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Deputy Principal     
 Mr Eoin Bailey Ms Katie Barrett Ms  Sinéad Bowden
Ms Janet Bradley  Ms Susan Breen
Ms Una Byrne 
Ms Elaine Cardiff
Ms Fiona Clare
Mr Fergal Clonan
Ms Ann Coburn
Ms Marie Cumiskey
 Ms Sheila Dempsey
Ms Karen Donnolly
 Ms Siobhán Doorley
Mr David Doyle
Mr Wesley Fennell
Ms Deirdre Flanagan
Ms Gráinne Fogarty
 Ms Edwina Gibbons
Ms Tara Hanley
Mr Vincent Homan
 Ms Geraldine Joy
Ms Alex Jully
Ms Karen Kavanagh
Ms Vanessa Keating
Ms Ann Marie Kelly
 Mr David Kelly
Ms Katherina Kinsella
 Ms Sarah Kirwan
Ms Claire Lowry
Mr Tomás Kenny
 Mr James Kiely
Ms Maeve Lyons
Ms Georgina Maher 
Ms Elaine Malone
Mr Melvyn McDermott
 Ms Gillian Moore
Ms Edel Murphy
Ms Rebecca Murphy
Mr Seán Murphy
Ms Sinéad Nagle
Ms Ciara Ní Mhartín
Mr Cathal O'Connor
Mr Declan 'Connor
Ms Lucinda O'Connor
Ms Orla O'Driscoll
Ms Kim O'Flaherty 
Mr David O'Mahoney  
Ms Ciara O'Neill
Ms Christina O'Sullivan
Ms Tara O'Sullivan
Ms Jacqui Quinn
Ms Claire Rothwell Mr John Smyth
Ms Orla Thornton 
Mr Cillian Townsend
Ms Annie Tunstead 


Ms Patricia Whelan  Ms Majella O'Shea Ms Lisa Pender


 Mr Paul Foley    Mr Dylan Dooley


 Ms Heather Grant   Ms Rebecca Doran 



Ms Liz Condron
Ms Anita Comerford
 Ms Agnes Sen    Ms Dorota Sopel

   Ms Sonia Wilson  

Contact Information

  •   059 914 3927
  • Askea, Carlow   Registered Charity Number: CHY20204581   Registered Charity Number: CHY20204581

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Presentation college ---, what's around this school, news, inspections & discussions.

19 Jan 2024 Follow Through WSE-MLL
12 Feb 2020 Follow-Through WSE-MLL
21 Nov 2017 Whole School Evaluation
13 Apr 2016 Subject Inspection Business Subjects (Business, Economics, Accounting)
2 Dec 2014 Subject Inspection Science & Physics
22 May 2014 Subject Inspection Technology
7 Feb 2013 Subject Inspection Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE)
27 Mar 2012 Subject Inspection Special Educational Needs (SEN)
24 Nov 2011 Subject Inspection German
28 Jan 2010 Whole School Evaluation
28 Jan 2010 Subject Inspection Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP)
28 Jan 2010 Subject Inspection Civic, Social & Political Education (CSPE)
28 Jan 2010 Subject Inspection Irish
28 Jan 2010 Subject Inspection Physical Education
10 Dec 2008
22 May 2008 Subject Inspection French
31 Dec 2006 Subject Inspection Science & Biology

School Tweets

More on this school.

Presentation College, Carlow

  • Address: Askea, Carlow
  • Tel: 059 914 3927
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: www.presentationcollegecarlow.com

Mission Statement

All members of the school community – pupils, parents, teachers and other staff – are held in very high regard and their dignity, worth and individuality is respected. We strive to build a sense of community based on Christian values. The school’s Code of Conduct acknowledges this and aims to promote a culture of respect throughout the school. It recognises that good discipline enables good teaching and allows good learning to take place.

presentation college carlow teachers

School History

The Presentation Sisters were founded in 1775 by a great woman called Nano Nagle. In doing so she was responding to one of the great needs of her time: the provision of educational facilities for the children of the poor. From 1811 until 1947 the Presentation Sisters in Carlow catered for Primary pupils only. The Secondary Top which then opened became a voluntary Secondary school for girls in 1971. In response to the demand for greater facilities for boys and girls and aware of the value of co-education the present school, Presentation College, was built by the parish. It was completed in 1982 and the Presentation Sisters were requested to take over the functions of the Trustees. A Board of Management was set-up in October 1987. The duties, powers and responsibilities of the Trustees, Board of Management and the Staff are set out in The Manual for Boards of Management of Catholic Secondary Schools. The Board of Management serves a three year term.

Nano Nagle responded to the needs of her time by setting up schools and developing a curriculum that catered for the needs of her students. Today, Presentation College, Carlow endeavours to respond to the needs of its students. Our response must be relevant to our living in the modern world. The basic challenge remains the same – to share with our students the Christian Vision of life and to equip them with the skills which are necessary for successful and happy lives.

Today, Presentation College is a co-educational voluntary Catholic secondary school which caters for pupils of all religions and backgrounds. We aim to provide our pupils with an education that equips them for life and living in the modern world. We aim to challenge students to share with us the Christian vision of life. Over the past few years we have drawn up a Mission Statement which describes the kind of school we wish to be. We hope that every member of the school community will attempt to live by it and we intend that all of our decisions are informed by it and our school development plans based on it.

In Summary:

  • 1775 The Presentation Sisters were founded by Nano Nagle
  • 1811 to 1947 The Presentation Sisters in Carlow cater for Primary pupils only.
  • 1947 Secondary Top opens and students are prepared for the Intermediate and Leaving Certificate exams.
  • 1971 Presentation Convent becomes a full Secondary School for girls.
  • 1982 Presentation College is built by the parish, in response to the demand for greater facilities for boys and girls and aware of the value of co-education. The Presentation Sisters take over the functions of the Trustees.
  • 1987 A Board of Management is set-up.
  • 1994 Transition Year introduced.
  • 1998 Leaving Certificate Applied introduced
  • 2005 Major Extension approved
  • 2007 Completion of New Extension

News from Presentation College, Carlow

presentation college carlow teachers

18 Jan 2021

Presentation college carlow ty newsletter.

TY Newsletter November/December 2020 The TY Newsletter November/December 2020 is now available. This newsletter is packed full of…

presentation college carlow teachers

05 Jan 2021

Presentation college carlow ty newsletter december 2020.

TY Newsletter December 2020 Welcome to the first edition of the Pres TY Newsletter. Well done to all…

presentation college carlow teachers

29 Oct 2020

Presentation college carlow news – october 2020.

Soccer Champions Congratulations to Presentation College Carlow’s minor girls’ soccer team who were crowned Region 3 Minor Schools Soccer…

presentation college carlow teachers

26 May 2020

Presentation college carlow news – may 2020.

WWGS Citizen’s Passport Award We are delighted that the World Wide Global School (WWGS) Citizen’s Passport Award has…

presentation college carlow teachers

23 Mar 2020

Presentation college carlow news – march 2020.

 Presentation College Girls reach the Leinster Quarter Finals The girls soccer team at Presentation College, Carlow, following on…

27 Feb 2020

Presentation carlow news – february 2020.

Two Polish Teachers visit Presentation College From 27 January to 7 February two dedicated teachers of German in…

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There was never any first hand evidence, of any kind, that a teacher or teachers in Presentation College Carlow had told female students in November of last year that their leggings were causing male teachers to be sexually distracted by their anatomies. Despite that, the story travelled around the world, as far as Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. In one week, Presentation College Carlow became one of the most infamous schools in the world, filled, in the public imagination, with more than slightly pervy middle aged men. But as John McGuirk wrote at the time, on this website:

Nowhere, in any media outlet, is the person, or persons, who made these remarks identified. Was it a male teacher? The principal? The Year Heads? The comment has set the nation’s newspapers and radio stations alight – but nobody, upon nobody, can tell us who, exactly, made the comment . The Carlow Nationalist story implies that the comment was made repeatedly – in other words, to “class after class” of teenage girls. That means there are potentially hundreds of witnesses who can identify the person or persons who made these remarks. And yet, nobody has been identified.

Nevertheless, the story dominated the Irish airwaves, and print media, for a week, and, as mentioned above, travelled around the world, too. The school was traduced as an unsafe place for young women and girls. The school’s policies on uniform wearing were denounced as a relic of a misogynistic, anti-woman culture. The male staff, some of whom spoke to Gript at the time, feared attacks on them from parents and others who had been whipped into a frenzy of outrage by the Irish media.

And none of it was true, as the Press Council and Press Ombudsman has now made clear:

The Board of Management welcomes the decisions of the Press Ombudsman and the Press Council of Ireland, available at: https://t.co/PX8IvqZusv @ceist1 @Education_Ire @JMB_Secretariat @NAPD_IE @morningireland @MickBarryTD @JenMurnaneOConn @griptmedia @KaceyORiordan @hazechu pic.twitter.com/MS0XvllvD8 — Presentation College (@Pres_Carlow) June 19, 2021

Naturally, the school’s final vindication will not get anything like the acres of media coverage that the original, false, story received. For example, though the Journal.ie’s original report of the false story is still online, that publication has, at the time of writing, failed to acknowledge the existence of the Press Council’s findings that the story was false. Kacey O’Riordan – the “award winning” Newstalk journalist who broke the story to a national audience, deleted her tweets about it a few days later, but has never acknowledged in public that her story was false. The Irish Examiner, that relentlessly left wing newspaper, published a column arguing that the female students in Presentation College Carlow were “ shamed and shackled by their burgeoning womanhood ”. It, too, has yet to acknowledge that the story was wrong. Those were the main offenders, but there were many more in journalism, and in politics. As yet, only journalist Jill Kerby has had the basic integrity to admit that she got it wrong:

/2 …and as an experienced journalist I should have known better than to get caught up in the moment & became part of the ugly ‘pile-on’ culture that happens too often here on @Twitter . — Jill Kerby (@JillKerby) June 20, 2021

Others, like Labour’s Aodhán O’Riodáin, called for apologies from the school during the height of the feeding frenzy, but are contemptibly silent today, when it is time for apologies from them. Indeed, Labour, for example, has deleted its denunciation of Presentation College from its website. It has not, however, apologised. One rule for them, and another for, well, anybody else.

This story exploded, and gained such traction, because it perfectly aligns with the biases and prejudices of many journalists. Too many in our trade are eager to always believe the worst of men, in particular. The absurd idea that male teachers were spending their days leering at the backsides of teenage girls was something that too many of them instinctively believed, and thus, to such prejudiced eyes, the story did not require any basic fact-checking.

It also aligned with a view of Ireland that is widely shared in the media: That the country is an inherently backwards place, with backwards attitudes, filled with people whose behaviour requires constant guidance and correction. That is why we, the consumers, are subject to so many endless media lectures on subjects ranging from feminism to climate change, to racism, and back, again, always, and endlessly, to feminism.

In this analysis of Ireland, the country is only ever a few months away from drifting towards a “Handmaid’s Tale” dystopia where all of the achievements of progressive liberalism are washed away by one of the media’s many resident villains: The Church, or the “Far Right”, or men, or, if you want a collective noun for all of the villains, “the patriarchy”. We live in a country where the media, and many in the establishment, lives in perpetual fear that just beneath the surface, the Irish people are wild and uncontrollable, and could perpetuate terrible crimes – like sexually objectifying teenage girls – at any moment. And so, to them, the story just “felt” true, and that was good enough.

This attitude to Irish people is on view in other areas, too: We are, undoubtedly, one of the longest locked down countries in the world in part because the Irish media, and the Irish political establishment, simply do not trust Irish people to behave properly, and with the appropriate caution, if left to their own devices. It is the ideology, and set of assumptions, that underpins nanny state restrictions on alcohol, socialising, and a range of other things. It is not simply a sense of intellectual superiority, but an unspoken fear that ordinary people are slightly barbaric, and left to their own devices, will revert to their basest, animalistic, instincts.

For all of these reasons, nobody thought to check whether the story in Carlow was actually true. It simply felt true, and that was all that was required to make Presentation College the most infamous school in Ireland.

Hardly any of those responsible have apologised, or acknowledged their wrongdoing. Some of these people continue to claim authority as “fact checkers”, and defenders of truth. They are no such thing. They are as partisan, as prejudiced, and as full of base human instinct as anybody else.

This story was supposed, in the media’s telling, to be a “teachable moment” for Ireland about the dangers of sexism, misogyny, and the male gaze. It was supposed to highlight “how much more change we still need”.

It is, indeed, a teachable moment, albeit of a different kind. But the media, you suspect, will refuse to learn from it. They should be hanging their heads in shame, and the public should not permit them to do anything else.

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Press Ombudsman finds that story about schoolgirls' 'distracting' clothing breached accuracy principle

THE PRESS OMBUDSMAN has found against a local newspaper which incorrectly suggested that some of its teachers were uncomfortable with female students wearing tightly fitting clothing.

In a judgement published earlier this week , the Press Ombudsman ruled that the Carlow Nationalist failed to demonstrate that the front-page article was supported by “adequate and verifiable sources to confirm its accuracy”.

The article led to widespread criticism of the second-level school on social media last November, when the issue was also raised during Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil.

It was reported that female pupils at the school were told not to wear leggings or tight tracksuit bottoms as it was “distracting” for their teachers – something which the school and its principal Ray Murray strongly denied.

At the time, Murray appeared on national radio saying that he was certain that the comments had not been made.

He explained that female students from each year had been called to individual assemblies without any male students present, but were asked to wear correct uniforms on PE days, which were described as becoming like a “fashion show”.

Complaints about the Carlow Nationalist’s story were subsequently made to the Press Council of Ireland, whose office is partly responsible for the regulation of newspapers, by Murray and the secretary of the school’s board of management.

They claimed that the newspaper had breached the Press Council’s principles on truth and accuracy, distinguishing fact and comment, and a respect for rights.

The council this week upheld complaints in relation to its principles on truth and accuracy and distinguishing fact and comment. The complaint relating to a breach of its principle on a respect for rights was dismissed.

It outlined how Murray had contacted the editor of the newspaper to complain that the article was “significantly inaccurate” after its publication.

It said that the principal took particular issue with a claim that female students were told “not to wear tight leggings to school as it was ‘distracting’ for their male teachers” and “not to roll up their skirts too short or to tighten up their jumpers and sweatshirts as this was also too revealing of their body shapes”.

However, the newspaper said it had directed Murray towards an online petition in support of female students who said they had been informed that they “were not allowed to wear leggings or tight bottoms for PE”.

The paper also said it later became aware of comments posted on social media by parents about the issue, and that it had interviewed the parents of some of the children who had been informed of the clothing requirement.

The editor stood over the article’s accuracy and said the newspaper had attempted to get a response from the school in advance of publishing the article, but that the school did not respond.

Murray subsequently made a complaint to the Press Council, claiming that the article had reported comments, rumours and unconfirmed reports as facts.

He said the school had declined to comment on the claims at the time, as it did not wish to “provide fuel for the fire of a ‘non-story frenzy’ circulating on social media”. 

In response to the complaint, the Carlow Nationalist told the Press Council that it had spoken to parents and to pupils who had attended the assemblies, and that it had no “reason to doubt the veracity” of what it was told.

It added that if the school had responded to the numerous attempts by the newspaper to contact it for comment, the complaint “may never have arisen”.

The school responded to the newspaper’s complaint by saying that there was no obligation on it to respond to the newspaper’s request for a comment.

They also noted that the absence of a response did not allow the Carlow Nationalist to publish “a significantly inaccurate” story.

In its ruling, the council found that The Carlow Nationalist breached Principle 1 and 2 of its code of practice.

The decision was appealed by the paper, but rejected by the Press Ombudsman, who agreed with the council that both principles had been breached.

“The Ombudsman made its decision on the basis that the newspaper had failed to demonstrate that the article was supported by adequate and verifiable sources to confirm its accuracy and accordingly was a breach of Principle 1,” the decision read.

“It also found that the Press Ombudsman was correct in his conclusion that Principle 2 was breached for the reasons that he gave – that the newspaper failed to demonstrate in the article that it had appropriately distinguished between fact and comment, conjecture, rumour and unconfirmed reports.”

In a statement on Friday , Presentation College Carlow welcomed the decision, thanking those who “stood by our school community during this difficult time”.

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Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia 2024-25: Fees, Ranking, Courses, Admission etc.

Kabardino Balkarian State University

Kabardino Balkarian State University was known as KBSU Russia. It was founded in the year 1957. The University is situated at Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia and is one of the largest universities in the North Caucasus to Pursue MBBS in Russia. Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia is a comprehensive university offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs in various fields. The University is Approved by the National Medical Commission of India and the World Health Organization.

Abroad University MBBS Application Form 2024
Manipal Pokhara College of Medical Science, Pokhara, Nepal
Kursk State Medical University, Russia
Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia

Presently, 15,000 students are studying here. Every year, thousands of students enrol in different courses. Moreover, this is an institute offering international education as well. It is quite interesting to note that the students coming for MBBS in Russia at this university get an environment they did not expect.

[Page Index]

College summary.

Before we complete the college summary, let us look at the essential details of Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia .

Wants to Study MBBS Abroad from a top Country with low tution Fees? Subscribe Now!

KBSU Russia
Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
Public (Govt.)
Altudov Yuri
English & Russian
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
USD: $ 2,640/- (Annually)
INR: ₹ 2,19,200/- (Annually)
Country- 84
World- 3,437
( : Unirank)
September Intake
Yes (Male & Female)
Nalchik Airport

Affiliation and Recognition

These are the renowned bodies that’ve given a reputation to the Ural State Medical University Russia.

  • NMC (National Medical Commission of India).
  • WHO (World Health Organization).
  • Ministry of Science & Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The faculties at Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia differ from one department to another, encompassing various disciplines and specialities.

Faculty of Normal and Pathological AnatomyFaculty of Normal and Pathological Physiology
Faculty of ClinicalFaculty of Infectious Diseases
Faculty of DermatologyFaculty of Psychiatry
Faculty of Neurology and AddictionsFaculty of General Practice
Faculty of Dentistry

Courses Offered

Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia Courses offer quality medical programs under highly qualified faculty and state-of-the-art infrastructure. KBSU Russia is famous for its undergraduate medical programs if you want more details about the MBBS course .

Study MBBS Abroad

MBBS6 Years (English Medium)
7 Years (Russian Medium)

Why Study MBBS at Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia?

  • Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University offers all students a multicultural and multiethnic environment.
  • The Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University has the perfect environment to study.
  • KBSU Russia has well-experienced staff members who are there to help students anytime.
  • There is no need to qualify for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) for MBBS admission at Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University.
  • The Kabardino Balkarian State University medical students are awarded globally accepted degrees.

Advantages of MBBS in Russia

Advantage of MBBS in Russia

Admission Procedure

To get admission to Kabardino Balkarian State University in 2024, Indian students must qualify for the National Eligibility Entrance Exam (NEET).

To secure admission at Kabardino Balkarian State University, prospective students should adhere to the following steps:

  • Complete the college’s admission form accurately, ensuring all information is provided correctly.
  • Submit essential documents, including scanned copies of 10th and 12th-grade mark sheets, a NEET scorecard, a medical certificate copy, and a passport copy.
  • Upon submission, applicants can expect to receive an invitation letter from the college within 10-15 days.
  • Once in possession of the invitation letter, students are required to pay the tuition fee using online banking methods.
  • Using the original payment receipt and university invitation letter, students can commence the student visa application process, which typically takes around 10 days to process.

Eligibility Criteria

In this section, students can check the Kabardino Balkarian State University eligibility criteria for Russia.

Your age should be at least 17 years old on or before 31st December of the admission year.
*No Upper Age Limit.
Class 12th in Science, with PCB and English subjects from a board recognized by the authorities in India.
50% in 10+2 (UR)
45% (SC/OBC/ST)
(For Indian Students)
Not Required

Graphical Representation of Eligibility Criteria

MBBS in Russia Eligibility Criteria

Documents Required

Before admission to Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia, please carry all these related documents.

  • Passport (Minimum 18 months validity).
  • 10th Certificate & Mark sheet.
  • 12th Certificate & Mark sheet.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • 10 passport-size Photographs
  • Official Invitation letter from the Medical University of Russia.
  • Authorization of all documents from the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi.
  • Legalization of all documents from the Russian Embassy.
  • Bank receipt of 1st Year of Kabardino Balkarian State University Tuition fees (required for some Universities).
  • HIV test documents.

Fee Structure 2024-25

In this section, all the MBBS Students get information about the Kabardino-Balkarian State University MBBS Fees for Indian Students. Check all the relevant queries regarding fees following this page:  Low fees for MBBS Colleges in Russia .

Tuition Fees$ 2,640/-₹ 2,19,200/-
Hostel Fee$ 120/-₹ 9,960/-

Ranking 2024-25

According to Unirank, the Kabardino Balkarian State University University ranking in Russia and all over the world:

Country Ranking84
World Ranking3,437

Why take a look at the university ranking?

Looking at university ranking one can easily gather some important insights about the university, therefore ranking of the university becomes an important factor for students. Here is some of the details one can infer by looking at the university’s ranking.

  • Kabardino Balkarian State University’s ranking and its world ranking help students assess the university’s academic standing both nationally and globally.
  • By looking at Kabardino Balkarian State University world ranking one can guess the quality of education offered at the university.
  • The university’s world ranking also indicates that the college has got recognition worldwide. Therefore a good global ranking can enhance the value of their degree on the international job market.
  • By looking at Kabardino Balkarian State University ranking, researchers can identify if the university is capable of bringing collaboration in their field.
  • The university ranking also reveals metrics related to staff and student life within the campus, university campus environment and resources available.

About Nalchik City

  • Nalchik is the capital city of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia, situated at an altitude of 550 meters.
  • Nalchik is a balneological and mountain climatotherapy resort with several sanatoriums.
  • It also serves as an industrial centre of the republic (non-ferrous metallurgy, light industry, construction materials manufacturing, machine building).
  • Nalchik has a hot-summer humid continental climate with hot summers and no dry season.


(Nalchik City Temperature forecast throughout the year)

Contact Details

Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia Address: Ulitsa Chernyshevskogo, 173, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia, 360004 Contact Number : +91 7827-804-741

Kabardino Balkarian State University Campus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can i practise medicine in india.

Yes, you can practice in your country after completing your course. You need to clear the NEXT exam for practising medicine in India.

Where is Kabardino Balkarian State University located?

Kabardino Balkarian State Medical University Address is Ulitsa Chernyshevskogo, 173, Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia, 360004.

Can poor Indian students study abroad?

Of course, there is no rich and poor when it comes to education; it is all about knowledge. Several scholarships are open to students, and the government of India also provides a scholarship option for academically intelligent students.

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About Rahul Kumar

Hi, I'm Rahul Kumar, with a year of expertise in MBBS and Ayush courses. I have detailed knowledge of various colleges' fee structures, cutoffs, and intake procedures. If you're looking for insights or assistance in pursuing MBBS or BAMS courses, feel free to comment below—I'm here to help!

Comments (2)

High I am Dinesh. I want yo take admission in mbbs for abroad . And I want to know about best college and in median budget. Please gelp me by choosing the best college for me in median range

Ofcourse, we are here to assist you in finding the best MBBS colleges abroad within your budget. Call now at +91 88596 37232.

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presentation college carlow teachers

The Carlow 2024 Roundtable

Devoted to the future of healing.

Carlow healthcare graduates are different than other college graduates. Not simply trained to be the best in technical knowledge and competencies, but deeply skilled in communication, bedside manner, teamwork, empathy, compassion, social justice and ethics... because those are the kinds of healers and healthcare leaders the world needs.

There are major needs in healthcare today, and now, here, there are programs specifically designed to meet them, getting skilled graduates into the field quickly to make a real difference. We believe that it’s the training in the habits of the heart that will allow Carlow healthcare graduates to act above and beyond their technical responsibilities, advocate for their patients, and actively contribute to creating a just and merciful world.

View All Programs

“I say that we are wound with Mercy round and round as if with air.”

May 26 - June 1, 2024, fourteen champions of mercy gathered in Dublin, Ireland to tell the story of mercy in action on college campuses across the country.

This distinguished group of Mercy Scholars discussed presentations covering a wide range of unique topics that demonstrate the deep commitment of staff and faculty at our Mercy institutions and how the work they do is rooted in justice and compassion.

presentation college carlow teachers

May 27, 2024 | Dublin

“The future of Mercy” presentation on the work of Mercy International Center, and discussion.

-Sheila Carney , RSM, Mercy International Association, Board Chair

presentation college carlow teachers

Celebrating Mercy through music

-Carol Evans , MMus, Assistant Professor, Music; Program Director of The Voices of Gwynedd, Gwynedd Mercy University

presentation college carlow teachers

Mercy values and institutional healing through efforts to address faculty and staff work-life balance

-Edith Cook, PhD , Senior Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, Carlow University, and Mary Anne Koleny, EdD, SHRM-SCP , Associate VP and Chief Human Resources Officer, Carlow University

presentation college carlow teachers

May 28, 2024 | Dublin

Charism, Vocation, and Calling: In the Classroom and Beyond the Mercy Action Project

-Amy Breski, PhD , Professor, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Trocaire College and Susan Horrocks, PhD , Professor, Liberal Arts & Sciences

presentation college carlow teachers

Interprofessional Global Outreach Course: Mustard Seed

-Catherine Razzi, DNP, RN, ACNS , Assistant Professor of Nursing and Program Director for the Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing (DEMSN) program, Gwynedd Mercy University

presentation college carlow teachers

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as a Roadmap to Living Mercy

-Tatiana Diaz, MA , AVP of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Gwynedd Mercy University

presentation college carlow teachers

May 30, 2024 | Dublin

Employing the Social Justice Heritage of the Sisters of Mercy in the Teaching of Ethics

-Elissa Cutter, PhD , Assistant Professor of Religious Studies & Theology, Georgian Court University

presentation college carlow teachers

Sacredness of Creation as a Framework for Faculty Development in the Design and Delivery of Inclusive, Evidence-Based Teaching Practices

-Alexis Macklin, PhD , Director of the Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning at Carlow University

presentation college carlow teachers

Critical Concern Integration: Revitalizing the Core Curriculum – the Mercy Way

-Lacey Ritter, PhD , Assistant Professor of Sociology, Mount Mercy University

presentation college carlow teachers

The Invitation to Mercy in the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard

-Matthew Gordley, PhD , Interim Provost and Dean of Arts and Sciences, Carlow University

presentation college carlow teachers

Voices and Mercy Behind the Walls: Serving Incarcerated and University Students through Inside Out Prison Exchange Courses

-Maria Garase, PhD , Dean, The School of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Associate Professor, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Mercyhurst University and Daryl Georger, EdD , Assistant Professor of Hospitality Management, Mercyhurst University

presentation college carlow teachers

Writing in Relationship: Learning Outcomes and Mercy Values in a Community-Engaged Learning Project

-Christy Rieger, PhD , Professor of English, Director, Center for Teaching Excellence, Mercyhurst University

presentation college carlow teachers

May 31, 2024 | Dublin

Addressing the Needs of LGBTQIA+ Students

-Jaime Rivera Flores, PhD , Associate Professor of World Languages and Cultures, Georgian Court University


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  5. Presentation College, Carlow > School > Latest News

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  1. Presentation College, Carlow > School > Staff

    Presentation College is a co-educational voluntary Catholic secondary school which caters for pupils of all religions and backgrounds. ... Teachers : Mr Ray Murray Principal: Mr Gary Carley Deputy Principal : Ms Sinéad McCarthy ... Presentation College Carlow. Contact Information 059 914 3927; Email Us ; Askea, ...

  2. Presentation College, Carlow > Home

    Presentation College is, by choice, a truly co-educational school. We aim to prepare all of our pupils, girls and boys alike for the challenges, responsibilities and experience of adult life. All members of the school community - pupils, parents, teachers and other staff - are held in very high regard and their dignity, worth and individuality ...

  3. www.presentationcollegecarlow.com

    Object moved to here.

  4. Magdalena King

    My attitude and optimism gain others trust. · Experience: Presentation College, Carlow · Education: Institute of Technology, Carlow · Location: Ireland · 49 connections on LinkedIn. View Magdalena King's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

  5. gov

    Roll Number : 61141M : Local name of school : PRESENTATION COLLEGE : School Level : POST PRIMARY : School Level Detail : SECONDARY : Principal's Name : MR. RAYMOND MURRAY

  6. Presentation College, Carlow on SchoolDays.ie

    Presentation College--- . Phone: 059-9143927 Askea Carlow Co. Carlow ,Carlow R93F298 Post Primary School Roll number: 61141M e: [email protected] w: www.presentationcollegecarlow.com Principal: Mr Raymond Murray Enrolment: Boys: 413 Girls: 389 (2023/24) Ethos: Catholic Catchment: Carlow Fees: No

  7. Presentation College, Carlow

    1971 Presentation Convent becomes a full Secondary School for girls. 1982 Presentation College is built by the parish, in response to the demand for greater facilities for boys and girls and aware of the value of co-education. The Presentation Sisters take over the functions of the Trustees. 1987 A Board of Management is set-up.

  8. Una Byrne

    President and PRO of the German Teachers' Association of Ireland - GDI 2019 - 2022 · Experience: Presentation College, Carlow · Location: Carlow · 66 connections on LinkedIn. View Una Byrne's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

  9. Presentation College Carlow (@pres_carlow)

    856 Followers, 81 Following, 37 Posts - Presentation College Carlow (@pres_carlow) on Instagram: "Co-Educational Secondary School | CEIST School | Digital School of the Year 2015 and 2016 | Posts by Staff and Students"

  10. Fergal Clonan

    Secondary School Teacher at Presentation College, Carlow · Experience: Presentation College, Carlow · Education: Naas C.B.S · Location: Ireland · 5 connections on LinkedIn. View Fergal Clonan's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.

  11. Presenation College Carlow Teacher Lip Sync Battle 2016

    Teachers of Presentation College Carlow decided for their "Positivity Week" to mash up a teacher Lip Sync/ Dance routine with some of the staff. It was perfo...

  12. Reports of 'body shaming' at Carlow school criticised by Press

    Presentation College Carlow was the subject of false claims on social media which led to an online petition against "sexism against female students" which was signed by thousands of people.

  13. The Editors: The media's Carlow School shame

    The Editors: The media's Carlow School shame. There was never any first hand evidence, of any kind, that a teacher or teachers in Presentation College Carlow had told female students in November of last year that their leggings were causing male teachers to be sexually distracted by their anatomies. Despite that, the story travelled around ...

  14. Presentation College, Carlow > Teaching and Learning > Teaching Initiatives

    Presentation College is a co-educational voluntary Catholic secondary school which caters for pupils of all religions and backgrounds. Login . Office 365 | VSware | SchoolWise | [email protected] 059 914 3927. School Lotto Tickets. Online Payments Pay Now. Home; School. Principal's Message.

  15. Presentation College Carlow

    Learn how SchoolWise helped Presentation College create an inclusive school.

  16. Presentation College Carlow uniform sweater

    Presentation College Carlow uniform sweater. Available in sizes S, M and 12-14 years( size 33). DM if interested in any other item. Collection only!

  17. SchoolWise

    Teacher • Presentation College Carlow "SchoolWise is incredibly easy to use, it's intuitive and revolutionises how teachers engage with their students from messaging to setting homework or sharing resources. Embrace the technology." John Kenny . Deputy Principal - St Patricks Classical School ...

  18. Press Ombudsman finds that story about schoolgirls' 'distracting

    In a statement on Friday, Presentation College Carlow welcomed the decision, thanking those who "stood by our school community during this difficult time". Readers like you are keeping these ...

  19. Institutes

    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation No. 481 dated February 18, 2002 «On the introduction of an official list of educational institutions of the Russian Federation providing pre-university training for foreign citizens» and based on the submissions of the coordinating council of pre-university training centers for foreign citizens of the ...

  20. Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia 2024-25: Fees ...

    Kabardino Balkarian State University Russia 2024-25: Fees, Ranking, Courses, Admission etc. Kabardino Balkarian State University was known as KBSU Russia. It was founded in the year 1957. The University is situated at Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia and is one of the largest universities in the North Caucasus to Pursue MBBS in Russia.

  21. Carlow University

    Devoted to the Future of Healing. Carlow healthcare graduates are different than other college graduates. Not simply trained to be the best in technical knowledge and competencies, but deeply skilled in communication, bedside manner, teamwork, empathy, compassion, social justice and ethics... because those are the kinds of healers and healthcare leaders the world needs.

  22. About University

    Kabardino-Balkaria State University formed in 1957 in Nalchik on the basis of Pedagogical college. On 50th anniversary Kabardino-Balkaria State University received Certificate of Merit and Medal from State Duma for its outstanding services and achievements. In 2008, the Kabardino-Balkaria State University enlisted in 100 best universities in ...

  23. Kabardino-Balkarian State University

    On the basis of the pedagogical institute in 1957, Kabardino-Balkarian State University was formed. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Education of the USSR V. B. Elyutin, on September 1, 1957, Kabardino-Balkarian State University began its work in 4 faculties: In total, there were 21 departments that trained ...