African National Congress (ANC) to fight against apartheid.

Mandela's activism and resistance against the apartheid regime led to his imprisonment for 27 years, during which he became an international symbol of the anti-apartheid movement. Despite the harsh conditions of imprisonment, Mandela remained steadfast in his beliefs and never wavered in his pursuit of justice and equality.

After his release from prison in 1990, Mandela continued his fight against apartheid and worked toward reconciliation and unity among all racial groups in South Africa. In 1994, he became the country's first Black president through the first fully democratic elections, and he served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Mandela's leadership and unwavering commitment to justice and equality continue to inspire people around the world, making him an iconic figure in the fight against oppression.

Frida Kahlo: The Resilient Mexican Artist

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon, known as Frida Kahlo, was born on July 6, 1907, in Mexico City, Mexico. She is widely regarded as one of the most prominent and influential artists of the 20th century, known for her surrealist and vibrant self-portraits that conveyed her physical and emotional pain.

Kahlo's life was marked by immense physical and emotional challenges. At the age of 18, she was involved in a devastating bus accident that left her with severe injuries, including a broken spine and pelvis. She endured numerous surgeries and spent months in bed recovering, during which she turned to painting as a means of expressing her emotions and experiences.

Kahlo's art was deeply personal and often depicted her physical and emotional pain, her Mexican heritage, and her feminist ideologies. Her paintings often featured vivid colors, surreal elements, and symbolic imagery, which earned her international recognition and acclaim.

Despite her physical challenges, Kahlo's resilience and determination to pursue her passion for art never wavered. She continued to paint and create despite her chronic pain and multiple health issues, and her art continues to captivate and inspire audiences around the world to this day.

Malala Yousafzai: The Fearless Education Activist

Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997, in Mingora, Swat District, Pakistan. From a young age, Malala was a passionate advocate for education and girls' rights in her native Swat Valley, where the Taliban had enforced a ban on girls' education.

At the age of 11, Malala began writing a blog for BBC Urdu under a pseudonym, where she documented her life under Taliban rule and her determination to fight for education. Her activism gained international attention, and she became a prominent voice for girls' education worldwide.

Embarking on the journey of life, we encounter a tapestry of experiences that shape who we are and add depth to our existence. From overcoming obstacles and celebrating growth to embracing new opportunities, we come to appreciate the captivating unpredictability of life's adventures. Each of us holds a unique journey, filled with invaluable lessons and cherished memories that fuel personal development. 

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Embrace the art of writing biographical essays, and unlock new avenues of academic and professional success by following the steps outlined in this article and harnessing the power of Jenni.ai. Seize the opportunity to become a skilled essay writer by signing up for Jenni.ai today , and embark on a transformative journey towards achieving your writing goals!

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Essay Samples on Biography

A journey unveiled: my autobiography.

Introduction Life is a voyage marked by milestones, challenges, and self-discovery. As I set my pen to paper, I embark on an introspective journey to chronicle the chapters that have shaped my existence. This autobiography is not a mere recollection of events, but a canvas...

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Frida Kahlo: Exploring Her Biography Through the Film 'Frida'

In the 2002 film “Frida” directed by Julie Taymor, illustrates the life of Frida Kahlo based on the book Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera. Who is Frida Kahlo? Her biography in this essay is explored with the help of the film...

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  • Frida Kahlo

Biography Of Tom Clancy: Main Topics

 'Life is about learning; when you stop learning, you die' .  This quote was not only spoken by the famous author Tom Clancy, but they are also words he lived by daily. Tom Clancy believed that everyday life provided lessons that an individual can learn...

John Hughes As An Author Of The Breakfast Club

John Hughes was an American screenwriter, film director and producer, and a well-regarded filmmaker. He started by writing jokes for comedians like Joan Rivers and Rodney Dangerfield. Eventually, he began writing screenplays for the National Lampoon magazine. After his hit screenplays, Class Reunion in 1982...

Joe Biden: Good Or Bad Candidate

Joe Biden is a 76 years of age majority rule up-and-comer who is running for president in 2020. He was conceived in Scranton, Pa; lives in Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. Biden filled in as VP in the Obama organization during the entry of the Affordable Care...

  • Affordable Care Act

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The Rise And Fall Of The Star That Was Marilyn Monroe

Norma Jeane Mortensen also known as Marilyn Monroe was born June 1, 1962 in the charity ward of the Los Angeles General Hospital. Monroe's childhood played a vital role in her strive for a career in show business. Monroe was one of the most iconic...

  • Marilyn Monroe

Life Of Claude Monet And Analysis Of His Art Piece The Water Lilies

Claude Oscar Monet was born on November 14, 1840 in Paris, France and died at the age of 86 on December 5, 1926 in Giverny, France. Claude was the oldest son of his family and became very fond of nature beginning at a very young...

  • Claude Monet

David Mccullough'S "John Adams": A Historian'S Gem

In David McCullough’s 2001 book John Adams, the life of the famous founding father is told through Adams’ perspective the lenses of the people around him. The man known most for being the second president of the United States had much more impact on the...

Simon Bolivar'S Adherence To Freemasonry

Introduction Freemasonry is one of Europe’s oldest institutions, although the exact date of its foundation is not known. Historians claim that freemasonry possibly comes from the stonemasons, the oldest documents that refers to the masons date back to the 1390s. Freemasonry is a pseudo religious/social...

Herbert George Wells' Life And The Time Machine Review

Herbert George Wells was born on the 21st of September 1866 at Atlas House, 162 High Street in Bromley, Kent. Referred to as “Bertie” by his family, he was the fourth and last child of Joseph Wells and Sarah Neal. An English author who gained...

  • The Time Machine

Young Boy Struggles Against The Racist Society In Richard Wright's Memoir Black Boy

Black Boy is a classic of American autobiographical works written in 1945. It can be truly considered a narrative journey of the author Richard Wright from innocence to experience. As the strong and remarkable story of one male’s coming of age, the memoir Black Boy...

  • Richard Wright

Biography Of Davy Crockett, One Of The Most Famous American Folk Heroes

Davy Crockett was born on August 17th in the year 1786 at 7:23 am in what is now the town of Limestone, Tennessee. At that time, this area was a part of North Carolina, which was one of the original twelve states. Davy's father was...

  • Davy Crockett

Early Life Of Eleanor Roosevelt And Her Grand Achievements As The First Lady

No presidential wife served a longer period than Eleanor Roosevelt did as First Lady. She served a total of twelve years, one month, one week, and one day. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was born October 11, 1884 in New York City, New York. Eleanor had a...

  • Eleanor Roosevelt

Life And Legacy Of Eleanor Roosevelt: Heroine Of The Ages

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.” Eleanor Roosevelt was a progressive woman stuck in a period that resisted change. As illustrated by her quote, she knew how difficult it was to...

Military Career Achievements And Presidency Of Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant, also known as Unconditional Surrender Grant, was known for his military services before his presidency. His presidency was interesting as he had no prior political experience. American Ulysses by Ronald C. White states that “..Lincoln commissioned Grant commander of all the Union...

  • Ulysses Grant

The Remarkable Legacy of Jerome Robbins

Jerome Robbins was born on October 11, 1918, in Wisconsin, New Jersey, USA. He has a strong interest in dance since he was a child and is deeply fascinated by the art of expressing his inner rich emotional world through his body language, dreaming of...

  • Fiddler on The Roof

The Biography and Story of Molly Ephraim, the Heroine of Paranormal Activity

She can be described as ‘beauty with brains’, she is a young and smart American actress, her name is Molly Ephraim. She is known for her appearance in the popular ABC TV show; Last Man Standing alongside others like Law & Order, Royal Pains, Hench...

  • Paranormal Activity

William Morris: The Founder of Art and Craft Movement

Art and craft movement are to assert the individual craft people who are creativity independent, and to retuned to hand craftsmanship. Take the reaction of against the industrialised society that the boom in Britain during the Victorian period, also the organisation (artistic reform). Nowadays, Art...

  • William Morris

The Life Story of the African-American Hero, Nat Turner

Today, the presence of the Black Liberation Army is obscure to many. Notwithstanding living through a time of psychological warfare, both worldwide and household history, this gathering helped formed various techniques for solidarity all through the African-American network. Before the Black Liberation Army there was...

The Life of Lauren Drain After Leaving the Westboro Baptist Church

A registered nurse, author, fitness icon, and online sensation, Lauren Drain's sexiest apparel is confidence and happiness. She is a prime example of determination over situation. Refusing to be boxed in by her former religious doctrines, Drain challenged the status quo and was consequently ostracized...

  • Westboro Baptist Church

William H. Macy: The Biography of Fargo's Leading Actor

William H. Macy needs no introduction. The award-winning actor, and budding director, is one of the most consistent faces in Hollywood and has appeared in several unforgettable projects. Additionally, Macy is also better known as the husband of distinguished Hollywood actress, Felicity Huffman. Huffman garnered...

Ned Kelly's Demeanor and Lifestyle Habits

Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader, convicted police murderer, and the face of the Colonial Australian Identity. This ‘identity’ being the ‘bushman’ identity- also known as the ‘noble bushman’. Edward 'Ned' Kelly (December 1854 – 11 November 1880) held this infamous repertoire. Kelly is synonymous with...

Analyzia of Federico García Lorca’s Use of Myth in Poems from the Romancero Gitano

To sufficiently understand Federico García Lorca’s poetry, the use of the stylistic devices, allusions to the Bible and mythology, it would be advisable to focus on the poet’s early life, his poetic inspirations, his childhood dreams, his youthful passions and the surroundings he grew up...

Life and Career of the Controversial Star, Sacha Noam Baron Cohen

The renowned and controversial British actor, comedian, screenwriter, director and movie producer, Sacha Noam Baron Cohen is estimated to have amassed a net worth of $130 million US dollars according to celebritynetworth.com. The 47 years old British actor is famous for his portrayal of funny...

  • Cyrano De Bergerac

Biography of Louis Sachar, the Author of a Widely Recognized Book Holes

Louis Sachar is an award winning author he is mainly recognized for his book “Holes”. "Holes" book won the 1998 U. S. National Book Award for Young People's Literature and the 1999 Newbery Medal for the year's 'most distinguished contribution to American literature for children'....

Life and Reign of Catherine the Great

A young girl sits alone in a cold room in a house on the German coast and dreams of being a queen. That girl's name was Sophia. She was born in 1729 but her mother would never treat her properly for being a girl. Her...

Biography of Matthew McConaughey and an Overview of His Acting Career

Matthew McConaughey is a decorated TV and film actor and filmmaker who embraced fame after his portrayal of David Wooderson a1993 comedy film titled Dazed and Confused, directed by Richard Linklater. The stylish actor had abandoned his initial desire to be a lawyer and chose...

  • Dallas Buyers Club

The Significance of Herman Melville on American Literature

Herman Melville (1819-1891) was born in New York. He was the son of a prosperous importer who went bankrupt and died young. He worked in a bank, as an elementary school teacher, and contributed to the local newspaper. He sailed as ship’s boy to Liverpool,...

The Achievements and Accomplishments of Noam Chomsky

The well-known linguist, activist and author Noam Chomsky is a person who I greatly admire. His work has influenced many people in many different fields, from linguistics to psychology to politics. Through all his many achievements he has still remained a humble and down to...

  • Noam Chomsky

Exploring the Bibliography of Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is an erudite scholar who has rendered enormous support in the field of linguistics, philosophy, history, and cognitive science with his groundbreaking innovations which include the theory of transformational generative grammar. Besides his contributions in academia, he is also a prominent author and...

Graham Hands: Martha Graham's Creative Expression in Shapes

In this documentary, Acampora recounts Graham’s biography, recalling her most significant life events and personal influences - predominantly her father who used physical movements to heal nervous disorders. This source also thoroughly explains how Graham’s experience as a student at the Cumnock School of Expression...

  • Martha Graham

The Career of Sasha Pieterse, The Star of Pretty Little Liars

To fans of the teen mystery thriller, Pretty Little Liars, Sasha Pieterse needs no introduction. On the Freefroem series, she portrayed one of the main roles - Alison DiLaurentis throughout the entire 7 year period that the show ran. The show earned her several award...

  • Pretty Little Liars

The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild: The Real Highwayman

Jonathan Wild rose to power at a time in London where crime was prevalent, and a lot of people wanted something done about it. Wild became very well known to the people of London as well as befriending criminals and becoming a leader of the...

  • The Highwayman

The Life and Achievements of Hunter Thompson, the Author of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

The Gonzo journalism style, a journalism style that sees the journalist go against the common expectations of objectivity and write himself as a part of the story. The style was popularized by the famous journalist, Hunter S Thompson, who, other than creating the movement, was...

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

The Revolution of Science Brought by Marie Curie

Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland, 1867, growing up in an environment that encouraged the seeking of knowledge – and that its importance was not to be underestimated. Although due to political instability, education prospects in Poland were not accessible to the female gender,...

  • Marie Curie

The Life and Death of the Richest Man, John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller is by far the world’s richest man to have ever lived. He has monopolized the oil empire in the 19th century, making it both far more accessible and affordable. This may sound strange, because when you think about the world’s wealthiest people...

  • John D. Rockefeller

Depiction of The Victorian Era Period in Monkey's Paw by William Wymark Jacobs

William Wymark Jacobs was born in 1863 in London, England. He is a short-story writer. In 1896, he created his first volume, Many Cargoes and it was a major success. However, he is best known for his horror story that is called “The Monkey’s Paw”...

  • Victorian Era

The Life of Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston Massachusetts On January 19, 1809. Edgar Allan Poe had imaginative way of storytelling, tales of mystery and horror gave birth to the modern detective story. Poe never really knew his parents Elizabeth Arnold Poe, and his father...

  • Edgar Allan Poe

What I Learned From Archimedes' Ideas

When I was a young child, I heard a saying from Archimedes: Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth. At that time, I thought it is interesting and sounded absurd. As I grow up, until I know what is...

Life and Career of Precious Cooper, a Famous Street Racer

If you follow American reality television, of which there are plenty to choose from, you are bound to stumble upon niche reality shows like Street Outlaws: Memphis, a street car racing show. On the show, which features an assorted array of personalities, you will find...

  • Street Racing

The Life of David Chang, a Famous Korean-American Chef

David Chang is a famous Korean-American chef born in Vienna, Virginia but raised in Arlington with his two older brothers, his older sister, his mother and his father. Chang’s father, Joe Chang, was born in North Korea, while his mother, Sherri Chang, was born in...

  • Pastry Chef

Audrey Hepburn'S Achievements And Influence In Hollywood

Audrey Hepburn is one of the most famous actresses in the world. She appears on many movies like “Roman Holiday”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, “My Fair Lady” and so on. Even “after her death, she still captivates people” (Johnson 2). She is famous as great actress,...

  • Audrey Hepburn

The Life of Edward Snowden: A Famous Whistleblower

Edward Snowden needs no introduction. The seemingly innocuous guy caused a major world upheaval when he released thousands of documents showing that the American government was not only spying on its citizens, but also on other world leaders who were supposed to be allies. These...

  • Edward Snowden

The Leadership and Life of Quaid E Azam

History has seen many people who had an extraordinary characteristics. The main thing was their character which was pure and free from any false accusation. They had high moral values, respect and talent with logics. Their hearts and minds worked together like a team. Their...

  • Quaid E Azam

The Life and Legacy of Albert Camus, a 19th Century Philosophical Writer

The first written example of literature was in Ancient Mesopotamia. Around 3400 B.C., the Sumerian civilization brought to life a world of emotions, knowledge, an expansion of our mind, critical skills, history, new culture and several more aspects to our society today by developing a...

  • Albert Camus

Albert Camus & His Life in Atomic and Post-Atomic Era

Introduction War has always been a constant in the development of history since ancient times. The first documented war in history was the Sumer War, which occurred in Mesopotamia some 4, 500 years ago and which pitted the cities of Lagash and Umma. From that...

Analysis of The Principles of Jeremy Bentham and James Mill

Jeremy Bentham was born in London in 1748. He went to Westminster and Oxford and in 1769 he was called to the Bar. In response to the enigma of the law and the mayhem associated with it, Bentham challenged the entire composition of the law...

  • Jeremy Bentham

My Personal Narrative of the Bad Boy of Acting Will Smith

The charming loving Willard Carroll Smith, Jr. (Will Smith) actor, rapper, and husband born September 25, 1968 straight out of Philadelphia. Mother Caroline bright his father Willard Carroll Smith sr., (Smiths) father was an U.S Air Force Veteran his mother work at a school. Will...

The Biography of Will Smith

In light of Willard Carroll (Will) Smith, Jr's. difficult work and devotion to being an entertainer, comic, maker, rapper, and lyricist, he became what they call, 'the most dominant entertainer in Hollywood.' He has delighted in achievement in TV, film, and music. Mr. Smith has...

Biography of Bernie Sanders American Politician

Bernie Sanders is 78 years old, born on September 8th, 1941 in New York. He attended James Madison High School, and later attended Brooklyn college then later transferred to the University of Chicago, graduating with a degree in political science (Lindsay, 2019). He participated in...

  • Bernie Sanders

Short Lifestory of Sir Isaac Newton

Introduction For this project we chose the mathematician Sir Isaac Newton. He lived from December 25, 1642 to March 20, 1727. He was Born in Woolsthorpe Lincolnshire England. He was 84 years old at the time of his death. During the time he was alive...

  • Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton: One of the Smartest Men That Ever Lived

Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton threatened to burn down his mother’s and step-father’s house with them in it, as a teen? My essay will inform you about the life and legacy of Sir Isaac Newton. In my opinion, Isaac Newton was one of...

Life And Contributions of Isaac Newton

I, Sir Isaac Newton, was born on January 4, 1643 in Woolsthrope, Lincolnshire, England. My mother told me that my father was a farmer but died three months before I was born. After my mother remarried, I spent most of my early years with my...

Biography of the King of Horror: Stephen King

Abstract Stephen King, also known as “The King of Horror”, is a famous American author that impacts the world today. His books that have been changed into movies and his books themselves are entertaining to a large portion of the American population. He was born...

  • Stephen King

The Biography of Alexander Hamilton Put Into Songs

Alexander Hamilton experienced a rough childhood growing up on the Caribbean islands of Nevis and St. Croix. His parents were not married, making him an illegitimate child. They did not have enough money to send him to school, so he did not have a formal...

  • Alexander Hamilton

Life and Legacy of Amelia Earhart

The young Amelia Earhart was a brave and adventurous young woman who became the talk of the world after being the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She later challenged herself to be the first person to fly across the globe, but...

  • Amelia Earhart

The Cultural and National Heritage of William Butler Yeats

“Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy” (Yeats). Yeats was an Irish poet who was awarded the Nobel Prize “for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit...

  • William Butler Yeats

The Stress and Worries of Elon Musk's Life

It is said that one of the best ways to learn something is to study and watch the people who are very successful at this task. So, if one was wanting to get better at business and the strategies behind it, a great way to...

Al Capone and the Rise of the Mafia

Murder, deception, crossed alliances and corruption. Italian-American mafia has affected our nation in ways we cannot imagine - its trickle-down effect has tarnished the system of fairness and real justice. Good day Mrs Thompson and class, He may have not been the president of the...

The Study of Charles Dawin's Life by Pete Bowler

Peter Bowler presents a synopsis of Charles Darwin's contributions to science, history, and culture. This book tries to provide a quick summary of the important periods in Darwin's life, touching briefly on each significant aspect. Much of the book is written in a somewhat technical...

  • Charles Darwin

Frida Kahlo and Her Impact on Mexican Culture and Society

Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist that has become one of the most influential and famous painters in history. Her legacy has left a huge impact on Mexican culture and popular culture that will continue through generations. Brief biography of Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo de...

The Accuracy of the Portrayal of Frida Kahlo's Life in the Film 'Frida'

In the 2002 film “Frida” directed by Julie Taymor, illustrates the life of Frida Kahlo based on the book Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera. Who is Frida Kahlo? Most people only know her for her vibrant self-portraits, however, she is also...

Biography Of Lewis Ray Rambo - A Father Of Conversion

Lewis Ray Rambo was born on December 29, 1943 in Stephenville, Texas, United States. He acquired his bachelor’s degree from Abilene Christian University, 1967, Master of Divinity from Yale University, 1971, Master of Arts from University Chicago, 1973, degree of Doctorate from University Chicago, 1975,...

  • Religious Beliefs

Analysis Of The Art Style Of Erik Johansson

I chose this artist because I really am lured in and interested by his art style. I like how he incorporates everyday objects, landscapes, and people, and then manipulates them to create amazing and surreal images. Biography Erik Johansson was born in 1985 outside a...

  • Famous Person

Biography And Art Of Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo was an artist from Coyoacan, Mexico City, Mexico, in 1907. She had an unfortunate contraction of polio when she was six, which led to poor health at a young age. To get over this, she did many sports, like swimming and soccer. She...

From Global To Local: Ecological Consciousness In Kallen Pokkudan’s Self-Narratives

Unlike the western autobiographical tradition, self writing practice in India, more locally in Kerala, more specifically among dalits, has not been a complacent activity. To carve a little space for themselves in the global literary firmament means beating the drum from the sidewalk. Linda Anderson...

Is Passion And Success One And The Same Thing? The Story of Joseph Elliott

Passion as they say is like a driving force because it pushes one to bring out the best in oneself. One man who's passionate about the things he does is Joseph Girardi, a former American professional baseball catcher during his playing days who later became...

Allan was born in Boston on January 19, 1809. Both of his parents were touring actors; both died before Poe even reached three years old. A rich merchant named Mr. Allan in Richmond, Virginia took Poe in. His childhood was uneventful although he attended the...

Aladdin Khalji – One Of The Most Powerful Rulers Of Delhi Sultanate

Aladdin Khalji was a Sunni Muslim and was born in 1250 in Barhom district, Bengal. His Full name was Juna Mohammed Khalji, in his early days he got lack of education during childhood but later he became strong and famous Mughal ruler and warrior of...

Analysis Of Age Of Entanglement By Kris Manjapra: The Global History

Age of Entanglement is the second book of the Tufts-based historian Kris Manjapra. His first, a short ‘global biography’ of Manabendra Nath Roy, the Bengali Marxist thinker and revolutionary who spent time in 1920s Germany, presages many of the transnational, intellectual themes present in this...

  • Literature Analysis

Analysis Of Bill Viola's New Media Artworks

Bill Viola, an American video artist (b.1951), is universally regarded as a pioneer of new media art. Viola first wore the medium of artistic expression in video art making and distribution in the 1970’s. Combination of filmed images and music existed in all of his...

Insight into Travis Roy's Resilience: Analyzing Six Quotes from "11 Seconds"

The memoir "Travis Roy: 11 Seconds" details the life of Travis Roy, a young man who became paralyzed after just 11 seconds of playing Division I ice hockey. Despite the adversity he faces, Roy maintains a positive outlook and a desire to help others. This...

  • Book Review

Analysis Of Jerry Springer's Personality Using Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

“Every individual in society today and in the previous years has a unique personality; it is very interesting to see the differences of people. I chose Jerry Springer and from the Carl Jung’s perspective he is described as dichotomous facets of personality. By evaluating the...

  • Personality

Analysis Of The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, with related documents by Louis P. Masur, entirely proves how persistent self-improvement and a love for learning lead to Franklin’s success. The autobiography was the first example of the “American dream.” The motive of the book is to show how...

  • Benjamin Franklin

August Wilson And His Contribution To American Theatre

On an average chilly day on April 27, 1945, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, no one knew that a star would be born who would work to change the world, Fredrick August Kittel. The early years were difficult for August and charged with racial awareness. August grew...

  • American History

Biography And Career Of Brittany Venti – A Controversial Game Sreamer And Youtuber

In recent times, many people live stream themselves playing video games. This has become a popular pastime on the internet and many highly skilled gamers have become internet celebrities through this means. However, some of them rather than becoming renowned for their gaming skills and...

  • Personal Life

Biography And Career Of Sam Riegel – An American Voice Actor

Sam Riegel is one of those entertainers with a captivating voice. He's an American voice actor, writer, and director and won't be forgotten for his numerous works in anime, and cartoons. He equally lends his voice to video game series. One of his exceptional works...

Biography Of Teddy Bridgewater – An American Football Quarterback

Teddy Bridgewater addressed in full as Theodore Edmond Bridgewater II is an American football quarterback who plays in the richest sports league in America - NFL. His life has been all about football as he took to the sports right from high school, got better...

  • American Football

Bruce Willis: Biography And Career Attainments

Being an actor is one of the career paths that make fame easy to attain but it takes a Bruce Willis to remain relevant and active in the industry for over 3 decades. Of course, the man is unquestionably one of the most influential actors...

Curtis Harper's Biography And Professional Career

There are several prominent boxers who have distinguished themselves in the world of heavyweight boxing. While the likes of Wladimir Klitschko, Joe Louis, and Tyson Fury has continued to dominate the ring as the world's heavyweight champions; there is also the upcoming stars are still...

Daniel Jacobs – Biography And Boxing Career

Daniel Jacobs popularly referred to as the 'Miracle man' has been in the limelight for a while following his ability to recover from a career-threatening bone cancer called Osteosarcoma. He was diagnosed with the sickness in 2011 and after nine months of continuous struggle; Jacobs...

Doug Marlette: Ways To Live A Good Life

Doug Marlette is a cartoonist who gives high school commencement speeches. He believes that there are ten simple ideas to live your life by, some of which is don't do drugs, don’t listen to celebrities, and read. The one idea he states that I think...

  • Philosophy of Life

George Bush: Texas Land Commissioner

Introduction George Prescott Bush is an American activist who believes in loyalty, commitment, servant leadership and peace for all. This paper explains the life experience of Prescott George P Bush was conceived 1976 in Houston, Texas where he grew up. He has a sister and...

  • George W. Bush

Kylie Minogue - The Goddess Of Pop

Today she is fondly called 'Goddess of Pop or 'Princess of Pop' by friends and fans but not many are aware that the now celebrated music star started off as an actress with small roles in soaps like The Henderson Kids, Skyways and The Sullivans....

Lauryn Hill & The Secret Of Her Success

“See fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need. And I just retired from the fantasy part.”— Lauryn Hill. This is exactly the kind of woman Lauryn Hill was and still continues to be , the kind of woman that was not...

Life Path Of Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami

Adolescence Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami, more famously known as R.K Narayan took birth in Chennai, Indian in 1906 out of a standard people south Indian family.His household comprised of 10 individuals with six toddler and two little girls. Narayan's father used to be a school...

Louie Zamperini: A Life Of Perseverance And Hope

Louis (Louie) Zamperini was born in 1917 and was raised in a low-income household. Growing up as a poor immigrant kid caused Louie to rebel and become an outcast, but he was always very strong willed. Pete, his older brother, saw potential in him and...

Martha Washington - One Of The Most Important Women In The History Of The USA

In my eyes, every woman has contributed to raising American in some way. The women were very hard-working they were either at home defending their turf, running the farm, taking care of her kids, or in most cases doing it all. If it weren’t for...

Moritz Wagner – A German Professional Basketball Player

Moritz Wagner is one giant of a basketball player and we mean this literally because of his height. He is from Germany and currently plays professional basketball as a forward with the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). Before going pro, he...

Murrow Vs.McCarthy: How I See It

I believe that Murrow and his staff are correct in their actions. I believe that them taking on McCarthy is the right thing to do. McCarthy and his anti-communistic views. McCarthy ruined many lives in his crusade against communism. Without someone like Ed Murrow, many...

Park Jimin - A Famous Street Racer From Busan

Park Jimin made his hometown of Busan famous for street racing, which of course didn't sit well with the tourist that caught wind of the high illegal activity rate. Jimin was the boy that everyone wanted to race even though no one could win against...

People I Admire – Leonard Kleinrock, Emile Cohl And Pierre Omidyar

There are many people to admire in the world. Some are admired due to their contribution in the society, workplace or may be the whole world. Likewise, I do admire and get influenced by many people’s life and their works. If I am to go...

The Rise And Fall Of Bernie Madoff By Erin Arvedlund

The world has experienced numerous financial frauds, but the Ponzi scheme executed by Bernard Madoff perhaps remain the biggest scheme the globe has ever seen. Bernard Madoff used the asset management unit of his investment securities firm to dupe hundreds of investors. In 2009, Erin...

Review Of Ben Horowitz's “The Hard Things About Hard Things”

Ben Horowitz’s “The Hard Things About Hard Things” serves as a realistic guide to entrepreneurs since, it focuses more on “what to do when things don’t go right, rather than how to get things right”. It is a mold of the uncomfortable truths, struggles and...

Review Of "The Indians’ New World" by James Merrel

James Merrell is the one who tweeted out this message. He is well known for being a history professor at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. He was born in 1953 and was raised in Minnesota. Throughout his career, he became a Newberry Fellow at...

Summary And Analysis Of "Liar's Poker" By Michael Lewis

After reading Liar’s Poker, Michael Lewis makes it clear that approval on Wall Street is far more desirable than money. Earning money is something that everyone in the office can do, but earning respect is a longer and more treacherous journey. As Lewis states, “success...

The Biography Of Andra Day (Cassandra M. Batiewhose), A Songwriter & A Singer

Andra Day whose birth name was originally Cassandra M. Batie is a songwriter and singer within the genre of soul and jazz. Day was born and raised in one of California’s major cities known as San Diego. As a start to expressing her passion, she...

The Biography Of Jane Addams

Having been born in a well-off family in Cedarville- Illinois, Addams lived between 1860 and 1935. Her father influenced her life strongly. He taught her philanthropy, strong work ethics and tolerance. Through her father’s encouragement, she pursued higher education in Rockford Female Seminary. It was...

The Biography Of The Artist Andy Mineo

Artist Andy Mineo pours out in the song titled “Lost” his sense of feeling lost; lost in the middle of pain, anxiety, depression, and confusion. However, Mineo writes this song to be a guide to anyone who has had the same struggles as him, showing...

Best topics on Biography

1. A Journey Unveiled: My Autobiography

2. Frida Kahlo: Exploring Her Biography Through the Film ‘Frida’

3. Biography Of Tom Clancy: Main Topics

4. John Hughes As An Author Of The Breakfast Club

5. Joe Biden: Good Or Bad Candidate

6. The Rise And Fall Of The Star That Was Marilyn Monroe

7. Life Of Claude Monet And Analysis Of His Art Piece The Water Lilies

8. David Mccullough’S “John Adams”: A Historian’S Gem

9. Simon Bolivar’S Adherence To Freemasonry

10. Herbert George Wells’ Life And The Time Machine Review

11. Young Boy Struggles Against The Racist Society In Richard Wright’s Memoir Black Boy

12. Biography Of Davy Crockett, One Of The Most Famous American Folk Heroes

13. Early Life Of Eleanor Roosevelt And Her Grand Achievements As The First Lady

14. Life And Legacy Of Eleanor Roosevelt: Heroine Of The Ages

15. Military Career Achievements And Presidency Of Ulysses S. Grant

  • Career Goals
  • Perseverance
  • Personal Experience

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Biography Essay Examples

Biography essay topics.

A well-written biography essay not only informs but also inspires, providing readers with insights into the subject's character, challenges, and achievements. Below, we'll guide you through creating an engaging biography essay, from prompt samples to brainstorming tips, unique topic ideas, and writing inspiration.

To choose a compelling topic for your biography essay, start by considering subjects who have led interesting lives filled with notable achievements, challenges, and impacts. Look for less-explored angles or untold stories within their lives to bring a fresh perspective to your essay.

  • The Unsung Heroes of Science: The Life of [Lesser-Known Scientist]
  • Behind the Pen: The Journey of [Influential Writer]
  • From Shadows to Spotlight: The Story of [Pioneering Artist]
  • Breaking Barriers: [Subject]'s Impact on Social Change
  • Innovators in Silence: [Inventor]'s Contributions and Challenges

Starting Points: Biography Essay Prompt Samples

Prompt 1: Analyze the early life of [Subject] and how it influenced their major accomplishments.

Prompt 2: Discuss the challenges [Subject] faced and how they overcame them, shaping their legacy.

Prompt 3: Examine the impact of [Subject]'s work on their field and beyond during their lifetime and in the present day.

Inspirational Writing Samples for Your Biography Essay

"[Subject] was not born into greatness, nor did they stumble upon it by chance. From their early years in [Place of Birth], facing [specific challenges], they carved a path that was uniquely theirs. Their contributions to [Field/Industry] were not just advancements but were revolutionary, challenging the status quo and paving the way for future generations."

Phrases for Inspiration :

  • "Amid adversity, [Subject] found their true calling in..."
  • "Despite facing [obstacle], [Subject]'s resilience led to groundbreaking discoveries in..."
  • "[Subject]'s legacy extends beyond their contributions to [Field], inspiring a new wave of [Professionals/Activists/Artists] to follow in their footsteps."
  • "The turning point in [Subject]'s life came when..."
  • "Dedicated to [Cause/Project], [Subject] demonstrated the power of perseverance and vision."

Thesis Statements for a Biography Essay

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s unwavering commitment to nonviolent resistance and his eloquent advocacy for racial equality not only transformed American society but also inspired global movements for social justice.
  • Marie Curie's groundbreaking research in radioactivity not only revolutionized the field of science but also challenged societal norms by proving that women could excel in the male-dominated world of academia.
  • The life and works of Leonardo da Vinci exemplify the Renaissance ideal of the polymath, with his contributions to art, science, and engineering leaving an indelible mark on multiple fields of study.
  • Harriet Tubman's bravery and strategic acumen in leading slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad highlight her pivotal role in the abolitionist movement and her lasting impact on American history.
  • Frida Kahlo's art, characterized by vivid self-portraits and symbolic imagery, not only portrays her personal struggles but also serves as a powerful commentary on gender, identity, and cultural heritage in 20th-century Mexico.
  • Albert Einstein's theories of relativity not only revolutionized theoretical physics but also challenged conventional wisdom, demonstrating the profound impact of innovative thinking on scientific progress.
  • Nelson Mandela's lifelong fight against apartheid and his subsequent leadership in establishing a democratic South Africa exemplify the power of resilience, forgiveness, and unwavering dedication to human rights.
  • Ada Lovelace's pioneering work in computer science, particularly her conceptualization of the first algorithm intended for a machine, laid the foundation for modern computing and highlighted the often-overlooked contributions of women in technology.
  • Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance and his leadership in India's struggle for independence had a profound influence on civil rights movements worldwide, emphasizing the power of peaceful protest.
  • Jane Austen's novels, with their sharp social commentary and exploration of women's lives and choices in the early 19th century, continue to resonate with readers and influence the literary canon.

Topic Sentence Examples for Biography Essays

  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement was marked by his powerful oratory skills and unwavering commitment to nonviolent resistance.
  • Marie Curie's discovery of radium and polonium revolutionized the field of chemistry and earned her two Nobel Prizes, making her a trailblazer for women in science.
  • Leonardo da Vinci's contributions to art and science exemplify the Renaissance ideal of the polymath, showcasing his unparalleled creativity and intellect.
  • Harriet Tubman's courageous efforts in the Underground Railroad were instrumental in leading hundreds of slaves to freedom, solidifying her legacy as an American hero.

📚 Discover: Autobiography Ideas to Write About 📚

  • Frida Kahlo's vivid and emotive self-portraits offer a profound exploration of her physical and emotional pain, making her one of the most influential artists of the 20th century.
  • Albert Einstein's theory of relativity fundamentally changed our understanding of physics and demonstrated the power of innovative thinking in scientific progress.
  • Nelson Mandela's dedication to ending apartheid in South Africa and his subsequent role as the country's first black president exemplify his lifelong commitment to justice and equality.
  • Ada Lovelace's pioneering work in developing the first algorithm intended for a machine laid the groundwork for modern computing and highlighted the crucial role of women in technology.
  • Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolent resistance was instrumental in India's struggle for independence and has inspired civil rights movements around the world.
  • Jane Austen's novels provide sharp social commentary on the lives and choices of women in early 19th-century England, securing her place as a foundational figure in English literature.

Understanding The Self: an Example of Sociological Autobiography

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A biography is a written account of a person's life, highlighting their achievements, experiences, and significant events.

  • The word "biography" comes from the Greek words "bios" (life) and "graphia" (writing).
  • The first modern biography is considered to be "The Life of Samuel Johnson" by James Boswell.
  • Biographies can be written about individuals from any walk of life, including celebrities, historical figures, and ordinary people.
  • Autobiographies are written by the subject themselves, while biographies are written by someone else.
  • Biographies often provide insight into the personal lives and motivations of the individuals they cover.

Biographies are important because they offer a unique perspective on the lives of others, allowing readers to learn from the experiences and achievements of different individuals. They can inspire, educate, and provide valuable insights into the human experience, helping us to better understand ourselves and the world around us.

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  • Someone Who Inspires Me
  • Helping Others
  • Jackie Robinson
  • Muhammad Ali

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biography essay prompts

Authority Self-Publishing

63 Best Memoir Writing Prompts To Stoke Your Ideas

You’re writing a memoir. But you’re not sure what questions or life lessons you want to focus on.

Even if only family members and friends will read the finished book, you want to make it worth their time. 

This isn’t just a whimsical collection of anecdotes from your life.

You want to convey something to your readers that will stay with them. 

And maybe you want your memoir’s impact to serve as your legacy — a testament to how you made a small (or large) difference. 

The collection of memoir questions in this post can help you create a legacy worth sharing.

So, if you don’t already have enough ideas for a memoir, read on. 

A Strong Theme

Overcoming obstacles, emotional storytelling, satisfying ending, examples of good starting sentences for a memoir , 63 memoir writing prompts , what are the primary parts of a memoir.

Though similar to autobiographies, memoirs are less chronological and more impressionable – less historical and more relatable.

Resultantly, they’re structured differently. 

With that in mind, let’s look at five elements that tie a memoir together, rendering it more enjoyable.

Biographies are histories that may not hew to a cohesive theme. But memoirs focus on inspiring and enlightening experiences and events.

As such, books in the genre promote a theme or idea that binds the highlighted happenings to an overarching reflection point or lesson.

Many people are super at sniffing out insincerity, and most folks prefer candidness.

So while exact dates and logistical facts may be off in a memoir, being raw and real with emotions, revelations, and relational impacts is vital. To put it colloquially: The best personal accounts let it all hang out. 

People prefer inspiring stories. They want to read about people overcoming obstacles, standing as testaments to the tenacious nature of the human spirit. Why?

Because it engenders hope. If this person was able to achieve “x,” there’s a possibility I could, too. Furthermore, people find it comforting that they’re not the only ones who’ve faced seemingly insurmountable impediments.

Readers crave emotion. And for many of the stoic masses, books, plays, television shows, and films are their primary sources of sentimentality.

Historically, the best-performing memoirs are built on emotional frameworks that resonate with readers. The goal is to touch hearts, not just heads.

In a not-so-small way, memoirs are like romance books: Readers want a “happy” ending. So close strongly. Ensure the finale touches on the book’s central themes and emotional highlights.

End it with a smile and note of encouragement, leaving the audience satisfied and optimistic.

Use the following questions as memoir writing exercises . Choose those that immediately evoke memories that have stayed with you over the years.

biography essay prompts

Group them by theme — family, career, beliefs, etc. — and address at least one question a day. 

For each question, write freely for around 300 to 400 words. You can always edit it later to tighten it up or add more content. 

1. What is your earliest memory?

2. What have your parents told you about your birth that was unusual?

3. How well did you get along with your siblings, if you have any?

4. Which parent were you closest to growing up and why?

5. What parent or parental figure had the biggest influence on you growing up?

6. What is your happiest childhood memory?

7. What is your saddest or most painful childhood memory?

8. Did you have good parents? How did they show their love for you?

9. What words of theirs from your childhood do you remember most, and why?

10. What do you remember most about your parents’ relationship? 

11. Were your parents together, or did they live apart? Did they get along? 

12. How has your relationship with your parents affected your own love relationships?

13. Who or what did you want to be when you grew up? 

14. What shows or movies influenced you most during your childhood?

15. What were your favorite books to read, and how did they influence you?

16. If you grew up in a religious household, how did you see “God”? 

17. How did you think “God” saw you? Who influenced those beliefs?

18. Describe your spiritual journey from adolescence to the present?

19. Who was your first best friend? How did you become friends? 

20. Who was your favorite teacher in elementary school, and why?

21. Did you fit in with any social group or clique in school? Describe your social life?

22. What were your biggest learning challenges in school (academic or social)? 

23. Who was your first crush, and what drew you to them? How long did it last?

24. What was your favorite subject in school, and what did you love about it?

25. What do you wish you would have learned more about growing up?

26. What did you learn about yourself in high school? What was your biggest mistake?

27. What seemed normal to you growing up that now strikes you as messed up?

28. How old were you when you first moved away from home?

29. Who gave you your first kiss? And what do you remember most about it?

30. Who was your first love ? What do you remember most about them?

31. Was there ever a time in your life when you realized you weren’t straight? 

32. Describe a memorable argument you had with one of your parents? How did it end?

33. Have you lost a parent? How did it happen, and how did their death affect you?

34. What was your first real job? What do you remember most about it?

35. How did you spend the money you earned with that job? 

36. At what moment in your life did you feel most loved? 

37. At what moment in your life did you feel most alone?

38. What do you remember most about your high school graduation? Did it matter?

39. What’s something you’ve done that you never thought you would do?

40. What has been the greatest challenge of your life up to this point?

41. What did you learn in college that has had a powerful influence on you?

42. How has your family’s financial situation growing up influenced you?

43. How has someone’s harsh criticism of you led you to an important realization? 

44. Do you consider yourself a “good person”? Why or why not?

45. Who was the first person who considered you worth standing up for?

46. If you have children, whom did you trust with them when they were babies?

47. Did you have pets growing up? Did you feel close or attached to any of them?

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48. Describe someone from your past whom you’d love to see again. 

49. Do you have a lost love? If yes, describe them, how you met, and how you lost them. 

50. Describe a moment when you made a fool of yourself and what it cost you. 

51. What is something you learned later in life that you wish you’d learned as a child?

52. How do you want others to see you? What words come to mind? 

53. What do you still believe now that you believed even as a child or as a teenager?

54. What do you no longer believe that you did believe as a child or teenager?

55. When have you alienated people by being vocal about your beliefs? 

56. Are you as vocal about your beliefs as you were when you were a young adult ?

57. Are you haunted by the consequences of beliefs you’ve since abandoned? 

58. How have your political beliefs changed since you were a teenager? 

59. Have you ever joined a protest for a cause you believe in? Would you still? 

60. How has technology shaped your life for the past 10 years? 

61.Has your chosen career made you happy — or cost you and your family too much?

62. What comes to mind if someone asks you what you’re good at? Why does it matter?

63. How is your family unique? What makes you proudest when you think about them?

We’ve looked at the elements that make memoirs shine. Now, let’s turn our attention to one of the most important parts of a personal account: the opening sentence.

We’ve scoured some of the most successful, moving memoirs of all time to curate a list of memorable starting sentences. Notice how all of them hint at the theme of the book.

Let’s jump in.

1. “They called him Moishe the Beadle, as if his entire life he had never had a surname.” From Night, a first-hand account of the WWII Holocaust by Elie Wiesel

2. “My mother is scraping a piece of burned toast out of the kitchen window, a crease of annoyance across her forehead.” From Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger, foodie Nigel Slater’s account of culinary events that shaped his life.

3. “Then there was the bad weather.” From A Moveable Feast , Ernest Hemingway’s telling of his years as an young expat in Paris

4. “You know those plants always trying to find the light?” From Over the Top: A Raw Journey of Self-Love by Queer Eye for the Straight Guy’s beloved star, Jonathan Van Ness

5. “What are you looking at me for? I didn’t come to stay.” From Maya Angelou’s masterpiece, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , the story of persevering in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles

6. “I’m on Kauai, in Hawaii, today, August 5, 2005. It’s unbelievably clear and sunny, not a cloud in the sky.” From What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami, a memoir about the fluidity of running and writing

7. “The soil in Leitrim is poor, in places no more than an inch deep. ” From All Will be Well , Irish writer John McGahern’s recounting of his troubled childhood 

8. “The past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time.” From Educated , Tara Westover’s engrossing account of her path from growing up in an uneducated survivalist family to earning a doctorate in intellectual history from Cambridge University 

9. “I flipped through the CT scan images, the diagnosis obvious.” From When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi, the now-deceased doctor’s journey toward mortality after discovering he had terminal cancer

10. “Romantic love is the most important and exciting thing in the entire world.” From Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton, a funny, light-hearted memoir about one woman’s amorous journey from teenager to twentysomething

Final Thoughts

These memoir topics should get ideas flooding into your mind. All you have to do, then, is let them out onto the page. The more you write, the easier it will be to choose the primary focus for your memoir. And the more fun you’ll have writing it. 

That’s not to say it’ll be easy to create a powerful memoir. It won’t be. But the more clarity you have about its overall mission, the more easily the words will flow. 

Enjoy these memoir writing exercises. And apply the same clarity of focus during the editing process. Your readers will thank you. 

Best Memoir writing Prompts

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Autobiography Examples

40 autobiography examples (autobiographical essay templates).

Writing an autobiography template isn’t an easy undertaking. When written, there will be as many life stories as there are people. What will make an autobiographical essay stand out are the essential topics.

Those which will make it unique among the rest, sorting out the most significant events in one’s life and writing about them are difficult. There is an abundance of experiences to choose from.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Autobiography Examples
  • 2 Formats for autobiography examples
  • 3 Autobiography Samples
  • 4.1 Map out your whole life
  • 4.2 Creating your narrative
  • 5 Autobiographical Essay Templates
  • 6.1 Edit your information first
  • 6.2 Publishing your autobiography

Fortunately, there are plenty of innovative and well-thought-out autobiography samples that are available. They can assist you in organizing your thoughts to come up with a great autobiography. These samples can save you valuable time, especially on how to start an autobiography. Check out our extra 40 biography templates

Free Autobiography Template 01

Formats for autobiography examples

As mentioned earlier, there could be as many life stories out there as there people. Each life story is unique; no two can be the same. It will be up to the writer to make his autobiography stand out.

The presentation of ideas will be an integral factor. Using the right strategies and format to make the writer more creative are necessary. As we all know, an autobiography is an account of a person’s life and it’s written by that person. Find out a suitable autobiography example to take reference from.

The reasons for writing an autobiographical essay differ from person to person. The main point of the writer’s exercise is to convey his life events using words. Autobiography samples will make it easy for the writer to organize thoughts.

To get you started, learn first the following types of written works:

  • Dramas or scripts Usually presented on stage or screen as the venue, this type is in script formats.
  • Graphic novels This new genre of novels is unique in the sense that they use drawn panels to convey a true story. Simply said, it’s a novel in comic-strip format. They tell stories through pictures and words.
  • Memoirs This type limits the information you will present. It’s an account written from personal knowledge or special sources. Its main focus is on specific moments in one’s life. Those which could either are historical, religious, philosophical, adversity, coming-of-age, and more.
  • Personal narratives or essays This type is shorter than a memoir. Its narratives focus on a single event in time. It expands that moment’s experience through conversations and imagery. These types are usually seen in classrooms, magazines or written by internet bloggers.
  • Traditional autobiographies This type usually covers the events of the writer’s life from birth to the present moment.
  • Vignettes This type covers just one particular occurrence at a time. It’s a brief evocative description, account or episode. You can even call it a lone chapter in a compilation of vignettes. You can have it published as a complete piece of work. Bear in mind, though, that each chapter in the collection is not directly related to the others.

Autobiography Samples

Free Autobiography Template 10

How to start an autobiography

Interesting lives make for good autobiographies. When we say interesting, it means the person lived a life full of fascinating experiences. Those he can and should share with others.

A good trick when writing your autobiography example is to think of it just like any other story, a good one at that. There’s always the protagonist, a central plot, and a number of compelling characters. All these will keep the reader’s attention.

Before venturing for an autobiography sample, think of an important event in your life and build your story on that. There is a writing craft or a technique that can make your story come to life. Read on and make your writing sing!

Map out your whole life

It wouldn’t be so hard to map out your timeline; after all, you have lived it. Before anything else, conduct a study on your life. Make a timeline to ensure you will include the important details, both events, and dates.

This will provide you a basis to work on. Don’t inhibit yourself from writing down all you can recall. Don’t underestimate the importance of each event.

  • Autobiographies needn’t always start with your birth Include a brief history of your ancestors if relevant. Introducing your family’s history can make readers relate. They can understand how you evolved into who you are at this moment.
  • Identify your main characters Make them interesting and compelling, either he/she be friend or foe. Be sure they help in moving the story along. Obviously, an autobiography sample will mention your parents. Also, include your spouse, friends, and relatives. But think past your family and friends. Search for those characters that have directly influenced your life. They should play their roles in your life story.
  • Include the best stories Your life is a collection of short stories and anecdotes. Each day, each struggle could be in itself a chapter. But there would be too many of them to contain in a book. Choose the best stories you can remember that have influenced you. Begin your manuscript with these chosen stories. Weave them together to create a picture of your life.
  • Write using your own voice Most people like reading autobiographies to experience what it’s like to be the writer. Being yourself when writing your story is a great way to maintain the reader’s attention. Remember, you are writing about yourself and your life experiences. Stiff and formal writing is for college essays . It won’t and can’t totally engage your readers.
  • Reveal things about your life You can reveal the truth about yourself without having to be too explicit. Write down the good as well as the bad experiences. This will make the reader feel the human side of you. You can write about your accomplishments but you also need to write the flaws that have made you what you are. Readers should empathize with you and may even cheer for you as the story progresses.
  • Show your weaknesses too You may have pitfalls in life but will still remain a protagonist. Write about your mistakes and the times that you have failed in some struggles. Writing too much about your positive side may even turn off some of your readers.

Creating your narrative

One, or perhaps the most important element of an autobiographical essay, is the plot. Not just a plot but a great one that could hold your readers spellbound. When you’ve gathered the material to work with, it’s time to create a fascinating story that would end with a climax as well as final resolutions.

Autobiographical Essay Templates

Free Autobiography Template 20

Craft your story by organizing your memoirs and anecdotes in an autobiography example. Keep in mind that these are coherent to your plot and should flow logically together. There should be a central conflict in your narrative.

It can involve an eventful experience in your life that took you years to conquer.

  • Build the suspense and tension to make it interesting Organize your plot in such as a way that every story would veer towards the conflict’s climax. Make it your goal to include anecdotes on your initial successes and failures. Readers love underdogs. Build on that.
  • Think about your climax Every story will have to end as the protagonist will deal with the conflict. You have read novels and seen movies. You should know what a climax is. You should also know that it’s very important.
  • Also, think about the resolution Autobiographies usually end with happy endings. If for some reason your story’s ending isn’t happy, just make sure that it’s profoundly satisfying. You might have lost the race but the wisdom you gain from the experience will be compensation enough.
  • Determine where to start your story Most autobiographies start with birth and end with the present. But many successful writers have resorted to mixing up their chronology. This makes the narration more interesting. If you’re bold enough, try doing this.
  • Weave in your themes Try to remember major themes in your life. Use them to link stories together by connecting the past with the now. Apart from a central conflict, there are themes that have followed us all through life. Use these themes as often as you can to form a consistent depiction of your story.
  • Reflect on the content of your autobiography template You surely have learned many lessons during the course of your life. It would be nice to relay your desires, intentions, feelings of joy and loss, and more you’ve gained in your life. You can include these lessons intermittently throughout the story. Reflect on these important experiences and what they have meant to you. This is a great way you can add profundity to your life story.
  • Add structure to your book by using chapters The use of chapters will permit you transition from talking about specific times in your life. We’ve all heard the expressions, “closed a chapter” and “opening a new chapter” in life. These are very applicable to autobiography samples and autobiography examples.

Free Autobiography Template 30

Creating and publishing your autobiography

After you’ve written everything, subject your work to several processes. Do this to make sure that its contents are true and accurate. Be sure to comply with all the rules of writing to avoid any problems that may arise later.

First, does a substance check. Second, do forms check? Here are some tips for you:

Edit your information first

  • Your facts should be completely accurate Double check or even triple if you have the time. Check the names, event descriptions, dates, and other things. Everything in your story should be accurate. Wrong facts will certainly get noticed at one time or another by people acquainted with you.
  • Ask permission from those you mention in your book You may name names or quote quotes from sources. In this case, make certain they’ve granted permission. Many don’t appreciate the thought of appearing in an autobiography. Respect that. If the character is central to the plot, describe them differently or change their names.
  • Go through your draft and edit if needed After you’ve finished the initial draft, go through your life story again. Comb through it by double checking your data. Reorganize the paragraphs, passages, and characters if necessary. Check your vocabulary and replace tedious words. Make your phrases more clear and compelling. And lastly, check your grammar and spelling.
  • Let other people read your work An outside or second opinion will be necessary to make sure that your work would appeal to all. You may find passages in your book that are funny or serious but would be mundane or even offensive to others. Present your work to as many close acquaintances and listen to their feedback. This will make sure that your thoughts will come across clearly with other people.
  • Hire a copy editor The job of a copy editor is to clean up your work and make those boring parts shine. Almost all writers seek the services of copy editors. Being a beginner, take a hint by seeking their help as well. Hire a seasoned copy editor to make sure that your book will have that professional polish.
  • Think of your title Think of a title that is intriguing and attention-grabbing. A simple and short title for your autobiography can be “My Autobiography”. If you find it too direct and common, choose something more unique.

Publishing your autobiography

Some people try self-publishing their books. That means they will have their finished work printed but only for themselves. It would also be appropriate to present your work to persons you mentioned in your book.

There are companies that can handle your book design, printing, and even shipping services. But if you want to go public on publishing your autobiography, the sensible thing to do is hire a literary agent.

He will send a query letter to research agents who work frequently with autobiographies. The query will contain information about your autobiography. It will also contain information about the author and how you want to market the book.

You can also send the query letter yourself directly to the publisher and wait. Depending on your query letter, he might get interested. Don’t send them your manuscript all at once. Send it when you get a request for your manuscript.

You can also try publishing your work online. This new alternative method is increasingly getting popular. It doesn’t involve expenses for printing and shipping. Search for online publishers and send them a query letter.

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Essays About Autobiography: Top 4 Examples and 8 Prompts 

Essays about autobiography help readers understand an individual’s life through that very person’s eyes. Learn to write these in this article.

Many people write autobiographies to describe or depict an important challenge or event in their lives. For some, their autobiography stands as proof of their victory over a challenge or event. Other people want to share their life lessons or truths through their autobiographies. Many authors wish to inspire and entertain readers by sharing their life stories.

Autobiographies provide a way for readers to learn things vicariously. Readers don’t need to endure or experience the lives of others to pick up life lessons from them. They can also easily grasp specific techniques, outlooks, or motivations from great individuals to withstand challenges in their own lives.

If you want to read essays on autobiographies, continue below for some examples. You can also use them as models when it’s time to write your autobiography. 

See these 7 best essay writing apps to help you with your essay.


Essays About Autobiography

1. my autobiography example by gene geralde gonzales, 2. my autobiography essay by janie thompson, 3. example of autobiography of a student by elizabeth austen, 4. i wrote an autobiography in 1988 at age 14; here it is by ryan rumsey, 1. why i eat rice with every meal: an autobiography, 2. my philosophy in life, 3. the things that made me what i am today, 4. how people in my life have turned me into a writer, 5. random musings, 6. your favorite things, people, events, and others, 7. a set of experiences, 8. life or career goals.

“I had a hard time [in] adjusting to a new environment, with different culture and dialect, as well. After six months, I was able to communicate with the family members of my employer in Mandarin, their native language, and also do well with my daily activities, especially cooking their Chinese dishes.”

In her essay, Gonzales details her life, starting from her basic details, family, and where she came from. Next, she describes how her family spends time, hobbies, and her career as a domestic helper. Finally, she includes what she did with the money she collected from working abroad and her next plans.

You might enjoy our round-up of the best autobiographies and the best memoir writers .

“In the attempt to continue our family tradition, I wanted to get a degree in the field of costume design. This issue caused my great interest since the set of particular skills needed for this profession would give [me] the opportunity to develop myself, as well as my career, in different business areas.”

Thompson’s essay begins with her name, birth date, and family. Then, after describing some more basic information about herself, she described her career and why she chose this path. She also describes the skills she needed to learn and develop to make it far in the fashion industry. Finally, she ends her essay with a short story about her own family and her new business on children’s clothing.

“My main belief in life is that everything should be in harmony. People have to keep balance in all spheres of life: society, family, work, friendship, and others. Studying art is my personal way to keep balance.”

Austen’s short essay shows her focus on art. It had a similar beginning to our other two examples: a brief depiction of her background. She later describes how her passion for art grew and developed.

“The qualities of adults I respect and admire the most are being enjoyable and having fun because with all the worries of adults, it’s remarkable to see them have fun and let go of all worries. The quality I least respect is when adults misunderstand you and yell at you.”

Rumsey’s autobiographical essay describes almost every aspect of his life at age 14, including his hobbies, family, and best friend. In addition, he notes down his favorite television shows, sports, and why friendship is important to him. He says that he had loved every year of his fourteen-year-old life and that he hopes the reader enjoyed reading it just as much. For more, check out these articles about autobiography .

8 Prompts and Ideas for Writing Essays About Autobiography

You’ve read various autobiographical essays, and it’s now your turn to write yours. Do you want to avoid the typical essay about autobiography and do something different? Use the ideas and topics listed below as a starting point or focus. 

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Autobiographies provide a way for you to describe the environment in which you grew up or developed. This essay idea is an excellent option or starting point for people with a heritage or culture that involves rice in almost every meal, like an Asian heritage. You can also change the topic to suit something else that is unique or stereotypical to your heritage.

Essays About Autobiography: My Philosophy in Life

Autobiographical essays often start with the basic details of the writer’s life. However, you can go deeper by describing your philosophy in life. You can focus on your philosophy and describe how it has changed your way of living. For example, you became a vegetarian or vegan after adopting the philosophies of Buddhism or Hinduism.

In this essay, you describe how you found success in life by first describing what made you successful. These things can range from a tough early life or a supportive family. It can also include specific events that changed how you approach life, like the sudden death of a dear friend.

Your autobiography essay can also describe how people in your life have pushed you to take a particular path. The essay idea isn’t limited to writers only. You can also change the keyword to what you are now. It can go beyond your career or job and cover religion, political belief, or general outlook. Examples include an optimist, Christian, or teacher.

You can also write an essay on an autobiography that doesn’t focus on anything specific. It only needs to make sense and cohesiveness to be a good essay. The random musings you can describe in your essay may include regrets, daydreams, phobias, anxieties, and spiritual beliefs. You can even describe your many habits, why you like or dislike them, and how they developed.

Young writers may find it easier to write their essays about autobiographies when they describe their favorite things and why young writers like them. These favorite things could be as simple as their favorite color. They can also detail their favorite bands, sports, hobbies, books, music, friends, etc.

You can write your essay about autobiography by focusing on a particular experience or set of experiences. For example, you are an athlete who has tried different combat sports and martial arts. You can start by discussing your first combat sport and why you enrolled in it. You can also include your tournament experiences, the preparation that led up to it, and how you felt after the competition. It can also apply to work, being a dancer, academic life, and others.

Essays About Autobiography: Life or Career Goals

Your autobiographic essays don’t always need to be about what has already happened to you. Sometimes, they can also discuss the future. You’d still need to describe your past or current life. The fun part is that you can add your expectations in the next five or ten years. Discuss your next steps forward and how they may play into achieving your goals.

Are you stuck picking your next essay topic? Read about how to write an essay about diversity .

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Interesting Topics For Biography And The Best Ways To Write Them

  • March 18, 2022

A biography, or biography essay, is the written account of a person’s life, written by someone else. A biographical essay is often written about a famous person, although it does not have to be. Not to be confused with an autobiography , which is the story of your own life—a biography, at its simplest definition, is someone else’s life story.

When writing about a subject’s life, it is easy to hit the high points, the important dates, and the events that the person lived through. It is often focused on important events in someone’s adult life. So you can write a full and rich biography essay or story about someone’s life, there are undoubtedly important and interesting facts and topics that you should cover. This article will discuss these, specifically the best topics for biography. Your next biography essay should be entertaining and interesting rather than dry and incomplete.

Interesting Biography Topics

Biographical essays and biographies do not have to be boring. A subject’s life story is more than what they lived through or accomplished. For example, if you are writing a biography essay about Franklin D. Roosevelt , you do not only want to discuss his leadership during World War II. While the historical context and significant events of a person’s life should be discussed in a biography essay, you want to accomplish more than listing accolades. You want the reader or target audience to know your subject, relate to, feel something, or develop an opinion. You can do this by including interesting facts and topics.

Topics For Biography

1. Family Members

Did the subject of your biography essay grow up with a parent who had an extraordinary career, background, hobby, culture, or story of their own? Were they raised by their grandparents? Were they an orphan? Discussing and including family makes the subject’s life seem more real. None of us would tell our story without discussing the role of family, so why would we leave that out?

Telling readers about the background and family dynamic of the subject of your biography helps the reader understand the person your paper’s subject grew up to be. For example, suppose you wrote about a notable soldier from the Civil War. In that case, you might include his family story and factual information like his rank in the army, his responsibilities in the army, and which battles he was a part of.

If his family had moved to the South from the North just a few years before the war began, his loyalties would have affected the cause. If his family were enslavers, that would affect his involvement. If his family were outspoken abolitionists, that would affect which side he fought for.

2. How They Have Influenced Present Day Life

Most biographies tend to stay in the era in which the story occurred. They stick to the basic facts of a person’s life rather than giving us insight into how that person impacted the lives of other people who are alive right now, in this day and age.

For example, if someone made a great discovery of some sort of useful medicine or technology, how has it contributed to the advancement of the world as we know it now? If Alexander Graham Bell had not come up with the telephone, would we have smartphones? Rather than pondering this and discussing it, many biographers go only a bit further than 1876, when his invention was brought to life when there is a much bigger and more exciting story to tell .

3. The Subject’s Early Life

Suppose you are writing about the heroes of the American Revolution, such as George Washington or Alexander Hamilton. In that case, it is important to note who they were as a child, rather than as simply the first president and the founder of our banking system, respectively.

Writing about people who are important to our history should include a discussion of how that person grew up, where they grew up, and who they were before they made a significant contribution to the world. Similar to how it is important to write a biography that includes family to give the reader a sense of who the subject is, the younger life of a subject is also important to include.

It is odd to imagine such a heavy name as Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton ever having been a teenager, but they both were. In fact, Hamilton was an immigrant who lived through his family’s illnesses, suicides, and poverty before he was sent to America by his own country. This sort of information is important to include when writing the history of a famous person. First, it normalizes the person and makes them relatable. And second, it helps the reader understand that because of his difficult life and the fact that his people believed in him, Hamilton most likely felt that he owed it to the world to make something of himself.

How to Write a Biography About a Famous Person

If you have to write or are considering writing the story of someone’s life, there are several steps that you can take to make the process easier. First, decide what moves you personally and what interests you. Then, choose a person who fits within those parameters. For example, if you care deeply about the Civil Rights Movement, you might want to write about Martin Luther King, Jr. or Rosa Parks. If you are interested in the Civil War, you might consider writing about Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis. Staying in your wheelhouse as far as your interests and passions lie will make your job as a writer easy.

Topics For Biography

Steps to Write a Biography

You can follow and take the following steps if you are writing about someone else’s life. Depending upon the length of your writing, you may not include every step, but generally speaking, the following is a great guideline.

1. Basic Information

It is a good idea, when writing a biography, to start with the key points and basic information. This way, someone can get the major points of your writing in reading just the first paragraph or two.

This includes things such as:

  • When and where was the subject born?
  • Where did the subject spend his or her childhood?
  • What contributions to society did the subject make?
  • What career did the subject have?
  • What struggles or major events did the subject experience? (Civil Rights Movement, wars, the Great Depression, Hurricane Katrina, etc.)
  • What is or was the subject’s relationship with society? (recluses like Poe or an orator like Winston Churchill?)
  • What personality traits is the subject known for? (Churchill’s cigars, Robin Williams’ charitable demeanor)
  • When and how did the subject die?
  • Is or was there a memorial erected in their honor?
  • How did the subject make a difference in the world?

2. Expand on Each of the Different Topics

If you write a biography that addresses the key points and still have space to tell more about the subject to the readers, it is a great idea to expand on each topic, adding things like anecdotes, quotes, and stories from the person’s more personal life.

For example, in your biography, you can expand on the personality of someone like Albert Einstein by saying that the story about the science and mathematics genius being illiterate and not speaking until he was four is simply a myth. You could discuss the childhood of Abraham Lincoln as a regular boy in Illinois. This gives a sense of entertainment to the biography and a real personality to the subject.

Writers can go through the words they have already written, focus on each different key piece of information, and add something personal or entertaining to it. This will show that you did your research and that you, as the writer, are invested in telling a whole story that will help students or readers identify with the lives of the people you are writing about.

Topics For Biography

3. Inspiration and Challenges

Most worthy subjects of biography had personal challenges or relevant issues to overcome. There are very few people who reach greatness without facing a struggle. Do your research, find out your subject’s struggle, opposition, and inspiration, and include them.

For example, Helen Keller had many disabilities that made life difficult for her. She had to learn to identify things without sight or hearing. While she did not experience this from birth, she was just an infant when an illness took her sight and hearing, and she had to adapt to a dark and silent world. Her amazing progress and grace have inspired the lives of teachers, students, advocates, and people with disabilities. Reflecting on her legacy, the world is better because she existed in it.

Another example of inspiration is Martin Luther King, Jr. His death inspired numerous speeches, articles, movements, and law changes. When we talk about MLK, it is difficult to do so without mentioning his dream for the society that inspired equality and education on things like racial discrimination, diversity training, and equal pay.

4. Photos, Relevant Tips, and Articles of Interest

Sometimes it is appropriate to include photos in biographies. This is especially true when the biography covers an artist. It is difficult to tell the tragic life and death story of Vincent Van Gogh without including a picture of a few of his paintings, especially his self-portrait and Starry Night. Students are often more eagerly drawn to such biographies when they have photos, diagrams, articles, and other extras that are attention-grabbing.

Remember that your goal for writing biographies should not just be to enrich the reader’s education or students with your essay. You should also use your words creatively to draw in and then grab people’s attention so they can focus on the person as a human, rather than just a name they have heard in school or as a part of history.

When writers of biographies can make the students or audience care about the cause, life, or contributions to society made by the essay’s subject, you create and influence minds that encourage them to know more about the person. Your essay could spark enough interest for people to do their research to learn more about the person you have put your focus on.

Fact Check Your Information

When you set out to write a biography, make sure that everything from childhood to politics and the subject’s quotes is accurate. Do not fall victim to reporting hearsay, gossip, rumors, or false information simply because it seems interesting or you think it may make for an entertaining anecdote. Do your research and be sure to fact-check everything you can to ensure that students, peers, and your audience will be genuinely interested in the subject of your work.

You are not obligated to only write about people who made positive contributions to society. In fact, some would go so far as to say that the life story of villains should be told, as well. Writers often write these biographies as a cautionary tale of sorts to make the reader aware of where the person potentially went wrong.

For example, Hitler was rejected from art school, illegitimate, and power-hungry. Charles Manson was evil, deranged, and institutionalized to the point that he knew what he needed to say to authorities to make himself seem harmless and trustworthy. Any person who impacted society in some way, good or bad, is a free game for a research paper or biography.

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