
50+ BEST ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter That Stand Out!

Sick of slaving over cover letters that go ignored?

Struggling to make each one unique?

Leverage AI to effortlessly generate tailored, compelling cover letters in seconds.

ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letters

This guide provides the ideal ChatGPT prompts for crafting cover letters that get noticed and land interviews.

Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Cover Letters

Using ChatGPT to generate cover letters offers several advantages:

  • Saves time – ChatGPT can produce a draft cover letter in seconds, compared to the hours it may take to write one manually. This allows you to spend time refining and customizing the content.
  • Provides inspiration – Struggling for what to say or how to structure your cover letter? ChatGPT can offer new ideas and angles you may not have considered.
  • Generates customized content – By carefully crafting your prompts, ChatGPT can produce cover letters tailored specifically to each job and company.
  • Mimics human writing – With the right prompts, ChatGPT can generate cover letters that sound natural, conversational, and human-written.
  • Allows quick revisions – Don’t like part of the cover letter? Simply tweak your prompt and regenerate that section. It’s faster than rewriting from scratch.

Benefits of using ChatGPT

Key Elements to Include in ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letters

Here are some key elements to include in your ChatGPT prompts to produce effective cover letters:

  • Job title and company information – Provide the exact job title and company name in your prompt.
  • Your relevant background – Summarize your work experience, education, skills, and qualifications that apply to the role.
  • Customization for the position – Explain how you want the cover letter customized specifically for this job posting.
  • Alignment with company values – Include details on the company and how you align with its mission, values, and culture.
  • Closing and call to action – Specify how you want to close the letter and prompt the reader to contact you.

50 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter

Now let’s look at 50 sample prompts for various sections of your cover letter:

ChatGPT Prompts for Introduction

ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter Introduction

  • I am applying for the [job title] role at [company name]. Please write an introductory paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention and introduces my background. Emphasize my [x years] of experience in [relevant field].
  • Please write an introductory paragraph for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] that highlights my passion for [relevant skill/field] and desire to bring [x attribute] to this role based on my background in [field].
  • I’m seeking the [job title] position with [company name]. Please write an engaging introductory paragraph that quickly establishes my [x years] of [relevant experience] and strong interest in this opportunity. Focus on my proven [relevant skillset].
  • Please write an introduction for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name]. In 1-2 sentences, highlight my [x] years of experience in [field] and how that has enabled me to develop [relevant soft and hard skills] that make me an ideal candidate for this position.
  • For the introduction of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please briefly summarize my background in [x] which has allowed me to gain expertise in [relevant skills]. Conclude by stating my excitement for this opportunity.
  • I am excited to apply for the [job title] role at [company name] which strongly aligns with my [x years] of experience in [relevant field]. Please write an engaging introductory paragraph that makes this connection clear and highlights my [relevant achievements/skills].
  • As an introduction to my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please summarize my strongest qualifications in 2-3 sentences. These include my [x] years working in [relevant industry], expertise in [key skills], and track record of [impressive achievement].
  • For the opening paragraph of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please briefly state my relevant background in [field], my [x years] of applicable work experience, and one sentence on why I am an ideal candidate for this opportunity.
  • Please write a strong introductory paragraph for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] summarizing my related degree in [field], [x years] of professional experience in [relevant positions], and my enthusiasm to utilize my [key skills] in this role.
  • I’m excited to apply for the [job title] role at [company name]. Please write an intro that immediately establishes my passion for [aspect of role] based on my [x years] of experience [achievement in field] and my ability to deliver [relevant skillset/results] in this position.

ChatGPT Prompts for Highlighting Qualifications

ChatGPT Prompts for Highlighting Qualifications In Cover Letter

  • After the introduction, please provide 2-3 sentences highlighting my strongest qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name]. These include my [x years] of [relevant experience], expertise in [key skills], and success [achievement].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences describing my most relevant qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name]. Focus on my [x years] of [related experience], background in [field/degree] and proven ability to [achieve relevant results].
  • Please highlight my strongest qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. Summarize my [x years] of experience [relevant positions], [notable skills], and successes [achievements or metrics].
  • After the introduction, please write 2-3 sentences summarizing why I am a strong match for the [job title] position at [company name] based on my [x years] of [related experience], [relevant degree], and track record of [achievement relevant to the role].
  • Please provide 3 concise sentences highlighting my qualifications that make me uniquely suited for the [job title] role at [company name]. These include [x years] of [relevant hard skills] and [soft skills] as well as my [degree, certifications, or achievements].
  • Please concisely summarize my strongest qualifications for the [job title] role at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. Highlight my [x] years of experience in [field/positions], [relevant degree], and proven [hard skills] and [soft skills] that make me ideal for this opportunity.
  • After the introduction, please write 2-3 sentences highlighting my most relevant qualifications for the [job title] position at [company name]. Focus on my background in [field], [x years] of experience [job role], and [relevant achievements or metrics].
  • Please concisely summarize my qualifications for [job title] at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. Highlight my [x years] experience in [relevant positions], background in [field/degree], and list 2-3 [hard/soft] skills that make me a strong candidate.
  • Please provide 2-3 concise sentences highlighting why I am qualified for the [job title] role at [company name]. Focus on my [x years] of relevant work in [positions], [field/degree], and proven [hard skill] abilities that enable me to excel in this position.
  • After the introduction, please highlight my relevant qualifications for [job title] at [company name] in 2-3 sentences. List my [x] years of experience in [field/positions], [relevant degree/certifications], and [1-2 key achievements or skills].

ChatGPT Prompts for Customizing for the Role

ChatGPT Prompt for Customizing for the Role in Cover Letter

  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my background and skills directly align with the key requirements of the [job title] role at [company name] as listed in the job description. Refer to my [x years] of [relevant experience].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my qualifications and experience make me a strong match for the responsibilities and requirements of the [job title] role at [company name] outlined in the job description.
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my [x years] of experience in [field], expertise in [relevant skills], and knowledge of [related concepts] enable me to fulfill the key duties of the [job title] role at [company name] as listed in the job posting.
  • Please write 2-3 sentences summarizing how my background and qualifications are an excellent fit with the [job title] role at [company name] based on the requirements listed in the job description, including [key responsibility, skillset, or other requirement from JD].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my [x years] of [relevant work experience], [degree] in [field], and proven [key achievements or skills] directly align with the responsibilities and qualifications required for the [job title] role at [company name].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my skills and experience make me highly qualified for the [job title] opportunity at [company name]. Refer to the key requirements in the job description including [requirement 1], [requirement 2], and [requirement 3].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my background as [summary of experience] has prepared me to take on the responsibilities of [job title] at [company name] as detailed in the job description, including [key responsibility 1] and [key responsibility 2].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences summarizing how my qualifications and [x years] of experience in [relevant positions] align with the primary responsibilities listed for the [job title] role at [company name] based on the job description.
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my skills in [key skills], experience [summary of experience], and expertise in [relevant knowledge areas] make me a competitive applicant for the [job title] role at [company name] based on the qualifications in the job posting.
  • Please write 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my background and capabilities directly match the requirements and responsibilities of the [job title] position at [company name] as outlined in the job description, including [requirement 1] and [requirement 2].


ChatGPT Prompts for Aligning With Company Values

ChatGPT Prompt for Aligning With Company Values in Cover Letter

  • Please provide 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my background and values align with the mission and culture of [company name] as described on their website, such as their commitment to [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my professional approach and strengths in [relevant skills and experience] make me a great cultural fit for [company name] and their emphasis on [core company values or characteristics].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences highlighting how my personal values and work ethic align with [company name]’s key principles of [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3] that are central to their organizational culture and mission.
  • Please provide 2-3 sentences illustrating how my qualifications and passion for [relevant field/skills] align with and will contribute to [company name]’s mission to [summary of mission] and their organizational values of [core values].
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my background and approach to work reflect a strong cultural match with [company name] and their commitment to innovation, [value 1] and [value 2] as described on their website.
  • Please write 2-3 sentences highlighting how my professional principles and strengths in [key skills/experiences] closely align with [company name]’s organizational values of [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3] that make them an employer of choice.
  • Please provide 2-3 sentences demonstrating how my work ethic, achievements, and personal values directly align with [company name]’s culture of [cultural keyword 1], [cultural keyword 2], and their emphasis on [cultural keyword 3] in their workforce.
  • Please explain in 2-3 sentences how my qualifications and passion for [aspect of role] make me a strong cultural and values-based match with [company name] and their dedication to [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].
  • Please write 2-3 sentences highlighting how my approach to work and strengths in [relevant experience] will allow me to contribute to [company name]’s culture and their core values of [value 1], [value 2], and [value 3].
  • Please provide 2-3 sentences illustrating how my work ethic and personal strengths fit well with [company name]’s corporate culture and commitment to [cultural keyword 1], [cultural keyword 2], and [cultural keyword 3] as featured on their website.

ChatGPT Prompts for Closing and Call to Action

ChatGPT Prompt for Closing and Call to Action in Cover Letter

  • Please write a closing paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] for [job title] at [company name] expressing my strong interest in this role along with a call to action to schedule an interview.
  • Please compose a closing paragraph for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] reiterating my enthusiasm and qualifications for this opportunity. End with an invitation to contact me to discuss the next steps.
  • Please write a closing statement for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] at [company name] summing up why I am an ideal candidate for the [job title] position. End by urging them to set up a phone call or in-person interview.
  • Please provide a closing paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] at [company name] expressing once more my passion for the [job title] role and interest in bringing my skills to this team. End with a call to action.
  • Please compose a concluding statement for my cover letter for [job title] at [company name] restating my strong qualifications and inviting [hiring manager] to reach out to schedule an interview.
  • Please write a closing paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] expressing gratitude for their consideration and highlighting my fit for the [job title] role at [company name]. End by encouraging further dialogue.
  • For the final paragraph of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], reiterate my strongest qualifications and enthusiasm for this opportunity. Close by prompting [hiring manager] to contact me to move forward in the process.
  • Please compose a closing statement for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] at [company name] that conveys my interest and qualifications for the [job title] position. Conclude with an invitation to continue the conversation.
  • Please provide a final paragraph for my cover letter to [hiring manager’s name] expressing appreciation for their time and consideration. Reiterate my fit for the [job title] role at [company name] and suggest the next steps to connect further.
  • For the conclusion of my cover letter for [job title] at [company name], please restate my passion for the position, top qualifications, and interest in contributing my skills. End by inviting [hiring manager] to contact me about the next steps.

Final Thoughts

Crafting the right ChatGPT prompts is key to producing customized and engaging cover letters.

With the examples and formulas provided above, you should feel equipped to leverage AI to generate compelling cover letters tailored to each application.

Remember to include key details on the role, company, your background, and how you’ll specifically address their needs.

FAQs: ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter

Can i use chatgpt for the cover letter.

Yes, ChatGPT’s advanced AI can generate customized, engaging cover letters that showcase your qualifications when provided with the right prompts.

What Is the Best Prompt for a Cover Letter in ChatGPT?

The best ChatGPT prompt includes your background, role details, qualification highlights, company values alignment, and a strong call to action.

How Do I Improve My Cover Letter on ChatGPT?

Improve your ChatGPT cover letter by providing more specific details on your experience, skills, achievements, and how they align with the role.

How to Get ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter Based on Your Resume and Job Description?

To get ChatGPT to write a cover letter based on your resume, provide the job description, your resume summary, relevant skills and achievements, and desired company values.

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I have been working with AI prompts for over 5 years, and I have published several articles and books on the topic. I am passionate about the potential of AI prompts to help people create better content. I am also a frequent speaker at AI conferences, where I share my knowledge and expertise with others.

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Best AI Prompts for Cover Letter

Supercharge your job application with these AI prompts for crafting a standout cover letter. Impress employers and increase your chances of landing your dream job with ClickUp AI.

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Benefits of AI for Cover Letter

Unlock the power of AI to create captivating cover letters that stand out from the competition and land you that dream job:

  • Enhance your writing skills with AI-powered grammar and spelling suggestions, ensuring your cover letter is flawless and professional.
  • Craft personalized cover letters tailored to each job application with AI-generated templates, saving you time and effort.
  • Receive real-time feedback on the tone and content of your cover letter, helping you strike the perfect balance between professionalism and personality.
  • Leverage AI's keyword optimization capabilities to ensure your cover letter aligns with job requirements and gets noticed by applicant tracking systems.
  • Boost your confidence with AI's confidence scoring feature, giving you insights into the effectiveness of your cover letter and areas for improvement.
  • Stay organized with AI's document management capabilities, allowing you to easily store and retrieve your cover letters for future reference.

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ClickUp Brain is the world's first neural network connecting tasks, docs, people, and all of your company’s knowledge with AI. It’s a knowledge manager, project manager, and writer tailored for the way you work. Use it to Generate diagrams

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Best Prompts To Try for Cover Letter

Prompt 1: write a compelling opening paragraph for a cover letter that grabs the attention of the hiring manager and highlights the applicant's relevant skills and experience: [insert job title and industry].

Make a memorable first impression with a cover letter that stands out from the crowd. Our AI-powered writing assistant can help you craft an attention-grabbing opening paragraph that showcases your qualifications and sets the tone for the rest of your application.

Prompt 2: Develop a persuasive body paragraph for a cover letter that demonstrates the applicant's passion for the company and aligns their skills with the job requirements: [Insert company name and job requirements]

Showcase your enthusiasm and make a strong case for why you're the perfect fit for the job. Our language model can help you create a compelling body paragraph that highlights your knowledge of the company, aligns your skills with the job requirements, and leaves a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Prompt 3: Write a closing paragraph for a cover letter that expresses gratitude, reiterates interest in the position, and includes a call to action: [Insert desired action, such as requesting an interview or expressing availability for further discussion]

Finish your cover letter on a high note with a closing paragraph that leaves a positive and lasting impression. Our AI-powered writing assistant can help you craft a compelling conclusion that expresses gratitude, reiterates your interest in the position, and includes a strong call to action that encourages the hiring manager to take the next step.

Prompt 4: Create a cover letter for a career transition that effectively communicates transferable skills and addresses any potential concerns about the change: [Insert current and desired industries, along with relevant skills]

Transitioning to a new career can be challenging, but our AI-powered writing assistant is here to help. Provide us with details about your current and desired industries, as well as your transferable skills, and we'll generate a cover letter that effectively communicates your abilities and addresses any potential concerns the hiring manager may have about the change.

Prompt 5: Customize a cover letter template to fit a specific job application, incorporating relevant keywords and tailoring the content to the company's values and culture: [Insert job description, company values, and culture]

Stand out from the competition by customizing your cover letter to fit the specific job application. Our language model can help you tailor a cover letter template to incorporate relevant keywords from the job description and align the content with the company's values and culture, increasing your chances of landing an interview.

AI Prompt FAQs for Cover Letter

How can an ai tool help me create a compelling cover letter.

An AI tool can help you create a compelling cover letter by providing personalized suggestions and templates based on your industry, job title, and experience. It can analyze keywords and phrases used in successful cover letters and offer recommendations to make your letter more engaging and impactful. Additionally, an AI tool can assist with grammar and spelling checks, ensuring that your cover letter is polished and professional.

Is there an AI tool that can provide personalized suggestions for my cover letter based on the job description?

Yes, there are AI tools available that can provide personalized suggestions for your cover letter based on the job description. These tools use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze the job description and your existing cover letter, and then provide suggestions to tailor your content to match the requirements and keywords of the specific job. This can help you highlight relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications, increasing your chances of creating a compelling cover letter that stands out to potential employers.

Can an AI tool improve the overall tone and language of my cover letter to make it more professional and engaging?

Yes, an AI tool can improve the overall tone and language of your cover letter, making it more professional and engaging. AI can analyze the content and structure of your cover letter, suggest improvements in grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary, and provide guidance on how to convey your message effectively. It can also offer personalized suggestions to make your cover letter more engaging and tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Using an AI tool can help you present yourself in the best possible light and increase your chances of grabbing the attention of potential employers.

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How to Write a Cover Letter Using ChatGPT in 7 Steps (+Prompt Template)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated July 16, 2024 11 min read

Thanks to tools like ChatGPT, the once-dreaded task of writing cover letters is becoming more manageable. But do you actually know how to write a cover letter using ChatGPT?

If you're not familiar with this tool and how to use it, your cover letter might become an even bigger mess than it was before.

Furthermore, using a generic prompt, such as "Write a cover letter for a junior accountant," will result in a generic cover letter.

To avoid that, we'll guide you through the essential steps to operate this AI language model effectively and explore the right prompts for writing a cover letter — ensuring your cover letter is personalized, tailored for the job, and professional.

Lastly, we'll also show you an alternative to using ChatGPT for crafting your cover letter.

But first...

Table of Contents

Click on a section to skip

What is ChatGPT?

How to write a cover letter using chatgpt in 7 steps, prompt template for chatgpt to write a personalized cover letter, the drawbacks and limitations of chatgpt.

  • If you don't want to use ChatGPT...

Key takeaways: How to write a cover letter using ChatGPT?

Due to the current hype, you probably already heard about it.

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art AI language model developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on user input.

This tool is useful for a variety of tasks, such as drafting emails, writing articles, providing customer support, or debugging code.

To better understand how ChatGPT can help you with your cover letter writing process, let's explore its key capabilities.

  • understands context and generates relevant content
  • adapts to different writing styles and tones
  • responds effectively to user prompts for customized output
  • is capable of generating creative and engaging text

Hence, in the context of crafting cover letters, this AI tool can be a game changer for job seekers and provide a high-quality draft and/or improve the overall quality of your writing.

Want to try an easier option?

Discover Kickresume's AI Writer. Instantly generate eye-catching, ready-to-use cover letters in stunning templates.

Now that you know the key capabilities of ChatGPT, let's explore step-by-step how to use this powerful AI tool to write a cover letter.

By following these 7 steps, you'll be able to produce an impressive cover letter in minutes.

1. Sign up and create a free account on OpenAI

Head over to and sign up for a free account. It's pretty straightforward — all you need is an email address, Google account, or Microsoft account.

Both the website and app are completely free to use.

Since ChatGPT is extremely popular, you might encounter some delays while signing up. If that happens, just wait a few minutes and try again.

Just FYI, there's also a paid version called ChatGPT Plus, which has a number of advantages, including faster response times. Currently, it's available for $20/month.

2. Ask ChatGPT what information it needs from you to write a cover letter

This tool is, first and foremost, a chatbot . Hence, you can actually ask ChatGPT what information it needs from you in order to create a well-written and personalized cover letter.

So, instead of guessing what information about yourself to include in the prompt, the AI tells you directly.

Use one of the following prompts to inquire about ChatGPT's requirements:

  • I'm in the process of applying for a job and need your assistance in writing a persuasive and effective cover letter. Could you instruct me on the necessary details I should provide you with to compose such cover letter?
  • I'm currently in the process of applying for a job and need your help in crafting a cover letter for me. Can you explain what information and details you would need from my end to create the most effective and compelling cover letter for me?

The chatbot will then give a list of information it needs, why it needs them, and some concrete examples.

For instance, here's what ChatGPT churned out after using the second prompt:

3. Ask ChatGPT to create an example prompt containing the required information

Now that you know what the AI needs from you to create a cover letter, you may need a little help with phrasing the full prompt.

After all, it requires a lot of information and details from you, including a job description. Hence, it may be a little complicated to formulate an effective prompt.

So, here's what to say next to make the chatbot create the full prompt for you:

  • Can you create an example prompt I should give you that entails all of the information you require?
  • That's good. Can you give me an example of a prompt that includes all of the information and details you said you need?

Then, GPT does the work for you and creates an example of the final prompt.

Have a look:

It might also be helpful to utilize some additional resources like  AI prompts by PromptVibes   to get some inspiration or guidance in crafting your prompts.

4. Copy the example prompt and fill in with your own information

Now that ChatGPT created an example of the whole prompt for you, copy it.

Paste the example prompt as a prompt. You'll use this as a template/inspiration.

And now comes the harder part. You need to replace all of the squared brackets or "sample details" with your own details and relevant information.

It shouldn't be too complicated since you already have inspiration for what to include and how to write it from GPT.

Rather than attaching the job description, copy it from the job ad and paste it into the prompt where required.

Plus, consider adding any extra specifications in the prompt...

5. Add any additional details to finalize the prompt

Now that you provided ChatGPT with the essential information for your cover letter, you can now specify any extra details.

These can include your desired tone, style, or word count.

Have a look at an example of how to specify any extra details for the prompt:

Additional instructions for ChatGPT

  • Word count: The cover letter should be between 200 and 300 words long.
  • Tone: The tone should be professional and persuasive but still natural.
  • Style: The text should be well-structured with clearly defined paragraphs.

Now your prompt should contain everything to ensure the AI generates a personalized and relevant cover letter.

Here's what the final prompt looks like:

Dear ChatGPT,

I am currently applying for the [position title] position at [company name] and I am seeking your assistance in crafting a compelling cover letter.

Could you please help me by using the following information to create an effective cover letter?

  • Job Description: [Insert a copy of the job description here]
  • Company Information: [Provide some background information about the company’s mission, values, and culture]
  • My Goals: [Tell me about your professional goals and how this job fits into your career aspirations]
  • My Achievements: [Provide some examples of your previous accomplishments that are relevant to the position you are applying for]
  • My Motivation: [Tell me why you are interested in this particular job and what excites you about the opportunity]
  • Additional instructions: The cover letter should be between [word count] words long. The tone should be [you can include multiple adjectives] . The text should be well-structured with clearly defined paragraphs.

Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to seeing what you create.

6. Run the prompt and review the output

Finally, run the prompt. It'll take a few minutes at most.

Here's the final cover letter written by ChatGPT:

When your cover letter is generated, ask yourself:

  • Do I like the output?
  • Does it include everything you wanted?
  • Is there something specific I don't like?
  • Is it long enough? Or is it too long?

You want to examine the cover letter to make sure everything is to your liking.

If you find a specific thing you'd like to adjust, feel free to specify this as your next prompt.

For instance:

  • That's good, but I think it's too long. Can you make it a little shorter?
  • That's good, but I don't like that every paragraph starts with "I". Can you re-phrase the first sentence of each paragraph?
  • That's good, but you used too many keywords from the job description. Can you re-phrase it and use the keywords from the job description less?

And, if you like the cover letter but you're not 100% convinced and can't pinpoint why — hit the Regenerate response button. Just make sure to save each output so that you have some options to choose from.

7. Proofread and edit the final cover letter

After the AI generates your cover letters, it's crucial to review them for any misrepresentations, mistakes, or grammar errors.

So, make sure to proofread and carefully edit the content before sending it.

Here are a couple of things that you might need to edit:

  • Grammar & punctuation. ChatGPT often struggles with commas and inconsistencies in the verb tense in particular.
  • Repetitive vocabulary. Replace repetitive or vague words with more precise and varied vocabulary to provide clarity and avoid redundancy.
  • Sentence structure & flow. Rearrange sentences or rephrase them to improve the overall flow of the text. Also, break up long sentences into shorter ones and combine short, choppy sentences.
  • Fact-checking. Verify any facts, statistics, or claims made within the text to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Consistency in formatting. This mostly includes consistency in abbreviations or capitalization.

Additionally, keep in mind that ChatGPT's homepage warns about the possibility of generating incorrect or biased content — so always fact-check! More on ChatGPT's drawbacks later.

Ideally, you should use the AI-generated cover letters as a starting point for the final version you'll send. Or an inspiration, if you will.

As mentioned before, ChatGPT isn't perfect.

While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in generating content, you have to be aware of its shortcomings when using this tool to create your cover letter.

Here are some of the potential challenges you may encounter when using ChatGPT to write a cover letter:

  • Limited understanding of context. ChatGPT might not fully comprehend the complexities of a specific job or industry, and may struggle to understand complex queries. This could lead to generic or less-targeted content in a cover letter.
  • Inaccurate or nonsensical responses. Since the chatbot doesn't possess human-level understanding, it might generate irrelevant, incorrect, or illogical information — which can decrease the quality of a cover letter.
  • Sensitivity to input phrasing . The way a prompt is phrased may affect the response generated by ChatGPT. Slight changes in phrasing can lead to different or inconsistent content in the cover letter.
  • Wordiness. ChatGPT may produce wordy or repetitive responses, which could result in a cover letter that's perceived as unprofessional or difficult to read.
  • Over-optimization for engagement. This can lead to a cover letter that contains catchy or captivating phrases but lacks the necessary information or professional tone expected in a job application.

If you don't want to use ChatGPT...

As you can probably tell, writing a cover letter with ChatGPT isn't so straightforward. It takes a lot of effort to put together a suitable prompt, adjust all of the details and information to be more personal, and has a couple of limitations overall.

What's more, this chatbot only provides you with raw text, which you then need to design and format yourself. You may also need to add a signature in a different text editor.

So, if you're looking for an alternative AI-powered solution to help you write a cover letter, consider Kickresume — a platform that specializes in creating professional resumes and cover letters (with or without AI).

Their AI cover letter writer tool uses the GPT-4 language model (used by ChatGPT, too) to produce cover letters without the need to create a lengthy prompt. The generated cover letter is well-formatted and designed and ready-for-use immediately.

Here's why you might want to give Kickresume's AI Cover Letter Writer a try:

  • No complicated prompt is required. Kickresume specializes in resumes and cover letters. Which is why the AI cover letter writer only needs a few basic data from you, and there's no need to generate multiple prompts.
  • Easy-to-use interactive platform. A user-friendly interface that makes navigating and creating your cover letter a breeze. To create an AI cover letter, you simply fill in a 2-step questionnaire, where you provide your desired job title, the job description, your credentials, and your previous employment. You can then add any details and edit the cover letter.
  • Cover letter ready to use immediately. You don't need to worry about formatting or designing your cover letter. There's a variety of visually appealing templates available that follow industry-standard formatting. You can customize the design to match your preferred style. Once you pick a template, your letter is ready to be used.
  • Provides expert tips & guidance. Apart from templates and AI assistance, Kickresume also offers expert guidance on crafting the perfect cover letter. Its Help Center is constantly updated with advice articles to help you make the best impression on potential employers.
  • Integrated signature feature. You can digitally sign your documents , eliminating the need to add a signature in a separate text editor. This ensures that your cover letter looks polished and professional.
  • Pre-written content for various industries. If you’d like to add more role-specific content to your cover letter, you also have access to pre-written phrases specific for various industries and job roles.

Here's an example of an AI-generated cover letter created with Kickresume:

AI-generated cover letter created with Kickresume

This cover letter was generated using Kickresume’s AI writer for  “copywriter”  position.

Despite the limitations of this language model, ChatGPT can be a very valuable tool in generating content for a cover letter.

Here's a quick rundown of how to write a cover letter using ChatGPT in 7 steps:

  • Sign up and create a free account on OpenAI.
  • Ask ChatGPT what information it needs from you to write a cover letter.
  • Ask ChatGPT to create an example prompt that contains all the information it required from you in the previous step.
  • Copy the example prompt and replace all of the "sample" details with your own details.
  • Add any additional details to finalize the prompt, including the word count, tone, and style.
  • Run the prompt and review the output. If you want another option, click regenerate response .
  • Proofread and edit the final cover letter. Is it over-using certain keywords? Is the grammar correct?

Every cover letter needs a resume, too.

Let our AI resume writer write the first draft of your resume for you.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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21 ChatGPT Prompts to Get You to Start Writing Your Cover Letter

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In This Guide:

Is it ethical to use chatgpt to write your cover letter, six cover letter structures to experiment with, how to use chatgpt for cover letter writing, using chatgpt to write various sections of your cover letter, edit your cover letter writing style with this chatgpt prompt, three different cover letters based on seniority, key takeaways.

Sorting through hundreds of applications for that most coveted role of Senior Network Engineer, you've found three candidates that fit the bill.

All have the relevant experience, yet:

  • the first submitted just a resume;
  • the second - an impersonal cover letter, solely written by the likes of an AI (e.g. ChatGPT);
  • the third candidate has taken the time to study your organization and to align it with their unique skill set.

Highlighting that all three candidates have the same amount of experience...

...wouldn't a well-written cover letter sort of bias you to choose the one that shows the most care (and in some cases - enthusiasm) toward the job and company?

If you're applying for a job, hear us out!

The cover letter isn't just a professional narrative , but the greatest asset to demonstrate your:

  • unique value and how your skills match the job;
  • interest in the company and role;
  • confidence in your abilities.

Your cover letter allows you to shape how your potential employers see your experience. It further highlights what you want them to remember from your resume .

Checklist: Pros to including a cover letter

Checklist: downsides to cover letter writing.

The choice of writing a cover letter is entirely up to you.

But here's where an ethical question comes in.

What if you simply can't write your cover letter (and can't afford to hire an experienced cover letter writer to help you out)? And you don't have an AI resume builder tool to create it for you, based on your resume?

Would using ChatGPT to your advantage be counted as "cheating"?

You've probably been living under a rock for the past six months or so if you haven't heard of ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer).

The free language model can supposedly do anything: from debugging codes to pointing out interesting destinations around you.

ChatGPT works as so: you write a prompt (a well-formulated, clear, and concise question or instructions). Within a few seconds, the AI chatbot provides you with a response to your query.

What is more, candidates have been using ChatGPT to restructure their resumes, prepare for interviews, and even write cover letters.

This guide will precisely focus on giving you the know-how of using ChatGPT for your cover letter with:

  • Beginners luck: six structures to get to know the writing process;
  • The most concise cover letter writing prompt;
  • How to align your cover letter to the job;
  • More advanced ChatGPT writing prompts for separate cover letter sections;
  • Matching the style of the job advert to your cover letter…

… and so much more!

To answer the ethics question of writing a cover letter with ChatGPT, we’ve found a viral story for you.

One that presents you with the biggest “don’t”. Ever.

How not to write a cover letter with ChatGPT

Mandy Tang, a career coach and business owner, was sorting through job applications when she stumbled across a cover letter that covered every single one of her requirements.

"The letter was really well-formed, incredibly well-written, and had literally everything I wanted. But then I looked closer and realized it was just a copy and paste of everything I had put in the job description.”

Mandy Tang, career coach, and business owner

Tang decided to check with ChatGPT what the case was. She pasted in her job advert and told the chatbot to write a cover letter for it.

ChatGPT then regurgitated her requirements: word for word.

So, here's the moral of the story.

If you want to use ChatGPT to help you write a cover letter, be prepared with as much relevant information (including your resume) to get writing. Either copy and paste your resume or use a dedicated AI resume builder to create your cover letters.

Don't just copy-paste the advert in and expect the chatbot to work its magic.

How do you differentiate a well-written cover letter from a generic one?

The truth is that excellent cover letters are like diamonds in the rough.

Candidates use them to tell quick stories without diving too much into the nitty-gritty details.

Checklist: Before you start writing your cover letter, prepare

Cover letters' main purpose is to catch recruiters' interests by finding the balance between:

  • dedicated cover letter space and filler words/ language;
  • key skills or achievements without repeating candidate resumes;
  • showing authentic interest in the role while highlighting job keywords;
  • being specific and personable, yet ticking all the requirement boxes by allowing recruiters to imagine what the candidates' potential would be if they joined the company.

Attaining that level of perfection in cover letter writing sometimes seems impossible.

Here's where the role of ChatGPT comes in.

To kick off this cover letter/ChatGPT writing exercise, we've prepared six structures for you to experiment with.

The end goal is evident: for you to find the one that matches both your experience and the organization you're applying for best.

Without further ado, discover the:

Standardized cover letter prompt

The structure outline commences with a paragraph, where you'd introduce yourself, mention the role you're applying for, and how you've learned about it.

In the next paragraphs, you’d highlight relevant skills , experience , or accomplishments . Ones that align with the job requirements .

The next paragraph would focus on how you can help the company grow.

Sign off with a paragraph about how excited you are for the role and/or company, and thank hiring managers for their time.

Here's the prompt to get you writing:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to help me write a cover letter that consists of three paragraphs and follows this standardized structure. In the first paragraph, mention the role I'm applying for [Senior Architect] and that I've learned about it [from a friend who works at the company]. Use the next paragraph to highlight any of my relevant skills, experiences, or accomplishments that align with the job. The third and final paragraph should sign off with my excitement for the role. I'd also like to thank the recruiters for their time in assessing my resume and how I look forward to the next stages of the process. Ensure that the cover letter uses professional language and tone and follows industry best practice examples. If you've understood the assessment, can I please paste in my resume?

ChatGPT would next provide you with a template cover letter that follows this structure, which you could edit.

Certainly, I'd be happy to help you write a cover letter for the Senior Architect position. Please feel free to paste in your resume so I can review it and tailor the cover letter accordingly.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the Senior Architect position that I learned about from a friend who works at your esteemed organization. With my extensive experience in the field of architecture, I am confident that I have the skills and expertise required to excel in this role.

As a seasoned architect with over 10 years of experience, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects, including commercial and residential buildings, public infrastructure, and urban planning. My experience has given me a deep understanding of the design process, from initial concept to final construction, as well as an ability to communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders at all levels. I am also well-versed in the latest architectural software and tools, including AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Revit, which have enabled me to produce high-quality designs and renderings.

I am excited about the opportunity to apply my skills and experience to the Senior Architect position at your organization. I believe that my expertise in architecture and design, as well as my ability to work collaboratively with colleagues and clients, make me an ideal candidate for this role.

Thank you for considering my application for the Senior Architect position. I appreciate the time you have taken to assess my resume, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further with you.

[Your Name]

But to go one step further, paste in your resume:

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

And, voilà:

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

Of course, this isn't the final version of your cover letter. You'll need to tweak the role you're applying for. But it's a pretty good starting point.

2. Best candidate structure

This cover letter structure is more focused on the specific job you’d be applying for and showcasing to recruiters why they should choose you.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to help me write a cover letter that consists of three paragraphs and follows this structure. In the first paragraph, highlight details about the company and give specific reasons as to why I'm interested in joining it. Use the next paragraph to highlight any of my relevant skills, experiences, or accomplishments that align with the job. The third and final paragraph should once again highlight why I'm a good fit for the company culture and role. Ensure that the cover letter uses professional language and tone and follows industry best practice examples. Make sure that it's not longer than three paragraphs. If you've understood the assessment, can I please paste in my resume?

Next, paste in your resume and the job advert itself to get a more personalized cover letter for the role.

Here’s my resume: [paste in your whole experience, strengths, achievements, etc.]

Here’s the job I’m applying for: [paste in everything in the job requirements]

The first cover letter ChatGPT produced was a bit too long.

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Senior Architect position within your Sports Team at AECOM. I was impressed by your firm's commitment to delivering sustainable and equitable solutions that improve communities, as well as your dedication to fostering a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion. As a Senior Architect with over 10 years of experience in designing commercial and residential buildings, I am excited to apply my skills and knowledge to help your team achieve its goals.

Throughout my career, I have developed expertise in CAD and 3D design, BIM software, and project management. I have designed the initial structures of 20+ commercial buildings valued between $15-50 million and managed the realization and construction of 15+ commercial buildings, coordinating a total of 150+ people. Additionally, I have developed building information models using Revit and mentored junior architects in designing major government buildings. My experience in negotiating alternative solutions with stakeholders, stepping in for the lead architect, and planning budgets up to $100M highlights my leadership, negotiation, and budget planning skills.

As a Senior Architect within your Sports Team, I am confident that I can contribute to the development of solutions to complex technical problems in sports-related projects and other public and private sector projects. I am adept at managing multiple projects at various stages of development, ensuring that project teams meet quality, schedule, contractual, and budget goals. My ability to maintain project records and files, review construction documents for compliance with client/project requirements, and lead in the management and preparation of proposals for architectural projects including the development of work effort estimates demonstrates my attention to detail, communication skills, and ability to provide leadership and mentorship of staff and internal project teams.

I am excited about the opportunity to grow my career with AECOM through your technical and professional development programs and diverse career opportunities. As an architect with a strong commitment to sustainability and a dedication to providing clients with personal spaces that meet their needs, I believe I would be an excellent fit for AECOM's mission and values. I am looking forward to the opportunity to contribute to your team and work with a global network of experts who are leading the change toward a more sustainable and equitable future.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at your convenience and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

That’s why we asked the chatbot to shorten the cover letter using this prompt:

Can you make this cover letter be a bit shorter?

What do you think of ChatGPT’s final writing:

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

3. Narrative

This is one of the most exciting cover letter outlines out there. Yet, the cover letter is an exercise of focusing more on skill alignment and the organization you’re applying for, than yourself.

We’d recommend you use the narrative structure for instances where the job advert is very much value focused on soft skills and character fit.

Now, it’s story time!

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to help me write a cover letter that consists of three paragraphs and follows this storytelling structure. In the first paragraph, introduce my professional background that is relevant to the job of [3D Artist]. Use the next paragraph to share a relevant story from my experience that demonstrates my skills, experience, or personal qualities. Explain how this story relates to the job requirements. Sum up the cover letter with a paragraph about why I'm a great fit for the role, in terms of skills and enthusiasm for the industry. Use professional language and tone, but at the same time keep this cover letter compact. Follow some best industry practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in my resume?

Architect   Commercial Buildings resume example

The prompt we’ve provided you with is a bit generic. If you want to go for the gold:

  • jot down a few details for ChatGPT about the storyline you want to tell with your experience;
  • focus on an industry-wide challenge that you’ve overcome via your experience;
  • think about the narrative which would impress recruiters the most and include it in the prompt.

Feel free to edit and add to this ChatGPT prompt, so that your cover letter turns into a real modern-day professional fairy tale.

3. Solution

This framework allows you to present to potential employers your problem-solving skills from the get-go.

It's a very good one for more technical roles.

Here's the prompt you could use:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to use the following problem-solving structure to write the cover letter. I'll provide you with both the job advert and my resume. In the first paragraph, mention one specific challenge that this company may face, which the role can solve. The next paragraph should focus on how up to three skills and one of my past professional roles make me the perfect candidate to resolve this problem. Finalize with more information about why I'm the perfect candidate for the role. Use professional language and tone, but at the same time keep this cover letter compact. Follow the best cover letter writing practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in my resume?

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

After a shortener prompt, here’s the final result that ChatGPT produced:

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

This structure is one of the most prominent and useful ones for you. It’d focus on a tailored sales pitch to the role you’re applying for.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to use the following skill-based structure to write the cover letter. List between 3–5 skills from my experience that are relevant to the job. Use my resume to provide brief examples of how I've used those particular skills in the past. Make sure to include both technical and soft skills. Keep this cover letter to be compact with a maximum of four paragraphs. Use professional language and tone. Follow the best cover letter writing practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in both my resume and the job advert?

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

3. T-Format

The T-format cover letter writing structure matches individual job requirements and keywords with resume experience items.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I'd like you to use the following T-format structure to write the cover letter. I'll provide you with both the job advert and my resume. Make this cover letter no more than five paragraphs long. List the job requirements or key skills mentioned in the job posting within the left column. In the right column, provide my provide corresponding experiences and qualifications. Use professional language and tone, while following the best cover letter writing practices. If you've understood the task, can I please paste in both my resume and the job advert?

It provides you with a very structured and easy-to-read end result:

Expert technology leader with 10+ years of experience in scaling successful startups resume example

These six structures are a good starting point for writing your cover letter. Of course, the more personalized prompts you provide to ChatGPT, the better the end results would be.

You’d ultimately need to tweak the text - here and there - but this chatbot provides you with excellent food for thought.

Moving on, within the next part of our guide, we’ll look at how the chatbot could help you write more specific cover letter sections.

The full prompt experience

Okay, so maybe you're struggling with the whole cover letter writing process and need help asap from ChatGPT.

Once again, this is your reminder not to solely rely on technology to write your cover letter. Instead, use it as a starting point to get writing.

Here's a very useful prompt for you.

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with the job advert and my resume. Use this information to create a professional and effective cover letter. Focus the cover letter to be written using the best practices and industry standards. Tailor the cover letter's content to the specific job and company that I am applying to, highlighting my relevant skills and experience. Also, make sure to explain why I am a strong candidate for the position. Please ensure that the cover letter is clear and concise. The cover letter should have appropriate formatting and layout to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Do make sure that it effectively communicates my qualifications and interest in the job. Finally, don't include any personal opinions or statements. I'll first provide you with my resume, then the job advert. Is that okay?

–  Read the full ChatGPT conversation here

When pasting in your resume, make sure to include all relevant sections, including

CCXP Certified UX/UI Designer resume example

Once again, make sure to include all the relevant items in the job advert.

Here's what ChatGPT came up with:

CCXP Certified UX/UI Designer resume example

It's a pretty good effort, but if you're writing a cover letter, you need to go above and beyond.

That means as a rule of thumb, you can surely take what ChatGPT has written for you. But you need to personalize it further to show your character and what makes you stand out.

Aligning resume and job advert

The cursor has been blinking like crazy for the past 20 minutes in your Word document. Looking down at the status bar, the word count is still zero.

You have so much you want to say about yourself, the job, and the company. Yet, your mind is like that blank page in front of you.

From where do you start writing your cover letter?

The first stage of the process is research.

The best candidates don't just go on and on about how skillful they are in Python and/or C++.

But rather - their cover letters show recruiters how their visions and the company's ones for the future align.

Remember: your cover letter is never solely about you, but what you'd bring to the company.

This is one of the most useful ChatGPT prompts to get you writing: discovering how your resume answers the company's pain points.

The experience-job advert alignment prompt

Here's the prompt we've used:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with information about the job I am applying for and my relevant skills and experience. You will help me discover two things. The first - which areas of my expertise align with the job I'm applying for? The second - what skills would I need to highlight in my cover letter to make a good first impression? Is that understood?

Once you get the good to go from ChatGPT, it's time to paste your resume.

 resume example

Checklist: In this case, Andrew Clark's resume:

ChatGPT has a bad tendency to fill in the gaps by fabricating any missing information. So, make sure you've pasted in all the information that's relevant to your application.

Next, you have to paste in the job advert. Once again, the more information you can provide to ChatGPT, the better the assessment will be.

We've provided the Senior Business Intelligence Analyst role in full by including:

  • Key responsibilities
  • Proven characteristics for success
  • Personal traits
  • Qualifications (both the must-have and the preferred ones)
  • Any additional information (about both the company and its offer to candidates)

Asking ChatGPT if the role suits your experience is always a good idea. Here’s what the chatbot told us about Andrew Clark’s resume:

Overall, your experience and skills position you well for the role of a Business Intelligence Analyst. Your cover letter should showcase your relevant experience and highlight your technical and interpersonal skills, as well as your passion for learning and personal attributes that make you a good fit for the company culture.

Find out more about the chatbot's assessment.

It started listing all the crucial requirements for the role that align with the candidate's experience. Those included:

  • data analysis
  • visualization skills
  • collecting requirements
  • defining reporting standards
  • creating dashboards.

Into the specifics, ChatGPT looked into technical skills that it recommends being integrated within the cover letter.

Technical skills that matched the Senior Business Intelligence Analyst role are:

  • dealing with large datasets;
  • building advanced dashboards with BI tools (e.g. Tableau Desktop);
  • data modeling experience;
  • SQL and/or Python;
  • experience with ETL (e.g. Alteryx).

ChatGPT didn't disappoint with key soft skills either.

The main ones it told us to focus on (based on priority):

  • working collaboratively to develop reliable, robust, and self-serve reporting;
  • curiosity and passion for learning;
  • ability to see the big picture;
  • operating with a bias toward action and ownership;
  • ability to build lasting and meaningful relationships;
  • commitment to quality;
  • cultural awareness.

BONUS alignment prompt

Next, we decided to dive deeper into the skills' alignment with this prompt:

Could you be more specific about the skills' alignment between my resume and the job advert? Which ones do you think would be a good idea to focus on, based on my current professional experience?

ChatGPT wanted us to focus on these four crucial areas to land the job:

  • Data analysis and modeling: preparing budgets, variance analysis, identifying collaboration opportunities, and data modeling (data and platform integrations).
  • Reporting and visualization: creating dashboards and reports; BI tools (e.g. Tableau Desktop).
  • Collaboration and communication: working across functions, leadership, and communication across the board.
  • Technical skills: SQL, Python, ETL tools.

One final tip from ChatGPT:

In your cover letter, it would be beneficial to focus on your experience with data analysis and modeling, as well as your technical skills, especially your proficiency with BI tools and your knowledge of SQL and/or Python. Additionally, you should highlight your collaboration and communication skills, especially your ability to work across functions and lead teams to achieve shared outcomes.

ChatGPT could help you start writing your cover letter with ideas of areas you can focus on.

What if you happen to have some experience in cover letter writing and just want to improve your cover letter?

ChatGPT is the perfect assistant that can do that for you.

This next section of our guide is specifically for those more advanced writers. It'll show you how to tailor individual cover letter sections.

Ultimately allowing you to have more control over what ChatGPT writes, while injecting more of your personal style.

Use these prompts to tweak individual sections of your cover letter.

Cover letter introduction and first paragraph

You could use ChatGPT to help you write about…

Something that impressed you about the company

Within the prompt, mention the role you're applying for and the company. You could also specify the tone of voice and your cover letter introduction length.

One of the most important and personalized elements you need to include is what you actually like about the company.

Be honest and as specific as you can possibly be when presenting ChatGPT with the instructions.

Here’s an effective prompt and cover letter introduction by ChatGPT:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a [lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson].

I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. I want to show that I am genuinely attracted to the company’s brand and have used or followed their products or services before.

A former colleague that referred you to this job

Referencing a colleague is a great starting point for building authentic trust between recruiters and yourself.

Apart from the generic details about the role you're applying for, you could also provide ChatGPT with instructions about

  • words it needs to avoid;
  • tone of voice;
  • introduction length;
  • projects you've collaborated on with your former colleague;
  • give recognition to the colleague that recommended you.

Check out this prompt:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm [a lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or fewer. I was referred to this job by [a former colleague, Kathryn Hydefield], so mention that connection in my cover letter.

Consider the following as well:

- Avoid using extreme words like “greatest” or “best”

- Show excitement and gratitude

- Keep it brief and let the recommendation speak for itself

- Mention a project you've worked on together previously

- Mention the good intentions of the person recommending you

This is a great starting point, but you'll need to fill in all relevant details.

Your motivations for applying to this job

Perhaps you'd like to start the cover letter with some information about your interest in the role.

ChatGPT can help you restructure your thoughts (and subsequently interest) with this prompt:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm [a lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Please do focus on the reason why I'm applying for the role: [that I'm interested in applying my experience in a more global company].

A great achievement

In some cases, you'll want to kick off your cover letter with one of your greatest achievements.

Style it up with ChatGPT:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a lawyer, applying for [a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that leads with an impressive achievement and features quantifiable results.

Want to make ChatGPT’s job an even easier one?

Prepare in advance your greatest/ most impressive achievement with details of what you’ve achieved.

If the end results are supported by data, you’ll turn into the ultimate cover letter rock star.

Something newsworthy

Maybe the most impressive item of your career is that national award you won last year, recognizing your contributions to string theory research. Or, perhaps, your client feedback remains at a steady AVG of 98%.

Kick off your cover letter with this "newsworthy" ChatGPT prompt:

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a lawyer, applying for [a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that mentions something newsworthy (e.g. an award or recognition) and what its implications are to the role or industry.

Your vision

Cover letters are usually about alignment between individuals and the company they’re applying for.

Stating how your ambitions and vision for the future correspond with the company’s ones can open many doors for you.

Let's build a cover letter introduction for me. I'm a [lawyer, applying for a litigator at Johnson, Johnson & Johnson]. I want to create a custom, authentic, and enthusiastic cover letter introduction of 50 words or less. Write a stand-out opening paragraph that mentions how my ambitions for the role align with the company's ones.

All of these six prompts can help you sort the information that you’d like to talk about.

But don’t solely rely on ChatGPT - you have all the talents and skills to present yourself.

Middle paragraphs of your cover letter

Now that you have the intro written, it's time to look at the body of your cover letter.

What these middle paragraphs aim to show is:

  • that you've done your homework about the company;
  • that you have the relevant skills and experience ;
  • how you'll help the company succeed, based on your past successes.

Here are three useful prompts you can tailor and experiment with.

1. The research prompt

You know the company; you love the company. What is more, the role you're applying for is precisely what you're looking for.

Want to formulate this more professionally in the body of your cover letter?

I want you to act as a cover letter copywriter. I'm a [junior .net developer], applying for a [.net developer at Tesla]. Help me write the middle paragraphs of the cover letter, which should be no more than 100 words long. Make sure the tone is professional and shows my enthusiasm for the opportunity. Please focus the body of the cover letter on information about the company and why this role would be perfect for me.

2. Highlighting relevant skills, qualifications, and experience

This is one of the biggest questions recruiters are looking to have answered while reading your cover letter:

Do you have the right skills for the job, right now?

ChatGPT can help you communicate this across:

I'm a [communication officer], applying for a [project manager role at Home Depot]. Key skills for the role include [communication and partnership management; meeting project deadlines; and applying the Agile framework to attain results]. I want you to act as a cover letter writer and help me write the middle paragraphs of the cover letter. They should be no more than 100 words long and should sound professional and enthusiastic. One of the most important things to achieve in this section is to highlight the alignment between my experience with those three crucial skills for the role.

When listing this prompt, be specific about the key skill requirements and your experience.

If you want to go above and beyond, you could paste in your resume and the job advert, as we did in the previous sections of this guide.

The new prompt would follow the style of that above and end with something along the lines of:

… I'll first paste in my resume and then the job advert for you. Is that okay?

Once you get the “good-to-go” from ChatGPT, paste in all relevant information and watch the magic happen right before your eyes.

3. Forward-facing

The future is the ultimate sales pitch of your experience.

Rather than focusing just on your strengths, you’d present recruiters with what they’d ultimately get if they hire you.

I'm [an Amazon PPC expert], looking to land a role as [an Amazon Account Manager]. I want you to help me write the body of my cover letter, which should be no more than 100 words long. Make it sound amicable, professional, and enthusiastic. Focus these paragraphs on how my ambitions align with those of [Amazon]. Also, how my unique skill set would bring in success to the company.

Ending of a cover letter and ChatGPT

One of the best ways to end your cover letter is with a promise.

Either of what you'd bring to the table or how this opportunity would help you grow.

Here are the best two prompts you can use to finish off your cover letter with a snap:

I want you to help me write the final sentence of my cover letter. It should be no more than 50 words long, and should sound professional and engaging. Let the sentence show how I'd help [Sears' sales department] grow.

I want you to help me write the final sentence of my cover letter. It should be no more than 50 words long, and should sound professional and engaging. Let the sentence show how the role of [data analyst at Google] would grow my professional skills and abilities.

This is one of the greatest prompts of all time - let’s say you’ve your cover letter is already complete, but you’re applying to a smaller company.

You’d need to fix the language to sound more easily accessible to the recruiters.

ChatGPT can do that for you:

Can you help me adjust the tone of my cover letter? I've currently written one that it's more professional. I want it to sound more friendly, as I'll be applying for a role within a [startup]. I'll first provide you with my initial cover letter. Is that alright?

You’d next provide your cover letter:

QA Engineer/Test Analyst resume example

And in just a few seconds, you’d receive:

QA Engineer/Test Analyst resume example

Checklist: This style prompt could come in handy for you if you’re tailoring your cover letter for a/ an:

Including as much as possible from the relevant information would really help ChatGPT tailor and re-write your cover letter.

Of course, we can’t end this guide without providing you with a few more concrete examples of using ChatGPT to write your cover letter.

So here’s what we were able to produce with the help of the chatbot for

Entry-Level Candidate Cover Letter Example

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with just my resume - I'm an entry-level professional, looking for experience in [Engineering]. Could you please help me write my cover letter?

Entry Level Engineer resume example

Mid-Career Level Cover Letter

I'm a [Cisco Certified System Administrator] in the middle of my career. I'm currently looking for a change of pace. I'll provide you with my resume, so you could help me write a cover letter for my mid-career move. The cover letter should be no more than four paragraphs long, sounding ambitious and professional. Use best cover letter writing practices to attain the wanted results. Is it okay if I share my resume with you?

Cisco Certified System Administrator resume example

C-Level Exectuve Cover Letter

I'm a CEO currently on the lookout for new opportunities. Once I provide you with my resume, please help me write a cover letter for more senior opportunities. The cover letter should be no more than four paragraphs long, sounding ambitious, professional, yet down to earth. Use best cover letter writing practices to attain the wanted results. Is it okay if I share my resume with you?

Expert leadership in customer driven technological platforms resume example

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How to Write a Cover Letter using ChatGPT - 20+ Prompt Examples Inside

How to Write a Cover Letter using ChatGPT - 20+ Prompt Examples Inside

Madison Norton

Writing a compelling cover letter can be challenging, but with ChatGPT, you can craft personalized and professional cover letters effortlessly. In this blog, we'll explore 20+ prompt examples to help you tailor your cover letter for any job application. From highlighting achievements to addressing potential concerns, we'll cover all aspects to ensure your cover letter stands out.

In addition to our cover letter prompts, our AI Resume Builder can streamline your job application process. It helps you create polished, impactful resumes that highlight your skills and experiences effectively, giving you an edge in the competitive job market.

Let’s get started. First, let us show you how you can use ChatGPT to write a Cover letter.

  • How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter with ChatGPT is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to ensure you get the best results.

1. Understand ChatGPT's Functionality

Familiarize yourself with how ChatGPT generates text based on prompts. ChatGPT predicts the next word based on the input it receives. It generates contextually appropriate and coherent text.

2. Gather Necessary Information

Collect all essential details before you begin.

  • Job title and description: Ensure you have a clear understanding of the role you're applying for.
  • Company name and mission: Know the company’s values and mission statement.
  • Your professional experience: List your previous job titles and responsibilities.
  • Key achievements and skills: Highlight your most relevant achievements and skills.

3. Set Up Prompts for ChatGPT

Create specific and clear prompts to guide ChatGPT in generating your cover letter.

  • Introduction: "Write an introductory paragraph for a cover letter. Mention that I'm applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]."
  • Experience: "Write a paragraph about my experience in [Relevant Field]. Include details about my previous role at [Previous Company] and what I accomplished."
  • Skills: "Describe my skills in [Key Skills]. Explain how these skills make me a good fit for the [Job Title] position."

4. Refine and Customize the Content

Edit the generated content to make it more specific and personal.

  • Replace generic phrases with specific details about your experiences.
  • Ensure the tone and style match your personal voice and the company's culture.
  • Example: If the prompt resulted in a vague description, make it more specific: "Expand on my experience managing a team of 10 people at [Previous Company], focusing on the successful project we completed ahead of schedule."

5. Polish the Final Draft

Finalize your cover letter by checking for errors and ensuring smooth flow.

  • Proofread: "Proofread the following cover letter and correct any grammatical errors."
  • Final review: Read through the cover letter yourself or have someone else review it.

By following these steps, you can effectively use ChatGPT to write a compelling and personalized cover letter that stands out to potential employers.

But, to effectively use ChatGPT for your cover letter, you need to set up ChatGPT. Let’s take a look at how you can achieve that.

  • Setting Up ChatGPT for Cover Letter Writing

Setting up ChatGPT for writing a cover letter involves preparing specific prompts and guiding the AI to generate relevant content. Follow these steps for optimal results.

  • Understand ChatGPT's Functionality - Familiarize yourself with how ChatGPT generates text based on prompts. ChatGPT predicts the next word based on the input it receives. It generates contextually appropriate and coherent text.
  • Create a Structure for Your Cover Letter - Define the structure of your cover letter to help ChatGPT generate content more effectively. Begin with an introduction stating the job you're applying for and where you found the listing. Next, highlight relevant professional experiences and achievements. Emphasize key skills that match the job requirements. Finally, express enthusiasm for the position and include a call to action in the closing.
  • Prepare Specific Prompts - Guide ChatGPT with clear and detailed prompts for each section of your cover letter. For the introduction, use: "Write an introductory paragraph for a cover letter. Mention that I'm applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] and where I found the job listing." For the experience section, prompt: "Write a paragraph about my experience in [Relevant Field]. Include details about my previous role at [Previous Company] and key accomplishments." When addressing skills, use: "Describe my skills in [Key Skills]. Explain how these skills make me a good fit for the [Job Title] position." Finally, for the closing, prompt: "Write a closing paragraph for a cover letter. Express enthusiasm for the role and include a call to action."
  • Customize and Refine the Generated Content - Edit the content to ensure it is specific and tailored to your application. Personalize details by replacing generic phrases with specific information about your experiences and the company. Adjust the tone and style to ensure the content matches your personal voice and the company’s culture.
  • Finalize and Proofread - Polish your cover letter to make it error-free and professional. Proofread the content by asking ChatGPT: "Proofread the following cover letter and correct any grammatical errors." Finally, perform a thorough review by reading through the cover letter yourself or having someone else review it.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up ChatGPT to write a well-structured and personalized cover letter that makes a strong impression on potential employers.

  • 20 Helpful ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompts

chatgpt cover letter prompt example

1. ChatGPT Prompt to Generate a Cover Letter Based on Your Job Title and Qualifications

ChatGPT Prompt

"Write a cover letter for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Below are the details you should include: Introduction: State the job title and where you found the job listing. Express enthusiasm for the position and the company. Professional Experience: Highlight your most relevant job experiences. Mention specific achievements and responsibilities from your previous roles that are pertinent to this job. Skills: Detail the skills that make you a strong candidate for this role. Provide examples of how you’ve applied these skills successfully in the past. Company Knowledge: Show that you’ve researched the company by mentioning their values, mission, or recent projects. Explain why you are particularly interested in working for this company. Closing: Summarize your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Include a call to action, such as your availability for an interview or a statement of gratitude for considering your application.

2. ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompt That Reads a Resume and Then Writes a Cover Letter

ChatGPT Prompt "Write a cover letter for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name] based on the following resume. The cover letter should include the following sections: Introduction: State the job title and where you found the job listing. Express enthusiasm for the position and the company. Professional Experience: Highlight the most relevant job experiences from the resume. Mention specific achievements and responsibilities from previous roles that are pertinent to this job. Skills: Detail the skills listed in the resume that make you a strong candidate for this role. Provide examples of how these skills have been successfully applied in past roles. Company Knowledge: Show that you’ve researched the company by mentioning their values, mission, or recent projects. Explain why you are particularly interested in working for this company. Closing: Summarize your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Include a call to action, such as your availability for an interview or a statement of gratitude for considering your application.

3. ChatGPT Prompt for a 3 Paragraph Cover Letter Based On Job Description and Your Resume

ChatGPT Prompt "Using the following resume and job description, write a cover letter that includes three paragraphs: Introductory paragraph of three lines, starting with who you are and highlighting your qualifications and achievements from the resume. Second paragraph of three lines explaining why you are a great fit for the job by matching the job description with your skills, past achievements, and experience. Closing paragraph of three lines prompting the recruiter or hiring manager to contact you. Please ensure each paragraph is a maximum of three lines. Here is the resume content: [Insert Resume Text Here] And here is the job description: [Insert Job Description Here]"

4. ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompt to Score a Cover Letter Based on Resume and Job Description

ChatGPT Prompt "Evaluate the following cover letter based on the provided job description and resume. Assign a score from 1 to 10 for each of the following criteria: alignment with job description, relevance of qualifications, demonstration of skills, clarity and conciseness, tone and professionalism, and overall effectiveness. Provide a brief explanation for each score. Here is the cover letter: [Insert Cover Letter Text Here] Here is the job description: [Insert Job Description Here] Here is the resume: [Insert Resume Text Here]"

5. ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompt To Improve Your Introduction Paragraph

ChatGPT Prompt "Evaluate and improve the following introduction paragraph of a cover letter based on the provided resume and job description. The improved introduction should be concise, highlighting the candidate’s name, key qualifications, and achievements from the resume that align with the job description. Ensure the introduction is engaging and tailored to the specific job. Here is the introduction paragraph: [Insert Introduction Paragraph Here] Here is the resume: [Insert Resume Text Here] Here is the job description: [Insert Job Description Here]"

6. ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompt to Customize the Second Paragraph of Your Cover Letter Based on Job Description and Your Resume

"Using the provided resume and job description, customize the second paragraph of this cover letter. The paragraph should explain why the candidate is a great fit for the job by matching the job description with their skills, past achievements, and experience. Ensure the paragraph is concise and impactful, containing no more than three lines. Here is the second paragraph to improve: [Insert Second Paragraph Here] Here is the resume: [Insert Resume Text Here] Here is the job description: [Insert Job Description Here]"

7. ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompt to Customize the Closing Paragraph of Your Cover Letter Based on Job Description and Your Resume

ChatGPT Prompt I want to customize the closing paragraph of my cover letter for a specific job application. Below are the details:

  • Job Description:
  • [Insert the full job description here]
  • [Insert key points from your resume relevant to the job, such as skills, experiences, and achievements]

Based on the job description and the relevant details from my resume, please craft a personalized closing paragraph for my cover letter. Ensure it highlights how my skills and experiences align with the job requirements, expresses my enthusiasm for the position, and leaves a strong impression on the hiring manager.

8. Professional Summary and Career Highlights ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letter Writing

Summarizing your career highlights.

Prompt: "I need help summarizing the highlights of my career for a cover letter. Here is my resume: [insert resume or upload]. Can you create a compelling summary that captures my professional journey and sets the stage for the rest of my cover letter?"

Highlighting Key Skills and Experiences

Prompt: "I want to emphasize my key skills and experiences in my cover letter. Here is my resume: [insert resume or upload]. Could you help me write a section that effectively highlights these key skills and experiences, and shows how they make me a strong candidate for the job?"

Describing Your Most Significant Achievements

Prompt: "I would like to include a description of my most significant achievements in my cover letter. Here is my resume: [insert resume or upload]. Can you help me write a powerful paragraph that highlights these achievements and demonstrates my value to potential employers?" Certainly! Here are specific ChatGPT prompts for category #3: Aligning with Job Requirements

9. Aligning with Job Requirements ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Cover Letters

Explaining how your experience fits the role.

Prompt: "I need to explain how my experience fits the role in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me write a paragraph that demonstrates how my past experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position?"

Demonstrating Understanding of the Company’s Needs

Prompt: "I want to show that I understand the company's needs in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a section that demonstrates my understanding of the company’s goals and how my background can contribute to achieving them?"

10. Achievements and Impact ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Cover Letter

Detailing specific accomplishments.

Prompt: "I want to detail specific accomplishments in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a section that highlights my key accomplishments and how they are relevant to the position I'm applying for?"

Quantifying Your Impact in Previous Roles

Prompt: "I need to quantify my impact in previous roles for my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me craft a paragraph that uses numbers and metrics to show the impact I've made in my past positions?"

Sharing Success Stories Relevant to the Job

Prompt: "I want to share success stories that are relevant to the job I'm applying for in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a section that narrates a couple of success stories that demonstrate my qualifications and achievements?"

11. Company and Industry Knowledge ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Cover Letters

Showing knowledge of the company and its mission.

Prompt: "I want to show my knowledge of the company and its mission in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description], my resume: [insert resume], and some information about the company: [insert company information]. Could you help me write a section that demonstrates my understanding of the company's mission and how my background aligns with their goals?"

Discussing Industry Trends and Your Contributions

Prompt: "I need to discuss industry trends and how I can contribute to them in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me write a paragraph that highlights my awareness of current industry trends and how my skills and experiences can contribute to the company's success?"

Demonstrating Passion for the Field and the Role

Prompt: "I want to demonstrate my passion for the field and the role in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a section that conveys my enthusiasm for the industry and my excitement about the opportunity to work with the company?"

12. Closing and Call to Action ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Cover Letters

Expressing enthusiasm for the position.

Prompt: "I want to express my enthusiasm for the position in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a closing paragraph that conveys my excitement about the role and my eagerness to contribute to the company?"

Reiterating Key Qualifications

Prompt: "I need to reiterate my key qualifications in the closing paragraph of my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me craft a closing section that reinforces my most relevant skills and experiences, ensuring they are fresh in the hiring manager’s mind?"

Providing Contact Information and Availability for an Interview

Prompt: "I want to provide my contact information and availability for an interview in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a professional closing paragraph that includes my contact details and suggests my availability for an interview?"

13. Customization for Specific Roles and Levels ChatGPT Prompts for Cover Letters

Tailoring cover letters for different industries.

Prompt: "I want to tailor my cover letter for a specific industry. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me write a section that highlights my relevant skills and experiences for this industry, making it clear why I am a great fit for this type of role?"

Adapting Cover Letters for Entry-Level Positions

Prompt: "I need to adapt my cover letter for an entry-level position. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me craft a cover letter that emphasizes my education, internships, and any relevant skills that make me a strong candidate for this entry-level role?"

Customizing for Mid-Career Roles

Prompt: "I want to customize my cover letter for a mid-career position. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me write a section that highlights my experience, key achievements, and how my background makes me well-suited for this mid-level role?"

Writing for Senior Positions and Executive Roles

Prompt: "I need to write a cover letter for a senior position or executive role. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me craft a section that emphasizes my leadership experience, strategic vision, and the significant impact I've had in previous roles, demonstrating my readiness for this high-level position?"

14. Addressing Potential Concerns ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Cover Letters

Explaining career gaps.

Prompt: "I need to explain a career gap in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me write a section that addresses this gap positively and reassures the employer about my readiness and enthusiasm for this role?"

Justifying Changes in Career Paths

Prompt: "I want to justify my change in career paths in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Can you help me write a paragraph that explains my reasons for this career change and how my skills and experiences make me a suitable candidate for this new direction?"

Addressing Potential Employer Concerns

Prompt: "I need to address potential concerns an employer might have about my application in my cover letter. Here is the job description: [insert job description] and my resume: [insert resume]. Could you help me craft a section that preempts and addresses these concerns, emphasizing my strengths and suitability for the role?"

  • Key Elements of an Effective Cover Letter

Crafting an effective cover letter involves including essential elements that showcase your qualifications and fit for the role. Here's what you need to include:

1. Contact Information

Begin with your contact details, followed by the employer’s contact information.

  • Your full name, address, phone number, and email.
  • Employer’s name, company, and address.

2. Salutation

Address the hiring manager directly. If you don’t know their name, use a generic greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager."

3. Introduction

Capture attention with a strong opening.

  • Mention the job title you're applying for.
  • Explain how you found the job listing.

4. Professional Experience

Highlight your relevant work experience.

  • Focus on key accomplishments and responsibilities.
  • Relate your experience to the job requirements.

Emphasize the skills that make you a suitable candidate.

  • Mention specific skills listed in the job description.
  • Provide examples of how you’ve applied these skills in past roles.

6. Company Knowledge

Show that you’ve researched the company.

  • Mention the company’s values, mission, or recent achievements.
  • Explain why you’re interested in working for this particular company.

End with a strong closing statement.

  • Express enthusiasm for the position.
  • Include a call to action, such as expressing your desire for an interview.

8. Signature

Finish with a professional closing and your signature.

  • Use "Sincerely" or "Best regards."
  • Include your typed name and, if sending a hard copy, your handwritten signature above it.

By incorporating these key elements, you can create a compelling and professional cover letter that stands out to potential employers.

  • Tailoring Your Cover Letter with ChatGPT

Customize your cover letter to fit the specific job and company with the help of ChatGPT by following these tips:

  • Personalize Details: Replace generic phrases with specific information about your experiences and the company. Mention the company's recent projects or achievements to show you’ve done your homework. Example prompt: "Mention my experience with [Specific Technology or Project] and how it aligns with [Company Name]'s recent project on [Company Project]."
  • Adjust Tone and Style: Ensure the content matches your personal voice and the company’s culture. If the company has a formal tone, keep your language professional. If they’re more casual, a friendly tone is appropriate. Example prompt: "Rewrite the following paragraph in a more formal tone suitable for [Company Name]'s corporate culture."
  • Highlight Relevant Experience: Focus on the experiences that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Describe how your past roles have prepared you for the responsibilities of the new position. Example prompt: "Detail my experience managing a team at [Previous Company] and how it prepares me for the team lead role at [Company Name]."
  • Emphasize Key Skills: Clearly outline the skills that make you a strong candidate. Provide examples of how you have successfully used these skills in your previous roles. Example prompt: "Describe my proficiency in [Skill], including specific instances where I used this skill to achieve significant results."
  • Reflect Company Values: Show that your values align with those of the company. Mention specific aspects of the company's mission or values that resonate with you and how you embody these in your work. Example prompt: "Highlight how my commitment to [Value] aligns with [Company Name]'s mission statement, particularly in their initiative on [Company Initiative]."

By using these detailed prompts with ChatGPT, you can ensure that your cover letter is both personalized and highly relevant to the job you are applying for.

  • Common Mistakes to Avoid in ChatGPT-Generated Cover Letters

When using ChatGPT to generate cover letters, it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls to ensure your letter stands out for the right reasons.

Overly Generic Content: ChatGPT may produce generic phrases that lack specificity. Always personalize these sections by adding unique details about your experiences and the company. For instance, instead of "I am excited to apply for this position," specify why you are excited and how your background makes you a good fit.

Lack of Customization: A one-size-fits-all cover letter won’t impress employers. Tailor each cover letter to the job and company. Use prompts like "Mention my experience with [Specific Technology] relevant to [Company Name]'s projects."

Repetitive Phrases: ChatGPT might repeat certain phrases or ideas. Carefully review the content to ensure variety and richness in language. Use prompts to generate varied content, such as "List different ways to describe my teamwork skills."

Incorrect Tone and Style: The tone may not always match the company's culture. Adjust the language to be either more formal or casual based on the company’s preference. Example prompt: "Rewrite this paragraph in a professional tone suitable for a corporate environment."

Ignoring Key Job Requirements: Ensure that the cover letter addresses all key requirements listed in the job description. Prompt ChatGPT with specifics, like "Explain how my experience with [Skill] meets the requirements for the [Job Title] position."

Grammatical Errors: While ChatGPT is proficient in grammar, it’s not infallible. Always proofread the final content or use an additional grammar-checking tool. Example prompt: "Proofread the following paragraph and correct any grammatical errors."

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can leverage ChatGPT to create a polished, personalized, and effective cover letter that captures the attention of potential employers.

  • Enhancing Your Cover Letter with ChatGPT

Improve the quality and effectiveness of your cover letter by leveraging ChatGPT's capabilities.

  • Use Specific Prompts: Guide ChatGPT with detailed and clear prompts to generate precise content. For example, prompt: "Describe my leadership experience managing a team of 10 people at [Previous Company] and highlight a successful project we completed ahead of schedule."
  • Incorporate Keywords: Ensure your cover letter includes keywords from the job description to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Example prompt: "Include keywords such as 'project management,' 'budget oversight,' and 'team leadership' in the context of my experience."
  • Show Enthusiasm: Express genuine interest in the role and company. Use prompts like: "Write a paragraph expressing my enthusiasm for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], mentioning specific aspects of their recent work that excite me."
  • Highlight Achievements: Focus on your most notable accomplishments that are relevant to the job. Example prompt: "Detail my achievement in increasing sales by 20% at [Previous Company] and explain how this experience will benefit [Company Name]."
  • Address Potential Concerns: Preemptively address any potential concerns an employer might have about your application. Example prompt: "Explain how my skills from a different industry are transferable and valuable for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]."
  • Ensure Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone and correct format. Use ChatGPT to polish your draft: "Format this cover letter to adhere to professional standards, ensuring a formal tone throughout."

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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How To Use AI To Write a Cover Letter

Are you contemplating a career transition into the tech sector or another dynamic industry? It’s an exciting thought, but the job hunt often feels overwhelming—and the competition is fierce.

But here’s the thing: a standout cover letter can elevate an inexperienced candidate or weak resume in the eyes of hiring managers. So, how can you ensure yours makes an impact?

This is where an AI tool like ChatGPT comes into play.

Acting as your virtual writing coach, ChatGPT can offer suggestions to enhance your language, structure, and tone. But it does one better: With the right instructions, ChatGPT will write the entire letter for you, saving you precious time in the job search.

Follow this guide to unlock the power of AI for your cover letter. You’ll gain actionable insights on prompt writing, effective outlining, and refining your final draft with AI assistance.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Why should I use AI to write a cover letter?

Step 1: Input information about the company, role, and yourself

Step 2: create a detailed outline of your cover letter, step 3: give chatgpt a tone of voice and language style to use, step 4: create a writing prompt with all the necessary info, step 5: review and finalize with chatgpt’s assistance.

  • Closing thoughts

1. Why should I use AI to write a cover letter?

If you’ve ever stared at a blank page, unsure how to begin, you’ll appreciate the AI’s capability to kickstart the creative process.

With its Natural Language Processing algorithms and vast knowledge base, ChatGPT can provide you with the inspiration and guidance you need to craft a unique AI cover letter that captures the attention of hiring managers.

This has multiple benefits:

  • Speed up the process: Generating AI-powered cover letters shortens the job application process, allowing you to concentrate on other steps in your career transition.
  • Customization: AI can craft personalized cover letters. You provide some basic details and get an entire draft suited to your needs.
  • Cost-Efficiency : No need to shell out big bucks for professional writing services. ChatGPT is free to use, making it a budget-friendly option for job seekers at all stages.
  • Quality improvement: Using AI, such as GrammarlyGo , ensures your writing is clear and mistake-free with the help of AI-powered suggestions.
  • Find the right tone: The AI enables you to achieve the right formality, tone, and length in your cover letter by adjusting your text in a few clicks.

Let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of how to actually use ChatGPT to craft your next game-changing AI cover letter.

2. How to use ChatGPT to write a cover letter in 5 simple steps

ChatGPT is not limited to just text generation; it offers a range of capabilities to enhance your cover letter.

By leveraging its core features, such as natural language understanding and context-aware responses, you can create a compelling letter reflecting your skills and personality.

But before diving in, you’ll need to conduct some employer research and collect relevant data, both to give ChatGPT the necessary information to work with and to ensure you are tailoring your cover letter for the specific job opportunity.

This preparatory step ensures that your letter is tailored to the company and role, maximizing its impact.

To start, collect the following data:

  • Identify the company: vision, mission statement, core values, and products and services.
  • Review the job description for qualifications and experience.
  • Create a list of key talking points for your cover letter.
  • Gather digital copies of your resume, professional references, and supporting documents to feed the AI.

Once you’ve done this, there are five main steps to writing your cover letter with ChatGPT:

Start by creating a cheat sheet with data points like the company’s mission, the role’s responsibilities, and your qualifications, structured in a machine-readable format such as bullet points or JSON-like text.

This ensures that ChatGPT can effectively parse and incorporate your details. A common obstacle is making your cover letter ATS-friendly yet appealing to human recruiters. Counter this by authentically integrating keywords from the job description into your input.

With this well-structured data, you’re ready to input it into ChatGPT, using either an interactive session or chained prompts to ensure the AI waits for all your details before generating the cover letter for you.

ChatGPT Prompts

  • “Let’s compile some information. The company’s mission is [mission statement], the role involves [responsibilities], and I have the following qualifications: [qualifications].”
  • “For ATS compatibility, let’s include the keywords [ATS keywords] from the job description.”

Pro Tip: Always tailor this information for each job application to produce a custom, professional cover letter.

So, what exactly should your cover letter include? Outline the structure you wish to follow, breaking it down into introductory remarks, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

You should also list the key points or qualities you’d like to highlight. Doing this not only helps you but also guides ChatGPT in generating content that fits your desired format and flow.

  • “Generate a skeleton outline for a cover letter with an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion using these talking points: [insert list].”
  • “Improve this outline by focusing on three role requirements I fulfill based on my skills and qualifications.”

Pro Tip : Make your outline as specific as possible. For instance, under “Body Paragraphs”, you could specify: “Discuss software development skills, teamwork, and quick learning abilities.”

Now that you’ve inputted all the vital information, it’s time to set the tone.

Are you going for professional, casual, or somewhere in between? Mention this explicitly when you’re setting up your prompt with ChatGPT. It will help the AI tailor its language and style to match your desired tone, enhancing the cohesiveness of your cover letter.

  • “The tone for this cover letter should be professional, with a light and friendly touch.”
  • “Rephrase the following sentence to make it more concise: [insert sentence].”

Pro Tip : Experiment with different tones for different companies based on their corporate culture, which you can often gauge from their official website or social media channels.

Crafting the perfect prompt is like giving ChatGPT a roadmap to follow when generating your cover letter. This crucial step enables you to convey your specific needs and tailor the output according to the job description and company culture.

Here are some examples of how to instruct ChatGPT to generate a cover letter that ticks all the boxes:

  • “Based on the following outline, write my cover letter for a Software Developer role at Company XYZ, incorporating a professional tone and discussing teamwork experience, Java and Python skills, and problem-solving abilities. [Attach outline.]”
  • “Include a closing statement that reinforces my enthusiasm for the role.”

Pro Tip : Be as precise as possible in your prompt to get a cover letter that’s closest to what you envision.

Upon receiving the first draft from ChatGPT, read it thoroughly. If you find areas that need improvement or emphasis, don’t hesitate to ask ChatGPT for revisions.

Remember, you’re not just editing for grammar or style but also for substance. Ensure the final draft accurately represents your skills and enthusiasm for the role.

  • “Review the draft and suggest areas for improvement based on the job description.”
  • “Replace any generic phrases with specific details related to the role.”

Pro Tip : Before finalizing, read the cover letter out loud. This helps catch any awkward phrasing or errors you may have missed during the initial reviews.

3. Closing thoughts

Writing your cover letter with AI can significantly ease the often stressful process of job applications.

Here’s the deal: ChatGPT isn’t only about streamlining the process; it’s also about enhancing the quality of your applications. Yet, keep in mind the true power of a cover letter lies in its authenticity.

So, while ChatGPT provides a solid foundation, your adjustments will make your application genuinely shine.

Ready for a career change? Connect with one of our program advisors to explore how our courses can equip you for success in the tech industry.

If you found this guide helpful, explore more articles on career-related topics in our blog:

  • How To Use ChatGPT To Write a Resume: The Full ChatGPT Resume Guide
  • The Impact of ArtificiaI Intelligence: Is AI Taking Over Jobs?
  • The 18 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Digital Marketing

Jobscan > AI-Powered Cover Letter Generator

AI-Powered Cover Letter Generator: Easy, Fast, Effective

Generate a Personalized Cover Letter In As Little As 5 Seconds Say goodbye to the stress of writing a cover letter from scratch. Our AI-powered cover letter generator uses GPT-4 technology to create a personalized and ATS-friendly cover letter in one click. Stand out from the competition and land more job interviews.


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How to use the cover letter generator

If you haven’t added any cards, create a new opportunity and add a job description and your resume.

This is where your cover letter will be generated and stored.

Our system will process your resume and the job description to generate a cover letter that matches your skills and the job requirements.

Edit the generated cover letter as you want and click Save!

cover letter ai prompt

Get a perfectly crafted cover letter in seconds

With Jobscan’s AI cover letter maker, you’ll get a personalized cover letter with just a single click. Say goodbye to spending endless hours crafting the perfect cover letter or filling out online forms for a generic template. Our AI technology cuts the time to create a cover letter by over 80% so you can apply for even more jobs.

cover letter ai prompt

Highlight the skills the hiring manager is looking for

Our AI uses your personal resume and a real job listing to create a 100% original cover letter that is tailored to the job you’re applying for. Stand out from the crowd by highlighting your skills and experience in a way that aligns with the company’s needs. With Jobscan’s cover letter builder, you’ll have a better chance of catching the hiring manager’s attention and landing your dream job.

cover letter ai prompt

Get a professional, ATS-friendly cover letter in seconds

Our cover letter creator follows a blueprint designed by industry experts. Your cover letter will follow best practices to be ATS-friendly. Our intelligent tool will make sure your most impressive achievements are highlighted and that your cover letter isn’t filtered out by an ATS.

cover letter ai prompt

Customize your cover letter

With the ability to customize your cover letter before finalization, you’ll have complete control over the message you want to convey to hiring managers. This means that you can tailor your letter to specific job openings, highlight relevant skills and experiences, and make a lasting impression on potential employers.

cover letter ai prompt

Organize your cover letters in one place

Jobscan’s cover letter generator automatically links with Job Tracker . Each job opportunity card will have a custom cover letter. Now all of your documents for each job application will stay in one place. Say goodbye to the hassle of keeping track of multiple resumes, cover letters, and job applications. Job Tracker streamlines the application process and keeps everything organized.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cover letter generator, and how does it work.

A cover letter generator creates a customized letter for a specific job, usually through prompts or a cover letter template. However, Jobscan’s tool generates a complete letter using AI technology based on your resume and a job description. It cites your relevant skills, experience, and achievements, with no additional prompts or forms. It’s the best cover letter generator for anyone who doesn’t consider themselves a good cover letter writer.

Can a cover letter generator create a custom cover letter for my specific job application?

A cover letter generator can create a custom cover letter for your job application, but the level of customization varies depending on the quality of the generator. Jobscan’s generator is industry leading because it uses GPT-4, the latest AI technology, and your complete resume and a specific job description to highlight relevant skills and experience.

Are cover letter generators free to use, or do they require payment?

Jobscan’s cover letter generator is a feature of our Premium plan, which comes with our other industry-leading job search tools like a resume scanner, cover letter scanner, LinkedIn optimization tool, Job Tracker, Job Matcher, resume builder, resume templates, and exclusive access to job seeker guides. You can also check out our cover letter examples .

Can I edit the cover letter generated by a cover letter generator to better fit my needs?

Yes! The generated text is completely customizable. You can copy and paste it into any document editor or template and personalize it as you wish. Using a cover letter generator is a better experience than starting from scratch.

How long does it take to generate a good cover letter using a cover letter generator?

With Jobscan’s cover letter generator, you get a customized cover letter in one click with the power of AI. The generator takes a few seconds to process the different elements and then provides the full text. There are no prompts to complete or forms to fill out. Cover letter writing has never been easier!

Is it OK to use a cover letter generator?

Yes, it’s okay to use a cover letter generator for your job hunt as long as you personalize the output. While these software tools provide a good starting point, editing the generated content to reflect your unique work experience and skills is crucial. This customized experience makes your cover letter more relevant to the job you’re applying for and helps it stand out to hiring managers.

What is the best free cover letter generator?

The best free cover letter generator is Jobscan . Our tool helps you create cover letters tailored to specific job descriptions. This ensure that your application stands out to employers by highlighting relevant topics, skills, and experiences. The cover letter writing process has never been easier!

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“I was having a hard time getting interviews, and every single one I submitted after using the tool received a response – either a screening or an invitation to interview.”

Thelonious B.

“I used Jobscan Pro throughout my job search to compare the job description to my resume. I really liked that there were in-depth tips based on what kind of ATS some jobs use to parse keywords and save time.”

“Jobscan helped me immensely. I applied to over 250 jobs over about 2 years and got only one job interview and no offer. I started using Jobscan, applied to only 12 jobs in 3 months and received 5 interviews and landed an awesome job. […] This software is incredible and worth every penny.”

“Once I signed up for Jobscan, I ran my resume with a job that I had applied for previously and found the my resume was really lacking! I used Power Edit and suggestions to rework the resume and resent it to a company that I really had interest in! Almost immediately, I got a positive response and landed an interview!”

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The 6 Best AI Cover Letter Generators Tested and Compared for 2024

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Alice Martin has five years experience as a writer before joining Techopedia in 2024. After completing an interdisciplinary degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences at…

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Lloyd Mackenzie was a Journalist for nine years before he took on the role of Senior Sub-Editor for a leading marketing company in the UK,…

cover letter ai prompt

The best AI cover letter generator tools can streamline and simplify the cover letter writing process, slashing the amount of time you would normally spend manually writing one.

These tools can generate a cover letter from scratch, rewrite and improve your existing text, and even learn the tone of voice of the company you are applying for, which will give you the edge on today’s competitive job market. You’ll gain access to features that help you generate comprehensive cover letters targeted to a specific job position by hitting the relevant keywords, tone, and the level of creativity you desire.

To help you find the right tool for your needs, I’ve reviewed the six best AI cover letter generators, looking at content optimization, templates, customizability, and price.

The 6 Best AI Cover Letter Generator Tools

The best cover letter ai generators reviewed, the best cover letter ai generator tools compared, what makes a good cover letter, how to choose the best tool to write a personalized cover letter.

Show Full Guide

Techopedia’s AI Top Picks

  • Jasper AI — Best cover letter generator for high-quality writing
  • Rytr — Best AI cover letter writer for accessible pricing
  • Scalenut — Best cover letter AI tool for keyword optimization
  • Simplified — Best easy-to-use AI cover letter writer
  • Word AI — Best AI cover letter generator for avoiding AI detection
  • — Best for AI cover letter writer for wide range of languages

Below, I’ve reviewed each of the market’s best AI cover letter writers in more depth to help you choose one that’s suited to your needs and budget.

1. J asper AI – Best cover letter generator for high-quality writing

Starting Price $39/user/month
Free Version
Key Features Content improver, AIDA, Custom brand voices
Create Free Cover Letters

Jasper AI is an efficient AI text generator tool, and while it doesn’t offer a specific cover letter writing feature, it has a range of other features that can create a captivating job application. This includes content improvement, various templates, and personalized brand voices.

Content Improver — If you’ve already written your cover letter, you can use this tool to generate a snappier opening line or simply rearrange the sentence structure for better flow.

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) — If you want to structure your cover letter like a marketing pitch, use this template to start with an attention-grabbing opener.

Brand Voice — If you’re worried that using AI may make you sound robotic, you can train Jasper AI to use your unique tone of voice so that your cover letter sounds like you.

Jasper AI offers three paid plans, but it doesn’t have a free plan. It only offers a 7-day free trial to test out the Creator or Pro plans. Here’s an overview of your options:

Plan Creator Pro Business
$49/user/month $69/user/month Custom
$39/user/month $59/user/month Custom
  • Creator — 1 user, 1 brand voice, SEO mode, and a Google Chrome browser extension.
  • Pro — 6 seats, 3 brand voices, 10 knowledge assets, 3 instant campaigns, and access to Jasper Art.
  • Business — Unlimited feature access, performance analytics, enterprise-level security, API access, a dedicated account manager, and custom style guides.

Jasper AI is the cover letter writing tool for you if you want to ensure that your cover letter is well-written and free from mistakes .

Thanks to its high-quality writing skills, you’ll be able to create cover letters that you don’t have to edit as much as you would with tools like Rytr or Word AI .

However, it’s a little pricier than these tools, so you’ll need to make use of the free trial period if you want to generate a cover letter for free.

  • Lets you add a brand voice to your text
  • Built-in content improver tool
  • Automatically saves outputs and prompts
  • Add knowledge assets to influence writing style
  • No dedicated cover letter generator tool or template
  • Only offers a 7-day free trial

2. Rytr — Best AI cover letter writer for accessible pricing

Rytr Logo

Starting Price $7.50/month
Free Version
Key Features 30+ languages and 20+ tones, Job description setting, Creativity
Create Free Cover Letters

Unlike Jasper and Scalenut , Rytr provides pre-designed cover letter templates for its users. You’ll find the cover letter template in Rytr’s simple drop-down menu on its dashboard, along with the option to select your desired tone of voice from the 20+ options.

  • 20+ Tones — From “joyful,” “funny,” and “convincing” to “humble,” “professional,” and “earnest,” there are plenty of tones of voice to choose from to make the letter your own.
  • Job Description — Rytr offers a cover letter-specific setting, allowing you to input the job description along with relevant job skills to inform the creation of your cover letter.
  • Creativity — You can set the creativity level of the cover letter you’re designing. At the highest level of creativity, the cover letter will be less factual and more attention-grabbing, while a lower creativity setting will generate more factual and professional results.

Rytr is one of the few AI paraphrasers to offer a free forever plan in addition to its two paid subscription tiers.

Plan Free Unlimited Premium
$0 $9/month $29/month
$0 $7.50/month $24.16/month
  • Free — 10,000 characters, no plagiarism checks or tone matching, 1 language.
  • Unlimited — Unlimited AI content generation, 1 tone match, 50 plagiarism checks/month, 1 language, priority support.
  • Premium — Unlimited AI content generation, multiple tone matches, 100 plagiarism checks/month, 35+ languages/month, priority support, custom use cases.

All tiers provide access to the Chrome extension, 20+ pre-programmed tones, and an exclusive community of Rytr users.

Rytr offers the most affordable pricing on our shortlist. It also has a fantastic free plan that allows you to generate up to 10,000 characters a month, 40+ use cases, 30+ languages, 20+ tones, and a built-in plagiarism checker to ensure your cover letter stands out as unique.

Rytr also offers a free AI image generator that lets you generate up to five images per month. Its affordability makes it a great option for creating a compelling cover letter without breaking the bank.

  • Generous free plan
  • Access to 30+ languages and 20+ tones
  • Plagiarism checker integrated
  • Generate AI images from the same dashboard
  • In-house customer support locked to the premium plan
  • Prompts need more detail to deliver accurate results

3. Scalenut — Best cover letter AI tool for keyword optimization

Starting Price $19/month
Free Version
Key Features Keyword planner, Content optimizer, AI writer
Create Free Cover Letters

Scalenut is an SEO-first AI writing tool that incorporates keyword research, competitor analysis, and copywriting all into one platform. While SEO may not be immediately applicable to writing a winning cover letter, targeting relevant keywords can still be important.

Even if you’re not competing in search engine rankings, using keywords can help you pass through applicant tracking systems that your future employers may be using to screen applications.

  • Keyword Planner — This tool can help you use keywords and phrasing related to the specific skills, experience, and qualifications that a hiring manager may be looking for.
  • Cruise Mode — If you don’t know where to start with your cover letter, or you’re in a time crunch, use Cruise Mode to benefit from Scalenut’s automated AI writing suggestions that are informed by keyword research.
  • Content Optimizer — If your cover letter is already written but needs to be tweaked, you can run it through Scalenut’s Content Optimizer to improve its relevancy. You’ll also be given suggestions for improvement.

Scalenut offers four pricing plans. While it doesn’t offer a free plan, you do get a 7-day free trial:

Plan Essential Growth Pro Enterprise
$39/month $79/month $149/month Custom
$19/month $39/month $74/month Custom
  • Essential —100,000 words, 5 SEO articles/month, SEO templates, AI images, factual content.
  • Growth — Unlimited words, 30 SEO articles per month, audit and optimize 30 articles per month, 60 KW clusters/month, analyze 200 webpages per month on one domain .
  • Pro — Everything in Growth + 75 SEO articles/month, 75 keyword clusters per month, analyze 500 webpages per month on 5 different domains.
  • Enterprise — Custom limit on SEO articles, unlimited webpage analysis, advanced AI models, enterprise-level security, tailored onboarding.

While Scalenut lacks a dedicated cover letter template, making it less ideal for drafting your letter from the ground up, it is a useful tool to for optimizing an existing letter  and generating quick cold emails.

As with Jasper AI, you will need to take advantage of Scalenut’s 7-day trial period to generate a free cover letter. That said, it is one of the best AI writing tools for SEO research and keyword optimization in your work.

This expertise, while not immediately linked to cover letter creation, comes in handy when navigating the application processes at large corporations. There, your challenge is twofold: captivating the hiring manager and succeeding in automated screening procedures.

  • User-friendly gamified SEO tool
  • Cruise Mode is a huge time-saver
  • Sales Email Generator for cold emailing potential employers
  • Heavy SEO focus
  • No free forever plan

4. Simplified — Best easy-to-use AI cover letter writer

Starting Price $10/month
Free Version
Key Features 100+ AI templates, Grammarly integration, Access to media stock library
Create Free Cover Letters

Simplified is another popular tool for creating a personalized cover letter. Once you create an account, all that you have to do is write what kind of cover letter you want and hit ‘Generate’.

In my case, I typed in “Write a cover letter for a sales job,” and I received a 400-word cover letter ready in seconds. I was happy with the results; the tone was professional, and all important topics, like your motivation, experience, and qualifications, were covered. It even left blank spaces to ensure it read as a personalized cover letter.

  • 100+ Templates — Simplified offers a wide range of templates, which is especially useful when creating a cover letter and you have no idea where to start.
  • AI Summarizer — If you need to shorten your cover letter, you can use Simplified to remove unnecessary lines.
  • AI Chat — If you’re used to working in a ChatGPT-style Q&A format, Simplified also offers a chatbot that can act as a writing assistant. I found that this tool could provide research or improvements to a cover letter.

In addition to offering one of the best free AI cover letter generator plans, it has three paid plans to choose from:

Plan Enterprise
$0 $18/month $29/month Custom
$0 $10/month $24/month Custom
  • Free — Unlimited design products, 1,000+ fonts, 1,000+ templates, over a million photos and icons, 5GB storage.
  • Pro — GPT 4 Turbo, access to Simplified AI Chat, 1 AI brand book with knowledge base, AI blog writer with SEO mode, 80+ templates, 40+ languages supported.
  • Simplified One — 1 seat, 100,000 AI words, access to GPT 4, 100 AI design generations, 50 AI video generations, 200 minutes of AI clips, 90 minutes of AI subtitles, 5 chatbots and 4,000 messages.
  • Enterprise — Everything included in Business + additional seats, generations, brand kits, and other advanced features for larger teams.

I liked how easy Simplified was to use, thanks to the fact that you can choose to work in a chatbot style or with one of the numerous templates.

Just like Rytr , Simplified AI also offers a free plan that comes with 2,000 free words, and you can purchase additional credits when needed. These factors make Simplified an accessible option for anyone working on an AI-generated cover letter, even those with little experience with AI tools.

Simplified also offers design, video, and social media management tools, which can be useful additions to your toolkit if you land the job, especially if it’s in content creation.

  • Offers 20+ languages
  • 100+ AI templates
  • One-line prompt can generate a high-quality cover letter
  • Free plan includes Grammarly integration and plagiarism checker
  • Uses credits very quickly
  • Limited free resources

5. Word AI — Best AI cover letter generator for avoiding AI detection

Starting Price $9/month
Free Version
Key Features Avoid AI detection, Rewrite text, Create multiple versions
Create Free Cover Letters

While Word AI isn’t a dedicated AI cover letter builder, it is an AI text rewriter, which means you’ll need to have a rough draft of your cover letter. Word AI can then improve it.

Another plus is that it can also help you pass AI detection by tweaking it to sound more human. This way, you can lessen any anxiety you may have about future employers noticing you had a helping hand from AI.

  • Avoid AI Detection — Word AI humanizes your content to help you bypass AI detectors or rewriter detectors like Copyscape.
  • Rewrite Text — All it takes is one click to jazz up a boring, generic cover letter.
  • Create Multiple Versions — If you want to create variations of the same cover letter to diversify your applications for different positions, you can also use Word AI to create multiple versions.

WordAI offers 3 pricing plans. Below, I’ve outlined what each one offers:

$17/month $57/month Custom
$9/month $27/month Custom
  • Starter — 50,000 rewrite words and 25,000 pass AI detection words per month
  • Power — 3 million rewrite words and 250,000 pass AI detection words per month
  • Enterprise — Custom rewrite words and pass AI detection words, white labeled integration, multiple user accounts, a dedicated account manager.

Word AI does not offer a free plan, but you can try it for free for three days. It also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the product.

Word AI is great if you have an existing first draft that you’d like to improve on or if you want to create multiple versions .

If you have any lingering doubts about working with AI to help you in your cover letter writing process, Word AI is the tool for you.

One of the biggest pluses of WordAI is to help you pass AI screening. It has compiled a comparison of the test results of text written by them and texts written by other tools like ChatGPT or Writesonic. In each case, WordAI was the only tool to pass all tests.

  • Strong rewriting tool
  • Cannot be detected by AI-checking tools
  • Easily escapes Copyscape’s rewrite-checking tool
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Doesn’t generate content
  • Only a 3-day free trial

6. Copy AI — Best multilingual AI cover letter generator

Copy AI Logo

Starting Price $36/month
Free Version
Key Features 95+ languages supported, Brand voice curator, Data extractor
Create Free Cover Letters offers over 95 languages, the widest range of language options of any cover letter builder I tested. What also gives an edge is its Brand Voice feature.

Brand voice is one of the most important factors to stand out in the job search process. With this tool, you enter a 50 to 500-word prompt in the desired tone. If you want to get it right, go to the company’s website, pick a quote from their employees, and add it to the Brand Voice Analyzer.

  • Multiple Languages — supports 95+ languages, so it can be the ideal tool if you’re wanting to apply for jobs abroad.
  • Brand Voice — With nine preset tones, including “Professional” for formal applications and “Witty” or “Friendly” for creative roles, helps personalize your cover letter. It can also be trained on the unique tone of voice of your desired company.
  • ‘Attach’ — This feature works like a data extractor. Select your file, upload it, and then type “#TheNameOfTheFile” and hit “Improve.” will immediately extract all relevant data and create a summary of the report.

CopyAI offers three pricing plans, including a free option. Here’s a breakdown of each one:

$0 $49/month $249/month
$0 $36/month $186/month
  • Free — 1 seat, 2,000 words in chat, 200 bonus credits.
  • Pro — 5 seats, unlimited words in chat, 500 workflow credits per month.
  • Team — 20 seats, unlimited words in chat, 3,000 workflow credits per month. excels at creating the perfect cover letter tailored to your desired job posting. I found that it is great for anyone wanting advanced brand voice analysis to help customize your cover letter for the role you’re applying for .

Its extensive language support can refine your writing process and could open doors for international job applications.

  • Brand voice analyzer tool included
  • User-friendly design with customizable tones
  • Offers pre-written prompts
  • Brand voice feature not available on free plan
  • Platform is sales and marketing-focused

I’ve outlined the key differences between each of my top picks so that you can quickly identify the best AI writing software for your needs:

High-quality cover letter writing Affordable cover letter generation Optimizing cover letter keywords User-friendly cover letter generator Passing AI detectors Multilingual cover letter generation
$39/seat/month $7.50/month $19/month $10/month $9/month $36/month

How We Review And Test AI Tools

We base our recommendations on first-hand testing. All the products we feature, have been tested based on the following criteria:

  • Accuracy : The accuracy of every AI tool varies and is largely dependent on the AI model used and the quality of the input. We test each tool to gauge its accuracy across the tasks and use cases it supports.
  • Performance : We also test how long it takes the AI tool to deliver results and weigh this time against the quality of the output. Quick results mean nothing if the output isn’t accurate, relevant, or what you expected.
  • Ethical Considerations : We explore any issues with bias, transparency, and privacy to ensure we recommend only the best artificial intelligence solutions that take these ethical concerns seriously.
  • User Experience : We test every AI tool on all the supported platforms to gauge its user-friendliness and whether it works as advertised. We also explore any online documentation available.
  • Value for Money : We weigh the features, performance, and accuracy of the market’s best AI tools against their cost to determine their value for money. We also factor in the cost to scale with the platform.
  • Features : We test every feature on offer with the service over a two-week period. This includes testing their functionality (whether it’s art generation, or voiceovers, for example) across all the platforms the tool supports.
  • Security : From data privacy to ensuring the tools haven’t had a data breach, we take security seriously, checking their regulatory compliance and how vulnerable the AI models are to exploitation.

A cover letter is your first chance to make a good first impression. Therefore, you should pay extra attention to ensure there is no complacency while writing one. Here are a few tips to help you write the best cover letters:

Avoid submitting a generic cover letter for every job. Your cover letter should outline how well your abilities align with the specific position and the company you are applying to. Draw links between the job description and your prior skills, experience, and personal qualities to demonstrate how you’re a good fit for the role.

Make an effort to find out the hiring manager’s name and address them personally. Most applicants address the letter with sentences like “To whom it may concern” or “To the hiring manager of XYZ.”

Cover letters can be viewed as an extension of your resume. It is an opportunity for you to expand upon the skills mentioned in your resume and offer relevant examples of your skills in action to show how you can contribute to the company’s cause. While you want to sound confident, make sure not to exaggerate your skills or simply repeat lines from your resume.

Many recruiters do not have the time to read through the whole cover letter. Statistics show they only skim cover letters for seven seconds . This is why it’s important to write an attention-grabbing opening paragraph and to keep it short and snappy. Ensure that you are consistently drawing similarities between the job description and your own experience.

Choosing the best cover letter builder to help you with your job application process doesn’t need to be difficult. Here are some of the factors you should consider when choosing an AI tool to write your cover letter.

The ideal cover letter builder provides dedicated cover letter templates so that you can input the job description and skills to create a relevant output in less time than it may take without a specific template.

An AI cover letter writer is of no use if the quality of the final output isn’t great. That’s why I’ve included platforms with a good reputation known for producing quality content.

Recruiters have become more careful of artificial intelligence . This is why I’ve included platforms that offer plagiarism checkers to ensure that your cover letter passes through AI detectors.

In fact, WordAI is a dedicated plagiarism checker tool that will help you craft unique cover letters for every job.

Even if you’re not publishing your cover letter online, it’s still important to consider targeting relevant keywords as you write. Scalenut is an SEO-focused writing tool that can help ensure your cover letter hits all the relevant keywords to pass through applicant tracking systems.

You don’t need to be tech-savvy to use AI text generators. All of our recommended platforms are easy to use. You simply select a template, type in your job description and skills, and generate a cover letter within minutes.

I’ve included some tools that offer free plans and suit one-off writing projects since you shouldn’t need to sign up for an ongoing subscription.

In case you do find that you’d like to continue working with the AI tool once you secure your job, it’s best to look at what else the AI tool offers and whether the features meets your particular needs.

How to Write the Best Cover Letter With AI

In this section, I'll demonstrate how to use Rytr's dedicated cover letter builder to create a personalized cover letter for your job search.

Go to 'Write'

To begin drafting your cover letter, go to the copy editor within Rytr’s interface titled ‘Write’. There, you’ll have the option to set the parameters for your cover letter.

AI Cover Letter - Rytr 1

Select 'Cover Letter'

You can choose the relevant use case in the drop-down menu. There are multiple options, but for this demonstration, I selected ‘Cover Letter’. If you’re writing a cold email, you can also choose that option.

AI Cover Letter - Rytr 2

Choose Your Tone

To further tailor your cover letter to your job application, you can select your desired tone of voice from the 20+ options. Suitable options for a cover letter include ‘Formal’, ‘Passionate’, or ‘Convincing’, you can experiment with each tone to see which one suits you best.

AI Cover Letter - Rytr 3

Fill in Job-Specific Details

A big plus of Rytr is that it offers the space to include job-specific information, ensuring you receive a cover letter tailored to your industry. You can enter the job title and mention any relevant skills and qualities that should be included.

AI Cover Letter - Rytr 4

Set Creativity Level

Rytr also offers a ‘Creativity’ scale, which means the level of factual information vs creative language it will involve in the results. This decision should be based on the formality of your industry or job level, as well as your personal preference.

AI Cover Letter - Rytr 5

Generate Output

Once you have programmed the cover letter builder, you can select how many variants you’d like to receive, then hit ‘Ryte for me’ to generate the cover letter. Once it has appeared in the left-hand side of the screen, you can fill in any blank spaces with your personal information and also apply any manual edits.

AI Cover Letter - Rytr 6

Do employers check for AI in cover letters?

Employers do have the option to run your cover letter through an AI detector, but it’s not a given. AI detectors are also not 100% accurate, but it’s still good practice to edit and add personal information to the letter to make the letter your own to help bypass AI detection.

Do AI cover letter generators evade detection?

If you submit a fully AI-written cover letter, you are at risk of detection. While many AI detectors are not completely foolproof, you should still take measures to personalize your letter before submitting it.

What’s the best free AI cover letter generator?

There are several AI writers you can use to design a cover letter for free. Our top pick is due to its ease of use. Select the cover letter template, enter the job description and your skills, and hit “generate content.” You’ll have several versions of the cover letter ready within seconds. Select the one you like and edit it before submitting it to your potential recruiter.

Can I use AI to write my entire resume?

With the evolution of several AI models, it is now possible to write your CV using AI. These systems can generate different CV templates, and you’ll only need to fill in personal details such as name, qualification, contact number, and so on. You can also provide the model with your career history and qualifications and the job you are applying for. You can then generate a detailed CV within minutes.

How can I make my cover letter stand out?

You can make your cover letter stand out by addressing the hiring manager by name, keeping things concise and relevant to the job description, matching your own experience to the job role, and proofreading for spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting.

Eye tracking study shows recruiters look at resumes for 7 seconds (HR Dive)

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? (IBM)

Writing the Cover Letter | Department of English (University of Washington)

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Alice Martin

Alice Martin has five years experience as a writer before joining Techopedia in 2024. After completing an interdisciplinary degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, she began writing in the arts and music industries. Driven by a love of research and analysis, Alice turned her attention towards all things software and technology. She now offers expert advice in these fields to help readers make informed decisions.

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Write a Killer Cover Letter With ChatGPT (With Prompts)

cover letter ai prompt

In today's competitive job market, a well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference in landing your dream job. While many job seekers turn to AI-powered tools like ChatGPT for assistance, it's essential to ensure that your cover letter doesn't come across as cold or machine-generated. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to harness the power of ChatGPT to compose a compelling cover letter that resonates with human authenticity.

What Are the Benefits of Using ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter?

Incorporating AI into your cover letter creation process offers a treasure trove of benefits that can supercharge your job search in exciting ways.

  • Time Efficiency : Let AI do the heavy lifting by swiftly generating your initial cover letter. This time-saving wizardry allows you to apply for more jobs efficiently, giving you a competitive edge.
  • Consistent Storytelling : With AI, crafting a seamless and engaging narrative becomes a breeze. Your cover letter effortlessly aligns with your career journey, resume details, and the specific requirements of the job you're targeting, ensuring a compelling and cohesive story.
  • Tailored Customization : Tailoring your cover letter for each job application has never been easier. AI can analyze job descriptions and fine-tune your letter to match specific requirements and keywords, significantly increasing your chances of grabbing employers' attention.
  • Invaluable Insights : AI doesn't just stop at content creation. It provides valuable tips on which skills and achievements to emphasize, helps you strike the right tone of enthusiasm, and effectively showcases your unique value to potential employers.

With AI as your ally, the journey to your dream job becomes not only more accessible but also more engaging.

However, when using ChatGPT during your job search, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks. 

ChatGPT is a relatively new technology undergoing continuous testing and improvements. While it's designed to reject inappropriate requests, it may occasionally produce harmful or biased content. It can also generate incorrect information and may lack knowledge of events beyond 2021. To stay safe, exercise caution, and review the company's privacy policy to ensure your comfort with how they handle personal data. Remember, genuine conversations with recruiters remain essential for standing out as a qualified candidate, as ChatGPT cannot replace real one-on-one interactions. Use your own writing for direct communication whenever possible.

How to use ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter

Step 1: understand the basics.

Before diving into the process, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of a successful cover letter. Your cover letter should introduce yourself, highlight your qualifications, express your enthusiasm for the position, and demonstrate why you are an ideal candidate for the job. Additionally, it should maintain a professional, yet engaging tone.

Step 2: Gather Information

Compile all the necessary information before engaging with ChatGPT. This includes your name, contact details, the company's name, and the job title you're applying for. It's also helpful to have a clear understanding of the job requirements and the company culture.

Step 3: Begin with a Personal Introduction

Start your cover letter by introducing yourself personally. Here's an example prompt for ChatGPT:

"ChatGPT, I'd like to introduce myself to [Company Name] for the [Job Title] position. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to express my strong interest in joining your team."

This prompt sets the stage for a personalized introduction, ensuring your cover letter doesn't read like a generic template.

Step 4: Highlight Your Skills and Experiences

Ask ChatGPT to help you showcase your qualifications and experiences effectively:

"ChatGPT, could you please help me describe my relevant skills and experiences that make me a strong fit for this role? Specifically, I would like to highlight [mention key skills or experiences]."

By providing specific details and guidance, you can ensure that the AI-generated content aligns with your unique background.

Step 5: Express Your Enthusiasm

It's essential to convey your genuine enthusiasm for the job and the company. Encourage ChatGPT to help you express this enthusiasm:

"ChatGPT, please help me articulate my excitement about the opportunity to work at [Company Name] in the [Job Title] role. I am particularly drawn to [mention specific aspects of the company or role]."

This step helps maintain a human touch in your cover letter.

Step 6: Customize the Closing

End your cover letter with a customized closing statement. Request ChatGPT's assistance in crafting this section:

"ChatGPT, can you assist me in creating a closing statement that reflects my eagerness to discuss my qualifications further with [Company Name]? I look forward to the opportunity to speak with you about how I can contribute to [mention company goals or projects]."

This personalized closing expresses your interest in taking the conversation to the next level.

Step 7: Review and Edit

While ChatGPT can generate content, it's essential to review and edit the cover letter for clarity, coherence, and any potential AI-generated phrasing. Make sure it sounds authentic and reflects your unique voice. To stand out, make sure to: 

  • Customize the Opening:  Start with a unique and engaging opening that reflects your personality. First impressions matter!
  • Align with the Job Description:  Ensure your cover letter aligns with the job description by emphasizing the most important skills and requirements.
  • Highlight Your Uniqueness:  Showcase what makes you the best fit for the job. Highlight your unique skills and experiences.
  • Keep It Clear and Concise:  Maintain clarity and conciseness in your cover letter. Employers receive numerous applications, so make yours easy to read and to the point.
  • Adapt the Tone:  Tailor the tone of your cover letter to the company culture. Formality suits corporate settings, while a more casual tone might be appropriate for smaller start-ups.
  • Proofread Thoroughly:  To avoid errors and typos, utilize grammar checking and proofreading tools to ensure your cover letter is polished and professional.

Step 8: Send Your Cover Letter

With your polished and personalized cover letter in hand, send it along with your resume to the prospective employer as part of your job application.

The Best Chatgpt Cover Letter Prompts

To create the best ChatGPT cover letter prompts, think about how you can seamlessly blend the company's culture and values into your letter while also crafting attention-grabbing opening lines that draw in potential employers. Don't forget to use a storytelling framework to transform your experiences and achievements into captivating narratives that make your cover letter shine.

Seamlessly Integrate Company Culture

Don't waste precious time scrolling through a company's website searching for nuggets of culture and values to incorporate into your cover letter. Instead, leverage ChatGPT to do the heavy lifting. Simply copy and paste relevant website content and provide clear instructions for ChatGPT to seamlessly weave these elements into your cover letter. This hack ensures that your alignment with the organization shines through effortlessly.

Tip #2: Generate Attention-Grabbing Opening Lines

Struggling to come up with the perfect opening line? Leave that to ChatGPT! By asking ChatGPT to create attention-grabbing and personalized opening lines, you can instantly captivate hiring professionals. Let ChatGPT convey your enthusiasm for the position, setting a positive tone right from the start. Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to a riveting introduction!

Tip #3: Create a Storytelling Framework

Crafting a compelling narrative in your cover letter can be challenging. That's where ChatGPT comes in. Task it with outlining a storytelling framework that aligns with your message. Whether it's a problem-solution structure or the classic challenge-action-result format, ChatGPT can help you organize your experiences, challenges, and achievements into a compelling narrative that grabs the reader's attention.

Now, remember that while ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Your input and guidance are crucial to achieving the best results. Thoughtful prompts are the key to success. The more specific and detailed your suggestions, the more personalized and effective the output will be.

Here are four ChatGPT prompts for crafting cover letters that we absolutely love. Feel free to personalize them based on your experience, target companies, and job titles:

  • "Write a conversational cover letter for a [position] role at [company] using my resume below as a reference."
  • "Draft a persuasive cover letter in 150 words or less highlighting my qualifications and enthusiasm for the [position] at [company] using my resume achievements below."
  • "Create a compelling cover letter that explains why I am the best fit for the [position] at [company]. Use the StoryBrand Framework to structure it."
  • "Compose a professional cover letter demonstrating how my abilities align with the requirements for the [position] at [company]. Use the information below as a guide."

In each prompt, be sure to provide context, such as the job description and your resume achievements or professional summary. We've even added a word count limit to ensure concise and impactful letters.

As a bonus, here's an example of a cover letter created with ChatGPT using one of the prompts above:

cover letter ai prompt

Am I allowed to use ChatGPT for my cover letter?

Absolutely! You can confidently use AI tools like ChatGPT to assist with your cover letter. However, remember that while AI can provide a helpful starting point, it's crucial to review and customize the content to showcase your unique skills and experiences.

A personalized cover letter is highly recommended during your job search. It demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and company, as it shows you've done your research. Furthermore, it allows you to emphasize how your skills align with the job requirements and how you can contribute to the company's success.

Crafting a custom cover letter can also set you apart from other applicants in today's competitive job market. Employers are more likely to notice candidates who put in the extra effort to tailor their applications.

Rest assured, it's highly unlikely that an employer would discern the use of ChatGPT in your cover letter, provided you take the time to review and personalize the content. AI tools can generate generic drafts, but you are the expert on your experiences and qualifications. By carefully editing the letter to reflect your unique qualities in your own authentic voice, your cover letter will shine through as if you wrote it entirely by yourself.

So, leverage AI as a time-saving tool, but always ensure the final result is distinctly your own, reflecting your passion and suitability for the job. If you're interested in efficiently using AI to customize both your cover letter and resume, consider signing up for a free Teal account today.

Is it ethical to use ChatGPT for cover letters?

Worried that using ChatGPT for your cover letter might be considered cheating? Don't be—most recruiters see it as no different than getting help from a human writer.

Let's clear the air: ChatGPT is a game-changer, and it's gaining popularity among job seekers for a reason. It can whip up cover letters and resumes in seconds. It's not cheating; it's just a smarter, more accessible way of doing something job seekers have been doing all along. But remember, while ChatGPT can get your foot in the door, you're the one who has to rock the interview prep! 

Is ChatGPT the best cover letter generator?

ChatGPT is a powerful tool for generating cover letters, but whether it's the "best" generator depends on your specific needs and preferences. There are several AI-powered cover letter generators available, each with its unique features, templates, and customization options. To determine the best one, consider factors like ease of use, template selection, and the level of customization you require for your cover letter. 

Here are some other AI cover letter generators you can consider:

  • Resume Genius : Offers a seamless experience with templates for a polished and professional look.
  • Kickresume : Stands out for its professional and creative templates, featuring an AI cover letter writer for customization.
  • Zety : User-friendly templates and a simple builder, although skills and strengths are auto-generated with limited customization.
  • : A newer option with user-friendly formatting tools, focusing on formatting without auto-generating content.
  • LiveCareer : Provides a straightforward cover letter generator based on your specifications.
  • Cover Letter Now : Offers a live document preview but requires more manual selection, potentially affecting uniqueness.

Harnessing the power of AI, particularly ChatGPT, to craft a standout cover letter can be a game-changer in your job search journey. While AI can save you time and provide valuable insights, it's your personal touch and attention to detail that will truly make your cover letter shine. So, take this guide as your roadmap, blend AI assistance with your creativity, and embark on your quest for that dream job with confidence. Your killer cover letter is just a few clicks away!

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Your cover letter still matters-here’s how to use ai to write it.

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Working with AI to craft a cover letter.

In 2024, do cover letters still matter? says that a cover letter is a one-page application document that can help clarify your qualifications - and some companies value cover letters more than others. The career blog says that, in 2024, you should include a cover letter in your job application 98% of the time . In contrast, an informal poll conducted by Forbes offers that 70% of respondents - a mix of recruiters, hiring managers and candidates - say that cover letters are unnecessary. And CNBC reports that 58% of workers say that cover letters aren’t a requirement - before encouraging you to write one anyway. Like most issues with multiple perspectives, the need for a cover letter boils down to one short answer: it depends . ATS (applicant tracking system) software scans for keywords , and so do recruiters and HR pros. If you are using a spray and pray approach, littering the internet with your keyword-dense CV, maybe a cover letter doesn’t matter. But, in some situations, leaving out a cover letter means missing an opportunity. For job seekers, ignoring your cover letter as a quaint idea from yesteryear is a mistake - especially when certain career circumstances exist. And using AI to write your story might just be the easiest way to tell it.

Consider Jeni’s recent interview for a director position, where she was invited by a friend (not in HR) for an informal interview, over coffee. The role is a position in marketing, where her written skills (crafting press releases, dealing with the media, evaluating brand campaigns) are part of the job description. “Send me your résumé, and a cover letter,” her friend says. Of course, Jeni’s résumé is important. So is her LinkedIn profile . But also, her ability to connect and communicate persuasively is displayed in her cover letter. For her position, communicating clearly in writing is a mission-critical skill. Plus, she has a connection to the company - something that can help “break the ice” for the hiring manager, not just HR .

Here are five reasons to include a cover letter:

  • It’s requested.
  • You feel it can increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • You are interviewing for a position where your writing skills and relationship-building skills will be evaluated.
  • You are interviewing for a senior position. Summaries of your skillset are part of the relationship-building that is central to your career success.
  • You are transitioning to a new industry , or you have little/no experience in the industry. A cover letter can help you to bridge a gap or clarify your interests.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of september 2023, is using ai on your cover letter....cheating.

If I am trying to pound a nail, should I use my fist ...or a hammer? Today, AI is a tool that can help make things easier. When it comes to writing your cover letter, why not at least consider some guidance from an AI prompt?

Here are some simple guidelines for your favorite bot, like ChatGPT , Bard with Gemini , Kickresume or Grammarly . After you’ve created a cover letter, feed it into the slot where the magic happens and ask some clever AI questions. Play around with what you ask the AI , and see what fits best for you. It’s kinda lazy to just say, “Given this job description and my background in this industry, write my cover letter.” But of course, the AI will do what you ask - just feed it the relevant data for review and comparison. Remember, it will never be your best work until someone else has read it - and in this case, “someone else” means you:

  • Summarize the skills required in this job description into two categories: hard skills and soft skills. (here’s a good place to start - so you can see where you line up in terms of fit and skills)
  • Summarize the job skills with the appropriate experience on my résumé, citing company names and roles in my job history.
  • Write an introductory sentence expressing my interest in the position. (do you really need AI for that one, or did I just do it for you?) Or try this: Write five different ways to express enthusiasm and interest in the company and the position.
  • Summarize the hard and soft skills on my résumé and write a single, short paragraph on how my background and qualifications are a perfect fit for the job. (now the first paragraph is done)
  • Rewrite this cover letter to align my background with the job skills listed in the description. (You may need to offer those details and descriptions to the chatbot).
  • Write five different ways to request an interview, at the recruiter’s convenience.
  • Please write this cover letter in a way that is more compelling for a recruiter or hiring manager, based on my skills and background, in less than 200 words.

Ideally, you want to prompt the bot to help you to achieve some best practices around your story: Does this cover letter showcase my talents and skills, fit for the position, sincere desire for the role, and a clear request for next steps, in less than 200 words? What changes could make this cover letter: more precise? More concise? More compelling? Better aligned for the position? Choose the words that will help you most, and you’re on the right track.

The Advantages of a Cover Letter

There are three distinct advantages to having a well-written cover letter.

  • Building a Relationship with Your Employer: if you think your résumé speaks for itself, think again. The cover letter is like a handshake - it starts the conversation, and establishes rapport. Shorthand is cool via text, IYKYK, but some aspects of personal connection (like a cover letter) don’t need to be abbreviated - or ignored. Only you can decide if the role really merits a cover letter. If you decide to include one, on your own, make sure it’s a good reflection on your personal brand, your work ethic, and the skills you bring to the table.
  • Leveraging Existing Relationships: says that mutual connections can make hiring managers more lenient in considering you for the position. The cover letter is a perfect place to bring up those associations. In some cases, your cover letter can help introduce you as an insider - or at the very least, someone who is a “known quantity” by someone with the organization. Your résumé is what you say about yourself - but what others say often carries significant weight, in the hiring process.
  • Finding an Advantage when Changing Careers, or When You Don’t Have a Ton of Experience: not every candidate is going to be a perfect fit for every role. Don’t let that discourage you from going for what you want. According to, there are advantages to having little to no experience in the field. One of those advantages is that it’s easier for the company to shape you as one of their own, since you won’t have many work habits that will need to change. Telling a story of transferrable skills - and powerful interest - can begin with a cover letter. Especially if your fit might be hard to glean, based on your résumé.

The higher you go in an organization, the more important your writing skills may become. A cover letter, summarizing a significant list of accomplishments and work history, is no easy task. But at executive levels, where fit and relationships are crucial, don’t leave home without a concise cover letter. It’s like a written elevator pitch - a short, persuasive introduction to you and your work, supported by your résumé and demonstrated in the interview. In my book, Leadership Language , I talk about how your elevator pitch is simply a way to start the conversation. That’s what a well-written cover letter can do for your career: start a conversation.

It’s been said that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. So, if career success matters to you, make sure that your cover letter reflects your attention to detail, your interest in the position, and your reasons why you are a good fit. That way, a cover letter isn’t yesterday’s news. It’s another business tool that gives you every possible opportunity to succeed.

Chris Westfall

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Best ChatGPT Prompts for Resume and Cover Letter

ChatGPT Prompts for Resume and Cover Letter

Writing the perfect resume and cover letter can be a daunting task in today’s competitive job market. With recruiters spending an average of just 7.4 seconds scanning each resume, job seekers need to make an immediate impact. Additionally, 75% of large companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter candidates, which means your documents must not only be compelling but also optimized for these automated systems. In this challenging landscape, job seekers are increasingly turning to AI tools like ChatGPT to enhance their application materials and improve their chances of success.

ChatGPT offers a wealth of prompts and suggestions that can help you create a resume and cover letter that stand out. According to research, resumes with targeted and clear language are 40% more likely to lead to an interview, making the quality of your writing crucial. ChatGPT can assist by providing prompts that guide you in highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences, tailoring your documents to the specific requirements of the job you’re applying for. This tool also helps in overcoming common writing hurdles, such as articulating achievements concisely and addressing employment gaps effectively.

Here, we will look at some of the best ChatGPT prompts for writing resumes and cover letters.

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume

1. resume formatting.

ChatGPT can help you create a visually appealing and professional resume by offering formatting and layout suggestions.

Prompt : I want my resume to stand out but am unsure of the formatting. Could you provide some ideas to make it look more professional?

2. Resume Keywords

ChatGPT can help you find the relevant keywords and phrases for the job you’re applying for and suggest adding them to your resume.

Prompt : I am applying for a [Job Title] position and want to ensure my resume is keyword-optimized. Can you suggest some keywords to include?

I am applying for an advertising copywriter position and want to ensure my resume is keyword-optimized. Can you suggest some keywords to include?

3. Professional skills and experience

ChatGPT can help you highlight your relevant experience and skills on your resume by gathering information about your work history and qualifications.

Prompt : I have experience in both [Skill Name] and [Skill Name] but I’m unsure how to emphasize the most relevant skills on my resume. Can you help me highlight the key information?

I have experience in both copywriting and advertising but I’m unsure how to emphasize the most relevant skills on my resume. Can you help me highlight the key information?

4. Customize Resume For Specific Job

ChatGPT can assist you tailor your resume to specific job positions by suggesting how to highlight your relevant experience and skills.

Prompt : I am applying for a [Job Title] position at a [Company Name]. Can you help me customize my resume to emphasize my [Skill Name] and [Skill Name] experience?

I am applying for an advertising copywriter position at an auto parts shop. Can you help me customize my resume to emphasize my digital marketing and creative writing experience?

5. Update Old Resume

ChatGPT can assist you in updating an outdated resume by suggesting ways to highlight your most relevant experience.

Prompt : I haven’t updated my resume in a few years and want to ensure it’s up-to-date and relevant. Can you provide tips on what to include and what to leave out?

6. Make Resume Visually Appealing

ChatGPT can suggest ways to make your resume look good and easy to read, like using bullet points, headings, and white space.

Prompt : I want to make my resume look better but don’t know how. Can you give me tips on using design elements effectively?

7. Write Concise Bullet Points

ChatGPT can assist you in crafting concise and impactful bullet points for your resume by first gathering detailed information about your accomplishments and responsibilities.

Prompt : I want to ensure my resume bullet points are concise and highlight my achievements. Can you provide guidance on how to do this effectively?

8. Include Industry-Specific Terms

ChatGPT can assist you in incorporating industry-specific language and terminology into your resume to showcase your knowledge and expertise.

Prompt : I am applying for a copywriting position in the advertising industry and want to ensure my resume highlights the specific skills and knowledge relevant to this field. Can you suggest some industry-specific terms to use?

9. Create Resumes for Multiple Industries

ChatGPT can help you make different versions of your resume for various industries or job positions by asking about your relevant experience and skills.

Prompt : I’m applying for copywriting jobs in both the advertising and education industries. Can you help me create two versions of my resume, each focused on the skills and experience relevant to these industries?

10. Resume Feedback

ChatGPT can provide feedback on on your resume’s structure, tone, formatting, and content.

Prompt : I want to ensure my resume is well-structured, has the right tone, is properly formatted, and includes relevant content. Could you provide feedback on the structure, tone, formatting, and content of my resume?

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Cover Letter

1. personal branding.

A cover letter should get you noticed and showcase your strongest selling points, or personal brand. ChatGPT can help with that.

Prompt : I want my cover letter to present me as a creative writer with strong critical thinking skills through my personal brand. Can you help me create a cover letter that demonstrates this?

2. Write a Strong Introduction

ChatGPT can help you write a cover letter introduction that grabs attention and shows your enthusiasm for the job.

Prompt : Write a persuasive introduction and expression of interest for a cover letter for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

3. Write an Effective Cover Letter Ending

ChatGPT can help you write a strong closing for your cover letter that makes a lasting impression on the hiring manager.

Prompt : I’m trying to write a strong and confident closing sentence for my cover letter. It should be short, professional, and specific to the job, showing my enthusiasm for the role and how I can help the company grow. Can you help me write this in 50 words or less?

4. Highlight Your Achievements

ChatGPT can help you showcase your key accomplishments in your cover letter and resume to show your value to potential employers.

Prompt : I want to highlight my achievements in my resume and cover letter. Can you help me identify and describe them effectively?

5. Tailor Your Resume to Specific Job Position

ChatGPT can help you customize your resume for specific jobs by highlighting skills and experiences that match the job requirements.

Prompt : I want to tailor my resume for a [Job Title] position. Can you help me find and highlight the skills and experiences that match the job requirements?

6. Explain Career Gaps and Job Changes

If you have a career gap or job switch, ChatGPT can help you craft a positive explanation by highlighting the skills and experiences you’ve gained, minimizing potential employer concerns.

Prompt : Explain why I had a [Career Gap or Job Change] and how my experiences during that time have prepared me for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name].

7. Resume Summary

ChatGPT can help you create a resume summary that clearly highlights your qualifications and value to potential employers.

Prompt : Can you help me write a professional summary using my resume? Here is my resume: [paste your resume]

8. Edit Your Writing Style

If you have already completed your cover letter but are applying to a smaller company, you may need to adjust the language to make it more accessible to recruiters. ChatGPT can help with that.

Prompt : Can you help me change the tone of my cover letter? I’ve written one that is currently more professional, but I want it to sound friendlier since I’ll be applying for a role within a [Company Name]. I’ll first share you with my original cover letter. Is that okay?

9. Write Cover Letter based on Job Description

The recommended maximum length for a cover letter is 400 words. Let ChatGPT review the job description for which you are applying, and it will help you create a cover letter that is more ATS-friendly.

Prompt : Write a cover letter that incorporates metrics for the following job description. Use my resume as a reference, and keep it shorter than 400 words.

10. Proofread Your Cover Letter

After creating your cover letter using ChatGPT prompts, it’s important to proofread it for errors and improvements. This step ensures your letter is polished and conveys the right message. ChatGPT can also help with this task.

Prompt : Proofread my cover letter for grammatical and spelling errors, and ensure all necessary information is included and clearly conveyed. [paste the cover letter]

If you need further help crafting your application, consider leveraging professional resume writing services for expert guidance and support.

Use ChatGPT to Write Your Resume

This is one of the best ChatGPT prompts for creating a resume. Use this prompt to ensure comprehensive coverage:

Prompt : Write a resume for someone with experience in [Your Area of ​​Expertise], highlighting [Number] years of experience, education at [College/University], and skills in [Skill List]. Include experience in [Specific Companies] and growth from [Entry Position] to [Current Position]. Tailor the resume to attract employers seeking [Job Title], focusing on ATS-friendly formatting and content.

Using a ChatGPT for your resume can save time, but it shouldn’t replace your own efforts. AI is a tool, not a substitute for human input, so always review and edit any content ChatGPT creates before submitting it. Think of ChatGPT as an aid for your job search, and you’ll be on your way to landing your dream job.

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Helen Nesterenko

Helen Nesterenko is the founder and CEO of that is all about finding amazing writers and creating great content.

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How to write a cover letter using AI

AI has opened up countless avenues for making making life a little easier. When it comes to job hunting, it might even be able to help us tackle one of the trickiest parts: writing a well-structured, attention-grabbing cover letter. 

It’s good practice to write a different cover letter for every job application you send. Using its advanced language-processing capabilities, AI can help you write as many tailored letters as you need, without getting writer’s block or struggling to find the right words. As a tool in your job-hunting arsenal, it can help you apply to jobs more efficiently and effectively, ensuring that your applications highlight your most relevant skills and experience. 

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using AI to write a cover letter, how to write AI prompts it and how to tweak your AI-generated letter to add a personalised touch. 

What is an AI cover letter?

AI technology like ChatGPT uses advanced algorithms to generate text based on the guidelines you set i.e. your ‘prompts’. The content you ask it to create can range from a basic outline to a complete cover letter, depending on how you use the tool. 

Here’s why so many people are using AI for writing cover letters:

  • Efficiency:  AI speeds up the writing process, allowing you to quickly produce a cover letter. This can save you a lot of time when applying to multiple positions.
  • Personalisation: AI tools can tailor content based on the job description and company culture , and even include your unique background, ensuring that your cover letter is specific to the job.
  • Overcoming writer’s block: AI can provide a starting point, helping to get the creative juices flowing.

Pros and cons of using an AI cover letter 

Using AI to help write cover letters is a game changer – however, it comes with its own set of challenges. It’s important to weigh these pros and cons to make an informed decision about whether an AI cover letter is the right approach for you. If you do decide to use it, remember that the key is to use AI to provide the first draft of your cover letter, which you then edit and personalise, to make sure your letter is authentic to you.

Time efficiency

One of the biggest advantages of using AI for cover letters is how much time it saves you. AI can quickly generate initial drafts, so you spend less time structuring the cover letter and more time adding your personal flair.

Guidance and suggestions

AI tools provide valuable suggestions and guidance. It’s not about handing everything over to AI to craft a generic cover letter. Instead, you can use its suggestions to enhance your cover letter or get ideas on how to improve content , structure and even the approach to addressing specific job requirements.

Customisation based on prompts

Customisation is essential to making your cover letter stand out. With very specific prompts, AI can tailor cover letters to different job applications, ensuring that each letter is relevant and specific to the role you’re applying for.

Language enhancement

When it comes to using polite language and correct grammar, AI is an overachiever. You can ensure a polished and professional cover letter, which is important in making a good first impression.

Overcoming writer’s block

For many people, starting a cover letter is the most challenging part. AI is a handy creative aid to help you overcome writer's block . It provides a starting point and give you fresh ways of sharing your skills and achievements, making the writing process smoother and less daunting.

Consistency in tone

Maintaining a consistent tone throughout a cover letter is essential for a professional final product. AI tools are programmed to keep the tone consistent, which can be a challenge for inexperienced writers

While it’s clear that AI offers plenty of benefits when it comes to crafting a stand-out cover letter , there are also a few drawbacks that it helps to be aware of. 

Lack of personality

ChatGPT might be good technically, but it can’t put genuine human emotion into a letter. This makes it hard to truly capture your enthusiasm or personality, which can make the cover letter feel less personal . The uniqueness of your character, experiences and career aspirations might not be fully conveyed through AI-generated content.

Can’t address subtleties

AI still finds it challenging to grasp the nuanced details of your experiences or the meaning of industry-specific language. This can make your cover letter less reflective of your knowledge and expertise. 

Limited understanding of context 

AI tools don’t tend to understand complex careers or specific job requirements unless you create precisely the right prompt, which can be as time-consuming as writing a cover letter in the first place. AI may not be able to do your skills and experience justice. 

Risk of overreliance

Once you’ve successfully used AI to write a cover letter, you might start to depend too heavily on it – for future job applications and for writing in general. Writing is a practical skill to develop and one that’s worth practising and improving on. 

Potential ATS compatibility issues

AI-generated content isn’t always optimised for applicant tracking systems (ATS) . This means if your cover letter goes through an automated screening process, it may not make it through to the next stage. 

Missed opportunities for creativity

AI can’t infuse creativity and unique flair into cover letters. If you’re applying to creative or non-traditional industries, your own original and authentic voice should shine through in your cover letter, even if it’s not perfect. 

Impersonal tone

AI often adopts a tone that feels mechanical or impersonal, and nothing at all like you. This creates a disconnect between who you are as an employee and how you come across to a potential employer.

Need for human review

Despite the assistance provided by AI, a final human review is always essential. This ensures that the cover letter captures your unique strengths , aligns with the job requirements and maintains a personal touch. No matter how good ChatGPT’s grammar is, you still need to proofread your letter and make sure it’s free of typos or inaccuracies. 

AI cover letter generator: Using ChatGPT

Ready to start applying? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access and use ChatGPT for writing cover letters .

1. Using the ChatGPT interface

Step 1: access chatgpt.

To begin, access ChatGPT through the website. Create an account or log into an existing account.

Step 2: Familiarise yourself with the interface

Once you log in, take a moment to get to know the ChatGPT interface. It’s a fairly intuitive design with a text box for typing in your requests or prompts.

Step 3: Start your request

To write a prompt for your cover letter, type into the text box. For example, “Write a cover letter for a marketing manager position at XYZ company, addressing criteria such as time management and data analytics and highlighting my 5 years of experience in digital marketing.” The more detail you can put into your prompt the better. 

Step 4: Refine the generated content

The first draft from ChatGPT will likely not be perfect. Use it as a starting point and keep refining your prompt. You can ask ChatGPT to make specific changes or rephrase parts of the letter until you’re happy. Or take the first draft and refine it yourself.

Using ChatGPT prompts to create a cover letter

The key to getting the most out of AI when it comes to cover letters is crafting well-thought-out prompts. A thorough prompt helps guide it to produce content that is specific to your needs. 

Examples of prompts tailored to different job positions

For a marketing manager role:

  • Prompt: Create a job application cover letter for a marketing manager position at [company name]. Highlight my expertise in digital marketing, successful campaign management, and a proven track record in team leadership. Mention my MBA in marketing and fluency in Spanish.

For a software engineer role:

  • Prompt: Draft a job application cover letter for a software engineer position focusing on my experience with Java and Python, contributions to open-source projects, and a passion for innovative software solutions. Include my bachelor’s degree in computer science and internship at [tech company].

Tweaking prompts

To tweak prompts so you get the outcome you’re after, consider including specific achievements, skills or experiences you want to highlight. You can also mention the tone or style you prefer, such as professional, enthusiastic or conversational. You might cut and paste parts of your resumé into the prompt. Here are some templates to get you started.

Template for experienced professionals:

  • Write a professional cover letter for [job title] at [company name]. Emphasise my [number] years of experience in [industry/field], include notable achievements like [achievement 1, achievement 2], and key skills in [skill 1, skill 2].

Template for recent graduates:

  • Generate an enthusiastic cover letter for an entry-level [job title] role, focusing on my recent graduation from [university name] with a degree in [degree], internships at [company names], and strong skills in [skill 1, skill 2].

Examples of generated cover letters

Cover letter for a marketing manager:

Dear [hiring manager's name],

I am writing to express my interest in the marketing manager position at [company name]. With an MBA (Marketing) and more than five years of experience in digital marketing, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of successful campaign management. My fluency in Spanish has enabled me to lead diverse teams and expand market reach. At my current role at [current company], I led a campaign that increased online engagement by 30%.

Cover letter for a software engineer:

I am excited to apply for the software engineer position at [company name]. As a recent computer science graduate from [university name], I have honed my skills in Java and Python. During my internship at [tech company], I contributed to several open-source projects, focusing on creating innovative software solutions. My passion for technology drives me to constantly seek new challenges and I am eager to bring my expertise to your team.

By using these examples as a guide, you can practise making your own personalised cover letters with ChatGPT. From here, you can flesh them out and format them correctly. Remember to add a final touch of personalisation to ensure that your cover letter comes across as genuine and human in tone. 

Other AI tools for cover letter writing

ResumAI offers a resumé builder with an AI Writer that understands best practices for crafting effective bullet points, summaries and entire cover letters. The tool allows you to start with sample resumés or by copy-pasting existing content, then it tailors the content with specific keywords from job descriptions.

  • Instant generation of content
  • Tailored content targeting specific job application keywords
  • User-friendly interface with more than 300 example resumés
  • Ability to generate a cover letter in one click


  • The AI-generated content might require human review for personalisation
  • Limited customisation options in terms of design and layout

ResumAI offers a free plan with limited functionality and a Pro Plan, which includes unlimited functionality like the Resume Builder, Cover Letter Builder, AI Bullet Point Writer, and more. 

Jasper AI provides tools for content creation, campaign development and art generation. It’s ideal for professionals who require high-quality content, including cover letters. 

  • Advanced AI-assisted content creation tools
  • Capabilities for on-brand and style-consistent writing
  • Useful for creating visually appealing and creative cover letters
  • Primarily focused on marketing content, not resumé or cover-letter writing
  • May not offer as much guidance specifically for cover letter structure compared to dedicated resumé and cover letter tools

Start a free trial or request a demo for more detailed information. 

Writesonic offers a range of tools like AI Article and Blog Writer, Paraphrasing Tool and Sentence Expander, which can be useful for crafting unique and engaging cover letters. 

  • Wide range of content creation tools
  • Integration with Google for up-to-date content
  • User-friendly interface with a variety of tools for enhancing writing
  • The focus is more on general content creation
  • May not provide as much guidance for the structure and format of cover letters

Writesonic offers a free plan with limited features and various paid plans with more advanced features. is an online resume builder that also offers tools for creating cover letters. It provides a range of cover letter templates and examples, along with an easy-to-use cover-letter builder. 

  • Wide selection of professional cover letter templates
  • AI pre-written phrases to help articulate skills and experiences
  • Automatic spell-checker to ensure error-free content
  • Easy online resumé and cover letter-building process
  • The focus is more on templates and pre-written content, which may require additional personalisation offers a free version with basic features and various paid plans that provide access to more advanced features and templates.

Tips for optimising AI-generated cover letters

Adding a personal touch.

While AI-generated cover letters can provide structure, it’s important to personalise the content. Here are some ways to add personal stories or achievements into AI-generated content to make it authentic.

  • Incorporate storytelling: reflect on your career and any unique experiences or challenges you've overcome. Integrate these anecdotes into the AI-generated content to show your problem-solving skills or resilience.
  • Highlight specific achievements: AI might not know your most significant achievements . Add specific examples of your successes such as awards, projects or measurable results.
  • Tailor it to the company and role:  research the company and role you’re applying for. Include details in your cover letter that show you understand the company’s values, culture and mission, and explain how your experience aligns with them.
  • Use your voice and style: read through the AI-generated content and tweak the language to match your communication style. 
  • Mention relevant hobbies or interests: include hobbies or interests that align with the company’s culture or the role. This can make your application more relatable and memorable.

Examples of personalised elements in cover letter writing

  • Anecdote example: During my time at XYZ Corp, I led a project under tight deadlines and budget constraints. My team and I came up with cost-effective solutions, resulting in the project’s completion two weeks ahead of schedule and a 15% reduction in expenses.
  • Achievement example: As the lead designer at ABC Ltd., I led a rebranding initiative that increased our social media engagement by 40% and was recognised with the 2023 Innovative Design Award.
  • Company-specific example:   I have long admired XYZ Company’s commitment to sustainability and was particularly impressed by your recent initiative [specific initiative]. In my previous role, I worked on several sustainability projects and am eager to bring this experience to your team.
  • Voice and style example: change a formal tone to a conversational one .  For example, I am writing to express my interest in...  can be changed to I'm excited about the opportunity to...
  • Hobbies/interests example: outside of work, I am an avid marathon runner, which has taught me a great deal about discipline and perseverance – qualities I bring to my professional life.

Editing and refining your cover letter

Combining AI-generated content with human editing is the best way to get the right results. While AI provides a strong starting point, your personal touch is what tailors it to the specific job you’re applying for and gives the hiring manager a taste of your personality. Here are some tips on how to effectively refine AI-generated cover letters.

  • Review for relevance: start by reviewing the AI-generated content for relevance to the job you're applying for. Ensure that the skills and experiences highlighted are the most relevant ones. You’ll also want to ensure your cover letter mentions key skills highlighted in the job description. 
  • Adjust the structure: AI might not always get the structure right . Rearrange paragraphs or sentences to ensure a logical flow through your qualifications.
  • Personalise the introduction and conclusion:  edit the opening and closing paragraphs to make them more personal. A strong, personalised introduction can grab the employer’s attention, while an enthusiastic conclusion can leave a good lasting impression.
  • Incorporate keywords: tailor your cover letter to the job description by incorporating relevant keywords. This not only shows that you're a good fit but also helps your letter pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Check for clarity and conciseness: ensure that each sentence is clear and concise. Remove any redundant words or phrases that don’t add value to your cover letter.
  • Match the company’s tone: if the company has a more casual tone on its website or job postings, adjust the language of your cover letter to sound less formal. 
  • Use specific examples:  wherever possible, replace generic statements with specific examples that demonstrate your skills and achievements.

Before you send off your application, make sure you read your cover letter out loud to help you catch phrases that don’t sound like something you would say. Edit these to sound more like you. Do a final review for any spelling or grammatical errors, as a polished, error-free cover letter reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

AI is a tool designed to enhance, not replace, your input in cover letter writing, providing a solid foundation and plenty of inspiration. The goal is to create a cover letter that not only stands out in terms of quality and relevance, but also resonates with your personal story and professional journey. By using AI, you can make your job search more efficient, just remember that it’s your unique voice and experiences that will ultimately make the difference.

Can I use ChatGPT for a cover letter?

Yes, you can use ChatGPT for writing cover letters. It can help you draft a cover letter by providing a structure, suggesting content based on your input, and tailoring the letter to specific job descriptions. However, it’s important to personalise the AI-generated content to ensure it accurately reflects your experiences and voice.

Can companies detect AI cover letters?

Companies may be able to detect AI-generated cover letters if the content is overly generic or lacks personalisation – or if the company uses AI-detection software. To prevent detection and make your cover letter stand out, it’s important to add personal anecdotes and specific achievements, and tailor the letter to the job and company you’re applying for. 

What is the best AI cover letter writer?

The best AI cover letter writer for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. ChatGPT is a popular choice that is easy to use. Other AI cover letter writers include ResumAI, which offers tailored content for job applications, and Writesonic, known for its range of content creation tools. 

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AI Cover Letter Generator

Generate a cover letter in seconds with artificial intelligence.

You don’t have to be a writer to experience writer’s block. Our AI Cover Letter Writer can help you with your first draft.

AI Cover Letter Generator

AI Cover Letter Writer

Powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 NLP model.

GPT-4 is an autoregressive language model that uses machine learning to produce human-like text and it’s very powerful. Even its predecessor was deemed too dangerous to unleash onto the world. Now you can use it to write your cover letter. Give it a try and see for yourself how GPT-4 can generate a great cover letter in seconds.

  • It’s a bit of an overkill to use this for cover letters
  • On the other hand, why not?

AI Generated Cover Letter

Great for people who don’t like to write.

The AI Cover Letter Writer is incredibly capable. But remember, no artificial intelligence can write a cover letter that truly communicates who you are. Only you can do that. But if you don’t know where to begin, you can use this AI Cover Letter Writer to generate a great first draft of your cover letter. Just don’t forget to edit it a little.

  • Always produces a decent-enough cover letter
  • Everything happens at a single press of a button

Free Cover Letter Maker

AI Resume Writer

The AI Writer can make resumes too.

If you’re struggling with your CV or resume, don’t hesitate to use the AI Writer for that too. Our AI Resume Writer runs on the same technology and is equally capable. What’s more, it can help you generate a resume tha visually matches your cover letter. Not convinced just yet? Learn more about the AI Resume Writer.

  • Cover letters? Resumes? The AI Writer can do it all
  • Generate a first draft, edit it later

AI Generated Cover Letter Examples

What does an AI-generated cover letter look like? See for yourself below! All of these cover letter samples were generated by our AI Cover Letter Writer.

Cover letter sample generated by Kickresume AI cover letter writer.

“Not only does Kickresume provide templates, it also makes you think vigorously about yourself as a candidate, thus getting the best out of you. I would highly recommend Kickresume to every enthusiastic jobseeker — give it a try and you'll fall in love with it.“ David Mantic, Product Manager at Telekom
“Kickresume helped me land a job at Philips! Creating my CV and cover letter was very quick and easy, and the outcome very professional. It impressed every single job interviewer I had an interview with. Definitely worth the small investment as it will benefit your career substantially.“ Dennis Bondarev, Key account manager at Philips
“When I was changing careers, I wanted a resume with a modern look and feel that would set me apart from other applicants. When I came across Kickresume, I absolutely loved their designs and the ease of use. What's more, interviewers would often tell me how pleased they were with the look of my resume.“ Steve Dominguez, Graphic Designer at K-Brite
“Kickresume is by far the most powerful resume editor on the web. It helped me create my resume really fast and people are always "Wow" when they see it. Moreover, having a portfolio website is awesome and it's easy to create. A must-have tool for anyone who changes jobs regularly.“ Bastien Vidé, Full-stack Developer & Team Manager at Airfrance
“When I was looking for my first job after finishing university, I struggled to stand out from the crowd of other graduates. Kickresume gave me the edge I needed. Suddenly I would get invited to interviews! I can't recommend it enough. Great designs, incredibly easy to use and totally worth the upgrade.“ Peter Trenkner, Product Line Manager at Dell
“Being a college student who is transitioning to the work life, I consider Kickresume the most helpful tool available. It is very user-friendly with a variety of designs tailored to your personal preferences and profession. It doesn't get any better than this!!!“ Giamnys Valdés Lastre, Research Intern at University of Kentucky

The only career toolbox you'll ever need.

Ai resume builder.

Let artificial intelligence write your resume. Our AI Resume Writer is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model and it can produce your first draft in seconds.

AI Cover Letter Builder

Try our AI Cover Letter Writer and produce a rock-solid cover letter in seconds. Most people struggle to find the right words for their cover letter. Let AI find them for you.

40+ ATS-Ready Templates

All resume and cover letter templates are customizable, ATS-friendly, and designed by a team of professional typographers and recruiters.

AI Resignation Letter Generator

Our AI Resignation Letter Writer will help you find the right words to quit your job and leave all bridges unburned.

Kickresume for Mobile

Create a perfect resume or cover letter from your mobile device. You can now access and edit your career documents from anywhere! Available on both iOS and Android.

1,500+ Resume Examples

Get inspired by resume and cover letter examples that helped real people land jobs with the world’s top companies. Search by company or job title.

Resume Checker

Find out how your resume compares against other successful resumes in our database. Receive your resume score and get personalized tips on how to improve it.

Website Builder

Turn your resume into a personal website with a single click. Choose from a number of customizable templates and let your future employer find you online.


Let our experienced human proofreaders make sure that your resume or cover letter have impeccable grammar. Don’t let a silly mistake ruin your chances of landing a job.

AI Cover Letter Writer FAQ

While we’ve tried to make this tool as easy to use as possible, it’s okay to have questions. If you don’t find your answers here, contact our customer support.

What is an AI Cover Letter Writer?

Kickresume’s AI cover letter writer is powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 natural language processing model. It can generate role-specific cover letters that look and feel a lot like cover letters written by real people.

On the other hand, it has its own limitations. Artificial intelligence doesn’t know you. It cannot tell your story the way you’d be able to.

That's why you should use this cover letter writer with caution. Nevertheless, it can produce a decent-enough cover letter that you can use as your first draft in case you’re struggling with writer’s block. However, remember to edit your AI-generated cover letter and make it more you.

Learn more about the AI cover letter writer or try it out for yourself and generate your cover letter .

How does an AI Cover Letter Writer work?

Simply enter your most recent job title, press the “Use AI Writer” button and the AI writer will generate a cover letter for you.

If you don’t like that cover letter, simply press the button again. It will generate another set of sentences or rewrite the cover letter from scratch.

What is the best AI Cover Letter Writer?

Kickresume's AI Cover Letter Builder . Here are the reasons why:

  • Kickresume AI Cover Letter Builder is based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 neural network, which is the world's most powerful natural language processing model .
  • It can generate role-specific cover letters that look and feel a lot like cover letters written by real people.
  • Each cover letter that is produced by our AI Cover Letter Builder is unique and custom-built for you.

Is the AI Cover Letter Writer free?

Unfortunately, it is not. On the other hand, there’s a large number of uses (or credits) included with every Kickresume premium subscription plan.

Why is it not free? Kickresume has to pay the OpenAI corporation for every use of its GPT-3 model. Because of that, every use of the AI writer consumes a credit.

In case you run out of these credits, you can either wait for the next billing period or contact our customer support.

If you want to unlock the full power of Kickresume, you can upgrade to a Premium subscription at any time for as little as 5 EUR per month.

Also, Kickresume is free for students .

What is GPT-3?

GPT-3 is OpenAI’s autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. Put more simply, it’s an AI that can write all kinds of texts, including a programming code, really really well.

GPT-3 is the third generation of this model and it’s very powerful. For instance, even its previous iteration, GPT-2, was considered too dangerous to release to the public. Why? Just imagine what a motivated internet troll or spammer could do with it.

Anyway, the current generation of this language prediction model was in the end released to the public and you can now use it for all kinds of things, including writing your cover letter.

Build a cover letter in less than ten seconds.

Join 5,000,000 successful job seekers who already got hired with cover letters created with Kickresume.

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Resume Worded

Generate your cover letters with ai, get proven cover letters in seconds, not hours. use our ai cover letter generator to write effective, hyper-personalized cover letters that hiring managers will love. save time and stand out in your job search..

Our AI cover letter generator will take your resume and your job description, and craft a unique, targeted cover letter that will show your enthusiasm and excitement for the job.

See it in action

You'll never get stuck writing a cover letter again. see it for yourself in the example below. it's absurdly simple to generate a complete cover letter that you can use with your application. the whole process takes around 45 seconds., cover letters...the easy way., writing cover letters sucks. it’s hard to know what to say, what experience to highlight, or skills to mention, and even though most employers still ask for a cover letter, they rarely tell you what they want it to include. what a headache well. not anymore. with our ai-powered cover letter generator, you can create a personalized cover letter for every job application that highlights your unique skills and qualifications, stands out from the crowd with compelling prose, and uses engaging, professional phrasing to showcase not only your skills but also your personality. our unique tool pulls relevant details from your resume and tailors your cover letter to the specific job requirements so you know your letter will show a recruiter precisely what they’re looking for - no more guessing required. and even better, it saves you time. our generator will scan your resume and job description in seconds, delivering a high-performing, well-crafted cover letter in less than a minute. so you can spend less time worrying about what to write and more time preparing for all the interviews your cover letters will get you., what sets our cover letter generator apart from the rest, our cover letter generator is so much more than an ai writing tool. it knows how to write professional, engaging cover letters that will win you interviews and make your next application a success..

  • Developed by recruiters Developed by our team of professional recruiters and hiring managers, our AI-powered software knows what employers are looking for in a great cover letter. Our wealth of resume writing knowledge ensures our software is up-to-date with current recruitment trends and is specifically developed with industry professionals in mind.
  • Filled with personality Our generator doesn’t just write words. It crafts compelling stories that showcase your personality. Our AI Generator creates cover letters that highlight your skills, personality, and enthusiasm for the role. It also detects your resume's tone and phrasing to make a cover letter that sounds like you.
  • Tailored to the job Just like any good resume, our AI-generated cover letters include the right mix of industry-specific keywords, hard skills, and relevant experience to ensure your letter is tailored to the specific role and company you’re applying for, leaving the guesswork out of writing your next cover letter.

Get a cover letter that recruiters will love

An introductory paragraph generated by our cover letter generator

Get a cover letter that adds in real unique personality

Why is a good cover letter so important?

Cover letters are often the first part of your application an employer will see, so it’s crucial to ensure that first impression is a good one. a poorly written cover letter can cause a recruiter to disregard your application, just as a good cover letter can make a hiring manager excited to read your resume. a cover letter should give the reader enough information to see why you’re the right candidate for the job without simply re-writing your resume. it needs to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position, show an employer that you understand their company, and showcase a little of your personality while maintaining a professional tone. it’s hard to sell yourself as the perfect candidate when you don’t know what an employer is looking for, and even harder to write concise, memorable, error-free prose specifically tailored to each application. that’s where our tool comes in. don’t fret about capturing the right mix of personable and professional. use our ai-powered generator to quickly write a cover letter that does all of the above and lets you focus on getting back to your job search., rules for writing a good cover letter, when you’re writing a cover letter, open with a strong introduction. if possible, find the name of the hiring manager and address them directly to show initiative and attention to detail. then, mention the job you’re applying for and your enthusiasm for the role. the following paragraph should highlight particular skills and qualifications relevant to the position, paying special attention to any hard skills and keywords mentioned in the job description. next, show you've done some research on the employer by describing how your skills align with the company's goals or values, and end by thanking the reader for their consideration. your cover letter should be 3 or 4 paragraphs in total. remember, you’re not rewriting your whole resume. the key is to be concise and direct, choosing one or two examples to showcase your points. when you’re finished, remember to proofread for grammar and spelling mistakes, as we all know how poor typos look on professional documents..

Our cover letter generator is fully customizable, and you can tell it to emphasize certain elements that you want to highlight.

Ready to generate your cover letter?

So, are you ready to generate your first cover letter here’s how it works. all you have to do is upload your resume and the job description of the role you’re applying for, and our ai tool will detect your relevant achievements, skills, and experience. it will then craft those skills into a compelling cover letter that is pre-formatted, error-free, and personalized to capture your professional voice. you can also tell the ai software to specifically highlight certain aspects of your resume if there’s a particular qualification you want your cover letter to focus on. as the process is so quick, you can create multiple cover letters for each application if you wish, allowing you to choose whichever you prefer. you can also play around and see if highlighting a certain aspect of your resume creates a more compelling narrative, or combine your favorite parts from multiple letters. it’s so easy to use, it’s really up to you..

  •   Resume Optimizer Is your resume optimized to get past hiring managers and the ATS? Upload it to this tool and instantly get actionable steps to improve it.
  •   Job Description Keyword Finder Your resume needs to include the right keywords to get past resume screening systems. Find out what those keywords are, using the job description.
  •   Google Docs Resume Templates Need a resume template that's recruiter-approved and passes automated hiring systems? Choose one from 300+ free Google Docs templates we've curated that you can edit online.

Get your free cover letter in 60 seconds

Don't waste time writing your cover letters. let ai use your past work experience and information about the job to generate a perfect cover letter.,    get expert feedback on your resume, instantly, get access to our resume ai tool that will find and fix your resume's mistakes, so you get more interviews..

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Resume Worded

Hallucination after fine tuning

Hello, I’m having a bit of an issue with a project I’m currently working on. I have an existing website that is essentially a database of successful cover letters for a specific type of job application. I am building a chatgpt assistant that would essentially write better cover letters based on the data I have. I first started with prompt engineering a few sets of prompts that would give a few examples and then some information about the company and then write a cover letter based of a new CV. However I couldn’t get it up to a good enough standard. I decided to fine-tune. I fed all the data I have which is around 1700 cover letters for about 100 different companies. My issue with the new checkpoint is that it hallucinates a bit too much. I would feed it a new CV and give my prompt, but in the cover letter it would include a lot of random information from the training data. For example, it would throw in a random work experience from a cover letter from the training data (which does not exist in the new CV). Any suggestions on where I’m going wrong?

My 2 cents: I would say that if you want a model to get to the essence of what a good cover letter is you would have to fine tune with a lot more cover letters.

Another way could be to prompt engineer through the cover letters to get the essence of what makes a good cover letter with examples, and fine tune your model with those outputs, so not cover letters but information of what makes cover letters good.

I would challenge the idea that you have saturated what you can do with prompt engineering.

I’ve noticed similar issues while fine-tuning. I believe my model was overfitting the training data. I was able to reduce this by increasing batch size and reducing the number of epochs from 3 to 1.

Welcome to the Forum!

Do you mind sharing details of what your training data set looked like, i.e. what you included in your prompt (system & user message) and the resulting assistant message? If you can, seeing the redacted version of your prompt would also be helpful to be able to pinpoint the potential problem.

(post deleted by author)

Hi, can you share a couple of lines from your training file and the fine-tuning parameters?

If the parameters are good, my guess would be there is no clear task definition for the model/logical workflow implemented for the user case.

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  23. Hallucination after fine tuning

    I am building a chatgpt assistant that would essentially write better cover letters based on the data I have. I first started with prompt engineering a few sets of prompts that would give a few examples and then some information about the company and then write a cover letter based of a new CV.