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Faculty of Law

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The doctoral program of the Faculty of Law generally takes three years and includes the composition of a doctoral thesis and modules totaling at least 30 ECTS credits.

The doctoral thesis should be in the form of a monograph and should make an independent contribution to current research.

The curriculum comprises two compulsory modules, along with additional modules that can be selected individually. In addition, a large selection of further education programs exist both inside and outside the university. An official assessment must be obtained for each module.

Students have the option of having work and ECTS credits completed before the beginning of the doctorate program recognized. The responsible Doctoral Committee will decide whether to grant recognition.

The curriculum is divided into:

  • compulsory modules totaling 12 ECTS credits
  • modules from the core elective pool totaling 18 ECTS credits

The PhD candidate will provide the Doctoral Committee with a suggested module selection at the beginning of the doctorate program. This suggestion will be discussed and the outcome documented in the doctoral agreement.

Compulsory Modules (12 ECTS credits)

UZH Faculty of Law colloquium 1 6 ECTS credits
UZH Faculty of Law colloquium 2 6 ECTS credits

Core Elective Pool (18 ECTS credits)

Attendance at conferences, presentation of academic lectures, composition of academic texts, etc ECTS credits to be agreed*
General offering of the Master programs of the University of Zurich or offering of equal value ECTS credits as per web course catalogue
Continuing module at doctoral level On request
General further education offering of the University of Zurich or further education offerings of equal value from other universities ECTS credits to be agreed*

* The Doctoral Committee will determine the requirements regarding the official assessments and number of ECTS credits awarded for successfully completed official assessments. They will be documented in the doctoral agreement.

The modules must be booked in the Module Booking Tool during the booking period. Booking includes registration for the official assessment. This excludes the doctoral colloquia, registration for which must be lodged with the relevant professorship.

Die Module sind während der Buchungsfrist im Modulbuchungstool zu buchen. Mit der Buchung erfolgt die Anmeldung zum Leistungsnachweis. Davon ausgenommen sind die Doktorandenkolloquien, wofür man sich direkt über den jeweiligen Lehrstuhl anmelden muss.

Modules available from web course catalogue

Modules available from the Center for University Teaching and Learning

Modules involving transferrable skills


Admission to the doctoral program is subject to the approval of the Admissions Committee and the admission requirements of the ordinance for obtaining a doctoral degree .

  • Appointment of a head instructor (completion of the doctoral candidate confirmation)
  • Selection of additional members of the Doctoral Committee together with the head instructor (application for appointment of the Doctoral Committee)
  • Submission of application documents to the Admissions Committee (please note the application deadline)
  • (possible personal interview )
  • The Admissions Committee decides who is to be accepted into the doctoral program
  • Enrolment or change of degree program at the Admissions Office

Application Documents:

  • Letter of application
  • Curriculum vitae with photograph
  • Copies of prior degrees and educational certificates
  • Doctoral candidate confirmation
  • Enrolment record as PhD student and/or proof that the prerequisites for enrolment have been met (Master of Law Degree or equivalent and faculty member as supervisor)
  • Application for appointment of the Doctoral Committee
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Synopsis, to be no more than five pages in length (will give some piece of information regarding your research project and ambitions, the questions, preliminary work and the current status quo of your appropriate and relevant literature and research). 

Application period

  • Fall semester: 1 April - 31 May
  • Spring semester: 1 September - 31 October

All information on the recognition and crediting of externally completed doctoral colloquia, can be found here .

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact student center.

University of Zurich Faculty of Law Study Dean's Office Student Center

  • Consultation hours Student Center
  • Doctoral Program Regulations
  • Doctoral Agreement
  • Application for Appointment of the Doctoral Committee
  • Doctoral Candidate Confirmation


  • Web Course Catalogue
  • Booking Modules

How to Finance your Doctoral Thesis

Information about the financing of your doctoral thesis can be found on the homepage of UZH for Researchers.



Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A Case postale 1672 CH - 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland +41 (0)22 908 57 09 [email protected]


LL.M. in International Law

Executive education course.

The LL.M. is designed to provide a firm grounding in public international law. It allows students to tailor their studies according to their particular interests by choosing one of the three concentration streams offered: International Economic Law, International Environmental Law and Governance, and The Protection of the Individual in International Law. Students in the LL.M. Programme gain exposure to world-renowned faculty, benefit from being at the heart of international legal affairs in Geneva, and share ideas with other participants from different legal backgrounds and perspectives.

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programme highlights

One-year full-time Programme World-renowned faculty Foundational and concentration courses L aw clinics ,  workshops  and  tutorials Focus on professional skills Network-building events Located in Geneva

In theory, there is no gap between the theory and the practice of public international law. In practice, there is. The LL.M. in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute is designed to bridge this gap. Founded in 1927, the Graduate Institute is Europe's oldest school of international affairs. Since the time of Hans Kelsen, the Institute's International Law Department has been at the forefront of public international law in theory and practice.

The LL.M. in International Law is a one-year postgraduate degree course that provides advanced, comprehensive and practice-oriented training in international law. Students in the LL.M. Programme gain exposure to world-renowned faculty, benefit from being at the heart of international legal affairs in Geneva, and share ideas with other participants from different legal backgrounds and perspectives.

The Programme allows students to tailor their studies according to their particular interests, while compulsory courses provide a firm grounding in public international law. Our courses are designed to facilitate a deeper exploration of the most pressing questions in the field with professors and practitioners at the cutting edge of international law.

The LL.M. in International Law is also profoundly committed to developing the transferable skills necessary to succeed professionally. To this end, law clinics, workshops on legal writing, presentation skills and career development, and a variety of network-building events provide the best possible springboard to launch or advance a career in international law.

Related SDGs  


The structure and content of the LL.M. in International Law reflects the development of public international law in practice over recent years. There is an increasing need for international lawyers to master not just one concentration area in the field but also the core foundations of the international legal system, which in turn will allow them to adapt to different concentration areas.

The Programme comprises both compulsory and elective, general and specific international law courses. Not only does this provide students with a firm basis in public international law, but it also permits them to engage with the areas of international law that interest them most. In addition to their international law courses, students also have the opportunity to discuss legal problems in concentration streams, develop their professional skills in practical workshops and write an LL.M. paper. Moreover, LL.M. participants undertake real legal work for a beneficiary as part of a law clinic and gain exposure to leading practitioners through the courses and guest lectures.

Foundational Courses

This course covers the essential content of international law. It is divided into the following segments:

International Law Making - Andrea Bianchi

Participants in International Legal Processes - Fuad Zarbiyev

The International Law of Responsibility - Santiago Villalpando

International Dispute Settlement - Marcelo Kohen

The International Law of State Jurisdiction - Mamadou Hébié

International Institutional Law - Nico Krisch

This course combines lectures by Graduate Institute faculty with insights from a wide-range of  practitioners  in both the public and private sectors. It covers both  substance  and  skills , with a focus on how international law is used by a variety of organisations as well as how it is enforced through different means, ranging from monitoring bodies, to complaint procedures and judicial bodies. Emphasis is placed on the practice of lawyers in respect of: (i) transactions, (ii) multilateral affairs and (iii) dispute settlement.

The Law of the Sea - Liesbeth Lijnzaad

Treaty Interpretation - Constantinos Salonidis and Joseph Klingler

Immunities - Philippa Webb

International Law in Domestic Courts - Philippa Webb

Concentration streams

In addition to the general courses, students choose one of the following concentration streams:

In the last decade the international protection of the environment has emerged as one of the main priorities of governments, international organisations and the private sector. This stream trains students to understand this complex area of international law, as well as frameworks regarding climate change and the use of natural resources, particularly in connection with water and food security. It also explores how environmental change and governance affects and intersects with other areas of law such as human rights. Special emphasis is placed on the rules governing the entitlement to and distribution of these resources and on real-life disputes where such rules have been applied.

Climate Change and the Energy Transition in International Law - Jorge E. Viñuales

Compliance Mechanisms under Environment Treaties - Makane Moïse Mbengue

Environmental Litigation: International, Transnational and Comparative Aspects - Anne Saab

Principles of International Environmental Law - Laurence Boisson de Chazournes

*Please note that this is only an indicative list of courses that have been offered in recent years and we cannot guarantee that they will be offered every year.

The IEL concentration stream trains students to understand the regulation of international economic relations through the prisms of international trade, investment and intellectual property law. Students analyse the highly complex regulatory frameworks applicable to trade and foreign direct investment transactions and the growing body of case-law arising from a variety of dispute settlement mechanisms, such as the WTO Dispute Settlement Body or investment arbitration.

The Law and Policy of Free Trade Agreements - Kathleen Claussen

Investor-State Arbitration - August Reinisch

International Commercial Arbitration - Thomas Schultz

International Taxation - Xavier Oberson

This stream trains students to understand the various international legal frameworks applicable to the protection of people, as well as their increasing interaction. From a substantive perspective, students gain exposure to human rights, humanitarian law, migration law and refugee law. Particular emphasis is placed on how these different bodies of law interact with each other to strengthen the protection offered to refugees, internally displaced persons, minorities and the victims of armed conflict.

International Human Rights and Litigation - Yuval Shany

International Criminal Law – Giulia Pinzauti

International Humanitarian Law: The Protection of Victims of Armed Conflict - Yasmin Naqvi and Andrew Clapham

The Movement of Persons Across Borders in International Law - Vincent Chetail

All Concentration streams include

1) Concentration modules

In these sessions, students have the opportunity to discuss a selection of readings in a small group with a professor. They allow students to explore, debate and ask deeper questions on topics of their concentration

2) Law clinic

Students complete a practical assignment for a real client. They work in groups and under the supervision of professors on specific legal questions related to their specialty stream that have been posed by external clients, such as international organisations, governments or NGOs. In addition, skills sessions are held with invited professionals to improve legal writing and oral presentation skills. At the end of the semester, the groups submit written legal memoranda and orally present their projects in class in the presence of the client and invited guests.

Students choose two semester-long courses from those offered by the International Law Department.

Students write a 8,000-word paper on a topic of their interest. It should be an original piece of research and be oriented for publication in practitioner journals.

Workshops are organised with professionals and experts, providing students with an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, develop professional skils and receive advice on career development.

Immersion work

Guest lectures, roundtables, colloquia and institution visits all allow students to engage in a very practical way with the leading experts, pressing topics and fundamental organs of international law.

Applications open: 23 October 2023

Deadline: 15 January 2024

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online between the end of January and mid-March 2024

Deadline for notification: 31 March 2024

Application form

To be eligible for the LL.M. Programme, applicants must possess a complete legal education which entitles them to sit for the bar exam in their country of origin, e.g. the Maîtrise de droit in Switzerland, the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in the United Kingdom, the Juris Doctor (J.D.) in the United States, the Maîtrise de droit (or equivalent title from a Haute Ecole) in France or the Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen in Germany. However, please note that there is no need to have completed any professional courses requirements, such as the Ecole d'avocature in Switzerland or Legal Practice Course in the United Kingdom, or other training courses organised by the bar association of the respective country.

The Graduate Institute offers excellent housing options in the heart of international Geneva. We are pleased to announce that, as of autumn 2020, the Institute will be able to provide accommodation for all its students. Please get in touch with the Programme Manager for questions related to your housing application.

All students must have an excellent command of English. Students whose mother tongue is not English, who do not have secondary or post-secondary qualifications taught in English, or who have not spent a minimum of one year studying full-time at the university level in English must provide a certificate to prove their mastery of English.  

Recognised tests and scores

TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language)

Internet-test:  100

Paper-test: 600

Computer-based test:  250

IELTS (International English Language Testing System): 7.0

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge): A-B-C

CAE (Cambridge Advanced English, Cambridge English, part of the University of Cambridge): AB

To apply for the LL.M. in International Law, applicants must complete an online application form, available here.

In addition, the following supporting documents must be uploaded during the online application process:

A curriculum vitae (in English or French);

A letter of motivation describing why you wish to pursue the LL.M. programme (1 page maximum);

Copies of official transcripts of all grades obtained in all university exams, accompanied by grade scales and their values;*

Copies of all university diplomas and qualifications obtained;*

English language test results. NB: French is not required for the LL.M. Programme;

Two reference letters (in French or English) are also required. The applicant must nominate two referees and will be asked to provide the professional email addresses of their referees on the application form. Once the applicant has validated their application, the nominated referees will automatically be prompted to upload their reference letters.

* a certified translation (in English or French) must be provided for all documents.

The following documents can be uploaded during the online application process, although those are not compulsory for admission :

A copy of the page(s) of your passport with your surname, first name and nationality;

A recent passport-sized photograph

We require a non-refundable application fee of CHF 100 for the LL.M. in International Law.  

Guidelines for reference letter

Terms and conditions

Cost of living

All students must apply for a student residence permit (Permis B) from the Office Cantonal de la Population (OCP) within eight days of their arrival in Switzerland.   Information on the application procedure can be found with:   Service des étrangers Rue David-Dufour 3 1211 Genève 8 Tel.: +41 (0)22 327 48 88 Fax: +41 (0)22 327 75 91   Depending on your country of origin, you may also need a visa to enter/stay in Switzerland. If you are a citizen of an EU/EFTA country, you do not need a visa to enter Switzerland but will still need to apply for a residence permit.

The Federal Office for Migration's website provides an overview of travel documents and visa provisions for entry into Switzerland. You can also contact the main Swiss embassy or consulate in your country. The residence permit and visa costs vary but can be up to 300 CHF.

LL.M. Clinic Programmes

Each year, LL.M. participants work in groups on a cutting-edge research project with one of our external clinical beneficiaries. Clinic projects are thematically related to the three concentration streams of the LL.M., namely International Economic Law, International Environmental Law and Governance, or The Protection of the Individual in International Law. Our clinical beneficiaries have included:

  • The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
  • Amnesty International
  • The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
  • The Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)
  • International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)
  • Centre for Civil and Political Rights
  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
  • International Commission of Jurists (ICJ)
  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • Centre for Trade and Investment Law, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India
  • Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)

The LL.M. in International Law has been designed to enhance your career prospects. To do so, we will help you craft and strengthen the necessary skills to launch or advance your career in a competitive jobs market. In addition to the substantive knowledge you will acquire, the LL.M. in International Law places great emphasis on honing practical legal skills, such as in legal research and writing, but also highly transferable skills, including presentation and interpersonal skills. Moreover, our location at the heart of international legal affairs in Geneva offers an array of opportunities for legal internships, traineeships and employment. Indeed, students from the Graduate Institute have a strong track record of gaining employment in the legal profession, international and non-governmental organisations, government ministries and diplomacy, as well as various private sector destinations. The following features of the LL.M. Programme help to illustrate our commitment to your career:

Practical Legal Skills

The LL.M. programme aims to develop legal research, writing and advocacy skills through a series of practical workshops, the LL.M. paper and student participation in a law clinic. The latter also facilitates valuable client-facing experience.

Practitioner Sessions

Sessions with successful practitioners in the field of international law are offered to LL.M. students, enabling them to improve their professional skills in a number of areas and giving key insights to the professional world of international law.

Career Events

Workshops and career events (such as the Connexion Careers Fair) organised by the Careers Service of The Graduate Institute are open to participants of the LL.M.

Andrea Bianchi


Director of studies, professor, international law.

vincent chetail new


Director, global migration centre, president of the board, geneva academy of international humanitarian law and human rights, advisory faculty, global governance centre.

Andrew Clapham profile




Paola Gaeta profile


Marcelo Kohen

Marcelo KOHEN

Emeritus professor, international law.

Nico Krisch


Head, international law department, faculty associate, global governance centre, faculty associate, albert hirschman centre on democracy.

Joost Pauwelyn


Co-director of the centre for trade and economic integration.

Anne Saab 11.2021


Director, ll.m. in international law, faculty associate, center for international environmental studies.

Thomas Schultz profil image


Visiting professor, international law.

Fuad Zarbiyev profil


Professor, international law, co-director, ll.m. in international law.

Tanya Norton

Tanya Norton

Programme manager, ll.m. in international law.

Liline Steyn

Liline Steyn

Phd candidate international law.

Jana Sikorska


Phd candidate in international law, teaching assistant, ll.m in international law.

no avatar


Teaching assistant.

Pietro Bombonato

Pietro Bombonato '18

Associate Attorney, Omnia Strategy LLP

"The LL.M. in International Law allowed me to develop and foster my academic and practical knowledge on various international law topics. Studying at the Graduate Institute allowed me to interact and connect with students and professors worldwide. Situated in a truly bilingual Institution and city, the LL.M. programme also helped me to perfect my English language skills as well as develop my French language skills.

I graduated with honours in June 2018 and was hired immediately by a public international law firm in London, Volterra Fietta, as a Staff Lawyer. I have recently joined Omnia Strategy, a London-based law firm founded by Cherie Blair CBE, QC, specialising in international dispute resolution, where I work as an associate attorney.

I strongly recommend the LL.M. in International Law at the Graduate Institute to lawyers keen to embrace a holistic approach to international law and develop a truly international legal career. "

Maria Cecilia Ercole

Maria Cecilia Ercole '14

Human Rights Officer, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

"I had the privilege to be part of the first class of the LL.M programme in International Law at the Graduate Institute (2013-2014). I only have words of gratitude and invaluable memories from the Institute, and I would recommend this programme to any law practitioner seeking to deepen their knowledge of international law in a unique international setting.

As an Argentinian human rights lawyer, and after having worked in Argentina and the US, deciding to come and study at the IHEID in Geneva was, so far, one of my wisest career choices. Exposure to outstanding faculty, guest speakers and lecturers from around the world and a culturally diverse group of students from which I ended up learning more than I could imagine made my LL.M experience unforgettable.

Today, I live in Geneva and have been working for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for more than five years."

Patrick Wall

Patrick wall '16

Global Refugee Forum Coordination Team, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

" I came to Geneva from Australia in the summer of 2015, hoping to use the LL.M. programme as a springboard to a career in international law. The combination of coursework with leading academics and practitioners, exercises focused on professional development, and seemingly endless public events on cutting-edge topics at the Graduate Institute and throughout Geneva, the LL.M. gave me a solid basis for building an international career. Indeed, the course offering was so rich that I ended up attending classes for many more courses than I was enrolled in.

Since completing the programme, I have spent almost three years with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, working on developing the Global Compact on Refugees and now the first-ever Global Refugee Forum. It has been enormously fulfilling work and would not have been possible if I had not undertaken the LL.M. In International Law at the Graduate Institute. "

Xuan Shao

Xuan Shao '17

D.Phil Candidate, University of Oxford

"I spent a stimulating, exciting and happy year in Geneva during my LL.M. at the Graduate Institute. I was taught by many leading academics and professionals from different areas of international law and befriended some of the most wonderful people I've met in my life.

The workload was challenging but manageable. The small size of our class allowed me to engage in substantial and intense discussions with professors and classmates.

My year in Geneva was a great asset for my current research that I am conducting as a D.Phil candidate at the University of Oxford. The diverse perspectives of international law I gained from this programme helped to enrich my understanding of international law."

Rebecca Zard

Rebecca Zard '18

Trainee Solicitor, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

" The LL.M in International Law at the Graduate Institute has one main advantage over any other LL.M - that is the small class size. I chose the LL.M in International Law because I wanted close contact with professors and to be in the heart of Geneva. Before pursuing my LL.M, I received an offer of a training contract with the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, which meant that my LL.M year became entirely focused on making the most of the programme, building up my knowledge in international economic law and, specifically, investment arbitration.

The faculty at the Graduate Institute is unparalleled as far as international law is concerned. The programme offers you the flexibility to make what you want of it. I deep-dived into the reading lists in the first semester, carefully selected to give you broad and specialist knowledge in general public international law. The second semester was equally rewarding and allowed students to engage with international institutions via the LL.M. clinic. Our beneficiary was UNCTAD's International Investment Agreements section. My group was supervised by Professor Makane Mbengue, who had participated in the negotiations of the Code Pan-Africain des Investissements. It was an experience that was both academic and practical, aiming at providing a technical note for negotiators of international investment agreements that aimed to tailor the drafting agreements in such a way that negotiators would be aware of the liabilities they were assuming and the sovereign powers they were limiting in ratifying these agreements.

The LL.M in International Law played a transformational role in widening my knowledge of international law and realising my potential."

Maria Gabriela Pereira

Maria Gabriela Pereira '19

Associate Legal Officer, International Organization for Migration

"I chose this LL.M program because I wanted to follow my passion and needed a significant shift in my career.

The Graduate Institute offers a concentration stream in human rights, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and migration law, which suits my interests. The professors are esteemed lecturers highly qualified in their respective fields, but also very approachable and often helped us navigate our academic challenges in Geneva.

During the LL.M., I worked at the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights during the first semester and at Human Rights Watch during the second semester. It was my first peek into the United Nations system and my first time working for a non-governmental organization. These two experiences were precious and were stepping stones to other offers and opportunities. After the LL.M., I joined the International Organization for Migration as an Associate Legal Officer. I hope to continue this challenging, fulfilling path in international law. "

Ashley Stanley-Ryan

Ashley Stanley-Ryan '20

Associate, International Committee of the Red Cross

"I travelled from New Zealand to Geneva to pursue a career in international law, focusing on human protection and dignity. The LL.M. in International Law Programme at the Graduate Institute was the best possible place to gain the professional, academic, and personal knowledge necessary to begin that career. I applied to the LL.M. because of the strength of its teaching faculty, the opportunity to learn from leading international lawyers, and the excellent reputation of the Graduate Institute.

The LL.M. equips its students to excel in any field of international law through a strong generalist education and concentration streams taught by leading professionals. The faculty in the 2019-2020 Protection of the Individual concentration stream included a member of the Human Rights Committee and an advisor to several international organisations. In the core courses, lecturers ranged from notable academics to judges, law firm partners, legal advisors to international organisations, and barristers specialised in international litigation. The diversity of the faculty and courses provided both a breadth of knowledge and thought and excellent opportunities to learn about career paths in international law. I was fortunate to complete a UN internship and a challenging law clinic during my LL.M., which provided important professional experience.

After graduating with the LL.M., I began working as an associate at the ICRC. "

LL.M. 10-year anniversary

Giuseppe Poderati

Giuseppe Poderati '13

Doctoral researcher in International Environmental Law at Wuhan University, China

Giuseppe Poderati was one of the first students to complete the LL.M. in 2013 and thinks back:

"At the Geneva Graduate Institute, I gained in-depth theoretical knowledge about Advocacy in International Affairs and Public International Law with a focus on environmental-related issues. Professors and instructors of some of the highest calibre gave noteworthy lectures during my attendance at the executive education programmes. Also, I had the opportunity to sharpen and develop my technical skills with very talented colleagues worldwide. From this perspective, the Institute offers an academic environment conducive to learning and improving oneself."

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Applications for LL.M. 2024-2025 are now closed.


Dates 16 Sep. 2024 - Sep. 2025


Fees CHF 28'000


Discounts Fee waiver ( application form ), Alumni

Chèque de formation Ref. number: 2211 Contact us


Maison de la Paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A 1202 Geneva


Language English

Tanya Norton Programme Manager [email protected]

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