Frantically Speaking

How To Write A Speech On Education (With Sample Speech)

Hrideep barot.

  • Speech Writing

importance of education for children

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.” 

These words by Nelson Mandela pretty much sum up the importance of education in the life of human beings. Without education, human beings wouldn’t have arrived at the stage they are right now, and it is unlikely that we will be able to continue our missions to space progressively without education. 

And yet the truth remains that many, many people across the world do not have the right or ability to receive an education. Many of these people might be able to do great things if only they had the means to do so.

In such a scenario, it becomes important to spread awareness about education. Delivering speeches is one of the best ways to do so, as through speeches one can make a more personal connection with the people attending & make it more likely that they will actually do something about it.

However, it’s also true that education is a topic that many, many people have spoken about. In such a scenario, you might find yourself wondering what you can do to make your speech stand apart from all the ones that came before. 

Don’t worry, that’s what we’re here to help you with.

By keeping in mind a few things like finding a unique angle, incorporating stories and props, making sure to include concrete elements, and making your audience go beyond listening to feel something, you can easily deliver an unforgettable speech on education.

Tips To Keep In Mind While Writing A Speech About Education 

importance of learning for children

1. Find A Unique Angle 

Education is a topic that people have spoken about time and again. What this means is that if you deliver a speech about education without adding a different point of view to it, then the chances are your audience is going to find your speech bland or boring and not pay attention.

So, find a unique angle for the speech. Draw on your personal experiences and ask yourself: is there anything about this topic that I can see but others can’t?

2. Include Concrete Elements 

Concrete details or elements include things like facts, statistics, etc. 

If you don’t include concrete elements in your speech, then chances are that your speech will become abstract and hard to believe really fast.

So, make sure to back up your arguments with relevant information. 

Wondering how to add facts to your speech without making it drab? Check out our article on 11 Steps To Add Facts To A Speech Without Making It Boring.

3. Use Language & Concepts Familiar To The Audience

Often, speakers have this misconception that the bigger or more difficult words they use, the better or smarter they’re going to sound. This cannot be further from the truth.

While using complicated words or concepts might make you sound smarter, they also increase the chances that you won’t be able to formulate a connection with the audience. 

After all, if they can’t understand what they’re saying, how will they connect with it?

4. Incorporate Storytelling & Props 

Stories are a GREAT way to make your speech more personal and engaging. And props, if used alongside your story, can take it to the next level. 

So, make sure to incorporate appropriate personal stories and props in your speech. Make sure that your prop is relevant to the speech, and not merely an accessory. 

5. Make Them Feel, Not Just Hear 

If you truly want your audience to be impacted by your speech, then you need to make them feel more deeply about it. You need to make them go beyond hearing and actually feel for you and the topic. 

This can be done by sprinkling throughout your speech elements like humor, stories, props, videos, real-life testimonials, interacting with them

The list goes on. 

What matters is going above and beyond. You want to make your words mean more than their meaning. 

6. Use Humor

Humor is a great way to take any speech to the next level. Like stories, jokes are a great way to form a connection with the audience and make your speech more memorable.

However, one thing to keep in mind here is to make sure that your humor is relevant to the topic at hand. Don’t just add jokes for the sake of adding them: make sure that they relate to your speech in some way.

7. Don’t Have Too Many Points

While it’s important to make sure that your speech covers all aspects that it needs to cover, you don’t have to include too many points in your speech. This will make it difficult for the audience to figure out what, exactly, is the central theme or main message that you want them to take away.

You can have one or two key takeaways and divide those main points into multiple individual points. This will allow for better structure of your speech, whilst also making it easier to view it from multiple angles.

Ways To Begin Your Speech On Education 

writing a speech on education

1. Open With A Story 

This is a tried and tested way to open your speech. As mentioned before, it’s imperative you incorporate stories into your speech if you wish to make a personal connection with the audience and make them feel for your speech.

And what better place to add a story than right at the opening of your speech? 

For example:  My parents spent their entire savings on my brother’s education, but for me, they wouldn’t even spare a

For more ideas on how to incorporate stories in your speech, check out our article on 9 Storytelling Approaches For Your Next Speech Or Presentation.

2. Make Them Go ‘A-Ha’ 

Another awesome way to open your speech is by surprising your audience. This will awaken them, and snap their attention to where it needs to be: on you. 

This adds doubly to your credit if your speech is on a seemingly monotonous topic like education where the audience enters with certain expectations about the speech already in place. 

There are many ways to do this. Stories with a twist are one. Another would be incorporating a joke. Yet another way would be to pull out a prop. Or you could even say a surprising statement that seems to go against the topic when you first hear it.

For example:  I don’t think education is important. Unless

3. Common-Ground Open 

A common ground opening is imperative if there is a gap between you and your audience. If, for example, you’re an aged professor from a reputed university and the audience is teenagers from a local high school, then there are going to be gaps in how you and the audience perceive the world. 

You can bridge this gap in a couple of ways. One would be making a personal connection or making them see that you are similar in certain aspects. This can be done by using humor, incorporating stories, or even making a pop culture reference. You can also open with a shared goal or interest. 

For example:  When I was in high school, all I wanted to do was get out of it.

4. Open With A Show Of Hands 

Another great way to open your speech is by asking questions–particularly show of hands questions. 

This works in two ways: asking the question piques your audience’s attention and gets their thoughts rolling. On the other hand, show-of-hands provides them with a chance to move their body, which aids in making them more aware of their surroundings i.e you. 

For example:  How many of you wish you could get out of this classroom right now?

5. Open With An Image Or Prop 

Images tell stories. And stories, as mentioned above, are one of the best ways to open your speech. 

You can open your speech by showing the audience an image of something and then asking them a question about it or presenting a startling fact about it. Alternatively, you could also open your speech by employing a relevant prop. 

For example:  Start off with an image of a refugee in a school.

Need more inspiration for how to open your speech? Check out our article on 10 Of The Best Things To Say In Opening Remarks.

Sample Speech On Education

importance of education for the disabled

Title: The Missing Ramp

On a school field trip in grade 3, I met my long lost twin. Or so I thought, anyway. The boy I met wasn’t actually my twin by blood. But he was my exact replica in every other aspect: from the color of our hair and eyes to the kind of jokes we liked to make and the cartoons we loved to watch and the fact that we both felt a little out of place in the big strange world. We were similar in more aspects than we could count, more than I can remember now. However, we were significantly different in one important aspect: While I was a ten year old, happy-go-lucky kid that hated going to school, he was a ten year old, happy go-lucky kid for whom school was a distant dream. You see, Andrew–the boy I thought was my twin–had a locomotor disability. He had to use a weelchair to be able to move around. However, there was only one school in our little town, and the school had no ramps or elevators, making it impossible for him to navigate by himself the five floors that it comprised. Not only this, but there were no washrooms available for him, either. His mother could not afford to lose her job in town, not with the already soaring cost of his treatement. Her meagre salary meant that a private tutor was out of question. Besides, she thought, what was the point of uprooting her entire life to move to another town or city when–according to her–there was no point in educating her child when he could not do anything with it? And so, despite the fact that he was perfectly capable of learning at par with the rest of us, Andrew never got an education. Imagine that. Imagine being unable to go to school when all the other kids around you are doing so because the school does not have a ramp. It sounds absurd, right? However strange or unreal it may sound, it’s the reality of the lives of many, many children with disabilities. It’s not that they’re unwilling to learn or their parents are unwilling to send them to school. It’s the lack of facilities–many of which the rest of us take for granted–which make it impossible for them to attend school. And even when the facilities are available. Even then, many, many children with disabilites are unable to achieve the education that is their basic right. An estimated one in three out-of-school children have a disability. There are between 93 million and 150 million children with disabilities worldwide. And yet, WHO estimates that in many, many countries across the world, having a disability more than doubles the chances of a child never attending school. While accessibility remains the key factor that inhibits children with disabilities from attending school, there are many, many other factors that come into play. Inflexible teacher training & support is another factor that comes into play. As does inflexible curriculum and poor structure and plan. However, another key factor that prevents children with disabilites from attending school has less to do with the physical elements of education, and more with the mindset and mentality of other people. That is, it has to do with the attitude of children and teachers in school towards children with disabilites. Often, children with disabilites are scorned and made fun of by their peers. And this is not limited to students alone. The teachers, too, might share a callous attitiude and be inflexible in their approach. I had a teacher in my school who refused to change her ‘ alphabetical seating plan’ to allow a deaf girl sit in the first bench so that she could lip-read her instructions. What this means is that many times, the children themseleves might not be willing to go to school from the fear of how their peers and teachers might react to or treat them. While delivering speeches about making education accessible to all or how it is the fundamental right of every person, we tend to make grand statements and all the big steps that we need to–or should–take in order to actually make education more accessible to people. And yet, while making all those grandoise proclamations, we often overlook the little steps that each and every single one of us needs to take. In seeing the ‘big picture’, we ignore the all the little snapshots that go into making it. And yet, it is this little things that make the most difference. A missing ramp–that’s all it took to make a child miss out on his dream of going to school. I don’t think any words sum up my words better than something Annie Campbell said: “We can teach our children to flap their wings, but conditions have to be just right for them to fly.” Our children are ready to take the leap and fly. Now it is upon us to determine what the sky will be like: full or rain or brimming with sunshine.

Different Angles To Cover Your Speech From

There are many different angles to cover your speech from. Some of them have been mentioned below.

  • Accessibility Of Education
  • The Digital Divide
  • Peer Pressure
  • Online Education vs. Offline Education
  • Education Of Girl Child
  • Education Schemes
  • Mental Health Of Students
  • Effectiveness Of Curriculum
  • Classroom Learning vs. Real Life Experiences
  • Teaching Strategies
  • Education For People With Disabilities
  • Bullying In Schools
  • Importance Of Physical Education For Students
  • Vocational Studies & Their Importance
  • Rising Cost Of Education
  • Privatization Of Education
  • Factors Affecting Student Performance
  • Importance Of Arts & Language Education
  • Importance Of Field Trips
  • Technology In The Classroom
  • Importance Of Public Speaking For Students
  • Different Learning Styles
  • Impact Of Social Media On Learning

Sample Speech Topics On Education

Here are some examples of topics for your speech on education.

1 What affects the performance of kids in school? 2. Significance of compulsory attendance 3. Homeschooling: Benefits and drawbacks 4. How is literacy different from education? 5. What does the future of the education industry look like? 6. How does Switzerland have the best education system? 7. How to ace college application essays? 8. Guide to optimize daily planner: Your guiding light to lead a productive life 9. Use the power of storytelling to make history lessons ‘fun’ 10. How to unlock the potential of your subconscious mind to memorize things better? 11. Beating distractions: How to make the most of online classes? 12. Sleep deprivation is not ‘cool’: How to improve your grades through proper sleep? 13. A Step-by-Step Guide to writing a stellar research paper 14. Why periodic assessment of teachers is necessary 15. The need for psychologists and therapists in school 16. Why positive peer pressure can be a game-changer 17. Why sports should be a graded component in schools 18. The need for adequate sleep 19. Why application-based learning is necessary 20. Shorter school days for the win 21. Why recreational reading is also important 22. The need for sex education in school

To conclude, while writing a speech on education, you need to make sure that your speech isn’t bland or overused. By keeping in mind a few things like finding a unique angle, incorporating stories and props, making sure to include concrete elements, and making your audience go beyond listening to feel something, you can easily deliver an unforgettable speech on education.

Hrideep Barot

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Speeches > James D. Gordon III > The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

The Joy of Education and Lifelong Learning

James d. gordon iii.

March 15, 2013

There are so many opportunities for lifelong learning. If we do our best and seek Heavenly Father’s help, He will strengthen us beyond our natural abilities and help us to learn.

I am happy to be here with you today. I remember when I was a university student. Like some of you, I had trouble deciding what my major should be. First I thought about majoring in economics. That way, if I couldn’t get a job after I graduated, at least I would understand why.

Then I thought I might major in physical education. I went down to the gym to lift weights, but the laughter made it difficult to concentrate.

I sampled some classes, but I didn’t always do very well. For example, I took a photography class. I just about went crazy trying to take a close-up of the horizon. The teacher in that class gave me an F minus. He said that giving me an F would be unfair to the people who failed normally.

I studied chemistry, but I thought that there were only four elements on the periodic table: earth, air, fire, and water. I thought that fire had three electrons in the outer shell.

I thought about studying math. It has been reported that 60 percent of Americans cannot do basic math. Sixty percent! That’s nearly half! But we shouldn’t laugh—and most of you didn’t, and I appreciate that.

Seek Learning

Seriously, I would like to speak about the joy of education and lifelong learning. Life is a test, and life is also a school. The Lord has invited us to seek learning. He said, “Seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” 2  He commanded early Church leaders to “study and learn, and become acquainted with all good books, and with languages, tongues, and people.”  3

Three reasons why we should learn are to develop personally, to increase our ability to serve others, and to be prepared in all things. Brigham Young said, “Our education should be such as to improve our minds and fit us for increased usefulness; to make us of greater service to the human family.” 4

President Thomas S. Monson taught:

Your talents will expand as you study and learn. You will be able to better assist your families in their learning, and you will have peace of mind in knowing that you have prepared yourself for the eventualities that you may encounter in life. 5

Learning helps us to be prepared in all things. The Lord said:

Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;

Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—

That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you. 6

Being prepared in all things includes being prepared for the world of work so that you can provide for yourself and your family.

It is a great privilege to study at Brigham Young University. You have the opportunity to learn in an environment that is consistent with the principles of the gospel. Being a student here is a position of trust. As you know, the Church pays for much of your education. You have the responsibility to study hard, to obey the Honor Code, and to prepare for future service. Hopefully throughout your life you will look back on your time here with fondness and cherish the memories.

On Pursuing a BYU Education

I would like to offer some advice as you pursue your education here. I hope that I don’t sound like Polonius giving advice to Laertes in Shakespeare’s play  Hamlet— especially when I remember what happened to Polonius. I am not referring to the fact that he was killed behind the arras, but rather to the fact that over the centuries he has been portrayed by literally thousands of bad actors.

First, do your best in school. You might recall a story about a person who was asked to build a house. He decided to cut corners, use cheap materials, and do a poor job. When he was done, the owner handed him the key and said, “I’d like to give you this house as a gift.”

Attending the university is like that. You can work hard and do a good job, or you can cut cor-ners and do a poor job. Be fair with yourself by giving your best effort. I encourage you to work diligently, to learn a lot, and to prepare well for the future.

Second, do things to enrich your education, such as having a mentored-learning experience with a faculty member, publishing an article, doing an internship, working in BYUSA, or participating in a student club. Perhaps you can be a teaching assistant or a research assistant or participate in a performing group. BYU offers so many opportunities to develop and grow. When you look back on your education here, these extra activities will have special meaning.

You might participate in intramural sports. Personally, I’m not very athletic. I tell my students that I played football in high school. They had a play designed especially for me. It was called “Pencilneck Right.” You know how BYU uses the run to set up the pass? Well, Pencilneck Right was used to set up the injury timeout.

When I was in high school I was in the chess club. I tell my students that I had a rook on my letterman jacket. Do you know what it says when you walk around campus with a rook on your letterman jacket? “Don’t mess with me, pal. Checkmate!”

Third, give service. It is important to fulfill Church callings and to perform other service. Y-Serve, the Center for Service and Learning, located in the Wilkinson Student Center, offers many opportunities to serve in the community. Service is important for its own sake, and it helps you to keep a broader perspective and to stay balanced.

Fourth, make friends. Even though your classmates are not as good-looking—and not as humble—as you are, they are bright, good, and interesting people. The friendships you make here can last throughout your whole life and can be a particularly sweet aspect of your university experience. Take time to make friends.

When I was in high school I didn’t have many friends. Once I told my dad that the other kids were giving me a hard time about my religion. My father sat down next to me, and, in his fatherly way, he said, “Son, it doesn’t matter what race you are or what religion you are. There will always be people who don’t like you—because you’re irritating.”

Fifth, attend devotional and forum addresses and other events, such as academic presentations, concerts, plays, and art exhibits. These are wonderful opportunities.

Sixth, enjoy your university education. It’s exciting, fascinating, challenging, and fun. The secret to happiness is not to look forward to some future time when all your problems will be solved. The secret is to be happy today.

The Joy and Sweetness of Lifelong Learning

There is joy in learning. In some Hebrew schools a special ceremony occurs on the first day of class. The teacher places a drop of honey on the cover of a book and gives the book to the student, who licks the honey off. The symbolic message is that learning is sweet.

Learning can also be challenging. Sometimes the learning curve is steep. When we are acquiring new knowledge or skills, we may feel uncertain, and we may make mistakes. However, being stretched means that we are growing. If we ask Heavenly Father in prayer, He will increase our ability to learn and help us to overcome our challenges.

Hopefully your university education will provide a foundation for lifelong learning. As  The Aims of a BYU Education  describes:

BYU should inspire students to keep alive their curiosity and prepare them to continue learning throughout their lives. BYU should produce careful readers, prayerful thinkers, and active participants in solving family, professional, religious, and social problems. . . . Thus a BYU diploma is a beginning, not an end, pointing the way to a habit of constant learning. In an era of rapid changes in technology and information, the knowledge and skills learned this year may require renewal the next. Therefore, a BYU degree should educate students in how to learn, teach them that there is much still to learn, and implant in them a love of learning “by study and also by faith.” 7

The most important area of lifelong learning is spiritual learning. We seek answers through prayer. We read the scriptures regularly so that they become part of our lives. Reading the scriptures reminds us of the Lord’s commandments, the covenants that we have made to keep them, and the blessings of the gospel. Studying the scriptures also invites the Holy Ghost, who guides our decisions and helps us to learn. Elder Russell M. Nelson said: “Faith is nurtured through knowledge of God. It comes from prayer and feasting upon the words of Christ through diligent study of the scriptures.” 8

Regardless of one’s opportunities for formal education, a person can engage in lifelong learning. My grandfather was Jim Gordon. His parents were Scottish immigrants. He was only able to finish the eighth grade before he went to work. He drove a delivery wagon in San Francisco when he was a young man.

Automobiles replaced horse-drawn wagons. Later my grandfather became a mechanic. He brought books about diesel engines home from work, and he read them. Eventually he became the supervisor over all the diesel equipment for a substantial company. Although his opportunity for formal education was limited, he kept learning on his own. His most important learning experiences occurred when, later in life, he decided to enter the waters of baptism and to receive the blessings of the temple.

When my grandfather was young, he drove a horse-drawn wagon. However, his world changed. During his lifetime he flew in passenger planes, and astronauts landed on the moon. Your world will change too. Many of the changes will be positive and exciting; others may present challenges. Will you be prepared to meet the challenges that will arise during your lifetime?

We need to continue to learn throughout our lives. President Gordon B. Hinckley told graduating BYU students:

We live in a world where knowledge is developing at an ever-accelerating rate. Drink deeply from this ever-springing well of wisdom and human experience. If you should stop now, you will only stunt your intellectual and spiritual growth. Keep everlastingly at it. Read. Read. Read. Read the word of God in sacred books of scripture. Read from the great literature of the ages. Read what is being said in our day and time and what will be said in the future. 9

Personally, I love to read. I tell my students that my first job was as a proofreader in an M&M factory. You have your own patterns for reading. One thing that helps me is that my wife, Nadine, and I belong to a book group with some friends. During the school year we meet almost monthly. We take turns: a couple chooses a book, hosts the book group in their home, leads the discussion, and serves refreshments afterward. We have read books about a wide variety of subjects. I had never even heard of many of these books before, but I have enjoyed reading them very much.

In addition, I have always enjoyed words. When I was a boy and I would encounter a word I didn’t know, sometimes I would ask my father what it meant. He would reply, “Look it up.” My father usually knew the answer, but he wanted me to learn how to look words up. So I would open the dictionary that sat on the bookshelf in our living room and look the word up.

Later I wanted to learn more words. One summer my friend John Tanner (who later became a BYU English professor) and I worked as groundskeepers at the Oakland California Temple. On some days we would each write five words and their definitions on an index card and put the card in our shirt pocket. Then we would share the words and use them in sentences during the day. My favorite word from that summer was  halcyon.  It means calm, peaceful, tranquil, or golden. As we pulled weeds and performed other physical labor on the beautiful temple grounds, we would exclaim, “Oh, those halcyon days of youth!” Now, as I look back, I see that they really were halcyon days.

In our busy lives, how can we make time to continue learning? I believe in consistent, incremental progress—small steps over time. For example, one doesn’t learn to play the piano in a single day. One must practice daily for several years. After many small increments, one can eventually play hymns, popular songs, or classical music. Lifelong learning is like that. We need to schedule some time each day to study the scriptures. We can also regularly read a little in other books. We learn “line upon line” and “precept upon precept.” 10

Elder Dallin H. Oaks and Sister Kristen M. Oaks wrote:

There are few things more fulfilling and fun than learning something new. Great happiness, satisfaction, and financial rewards come from this. An education is not limited to formal study. Lifelong learning can increase our ability to appreciate and relish the workings and beauty of the world around us. This kind of learning goes well beyond books and a selective use of new technology, such as the Internet. It includes artistic endeavors. It also includes experiences with people and places: conversations with friends, visits to museums and concerts, and opportunities for service. We should expand ourselves and enjoy the journey. 11

Two Stumbling Blocks of Learning

There are two issues connected with learning about which we must be careful. First, learning can lead to pride. In 2 Nephi Jacob wrote:

O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God. 12

President Ezra Taft Benson taught:

Pride is the universal sin, the great vice. . . .

The antidote for pride is humility—meekness, submissiveness. (See Alma 7:23.) It is the broken heart and contrite spirit. 13

Humility opens our hearts and minds to learning. By contrast, thinking that we already know everything impedes our learning. King Benjamin taught that a person needs to become “as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.” 14

Second, we should expect that at times apparent conflicts may arise between secular learning and gospel principles. “[T]he gospel encompasses all truth.” 15  At the groundbreaking of the BYU Eyring Science Center in 1948, President George Albert Smith said:

I want to say that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints accepts all that is true in the world from whatever source it may come, with the knowledge that it originated with the greatest of all scientists, our Father in Heaven. . . .

And so I congratulate the students of this great institution  [BYU]  to think that you have all the advantages that the people of the world have, plus the advantages of faith in God, a belief in the power of our Heavenly Father, and His inspiration. 16

The Aims of a BYU Education  states:

Students need not ignore difficult and important questions. Rather, they should frame their questions in prayerful, faithful ways, leading them to answers that equip them to give “a reason of the hope that is in” them (1 Peter 3:15) and to articulate honestly and thoughtfully their commitments to Christ and to His Church. 17

When human knowledge and the gospel appear to conflict, we should remember that human knowledge is limited. Eternal truth is not limited, but our understanding of it is incomplete. After this life, if we are worthy, we will understand all truth. Meanwhile, we seek answers to faithful questions. We study, ponder, pray, and have patience. We exercise faith in God. He blesses us with greater knowledge, understanding, and peace in our lives.

We should be humble about what we know and what we do not know. An angel appeared to Nephi. Nephi wrote:

And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God?

And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. 18

We do not know the meaning of all things, but we do know that God loves His children.

God’s wisdom supersedes human knowledge. Elder Oaks wrote:

We are commanded to seek learning by study, the way of reason, and by faith, the way that relies on revelation. Both are pleasing to God. He uses both ways to reveal light and knowledge to his children. But when it comes to a knowledge of God and the principles of his gospel, we must give primacy to revelation because that is the Lord’s way. 19

We should also remember to put the gospel, not our academic discipline, first in our lives. Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” 20

The Strength in Learning

This is a wonderful time to be on the earth. There are so many opportunities for lifelong learning. If we do our best and seek Heavenly Father’s help, He will strengthen us beyond our natural abilities and help us to learn. That learning will enable us to develop personally, will increase our ability to serve others, and will help us to be prepared in all things.

I testify that the gospel is true. Heavenly Father lives and loves us, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

1. Marion B. and Rulon A. Earl Professor of Law, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University. Apologies and thanks to Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, Steven Wright, and others.

2. D&C 88:118.

3. D&C 90:15.

4.  JD  14:83.

5. Thomas S. Monson, “Three Goals to Guide You,”  Ensign,  November 2007, 119.

6. D&C 88:78–80.

7.  The Mission of Brigham Young University  and  The Aims of a BYU Education  (Provo: BYU, 1996), 12.

8. Russell M. Nelson, “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible,”  Ensign,  May 1988, 34.

9. Gordon B. Hinckley, “A Three-Point Challenge,” BYU commencement address, 27 April 1995; excerpt in  TGBH,  171.

10. D&C 98:12; 2 Nephi 28:30.

11. Dallin H. Oaks and Kristen M. Oaks, “Learning and Latter-day Saints,”  Ensign,  April 2009, 27.

12. 2 Nephi 9:28–29.

13. Ezra Taft Benson, “Beware of Pride,”  Ensign,  May 1989, 6.

14. Mosiah 3:19.

15. Elder Cecil O. Samuelson Jr. on Elder Neal A. Maxwell’s views, quoted in Bruce C. Hafen,  A Disciple’s Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2002), 167; see also Henry Eyring, quoted in Henry J. Eyring,  Mormon Scientist: The Life and Faith of Henry Eyring  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2007), 60.

16. George Albert Smith, “Address at Ground Breaking Ceremonies for the Physical Science Building at Brigham Young University,” 11 May 1948, 2, 4; this quotation is posted on the fifth floor of the BYU Harold B. Lee Library.

17.  The Aims,  4.

18. 1 Nephi 11:16–17.

19. Dallin H. Oaks,  The Lord’s Way  (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1991), 72.

20. 3 Nephi 13:33.

© Brigham Young University. All rights reserved.

James D. Gordon III

James D. Gordon III1 was assistant to the president for planning and assessment and a professor of law at BYU when this devotional address was given on 26 March 2013.

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Speech on Importance of Education

Education is like a key. It opens doors to a world of opportunities. It’s not just about learning math or science, it’s about understanding life.

With education, you can dream big and reach high. It helps you grow, think, and make smart choices. So, let’s understand why education is so important.

1-minute Speech on Importance of Education

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to speak on a very significant topic, ‘The Importance of Education’. Education, as we all know, is the backbone of our society. In today’s era, without education, one cannot imagine growth, prosperity, and success.

The first aspect of the importance of education is that it provides us with knowledge. Education opens our minds and broadens our horizon. It teaches us about the world around us, about the basic laws of society and our roles and responsibilities towards it. This knowledge not only helps us to survive but also to make informed decisions and judgments.

The second aspect is that education enhances our skills. It polishes our inherent talents and lets us discover our potentials. Education equips us with the tools necessary to face the challenges of life. It promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills which are highly appreciated in the professional world.

In conclusion, the importance of education cannot be understated. It is a powerful tool that shapes our future, leading us towards enlightenment. Let us all understand its significance and contribute our bit to make this world a better and more educated place.

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2-minute Speech on Importance of Education

Education has been a fundamental part of human life for centuries. It is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Education is not just about learning math, science, languages, or history; it is about understanding life and the world around us. It provides us with a perspective of life and establishes our personal belief system.

Education is the stepping-stone to success. It equips us with the tools necessary to face the challenges of life. It enhances our creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. A well-educated mind can not only make better decisions but also accept the outcomes of those decisions with grace.

An educated society is a progressive society. It is a society where people respect the rights and freedoms of one another. It is a society where people understand the value of natural resources, where they are aware of their responsibilities towards the environment, and where they believe in equality and justice. Education is the force that shapes such a society.

Now let’s talk about how education imparts the ability to earn a livelihood. In today’s competitive world, it is nearly impossible to have a stable career without a proper education. Education provides us with the knowledge and skills required to excel in a particular field. It helps us in building our careers and ensures a secure future.

Education also promotes understanding among different cultures and societies. It encourages dialogue and debates, thus leading to a more inclusive and accepting society. It helps in breaking the barriers of ignorance and prejudice. Education creates aware individuals who can differentiate between right and wrong, who can take a stand against social evils and injustices.

In conclusion, education is a powerful tool that can bring about major changes in society and in individuals. It is a tool that can fight against inequality and discrimination. It is a tool that can lead to prosperity and harmony. It is a tool that can solve the world’s most complex problems. Therefore, let’s make education available to everyone, irrespective of their social, economic, or cultural backgrounds. Let’s make the world a better place through education.

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Importance of Education Speech for Students and Children in English

February 27, 2023 by Prasanna

Importance of Education Speech: Education is an integral part of human lives. Education and knowledge are not only essential for personal development, but it is also required for the development of the economy. Education nurtures an individual’s thinking and supplies them with the ability to think, act and grow in life. Education also empowers people and helps them become efficient in all aspects of living and experience in respective fields of work.

Education in childhood, and through Higher Secondary plays a vital role in the formative years of a children’s life. It shapes their personality, ability to work and helps them discover their true potential. Higher Education is essential for training and skill development. Hence Education, in all forms and at any point in life, plays an indispensable role in our lives.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Importance of Education for Students and Kids in English

Below, we have compiled one long speech on the topic of 500 words, one short speech of 100-150 words. Further, we have also provided ten lines. Below, we have provided speeches on the Importance of Education in Life.

Importance of Education

Long Speech on Importance of Education 500 words in English

Importance of Education Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Good Morning to my dear friends, respected teachers and honourable chief guests. Today, I would love to make use of this platform to present before you a speech on the importance of Education.

Education is a term that we have grown up listening to since we were kids. Right from the beginning of childhood, till this very moment, we have been surrounded by Education and its need and importance. We have always been told by our parents, guardians and teachers that Education is essential and we should all take it seriously. But let us first address the matter of what is Education?

By definition, Education is the systematic mode via which students are instructed, and imparted knowledge in a school, college or any other institutional organisation. This is the theoretical definition of what the term Education implies. However, in practice, Education encompasses a holistic and wholesome training and development of an individual. Education is how an individual possesses knowledge about various aspects in life, becomes empowered and acquires the ability to think freely and uniquely.

Education is imparted to us in kindergarten, high school and throughout till university. But even apart from that, our very own lives teach us lessons. It is via the experience gathered in living daily life, through which we learn some of the most important and toughest lessons about life and existence. Education is essential because it leads to the development of the mind and the intellect. Education can hence be defined as a mode which helps in the overall growth and framing of an individual’s personality and intellectual potentiality. Keeping this view of Education in mind, we can well conclude that it is an essential phenomenon, and each human being should have the right to access proper and definitive Education.

The primary objective of Education is to impart knowledge. Education also has its fair share in building the thinking capacity of people’s minds. Hence, Education supplies people with knowledge and facts and also encourages them to integrate that acquired knowledge into practical and professional lives via necessary training. Education, thus, also plays a primary role in supporting the economic, social and cultural sector of a country.

The need to learn, develop and implement is yet another goal which Education fulfils. Apart from imparting knowledge, people are also vested in civic and social responsibilities. Education makes people aware of their duties and what is ethical and unethical in life. Training also helps in emotional integration. In a literary community, there exist no petty issues such as meaningless and irrational conflicts and contradictions. An educated population knows how to co-exist and cooperate with their peers and colleagues. Hence, to attain world peace, justice, freedom and equality, Education is essential. Everyone should have the right to educate themselves and grow life.

For the various reasons stated above, everyone must get access to Education. India, as a country, is the second-largest in terms of population. Out of its total demography, more than half of the people form a part of the growing community, aged thirty and below.

Thus for a country that is filled with new and young minds, Education is essential.

Short Speech on Importance of Education 150 Words in English

Importance of Education Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Dear friends and teachers, I would like to give a short speech on the Importance of education today.

Every individual is born with their capacity to think and judge. Education is the medium through which they learn about how to implement their talents and put them into practice.

Hence, for India’s development and growth, the Indian youth must have enough resources to learn and educate themselves. Education helps with out-of-the-box and critical thinking. The youth of India, with proper Education, can bring in an innovative wave of thought and practice into the country. This will help the country to grow and develop further and become one of the largest think-tanks in the world.

On a worldwide level, about 37% of the total illiterate population is Indian. Closer to home, 26% of the Indian people do not receive Education and guidance. The Central Government, along with various state governments of the country, have come up with multiple policies to educate the people of the country. But all those attempts have been mostly in vain.

The solution to make this country flourish and progress is to make Education free for every individual. More than half the people in our country go without receiving Education due to lack of money and opportunities. Only a privileged few people are capable of attaining proper Education and making positive use of it.

Hence, Education is significant. It opens up people’s minds and makes them understand, develop and grow. As fortunate individuals, who have the privilege of attaining proper Education, we should all gather together and make it possible for the underprivileged individuals to become entitled to their right to learning and achieving Education.

I want to conclude my speech here. I could convey to all the purpose, need and importance of Education in life.

10 Lines on Importance of Education Speech in English

  • Education is an essential aspect of life, growth and development.
  • Without Education, there is little prospect of a country’s development and excellency.
  • With Education comes the power to learn and implement.
  • Education plays an essential role in character building as well as in shaping the personality of individuals.
  • Of all the people in the society, the youth should be entitled to the Right to Education.
  • By educating the youth of society, a country can ensure its future development and progress.
  • Education vests individuals with the ability to think and hold opinions on different matters.
  • Education also helps us in learning about our history, roots, culture and our past.
  • Everyone in society should realise the need and purpose of Education in life.
  • For a developing country like India, Education is essential.

FAQ’s on Importance of Education Speech

Question 1. What is proper Education?

Answer: Education can be defined as the method by which people acquire knowledge, skills and training about various aspects of life. Proper and correct Education means the Education that can help a person to lead a successful and happy life.

Question 2. Is Education important in life?

Answer: Yes. Education and learning is very important in life for growth and development.

Question 3. Why is Education important?

Answer: Education is essential because it allows the overall holistic and wholesome development of individuals and makes them self-sufficient and skilful.

Question 4. Should everyone receive Education?

Answer: Yes. Education is the birthright of every human individual.

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Speech on Education

Being educated is one of the most crucial things in every individual’s life. Education is not just accumulating information but gaining knowledge that would help you to think logically and make the right decisions at a time when they should be made. This article provides you with a gist of the importance of education and sample speeches on education that would guide you to write one on your own.

Table of Contents

Education – how important is it, 1-minute speech on education, 2-minute speech on education and its importance, faqs on education.

‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’. These words by Alexander Pope are so meaningful. Learning should always be complete. No matter what your line of interest might be, knowing just a tad will not help one in any way. The modern age is an age of specialisation. In every field, we need specialists to point us in the right direction. Here, you will learn a lot more about education and how to make a speech on education as appealing and interesting as possible.

According to Horace Mann, ‘A human being is not in any proper sense a human being till he is educated’. An educated individual always knows his manners and behaves gently in public as well as in private scenarios. Education does not just mean learning about all the different subjects and knowing everything up to date. An individual is said to be educated when they are able to apply all that they have learnt in their personal and professional lives effectively and in the best interest of everyone around. So try not to overload yourself with information but try to comprehend what you learn well and put it to great use.

Man has made remarkable progress in the field of science and technology. We have huge industrial units, and we manufacture ships, aeroplanes, trains and even rockets – all evidence of how far we have grown as an educated nation. However, it is not just scientific knowledge that gives manpower. There is spiritual knowledge and the knowledge about oneself, which is also equally important to make oneself a complete human being.

What is as vital as gaining knowledge is that the knowledge you possess should be used only for constructive purposes and for the welfare of one’s fellow human beings and in no way to harm anyone, no matter what. Never use knowledge to one’s advantage. For instance, there is this growing buzz to master the art of ethical hacking. Anything has a good and bad side. An individual who learns hacking can use it for right and wrong purposes. It is up to the individual to decide which side one wants to choose. I would say that even this choice that one has to make is part of one’s education. It shows one’s ability to think rationally and consciously before making a choice.

Education is not whole until the individual learns to respect oneself and others, and value every opinion. Nothing or no one is as attractive and enduring as a clever, focused and compassionate individual. In this world where people use education or educated people to their own advantage, let us try to be unassuming individuals who would put our education to good use, for the welfare of oneself and the whole humankind.

How do you start a speech on education?

Generally, a speech on any topic can be started with a quote related to the topic or with the history or an introduction to the topic. When you draft a speech on education, you can do the same. Starting with a story or even a joke would help get the attention of your audience.

How is education important in our life?

Education has always been mandatory for the intellectual survival of human beings. It is more so in the current scenario where the competition is huge in every field. An individual who does not choose to get himself/herself educated is definitely losing on what is most important to live his/her life happily and peacefully.

How can education change your life?

‘Knowledge is power’, so goes the saying. That is exactly what education gives you. Being educated will give you access to the intellectual world. Be it self learning or supervised learning, you would possess a lot more than you think you do. Every experience would teach you something that would change your life forever.

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English Summary

5 Minute Speech on Education in English for Students

Education is extremely important wherever we go in life and whatever we do in life. The importance of education is growing every year. It is through education that change took place and is taking place. Many leaders around the world, worked tirelessly to promote education. Nelson Mandela, who is one of the most prominent figures in the world also advocated the importance of education. He says that “Education is the most powerful weapon in the world”. With the coming of education in the world, people are seen to be developing more and more instruments which make life and work easier. It improves knowledge and even the confidence of a person. It is important to make a person aware of himself or herself and the workings of the environment. Through education, development is in process now and then. People are living better and healthier because they have knowledge about the well being. Education starts from the moment a baby is born.  There are still lot so funedycated people around the world. In the literal sense, education means to read and write but in the broader sense it is not. It is the knowledge that compounds education. A person with knowledge of cooking is also an education in cooking. In today’s world, education is being very broadly defined. It holds so much power. Education is limitless. We should try and teach the rights of humans. This is the most important and basic education for every human being. We should try and educate people through conversations and speeches. There are more people who are engage in social media that we see in the world of today so we can use this stand and advocate in the importance of education. 

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Speech On Importance of Education [Short & Long]

Speech On Education: Every wise & great personality has emphasised the importance of education . Nelson Mandela has absolutely said that “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. “ Obviously, Education gives a human power to achieve extraordinary things in life.

Very Short Speech on Education | 1 Minute

“ Education ” The smaller the word, the greater its importance in one’s life. It is called the key to success. But wait do you really know what education means?

Hello, Everyone. Today, I am presenting a speech on education and why it is important. Before I get started I want to wish you all the best wishes for the day & also thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

So. What is education? First of all, Education is not only related to books. schools, colleges & institutions. According to Wikipedia “ Education  is the process of the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits”. Hence the one who is open to learning is a student. And he who learns, he achieves.

Education is a basic right for all humans on the planet. Uneducated people in society are shameful to all of us. The government should ensure education for each and all in the country.

Thank You All for listening to my words.

1 Min Speech on Education's power

3 Min Speech On Education’s Power

Education is the most powerful tool in the world. It can change one’s life beyond imagination. Today, all the prosperity we witness is an outcome of education. If we compare today’s world with the world decades ago, the changes are because of education’s power.

In history. All the great and wise personalities have emphasised the power of education. From Aristotle to Nelson Mandella, From A.P.J. Abdul Kalam to Swami Vivekananda. Everyone tried to explain how education is important to make this planet a better and more beautiful place to live on.

Unfortunately, today we see that everything is messed up. The planet rapidly is becoming a hell to live on. It directly refers to that education is not performing well . To make education perform to its highest efficiency, we need to adopt the concept of “ Each one Teach one “.

Education is a fundamental right of each individual on earth. To reject this fact is wrong. Illiterate youth is the most critical thing for Humankind. Education helps society to get rid of unreasonable beliefs, wrong rituals, and social issues.

Educated people make an educated society and educated societies make an educated nation. Only an educated nation can take the world to new heights of possibilities. The importance of education is completely grasped that’s why education as a national policy is always given the first priority.

An educated society has a powerful bonding among its individuals. Because, people from all sections, castes and creeds gather to obtain knowledge. Thus, education is the initial thing that brings the younger ones together and develops an unusual bonding between them. This means there will be no unreasonable clashes among people.

This is what I wanted to say about education and its power. I hope you liked my speech.

5 Minute Speech on Education [the Key to Success]

Be it an individual’s success, achievements, progress & prosperity or of an organisation, society or country, education is a vital factor that can not be ignored. Education can fetch you outcomes beyond one’s expectations.

Before I continue my speech on “Education is the key to success”, I would like to wish you all the best for the day and also want to pay thanks to all of you for having me a chance to share my thoughts.

If we analyse the present world with a thousand-year past world, What difference do you derive? We have constantly developed ourselves and the world in this previous time. All these changes are the outcomes of education. Education does not mean the stuff provided in schools and colleges . It is actually a system to take someone on the path of progress.

Technologies and advancements in each field made our life so smooth and comfortable. All this was only possible because of education. With the help of education, We have evolved various methods to provide the world with a better life.

Education provides you with knowledge and facts. It expands your thought process and enables a man to interpret everything by himself instead of gathering notions. One can quickly make decisions about his life using his own intelligence. It also helps you to live a stable life and makes you mentally healthy.

Did you ever storm your mind on how education can change the world? Let me present my own opinions. First of all, Education eliminates inequality in society making everyone equal. This will eradicate unreasonable clashes among people.

Second, It provides you with the ability to read and write. So, you can acquire knowledge from books whenever you want & whatever you want. It means you are open to each field’s knowledge all the time.

Third, It gives you a sense of communication that refines one’s speech. Number four, It increases the chances of getting a high-paying job making you employed and achieving a secure life. Number five, education gives you the sense to understand the value of discipline, time and ethnicity. It gives the capability to make a balance in life.

I presented some effects of education on an individual but I also have a list of how education can impact societies. Do correct me in between if I am wrong.

Now it is a turn to talk at a level of a country means how a country is impacted by education. A solid educational system acts for the good of the country. A country is largely judged by its education system and economy.

Any nation is developing day by day just because of its education and technology. Educated people know the difference between a genuine and a corrupt leader for their country.

Educated people understand why to vote for a party to make a positive resolution to the country’s growth. Due to the lack of education, people are left unemployed revealing the cheap level of the economic status of a country. The pathetic situation of a country prevents its growth and improvement. Thus, education is fundamental to increasing economic growth and enhancing income.

I stop my speech here. I hope you like my words.

5 Min speech on education gives one power

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Forum on Education in America

November 11, 2008 Prepared remarks by Bill Gates, co-chair and trustee

Editor's note: Read Melinda French Gates' comments at the Forum on Education, which preceded Bill Gates' remarks.

Good morning. Big advances only come when committed people study the same problems and build on each other’s work. It accelerates discovery, and I’m optimistic about what all of us can accomplish together.

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Speech on Education for Students in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jan 17, 2024

Speech on Education

Speech on Education: When Dr. BR Ambedkar said “Education is something which ought to be brought within the reach of everyone”, he was highlighting the importance of education for mankind. He believed that education plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of life and uplifting the downtrodden. A person with access to formal education can significantly contribute to the development of her/their/his society and country. This thought resonates in the statement “A person who is awakened knows what is best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and that is when he is known as educated.” by Janardan Waghmare, former Rajya Sabha Member of the Indian Parliament. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 2 Minute Speech on Education in English
  • 2 10 Lines on Speech on Education for Students
  • 3 Top Ambedkar Quotes on Education

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2 Minute Speech on Education in English

Good morning fellow students, teachers, and other faculty members. Today, I am standing before you to present a speech on education. 

We all know that education is the magic pill to personal and professional success. To acknowledge the significance of education in our lives, let us first understand the definition of education. Education is learning new things, unlearning wrong information, and exploring the world around us. Therefore, it is a guiding light that helps us become better versions of ourselves.

Our learning process begins at home with our parents and family members. Then we enter the formal education system in school. Our school is the most significant place where the magic of education happens. In our school, our teachers are like magicians who guide us through the wonders of learning. They help us understand numbers, explore words, unearth history, experiment with the mysteries of science, and explore the world around us. 

Knowing how pivotal education is important for us, we cannot imagine a world without education. If there is no learning in our lives, we will not be able to read, write, or communicate effectively. Thus, we can safely say that education arms us with the power to share ideas, understand society, and express ourselves. Thus, it helps us to become good citizens who contribute to our country’s growth.

Also, education helps us become kind and respect others. It also encourages us to become effective team members. These values shape us into empathetic and responsible humans. As we learn, we not only gain knowledge but also develop the skills to face the world with confidence.

We must remember that education is a privilege. Therefore, we must make the most of it. So, let us appreciate our educational institutions, teachers, and learning opportunities. Therefore, we must embrace all the possibilities that education opens for us.  

With this, I come to the end of my speech. I thank you all for listening and being patient. 

Also Read: Article on the Importance of Education in 100 to 350 Words

10 Lines on Speech on Education for Students

Here are 10 lines that you can include in your speech on education:

  • Education refers to learning new things and understanding the world around us.
  • Informal education starts at home.
  • Formal education begins in school where we learn to read, write, speak, and understand.
  • Education is beyond classroom learning.
  • Education helps us become better human beings.
  • Understanding the world through books and personal experiences helps us become empathetic human beings.
  • Learning about history and political science empowers us to become better citizens.
  • Education helps us become kind and respectful individuals.
  • Knowledge about people helps us communicate with different types of people.
  • A world without education would be chaotic and invaluable.

Also Read: How to Prepare for UPSC in 6 Months?

Also Read: Importance of Education in India

Top Ambedkar Quotes on Education

As Ambedkar always advocated for the education of women and oppressed castes of Indian society, we can include his quotes in our speech on education. To assist you create an exemplary speech, we have the top 5 Most inspiring Ambedkar quotes on education :

Also Read: Essay on Education: Samples in 100, 250 and 500 Words

Ans: Here are 10 lines on what is education: 1. Education is the process of learning values, gaining knowledge, and acquiring skills. 2. It includes informal learning through experiences and formal education in schools, colleges, and universities. 3. It is a lifelong journey focused on continuous learning and positive growth. 4. Education prepares us for future careers and personal development. 5. It helps foster an in-depth understanding of the world around us.

Ans: You start by introducing yourself and speaking about the definition of education. Then you focus on the significance of education and how education shapes our personality. 

Ans: Education is important for the following reasons: 1. Education introduces us to the world of numbers, words, science, history, geography, and other academic subjects. 2. It helps us become good citizens. 3. Also, it enables us to become kind and compassionate human beings. 4. Further, it helps us lead a better life. 5. Moreover, it is a tool that empowers the deprived population of society.

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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Colorado State Senator Michael Johnston

Every now and then a speech comes along that reminds me why public speaking is still essential and why I said back in 2003 that  the only reason to give a speech is to change the world.

Today, Mike Johnston is a state senator from Colorado, but his passion is education, and it was ignited as a Teach for America teacher in the Mississippi delta in 1997.  From that came a searing book, In the Deep Heart’s Core , about the terrible challenges facing teachers and learning in that state.  Johnston moved on to become the principal of a school for challenged kids in Colorado.

The graduation rate was 50% when Johnston took over as principal.  He managed to hit 100% -- with all admitted to college – in the first year.  The speech reveals how he did it.

But the speech does a great deal more than that.  It is beautifully constructed around 2 stories – the first one illustrating what is possible, and the second what is next, as Johnston says.  His real themes are truth and hope.  He says children need both from the adults around them – and then kids can do anything.  Johnston delivers the speech with passion and real feeling, even choking up at one point as he talks about his kids.

I had tears in my eyes by the end of the speech, and you will too.  Johnston’s dedication to education and the real progress he has been able to make deserve to be celebrated.  Watch the speech and reaffirm your faith in teaching and teachers – and most of all students.

Does Johnston make mistakes as a speaker?  A few.  We all do.  In his case, he is trapped by the podium into too monotonously moving left-right-left-right to reach his audience.  He overuses the jabbing forefinger, not a great gesture.  He needs to broaden his repertoire of hand motions.  And he has a bad habit of dropping his voice in volume at the end of each phrase.  That device is great to build drama occasionally, but he overuses it.  And the real trick is not to drop the energy when you lower your voice, but to keep the energy strong.  That creates much more drama.

Caveats aside, this speech will have you standing up and cheering for education by the end.  It’s 21 minutes that are worth spending on the future of our children.  Watch it, and tell everyone you know about it.  And thanks, Mike, for your service to education.

Nick Morgan

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Value of Education Speech for Students and Children

Value of education speech.

Good Evening, Ladies and gentlemen. I am here before you today to present the Value of Education speech. Education is the basic human right. The value of education is very essential for the exercise of all other human rights. It provides freedom and empowerment to all individuals. Education is the most powerful tool by which economically and socially backward adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty line. It is the foundation of our society. Education helps to stimulate our minds and mold curious minds into intellectuals. Education takes the intellect to the next level. It provides a deeper understanding of the world around us. It forms the very essence of our actions.

Value of Education Speech


Our behavior, our perception is what we have learned, either through instructions or through observation. Education is a ladder that can carry us to high limits. Without education, without knowledge, you cannot contribute to the world or earn money. Knowledge is power.

The value of education helps you know what you can do, and so you can go that extra mile. The value of education is much higher than we can express in words. It helps to remove dirt from our mind, doubts and fears what could lead us in backsteps. It helps to makes us happy and successful and makes us better human beings. The light of education removes the darkness, and suddenly we find how beautiful this world is.

Types of Education

We can divide the education system into 3 types; formal, informal and non-formal education. What we learn from school, colleges or universities gives us formal education. Informal education can be earned throughout our life. It doesn’t follow any specific syllabus or time table.

Learning informal education is endless and we continue to learn it as our lives go on. Non-formal education is often used interchangeably with terms such as community education, adult education, continuing education, and second-chance education.

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Importance of Education in Life

Reading, writing, and understanding is the first value that we receive from Education. Most information is done by writing. Without writing skill we will miss out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate. Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. Proper education gives us a great opportunity to make a decent living.

We understood the values of education when we see people with a high paying job. Uneducated people have a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs due to a lack of education. Better Communication is yet another role in Education. It enhances and improves the speech of a person. Educated individuals can express their views efficiently and in a clear manner.

Importance of Education in Society

The values of Education lies in spreading knowledge in society. Spreading of knowledge creates our environment and this is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. Education brings in the development and innovation in fields of technology, medicine, lifestyle, etc.

The more the proper education we get, the more technology will spread. Apart from this the value of education plays a very crucial role in securing a country’s economic and social progress and improving people’s income distribution.

The value of Education is the most important ingredient to change the world. It helps us to gain knowledge and that knowledge can be used to make a better living. Most importantly the value of education is something that can never be destroyed by any type of natural or manmade disaster. It plays an important role in an individual’s life. Education is the path for the development of society and the overall development of the Nation also.

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  • How to Write an Effective Speech on Education


Introduction to Speech on the Education System: Format and Samples

Education is a process of learning or teaching new skills or knowledge. Education is mostly provided in schools and universities. Education is very important for the development of the country. It helps in the economic development of the country. Education can change the life of a person. Former president of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is the best example of how education can change the life of a person. Education if provided properly can change the perspective of people.


Here we have provided a long and short speech on the education system in India and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the speech on the education system. Vedantu provides great tips and examples to help you write a powerful speech on education. Use our resources to make your speech clear and engaging.

What is Education and How Important it is?

Alexander Pope’s saying, "A little learning is a dangerous thing," underlines the risk of incomplete knowledge. In our modern world, where deep understanding and specialization are key, merely scratching the surface is not enough. This guide will help you explore the significance of education, and provide tips on crafting a compelling speech. You'll learn how to make your speech both engaging and impactful, ensuring that it resonates well with your audience. Discover ways to highlight the value of education and present it in a manner that captures attention and delivers a clear message.

Steps to Write a Speech

1. Pick a Topic: Choose something that interests you and is relevant to your audience. It should be a subject you know well or want to learn more about.

2. Gather Information: Find facts, quotes, and stories that support your topic. Use reliable sources to make your speech interesting and credible.

3. Plan Your Speech: Break your speech into three parts: an introduction, the main points, and a conclusion. Arrange your ideas in a clear and logical order.

4. Write Your Speech: Start with a strong opening to catch the audience’s attention. Develop your main points in the body, and end with a memorable conclusion.

5. Practise Your Speech: Rehearse several times to build confidence. Focus on how you speak, your body language, and how you connect with your audience.

Speech on Education and its Importance

Brief speech on education: 1 minute overview.

Education is key to unlocking many opportunities in life. It helps us gain important skills and knowledge that are needed to understand the world and chase our dreams. From learning basic reading and writing to exploring new subjects, education shapes who we are and what we can achieve. It helps us grow personally and professionally, making us better prepared for the future. Investing in education is investing in our potential and the progress of our society. Remember, education is not just about studying; it's about preparing for a successful life.

2 Minute Speech on Education

Education is essential for personal growth and the betterment of society. It gives us the skills needed to succeed, such as reading, writing, and thinking critically. It helps us understand different cultures and ideas, promoting tolerance and respect. In today's world, education is more important than ever. It helps us adapt to changes, solve problems, and make smart choices. Education also drives economic growth by preparing people for various jobs. A well-educated society is more likely to thrive and improve overall well-being. Investing in education leads to progress and a brighter future for everyone.

Informative 3-Minute Speech on Education and its Impact

Education is a powerful tool for both personal and community development. It starts early in life and continues throughout, giving us the skills and knowledge needed to handle life's challenges. Education teaches us more than just facts; it helps us think critically, solve problems, and make good decisions.

On a personal level, education opens doors to better job opportunities and a more rewarding life. It builds confidence and independence, allowing us to contribute positively to society.

For communities, education is crucial for progress and growth. It creates a well-informed and active population, leading to better health and reduced inequality. Education supports economic growth by preparing a skilled workforce that can meet new demands and embrace technology.

Furthermore, education brings people together from different backgrounds, helping to build understanding and respect. It encourages lifelong learning, which is important for personal and professional growth. Overall, education is about much more than learning facts - it's about creating a better future for everyone.

Long Speech on Education System

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to give a small speech on the education system in India. I hope you all learn new things from this speech.

Education is defined as the process of receiving or giving primary knowledge, especially at the school or university level. Education is a significant factor that helps in improving the literacy rate of the country. After Independence, the Indian government has mainly focused on providing education to everyone and for years the government has introduced new plans to improve Indian education.

The Indian education system is mainly divided into four stages namely lower primary for the children between the age of six to ten years, upper primary with children from the age of eleven years to twelve years. High school, in which the children start their school at the age of 13 and end it at 16 and at the age of 17 to 18 they finish their higher secondary school.

The Indian education system is considered to be the oldest among the education systems around the world. In spite of being the oldest, it is not the best. Lack of reforms and improvements makes the Indian education system ineffective and annoying.

From the beginning, the Indian education system is designed for a child to learn from the book and write exams just to get good grades. While it helps in improving the children's reading and writing ability, it does not help in learning the skills required to survive in the world.

We often hear on the news that unemployment in India is increasing day by day and in spite of many graduates having fancy degrees, many of them fail to land a job. So what is the reason for that? The answer is our Education system. The Indian education system is designed for students to score marks and get good grades and repeat the process but it was never designed to teach the students the skills required to survive in this world.

The education and the knowledge we receive from reading various books is unmatchable and I totally agree with that. But while the Indian education system provides theoretical knowledge for the students it is very important to also teach the students how to apply that knowledge practically which many students fail and that is the reason why there is an exponential increase in the unemployment rate in India.

It is the responsibility of the teachers to allow the students to think differently. The teachers should also make the student understand that classroom learning is important and should teach them how to practically apply it. In addition to this the teachers should be open to the idea of learning new things from the students.

Our education system could be improved if important steps are taken. Instead of encouraging students to study for the exam, where they only muggup the textbooks just for the sake of scoring well, more practical knowledge should be given to the students. The education authorities should give the students opportunities to apply the knowledge they have learned in the textbooks practically.

Our educational system should also allow the students to learn about the financial knowledge that would help them in surviving in this world. The education authorities should teach students about budgeting money, saving money, and the ways through which the money could be invested in different assets like stocks, gold, silver, etc. This will help the students to prepare for the future.

According to the United Nations Organization(UNO), India ranks 145 out of 191 in the world for providing education. We are not even in the top 50 in the world. This shows the level of improvement we need to do to update ourselves. If we want our country to grow and move forward we have to start by improving the education we provide for the children. As the saying goes “The children of today are the future of tomorrow”, we should start by updating the Indian education system from the primary level. Instead of only allowing the students to learn theoretical knowledge, the educational authorities should introduce practical methods through which children can apply the knowledge they learned through the books.

If by moderating our education system, we can bring a wave of revolution then we have to do it for the sake of a brighter future. Thank you.

Short Speech on Education System in India - 3-Minute Speech

Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to give a 3-minute speech on the education system in India and I hope you all get new information from this speech.

Education is defined as the process of learning or teaching new things. Education is mostly provided at the schools or the colleges.

Indian education is considered to be the oldest in the world. It has been involved through centuries and has produced many scholars and great achievers. But as the world changes the education system should also change. But sadly this has not been the case with India. Sadly the education system in India has not changed which leaves room for progress.

The Indian education system is all about reading textbooks to score well in exams and get good grades but it does not teach the students how to apply theoretical knowledge. It teaches the students to only muggle the textbooks and score well in the exams, we need to change this. The Indian education system desperately needs to be modernized and if it does not then the students will now grow in life.

The students should be encouraged to learn new things by the teachers. They should teach the students how to apply theoretical knowledge.

Financial education is also not taught to students in schools. The students should be taught the skills that could help them in making money. Education institutes should teach the students the methods in which money could be invested such as stocks, gold, real estate, etc.

To conclude this speech I want to say that the entire education system teaches the students about “what to know” through textbooks for scoring in exams but it does not allow the students to learn about “what and all they should know”. It is very important that the students should be taught about financial education and this can only be done by only modernizing the entire education system.

10 Lines About the Speech on the Education System

In the Indian education system, the knowledge learned through textbooks is given the most importance.

Education is defined as the process of giving information or receiving it from schools or colleges.

The Indian education system is considered to be one of the oldest in the world.

In spite of being the oldest, it is not the best as there are many loopholes in it.

Indian education is divided into four stages and that is lower primary, upper primary, high school, and higher secondary school.

The students should be allowed to do practical work for the theoretical knowledge they learned through books.

Education costs should be reduced as many people cannot afford education.

The government has given scholarships to students to complete their higher education.

The teachers should encourage students to think differently.

Unemployment in India has increased in spite of many students having a degree. This is because students don’t have enough practical knowledge.

Sample speech on Education

Sample 1 - Speech on Education: The Key to Success

Education is a vital part of our lives. It helps us learn important skills that we need to succeed. From a young age, education gives us the knowledge and tools to solve problems and make smart choices. It is not just about going to school; it is about growing as individuals and understanding the world around us.

In today’s world, education is more important than ever. It helps us prepare for different careers and adapt to new situations. By learning and improving our skills, we become better at what we do. Investing in education means investing in a brighter future for ourselves and those around us. It shapes our lives and the world we live in.

Sample 2 - Speech on Education: A Path to Growth

Education is essential for personal and social growth. It gives us the knowledge and skills we need to succeed and thrive. Beyond just learning facts, education helps us develop important life skills like problem-solving and critical thinking. It also helps us understand different viewpoints and prepare for future challenges.

With each step in our education, we build confidence and gain the ability to tackle various problems. Education opens up new opportunities, whether for further study or finding a good job. Supporting and valuing education helps create a more equal and prosperous world for everyone. It is a key part of making a positive difference in our lives and communities.

Test Your Knowledge: Speech on Education

Task 1 - Outline Creation: Draft a simple outline for a speech on education, including an intro, three key points, and a conclusion.

Task 2 - Write a Short Speech: Create a 1-minute speech on how education supports personal growth, focusing on key benefits.

Task 3 - Peer Review: Swap speeches with a classmate and give feedback on clarity and impact to improve each other’s work.

Now Check Out if you Got them All Right from the Answers Below:

Task 1 - Outline Creation

Intro: Start by introducing what education is and why it’s important.

Key Point 1: Discuss how education helps in gaining knowledge and skills.

Key Point 2: Explain how education can open up better job opportunities and career growth.

Key Point 3: Talk about how education helps in personal development, such as improving confidence and critical thinking.

Conclusion: Summarise the benefits of education and encourage the audience to value and pursue learning.

Task 2 - Short Speech

"Education is the key to personal growth and success. It helps us gain important knowledge and skills that we need in our daily lives. With education, we can get better job opportunities and build a successful career. It also helps us grow as individuals by boosting our confidence and improving our ability to think critically. In short, education opens doors to a brighter future and makes us better prepared for life’s challenges."

Task 3 - Peer Review

Read Aloud: Listen to your classmate’s speech carefully, focusing on their introduction, key points, and conclusion.

Give Feedback: Share what you liked about their speech and suggest ways to make it clearer or more engaging. For example, did they cover all key points well? Was their conclusion strong?

Revise and Improve: Use the feedback to adjust your speech, making sure it’s clear and impactful. Practise speaking confidently to make your final presentation strong.

Takeaways from this Page

This page provides useful tips and examples for writing a speech on education. You’ll learn how to create a clear outline, write a brief and effective speech, and improve by sharing feedback with classmates. Understanding education’s impact on personal growth and career success is key. Practise these steps to make your speech engaging and memorable.


FAQs on How to Write an Effective Speech on Education

1. What is the importance of delivering education speech?

We all are aware of the importance of education in our society. Education helps to shape our future and enlighten us about the various aspects of our society. Education helps to diminish the darkness of our minds by illuminating our minds with the light of knowledge.

The purpose of delivering an education speech is to reach a larger audience and make them understand the importance of education in our society, and especially for women and children. The purpose of being educated can only be served when the knowledge will help others to get motivated and drive them towards acquiring knowledge and education.

Proper education can reshape our thinking ability and boost the power of thinking rationally. The purpose of education is to make this society safe and ideal for the growth and nourishment of the minds of the children. It can only happen when a larger percentage of the inhabitants of our society will understand the value of education.

Delivering a proper education speech will make the members of our society ponder over the significance of education and the influences it can have on the minds of the future generation. They will understand the value of justice and equality for all the members of our society and will help each other to make society a gender-neutral platform.

2. What are the points that should be included in an education speech?

An educational speech should be formatted properly because only then it can draw the attention of the audience. While drafting the manuscript of your education speech that you are going to deliver, remember to include only the main ideas and the facts that are considered of prime significance behind the idea of educating people. Including too many ideas that are not relevant to the topic will deviate the readers from grasping the significance of education.

You should always communicate your thoughts and ideas in lucid language so that the audience can understand your point of view and analyse them in their minds. Do not forget to hold your personal opinion and suggestions to improve the education system in our country. A personal touch in any speech can inspire the audience.

You should always start your speech by discussing the key points that should be considered while talking about the influences of getting educated. Always include facts that are proven and mention the latest studies and findings regarding the subject matter. You can also share your own opinion and solutions that people should work on to improve the standard of the education system.

While delivering a speech, always remember to connect with the audience by addressing them in the second person. Maintaining proper eye contact with the audience is highly important because they should not be treated as separate identities. Also, prepare your speech considering the time limit you will have.

3. What are the points that should be included in an education speech while discussing ideas to make the education process enjoyable?

Students enjoy learning when the classroom is student-oriented and not teacher-centric. That means that students should be provided with equal opportunities to communicate and share their own thoughts and ideas on a particular topic. The students should also go through the content they should learn in the next classes so that they can also equally participate in the discussion with the mentors. Preparing beforehand will provide them with the opportunities to clarify their doubts with the mentors. Since the content included in your education speech should be customized, it is better that you participate in brainstorming new ideas that you can talk about while delivering the speech.

4. How to come up with new ideas for delivering a proper education speech?

Brainstorming sessions are ideal to come up with new ideas. The more time you will invest in thinking about the different aspects regarding a particular topic, the more the content will be relevant and attract the attention of the audience. Since education is one of the most popular and important topics that one can talk about, the speakers should always include only the key points. In order to make the speech interesting, the speaker should always establish direct communication with the audience by asking them a few questions that they can answer in 'yes' or 'no'. They should also work on thinking about some unique strategies and ideas that can make their speech more relatable.

5. How to learn the methods of delivering an education speech?

The articles published on Vedantu can give you a clear idea of how to deliver a speech. You can also go through the articles that are subject-specific. For more details, you can download the printable materials from the website. The articles published on the website of Vedantu consist of the content that should be delivered through a long or a short speech.

6. What should I include in a 2 Minute Speech On Education?

In a 2 Minute Speech On Education, focus on key points such as the importance of learning, the benefits of education, and how it impacts personal growth. Keep your points clear and concise.

7. How do I write a short speech on education?

To write a short speech on education, start with a strong opening statement, cover 2-3 main points about the benefits of education, and end with a clear conclusion. Aim for simplicity and clarity.

8. What are some tips for delivering a 2-minute speech on education?

Practice your speech multiple times to stay within the 2-minute limit. Use simple language, make eye contact, and speak clearly to keep your audience engaged.

9. Can you provide an example of a short speech on education?

Sure! A short speech on education might include an introduction about the value of learning, a few points on how education helps in personal development, and a concluding statement about its importance in life.

10. How can I make a 2 Minute Speech On Education more engaging?

Make your 2-minute speech engaging by using real-life examples, asking rhetorical questions, and including a compelling opening. This helps capture the audience's attention quickly.

11 What should be the focus of a short speech on education?

Focus on explaining why education is important, how it benefits individuals and society, and ways it can be improved. Keep your speech concise and directly related to these points.

12. How can I improve my short speech on education?

Improve your short speech on education by practising in front of others, getting feedback, and refining your content based on their suggestions. Ensure your speech is clear and impactful.

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Speech on Importance of Education for Students & Childrens

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Table of Contents

Speech on Importance of Education: Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world. It is the an important tool for achieving success in life. It opens doors to opportunities that would otherwise be unavailable. It is a key to success in any field, whether it is academics, business or even sports.

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A good education instills in individuals the ability to think critically, to solve problems and to make informed decisions. It also helps them develop communication and interpersonal skills.

a small speech on education

We have provided simple and easy speech on importance of education for the students. You can select any of the importance of education speech given below according to your need and requirement. Using such speech you can participate in the school speech or event celebration in community or society and “If you’re seeking a collection of compelling slogans on importance of education , look no further than this informative page. Here, you’ll find a range of powerful and thought-provoking slogans that emphasize the significance of education in shaping a brighter future.

Long and Short Speech on Importance of Education

Education plays a vital role in imparting essential values, proper conduct, and ethical principles to others. It also contributes to our overall well-being, including our physical, mental, and social development, while fostering a sense of improved living. A quality education is a building block for our future.

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Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 1

First of all I would like to say good morning to the respected teachers, parents and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the importance of education which is must to know by all of us. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through the life.

Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and happy life just like food is necessary for healthy body. It is very important to live luxurious and better life. It develops personality of the people, provides physical and mental standard and transforms people’s living status.

It promotes the feeling of physical, mental and social well being by providing better life. Good education is constructive in nature which constructs our future forever. It helps a person to improve his/her status of mind, body and spirit. It provides us lots of confidence by giving us bulk of knowledge in many field. It is a single and vital way to the success as well as personal growth.

The more knowledge we get, we grow and develop more in the life. Being well educated never only means to earn certificates and good salary from the recognized and reputed organisation companies or institutions however it also means to be a good and social person in the life. It helps us to determine whether something is good or bad for us and other persons related to us.

The first purpose of getting good education is being good citizen and then being successful in personal and professional life. We are incomplete without a good education because education makes us right thinker and correct decision maker. In such a competitive world, education has become a necessity for human beings after food, clothe and shelter. It is able to provide solutions to all problems; it promotes good habits and awareness about corruption, terrorism, and other social issues among us. A comprehensive speech on corruption will not only provide you with insights into the issue itself but also serve as a valuable resource to gain an understanding of related speeches and discussions surrounding the topic of corruption.

Education is the most important tool offers inner and outer strength to a person. Education is the fundamental rights of everyone and capable of bringing any desired change and upliftment in the human mind and society.

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Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 2

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech over importance of education at this great occasion in front of you. Education is very important to all of us. Our parents make us learn many things at home and then send us to school after age of three years. Our home is first education institute where we learn how to behave to others and other skills however school education is very necessary to be successful in practical life.

Through school education we learn and develop personality, mental skills, moral and physical powers. Without proper education, one gets lack of all educational benefits in his/her life. Education is the only key to success in personal and professional life. Education provides us various types of knowledge and skills. It is a continuous, slow and secure process of learning which helps us in obtaining knowledge. It is a continuous process which starts when we take birth and ends when our life ends.

We should make our habits of learning always all through the life from our teachers, parents, family members, friends and other related people in our life. We learn to become a good person, learn to live in home, society, community and friend circle. Attending school and receiving education is extremely vital for every person and necessary for those who want to achieve success.

We all take birth in same manner at the same planet however do not get same opportunity to receive such type of formal education which may lead everyone of us towards success because of the lack of money and knowledge of parents. One who gets proper education becomes admired by the members of the family, community and country. Proper education by all brings equality among human beings and removes the feeling of difference.

Education not only makes us able to learn about history, science, math, geography, and other subjects however it makes us smart enough to learn how to live life and handle bad situations.

Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this special occasion, I would like to speech over the importance of education. Good and proper education plays a great role in shaping our future and professional career. It helps us to develop personality and earn recognition and respect in the family and society. We can say that education is socially and personally an essential part of the human life.

We cannot ignore the importance of education in our life at any cost. As we see daily in the society lots of social issues just because of the lack of proper education. Social issues like inequality, gender discrimination, religious differences and so many problems are there because of the lack of education in our life. Proper education helps us to maintain the personal and social standards in daily life.

In such a modern, technological and competitive world, there is still the issue of education among poor and uneducated people of the society which needs to be solved as soon as possible. Education is the key to solve all the social, personal and professional problems of the people. Proper and higher education makes us more civilized to live in the society. One cannot make his/her good image in the society and live prosperous and happy life without getting appropriate education. It makes us able to maintain the healthy surroundings.

Now-a-days, unlike ancient time, getting proper education has become easy and simple because of the online system and correspondence facility in all the big universities. It has made education system easy because of which poor people can also get education in their own field of choice. There are many huge efforts and plan strategies by the government to maintain the quality of education all over the India.

Education helps us to be healthy, save many lives, boosts economic growth, earn money, raise quality crop, promote peace in the society, eradicate poverty, remove gender discrimination and inequality, promote women and children rights, bring good governance, remove corruption, make aware about fundamental rights and so many. Good education does not mean to study hard and get good results however it is to conquer new things for the betterment of whole mankind.

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Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech over the importance of education at this special occasion. The real meaning of education is much more than the success in personal and professional life. People in the modern society have narrowed the meaning of education. It does not aim that educated people gets professionally recognized instead it aims much more than this. It is not only to run in the race to go ahead and read only the school or college syllabus. The education really means to improve the physical, social and mental well-being, develop personality and improve skill level. The aim of education is very vast and makes a person, good person.

In providing good level of education, teachers play very important role. Whatever we learn through our parents and teachers goes with us throughout the life which we again pass on to our next generation. The aim and benefits of proper education is not restricted to only personal gains instead it benefits other people of the family, society and country. People in the society have different meaning, needs and perceptions about the education however the real meaning and importance of it never changes.

A good education helps us all to be independent in the society as well as get over of the problem of poverty. Many people do education passionately and not as a workload. They love to read and develop their mind and skill. Some historical people like Swami Vivekananda spent their whole life in getting education and sharing knowledge among poor people of the society.

We too should get proper education by understanding its real value and get benefited completely. Our aim of getting education should be to help other needy people of the society to get them over the weaknesses and superstitions. Education has unbelievable power which keeps us away from evil powers, helps us in making self dependent and provides us new possibilities and opportunities to become a problem solver and excellent decision maker.

It keeps our mind calm and peaceful by maintaining the balance among body, mind and soul. Through the key of education one can open his/her difficult lock of the success. Many people do hard work for whole day just to earn some money for getting two times of food in the absence of good education. So, education is must for everyone of us to have a better and happy lifestyle.

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Long Speech on Importance of Education – Sample 5

A very Good Morning to ladies and gentlemen present here. I am honored for being given the opportunity to speak on the topic – “Importance of Education”.

To begin with, ladies and gentlemen, the term “Education” needs no introduction. We all are well aware of what it means, since our childhood. In a lay man’s term education refers to an ability to read or write in mother tongue; though, in a broader perspective it implies having a specialized knowledge in a particular field. For ex- arts, science, engineering, medicine, accountancy etc.

The Latter skills are mostly acquired through formal education, which is classroom based and is provided by trained teachers. The basic education skills, on the other hand, not necessarily be acquired in class rooms, but could also be gained through, community classes or even at home.

Education plays a vital role in the life of everyone- from a daily wage labour to a top ranking CEO of any XYZ multinational company. Though the level of education acquired differs in both the cases, nevertheless, the importance of education is very well understood by both of them. One knows that s/he is destined to be a labour for life, because of the lack of education, while the other is thankful that s/he acquired the best formal education, which has helped him/her reach where s/he is.

However the advantage of basic education, even in the life of people engaged in unskilled menial jobs, can’t be denied. An ability to read, write and do simple calculations, make them independent, confident and less susceptible to fraud, irrespective of whether s/he is a daily wage labor or a rickshaw puller or a small farmer. Education liberates their thoughts and actions, making them capable of wisely using the resources available and progressing gradually.

Besides, all the technical aspects, education also transform the personality of an individual. It makes a person more polite and sensible. An educated person can interact better with others, or can even argue logically, when needed. She/he can analyze a person, place, thing or event in a better way and make appropriate judgments. Education changes a person’s perception of looking at others and the society, making him/her more rational or reasonable. S/he is more likely to be compassionate towards problems faced by the individuals and the society as well, and give opinions or suggestions.

Speech Topics For Students

Education not only benefits individuals but, also has the potential for transforming a nation by putting it on the path of progress and growth. Every citizen is a pillar of the nation and a nation rests on billions of such pillars. The more educated the pillars are, the more strong will be the nation’s foundation.

An educated person initiates a chain reaction- s/he makes sure that their children are educated as well, making way for an educated society, an educated society makes way for an educated nation an lastly an educated nation finally leads to an educated world. The educated workforce that a nation has contributes immensely in its own economy as well as to the economy of the world.

Education not only reforms the life of an individual and economy of a nation, but also transforms a society by diminishing centuries old social evils like dowry, child marriage, child labor, gender discrimination etc. These all are main hindrances to any nation’s prosperity and growth, and they all could be killed by only one weapon – education. An educated society is more like to break free from orthodox customs and traditions, and move forward towards a better tomorrow.

Education also is the most potent tool to eliminate two of the major challenges faced by any nation and even the world – poverty and unemployment. An educated person acquires necessary skills, which make him/her employable or gainfully engaged. She/he can be gainfully employed in government/private sector or could be self employed. In both the cases, s/he becomes financially independent and self sufficient to meet the demands of his/her family. Thus, education is a two pronged spear, killing both unemployment and poverty, in one shot.

Last but not the least, another beauty of education is that, it could be acquired at any age, irrespective of your caste, creed, gender or religion. All you need to have is a desire to get educated, somewhere deep inside your consciousness. The world has many examples, where people have acquired formal education even in later stages of their lives and enjoyed its rewards.

Before I end my speech, ladies and gentlemen; I would like to request you all, to make all the possible efforts to spread education, within your individual capacities. Volunteer to teach in your spare time, inspire and help the underprivileged in gaining education, volunteer with an NGO working for the cause of education etc. There are so many things; you could do to make the nation more and more educated, as much as your resources and time permit you.

With this I end my speech. Wishing everyone, all the very best in your individual careers, aspirations and personal life. Thank You!

10 Lines of Importance of Education in Our Life

  • Education equips us with knowledge and skills to succeed in life.
  • It opens doors to better job opportunities and a brighter future.
  • Education fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
  • It promotes personal growth and self-confidence.
  • Education helps us make informed decisions in life.
  • It enhances communication and social skills.
  • Education fosters a sense of curiosity and a love for learning.
  • It contributes to a more informed and responsible citizenry.
  • Education empowers individuals and communities.
  • It is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

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Speech on Importance of Education FAQs

Why is education important.

Education is important because it shapes our lives, empowers us, and contributes to the progress of society.

How do you start a speech on education?

Begin your education speech by stating its significance and relevance in personal and societal development.

How can I start my speech on education?

You can start your education speech with a thought-provoking quote, a personal anecdote, or a surprising fact to capture your audience's attention and highlight the importance of education.

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