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How to write a dissertation prospectus (with outline and examples), published by nicholas tippins on april 30, 2020 april 30, 2020.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 05:41 am

Your dissertation prospectus is the first formal document you submit to your dissertation committee outlining your intended study. It is not a long document; usually around 10-20 pages. It should be submitted fairly soon after establishing candidacy.

It is wise to discuss your prospectus with your Chair and committee members before writing it. They will give you valuable pointers about your intended study, and you’ll save yourself the effort of rewriting it after you get their feedback.

In this article, I’ll provide an example outline of a dissertation prospectus, discuss the basics of how to write a dissertation prospectus, and also explore the similarities between writing a prospectus and asking someone on a date.

Dissertation Prospectus: Example Outline 

While every institution will have different requirements (and you should absolutely look at those before writing your dissertation prospectus), there are a few basics that are common to most of them. 

woman in a orange shirt working on her laptop next to the window

Title : This is more of a labor than you might have anticipated. Gone are the days of last-minute essay titles. The dissertation prospectus title is a hyper-specific description of what you plan to study. It should align with your problem and purpose statements. 

Focus, or Statement of Thesis : This is where you describe what you’ll study. No need to write a ton here–a few sentences or short paragraphs is usually sufficient.

Again, this must be very specific. It’s easiest to think of this section as a central question of your dissertation. Can you distill the focus of your dissertation into one question? If not, chances are your topic is too broad.

Since this section will become your Problem Statement and Purpose statement , it can be helpful to consider “what is the problem I’m trying to solve,” and “with that in mind, what is the purpose of this study?” 

Summary of Existing Literature: What other studies have been done on the subject? This is the very beginning of what will become your Literature Review . It’s important that you’re familiar with the landscape before you dive into studying a subject so that you can be sure that you’re building off of existing knowledge and adding a genuine contribution to the field.

Methodology: Discuss the methods you plan on using. You should know whether your study will be qualitative or quantitative, as well as any theoretical or conceptual frameworks you plan on using.

Outline: Some institutions ask that you provide a brief outline of each chapter. 

Timeline : Some institutions ask for a rough timeline. Make sure to account for time researching existing literature, collecting data, and writing.

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Bibliography: Here, you’ll list the sources that you reference in your prospectus. 

How to Write a Dissertation Prospectus

woman focused on typing on her laptop next to a large window in a café

Writing a Dissertation Prospectus Is Like Asking Someone on a Date

One of the most common challenges students have when they begin writing their dissertation prospectus is lack of specificity. The level of specificity required in academic writing is unique, and it often takes students a while to grasp just how specific they need to be.

One (sort of) helpful way to look at this is that it’s like asking someone out on a date. In both a dissertation proposal and a date proposal, you need to communicate the following information:

  • Who is involved?
  • What are we doing?
  • Where are we going?
  • When is this happening?

In a date scenario, usually that’s you and me. But maybe two of our mutual friends are coming along for a double date. Or an adult chaperone. Or maybe it’s you and one of my friends who I think would be perfect for you, even though you think he’s an asshole. Do you see how it’s important to know who we’re talking about? 

Knowing who is equally important in a dissertation. And we have to be super-specific here. Not just “branch managers,” but “branch managers at a medium-sized paper company in Pennsylvania.” 

man writing dissertation prospectus on his tablet computer in the kitchen

For one of the first dates I went on with my partner, I neglected to tell her that we were going hiking. She showed up in a sundress and pretty little sandals (which I also neglected to notice were not appropriate for hiking). I should also mention that “hiking” for me is more like bush-whacking; it involves following deer trails, climbing over fallen trees, scaling small cliffs, and jumping over streams. 

Despite her attire, we had a blast, and only once did she mention that she “maybe should have brought different shoes.” If I were to do it over again, though, I would tell her what we were doing so she could dress appropriately.

It’s also important to know what you’re studying. What phenomenon, event, etc. Are you studying employee engagement, 

If we’re going on a date, I have to know where to meet you. At a cute local diner or L’etoile? Knowing where we’re going only makes sense. If I plan on taking you to Venice, but you think we’re meeting at our favorite cafe, there might be a problem–no matter how nice Venice is. 

woman smiling and working on her laptop with her headphones on

See, knowing where we’re talking about is important. Guess what–the same is true for a dissertation.

Most dissertation studies (at least those with human subjects) involve a limited area. It’s important to know where a study took place in order for future researchers to account for the location when trying to replicate your data. It’s also important to know where in order to interpret the data in context.

For example, upper-level managers in banks in Nigeria have a different context than those in the United States. Women between the ages of 25 and 40 who earn the majority of their household income have a different context depending on whether they’re in Tokyo, rural India, or a medium-sized city in Brazil. Each of these countries has different cultures, laws, economies, and historical events that affect the data you collect.

This is something most people get right when asking someone on a date. It’s hard to meet up if you’re there at different times. However, not everyone gets this right in the dissertation prospectus.

You can explore about the causes or the effects of the financial crisis in Rome, but what you discover will differ depending on whether you mean the Roman Empire’s financial crisis of 33 A.D. , or the Italian financial crisis of 2018 . 

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How to Write a Dissertation Prospectus: Summary

Your prospectus is usually the first formal document you submit on your way to writing your dissertation . When done well, it can provide you a strong basis for writing your Chapter 1. I encourage you to reach out to your committee before writing it to discuss what your plans are, and again if anything is unclear. You’ll save valuable time by doing this proactively, and you’ll also learn the essential vocabulary of the academic.

Nicholas Tippins

Nicholas has been a dissertation editor since 2015. He founded a dissertation editing firm that served clients around the world. Currently, he manages the editing team at Beyond PhD Coaching.

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Prospectus writing.

Writing your prospectus is the first step towards completing your dissertation. It represents an opportunity to identify your project goals, create a roadmap for completing your graduate work, and to frame the significance of your work.  Your committee will provide you with feedback on the prospectus.

While different departments and disciplines will have their own requirements, in general, your prospectus will include an abstract, background and significance of research, a literature review, a description of the preliminary work you have completed, an explanation of your method or approaches, potential limitations or issues with the project, a timetable for completion, a conclusion, and a list of references.

The Graduate Writing Lab’s team of writing consultants can help you at any stage of your prospectus drafting, from brainstorming ideas, through early drafts, and polishing a final product. You can make an appointment with a consultant at:  https://poorvucenter.yale.edu/writing/graduate .

  • General Guidelines for Writing a Prospectus

The Graduate Writing Lab has collected sample prospectuses from various disciplines for your reference, which are available here as downloadable resources.

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  • Film Studies  
  • History of Art and African American Studies  

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The dissertation prospectus is a proposal for the PhD student’s dissertation work. The purpose of the prospectus process is to help the student formulate and refine the contents of the dissertation. The faculty aim is to be constructive in considering the scope, viability, and details of the students’ planned research. An approved dissertation prospectus signifies that there is a shared understanding between the student and the committee of the scope of work that (assuming it is completed to a high quality) would result in the successful completion of a PhD.

This guide describes the components of the dissertation prospectus, and the steps that need to be completed during the prospectus process. We will also comment on the timeline of the dissertation prospectus, although there is substantial variability across students in exactly when these steps are completed.  

I. Establish Dissertation Advisory Committee (DAC).  S tudents will identify a committee of at least three faculty members to comprise their Dissertation Advisory Committee (DAC). The DAC participates in both the prospectus and dissertation processes. Additional member(s) of the DAC can be added before or after the prospectus is complete.  

The GSAS DAC guidelines can be found here . In considering committee members, the student’s primary faculty mentor is always included and will serve as the DAC Chair. At least two committee members, including the Chair, must be ladder faculty at Harvard. The third committee member may also be a non-Harvard faculty of equivalent appointment rank to Harvard ladder faculty, or a non-ladder faculty member at Harvard (such as Senior Lecturer). DACs must be approved by the DGS.   

Action item : Students should invite potential committee members to join your dissertation committee, following consultation with your primary mentor. When inviting faculty members, note that their agreement entails a) evaluating your dissertation prospectus, b) reading your dissertation and taking part in your eventual dissertation defense, and c) being available for guidance/input on your dissertation work. Please note that faculty members are not required to say yes. There are valid reasons a particular faculty member might not be available for your committee (e.g., an impending leave). If any student is having difficulty finding committee members, please consult with the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS).

Students should submit your planned committees for DGS review using this form at least two weeks before the prospectus meeting. Students will need to submit a CV for any requested non-Harvard committee members. After submitting the form, students will receive confirmation of approval or other follow-up from the DGS before the prospectus meeting. If students choose to change or add committee members post-prospectus, you should complete the form again to revise your committee composition.  

Timeline : Students must submit their planned committees for approval at least two weeks before the prospectus meeting.

II. Prepare and submit written dissertation prospectus. The prospectus itself should be in as polished form as possible, using APA journal article style. The goal of the prospectus is to provide the committee a full plan of the scope of research activities the student plans to complete as their dissertation. Students should discuss the scope of research that should comprise a dissertation with their mentor. A typical prospectus will not exceed 30 pages (excluding appendices), but the length should be sufficient to cover the steps detailed below.

  • Describe the general context. How does the area of study fit into broader issues, and why are they significant? The review of literature starts here. 
  • Describe the particular area in detail. This section should state the need for research in the area. 
  • Pose the specific research question and hypothesize the results that will be found. 
  • Describe the proposed methodology, including all important details: what needs to be controlled for, what kind of data analysis will be used, etc. Give information on the characteristics of subjects to be recruited. Any pilot data should be included here. The proposals in the methods section should be specific, rather than options; it is recognized that many changes may happen in the prospectus meeting, but committee members need to be given the student's best ideas rather than several avenues that could be taken. Include as an appendix copies of any measures planned.
  • Predicted results and theoretical interpretation

Action item : Students should write a dissertation prospectus and disseminate it to their committee and to the Graduate Program. Students are welcome to seek feedback on drafts of the proposal and engage in discussions with their mentor and/or committee members (or others) as they are preparing the proposal.

Timeline : Students should submit the written proposal to their advising committee at least two weeks before their scheduled prospectus meeting (see Item III).

III. Hold prospectus meeting. Students should hold a prospectus meeting attended by their advising committee (remote attendance such as via Zoom is allowable, especially for out-of-town committee members or during COVID surges). This meeting is an opportunity for students to receive feedback from their committee about the content, quality, and scope of their dissertation. The meeting is also intended for faculty to evaluate whether the dissertation, as proposed, is well-suited for attainment of a PhD or whether it needs to be revised. Faculty will have read the written proposal before the meeting (having received it two weeks before the meeting).

The meeting starts with a short presentation by the student describing the proposed research and including any "fine tuning" that the student has done since the written prospectus was submitted. The presentation should be considered semi-formal, and students may find slides helpful. Students often bring discussion about specific questions or challenges associated with the project for committee input. Committee members often bring questions they had when reading the proposal for clarification or open discussion. Note that there is some variability in this meeting’s length and format, so students should consult their mentors on specific expectations.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the committee will judge whether the project is satisfactory for a dissertation, and what kinds of revisions the student should consider to their research plan. Since the purpose of the prospectus meeting is to help students do as high-quality research as possible, it is likely that at least some modifications will be made. In some cases, the modifications will be so extensive that the committee needs to reconvene for another meeting with the student, but it is expected that only in extreme cases will the student have to "go back to the drawing board." The committee will complete and sign a Prospectus Approval Form , which will also list any required modifications. After the meeting, the student will draft a memo of understanding describing the results of the prospectus meeting and stating how they will incorporate the modifications and suggestions made by the committee. This memo will be reviewed and signed by the student's mentor.

If a student takes a leave of absence or withdraws from graduate study after getting the prospectus approved, they should consult with the CHD to make certain that the previously approved prospectus still stands. Action item s: a. Schedule meeting. Students are responsible for scheduling the meeting and providing confirmation of the meeting’s date, time, and location. If remote participation is needed, students should coordinate that as well. Note that coordinating faculty schedules can be challenging, and faculty often schedule meetings weeks in advance. Therefore, students should work to schedule this meeting several weeks before the target meeting date.

b. Prepare for meeting. Students should speak with their mentors about the expected format for their meeting and prepare accordingly. Students are expected to answer questions about all details of their proposed project, report on its progress to date, any roadblocks, and comment on a timeline for the project’s completion. Students should also expect to receive extensive feedback from their committee which often entails revisions to the dissertation prospectus.

c. Paperwork. Students should bring the Prospectus Approval Form to the meeting and should collect their advising committee’s signatures indicating whether they “sign off” on the proposal as-is or require revisions. This form should be returned to the Graduate Program Office.

Timeline : The timeline for prospectus completion depends on the student’s planned timeline for completing the program. Many students apply for the Dissertation Completion Fellowship (DCF) to fund their final year in the program. The DCF pays full year tuition and a 10-month living stipend, typically August - May. Students must obtain dissertation prospectus approval before they can apply for the DCF. As such, the timeline for DCF application often guides students’ prospectus timelines. Note that prospectus meetings often do result in same-day approval (with or without revisions), but some meetings result in approval pending the need for more extensive revisions that would need to be re-reviewed by the committee. Students should consider this possibility when setting their dissertation prospectus timeline and should appreciate the substantial risk involved with holding their committee meetings in very close proximity to the DCF application deadline.

The deadline to apply for the DCF is typically in February of the penultimate year of study in the program. For example, if a student wishes to obtain a DCF for the 2024-2025 year and graduate in 2025 (May or November), then students will need to apply for the DCF by February 9, 2024 . Students should consult the Graduate Program or the Harvard Griffin GSAS website for the specific DCF deadline as it varies from year to year.

VI. Committee evaluation. During the prospectus meeting, after the student presentation and discussion, the committee will ask the student to leave the room and discuss the work and level of student preparedness. They will use the Prospectus Approval Form to guide this discussion. The committee can decide among the following actions:

  • The prospectus is approved without required revisions.
  • The prospectus is approved with required revisions, as detailed on the form. The primary mentor will be responsible for overseeing these revisions. No subsequent meetings or committee-level reviews are necessary.
  • The prospectus has potential but is not approved yet as it requires major revisions, as detailed on the form. The committee will need to meet again once the revisions have been addressed by the student. At this subsequent meeting, the committee will judge the revisions and whether they have resulted in an approvable prospectus.
  • The prospectus is not approved and is not on track to be approvable even if revisions were made. In this case, the Prospectus Committee Chair will work with the CHD to determine the appropriate next-steps.

If students would like to make substantive changes to the content and/or format of the dissertation after prospectus approval, they must revise their prospectus and obtain approval of the revised version from all committee members. Another meeting of the prospectus committee may be required if the changes are substantial.

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What is a Prospectus?

A dissertation prospectus is a document that shows the researcher’s plan for the dissertation project. This document should provide enough information to verify the need for their study, the way it is situated amongst existing literature, and how the research will be facilitated. A committee will use this document to verify the viability of a study and to start the conversation regarding where the research could go or other potential avenues to explore.

Note: The prospectus is only the initial starting point, so the focus of the study may change as you continue to research and develop your ideas.

In the prospectus, you are primarily responsible for identifying:

  • What you are researching
  • Why it matters
  • What the foundation of the research is

Use Sources Develop Argument

The dissertation will follow the format of the prospectus template . It is primarily modeled after the professional version of APA 7th edition, but does require minor deviations.

The prospectus is generally a minimum of 15 pages, is double-spaced, and includes an extensive reference section. Remember that the prospectus is the initial plan. While a fair amount of information and evidence is necessary to show a firm foundation, it should not be exhaustive. Provide the information that is necessary in a concise and clear manner.

The prospectus will consist of the following sections/components:

The title of your dissertation should be relevant, clear, concise, and informative.

Focus: Can your readers determine the focus and topic of your research?

Approach: Does indicating your approach help the reader to determine the overall impact on your results?

Specificity: Were you specific enough about the factors or aspects studied?



Problem Background

What is the central problem that your research will address? The existence and extent of this problem should be verified with research.

Context: Explain the depth of the problem with enough information for readers to understand the reason it is an issue

Issue: State the problem clearly and precisely

Importance: Indicate who it influences or what would happen if this problem were not solved.

Objective: Situate your research here. What will you achieve with your research? What is your aim? ( tense: future simple – This study will…. )

Problem Statements

From the context of your problem background, identify specific problems that your research aims to address. These should be stated in a single sentence format (at most two) and be supported with a citation.

Note: The problem statements should link to the research questions

prospectus for phd

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study will explain, in simple terms, what the point of the study is. You can think of this as identifying the research type, direction, purpose (reason for it), and what the overall goal is.

Begin the sentence with: “The purpose of this (qualitative/quantitative/mixed methods) study is to (insert action verb).

Action verbs for qualitative studies: explore, understand, describe, etc.

Action verbs for quantitative studies: examine, analyze, predict, etc.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The framework will indicate the structure and basis of your proposed research. For more information on frameworks, see the framework page.

Research Questions

Indicate a research question(s) that derive from the problem statements previously mentioned.

Specific: Does each question focus on one issue/problem?

Clear: Does your reader understand what you are researching?

Legitimate: Is it a question (open-ended) and not a statement?

Answerable: Can you answer the question that you have asked with the resources and time you have available?

What is the long-term benefit of outdoor recreation treatment facilities in the treatment of alcohol abuse and how much time is needed for this benefit to become viable for participants? (2 questions) What is the long-term benefit of outdoor recreation treatment facilities in the treatment of alcohol abuse?

What is the duration needed for a participant to complete in an outdoor treatment facility to attain the long term benefits of the program?

Why are social networking sites harmful? How do social networking sites contribute to instances of bullying in adolescents from 12-17?
Are wise strategies impactful on student motivation to revise assignments? (yes/no question) How impactful are wise strategies on student motivation to revise assignments?
How will the world’s economy recover after the COVID-19 pandemic? (think of time and scope) How was the American economy impacted by the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Nature of the Study

Explain your proposed method, research design, required data, data collection method, and data analysis methodology.

Note: This is a plan for a future study, so future simple is used.

Method: Qualitative, quantitative, mixed

Research design: Evaluation, action research, correlational, quasi-experimental, grounded theory, phenomenological, etc.

Data: What data is needed? (Primary/secondary?)

Data collection method: Survey, questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group, etc.

Data analysis methodology: exploratory analysis, descriptive analysis, regression analysis, etc.

Consider aspects like: location of study, time frame, participants, sampling, etc.

Significance of the Study

Indicate the potential impact of your study.

Contribution: How will your findings contribute to your field?

Gap: What will your research add to the gap you identified?

Benefit: Who will benefit most from this research?

The references typically span 3-5 pages. All references should be formatted using APA 7th edition. See the APA page for further information on properly formatting your references.

Samples of Prospectuses

When Do I Complete the Prospectus?

The prospectus will be completed in the second year of your doctoral program during the RES721 course.

Can I Start Working on it Before RES721?

For suggestions on what you can be working on now to prepare for your dissertation, please see here .

What if I need help?

For help on the prospectus, you can see the list of services the Doctoral Writing Center provides here .

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How to write an effective PhD Prospectus

By charlesworth author services.

  • Charlesworth Author Services
  • 26 July, 2022

The PhD prospectus is an academic deliverable (document) usually demanded in American university systems . It is mostly associated with PhD programmes, but longer Master’s courses might also require one.

Importance of a PhD prospectus

Essentially, the prospectus is an extended, developed or significantly changed version of the initial research proposal . Usually around 5,000 words in length (institutions would specify exact requirements), a prospectus commonly involves considerable research and background reading . The PhD applicant will be expected to submit, and then defend, the prospectus in front of their PhD committee. Failure can lead to the need for resubmission . If, after that, the candidate fails again, they may face being dismissed from the programme. 

Stage at which to write the PhD prospectus

At the beginning of the PhD process, an applicant to a doctoral programme will initially put together an application package including a research proposal, statement of purpose , transcripts of grades, a CV and a number of references. Once accepted for a PhD course of study, students at American universities then spend their first year on further courses, often concentrating on methodology . At the end of the first year , students may be required to submit a prospectus. 

Writing the PhD prospectus

The prospectus is like other proposals in that it will ‘situate the suggested research’. There is no specified structure , although different institutions may stipulate what they are looking for. A longer prospectus should have some form of executive summary .

Here are some pointers for writing the ideal prospectus:

  • It should usually start with why the topic area is of importance and why further research is warranted. It will need to review the research related to the topic and identify a specific gap or problem that needs to be addressed. 
  • It should then suggest one or two specific main research questions and maybe further sub-questions that the research plans to address. 
  • It will need to specify the probable direction that the research will take. Some disciplines may demand a thesis statement, or hypothesis , before the prospectus goes on to present the proposed methodology and variables if appropriate, and to justify why the approach suggested will be the most suited to the nature of the research proposed. 
  • It should acknowledge possible challenges that the research might encounter and tentatively outline the solutions the researcher(s) intend to use to address them.
  • It might offer a research plan for the following years that covers components of the research such as:
  • What exactly will be done for the research
  • When data will be collected
  • When writing will start
  • What is planned to be completed within what time frame and other relevant deadlines
  • Possible travel and other requirements
  • It could finish by stating what the research ultimately delivers and what impact it might have.
  • Like all academic work, it should include a comprehensive bibliography , which could be organised thematically . This may also include a broader range of known or relevant literature rather than just the references mentioned in the prospectus and point to both primary and secondary sources .

Note : Some institutions might also demand an outline of the proposed structure of the thesis/dissertation .

Evaluation of the PhD prospectus

The PhD committee is made up of a number of professors from your discipline, but they may have quite disparate interests and very different levels of knowledge on the topic being presented. Here, we discuss the implications of this broader audience and what the committee is most interested in.

  • Your prospectus should be written for this broader but academic audience , aiming to explain to them why the research is merited, and why the gap or problem is best approached in the way you suggested. You will need to gauge how specific your explanations need to be for this audience.
  • You will need to address the committee’s main concerns, which will be:
  • Whether they believe the research question(s) can be answered in the way you suggest
  • Whether they believe the data is suitable, available, sufficient etc.
  • Whether the project is feasible and appropriate for the demanded level
  • The prospectus is ultimately an academic document, and you will be judged on the quality of the written presentation .

The prospectus represents an important stage in the research process of an early career researcher.

  • The feedback you receive on the proposed research will play a major role in helping you to tailor and fine-tune your research further, making the next stages that much more focused and therefore more productive.
  • Acceptance of the prospectus is a sign of confidence from academic experts in your discipline.

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How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal

Published on September 21, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

When starting your thesis or dissertation process, one of the first requirements is a research proposal or a prospectus. It describes what or who you want to examine, delving into why, when, where, and how you will do so, stemming from your research question and a relevant topic .

The proposal or prospectus stage is crucial for the development of your research. It helps you choose a type of research to pursue, as well as whether to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

You can download our templates in the format of your choice below.

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Table of contents

What should your proposal contain, dissertation question examples, what should your proposal look like, dissertation prospectus examples, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about proposals.

Prior to jumping into the research for your thesis or dissertation, you first need to develop your research proposal and have it approved by your supervisor. It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives .

Depending on your department’s requirements, there may be a defense component involved, where you present your research plan in prospectus format to your committee for their approval.

Your proposal should answer the following questions:

  • Why is your research necessary?
  • What is already known about your topic?
  • Where and when will your research be conducted?
  • Who should be studied?
  • How can the research best be done?

Ultimately, your proposal should persuade your supervisor or committee that your proposed project is worth pursuing.

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Strong research kicks off with a solid research question , and dissertations are no exception to this.

Dissertation research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly
  • What are the main factors enticing people under 30 in suburban areas to engage in the gig economy?
  • Which techniques prove most effective for 1st-grade teachers at local elementary schools in engaging students with special needs?
  • Which communication streams are the most effective for getting those aged 18-30 to the polls on Election Day?

An easy rule of thumb is that your proposal will usually resemble a (much) shorter version of your thesis or dissertation. While of course it won’t include the results section , discussion section , or conclusion , it serves as a “mini” version or roadmap for what you eventually seek to write.

Be sure to include:

  • A succinct introduction to your topic and problem statement
  • A brief literature review situating your topic within existing research
  • A basic outline of the research methods you think will best answer your research question
  • The perceived implications for future research
  • A reference list in the citation style of your choice

The length of your proposal varies quite a bit depending on your discipline and type of work you’re conducting. While a thesis proposal is often only 3-7 pages long, a prospectus for your dissertation is usually much longer, with more detailed analysis. Dissertation proposals can be up to 25-30 pages in length.

Writing a proposal or prospectus can be a challenge, but we’ve compiled some examples for you to get your started.

  • Example #1: “Geographic Representations of the Planet Mars, 1867-1907” by Maria Lane
  • Example #2: “Individuals and the State in Late Bronze Age Greece: Messenian Perspectives on Mycenaean Society” by Dimitri Nakassis
  • Example #3: “Manhood Up in the Air: A Study of Male Flight Attendants, Queerness, and Corporate Capitalism during the Cold War Era” by Phil Tiemeyer

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The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question .

  • If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis , use quantitative methods . If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods .
  • If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.
  • If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables , use experimental methods. If you want to understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.

A thesis or dissertation outline is one of the most critical first steps in your writing process. It helps you to lay out and organize your ideas and can provide you with a roadmap for deciding what kind of research you’d like to undertake.

Generally, an outline contains information on the different sections included in your thesis or dissertation , such as:

  • Your anticipated title
  • Your abstract
  • Your chapters (sometimes subdivided into further topics like literature review , research methods , avenues for future research, etc.)

A well-planned research design helps ensure that your methods match your research aims, that you collect high-quality data, and that you use the right kind of analysis to answer your questions, utilizing credible sources . This allows you to draw valid , trustworthy conclusions.

The priorities of a research design can vary depending on the field, but you usually have to specify:

  • Your research questions and/or hypotheses
  • Your overall approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative )
  • The type of design you’re using (e.g., a survey , experiment , or case study )
  • Your sampling methods or criteria for selecting subjects
  • Your data collection methods (e.g., questionnaires , observations)
  • Your data collection procedures (e.g., operationalization , timing and data management)
  • Your data analysis methods (e.g., statistical tests  or thematic analysis )

A dissertation prospectus or proposal describes what or who you plan to research for your dissertation. It delves into why, when, where, and how you will do your research, as well as helps you choose a type of research to pursue. You should also determine whether you plan to pursue qualitative or quantitative methods and what your research design will look like.

It should outline all of the decisions you have taken about your project, from your dissertation topic to your hypotheses and research objectives , ready to be approved by your supervisor or committee.

Note that some departments require a defense component, where you present your prospectus to your committee orally.

Formulating a main research question can be a difficult task. Overall, your question should contribute to solving the problem that you have defined in your problem statement .

However, it should also fulfill criteria in three main areas:

  • Researchability
  • Feasibility and specificity
  • Relevance and originality

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George, T. (2023, July 18). How to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Proposal. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/thesis-dissertation-proposal/

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prospectus for phd

General Information

prospectus for phd

The prospectus, or proposal, is the first step of your dissertation. It serves as a plan for your project, an identification of your research goals and method(s), and an articulation of the importance of your work. Alongside its preparation, you will also select members of your committee, who will provide you with important feedback. 

Beginning the document often marks a significant change of pace and approach for graduate students. The immensity of the task that is writing a dissertation can feel overwhelming, and can make the prospectus feel equally insurmountable. The prospectus, however, is meant to check precisely these moments. As a plan made in consultation with your committee, it is something to hold onto as you work through, and often get lost in, the details of your project. 

Different departments often have different expectations for the prospectus. These include the nature and importance of a literature review, of explaining your method, of discussing the limits of the pr o blem you identify, etc. While some of the advice we offer here is suitable for any graduate student, we also recognize these differences, and so, to aid as broad a range of students as possible, we have compiled a set of sample documents from a range of disciplines below.

  • General Guidelines for Dissertation Prospectuses and Proposals

Sample Documents

  • Anthropology (Cultural Track) Prospectus
  • Art History Prospectus
  • English Sample Prospectus
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  • Dissertation Prospectus

In the third year doctoral students prepare a dissertation prospectus and present it at the prospectus conference, which is held yearly during the third week in January.

The conference is a forum in which students share their ideas with faculty and colleagues, and receive suggestions as they begin to research and write their dissertation.

Following the conference, advisors may either approve the prospectus, or ask the student to revise it. It is suggested that students begin working on the prospectus immediately after passing the general exam , so that they are adequately prepared.

A typical prospectus includes the following:

Statement of thesis.

What is the problem you wish to study and what is its interest or significance in current historical thinking? State clearly and concisely how you presently conceive this problem and how you suppose it can be resolved.

Historiographical Context

What work has, and has not, been done in this field and on this problem? Discuss relevant scholarship critically. It is not necessary to criticize specific failings; but show what is understood to be the merits and limitations of relevant works. How do you propose to develop, challenge, or depart from existing positions or themes in historical literature?

Method and Theory

Outline an approach to the subject. If the conception has theoretical aspects, discuss them critically. Have scholars in other fields developed concepts of potential interest to the topic? Think about method and theory, even if there is a decision not to engage much with external perspectives and theory. The faculty neither encourages nor discourages such engagement, but cautions that original historical work should not simply illustrate other people's ideas.

Give an account of the sources for the subject. Stress primary sources, the difficulties they present, their location (print, manuscript, or any other form), and their accessibility. Identify the principal libraries and repositories as well as other locations and persons. Do not overlook unpublished doctoral or master's research.

Draft a tentative chapter outline and schedule of tasks and stages for the writing of the dissertation. Allow time for research, travel to collections, writing, and revision.


List the primary and secondary sources used to develop the prospectus.

About the Prospectus Conference

Presentations last for 30 minutes. For the first 15 minutes students present their prospectus, and the remaining 15 minutes are reserved for questions from the audience. By December 2nd, the graduate coordinator will ask for three pieces of information as a prelude to the conference:

1.   Provisional title of the presentation 2.   Requests for audio/visual equipment 3.   Names of faculty members who should be invited to the presentation.

By January 13 candidates will submit a 15-20 page written prospectus to the graduate coordinator that forms the basis of the presentation. The prospectus should include a select bibliography and the names of archives in which research will be conducted. For examples of last year's conference see the  Graduate Student Resources site.

About the Prospectus Approval

Before spring break in the G3 year, and after the G3 conference has occurred, the graduate student will initiate a meeting of their dissertation committee. The goal of this meeting is to generate additional feedback on the prospectus and set norms and milestones for the research and writing of the dissertation. If necessary, the chair of the dissertation committee may ask for revisions of the prospectus. The final version of the prospectus must be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator no later than June 30 (preferably much earlier) along with the approval form signed by the advisor.

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Prospectus Guide

Writing a Prospectus

There are many different kinds of prospectuses for different purposes. Ph.D. students are asked to submit dissertation prospectuses to their committees; most research grant applications require them; academic job candidates often include short prospectuses with their application materials; and book publishers request them as part of the process of considering a manuscript for publication. Editors of journals and essay volumes may also request a prospectus of a proposed article. These different kinds of prospectuses differ mostly in regard to the length and detail with which the project is described. Dissertation prospectuses can run anywhere from 5 to 30 pages, depending on the amount of detail requested of the student, while grant and job applications generally require brevity (1-2 single-spaced pages for a job application; 3-5 single-spaced pages for many grants). It is highly likely that before a major project is published, 3 or 4 different kinds of prospectuses will have been written for it. 

A dissertation prospectus is a Ph.D. students attempt to describe a dissertation project, including the central problem, puzzle or question to be addressed, the existing literature, and how the project might add to that literature. 

Below you will find general information. When in doubt you should always consult your department and faculty advisors. Academic writing is discipline specific, so one size definately doesn't fit all. 

A prospectus should answer the following questions: 

  • What is the subject of the study? How is the subject defined (is there any special use of terminology or context)? What are the main research questions the study aims to answer?
  • Why is the author addressing this topic? What have other scholars written about this subject, and how is this author's approach, information, or perspective different? What need or gap does this proposed study fill in the scholarly conversation? What new approach to a familiar topic does it propose to offer? What will be the study's original and special contributions to this subject?
  • What are the main sources that will be used to explore this subject? Why are these sources appropriate?
  • What is the proposed organization of the study?
  •  Does the author have any special needs in order to complete this study? In particular, does s/he need funding to travel to archives, gain access to collections, or acquire technical equipment? Does s/he have the special skills (languages, technical expertise) that this project might require?


  • Title: it should be informative and helpful in pinpointing the topic and emphasis of your study
  • The body of the prospectus: this section should concentrate on addressing questions 1-3 above. The goal of this section is both to describe the project and to "sell" the reader on its potential interest and scholarly significance.
  • A chapter breakdown: This can either be a formal section, in which each chapter is described in turn in about a paragraphâs worth of text, or it can be done more narratively, in which the whole project is outlined as a more seamless story. Either way, it should address question #4, above.
  • (for grant applications, if applicable) a brief paragraph at the end addressing question #5.
  • (for dissertation prospectuses) a bibliography is usually required.
  • (for book prospectuses) a table of contents is usually requested.

Some further considerations:

Think about your audience. Most of the members of your dissertation committee will know a lot about your area of research. But this may not be true, for example, of committee members from outside the department. It is even less likely that readers of job or grant applications or book editors will be familiar with the particular area of scholarship in which you work. It is therefore important that your prospectus convey its subject matter in as clear a fashion as possible, and that it not make too many demands upon its readers in regard to knowing specialized terminology or about debates within a given field. Your prospectus should be meaningful and interesting to an intelligent general reader.  What readers look for in a good prospectus. In most cases, prospectuses are being reviewed because people are considering entrusting you with something: the freedom of advancing to candidacy; a job; grant money; a book contract. They need to know if their trust will be well placed, and that you are a good bet to follow through on your proposed work. Questions that often arise in this regard are as follows:

  • How interesting and important is this study? (will we have helped make an important contribution if we support this work?)
  • Is the study feasible? Can it be done in a reasonable time frame?
  • Can this author produce an excellent dissertation/book? (nobody wants to back a shoddy effort)

Your prospectus should address the first of these concerns head-on and show the reader exactly why your project is important, interesting, and, if possible, relevant to broad (human/social/political/cultural) concerns. The second two questions are a little tougher to address. Often, they emerge because the project appears to be too broad or ambitious in scope or not yet completely formulated. Or perhaps the readers have concerns about the author's scholarship. If you are concerned that your dissertation prospectus describes a project that appears too big to be successfully completed, you should discuss this with your dissertation director; this might be a signal that you need to reconsider your project's structure. As for the scholarship issue, you can best address this by making sure to show that you are completely in charge of the scholarly apparatus of your project: you know what you're talking about in regard to the scholarly debates, and you give sufficient (and the right) citations. (A negative example: if you say you're the first person to study a particular topic, you had better be right!)  Dissertations are works in progress. If you have read these suggestions in preparation for writing a dissertation prospectus, you may be feeling overwhelmed. Perhaps you worry that you don't know how to address all the issues raised in the five key questions outlined above. This is probably because your dissertation topic and/or organization has not been thoroughly worked out yet. Indeed, many students find it hard to be decisive about the shape, topic, and issues in a dissertation until they are well into the writing (which is why more advanced students tend to write better prospectuses than those just starting their research, and, not coincidentally, compete better for jobs and grants). If your dissertation is still in its early stages, you may have to bluff a little to produce a cogent prospectus, and even resign yourself to remaining a bit speculative in places about features of your project. But you should also see whatever difficulties you have in writing your prospectus as diagnostic of the work have yet to do in planning your dissertation: if you are having trouble articulating the topic, you probably need to think it through more thoroughly; if you are uncomfortable with your rationale for undertaking the project, perhaps you need to do more research on previous approaches; if you have trouble summarizing your chapters, perhaps you need to spend some time on either the organization of the dissertation or on the content of the individual chapters. This exercise is worth the effort: a dissertation prospectus will probably be the first draft of all the other prospectuses to follow.

Library Resources

Sample Lists of texts in J. Willard Marriott Library

Dissertation   proposal  guidebook :  how   to   prepare   a  research  proposal  and get it accepted ( LB2369 .G26)

Theses   and   dissertations  : a  guide   to   writing  in the social  and  physical sciences ( LB2369 .T44 1997)

Theses   and   dissertations  : a  guide   to  planning, research,  and   writing ( LB2369 .T458 2000)

Completing   dissertations   in   the   behavioral  sciences and education ( LB2369 .L65 1985)

Proposals   that   work  : a guide for planning dissertations and grant proposals ( Q180.55.P7 L63 2007)

Dissertation   solutions  : a concise guide to planning, implementing, and surviving the  dissertation  process ( LB2369 .A94 2012)

Avoiding thesis and  dissertation  pitfalls : 61 cases of problems and solutions ( LB2369 .T457 2001)

Some online publications on this topic

Academic Resource

  • Last Updated: Apr 14, 2020 3:55 PM
  • URL: https://campusguides.lib.utah.edu/prospectus

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Breaking it Down: Writing a Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus

Susan E. Baer , Contributing Faculty Member, School of Public Policy and Administration, Walden University, [email protected]

  This essay was originally published in the Political Science Educator’s Fall 2020 series.  

prospectus for phd

At Walden, this process begins with the student identifying a research problem and writing a problem statement.  Often a new doctoral student has a general topic of interest that is broad and needs to be much narrower in focus.  To narrow the focus and identify a specific research problem to study, students must review the existing literature on their topic of interest and identify a gap in the literature.  Asking students to review relevant literature and write an annotated bibliography may help them to narrow their focus and identify a research problem.  The students must ultimately write and rewrite a draft problem statement.

After completing their problem statement, students need to write the often elusive research question or questions for their qualitative dissertation study.  The student’s research question should flow logically from her problem statement.  Students need to consider multiple factors when writing a research question including proper phrasing, assessing the feasibility of addressing the research question, and possible Institutional Review Board (IRB) implications, among others.

When a suitable research question is found, the student next writes the purpose section of her prospectus.  This section connects the research problem being addressed and the focus of the study.  Again, the student writes and revises this section until all instructor feedback is addressed.

Students next must find and select an appropriate theoretical or conceptual framework for their dissertation study.  Selecting an appropriate framework is crucial, because it grounds the dissertation study and serves as a blueprint of sorts for the study.  To identify an appropriate framework, students must search and review the existing literature.  In certain cases, I ask students to consult a university librarian if additional assistance is needed.  The selected framework should help the student to answer her research question.

The student must next write a significance section for the prospectus.  Issues the student must address in this section include explaining why the study is important, how the study will begin to fill a gap in the literature, and how the study’s findings might lead to positive social change.

Students next must determine the nature or approach of their qualitative study.  The research design selected should best address the study’s research question.  Then, students write the possible types and sources of data section as well as the limitations, challenges, and/or barriers section of the prospectus.

The students must also write and include a background section in the prospectus that consists of ten relevant annotated journal articles published within the last five years.  This section must also include keywords or phrases searched and databases used.  Finally, students need to include a references list using the most updated APA style as well as a title page.

Dividing the dissertation prospectus into smaller sections and writing one section at a time in a logical order and addressing all instructor feedback for each section allows students to complete the prospectus in a more manageable way.  This method might reduce students’ anxiety and sense of feeling overwhelmed, and it has the potential to enhance student success.

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Form and Style Review Home Page

Capstone Form and Style

Programs: phd dissertation, phd dissertation resources.

  • PhD Premise Template

The qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods PhD dissertation templates contain subheadings that align with the required content in the PhD Dissertation Checklists for these methodologies. The generic PhD dissertation template is not methodology-specific and lacks many of these subheadings.

  • PhD Dissertation Template (Qualitative)
  • PhD Dissertation Template (Quantitative)
  • PhD Dissertation Template (Mixed Methods)
  • PhD Dissertation Template (Generic)

Beginning June 1, 2020, all prospectus starts should use the new PhD Prospectus Form found on the  Doctoral Prospectus Form  page.

For more information on the prospectus for your program, check the resources for PhD programs on the Office of Research and Doctoral Services'  Doctoral Capstone and Project Resources page .

PhD Management Dissertation Templates

  • PhD Management Annotated Dissertation Template (Qualitative)
  • PhD Management Annotated Dissertation Template (Quantitative)
  • Instructions for Using the PhD Management Annotated Dissertation Templates

To prepare for the form and style review, use the following checklist, which is the same checklist we use when we review capstone manuscripts and the checklist we return to the student and committee along with their completed review.

  • Form and Style Review Checklist

Doctoral Capstone Template Guidance

To accompany the doctoral capstone template document, here is some information to note when first beginning to use the template.

  • The document may contain various front matter elements (i.e., two title pages, the abstract, a Dedication page, and an Acknowledgements page), a Table of Contents (TOC), Lists of Tables and Figures, the document body text, a References list, and Appendices.
  • Students should ensure that the text in brackets [ ] on the two title pages is changed to reflect their own information and then remove the brackets. This includes the title, name, degrees earned, degree program, and date of anticipated completion.
  • Begin using the template by copying and pasting the text from a working document into the appropriate headings of the template and references to the reference list.

How to tag headings (so that headings show up in the TOC):

  • Most headings are already placed into the document. Headings students add (i.e., primarily for the literature review and results chapters and sections) should be added by creating a new heading and tagging it so that it appears in the TOC when updated.
  • Add a heading by first ensuring that the pilcrow [ ¶ ] is turned on—this allows the writer to see hidden formatting in the document that should not be deleted (e.g., page breaks and section breaks).
  • Add the heading by placing the cursor where the heading should be inserted and creating a hard return.
  • Then type the text for the heading and highlight it with the cursor, ensuring that you do NOT highlight the pilcrow.
  • Once the text is highlighted, choose the appropriate APA Style heading from the Styles box on the Home tab. This is called tagging a heading. HINT: The Styles tab may need to be expanded by clicking on the small box with the arrow at the bottom of the Styles section. 

How to update the TOC (to bring in new headings and update page numbers):

  • Once new headings have been added or text created or inserted such that the page numbers have shifted, the TOC should be updated.
  • Update the TOC by clicking on it with the cursor so that the section becomes grey.
  • Then, right click (or control click on a Mac) and choose “Update field.”
  • Depending on whether headings or just text has been added, choose “Update entire table” or “Update page numbers only.”

Template and Formatting Resources:

  • Form and Style Document Formatting Expectations , including information on APA, margins, pagination, etc.
  • SMRTguide on Fixing Errors in the TOC
  • Academic Skills Center (ASC) Capstone Template Formatting Videos
  • For questions regarding layout formatting in the doctoral capstone, contact [email protected]  

About the PhD Dissertation

Students start the dissertation by documenting their initial investigation into a research topic, which is used to make decisions about the capstone and is provided to prospective faculty members of the supervisory committee. In all PhD programs, this document is called the Premise, which is followed by a Prospectus The Prospectus is a second document used to confirm the topic for the proposal and the structure of the dissertation committee.

Guides for completing these documents can be found on the Office of Research and Doctoral Services website . The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition style should be used for both the Premise and the Prospectus, as well as for the proposal and final study.

The Dissertation Guidebook , available at the Office of Research and Doctoral Services's website, is a complete resource for information on form and style, steps in the dissertation process, and procedures. We also offer a series of capstone webinars on a variety of capstone-related topics.

For questions about writing the proposal, dissertation, thesis, or doctoral study, contact [email protected] .

Confused about assumptions, limitations, and delimitations? See Jen's blog post .

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The dissertation prospectus is a proposed plan for your doctoral research. It will be reviewed by your committee, who will provide constructive feedback to help shape your research plan. There are no department-level requirements for the format of the prospectus. Rather, each student should meet with their primary advisor(s) and their committee members to discuss what is expected.

Timeline for Prospectus Development and Defense

The student will develop a dissertation prospectus during the Fall semester of their third year. A final document must be submitted to the student’s current dissertation committee (consisting of at least faculty) and the DGS by December 1 st .

The student must hold a meeting with the dissertation committee by December 15 th to discuss the prospectus. Based on this meeting, the committee will make recommendations to the student for how to use the Spring semester wisely. This may entail getting started on the dissertation, expanding or reworking the prospectus, or both.

The student will hold another meeting with their committee by May 15 th of their third year to discuss their progress as it relates to the committee’s December recommendations and to plan for their fourth year.

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How to Write a Prospectus

Last Updated: February 5, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by Gerald Posner and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 141,423 times.

A prospectus is, in effect, a research proposal. The purpose of this document – be it a single page or dozens of pages long – is to sell your idea to the appropriate professor or research committee. You may be writing a prospectus for an undergraduate research project, a grad school study, or a doctoral dissertation. A prospectus also is used to apply for grants or other funding from universities or nonprofit organizations. [1] X Trustworthy Source Investor.gov Website maintained by the Securities and Exchange Commision’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy providing free resources about investing. Go to source

Things You Should Know

  • State your topic of study and the questions you intend to answer; then, explain how and why your study will answer those questions.
  • Outline the chapters of your prospectus and each stage of research, and include an estimate of the project's costs and timeline.
  • Use standard formatting unless otherwise instructed, with a table of contents and bibliography.
  • Carefully proofread your prospectus before submitting it for evaluation.

Describing the Goals of the Study

Step 1 State the general topic of your study.

  • Your topic isn't as broad as an entire subject such as history or sociology. Rather, you're going to list a specific aspect of that subject, such as "The Causes of World War II" or "The Impact of Globalization in Latin America."
  • This topic generally would be far too broad to write a single paper (or even a single book) about and even begin to cover it in a more than superficial manner.
  • In a shorter prospectus, such as for an undergraduate research paper, you typically won't need to devote more than a sentence to your topic before moving on to your research questions.

Step 2 List the questions your study will seek to answer.

  • Before you start formulating your questions, you may want to look at other research projects in your discipline to get a good idea of the types of questions typically asked.
  • For example, a history question may involve extensive research and synthesis of that research to discover any patterns that may emerge.
  • In contrast, questions in the social sciences such as political science may be based more on data gathering and statistical analysis.
  • In a short prospectus, this may simply be a bullet-point list of specific questions you expect to address through your research.
  • A longer prospectus, such as a grant proposal or dissertation prospectus, typically devotes several pages to discussing the specific questions that your research will address.

Step 3 Discuss the importance of these answers.

  • The more advanced you are in your discipline, the more crucial this portion of your prospectus is going to be.
  • If you're writing a prospectus for a research project in an undergraduate course, your professor likely won't expect you to contribute something new or profound to the field. However, graduate research and dissertations typically attempt to make a unique contribution to the area.
  • You may need to do some preliminary research before you can write this portion of your prospectus, particularly if you believe you are the only person ever to do research seeking specifically to answer the questions you've listed.
  • Any statement you make regarding the importance of your research should be supported by research, and you should be able to defend those assertions to the people reviewing your prospectus.

Step 4 Make clear how your study will answer the questions you've raised.

  • You want your thesis statement to be as clear as possible. If you find it difficult to craft a clear answer to the questions you've presented, it may be that your questions aren't as clear as they could be.
  • Keep in mind that if your question is vague or muddled, you're going to have a hard time coming up with a clear, definitive thesis statement.

Step 5 Summarize your interests and qualifications.

  • At this level, you're not just selling your idea, you're also selling your own knowledge, passion, commitment, and skills as a researcher to find the answers you seek.
  • For grant applications, information about yourself as a person and your personal interest in the topic you plan to research also can be important. When deciding which projects to fund, having a personal commitment or dedication to a particular issue may give you an edge.
  • Depending on the type of research you plan to do, you also may have to outline your position and your access or ability to gather various types of information, such as archives or classified documents.

Explaining the Organization of the Study

Step 1 Outline the chapters of your paper or project.

  • Keep in mind that this is just a plan – nothing's set in stone. At this early stage, your paper likely will change as you get into your research or start gathering the data and crunching numbers to work on your project.
  • You can create specific paragraphs or an outline, or you can write this section in a single seamless narrative. For shorter papers, that's probably all this section will be – essentially a couple of paragraphs that tell the readers how you anticipate you'll organize the final report on the project.

Step 2 Break down the phases or stages of your research.

  • For example, if you're doing a statistical analysis, you must first gather the data, then compile statistics from that data, then analyze the statistics you create.
  • For scientific experiments, this is the place where you'll describe the steps in the experiment.
  • If you're doing a project in the humanities, the stages of your research may not be as clear-cut as they would be if you were doing a research project for a more scientific discipline.

Step 3 Estimate the time it will take you to complete your project.

  • For graduate research projects or dissertations, the timeframe may be more open-ended. In these situations, you should provide an estimate in your prospectus of when you believe your project will be completed.
  • Coming up with a timeline and ultimate deadline of when the research will be completed is particularly important if you're applying for a grant.
  • How long you think it will take to complete your research affects the feasibility of the project, which is ultimately how your prospectus will be evaluated. Be realistic in what you can do within the time constraints you have.
  • Keep in mind that while you may be able to get an extension if your research ends up taking longer than you anticipated in your prospectus, you also may be expected to justify the reasons you need more time or explain why the initial estimate in your prospectus was incorrect.

Step 4 Calculate the amount of money your project or study will cost.

  • This is especially important if you're applying for a grant, as the people who review your prospectus will want a detailed breakdown of what you intend to do with the money if you're awarded the grant.
  • Typically you'll need to include expenses such as fees for access to archives or for copying, any costs for data collecting, and rentals of lab or other equipment.
  • You also should include a list of any resources you plan to use for which you anticipate there being no cost, such as use of the university library or computers and employment of student volunteers.

Formatting Your Prospectus

Step 1 Review any assignment information.

  • The guidelines also typically will include details on which citation method you should use, and may include details on using a particular style guide that will govern word usage, grammar, and punctuation rules.
  • Your assignment information also may specifically state how long each section is supposed to be, and which sections must be included.

Step 2 Use standard formatting.

  • Type your prospectus in a standard, legible font such as Times New Roman or Helvetica.
  • Typically you'll have one-inch margins on all sides of the paper, and your text will be double-spaced. Include page numbers if your prospectus is more than one page.
  • Follow the guidelines from your professor or department in regard to creating a cover sheet or using special formatting or headers on the first page.
  • If footnotes or end notes are required, set these up in your word processing app before you start working on your prospectus.

Step 3 Provide a table of contents.

  • The table of contents essentially is a list of chapters for your final report, and gives the readers of your prospectus an idea of what the final report will look like and how long it will be.

Step 4 Include a bibliography.

  • Some professors or departments require an annotated bibliography, in which you not only cite the sources you plan to use but provide a detailed description of what the source is and how it fits into your research.
  • Check the guidelines from your professor or department to make sure you're using the correct citation method for your bibliography.

Step 5 Proofread your work carefully.

  • Reading your prospectus backwards is a good way to proofread and catch errors you might have missed otherwise.
  • In addition to editing for grammar and punctuation, you also should check your language carefully. Make sure everything is written in a formal, professional tone.
  • Keep your audience in mind as you edit. While you may be writing your prospectus for professors or a department committee that has full understanding of your project's topic, you shouldn't assume any particular level of understanding. Rather, your prospectus should be written so that it can be understood by a generally intelligent person without any special knowledge in your field.

Expert Q&A

  • Be realistic about what you can accomplish through your research. Writing a prospectus that seems narrow in scope, but feasible, is better than writing a prospectus that seems overly ambitious and impractical. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't worry if your final paper or study ends up deviating from your prospectus. This often happens when you get further into your research, and is to be expected. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

prospectus for phd

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  • ↑ https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/prospectus
  • ↑ https://www.wichita.edu/academics/fairmount_college_of_liberal_arts_and_sciences/english/deptenglish/WritingaResearchProspectus.php
  • ↑ https://english.washington.edu/sites/english/files/documents/ewp/academicresearchpapersequence_grollmus.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.slu.edu/arts-and-sciences/theological-studies/student-resources/pdfs/prospectus-template.pdf
  • ↑ https://writing.wisc.edu/handbook/assignments/planresearchpaper/
  • ↑ https://poorvucenter.yale.edu/writing/graduate/writing-through-graduate-school/prospectus-writing
  • ↑ https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/mutual-fund-fees-and-expenses
  • ↑ https://examples.yourdictionary.com/reference/examples/table-of-content-examples.html
  • ↑ https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/science-fair/writing-a-bibliography-examples-of-apa-mla-styles
  • ↑ https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/writingprocess/proofreading

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Dissertation Prospectus

A dissertation prospectus is a paradoxical piece of writing. It is not an abstract (which is to say, a summary of a completed dissertation) or an introductory chapter of a dissertation, but rather  an attempt to describe what is planned before it has actually been done. Since it is meant to be submitted soon after completion of the candidacy examination, it need not be a huge document. Indeed, it could be around fifteen double-spaced pages in length (roughly 3500-4000 words) with up to ten further pages of bibliography. As indicated, the prospectus should provide a preliminary description of the proposed dissertation. It should delineate what topic and area the dissertation will explore; discuss why this topic and area merit such exploration; and include a provisional chapter outline and as complete a bibliography as possible. The outline should be as precise as possible, even if it is very likely to be modified in the course of writing the dissertation.

Finding, defining, and communicating a topic that is at once significant and of realistic scope are tasks that require discussion and cooperation between the dissertation writer and faculty members. Therefore, the dissertation writer is encouraged to show drafts of the prospectus to his or her dissertation committee and other faculty members. After these initial consultations, the writer will submit the final version of the prospectus for formal approval by the committee. The committee will then meet collectively with the candidate to discuss the project and its implementation.

There is no single recipe for a good dissertation prospectus. But all writers should answer, to the best of their abilities at this early stage of research, certain fundamental questions:

·         What is the central problem that the dissertation will address? This problem can be theoretical, critical, or historical; but it should, in most cases, be presented as a question or related set of questions to which the dissertation will attempt to find answers. It is important that the problem and hypothetical answers be stated from the outset, so that your research will not risk becoming random, and your exposition will not lapse into mere description. The sense that an argument is being made should be constantly kept in mind.

·         To persuade your reader that you are not just reinventing the wheel or restating what has already been said, you should include a brief review of the present “state of the art” with respect to your topic. Has this topic been treated before?  How does your approach differ from earlier ones?  Has new evidence appeared (for example, a new primary source) since previous treatments?

Outlining a sequence of potential chapters will help you clarify the argument of your dissertation and check the balance of its parts in relation to one another. A chapter should be conceived as approximately 30-40 double-spaced pages. If the major sections of your dissertation seem likely to exceed this length, plan to subdivide them. A finished dissertation is generally 200-300 pages long. You will find that developing an outline helps your thinking to move forward substantially, so that the actual writing of the dissertation is more clearly focused.

Once you have drafted your prospectus under the guidance of your dissertation committee, you might want to have it read by someone who knows nothing about your topic, to see whether you have clearly set out your problem and defined a workable method.  Seeking out a general reader right at the start is a good reminder that although you may be writing on a specialized topic, your dissertation should be written in clear, intelligible prose. Make sure you define the theoretical categories you are introducing, and try to avoid technical jargon unless it is necessary to the intricacies of your argument.

Prospectuses and dissertations tend to either lose themselves in detail, or to be too general. To avoid this, try to do what you would in any paper you write: make sure that your main argument remains clearly above ground, and that each paragraph has a clear connection with the ones preceding and following it. The prospectus is not a mini-dissertation, and need not involve more time in writing and revising than another paper of comparable length. Yet enough care and stylistic grace should be exercised so that the prospectus clearly and concisely articulates the project, its arguments, methods, and special considerations in a manner that anyone in interdisciplinary studies can grasp.

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Writing a Research Prospectus

A prospectus is a formal proposal of a research project developed to convince a reader (a professor or research committee, or later in life, a project coordinator, funding agency, or the like) that the research can be carried out and will yield worthwhile results. It should provide:

  • a working title for your project,
  • a statement of your research question or issue,
  • an overview of scholarship related to this topic or to the this author,
  • a brief summary of your research methods and/or your theoretical approach.

A prospectus is normally accompanied by a bibliography, often annotated, which lists sources you have consulted or plan to consult for your research. In cases where the texts studied exist in multiple editions or in translation, the bibliography should normally state which edition, text, or translation you will be using and why. You also should include a Prospectus Cover Sheet (Word) , complete with the signature of your director and second reader.

Contents:  In most cases, a prospectus will begin with an overview of existing scholarship, summarizing basic arguments relevant to the project. It will then position the project with reference to this scholarship. For this reason, the prospectus will demonstrate that you have conducted enough preliminary research to be able to design a relevant project and carry it through relatively independently. Since at this stage much research remains to be done, a thesis statement usually does not follow this introduction. Instead, include a statement of hypothesis or of the central research questions. The prospectus should then offer an overview of the project organization. If the project is large enough for chapters, include a breakdown of them. If special skills or assistance such as foreign language competency, access to archives or special collections, technical skills, or access to technical equipment are needed to complete your project, the prospectus should address your preparation in these areas. Part of your goal is, in essence, to "sell" your research supervisors on both your project and yourself as a researcher. Cover the ground well, presenting yourself and your project as intellectually convincing.

Developing an initial prospectus will help faculty understand where you are in the research process and help you bring focus to your research throughout the experience. Because it lays out a framework for your project, the prospectus can provide you with direction during the inevitable moments when you feel overwhelmed or lost. And because you have already clearly demonstrated your ability to carry out your research project, the prospectus can serve to reinforce your confidence and help keep you on track for a timely completion.

Beyond its relevance to your current research project, a prospectus helps you sharpen several important skills. Because a good prospectus demands concise, informative writing, composing one will help hone your writing style. In asking you to persuasively describe a compelling project and establish your ability to carry it out, it draws on abilities applicable to a variety of situations in and out of the academy, such as scholarship and funding applications, proposals for research forums, conferences, or publications, job applications, and preparation for larger and more complex research projects such as those found in Ph.D. programs and a variety of professional settings. The skill is so important that some people—grant writers—make a profession out of writing prospectuses.


  • Applying for a PhD in the USA

Written by Taru Medha

Applying to a PhD degree in the USA can be quite an extensive and competitive process. Universities want to make sure students end up on the right graduate programmes and therefore put a lot of time and effort into their admissions process. They expect you to do the same with your application.

This doesn't mean that it's harder to get a place on a US PhD degree. But you will need to provide more material and more detail about your existing qualifications than you might be asked for elsewhere.

On this page

When should i apply for a phd in the usa.

US graduate programmes will have specific application deadlines. It’s common for application windows to open between August and December for admission to a PhD in the autumn (or ‘fall’) of the following year.

How should I apply for a PhD in the USA?

Applications for US PhD programmes are made directly to graduate schools. But bear in mind that US graduate schools will often ask for a lot of supplementary material with your application. Most will also charge an admission fee (usually between $50 and $100 ).

Do I need a Masters to apply for a PhD in the USA?

You won’t necessarily need a Masters to apply for a PhD in the USA. American graduate programmes effectively combine Masters and PhD study. Some students actually receive a Masters at the end of their coursework stage.

If you do already have a Masters , you may be able to receive credit for it and spend less time on the coursework stage of your programme. This decision is made by your graduate school, who will decide how relevant your existing degree is.

To apply for a PhD at an American university, you’ll need to submit a list of documents which include:

  • academic transcripts;
  • personal statement ;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • research statements – A research statement is different from a research proposal (required if you’re applying for a PhD in most other countries). You’ll only need to give a general sense of your research interests and possible directions you might like to pursue. The specific details for your project will be developed later in your programme and put forward as part of your research prospectus;
  • graduate admission tests – They are a more common requirement in the US education system than they are in other countries. They allow your university to assess general skills such as abstract reasoning, problem solving and critical thinking. A number of tests are in use, but the two most common are the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) . Some PhD subjects may use other graduate entry tests in place of (or in addition to) the GRE such as the LSAT for Law programmes . You must check with your university to know which test it requires;
  • English academic language test - If English is not your first language you may need to submit a score from a recognised body such as TOEFL or IELTS. Your prospective university will be able to tell you which test it prefers (many will accept more than one), and the minimum score, or scores, it requires.

Decision on your PhD application

There are three potential outcomes for a US PhD application. You may be successful , waitlisted or unsuccessful . If you’re successful or unsuccessful, your university will let you know straight away. However, you may also be waitlisted as a second-choice candidate. If the first-choice candidate declines their offer or isn’t able to enrol on the programme, you’ll be offered their place.

Once you’ve heard back from your university and you have a confirmed place, you’re all set to start applying for your student visa! Read our comprehensive guides to know more how a PhD looks like in the US and the funding options at your disposal.

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Ready to start looking for your ideal study abroad opportunity? Browse and compare PhD programmes in the USA on FindAPhD.com.

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Ph.D. Prospectus Guidelines

The dissertation prospectus is prepared following satisfactory completion of the comprehensive examinations. The purpose of the prospectus is to assure the candidate and the Advisory Committee that the contemplated dissertation is a sound and feasible project.

  • The prospectus should be addressed to readers with a general rather than specific knowledge of the field of the dissertation (such as semantics, phonology, second language acquisition), comparable to an application for a fellowship or research grant. The committee may wish to consult others, inside or outside the department, in determining the soundness and feasibility of a proposed dissertation.  
  • A statement of the problem to be investigated. The prospectus should specify the questions to be investigated and typically will propose a hypothesis or set of hypotheses to be examined. The prospectus should convince readers that the dissertation may be expected to make a significant contribution to scholarship, and that the goals of the dissertation are not too extensive or too vaguely defined to be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.
  • A summary of relevant previous research and scholarship on the topic, showing that the hypothesis or hypotheses have not yet received satisfactory treatment.
  • A presentation of the theoretical foundations, sources of data, and methods of analysis to be employed.
  • A statement of the nature of expected conclusions and their significance.
  • A bibliography.
  • A proposed title and a preliminary outline of the expected organization of the dissertation.  
  • The prospectus should be formatted according to accepted standards for work in linguistics (e.g., the LSA Style Sheet). Exclusive of bibliography, the prospectus would normally be from ten to fifteen pages in length (up to 5,000 words). Your major professor should approve a draft of the prospectus before it is submitted to the other members of your advisory committee. After the formal submission of the prospectus, the committee may take up to two weeks (during the regular academic year) to decide whether to (1) accept it as submitted, (2) accept it subject to specified revisions, or (3) reject it. After the student's committee accepts the prospectus for submission, one final copy should be submitted to the Linguistics Department Head for approval. The prospectus will be added to the student's file after this point.  
  • These guidelines are offered as a statement of general policy. In particular cases a committee may, in consultation with the candidate, change and/or add to them.

Updated: 7/27/2017


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Department of Geography


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master’s degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular specialties; thus, any aspirant for a doctorate must obtain master’s training or its equivalent before being admitted to doctoral candidacy. In short, admission to doctoral candidacy is official recognition that a student’s general foundation in the breadth of geography is satisfactory. Students then devote their attention to developing depth in chosen specialties.

The general requirements for a doctoral degree in geography are more rigorous than those for a master’s degree. At the same time, the greater flexibility of the doctoral program allows advanced students to pursue programs of study tailored to their special interests and needs.

Progress through the degree is marked by: 

  • Successful performance in a verbal qualifying exam; 
  • Four-day written comprehensive exam, with a verbal portion after the written answers have been assessed by the committee;  
  • Formal dissertation proposal; and 
  • Verbal defense of a completed dissertation.

The four-year Ph.D. program is reserved for students who have a master’s degree from another graduate program. That can be another geography program at another university, a non-geography program at another university, or a non-geography program at Penn State.

Students entering the four-year Ph.D. program must take the doctoral qualifying exam in their first year. A committee from three of the four fields of geography and formally appointed by the Graduate Program Officer will administer the qualifying exam. The qualifying exam can take place any time during the year, but students in the four-year Ph.D. program typically take it during spring semester.

Students in the four-year Ph.D. program complete a comprehensive exam and defend their dissertation proposal in the second year. Depending on the needs of their research, and in agreement with their doctoral committee, students can fulfill these two requirements in either order. Once students have successfully passed their comprehensive exam and defended their proposal, they typically take two years to research, write, and defend their dissertations.


Our online Graduate Student Handbook explains the program requirements for all degrees.


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    Writing a proposal or prospectus can be a challenge, but we've compiled some examples for you to get your started. Example #1: "Geographic Representations of the Planet Mars, 1867-1907" by Maria Lane. Example #2: "Individuals and the State in Late Bronze Age Greece: Messenian Perspectives on Mycenaean Society" by Dimitri Nakassis.

  10. Dissertation Prospectus and Proposal Writing

    The prospectus, or proposal, is the first step of your dissertation. It serves as a plan for your project, an identification of your research goals and method (s), and an articulation of the importance of your work. Alongside its preparation, you will also select members of your committee, who will provide you with important feedback.

  11. Dissertation Prospectus

    1. Provisional title of the presentation. 2. Requests for audio/visual equipment. 3. Names of faculty members who should be invited to the presentation. By January 13 candidates will submit a 15-20 page written prospectus to the graduate coordinator that forms the basis of the presentation. The prospectus should include a select bibliography ...

  12. PDF Guidelines for the Dissertation Prospectus

    The dissertation prospectus is the formal document you present to your PhD Supervisory Committee once you have achieved candidacy and are preparing to move on to the dissertation as your full-time project. Normally you should plan to make this prospectus available to your committee soon after you are officially designated a candidate for the ...

  13. ULibraries Research Guides: Writing a Prospectus: Home

    Writing a Prospectus. There are many different kinds of prospectuses for different purposes. Ph.D. students are asked to submit dissertation prospectuses to their committees; most research grant applications require them; academic job candidates often include short prospectuses with their application materials; and book publishers request them as part of the process of considering a manuscript ...

  14. Breaking it Down: Writing a Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus

    Breaking it Down: Writing a Doctoral Dissertation Prospectus. November 20, 2020. Susan E. Baer, Contributing Faculty Member, School of Public Policy and Administration, Walden University, [email protected]. This essay was originally published in the Political Science Educator's Fall 2020 series. I teach and mentor doctoral students who ...

  15. PDF Humanities Dissertation Prospectus

    A prospectus should be viewed as a preliminary statement of what you propose to do in your dissertation, and not as an unalterable commitment. Its value lies in helping you and your committee get an initial handle on your project. In the Humanities Ph.D. Program, we have chosen to break the writing of the prospectus into 2 blocks:

  16. The Dissertation Prospectus

    The body of the prospectus: This should describe your project, outline its potential interest and scholarly significance, and identify your core objects of study. A chapter breakdown: write tentative accounts of each chapter, dedicating a page or less to each. ... Once the form is completed, submit it to the Graduate Studies Coordinator .

  17. PhD Dissertation

    The qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods PhD dissertation templates contain subheadings that align with the required content in the PhD Dissertation Checklists for these methodologies. The generic PhD dissertation template is not methodology-specific and lacks many of these subheadings. Beginning June 1, 2020, all prospectus starts ...

  18. Prospectus and Dissertation

    Prospectus. The prospectus is a proposal for dissertation research written under the supervision of a member of the doctoral faculty who is willing to sponsor it. The prospectus examination must be taken by the end of the second semester following advancement to candidacy for the student to maintain satisfactory progress.

  19. Prospectus

    Prospectus. The dissertation prospectus is a proposed plan for your doctoral research. It will be reviewed by your committee, who will provide constructive feedback to help shape your research plan. There are no department-level requirements for the format of the prospectus. Rather, each student should meet with their primary advisor (s) and ...

  20. How to Write a Prospectus: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

    1. State the general topic of your study. You'll want to start by briefly discussing the general topic that your study or research project will address. The topic is a broad area of study that you want to write about or research. [2] Your topic isn't as broad as an entire subject such as history or sociology.

  21. Dissertation Prospectus

    Dissertation Prospectus. A dissertation prospectus is a paradoxical piece of writing. It is not an abstract (which is to say, a summary of a completed dissertation) or an introductory chapter of a dissertation, but rather an attempt to describe what is planned before it has actually been done. Since it is meant to be submitted soon after ...

  22. Writing a Research Prospectus

    Writing a Research Prospectus. A prospectus is a formal proposal of a research project developed to convince a reader (a professor or research committee, or later in life, a project coordinator, funding agency, or the like) that the research can be carried out and will yield worthwhile results. It should provide: a working title for your project,

  23. Applying for a PhD in the USA

    Our guide tells you everything about the application process for studying a PhD in the USA. ... specific details for your project will be developed later in your programme and put forward as part of your research prospectus; graduate admission tests - They are a more common requirement in the US education system than they are in other ...

  24. Ph.D. Prospectus Guidelines

    Ph.D. Prospectus Guidelines. The dissertation prospectus is prepared following satisfactory completion of the comprehensive examinations. The purpose of the prospectus is to assure the candidate and the Advisory Committee that the contemplated dissertation is a sound and feasible project. The prospectus should be addressed to readers with a ...

  25. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    The Ph.D. is a different kind of degree from the master's degree. A doctoral candidate in geography must be capable of making original contributions to knowledge and scholarship. For the students to make such contributions, they must concentrate on a narrow and clearly defined field of study. We require, however, that doctoral candidates know more of geography than their particular ...

  26. PDF PhD Advising Form

    semester students must email a list of events attended to the Graduate Director. University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Total Course Work Credits: PhD English Degree Requirements After completing course work, students enroll in ENG 699 each semester to complete their Area Exams and Prospectus, followed by ENG 800 to complete their Dissertation

  27. Applications

    Apply online for the 2025 academic year at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.