homework and housework

Difference between HOMEWORK and HOUSEWORK

homework and housework

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What’s the difference between homework and housework ?

These two words seem practically identical, but they actually have separate meanings and uses. I’ll clarify that in today’s lesson, so that you can be sure to use the right word.

And at the end I’ll also tell you about a common mistake that English learners often make with homework and housework.

How to use HOMEWORK in English

Homework refers to schoolwork that you do at home.

So if you’re in class, your teacher might give you homework – maybe a worksheet, maybe a book/article to read, maybe an exercise to do or something to research – and then you do that homework outside of class, at home.

Homework is usually extra practice or an additional assignment to help you practice what you learned inside class, or take your learning further.

homework and housework

How to use HOUSEWORK in English

Housework refers to the physical tasks that are necessary to take care of your house or apartment , the place where you live. We usually use housework to refer to cooking, cleaning, and laundry (washing your clothes).

So homework is schoolwork you do at home, and housework involves maintaining your living space.

homework and housework

What about “chores”?

One of my students asked if the word chores means the same thing as housework.

Yes – chores is another word we can use for those things that you have to do around the house. Washing dishes, sweeping the floor, cleaning the toilet, and so on. You probably don’t really enjoy them, but they need to get done.

And it’s also common to use this word chores you have a parent who makes their children help with these tasks. So the parent would say, “you have to do your chores.” You need to do those things around the house that you’re responsible for, like cleaning up your room or maybe helping with the laundry.

homework and housework

HOMEWORK and HOUSEWORK are always singular!

Now here’s an important detail – the word chore is countable, so you can have one chore, two chores, three chores, or a lot of chores to do.

But homework and housework are BOTH considered uncountable . So we always use them in the singular, always homework and housework, never homeworks or houseworks.

They are singular even when they refer to multiple tasks. So even if you have multiple assignments to do and multiple things to do in your house, it’s still only homework and housework.

You can talk about general quantity by saying a little homework/housework or a lot of homework/housework – but don’t use numbers, like “three homeworks,” and don’t add an S, “a lot of houseworks” – it’s not correct.


This rule also applies to the word “work” – most of the time it’s singular.

Don’t say “I have a lot of works to do.” – the correct way would be “I have a lot of work to do.” You can say tasks, you can say projects, you can say assignments, you can say things – those can all be plural, but work is typically singular.

There’s one situation where we can say “works” and that’s specifically when we’re talking about works of art, works of music, or works of literature. So when we’re talking about productions in the artistic world, then sometimes we use works in the plural. For example, this is one of Picasso’s greatest works of art.

But in everyday life, when talking about the work you have to do, it’s always work, singular and same with homework and housework, singular.

Now you know the difference between homework and housework – and remember, doing homework is really important for reviewing and practicing what you learn!

A lot of our courses at Espresso English include homework. Sometimes that’s a quiz so you can test yourself on the lesson, and sometimes the homework is a writing task or speaking task where you can send your answers to our teaching team and get correction and feedback.

Our students often find this the most valuable part of our courses, because then you’re not just watching or reading or listening to me in English, but you’re also using English yourself. It really makes a difference in helping you learn and remember better.

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Hi, I’m Shayna. I create courses helping English as a Second Language learners become more fluent in just a few minutes a day – so they can speak English naturally and confidently in work and daily life.

homework and housework

Work and home are two of the most important places in many of our lives, so it’s no wonder there are so many English expressions related to both places. Many of the most commonly confused words I encounter as a teacher are either related to home or work. Let’s take a quick look at how to remember the difference between four of these common expressions.

Homework is studying you do at home for your school or college. It is usually set by the teacher to be completed before a certain date. For example, the teacher might say “Please complete your writing task for homework and hand it in before the next lesson.”


Housework means chores (everyday tasks) you do around your house or apartment. For example: ironing, washing up, cleaning your house and taking out your trash are all housework tasks. If you feel tired at the end of a long day at work, when you get home you might say “I’m not doing any housework tonight. I’ll do my washing at the weekend instead.”

When talking about our jobs, we don’t use ‘homework’ or ‘housework’. If we are able to work on things for our jobs without leaving our houses we can say that we ‘work from home’. For example “I need to wait for a package to be delivered so I am working from home today.” If you need to stay late at your office to complete some extra work, you can say you are ‘working overtime’ and if you just have too much work to complete, you can say you are ‘overworked’.

Let’s remind ourselves of those expressions:

Housework: chores, like washing and cleaning.

Homework: schoolwork that you do at home

To work from home:  to do your main job (that you earn money for) without leaving your house.

To work overtime:  to stay late at work.

To be overworked:  to have too much work to do.

So, how about you? Who does the housework in your home? Did you have a lot of homework when you were at school? Do you ever work overtime? And, do you feel overworked?

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homework and housework

What’s the difference between homework and housework?

This week we are looking at two words which are commonly confused because of their similar spellings: homework and housework .

child doing homework at a desk

Homework  is work that school pupils are given to do at home. You say that pupils ‘ do homework ’. You don’t say that they ` make homework ‘.

Have you done your English  homework ?

Homework is an uncountable noun.

a person doing housework

Housework  is work such as cleaning or washing that is done in a house.

She relied on us to do most of the  housework .

Housework is an uncountable noun.

Find out more in our English Usage article .

This blogpost is based on Collins COBUILD English Usage , written for learners of English. For more examples of English usage points, please visit:   https://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/english-usage .

All opinions expressed on this blog are those of the individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company, HarperCollins.

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  • Confused Words

Confused Words: Homework vs. Housework

Confused Words - Homework vs. Housework

Hi learners! Today we’ll delve into an interesting English language topic. We’re going to differentiate between the terms “ Homework ” and “ Housework “. Both words seem similar but have distinct meanings and uses. Let’s go!

“ Homework ” (IPA: /ˈhoʊmˌwɜːrk/) refers to tasks assigned to students by their teachers, intended to be completed outside of class, generally at home.

Here are 10 examples:

  • The teacher gave us a lot of homework today. (The teacher assigned many tasks)
  • I need to finish my math homework before dinner. (I need to complete my math tasks)
  • She is diligent about completing her homework every day. (She is conscientious about doing her school assignments)
  • He stayed up late to complete his homework . (He stayed up late to finish his school tasks)
  • Can you help me with my English homework ? (Can you help me with my English assignments)
  • I have homework over the weekend. (I have school tasks to do over the weekend)
  • She forgot her homework at home. (She forgot her school assignments at home)
  • He was punished for not doing his homework . (He was punished for not completing his school tasks)
  • The homework is due tomorrow. (The school tasks need to be completed by tomorrow)
  • Our homework involves researching climate change. (Our school assignment involves researching climate change)

Housework ” (IPA: /ˈhaʊsˌwɜːrk/), on the other hand , refers to the general cleaning or maintenance tasks done in a house or apartment.

  • I have a lot of housework to do this weekend. (I have many cleaning or maintenance tasks)
  • He helps his mother with the housework . (He assists his mother with home chores)
  • She dislikes doing housework . (She dislikes cleaning and maintaining the house)
  • Can you help me with the housework ? (Can you help me with the home chores)
  • We share the housework equally. (We share the cleaning and maintenance tasks)
  • He hired a maid to do the housework . (He hired a maid to perform the home chores)
  • Washing dishes is part of my housework . (Washing dishes is one of my home chores)
  • She does the housework every Sunday. (She does the home chores every Sunday)
  • I finished my housework early today. (I finished my cleaning and maintenance tasks early)
  • They believe in sharing housework responsibilities. (They believe in sharing home chores)

The distinction between “ Homework ” and “ Housework ” is now clear. “Homework” refers to school assignments completed outside the class, while “Housework” refers to cleaning or maintenance tasks performed at home. Understanding these differences will help refine your English usage.

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Jan 18, 2021

What’s the difference between  homework  and  housework ? These two words seem practically identical, but they actually have separate meanings and uses. I’ll explain in today’s lesson, so that you can be sure to use the right word. And at the end I’ll also tell you about a common mistake that English learners often make with homework and housework.

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Common mistakes and confusing words in english.


(noun) - refers to tasks assigned to students by teachers to be completed mostly outside of class, and derives its name from the fact that most students do the majority of such work at home.

(noun) - refers to domestic household chores such as cleaning and cooking.

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Etymology of "housework" and "homework"

In American English (perhaps British as well), "housework" and "homework" have different meanings. "Housework" refers to working around the house, such as dusting, vacuuming, etc., whereas "homework" refers to doing some school assignments at home, after school is out.

Homework can be completed outside the home, such as in a library. In order to do housework, however, one must be at one's house. How and when did two words which seem so similar at first glance gain such different meanings?

Uticensis's user avatar

  • 2 It might be interesting for you to know that I didn't find any entry in the OED regarding "housework". It is weird since I know the word exists. –  Alenanno Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 17:35
  • 2 Maybe the Brits don't do houseworks! But how they've managed to keep their mansions & chesterfields so pristine is beyond me. Mm. –  Percy P. Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 17:41
  • 2 We Brits invented 'housework'! Along with a rigid class system to make sure it was only done by scullery maids & other lesser mortals, leaving the lady of the house to concentrate of receiving 'gentleman callers'. But I never heard of anyone so grand they needed to pluralise the efforts others make on their behalf. –  FumbleFingers Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 17:48
  • 2 And originally in English public schools (which are private) homework wouldn't be done at home (since they were boarders) but in your house - but wasn't called homework it was called prep. Great language! - for an encore we will explain cricket –  mgb Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 18:09
  • Once I finish this post, I will go back to "working from home", which interestingly refers to a paid job, and is neither housework nor homework. –  Jay Commented May 1, 2012 at 18:01

2 Answers 2

According to the OED , the original meaning of "homework" does conflate much more obviously with "housework," with the former being defined, above all, as:

Work done at home , esp. as distinguished from work done in a shop or factory.

The earliest citation is a hearty piece of precious advice from a sermon from the 1680s:

Wherefore let every Man, in the first place, look after his Homework ; what he hath to do at Home.

Less vague examples of homework were given in later quotes: Spinning, quilting, and embroidery. This crafty and practical usage seems, however, to be an obsolescent meaning of homework , with the last use from the '30s. But the word "home worker" (doing low-paying piecework) lives on, preserving this original meaning of "homework":

Most home workers are women. They need the flexibility of working hours that home work allows. ( Guardian , 1973)

The second—and now primary—meaning of "review/preparatory school work despised by youth" didn't appear until much later (late 19th century), but it's thriving and strong, having quickly overtaken the original meaning.

▶ Housework

The first citation of "house-work" from the OED (which hyphenates it) is from mid-19th century. Its meaning has always been as it is now: "the work done to keep a house orderly (and housewares clean)," diligently by housewives and begrudgingly by house-servants:

While the boys are engaged in out-door work, the girls could be employed in sewing or house-work . ( Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , 1871)

Here it contrasts homework (sewing) with housework [other activities].

As FumbleFingers's Ngram shows, it has also been used in texts in its unhyphenated form, which the OED has chosen not to include, as Alenanno first noted above in the comments, although it does feature a sub-entry for the spaced "house work" (definition-less, with a single late-19th-century quote).

So the two words would seem to have diverged after the first ( homework ) took on a specialized meaning relatively late in its life. Now let's find the courage to get back to doing either/both!

Community's user avatar

  • So you did found it in the OED? –  Alenanno Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 22:56
  • Aye, but not as "housework," but as "house-work" and "house work." The Brits prefer 'em hyphens & spaces, it seems. –  Percy P. Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 23:38
  • 1 I did find it as "housework" at dictionary.reference.com/browse/housework . I do believe American English tends to lose the hyphens in words more quickly than British English, but I am no linguis. That is just speculation. –  ssakl Commented Apr 4, 2011 at 15:21

I think it's pretty clear housework came first, as shown by this . Apart from anything else, the activity now called homework probably didn't actually occur very often in a world where many children either didn't go to school at all, or had limited access to books, writing materials, etc. at home.

But it's worth mentioning that some (non-working) women who don't really like to call themselves (or be called) a 'housewife' will accept 'home-maker'. There are various subtle differences between house and home , but they're pretty much the same thing in most contexts, notwithstanding the 1964 song A House Is Not a Home .

FumbleFingers's user avatar

  • 1 This 'subtle difference' in particular is one that I have always found very interesting. It makes the English language appear quite sweet (Home suggests 'family' - a 'lived-in' house). Many other languages don't have this same distinction, though they interestingly are both of Germanic origin. –  Karl Commented Apr 3, 2011 at 18:58

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homework and housework

Christine Burgmer

What’s the Difference Between Homework And Housework?

Here are two words that are often confused.

Homework refers to the tasks you were given by your teacher and that you were supposed to do at home. (In German: “‘Hausaufgaben’)

Perhaps you have your own children now and spend your afternoons helping them with their homework—as your parents might have done years ago.

Housework refers to the everyday tasks or chores that need to be done at home, like washing the clothes, washing the dishes, cleaning and ironing. (In German: ‘im Haushalt anfallende Arbeiten’)

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Housework vs Household: Their Meanings And Differences

housework vs household

Clever & short intro sentence: In the realm of domestic duties, a debate rages on between housework and household.

A proper word to describe the tasks involved in maintaining a home could be both housework and household. Housework refers to the physical chores and cleaning activities required to keep a home tidy and organized. On the other hand, household encompasses a broader scope, including not only the physical tasks but also the management and organization of the home as a whole.

This article delves into the nuances of housework versus household, exploring the distinctions between the two terms and their significance in the realm of domestic responsibilities.


Define housework:

Housework refers to the routine tasks and chores that are necessary to maintain a clean, organized, and functional living space. This can include activities such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, and organizing. Housework is essential for creating a comfortable and healthy environment for the inhabitants of a household.

Define household:

A household is a group of people who live together in a shared living space. This can include family members, roommates, or individuals who cohabitate. The household is the physical location where daily activities and routines take place, including housework, meal preparation, and social interactions. It is a central hub for daily life and serves as a place of comfort and security for its inhabitants.

How To Properly Use The Words In A Sentence

Understanding the distinction between “housework” and “household” is crucial for effective communication. Let’s delve into how to use these words correctly in a sentence.

How To Use Housework In A Sentence

Housework refers to the tasks involved in maintaining a clean and organized home. When using “housework” in a sentence, it is essential to showcase the action or activities related to household chores. Here are some examples:

  • She spent the entire morning doing housework, including vacuuming, dusting, and doing laundry.
  • Housework can be exhausting, but the satisfaction of a tidy home makes it all worth it.
  • It is important to divide the housework responsibilities evenly among all household members.

How To Use Household In A Sentence

On the other hand, “household” refers to a group of people living together in a home. When using “household” in a sentence, it typically refers to the people or family unit within a residence. Here are some examples:

  • Our household consists of four family members and a pet dog.
  • She manages the household finances efficiently, ensuring all bills are paid on time.
  • It is essential to maintain a harmonious atmosphere within the household for a peaceful living environment.

More Examples Of Housework & Household Used In Sentences

Brief Section Introduction: Explore more examples of how the terms housework and household are used in everyday sentences.

Examples Of Using Housework In A Sentence

  • The daily housework includes vacuuming, dusting, and doing the laundry.
  • She delegated the housework to her children to teach them responsibility.
  • Completing the housework before guests arrive is always a priority.
  • He offered to help with the housework to lighten her load.
  • She hired a cleaning service to take care of the housework once a week.

Examples Of Using Household In A Sentence

  • The household expenses were carefully budgeted to ensure financial stability.
  • She manages the household affairs with precision and efficiency.
  • The household chores were divided among family members to promote teamwork.
  • They decided to downsize their household to a smaller, more manageable space.
  • She takes pride in maintaining a well-organized and tidy household .

Common Mistakes To Avoid

One of the most common mistakes that people make when discussing household tasks is using the terms “housework” and “household” interchangeably. While these words may seem similar, they actually have distinct meanings that should be used correctly to avoid confusion.

1. Using “Housework” To Refer To The Entire Household

One common mistake is using the term “housework” to refer to all tasks and responsibilities within a household. In reality, housework specifically refers to the physical tasks involved in maintaining a clean and organized home, such as cleaning, laundry, and dishes. Using “housework” to encompass all household duties is incorrect and can lead to misunderstandings.

2. Using “Household” To Describe Cleaning Tasks

Another mistake is using the term “household” to describe specific cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming or dusting. The term “household” actually refers to the entire family or group of people living together in a home, as well as the physical space they occupy. It is important to use “household” in the correct context to avoid confusion and miscommunication.

3. Confusing The Roles Of Housework And Household Management

Some people mistakenly use “housework” and “household management” interchangeably, when in fact they are separate concepts. Housework involves the physical tasks of maintaining a home, while household management includes organizing schedules, budgeting, and other administrative tasks related to running a household. It is essential to understand the distinctions between these terms to effectively delegate responsibilities and manage a home efficiently.

Context Matters

When it comes to the terms “housework” and “household,” the choice between them can greatly depend on the context in which they are used. Each term carries its own connotations and implications, making it important to choose the right one based on the specific situation.

Examples Of Different Contexts

1. Formal Setting:

In a formal setting, such as a business meeting or academic paper, the term “household” may be more appropriate. It conveys a sense of professionalism and structure when discussing the management of a home and its inhabitants. On the other hand, “housework” might be seen as more casual and domestic, suitable for everyday conversations or informal settings.

2. Legal Documents:

When it comes to legal documents or contracts, the choice between “housework” and “household” can have significant implications. Using the term “household” can encompass a broader range of responsibilities and relationships within a home, while “housework” may specifically refer to the tasks and chores involved in maintaining a household.

3. Cultural Differences:

In different cultures, the preference for either “housework” or “household” can vary. For example, in some cultures, the term “housework” may carry negative connotations or be seen as menial labor, while “household” may be used to emphasize the overall management and organization of a home.

Exceptions To The Rules

While the distinction between housework and household is generally clear, there are some exceptions where the rules may not apply. Here are a few key exceptions to keep in mind:

1. Professional Housekeeping Services

When discussing professional cleaning services, the terms housework and household can sometimes be used interchangeably. In this context, housework refers to the actual cleaning tasks performed, while household encompasses the overall management and organization of the home.

When hiring a professional housekeeper, you are not only outsourcing your housework but also entrusting them with the care of your entire household.

2. Cultural Differences

In some cultures, the definitions of housework and household may vary, leading to different interpretations and applications of the terms. For example, in certain cultures, household duties may extend beyond cleaning and maintenance to include responsibilities related to family and community.

In traditional Japanese households, the concept of ikigai encompasses the idea of finding purpose and fulfillment in one’s daily tasks, whether they are related to housework or broader household management.

3. Personal Preferences

Individuals may have their own unique definitions and boundaries when it comes to housework and household responsibilities. Some may prioritize cleanliness and organization (housework), while others may focus more on creating a nurturing and harmonious living environment (household).

For some people, the act of cooking a meal for their family is considered housework, while for others, it is a way to strengthen the bonds within the household.

The distinction between housework and household responsibilities is crucial for understanding the division of labor within a home. Housework refers to the specific tasks involved in maintaining a clean and organized living space, while household responsibilities encompass a broader range of duties that contribute to the overall functioning of a household.

By recognizing the difference between these two concepts, individuals can better allocate their time and energy towards effectively managing their domestic duties. It is essential to approach housework and household responsibilities with a balanced perspective, acknowledging the importance of both in creating a harmonious and efficient living environment.

homework and housework

R.J. is the new owner of GrammarBeast.com. Having worked in bookstores, libraries, and more, his passion for grammar and writing are pivotal. As a ghostwriter for books that have sold tens of thousands of copies, he wants to help others find the right words and understand the differences.

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Difference Between Homework and Housework


What’s the difference between  homework  and  housework ?

And at the end I’ll also tell you about a common mistake that English learners often make with homework and housework.

How To Use HOMEWORK In English

Homework refers to  schoolwork that you do at home.

So if you’re in class, your teacher might give you homework – maybe a worksheet, maybe a book/article to read, maybe an exercise to do or something to research – and then you do that homework outside of class, at home.

Homework is usually extra practice or an additional assignment to help you practice what you learned inside class, or take your learning further.

homework and housework

How To Use HOUSEWORK In English

Housework refers to the  physical tasks that are necessary to take care of your house or apartment , the place where you live. We usually use housework to refer to cooking, cleaning, and laundry (washing your clothes).

So homework is schoolwork you do at home, and housework involves maintaining your living space.

homework and housework

What About “Chores”?

One of my students asked if the word  chores  means the same thing as housework.

Yes – chores is another word we can use for those things that you have to do around the house. Washing dishes, sweeping the floor, cleaning the toilet, and so on. You probably don’t really enjoy them, but they need to get done.

And it’s also common to use this word chores you have a parent who makes their children help with these tasks. So the parent would say, “you have to do your chores.” You need to do those things around the house that you’re responsible for, like cleaning up your room or maybe helping with the laundry.

homework and housework

HOMEWORK And HOUSEWORK Are Always Singular!

Now here’s an important detail – the word chore is countable, so you can have one chore, two chores, three chores, or a lot of chores to do.

But homework and housework are BOTH considered  uncountable . So we  always  use them in the singular, always homework and housework,  never  homeworks or houseworks.

They are singular  even when they refer to multiple tasks.  So even if you have multiple assignments to do and multiple things to do in your house, it’s still only homework and housework.

You can talk about general quantity by saying  a little homework/housework or a lot of homework/housework  – but don’t use numbers, like “three homeworks,” and don’t add an S, “a lot of houseworks” – it’s not correct.


This rule also applies to the word “work” – most of the time it’s singular.

Don’t say “I have a lot of  works  to do.” – the correct way would be “I have a lot of  work  to do.” You can say tasks, you can say projects, you can say assignments, you can say things – those can all be plural, but work is typically singular.

There’s one situation where we can say “works” and that’s specifically when we’re talking about works of art, works of music, or works of literature. So when we’re talking about productions in the artistic world, then sometimes we use works in the plural. For example, this is  one of Picasso’s greatest works of art.

But in everyday life, when talking about the work you have to do, it’s always work, singular and same with homework and housework, singular.

Now you know the difference between homework and housework – and remember, doing homework is really important for reviewing and practicing what you learn!

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  • Difference Between Homework and Housework 20 mins
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English teacher: difference between homework and housework.

homework and housework

Homework (noun) – refers to tasks assigned to students by teachers to be completedmostly outside of class, and derives its name from the fact that most students do the majority of such work at home.

For example: “A lot of students in the UK get too much homework.”

Housework (noun) – refers to domestic household chores such as cleaning and cooking.

For example: “I never seem to have enough time to do the housework. There’s always something that needs dusting or polishing”.

Samira SALAH

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How to Balance Homework and Chores

Last Updated: December 15, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by Ashley Pritchard, MA . Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine. This article has been viewed 98,011 times.

Sometimes you are so busy with things like doing the dishes, cleaning your room, mowing the lawn, and doing your homework that there’s not enough time for the fun things in life. While homework and chores are important, it doesn’t mean that they need to occupy all of your time. Balancing your homework and your chores will give you the extra time you need to socialize and enjoy your favorite hobbies.

Getting Yourself Organized

Step 1 Make a list.

  • As you complete each task, cross it off on the list so that you remember that you don’t have to do it anymore.
  • Create your list on a piece of paper or your cellphone. Storing lists mentally leaves room for you to forget what you need to do.
  • During the day you may get additional chores or homework assignments. When you do, make sure to add them to your list.

Step 2 Create a schedule.

  • Your schedule doesn’t need to be as specific as an hour-by-hour schedule, but the more specific you are the better. A day-to-day schedule will allow you to plot out important chores per day so that by the end of the week you’ll have completed all of them.
  • 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. - Homework
  • 5:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. - Vacuum Dining Room
  • 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Clean Room
  • 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Socialize!

Step 3 Maintain a clutter-free room and homework space.

  • Throw things away like empty bottles of water or loose pieces of paper as soon as you don’t need them anymore.
  • The more you stay on top of your clutter, the less work you have to do all at once.

Step 4 Keep homework in separate folders.

  • Keeping a binder or trapper keeper with separate compartments can help you keep any important homework.
  • Make sure to keep things you don’t need anymore in a separate place. You don’t want your folders to become cluttered and unorganized.
  • Be careful when you throw away things you get in class. You may need it for a quiz or test in the future.

Step 5 Use your free time to finish homework early.

  • Reading assignments can take a long time if you wait to read the material. By using your free time to read, you can start working on the essay portion of the assignment quickly.

Staying on Task

Step 1 Eliminate any distractions.

  • If you like playing video or computer games, save it for after your homework. You want to keep your mind sharp so you can get good grades and still get it done as fast as possible.
  • Social texting is pretty normal, but every time you break your concentration and do something else you’re making the time you have to spend on homework longer. Text the person back and let them know that you’ll get back to them when you’re done.

Step 2 Don’t procrastinate.

  • The more you procrastinate the more that you’ll be stressed about not having enough time to finish all of your chores and your homework. Do it early so you can sit back, relax, and have a good time with your friends.

Step 3 Prioritize what you need to do.

  • Even though chores are important, education comes first. Do your homework before you do your chores when you get home.

Step 4 Learn to say no.

  • Don’t be rude. Explain to the person that you need to get your homework done or else it will affect your grades. You aren’t trying to be mean, you just want to stay on task.
  • If you’re not used to telling people “no,” the only way to get used to it is to practice. Your friends will understand.

Step 5 Negotiate fewer chores.

  • Offer something in return for fewer chores, like better grades or A’s on your report card.
  • If you have siblings try to trade chores with them.
  • Don’t get mad at your parents if you realize that you have too many chores to get everything done. Simply explain to them first and then negotiate the alternatives.

Maintaining a Healthy Body and Mind

Step 1 Exercise in your free time.

  • Exercising can also be a hobby, like a sport that you enjoy. As long as you are getting out there and moving, it’s better than sitting around!
  • Gym isn’t enough exercise for most people. Make sure that you take up another physical hobby like basketball, hockey, martial arts, tennis, dance, or something else that’s challenging. Try out different things to see what you like best. [5] X Research source

Step 2 Take breaks while you are working.

  • Going outside and taking a 10-minute walk to get fresh air is a great thing to do when you take a break.

Step 3 Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

  • If you are between the ages of 14 to 17 you'll need around 8 to 10 hours of sleep to feel fully rested. If you are over 17 you'll need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep to feel good.

Expert Q&A

Ashley Pritchard, MA

  • Doing all three methods together will give you the most time to be social and practice your hobbies. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Try taking on an active or physical hobby so that you can stay active while still doing something you love. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • On Friday you can relax since you have the entire weekend to do what you need! Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ Ashley Pritchard, MA. Academic & School Counselor. Expert Interview. 4 November 2019.
  • ↑ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21228167
  • ↑ http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-releases/lack-of-physical-education-in-schools-concerns-parents/
  • ↑ http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mental-downtime/
  • ↑ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21075236

About this article

Ashley Pritchard, MA

To balance your homework and chores, start by creating a schedule of the work you have to do and the time you have available. Then, clear your study space of any games or electronics that might distract you, and try to focus on finishing your work as efficiently as possible. However, everyone needs breaks, so give yourself 5 minutes off every 30 minutes. Try to prioritize your homework over your chores, but talk to your parents if you feel overwhelmed by it all. Keep in mind that they may ask you to prove you’re doing your homework to justify getting out of chores! For more tips, including how to stay healthy during school term, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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homework and housework

homework and housework

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What is the difference between Housework and Homework ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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Quality Point(s): 2954

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Homework is something that is usually assigned by a teacher, school or class where you are learning something. • I need to do my Math homework • The teacher assigned a lot of homework to the students Housework refers to the chores or tasks you do at home, for example sweeping the floor, cleaning the bathroom, doing the laundry, washing the dishes

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'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈhəʊmwɜː k/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈhoʊmˌwɝk/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(hōm wûrk′) | | | | |
WordReference Collins English Usage © 2024
is work that school pupils are given to do at home. You say that pupils do homework. Don't say that they ‘make homework’. ? is work such as cleaning or washing that is done in a house. housework.
Both and housework are uncountable nouns. Don't talk about ‘a homework’ or ‘houseworks’. ' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): - - - - - -

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Meaning of housework in English

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  • I do all the housework while he just does the dishes now and again.
  • Housework is not so bad if you put some music on and just get on with it.
  • Couldn't we get a cleaning lady ? I'd rather not spend every Saturday doing the housework.
  • I'm trying to train my boyfriend to do the occasional bit of housework.
  • We divide up the housework between us - but he always makes me clean the bathrooms !
  • bioremediation
  • clean something out
  • freshen (someone/something) up
  • smarten (someone/something) up
  • spiff someone/something up
  • spit and polish idiom
  • spring-clean

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Adam's English lessons

DO & MAKE – How to talk about housework in English

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Test your understanding of this English lesson



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Thank you ma’am Ronnie :),. May I asked you to give us explanations about when to use “have been” and “had been” on a sentence?

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Thanks alot

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Hi Ronnie, Thank you for all the lessons. I have an important question: What’s the Difference Between “Like” and “Such As”? Thank you

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Such as we usually use to give and example – it is more formal than like. EX… My hobbies are playing sports, such as hockey, football, baseball. You can also say My hobbies are playing sports, like hockey, football, baseball Like is more casual and we use it more often!!!!!!

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Hi Ronnie.First of all you’re the great teacher.You’re my best teacher.But i have a problem.I want to ask one thing.I’m really confuse about idioms and phrase.So please help me.And tell me what do i do?And if you know about any book or website which of my English would be good so please tell me.I’m waiting your reply…………………………..

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The best way to learn idioms is to go to a country where they speak English OR you can watch movies!!!!!!! The problem with books is that there are MILLIONS of idioms that we never use!

Oh, What a nice surprise!

hi ronnie you are so talented woman, thank u so much

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Thanks for your input you make it incredibly easy to understand … successes Ronnie

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hi Ronnie thank yoooooooooooooooo alot

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5 out of 5…yey!!!

Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a excellent teacher. Ilike you a lot. Please, tell me what should I do to improve my listening in English??

Listen to English music, tv shows, movies and people if you can!!!!

Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a excellent teacher. Ilike you a lot.

Excellent !!!!!

Dearest Ronnie, its an excellent way to teach. i m not good in English but amazingly i understood each and every world i listened.hope you will teach me more lesson like this but with different verbs. God bless you.

Ronnie, But we can use make for unmaterial things, like mistake, wish or something like that. Could you explain us how we can use DO or MAKE for these cases? Are there some secret or trick for it?

Hugs to you.

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Hi Marcio, I believe we use ‘do’ for repetitive actions such as doin’ someone a favour , do an exam e.t.c while ‘make represents originality when you make coffee, it doesn’t always taste the same or when you make a mistake there is originality in it . We make cake,decision, wish ,noise e.t.c … but we can do the sound of a bird ( repeating what’s already in existence) ..

Look at the RESOURCES section on the site – there is a list off ALL the uses!!!!!!!!!!!!

it tooks me a while to understand about ‘do n’ make’ too. now is easier 4 me. see u Ronnie, I have to make my messy bed. make love instead war. that’s what I’m think.

Hi Ronnie. Good lesson! thx for all

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I loved this Video Classes.I have many years triying to learn English.I hope this classes goin to help me a lot.Thanks very much for this webside.I will be conected with you.Thanks Again.

thank Ronnie. my question is this lesson or this course American accent or British. thanks again..

this is American Accent

really very helpful topic, my idea wasn’t strongly clear but now i can say after listen this listen i gave test this lesson too in order to i took in this 5 out of 5 , thanks Thanks Teacher

Hi !! Ronnie its me Taimoor Alvi ned to know about how to speak English like native speakers and what about the slang in English language ?

thanks Ronnie

I really want to study English on internet. so please everyone tell me, about studying on internet

Thanks ronnie ju are exelent teacher …I like your lessons..

Hi Ronnie , i have one question for u,ok? when do we use For and Since? thinks

For with a number. I’ve lived her for 3 years. Since with a date. (day/month/year) I’ve lived here since January.

Hi Ronnei, I learn a lot from your lessons. Thank you, you are a wonderful teacher.

thanks it is so useful for us

Hi Ronnie, Is there a specific verb to cleaning furniture?

NO! You can just say I cleaned the _______ (furniture name)

you can also “dust the furniture”

Thanks a lot for both answers: Ronnie and Engvid!

great teacher may you explain if conditional cause im confused between second and third case¿

\i have made a video on conditionals = it will be on the site soon!

Ronnie you are the best teacher. Thank you for this lesson! What a pity that you don’t teach English in my school!

mam your teching method is fantastic

hi ronnie how r u i dont speak very well english and can’t write aslo but you u r very good teacher never saw in life.yours teaching way i like very much if get a change i want to meet u one day i learn form u very well thanks

i’m learning a lot in this page…and i have to do all my homework tomorrow..

Hi my teacher Sorry for my weak language because I am new student, I admired you when I saw you the first time in our class “in school”, Please accept me as student at you. sorry again for errors in my language, thank you teacher I will wait your advice to improve my language

hi,ronni can i ask you a question do you know where the action is in this town? what does the expression means !

It means where is the party or good place in town!

thanks alot ronni

thanks alot for ur explanion i’d like to ask u a question my mananger speaks english fastly, and don’t repeat any word and that make a problem for me

Tell your manager to speak more slowly!

Hi I would like to tell you,I have problem with listen.When I listen a lesson as quick I forget.I need your advice to going be better.Many Thanks Heman

The best way to remember something is to see or listen to it many, many times!

Thanks alot for the piece of information you gave to us And also the way you presented it was great.

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hi.plz slove my problum this word in garmmer.;bear; ;back; ;blow; ;beat; plz arranged the lesson

thanks very much

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well, you are extraordinary! I love your style, your lessons are very enjoyable, don`t stop :)

thank you…you are a great teacher…I hope I can be a good teacheras you are 5 years later…

Thanks a lot Ronnie . i love your style of teaching and also lessons .

You scored 4 out of 5.

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Thanks a lot Ronnie. You’re great. I really enjoy your lessons. Greetings from Brazil.

Thank you so much.

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I love your teaching so much , many thanks Appreciated

My compliment!

Hi Ronnie. I have problem between idioms and phrasal verbs.So please tell me what do i??Because I’m really confused that where can we use the normal verbs and phrasal verbs and idioms.so please tell me i’m really confused.So please help me and give me your some advise. And one more question that where can we use the having word and hell.. Example is…. What the hell and you having us etc………… i hope you would understand what i want to say you…………….

Thank you. You’re really cute :D

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Everything is very clear Ronnie, Thanks Jayathilake Sri Lanka

really it’s a very usful video for veiwers ….. really today i learn do & make … i understood thx a lot

Wow, i fell luck i found this website ! Thanks a lot to you all teachers ! I’m from Rio de Janeiro – Brazil and you can bet that i’ll come everyday !

My score was 4/5 !

Thanks you!! a lot

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That’s it! I made five points. Teacher, i have some questions and i guess you’re the one to solve them. I always make mistakes with “IN”, “AT” and “ON”. Is there a way to know when we have to use each of them ?

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Thanks a lot Ronnie!

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hey Ronnie ! thanks for the lesson :) i like your way of teaching it’s so exinting !

Thank you Ronnie to your advice , I will try it in the future .

Thank you for providing the correct usage of do and make.I really appriciate your help.

Hi Ronnie… Thanks alot for your Lessons…..

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Hi, Ronnie. Your lessons are really amazing. They are designed so fantastically that we can bring them into practical use soon after listening to them.

Hi Ronnie. I have problem between idioms and phrasal verbs.So please tell me what do i??Because I’m really confused that where can we use the normal verbs and phrasal verbs and idioms.so please tell me i’m really confused.So please help me and give me your some advise. And one more question that where can we use the having word and hell.. Example is…. What the hell and you having us etc………… i hope you would understand what i want to say you…………….

It’s a very useful lesson! And yes, They are kinda confusing.

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thanks alot teacher

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many many thanks Ronnei,

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Mrs. Ronmie, thank you very much for your clear explanation, but I want to ask about something! when you were explaining, at once you said the word ( creating ), and you also said the same word but in a different order, which is ( creation ). I believe both of them were used as nouns, could you please tell us the difference between both. I have had this question for a long time, but I hope it’s going to be clear enough to me by your answer. The same thing with the word ( communicating ), and the word ( communication. I also know when we add the ING to a verb, it changes to a noun, so I have an idea about how the gerund goes, but knowing the differences between ( creating, and creation ) is not clear enough to me. Thank you.

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Creating = present continuous. “I am creating a necklace.” Creation = noun. “My creation is a necklace.”

Thank you very much Mrs. Ronnie,,

thank you for the lessons teacher Ronnie :) 5 out 5 yes!

Ronnie, I desperately need help about pronunciation. Just tell me how am I supposed to pronounce endings of specific words such se PRONUNCIATION, CALCULATION, AVIATION? I used to pronounce it, for example /pr-nan-si-ei-sn/, but after I’ve watched your lesson where you said we should pronounce /pr-nan-si-ei-sin/. I mixed all those words in my head, and everything I used to know, now I don’t. Please tell me hoe to pronounce them :(

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They all end in “shin”. Cal-ku-lay-shin. A-v-a-shin

Hi Ronnie, many confuses to pronoun vocabulary in English at first word: Ex: aviation from you A-v-a-shin but someone read ei-vi-ei-shion or idea read ai-dia but Indian not read ai…..ete. could you show me how to indicate reading the words. thanks

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Hello Sir, i am very glade form youer teaching but i have a one quishion. can we use short form in english like u r (youer) and 2 buzy (to buzy )

nice job Ronnie, tell me is their difference in American English and Canadian and Australian

Awesome video’s… Thank you…..

Awesome video’s…:-) Thank you….

your great person and we never meet but i think your the best thanx

Thanks Madam Ronnie you are great that you are providing good communication skills .You delivered lecture DO ,Make . I want to ask you Is this correct use of DO, Make ?

Do the dishes . I am doing dishes . Did you not do dishes ?

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Great work! But you need to say “the dishes” in all the sentences!

I made it.thanks Ronnie to give me full marks

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Hi Ronnie.First of all you’re the great teacher.You’re my best teacher.But i have a problem.I’m facing IELTS exam end of this year please give me some advices for decrease my tension,I’m waiting for your advice……….

Don’t worry about it – just try your best and you will do well!

Hi Ronnie, you’re a great teacher.I realy like you lessons

hi ronnie, ur good at ur teaching can u make a video on if clause and unless I am bit confused with that…………….. waiting for ur replay……. Harin

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OK I will try to make a video for you!

Thank you very much Ronnie

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Hi, Ronnie! I hope you’re doing great. Sorry to bother you by my irrelevant questions but I really don’t know anyone who can help me more than you! I’ve 3 questions concerning syntax. 1) What is the present third-person singular (s 3d) of “have” and “be”? 2)If I asked you to fill out the noun paradigms of: fish, clothes, physics and measles, what would you write in the “-s plural” column for each one? 3) When filling out the comparable paradigms, I fail to know which adjectives take the -ER cp and -SP cp (like healthy, healthier, healthiest), and which adjectives don’t but rather be proceeded by more and most (like honest, more honest, most honest). Could you tell me a rule or a solution for this problem, please? Thanks in advance and I really hope that I don’t annoy you!

1) They 2) fish -fish (OR fishes if you are talking about different species of fish). clothes-clothes, measles-measles. 3) If the adjective has 1-2 syllables, you use – er -est. If the adjective has 2 or more syllables, add more/the most. The problem is that these rules overlap (2 syllables) Two-syllable adjectives ending in –er, -le, or –ow – ous -ed -est ……add –er and –est to form the comparative and superlative forms. Some 2-syllable adjectives can use BOTH !!!!!!!! clever gentle friendly quiet simple

Thanks, Ronnie, very useful lesson

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Hi Ronnie, I watched your video on q&a in job interview. I went for a job interview last week, I didn’t get the job however that was the best interview I have had in a long time, many thanks! Alison

Hi! Miss Ronnie p;z solve my problem for the words glisten, glitter, shine, gleam, glow, sparkle, shimmer, bright plz make a lesson for these words Thank you

Ok I will try!

Hi Ronnie. Congratulations. You’re a great teacher. I liked your lesson so much. Watching you to teach, the English language seems very easy. Thank you for help me learn English.

Ronnie, really my back ground to be rural but really enjoyed and understood ur session…!if it possible can u send any English material to my mail Id.

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great lesson,but my question is what is the difference between close and near?

They are the same. Except we have to say close + to and near we NEVER use a preposition!! I live near the river. I live close to the river!

Hellow There will iam junaid alam i have been following your lessons closely and i am of the view that you that are the best teacher believe me . Maam i am going to take toefl test this january and i am having difficulty dealing with expression like that is and oh yes and many others Can you help me out in this regard i will be really thank ful i really need your help.

Thanks ronnie for giving us good topics to learn. i really appreciate on how you deliver your teaching.

Hi teacher I Arabian, I would speak English can you my friend via messenger please ^_^

I am an Arab sorry ^_^

great Ronnie Gianfranco

I’ve done 5 of 5!!! Very useful lesson. Thank You!!!

Hello my dearest teacher Ronnie,your style of teaching is very well.I am from India and want to work in USA.So help me to improve my English.Thanks a lot.

thanks a lot. this’s realy great!

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hello rannie I just wanted 2say THANK YOU ( you r the best )

Tks Ronnie. You’re so kind. Lily from Brazil

Hi Ronnie thank you thank you thank you :) You have a beutiful way to teach us and i love it I saw your leasons in youtybe then I enthusiastic to learn more , Then I SignUp in this site:) “sorry for spelling ;)”

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I like the way you teach RRRonnie THANK YOU…….. I used to live in the USA but now I live in Mexico city and Im a teacher and I have alot of problems in teaching.I DONT wanna bother you, I JUST WANNA have a friend like you…right now were in vacatios 10 days..do you vave some tips to teach adjectives and adverbs.than you again talk to later

Search the site for adjective and adverb – there is a video for it! Good luck!

Do you do this about yourself. your a hart worker,you are a good person. I wish i can be like you.Merry Christmas and a happy new year

hi miss ronnie thank for all your lessons … i really like it .. but im new in thes web & i dont know from where to start on .so if you can help me and tell me from where to start

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Ronnie, how i can play your lesson continue?

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood

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hi that,s great lesson

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hi Ronnie I want to ask about If someone didn’t understand me I can say don’t get me wrong . Is that correct ? please correct me If I’m not mistaken thanks….

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No – we use don;t get me wrong when we are justifying our opinion. Ex… I hate Christmas. Don’t get me wrong I like the food, just not the shopping.

Ronnie you are the best teacher. Thank you for this lesson!

Ronnie, you are just hilarious teacher! That vacuum looked like a armchair with a sucking dust bottom! that is an idea for a new generation vacuums! :)

thank you so much ronnie , you are great because your lessons are very clear and funny ,thank you and merry christmas

Hi Ronnie can you help me.(when Iam writing Ihave some mastek) Ex v-f-ph

Hi Ronie the lesson it’s very helpfull and very clearly thanks a lot happy new year.

Hi Ronnie i would like to say tanks-for helping me to improve English .and i always looked your videos keep it up . but one thing i want to ask you .there is a problem in me when every thing i understand but i can’t remember it so can you give me some ways to recognize my lesson ? OK I am waiting for you to answer my questons

THe only way to remember anything is to repeat and review it!

dear ronnine,you have an excellent teaching method. I love it.keep it up

hi Ronnie, you are nice teacher. thank you for this exercise.

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Thank you But if it is possible to let the quota be a good interpreter Thanks once again (in other words what you are saying is written on screen)

HI Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a good teacher. I like you a lot. thanks for you

hi Ronnie, thanks for lesson

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Hi Ronnie teacher. I want to speak in english plz help me.

Ronnie, thank U so much. I understood everything that you said, I hope with your lessons I will improve my English. Thank U.

Madam Ronnie You are a good tutor, and describing things very clearly thanks a lot

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that a great lesson, thank you Ronnie

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Good evening my teacher , realy you are very exclent teacher . Thank you

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Madam Ronnie you are the best teacher . thank u so much .i understanding everything you said but i have writing and pronunciation problem so what you advise me to do madam

As far as pronunciation = listen and repeat English phrases! Writing = write a diary everyday.

hey! Ronnie its a great lesson love ya

thx very much,so interesting

awww i got 3 out 5…mam how i can improve my english…?? what shuld i do…? plz tel me…i luv to speak englsh bt i can’t…help me mam…:(

If you are having trouble in grammar, you just need to review and practice the rule you are learning. Make example sentences to help you! If you love to speak that you CAN do it!!! Just don’t worry about making a mistake!

Thanks for leassons. You are very good teacher. From Azerbaijan

thank u am proud 2b 1 of your students

Thanks Ronnie,The first time I heard that’s word (Chores).Now ,I know that mean is housework .God bless you,you’re the best.

hello ronnie.ı trouble with preposoitions in english.in addition being used at sentences as location,date,adress,we need methods which is used long sentences.could you help me.thanks

http://www.engvid.com/prepositions-how-to-use-in-at-and-on-in-english/ http://www.engvid.com/prepositions-of-place-at-on-in-grammar/ http://www.engvid.com/how-to-give-directions-in-english/ Check out these lessons!

Ronnie,Many thanks for lesson. Could you please explain me the correct option of this sentence which is ” his car is not so good because its break does’nt work properly Or his car is not so good beacuse its break not works properly Or his car is not so good because its break not working properly”?

hello ronnie, thank you so much for your lesson , you are the best =), but please help me, I have a big problem with vocabulary and ” writing” I don’t know how to express or how to write correctly my text, and I’am worried about that, because I have the final baccalauriat exam in english this year, and I don’t know what to do, What do you advice me ? Thank you so much!!!!

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Write a diary in English about your life! Write a sentence everyday, the try 2 sentences, then 3!! Just write about what you did that day or how you feel or any exciting/bad news!

Ronnie, you are the best! Thanks a lot for your funny but important lessons.

Thank you, you are the best teacher, it is very accessibly and available

Thanks for your great job. :)

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hii Ronni thanks a lot for this lession .Ronni really you are a good teacher .you teach english in a better way but iam so confused in writing an essay ,tell me how to write an essay in english.If you can provide an english video lecture then please…….. Thenkew very much

Google “how to write an essay” – then you can have written examples! Good luck!

Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much for the lesson. I really like the way you’re teaching…

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i got 4 of 5 corretly…

i got 4 out of 5.. why “I make my homework every day after school” is wrong?

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You don’t make/create the homework – the teacher does!

HI, thank you for the lesson… i have a question, what does mean “to make do”.. i read that in the list of verbs… thank you very much!

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To make do = to use what little supplies you have!


Ronnie,thank you! You are a very talented teacher. I love all your lessons.I have a question. You wrote “You don’t make/create the homework – the teacher does!”, but do=wash

hi first of all thank you so much for this lesson really it’s good lesson. i would like to speak with teacher Ronnie in Skype if possible please because reality she’s best teacher for me. so i can’t know how i thank you hope to see you soon

s0 interesting….

you are a good teacher tnx a lot i learn something in this lessen

Hi Ronnie!! This is an interesting video!!! Thank you!!!

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Ronnie,Many thanks for lesson. Could you please explain me the differences among the verbs “take place, occur n happen?

They are all the same! However, in Canada/US we say happen more than occur/take place!

salam thnks ronnie ma’am u teach vry well.will u help us about all use of tenses.thnks

Hi Ronnie, once again a wonderful lesson! i just wanna know how do we pronounce ‘Chores’ in American English?? as i have been pronouncing it ‘kores’ n i heard it as ‘Chores’ from ur mouth…plz guide on the correct pronunciation of this word. Apart i have been taught british english since childhood so often there is little confusion in the pronunciation of words correctly and now i m keen on learning american english n wanna get fluency in the same as now i am staying in the US from past 6months,,, so plz suggest me ways to enhance my american ascent n fluency…(like sounds of R & T) Thanks in advance

It is not “k” it is CH like choo choo!

Thanks Ronnie. I’d like to see some examples with the phrase “to make do”. Thank you in advanced.

thanks alot teacher Ronnie.I wanna to ask you how to learn english fast what is the method Iam awaiting for reply.thenks second you are deadly

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Thanks….They you are teaching is just amaizing…

Mam i would like to thank 4r a best teaching u know we Asian are so weak in english .

What can I say you’re terrific. Loves from Izmir,TURKEY

Hi Ronnie,could you please send me 02 examples for ‘mess’.

5 out of 5…yey!!! thanks ronnie Mam..

thx u r the best one i love u sooooo much thx thx

Hi! Excellent substitution do-wash Great lesson, thanks a lot

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hi ronnie thanks for lesson

I’m Iraqi English teacher, but I’m interested in your lessons. You are mild and likeable, every one like to watch your Video lessons. Please can I get your new lessons on my email? your prompt action will be highly appreciated. profound regards

Sorry, I don’t know how to do that!

Hi there!!! Thanks a lot for your lessons. When you have enough time, I would you like to see a class concerning an unique word: “to figure out”. I hear it millions of times everyday, but sometimes I don´t know what it is meaning exactly. Ta-ta for now.

To figure out means to understand/comprehend something that may have taken a long time. Ex. I finally figured out what the problem was with my computer!

Ronnie I m a student in a high school and I love you a lot and I really wish u were my aunt.(I would spend all my time with u):) I watch your videos every week. u are really funny.If u come to Turkey I really wanna meet u.

i would like to say you are excellent teacher really i learn alot from you and your childhood trick awesome … tell me how can i over come my spelling mistakes and how can i improve writing like office emails and proposals ect..

As far as spelling mistakes, you should install spell check so that the computer corrects the spelling mistakes for you!

Ronnie thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

hello >>> ronnie i really thanks you so i have questions?

1_ what is the difference between this two sentences :

who did eat the chicken ?

who ate the chicken?

and when we use each one please explain

2_ i heard a singer said :

she dont sleep

but why he used dont i should be doesnt

and i also heard one said:

she lookin at me

why he did not put” is ” please explain >>>>>>>>>>>finally thanks

who ate the chicken? = correct. who did eat the chicken? = wrong = you can only have 1 verb in this sentence. Singers NEVER use correct grammar!

thank you Ronnie your way is very fantastic

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thanks for this explanation. I’ve learned by heart DO and MAKE before I visit this www. but made a mistake sometimes. You did a great job for me: Do = wash, make = creation. Bravo

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Hello, would you like to lern English together protanya?

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Thanks a lot teacher Ronnie i love the way you’re teaching. well, i got some difficulties with ” active voice/passive voice” and ” direct speech/indirect speech in english i don’t know if you’re already made some videos lessons on them, if yes i’d like to have the link. Thank you so much. Jude from Haiti.

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The direct/indirect speech video will be up soon! Go to the site search for “passive”, there is a lesson for you!

hello madame, i faced problem of different between Do and MAKE , know i am very clear about it. i am confused about ON and IN (on leave , in leave) please help me on this chores

Search for “prepositions” on the site – there are many lessons to help you! Leave on = keep on top of something. Leave in = keep inside of something!

Thanks a lot Ronnie. I dont understand “I have to vacuum” it means “I do the vacuuming” or “I need to vacuum”? pls help

“I need to vacuum”

Hello Ronnie again i wanna dustareb you that several i tolled you a bout tag question but didn’t answer me why if you thought a bout that plz sand me the link to find it out okay wish you don;t mind that love you all by

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thanks ronnie i learnt a lot from tag question what ever you thought us again thanks from the core of may heart love you all

Hai Ronnie ! Could you answer me these questions:

1. The phrases ‘ me too’ or ‘ mine too’. Which is the correct? Why?

2. Which the sentences is correct? ‘ Do you done your homework’ or ‘ Do you finished your homework?

3. If we are in university, the lecturer give me some exercise. Can we say that exercises is treated as ‘ homework’ or ‘ assessment’ or ‘ exercise’ other? Why?

I hope to hear back from you soon. Thank you kindly!

With regards, Fong

thnks for the lesson .

thanks good lesson

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i love your teaching way…:)

Hi Ronnie, you have a funny way to teach, I love it! I want to ask you, when should I to use the progressive form?, for example: “I like working”, “what do you like doing?” (I have seen these sentences in a handbook) sincerely I would write them: “I like to work”, “what do you like to do?” Thanks for your help, Ronnie. Best wishes.

Check out this lesson to help you! http://www.engvid.com/gerund-or-infinitive/

i am dalmar i want to learn engilsh how can i learn in english plz

my name is nuune i want to learn enlish plz help me from nuune cadde

Hi Ronnie i love your lessons you too much good. After i learn your teaching now i am able to write you some thing. thank you so much and God give you a better life. bye take care your self.

Hi Ronnie, very good lessons could you recommend me a good and easy book for speaking, grammar and with a lot of exercises. Thanks

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Sorry, I do not know any good textbooks to help you!

The way you deliver your lessons is quite interesting and amusing. Thanks.

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hello ronnie,

you’re a good english teacher and all of your lesson’s are very excellent!.but i suggest one thing,could you add “subtitles” in your video so we can understand you well,

I don’t know how to do that…sorry!

Thanks for answering my comment, I want you recommend me an good english workbooks for grammar and for speaking

Sorry, I really don’t know any good workbooks…I think they are all pretty much the same. If you want to learn slang….you can get a series of books called “Slangman”. http://www.slangmanpub.com/

hey ronnie! correct me… i’m busy in house chores. i’m busy with house chores.

I’m busy with house chores.

I have so many chores .soI dnt get more time to watch engvid lessons.but I make my bed anddo the launtry.Im fromKERALAinINDIA..I want to get a penfriend to improve my english.KERALA is aGODs on country.Ialso invite all of you kerala.

Ronnie this video is very useful, thanks a lot

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I’m back…Thank you Ronnie.

hi guys! im doing private lessons to a girl about thirty years old and we ware friends and its the first time i do this job. what are the very first lessons to do for the level of beginner?

Teacher, making a mess means we tidy something, isn’t it?

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No! Making a mess is the opposite of tidy. Make a mess = dirty!

I was born in C anada too!

Many thanks Ronnie

Ronnie I’m very confused among thse words : washroom ,bathroom toilet,lavatory ,prissy ,Latrine. can you explain them to me please and may allah reward you highest paradise

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Thank very much Ronnie it has been so good!

Thank you so much Madam, you’re the best.

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thanks alot

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Thanks a lot ,,,,

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I love this website!

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hello dear Ronnel i am sayed naqib sahar i one request u that when u make u r new video plz sand it to may Emil address okay love u all

Sorry, I cannot send videos to your email!

Excellent lesson Ronnie!!!

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Hi, can i say: i´ll make the dishes, or i´ll make laundry, or i´ll do the bed, or i´ll do my lunch. is taht correct?.

NO. Watch the lesson again.

Hi Ronnie! Thanks for God we have teacher like you. You are great!! I´ve been watching you classes few days ago and I really appreciated them. You are a very special teacher. Bye!

Ronnie, You are a very nice person and a excellent teacher.

thanks ronnie. i got 5 out of 5 ,

thanks i benefit your lesson

i got 5 out of 5 thank u for teaching us.

hi ronnie thank u from morocco nice teacher love u we invite u to morocco

Teacher You’re a so great, You got a felling, thanks for the way You teach

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Thank you very much ronnie, you are nice teacher as always

Ronnie I don’t understood you said that “do”is when been wash like the floor and etc… but “Do the homework” was strange because you don’t wash the homework (kkk)For me understand better can you explain for me ? THANKS SO MUCH YOU’RE THE BEST !!

I’m waiting for answers!! kisses

Thank you very much!! I’m Mongolian.. And do you know Mongolia?

Thanks a bundle.

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thankz a lot. you are a good teacher.

Let me tell you, you’re the best teacher. I love the way you teach people.

Vacume or Vacuume ?

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i now notice that – vacuum not vacuume :)

Many thanks i really leaned.and wish you all the best

hi can i participate in your chat?i want to improve my English language

Dearest Ronnie, I would like to say that your lessons are fantastic! Every night i access the Internet to watch your videos. Thanks for all!

hi Ronnie, do you have any video such as (any,some,much)

Thank you teacher.

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Ronnie your each and every lecture is extremely useful for me.

Teacher Ronnie thank you so much, this lesson reminds me of my childhood friend that normally visits me. he was a good boy that does his housework before going out to play, we used to play together before heading either his house or mine to have a lunch. Thank you Ronnie and all the entire staffs of envid , you people are wonderful. kudos

Thank you so much for your lessons its so useful for us.

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thank you Ronni. It is so useful for me.

u r awesome dear but onething u mentioned here about some interview questions and answers about that plzzzzzzzzz its a kind request thank u…bye

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5/5 Thanks a looooot Ronni ^^

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how can i use if ,were,would,and will the proper way tell me about all way

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your lesson as sweet as you are ^^

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Thank you very much for all the efforts .. Grateful to you ……

Hello Ronnie, I would like to say that your lessons are fantastic! Thank you so much…

you are awsomen! you make english so funny…thanks

thank you so much Ronnie. its the best lesson i found it in internet and you are the best Teacher. i liked your lesson so much Jamal. from. Libya

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I LOVE this lesson! It’s so good! It helped me a lot in my grammar! Waiting for more lessons!

I REALLY like this lesson!!

Hi my best teacher just i want say thank youuuuuu……….

dear ronnie : good afternoon you great teacher and good style lesson thanks

Thank you very much teacher Teacher can you help me ? Can you explane the phreasl verb do & make

Thanks Ms Ronnie. I loved your tips. Could you explain me about some slangs?. when you can speak or not. Thanks

Thanks I got 8

OK I got 10 Thanks dear Ronnie

yap i will got 5 out of 5 continue 4 times….

thanks for u r great job. i like u r site. i will improve my english help of u r site…. really thanks a lot..

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Hi, Ronnie, I hope you are doing great. I do like your way when you are teaching. Thank you and of all of you

Ronnie, hi! Could you please clear this up for me? Is it correct that making the bed means both making in look nice and tidy in the morning and prepare it before sleeping in the night? Thank you very much!

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Thanks teacher Ronnie you are unique person I know

Excuse me teacher Ronnie can you help me I want to learn English quickly what way I have to do I hope you help me

I’ve been watching some video of yours. You have a very good sense of humour I think. I like the way you talk and your facial expression. Everytime I watch your video, it makes smile. And thnks for your lesson.

Tanks for the lesson Ronnie. I´m improving day after day.

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Hey Ronnie, what are you up to? I really like your classes and I was wondering if you could teach us the most common phrasal verbs and idioms used in everyday conversation. Congrats, you’re an amazing teacher

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Dear Ronnie!thank you very much for ur english, ur explanations. U are a great specialist!

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Dear Ronnie You are lovely teacher and I am understanding your lesson. You are a great specialist

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Thank you very much.

Peculiar “attention-catching” teacher!

Claudio. (Italy)

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Tks. You’re a very good teacher!Congratulations!

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When I make my bed I create an art piece, awesome, I will never forget this. Kind regards

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You have to sleep more and don’t do chores at all. :)

You are cool!

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You made splendid explanation! Many thanks, Ronnie!!! :)

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Hi Ronnie I’m Redha and I’m from Algeria my English is not very strong but I understood every word you said in your videos. So thank you very much you are doing a great job here. Please I have a question : Is there an exception in the * DO&MAKE* lesson ?

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thanks ronnie !!

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I understand from your lesson that I can say : I make a comment instead of : I do a comment.

Hi! Ronnie I have a question! What’s the Difference Between “prepare” and “cook”? I always confuse these words!!!! … Thank You!!!! =)

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I got 100% , seems like I do my housework perfectly. Thanks Ronnie you are always genuine.

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Oh oh I got perfect score again,I am feeling happy and excited to learn more

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how we use “used to”

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when we use “ever” and “forever”..?

After almost 2 months vacations I get 100 % in this lesson. Thanks.

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really you are great .. thank you

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this is the best site for learning english. thanks a lot!

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hi,ronnie. you are great..all the video i’ve seen,it helps me a lot…thank you very much and sorry for my grammar i dont know if its correct… can i have a request please? can you make a video or explain to me the proper usage of “WITH” ? i am confused when will i use it …. THANKS IN ADVANCE :) .. waiting for your reply..

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ohhh no, I got 3 from 5…..so bed.

Hi Ronnie,thank you for this video:-) You are the best.After this I dont have mess in my head , in my room only :-D

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hi,that was great.

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hi teacher : hope u r doing well to make means to create : why we use ( to do the homework ) thank u

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Hi Ronnie, you’re the best teacher, cause I understand almost everything you say…haha,but really, it’s truth. There are others teachers that speak too much fast and it’s like a mission impossible to understand what they’re saying. Hugs!!

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Hello Ronnie, Have you ever listen to I gotta feeling by black eyes pear? they sang “let’s do it, let’s do it, let’s do it” I think the song is a bout creative…. so why they said that still? it’s slang? it’s wrong? or i am wrong?

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I have a ?4U LOL

you are my best teacher thank you a lot for all the information

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can you give me some information ? because i love english but i’m not good in it

interesting lesson

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i wish I had watched this video two days ago. Because I needed a hoover and I didnt know how i would want it form dormitory personals. thanks , Ronnie this lesson is very usefull

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Thanks got 60%.

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Chores are:

*fun things we love to do

Hahaha.. I love your sense of humour, Ronnie :)

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Thank you Ronnie.I liked your lessons.

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thanks ronnie this video was really helpful, you are an excellent, after watching this video I solved my doubt.

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thanks ronnie this video was really helpful, you are an excellent teacher, after watching this video I solved my doubt.

you are so excellent teacher , ronnie . Thanks a lot :-)

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Thank you Ronnie, you are excellent and funny teacher. I ever learn using your videos.

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Thank You :)

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Interesting lesson. Thanks teacher Ronnie

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Hi Ronnie, I found your website on youtube and this is really a big help for me because I want to learn more about English. ;-)

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Thank you Ronnie

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Excellent job easy explanation but I still confuse when I talk to some body but I do thank you very much

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i like it here. Just got a little confuse about that “homework” thing. we never wash our homework right? so i put ” make my homework”, where in a sense i know from the start that it should be ” do my homework”. har..har..har..

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thanks. You are my best teacher, Ronie. But I feel very boring because I don’t become better after longtime.

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thank Ronnie, I love your english class……..

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Thanks So mach Ronnie :)

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I like you and your lessons too, Ronnie. Thank ou very much!

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Hi Ronnie…. You are great. The way of teaching is excellent. Bravo babes

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thank you:)

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wow 5/5 Hello thank you mis ronnie i wake up and i did the best today .i made my bed , made my breakfast and finally i did my dishes.

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Thanks a lot :-)

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Not too bad, thanks.

Thanks, you are lovely.

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Hey Ronnie, I’m Brzilian and you are helping a lot. Thanks so much!

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Thank you very much, Ronnie! Great class, teacher! And I really liked the drawing of the vacuum, :D See you later.

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Thanks a million Ronnie!!! You are my star :)

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Hi, Ronnie ! Thank you for the lesson. It was fun when you teach that’s make learning quick. Can you help me understanding the usage of Think, Feel, Sound and Believe. When and Where to use them? ?

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* Also “Seems” i forgot to mention it in earlier post.

*Also “Seems” i forgot to mention it in earlier post.

what a mess I did

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or what a mess I made?

Thanks a lot ma’am Ronnie. I really had a problem with expressing myself when it comes to chores. As a result my performance on this quiz dropped by 20%, I used to get 100% in the previous Quizzes I took.

#Anyone feel free to correct me if I made any mistake on the statements above, either grammar, spelling or punctuation.

EngVid is the Best!! :)

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Thank you so much!

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very useful Thanks a lot Ronnie!

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Hi dearv ronnie, can I say I made my dinner?

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Thanks Ronnie :)

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Thanks from POLAND ??????

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good lissen mam

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That’s a great lesson! I wish to understand the differences between do and make in housework!

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Thanks!! You are the best teacher!!

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Tanks a LOT

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Thanks Ronnie

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Hey Ronnie!!!!

Thanks a lot for help with expression, because I had very mistake with them. ^^

obs: sorry, for grammaticals wrongs or wrongs words

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Thank you, Ronnie.Your teaching is interesting for me.

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Many thanks .

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Hi Ronnie :) can you tell me about what’s the different between (make time) & (do time) ?

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how are you ronnie my namis eba im mongolia im mining engineer i working for centerra gold gold mine that company is canada.so i want very very improve skill english.help me please

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Hello Mam !you teach very well and in simple way.I learn alot from your all lessons.Thank you mam.

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I’ve got through this lesson the right way of using MAKE or DO, often confused. I’m very happy. Thank you Ronnie.

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Hi Ronnie, very useful lesson again and very well done, thank you very much ;) By the way, i come back from Toronto,they speak very quickly, it was difficult for me to understand them but i had a great stay with my friends who live in there.

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Thanks big hug from Colombia Ronnie

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I love it Ronnie lessons, thanks for creatives and good actitud always ?

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Hello Ronnie, Love you so much. Thank you for all lesson if I want to speak English very well. How Do I do? Ronnie

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Thanks Ronnie. please could you please show me the different between “to make a time ” and to do a time “

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Hi Ronnie, you are my favorite teacher, thanks for your explanations. God bless you

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I got all the questions right. Thanks, Ronnie, you’re the best!!!!

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Hello, Ronnie, thanks a lot for these lesson. However,I have a question about “do my homework”, but not “make my homework”. you said–“do means wash, make means create”; they are different words but same meaning. Can I say “make my homework”? Please explain this rule for me, thank you very much.

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Hi Ronie i am writen from Djibouti…. i am a trainee english teacher in secondary school here…in Djibouti of course and specialy grade 10…okkk… first of all thank you for all of your lessons…but i have question concerning the passive voice…as i remember you made an exampl like an active voice …I eat the lunch and you made the passive voice the lunch was eaten…why??? Why not the lunch is eaten… thanks a lot…

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1oo%5 really happy for not making mistakes

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I always said for you,”Thank you.”

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Just because of your teaching style i can understand very easily and that’s the main reason which gives me 100% result. thanx miss Ronnie.

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Thank you! Ronnie many times i get these lessons late, i do not know if there are someone follow them live. please my teacher keep me posted!

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You got 5 correct out of 5.

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Thank you Ronnie i love you

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thanks for the lesson it was great. I gotta go becouse my wife asked me to do the dishes and the loundry and I do not know what to make for lunch.

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Thanks Ms. Ronnie.

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Hi Ronnie, thank you for your explanation.

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5/5! Good! I am lazy to do any housework.

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5/5 thanks a lot,Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan o6 Dec2o21:)

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I’m glad you exist sweet Ronnie and I’m quite grateful for your funny English lessons…greetings from Surco

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Thanks Ronnie 5/5

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I’m quite grateful dear Ronnie for your entertaining English lessons….. many greetings from Surco

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Home > COLA > SOCIOLOGYANTHROPOLOGY > Sociology & Anthropology Theses > 72

Sociology & Anthropology Theses

Homework and housework: how family responsibilities affect the college experience of single mothers.

Mary B. Gatmaitan

Graduation Semester and Year

Document type, degree name.

Master of Arts in Sociology

Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

Beth Anne Shelton

This qualitative study explores how and to what extent the family responsibilities of single-mother students affect their college experience. In-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with twelve single-mother students who were enrolled at The University of Texas at Arlington during the spring 2006 semester. Participants consisted of five white women, six black women, and one Mexican American woman, all of whom were upperclassman, varied in academic majors, and ranging from twenty to fifty-eight years of age. In this study, three themes emerged identifying how these students employed creative strategies for balancing their responsibilities, their similar attitudes toward their journey through college and decision to return or attend, and their sources of support, empowerment, and personal growth. These women, despite the difficulties they endured in their journey through college, successfully managed the demands of single-parenthood and college.

  • Disciplines

Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sociology

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Degree granted by The University of Texas at Arlington

Recommended Citation

Gatmaitan, Mary B., "Homework And Housework: How Family Responsibilities Affect The College Experience Of Single Mothers" (2006). Sociology & Anthropology Theses . 72. https://mavmatrix.uta.edu/sociologyanthropology_theses/72

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Definition of housework noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • to do the housework
  • He does his fair share of housework.
  • Do your kids help with the housework?
  • I spent all morning doing housework.
  • They cook their own meals but they share the housework.
  • The doctor said I could do a little light housework.
  • They share all the bills and housework.
  • do your share of the housework

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    Homework. According to the OED, the original meaning of "homework" does conflate much more obviously with "housework," with the former being defined, above all, as:. Work done at home, esp. as distinguished from work done in a shop or factory.. The earliest citation is a hearty piece of precious advice from a sermon from the 1680s: Wherefore let every Man, in the first place, look after his ...

  11. What's the Difference Between Homework And Housework?

    Homework refers to the tasks you were given by your teacher and that you were supposed to do at home. (In German: "'Hausaufgaben') ... Housework refers to the everyday tasks or chores that need to be done at home, like washing the clothes, washing the dishes, cleaning and ironing. (In German: 'im Haushalt anfallende Arbeiten')

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  13. Difference Between Homework and Housework

    Housework refers to the physical tasks that are necessary to take care of your house or apartment, the place where you live. We usually use housework to refer to cooking, cleaning, and laundry (washing your clothes). So homework is schoolwork you do at home, and housework involves maintaining your living space.

  14. English Teacher: Difference between homework and housework!

    Homework (noun) - refers to tasks assigned to students by teachers to be completedmostly outside of class, and derives its name from the fact that most students do the majority of such work at home.. For example: "A lot of students in the UK get too much homework." Housework (noun) - refers to domestic household chores such as cleaning and cooking.

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  17. What is the difference between "Housework" and "Homework ...

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    Housework is work such as cleaning or washing that is done in a house. She relied on him to do most of the housework. Both homework and housework are uncountable nouns. Don't talk about ' a homework ' or ' houseworks '. ...I knew she would annoy me while I'm doing my homework. - English Only forum.


    HOUSEWORK definition: 1. the work of keeping a house clean and tidy: 2. the work of keeping a house clean and tidy: 3…. Learn more.

  21. DO & MAKE

    God bless you. carlos06. Hello, Ronnie, thanks a lot for these lesson. However,I have a question about "do my homework", but not "make my homework". you said-"do means wash, make means create"; they are different words but same meaning.

  22. "Homework And Housework: How Family Responsibilities Affect The College

    Gatmaitan, Mary B., "Homework And Housework: How Family Responsibilities Affect The College Experience Of Single Mothers" (2006). Sociology & Anthropology Theses. 72. This qualitative study explores how and to what extent the family responsibilities of single-mother students affect their college experience. In-depth face-to-face interviews were ...

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    Definition of housework noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.