
What Are The Grade Levels By Age?

What grade should an 8-year-old be in? How old should a high school freshman be? Or more broadly, what are the grade levels by age?

by TeachThought Staff

For a growing child, grade level seems to have very little use.

For a child functioning as or in the role of a ‘student,’ it can be vaguely useful to schools to place students and stratify them in what is expected to be similar ability levels, ages, and in the best case, maturity, and social skills.

The History Of Age-Based Grade Levels In The United States

The history of age-based grade levels in the United States can be traced back to the early 19th century when the American education system was formalized and standardized. Before this, education was often provided in one-room schoolhouses, and students of various ages and abilities were taught together. However, as the country began to urbanize and industrialize, there was a growing need for a more structured and organized education system.

Horace Mann, often called the “father of American public education,” played a significant role in shaping the age-based grade-level system. In the mid-19th century, he advocated for establishing graded schools, where students would be grouped by age and academic ability into specific grade levels.

This system aimed to provide a more uniform and efficient education, ensuring that students progressed through a standardized curriculum at a pace that was deemed appropriate for their age. Over time, this model became the foundation of the modern American education system, with students advancing from kindergarten through 12th grade based on age, typically starting kindergarten around age 5 and completing high school by the age of 18.

Today, the age-based grade level system remains the standard in the United States. However, there has been ongoing debate and reform efforts to address issues of educational equity, individualized learning, and the recognition of diverse student needs and abilities within this framework.

See also The Pros And Cons Of Using Grade Levels In School

Note that the following answer to ‘What are the grade levels in Elementary, Middle, and High School?” depends on where you live. What grade should a 10-year-old be in? How old should a 1st-grader be?

In many countries, the labeling is altogether different. In the UK, for example, ‘grades’ might be called ‘years’ as in Year 1, Year 2, and so on. So, the following list of ages by grade levels is based on the United States but should roughly apply to the formal education system for most countries.

It also depends on what age the student actually enters kindergarten, where their birthday falls in relation to the school calendar, and if they’ve failed a grade or been ‘held back’ or skipped forward in grade levels.

Within that context, here are–in most cases–the ages by grade level.

What are the grade levels by age?

Elementary School Grade Levels By Age

Kindergarten: 5

1st-Grade: 6

2nd-Grade: 7

3rd-Grade: 8

4th-Grade: 9

5th-Grade: 10

Middle School Grade Levels By Age

6th-Grade: 11

7th-Grade: 12

8th-Grade: 13

See also Commonly Misspelled Words

High School Grade Levels By Age

9th-Grade: 14

10th-Grade: 15

11th-Grade: 16

12-Grade: 17-18

See also 10 Tips For Teaching Mindfulness In School At Any Grade Level

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School Age and Grade Levels by The American School System

Transferring your child from one educational system to another might confuse you regarding age-grade level. If you are trying to understand the correlation between a child’s age and their grade level in the American schooling system, you’re in the right place. Our comprehensive guide on age-grade levels will save you time.

We’ll help you understand the relationship between school age and year-to-grade mapping. Additionally, our educational consultants can assist you during the enrollment, making sure your child is placed in the proper grade. 

Understanding the American Schooling System

Before delving into specific age-grade combinations, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of the American schooling system. The United States’ educational system is diverse and may differ from those in other countries.

Consequently, some exceptions and variations exist when correlating age and grade. This guide provides a general overview to help you navigate the system effectively.

Elementary School

Elementary school typically encompasses the early years of education, serving as the foundation for a child’s academic journey. Here’s a breakdown of the grades and approximate ages associated with elementary school:

  • Kindergarten: Usually starts at around 5 years old;
  • 1st Grade: Typically, children are about 6 years old;
  • 2nd Grade: Most students are approximately 7 years old;
  • 3rd Grade: Generally, children are around 8 years old;
  • 4th Grade: Typically, students are about 9 years old;
  • 5th Grade: Children in this grade are usually around 10 years old.

Middle School

Middle school bridges the gap between elementary school and high school, focusing on the transitional phase of adolescence. Here’s an overview of middle school grades and ages:

  • 6th Grade: Students are typically around 11 years old;
  • 7th Grade: Most students are approximately 12 years old;
  • 8th Grade: Generally, children are about 13 years old.

High School

High school is the final stage of a student’s compulsory education in the United States. It prepares them for college or the workforce. Here’s a breakdown of high school grades and ages:

  • 9th Grade: Students in this grade are usually around 14 years old.
  • 10th Grade: Typically, children are about 15 years old.
  • 11th Grade: Most students are approximately 16 years old.
  • 12th Grade: Generally, students are about 17 to 18 years old.

Here is a table that shows which age belongs to which grade:

Ages US/International grades School
6 – 7 1st Grade Elementary School
7 – 8 2nd Grade
8 – 9 3rd Grade
9 – 10 4th Grade
10 – 11 5th Grade
11 – 12 6th Grade Middle School
12 – 13 7th Grade
13 – 14 8th Grade
14 – 15 9th Grade High School
15 – 16 10th Grade
16 – 17 11th Grade
17 – 18 12th Grade

Exceptions and Variations

While the information provided above offers a general guideline for the American schooling system, it’s essential to remember that exceptions can exist. For example, birthdate cutoffs, country-specific regulations, and individual student circumstances can lead to variations. 

Therefore, we suggest you contact our academic consultant to get precise information about the grade at which we can place your child.

To get in touch with our consultant , please send an email to [email protected] asking about the adequate grade for them. Make sure to attach your child’s latest academic transcript (report card) and their date of birth. 

In situations where it is not easy to determine in what grade the child can be enrolled based on their age and latest academic transcript, our school will use the Placement test. This assessment determines a student’s current level of knowledge and suggests the proper grade level for them.

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Positive Parenting Tips: Adolescence (15–17 years old)

  • As a parent you give your children a good start in life—you nurture, protect and guide them.
  • Learn about developmental milestones, including emotional and social changes, for children who are 15 to 17 years old.
  • Help your child with positive parenting tips, which include topics such as child safety and healthy bodies.

Older teen boy smiling

Developmental milestones

This is a time of changes for how teenagers think, feel, and interact with others, and how their bodies grow. Most girls will be physically mature by now, and most will have completed puberty. Boys might still be maturing physically during this time. Your teen might have concerns about their body size, shape, or weight. Eating disorders also can be common, especially among girls. During this time, your teen is developing their unique personality and opinions. Relationships with friends are still important, yet your teen will have other interests as they develop a more clear sense of who they are. This is also an important time to prepare for more independence and responsibility; many teenagers start working, and many will be leaving home soon after high school.

Here is some information on how teens develop:

Emotional/social changes

Children in this age group might:

  • Have more interest in romantic relationships and sexuality.
  • Go through less conflict with parents.
  • Show more independence from parents.
  • Have a deeper capacity for caring and sharing and for developing more intimate relationships.
  • Spend less time with parents and more time with friends.
  • Feel a lot of sadness or depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sex, and other problems.

Thinking and learning

  • Learn more defined work habits.
  • Show more concern about future school and work plans.
  • Be better able to give reasons for their own choices, including about what is right or wrong.

Positive parenting tips

Following are some things you, as a parent, can do to help your teen during this time:

  • Talk with your teen about their concerns and pay attention to any changes in their behavior. Ask them if they have had suicidal thoughts, particularly if they seem sad or depressed. Asking about suicidal thoughts will not cause them to have these thoughts, but it will let them know that you care about how they feel. Seek professional help if necessary.
  • Show interest in your teen's school and extracurricular interests and activities and encourage them to become involved in activities such as sports, music, theater, and art.
  • Encourage your teen to volunteer and become involved in civic activities in the community.
  • Compliment your teen and celebrate their efforts and accomplishments.
  • Show affection for your teen. Spend time together doing things you enjoy.
  • Respect your teen's opinion. Listen to them without playing down their concerns.
  • Encourage your teen to develop solutions to problems or conflicts. Help your teenager learn to make good decisions. Create opportunities for them to use their own judgment, and be available for advice and support.
  • If your teen engages in interactive internet media such as games, chat rooms, and instant messaging, encourage them to make good decisions about what they post and the amount of time they spend on these activities.
  • If your teen works, use the opportunity to talk about expectations, responsibilities, and other ways of behaving respectfully in a public setting.
  • Talk with your teen and help them plan ahead for difficult or uncomfortable situations. Discuss what they can do if they are in a group and someone is using drugs or under pressure to have sex, or is offered a ride by someone who has been drinking.
  • Respect your teen's need for privacy.
  • Encourage your teen to get enough sleep and exercise, and to eat healthy, balanced meals.

Safety first

You play an important role in keeping your child safe―no matter how old they are. Here are a few ways to help protect your child:

  • Talk with your teen about the dangers of driving and how to be safe on the road. You can steer them in the right direction. " Parents Are the Key " has steps that can help. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death from unintentional injury among teens, yet few teens take measures to reduce their risk of injury.
  • Remind your teen to wear a helmet when riding a bike, motorcycle, or all-terrain vehicle. Unintentional injuries resulting from participation in sports and other activities are common.
  • Talk with your teen about suicide and pay attention to warning signs. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth 15 through 24 years of age.
  • Talk with your teen about the dangers of drugs, drinking, smoking, and risky sexual activity. Ask them what they know and think about these issues, and share your feelings with them. Listen to what they say and answer any questions honestly and directly.
  • Discuss with your teen the importance of choosing friends who do not act in dangerous or unhealthy ways.
  • Know where your teen is and whether a responsible adult is present. Make plans with them for when they will call you, where you can find them, and what time you expect them home.

Healthy bodies

  • Encourage your teen to be physically active. They might join a team sport or take up an individual sport. Helping with household tasks such as mowing the lawn, walking the dog, or washing the car also will keep your teen active.
  • Meal time is very important for families. Eating together helps teens make better choices about the foods they eat, promotes healthy weight, and gives your family members time to talk with each other.
  • Keep television sets out of your teen's bedroom. Set limits for screen time, including cell phones, computers, video games, and other devices, and develop a family media plan .
  • Make sure your child gets the recommended amount of sleep each night: For teenagers 13–18 years of age, this is 8–10 hours per 24 hours (including naps).

For more information

CDC's Adolescent and School Mental Health can help you learn how connection is key to good adolescent mental health.

CDC's Parent Information (Teens 12— 19) has information to help you learn how to guide your teen to be safe and become a healthy and productive adult.

CDC's Healthy Weight Information has tips and ideas for parents to help children maintain a healthy weight.

CDC's Youth Physical Activity Guidelines has information on how to help children be active and play.

CDC's BAM! Body and Mind is a website designed for kids 9 through 13 years of age to give them the information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. The site focuses on topics that kids told us are important to them—such as stress and physical fitness—using kid-friendly lingo, games, quizzes, and other interactive features.

CDC's Information on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth Health has information about the physical and mental health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Guide has many fact sheets for parents on child and adolescent health and development.

My Plate by The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides information on health and nutrition for teens.

AAP's Healthy Children website provides information on feeding, nutrition, and fitness for all developmental stages from infancy to young adulthood. Visit this website to learn more about emotional problems , learning disabilities and other health and development concerns.

Just in Time Parenting's site provides quality, research-based information to families at the time it can be most useful.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has information on safety recalls and safety tips for children riding in motor vehicles, walking, biking, playing outside, waiting at school bus stops, and more.

National Institute of Mental Health has information on mental disorders affecting children and adolescents, including anxiety and depression.

StopBullying.gov provides information from various government agencies on how children, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) works to improve the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, alcohol and drug addiction treatment, and mental health services.

Teens Health site for information on healthy eating for children and teenagers, safety tips for your child when you can't be there, and other important health and safety topics.

Child Development

The early years of a child’s life are very important for their health and development. Parents, health professionals, educators, and others can work together as partners to help children grow up to reach their full potential.

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5 developmental milestones: 12 - 15 years old.

Learn about the social, emotional, physical and intellectual milestones of children in your child's age group.

Click on an item in the set below to see more info.

Developmental Tasks

Adolescents 12 - 15 years old make the leap from junior high to high school! Becoming small fish in a big sea, these kids strive to stay afloat during this exciting and turbulent time. They work to create their own identity based on their values, their communities, and their futures.

Physical Growth

Traits: Experiences abrupt and quick increases in height, weight, and strength. Girls reach physical and sexual maturity, and boys' body changes begin. Acne appears. Focused on appearance.

Cognitive Development

Traits: Enjoys heated arguments and discussions. Improved ability to memorize and think logically. Plans realistically for future. Needs to feel important.

Social Growth

Traits: Withdraws from parents. Usually rebels against parents. Boys typically resist showing affection. Annoyed by younger siblings. Forms group of friends.

Emotional Characteristics

Traits: Worries about grades, appearance, and popularity. May sulk. Verbally directs anger towards authority figures. Withdrawn. Introspective.

Moral Maturation

Traits: Knows right from wrong. Tries to weigh alternatives to make decisions on own. Concerned how others are treated. Usually thoughtful. Unlikely to lie.

Possible Setbacks?

Growing adolescents are capable of learning and doing more. They also are more susceptible to a great variety of risks and struggles: Delays in development. Extreme rebellion. Drug and alcohol abuse. Depression. Eating disorders. Sexual activity. Truancy. Juvenile delinquency. Psychosis.

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Understanding Penis Size and Growth During Puberty

  • Average Penis Size

When Do Penises Start Growing?

Age limit for penis growth.

  • Is My Penis Too Small?
  • Does Size Matter?
  • Can You Increase Penis Size?
  • Talking to Your Teen

Adolescence is a time for growth spurts and other changes caused by the onset of puberty. In teen boys, the testicles get bigger, the scrotum begins to enlarge and look different, and the penis grows in size.

As sexual awareness increases, some teens might wonder whether their penis size is normal. Researchers say the average erect penis length is 5.1 to 5.5 inches, though you should take these numbers with a grain of salt, understanding that everyone develops at a different rate.

Knowing what to expect—and what an "average" penis size really means—can help teens navigate the uncertainty of puberty. Keep reading to learn about normal penis development, whether there's an age limit for penis growth, and other common concerns.

Illustration by Zoe Hansen

Average Penis Size by Age

The average penis size by age was outlined in  Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care: A Practical Guide  by Lawrence Neinstein, MD. These guidelines shouldn't be used to check whether a teen is developing "on schedule" (an action that may underscore insecurity). Rather, you can refer to them if your child fears they're falling behind in relation to all other markers for puberty.

Here are the approximate size ranges by age for a non-erect penis:

Penis Size Chart
10 to 11  1.6 to 3.1 inches
12  2.0 to 4.0 inches
13  2.0 to 4.7 inches
14   2.4 to 5.5 inches
15  3.1 to 5.9 inches
16  3.9 to 5.9 inches
17  3.9 to 6.3 inches
18   4.3 to 6.7 inches

Again, you shouldn't take these numbers as complete truth, as guidelines tend to vary. One large study of more than 15,000 adult participants found a mean flaccid penis length of 9.16 centimeters (3.61 inches), which is smaller than the average penis ranges listed above.

Erect penis length is typically a few inches longer than the non-erect size; the study mentioned above found an average length of 5.1 inches for an erect penis.

Measuring Penis Size

Because there may be errors in how the penis is measured, it's usually best to have it done by a pediatrician or, better yet, an adolescent health specialist. That said, the penis is typically measured from the base to the tip of the penis. When stretched, the penis reaches a similar size as when erect.

The penis generally starts enlarging between 9.5 to 14 years old . It should happen around one year after the testicles begin growing. Your child's penis will grow in length and then in width.

Unlike wet dreams and acne, penis growth isn't associated with a particular age, so this is just an estimated range. The timeline will vary depending on many factors, including genetics, environmental influences, and the onset of puberty.

Consider scheduling an appointment with your child's doctor if their penis hasn't started to grow after the appearance of body and facial hair.

Just as when penis growth begins, there's no specific age at which penis growth stops. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says adult-size genitals usually develop anywhere between ages 13 and 18. Generally speaking, little additional growth can be expected after ages 18-21, though everyone is different.

Is My Penis Size Too Small?

The diagnosis of an abnormally small penis would seem to be a pretty straightforward process, but it's not. While a physical exam may establish that a penis is below what's expected for a child's age, it can't accurately predict how much growth may still occur.

Factors that explain a penis' abnormally short appearance include the following:

  • Excessive pelvic or suprapubic fat can obscure an otherwise normal-sized penis.
  • If the child has a large frame, it may create the impression that the penis is smaller than it is.
  • Less commonly, congenital conditions can limit how much of the penis is externally seen. Examples include penoscrotal webbing (in which the scrotum extends up the underside of the penis, creating an indistinct junction between the two) and phimosis (in which the foreskin is unable to retract).
  • Small penis size can sometimes occur as a result of a genetic disorder (such as Klinefelter's syndrome) that impedes the production of testosterone during fetal development .

What Is a Micropenis?

By definition, a "micropenis" measures 2.5 deviations smaller than the mean average for someone's age. Early diagnosis—usually in infancy or early childhood—can lead to effective treatment. If hormone deficiency is the underlying cause, for example, hormone supplementation can be effective at encouraging catch-up growth.

Does Penis Size Matter?

According to research, only 55% of adult men are satisfied with their penis length, even though the vast majority of their partners (85%) report being satisfied.

Concerns about penis size may be understandable in teens going through puberty . Ultimately, penis size should never be considered a measurement of one's masculinity or virility. These cultural attitudes only serve to undermine teens' confidence at a time when they are only just starting to explore who they are.

Penis size doesn't influence sexual function or other aspects of development. It also doesn't correlate to medical problems most of the time.

Can You Increase Penis Size? 

To treat a micropenis, research suggests that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is most effective in infancy and early childhood (before the onset of puberty). TRT may increase the child's penis size to the reference range for their age. Any TRT should be done with caution, be aligned with fertility goals, and managed by endocrinology and/or urology specialists.

For older boys, surgery may be explored to treat concealed penis abnormalities. The approach can vary, but it may include circumcision  or more extensive reconstructive procedures in which the skin of the penis is "degloved" and repositioned with sutures and skin grafts.

Penis enlargement surgery (phalloplasty) is not considered a reasonable option until later in life. The risk of complications may outweigh the perceived benefits, and the results tend to be variable at best, so phalloplasty isn't a decision to take lightly.

Stages of Puberty and Penis Development

The stages of puberty in people with penises break down roughly as follows:

  • The onset of puberty begins at 9.5 to 14 years old. The first change is often an enlargement of the testicles, and penis growth begins one year after this. The scrotum will also drop, thin, darken, and get bigger around this time.
  • Pubic hair appears at about 13.5 years old.
  • Nocturnal emissions (also known as "wet dreams") begin around 14 years.
  • Other changes (such as facial hair, a deeper voice, and acne) become apparent around 15 years old.

How to Talk to a Teen About Penis Size

As their penis starts growing during puberty, many kids will wonder how it measures up. They may worry whether their penis is normal or too small—and this concern is common among adults as well.

Your child may or may not bring up their worries with you. Either way, here are some tips for addressing the topic.

  • Talk about puberty development in a general way, letting your child know you're open to any questions .
  • Give them information on what's normal and share that it's common for people to feel their penis is too small—even if it's well within the average range.
  • Reassure them that their penis will look smaller when non-erect and in colder temperatures.
  • Refer to your pediatrician for additional information on penis size. If your child has concerns, the doctor can assess if their penis is developing as expected and/or answer any questions they may have. By allowing an objective third party into the conversation, you can avoid any suggestion that there's a "problem" that needs resolving.

Average-Size Erect Penis: Fiction, Fact, and the Need for Counseling . J Sex Marital Ther . 2021.

Adolescent and Young Adult Healthcare, a Practical Guide . Lawrence S. Neinstein.

Am I normal? A systematic review and construction of nomograms for flaccid and erect penis length and circumference in up to 15,521 men .  BJU Int . 2014.

The Growing Child- Teenager (13 to 18 Years) . Nationwide Children’s Hospital .

Physical Development in Boys: What to Expect . American Academy of Pediatrics . Updated 2015.

Severe forms of concealed penis without hypospadias: Surgical strategies .  Indian J Urol.  2015.

Micropenis: Etiology, diagnosis and treatment approaches .  J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol . 2013.

Penile length and circumference dimensions: A large study in young Italian me .  Andrologia . 2021.

Women’s preferences for penis size: A new research method using selection among 3D models .  PLoS One . 2015.

Penile growth in response to hormone treatment in children with micropenis . Indian Journal of Urology. 2013.

A review of penile elongation surgery . Transl Androl Urol . 2017.

The growing child: teenager (13 to 18 years) . Stanford Children's Health . n.d.

Average-Size Erect Penis: Fiction, Fact, and the Need for Counseling .  Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 2021.

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Ten Minute Momentum

USA Grade to Age Guide and Chart for School Placement

Please Share With Your Friends!

Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by Sarah McCubbin

In the USA, children traditionally start elementary school at age 5 or 6 which determines their grade to age placement going forward. However, ages and grades are flexible and can be adjusted based on the needs and abilities of the children.

In addition, grades can be adjusted after students begin if holding them back a year is thought to be in their best interest. Usually that is done in the early grades to avoid disrupting the student later.

grade to age guide

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions About Grade Levels in the United States

What age do children start school in the united states.

In the U.S., children may begin some kind of formal learning as early as 3 years old in a preschool class. However, mandatory education does not begin until grade 6. At that time, families may choose to use public, private or homeschool options.

What Are The Legal Requirements to Homeschool in the United States?

It is legal to homeschool in all 50 states. However, each state has its own requirements. If you are considering homeschooling, be sure to review the information for your state found at HSLDA.com.

What is Kindergarten Readiness?

When a child is ready to start Kindergarten, most schools give a test to make sure the student is ready for school and being placed in the right grade level. If they are not ready, the school may choose to put them in a prekindergarten class to help them gain skills they need for school.

When is the Grade to Age Cut Off for School Enrollment?

There is not a standard date for age cut off for school enrollment. Many school districts will say that students must be the correct age by September 1st. However, each school decides on its own and it may be as early as June 1 for a cutoff date.

What grades are in Elementary School?

Elementary school usually includes students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade.

What grades are in Middle School?

Middle School is usually 6th to 8th grade. Some school district adjust that to include 5th grade.

15 years old education

What grades are in High School?

High school includes students in ninth to twelfth grade.

Are Grades The Same in Private Schools?

Private schools usually follow these traditional age and school grade levels. However, as part of the admission process, they may determine that a student would benefit from entering the school at a lower grade level if the student is not academically ready for the work at their institution.

Does Homeschool Have Grade Levels?

Homeschool students are not required to follow traditional grade levels. However, homeschool parents may grade levels to help them plan curriculum and to guide their academic expectations for their kids.

What grade is a 14 year old in high school?

In the USA, a 14 year old is usually in eighth grade or a ninth grade (Freshman) in high school.

What grade is a 12 year old in?

A 12 year old is usually in sixth or seventh grade in United States.

What grade is a 13 year old in?

A 13 year old is usually in seventh or eighth grade.

What grade is a 15 year old in?

A 15 year old is usually in ninth or tenth grade.

What grade is a 16 year old in?

A 16 year old is traditionally in tenth or eleventh grade.

What grade is a 17 year old in?

A seventeen year old is usually in eleventh or twelfth grade.

15 years old education

Sarah McCubbin and her husband and 9 kids live in Ohio. She loves talking about all kinds of education topics and is passionate about helping families find the best education options in each season! Socially awkward growing up, she loves to help families teach life skills, social skills and leadership.

Other Reading:

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Daniel Wong

What to Do If Your Teen Hates School: 15 Strategies That Work

Updated on January 31, 2023 By Daniel Wong 98 Comments

Teen hates school

Maybe this describes the situation you’re in.

Does your teen say that he hates school?

Does he complain about his teachers and classmates, and about how “useless” school is?

Or maybe your teen complains that the people in school are “fake”, and that it’s hard to make friends?

If so, I’m sure you feel concerned.

You want to help your teen, but whatever you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked.

Don’t worry.

Given that I work with students — the majority of whom are teens — for a living, I know how common it is for teens to dislike school.

Nonetheless, this is still an issue that must be addressed.

There are many powerful strategies you can employ to help the situation. In this article, I’ll outline 15 of them.

(Download the free bonus below to learn five more strategies.)

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Why do teens hate school.

As a parent and as a coach who works with teenagers , I understand how challenging it can be to see your child hating school.

You don’t want your teens to be miserable, but you also want what’s best for them in the long term.

While academics aren’t everything, doing well in school does lead to more opportunities for scholarships, higher education, and employment.

Here’s the thing…

Before you can motivate your teenagers to enjoy school , you must understand why they dislike school in the first place.

For many students, school is like a roller coaster — full of nerve-racking lows and exhilarating highs. Threatening or lecturing your teens won’t help them navigate the heart-pounding ride.

Instead, let’s explore a few answers to the all-important question: “Why do teens hate school?”

They feel like they have no control over their lives

teenager on laptop at home

Teenagers are also growing up, which means that they’re developing their independence.

So, your teens want to feel in control of their lives.

But the traditional school setting typically gives them few opportunities to exert this control, outside of setting academic goals .

Most teenagers have few options with regard to which classes they’re taking, so they don’t get to study the topics that genuinely interest them.

Add jam-packed schedules and strict rules to the mix, and it’s no wonder that teens find school frustrating and sometimes pointless.

If your teen hates school, it could be a lack of autonomy that’s driving this feeling of resentment.

They feel overwhelmed and stressed

Waking up early. High-pressure extracurriculars. Exams, homework, and projects.

Teens today are more stressed than ever before. In fact, nearly one-third of teens report feeling overwhelmed , a figure on par with adult stress levels.

These statistics are a cause for concern.

As American Psychological Association CEO Norman B. Anderson, PhD says:

It is alarming that the teen stress experience is so similar to that of adults. It is even more concerning that they seem to underestimate the potential impact that stress has on their physical and mental health.

(If you’re concerned about your teen’s mental well-being, here are seven tips to support your child’s mental health .)

Help your teenager to manage stress effectively, and you might find that you no longer say that “my teenager hates school”.

They feel that school is just about getting good grades

Does your teen feel pressured to achieve outstanding grades?

Most students do. Yet academic success is about so much more than report cards and grades.

It’s important to show your teen that it’s not the outcome but the process that matters most.

Sure, it feels good to get excellent grades. But what’s more important are the valuable life skills your child gains along the way, e.g. critical thinking, organisation, planning, self-management.

If your teens feel the only purpose of school is to memorise facts and equations, they’ll struggle to find joy in the learning process.

They’re being bullied

bullying at school

If you keep saying to yourself that “my teen hates school”, check in with your child to ensure that he or she isn’t being bullied.

Just because your teen hasn’t mentioned the issue doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

If there’s bullying going on, don’t blame yourself. Instead, support your child and empathise with him or her as you find a solution together.

What to do if your child hates school

As we’ve seen, there’s typically a reason why your child doesn’t enjoy school.

Now, let’s explore 15 proven strategies that will help anytime you’re wondering what to do about your child hating school:

1. Don’t assume that your teen is being defiant or rebellious

As children enter the teenage years, they crave autonomy. They’re also forming their identity, all while their bodies and brains are going through drastic changes.

As such, teens often exhibit rebellious behaviour .

But don’t assume that this is the only reason your teen tells you she hates school.

Many times, there are other issues at play, e.g., feeling overwhelmed, struggling to keep up with schoolwork, bullying, fear of exams .

2. Think about what you’ve been doing that may have contributed to the problem

Here are some questions to ask yourself when you find yourself saying “my teenager hates school”:

  • Do I frequently nag my teen?
  • Do I always talk about school-related topics?
  • Do I talk as if my teen’s hobbies are a waste of time, or that they’re merely a distraction from her schoolwork?
  • Do I compare my teen with her friends, cousins or siblings?
  • Do I overemphasise the importance of performing well in school?
  • Do I frequently force or coerce my teen into doing schoolwork?
  • Do I sign my teen up for classes or programmes without first seeking her consent?

On their own, none of these behaviours will result in you having a disrespectful teenager who hates school.

But in combination, they’ll likely cause a power struggle between you and your teen.

Over time, your teen may develop even more negative emotional associations with school.

3. Use active listening techniques when talking to your teen about the issue

active listening to your child

  • Give your teen your full attention
  • Don’t multitask
  • Don’t interrupt your teen while he’s talking
  • Encourage your teen to keep talking, e.g. by saying “go on” or “tell me more”
  • Empathise with your teen
  • Seek to understand how he is feeling
  • Don’t judge
  • Don’t moralise
  • As far as possible, don’t provide unsolicited advice
  • Occasionally summarise what you think your teen has been saying and reflect it back to him, e.g. “It sounds like you feel as if your math teacher doesn’t explain the concepts well, so you dislike math.”

By using active listening techniques, your teen will be more likely to share with you what’s troubling him.

4. Don’t use threats

It’s tempting for parents to use threats to coerce their teens into behaving “correctly”.

Whether it’s threatening to reduce your teen’s allowance or take away her phone, it won’t work in the long run.

The use of power becomes less effective as children get older. By the time they’re teenagers, this approach doesn’t work, and tends to backfire instead.

In other words, it isn’t possible to threaten your teen into becoming a motivated and responsible student who loves going to school.

If your teen detests school, the root cause is probably emotional in nature. This is what must be addressed as a priority.

5. Don’t lecture

“My teen hates school — should I lecture him or her?”

Perhaps that’s the question on your mind.

I advise parents to avoid lecturing their teens. But if you really can’t help it, keep the lecture short.

Teens tell me that they start tuning their parents out about two minutes into the lecture. So you’ll be wasting your breath if your lecture lasts longer than that.

Teen does not want to listen

Your teen won’t respond well to you preaching about the importance of school. Nor will he start or stop performing specific behaviours because you told him that he “should” or “shouldn’t” do those things.

(When was the last time you started eating healthily just because a relative or friend told you that you “should”?)

Lecturing won’t help your teen’s anxiety either, if that’s something he’s struggling with.

Even students who have an intense hatred for school know that doing well in school is important. They don’t need you to remind them of that, because their teachers do that almost every day.

What does your teen need from you?

He needs you to listen to him, to understand him, to see things from his perspective – this is a parenting skill I encourage you to develop.

When your teen feels understood, he’ll change his behaviour and attitude.

6. Reduce your focus on school and academics

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t bring up school-related topics at all.

But many teens have told me that it seems as if school is the only thing their parents care about. And it’s true that many parents I talk to are mostly interested in how to get their teenagers to do their homework .

So make it a point to talk about topics that your teen is interested in, e.g. music, hobbies, gaming, social media.

When the conversations you have with your teen are more balanced, your teen’s attitude toward school will become more balanced too.

7. Help your teen to learn organisational and study skills

Many students who don’t like school feel overwhelmed by schoolwork, projects, tests, exams, etc.

Most of these students haven’t learned how to prioritise, plan, stay organised, manage their time, and focus when studying .

If this describes your teen, encourage – but don’t force – her to develop these skills. To do so, she can check out relevant resources and sign up for programmes.

This is the reason why I’ve developed courses like The Perfect Study Plan , and why I coach students 1-to-1 .

When students develop the necessary organisational skills and apply effective study tips , they often stop hating school!

8. Acknowledge your teen’s progress and effort

In progress

They feel as if they’ll never be good enough to live up to their parents’ expectations.

Instead of focusing on your teen’s grades, focus on their effort instead. Whenever you observe her exhibiting positive behaviour, acknowledge it.

This simple act will mean a lot to her. It will also remind her that the reward is found in the journey itself, not just the destination.

By acknowledging her progress, she’ll be more likely to develop intrinsic motivation.

9. Talk to your teen’s teachers

Reach out to your teen’s teachers. Given that they interact with your teen almost every day, they’re likely to have insights into why he hates school.

All the teachers I know are insanely busy. So even if you’re only able to schedule a 10-minute phone call with your teen’s teacher, make the most of the opportunity.

10. Talk to the parents of your teen’s friends

On a related note, to get a better picture of what’s going on, talk to the parents of your teen’s friends.

These parents would have heard from their children about what’s been frustrating them at school. Based on this feedback, you’ll understand your teen’s concerns better too.

11. Ensure that your home is an emotionally safe environment

Teens frequently tell me that they don’t feel emotionally safe at home.

Why do they say this?

Because they feel that when they’re at home, they can be nagged, criticised, blamed, reprimanded or lectured to at any time. They feel as if they can be “attacked” without forewarning.

It’s only natural that they withdraw, locking themselves in their room if possible.

If the home environment isn’t emotionally safe , teens won’t share what’s on their minds. This will only make the situation worse, and you’ll keep wondering why your teen hates school so much.

When parenting teens , do your best to cultivate a home environment that’s full of appreciation, respect and kindness.

Emphasise that there are standards that must be upheld, but that every family member will always receive unconditional acceptance.

12. Determine if there’s something more serious going on

depressed teens

Here are some symptoms to look out for:

  • Feeling tired most of the time
  • Poor concentration
  • Feeling worthless
  • Feelings of self-hatred
  • Changes in appetite
  • Irritability
  • Persistent sadness
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Loss of interest in hobbies
  • Change in sleep habits
  • Frequent crying
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Loss of motivation to study or do schoolwork

If your teen is exhibiting several of these symptoms, seek help right away.

13. Ensure that your teen’s life isn’t overscheduled

Sometimes, teens who hate school are simply worn out. They feel overwhelmed by the demands of school, extracurricular activities, etc.

They may be physically exhausted and sleep-deprived. This affects their mood, which makes them more likely to perceive situations negatively.

Teens need time to think, reflect, explore and dream.

Do what you can to ensure that your teen’s life isn’t overscheduled . Over time, you’ll see improvements in his attitude toward school.

14. Be patient and encouraging toward your teen

No matter how old we are, we’re all on a journey of learning, growing and maturing.

It’s a process for your teen to change her mindset, so be patient with her.

Encourage her. Support her. Empathise with her. Listen to her. Remind her that you’ll be with her every step of the way.

As you implement the other strategies listed in this article, you’ll see improvements such that you no longer think to yourself that “my teenager hates school”.

15. Help your teen to find a mentor

Teens who detest school need some perspective on their situation.

It’s hard for teens to develop this perspective because their problems seem so overwhelming.

From their point of view, the situation might even appear hopeless.

Find a mentor for teens

Parents have a difficult time getting through to teens. This is because parents’ guidance is often perceived as nagging or lecturing.

This is the reason your teen needs a mentor. The benefits of having a mentor are well-documented, which is why I mentor teens to help them become motivated, responsible, and resilient.

Your teen is just one mentor away from making the most of his potential!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is hating school normal.

While I’m not fond of the term normal, I will say it’s common for teens to dislike things related to school.

Just remember, most teenagers aren’t rebellious for the sake of it. There’s likely a good reason for their frustrations, so it’s crucial to apply the tips in this article to get to the root of the issue.

What can I do if my teenager refuses to go to school?

It’s tempting to scold and lecture your teenagers if they refuse to go to school.

But nagging your teens won’t work. More often than not, it will exacerbate the problem.

The good news is that there are tactics you can use to deal with challenging teenagers. Read my top 10 tips for dealing with disrespectful teens here .

How do you motivate an intelligent but unmotivated teenager?

Do you feel like your teenager doesn’t work hard enough or plan for the future, even though you know he or she is intelligent?

Or maybe your teen lacks motivation and gets distracted easily?

If so, you’re not alone. There’s a huge number of parents trying to figure out how to motivate a teenager to study and perform better in school.

I have good news for you…

I’ve spoken to and worked with more than 20,000 students around the globe. I’ve discovered that the vast majority of unmotivated teenagers want to do well in school. They simply lack the necessary mindset and skills to do so.

That’s why I wrote a free e-book to help parents learn how to motivate their teens. Discover my 16 keys to motivating teenagers here.

Do most teens hate school?

While I’m hesitant to say that most teens hate school, many do.

I know it’s frustrating to see that your children dislike school. But if you work with them day by day — by implementing the tips in this article — to embrace a new attitude, you’ll start to see improvements.

Conclusion: Huge changes occur one tiny step at a time

teenager studying

I’ve worked with teens who have gone from being unmotivated school-haters to being driven, focused, and independent learners.

Of course, the transformation to become happy, successful students didn’t happen overnight.

(I went through my own transformation as a teen, which you can read about here if you’re interested.)

But change is possible.

As is often said, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

In the same way, huge changes occur one tiny step at a time. So apply the strategies described in this article, as well as the bonus strategies you can get access to at the end of this article.

With your love, support, and guidance, your teen can experience a transformation too!

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August 7, 2018 at 9:13 pm

This is very useful Thank you

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August 7, 2018 at 10:35 pm

You’re most welcome.

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April 28, 2021 at 12:36 am

Good afternoon well I really don’t know what to do with my daughter anymore I try I talk to herAnd ask her what she needs if I’m doing something wrong she doesn’t talk much I ask her how was your day I am what she thinks about anything but she doesn’t say anythingAnd I asked her how she’s doing school and she’s tell me she’s doing good but really she’s not I have finals of the teachers telling me that she doesn’t look good in the class she talks to anybody I am and that she doesn’t finish your classwork

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September 29, 2022 at 4:49 am

what if you hate school because you always get in trouble and your teachers are mean to you

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December 5, 2022 at 1:54 am

Why are you always in trouble?

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September 21, 2022 at 8:12 pm

Incredible article! Great advice!

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August 13, 2018 at 4:28 am

My son is 18 and I’m from the school open day where I realised that he is really struggling yet is not putting more effort on his books…my point to him was he is not committed to his books and need to study a lot as the class he is in is very challenging…that’s when he told me he feels he doesn’t need school anymore…I felt very bad and I’m failing to cope…he is well mannered but I’m confused as to where did I go wrong

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January 26, 2021 at 11:54 pm

I am going through the same exact thing with my 15 year old daughter. She even said about quitting but I told her if she quits then she will have to work full time. I am so worried and stressed and she cried often. Help!

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April 20, 2021 at 1:39 pm

My 15 year old son is feeling and saying the same thing. Have you found anything to help?

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April 21, 2021 at 5:58 am

Hi know how you feel Alisa, I am going thru the exact with my 15yr old son. He has missed a full first term and hasn’t gone back so far this term. I don’t know what to do.

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May 14, 2021 at 11:40 am

Have you figured out anything that helps? My 17 yr old son won’t go to school either he makes me out to be the bad guy untill he gets his way. We tried going to the counselor and that didn’t work either.

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August 18, 2021 at 10:42 pm

Sounds like my 16yr old son. Ive been thrown in jail over him missing school. And he’s only been 2 out of the 7days this year already. The school had n I interest in helping us. Ill go back to jail Ima sure as he will go to juvie again sadly he is going to be a dad also in 7mths and I just dont know what else to do. Ive begged the school for help but they keep saying we dont know what to tell you. Smh they’ve pushed him thru with straight F’s since 3rd grade but they are not at fault for his struggles in school.

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November 8, 2022 at 2:58 am

i am a 15 yr old let him do it trust me i dropped out learned the real important stuff like how taxes work got to spend time with people i love way more often learned the importance of money how to save it and it also just gives you future money like working at mcdonalds is like 15 $ an hr and working full time isnt so bad i get to interact and become more socially active.

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October 3, 2018 at 11:34 am

What do I need to do or where to go if my teen is showing most of those traits in #12? Also why must I seek help Immediately?

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October 4, 2018 at 4:06 am

You should seek help right away because he’s at risk for hurting himself.

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October 9, 2018 at 3:06 pm

Hi, My son is a popular good looking boy.. but hates school and is now refusing to go. He had suggested in the past about moving schools, but I thought this was pointless as his school was good and my daughter has been very successful there. He hates teachers and just just generally hates everybody! He’s asking to go to college early, he is 15 16 next September? I’m separated from his father, 10 yrs now, charlie has received counselling with school and struggles with anger not at me.. I believe the school feel it’s just being spoilt as I’ve over compensated with him lots to always try and make him happy.. but I believe he really hates school and just want him to be somewhere he is happy and have the chance to thrive, he was recently scouted at the school for rugby to trial for a brilliant team but turned it down, even with me and his dad giving him rewards if he went! I just don’t know what to do! I worry about drugs and suiceied and getting in with the wrong crowd, and can’t help by blame myself as I’m too weak with him! I’ve patented my children the same, my daughter has just gone to the uni of her dreams, so I know I’ve done my best!

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February 27, 2020 at 11:00 pm

I read your comment and I feel the same way. I have a 17 yr daughter who is a motivated straight A student with an already figured out life, and a 15 1/2 son who tells me that he hates school, that he doesn’t learn anything in school and that he would rather stay home or be homeschooled. I am married. I tried so many techniques with him, from being understanding and open minded to giving him space… nothing works. He already failed a class and even though he’s making it up now, he’s borderline failing 2 other classes. I aslo worry about drugs, vaping, and whether or not he’s even going to college. As of now he wants to drop HS and he said that he doesn’t want to go to college. According to him he would rather drop off now and get a job. Like you, I don’t understand how I can have one kid one way and the other exactly the opposite. If parenting were to be the issue than both kids should’ve been doing bad in school. This is so frustrating. My husband keeps on saying to let him be, but I fear that if I do so, he will fail and won’t get a chance to make up for all this mistakes, won’t graduate,won’t go to college and end up with a low paying job trying to make ends meet for the rest of his life 🙁

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March 19, 2020 at 9:09 am

I am in exactly the same position with my 15-year old son. I’m about to pay for online private school but I’m so scared that he won’t put forth the effort and we will be in the same position, minus $1700. He has just told me that he is not going to a “crap college” and will just start working after high school, which I’m certain will lead to drugs and/or jail. I am petrified. 😢

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September 29, 2020 at 6:38 pm

Yes!! Reading your comment makes me feel better and that I’m not alone! I have a 15 year old son and if I even mention school and his grades he goes into a rage. He is normally a GREAT, very well mannered kid. He told me that school is useless and he wants to drop out. I am at a loss! Of course I won’t allow him to drop out but I have no idea how to make it better. I feel like I am failing as a parent.

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October 22, 2020 at 9:10 am

Sooo, I am a 16 year old boy who hates school, and reading your comments I can pretty much relate to your children. Wanna ask any questions? I’m here to answer them!

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October 23, 2020 at 4:56 am

So what do you recommend as a 16 year old ? My son says the only thing keeping him from a breakdown is playing on his xbox. How can I get him to put just a little effort into school? His teachers want to have a parent/student/teacher conference.

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June 17, 2021 at 2:20 am

My son is 15. He hates school, I just spoke to his 8 teachers and all of them says same thing that he is disturbing the class and gets easily distributed himself. His grades significantly dropped and he isn’t. Doing well academically at all . What can I do?

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December 31, 2020 at 8:11 am

I have some questions! My 16 year old son is smart, well-liked, interested in so many things. But, he sees school as holding him back. This pandemic has not helped. I don’t really focus on grades, but he does because he wants to get into a “good school.” I don’t expect him to like school, I just don’t know how to make it not “ruin his life.”

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March 7, 2021 at 9:58 pm

I have a 13 yr old that hates school. He doesn’t even try. I’m his grand parent. I fell as I’ve failed him. I’m so concerned and confused.

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April 13, 2021 at 12:18 am

What are you doing if you hate school, how are you managing your teenage years and what are your plans for future?

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April 13, 2021 at 7:54 am

You say you hate school but do you still go to school?

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August 20, 2021 at 11:29 am

My son is 14 years old and tells me he hates school. He won’t specify exactly what he hates about it other than saying that he doesn’t learn anything useful. He just started high school and I want to make sure his next 4 years aren’t going to go in the wrong direction by not helping him. But I don’t know how to help if he just doesn’t like school. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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November 2, 2022 at 12:57 am

My 15 yr ild grandson and 17 yr old grad daughter will be late 2 out of 5 days and the days they are at school they dont go to but maybe 2 out of 5 classes a day I asked why doesnt security make them go to class they said the hid from them. Now they want to put them on a contract and if that doesnt work they will be suspended and if that dont work they will have to go to another school. Which they wont have a way to get there. They don’t like to get up early to go to school and they never bring hime homework. I dont know what to do.

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January 25, 2023 at 4:39 am

What is it that you hate the most about school?

Are there parts of it you like?

Would you do online school instead?

Was there a time in your life when you did like school?

Are you in any extra curricular activities?

Best of luck!

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May 23, 2021 at 6:19 pm

I have the same problem with our son, although he has always school from early years he is now 13 and know he is going through adolescence and we try our best not to judge him when his school rings us saying he doesn’t do the work in class or he won’t listen in class our son generally is a fun loving bubbly person but lately seem sad fed up with school and although we agree with our son on some reasons for this we also agree with teacher that it can’t continue I just want him to be happy do his best in school which would show he’s trying we have got 1-1 teaching in certain classes but just want him to know we are supporting him and want to help the situation

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April 14, 2021 at 7:41 pm

Maybe let him get a job huni as maybe he has to learn the hard way and see how hard it is out there. Hugs darling. I got two kids 10, 13 refusing to go to school. Sob

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October 12, 2018 at 2:42 am

My daughter has been having issues at school for a while I have tried home school and she hated that as well now she is back is regular school with her peers and wants to be home schooled again what should I do ? Yes she has tried to hurt herself yes she has been to hospitals and yes she is on medication and therapy what now cause now she tells me she wants to quit therapy cause her therapist is t getting her at all she is not improving in my eyes and I’m at a lost some sound advice would really help me I’m afraid for her future and her current situation Please Help

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October 29, 2018 at 6:01 am

Search for another therapist

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November 6, 2018 at 1:49 pm

Perhaps the therapist isn’t right for her, it is common that sometimes a certain therapist just doesn’t “click” with the one in the therapy, try changing therapist until you found the right one would be my suggestion.

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October 19, 2018 at 9:13 pm

This is very helpful. But, what happens when my 15 years old son start saying that school is not important for life, and don’t attend school because of that? He was always a smart boy, had big dreams in life… but now he lost any interest in school or studying, he sits at home doing nothing, says that he will be a millionaire by saling things (because of the videos all over the Internet about how to make big money and don’t work) on the internat but doesn’t do anything for that… He says that school doesn’t help you and that he will drop of school when it is possible, until then he barely attend the classes, go home in the middle of a school day, of course doesn’t do any homework or projects at school… And the worst part is that he even lost interest in making friends, meetings people or go somewhere… It started last year at his middle school when he has friends and continuing now in the first year of high school where he doesn’t want to meet anyone… The point is that there is no bullying involved in this case. I don’t know what is happening with him and why he lost any interest in social life and studying… What can I do? He is such a smart boy and he can ruin his future by this actions and I don’t know what to do…

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November 1, 2018 at 6:36 am


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November 6, 2019 at 5:25 am

Having the same problem. 14 year old boy going into high school next year. Almost same exact details.

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April 4, 2020 at 10:53 pm

I’m a teenager right now, trying to figure out how to get motivation for something pointless. I mean yeah, most places require a high school education, but most places should also rethink the value of that. Going to be a CEO? I’m thinking you might not need that biology class. Accountant. Did you really need all that extensive world history? Going to drive semi-trucks? Nobody’s gonna care about that Calculus class. How about a lawyer? Chances are, nobody is going to care in the least about how you had to dissect Romeo and Juliet. It is pointless. So many teachers take PRIDE in the fact that no one likes their class. They all force massive amounts of work onto you, leaving no time for anything else. Teenagers are young, right? They’re supposed to have energy, right? So that means they must not need sleep. Which means they could be memorizing useless facts so they can spit them out onto a test paper and then immediately forget them. It would be a much better use of time. Us students are forming a Union to abolish this meaningless and stupid program. But… we’re not 18 so we can’t possibly know anything about the world even with all these facts they shove in our faces. Don’t try to make your teenager like school. Let them hate it, encourage them to despise it, support them in that intelligent opinion. Hate it with them. Schools cause so many mental problems for so many kids. It’s not the other kids. It’s the teachers, the principals, the administrators. We can’t stand up for ourselves, so help us. If there are enough of us, we just may be able to abolish this horrible and useless system.

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April 23, 2020 at 5:45 am

Amelia I am sorry you feel this way. I do understand that school sucks. I think most of the classes are pointless and a lot of wasted time and not teaching real-life issues. The only thing I do know is that school teaches you to be on time, to have structure, to socialize in a public setting and deal with people you may not like (like bosses and co-workers), it teaches you to apply yourself in a work environment in the future, to do tasks at work that you are going to hate. So that is what I see about school. But unfortunately to succeed in life MOST of the time employers like to see that you have graduated school, because you were able to be responsible and apply yourself at all tasks. So therefore, jobs will be given to those who “seem” responsible and educated by having a diploma. My son is 15 years old and has always been super smart. We have always said he is going to be an engineer one day. This is his first year of highschool, he got mixed up with the wrong kids, and in the last 6 months has gotten into drugs (some heavy but mostly pot), he has done illegal things, he sneaks out at night. We removed him from school and started virtual school. He only has 4 classes to take, almost 3 because he is about done with the easy driver’s ed class. He only has to do one class a day and can be done by Thursday. He refuses to do the lessons, he cheats and gets reported for copying and pasting answers. When I try to talk to him calmly and explain how this is important and we just care and we get it’s a pain in the butt but it needs to be done. We give him only 2 assignments a day to complete. Sometimes he doesn’t even do that. He says he doesn’t need an education to be a mechanic (he does), and talks to me as if he hates me. I do nag him because I see he is not doing a thing ALL DAY long. Tell me as a teenager what I can do to help him. What would help you? I will do whatever I can, I just don’t know anymore. I cannot as a parent say, OK quit and don’t do school anymore. So what’s next? Fight every day? Watch him fail. We give him incentives to look forward to if he keeps a C or higher and if he completes the few assignments each day. He still will stare at a wall rather than complete the work and receive the incentives. It has caused so much pain with all of us my heart breaks for his future. It’s a sad, tough world we live in. I know how hard it must be for teens these days, and I sympathize. But how do I help. I don’t want my son to run away, be a drop out, become a drug addict when he sees life isn’t the way he pictured it. And to you, I will pray for you as I do my son because I don’t want any teenager to feel this way. I was a pain in the butt teen as well, but times were different when I was in highschool than they are now. I wish you the absolute best in life and I hope you succeed even though school sucks…I hope you graduate and get to feel that amazing sense of accomplishment.

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May 27, 2020 at 11:05 pm

hi im also a teen and here’s something that helped with my friend. their parents made a system where for every test that they get 80% and more they get $25 and when report cards come for every class that they get a 85% or more they get $50, money is a good motivation for us cause we can spend it on what we want, like food, games and just about anything, also i noticed a lot of these comments are from america and im in canada so im not sure what 80% is in letter grades but i think it might be a B+ i could be wrong though so look up a conversion chart to make sure. i hope this helps

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June 6, 2020 at 7:05 pm

Hi Gwen, Since your son knows what he wants to do, maybe you could try get him an apprenticeship with a mechanic? It would give him a sense of purpose during his day and hopefully a ‘mentor’ who he can relate to and something he enjoys doing. All the best and good luck!! keep strong!! Kids grow up and eventually realise you love them!

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October 1, 2020 at 10:57 am

Hi Amelia, I’m also a teen (technically a young adult because I’m 18, but I was fresh out of high school last year and in the 1st year of university), and I FEEL THAT! Schools and universities really do make us learn useless things! Heck, even in universities where there are specific majors, they still have useless units as prerequisites! E.g. if you want to develop apps, why aren’t all the classes and assignments wholly dedicated to simply creating apps? Why is it peppered with useless unrelated assignments and units? And they’d claim that being well-rounded is extremely important. If anything, being intensely focused on one thing is better than being well-rounded in everything, only having the basics of everything but never mastering anything in particular. What’s the point?

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December 4, 2020 at 11:51 am

Do schools teach seemingly useless things? Yes, but having a well-rounded education is so very important to be an informed citizen and to think critically. Also, who says you won’t change your mind or major later if you decide all of a sudden you like literature more than computer science, or whatever? Also, it’s a fall back if for some reason that career you want is no longer viable anymore.

I started off as a Spanish major in school. I also have a background in education and technology through other classes I took… so now I teach 1 Spanish class a semester, but my regular full-time job is teaching technology to faculty in higher ed…

Also, take a look at this election cycle we are in! There are so many uninformed citizens who obviously didn’t pay attention in history or government classes! I wouldn’t want to be that person!

Saying all that, I have a 14-year-old who refuses to do school work in school and is constantly off-task. I have to practically sit on top of him to get him to do anything. I have spent the past 3 weeks trying to catch him up in school… but I can ONLY control what he does at home. His teachers are pissed because he’s not doing stuff in class. He is ADHD/Autistic, he goes to therapy and we are trying a new behavior contract to give him 10 minutes of phone time per completed assignment… some days it works, some days it doesn’t… I just am so very frustrated and stressed over it all… I’m trying to do my own work from home + he’s doing remote 3 days a week + 2 days in (but the days he’s in school he does nothing)… I don’t know what the answer is myself. I have tried almost everything!

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May 14, 2021 at 1:56 am

My 15-year-old much the same. There has to be a better way than behavior mods. These kids are smart; they won’t be manipulated. I am thinking maybe we unschool him and start a business together or something. Why do we continue to disrespect what he’s saying and ignore his feelings? It’s really hard to parent today!

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December 26, 2020 at 3:52 pm

You know, I feel the same way… because as a 16 year old, i have been in high school for a year now, and the only reason I passed my classes last year was bc the district allowed us to have an option of just showing that we completed a class instead of the actual grade, (which was most of my classes), but of course only if you didn’t fail them. Now yes, I feel that elementry school is something that everyone should do, even they also teach things and have there flaws in the system as well. But middle school and high school are a different subject. They should make it so that the students pick what they want to learn and have the basics sure, like how to do your taxes or how to write a resume. But we don’t need to know that that the mitochondria is the power house of the cell. I want us to all come toghether and change the school system for the better of students and society! Think about it. Wouldn’t you be more happier if your child was happy doing what they love and actually enjoy learning the subject. And that if you fail that you can still graduate high school. I feel that students should have the choice of picking what they want to learn. This will help them develop their own skills and find out who they are. And if they don’t like the class, THEN THAT’S OK. We should not be pressured into reading shakespere if we don’t want to. Any who, I hope this helped you all understand how students feel. Thank u and I rly do want to change this school system for the better of everyone, so let me know your thoughts about the subject and your opinions. Thank u all again and I hope this helps!

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June 26, 2021 at 1:11 am

Great points! Thank you for your time in helping us understand how our kids are feeling. Adult college students feel the same way too!

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March 30, 2023 at 1:18 pm

I taught elementary school many years ago and it was important to me for my students to enjoy everyday…I do understand how students feel the way they do today as everything is so different…I would love to be able to have the opportunity to let students speak and have someone really listen to what they are saying…you all need to be heard…

December 31, 2020 at 8:14 am

You know what? I think you are right. Let kids hate school. I really think you are onto something.

June 26, 2021 at 1:13 am

Great points! Thank you for your comments and perspective!

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September 8, 2023 at 3:26 am

This is true. Anyone who disagrees with this is a teacher.

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November 20, 2019 at 4:23 am

Hi i have same problem with my son He is 15 But worst thing he start bullying ours family And i really don’t know what to do All supports are trying to help But is getting worse

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April 22, 2020 at 4:54 am

Hi Lena! I was reading your situation and looks like you are writing about my son. I have exactly the same problem and don’t know what to do. I even already think about getting a help from psychologist.

April 23, 2020 at 5:52 am

I also have a 15 year old son that we are having a really hard time with. He is fine as long as he gets his way and he doesn’t have to any schoolwork at all. He can be horribly mean and cruel and looks at us with such hate any time we remind him to get on task with his schoolwork. He started therapy right before this pandemic and we have been easier on him by having him only do 2 assignments a day and he still doesn’t want to do that. He feels like he doesn’t need an education to succeed (be a mechanic). It is a constant battle even when we are being nice and giving him incentives. Nothing seems to motivate him or help him. It is like he is in a battle for control with us. If we ask him to do something (clean room even), he just ignores us and doesn’t do it. If we remind him again he is nasty, says we are nagging him, and blames us for every single thing that he does wrong. I need help because I fear his battle of control and this new sense of thinking he is an adult is going to lead to him running away again and just keep getting into trouble. He has always been a sweet boy, but the last 6 months since he started high school is when things changed. He is someone we don’t even know. We took him out of school and put him in virtual school.

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October 20, 2018 at 9:25 am

Very useful article. Thanks you

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November 23, 2018 at 10:25 pm

Why am I reading it instead of my parents

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August 16, 2019 at 9:57 pm

Maybe just try having them read the article. And say mom and dad… This is me reaching out for your help please. Say, I need this. It takes time to work through things but as a family if you ask for help and hopefully they’re willing to give it, things will get better. Your school years go by so quickly… Before you know it you will be out of school and then you make your decisions for the rest of your life from there. Enjoy this time being young! 💚

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May 1, 2020 at 11:09 am

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November 25, 2018 at 11:15 am

This article is extremely useful for me as I go through the content I can so much relate it to the the situation me and my son are undergoing. Extremely helpful, will be adopting your techniques for sure and as u said how to eat an elephant well!!it implies to me, I am also seeking a mentor for him(son) will soo seek your support. very useful blog👍

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December 4, 2018 at 12:05 am

Hi my 15 year old son just refuses to go to school . He says he doesn’t like it or the teachers etc. He just shuts himself away in his room all day coming out only to eat and drink . He doesn’t have any friends only the ones he talks to online when on his PS4 . But I’ve confiscated that whilst he’s not in school . I do think he has no self esteem And the doctor has been out to see him but she doesn’t know what the problem is aswell. He is very rude to me and his father and very disrespectful and he hates his younger sister . We are at our wits end and don’t know what to do ?

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April 28, 2019 at 6:17 pm

My son was like this hated school from age 14 he is now 18 and tried self-harming the attempted suicide we had no idea … he was rude disrespectful and selfish and also started self medicating with drugs .. turns out he is a very emotional person who was so anxious and did not know how to manage counselling certainly helped but the road is long and has been painful

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January 3, 2019 at 11:36 pm

Thank you for this great info! I have a daughter in 8th grade who hates school and often refuses to go. She’s working with a therapist now which has helped but it’s very slow going. She actually expressed her feelings and ideas in a letter she wrote to get her feelings out. I think it is helpful for parents to see what middle schooler are thinking. I posted it on my blog: http://www.fabulousclassroom.com/2018/11/teenage-anxiety-a-letter-from-my-14-year-old-daughter/

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January 13, 2019 at 7:21 pm

In the article and in the comments no one has mentioned bullying. Bullying in schools is the major cause of kids not wanting to go to school and unfortunately the effects of bullying can cause many mental health issues for the victims. Very often children do not want to admit they are being bullied. Very important for parents to take immediate action if they believe their child is being bullied at school. Do not confront the bully or the parents of the bully. Do not expect the school to have a system in place to resolve the problem .If you communicate with the school, document dates and time, whom you have spoken with, all meetings, conversations, you have had on the subject. Educate yourself on bullying. There is an abundance of information on the web.

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February 8, 2019 at 12:23 am

Thank you I found your article very insightful and helpful. In my son’s case it is the school/teachers themselves that are the cause of his anxiety and dislike for it. He has additional needs and is expected to conform to their expectations rather than their approach being adapted to suit his abilities. It’s an on-going battle but he isn’t quite at point of refusal thankfully and is fine when at home and will talk to us openly and has a good sense of humour which is key. Enjoying the small things in life helps us cope with the bigger things.

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February 25, 2019 at 5:08 am

Thank you so mich. Was feeling so overwhelmed and stressed this morning and found you on google. Off to work and will tackle this after reading your article. It is never an easy road but it helps when someone brings it back to perspective

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March 11, 2019 at 4:29 am

Hi While googling, found it very useful. As I tried so many techinques, seemed to work and again fails. We moved last year of middle school. Before to middle school , in another city. He does not like school as feels he can do self study and no.point in going, as learning nothing new except math. I ask gim to make friends, but not many are willing to. I myself observed this in some occasions. We tell him, just few months, highschool will be diff with many opportunities. He likes music editing, video games…says atleast he get to talk to people. I feel bad, as he even tried post school activities, again already have their own groups. he hates hw, bug manages to finish last moment and get good grades. I cant buy him friends. but hoping to get done r months and praying, highschool will have better friends.

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March 14, 2019 at 9:15 pm

This all sounds great, but my husband and I have tried pretty much all of these suggestions. Our 15 year old son is failing in school. We try to speak to him in an encouragingtone and don’t yell at him or make demands. He is now lying to us about things and has a very poor attitude about school. I’ve reached out to teachers and feel they see him as a distraction in their classes. At the end of the day, these teachers don’t have time to try to help those who are uninterested and not paying attention. Sad, but true. He isn’t in sports or other activities. He has tried things but we didn’t force him to continue when he became uninterested. So many factors…. he has lost privileges and can only earn them back by showing academic improvement. At this point, we are so frustrated and feel like failures as parents. Our next step is contacting a school counselor. Any thoughts are appreciated……

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March 17, 2019 at 3:44 am

What can I do my daughter is 14 and she doesn’t respect me or her stepmother or stepfather or her father she is constantly playing with young children and doesn’t want to learn or do homework and she fails to do small things like help with cleaning or washing dishes I don’t know what to do anymore

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May 23, 2019 at 10:13 am

It’s like air being let out of a balloon half way – I’m decompressing a little just seeing her by these comments I’m not alone. My daughter started with anxiety and then depression in grade 8. She’s in Grade 10 now and after 3 different counsellors over 2 years we are now on the 3rd. Fourth change of medication. In Grade 10 now she’s missed about 80% of school year saying it’s anxiety and fear of having an attack. I feel she’s clinging on to the illness as if it’s wanted. She also lies about reasons not to go to school as well. Yesdaterday she wouldn’t go afraid to ask the math teacher when she could right the last missed test (after having 3 hours with a home tutor to prepare) saying she’ll panic. This morning up but wouldn’t go because no internet working in the half an hour before we left home. Excuse after excuse. Rude to younger brother, everything about her, no respect for me or her Dad. Now she’s saying she’s transgender and after everything in the last two years and the fact that this seems so completely out of the blue I don’t know how to parent this child. Do you all think the widespread flux of teen mental illness is a social contagion? Monkey see monkey do? I am at my wits end – I don’t know if I can cope with all of these mood swings and refusal to go more than a day a week (school). My blood pressure is through the roof and my husband and son is sick of this wheel of manipulation and acting 5 years old asked to do something she has no interest in doing like making her own sandwich or going to school. What am I going to do?

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August 15, 2019 at 9:43 pm

This article assumes the child is going to school. My child wont get out of the bed and it’s the 3rd day of school in a brand new private school for children with anxiety and learning disabilities that has been purposely designed to be stress free. No homework, and no high stakes tests. It seems very much she is just being defiant and doesnt care how much money this school costs. She wouldnt go to middle school and so we out her in virtal school. She wouldnt do the classes and was kicked out of all but one that she only ended up finishing half of. I obviously haven’t nagged her about attending school because she wasnt in school and by the 3rd day with no nagging at all, no homework, nothing like that, she already refuses to attend. I have done nothing but give her space to make her own choices. This doesnt seem to be working.

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September 4, 2019 at 11:32 am

Hi. Just came across this site, which I find very helpful. My son who’s 13 going on 14 in a few months has already stated that he hates school( grade 9). My son has a learning disability and is so worried that he won’t be able to do the work. On top of everything this is a new school where he doesn’t know anyone as yet. He seems very sad and withdrawn. Any anyone has any suggestions please share. Thanks

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October 29, 2019 at 4:45 am

I can relate to many of the comments above. My 10th grade son did great in school up to 7th grade. Then he stopped paying attention and doing homework. If we don’t check on a daily basis, his assignments won’t get completed. He will lie to us if we don’t actually check. He is also very disorganized and we do weekly check ins to make sure his binders and folders are organized.

After many conversations and lectures (I now know I shouldn’t lecture) he just told us he doesn’t like school. He doesn’t say why. I’m very open minded and just want to help him but he doesn’t want to open up to me. I’m not sure how to get through to him.

I just want him to have a good happy life. This articles says that I shouldn’t overemphasize the importance of school but how is he going to have a good future without an education.? I don’t expect “A” grades. I just want him to graduate high school. I lowered my expectations so that I don’t put pressure on him but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

My daughter is a straight A student and doesn’t need me to check that she’s up to date on her assignments. I don’t say that in front of them, because I don’t want him to feel bad. I’ve changed jobs and switched to part time so I can be home more too. I’ve done a lot for him and don’t understand why he won’t try to meet me half way.

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October 31, 2019 at 12:36 am

Dang, Michelle, I feel like I could have written this! My name is Michelle & I have a 10th grader that also did great up through 7th. He learned to read easily. Teachers like his personality. He has a small but good friend group. (His best friend is in the top of the class & super smart so he hangs out with people that model good grades.) I have been wondering if it’s because he’s an only child so no sibling rivalry to push him but I see your son has a sibling so that doesn’t explain things. I also thought it was a rough transition from middle school to high school & I was glad freshman year was behind him. We’re 2 months into a new school year & he has an F in Honors English from not turning things in. Right now my plan is to meet with the school counselor. I’m setting up hearing & eye tests even though I’m confident that’s not the problem. We’re also willing to do family counseling. I just want him to know we’re not giving up on him. If he makes questionable life decisions as an adult that’s on him. For these next couple years, I’m going to try my best. It’s hard & it makes me feel like a failure. To all the parents on here looking for answers, you’re not alone. Thanks for posting, Michelle!

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November 6, 2019 at 9:29 am

My story is very similar to most comments, l have a son who is in grade 9, he refuses to go to school when l ask him why he hasn’t been to school he tells me that school is boring. “When l get ready for school each morning then something tells me not to go then l stay home” thats him telling me. What should l do in this case, please help.

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November 8, 2019 at 12:15 am

Very useful article before giving up with my teenage son.

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January 2, 2020 at 1:34 pm

I have a 14 year old freshman daughter who is high achieving/gifted. All Honors, small Catholic school her grades near perfect. The issue is she full on hates school and for 3 years has had complete emotional meltdowns about going to school. She cries often and calls school prison for children. It seems mainly stemming from difficulty connecting with kids her age even her friends. She is seeing a psychologist about this but she calls her therapist a waste of time. Alternative options such as home school, cyber school seems either untenable or not as good as her present school. Looking for strategies to help her.

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January 12, 2020 at 6:50 pm

I relate to the “school prision” concept because my 15 year old daughter also feels that way. All I can say is that Meditation practice has helped me to stay calm about all this situation and that is very important to be ok as parents so we can help our kids in the best way possible. It is not easy to have this problem and wish all the best to all the parents and kids that are going through this. Great advice in this article. May all be well, happy and peaceful.

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January 7, 2020 at 8:04 pm

Would it be a bad idea to share this article with my son as a “restart” on how to deal with this situation together? He is 15 and very reserved.

January 7, 2020 at 8:06 pm

I think that would be worth a try, Theresa. All the best!

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January 24, 2020 at 10:39 pm

My 13 year old son is always angry. Tells me he hates school so much and his teachers. He’s not bullied and has lots of friends. I just think he is overwhelmed as he has adhd and always struggled in school. He has no special help which I think he needs, but I live in a small town so there’s no resources available. He’s missed so much school because he gets upset stomachs in the morning before school. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m losing this battle. I try to explain to him that school is important and to just try your best but it doesn’t work.

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February 13, 2020 at 5:45 am

Kids are curious and when they want to know the answer to their question they google it. Therefore they don’t have the patience to sit and listen to a teacher yaking about some boring topic They are used to quick fast information coming from there phone, instant gratification. Having to read excessive information, learning math equations that they don’t see themselves using in life feels like a waste of their brain cells. School has become long and daunting ,nothing but high pressure, The result is go to an expensive college and then to try and find a job probably out of state away from family and friends where the wages may not be high enough to purchase a home, nice car or to meet the high prices of today’s economy. The exceptionally smart and gifted will meet those goals. What about the average or below average? Where is the reward?

February 27, 2020 at 11:20 pm

Sad but absolutely true 🙁

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February 16, 2020 at 6:30 pm

Teens are have many cross roads to traverse. They’re sort of leaving behind the child that they were and find they now have to walk in another skin/body. My son has lost a lot of interest in school work. It’s just not a big deal to him to hand in projects on time. A secure future is simply not floating in their brain whereas it’s all we as adults think about.

I thought of finding a common ground with him. I’m trying to be interested in his music. It’s the one thing he is vocal about. Funny thing: they have their own perspectives. I hear useless swearing that grates on my nerves and he hears it as the artist emphasising pain or anger etc.

So I bite. I listen. I try to understand and when I don’t… I bite.

Thank you Daniel for my new mantra – elephant, small bites

Maybe the next time I’m about to explode, i’ll visualise him as an elephant

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April 30, 2020 at 1:35 am

I’m having the same challenges with my 15 year old daughter. In response to the article and in reading some of the comments here – it’s not fair to assume or to make all parents feel like they’re to blame for their child’s attitude towards school. In reading the comments, it seems like a lot of these parents are thinking they’re the ones doing something wrong . How can any of us be doing something wrong when we are seeking help. It seems like everyone here has tried something to help their kids in one way or another. One answer is not the cure-all for everyone. Kids are being homeschooled, put on medication, taken to hospitals, put in therapy, etc (mine included for all four and then some…) and we should be proud of ourselves for doing what we can to make the situation better. We are helping. We are doing the right thing. If you all can’t see or believe that, then all your attempts at helping your child mean nothing. Just because nothing seems to be working doesn’t mean you’re doing it all wrong.

School (especially high school) is much, much different today than when we went. Teachers don’t care, they bully our kids as much as other students do. It’s amazing how one stupid comment from a higher authority can turn your entire world around. We as adults know how to deal with that, teenagers don ‘t. When one teacher treats a kid like crap, that kid assumes they all do. They feel there’s no one at school they can trust. the school setting is enough to ruin a kid -even honor roll students -social anxiety kills their abilities. That is mental HELL for any kid. That can start the whole ball rolling. Our kids are going to stand their ground and try to get their own way – think back to when you were a teenager. Parents suck and no one’s gonna tell us what to do. No one cares. No one is trying to help (even though we bust our asses to do anything and everything we can). They can’t see that and they won’t until they get older and “grow up”. They won’t talk to us because they think WE won’t understand.

An education is important. It’s drilled into our heads from the time we learn to talk. I think the turning point is when they begin to realize that for themselves. Not everyone is going to college, not everyone is going to be another Bill Gates. That does not mean they’re a failure. But, when they finally realize what they want to get out of life, they’ll realize that they have to work for what they want. I can tell you one thing – a GED makes no difference in anybody’s eyes except your own. You still have to study, you still have to learn. As a matter of fact, it’s harder than going through 4 years of school. It’s more like 4 years crammed into one then taking a big 10 hour test over 2 days time reviewing everything you learned at once. It’s HARD. And if your kid can pull it off, they are smarter than any kid living through hell in a high school setting. What I’m getting at with that is – that kid was ME. I’m 45, I dropped out of school in 10th grade – was being bullied by my peers and teachers. That September I enrolled in a GED class at a community college – spent a year studying – passed my GED with flying colors and graduated high school a year earlier than I would have. Later, I attended that same community college for 2 years, got accepted into a 4 year college, later passed the Bar and I’m currently a Lawyer practicing in New York.I I don’t expect the same from my daughter and I’m not pushing her in that direction just because I did it. She doesn’t even know about it. All I can say is We can just continue what we’re doing – without thinking we’re to blame – knowing that we love our kids and hoping eventually they may get out of this funk. Let’s not kill ourselves trying to do the best we can. “

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May 8, 2020 at 1:49 am

I am glad to hear I am not alone in this. My 15 yr old likes going to the school but ditches classes to hang out. Sometimes with friends, sometimes just by herself. She is on anxiety medication because the first semester of this year she was throwing up almost everyday. Now with the virtual school she cannot go a whole week of logging into her classes and participating. It is so frustrating, I have her on a 504 plan for extra help and tools to de-stress but she is not interested in helping herself at all. Her younger sisters are tired of her not having to do school or homework. I am at a loss here to help her.

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May 12, 2020 at 11:39 am

My son 17 year a high school senior very rude , selfish and disrespectful to us mean to his brother. He is always in his room and on his phone . Now with this pandemic and everyone staying home I can’t see him like this all day . He is not doing any work posted by teachers almost failing each subject . He thinks school doesn’t matter now that he already admitted in college. My worry is how will he survive in college. Any suggestions to deal this situation.

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January 21, 2021 at 3:50 pm

Currently, I am an unemployed school counselor. It’s been a while since I was college counseling for high schoolers. I think it’s easy for some students to assume all is good once they are accepted into their college. You\he might want to look into how the college handles final semester grades. From memory, some colleges may retract the offer to attend based on these “not so good” final grades. Something to look into and think about.

Also, in college there is academic probation keeping students on track. If he wants to graduate, he would not be able to fail courses for very long. Fortunately, there are tutors (even at the college level) that he could have assess to and of course counselors. I always found college to be a very different environment and he will most likely enjoy the experience.

I hope this helps.

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May 14, 2020 at 2:05 pm

I kept reading and re-reading some of the entries left here and it just breaks my heart. I also agree with everything Kelly said on April 30th. We have to stop beating ourselves up if we’re doing everything in our power to support our kids. My son is 17 and would be a junior in high school if he were still in a brick and mortar building. My story starts on the last day of 1st grade for him when his teacher said “We’ll have to keep an eye on him, he’s not reading at the first grade level.” I was speechless! I thought “We had parent/teacher conferences all through the school year and she never made it sound that serious”. In 4th grade I took him to an eye doctor who diagnosed him with Dyslexia. Every time I brought it up to his teachers, I was ignored or I was told that they had “checked” him and said he didn’t have Dyslexia, even though I saw it in his school papers. That was my first (enormous) mistake. I trusted the school to be the expert on his education. If someone would have told me that they couldn’t test him for Dyslexia (by law, I found out years later), then I would have taken him to an expert then when he was still young enough to go along with (most of) what we wanted him to do. By the time I realized what had really been going on it was much too late. In reality, he was never taught how to read. Kids/people with dyslexia need to be taught to read with Structured Literacy, not a blend of Traditional Literacy and Structured Literacy that is taught in most schools. It is just too confusing for them. So week after week, month after month and year after year, school just got more and more difficult for him. He always hated school. He was always late getting up and gradually being late more and more often. Finally, by 8th grade, his IEP teacher started teaching him Structured Literacy and he got up to almost grade level in reading for the first time ever in school. When he started Middle School he was reading at 4th grade level. His teacher never told me that she was teaching that – I’m not sure she was supposed to be. We were cautiously optimistic about high school. We worked very hard to make it look like a technical school because the other side of his brain is a decade ahead of his peers. His 1st project vehicle was when he was 15, and he switched out a transmission in a 99 Chevy Blazer with some help from his dad. Most backyard (adult) mechanics would not EVER attempt a project like that. The very first week of 9th grade, his social studies teacher introduced herself as having received a degree in Special Education, that’s why she was hired at that high school – to teach Special Education, and that’s why she was teaching that class. He took it to mean Special Needs and it DESTROYED him. He started refusing to go to school. We were horrified. We told him you can’t do this. Ultimately, it’s against the law. We had no idea what to do. We had meeting after meeting with the teachers and vice-principal all year long. He continued to refuse to go to school. I begged him to just go for his auto tech and wood shop classes. Just go for lunch. Just get in the building. He couldn’t make himself do it. I worked part-time and would get home at 1:15p – 1:30p. He would be laying in the dark in his room just staring at the wall. He wouldn’t be home all day watching tv or playing video games. He wouldn’t come out of his room until his dad left for work at 1:45p.; he works 3p – 11p. Some times when we pushed him to hard to go to school, he wouldn’t eat all day until 9:30p at night. We kept trying to find the right motivation for him to go to school and kept failing. My son learned to drive a skid steer when he was 5 and a pick up truck when he was 7. He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t get his license when he was 8. Driving was all he has ever wanted to do. When he was a few weeks away from turning 15, I told him that we needed to see some kind of effort from him to get up in the morning to try to go to school. Even if he didn’t go to school right away, we needed to see some kind of effort from him. I told him that if we didn’t see even the least bit of effort, we didn’t know if we could let him get his permit when he turned 15. I thought this was my ultimate weapon; this was going to be the ultimate factor to get him to make some kind of effort. He thought about it for all of 3 – 5 seconds and said, “Well, we both know that’s not going to happen.” That was the exact moment that I knew that success in school was not about finding the right motivation for him . I was never going to be able to explain that to his school or anyone at school. However, that’s when I got on his side. It was a very fine line between supporting him and trying to run interference with the school. He had texted me several times, that he would rather die than go to school. He texted the same thing to my adult daughter who has been very close to him. (She has a masters degree in psychology). When my son’t best friend texted me asking if he was ok, he was talking about hurting himself, I knew I had to do something else. We tried the following: Seeing a psychologist – this psychologist was a specialist with kids with school issues, my son didn’t make a connection with him, and I couldn’t get him to agree to see another one. The psychologist worked with me to make situations easier to deal with at the time. We had a MRI done – my son used to bang his head on the floor or the wall when he was upset or angry. I wanted to make sure there hadn’t been any unknown damage done. It came back normal. We had Brain Wave testing done. There was certainly some areas of his brain that were very slow at time and very fast at other levels. We still haven’t decided to do the treatment. It’s very expensive and my son has to be willing to do it. We talked to another psychologist/specialist who deals with learning challenges and differences. We did on-line schooling for a year. It was better than going to the brick and mortar, for sure. We started that about 2 months into 10th grade because we got served papers by the school to go to court for truancy. He wouldn’t go to school at the beginning of the school year and this was the only re-course they had apparently. We have not been going to court since October 2018 and it’s still not over. Last October, the court agreed to let him get his GED so he could learn just what he needs to pass the GED. The magistrate told him that it’s now up to him to decide when he wants to get it done. He still isn’t spending any time on it, but the court-appointed Guardian-ad-Litem keeps wanting an update. My battle in that whole situation isn’t over. However, about 4-5 weeks after he started the online schooling, I heard him laugh. I thought to myself, he has a funny little laugh. I kept thinking about it and wondered why it sounded so strange, and it occurred to me that I hadn’t heard him laugh in over a year and a half! Here is what I’ve decided – Some kids are not cut out for school, our school system is not right for all kids, and unfortunately, schools lack the funding and the general motivation to make fundamental changes. Our kids are growing up in a completely different culture than ANY generation before them. The internet, gives them a world view that no one had before at their age and no way to help them deal with it. Kids are dealing with adult topics and not knowing the first thing about it, or adults aren’t letting them do things that we didn’t do when we were that age. Nothing illegal, obviously, but my son is a great driver. He passed his drivers’ ed classes with flying colors. His first (road) instructor said that is all kids were as good as he was, they wouldn’t have to have a drivers’ ed school. She had to find things to challenge him on his driving test. I think it’s one of God’s cruel jokes that the last part of a kids brain to develop is common sense, logic and reasoning. This doesn’t usually happen till the age of 21, and in boys can be as late as 24. I’m still not laughing… One good book I read was Boys Adrift by Leonard Sax, MD, PhD I don’t know if he will get his GED. I don’t like to think that he won’t, but he’s going to make his own way, and he’s going to be okay. I hear constantly about “famous people” who had dyslexia or struggled in school and hated school and their are quite successful, including Henry Winkler Richard Branson. … Tom Cruise. … Leonardo da Vinci. … Walt Disney. … Jim Carrey. … Albert Einstein – enough said!

Another important thing that happened was he started taking melatonin. He could tell right away that he could get a better night’s sleep. I found a formula that was 2 layers. The first layer helped him get to sleep and the other layer helped him stay asleep. Before melatonin, mornings were horrible. He would just growl at us when we were trying to wake him up for school. Turns out he wasn’t able to get to sleep till about 3am and we were trying to wake him up out of a deep sleep for school. He couldn’t even form a sentence and all he could say was NO! Melatonin made a huge difference.

The most interesting thing that I’ve found recently is a study out of the U.K. that said “School Refusers” (that’s a real term) have often suffered a traumatic event that caused them to feel unsafe, insecure, etc., and when left untreated can be considered PTSD. My son’s event was that teacher in 9th grade 2 1/2 years ago. It destroyed him. His best friend was in the exact same class, with the exact same classes in middle school with the exact same teacher, and the statement that new teacher made didn’t affect him at all. I don’t know why it happened, but it did and I’m just dealing with it. Some times it’s one day at a time, some times an hour at a time because any time that nasty word (school) comes up he retreats, won’t talk to me and we all get the flashbacks, just like PTSD. My son is much happier now. He works on trucks and cars, helps out friends all the time, works for our (elderly) neighbors and helps with afternoon chores at a no-kill animal shelter – feeding horses, cleaning stalls, and much more. He has a girlfriend and works part-time with her dad with construction and snow removal. I don’t know where we’ll end up in court, but I believe that some day some one will influence him to finish his GED. If it’s possible, find out what they love to do and find a way to let them do it. This could take some time because they’ve spent so much time and energy fighting against what make them unhappy that they don’t know what they love to do. The one thing I have always told him is that no matter what – I love him. I also told him that I’m not going to give up on his dream – he wants to be a diesel mechanic and a welder. Even when he told me that he wanted to give up on his dream, I haven’t; I’m just not shoving it down his throat. He’s just not the same as other kids. It doesn’t mean he’s not as good as other kids, but he is better in other ways. I support him in any way I can. I’ve been way outside my comfort zone many time during this journey, but I keep putting one step in from of the other and I’m still standing. I hope this helps some of you to see it from another perspective entirely.

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May 28, 2020 at 11:53 am

You said so much of what I wanted to point out. In the entire article above there is no mention of the possibility of learning disabilities. My kiddo is 13 and just drew me the most heartbreaking picture of what school feels like to them… crushing, dark, attacking, joyless. The same kid who spends ten hours learning their first computer animation–motivation is not the problem. We are doing our best for our extraordinary kids in a system that is geared for the most ordinary.

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March 24, 2021 at 9:23 am

Wow, you gave me so much to think about. My son is 15 and refusing to go to school. Unfortunately, he had a traumatic event happen to him when he was in 1st grade. I know he has struggled with school for years but until this year, he went to school. Then covid hit and school went online. He has spent the last months refusing to do anything. I’ve had no help from the school, teachers, and psychologist. I think I need to come up with a new plan thanks to reading your letter. Thanks for sharing your story.

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September 10, 2022 at 7:29 pm

Kathy, First of all thank you for your words of wisdom. In a desperate moment I started browsing the internet for a miracle answer to all my questions . I wish I could put in writing all my feelings . Basically I am not desperate parent searching for a solution to my son’s lack of desire to attend school and do all his assignments. He is now 15 years old. He seems to be a normal kid in terms of learning ability however there is something that makes him different from most a/b students. My son goes to school simply because he knows he does not have a choice but he totally ignores his assignments without any fear of consequences from the teachers . He has been struggling since elementary school. Back then when he was a little boy I offered my assistance in class to the teachers just to keep an eye on him. At 15 years old in high school the same approach will not happen. He would he mortified if were to show up in class. This weekend the school principal asked to talk to us ( unfortunately I am divorced from his father ). Of course I blame myself and question how much my broken relationship with the father has damaged my son. As a child of divorced parents it must be very difficult to adapt to two completely different household rules and ideas. Bottom line i am the structure and strict parent . My son’s father ( my son adores his father) is the laid back guy without any rules- messy home and free phone and video games ! I tell the school technology has been the major negative contributing factor- my son would stay on the phone watching utube videos all day if he could . Obviously my son has no desire in school. He says he loves to draw but he hates when his art teachers make him draw what they want him to draw. Just like any other parent I want my child to be happy doing whatever makes him happy. Sometimes I feel like society forces all children to go through the school system – not all children are the same. It must be hard for a child to be forced to attend school the same way an adult has to get up evey morning to go to work and do a job they hate. My son is a respectful kid according to all the teachers but they all mention the same thing ” he is a respectful student but it seems that he out there in his own bubble the entire class”

I know some of these comments werw from 2020 which was a very difficult and stressful time . I wonder now how your son is doing two years later. I will read the book mentioned ” Boys” and I also will look for a doctor to do a total check up . Maybe an MRI will show if there is any abnormalities with his brain/ learning abilities. Life is a huge challenge – as a female professional in a make dominated world i have introduced my son to a very wealthy and prestigious career . Of course my dream may not be his dream . At this point I am searching for help trying to figure out how to help him without making him miserable by forcing his to wake up every morning to do something he hates. I pray I pray and I pray. Thank you all for your comments. It makes me feel a little better to know I am not alone in this journey .

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May 12, 2023 at 11:09 pm

Kathy, You wrote this in 2020, how is your son doing now? My son sounds very similar. Dyslexia that the school will never recognize, doesn’t do well in school, but loves working on cars, trucks, trailers…anything mechanical. He is a good kid, but we continue to have the same argument over grades! I just don’t know what to do at this point.

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June 18, 2020 at 8:41 pm

I have a beautiful 13 year old daughter that has so many signs of depression,anxiety,anger issues,isolation,anxiety, has trouble learning ,hates school, and I recently found out she cut herself for the first time. I have found help here in our town as of yesterday I pray to our Lord they can help I’ve tried and have done all I know how and keep looking for more ways before it’s to late. I’ve never felt so helpless but feeling hopeful.

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March 22, 2021 at 12:08 pm

Hi I’m a 13 yr old boy and I have an 11 yr old brother with pda (a type of autism thing, it stands for pathoalogical demand avoidance) and he hates school and hates my little sister who is 6 yrs old. We find that having a dog helps a lot.

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April 30, 2021 at 11:01 pm

Very useful commentary. I guess I should just give my son a break and not nag him. But it’s hard when he’s in detention every day and doesn’t do his homework.

The only thing that irked me a bit is “If your teen is exhibiting several of these symptoms, seek help right away.”. I have sought help and there is very little available. We have even paid a small fortune for a private pyschologist assessment which concluded that my teen has ADHD but it hasn’t really changed anything because now we’re waiting for the NHS/CAHMS (UK medical services) to take the next steps, i.e. to figure out whether medication would be of benefit, and prescribing it if so… and it seems to take literally years for them to do anything.

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May 2, 2022 at 10:10 am

I agree. “Seek help right away” is useless. Down here in Melbourne AU we have a mental health crisis thanks to all the COVID fear and lockdowns and many counsellors and psychologists aren’t even taking waiting lists they are so overloaded. Having watched my family head down the path of pharmaceutical drugs for my brother’s depression and anxiety I would beg anybody to try a therapeutic approach before putting their child on medication. My brother finally met the right person who got him involved in daily exercise, being in the outdoors and taking mental health vitamins and organic food and it has literally changed his life. There is a guy called Jacques Duff in Melbourne who you can read about. He treats ADHD through diet and hormone balancing. He’s amazing. All the best to you and your family – I really do understand

May 2, 2022 at 10:03 am

My son is now 15 and has hated school since he was 7. I can’t put words to what it’s like trying to support and encourage a child with processing delays, low self esteem and a socially-resistant personality type. Add 2 years of ‘COVID’ hell to the problem and I am now living a daily hell of trying to get him out of bed. He has been “abandoned” by his friends who have moved on during COVID while he was avoiding school in between lockdowns and now I just have a drop out. I am paying AU$40k pa for a private school he hates and doesn’t want to attend but he won’t open his mind to alternative situations either. As a parent it feels like a dead end at every turn when you are dealing with mainstream education. I have lost all trust in the ‘system’ and don’t trust the school counsellor as she ambushed me in a meeting by bringing in other teachers who took notes. My son has no behavioural problems but lots of mental blocks and anxiety. I am so lost. My older child never experienced anything like this and I am a sole parent with nowhere to turn. I’ve tried everything from sports, road trips, art projects, coding camps – you name it, I’ve done it. This child is like a rock who I’m trying to get something out of. I’ve been positive and supportive 9 years but I’m just about ready to collapse with him. None of the teachers care, nobody seems to ‘care’. It’s just a despairing situation with few options living in a backward country like Melbourne Australia

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September 17, 2022 at 12:37 am

wow, 15 seems to be the common age for this. Mine is 14 going on 15 in december

My daughters a good girl, always been very smart, well behaved etc. but she’s having anxiety . This pandemic surely didn’t help.

At first I played the good guy, i’ve been nothing but understanding for about 2 weeks as i know anxiety runs in my family. But I’ve tried so many things, i’ve switched to the school she originally wanted to go to…that never worked out so i tried to get her into a school where a bigger crowd of her friends go, but they are full so powerless there.

So I asked the vice principal if they can switch her back to online learning (even though it is offered as mandatory by the school board and when we first went in he gave us the option, funny ), but nope he says my reason wasn’t good enough its only for kids suscepticle to covid — i know she wouldn’t have a huge problem with that, atleast she’d be getting her credits. She didn’t want to do online learning because “none of her friends are anymore” (like if they jumped off a cliff would she ?) but atleast she would be getting her credits !

I’ve also never cared how well she does in her grades as long as she passes, she is the one who gets down on herself if her grades aren’t 70s,80s,90,100s. I always say who cares?you passed, i had a hard time in school too. Nobody likes it.

So not i am calling everywhere, the school board,her old school to try to figure something out. Shes a good girl i hate to see her potential go to waste. Anyway i got fraustrated and decided to play the bad guy which i assume hasnt helped. Not sure what else to do at this point. Hoping the school board will help when they get back to me

March 30, 2023 at 3:06 pm

Our educational system is broken. After reading all of these comments our students are hating school and nothing is being done to help them…I am a retired educator, but I agree with the students on all they are saying and feeling.The tests they are given are just about money in peoples pockets. It is not about our students. I agree with the ones that want to quit school. They have nothing to look forward to. Everyone is an individual and needs to be treated as such. Our schools have become prisons and a very frightening place to have to go daily. If I had a school aged student this day and time that hated school, I would tell them to just attend classes until you can drop out and then do so… I would have them take a sabbatical for a year to 18 months to be able to destress and unwind. Then have them get their GED until the system is fixed…all the students that hate school certainly have a right to…EVERYONE HAS HEARD, IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT…WELL IT IS BROKEN AND NOT ONE PERSON IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT, EXCEPT WATCHING OUR YOUTH LIVING LIKE ZOMBIES ON MEDICATION OR BEING SUICIDAL. GET WHOMEVER THAT CAN BRING ABOUT CHANGE THAT IS NEEDED AND SIT DOWN WITH THEM AND LISTEN AND GET THIS SH!T FIXED…AND I BELIEVE THE STUDENTS WHEN THEY SAY THEY ARE BEING BULLIED BY SOME OF THE TEACHERS…AND YOU ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND WHY OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IS BROKEN…BEING FISH LEARNING TO CLIMB TREES JUST DOES NOT WORK…IT IS TIME FOR THE ADULTS IN OUR SYSTEM TO CHANGE…IF YOU EXPECT TO SEE A CHANGE…THEN BE THE CHANGE.

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Homeschooling Ideas for a 15-Year-Old

By Alyson Long Last Modified: June 8, 2024 4 Comments Any post on this site may contain affiliate links. If you use them, they cost you nothing extra. We make a small commission.

Hi there, how’s your day going? So you Googled “Homeschooling Ideas For a 15-Year-Old”. Guess what, I have a homeschooled 15-year-old and we’ve been homeschooling forever so I’m full of handy tips and ideas that, hopefully, will help you out.

Table of Contents

Homeschooling a 15-Year-Old

15-year-olds are very different to their younger siblings. Of course, they’re all different, but I found my 15 year old became a lot easier to home educate with age.

He progressively became interested in more and more topics and actually wanted to learn. Mostly, we can leave him to his own devices and he picks up some really cool knowledge, but a few ideas below to help you out.

I’ll say here, before we progress, that right at the end of my child’s 15th year, we put our homeschooler in school. An online school. It was his first taste of formal education and at a high-school level . He loved it. He’s loving this new experience. As it’s only a few hours per week with no tedious school commute, he’s still pretty much free, but he’s thriving, having not had a whole childhood to learn to not like learning. He’s genuinely interested in the subjects he’s taking. I still fully believe that school is the worst place to get an education , but this online option has been fantastic for him. Most people would still call this homeschooling, I don’t, because I’m barely involved any more. Outsourcing to teachers has lifted weight off my shoulders.

Problems With Homeschooling a 15-Year-Old Teenager

He has a tendency to sleep ’till noon and be a night owl. That doesn’t work with my body clock so it’s a problem for me, but a normal teen sleep pattern.

Also he loves to get lost in memes. What is it with memes? He can look at memes all day, so, we have to try, gently (and sometimes not so gently) to get him to do something else from time to time.

He can also chat to his mates online for days on end. We have to prize him away occasionally. But he’s cool, he’s a good kid and we’re hugely proud of him

Movies and TV Shows

Online courses suitable for a 15 year old.

A few free and paid, courses we’ve found that are suitable for homeschooled teens are these. Free courses for homeschoolers are plentiful, but paying is often a very good investment.

Formal Online Learning For 15-Year-Olds

Both of my children are now taking classes in a formal school-type way. This school prepares kids to sit iGCSEs from almost anywhere in the world. They can sit the exams or not, that’s their choice. There are many ways homeschooled kids can sit exams like this.

General Gaming Can Be Hugely Educational

Don’t believe me? The things my sons picked up from gaming really blow me away, daily. They become hugely involved in gaming and pick up all sorts of skills and knowledge along the way.

I make a living online, I’m a professional blogger. My laptop is my constant companion and I have a lot of skills you wouldn’t believe. My kids are learning so many skills through practice and they’re learning them as teens through having fun. I really don’t get why so many parents are afraid of screens,. Screens are the modern world, they’re how we do everything and tech skills are vital.

Books and Reading For 15-Year-Olds

Let them read what they want. If, by 15, they are showing literary leanings and want to study English Literature, then sure, there will be set books that they need to read. If they don’t want or need to read high-brow or classic literature and poems then they don’t need to. It’s very simple, do what you need and want to do, or do what you enjoy for the sheer pleasure of it.

Art for 15-Year-Olds

My 15-year-old homeschooler sketches and has been known to watch YouTube tutorials on how to draw a nose and suchlike, but his interest ends there. He doesn’t want to be an artist. He is fairly interested in art history, so he’ll learn a bit about that from various online sources, but no, we’re not formally pursuing art.

Sports and Activities – PE

My 15 year old learned to scuba dive. So that was a massive homeschooling win. With scuba diving you also have to pass an exam, his first exam ever, so we were pretty pleased with that. It’s basically a science exam.

Many homeschool groups – if you live in a big city- have sports teams and events just for homeschoolers. Connect with your local homeschool group. Check that they have teens, some don’t, and see what activities they have lined up.

If you’re concerned that your kid just needs to get up and get active for the sake of their health, how about something like active gaming? That’s fun for the whole family. We cycle everywhere, we got rid of our car to save the planet so with no choice other than to run, cycle or walk everywhere, we stay pretty fit.

Workbooks and School Books

For young kids workbooks get them writing, help with literacy and are just something to do. By 15 workbooks are thin on the ground.

Socialisation and Making Friends For Teenaged Homeschoolers

Your 15-year-old isn’t my 15-year-old. You may have a teen with a huge social need. I don’t. My teen is pretty happy just doing his own thing.

The pandemic removed a lot of social interaction and meant we were confined to a home that wasn’t really our home. We know very few people in the town our house is in and our family are scattered all over the world. But some things are still working.

We’ve managed to get outdoors and mingling through volunteering. Conservation work gives us all some needed social interaction and is a good way to make friends. Outdoor sporting and exercise endeavours like running, cycling, and hiking, sometimes in groups, get us out of the house and mingling, from a safe distance.

Something we enjoy, are classes, practical classes like metalwork or cooking, kayaking, surfing, I’m sure you can think of more. These are available in your area, normally aimed at tourists.

Enjoy Homeschool Life With Teens

I hope our post and first-hand experiences are useful to your family. We love our lifestyle and spending time, all day, every day, with my teens is not something I’ve ever complained about. They will be gone far too soon. Make the most of it.

Hi I’m seriously looking into homeschooling my 15year old as shes being bullied at school verbally and physically and getting her into school is heartbreaking for her and me, but I dont want to mess up her education at this stage. Is there a guide to what she needs to be doing for gsce level?

We never had that problem Amie. There’s a very good book “Hold onto your Kids” I’ll give you a link, it’s about how damaging peer v parent attachment is for the child, the family, and society, and how to win teens back if you already lost them. I have no problem with gaming by the way, it’s fun, they can have fun. Most of the day we were busy with various stuff. Take a look here -> https://amzn.to/3RFc4X8

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Well-Child Visits: Parent and Patient Education

The Bright Futures Parent and Patient Educational Handouts help guide anticipatory guidance and reinforce key messages (organized around the 5 priorities in each visit) for the family. Each educational handout is written in plain language to ensure the information is clear, concise, relevant, and easy to understand. Each educational handout is available in English and Spanish (in HTML and PDF format). Beginning at the 7 year visit , there is both a Parent and Patient education handout (in English and Spanish).

For the Bright Futures Parent Handouts for well-child visits up to 2 years of age , translations of 12 additional languages (PDF format) are made possible thanks to the generous support of members, staff, and businesses who donate to the AAP Friends of Children Fund . The 12 additional languages are Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, and Vietnamese.

Reminder for Health Care Professionals:  The  Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit, 2nd Edition ​ is available as an online access product. For more detailed information about the Toolkit, visit  shop.aap.org . To license the Toolkit to use the forms in practice and/or incorporate them into an Electronic Medical Record System, please contact  AAP Sales .

Parent Educational Handouts

Infancy visits.

15 years old education

3 to 5 Day Visit

15 years old education

1 Month Visit

15 years old education

2 Month Visit

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4 Month Visit

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6 Month Visit

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9 Month Visit

Early childhood visits.

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12 Month Visit

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15 Month Visit

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18 Month Visit

15 years old education

2 Year Visit

15 years old education

2.5 Year Visit

15 years old education

3 Year Visit

15 years old education

4 Year Visit

Parent and patient educational handouts, middle childhood visits.

15 years old education

5-6 Year Visit

15 years old education

7-8 Year Visit

15 years old education

7-8 Year Visit - For Patients

15 years old education

9-10 Year Visit

15 years old education

9-10 Year Visit - For Patients

Adolescent visits.

15 years old education

11-14 Year Visit

15 years old education

11-14 Year Visit - For Patients

15 years old education

15-17 Year Visit

15 years old education

15-17 Year Visit - For Patients

15 years old education

18-21 Year Visit - For Patients

Last updated.

American Academy of Pediatrics

Oxford Martin School logo

Share of women with no formal education

About this data, sources and processing, this data is based on the following sources, barro and lee – projections of educational attainment.

Using the estimates on school enrollment and population structure, Barro and Lee have constructed projections of educational attainment for the population, disaggregated by gender and age group (15–24, 25–64, and 15–64) for 146 countries from 2015 to 2040 at five-year intervals.

They first use the 2010 data on educational attainment by age group as benchmark figures to project the educational attainment of the population by age group for the next three decades. They then estimate the distribution of educational attainment for the younger population, aged 15-24, at the five-year intervals from 2015 to 2040 and then forward-extrapolate the estimates to construct the distribution of educational attainment for the older population groups. For the population structure, they use existing U.N. projections. For the detailed explanation of the estimation method, see Barro and Lee (2015, chapter 3).

Lee and Lee – Human Capital in the Long Run

Datasets on estimated school enrollment ratios from 1820 to 2010 and estimated educational attainment for the total, female, and male populations from 1870 to 2010. The estimates are available in five-year intervals for 111 countries.

Datasets were last updated in 2021 September. The research provides insightful analysis on the progression and trends of educational attainment over a long historical period, offering a comprehensive understanding of educational developments globally.

How we process data at Our World in Data

All data and visualizations on Our World in Data rely on data sourced from one or several original data providers. Preparing this original data involves several processing steps. Depending on the data, this can include standardizing country names and world region definitions, converting units, calculating derived indicators such as per capita measures, as well as adding or adapting metadata such as the name or the description given to an indicator.

At the link below you can find a detailed description of the structure of our data pipeline, including links to all the code used to prepare data across Our World in Data.

Notes on our processing step for this indicator

Historical data up to the year 2010 has been sourced from 'Human Capital in the Long Run' by Lee and Lee (2016). This historical data was then combined with recent projections provided by Barro ane Lee (2015).

Regional aggregates were computed by Our World in Data through yearly population-weighted averages, where annual values are proportionally adjusted to emphasize the influence of larger populations.

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13-15 years old

Group of students aged 13-15 in an educational setting.

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Available 13-15 years old for participants

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All classes are taught by expert academics from world-leading universities, such as Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard. Each subject follows a specifically-designed summer school syllabus, that combines theoretical knowledge with practical application. This ensures all students receive a well-rounded and challenging programme which develops them for future success.

For more information, please visit the Academic Insights page.

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15 years old education

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Educational Games

Educational games for secondary students.

✅ Educational games online for secondary students, middle school / high school, around age 15.

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Light Reflection Game: LASER MAKER

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15 years old education


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Welcome to our world of online educational games for high school teens! Here you will find an exciting collection of games designed especially for you, ages 12 to 15, with the goal of learning concepts and strengthening skills specific to your stage of life. Our educational games also encourage the development of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and creativity. You will face exciting and stimulating challenges that will allow you to develop important skills for your daily life and your academic future.


  • Percentages
  • Letter Soup
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The secondary school stage, between the ages of 12 and 15, is an important stage in the education of adolescents, where a wide range of subjects and contents are covered.

What do children learn in secondary school?

Some of the most important content learned in school during the secondary stage includes:

  • Mathematics: Middle school students continue to develop their math skills, tackling more advanced topics such as algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. They learn to solve equations, work with mathematical functions, calculate areas and volumes, and apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations.
  • Language Arts: Middle school students continue to improve their reading and writing skills, as well as their listening and communication skills. They study classic and contemporary literature, analyze texts, and learn to write essays, reports, and research papers.
  • Science: Students study a variety of sciences, such as biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science. They learn about the fundamentals of biology, such as the cell and genetics, the physics of forces and motion, the chemistry of elements and chemical reactions, and geology and meteorology in earth science.
  • Social studies: High school students study the history, geography, economics and politics of their country and the world. They learn about important historical events and movements, world geography, economic and political systems, and civic participation.
  • Foreign languages: Many high school students continue to study a foreign language, such as English, French, Spanish, German, among others. They learn reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in the foreign language, and study the culture and society of the countries that speak that language.
  • Physical education and health: Students participate in sports activities and physical education to promote a healthy lifestyle. They also learn about nutrition, mental and emotional health, and disease prevention.
  • Art and music: Students may have art and music classes, where they learn about art appreciation, creativity, artistic techniques, and the history of art and music.

These are just some of the most important content learned in school during the high school stage. Curricula may vary by country, region and the specific curriculum of each school, but in general, they seek to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge in a variety of areas to prepare them for their academic and professional future.

Home Schooling My 15 Year Old

10 answers /

Last post: 24/04/2018 at 2:17 pm


Home education

Homeschooling my 15 year old daughter??

Home educating 15 year old

Home Schooling

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home educating 15 year old...need advice

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Dyspraxia and home schooling a 15 year old

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Home schooling my 14 year old.

15 years old education

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  2. What Are The Grade Levels By Age?

    How old should a 1st-grader be? In many countries, the labeling is altogether different. In the UK, for example, 'grades' might be called 'years' as in Year 1, Year 2, and so on. So, the following list of ages by grade levels is based on the United States but should roughly apply to the formal education system for most countries.

  3. Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)

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  6. School Age and Grade Levels: The American School System

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  10. 5 Developmental Milestones: 12

    Adolescents 12 - 15 years old make the leap from junior high to high school! Becoming small fish in a big sea, these kids strive to stay afloat during this exciting and turbulent time.

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  16. Three years after she was killed, Chloe Carroll's mother shares her

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  17. London UCL Summer School for Ages 13-18

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  18. Well-Child Visits: Parent and Patient Education

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  22. Home Schooling My 15 Year Old

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