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university of edinburgh phd stipend

Our studentships cover stipend, fees and research costs for all the students we appoint.

If you are looking for information about our application process and timing, please refer to this webpage:    Application Process | The University of Edinburgh

E4 DTP standard studentships

E4 DTP standard studentships are fully-funded for a minimum of 3.5 years (42 months). They include and cover:

Stipend based on the  UKRI standard rate , reviewed on an annual basis (currently £18,622 for 2023/2024), paid monthly;

  • Fees (Home Fees or International Fees*);
  • Research Costs to cover expenses needed for the research (e.g. equipment, consumables, fieldwork costs, conference travel and accommodation expenses, specific software). The Research Costs include the standard research costs allocation (RTSGs) plus, in some cases and depending on the project's specific requirements, some Additional Research Costs (ARCs)

The stipend can be extended to up to another 5 months through our two optional schemes (see our Programme Structure ), subject to the approval of the E4 DTP Management Board.

NERC's expectation is that the thesis is submitted by the end of the funding (although the maximum submission date will be 4 years from the PhD start date).

All applicants should be aware of the standard living costs in Edinburgh  before applying for the programme.

International Applicants and extra costs

Although the University of Edinburgh covers the difference between Home and International fees for international applicants, costs associated with the Visa, the IHS (Immigration Health Surcharge) and the travel can NOT be covered by the E4 DTP.

Applicants are advised to find out about these costs, together with the Visa application procedure, ahead of submitting their application, via our Student Immigration Service .

International Applicants

There are a number of university financial support schemes that students can apply to once on course. Please note that most of them are competitive and have strict eligibility criteria. One should not assume that they will get support via one or the other scheme.

*The University of Edinburgh will cover the difference between Home and International fees for international students

Some of past and current E4 DTP CASE partners

E4 DTP CASE studentships

Some E4 DTP projects include a CASE partner and are therefore called "CASE studentships". A CASE partner is a non-academic organisation within the public, private or third sector which have agreed to support the studentship by:

  • bringing expert advice and supervision throughout the PhD;
  • providing a first-rate, challenging research training experience, within the context of a mutually beneficial research collaboration;
  • contributing to the project budget (by supplementing the Additional Research Costs);
  • offering a placement at their premises to the student of between 3 and 18 months over the whole PhD.

Studying on a CASE project provides an amazing opportunity to see how research can be applied to real-world problems, get a direct experience of the non-academic world along PhD studies and develop connections and network out with academia. They can give access to a wider range of post-PhD employment opportunities.

CASE projects are labelled "Case award" on the list of supervisor-led projects and include a paragraph on CASE studentship at the bottom of the proposal.

You can read more about some CASE studentships experience through our alumni profiles: 

Vanessa Burton | The University of Edinburgh

Ashley Smith | The University of Edinburgh

Geoff Wells | The University of Edinburgh

Hannah Rogers | The University of Edinburgh

Konstantinos Georgoulas | The University of Edinburgh

Alex Priestley | The University of Edinburgh

Alumni profiles

NERC CASE Studentships

This article was published on 2024-02-26

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Funding for UK students

  • Funding for international students
  • Doctoral Training Schemes
  • Funding for EU students
  • Physics & Astronomy
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  • Funding & studentships

UK students are eligible to apply for the following scholarships

Research Councils studentships

Research Council studentships funded by STFC and EPSRC are available to UK students (30% of these studentships will also be available to international students for 2024 entry).  Research Council studentships are awarded by the School of Physics and Astronomy on receipt of an application for a PhD place through the online system and satisfactory interview, and do not require a separate application. Research Council studentships cover home fees and provide tax free stipends for living costs for 42 months (this is 48 months for CDT students). The stipend rates can be seen at the individual research council links below. The initial application deadline is 8th January, 2024 for Astronomy applicants and 19th January, 2024 for Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter applicants. Applications reached after the deadline will continue to be considered until all the positions are filled.  To ensure your application gets to the correct people and won't be held up please ensure you indicate which Institute you are applying for: Astronomy, PPT, PPE, NP, CM (hard) or CM (soft). 

Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships

Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships are open to UK and overseas students applying to start their first year of study for an on-campus research degree in 2024-24.  Three Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships are available for a PhD student starting their PhD research in the School of Physics and Astronomy in the 2024/25 academic year.  

The Scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as a stipend equal to the UKRI minimum rate, for the relevant academic year of study, approximately a tax-free sum of £18.622 per year.  Subject to satisfactory progress, the Scholarship is offered for 4 years.  Applicants should indicate on their application to study for a PhD that they wish to be considered for this Scholarship.  To ensure your application gets to the correct people and won't be held up please ensure you indicate which Institute you are applying for: Astronomy, PPT, PPE, NP, CM (hard) or CM (soft). 

Doctoral Training Scheme 

There are two doctoral training schemes open to UK/EU students: the Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces Centre for Doctoral Training and the Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation (MAC-MIGS) Centre for Doctoral Training

Higgs Prize PhD Studentships in Theoretical Physics

The School of Physics and Astronomy are offering Higgs Prize PhD Studentships in any area of theoretical physics, starting September 2024. We are particularly interested in recruiting students with a strong mathematical background who are passionate to study and explore the fundamental laws of Nature. 

The Prize will cover fees and a four-year stipend, matching the level of the UK Research Council Maintenance Allowance rates (£18,622 per annum (23/24 rate), as well as research funds of £1.5k per annum to cover books, computing and conference costs. Applications are open to all students with no conditions on nationality. Furthermore, we value diversity, and we would like to strongly encourage female and international candidates to apply. 

Before applying, interested candidates should get in touch with a supervisor from the Higgs Centre (a theoretical physicist who is an academic member of staff in the School of Physics and Astronomy) to support their application. Applicants are advised to include in their application a statement of interest regarding the Higgs Prize PhD Fellowship under the ‘Research Proposal’ category (there is no need to write a detailed research proposal,  just a brief description of the general topic agreed upon with the supervisor). Please note on your application that you wish to be considered for this Studentship.  The selection panel will take into account supporting statements from the prospective supervisors.

If you have already submitted a PhD application and now wish to send your statement of interest, please email this to gradschool.physics [at] .

Further funding opportunities

The University Scholarships and Student Finance pages may contain information on further funding opportunities.

  • Scholarships and student funding for UK/EU students

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Stipends and other Allowances

Information about your stipend payments, sick leave pay, disabled students allowance and other financial matters.

UKRI doctoral stipend level for 2022/23 is £ 17,668 . The stipend level increases every year in line with the GDP deflator.

Students are paid their stipends one month in advance except at the start of the programme when they receive a lump sum payment of three months.

Payment is usually made on the 28th of the preceding month.  Therefore, after your first payment - which will cover September, October and November – your next payment will be 28th November, for your December stipend, and continuing once a month thereafter.

Disabled Students Allowance (DSA)

Disabled Students Allowances are intended to help with additional costs of study-related requirements that may be incurred as a result of disability, mental health problems or specific learning difficulties that means additional support is needed to undertake a UKRI-funded studentship. The allowances can cover the cost of non-medical personal assistance, items of specialist equipment, extra travel costs and general expenses.

If you have any special requirements and would like to access DSA, please get in touch with the Student Disability Service to undertake needs assessment.

  • Student Disability Service

Your stipend payments will continue for absences covered by a medical certificate for up to thirteen weeks within any 12 month period. If the illness lasts for more than thirteen weeks your stipend will be suspended in accordance with UKRI guidelines.

  • IGS guidance in interruptions of study
  • PGR Sick Pay entitlements

Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Parental Leave

UKRI funded Students are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity or shared parental leave. The first 26 weeks should be paid at full stipend rate, pro-rated as necessary for part time Students. The following 13 weeks should be paid at a level commensurate with statutory maternity pay. The final 13 weeks are not paid.

Partners are entitled to up to 10 days paid Ordinary Paternity Leave on full stipend.

Partners may be entitled to up to 50 weeks of Shared Parental Leave; this may include paid and unpaid leave, depending on the individual circumstances, any paid leave should be at full stipend.

Adoption leave should be granted on the same basis as maternity leave.

There is no qualifying period for maternity, paternity, adoption or shared parental leave.

  • IGS guidance on parental leave

Caring responsibilities

The costs of additional caring responsibilities, including childcare, beyond that required to meet the usual requirements of the studentship and which are directly related to the project, may be claimed against the CDT grant where this is required in order for the student to participate. However, costs associated with the student’s normal working patterns may not be sought.

Tax and National Insurance

Payments made as part of a UKRI funded Studentship are training awards and not regarded as income for income tax purposes. No additional payments will be made for your National Insurance contributions. You can, if you wish, pay contributions as non-employed persons. You should consult your local office of the Department for Work and Pensions about your position to determine the impact of non-payment of contributions on any future claims for benefit including the basic State Pension.

Your earnings received from sources such as teaching and demonstrating may be taxable and should be aggregated with income from any employment when assessing income tax liability in any tax year.

  • Voluntary national insurance contributions
  • Tutoring and demonstrating vacancies at the School of Informatics

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Funding Opportunities

The School of Mathematics offers several fully funded PhD studentships each year. Students receiving School funding are awarded a stipend equivalent to UKRI stipend rates for a period of 4 years plus fees.  Applications must be received by Monday 22 January 2024 in order to be considered for School and ESPSRC funding opportunities. Late applications may also be considered if there are still places.  There is no need to submit a separate application for these. 

Martingale Foundation Scholarships

We are delighted to announce that we are one of the Martingale Foundation's newest university partners. The Martingale Foundation helps provide access to postgraduate mathematics study for UK students facing financial barriers by offering fully-funded MSc and PhD programmes. 

Applications are made via the  Martingale Foundation website  and the application deadline is Wednesday 25 October 2023.

These awards are available to all applicants and provide full support (fees and stipend). The stipend is set by UKRI on an annual basis (stipend payment levels for 2023-24 are £18,622).  Applications must be received by Monday 22 January 2024 in order to be considered for School and ESPSRC funding opportunities. Late applications may also be considered if there are still places.  There is no need to submit a separate application for these. 

Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships 

In 2024-25, the School will offer a fully funded Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship. This scholarship provides tuition fees and a stipend for 4 years. The award is open to UK and overseas applicants applying to start their first year of study in 2024-25.

Applicants must be of outstanding academic merit and research potential. Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a UK first class or 2.1 honours degree at undergraduate level or the international equivalent. 

Successful applicants will undertake a package of training and development which will help you to develop the necessary skills required to meet your career choices and offer you a breath of development opportunities in areas suuch as teaching, public engagement, entrepreneurship, data science and research. 

The application deadline for this opportunity is the end of Monday 19 February 2024.

The EDCS application must be made via the Scholarships portal on MyEd. Once you have made an application for the programme of study, you will receive an email with MyEd login details.

In order to gain access to the scholarship application system, applicants must have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.  Please note that, following the submission of an application for admission, it can take up to 10 working days for all system checks to be completed and for access to be granted.

The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web based information portal at

When logging in to MyEd, you will need your University User Name and password.  If you require assistance, please go to

If you are considering applying for this scholarship, we would strongly suggest that you submit your EUCLID admission application for the programme of study at least 10 working days before the application deadline to ensure you have enough time to apply for the scholarship via the Scholarship application portal.

China Scholarship Council/University of Edinburgh Scholarships

There will be one scholarship available for PhD study to candidates who are citizens and permanent residents of the People's Republic of China at the time of applying for entry for the academic year 2024-25. Candidates should not be working outside China at the time of application and successful candidates must agree to return to China upon completion of their degree. Candidates studying outside China are eligible to apply but not those who have already commenced a PhD programme prior to the 2024-25 academic year. 

The application deadline for this opportunity will be announced shortly.  

To be considered for this scholarship applicants should complete the below China Scholarship Council/University of Edinburgh Scholarship application form with should be submitted to [email protected]  by the deadline .  

university of edinburgh phd stipend

There will be an internal selection process and successful candidates will be notified via email.  Candidates nominated by the University to be considered for a scholarship should satisfy the selection criteria set out by CSC by completing the CSC Application form and CSC Employer Reference form which can be found on their website . You must ensure you select the correct scholarship scheme -  Institutional & Personal Channel , as there are several schemes. Please note that applicants for this scholarship must be able to prove that they meet the University's English language requirements at the time of application. 

The scholarship is awarded on the basis of academic merit and candidates must have obtained, or be predicted to obtain, the equivalent of a first-class honours degree from a Chinese University. 

Other Studentships


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The School of Chemistry in Edinburgh appoints approximately 50 PhD students each year.

These studentships span a range of research areas , and are funded by Research Councils, Industry and by charitable endowments. Different eligibilities, deadlines and selection procedures apply depending on the source of funding as outlined below. Appointments to PhD studentships can only be made by formal application through the EUCLID Postgraduate Admissions web page .

Studentships via School of Chemistry

These types of studentships cover all fees and a living expenses stipend for eligible students. Early contact with the potential PhD supervisor is encouraged to verify eligibility before submitting a formal application. Please note that in the majority of cases, eligibility for these studentships is restricted to UK or EU nationals.

  • Fully funded studentships

Studentships via Centres for Doctoral Training

The School of Chemistry is both leading, and involved in, many Centres for Doctoral Training, funded by the UK research councils, industry and the UK Government. Applications for these PhD studentships often require the support of a PhD supervisor who is partnered with a particular Training Centre. Please note that in the majority of cases, eligibility is restricted to UK or EU nationals, and annual application deadlines apply.

  • Centres for Doctoral Training studentships
  • Criticat: Critical Resource Catalysis
  • Integrative Sensing and Measurement
  • Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces
  • NERC E4 (Edinburgh Earth, Ecology & Environment) DTP

Prize PhD Scholarships

We offer a number of prize scholarships to applicants of outstanding merit, including UK, EU and overseas applicants. Annual deadlines apply, and all applications require the support of a specific potential PhD supervisor . Early application is encouraged in all cases.

  • Prize Scholarship studentships

Self-funded PhD Studentships

Occasionally, students who have obtained a qualifying degree with an upper 2nd class honours degree or higher (or equivalent) may wish to self-fund their PhD studies. Subject to a successful interview with a potential supervisor, applicants are required to demonstrate the ability to cover the costs of 3 years of postgraduate tuition fees at the appropriate home/EU or overseas rate, and be able to support themselves financially throughout the 3-year duration of the PhD. Additional bench fees may apply depending on the research project and group being applied for.

International students requiring visas will also need to demonstrate complete financial independence to the UK Border Agency. Candidates enrolled on full-time PhD programmes are not permitted to seek outside work alongside their PhD. All applicants eligible to pay overseas tuition fees are encouraged to apply for Tercentenary Scholarships , while graduates of the University of Edinburgh are eligible to apply for a tuition fee discount.

Applicants who wish to explore this possibility should contact a potential supervisor clearly stating their intention to self-fund. In some cases, partial funding from a supervisor or Scholarship scheme may be available.

  • Bench Fees Policy
  • Bench Fees Schedule

More Information

If you do not see a project here that interests you, please complete the online enquiry form to find out about forthcoming opportunities or request a visit to meet prospective supervisors. We offer a number of prize scholarships to applicants of outstanding merit.

  • Application information

This article was published on 2023-12-08

University of Edinburgh Business School Doctoral Scholarship

A number of fully-funded scholarships are available for study within the Business School doctoral programmes.

Key Information
Deadline The deadline for this scholarship has now passed
Contact Email Email Admissions Team

The University of Edinburgh, established in 1583, is a world leading university, ranked 22nd in the world in the QS 2024 rankings. The University of Edinburgh Business School is accredited by the:

  • Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
  • EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS)
  • Association of MBAs (AMBA)

This triple accreditation highlights the quality of teaching and excellence of research at the School.

The University of Edinburgh Business School places great value on Doctoral research in bringing fresh ideas, perspective and energy, critical in sustaining a vibrant research culture. The School is looking to recruit doctoral candidates with a real passion for research and great potential to carry out timely and highly impactful work. However, we understand that joining a PhD programme can be financially difficult. To ensure that highly achieving individuals from all nationalities and backgrounds have the opportunity to study with us, our School is offering a number fully-funded scholarships. Each scholarship will be awarded to a candidate looking to pursue their own research topic in one of our academic research areas .

We strongly encourage and are attentive to applications from minoritised candidates, including:

  • Under our widening participation policy, we welcome applications from those with a low income background, who will be the first in their family to go to university, or who have been in care.
  • Minority ethnic group
  • LGBTQ+ applicants
  • Disabled applicants

Your proposed area of study must fall within one of our six broad research areas . While any topic that falls within the six broad research areas will be considered, applicants whose proposal aligns with highlighted areas of interest may be given preference.

Research Area

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Management Science and Business Economics

Organisation Studies


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Programme: All candidates must hold a conditional or unconditional offer onto one of our Doctoral programmes and expect to join in September 2024. While you can be awaiting an application outcome when applying for this scholarship only those with an offer can be considered. Therefore, please ensure all necessary documents have been uploaded to your programme application at least 10 working days before the scholarship deadline.
  • Academic Standing: This normally requires a minimum qualification (or expected qualification if you are a current Masters student) of above-average academic achievement, typically 65% or above overall at the Masters level, with a distinction-level dissertation, or the overseas equivalent. For PhD Financial Technology, this requires a Masters with a distinction classification or the overseas equivalent. For applicants to our PhD with Integrated Study programmes, applicants who do not hold a Masters can be considered if they have a First at Undergraduate level, or the international equivalent, with a mark of 70 or more in the dissertation module.
  • English Competency: You must meet the English requirements for the PhD programme. The most commonly approved certificate is an IELTS , for which the minimum accepted score is 7.0 overall with at least 6.0 in each section.

Please note that we will not generally consider candidates who have already obtained a PhD or equivalent qualification.

How to Apply

You will only be able to apply for this scholarship after you have submitted a programme application, and both the programme and scholarship applications must be submitted before the scholarship deadline. It is recommended that the programme application is submitted at least one week before the scholarship application deadline.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions

To be considered, candidates must submit both a programme application and a scholarship application using the University's online application system. You will only be able to access the scholarship application after you have applied to your chosen programme.

  • Programme Application Guidance
  • Scholarship Application Guidance

To be considered, candidates must submit both a programme application and a scholarship application using the University Online Application System. To access the scholarship application you must first complete your programme application.

  • Scholarship Application and Guidance

We strongly encourage applicants to reach out directly to potential advisors at the Business School by email to discuss the opportunity of doing a PhD under their supervision. Applicants should take care in ensure the academic staff they reach out to have similar research interests. To do this, candidates should browse staff profiles .

When submitting your scholarship application, you will be applying directly to one of our research areas. This should be the research area your topic falls under:

  • Accounting & Finance Group Doctoral Scholarship
  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Group Doctoral Scholarship
  • Management Science & Business Economics Group Doctoral Scholarships
  • Marketing Group Doctoral Scholarship
  • Organisation Studies Group Doctoral Scholarship
  • Strategy Group Doctoral Scholarship

Selection Process

Eligible applicants will be ranked initially by a selection panel comprising of senior academic colleagues within the Business School broadly within the applicant’s discipline. The top ranked candidates will then be invited to an interview with the Business School PGR Programme Director and senior Business School research colleagues. The interview will focus on motivation, research experience and contribution of the research.

Applications are ranked considering a number of criteria, most importantly:

  • The academic background of the candidates, including their achievements/research experience so far
  • The potential of the candidates' doctoral research proposal (e.g., novelty, contribution)
  • undertake and complete a PhD
  • flourish with funding
  • contribute to a positive/diverse PhD community

Scholarship awards are subject to candidates successfully securing admission and joining the PhD with Integrated Study in Management, PhD with Integrated Study in Accounting, PhD with Integrated Study in Finance, PhD Business Economics, PhD Management Science & Analytics, or Financial Technology in September 2024.

Award Announcement Date

Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application in late spring 2024.

Please be aware that we also hold a reserve list. In the event that a successful candidate later declines their award, the award will be offered to the top candidate on the reserve list. Candidates will be notified if they are listed as a reserve candidate.

Postgraduate Research Admissions [email protected]

University of Edinburgh Business School 29 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh EH8 9JS

Accounting & Finance

  • Behavioural finance and capital market anomalies
  • Carbon accounting and carbon pricing
  • Climate change and business
  • Climate finance, green finance, sustainable finance, financing the circular economy
  • Corporate finance
  • Critical and interdisciplinary accounting
  • Data, digital, and valuation infrastructures
  • Diversification of local economies
  • Financial technology (FinTech)
  • Governance, responsibility, accountability, and sustainability
  • Markets and investments (including asset pricing)
  • Management accounting and data visualisation for decision making
  • Regulation and regulatory processes

Accounting & Finance Research

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

  • Challenges, barriers, and opportunities that shape the establishment and scaling up of SMEs and entrepreneurial firms
  • Digital transformation, digital innovation, and digital entrepreneurship/enterprise
  • Improving our understanding of the factors affecting productivity, to inform the development of new local, regional, and national industrial and innovation policies

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Research

Management Science & Business Economics

  • Credit risk
  • Data driven innovation
  • Decision analytics
  • Market design and analytics
  • Optimal design of business and market processes
  • Predictive analytics
  • Uncertainty, risk, and resilience

MSBE Research

  • Consumption practices, families, and life-course transitions
  • Marketing and consumption of creative industries, digital technology, financial services, food, and healthcare
  • Societal and policy implications of marketing

Marketing Research

This group will accept all applications from candidates whose proposal falls within the theme of 'Organisational Studies'. The research remit is wide but can be categorised according to three key areas:

  • Corporate governance, responsibility, and sustainability
  • Diversity and wellbeing at work
  • Managing performance at work

Organisation Studies Research

  • Cultural and creative industries
  • Global and international strategies
  • Globalisation, sustainability, and society
  • Service management
  • Strategic change and leadership

Strategy Research

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Scholarships and funding

The University and Edinburgh Law School offer a range of scholarships for our research degrees. There are also a selection of external funding opportunities that you may be eligible to apply to. Scholarship and funding opportunities listed on this web page are for entry in the 2024-25 academic year.

If you are intending to apply for a scholarship offered by the Law School or University we advise applying to your programme (PhD or LLM by Research) at least two weeks before the scholarship closing date.

Scholarship Deadline
Fully Funded PhD studentship - Taming the Dark Energy of EU Law: The EU as an International Actor 5pm (GMT+1), Monday 20 May 2024
Fully funded PhD studentships in Designing Responsible Natural Language Processing at the University of Edinburgh Midnight (GMT), Monday 11 March 2024
LLM by Research Scholarships 5pm (GMT), Monday 06 May 2024
Edinburgh Law School and Ewen Cameron Scholarships 5pm (GMT), Thursday 01 February 2024
Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships 5pm (GMT), Thursday 01 February 2024
College Research Awards - Law 5pm (GMT), Thursday 01 February 2024

Deadline: 20th May 2024

Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD position on a project entitled “Taming the Dark Energy of EU Law: The European Union’s Unwritten Constitution”. The successful applicant will work with Professor Niamh Nic Shuibhne at Edinburgh Law School.

Taming the Dark Energy of EU Law is a Leverhulme Trust-funded four-year project. It explores the unwritten constitution produced by the specific and essential characteristics of the EU and of EU law that are not expressly present in the EU Treaties, including primacy, mutual trust, and autonomy. It adopts a dark energy metaphor to underline that these specific and essential characteristics expanded to fill empty Treaty spaces, establishing the deep structure of EU law and propelling its significance while remaining, for the most part, textually invisible – a constitutional energy detected, but not yet well understood.

The project studies the EU’s unwritten constitution in a holistic way, building on perspectives that discuss, and question, the extent to which the internal and external spheres of EU action are (and should) be legally distinct. In this way, it aims to retune the relationship between the written and unwritten dimensions of EU constitutional law to improve internal and external accountability.

The PhD will be carried out under the lead supervision of the Principal Investigator, Professor Niamh Nic Shuibhne.

Complementing the work of a postdoctoral researcher on the EU as an international subject , the PhD researcher will examine how the EU as an international actor is ‘trading’ its specific and essential characteristics through its engagement with the wider world and assess the appropriateness of such external sharing through a case-study method. The PhD project will be guided by the project’s overarching themes (invisibility, accountability, and shareability) but enable the researcher to develop their own thesis ideas and especially the originality and significance of their findings and arguments over the course of the studentship.

This opportunity is open to candidates in law, with particular emphasis on prior study of the legal dimensions of EU external action.

This scholarship will pay tuition fees and provide an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (approximately £19,237 per annum). The stipend will be paid in equal monthly instalments for 3.5 years, subject to satisfactory progress. Additional research funding will also be available to support training and development.

Candidate profile

The successful applicant will have:

  • Excellent grades in both undergraduate and postgraduate taught degrees (at least one of which must be in law).
  • A background, or clear demonstrable interest, in EU constitutional law and the legal dimensions of the EU’s external action.
  • Proficiency in English (both oral and written). For candidates whose first language is not English, we require an overall IELTS score of 7.0 with at least 7.0 in the writing component and 6.5 in each of the other components (or other acceptable English language qualification at the equivalent standard).
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills.

Application Information

Applicants should apply via the University’s admissions portal (EUCLID) and select the PhD Law programme.  Apply here.

Applications should be submitted by 5pm on 20th May 2024 . Interviews will take place (online) on 20th June. The successful applicant will be expected to start the PhD in September 2024.

Applicants must submit:

  • All degree transcripts and certificates (and certified translations if applicable).
  • Evidence of English Language capability (where applicable).
  • A short research proposal (max 2 pages) outlining your approach to the proposed research project (focus on identifying research questions for your proposed thesis and explaining why these questions matter).
  • A full CV cover letter describing your background, suitability for the PhD, and research interests (max 2 pages).
  • Two recent references (note that it is your responsibility to ensure that reference letters are received before the deadline).

Please note that the proposal, CV, and cover letter should be uploaded as a single, combined document within the application portal.

Only complete applications (i.e. those that are not missing the above documentation) will progress forward to the academic selectors for further consideration.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an area of AI operating at the intersections of computer science, linguistics, and interaction design that has rapidly jumped from the research lab to routine deployment in-the-world. Mature NLP systems offer powerful capabilities to create new products, services, and interactive experiences grounded in natural language, and underpin much of the current excitement around generative AI. However, they also bring significant challenges to responsible and trustworthy design, adoption and deployment.

Our students will gain the skills, knowledge and experience to study and design real-world applications of NLP that are responsible and trustworthy by design, in a highly interdisciplinary training environment hosted by the new Edinburgh Futures Institute. The training programme brings together world leading researchers at the University of Edinburgh in informatics, design, linguistics, speech science, psychology, law, philosophy, information science, and digital humanities, who will supervise students and guide them in their training and learning.

The CDT will be seeking to fund up to 12 studentships to start next academic year. We are looking for applicants with background in or related to:

  • Computer science, informatics and artificial intelligence
  • Design, human computer interaction and human centred computing
  • Language, linguistics and speech sciences
  • Law, governance and regulation
  • Digital Humanities and Information Science

These are just indicative, and we are interested in applicants who come from any background or discipline with relevant skills and expertise that connect to our five Skills Domains. Our ambition is to recruit a diverse cohort of students coming from different disciplines and backgrounds, who are excited by the prospects of working with each-other and on real-world applications of NLP.

To find out more information on the programme, funding available and its benefits take a look at the CDT website.

Find out more

How to apply

The deadline for applications is midnight (GMT) 11th March 2024.

Find out how to apply

You can also register for our applicant webinars on the 12th and 13 February.

Register for applicant webinars

More dates will likely be added for later in February as well.

Applications to this scholarship are closed.

One or more scholarships are available for postgraduate research in Scots private law at the University of Edinburgh for a period of one year leading to the degree of LLM by Research (ie by a thesis of up to 30,000 words). The scholarships are offered by the Edinburgh Legal Education Trust, which was formed in 1996 for the advancement of legal education in Scotland. The Trustees wish to award a scholarship or scholarships for study beginning in September 2024. 


The scholarships are open to anyone who, by the start of the LLM programme, holds an honours degree in law, or an ordinary degree in law plus an honours degree in a different discipline, and who is accepted by the University of Edinburgh for the degree of LLM by Research. Further details about postgraduate study at Edinburgh may be obtained from the Postgraduate Office, School of Law ( An application to the Trust may be made in advance of being accepted by the University of Edinburgh.

Choice of topic

Applicants are free to choose their own topic. The emphasis, however, should be on legal doctrine rather than on, for example, legal theory or socio-legal issues. Historical or comparative perspectives are welcome. Two possible research projects (one on contract law and the other on the law of delict) can be found here and applicants are welcome to choose, or adapt, one of those. 

Progression to the PhD

The LLM by Research can (but need not) be used as a gateway to further study for the degree of PhD. Indeed it is often possible to treat the LLM as the first year of study for a PhD by switching to the PhD degree during the year spent on the LLM. For students who make this switch, funding for the full three years of the PhD will often be made available by the Edinburgh Legal Education Trust.


The scholarship comprises fees at home students’ rate and a maintenance award (currently £18,622). In addition, a limited amount of assistance may be given by the Trust in respect of research expenses, but this will not normally exceed £400 in a year. Fees will be paid by the Trust directly to the University of Edinburgh. The maintenance allowance will be paid in four equal instalments on 15 September, 15 December, 15 March and 15 June.

Applications and closing date

Candidates must first apply for admission to the Law LLM by Research Programme. Further details on how to apply can be found on our website.

Once you have applied for admission to the Programme, please complete the Edinburgh Legal Education Trust Scholarship Application Form and send it to [email protected] by the closing date of 6 May 2024. 

Download scholarship application form [Word doc]

Should you need the application form in a different format please email  [email protected] .

The Trustees reserve full discretion to offer, or not to offer, a scholarship.

Any queries should be addressed to Professor Kenneth Reid ( [email protected] ) or Professor Andrew Steven ( [email protected] ), who will be happy to give informal advice.  

This scholarship is available for part-time postgraduate research in Scots private law at the University of Edinburgh for a period of two years, leading to the degree of LLM by Research (ie by a thesis of up to 30,000 words). The scholarship is offered by the Edinburgh Legal Education Trust, which was formed in 1996 for the advancement of legal education in Scotland. The Trustees wish to award a scholarship for study beginning in September 2024. 

The scholarship is open to anyone who, by the start of the LLM programme, holds an honours degree in law, or an ordinary degree in law plus an honours degree in a different discipline, and who is accepted by the University of Edinburgh for the degree of LLM by Research. Further details about postgraduate study at Edinburgh may be obtained from the Postgraduate Office, School of Law ( An application to the Trust may be made in advance of being accepted by the University of Edinburgh.

Applicants are free to choose their own topic. The emphasis, however, should be on legal doctrine rather than on, for example, legal theory or socio-legal issues. Historical or comparative perspectives are welcome. Two possible research projects (one on contract law and the other on the law of delict) are outlined here and applicants are welcome to choose, or adapt, one of those. 

The LLM by Research can (but need not) be used as a gateway to further study for the degree of PhD. Indeed it is often possible to treat the part-time LLM as two years of study for a PhD by switching to the PhD degree during the years spent on the LLM. For students who make this switch, funding for the full six years of the part-time PhD will often be made available by the Edinburgh Legal Education Trust.

The scholarship comprises fees at the home students’ rate. In addition, a limited amount of assistance may be given by the Trust in respect of research expenses. Fees will be paid by the Trust directly to the University of Edinburgh. 

Any queries should be addressed to Professor Kenneth Reid ( [email protected] ) or Professor Andrew Steven ( [email protected] ), who will be happy to give informal advice.

Applications to this studentship are closed.

The Edinburgh Futures Institute’s Centre for Technomoral Futures and Edinburgh Law School are delighted to invite applications for this PhD studentship, funded by Baillie Gifford, to begin in the academic year 2024/2025. 

These studentships, which are open to UK, EU and international applicants, will support rigorous interdisciplinary PhD research into the ethical challenges posed by the growing use of data and artificial intelligence.

Deadline: 5pm Monday 18 December 2023 


  • Dr Emily Postan, Edinburgh Law School
  • Secondary supervisor, to be confirmed 

The Project 

The project will address the ethical significance of new and reconfigured health-related categories - such as diagnoses, disease risk, or precision care profiles - generated by machine learning (ML), beyond their utility for their intended clinical purposes. It will explore the ways in which these ML-generated health categories do, or could, function as ways – for example – of identifying and distinguishing groups of people, or conceptualising health and (dis)ability, in wider social contexts. The project will take a normative approach to these questions. In doing so, it will not only identify and characterise particular social roles of ML-generated categories, but also why these roles are significant from ethical or social justice perspectives. For example, it could ask how these categories might:

  • contribute to addressing, or exacerbating, health inequalities;
  • affect social cohesion or solidarity;
  • reshape public health priorities, institutions, or environments; or
  • generate new, or deconstruct existing, axes of power, discrimination, or oppression. 

It will consider how to weigh social impacts (such as those suggested in the indicative list above) alongside the intended or hoped-for health benefits of ML applications. And it will explore how associated risks and benefits might be managed through mechanisms such as the design, ethical oversight, or regulation of healthcare applications of ML. 

This project will make explicit the need to look beyond existing dominant themes in health AI ethics, such as clinical reliability safety, explicability, and trustworthiness, to take in wider relational and social considerations. It will contribute to AI ethics more broadly, by offering a richer range of ways to think about what ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ML-generated categories might look like, and by highlighting ways in which domain-specific applications of AI could have socially pervasive ramifications. 


The studentship is open to home, EU and international students. The award includes:

  • 4 years stipend at UKRI rates (estimated to be in the region of £18,622 for 2024/25);
  • tuition fees;
  • annual research support budget of £2,000. 

All scholarship awards are subject to candidates successfully securing admission to a PhD programme within the University of Edinburgh. 

Candidate Profile  

Applicants may come from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds.

  • A strong academic track record with a 2:1 or higher in a relevant undergraduate degree, or its equivalent if outside the UK; and a Masters degree with at least 60% in the taught component and 65% in the dissertation (or international equivalent).
  • Experience of prior study or experience in bioethics, or other domains of applied ethics relevant to this project, ideally to a postgraduate level.
  • A demonstrable interest in, and knowledge of, ethical, social, legal, and governance issues relating to healthcare, public health, health data, or health technologies.
  • An ability to communicate effectively orally, in writing, and through social media for various audiences (e.g. academic publications, practitioners and policy-makers, users of services).
  • Prior study or experience in data science, digital methods, and/or innovative methods is desirable, but not essential. 

They will also:

  • Demonstrate an ability to manage self and workload within competing deadlines.
  • Demonstrate a strong interest in multidisciplinary research, teaching, and collaboration with partners within and beyond academia.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work with people in different roles and organisations.
  • Applicants are responsible for ensuring that they can meet the English Language Requirements of the University of Edinburgh. 

Applicants should apply via the University’s admissions portal (EUCLID) and select the PhD Law programme. 

Apply to the PhD Law 

In the ‘proposed supervisor’ part of the application, please enter ‘Dr Emily Postan’. For length of programme please select 3 Years Full Time (the actual studentship and period of study will be 4 years). 

Applications should be submitted by 5pm on Monday 18 December 2023.

Applications will be reviewed throughout January 2024. Interviews will take place in early February 2024. The successful applicant will be expected to start the PhD in September 2024. 

  • a CV (2 pages);
  • a personal statement (2 pages) detailing - your reasons for applying - the disciplinary and critical perspectives you would bring to this project - indications of the proposed focus of the project and the kinds of research questions you would wish to address - and outlining your qualifications.
  • a sample of your writing – this might be an academic essay or another example of your writing style and ability;
  • the names and contact details of 2 references (at least 1 academic reference);
  • degree transcripts (with translations provided if the originals are not in English);
  • and Evidence of English Language Proficiency (if relevant). 

Only complete applications (i.e. those that are not missing the above documentation) will progress forward to the academic selectors for further consideration. 

Informal enquiries can be directed to [email protected]  

Centre for Technomoral Futures

The Centre for Technomoral Futures (CTMF) is part of the Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) at The University of Edinburgh. CTMF supports EFI’s larger aim: to pursue and promote the participatory knowledge and critical understanding needed to support society’s navigation of complex futures. Our shared goal is to help people create and shape more resilient, sustainable and equitable forms of life. The Centre’s mission is to unify technical and moral knowledge in new models of research, education, design and engagement that directly serve the goals of sustainable, just and ethical innovation.

The Centre’s current portfolio of activities, supported by an initial gift from the global investment firm Baillie Gifford, focuses upon the ethical implications of present and future advances in AI, machine learning and other data-driven technologies. Baillie Gifford PhD students at the CTMF enjoy a close relationship with the Centre’s community of researchers and ongoing participation in its activities on a roughly biweekly basis, including works-in-progress presentations, reading groups, and lectures from visiting scholars. 

Explore the range of projects undertaken by PhD students who are currently part of our Baillie Gifford cohort of fellows

Edinburgh Law School 

Edinburgh Law School is a creative and diverse community with one of the largest doctoral cohorts in the discipline within the UK. The School’s research addresses questions concerning the devolved, national, European and international legal arenas as well as at their intersection; harnessing legal, sociolegal and criminological research to realise a more just and equitable society; and exploring the potential and limits of law in responding to fast-paced change. Our doctoral researchers are hugely valued members of the research community and have access to a wide range of research skills training and opportunities. 

As part of the Law School, the successful candidate would also be a member of our community of doctoral researchers in the Mason Institute for Medicine Life Sciences and the Law, benefitting from opportunities to take part in training activities, writing retreats, work-in-progress sessions, and seminars with visiting scholars.

Edinburgh Law School offers a number of full PhD studentships, one of which is provided through a generous bequest from alumnus Ewen Cameron in his name. 

These scholarships will pay tuition fees and an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (approximately £18,622 per annum). The stipend will be paid in equal monthly instalments for a maximum of three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates. 


Candidates for these scholarships must be seeking to start their first year of full-time or part-time PhD study in the Edinburgh Law School within the academic year 2024/25 (i.e. either September 2024 or January 2025 entry). UK and international students are eligible to apply. Please note that international students are not eligible for part-time study. 

To be considered for these scholarships, you must meet our standard minimum entry requirements.

Find out about our entry requirements

The successful candidates normally exceed these requirements, having obtained the highest classification in at least one of their degrees, and provide a strong research proposal which has a close fit with research within the School. 

When making our decisions we will consider the applicant’s academic achievements, research proposal, fit with our research expertise, and the degree of support provided by references. We will not take into account factors such as financial status and nationality. 

Successful applicants will be expected to firmly accept the offer when the results of the application process are announced. Candidates who already have an offer of financial sponsorship from elsewhere will not be eligible. 

Applications are welcome across the full range of legal and law-related subjects. 

Please note that one of our scholarships will be ring-fenced under our Athena Swan action plan to support a project that deals with questions of equality, diversity or social justice. This can include projects on families and relationships, gender and sexuality, employment, crime and justice, environment, peace, war and conflict, and human rights. 

Application Process  

Eligible applicants should apply for admission to the PhD Law programme. 

Once you have applied for the programme you will be able access to the scholarship application system. 

The scholarship deadline is 1st February 2024 . Please note that the application to the PhD Law programme must be submitted at least ten working days prior to the scholarship application deadline as it can take several days for all system checks to be completed and for access to the scholarship system to be granted. 

The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web based information portal.

Online scholarship application form

When logging in to MyEd, you will need your University User Name and password (which will be provided once you have applied for the programme). If you require assistance, please visit the University's website.

Guidance on accessing MyEd

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of April 2024. 

Contact Information  

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about this scholarship.

The University of Edinburgh will offer PhD scholarships for students starting their PhD research at the University in the 2024-25 academic session. One of these scholarships will be offered through the Edinburgh Law School.

In order to attract the best and brightest PhD students, the University seeks to offer not only unparalleled research facilities and superb supervision, but also to provide development opportunities which will support our research students as they progress beyond their PhD, through this exciting scholarship scheme.

The University of Edinburgh has been working for some time to embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in its activities and to widen participation (WP) for students from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds. 

The Doctoral College is committed to embedding EDI in all of its policies and processes, and by widening access to postgraduate study to traditionally underrepresented groups, including BAME students and those from the most deprived communities in Scotland and the rest of the world. 

The Doctoral College wishes to attract the greatest diversity of applications to this scheme and will ensure that recruitment processes are robust and unbiased.

Each scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (approximately £18,622 per annum). The stipend will be paid for a maximum of 3.5 years, subject to satisfactory progress. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates.

Candidates for this scholarship must be seeking to start their first year of full-time or part-time PhD study, on campus in the Edinburgh Law School, within the academic year 2024/25 (i.e. September 2024 or January 2025 entry). UK and international students are eligible to apply. Please note that international students are not eligible for part-time study.

These awards cannot be held concurrently with other fully-funded scholarships but can be held with partially-funded scholarships and will be reduced pro-rata.

Applications are welcome across the full range of legal and law-related subjects.

Applicants must be of outstanding academic merit and research potential. To be considered for this scholarship, you must meet our standard minimum entry requirements. Other factors such as financial status and nationality are not taken into account.

Application Process

You should then complete an online scholarship application form which is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web based information portal.

Please note that you will not be able to access the online scholarship form until you have applied for admission to the PhD Law programme.

The scholarship deadline is 1st Feb 2024 . 

Please note that the application to the PhD Law programme must be submitted at least ten working days prior to the scholarship application deadline.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of April 2024.

Terms and Conditions

Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships 24/25 - Terms and Conditions

Contact Information

The College Research Student Awards (CRA) scheme is designed to attract high quality students applying for PhD research. 

The Edinburgh Law School is offering one PhD studentship, supported by the College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, that will pay tuition fees and an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (approximately £18,622 per annum). The stipend will be paid for a maximum of three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates. 

Candidates for the College Research Award must be seeking to start their first year of full-time or part-time PhD study in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences within the academic year 2024/25 (i.e. September 2024 or January 2025 entry). UK and international students are eligible to apply. Please note that international students are not eligible for part-time study. 

When making our decisions we will consider the applicant’s academic achievements, research proposal, research potential, fit with our research expertise, and the degree of support provided by references. We will not take into account factors such as financial status and nationality. 

When applying for these awards candidates must:

  • Be seeking to start their first year of full-time or part-time PhD study in the 2024/25 academic year.
  • Be of outstanding academic merit and research potential.
  • Include in their personal statements reference to achievements made and their own assessment of their future potential.
  • Be strongly supported by the references given in their PhD application.
  • Note that if College Research Award candidates are applying to study topics eligible for UK Research Council Awards then you must also apply to the relevant Research Council.

Application Process 

Find out how to apply for a PhD Law

You should then complete an online scholarship application form which is located in EUCLID.

Access online scholarship application form 

Please note that you will not be able to access the online scholarship form until you have applied for admission to the PhD Law programme. 

The scholarship deadline is 1st Feb 2024 . Please note that the application to the PhD Law programme must be submitted at least ten working days prior to the scholarship application deadline . 

Contact Information 

The University of Edinburgh is a partner university of the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (SGSSS). The SGSSS awards a number of studentships across Scotland each year through the student-led 'Open' competition. These studentships can be offered as MSc plus PhD (1+3) or PhD (+3) awards depending on the experience of the applicant.

Candidates will normally hold a First Class Honours degree (or international equivalent) in a relevant subject, e.g. BA or LLB.

For the PhD award, applicants should hold (or be currently studying for) a relevant Masters degree. Applicants who are not eligible for the PhD award can apply on a '1+3' basis which starts with a one-year MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice and is then followed by a three-year PhD.

Awards are available to applicants with UK fee status and a limited number of awards are available for international applicants.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact our Unit of Assessment Lead, Dr Anna Souhami ([email protected]), to check eligibility for the competition before applying.

The studentship covers the cost of UK or international tuition fees and provides a stipend at UKRI rates (approximately £18,662 per year).

To be considered for this competition, applicants should:

Apply for admission through the University’s online application system by 17:00 (GMT) 23 November 2023 . (Please note you do not need to have received an offer by this date, you must simply have submitted your application). All applicants must have the support of an academic supervisor before applying. Find out more about applying for a PhD in the Law School

Applicants who need an MSc and are applying for 1+3 years of funding can find out more about the MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice programme which is approved by the ESRC.

Find out more about applying to the MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice (ESRC track)

  • Register on the SGSSS online application system Apply . Complete and upload the SGSSS Open Competition application form by 17:00 (GMT) 01 December 2023 . Copies of transcripts, a CV and two references will also need to be uploaded by this date. Queries about registering or logging into Apply Visit the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science Open Competition website

Applicants must meet both deadlines in order to be considered for this funding. Late applications will not be considered. Applications will be reviewed and shortlisted by a Law School panel. Shortlisted candidates will then have the opportunity to work with supervisors to develop the full application for submission in late January/early February 2024.

The University of Edinburgh offers many scholarships for postgraduate study. You should consult the University Scholarship pages for further information on these and other sources of funding that may be available.

Find out more about the range of scholarships offered by the University of Edinburgh

There are a range of additional sources of financial support that you may be eligible to apply to.

Find out more about additional sources of funding for students

If you have any questions about our scholarships please don't hesitate to contact us.

[email protected]

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Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships 2024-25: Funding, Studentships, and Fees


  • Updated on  
  • Feb 29, 2024


Are you looking for a PhD opportunity at one of the world’s leading universities? If so, you might be interested in applying for the Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships (EDCS) for the 2024-25 academic session. The EDCS are prestigious awards that cover the tuition fee and provide a generous stipend for PhD students at the University of Edinburgh. The scholarships are open to UK and overseas students from any discipline, and are awarded based on academic merit and research potential. In this blog, we will give you an overview of the Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships, the eligibility criteria, the application process, and some tips on preparing a strong application. Read on to learn more!

This Blog Includes:

What is the edcs, why should you apply for edinburgh university phd scholarships, who can apply for the edinburgh university phd scholarships, edinburgh university phd scholarships: requirements, how to apply for the edcs, how to prepare a strong application for the edcs, what to expect after applying for the edcs.

The Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships, known as EDCS, are part of the University’s initiative to attract the best and brightest PhD students from around the world and to support them with unparalleled research facilities, superb supervision, and development opportunities. The EDCS aim to foster a culture of excellence, innovation, and collaboration among the doctoral students and the academic staff.

The Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships, or EDCS, offer the following benefits:

  • Full coverage of the University tuition fee for 3 or 4 years, depending on the programme of study
  • A stipend of £18,622 per year for living expenses
  • Access to a range of training and networking events, workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by the Doctoral College and the academic schools
  • Opportunities to engage with the wider research community, industry partners, and public audiences through outreach and impact activities
  • Support for personal and professional development, such as career guidance, mentoring, and wellbeing services.

The Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships are open to UK and overseas students who are applying to start their first year of study for an on-campus research degree in 2024-25. The research degree can be either full-time or part-time and can be in any subject area offered by the University.

The main requirements for applying for the Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships are:

  • Having, or expecting to obtain, a UK first class or 2:1 honours degree at the undergraduate level or the international equivalent, and preferably a similar calibre of Master’s degree
  • Having a strong research proposal that aligns with the University’s research strengths and priorities, and demonstrates originality, feasibility, and significance
  • Having a confirmed or potential supervisor who is willing to support your application and supervise your research
  • Meeting the English language requirements for your programme of study, if applicable

The application process for the Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships consists of 2 steps:

  • Applying for admission to a PhD programme of study at the University. You must submit your application with all the supporting documents, including your research proposal , by the deadline specified by your academic school. You can find the list of available PhD programmes and the application guidance on the University’s website .
  • Applying for the EDCS scholarship. You must complete and submit an online scholarship application form by 1 February 2024. You can access the form and the instructions on the Scholarships and Student Funding website .

Please note that you must apply for both admission and scholarship separately and that receiving an offer of admission does not guarantee a scholarship award. The EDCS are highly competitive and only a limited number of scholarships are available each year.

The Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships are awarded based on the quality of your academic record, and your references. So, it is important to prepare your application carefully and demonstrate your suitability and potential for doctoral research.

Here are some tips on how to prepare a strong application for the EDCS:

  • Choose a PhD programme and a supervisor that match your research interests and goals.
  • Write a clear, concise, and coherent research proposal that outlines the main research question, the aims and objectives, the literature review, the methodology, the expected outcomes, and the contribution to knowledge. 
  • You should also explain how your research aligns with the University’s research strengths and priorities, and how it will benefit from the EDCS scheme.
  • Provide evidence of your academic achievements, such as transcripts, certificates, awards, publications, or presentations. 
  • Also highlight any relevant skills, experience, or training that you have acquired through your previous studies, work, or extracurricular activities.
  • Ask for references from 2 academic who can comment on your academic performance, research potential, and suitability for the EDCS.
  • You should inform your referees about the EDCS scheme and your research proposal, and ask them to submit their references by the deadline.
  • Proofread and edit your application before submitting it. 

After submitting your application for the EDCS, you will receive an acknowledgement email from the Scholarships and Student Funding team. You will also be able to track the status of your application on the online portal.

The EDCS applications are reviewed and ranked by the academic schools, and then by a central selection committee. The selection process may take several weeks, and the final decisions are expected to be announced by the end of April 2024.

If you are successful, you will receive a scholarship offer letter from the University, which will include the terms and conditions of the award. You will need to accept the offer within 2 weeks, and also meet any outstanding conditions of your admission offer.

If you are unsuccessful, you will receive a notification email from the University. You may still be eligible for other funding opportunities, such as the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Awards, the School of Divinity Research Scholarships, or the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership scholarships. 

Ans: The Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships are highly competitive and only a limited number of awards are made each year. In 2023-24, the University offered 30 EDCS scholarships across all disciplines.

Ans: Yes, you can apply for the EDCS scholarship if you have another source of funding or a partial scholarship, as long as it does not cover the full tuition fee and stipend. However, the EDCS scholarship will be reduced pro-rata according to the amount of your other funding or scholarship.

Ans: The main criteria for selecting the EDCS scholarship recipients are the academic merit and research potential of the applicants and the quality and alignment of their research proposals. 

We hope that this blog gave you a complete overview of the Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships. For more updates on university scholarships like this, subscribe to Leverage Edu today. Thank you for reading!

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Disha Kaira

Disha is an electrical engineer turned writer passionate about bringing a spark (and accuracy) to whatever content she comes across. Whether it's UI/UX Design or writing blogs on abroad education, she relishes every chance to learn and test the limits of her creativity.

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Okay, so I know this will vary from individual to individual. Is living in Edinburgh reasonable on a 19k stipend?

Preferably I would like to avoid living with 5 other people. However, I meal prep most of the time and will only be spending money getting out to take photos.

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20 PhDs Found

Agriculture, Food & Veterinary 0

Agriculture 0

Food Science 0

Veterinary Science 0

Architecture, Building & Planning 2

Architecture & Building 2

Urban & Rural Planning 0

Biological Sciences 0

Biochemistry 0

Microbiology 0

Molecular Biology & Biophysics 0

Other Biological Sciences 0

Business & Management Studies 0

Accountancy & Finance 0

Business Studies 0

Hospitality & Leisure 0

Human Resources Management 0

Management 0

Marketing 0

Other Business & Management Studies 0

Real Estate Management 0

Computer Sciences 11

Artificial Intelligence 6

Computer Science 11

Cyber Security 0

Information Systems 9

Software Engineering 8

Creative Arts & Design 0

Other Creative Arts 0

Performing Arts 0

Economics 0

Education Studies (inc. TEFL) 0

Education Studies 0

Research Methods 0

Teacher Training 0


Engineering & Technology 17

Aerospace Engineering 0

Biotechnology 2

Chemical Engineering 1

Civil Engineering 1

Electrical & Electronic Engineering 13

Maritime Technology 2

Mechanical Engineering 4

Metallurgy & Minerals Technology 0

Other Engineering 5

Production Engineering & Manufacturing 3

Health & Medical 0

Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology 0

Medical Technology 0

Medicine & Dentistry 0

Nutrition 0

Pharmacology, Toxicology & Pharmacy 0

Historical & Philosophical Studies 0

Archaeology 0

History of Art 0

Philosophy 0

Theology & Religious Studies 0

Information Management & Librarianship 1

Curatorial Studies 0

Information Science 1

Librarianship 0

Other Information Management & Librarianship 0

Languages, Literature & Culture 0

Cultural Studies 0

Languages 0

Linguistics 0

Literature 0

Mathematics & Statistics 1

Mathematics 1

Statistics 0

Media & Communications 0

Communication Studies 0

Journalism 0

Media Studies 0

Publishing 0

Physical & Environmental Sciences 8

Chemistry 2

Environmental Sciences 1

Geography 0

Materials Science 4

Ocean Sciences 0

Other Physical Sciences 2

Physics & Astronomy 3

Politics & Government 0

Psychology 0

Social Sciences & Social Care 0

Anthropology 0

Human & Social Geography 0

Other Social Sciences 0

Social Policy 0

Social Work 0

Sociology 0

Sport & Leisure 0

Sports & Leisure Management 0

Sports Coaching 0

Sports Science 0

Administrative 0

Estates & Facilities Management 0

Finance & Procurement 0

Fundraising, Alumni, Bids & Grants 0

Health, Wellbeing & Care 0

Hospitality, Retail, Conferences & Events 0

Human Resources 0

International Activities 0

IT Services 0

Laboratory, Clinical & Technician 0

Legal, Compliance & Policy 0

Library Services, Data & Information Management 0

PR, Marketing, Sales & Communication 0

Project Management & Consulting 0

Senior Management 0

Sports & Leisure 0

Student Services 0

Sustainability 0

Web Design & Development 0

Integrated Masters / Doctorate 0

International Doctorate 0

Professional Doctorate 0

EU Students 15

International Students 8

Self-funded Students 3

UK Students 20

United Kingdom 20

Scotland 20

Edinburgh 20

Up to £9,999 0

£10,000 - £14,999 0

£15,000 - £19,999 0

£20,000 - £24,999 1

£25,000 - £29,999 0

£30,000 - £39,999 0

£40,000 - £49,999 0

£50,000 - £59,999 0

£60,000 - £69,999 0

£70,000 - £79,999 0

£80,000 - £89.999 0

£90,000 - £99,999 0

Over £100,000 0

Full Time 20

Part Time 0

Permanent 0

Fixed-Term/Contract 20

Commercial Organisations 0

European Universities and Colleges 0

North American Universities and Colleges 0

Other Public Sector 0

Public Sector - Education 0

Research and Other Institutes 0

UK and Irish HE Institutions 20

UK FE Colleges 0

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Global Hubs Info Session: Joint Seed Grants with University of Edinburgh (Scotland)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 11:00am

Global Cornell is offering  competitive faculty grants  in collaboration with  Global Hubs  partners.  

Apply for funding to explore potential research collaborations with colleagues at Hubs universities.  

Global Hubs collaborative research seed grants bring together Cornell and partner institution faculty to develop joint projects with the potential to create new or expanded research partnerships and cutting-edge scholarship with academic and societal impact. These international seed grants provide initial financial support for early-stage research projects or capacity-building efforts to create and sustain long-term collaborations and secure external funding. 

Please join us on  4 September 2024 11 a.m. EDT / 4 p.m. GMT for a joint info session to learn more about the Cornell–Edinburgh grant opportunity. Short presentation followed by Q&A and collaboration matchmaking.

Up to five (5) research proposals will be funded. 

Each successful proposal may receive up to $5,000/£4,000 from each university for a total of $10,000/£8,000. 

Application deadline: 4 October 2024, 11:59 p.m. EDT

Project Duration:   January 1–December 31, 2025

Register for the Edinburgh-Cornell Joint Info Session on Zoom .

Learn more and apply .

Sign up for the Edinburgh-Cornell collaboration matchmaking  .

Learn about additional  seed grants available  with other Global Hubs partners . 

Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies , Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences , Global Cornell , David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement , Institute for European Studies

Public Engagement , Research

[email protected]

Sebnem Ozkan

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The Ohio State University

PhD Program Financial Support and Scholarships

College of social work phd and msw + phd student funding package.

The College of Social Work provides a competitive funding package for PhD and MSW + PhD students.

  • First Three Years (50% FTE) – Graduate Research Associate position with stipend and tuition coverage for full-time students.
  • PhD students have a 50% GRA with tuition coverage for three years.
  • MSW-PhD students have a 25% GRA with 1/2 tuition coverage during their MSW program and a 50% GRA with tuition coverage during their PhD program up to a combined total of 3 years 50% FTE for both programs.
  • Fourth Year (50% FTE) GTA

GRA and GTA Application due Oct. 30 for current students – form available in Carmen

Graduate School Fellowships

The Graduate School sponsors a number of fellowships and other support for incoming and current graduate students including one- and two-year awards for incoming graduate students and Presidential Fellowships for students at the dissertation stage. These fellowships require a departmental or program nomination, are merit-based and highly competitive.

See the funding section of the Graduate School website for details .

university of edinburgh phd stipend

Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid can assist you with your financial aid planning, questions and resources. Visit  Financial Aid  to learn more.

Tuition and Fees

Information on tuition and fees is available for all Ohio State degree programs through  The Office of the University Registrar .

  • View the  complete fee table .
  • View the  fees explanation .

School of Social and Political Science

School of social and political science phd scholarship.

The scholarship application system for academic year 2024/25 closed at 23:59 (GMT) on Thursday, 1st February 2024. Scholarship availability for academic year 2025/26 will be advised here in November 2024.

As a guide to competition levels, in the 2023/24 cycle 123 applicants (future students) applied for 2 scholarships, and 17 applicants (current students) applied for 1 scholarship. The number of available awards may change each year. For 2024/25 we offered a minimum of 1 School of SPS PhD Scholarship to future students, and 1 School of SPS PhD Scholarship to current students. 

This award will support you to be part of the next generation of social science thought leaders. It is available to students researching any area within the School of Social and Political Science.

Please note these scholarships are only for PhD study, not for MSc by Research study.

These awards are available both to students intending to begin PhD study in the next academic year and to students currently in Year 1 (full-time equivalent) of their PhD in the School (if successful this will be a two-year award, full-time equivalent).

These awards are available to all areas of research within the School of Social and Political Science.

When making decisions, the Selection Committee will consider:

  • the applicant's academic achievements
  • research proposal
  • research potential
  • any publications made
  • any relevant non-academic experience
  • the degree of support provided by references

Financial status and nationality are not taken into account.

Please ensure you read the self-assessment  section to ensure you meet all the criteria as the application process is very competitive.

The award covers:

  • Full tuition fees (UK, EU or Overseas level)
  • The stipend will be set to the UKRI level for 2024/25. The UKRI level for 2023/24 is currently £18,622 for full-time students, or the pro rata equivalent for part-time students.

Awards for new students are made for one year in the first instance and are renewable for up to a further two years (pro-rata for part-time students), subject to satisfactory academic progress. 

PhD students in the School of Social and Political Science can apply to the  PGR Research Support Fund  for help with fieldwork and other research-related costs throughout their period of study, providing they meet the fund's eligibility criteria. SPS PhD scholars may apply for this fund.

In order to gain access to the scholarship application system, applicants must have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.  Applicants must submit two separate applications by the deadline:

  • Application for admission to a PhD degree in the School of Social and Political Science (must be submitted at least 5 working days before the scholarship deadline )
  • School of Social and Political Science PhD Scholarship application

Updated or additional documents or information for your PhD programme application cannot be accepted after you have received an offer for the programme. Before then, any updated or additional documents must be uploaded directly to your PhD application via your MyEd account.

Updated or additional documents or information for your scholarship application cannot be accepted after you have submitted your scholarship application.

Late applications cannot be accepted.

Ensure you visit the Important Information and Recommendations section before you apply. We consider this section to be essential reading.

The scholarship award application process involves two main applications:

  • Apply for your chosen PhD degree programme
  • Apply for your chosen scholarship

Application for admission to a PhD degree

Please note: you will only be able to apply for a scholarship after you have submitted an application for a PhD programme.  

The application to study is made via the University's online applications system EUCLID.

You must submit a full application by the deadline, including:

  • final or interim official undergraduate and postgraduate transcripts (note - PhD Social Anthropology applications require undergraduate only)
  • name of proposed supervisor

References and research proposal for the application to study are also used for the scholarship application and will be automatically pulled through to the scholarship system.

The application to study must be submitted at least 5 working days prior to the scholarship application deadline. This allows your University Username (UUN eg s1234567) to be activated in time for you to submit your scholarship application before its deadline.

You do not need to wait to receive an offer to study before applying for the 'SPS PhD Scholarship' - but you must submit a complete application to study by the deadline or your 'SPS PhD Scholarship' application will not be considered.

Please note that the 'SPS PhD Scholarship' application is extremely competitive, and every year demand far outstrips supply. 

For further information on PhD study please see our  PhD Programmes  webpage.

For further information on the application process, please see our  how to apply  page.

Application for SPS PhD Scholarship

Once you have submitted your application for study, you can then submit your funding application(s). You must submit a separate application for each individual funding scheme you are applying to.

Application to the SPS PhD Scholarship for future students is via the University's online scholarships application form located within the EUCLID applicant hub.

After submitting your application for your programme of study, you will receive a University Username (UUN) and access to MyEd where you can reach the scholarship application system.

Before applying, please read the  self-assessment page , which provides helpful information about the factors that help make a successful application.

Please note that applications for the 'SPS PhD Scholarship' are extremely competitive, and every year demand far outstrips supply. 

Supporting documents

The supporting documents submitted with your application to study (research proposal, academic transcripts and references etc.) will be used to assess your funding application.

Research proposal

We recommend you follow the guidance on writing research proposals.

Personal statement

The scholarship application system will ask you to provide a personal statement (up to 500 words/3,500 characters including spaces).

We are interested in you as a whole person, not just academically. Please tell us about your preparedness to undertake and complete a PhD and to flourish as a result of PhD funding, and how you will contribute to a positive and diverse PhD community within the School. This could include diversity of identity, experience, or viewpoint. 

Conditional offers

If you are in receipt of conditional offer (including conditional on English language), you are still eligible to apply for the 'SPS PhD Scholarship'.

Should you receive an award, but not meet the conditions of your offer, they would not be able to take up the award.

Help and guidance

Information on the Student Systems website may help you with guidance on the scholarship application system.

Applying for a postgraduate scholarship

Technical support and guidance

You can also view our applying for scholarships frequently asked questions: 

Frequently asked questions - applying for scholarships in the MyEd portal

Postgraduate Advisors and supporting Subject Area academics assess scholarship applications for their Subject Areas.

Scholarship applicants are then ranked and the top candidates are put forward to the next stage. Applicants not progressing to Stage Two will be notified by the end of April.

A   panel of assessors, comprising of the Director and Deputy Director of Postgraduate Research Programmes and at least one other senior School academic, assess all ranked scholarship applicants and rank them individually.

The ranks are then collated, and agreement on awards, reserves, and unsuccessful applicants are documented, with notifications emailed to applicants. Awardees are given 7 calendar days to respond to the scholarship offer. If no response is received by the given date, the offer will be rescinded and awarded to the next reserve candidate.

Assessors will use the  SGSSS Marking Framework for their ranking process in both stages.

The School selection panel will meet in the Spring, and results will be communicated to candidates by email shortly thereafter.

Note that we also hold a reserve list; in the event that a successful candidate later declines their award, for example because they obtain different funding. In this case, the award will be offered to the top candidate on the reserve list. 

We aim to have contacted all SPS PhD Scholarship candidates to let them know the outcome of their application by the end of May.

Due to the volume of applications we receive and the lengthy assessment and ranking process, we are unable to answer individual responses until then.

This funding form is also used for several other awards, including:

  • Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships - SPS
  • 'CAHSS Research Award - SPS'
  • Alice Brown PhD Scholarship
  • Chrystal Macmillan PhD Scholarship
  • Macqueen Scholarship

Important - please ensure you check each scholarship deadline as they may differ.

You must enter a separate scholarship application for each award you wish to be considered for.

If you are applying for more than one PhD programme, you must also submit separate scholarship applications for each programme.

Year 1 full-time PhD students already at the School of Social and Political Science would, if successful, receive two years' funding to the end of the Prescribed Period of Study.

Part-time current PhD students would receive the pro-rata amount to the end of their Prescribed Period of Study.

Application is via your  MyEd account . The scholarship application section for current students is via the MyEd 'Student Self-Service' channel.

Details on how to find the scholarship section can be found on the Student Systems website.

Applying for a scholarship through MyEd Student Self-Service channel

Academic references

The default position is that we will look at the two references and your original research proposal provided on your EUCLID application for PhD study.

However, we would recommend that current Year 1 (full-time equivalent) students request assistance from their supervisors, who can comment on your progress to date, to provide updated references (maximum of 2 new references). 

These can be emailed to the PGR Support team ( [email protected] ) by either yourself or your referee no later than the scholarship closing date. Guidance for referees can be found in our request for an academic or non-academic reference document .

Please ensure you name the scholarship you are applying for and provide your UUN in the email.

We also strongly advise that you update your  research proposal  (three to four pages). These must be emailed (from your University account) to the PGR Support team ( [email protected] ) no later than the scholarship closing date.

The scholarship application system will ask you to provide a personal statement (up to 500 words/3500 characters including spaces).

Apply Now: 2025 Fully Funded Graduate Programs in Latin American Studies at Tulane University

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Sponsored by the Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies

The Stone Center at Tulane University offers MA and PhD degrees in Latin American Studies. The Center also collaborates with other units across the University to offer specialized graduate degree programs. Such programs include joint professional degree programs with the Law School (MA/JD) and the Business School (MA/MBA), and a dual Doctor of Philosophy degree (a PhD in Latin American Studies and Art History).

The Stone Center’s mission is to ensure that students gain comprehensive knowledge about Latin America through a mixture of academic study, specialized training, and research abroad through programs that embrace linguistic fluency, fieldwork, and direct engagement in the region.

The design of both the MA and PhD curriculum in Latin American Studies is dependent upon the student’s particular research interests. While we welcome all qualified applicants interested in pursuing interdisciplinary research on Latin America, the Stone Center has developed significant faculty strengths in Economics, Politics & Society and Arts, Media, Culture & Politics. The Stone Center also has very strong regional expertise in Brazilian Studies and Cuban & Caribbean Studies.

Our MA program is a two-year in-residence program that starts every Fall semester in mid-late August. The MA program usually culminates in the production of an MA thesis. Our PhD programs are also in-residence programs comprised of about three years of coursework study, followed by a two-year period that encompasses comprehensive examinations, field research, and the completion and defense of a written dissertation. Doctoral students will also be expected to teach our Introduction to Latin American Studies course as part of their training.

The ideal candidate is someone whose research and study interests require the acquisition of knowledge and skills that span multiple disciplines. The ideal candidate will also demonstrate proficiency in the languages of the region, coupled with some field research experience in the region.


The Tulane University graduate program online application system allows applicants to identify whether their application should be considered for admission either as an MA student or as a PhD student. Applicants who have an earned undergraduate degree in any subject area from an accredited university are eligible to apply to our MA program.

With regard to the PhD program, the admissions policy of the Stone Center is to consider for admission directly to the PhD program only individuals who have an earned Master’s Degree or relevant professional degree (i.e. MD, JD, MBA, MPH, etc.)

Applicants interested in the PhD Program in Latin American Studies, but who do not have an earned Master’s Degree or a relevant Professional Degree, may apply for admission only to the MA program in Latin American Studies. Upon completion of the MA Program in Latin American Studies, such students may reapply to the PhD program. Admission to the MA program does not guarantee continuation in the PhD program.

Applicants with degrees from accredited colleges or universities outside of the United States are eligible to apply.

International applicants whose native language is not English must take the TOEFL or IELTS to demonstrate English language proficiency.

Program Benefits

Although the graduate student cohorts are small and selective, all admitted students are awarded fellowships that include the following:

  • Full tuition scholarship valued at approximately $67,000
  • Modest living stipend (approximately $20,000 for MA students and $25,000 for PhD students)
  • A 50% credit against the cost of the student health insurance plan
  • A 100% credit to cover the cost of the Student Campus Health Center fee

Other program benefits include:

  • Opportunities for funding to attend professional academic conferences both internally through the Stone Center, and externally through the University’s Graduate Studies Student Association (GSSA)
  • Opportunities for funding to conduct summer field research through the Stone Center and the School of Liberal Arts
  • The ability to take courses from across all units, departments, and schools of the University.
  • Membership in the Latin Americanist Graduate Organization (LAGO), which manages a yearly programming budget of approximately $13,000
  • Access to a lounge area exclusive to Latin American Studies Graduate Students
  • A modest subsidy to pay for printing expenses on campus
  • Access to career services counseling through the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (OGPS)
  • Access to lecture series and presentations by visiting scholars on a wide variety of subjects
  • Connection to our extensive alumni network

How to Apply

Applications are managed through Tulane’s School of Liberal Arts. Find more information on the application process.  Applicants need to submit the following items with the application form: Brief Statement of Research Interest; Academic Transcripts; CV/Resume; Writing Sample; and Three Letters of Recommendation.

Join an Information Session

Register here for our online information session on October 17, 2024.

The application deadline is January 10, 2025 for admission consideration the following Fall semester.

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Not ready to apply this year? Bookmark Tulane University’s Fully Funded Master’s in Latin American Studies and Tulane University’s Fully Funded PhD in Art History and Latin American Studies to your ProFellow account.

© 2024 ProFellow, LLC. All rights reserved.

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  • Fully Funded Master's Programs in Classics
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Tuition fees

PhD fee structure

How fees are charged for full-time and part-time PhD programmes, as well as PhDs by publication.

Full-time study

For full-time study, you will pay a total of three or four full-time annual fees (as appropriate) for the period of prescribed study under supervision.

Part-time study

For part-time study, you will pay a total of  six or eight part-time annual fees (as appropriate) for the period of prescribed study under supervision. 

Part-time tuition fees are 50% of the full-time fee applicable for the programme of study in each academic session. 

Submitting your thesis early

If you submit your thesis early, you must pay the remaining years’ fees on submission.

PhD by publication

If you submit for a  PhD  by publication, you will need to pay an examination fee on submission.

Year Exam fee                    
2023-2024 £2,625

PhD programme fees

PhD programme fees for each year of study can be found on our postgraduate research fees page.

Postgraduate research fees


  1. University of Edinburgh: Andrea Levy 2023-2024 Scholarship (£5,000 stipend)

    university of edinburgh phd stipend

  2. Andrea Levy Scholarship 2023-2024 to Study at the University of

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  3. Mastercard Scholarship at University of Edinburgh: Full Tuition, Visa Cost, Stipend

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  4. University Of Edinburgh Phd

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  5. University of Edinburgh PhD Scholarship 2023 Application Update

    university of edinburgh phd stipend

  6. Fully Funded! Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships for PhD students

    university of edinburgh phd stipend


  1. Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships

    Award. Each scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as a stipend of £18,622p.a. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships are awarded for between three and four years as agreed by the School/Deanery (or pro-rata for part time). **For the Business School only: Four year EDCS funding is only available for applicants to the ...

  2. School Doctoral Scholarship

    The School of History, Classics and Archaeology offers the School Doctoral Scholarship (SDS) across any area of study within the doctoral programme for studies commencing in 2024-25. The award provides an annual stipend at the UKRI rate (for guidance, in 2023/24 this was £18,622 for full-time students or the pro rata equivalent for part-time ...

  3. Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship

    The stipend will be set to the UKRI level for 2024/25. The UKRI level for 2023/24 is currently £18,622 for full-time students, or the pro rata equivalent for part-time students. ... University of Edinburgh Awards Alice Brown PhD Scholarship Macqueen Scholarship Chrystal Macmillan PhD Scholarship School of Social and Political Science PhD ...

  4. PhD students

    Awarded by the University of Edinburgh, these scholarships are for UK and overseas candidates applying to start their first year of on-campus PhD study. The scholarship covers tuition fees and provides a stipend for between three and four years as agreed by the School/Deanery (or pro-rata for part time).

  5. PhD studentships

    Our funded PhD programmes provide outstanding students with studentships, world-class teaching and research training at our cutting-edge Research Centres. The studentships offer eligible candidates a stipend, tuition fees (at the UK/EU rate) and a contribution towards research costs. Our 'integrated programmes' also offer students the ...

  6. Funding

    The stipend can be extended to up to another 5 months through our two optional schemes (see our Programme Structure), subject to the approval of the E4 DTP Management Board. NERC's expectation is that the thesis is submitted by the end of the funding (although the maximum submission date will be 4 years from the PhD start date).

  7. Funding for UK students

    Three Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships are available for a PhD student starting their PhD research in the School of Physics and Astronomy in the 2024/25 academic year. The Scholarship covers the University tuition fee as well as a stipend equal to the UKRI minimum rate, for the relevant academic year of study, approximately a tax-free ...

  8. Edinburgh Doctoral College and Business School Scholarships

    Value Full tuition fees (UK or Overseas level) with an annual stipend equal to the UKRI minimum rate for the relevant academic year of study. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarship is offered for 3 and a half years for those enrolled on one of our 3 year PhD programmes, or for 4 years for those enrolled on one of our 4-year Integrated PhD programmes (or pro-rata for part time).

  9. PhD Scholarships and funding

    University of Edinburgh Business School Doctoral Access Scholarship. Available for students who are UK nationals and domiciled in the UK, the Business School will offer one scholarship to cover full tuition fees and an annual stipend for one of their Doctoral programmes for entry in September 2024.

  10. Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships (EDCS)

    The University of Edinburgh offers PhD scholarships for students starting their PhD research in the academic session 2024/25. The School of Informatics will award one Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship (EDCS) for the current academic session. The scheme is highly competitive and applicants must be of outstanding academic merit and research ...

  11. Stipends and other Allowances

    Stipend. UKRI doctoral stipend level for 2022/23 is £17,668. The stipend level increases every year in line with the GDP deflator. Students are paid their stipends one month in advance except at the start of the programme when they receive a lump sum payment of three months. Payment is usually made on the 28th of the preceding month.

  12. What funding is available for your PhD study?

    Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarships In 2024-25, the School will offer a fully funded Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship. This scholarship provides tuition fees and a stipend for 4 years. The award is open to UK and overseas applicants applying to start their first year of study in 2024-25.

  13. Studentships

    The School of Chemistry in Edinburgh appoints approximately 50 PhD students each year. These studentships span a range of research areas, and are funded by Research Councils, Industry and by charitable endowments. Different eligibilities, deadlines and selection procedures apply depending on the source of funding as outlined below.

  14. University of Edinburgh Business School Doctoral Scholarship

    The University of Edinburgh Business School places great value on Doctoral research in bringing fresh ideas, perspective and energy, critical in sustaining a vibrant research culture. The School is looking to recruit doctoral candidates with a real passion for research and great potential to carry out timely and highly impactful work.

  15. Scholarships and funding

    The stipend will be paid in equal monthly instalments for a maximum of three years, subject to satisfactory progress. Awards will be paid pro-rata for part-time candidates. ... The University of Edinburgh will offer PhD scholarships for students starting their PhD research at the University in the 2024-25 academic session. One of these ...

  16. PhD Opportunities

    PhD Title. Research Institute. Research Theme. Principal Supervisor. 4D printed composite morphing structures. Infrastructure and Environment. Institute for Infrastructure and Environment Themes. Dr Francisca Martinez-Hergueta. Adaptive and smart structures for operational variability and life extension.

  17. Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships 2024-25: Funding, Studentships

    The Edinburgh University PhD Scholarships, or EDCS, offer the following benefits: Full coverage of the University tuition fee for 3 or 4 years, depending on the programme of study. A stipend of £18,622 per year for living expenses. Access to a range of training and networking events, workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by the ...

  18. Edinburgh on PhD Stipend : r/Edinburgh_University

    Go to Edinburgh_University r/Edinburgh_University. r/Edinburgh_University. A subreddit for students, staff and all things related to the University of Edinburgh. ... Keep in mind you don't pay taxes on PhD stipends, so your monthly income will be quite a bit more than someone on a 19k salary.

  19. The University of Edinburgh PhDs

    PhD Studentship - Sensor Fusion and Management in Autonomous Airborne Platforms. The University of Edinburgh. Location: Edinburgh. Salary: Tuition fees + stipend are available for applicants who qualify as a UK applicant or an EU applicant (International/non EU students are not eligible) Date Placed: 06 Jun.

  20. Informatics Global PhD Scholarships

    The deadline of Friday 26 January 2024 for admission applications has now passed. Eligible applicants will be considered automatically for the Informatics PhD Scholarship as part of the School's PGR selection process. Applicants wishing to be considered for the IGPS (for entry in the academic year 2024/25) must submit a programme application ...

  21. Fulbright Scholarships

    37 likes, 0 comments - fulbrightscholarships on August 10, 2024: "University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (UMGF) 2024 in Canada Deadline: Varies on Department Stipend: Master's: $14,000/year and Phd: $18,000/year Host University: University of Manitoba Duration: Master's: 12 or 24 months and Phd: 12, 24, 36 or 48 months. Program: Masters & PhD Location: Canada Link is available in the ...

  22. Global Hubs Info Session: Joint Seed Grants with University of Edinburgh

    Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Cornell's colleges and schools encompass more than 100 fields of study, with locations in Ithaca, New York, New York City and Doha, Qatar. ... Joint Seed Grants with University of Edinburgh ...

  23. Financial Support and Scholarships

    The College of Social Work provides a competitive funding package for PhD and MSW + PhD students. First Three Years (50% FTE) - Graduate Research Associate position with stipend and tuition coverage for full-time students. PhD students have a 50% GRA with tuition coverage for three years.

  24. School of Social and Political Science PhD Scholarship

    For 2024/25 we offered a minimum of 1 School of SPS PhD Scholarship to future students, and 1 School of SPS PhD Scholarship to current students. ... The stipend will be set to the UKRI level for 2024/25. The UKRI level for 2023/24 is currently £18,622 for full-time students, or the pro rata equivalent for part-time students. ... University of ...

  25. Apply Now: 2025 Fully Funded Graduate Programs in Latin American

    Although the graduate student cohorts are small and selective, all admitted students are awarded fellowships that include the following: Full tuition scholarship valued at approximately $67,000; Modest living stipend (approximately $20,000 for MA students and $25,000 for PhD students) A 50% credit against the cost of the student health ...

  26. Fees, scholarships and funding

    Annual tuition fees are listed on the Postgraduate Study Programme Fees pages related to your desired exit level and duration of study. MSc by Research Education - 1 Year (Full-time) MSc by Research Education - 2 years (Part-time) MSc by Research Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences - 1 year (full-time) PhD Education - 3 Years (Full-time)

  27. PhD fee structure

    If you submit for a PhD by publication, you will need to pay an examination fee on submission. Year ... The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336, VAT Registration Number GB 592 9507 00, and is ...