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Speech on Drug Abuse in English in Simple and easy Words

iit-jee, neet, foundation

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Speech on Drug Abuse: Drug abuse has become the most common thing these days and many youth are destroying their lives by getting addicted to drugs. It’s very important to sensitize our youth on the subject of drug abuse. They are ruining the lives of our youth and putting their future in a great darkness. The use of drugs is making their lives vulnerable and prone to destruction. Therefore, it becomes very important to raise awareness about it amongst our youth and prevent them from succumbing to it. The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated annually on June 26th it serves as a significant platform for raising awareness and addressing the critical issue of substance abuse. You can even prepare a speech on drug abuse and deliver it on various occasions and platforms.

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Speech on Drug Abuse

Long and Short Speeches on Drug Abuse in English

For your help, we have posted below some short speech on drug abuse as well as long speech on drug abuse, which will give you a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and help you create an impressive brief to impress upon your audience and bring a change in society.

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 1

Dear Students – Warm Greetings to all of you! I welcome everyone to the school seminar hall.

Today, we are here to discuss about the fatal consumption of drugs and how it is destroying the lives of our youth. But before the discussion begins, I would like to deliver a short speech on drug abuse and would like to enlighten our students on this sensitive subject matter.

Drugs, as we all know, are an illegal matter which some people drink, smoke, inject or eat for the mental as well as physical effects that it leaves. There are several students who consume drugs out of fun or for various other reasons. People who deal in the selling of drugs create a network and mainly target students in order to make them addicted to drugs. Initially, the drugs are sold to the students for free and gradually when they get addicted to it, they start buying and consuming it. In fact, the students also eventually become a part of their network and start dealing in it.

It is observed that students start consuming drugs out of stress or unfair expectations of their teachers as well as parents. Lack of emotional support and disorder in their families make them vulnerable and increase their dependency on drugs. They use it in order to calm down their state of mental agitation. Other than this, it is poverty that compels some students to become a part of the selling and dealing network of drugs and derive their pocket money. Therefore, it becomes like a vicious circle of the drug addicted students from which they seem to find no escape unless the society comes for their rescue.

Sadly, the students fail to realize that the consumption of drugs has a severe impact on their physical and mental health, such as they start experiencing mental disorder, their intelligence level decreases, experience deadly diseases and untimely death. When one completely succumbs to the temptation of drugs, it gets very difficult for him/her to recover from its impact except in the centers for drug rehabilitation where they gain a new life, but which involves a high cost. In fact, there are many cases too where even rehabilitation centers fail because of the worst condition of the patients.

I, therefore, request all the students to refrain themselves completely from the consumption of drugs before it destroys their health, future and takes away their lives. Don’t even try to touch or come close to them. Drugs can even destroy a complete generation. So think wise and act smart. Shape your future which seems bright and full of achievements. The drugs that doctor prescribes to his/her patients must only be taken in order to combat a specific disease otherwise the government must take strict measures to ban its illegal trade in the market and save our youth from destruction.

I want to conclude by saying that drug abuse should be an absolute ‘No’ for all and I sincerely hope that our students will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. Remember that our country needs you as you are its future and harbinger of progress.

Also Read: Essay on Drug Abuse

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Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 2

Good Morning Friends – Welcome to the 77 th campaign for drug addiction ban.

It feels extremely great to see how the members of our organization are working hard in order to make every day count and reach out to the masses for spreading awareness about the drug addiction or drug abuse. Since day one and today it’s the 77 th campaign of our organization – we haven’t really ever thought that we will grow this big, i.e. currently we have more than 200 people working for us and have gained a mass appeal. The response so far has been really good and we have been able to transform the life of the people for good, who earlier have been living under the influence of drugs.

So today I would further like to appeal to the masses to refrain themselves from using drugs and live a healthy life. Drug addiction or drug abuse is described as an excessive dependency on a substance, which inevitably becomes the compulsive need of the person using it. This need becomes so compulsive that without that substance the person cannot live his life like a normal person does. And, when such a substance is stopped being available in the market then that person is believed to be suffering from substance withdrawal.

The addiction of drugs has become one of the serious social problems in many developing as well as developed countries and it undeniably proves to be the principal obstruction in the all-round development of the people, society, country and the world at a large. Our country is a progressing country and it is already afflicted with so many other grave problems, such as unemployment, poverty and illiteracy that the problem of Adolescence and Drug abuse makes the situation even worse here as it further makes our economy regressive by destroying the lives of its youth.

Even sadder is the fact that several drug addicts cannot afford to make a purchase of expensive drugs so much so that in the end they have to resort to such activities as theft in their homes. These people are not born thieves, but their addiction to drugs makes them heinous and propels them to commit crimes in order to feed their body with drugs.

People can become addicted to drugs because of various reasons, some of which are mentioned below:

1. In order to de-stress themselves

When a person is under the influence of drugs, he/she forgets everything and enters into a trance-like state. However, it is only later that people realize that the use of drugs is only aggravating the problem and not really helping them in getting rid of the stress.

2. Out of peer pressure

Many times, people start taking drugs because their friends are addicted to them. However, once they start taking it, it becomes really difficult for them to get rid of this habit.

3. Style Statement

Many teenagers these days think that the habit of drinking, smoking and even drug addiction is what helps them look cool and create a style statement in the front of others. However, it’s only when these people get trapped in its vicious circle that they realize the irreparable they have caused to their lives.

Teenagers and every person for that matter must understand that the habit of drug abuse not only greatly affects their body and mind, but also finishes their bright future. So we should strictly say ‘No’ to drugs and save our lives as well the lives of our loved ones by spreading awareness in our surroundings.

Also Read: Speech on Adult Education

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 3

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students – Warm Welcome to all of you! Today, standing in the prayer hall I would like to take this opportunity to deliver a brief speech on Drug Abuse.

I request our principal and teachers to kindly allow me to speak on this subject as it is a high time to enlighten our youth about the dangerous habit of drug abuse. In the present times, there are many factors that push a man to resort to drug addiction and make his/her life miserable. The most glaring factors are rapid industrialization and urbanization, which have given birth to a new kind of behavior among the youth of today, i.e. individualism and permissiveness. People these days prefer nuclear families and in many cases both parents are working, as a consequence of which they become less forbearing in comparison to their previous generations. People are living their lives in isolation and avoid getting social because the stress in the modern times has become way too much to make them withdrawn figures in their personal lives.

In the end, such people become involved in the habit of drinking, smoking, drug addiction, etc. Besides, when a child doesn’t feel satisfied at home or when he/she is deprived of love, affection and care of his/her parents, a feeling of discontentment comes in and such children become prone to drug addiction and ruin their lives completely. What is more painful to see that if the drug addicted people are not allowed the use of drugs, then he/she suffers from bouts of depression, painful and uncontrollable convulsions as well as vomiting!

It is an obvious fact that the addiction of drugs is ruining the path of progress of many individuals and our nation as a whole so much so that proactive measures need to be taken in order to keep a check on this destructive habit of our youth. The most significant step in this direction would be about spreading awareness amongst the people on a national scale.

Our Indian government has in fact formulated various campaigns and even has been able to gain success in this direction. The individuals whose family and friends suffer from the addiction of drugs are requested to approach the rehabilitation institutions and camps in order to provide treatment to the addicts.

Drug abuse should not be tolerated and be completely banned as a taboo. However, it is not advised to torture the addict or treat him/her inhumanely for this habit because if you try and convince the person about its treatment then he/she may willingly choose to opt for it and get rid of this addiction by admitting himself/herself at the rehabilitation centers.

A person who has become the victim of drug abuse is forced by his/her bodily conditions to carry on with the addiction, but sooner they realize the bad impact of this habit. All that these people need is a helping hand and therefore we should provide encouragement as well as support to these people in making these addicts come back to their normal lives and lead a healthy life.

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 4

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Fellow Colleagues and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to one and all!

Firstly, I would like to extend a note of thank you to our respected Principal and Vice Principal for gracing this speech ceremony with their presence and giving their approval too. And, to all the fellow teachers – as without your support this event wouldn’t have been possible. I would also like to congratulate our dear students for making the desired arrangement on a short notice.

The topic for today’s speech is Drug Abuse! I have chosen to speak on this topic because these days I observe many campaigns being run on Drug Abuse in order to teach the people about its ill effects. As a teacher, it also becomes my responsibility to help them spread the message wherever we can and most importantly beginning from our very own school.

Drug abuse is considered one of the banes of our so called civilized society. It has affected all the sections and regions of our society. People with the illicit use of drug are found everywhere, i.e. in urban and rural regions, among men and women, among rich and poor. But it is exceedingly practiced by our young girls and boys living in hostels in nearly all technical and educational institutions.

The grave situation of drug abuse is prevalent across the world and unfortunately our very country India is more strongly affected by it. Our country is a transit country because it is placed between the Golden Triangle consisting of Burma, Thailand and Cambodia, including Golden Crescent consisting of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran – the places where most of the drugs, chiefly heroin and opium are produced. Pakistan is undeniably the nucleus of the world when it comes to any unlawful activity and as far as the drug production is concerned – it is the hub. In fact, a big proportion of drugs go by India in order that it can be exported to other countries.

This happens through the network of drug mafia who further has connections with formidable smugglers as well as terrorists. In the process, unfortunately several young men as well as women become victims to this diabolic activity. Pakistan with the help of ISI is involving itself in a proxy war in the region of Kashmir against India through money earned with the help of drug mafia. Thus, terrorism and drugs share very strong connections.

This addiction to drug is so deadly that people fall prey to its use and become almost a slave. If a person doesn’t get its regular dose, then that person starts feeling a lack of it and becomes depressed with severe pain which even leads to a lack of sensation in arms and legs. Drugs are of various kinds, such as heroin, opium, charas, ganja, etc.

There are some injections too which lead to a state of severe drowsiness. In case, a drug-addict is not able to receive the required dose of drug when needed, then he/she would be ready to do anything for it even by resorting to unfair means, such as theft or may be hurting someone physically, etc.

I therefore request everyone to strictly say ‘No’ to drugs and get such people admitted to rehabilitation centers where their conditions can be improved before it gets horrible and proves fatal for that person.

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Speech on Drug Abuse Faq’s

What is the topic of drug abuse day.

Drug Abuse Day focuses on raising awareness about the harmful effects of drug misuse and addiction.

What is drug abuse in the English language?

Drug abuse in English refers to the harmful and improper use of drugs, often leading to health and social problems.

How can we say no to drugs?

We can say no to drugs by staying informed, making healthy choices, and seeking support from friends and family when faced with drug temptations.

How to write an essay about drugs?

To write an essay about drugs, start with an introduction, discuss the impacts, causes, and solutions, and conclude with your viewpoint on the topic.

What is drugs summary?

A drugs summary is a brief overview of key information about drugs, including their effects, risks, and uses.

What is drug abuse in a short introduction?

Drug abuse is when people misuse drugs, causing harm to themselves and society. It's a serious problem that needs attention.

What are a few lines on addiction?

Addiction is a strong, harmful craving for something, like drugs, that can be very difficult to control. It can lead to serious problems.

We can say no to drugs by being strong, confident, and making choices that keep us safe and healthy.

Addiction is a powerful need for something that can be harmful, like drugs or alcohol. It can affect a person's life in many negative ways.

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Top 10 Drugs PowerPoint Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Drugs PowerPoint Templates with Examples and Samples

Gunjan Gupta


Gabor Maté, a renowned addiction expert, once said: "Not all addictions come from abuse or trauma, but I believe they all stem from painful experiences. Hurt is at the core of all addictive behaviors." This viewpoint encourages us to see drug-use not just as a problem or a moral failing, but as a human struggle, echoing the pain and challenges many face. In the heart of every person battling addiction lies a story not just of despair but also a cry for help with a potential of healing.

For example, let’s take the story of Emma–a bright university student, whose initial drug use spiraled into a profound addiction. Transitioning from a well laid out life on campus to one on the streets, Emma faced immense emotional turmoil, societal stigma, and severe judgment for her addiction. 

And this is what our pharmaceutical industry is trying to eradicate by developing new and useful drugs to help save our youngsters each passing day. However, this process isn’t as easy as it sounds!

Thus, as a responsible scientist in charge of a pharmaceutical drug development process, it's crucial to arm yourself with the correct knowledge and tools. Ready-made PowerPoint Templates can be invaluable in this regard. Our drugs PowerPoint Templates offer a structured way to present information on drug awareness, prevention strategies, and recovery stories, helping to engage audiences, share knowledge, and spark action.

Are you worried about substance abuse in your workplace or school, and how can you address them effectively? Here is a blog with ready-to-use templates to do so with ease!

By weaving real-life stories with accessible resources, you can promote a more empathetic, informed, and proactive approach to drug challenges. 

Need to present complex medical information in a clear and concise way? This post and templates can be your secret weapon! 

Let’s begin now and explore the ten most-downloaded drugs PowerPoint Templates from our library of over 5 million presentation designs! 

Template 1: New Drug Development Process PowerPoint Presentation

Delve into the journey of introducing a new medicine to your local pharmacy with this enlightening PowerPoint Presentation. Explore the intricate steps involved, from the initial spark of an idea to its arrival on the market shelves. This PPT Template walks you through the essential phases like early research, animal testing, human trials, regulatory green lights, and the grand unveiling to the public. It also sheds light on clinical trials with goals such as testing if the drug has any effect, expanding drug administration, performing comparative analysis, and more. Tailored for pharmaceutical wizards, curious researchers, and savvy educators, it unpacks the scientific marvels, ethical dilemmas, and business savvy behind every pill we swallow. Grab this PPT Layout now!

New Drug Development Process

Download now 

Template 2: Drug Discovery and Development Clinical Research

Explore the exciting journey of creating a new medicine with this PPT design. The PPT Slide will take you step by step through developing a drug, from the beginning, such as drug discovery, preclinical development, clinical research, etc, to monitoring it once it is available. Also, learn about other important information, like adjusting the formula, ensuring safety, and getting approval. It's all about understanding how each part is vital in ensuring the medicine works well and succeeds. So, whether you're a curious scientist, a pharmaceutical company, or someone with a keen interest, this presentation template is for you. Get it now from the link below.

Drug Discovery and Development

Template 3: Drug Indication Expansion in a Pharma Company Case Competition Complete Deck

Looking to broaden the reach of your pharmaceutical products? Dive into our Drug Indication Expansion in a Pharma Company case competition deck. This comprehensive presentation is specifically for pharma companies, strategists, and business development pros eager to explore new therapeutic avenues. Learn how to expand the usage of your existing drugs into fresh markets, boosting profitability and extending their lifecycle. It covers everything from market analysis and regulatory hurdles to designing effective clinical trials and crafting solid commercial strategies with slides like company overview, current issue and solution, SWOT analysis, product development strategy, pricing strategy, and more. Discover how to identify and validate new use cases, giving your drugs the potential to make an even bigger impact on patients' lives while growing your business using this PowerPoint Presentation. Download now!

Drug Indication Expansion In a Pharma Company (CASE COMPETITION)

Download now  

Template 4: Phases of Drug Discovery and Development Process PowerPoint Presentation

Present a roadmap for making new medicines with this PPT design. It is easy to understand PPT Guide for teachers, scientists, and people in the drug industry. The slides cover everything from finding the first idea for a medicine to watching how well it works after it's for sale. Each step is important, like checking the idea, finding good chemicals, testing them in labs, and trying them on people. It also includes reasons for drug failure on the basis of toxicity, efficacy, inadequate drug performance, and more. Additionally, it shows the challenges and successes of making a new medicine, giving a full view of how it's done. It's like a behind-the-scenes look at the complicated process of making medicines. Download it now! 

Phases Of Drug Discovery And Development Process

Template 5: Quality by Design for Generic Drugs PowerPoint Presentation

Shed light on substance misuse and the paramount importance of responsible medication management. This PPT Presentation is crafted to cater to healthcare professionals, educators, and individuals dedicated to raising awareness about. It explores a wide spectrum of topics, spanning from pharmaceutical development overview, general information such as API, registration status, applications, process parameters, identifying indicators of misuse to instituting safe medication protocols, etc. Through comprehensive education and community engagement, its endeavor is to confront substance abuse head-on, fostering a healthier and safer environment for all. Download it now from the link below!

Quality by Design for Generic Drugs

Template 6: Drug Abuse Awareness Medicinal Measuring Individual Spreading

Looking out for our community's well-being is essential, so we created this Drug Abuse Awareness: Medicinal Measuring & Individual Spreading presentation. It allows you to talk about how drugs can be harmful and why it's important to use medication correctly. This PPT Presentation is great for doctors, teachers, and anyone who cares about spreading the word. It can be used to spot signs of drug problems with various icons and imagery such as drug abuse posters, drug abuse quotes, drug abuse slogans, and more. By teaching ourselves and others, we can take on drug abuse and make our communities healthier and safer. This presentation isn't just full of facts—it's a big help in our mission to be healthier and happier. So download it now! 

Drug Abuse

Template 7: Blockchain Technology Impact on Drugs Supply Chain Domain Training PPT

Detail the multifaceted issues addressed by integrating blockchain into drug and medical device supply chains. It lays out the benefits, such as reduction in complexity, costs, and errors, and the enhancement of security and transparency. The emphasis on shared, trusted transactions and the creation of an audit trail highlights blockchain's potential to improve efficiency and reliability in the supply chain. This PPT Design is an influential tool for convincing decision-makers of the need to adopt blockchain for operational improvements and to maintain the integrity of pharmaceutical products. Click on the link below to get it now!

Different Issues Resolved by Blockchain in Drug and Device Supply Chain

Template 8: Pharma Drugs Supply Chain Distribution Flowchart

Lay down the step by step guide showing how drugs move through the system with this PPT Slide. Highlight the important people and organizations involved, such as the Food and Drug Administration, developers, distributors, and the pharmacies where you pick them up using this PPT slide. This makes it easier for everyone to understand how drugs are developed, checked for safety, and sent out to patients, helping everyone involved see what they need to do and how they fit into the process. As an essential educational resource, this PPT Slide is indispensable for training purposes, particularly in the areas of logistics within the realm of the pharmaceutical sector. Grab it now! 

Pharma drugs supply chain distribution flowchart

Template 9: Blockchain Impact On Drugs Supply Chain With Enhanced Transparency Between Authorized Parties Training PPT

Inform stakeholders about the transformative potential of blockchain technology in managing the drug supply chain with this PPT Design. Explain the need for transparency within the supply chain to combat the prevalence of counterfeit medications. Also bring attention to the crucial function of pharmacy inspectors and the active involvement of all parties, demonstrating how blockchain technology can deliver a clear and accountable record for every transaction made with this PPT Slide. Thus, use this readymade PPT Layout to exemplify blockchain's capacity to enhance trust and reliability in drug traceability.  

Blockchain Technology Impact on Drugs Supply Chain Domain Enhanced Transparency

Template 10: Drugstore Startup Business Plan

Present a comprehensive business plan detailing a startup’s objectives, strategies, and competitive advantages with this PPT Design. The PPT Template provides placeholders for essential contact details, fostering a sense of accessibility and professionalism. The imagery suggests a focus on community health and personal engagement, which are vital in a healthcare setting. This PPT Slide is thus useful to convey the essence of the business to potential investors, partners, or regulatory bodies, emphasizing customer service and care. Download it today! 

Drugstore startup business plan

In the end, tackling the drug dilemma is about weaving threads of empathy, knowledge, and resilience into a tapestry of hope. By embracing the stories behind the statistics with pre-designed Drug PowerPoint Templates, we unlock the power to transform despair into healing, guiding each other towards a brighter, more understanding future.

So download your favorites today! 

P.S Launching a new drug is no easy feat. But with a well-defined plan, you can increase your chances of success. How? Give this blog with pharmaceutical product launch templates a read now!

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National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse

Saving lives through collaborative action, educational videos.

Creating spaces for education, dialogue, and action is a vital part of our mission. 

The National Coalition Against Prescription Drug Abuse hosts in-person and virtual events, presentations, and workshops that bring people together to educate, discuss challenges, and develop solutions to prevent substance use disorder and fatal overdoses. 

Here, you can access past presentations and workshops as well as educational video series created by our team.

Art for Action Series

From April 26th through May 1st, 2021, NCAPDA hosted  Art 4 Action Week , a week of unique virtual workshops and presentations dedicated to showing how everyone can use different art mediums for advocacy, prevention, recovery, and healing. We are honored to spotlight incredible artists from across the nation, from independent artists to organizations such as  R2ise To Recovery . Our NCAPDA Youth Ambassadors also led a workshop for youth and announced the winners of our April 2021 “Life’s Too Good to be Wasted” Art and Video Contest in our Youth4Action event.

Click below to experience this week of learning and creativity! 

Last Week Tonight Opioid Series

Watch John Oliver explain the U.S. opioid crisis in Last Week Tonight’s 3-video series. 

Educational Interview Series

  contact us,   phone:  925-480-7723   e-mail:   [email protected],   ncapda   p.o. box 87   san ramo n, ca 94583.

Addictions — a Talking Points lesson for English reading and speaking

english presentation about drugs

Table of Contents


What is addiction? What kinds of things can people be addicted to? Are you addicted to anything?

What is addiction?

The dictionary says: It is the condition of being enslaved to a substance or activity.

Many addictions can cause physical or mental harm.

In the past, when people thought of addiction, they thought of drug addicts — people addicted to heroin or cocaine — unable to work or live within normal society and living in desperate conditions.

But later we came to recognise that people could be addicted to other substances. Alcohol or cigarettes became known as highly addictive substances.

Later still, we found that people could be addicted to gambling. Many a man or woman has lost everything they had in their life — a job, a home, even a marriage — because of a gambling addiction.

But now addiction experts have discovered a whole new array of addictions. One of these newer types is internet addiction.

This affects many people, but the most vulnerable group are teenagers.

For example, many boys and young men become addicted to online gaming. Online games may encourage teenage boys to give up all other pursuits in life just for another hit.

Many of these young men have lost the ability to communicate on a normal level and lead anti-social lives.

In some rare cases, victims become violent if they do not have access to a computer or internet connection.

Some countries have taken necessary action against this and set up Internet Addiction camps. Places where boys can ‘dry out’ and rejoin the real world.

People are also becoming addicted to food. This is a very difficult addiction to treat because people must consume food.

It’s not like we can just stop eating.

Some scientists argue that this is because much of our modern food has a lot of added sugar in it. It is not so much an addiction to food as an addiction to sugar.

But it is slowly killing thousands of people every year as they cannot stop eating.

Fast-food companies are in every country and soft drinks exist all over the world. They accept no fault in this and still spend millions on advertising.

Another strange new addiction — in complete contrast to food addiction — is exercise.

Believe it or not, many people are now becoming addicted to doing exercise. Whereas most people would regard three or four visits to the gym as perfectly adequate, exercise addicts are going many more times than that.

Some would even say they live in the gym.

Early morning workouts, followed by a run to the office, then a short routine at lunchtime and then a marathon session in the gym after work.

It doesn’t sound possible, but this is extremely bad for your health!

Heart conditions, lung problems and even mental issues such as anxiety and depression have been reported.

Many psychiatrists argue that addictions are caused because of some trauma that happened to the person during childhood. Many of these people get addicted to something in their adult life or in their late teenage years and use the addiction as a way of dealing with the trauma from the early part of their life.

Reading Comprehension Questions

What can addictions cause in the victim?

What drugs did people often associate with addiction in the past?

What other substances did people discover were addictive?

What behaviour can be addictive?

What three things can someone addicted to gambling lose from their life?

What is one of the newer addictions that experts have found?

Which group is most at danger to internet addiction?

How are boys or young men affected by this?

What basic life skills do young men lose due to internet addiction?

What can sometimes happen if an internet addict cannot get their fix?

How do some countries solve this issue?

Can people become addicted to food?

If so, how?

How many people does this kill every year?

Do fast-food companies or soft drink companies take any responsibility for this?

What addiction does the article finally mention?

Why is it dangerous to do too much exercise?

How can too much exercise harm your body?

Why do people get addicted to certain substances or behaviour later in life?

Essential Vocabulary









drug addicts








online gaming






internet connection

dry out


the real world









marathon session








Write down all the words and phrases in your vocabulary notebook. Look in your dictionary and find the meaning of each word. Write the definition next to each word.

Then make up your own sentences using each word or phrase.

For example:

Notebook — a small book with pages of blank paper that students use to make notes when studying.

“ I left my notebook at home so I was unable to make any notes in my English class.”

Discussion Questions

What addictions are prevalent in your country? Is there any help provided for these people?

Are you addicted to anything? Think of all the things you consume or do every single day — are these addictions?

What should be done about people who have addiction problems? Is there any help for them?

Cigarettes and alcohol are legal in most countries of the world. But thousands of people get addicted to these things and they often have very serious health issues. Do you think it’s right that cigarettes and alcohol are legal at all? Why/why not?

Is there a difference between being addicted to drugs and being addicted to the internet? What are the differences? What are the similarities?

How can doctors treat someone addicted to food? After all, we all have to eat. How can someone stop eating so much?

How can we treat a young man who has internet addiction? What steps should he take?

Do you think there is no hope for someone addicted to drugs? Why/why not?

How is it possible to become addicted to exercise? Why did someone like this get addicted to exercise?

Can we just ban all harmful substances? Is this a good idea? Why/why not?

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2 thoughts on “addictions — a talking points lesson for english reading and speaking”.

' data-src=

This is a very good topic and it should not be offensive to EFL students as it encompasses many addictions and not just those related to drugs. It is good for students to understand any word in the broad sense. This word does that for them. Thanks for helping teachers.

' data-src=

Some countries may not wish students to address such an issue, but surely it is better to let people examine it?

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Presentation for English on the topic: drug addiction

Published by Stewart Hicks Modified over 6 years ago

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Free Drugs Presentation Templates

Free powerful drugs powerpoint templates and google slides themes to educate your community with bright pictures and easy-to-read words. explain the dangers, share support resources, and spark change. choose your template, download, customize, and present with confidence. find your perfect template now and start building your presentation today.


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We're here to help you!

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These templates are pre-designed slide layouts for creating powerful awareness presentations related to drug addiction. It includes creative illustrations to create an impact.

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We can use these slides in various settings, including substance abuse awareness programs, medical conferences, research presentations, etc.

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Data Source

2023 national survey on drug use and health (nsduh) releases.

Conducted annually, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) provides nationally representative data on the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs; substance use disorders; mental health issues; and receipt of substance use and mental health treatment among the civilian, noninstitutionalized population aged 12 or older in the United States. NSDUH estimates allow researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and the general public to better understand and improve the nation’s behavioral health. These reports and detailed tables present national estimates from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).

Jump to: Highlights Annual National Report Detailed Tables Methodology

Companion Infographic Reports

For the 2023 NSDUH release, two companion infographic reports are provided. Both offer user-friendly, visual representations of findings.

  • First, a NSDUH report on key national indicators (PDF) that compares outcomes from 2021, 2022, and 2023.
  • Second, a report on important indicators broken out by race and ethnicity   (PDF) . The report uses the combined data from the 2021 through 2023 NSDUH to increase precision for smaller groups.

They cover selected indicators of substance use, substance use disorders, mental health issues, suicidality, and recovery from substance use problems or mental health issues among the civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. population aged 12 or older.

2023 NSDUH Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

1. Are NSDUH data from 2023 able to be compared with data from 2021 and 2022?

  • Many (but not all) NSDUH estimates from 2023 may be compared with estimates from 2022 and updated 2021 estimates that take into account the proportions of web and in-person interviews. Selected updated 2021 estimates are available in the 2022 Detailed Tables and in the 2023 Companion Infographic Report . Additionally, the 2021 Public Use File and Restricted Use File have been revised to allow data users to produce updated estimates for 2021. The 2021 Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators report, and 2021 Detailed Tables should not be used to compare estimates from 2021 with those from 2022 or 2023 because these 2021 products do not present the updated estimates. SAMHSA provides more information about NSDUH restricted use files .
  • Adjustment to these targeted proportions also was included as part of the 2022 and 2023 weighting procedures to remove the potential for bias in the comparison of estimates across years due to changes in the proportions of interviews that were completed in each mode.
  • See section 2.3.4 of the 2023 Methodological Summary and Definitions report for more details.

2. Why does SAMHSA not use the term “trends” to compare estimates from 2021 to 2023 in the 2023 Companion Infographic Report?

  • SAMHSA has indicated in the 2023 Companion Infographic Report that statistical tests for overall trends from the baseline year to the current year will not be conducted until at least four comparable NSDUH data points are available.
  • Although the 2023 Companion Infographic Report compares estimates between years for 2021, 2022, and 2023, SAMHSA does not consider comparisons involving only 3 years of data to be sufficient for drawing conclusions about longer-term trends for substance use and mental health outcomes.

3. Is it appropriate to combine 2023 data with previous years’ data?

  • If data users wish to create pooled estimates that include data from 2021, the 2021 updated weights should be used (see response to FAQ #1 ). A revised 2021 NSDUH Public Use File was released in January 2024 with the updated weight. A revised 2021 Restricted Use File also is available with the updated weight.
  • See the 2022 Statistical Inference Report (SIR) for details on the procedures for creating annual average estimates using pooled NSDUH data. SAMHSA expects to release the 2023 SIR in early 2025 as part of the 2023 Methodological Resource Book.
  • As with the 2021 and 2022 NSDUH data, the 2023 NSDUH data should not be combined with data from 2020 or prior years for a variety of methodological reasons. A full description of the analyses that were conducted to investigate the effects of methodological changes can be found in chapter 6 of the 2021 Methodological Summary and Definitions report.
  • Some estimates should not be compared between years because of changes in the NSDUH questionnaire in 2022 and 2023. Information related to variable comparability between 2021 and 2022 can be found in the Variable Crosswalk Chart available with the 2022 Public Use File . The Variable Crosswalk Chart for the 2023 Public Use File will be available later in 2024.

4. Is SAMHSA planning to release state-level and substate-level estimates using 2023 data?

  • State estimates are generally produced with 2 years of comparable data, and substate estimates are generally produced with 3 years of comparable data. State estimates using combined 2022 and 2023 data are expected to be released later in 2024. Substate-level estimates using combined data from 2021 to 2023 are expected to be released in 2025.

What's New/What's Changed

This section lists notable changes for the 2023 NSDUH. A full list of questionnaire changes is available as part of the 2023 NSDUH Questionnaire . Also, see the 2023 Methodological Summary and Definitions report for more information about methods for the 2023 NSDUH.

1. Front-End Demographics

  • Questions about sex, Hispanic origin, and race that are used to create estimates for reports and tables were moved to this new section from the core demographics section, which was interviewer administered for in-person respondents in 2022.
  • The question about respondents’ sex from 2022 was also revised to ask about sex assigned at birth instead of asking whether respondents were male or female.
  • Investigation of the effects of changes to the questions for sex, Hispanic origin, and race led SAMHSA to conclude that substance use and mental health estimates in 2023 by sex and by race/ethnicity may be compared with corresponding estimates from 2021 and 2022.
  • New questions were included to ask about respondents’ gender identity. Consequently, estimates for gender identity do not exist for prior years.

2. Sexual Attraction and Identity

  • Beginning in 2023, questions about sexual attraction and identity were asked of all respondents. Before 2023, these questions were asked only of adults aged 18 or older.
  • The question about sexual identity was also revised to be more inclusive. Additional response choices were provided, and respondents could specify other terms that they use to describe their sexual identity. Therefore, estimates of sexual identity among adults should not be compared between 2023 and prior years.

3. Medication-Assisted Treatment

  • Questions that measured medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for alcohol and opioid use were removed from the emerging issues section
  • Since 2022, NSDUH has used MAT questions that were added to the alcohol and drug treatment section to estimate the receipt of MAT. Questions for the receipt of MAT from this section did not change for 2023. Therefore, estimates for the receipt of MAT from the alcohol and drug treatment section may be compared between 2022 and 2023.

4. Modes of Marijuana Use

  • Beginning in 2023, all variables for the ways in which respondents used marijuana in the past year and past month (smoking; vaping; dabbing waxes, shatter, or concentrates; eating or drinking; putting drops, strips, lozenges, or sprays in their mouth or under their tongue; applying lotion, cream, or patches to their skin; taking pills; or some other way) were statistically imputed to replace missing data. For estimates of modes of marijuana use that were presented in 2022 NSDUH reports and tables, only the variables for marijuana vaping were statistically imputed.
  • For the 2023 NSDUH, these revised methods were also applied to produce imputed variables for all modes of marijuana use for 2022, including revised marijuana vaping variables. Therefore, the 2022 estimates for modes of marijuana use in the 2023 Detailed Tables may differ from previously published estimates. However, the revised 2022 estimates for modes of marijuana use may be compared with estimates in 2023.

2023 NSDUH Highlights

Overall Highlights for 2023 NSDUH (PDF)

Highlights for 2023 NSDUH by Race and Ethnicity (PDF)

Annual National Report

Key substance use and mental health indicators in the united states.

NSDUH’s latest annual report shows indicators of substance use and mental health in the United States based on 2023 NSDUH data. All reported indicators meet rigorous criteria for statistical precision. The 2023 Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators report summarizes the following:

  • Substance use (tobacco, alcohol, vaping, marijuana and other illicit drug use, as well as the use and misuse of prescription drugs)
  • Initiation of substance use by type
  • Substance use disorders (SUDs)
  • Major depressive episode (MDE), any mental illness, and serious mental illness
  • Mental illness and MDE co-occurring with substance use and SUDs
  • Suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts
  • Substance use treatment and mental health treatment

Estimates are presented by age group and by race/ethnicity for selected measures.

Also view slides based on the figures in the Annual National Report: Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States ( PDF | PPT ).

Detailed Tables

The 2023 NSDUH Detailed Tables present national estimates of substance use, mental health, and treatment in the United States. They present indicators for youths aged 12 to 17 and adults aged 18 or older (separately or combined) on drug, alcohol, and tobacco use, risk and availability of substance use, substance initiation, substance use disorder (SUD), mental illness and major depressive episode, suicidality, and treatment, along with some other miscellaneous health topics. The tables include estimates from 2022 and 2023 where appropriate, including statistical tests of differences between the two years. Please refer to the Methodological Summary and Definitions report for more information on the NSDUH survey.

Sections of the 2023 Detailed Tables:

Please refer to the related README file for instructions on how to use the Table of Contents and download files for faster viewing.

  • Clickable Table of Contents
  • Section 1: Illicit Drug Use/Misuse Tables - 1.1 to 1.134
  • Section 2: Tobacco Product Use, Nicotine Vaping, and Alcohol Use Tables - 2.1 to 2.47
  • Section 3: Risk and Protective Factor Tables - 3.1 to 3.18
  • Section 4: Incidence Tables - 4.1 to 4.11
  • Section 5: Substance Use Disorder and Treatment Tables - 5.1 to 5.35
  • Section 6: Adult Mental Health Tables - 6.1 to 6.87
  • Section 7: Youth Mental Health Tables - 7.1 to 7.40
  • Section 8: Miscellaneous Tables - 8.1 to 8.43
  • Section 9: Sample Size and Population Tables - 9.1 to 9.8
  • Appendix A: Glossary
  • Appendix B: List of Tables
  • Appendix C: List of Contributors


The 2023 Methodological Summary and Definitions  report summarizes the information users need to properly interpret NSDUH estimates related to substance use and mental health. This report accompanies the annual detailed tables and National Report and provides information on overall methodology, key definitions for measures and terms used in 2023 NSDUH reports and tables, along with some analysis of these measures and of the survey as a whole. The report is organized into four chapters:

  • Chapter 1 is an introduction to the report.
  • Chapter 2 describes the survey, including information about the sample design; data collection procedures and questionnaire changes; and key aspects of data processing, such as development of analysis weights.
  • Chapter 3 presents technical details on the statistical methods and measurement, such as suppression criteria for unreliable estimates, statistical testing procedures, and measurement issues for selected substance use and mental health measures.
  • Chapter 4 covers special methodological topics related to prescription psychotherapeutic drugs.

Additional methodological reports and materials are available from the 2023 Methodological Resource Book .


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