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Artificial Intelligence: Redefining Essay Writing

Artificial Intelligence: Redefining Essay Writing

Gone are the days when penning an essay meant hours hunched over a desk, surrounded by crumpled paper. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has burst onto the scene, shaking up the way we approach writing. It’s like having a super-smart writing buddy available 24/7.

In education, AI’s making waves. From personalized learning to automated grading, it’s changing the game. But it’s in writing where AI really flexes its muscles. Think grammar checkers on steroids, idea generators that never run dry, and editing assistants that can transform a clunky draft into a polished piece.

Here’s the deal: AI isn’t just another fancy tool in the writer’s toolkit. It’s redefining the entire process of essay composition, and that’s where the Essay Generator comes into play. From brainstorming to final edits, this AI tool has its digital fingers in every pie. But don’t panic — it’s not here to replace you. Instead, the Essay Generator is set to become your new best friend in the writing world. Ready to see how it can transform your writing process? Let’s dive in.

  • The Evolution of Essay Writing

Remember the good old days? Essay writing was a pen-and-paper affair, fraught with challenges:

  • Writer’s block: Staring at blank pages, willing ideas to materialize.
  • Research woes: Endless hours in libraries, flipping through dusty tomes.
  • Editing nightmares: Cut, paste, and rewrite – literally with scissors and glue.

Students faced a time-consuming process, often wrestling with structure and coherence. Not to mention the hand cramps from all that writing!

Digital Age Transitions

Then came the digital revolution. Computers changed the game:

  • Word processors: Goodbye, White-Out; hello, backspace key.
  • Online research: A world of information at your fingertips.
  • Spell-checkers: Catching those pesky typos became a breeze.

But it wasn’t all roses. Information overload and the temptation of copy-paste plagiarism brought new challenges.

Now, we’re riding the AI wave. It’s not just about correcting grammar anymore:

  • Intelligent suggestions: AI offers real-time writing improvements.
  • Content generation: Stuck? AI can help kickstart your creativity.
  • Advanced research: AI sifts through data, finding relevant info in seconds.

AI writing tools like Grammarly and GPT-3 are becoming as common as pencils in a student’s arsenal. They’re not just fixing mistakes; they’re actively shaping how we approach essay writing.

But here’s the kicker: AI isn’t a magic wand. It’s a powerful tool that, when used wisely, can elevate your writing game. The key? Learning to dance with the AI, not let it lead you entirely.

Recommended Reading : Intelligent Data Extraction with AI: How to Use

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  • Understanding AI in Writing

Basic Principles of AI and Machine Learning

Let’s break it down:

  • AI: Think of it as a digital brain, designed to mimic human intelligence.
  • Machine Learning: This is how AI gets smarter. It learns from data, improving over time.

Key concepts:

  • Algorithms: The recipes AI follows to process information
  • Training data: The fuel that powers AI’s learning
  • Neural networks: AI’s attempt to replicate human brain structure

In writing, AI uses these principles to understand and generate text. It’s not magic – it’s math and statistics on steroids.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Writing Contexts

NLP is AI’s way of decoding human language. It’s like teaching a computer to read between the lines:

  • Syntax analysis: Understanding sentence structure
  • Semantic analysis: Grasping the meaning behind words
  • Sentiment analysis: Detecting the emotional tone of text

For writers, NLP means AI can understand context, offer relevant suggestions, and even generate human-like text.

Current AI Writing Tools and Capabilities

The AI writing landscape is booming. Here’s what’s out there:

  • Grammar and style checkers (e.g., Grammarly) • Spot errors • Suggest improvements in clarity and style
  • Content generators (e.g., GPT-3 based tools) • Create outlines • Generate paragraphs on given topics
  • Research assistants • Summarize long texts • Find relevant sources
  • Idea generators • Brainstorm topics • Develop content structures
  • Plagiarism detectors • Compare text against vast databases • Identify potential copied content

These tools can:

  • Enhance productivity
  • Improve writing quality
  • Offer personalized feedback

But remember, they’re not infallible. AI can make mistakes or misunderstand context. It’s a tool, not a replacement for human creativity and critical thinking.

Recommended Reading: Document Scanning and Capture with AI Technology

  • Benefits of AI in Essay Writing

The age-old struggle of staring down a blank page might soon be a thing of the past. Artificial intelligence (AI) is making waves in the world of essay writing, offering a range of benefits for students and educators alike. Let’s delve into some of the key ways AI can enhance your essay writing experience.

Benefits of AI in Essay Writing

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

We’ve all been there: the looming deadline, the mountain of research, and the nagging feeling of not knowing where to start. AI writing assistants can be a valuable timesaver. They can:

  • Generate outlines and topic sentences: AI can analyze your chosen topic and suggest a clear structure for your essay, complete with potential thesis statements and topic sentences.
  • Paraphrase and rephrase: Struggling to express yourself clearly? AI can help you rephrase sentences or find synonyms to avoid plagiarism and improve readability. An advanced sentence rephraser will make the content easy to comprehend for the targeted audience. It will analyze the underlying content and ensure simple wording while keeping the meaning intact.
  • Check grammar and mechanics: AI can be your grammar guardian, catching typos, subject-verb agreement errors, and other common mistakes that can detract from your essay’s professionalism.

Improved Clarity and Coherence

  • Suggesting transitions: Ensuring smooth transitions between ideas can be tricky. AI tools can recommend appropriate transition words and phrases to connect your arguments logically.
  • Identifying sentence structure variation: A monotonous writing style can make your essay difficult to read. AI can suggest ways to vary your sentence structure, keeping your reader engaged.
  • Flagging unclear sentence construction: AI can identify sentences that might be confusing or grammatically awkward, allowing you to revise them for clarity.

Recommended Reading: AI-Powered OCR Document Processing

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In conclusion, AI writing assistants offer a compelling array of benefits for essay writers. From streamlining the writing process to enhancing clarity and fostering personalized learning, AI can be a valuable tool in your academic arsenal.

However, it’s important to remember that AI is here to assist, not replace, your critical thinking and writing skills. Don’t rely solely on AI-generated content. Use it as a springboard to develop your own ideas, analyze sources, and craft a unique and well-supported argument.

The future of AI in essay writing is bright. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated tools that can tailor themselves to individual learning styles and writing goals. So, embrace the potential of AI, but remember, the power of language ultimately lies in your hands.

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  • Published: 24 February 2023

Artificial intelligence in academic writing: a paradigm-shifting technological advance

  • Roei Golan   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7214-3073 1   na1 ,
  • Rohit Reddy 2   na1 ,
  • Akhil Muthigi 2 &
  • Ranjith Ramasamy 2  

Nature Reviews Urology volume  20 ,  pages 327–328 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

4177 Accesses

31 Citations

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  • Preclinical research
  • Translational research

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly become one of the most important and transformative technologies of our time, with applications in virtually every field and industry. Among these applications, academic writing is one of the areas that has experienced perhaps the most rapid development and uptake of AI-based tools and methodologies. We argue that use of AI-based tools for scientific writing should widely be adopted.

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Checco, A., Bracciale, L., Loreti, P., Pinfield, S. & Bianchi, G. AI-assisted peer review. Humanit. Soc. Sci. Commun. 8 , 25 (2021).

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Hutson, M. Could AI help you to write your next paper? Nature 611 , 192–193 (2022).

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Krzastek, S. C., Farhi, J., Gray, M. & Smith, R. P. Impact of environmental toxin exposure on male fertility potential. Transl Androl. Urol. 9 , 2797–2813 (2020).

Article   PubMed   PubMed Central   Google Scholar  

Khullar, D. Social media and medical misinformation: confronting new variants of an old problem. JAMA 328 , 1393–1394 (2022).

Article   PubMed   Google Scholar  

Reddy, R. V. et al. Assessing the quality and readability of online content on shock wave therapy for erectile dysfunction. Andrologia 54 , e14607 (2022).

Khodamoradi, K., Golan, R., Dullea, A. & Ramasamy, R. Exosomes as potential biomarkers for erectile dysfunction, varicocele, and testicular injury. Sex. Med. Rev. 10 , 311–322 (2022).

Stone, L. You’ve got a friend online. Nat. Rev. Urol. 17 , 320 (2020).

PubMed   Google Scholar  

Pai, R. K. et al. A review of current advancements and limitations of artificial intelligence in genitourinary cancers. Am. J. Clin. Exp. Urol. 8 , 152–162 (2020).

PubMed   PubMed Central   Google Scholar  

You, J. B. et al. Machine learning for sperm selection. Nat. Rev. Urol. 18 , 387–403 (2021).

Stone, L. The dawning of the age of artificial intelligence in urology. Nat. Rev. Urol. 18 , 322 (2021).

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The manuscript was edited for grammar and structure using the advanced language model ChatGPT. The authors thank S. Verma for addressing inquiries related to artificial intelligence.

Author information

These authors contributed equally: Roei Golan, Rohit Reddy.

Authors and Affiliations

Department of Clinical Sciences, Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee, FL, USA

Desai Sethi Urology Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA

Rohit Reddy, Akhil Muthigi & Ranjith Ramasamy

You can also search for this author in PubMed   Google Scholar

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Correspondence to Ranjith Ramasamy .

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Competing interests.

R.R. is funded by the National Institutes of Health Grant R01 DK130991 and the Clinician Scientist Development Grant from the American Cancer Society. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Related links.

ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/

Cohere: https://cohere.ai/

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer: https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer

DALL-E 2: https://openai.com/dall-e-2/

Elicit: https://elicit.org/

Penelope.ai: https://www.penelope.ai/

Quillbot: https://quillbot.com/

Semantic Scholar: https://www.semanticscholar.org/

Wordtune by AI21 Labs: https://www.wordtune.com/

Writefull: https://www.writefull.com/

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Golan, R., Reddy, R., Muthigi, A. et al. Artificial intelligence in academic writing: a paradigm-shifting technological advance. Nat Rev Urol 20 , 327–328 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41585-023-00746-x

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Published : 24 February 2023

Issue Date : June 2023

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41585-023-00746-x

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artificial intelligence in essay writing

Best AI writer of 2024

Use the best AI writers to create written content quickly

  • Best AI writer overall

Best choice for marketers

Best for wordpress users, best for long-form writing.

  • Best free version
  • Best for short-form

Best for sourcing

  • Industry rankings

How we test

Person writing on computer.

1. Best AI writer overall 2. Best for marketers 3. Best for WordPress users 4. Best for long-form writing 5. Best free option 6. Best for short-form writing 7. Best for sourcing 8. TechRadar's AI writer rankings 9. FAQs 10. How we test

The word "AI" has been named the word of the year. ChatGPT has made waves since its introduction in late 2022. With every new iteration of this powerful tool, users have found innovative ways to use it to simplify and speed up their work.

Now, there are many AI writing assistants on the market, competing with ChatGPT to become the king of AI-powered writing tools. These new tools aim to simplify the writing process by generating long-form content, researching keywords, creating images from text, and more. Many bloggers are using these tools to improve their content and save time. 

However, there are some drawbacks to using AI writers. The content generated may require additional editing to ensure it's polished and accurate. AI-generated content may also lack the unique voice and style a human writer can provide. Despite this, the benefits of using AI writers, such as cost and time savings, often outweigh these minor drawbacks.

In conclusion, AI writers are an excellent solution for creating high-quality content without spending countless hours or breaking the bank. With numerous writing tools available today, content creation can be easily sped up and simplified. If you're interested in trying one of these tools, we've got you covered with our list of the best AI writers of the year. Check it out!

The best AI writers of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

See how our top picks compare in the following analysis and reviews as we discuss reasons to subscribe, reasons to avoid, our test results, and what we liked most about each cloud storage platform.

The best AI writer overall

Website screenshot for Grammarly AI writer

1. GrammarlyGO

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

✔️   You also need a grammar editor: Getting help from an AI writer is even better with one that also helps you with grammar, like Grammarly. 

✔️ Need to use it across multiple apps: With Grammarly installed on your computer, you instantly gain access to it across your favorite apps like Microsoft Word and other word processing packages. 

✔️ Want something that's easy to use — once you learn how to do it:  Once you understand how GrammarlyGO works, it's going to make your life easier and assist you in making your text better. 

❌  You're on a strict budget: No doubt, Grammarly itself is expensive, especially if you only want to pay for it on a month-to-month basis. 

❌  You don't need a grammar tool: Maybe this is overkill, depending on your situation. 

❌ You need social networking-specific tools:  GrammarlyGO doesn't offer these types of tools, at least for now. 

Even in beta, GrammarlyGO is an excellent addition to an already powerful Al-based writing tool. You can use it to become a much better writer in just a few steps. 

Check out our in-depth GrammarlyGo review for a closer look at the service, and see why it's our top AI writer pick for 2024.

Grammarly has been a reliable companion for writers, helping them polish their craft by providing suggestions that make their writing clearer, more engaging, or more effective. And now, they've taken it up a notch by introducing GrammarlyGO, a feature-packed add-on that comes bundled with the rest of the software.

To get the most out of GrammarlyGO, you must understand how Grammarly works, as the two are closely intertwined. When using GrammarlyGO, it's essential to remember the number of prompts available to you, which varies depending on the plan you choose. Whenever you ask Grammarly to improve your text, one prompt is used, regardless of whether you use the suggestion. Grammarly Free users get access to 100 prompts per month, while Grammarly Premium subscribers receive 1,000 prompts per month. For Grammarly Business users, the number goes up to 1,000 prompts per user every month.

GoogleGO AI features are classified into five categories: ideate, compose, reply, rewrite, and personalize. The ideate feature helps you generate article ideas that are exciting and thought-provoking. With Grammarly's assistance, you can develop topics like "Five ways to motivate employees" or "Name five great topics about fall" that can capture the reader's attention and spark their interest.

The compose feature is perfect when you want Grammarly to help you write something from scratch. For instance, you could ask Grammarly to help you write an announcement about your engagement or a cover letter for a new job. The more information you provide, the better the results, and GrammarlyGO can help you create a masterpiece with its advanced suggestions and insights. Adding details like the name of your fiancé and the engagement date can make your announcement even more unique. In contrast, information about the job you're applying for can make your cover letter more effective.

If you're unsure how to respond to a message, Grammarly's reply feature can save the day. You can ask Grammarly to answer questions like "What should I say to Brent about the new job?" or "How can I congratulate Tom and Becky on their upcoming nuptials?" With Grammarly's superior writing skills, you can craft an engaging, effective, and impressive response.

With these incredible features, GrammarlyGO can help you take your writing to new heights and unleash your creativity.

Please read our full GrammarlyGo review .

  • ^ Back to the top

Website screenshot for Anyword

✔️ You are a marketer: Anyword is the best AI writer for marketers on the planet. It helps you create content based on your company's "voice," and learns as it goes. 

✔️ You enjoy trial and error:  There's no "right" answer when it comes to AI text generation. Anyword makes it easier to tweak text once or unlimited times to help you get the text perfect for your needs. 

✔️ You need to generate unlimited words:  There are limits elsewhere, but Anyword doesn't limit how many words it will generate on a monthly basis. 

❌  You want app integration: You'll need to copy and paste text from your favorite word processor to Anyword, which can get annoying for some. 

❌ You want a free plan:  Once you exhaust your trial, you'll need to pick a free plan to continue. 

❌  You aren't a marketer:  The heavy marketing focus can't be avoided. 

Anyword offers a slick and easy-to-use interface. In mere moments, you'll be able to create excellent content that caters to your intended audience 

Check out our in-depth Anyword review for a closer look .

Are you tired of struggling to generate creative marketing copy or unsure how to optimize your existing content? Anyword is an innovative cloud-based writing tool that can help you overcome these challenges and achieve exceptional results. With Anyword's intuitive interface and user-friendly tools, you can generate, test, and optimize your copy in ways you never thought possible.

With unlimited words in each plan, Anyword gives you plenty of space to craft compelling content that truly resonates with your audience. Its advanced AI-powered algorithms can analyze your existing marketing materials and produce multiple variations of your copy, enabling you to compare and contrast different solutions and select the best option for your brand.

One of the key features of Anyword is its Brand Voice function, which enables businesses to establish a consistent identity across all their marketing materials. Whether you're refining your tone of voice, targeting your audience, or building out your messaging bank, Anyword can help you create copy that accurately reflects your brand's personality, tone, and style.

Additionally, Anyword seamlessly integrates with various platforms, from Hubspot to LinkedIn Ads, enabling you to use copy intelligence to enhance the quality of your future content. By analyzing the performance of your existing materials, Anyword empowers you to make informed decisions about optimizing your messaging for even better results.

But that's not all - Anyword's advanced algorithms can also analyze the performance of your competitors' marketing materials, giving you insights into their copy and enabling you to create content that sets you apart from the competition.

In summary, Anyword can help you unlock your creativity and produce exceptional marketing copy that resonates with your audience. With its range of user-friendly tools, advanced AI-powered algorithms, and seamless integration with various platforms, Anyword is the perfect writing tool for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts.

Please read our full Anyword review .

Website screenshot for Articleforge

3. Articleforge

✔️ You use WordPress heavily: Articleforge works great with WordPress; get started in just a few steps. 

✔️ You want package customization:  The more you're willing to pay, the more words you can generate each month. It's flexible. 

✔️ You need marketing-based tools:  Offers SEO optimization, content in bulk, and more. 

❌  You don't want to self-edit : Articleforge may require more post-generation editing than other options, which could slow you down.

❌ You don't want to deal with duplicates:  Yes, sometimes Articleforge repeats suggestions. 

❌  If you don't want to spend more for a monthly subscription: It's cheaper to buy this on a yearly basis, and that might not be a commitment you're willing to make. 

Articleforge utilizes deep learning and AI to improve content over time, though heavy editing and fact-checking are often necessary.

Check out our in-depth Articleforge review for more information.

Articleforge is a tool that can greatly help speed up the writing process for users. It is a valuable resource for those who need to generate content quickly but do not have the time or resources to do so themselves. However, it is important to note that it is not a replacement for an experienced writer or editor. While it can provide recommendations for titles and automate SEO and WordPress publishing, it is not designed to produce ready-to-publish content.

One of the benefits of Articleforge is that it is available in seven languages, making it ideal for international blogs or multi-language sites. Users simply need to enter a few keywords and the topic they want to cover, and the platform will generate content in under 60 seconds. This generated content will use the provided keywords and cover the desired topic.

In addition to its quick and easy content generation, Articleforge also offers various integrations, including MS Word and WordPress integrations. The platform also provides integrations with other software systems like SEO AutoPilot, CyberSEO, RankerX, SEnuke TNG, and more. These integrations are easy to use, thanks to the API key offered by the platform.

While the platform is a convenient tool for creating content, its output quality falls short of expectations. As with any automated system, fact-checking is necessary for the majority of the content offered by the platform. The platform does offer better output quality with customized input. However, extensive testing is required, which can quickly exhaust the "word meter."

Overall, Articleforge can significantly expedite the writing process and help overcome writer's block. It is advisable to test it out and find a balance between the platform and tailored input to yield superior results. While it should not be relied upon as a sole source of content, using it in conjunction with other resources can help users quickly generate high-quality content.

Read our full Articleforge AI writer review .

Website screenshot for Jasper

✔️ You want a great plagiarism checker: You want to create original content, right? This checker makes sure that's true. 

✔️ You need to create content in multiple languages:  Some folks are writing content in multiple languages and Jasper lets you do this. 

✔️ You want access to a lot of features:  The team behind this solution tends to add new features on a regular basis without raising the price. That's sweet. 

❌  You don't have time to learn: Any AI writer takes time to learn. Jasper takes a little bit more time. 

❌ If you don't want to spend a lot:   Some folks might not feel the Creator package is enough and the next one is expensive. 

❌  If you aren't willing to edit a lot: Some of the content Jasper creates is better than others. Some extra editing is key. 

Jasper is a platform that is highly customizable and comes with a user-friendly interface. All the necessary tools that you need are just a click away. The platform’s content generation capabilities are hidden behind easy-to-reach templates, making it an easy-to-use tool.

Check out our review of Jasper to learn more about the AI writer.

Jasper is a powerful platform that leverages natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze data from various sources across the web. With this ability, it can generate content ideas based on the relevant data you input, such as keywords, topics, and more. Jasper can help create a wide range of content formats, including blog posts, social media content, emails, and much more.

One of the most significant advantages of Jasper is that it has a tone feature that allows you to assign a corresponding tone to the copy you create if you’re targeting a specific persona. This feature is incredibly useful because it helps ensure that the content you create resonates with your target audience. Additionally, Jasper can help you improve your content through optimization recommendations, which can be accessed through numerous templates available on the platform.

If you’re short on time and need to create content quickly, Jasper is the perfect solution. It can offer content in mere seconds with just a few clicks and some input. With Jasper, you can save time and increase productivity, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks.

Another unique feature that Jasper offers is the “Boss Mode” feature, which allows you to write 5x faster. With this mode, you can give commands to Jasper, and it will do all the work for you. You can even write a complete book using this mode in just minutes. This feature is incredibly useful for writers who need to create a large volume of content in a short amount of time.

In the Boss Mode, you can also use pre-built recipes offered by the Jasper team such as “Write about (keyword),” but you also have the option of creating your own, which can be incredibly helpful if you have specific requirements for your content. By automating your writing process, you can save time and focus on other critical tasks.

Read our full Jasper review .

The best free version

Website screenshot for CopyAI

✔️ You want a free plan for minor work:  If you're okay with only generating 2,000 words per month, there's a free plan for that. 

✔️ You need unlimited word generation: You can create unlimited words each month with all the paid plans. 

✔️ You want multiple tools:  New features are added often, making the product even better. 

❌  You are a marketer:  There are better options if you primarily need to write marketing copy. 

❌  You aren't willing to learn:  Here's another option that is a little bit harder to learn, at least initially. 

❌ You need app integration:  Expect to stay on the CopyAI website to get your work done, which requires copy and paste. 

CopyAI helps writers create high-quality copy with the power of AI, saving time and producing better content that resonates with your audience.

Check out our in-depth CopyAI review to see whether it's the tool for you.

CopyAI has been making waves in the world of AI writing tools, becoming a favorite among users who want to create high-quality content that can help them stand out in today's crowded digital space. The tool offers a wide range of options that allow users to get started and take their writing to the next level, from exploring various writing templates, settings, and features on the user dashboard to creating a compelling copy in minutes.

The user dashboard serves as the creative command center for CopyAI users, providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate through different features. From here, you can quickly access various options that can help you create content that resonates with your audience, whether you need to write a blog post about travel or an email to a potential client.

The chat feature is the default option that acts as a blank canvas to help generate inspiration. The brainstorm feature allows you to create copy such as "ten catchy Twitter headlines on holiday shopping," "the best Facebook headlines for marketing professionals," and more. If you're struggling to come up with a topic, don’t worry. CopyAI’s chat function provides prompt templates to give you a head start. These templates cover various topics, including content creation, SEO, email marketing, social media, PR and communication, sales, and strategy.

Moreover, you can create custom templates that cater to your specific needs. Each template in the collection provides various options, so whether you need a headline generator, a step-by-step guide, or a product description, CopyAI has you covered. You can even use the "rewrite content" option to enhance your written content, making it more engaging and effective.

To fully personalize your experience with CopyAI, you should create one or more brand voices. This process involves providing text that accurately describes you or your company's unique voice. This text should be between 50 and 500 words and can come from various sources such as blog articles, social media posts, website copy, marketing emails, and more. This allows CopyAI to tailor its AI-powered tools to better suit your brand's needs, making it easier for you to create content that resonates with your target audience and helps you achieve your goals.

In summary, CopyAI is a powerful AI writing tool that offers a wide range of features and options to help you create high-quality content. From the user dashboard to the chat and brainstorming features, CopyAI provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to create compelling and engaging content. With custom templates and brand voices, you can personalize your experience with CopyAI and create content that resonates with your target audience, helping you stand out in today's crowded digital space.

Read our full  CopyAI review .

The best for short-form

Website screenshot for Writesonic

6. Writesonic

✔️ You aren't tech savvy:  It's one of the easiest-to-use solutions on the market. 

✔️ You need lots of languages:  Writesonic supports 25 languages and counting. 

✔️ You're a freelancer:  There's a package just for you.

❌  You want to pay a lower price:  Some have criticized Writesonic for being too expensive. That's true with the Smart Team options

❌  You need more third-party integrations:  It doesn't really place nice with other software tools, which could add some time to your work. 

❌ You don't like tackling a learning curve : Like others on this list, there's a slighter higher learning curve with this one

Writesonic is an expansive AI writing platform with an intuitive interface and versatile templates for all content creation scenarios.

Check out our in-depth Writesonic review to see if this is the AI writing tool for you. 

Writesonic is an innovative content creation platform that provides users with various features and tools to generate high-quality, engaging content. One of the most impressive features of Writesonic is its versatility - it supports over 25 languages, including English, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, and more. This is a significant advantage for businesses that operate in multiple regions and need to produce content in different languages.

Another notable feature of Writesonic is its tone of voice customization tool. Users can choose from various tones, including "Excited," "Creative," and more. This feature adds a unique twist to the content, tailoring it to the user's needs. However, it's essential to note that the tone of voice feature may require additional editing to ensure the content is clear and coherent.

Regarding website copywriting, Writesonic provides users with an impressive range of tools. It can create landing pages, SEO meta descriptions, and feature-rich headers and subheaders. Additionally, it allows users to create social media ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google . Content creators can also benefit from Writesonic's blog writing, point expansion, and text analysis tools, which can rephrase the content and improve its readability.

The platform also offers e-commerce copy creation and popular copywriting formulas, such as the "AIDA" and "Pain-Agitate-Solution" formulas. These formulas are tried and tested approaches to writing compelling, persuasive content that resonates with readers.

However, it's essential to note that the content generated by Writesonic may require significant editing from the user. While the platform does an excellent job of generating content, it's essential to ensure it's clear, coherent, and tailored to the user's needs. If you're looking for a completely hands-off approach to content creation, Writesonic may not be the best option. However, for businesses that need to generate high-quality, engaging content quickly, Writesonic is an excellent choice.

Please read our full Writesonic review .

Website screenshot for Al-Writer

7. Al-Writer

✔️ You want a cheap package: You can get an AI writer for as little as $19/month. 

✔️ You need clear sourcing:  No better solution is available for providing sources for all text provided. 

✔️ You want an easy solution:  A very low learning curve exists. 

❌  You want app integration:  There's seamless integration with WordPress, but that's about it. 

❌  You need marketing-specific tools:  Sorry, this one doesn't have it. 

❌ You want unlimited word generation: If you need to generate more than 120 articles per month, this is a very expensive solution. 

AI-Writer is a unique word-generating tool that simplifies text creation and editing through an intuitive user interface. However, it may not be suitable for everyone.

Check out our in-depth AI-Writer review to see if it's the solution for you. 

AI-Writer is a word generator that is easily accessible and is popular among freelancers and bloggers. It may not be as extensive as Anyword or CopyAI, which are primarily aimed at marketing and sales, but it serves its intended audience well. 

One of the most significant advantages of AI-Writer is its unparalleled sourcing capabilities. It is the only AI content generator that cites sources for "everything it writes." Additionally, it updates its sources frequently, ensuring that any article generated by it sources the latest information on the subject. This is a significant advantage, particularly for those who are writing about current events or trending topics. With AI-Writer, writers can create content that is well-researched and accurate, without having to spend hours scouring the internet for sources. 

Another significant advantage of AI-Writer is that it recognizes that not all types of content require sourcing. For instance, op-eds or personal essays don't usually require sources. AI-Writer recognizes this and hides sources and links from the main results page, making it easier for writers to focus on their content and not worry about sources.

One of the drawbacks of using AI-Writer is that its extensive sourcing process can cause a minor delay in generating results compared to other AI writing tools. Although this may not be a significant issue, the noticeable delay should be mentioned. For instance, alternative tools like GrammarlyGO offer results without hesitation. However, it is worth noting that the issue with AI-Writer is primarily due to its thorough sourcing process. 

In conclusion, AI-Writer is an excellent tool for freelancers and bloggers who want to create high-quality content. It excels in sourcing capabilities, making it a go-to tool for writers who need well-researched and accurate content. Its ability to recognize when sourcing is not required is also an added advantage. While it may not be the fastest tool on the market, its thorough sourcing process is worth the wait.

Read our full  AI-Writer review .

TechRadar's AI writer rankings

Numerous AI writing solutions are already available in the market, and we can expect more to arrive in the future. Have a look at our rankings of popular services below, and also check out the honorable mentions that currently can’t compete with the top services available.

1. The overall winner
2. Best for marketers
3. Best for WordPress users
4. Best for long form writing
5. Best free option
6. Best for short form writing
7. Best for sourcing
8. Best for SEO
9. Best for bulk article updates
10. Best for image creation too

What is an AI writer?

An AI writer is a revolutionary tool, capable of creating text and content without human help; it utilizes algorithms and machine learning to generate various AI content. From data-driven, high-value pieces to conversion-focused content perfect for marketing campaigns, AI writers can easily create just about any content.

As AI writing assistants gain exposure to various forms of real-world information, they gain proficiency in generating natural-sounding output. With their data coming from human sources, the output created also has a human-like quality. Much like how humans rely on existing content to craft something new, AI content tools scour the web for relevant data to fulfill the user's instructions, thus creating original content.

This, in a nutshell, explains what AI writing is and how it functions.

How to choose the best AI writer for you?

Let’s get this out of the way. Whichever platform you choose, you will have to do some editing, if you want to create useful texts.

Here are some of the factors you should consider when choosing the right tool for you: 

1. Ease of use

Tools that don’t require technical knowledge or prior experience should be on the top of your list. Investment in good UI means that other aspects of the tool are also likely to be of a higher quality.

While this may not be popular with everyone, the price should play a major role in deciding which tool to go for. Some are simply overpriced while not offering much more than their lower-priced competition. Pay attention to the amount of content each price plan offers.

3. High-quality output

Despite the fact that, in the end, you will be editing the texts and images the tool creates, having a tool that creates high-quality content will mean less time spent on fixing mistakes and editing.

4. Integrations

If you’re running a blog or business and have been doing so for some time, you probably have your set of tools that you use for writing content. Making sure that the new AI platform syncs well with your existing toolbox can be essential for how long and how well you utilize the AI tool.

The list above is not exhaustive, but does offer a great starting point in your quest to find the best AI writing tool for your needs.

During our assessment, we’ve evaluated various aspects such as the number of writing templates, categories, recipes, number of languages supported, grammar checkers, etc. Our goal was to create an extensive list of AI writing assistants that offer much more than simple rewording features. 

We tested the overall capabilities of the AI software, the tool's interface and ease of use, monthly article limits, SEO optimization features, and pricing, among other aspects.

In addition, we gave each platform a test article to write for us (a simple topic) and checked its sentence structure and content relevance.

Read more on how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .

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Bryan M. Wolfe is a staff writer at TechRadar, iMore, and wherever Future can use him. Though his passion is Apple-based products, he doesn't have a problem using Windows and Android. Bryan's a single father of a 15-year-old daughter and a puppy, Isabelle. Thanks for reading!

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artificial intelligence in essay writing

Robotic hands at a computer.

Artificial intelligence is getting better at writing, and universities should worry about plagiarism

artificial intelligence in essay writing

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University

artificial intelligence in essay writing

Educational Leader in Residence, Academic Integrity and Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

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The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Calgary provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation CA.

Brock University and University of Calgary provide funding as members of The Conversation CA-FR.

Brock University provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA.

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The dramatic rise of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic has spotlit concerns about the role of technology in exam surveillance — and also in student cheating .

Some universities have reported more cheating during the pandemic, and such concerns are unfolding in a climate where technologies that allow for the automation of writing continue to improve.

Over the past two years, the ability of artificial intelligence to generate writing has leapt forward significantly , particularly with the development of what’s known as the language generator GPT-3. With this, companies such as Google , Microsoft and NVIDIA can now produce “human-like” text .

AI-generated writing has raised the stakes of how universities and schools will gauge what constitutes academic misconduct, such as plagiarism . As scholars with an interest in academic integrity and the intersections of work, society and educators’ labour, we believe that educators and parents should be, at the very least, paying close attention to these significant developments .

AI & academic writing

The use of technology in academic writing is already widespread. For example, many universities already use text-based plagiarism detectors like Turnitin , while students might use Grammarly , a cloud-based writing assistant. Examples of writing support include automatic text generation, extraction, prediction, mining, form-filling, paraphrasing , translation and transcription.

Read more: In an AI world we need to teach students how to work with robot writers

Advancements in AI technology have led to new tools, products and services being offered to writers to improve content and efficiency . As these improve, soon entire articles or essays might be generated and written entirely by artificial intelligence . In schools, the implications of such developments will undoubtedly shape the future of learning, writing and teaching.

A girl at a computer surrounded by zeros and ones as binary code.

Misconduct concerns already widespread

Research has revealed that concerns over academic misconduct are already widespread across institutions higher education in Canada and internationally.

In Canada, there is little data regarding the rates of misconduct. Research published in 2006 based on data from mostly undergraduate students at 11 higher education institutions found 53 per cent reported having engaged in one or more instances of serious cheating on written work, which was defined as copying material without footnoting, copying material almost word for word, submitting work done by someone else, fabricating or falsifying a bibliography, submitting a paper they either bought or got from someone else for free.

Academic misconduct is in all likelihood under-reported across Canadian higher education institutions .

There are different types of violations of academic integrity, including plagiarism , contract cheating (where students hire other people to write their papers) and exam cheating, among others .

Unfortunately, with technology, students can use their ingenuity and entrepreneurialism to cheat. These concerns are also applicable to faculty members, academics and writers in other fields, bringing new concerns surrounding academic integrity and AI such as:

  • If a piece of writing was 49 per cent written by AI, with the remaining 51 per cent written by a human, is this considered original work?
  • What if an essay was 100 per cent written by AI, but a student did some of the coding themselves?
  • What qualifies as “AI assistance” as opposed to “academic cheating”?
  • Do the same rules apply to students as they would to academics and researchers?

We are asking these questions in our own research , and we know that in the face of all this, educators will be required to consider how writing can be effectively assessed or evaluated as these technologies improve.

Augmenting or diminishing integrity?

At the moment, little guidance, policy or oversight is available regarding technology, AI and academic integrity for teachers and educational leaders.

Over the past year, COVID-19 has pushed more students towards online learning — a sphere where teachers may become less familiar with their own students and thus, potentially, their writing.

While it remains impossible to predict the future of these technologies and their implications in education, we can attempt to discern some of the larger trends and trajectories that will impact teaching, learning and research.

Technology & automation in education

A key concern moving forward is the apparent movement towards the increased automation of education where educational technology companies offer commodities such as writing tools as proposed solutions for the various “problems” within education.

An example of this is automated assessment of student work, such as automated grading of student writing . Numerous commercial products already exist for automated grading, though the ethics of these technologies are yet to be fully explored by scholars and educators.

Read more: Online exam monitoring can invade privacy and erode trust at universities

Overall, the traditional landscape surrounding academic integrity and authorship is being rapidly reshaped by technological developments. Such technological developments also spark concerns about a shift of professional control away from educators and ever-increasing new expectations of digital literacy in precarious working environments .

Read more: Precarious employment in education impacts workers, families and students

These complexities, concerns and questions will require further thought and discussion. Educational stakeholders at all levels will be required to respond and rethink definitions as well as values surrounding plagiarism, originality, academic ethics and academic labour in the very near future.

The authors would like to sincerely thank Ryan Morrison, from George Brown College, who provided significant expertise, advice and assistance with the development of this article.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Academic cheating
  • Academic integrity
  • Academic writing

artificial intelligence in essay writing

Project Manager SSTP

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Supply Chain - Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenure-Track)

artificial intelligence in essay writing

OzGrav Postdoctoral Research Fellow

artificial intelligence in essay writing

Casual Facilitator: GERRIC Student Programs - Arts, Design and Architecture

The best AI writing generators

These 7 ai writing tools will take your content to the next level..

Hero image with the logos of the best AI writing software

So, if you're looking for an AI content generator that will help you write compelling copy, publish blog posts a lot quicker, and otherwise take some of the slow-paced typing out of writing, you've come to the right place. Let's dig in. 

The best AI writing software

How do ai writing tools work, what makes the best ai text generator, how we evaluate and test apps.

As I was testing these apps, here's what else I was looking for:

Tools powered by GPT or a similar large language model with well-documented efficacy. In practice, this means that most but not all of the AI writing tools on this list use GPT to a greater or lesser degree. Many apps are starting to hide what models they use and claim to have a lot of secret sauce built on top (because there's a marketing advantage in being different and more powerful), but the reality is that nine times out of ten, it's the GPT API that's doing the heavy lifting.

An interface that gives you a lot of control over the text output. The more options you have to influence the tone, style, language, content, and everything else, the better. I didn't want tools where you just entered a headline and let the AI do the rest; these are all tools that you collaborate with, so you can write great copy quickly. The best AI writing tools also let you set a default brand voice that's always on.

Ease of use. You shouldn't have to fight to get the AI to do what you want. With AI writing software like this, there will always be some redoing and reshaping to get the exact output you want, but working with the AI shouldn't feel like wrangling a loose horse. Similarly, great help docs and good onboarding were both a major plus. 

Even with these criteria, I had more than 40 different AI writing tools to test. Remember: it's relatively easy for a skilled developer to build a wrapper around the GPT API, so I had to dig deep into each one to find out if it was any good or just had a flashy marketing site.

I tested each app by getting it to write a number of different short- and long-form bits of copy, but as expected, there were very few meaningful quality differences. Instead, it was the overall user experience, depth of features, and affordability that determined whether an app made this list. 

The best AI writing generators at a glance


Mature and feature-filled AI content generation

Creator plan from $49/month; Teams plan from $125/month


Active solicitation of user input, affordable unlimited plan for high-volume users

Free plan available (2,000 words/month); Pro plan from $49/month

Assisting you with writing

Easy inclusion of specific details and SEO keywords, engagement scores for content

Starter plan from $49/month

Fiction writing

Tailored AI assistance for writing fiction, easy-to-use interface

Hobby & Student plan from $19/month

Non-GPT content

Transparency regarding AI model, effective as an editor for adhering to style guides

Team plan from $18/user/month

GPT-4 content

Choice of GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 models

Free plan available (10,000 GPT-3.5 words/month); Business plan from $19/month

And affordable option

Free and affordable plans

Free plan available (10,000 characters/month); Saver plan from $9/month

Best AI writing generator for businesses

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} jasper (web).

Jasper, our pick for the best AI writing generator for businesses

Jasper pros:

One of the most mature and feature-filled options on the list 

Integrates with Grammarly, Surfer, and its own AI art generator

Jasper cons:

Expensive given that all the apps use similar language models 

Jasper (formerly Jarvis) is one of the most feature-filled and powerful AI content generators. It was among the first wave of apps built on top of GPT, and its relative longevity means that it feels like a more mature tool than most of the other apps I tested. It's continued to grow and develop in the months since I first compiled this list.

Jasper has also moved away from just being a GPT app. It claims to combine "several large language models" including GPT-4, Claude 2, and PaLM 2, so that "you get the highest quality outputs and superior uptime." While I can't say that I noticed a massive difference between Jasper's output and any other app's, it does give you a few solid controls so that your content matches your brand. 

You can create a brand Voice and Tone by uploading some appropriate sample text. Based on a few examples of my writing, Jasper created a style that "emphasizes a casual, conversational tone with humor, personal anecdotes, listicles, informal language, expertise in various subjects, and a call to action for an engaging and approachable brand voice." I don't think that's a bad summary of the content I fed in, and its output for a few test blog posts like "The Enduring Popularity of Top Gun" felt closer to my writing than when I asked it to use a generic casual tone of voice. Similarly, there's a Knowledge Base where you can add facts about your business and products so Jasper gets important details right. 

While other apps also offer similar features, Jasper's seemed to work better and are fully integrated with the rest of the app. For example, you can create entire marketing campaigns using your custom brand voice. Put a bit of work into fine-tuning it and uploading the right assets to your knowledge base, and I suspect that Jasper really could create some solid first drafts of marketing materials like blog outlines, social media campaign ads, and the like.

Create product descriptions in Jasper from new or updated Airtable records

Airtable logo

Create Jasper blog posts from new changes to specific column values in monday.com and save the text in Google Docs documents

monday.com logo

Run Jasper commands and send Slack channel messages with new pushed messages in Slack

Slack logo

Jasper pricing: Creator plan from $49/month with one brand voice and 50 knowledge assets. Teams plan starts at $125/month for three seats, three brand voices, and 150 knowledge assets.

Best AI writing app for AI copywriting

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} copy.ai (web).

Copy.ai, our pick for the best AI copywriting tool

Copy.ai pros:

Has an affordable unlimited plan for high-volume users 

Workflow actively solicits your input, which can lead to higher quality content 

Copy.ai cons:

Expensive if you don't produce a lot of content

Pretty much anything Jasper can do, Copy.ai can do too. It has brand voices, an infobase, a chatbot, and team features (though there isn't a browser extension). Consider it the Burger King to Jasper's McDonalds.

The other big difference is the pricing. While both offer plans for $49/month, Copy.ai includes five user seats and unlimited brand voices. For a small team working with multiple brands, it can be a lot cheaper. Also, if you're looking for a free AI writing generator, Copy.ai also offers a free plan that includes 2,000 words per month.

Add new blog posts created with Copy.ai to Webflow

Copy.ai logo

Copy.ai pricing: Free for 2,000 words per month; from $49/month for the Pro plan with 5 users and unlimited brand voices.

Best AI writing assistant

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} anyword (web).

Anyword, our pick for the best AI writing assistant

Anyword pros:

Makes it very easy for you to include specific details, SEO keywords, and other important information 

Engagement scores and other metrics are surprisingly accurate

Anyword cons:

Can be slower to use

Pretty expensive for a more limited set of features than some of the other apps on this list

While you can direct the AI to include certain details and mention specific facts for every app on this list, none make it as easy as Anyword. More than any of the others, the AI here feels like an eager and moderately competent underling that requires a bit of micromanaging (and can also try to mimic your writing style and brand voice), rather than a beast that you have to tame with arcane prompts. 

Take one of its main content-generating tools: the Blog Wizard. Like with Copy.ai, the setup process requires you to describe the blog post you want the AI to create and add any SEO keywords you want to target. Anyword then generates a range of titles for you to choose from, along with a predicted engagement score. 

Once you've chosen a title—or written your own—it generates a suggested outline. Approve it, and you get the option for it to create an entire ~2,000-word blog post (boo!) or a blank document where you can prompt it with additional instructions for each section of the outline, telling it things like what facts to mention, what style to take, and what details to cover. There's also a chatbot-like research sidebar that you can ask questions of and solicit input from. While certainly a slower process than most apps, it gives you a serious amount of control over the content you're creating.

Anyword is definitely aimed at marketers, and its other tools—like the Data-Driven Editor and the Website Targeted Message—all allow you to target your content toward specific audiences and give things engagement scores. While I certainly can't confirm the validity of any of these scores, they at least pass the sniff test. I generally thought the AI-generated content that Anyword scored higher was better—and even when I disagreed, I still liked one of the top options. 

Anyword pricing: Starter plan from $49/month for 1 user and 1 brand voice.

Best AI writing tool for writing fiction

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} sudowrite (web).

Sudowrite, our pick for the best AI writing tool for writing fiction

Sudowrite pros:

The only AI tool on the list explicitly aimed at writing fiction 

Super fun to use if you've ever wanted to play around with fiction 

Sudowrite cons:

It's still an AI text generator, so it can produce nonsensical metaphors, clichéd plots, incoherent action, and has a short memory for details 

Very controversial in fiction writing circles

Let's start with Describe. Select a word or phrase, click Describe , and the AI will generate a few suggestions for the sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch of the thing, as well as a couple of metaphors. If you're the kind of writer who struggles to add sensory depth to your short stories, it can help you get into the habit of describing things in more interesting ways.

Then there's Brainstorm. It allows you to use the AI to generate possible dialogue options, character names and traits, plot points, places, and other details about your world from your descriptions and cues. If you know you want a big hairy guy with a huge sword but can't think of a good name, it can suggest a few, like Thorgrim and Bohart.

And these are just scratching the surface. Sure, if you over-rely on the AI to solve all your problems, you'll probably end up with an impressively generic story. But if you use it as a writing buddy to bounce ideas off and get you out of a rut, it's got serious potential. 

Best of all, Sudowrite is super easy to use. The onboarding, tool tips, and general helpful vibe of the app are something other developers could learn from. 

Sudowrite pricing: Hobby & Student plan from $19/month for 30,000 AI words/month. 

Best AI text generator for a non-GPT option

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} writer (web).

Writer, our pick for the best AI writing generator that doesn't use GPT

Writer pros:

Not based on GPT, so free of a lot of the controversy surrounding LLMs

Surprisingly capable as an editor, making sure your team sticks to the style guide and doesn't make any wild claims

Writer cons:

Requires a lot more setup to get the most from

For most people, this is a nebulous situation filled with edge cases and gray areas. Realistically, it's going to be years before it's all sorted out, and even then, things will have moved on so far that the results of any lawsuit are likely to be redundant. But for businesses that want to use AI writing tools without controversy attached, GPT is a no-go—and will be for the foreseeable future. 

Feature-wise, Writer is much the same as any of my top picks. (Though creating a specific brand voice that's automatically used is an Enterprise-only feature; otherwise, you have to use a lot of checkboxes in the settings to set the tone.) Some features, like the chatbot, are a little less useful than they are in the GPT-powered apps, but really, they're not why you'd choose Writer.

In addition to generating text, Writer can work as a company-specific Grammarly-like editor, keeping on top of legal compliance, ensuring you don't make any unsupported claims, and checking that everything matches your style guide—even when humans are writing the text. As someone who routinely has to follow style guides, this seems like an incredibly useful feature. I wasn't able to test it fully since I don't have a personal style guide to input, but Writer correctly fixed things based on all the rules that I set.

In side-by-side comparisons, Writer's text generations sometimes felt a little weaker than the ones from Jasper or Copy.ai, but I suspect a lot of that was down to how things were configured. Writer is designed as a tool for companies to set up and train with their own data, not run right out of the box. I'd guess my random blog posts were a poor test of how it should be used in the real world.

Create new outlines or drafts in Writer based on briefs from Asana

Asana logo

Generate marketing content from project briefs in Trello

Trello logo

Writer pricing: Team from $18/user/month for up to 5 users; after that, it's an Enterprise plan.

Best AI text generator for GPT-4 content

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} writesonic (web).

Writesonic, our pick for the best AI writing generator for GPT-4 content

Writesonic pros:

Allows you to select what GPT model is used to generate text 

Generous free plan and affordable paid plans 

Writesonic cons:

A touch too focused on SEO content for my taste

While almost all the tools on this list use GPT, most are pretty vague about which particular version of it they use at any given time. This matters because the most basic version of the GPT-3.5 Turbo API costs $0.002/1K tokens (roughly 750 words), while GPT-4 starts at $0.06/1K tokens, and the most powerful version costs $0.12/1K tokens. All this suggests that most apps may not use GPT-4 in all circumstances, and instead probably rely on one of the more modest (though still great) GPT-3 models for most text generation. 

Whether the content you create will benefit from the extra power of GPT-4 or not depends. In my experience using GPT-4 through ChatGPT, the latest model is more accurate and, essentially, more sensible in how it responds. If you're churning out low-stakes copy variations for your product listings, you likely won't see much improvement. On the other hand, for long-form original blog posts, it could make a difference. Either way, the transparency in which model you're using at any given time is a huge bonus. 

Create a Google Doc with new content from Writesonic

Writesonic logo

Generate product descriptions with Writesonic from spreadsheet rows in Google Sheets

Google Sheets logo

Writesonic pricing: Free for 10,000 GPT-3.5 words per month; Business from $19/month for 200,000 Premium words or 33,333 GPT-4 words.

Best free AI writing generator (with affordable upgrades)

.css-12hxxzz-link{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentcolor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:hover{outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-text-link, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-text-link, #2b2358);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-text-link-hover, #3d4592);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-5, #a8a5a0);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-gray-warm-1, #fffdf9);}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-12hxxzz-link[data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;} rytr (web).

Rytr, our pick for the best free AI writing generator

A solid free plan and a cheap high-volume plan (though Writesonic offers better value for an unlimited plan)

It includes a basic AI art generator as part of every plan 

The app is more basic than more expensive offerings

Unlimited plan isn't very competitive

Most of the apps on this list are aimed at professionals, businesses, and anyone else with a budget. The Jasper, Copy.ai, and Anyword plans I considered all started at $49/month. That isn't exactly a hobbyist-friendly sum of money, so if you want to explore AI text generators without spending as much, give Rytr a go.

There's a free plan that's good for 10,000 characters (around 2,500 words) per month, and it includes a lot of the features, like a plagiarism checker, and a few AI-generated images. The Saver plan starts at $9/month and allows you to generate 100,000 characters (around 25,000 words) per month. On that plan, you're also able to generate up to 20 images a month, which many other apps charge extra for. (There's also an unlimited plan for $29/month, but at that point, Writesonic is a better value.)

Feature-wise, there are some trade-offs. Rytr is a little less competent at generating long-form content without you guiding it through the process, and there are fewer templates for specific things. The interface also isn't as polished, and there isn't as much hand-holding to get you started. Still, as Rytr is using GPT like almost all the other apps on this list, you should be able to get it to produce substantially similar output.

Rytr Pricing: Free plan for 10,000 characters/month and lots of other features; Saver plan from $9/month for 100,000 characters; Unlimited plan from $29/month.

Other AI writing tools to consider

With so many AI text-generating tools out there, a few good ones worth considering didn't make this list, only because they didn't meet my initial criteria in some way. If none of the AI writers I chose fit the bill for you, here are a few other options worth looking into:

All of the apps on this list offer at the very least a free trial, so I'd suggest trying some of them out for a few minutes until you find the one that seems to work best with your workflow.

Related reading:

This article was originally published in April 2023. The most recent update was in September 2023.

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Harry Guinness picture

Harry Guinness

Harry Guinness is a writer and photographer from Dublin, Ireland. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, Lifehacker, the Irish Examiner, and How-To Geek. His photos have been published on hundreds of sites—mostly without his permission.

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Automated Essay Writing: An AIED Opinion

  • Open access
  • Published: 02 August 2022
  • Volume 32 , pages 1119–1126, ( 2022 )

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artificial intelligence in essay writing

  • Mike Sharples   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7081-3320 1  

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This opinion piece emerged from research for the book, Story Machines: How Computers Have Become Creative Writers , by Mike Sharples and Rafael Pérez y Pérez, published by Routledge. While thinking of ways to promote the book, I realised that students could employ AI story generators to write essays. That led me to research automated essay writing, write a Twitter thread that has garnered 43,000 engagements, and author a blog article (Sharples, 2022 ). The current piece is a revised and expanded version of that article.

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Essay Writing with Transformer AI Systems

Essays have formed part of academic assessment since the early 19th century, when students in some European universities were required to write scholarly papers for discussion in seminars (Kruse, 2006 ). Academic essays continue to be a mainstay of assessment in schools, colleges and universities because they are easy to set, assess depth of understanding, and train students in how to express an argument. In recent years, the scope of written assignments has expanded to include narrative, argumentative, reflective, expressive, responsive and analytical papers.

The widespread practice of setting written assignments as coursework has been criticised as laborious and unfair (Race, 2018 ). It is also subject to contract cheating through “essay mills” that sell written assignments to order, at fees of up to £400 for writing a 20-page essay Footnote 1 . A study by Newton ( 2018 ) found that 15.7% of students surveyed admitted to paying someone else to write an assignment. Now, an unintended consequence of generative “Transformer” AI systems such as GPT-3 is that they democratise cheating. A student can generate an entire essay in seconds, at a cost of around 50 US cents Footnote 2 . Equally worrying, would-be academic researchers can call on these systems to generate articles for submission to conferences and journals.

How do such Transformer AI systems work? How can we detect whether an academic essay has been written by an AI? Could any good come from widespread use of such technology? What does this mean for the AIED community?

How Does a Transformer AI Work?

Take time to read this brief undergraduate student essay on “A Critique of Learning Styles”. If this were your student, how would you assess the written work? What mark would you give? What are its strengths and weaknesses?

The construct of “learning styles” is problematic because it fails to account for the processes through which learning styles are shaped. Some students might develop a particular learning style because they have had particular experiences. Others might develop a particular learning style by trying to accommodate to a learning environment that was not well suited to their learning needs. Ultimately, we need to understand the interactions among learning styles and environmental and personal factors, and how these shape how we learn and the kinds of learning we experience. Learning Styles and Learning Modes In the 1970s, learning styles became an important feature of educational practice. In the 1990s, “learning modalities” became a major focus of learning style research. This is the idea that we process information in different ways. For example, some individuals may be auditory learners, benefiting from listening to lectures and using recorded materials. Others may be visual learners, who gain from using visual materials such as textbooks, handouts, and computer graphics. Still others may be kinesthetic learners, who benefit from learning by movement and doing. Numerous experiments have been conducted to test this idea, and a number of different classifications of learning modalities have been proposed. In a review of this research, Dunn and Dunn (1997) found that the evidence does not support the idea that people have a particular learning mode that is dominant or that they process information in a particular way. In their study, the authors found that when students were given a particular instructional treatment, they could be classified in a particular learning modality category. But when they were given a different instructional treatment, they were classified in a different category. In a follow-up study in which they gave students a number of instructional treatments, Dunn and Dunn found that students could be placed in a particular category in some treatments, but not others. Dunn and Dunn also found that the results varied by age. Older students generally fit the results of more than one modality, whereas younger students were more likely to fit the results of just one modality. This led them to conclude that style preferences are learned over the course of development. This is consistent with the idea that people are flexible in responding to the way they are taught. References Dunn, R., & Dunn, K. (1997). Learning styles: Research and practice. Journal of Research in Education, 7(2), 139–151.

The entire essay was written by GPT-3, a Transformer AI program. It was given the prompt “The construct of ‘learning styles’ is problematic because” and it generated the rest, including heading and citation. The text shown here is the first attempt. The reference at the end was generated by adding the prompt “References” to the end of the text and resubmitting.

Gaining access to GPT-3 is straightforward. Anyone with internet can sign up to the OpenAI website Footnote 3 , gain an account, click the “Playground” tab, type a prompt such as the title of an essay, set the maximum length of output (up to 4000 language “tokens”, or approximately 3000 words) and click the Submit button. A few seconds later, the system produces a typed and formatted text. Some companies are already promoting AI-based essay writing services Footnote 4 .

GPT-3 works like a highly trained text completer of the kind found on mobile phones and email interfaces. Instead of looking back at the last few characters and using these to predict the next word or two, it can attend to the previous 750 words it has written, to continue an entire short story, blog, or student essay. The same program can also summarise a scientific article in simpler language, write a review, translate languages, and answer general questions. In short, a Transformer AI is a general-purpose language machine.

How Can We Detect Whether An Essay is Written by a Transformer AI System?

Plagiarism software will not detect essays written by Transformers, because the text is generated, not copied. A Google search shows that each sentence in the essay above is original. Two plagiarism detectors each indicated over 95% original text Footnote 5 .

What better way to discover whether the essay is written by human or machine than to ask GPT-3? Here is its response when presented with the essay above and the prompt “Was that essay written by a human or a computer?”.

It is difficult to say for certain, but it seems more likely that it was written by a computer. The language is very technical and does not seem to flow smoothly. In addition, the ideas are presented in a very concise, bullet-point style, which is often seen in computer-generated texts.

Impressive, yet it gave a similar response when presented with the introduction to a highly-cited research paper written by Sharples (Sharples, 2010 ), claiming it “does exhibit some characteristics that are often associated with AI-generated text, such as a lack of clear authorial voice and a somewhat stilted, awkward style of writing”. Rather than attempt further embarrassing comparisons, we note that any sufficiently powerful program to determine whether a piece is written by human or machine could frequently be outwitted by an equally powerful AI text generator, in a futile computational arms race.

Humans fare no better than machines at detecting AI-generated essays. In a small study by EduRef.net Footnote 6 , college professors were asked to grade essays produced by human writers and by GPT-3, without being informed that any piece was generated by machine. For a Research Methods topic, the machine-written essay was given a grade of C, while the human essays were graded B and D. For US History, machine and human were given similar grades. For a Law essay, GPT-3 was graded B-, while the human essays ranged from A- to F. For one topic, Creative Writing, the machine essay was failed, while human-written essays were graded from A- to D+. The professors gave similar written feedback to the machine productions as to human writers.

A comprehensive study of state-of-the-art methods to determine if a piece of extended text is human-written or machine-generated concludes that “humans detect machine-generated texts at chance level” and that for AI-based detection “overall, the community needs to research and develop better solutions for mission-critical applications” (Uchendu et al., 2021 ). Students employ AI to write assignments. Teachers use AI to assess and review them (Lu & Cutumisu, 2021 ; Lagakis & Demetriadis, 2021 ). Nobody learns, nobody gains.

On the surface, our sample text appears to be a mediocre to good (though very short) student essay. It is correctly spelled, with good sentence construction. It begins with an appropriate claim and presents a coherent argument in support, backed up by evidence of a cited research study. The essay ends with a re-statement of the claim that learning styles are flexible and change with environment.

But look more closely and the paper falls apart. It references “Dunn, R., & Dunn, K. (1997). Learning styles: Research and practice. Journal of Research in Education, 7(2), 139–151.” There is a journal named Research in Education , but no issue 7(2) in 1997. Dunn & Dunn did publish research on learning styles, but not in that journal. GPT-3 has fashioned a plausible-looking but fake reference. The program also appears to have invented the research study it cites. We can find no research study by Dunn and Dunn which claims that learning styles are flexible, not fixed.

To understand why a Transformer AI program should write plausible text, yet invent references and research studies, we turn to the seminal paper written by the developers of GPT-3. In a discussion of its limitations, the authors write: “large pretrained language models are not grounded in other domains of experience, such as video or real-world physical interaction, and thus lack a large amount of context about the world” (Brown, et al. 2020 , p.34). Transformers are models of language not experiential knowledge. They are not designed to be scholarly – to check academic references and ensure that evidence is grounded in fact. In human terms, they are essentially inexperienced, unthinking and amoral. They have no ability to reflect on what they have written, to judge whether it is accurate and decent.

OpenAI has provided an add-on to GPT-3 that filters bad language. However, it is unlikely that the company will produce tools to check for accuracy. Its focus is on artificial general intelligence not education. Other companies could, in the future, provide tools to check generated references for accuracy or add genuine references to an article. But these would not overcome the fundamental limitation of Transformer language models such as GPT-3: that they have no internal inspectable model of how the world works to provide a basis for the system to reflect on the accuracy and scholarship of its generated work. Research is in progress to develop explainable neural AI (Gunning et al., 2019 ) and hybrid neural/symbolic AI systems (Garcez & Lamb, 2020 ) that might address this problem.

Could Any Good Come from Widespread Use of Such Technology?

Transformer AI systems belong to an alternative history of educational technology, where students have appropriated emerging devices – pocket calculators, mobile phones, machine translation software, and now AI essay generators – to make their lives easier. The response from teachers and institutions is a predictable sequence of ignore, resist, then belatedly accommodate.

It will be hard to ignore the growing number of students who submit assignments written by AI. Turnitin, the leading plagiarism checking company, admits that “we’re already seeing the beginnings of the oncoming AI wave … when students can push a button and the computer writes their paper” (Turnitin, 2020 ). As we have already indicated, resisting AI-generated assignments by deploying software to detect which ones are written by machine is likely to be a futile exercise. How, then, can we accommodate these new tools?

Teachers could restrict essay assignments to invigilated exams, but these are formal and time consuming. Alternatively, they could set reflective and contextualised written assignments that could not be generated by AI. For example, a teacher could set each student an independent research project, then ask for a written report on that specific project, give the student feedback on the report, then ask for the student to write a critical reflection on the feedback and issues raised by the project.

An imaginative way to incorporate AI-generated text into teaching could be for the teacher to employ Transformer AI to generate a set of alternative essays on a topic, then ask students to critique these and write their own better versions. Or set a complex question then ask each student to generate AI responses to the question and for the student to evaluate these responses in relation to the marking criteria. The student would then write an integrative essay drawing on the AI answers to address the original question. Footnote 7

Transformer AI can be a tool for creative writing. For example, the student writes a first paragraph, the AI continues with the second paragraph, and so on. The AI writing partner helps maintain a flow of words and also takes the story in unexpected directions, to which the student must respond. Generating a few alternative continuations to a story may help a student writer see creative writing not as a linear progression, but an exploration of a space of possibilities.

AI assisted writing exercises could focus on skills of critical reading, accuracy, argumentation and structure. Assignments where AI is not allowed could be assessed for style, expression, voice and personal reflection.

Additionally, teachers could explore with students the ethics and limits of generative AI. How does it feel to interact with an expert wordsmith that has no intrinsic morals and no experience of the world? Is writing with AI tantamount to plagiarism (Fyfe, 2022 ).

What Does This Mean for the AIED Community?

Reviewers for IJAIED will not be able to avoid the challenge of assessing whether a submitted article has been written with the aid of an AI system. As an exercise, we generated an entire short research paper. First, we chose at random the title of a real paper published in IJAIED: “Domain-Specific Modeling Languages in Computer-Based Learning Environments: a Systematic Approach to Support Science Learning through Computational Modeling” (Hutchins et al., 2020 ). Then we used GPT-3 to generate three alternative Abstracts, just from the title. We chose a generated abstract for a “review paper”. Then, we added to the abstract the heading “Introduction” and requested GPT-3 to generate the paper. We followed with a prompt of “Discussion” and then “References”, which GPT-3 added in neat APA format. Finally, we presented GPT-3 with just the newly generated Abstract and requested it to generate a new title for the paper. It responded with: “Using Domain-Specific Modeling Languages to Support Science Learning: A Review of the Literature”.

The result is an original 2,200 word “academic paper” produced in under five minutes. The output can be read at https://t.co/RTxogLRlJT . It will probably not pass a first Editor’s review but is a harbinger of a flood of papers generated with the aid of AI. IJAIED will not be the only journal to receive papers produced wholly or partly by AI, but we are well placed to lead a debate on how to detect and deal with them.

A related issue is how to respond to genuine papers in the general area of AI Transformer systems in education. Should we publish papers on new tools to automate essay writing, or software to detect AI-generated essays? Where is the dividing line between promoting competition between AI generators and detectors, and enabling new forms of academic writing assisted by generative AI?

This could be a pivotal time for education, as students equip themselves with powerful new AI tools that substitute for what some perceive as the drudgery of assessment. These will not just write essays for students but answer complex questions and generate computer code (Bombazine et al., 2021 ). An education system that depends on summative written assessment to grade student abilities may have reached its apotheosis.

Every new educational technology arrives with affordances and limitations. AI Transformer technology is a powerful general-purpose language model that is already becoming embedded in education through chatbots, text summarisers, language translators, and now essay generators and tools for creative writing. The AIED community is well placed not only to debate the application of these systems to education, but to design new generative AI tools for writing, reasoning and conversation for learning.

https://www.essaymills.co.uk/pricing .

https://openai.com/api/pricing/ . The cost to access the most powerful GPT-3 model is US$0.06 for 1000 tokens (or approximately 750 output words).

https://openai.com/api/ .

https://www.nichepursuits.com/best-ai-essay-writers/ .

https://plagiarismdetector.net/ , https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ . The example essay has now been published online, so plagiarism detectors no longer indicate it as original.

https://best-universities.net/features/what-grades-can-ai-get-in-college/ .

These suggestions are based on responses by @jennicarr8 to a Twitter discussion on rethinking assessment in an era of generative AI. https://twitter.com/sharplm/status/1534051131978047494 .

Bombazine, R., Hudson, D. A., Adeli, E., Altman, R., Arora, S., von Arx, S. … Liang, P. (2021). On the opportunities and risks of foundation models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.07258

Brown, T., Mann, B., Ryder, N., Subbiah, M., Kaplan, J. D., Dhariwal, P. … Amodei, D. (2020). Language models are few-shot learners. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems , 33 , 1877–1901

Google Scholar  

Fyfe, P. (2022). How to cheat on your final paper: Assigning AI for student writing. AI and Society , 1–11

Garcez, A. D. A., & Lamb, L. C. (2020). Neurosymbolic AI: The 3rd Wave. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.05876

Gunning, D., Stefik, M., Choi, J., Miller, T., Stumpf, S., & Yang, G. Z. (2019). XAI—Explainable artificial intelligence. Science Robotics , 4 (37), eaay7120

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Hutchins, N. M., Biswas, G., Zhang, N., Snyder, C., Lédeczi, Á., & Maróti, M. (2020). Domain-specific modeling languages in computer-based learning environments: A systematic approach to support science learning through computational modeling. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education , 30 (4), 537–580

Kruse, O. (2006). The origins of writing in the disciplines: Traditions of seminar writing and the Humboldtian ideal of the research university. Written Communication , 23 (3), 331–352

Lu, C., & Cutumisu, M. (2021). Integrating Deep Learning into an Automated Feedback Generation System for Automated Essay Scoring. International Educational Data Mining Society, 2021

Newton, P. M. (2018, August). How common is commercial contract cheating in higher education and is it increasing? A systematic review. Frontiers in Education , 3 (67), doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2018.00067

Race, P. (2018). Is the ‘time of the assessed essay’ over? University of Sussex blog article , November 14, 2018. https://blogs.sussex.ac.uk/business-school-teaching/2018/11/14/is-the-time-of-the-assessed-essay-over/

Lagakis, P., & Demetriadis, S. (2021, November). Automated essay scoring: A review of the field. In 2021 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS) (pp.1–6). IEEE

Sharples, M., Taylor, J., & Vavoula, G. (2010). A Theory of Learning for the Mobile Age. In B. Bachmair (Ed.), Medienbildung in neuen Kulturräumen. Stuttgart (pp. 87–99). Kohlhammer Verlag

Sharples, M. (2022). New AI tools that can write student essays require educators to rethink teaching and assessment. LSE blog article , May 17, 2022. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/05/17/new-ai-tools-that-can-write-student-essays-require-educators-to-rethink-teaching-and-assessment/

Turnitin (2020). How Teachers Can Prepare for AI-Based Writing. Turnitin blog article , May 21, 2020. https://www.turnitin.com/blog/how-teachers-can-prepare-for-ai-based-writing

Uchendu, A., Ma, Z., Le, T., Zhang, R., & Lee, D. (2021). TURINGBENCH: A Benchmark Environment for Turing Test in the Age of Neural Text Generation. Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021 (pp. 2001–2016). Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, November. Association for Computational Linguistics

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I wish to thank Judy Kay for valuable comments on a draft of this article.

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Sharples, M. Automated Essay Writing: An AIED Opinion. Int J Artif Intell Educ 32 , 1119–1126 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-022-00300-7

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Received : 21 June 2022

Revised : 21 June 2022

Accepted : 26 June 2022

Published : 02 August 2022

Issue Date : December 2022

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-022-00300-7

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Artificial Intelligence Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence refers to the intelligence of machines. This is in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans and animals. With Artificial Intelligence, machines perform functions such as learning, planning, reasoning and problem-solving. Most noteworthy, Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. It is probably the fastest-growing development in the World of technology and innovation . Furthermore, many experts believe AI could solve major challenges and crisis situations.

Artificial Intelligence Essay

Types of Artificial Intelligence

First of all, the categorization of Artificial Intelligence is into four types. Arend Hintze came up with this categorization. The categories are as follows:

Type 1: Reactive machines – These machines can react to situations. A famous example can be Deep Blue, the IBM chess program. Most noteworthy, the chess program won against Garry Kasparov , the popular chess legend. Furthermore, such machines lack memory. These machines certainly cannot use past experiences to inform future ones. It analyses all possible alternatives and chooses the best one.

Type 2: Limited memory – These AI systems are capable of using past experiences to inform future ones. A good example can be self-driving cars. Such cars have decision making systems . The car makes actions like changing lanes. Most noteworthy, these actions come from observations. There is no permanent storage of these observations.

Type 3: Theory of mind – This refers to understand others. Above all, this means to understand that others have their beliefs, intentions, desires, and opinions. However, this type of AI does not exist yet.

Type 4: Self-awareness – This is the highest and most sophisticated level of Artificial Intelligence. Such systems have a sense of self. Furthermore, they have awareness, consciousness, and emotions. Obviously, such type of technology does not yet exist. This technology would certainly be a revolution .

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Applications of Artificial Intelligence

First of all, AI has significant use in healthcare. Companies are trying to develop technologies for quick diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence would efficiently operate on patients without human supervision. Such technological surgeries are already taking place. Another excellent healthcare technology is IBM Watson.

Artificial Intelligence in business would significantly save time and effort. There is an application of robotic automation to human business tasks. Furthermore, Machine learning algorithms help in better serving customers. Chatbots provide immediate response and service to customers.

artificial intelligence in essay writing

AI can greatly increase the rate of work in manufacturing. Manufacture of a huge number of products can take place with AI. Furthermore, the entire production process can take place without human intervention. Hence, a lot of time and effort is saved.

Artificial Intelligence has applications in various other fields. These fields can be military , law , video games , government, finance, automotive, audit, art, etc. Hence, it’s clear that AI has a massive amount of different applications.

To sum it up, Artificial Intelligence looks all set to be the future of the World. Experts believe AI would certainly become a part and parcel of human life soon. AI would completely change the way we view our World. With Artificial Intelligence, the future seems intriguing and exciting.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Give an example of AI reactive machines?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Reactive machines react to situations. An example of it is the Deep Blue, the IBM chess program, This program defeated the popular chess player Garry Kasparov.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do chatbots help in business?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”Chatbots help in business by assisting customers. Above all, they do this by providing immediate response and service to customers.”} }] }

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Artificial Intelligence Essay

500+ words essay on artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come into our daily lives through mobile devices and the Internet. Governments and businesses are increasingly making use of AI tools and techniques to solve business problems and improve many business processes, especially online ones. Such developments bring about new realities to social life that may not have been experienced before. This essay on Artificial Intelligence will help students to know the various advantages of using AI and how it has made our lives easier and simpler. Also, in the end, we have described the future scope of AI and the harmful effects of using it. To get a good command of essay writing, students must practise CBSE Essays on different topics.

Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is concerned with getting computers to do tasks that would normally require human intelligence. AI systems are basically software systems (or controllers for robots) that use techniques such as machine learning and deep learning to solve problems in particular domains without hard coding all possibilities (i.e. algorithmic steps) in software. Due to this, AI started showing promising solutions for industry and businesses as well as our daily lives.

Importance and Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

Advances in computing and digital technologies have a direct influence on our lives, businesses and social life. This has influenced our daily routines, such as using mobile devices and active involvement on social media. AI systems are the most influential digital technologies. With AI systems, businesses are able to handle large data sets and provide speedy essential input to operations. Moreover, businesses are able to adapt to constant changes and are becoming more flexible.

By introducing Artificial Intelligence systems into devices, new business processes are opting for the automated process. A new paradigm emerges as a result of such intelligent automation, which now dictates not only how businesses operate but also who does the job. Many manufacturing sites can now operate fully automated with robots and without any human workers. Artificial Intelligence now brings unheard and unexpected innovations to the business world that many organizations will need to integrate to remain competitive and move further to lead the competitors.

Artificial Intelligence shapes our lives and social interactions through technological advancement. There are many AI applications which are specifically developed for providing better services to individuals, such as mobile phones, electronic gadgets, social media platforms etc. We are delegating our activities through intelligent applications, such as personal assistants, intelligent wearable devices and other applications. AI systems that operate household apparatus help us at home with cooking or cleaning.

Future Scope of Artificial Intelligence

In the future, intelligent machines will replace or enhance human capabilities in many areas. Artificial intelligence is becoming a popular field in computer science as it has enhanced humans. Application areas of artificial intelligence are having a huge impact on various fields of life to solve complex problems in various areas such as education, engineering, business, medicine, weather forecasting etc. Many labourers’ work can be done by a single machine. But Artificial Intelligence has another aspect: it can be dangerous for us. If we become completely dependent on machines, then it can ruin our life. We will not be able to do any work by ourselves and get lazy. Another disadvantage is that it cannot give a human-like feeling. So machines should be used only where they are actually required.

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Essays on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence essay topics for college students.

Welcome, college students! Writing an essay on artificial intelligence can be an exciting and challenging task. The key to a successful essay lies in selecting the right topic that sparks your interest and allows you to showcase your creativity. In this resource page, we will provide you with a variety of essay types and topics to help you get started on your AI essay journey.

Argumentative Essay Topic for Artificial Intelligence Essays

  • The ethical implications of AI technology
  • The impact of AI on job automation
  • Regulating AI development for societal benefits

Introduction Paragraph Example: Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, raising important ethical questions about its implications on society. In this essay, we will explore the ethical challenges of AI technology and discuss the need for regulations to ensure its responsible development.

Conclusion Paragraph Example: In conclusion, it is evident that the ethical implications of AI technology are multifaceted and require careful consideration. By implementing regulations and ethical guidelines, we can harness the benefits of AI while minimizing its potential risks.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Artificial Intelligence

  • The differences between narrow AI and general AI
  • Comparing AI in science fiction to real-world applications
  • The impact of AI on different industries
  • AI vs. human intelligence: Strengths and weaknesses
  • Machine learning vs. deep learning
  • AI in healthcare vs. AI in finance
  • AI-driven automation vs. traditional automation
  • Cloud-based AI vs. edge AI
  • The role of AI in developed vs. developing countries
  • AI in education vs. AI in entertainment

Introduction Paragraph Example: The field of artificial intelligence encompasses a wide range of technologies, from narrow AI systems designed for specific tasks to the hypothetical concept of general AI capable of human-like intelligence. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the characteristics of narrow and general AI to understand their implications on society.

Conclusion Paragraph Example: Through this comparison, we have gained insights into the diverse applications of AI technology and the potential challenges it poses to various industries. By understanding the differences between narrow and general AI, we can better prepare for the future of artificial intelligence.

Descriptive Essay Essay Topics for Artificial Intelligence

  • The role of AI in healthcare advancements
  • The development of AI algorithms for autonomous vehicles
  • The applications of AI in natural language processing
  • The architecture of neural networks
  • The evolution of AI from the 20th century to today
  • The ethical implications of AI decision-making
  • The process of training an AI model
  • The impact of AI on the job market
  • The future potential of quantum AI
  • The role of AI in personalized marketing

Introduction Paragraph Example: AI technology has transformed the healthcare industry, enabling innovative solutions that improve patient care and diagnosis accuracy. In this essay, we will explore the role of AI in healthcare advancements and its impact on the future of medicine.

Conclusion Paragraph Example: In conclusion, the integration of AI technology in healthcare has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach patient care and medical research. By leveraging AI algorithms and machine learning capabilities, we can achieve significant advancements in the field of medicine.

Persuasive Essay Essay Topics for Artificial Intelligence

  • Promoting diversity and inclusion in AI development
  • The importance of ethical AI education in schools
  • Advocating for AI transparency and accountability
  • The necessity of regulating AI technology
  • Why AI should be used to combat climate change
  • The benefits of AI in improving public safety
  • Encouraging responsible AI usage in social media
  • The potential of AI to revolutionize education
  • Why businesses should invest in AI technology
  • The role of AI in enhancing cybersecurity

Introduction Paragraph Example: As artificial intelligence continues to permeate various aspects of our lives, it is essential to prioritize diversity and inclusion in AI development to ensure equitable outcomes for all individuals. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion in AI initiatives and the benefits it brings to society.

Conclusion Paragraph Example: By advocating for diversity and inclusion in AI development, we can create a more equitable and socially responsible future for artificial intelligence. Through ethical education and transparent practices, we can build a foundation of trust and accountability in AI technology.

Narrative Essay Essay Topics for Artificial Intelligence

  • A day in the life of an AI researcher
  • The journey of building your first AI project
  • An imaginary conversation with a sentient AI being
  • The story of a world transformed by AI
  • How AI solved a major global problem
  • A personal encounter with AI technology
  • The evolution of AI in your lifetime
  • The challenges faced while developing an AI startup
  • A future where AI coexists with humans
  • Your experience learning about AI for the first time

Introduction Paragraph Example: Imagine a world where artificial intelligence blurs the lines between human and machine, offering new possibilities and ethical dilemmas. In this narrative essay, we will embark on a journey through the eyes of an AI researcher, exploring the challenges and discoveries that come with pushing the boundaries of technology.

Conclusion Paragraph Example: Through this narrative journey, we have delved into the complexities of artificial intelligence and the ethical considerations that accompany its development. By embracing the possibilities of AI technology while acknowledging its limitations, we can shape a future that balances innovation with ethical responsibility.

Hooks for Artificial Intelligence Essay

  • "Imagine a world where machines not only perform tasks but also think, learn, and make decisions just like humans. Welcome to the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a revolutionary force reshaping our future."
  • "From self-driving cars to smart personal assistants, AI is seamlessly integrating into our daily lives. But what lies beneath this cutting-edge technology, and how will it transform the way we live and work?"
  • "As AI continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, questions about its ethical implications and impact on society become more urgent. Can we control the intelligence we create, or will it control us?"
  • "AI is not just a futuristic concept confined to science fiction. It’s here, and it’s real, influencing industries, healthcare, education, and even our personal lives. How prepared are we for this technological revolution?"
  • "The debate over AI is heating up: Will it lead to a utopian society with endless possibilities, or is it a Pandora's box with risks we have yet to fully understand? The answers may surprise you."

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Artificial Intelligence: Applications, Advantages and Disanvantages

The possibility of machines to be able to think and feel, artificial intelligence: what really makes us human, how artificial intelligence is transforming the world, risks and benefits of ai in the future, the possibility of artificial intelligence to replace teachers, artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning, the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence, will artificial intelligence have a progressive or retrogressive impact on our society, artificial intelligence in medicine, impact of technology: how artificial intelligence will change the future, artificial intelligence in home automation, artificial intelligence and the future of human rights, artificial intelligence (ai) and its impact on our life, impact of artificial intelligence on hr jobs, the ability of artificial intelligence to make society more sustainable, deep learning for artificial intelligence, the role of artificial intelligence in future technology, artificial intelligence against homelessness and hiv, artificial intelligence in radiology.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the intellectual capabilities exhibited by machines, contrasting with the innate intelligence observed in living beings, such as animals and humans.

The inception of artificial intelligence research as an academic field can be traced back to its establishment in 1956. It was during the renowned Dartmouth conference of the same year that artificial intelligence acquired its distinctive name, definitive purpose, initial accomplishments, and notable pioneers, thereby earning its reputation as the birthplace of AI. The esteemed figures of Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy are widely recognized as the founding fathers of this discipline.

  • The term "artificial intelligence" was coined in 1956 by computer scientist John McCarthy.
  • McKinsey Global Institute estimates that by 2030, automation and AI technologies could contribute to a global economic impact of $13 trillion.
  • AI is used in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and transportation.
  • The healthcare industry is leveraging AI for improved patient care. A study published in the journal Nature Medicine reported that an AI model was able to detect breast cancer with an accuracy of 94.5%, outperforming human radiologists.
  • Ethical concerns surrounding AI include privacy issues, bias in algorithms, and the potential for job displacement.

Artificial Intelligence is an important topic because it has the potential to revolutionize industries, improve efficiency, and enhance decision-making processes. As AI technology continues to advance, it is crucial for society to understand its implications, both positive and negative, in order to harness its benefits while mitigating its risks.

1. Russell, S. J., & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall. 2. Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. MIT Press. 3. Kurzweil, R. (2005). The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. Viking. 4. Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Oxford University Press. 5. Chollet, F. (2017). Deep Learning with Python. Manning Publications. 6. Domingos, P. (2018). The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World. Basic Books. 7. Ng, A. (2017). Machine Learning Yearning. deeplearning.ai. 8. Marcus, G. (2018). Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust. Vintage. 9. Winfield, A. (2018). Robotics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 10. Shalev-Shwartz, S., & Ben-David, S. (2014). Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms. Cambridge University Press.

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Artificial Intelligence Essay in 100, 200, and 300 Words for School Students

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  • Jun 6, 2024

Essay On Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized every economic sector in the 21st century with its capacity to create efficient machines possessing cognitive abilities. Key components of this technological advancement, such as machine learning (ML), deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP), have enabled the development of machines that utilize data and algorithms to perform tasks akin to those performed by humans. To delve deeper into the world of AI, you can explore three insightful essays on Artificial Intelligence available in this blog. Keep browsing.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Artificial Intelligence Essay in 100 Words for School Students
  • 2 Artificial Intelligence Essay in 200 Words for School Students
  • 3 Artificial Intelligence Essay in 300 Words for School Students
  • 4 Short Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Also Read: Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Essay in 100 Words for School Students

Artificial Intelligence or AI is a revolutionary technology that allows machines to undertake tasks that usually need human intelligence. It includes natural language processing (NLP), problem-solving capabilities, and machine learning (ML). In contemporary times, AI technology has entered all aspects of human life. Currently, AI technology is present in virtual assistants like Siri to advanced applications in the finance, industrial, and healthcare sectors.

Even though AI presents extensive potential for innovation and efficiency, it has adverse effects like ethical concerns and job displacement. Therefore, it is important that we use AI technology in a controlled manner and always aspire for the wholesome development of human civilization. 

Also Read: Career in Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities & Outlook

Artificial Intelligence Essay in 200 Words for School Students

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an evolving technology in the field of computer science. This technology aims to curate machines capable of reasoning, learning, and problem-solving by mimicking human cognitive functions. This technology allows computer and machine systems to adapt and improve performance without explicit programming using machine learning (ML), a subset of AI. Furthermore, AI technology is used in streaming platforms, autonomous vehicles, and advanced medical diagnostics. Due to its widespread usage, AI has become an integral part of the modern society.

However, the rapid development of AI technology often raises ethical concerns, especially about data privacy and security. Also, advancements in this latest technology have the potential to increase unemployment across various sectors. Thus, it is essential to strike a balance between innovation and protection of human elements and interests in the job sector and personal life. 

Therefore, as we adopt AI in our daily lives, it becomes our responsibility to generate awareness about crucial elements of AI and its impact on human civilization. On top of that, it is significant to mankind that technology should always adhere to the ethical guidelines of data privacy and cyber security. Also, federal and state governments must implement laws that prevent AI developers from threatening social harmony and national security within and beyond the nation’s territorial boundaries. 

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Artificial Intelligence Essay in 300 Words for School Students

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an attempt to converge computer science, mathematics, and cognitive science into singular units to create machines with human intelligence. These machines help in learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and language understanding. Owing to the varied tasks performed by AI-enabled machines, AI technology has become a landmark element of the technological revolution of the 21st century. 

AI technology has transformed the fields of healthcare, finance, automobile, and streaming services. In healthcare, AI is used for drug discovery and diagnosis. Whereas, in the financial sector, AI is used for risk management and optimization of trading strategies. On top of that, this technology has led to the development of AI-powered vehicles, which promise efficient and safe transportation. Furthermore, AI is used in recommendation systems on platforms like Netflix and Amazon to provide personalized suggestions based on the behavior and preferences of users. 

However, exemplary technological advancements always come with numerous drawbacks. One of the grave consequences of the large-scale adoption of AI is the fear of job loss. In recent times, automation has left many jobless, especially in the manufacturing sector. Thus, governments and technology companies must ensure that there should be a balanced discussion between technological advancements and societal well-being. Also, policymakers must have regular dialogue with ethicists to control the exploitation of citizen’s data by technology companies. 

Nevertheless, AI has opened exciting opportunities for inquisitive minds as it has created exciting jobs in coding, data science, and robotics. Owing to the increased use of AI technology in these arenas, people have the opportunity to improve their critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. To leverage new opportunities like these, students should start gaining hands-on experience with AI technologies at an early age. 

Thus, Artificial Intelligence is a revolutionary force that will shape the future of mankind. To harness the maximum benefits of this technology, it is advisable to use it wisely. Any development or innovation in AI technology must be directed towards the betterment of society and aim to protect the privacy of the weakest section of society. 

Also Read: Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Short Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Also Read: Speech on AI in English for School Students: Check Samples

Ans: AI is a branch of technology and computer science that empowers machines to perform tasks that require human intelligence. AI systems or AI-enabled machines use data and algorithms to learn, reason, and solve problems. It is widely used for speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, image processing, and disease diagnosis.

Ans: Machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), deep learning, algorithms, and problem-solving are some of the essential AI elements. 

Ans: You can start by defining Artificial Intelligence. Then you can highlight its application in different fields. Thereafter, you can highlight the ethical concerns around this technology. Finally, you can conclude by weighing in on the future implications of this technological advancement. 

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education Essay

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Ai’s impact on education, the impact of ai on teachers, the impact of ai on students, reference list.

Rooted in computer science, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined by the development of digital systems that can perform tasks, which are dependent on human intelligence (Rexford, 2018). Interest in the adoption of AI in the education sector started in the 1980s when researchers were exploring the possibilities of adopting robotic technologies in learning (Mikropoulos, 2018).

Their mission was to help learners to study conveniently and efficiently. Today, some of the events and impact of AI on the education sector are concentrated in the fields of online learning, task automation, and personalization learning (Chen, Chen and Lin, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic is a recent news event that has drawn attention to AI and its role in facilitating online learning among other virtual educational programs. This paper seeks to find out the possible impact of artificial intelligence on the education sector from the perspectives of teachers and learners.

Technology has transformed the education sector in unique ways and AI is no exception. As highlighted above, AI is a relatively new area of technological development, which has attracted global interest in academic and teaching circles. Increased awareness of the benefits of AI in the education sector and the integration of high-performance computing systems in administrative work have accelerated the pace of transformation in the field (Fengchun et al. , 2021). This change has affected different facets of learning to the extent that government agencies and companies are looking to replicate the same success in their respective fields (IBM, 2020). However, while the advantages of AI are widely reported in the corporate scene, few people understand its impact on the interactions between students and teachers. This research gap can be filled by understanding the impact of AI on the education sector, as a holistic ecosystem of learning.

As these gaps in education are minimized, AI is contributing to the growth of the education sector. Particularly, it has increased the number of online learning platforms using big data intelligence systems (Chen, Chen and Lin, 2020). This outcome has been achieved by exploiting opportunities in big data analysis to enhance educational outcomes (IBM, 2020). Overall, the positive contributions that AI has had to the education sector mean that it has expanded opportunities for growth and development in the education sector (Rexford, 2018). Therefore, teachers are likely to benefit from increased opportunities for learning and growth that would emerge from the adoption of AI in the education system.

The impact of AI on teachers can be estimated by examining its effects on the learning environment. Some of the positive outcomes that teachers have associated with AI adoption include increased work efficiency, expanded opportunities for career growth, and an improved rate of innovation adoption (Chen, Chen and Lin, 2020). These benefits are achievable because AI makes it possible to automate learning activities. This process gives teachers the freedom to complete supplementary tasks that support their core activities. At the same time, the freedom they enjoy may be used to enhance creativity and innovation in their teaching practice. Despite the positive outcomes of AI adoption in learning, it undermines the relevance of teachers as educators (Fengchun et al., 2021). This concern is shared among educators because the increased reliance on robotics and automation through AI adoption has created conditions for learning to occur without human input. Therefore, there is a risk that teacher participation may be replaced by machine input.

Performance Evaluation emerges as a critical area where teachers can benefit from AI adoption. This outcome is feasible because AI empowers teachers to monitor the behaviors of their learners and the differences in their scores over a specific time (Mikropoulos, 2018). This comparative analysis is achievable using advanced data management techniques in AI-backed performance appraisal systems (Fengchun et al., 2021). Researchers have used these systems to enhance adaptive group formation programs where groups of students are formed based on a balance of the strengths and weaknesses of the members (Live Tiles, 2021). The information collected using AI-backed data analysis techniques can be recalibrated to capture different types of data. For example, teachers have used AI to understand students’ learning patterns and the correlation between these configurations with the individual understanding of learning concepts (Rexford, 2018). Furthermore, advanced biometric techniques in AI have made it possible for teachers to assess their student’s learning attentiveness.

Overall, the contributions of AI to the teaching practice empower teachers to redesign their learning programs to fill the gaps identified in the performance assessments. Employing the capabilities of AI in their teaching programs has also made it possible to personalize their curriculums to empower students to learn more effectively (Live Tiles, 2021). Nonetheless, the benefits of AI to teachers could be undermined by the possibility of job losses due to the replacement of human labor with machines and robots (Gulson et al. , 2018). These fears are yet to materialize but indications suggest that AI adoption may elevate the importance of machines above those of human beings in learning.

The benefits of AI to teachers can be replicated in student learning because learners are recipients of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers. In this regard, AI has created unique benefits for different groups of learners based on the supportive role it plays in the education sector (Fengchun et al., 2021). For example, it has created conditions necessary for the use of virtual reality in learning. This development has created an opportunity for students to learn at their pace (Live Tiles, 2021). Allowing students to learn at their pace has enhanced their learning experiences because of varied learning speeds. The creation of virtual reality using AI learning has played a significant role in promoting equality in learning by adapting to different learning needs (Live Tiles, 2021). For example, it has helped students to better track their performances at home and identify areas of improvement in the process. In this regard, the adoption of AI in learning has allowed for the customization of learning styles to improve students’ attention and involvement in learning.

AI also benefits students by personalizing education activities to suit different learning styles and competencies. In this analysis, AI holds the promise to develop personalized learning at scale by customizing tools and features of learning in contemporary education systems (du Boulay, 2016). Personalized learning offers several benefits to students, including a reduction in learning time, increased levels of engagement with teachers, improved knowledge retention, and increased motivation to study (Fengchun et al., 2021). The presence of these benefits means that AI enriches students’ learning experiences. Furthermore, AI shares the promise of expanding educational opportunities for people who would have otherwise been unable to access learning opportunities. For example, disabled people are unable to access the same quality of education as ordinary students do. Today, technology has made it possible for these underserved learners to access education services.

Based on the findings highlighted above, AI has made it possible to customize education services to suit the needs of unique groups of learners. By extension, AI has made it possible for teachers to select the most appropriate teaching methods to use for these student groups (du Boulay, 2016). Teachers have reported positive outcomes of using AI to meet the needs of these underserved learners (Fengchun et al., 2021). For example, through online learning, some of them have learned to be more patient and tolerant when interacting with disabled students (Fengchun et al., 2021). AI has also made it possible to integrate the educational and curriculum development plans of disabled and mainstream students, thereby standardizing the education outcomes across the divide. Broadly, these statements indicate that the expansion of opportunities via AI adoption has increased access to education services for underserved groups of learners.

Overall, AI holds the promise to solve most educational challenges that affect the world today. UNESCO (2021) affirms this statement by saying that AI can address most problems in learning through innovation. Therefore, there is hope that the adoption of new technology would accelerate the process of streamlining the education sector. This outcome could be achieved by improving the design of AI learning programs to make them more effective in meeting student and teachers’ needs. This contribution to learning will help to maximize the positive impact and minimize the negative effects of AI on both parties.

The findings of this study demonstrate that the application of AI in education has a largely positive impact on students and teachers. The positive effects are summarized as follows: improved access to education for underserved populations improved teaching practices/instructional learning, and enhanced enthusiasm for students to stay in school. Despite the existence of these positive views, negative outcomes have also been highlighted in this paper. They include the potential for job losses, an increase in education inequalities, and the high cost of installing AI systems. These concerns are relevant to the adoption of AI in the education sector but the benefits of integration outweigh them. Therefore, there should be more support given to educational institutions that intend to adopt AI. Overall, this study demonstrates that AI is beneficial to the education sector. It will improve the quality of teaching, help students to understand knowledge quickly, and spread knowledge via the expansion of educational opportunities.

Chen, L., Chen, P. and Lin, Z. (2020) ‘Artificial intelligence in education: a review’, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access , 8(1), pp. 75264-75278.

du Boulay, B. (2016) Artificial intelligence as an effective classroom assistant. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Intelligent Systems , 31(6), pp.76–81.

Fengchun, M. et al. (2021) AI and education: a guide for policymakers . Paris: UNESCO Publishing.

Gulson, K . et al. (2018) Education, work and Australian society in an AI world . Web.

IBM. (2020) Artificial intelligence . Web.

Live Tiles. (2021) 15 pros and 6 cons of artificial intelligence in the classroom . Web.

Mikropoulos, T. A. (2018) Research on e-Learning and ICT in education: technological, pedagogical and instructional perspectives . New York, NY: Springer.

Rexford, J. (2018) The role of education in AI (and vice versa). Web.

Seo, K. et al. (2021) The impact of artificial intelligence on learner–instructor interaction in online learning. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education , 18(54), pp. 1-12.

UNESCO. (2021) Artificial intelligence in education . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 1). Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/

"Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." IvyPanda , 1 Oct. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education'. 1 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." October 1, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.

1. IvyPanda . "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." October 1, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.


IvyPanda . "Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education." October 1, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/artificial-intelligence-and-its-impact-on-education/.

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  • Artificial Intelligence Essay


Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence possessed by the machines under which they can perform various functions with human help. With the help of A.I, machines will be able to learn, solve problems, plan things, think, etc. Artificial Intelligence, for example, is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. In the field of technology, Artificial Intelligence is evolving rapidly day by day and it is believed that in the near future, artificial intelligence is going to change human life very drastically and will most probably end all the crises of the world by sorting out the major problems. 

Our life in this modern age depends largely on computers. It is almost impossible to think about life without computers. We need computers in everything that we use in our daily lives. So it becomes very important to make computers intelligent so that our lives become easy. Artificial Intelligence is the theory and development of computers, which imitates the human intelligence and senses, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. Artificial Intelligence has brought a revolution in the world of technology. 

Artificial Intelligence Applications

AI is widely used in the field of healthcare. Companies are attempting to develop technologies that will allow for rapid diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence would be able to operate on patients without the need for human oversight. Surgical procedures based on technology are already being performed.

Artificial Intelligence would save a lot of our time. The use of robots would decrease human labour. For example, in industries robots are used which have saved a lot of human effort and time. 

In the field of education, AI has the potential to be very effective. It can bring innovative ways of teaching students with the help of which students will be able to learn the concepts better. 

Artificial intelligence is the future of innovative technology as we can use it in many fields. For example, it can be used in the Military sector, Industrial sector, Automobiles, etc. In the coming years, we will be able to see more applications of AI as this technology is evolving day by day. 

Marketing: Artificial Intelligence provides a deep knowledge of consumers and potential clients to the marketers by enabling them to deliver information at the right time. Through AI solutions, the marketers can refine their campaigns and strategies.

Agriculture: AI technology can be used to detect diseases in plants, pests, and poor plant nutrition. With the help of AI, farmers can analyze the weather conditions, temperature, water usage, and condition of the soil.

Banking: Fraudulent activities can be detected through AI solutions. AI bots, digital payment advisers can create a high quality of service.

Health Care: Artificial Intelligence can surpass human cognition in the analysis, diagnosis, and complication of complicated medical data.

History of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence may seem to be a new technology but if we do a bit of research, we will find that it has roots deep in the past. In Greek Mythology, it is said that the concepts of AI were used. 

The model of Artificial neurons was first brought forward in 1943 by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pits. After seven years, in 1950, a research paper related to AI was published by Alan Turing which was titled 'Computer Machinery and Intelligence. The term Artificial Intelligence was first coined in 1956 by John McCarthy, who is known as the father of Artificial Intelligence. 

To conclude, we can say that Artificial Intelligence will be the future of the world. As per the experts, we won't be able to separate ourselves from this technology as it would become an integral part of our lives shortly. AI would change the way we live in this world. This technology would prove to be revolutionary because it will change our lives for good. 

Branches of Artificial Intelligence:

Knowledge Engineering

Machines Learning

Natural Language Processing

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is categorized in two types based on capabilities and functionalities. 

Artificial Intelligence Type-1

Artificial intelligence type-2.

Narrow AI (weak AI): This is designed to perform a specific task with intelligence. It is termed as weak AI because it cannot perform beyond its limitations. It is trained to do a specific task. Some examples of Narrow AI are facial recognition (Siri in Apple phones), speech, and image recognition. IBM’s Watson supercomputer, self-driving cars, playing chess, and solving equations are also some of the examples of weak AI.

General AI (AGI or strong AI): This system can perform nearly every cognitive task as efficiently as humans can do. The main characteristic of general AI is to make a system that can think like a human on its own. This is a long-term goal of many researchers to create such machines.

Super AI: Super AI is a type of intelligence of systems in which machines can surpass human intelligence and can perform any cognitive task better than humans. The main features of strong AI would be the ability to think, reason, solve puzzles, make judgments, plan and communicate on its own. The creation of strong AI might be the biggest revolution in human history.

Reactive Machines: These machines are the basic types of AI. Such AI systems focus only on current situations and react as per the best possible action. They do not store memories for future actions. IBM’s deep blue system and Google’s Alpha go are the examples of reactive machines.

Limited Memory: These machines can store data or past memories for a short period of time. Examples are self-driving cars. They can store information to navigate the road, speed, and distance of nearby cars.

Theory of Mind: These systems understand emotions, beliefs, and requirements like humans. These kinds of machines are still not invented and it’s a long-term goal for the researchers to create one. 

Self-Awareness: Self-awareness AI is the future of artificial intelligence. These machines can outsmart the humans. If these machines are invented then it can bring a revolution in human society. 

Artificial Intelligence will bring a huge revolution in the history of mankind. Human civilization will flourish by amplifying human intelligence with artificial intelligence, as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial.


FAQs on Artificial Intelligence Essay

1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that emphasizes the development of intelligent machines that would think and work like humans.

2. How is Artificial Intelligence Categorised?

Artificial Intelligence is categorized in two types based on capabilities and functionalities. Based on capabilities, AI includes Narrow AI (weak AI), General AI, and super AI. Based on functionalities, AI includes Relative Machines, limited memory, theory of mind, self-awareness.

3. How Does AI Help in Marketing?

AI helps marketers to strategize their marketing campaigns and keep data of their prospective clients and consumers.

4. Give an Example of a Relative Machine?

IBM’s deep blue system and Google’s Alpha go are examples of reactive machines.

5. How can Artificial Intelligence help us?

Artificial Intelligence can help us in many ways. It is already helping us in some cases. For example, if we think about the robots used in a factory, they all run on the principle of Artificial Intelligence. In the automobile sector, some vehicles have been invented that don't need any humans to drive them, they are self-driving. The search engines these days are also AI-powered. There are many other uses of Artificial Intelligence as well.

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Writing with Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT

Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) courses at Grand Valley State University teach students advanced and discipline-specific writing, information literacy, and critical thinking skills to improve their personal, civic, and professional lives. In the last few years, the introduction of ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools have created interesting challenges and learning opportunities for students as they build their writing skills. In addition to whole language-generative AI, language-enhancing auto-correct AI tools are increasingly integrated into word processing software and search engines.

While the future of GenAI suggests there will be exciting opportunities and developments, currently some of what these tools create is inaccurate, biased, or disrespectful to the intellectual work from which they borrow. While AI can provide information to spark human thinking, relying too heavily on GenAI tools during the writing process may stifle your own creativity, identity-related dialect, and growth as a writer.

In SWS courses, you may not submit any text or parts of texts generated by an AI program as your own without noting and citing that use. Emphatically, you are not permitted to submit an entire paper/project that has been generated by AI tools for a grade. If your instructor is concerned that your work includes unexplained/uncited material from an AI tool, they will follow the procedure for addressing plagiarism as outlined in the university’s plagiarism policy.

If you use language-generative AI in an SWS writing course, you must follow the guidelines of acceptable use as your professor defines it.  Keep the following in mind:

  • Check the material that is generated carefully. Make sure that the facts are correct and up-to-date. 
  • Review the material to determine it does not contain (intentional and/or unintentional) bias. 
  • Ensure that you are not violating academic honesty guidelines outlined in the Student Code. 
  • Limit Your Use of AI: It is important that your voice, ideas, and perspectives are clear in the work you do, so we encourage you to not rely on AI tools so much that your views get lost or you miss out on opportunities to develop your critical thinking skills. 
  • Cite Interactions with AI: Interactions with ChatGPT or other forms of whole language-generative AI must be cited as a source in your essay/project. If you paraphrase or directly quote material generated through an interaction with ChatGPT or AI, that information must be signaled as a direct quote and listed on your works cited. Your instructor will provide you with guidelines for how to cite AI interactions correctly within their field. Some professors may require that the full text of prompt and response interactions with ChatGPT or other GenAI tools be attached as an Appendix to assignment submissions.  

Dr. Ellis' policy

For this class, responsible use of AI-based tools in completing coursework must be done in accordance with the following:

1. You must not use AI-based tools to compose  work you submit as your own (by copying and pasting). An AI detector such as GPTZero ( https://gptzero.me/ ) may be used to detect AI-driven work. 

2. You must be transparent in how you use the AI-based tool, clearly defining which work was influenced by your use of AI and how. If/When you use AI in your assignments, you will need to write a note at the end of your assignment to clarify where in your process you used AI,  which platform or extension was used, how it was used, and distinguish parts of your work that were not influenced by the use of AI at all. Also,  you must include as an Appendix at the end of your document ALL of the prompts and the output that AI provided  (in ChatGPT, cut and paste into another doc or use the icon in the upper right corner to share a direct link to your chat output).

Here are some examples of ETHICAL / APPROPRIATE  uses of AI for this course, as long as they are cited, explained, and documented : 

  • Generate a list of potential research questions you could pursue about a specific topic that interests you (brainstorming)
  • Generate a list of ideas for potential methods that could be used to pursue a research question that interests you (brainstorming)
  • Input your draft of a thesis statement to further refine, narrow, or otherwise strengthen your topic. 
  • Comparing AI-generated responses with your own responses to prompts to help you revise and strengthen your work 
  • Compare your response to an opinion question for discussion preparation with an AI-generated output to better understand where along the debate your opinion aligns.     
  • Help get the gist of a complicated paragraph in a research article so that you can better synthesize or paraphrase the important information. 
  • Help provide the gist of a theory (or a famous author’s work) to inform your analysis. 
  • Accept or reject AI suggestions thoughtfully to maintain your unique style and voice, while learning from the suggestions that the algorithms make about the conventions of academic prose. 
  • Help with proofreading by pasting a draft of your introduction (or longer work, paragraph by paragraph) into Chat-GPT, identifying its suggested revisions, and using your own discretion to accept and reject suggested edits in order to retain (and strengthen) your own voice. This assistance must be documented and explained in order to avoid plagiarism. Any prompts and output must be included as an Appendix at the end of your paper.
  • Help with proofreading using embedded spell- and grammar-check extensions like Grammarly if the writer makes thoughtful choices about which revisions to accept. Remember that auto-correct generates many mistakes and misunderstandings.

All of these uses must be explained, with prompt and response-type interactions saved and submitted as an Appendix.

Here are some examples of INAPPROPRIATE/UNETHICAL  uses of AI in assignments in this course: 

  • Directly copying from an AI generator without attribution
  • Pasting the prompt to a homework task and then pasting the output response as my own to submit. 
  • Relying on AI for drafting or outlining
  • Following an outline for an assignment generated by AI directly without using my own discernment for what is most relevant for the context and purpose.  
  • Replacing your voice with AI content from Grammarly or other language-enhancing programs, sentence by sentence
  • Pasting a draft of your writing into AI, asking it to improve my clarity, and then pasting the output to use as my own without making careful judgements about which language interferes with my voice. 
  • Plagiarizing ideas as your own 
  • Translating essays from another language using AI and attributing the ideas as your own. 

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Home Essay Samples Information Science and Technology

Essay Samples on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field, and writing an essay on it can be an excellent way to explore its various aspects. An artificial intelligence essay can be a great opportunity to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of AI and how it can impact society. It can also explore the technical details of AI, such as how it works and how it is developed.

One popular topic for essays about AI is its impact on the job market. AI is transforming industries and creating new jobs, but it is also replacing human workers in some areas. Another interesting topic is the ethics of AI, including issues such as bias and privacy. As AI becomes more advanced, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of this technology.

When writing an essay on artificial intelligence, it is essential to choose a specific topic and research it thoroughly. This will help you to develop a clear understanding of the topic and provide strong arguments to support your thesis. You can use a variety of sources, including academic journals, news articles, and books, to gather information and support your ideas.

An essay about AI should also consider the future of this technology. With advancements in machine learning and robotics, the possibilities for AI are endless. Your essay could explore the potential impact of AI on society in the coming years and decades.

In summary, an artificial intelligence essay can cover a broad range of topics, from the technical details of AI to its ethical implications. By choosing a specific topic and conducting thorough research, you can develop a compelling essay that provides valuable insights into this exciting field. If you need inspiration or guidance, you can find numerous artificial intelligence topics for essay and essays about AI on WritingBros.

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Best topics on Artificial Intelligence

1. The Issue of Artificial Intelligence and Intrusion of Privacy

2. The Future Unveiled: Exploring the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence

3. The Rapid Ascent of ChatGPT and the Dawn of Human-Level AI

4. Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of the Unemployment Rate Worldwide

5. Artificial Intelligence and Its Effects on Labor Power

6. Future of Artificial Intelligence: Safe AI Development

7. How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Future of Work and Technology

8. Future of Artificial Intelligence and the Strategies of Its Use in Business

9. Debate on How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Future

10. Why Artificial Intelligence Can’t Replace Human

11. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Morality

12. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for the Environment

13. Benefits Of Using Artificial Intelligence For Humanity

14. People Living Under the Influence of the Matrix

15. AI Applications in Cardiology, Radiology, CT and MR Images: A Review

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An Analysis on the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Engineering Students in Writing an Essay

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Yohanes Bowo Widodo

Herman Herman

Desi Afrianti

Rahmawati Rahmawati

Aslam Aslam

Nanda Saputra

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, such as chatbots, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Sentiment Analysis, promise to disrupt the way products and services are delivered to consumers. These technologies are also being evaluated in multiple use cases to support the writing process. One growing application space for AI technologies is in the field of education, specifically for supporting students’ writings. This paper took a lead in examining this space with its focus on improving student writing skills in engineering. The research employed a mixed-method approach that combined qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Specifically, content analysis was used to analyze the data qualitatively. The study drew its conclusion by comparing the formal EFL essay elements, including content and language, in terms of comprehension and production. Additionally, the study examined the flow of information among the participants in essay writing. Courses are traditionally offered on an annual basis, with roughly 25-35 students per term. The control group in this study comprised the 224 essays produced by the 52 students during the 2023-2024 academic year. The study utilized the VAN framework, which began with cohorts or teams that submitted essays continuously throughout the academic year. The results showed the use of artificial intelligence to improve writing skills in the field of engineering students has weaknesses in several aspects which can be further developed. The customization process carried out must be done meticulously and step by step, so that pilot testing can be conducted in advance in a specified area or object.


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artificial intelligence in essay writing

Essay on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is also known as the intelligence of machines. This is in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans. With Artificial Intelligence, machines can perform functions like learning, planning, reasoning and problem-solving. Most important, Artificial Intelligence i.e AI is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. It is probably the fastest-growing development in the World of technology and innovation till now. Moreover, many technical experts believe AI could solve major challenges and crisis situations.

Our life in this modern age totally depends largely on computers. It is impossible to think about our life without computers. We need computers in everything that we use in our day to day life. So it becomes very important to make computers intelligent so that our lives become very easy. Artificial Intelligence or AI is the theory and development of computers, which imitates the human intelligence and senses, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation of languages. AI has brought a revolution in the world of technology. 

Why is the Essay on Artificial Intelligence Important For Your Exams? 

An essay on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is crucial for exams because it demonstrates an understanding of a rapidly evolving and impactful field. It showcases awareness of AI's applications, ethical considerations, and societal implications, reflecting a well-rounded comprehension of contemporary technological advancements. Additionally, such essays often assess critical thinking and analytical skills, essential for evaluating the multifaceted aspects of AI. Overall, tackling this topic in exams enhances your ability to articulate informed opinions on complex issues, a valuable skill in various academic and professional contexts.

An essay on artificial intelligence demonstrates your grasp of fundamental concepts, showcasing your knowledge of AI's principles, applications, and impact. Crafting such an essay hones your ability to analyze complex topics, fostering critical thinking as you explore the implications, benefits, and challenges of AI. 

AI is increasingly integral to various fields. An essay on this topic highlights its relevance in addressing current societal, economic, and technological challenges. AI's global impact makes it a noteworthy subject. Demonstrating an understanding of its implications helps you connect your knowledge to broader global trends and issues.

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (100 words)

Artificial intelligence or AI is known as machine intelligence. It basically refers to the ability of machines to imitate human intelligence. Machines are now capable of learning, planning, thinking, and problem-solving, all thanks to artificial intelligence. The most notable aspect of artificial intelligence is how robots duplicate human intellect. It is one of the fastest-growing developments in the world of technology. AI is a technology that is transforming every day to day life. Today, artificial intelligence is being used more and more in practically every industry and our daily lives. While technology has improved and eased our lives, it has also put many employment at risk.

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (150 words)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is like teaching computers to be really smart. It's like magic that makes machines think and learn. AI is everywhere – in games, phones, and even some toys! It helps us by understanding what we say and do. Imagine having a friend in our computers! But, we must be careful and use AI nicely. It's important to share and be good to others. AI can do amazing things, like talking to us or helping with homework. So, let's be happy with our smart machines, always be kind, and remember that technology is here to make our lives fun and easier!

If we observe, many aspects of our day-to-day lives now involve the use of artificial intelligence, for instance, face ID and image recognition features in mobile phones, emails, various apps, digital voice assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, Google search, route mapping, traffic updates, weather updates, Netflix and Amazon for entertainment, etc.

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (200 words)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is like a clever robot that can think and learn on its own. It's like having a smart friend made of computer programs. AI helps machines do things that normally need human brains, like solving problems or understanding pictures.

Imagine your AI friend is good at puzzles. If you show it different puzzles, it learns how to solve them by itself. That's AI learning! It's like when you practice math problems to get better.

AI also helps in games. Have you played a game where the computer acts like a player? That's AI making the game more interesting!

Another cool thing about AI is talking to it. Have you ever asked a question to a voice assistant? That's AI too! It can answer questions and even tell jokes.

But, just like with our friends, we need to teach AI the right things. We want it to be helpful and kind. People work hard to make sure AI helps us in good ways.

In the future, AI might help us even more, like in medicine or exploring space. So, AI is like a smart buddy, learning, helping, and making things exciting!

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (250 words)

Artificial intelligence was developed around 1950 by John McCarthy who is considered as the “Father of artificial intelligence” as he first coined the term. The development of gadgets or machines that can mimic human intelligence, including abilities such as voice recognition, decision-making, and language translation, is known as artificial intelligence. Making computers understand like humans, think like humans, and also act like humans is done by instilling data as instructions and inputs to the machine.

Taking Over Industry

The need for human help is reduced as AI has taken over many parts of the industry, which may result in concerns with unemployment in many occupations. However, the degree of control the human species chooses to give technology will always be up to humans species. As is well said, technology works best when it unites people.

AI In Everyday Life

Advancement in technology has a direct influence on humans' lives, businesses and social life. Whether or not we purposefully realize it, AI has begun to penetrate the different aspects of our everyday lives. If we observe, many feature of our everyday lives now involve the use of artificial intelligence, for instance, face ID and image recognition features in mobile phones, emails, various apps, digital voice assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, Google search, route mapping, traffic updates, weather updates, Netflix and Amazon for entertainment, etc.

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (300 words)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that has garnered immense attention and significance in recent years. At its core, AI refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. This encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, from speech recognition and problem-solving to learning and decision-making.

One of the key facets of AI is machine learning, where systems are designed to learn and improve from experience. This ability allows AI to adapt to new data and patterns, making it exceptionally versatile. Machine learning is employed in various applications, such as image and speech recognition, recommendation systems, and autonomous vehicles.

The impact of AI extends across diverse industries, enhancing efficiency and innovation. In healthcare, AI aids in diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans. In finance, it optimizes trading strategies and detects fraudulent activities. Moreover, AI contributes to the development of smart cities, where it manages traffic, energy consumption, and public services.

However, the rise of AI also raises ethical considerations and challenges. Concerns regarding job displacement due to automation have surfaced, prompting discussions on the need for workforce adaptation. Additionally, ethical dilemmas related to data privacy, bias in algorithms, and the potential misuse of AI technology demand careful scrutiny and regulation.

Looking ahead, the future of AI holds both promise and responsibility. As the technology advances, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations. Striving for transparency, accountability, and inclusive development will be essential in ensuring the responsible deployment of AI for the benefit of society.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence represents a transformative force with far-reaching implications. Its application spans various sectors, revolutionizing the way we work and live. As we navigate this AI-driven era, a thoughtful and ethical approach will be pivotal in harnessing its potential for the greater good.

Essay on Artificial Intelligence (400 words)


As per the famous Daniel Bell, “Technology, like art, is the soaring exercise of human imagination.” It is also most difficult to imagine the world today without the internet and cellphones, but this has not always been the case. It has almost taken 30 years and four industrial revolutions to reach the world we live in today! Modern technology has become so advanced that it is on the brink of replacing human activities and human emotions. One such advanced form of technology includes AI or machine learning.

What is Artificial Intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence is a part of technology that can process information and make decisions without human supervision. Researchers have been working hard on the technology for a very long time, and they still have a long road ahead of them, but AI has now become an integral part of our everyday lives. Many useful characteristics such as navigation apps, video suggestions, facial recognition, and smart assistants are a by-product of artificial intelligence.

Classifications of Artificial Intelligence 

According to researchers, there are four broad classifications of AI. The first includes ‘Reactive Machine’ where these machines do not have any memory storage capacity but can process information and make situation-based decisions. These machine learning devices use algorithms and are frequently used in gaming software such as chess and ludo. It is very easy for such programs to think of a million permutations and combinations  and reach the most suitable results. Some of the gaming software based on AI is so advanced that even the champions of the field have to take a bow in front of these programmes.

The second type of AI is called ‘Limited Memory’ technology and has taken the entire world by storm. Not only can such devices take situation-based decisions, but they also store previously analyzed data for future use. A good example of ‘limited memory’ technology is the video recommendation system on any video streaming platform like YouTube. Once the AI figures out the likes and dislikes of the user, it can make decisions on the user’s behalf and recommend shows and videos as per the user's interest. The ‘limited memory’ technology has become an easy way to influence and manipulate the data in masses as they use the thought process of the person himself. Although this is a revolutionary feat, it has also made people more vulnerable and prone to wasteful online shopping and other unusual activities.

The third type of AI, which has not seen much progress yet, includes ‘Theory of Mind.’ The idea is to develop a technology that can store and process data and have a human-like thought process that will allow the machine to make important decisions during a crisis. Scientists are working continuously on this project and have come up with some humanoid robots, but the results have not been good enough to replace human work and services. However, we can hope in the future to have a lot of robots doing our work.

The fourth type of AI is the ‘Self-awareness’ program which seems almost unachievable at this time. It refers to the knowledge of identifying oneself from given surroundings. A machine that would be self-aware would have its own emotions and its own thought process. If someday in the future, science is able to evolve to create ‘self-aware’ machines, the human race could achieve immortality. And although this idea sounds difficult to believe, it has its supporters in many advanced scientists such as Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein. These scientists believed that it was possible to store and replicate human consciousness.


AI has indeed made the world smaller and life more achievable. The distance that would take months to travel, a year ago, now can be traversed in a matter of a few hours. There is no place on Earth that humans cannot reach. AI has helped increase the duration of the entire human population by making health facilities cheaper and more accessible. But like every coin has two faces, AI technology has its pros and cons. We have become so addicted to our devices like mobile games, Alexa and many more that we’ve replaced them for physical human interaction. Not only is AI taking away from our social life, but it is also increasing health issues. Weaken eyesight, obesity, and cardiovascular issues are just common diseases resulting from the continuous use of technology sitting in one place. Thus, we must be reasonable with using any sort of technology.

Question 1. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Answer: Artificial Intelligence is a part of computer science that emphasizes the development of intelligent machines that would think and work like.

Question 2 : Can Artificial Intelligence help us?

Answer: Artificial Intelligence or AI can help us in many ways. It is already helping us in some cases. For example, if we think about the robots used in a factory, these robots run on the principle of Artificial Intelligence. In the automobile sector, some vehicles have been invented that don't need any humans to drive them, they are self-driving such as Tesla. The search engines like google and yahoo these days are also AI-powered. 

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Police officers are starting to use artificial intelligence to help write crime reports

OKLAHOMA CITY -- A body camera captured every word and bark uttered as police Sgt. Matt Gilmore and his K-9 dog, Gunner, searched for a group of suspects for nearly an hour.

Normally, the Oklahoma City police sergeant would grab his laptop and spend another 30 to 45 minutes writing up a report about the search. But this time he had artificial intelligence write the first draft.

Pulling from all the sounds and radio chatter picked up by the microphone attached to Gilmore's body camera, the AI tool churned out a report in eight seconds.

“It was a better report than I could have ever written, and it was 100% accurate. It flowed better,” Gilmore said. It even documented a fact he didn't remember hearing — another officer's mention of the color of the car the suspects ran from.

Oklahoma City's police department is one of a handful to experiment with AI chatbots to produce the first drafts of incident reports. Police officers who've tried it are enthused about the time-saving technology, while some prosecutors, police watchdogs and legal scholars have concerns about how it could alter a fundamental document in the criminal justice system that plays a role in who gets prosecuted or imprisoned.

Built with the same technology as ChatGPT and sold by Axon, best known for developing the Taser and as the dominant U.S. supplier of body cameras, it could become what Gilmore describes as another “game changer” for police work.

“They become police officers because they want to do police work, and spending half their day doing data entry is just a tedious part of the job that they hate,” said Axon's founder and CEO Rick Smith, describing the new AI product — called Draft One — as having the “most positive reaction” of any product the company has introduced.

“Now, there’s certainly concerns," Smith added. In particular, he said district attorneys prosecuting a criminal case want to be sure that police officers — not solely an AI chatbot — are responsible for authoring their reports because they may have to testify in court about what they witnessed.

"They never want to get an officer on the stand who says, well, ‘The AI wrote that, I didn’t,’” Smith said.

AI technology is not new to police agencies, which have adopted algorithmic tools to read license plates, recognize suspects’ faces , detect gunshot sounds and predict where crimes might occur. Many of those applications have come with privacy and civil rights concerns and attempts by legislators to set safeguards. But the introduction of AI-generated police reports is so new that there are few, if any, guardrails guiding their use.

Concerns about society's racial biases and prejudices getting built into AI technology are just part of what Oklahoma City community activist aurelius francisco finds “deeply troubling” about the new tool, which he learned about from The Associated Press. francisco prefers to lowercase his name as a tactic to resist professionalism.

“The fact that the technology is being used by the same company that provides Tasers to the department is alarming enough,” said francisco, a co-founder of the Foundation for Liberating Minds in Oklahoma City.

He said automating those reports will "ease the police’s ability to harass, surveil and inflict violence on community members. While making the cop’s job easier, it makes Black and brown people’s lives harder.”

Before trying out the tool in Oklahoma City, police officials showed it to local prosecutors who advised some caution before using it on high-stakes criminal cases. For now, it's only used for minor incident reports that don't lead to someone getting arrested.

“So no arrests, no felonies, no violent crimes,” said Oklahoma City police Capt. Jason Bussert, who handles information technology for the 1,170-officer department.

That's not the case in another city, Lafayette, Indiana, where Police Chief Scott Galloway told the AP that all of his officers can use Draft One on any kind of case and it's been “incredibly popular” since the pilot began earlier this year.

Or in Fort Collins, Colorado, where police Sgt. Robert Younger said officers are free to use it on any type of report, though they discovered it doesn't work well on patrols of the city's downtown bar district because of an “overwhelming amount of noise."

Along with using AI to analyze and summarize the audio recording, Axon experimented with computer vision to summarize what's “seen” in the video footage, before quickly realizing that the technology was not ready.

“Given all the sensitivities around policing, around race and other identities of people involved, that’s an area where I think we’re going to have to do some real work before we would introduce it,” said Smith, the Axon CEO, describing some of the tested responses as not “overtly racist” but insensitive in other ways.

Those experiments led Axon to focus squarely on audio in the product unveiled in April during its annual company conference for police officials.

The technology relies on the same generative AI model that powers ChatGPT, made by San Francisco-based OpenAI. OpenAI is a close business partner with Microsoft, which is Axon's cloud computing provider.

“We use the same underlying technology as ChatGPT, but we have access to more knobs and dials than an actual ChatGPT user would have,” said Noah Spitzer-Williams, who manages Axon's AI products. Turning down the “creativity dial" helps the model stick to facts so that it “doesn’t embellish or hallucinate in the same ways that you would find if you were just using ChatGPT on its own,” he said.

Axon won't say how many police departments are using the technology. It's not the only vendor, with startups like Policereports.ai and Truleo pitching similar products. But given Axon's deep relationship with police departments that buy its Tasers and body cameras, experts and police officials expect AI-generated reports to become more ubiquitous in the coming months and years.

Before that happens, legal scholar Andrew Ferguson would like to see more of a public discussion about the benefits and potential harms. For one thing, the large language models behind AI chatbots are prone to making up false information, a problem known as hallucination that could add convincing and hard-to-notice falsehoods into a police report.

“I am concerned that automation and the ease of the technology would cause police officers to be sort of less careful with their writing,” said Ferguson, a law professor at American University working on what's expected to be the first law review article on the emerging technology.

Ferguson said a police report is important in determining whether an officer's suspicion "justifies someone’s loss of liberty." It's sometimes the only testimony a judge sees, especially for misdemeanor crimes.

Human-generated police reports also have flaws, Ferguson said, but it's an open question as to which is more reliable.

For some officers who've tried it, it is already changing how they respond to a reported crime. They're narrating what's happening so the camera better captures what they'd want to put in writing.

As the technology catches on, Bussert expects officers will become “more and more verbal” in describing what's in front of them.

After Bussert loaded the video of a traffic stop into the system and pressed a button, the program produced a narrative-style report in conversational language that included dates and times, just like an officer would have typed from his notes, all based on audio from the body camera.

“It was literally seconds,” Gilmore said, “and it was done to the point where I was like, ‘I don’t have anything to change.’”

At the end of the report, the officer must click a box that indicates it was generated with the use of AI.

O'Brien reported from Providence, Rhode Island

The Associated Press and OpenAI have a licensing and technology agreement that allows OpenAI access to part of AP’s text archives.

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Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court?


Captain Jason Bussert demonstrates Draft One, an AI powered software that creates police reports from body cam audio, at Oklahoma City police headquarters on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (AP Photo/Nick Oxford)

An Axon body camera is worn by an officer at Oklahoma City police headquarters on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (AP Photo/Nick Oxford)

Captain Jason Bussert talks about Draft One, an AI powered software made by Axon that creates police reports from body cam audio, at Oklahoma City police headquarters on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (AP Photo/Nick Oxford)

Draft One, an AI powered software that creates police reports from body cam audio, is demonstrated on a screen at Oklahoma City police headquarters on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (AP Photo/Nick Oxford)

Axon body cameras charge on a docking station at Oklahoma City police headquarters on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (AP Photo/Nick Oxford)

Sgt. Matt Gilmore gestures as he talks about using Axon’s Draft One AI software during an interview at Oklahoma City police headquarters on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. (AP Photo/Nick Oxford)

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OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A body camera captured every word and bark uttered as police Sgt. Matt Gilmore and his K-9 dog, Gunner, searched for a group of suspects for nearly an hour.

Normally, the Oklahoma City police sergeant would grab his laptop and spend another 30 to 45 minutes writing up a report about the search. But this time he had artificial intelligence write the first draft.

Pulling from all the sounds and radio chatter picked up by the microphone attached to Gilmore’s body camera, the AI tool churned out a report in eight seconds.

“It was a better report than I could have ever written, and it was 100% accurate. It flowed better,” Gilmore said. It even documented a fact he didn’t remember hearing — another officer’s mention of the color of the car the suspects ran from.

Oklahoma City’s police department is one of a handful to experiment with AI chatbots to produce the first drafts of incident reports. Police officers who’ve tried it are enthused about the time-saving technology, while some prosecutors, police watchdogs and legal scholars have concerns about how it could alter a fundamental document in the criminal justice system that plays a role in who gets prosecuted or imprisoned.

Built with the same technology as ChatGPT and sold by Axon, best known for developing the Taser and as the dominant U.S. supplier of body cameras, it could become what Gilmore describes as another “game changer” for police work.


“They become police officers because they want to do police work, and spending half their day doing data entry is just a tedious part of the job that they hate,” said Axon’s founder and CEO Rick Smith, describing the new AI product — called Draft One — as having the “most positive reaction” of any product the company has introduced.

“Now, there’s certainly concerns,” Smith added. In particular, he said district attorneys prosecuting a criminal case want to be sure that police officers — not solely an AI chatbot — are responsible for authoring their reports because they may have to testify in court about what they witnessed.

“They never want to get an officer on the stand who says, well, ‘The AI wrote that, I didn’t,’” Smith said.

AI technology is not new to police agencies, which have adopted algorithmic tools to read license plates, recognize suspects’ faces , detect gunshot sounds and predict where crimes might occur. Many of those applications have come with privacy and civil rights concerns and attempts by legislators to set safeguards. But the introduction of AI-generated police reports is so new that there are few, if any, guardrails guiding their use.

Concerns about society’s racial biases and prejudices getting built into AI technology are just part of what Oklahoma City community activist aurelius francisco finds “deeply troubling” about the new tool, which he learned about from The Associated Press. francisco prefers to lowercase his name as a tactic to resist professionalism.

“The fact that the technology is being used by the same company that provides Tasers to the department is alarming enough,” said francisco, a co-founder of the Foundation for Liberating Minds in Oklahoma City.

He said automating those reports will “ease the police’s ability to harass, surveil and inflict violence on community members. While making the cop’s job easier, it makes Black and brown people’s lives harder.”

Before trying out the tool in Oklahoma City, police officials showed it to local prosecutors who advised some caution before using it on high-stakes criminal cases. For now, it’s only used for minor incident reports that don’t lead to someone getting arrested.

“So no arrests, no felonies, no violent crimes,” said Oklahoma City police Capt. Jason Bussert, who handles information technology for the 1,170-officer department.

That’s not the case in another city, Lafayette, Indiana, where Police Chief Scott Galloway told the AP that all of his officers can use Draft One on any kind of case and it’s been “incredibly popular” since the pilot began earlier this year.

Or in Fort Collins, Colorado, where police Sgt. Robert Younger said officers are free to use it on any type of report, though they discovered it doesn’t work well on patrols of the city’s downtown bar district because of an “overwhelming amount of noise.”

Along with using AI to analyze and summarize the audio recording, Axon experimented with computer vision to summarize what’s “seen” in the video footage, before quickly realizing that the technology was not ready.

“Given all the sensitivities around policing, around race and other identities of people involved, that’s an area where I think we’re going to have to do some real work before we would introduce it,” said Smith, the Axon CEO, describing some of the tested responses as not “overtly racist” but insensitive in other ways.

Those experiments led Axon to focus squarely on audio in the product unveiled in April during its annual company conference for police officials.

The technology relies on the same generative AI model that powers ChatGPT, made by San Francisco-based OpenAI. OpenAI is a close business partner with Microsoft, which is Axon’s cloud computing provider.

“We use the same underlying technology as ChatGPT, but we have access to more knobs and dials than an actual ChatGPT user would have,” said Noah Spitzer-Williams, who manages Axon’s AI products. Turning down the “creativity dial” helps the model stick to facts so that it “doesn’t embellish or hallucinate in the same ways that you would find if you were just using ChatGPT on its own,” he said.

Axon won’t say how many police departments are using the technology. It’s not the only vendor, with startups like Policereports.ai and Truleo pitching similar products. But given Axon’s deep relationship with police departments that buy its Tasers and body cameras, experts and police officials expect AI-generated reports to become more ubiquitous in the coming months and years.

Before that happens, legal scholar Andrew Ferguson would like to see more of a public discussion about the benefits and potential harms. For one thing, the large language models behind AI chatbots are prone to making up false information, a problem known as hallucination that could add convincing and hard-to-notice falsehoods into a police report.

“I am concerned that automation and the ease of the technology would cause police officers to be sort of less careful with their writing,” said Ferguson, a law professor at American University working on what’s expected to be the first law review article on the emerging technology.

Ferguson said a police report is important in determining whether an officer’s suspicion “justifies someone’s loss of liberty.” It’s sometimes the only testimony a judge sees, especially for misdemeanor crimes.

Human-generated police reports also have flaws, Ferguson said, but it’s an open question as to which is more reliable.

For some officers who’ve tried it, it is already changing how they respond to a reported crime. They’re narrating what’s happening so the camera better captures what they’d want to put in writing.

As the technology catches on, Bussert expects officers will become “more and more verbal” in describing what’s in front of them.

After Bussert loaded the video of a traffic stop into the system and pressed a button, the program produced a narrative-style report in conversational language that included dates and times, just like an officer would have typed from his notes, all based on audio from the body camera.

“It was literally seconds,” Gilmore said, “and it was done to the point where I was like, ‘I don’t have anything to change.’”

At the end of the report, the officer must click a box that indicates it was generated with the use of AI.

O’Brien reported from Providence, Rhode Island

The Associated Press and OpenAI have a licensing and technology agreement that allows OpenAI access to part of AP’s text archives.


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Sage recognises the value of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to help authors in the research and writing process. Sage welcomes developments in this area to enhance opportunities for generating ideas, accelerating research discovery, synthesising, or analysing findings, polishing language, or structuring a submission.

Large language models (LLMs) or Generative AI offer opportunities for acceleration in research and its dissemination. While these opportunities can be transformative, they are unable to replicate human creative and critical thinking. Sage’s policy on the use of AI technology has been developed to assist authors, reviewers and editors to make good judgements about the ethical use of such technology.

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Ai  assistance.

We recognise that AI assisted writing has become more common as the technology becomes more accessible. AI tools that make suggestions to improve or enhance your own work, such as tools to improve language, grammar or structure, are considered assistive AI tools and do not require disclosure by authors or reviewers. However, authors are responsible for ensuring their submission is accurate and meets the standards for rigorous scholarship .

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The use of AI tools that can produce content such as generating references, text, images or any other form of content must be disclosed when used by authors or reviewers. Authors should cite original sources, rather than Generative AI tools as primary sources within the references. If your submission was primarily or partially generated using AI, this must be disclosed upon submission so the Editorial team can evaluate the content generated. 

Authors are required to follow Sage guidelines , and in particular to:

  •       Clearly indicate the use of language models in the manuscript, including which model was used and for what purpose. Please use the methods or acknowledgements section, as appropriate.
  • Verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriateness of the content and any citations generated by language models and correct any errors, biases or inconsistencies.
  • Be conscious of the potential for plagiarism where the LLM may have reproduced substantial text from other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarising someone else’s work.
  • Be conscious of the potential for fabrication where the LLM may have generated false content, including getting facts wrong, or generating citations that don’t exist. Ensure you have verified all claims in your article prior to submission.
  • Please note that AI bots such as ChatGPT should not be listed as an author on your submission.    

While submissions will not be rejected because of the disclosed use of generative AI, if the Editor becomes aware that Generative AI was inappropriately used in the preparation of a submission without disclosure, the Editor reserves the right to reject the submission at any time during the publishing process. Inappropriate use of Generative AI includes the generation of incorrect text or content, plagiarism or inappropriate attribution to prior sources. 

For Reviewers and Editors

The use of AI or LLMs for Editorial work presents confidentiality and copyright issues. The tool or model will learn from what it receives over time and may use it to provide outputs to others.

AI assistance

Reviewers may wish to use Generative AI to improve the quality of the language in their review.  If they do so, they maintain responsibility for the content, accuracy and constructive feedback within the review.

Journal Editors maintain overall responsibility for the content published in their journal and act as gatekeepers of the scholarly record. Editors may use Generative AI tools for assistance in looking for suitable peer-reviewers.

Reviewers using ChatGPT or other Generative AI tools to generate review reports inappropriately will not be invited to review for the journal and their review will not be included in the final decision.

Editors must not use ChatGPT or other Generative AI to generate decision letters, or summaries of unpublished research.

Undisclosed or Inappropriate use of Generative AI

Reviewers suspecting the inappropriate or undisclosed use of generative AI in a submission should flag their concerns with the Journal Editor. If Editors suspect the use of ChatGPT or any other generative AI in a submitted manuscript or a submitted review, they should consider this policy in undertaking an editorial assessment of the matter or contact their Sage representative for advice.

Sage and the Journal Editor will lead a joint investigation into concerns raised about the inappropriate or undisclosed use of Generative AI in a published article. The investigation will be undertaken in accordance with guidance issued by COPE and our internal policies . 

Further information

Using AI in peer review and publishing | SAGE Publications Inc

Assistive and Generative AI Guidelines for Authors — Sage (sagepub.com)

New white paper launch: Generative AI in Scholarly Communications - STM (stm-assoc.org)

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)’s position statement on Authorship and AI tools .

World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) recommendations on chat bots, ChatGPT and scholarly manuscripts  

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  27. Artificial Intelligence Policy

    Sage recognises the value of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to help authors in the research and writing process. Sage welcomes developments in this area to enhance opportunities for generating ideas, accelerating research discovery, synthesising, or analysing findings, polishing language, or structuring a submission. Large language models (LLMs) or Generative