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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 16, 2024

Renewable energy refers to sustainable energy that can be constantly replenished. These energy sources include solar energy, wind energy, and thermal energy, which are naturally replenishing.  In simple words, renewable energy is the energy extracted from natural sources.

Renewable energy has become the need of the hour and has potential repercussions on the climate. While many used to claim in the past that the emergency of climate change was false, the obvious changes today evidently ratify its importance. If not for climate change, renewable energy is essential for increasing the longevity of the earth and, thus, the species living on it.  Therefore, it is a matter of high significance to make some painstaking efforts and ensure the availability of renewable energy resources to all.

Suppose you are aiming to centralise your dissertation on a renewable energy-related theme. In that case, you can look at some of the current, striking, and potential topics suggested by our PhD scholars at ResearchProspect.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting a brief research proposal from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an introduction to the problem, research question, aim and objectives, literature review, and the proposed methodology of research to be conducted. Let us know if you need any help in getting started.

Check our example dissertation to get an idea of how to structure your dissertation .

You can review step by step guide on how to write your dissertation here .

Topic 1: Exploring the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion – a case study of the UK renewable energy industry.

Research Aim: The present study aims to explore the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion referring to the case study of the UK renewable energy industry.


  • To share a preliminary concept of biomass conversion and its benefits.
  • To describe the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion based on the context of the UK renewable energy industry
  • To identify challenges in biomass conversion along with figuring out strategies to eradicate these challenges.

Topic 2: Inspecting the advantages of using solar energy and its role as a solution to the global threat i.e. Climate change.

Research Aim: The present study aims to investigate the benefits of using solar energy and the way it is resolving the problem of climate change.

  • To elucidate the benefits of using solar energy and its growing use in different sectors.
  • To explain how solar energy can be a solution to a global threat like climate change.
  • To provide a stringent set of recommendations for the best possible use of solar energy to eradicate the problem of climate change.

Topic 3: Examining the strategy of embracing renewable energy by the UK retail organisations to fulfil the environmental sustainability goals.

Research Aim: The present study aims to evaluate the strategy of using renewable energy in the UK retail sector to fulfil environmental sustainability goals.

  • To express the way renewable energy sources are being relevant in the UK retail industry.
  • To analyse how retail organisations in the UK are using renewable energy to fulfil their environmental sustainability goals.
  • To share effective ideas about how renewable energy sources can be used properly by UK retail organisations to fulfil environmental sustainability goals.

Topic 4: Critical assessment of growing concern for sustainability in UK construction industry which is driving renewable energy consumption.

Research Aim: The present study aims to assess the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry that drives overall renewable energy consumption.

  • To explain the increasing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry.
  • To examine how renewable energy consumption is increasing in the UK construction industry along with the growing concern for sustainability.
  • To recommend that organisations in the UK construction industry improve the use of renewable energy sources, aiming to achieve sustainability goals.

Topic 5: Evaluating the impact of solar energy in sustainability practices in the UK agriculture industry.

Research Aim: The present study aims to evaluate the impacts of using solar energy in sustainability practices in the UK agriculture industry.

  • To demonstrate the concept of solar energy consumption and its impacts on sustainability practices.
  • To contextualise the use of solar energy in the UK agriculture industry as a part of sustainability practices.
  • To provide recommendations for improving the use of solar energy thereby gaining its advantageous effects in the UK agriculture industry.

Renewable Energy Research Topics For Research

Topic. 1: renewable energy: prospects and problems today.

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to identify the significance of deploying renewable energy to the masses and its implications in the long run. The research will also discuss whether or not the world is facing challenges in ensuring the availability of renewable energy; if yes, what would be the solutions or alternatives?

Topic. 2: Renewable energy for sustainable development in Africa

Research Aim: Africa leads ahead of all other regions of the world in terms of the least access to renewable energy. According to one report, around 600 million people do not have access to electricity in Africa, while  900 million lack access to clean water. This research will study and evaluate how providing renewable energy can foster sustainable development in the region by advancing economic development, improving access to energy, and mitigating climate change.

Topic. 3: Implications of COVID-19 on the biofuel market

Research Aim: COVID -19 posed precarious implications for global markets as it dismantled people’s buying capacity . It was noted that during the pandemic, the prices of biofuel plummeted dramatically as the consumer need was minimal. Keeping that in mind, you can base your research on what shifts are expected to occur in the bio-fuel market when the pandemic ends.

The prime aim of the research will include studying the impact of COVID-9 on the biofuel market and understanding its influences on biofuel policy support by policymakers.

Topic. 4: Geothermal energy; an untapped abundant energy resource

Research Aim: Geothermal energy is usually viewed as a recent form of alternative energy. It is cheaper than other green energy sources and is clean and sustainable.  It is derived from the earth’s core and is more eco-friendly than other fossil fuel sources. In this research, you can explain geothermal energy, its abundance, and how it can be leveraged and supplied to the masses to help escape the energy crisis.

Topic. 5: The Future of Wind Energy

Research Aim: The main aim of the research will be to identify the prospects of wind energy by evaluating the current and prospected policies regarding its utilisation worldwide. The research can also be based on modern and future technologies to expand the utilisation and outreach of wind energy.

Topic. 6: Home wind energy: How valuable it is?

Research Aim: Recently more and more people have found it an excellent idea to install our very own wind turbines and produce clean energy to power homes. But doing that does not come without challenges. The research can discuss the significance of wind energy, check for its practicability, and evaluate its benefits and downsides.

Topic. 7: Economic and environmental benefits of Renewable Energy

Research Aim: We are all aware that renewable energy has vast benefits, ranging from economic to environmental. The main aim of the research will be to thoroughly discuss the economic and environmental aspects that are facilitated the most. You can study how countries are thriving economically and structuring workable policies to mitigate climate change and present a model to follow.

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Topic. 8: Why it has become more important than ever to focus on renewable energy

Research Aim: The aim of the research will be to identify the key reasons behind the much-needed attention that must be given to renewable energy. It is prime time to focus on renewable energy to ensure sustainable development and handle climate change quickly.

Today, as the world is swiftly transitioning into a technologically driven lifestyle, there are still a lot of people with no access to drinking water and electricity. Moreover, the consumption of artificial resources is responsible for curtailing the longevity of the earth and thus the species living on it. It is essential to take significant steps to help the earth and the people living on it.

Also Read: Environmental Engineering Dissertation Topics

Topic. 9: Is financing Renewable energy costly?

Research Aim: The pivotal aim of the research will be to examine the costs that it would take to finance renewable energy for the masses. Many countries around the world still have no access to clean drinking water, electricity, and therefore technology. These are the main reasons why the countries are underdeveloped, and their inhabitants are below the poverty line.

Topic. 10: Mitigating climate change; can renewable energy help?

Research Aim: The research will evaluate the impact of renewable energy in helping mitigate climate change. It will analyse all key factors that can impeccably play a role in controlling the biggest problem posed to humans.

As the years pass by, the population of humans is also growing. More people means more land acquisition, more pollution, and more requirements for resources. In such a scenario, what is suffering the most is the climate. If it is not addressed today, it will become such a big problem that it will be impossible to handle it easily.

Topic. 11: Living Green: How many have access to Renewable energy

Research Aim: With time, the energy costs are increasing, so are the effects of global warming. It has become more important than ever to ensure living green: Using renewable energy. The main aim of the research would be to do a quantitative analysis of how many people have access to renewable energy.

Topic. 12: Understanding differences between renewable and alternative energy technology

Research Aim: Many people confuse renewable and alternative energy technology and therefore question if there is such a thing as renewable energy technology. The research can explain and evaluate the differences between renewable and alternative technology so that people can use them without any doubt in their minds. Renewable energy can be constantly replenished, while alternative energy is an alternative energy source used instead of fossil fuel.

Also Read: Technology Dissertation Topics

Topic. 13: Is solar energy the way forward

Research Aim: There is a persistent controversy on the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. While some believe that it is of great benefit, it is the other way around for others.

The aim of the research will be to examine solar energy, and weigh its pros and cons, and evaluate if it is going to predominate in the future. A qualitative analysis that includes surveying people’s opinions on social energy helps clear this ambiguity.

Topic. 14: Approach towards renewable energy in 2030

Research Aim: The research will study the current national and international policies on renewable energy to sketch a draft of the approach towards renewable energy in 2030.  Qualitative discourse analysis can help figure out the key indicators that will prompt or prohibit a change in the upcoming years.

Topic. 15: Cost of solar energy in comparison to other renewable energy

Research Aim: The research will conduct a financial analysis on solar energy and draw a comparison against other renewable energy, i.e. hydro, biomass, tidal, and wind energy. It will evaluate the costs against different parameters and on different levels of technology.

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Topic. 16: Trends in Renewable energy

Research Aim: It is necessary to keep an eye on the current trends to make speculations about the future. The researcher can study the trends in renewable energy in 202o or 2021.  The research can also draw a comparison of the renewable trends in 2020 and 2021.

Topic. 17: Renewable energy and COVID-19

Research Aim: The research will study and explore the impacts of COVID-19 on renewable energy. It will also explain if the pandemic posed any systematic changes to trends and prospects of renewable energy.

Topic. 18: How does Geothermal energy work?

Research Aim: The research will provide a thorough explanation of how geothermal energy works and why it is more eco-friendly, economical, and valuable than fossil fuels . The researcher can describe the steps from scratch until they are utilised as alternative energy.

Topic. 19: Effects of renewable vs non-renewable energy

Research Aim: The researcher will empirically study the small and broad long-run effects of using renewable and non-renewable energy to create a comparison between them.

Topic. 20: A review of tidal energy technologies

Research Aim: Tidal energy is among the most efficient energies; however, it is less common as it is harnessed from tides. The aim of the research will be to study technological advancement and development regarding their use as an alternative for energy. The research can list different methods, devices, and technologies that are used to harness tidal energy, and which of them can be the most viable to meet our annual needs.

List Of Top Trending Dissertation Topics For Renewable Energy

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Optimising Energy Production from Renewable Sources
  • Life Cycle Assessment of Emerging Renewable Energy Technologies: A Comparative Analysis
  • The Socio-Economic Impacts of a Large-Scale Transition to Renewable Energy
  • The Integration of Renewable Energy into the Existing Power Grid
  • Policy Frameworks for Accelerating the Adoption of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Potential of Hydrogen Energy as a Clean and Sustainable Fuel Source
  • Public Perception and Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Energy Security and Geopolitical Dynamics
  • The Role of Financial Incentives in Driving Investment in Renewable Energy Projects
  • The Ethical Considerations of Renewable Energy Development: Land Use, Resource Extraction, and Social Justice
  • Cybersecurity Threats to Renewable Energy Infrastructure
  • Smart Grid Technologies for a Renewable Energy Future: Enabling Two-Way Communication and Demand Response
  • The Role of Blockchain Technology in Decentralised Renewable Energy Systems
  • The Potential of Geothermal Energy for Baseload Power Generation
  • The Economic Viability of Renewable Energy Microgrids for Remote Communities
  • The Use of Big Data and Analytics to Optimise Renewable Energy Production and Distribution
  • The Role of Consumer Behavior in Accelerating the Transition to Renewable Energy
  • The Potential of Renewable Energy for Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid
  • The Impact of Trade Policies on the Global Deployment of Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Role of Research and Development in Advancing Renewable Energy Technologies
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Air Quality and Public Health
  • The Role of Education and Public Awareness in Promoting the Adoption of Renewable Energy
  • The Potential of Renewable Energy to Reduce Energy Poverty in Developing Countries
  • The Impact of Renewable Energy on Energy Security in a Geopolitically Unstable World
  • The Role of International Cooperation in Accelerating the Global Transition to Renewable Energy
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Decarbonising the Transportation Secto

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find renewable energy dissertation topics.

To find renewable energy dissertation topics:

  • Research recent advancements.
  • Explore environmental concerns.
  • Investigate technology potentials.
  • Analyse policy and economic aspects.
  • Consider global energy needs.
  • Select a specific area of interest for your dissertation.

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118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on renewable energy, đŸŒ¶ïž hot renewable energy essay topics, 👍 good renewable energy research topics & essay examples, 💡 simple renewable energy essay ideas, ❓ renewable energy research questions.

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  • Is Nuclear Power Renewable Energy?
  • Renewable Energy in Japan: Clean Energy Transition
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  • Siemens Energy: Renewable Energy System Renewable energy technologies are methods of energy production that utilize naturally replenishable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal heat, and tides.
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  • Renewable Energy: Current State, Enablers, and Barriers The paper discusses the concept of sustainability takes a central role in the global discussion and presents of environment safety plan.
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  • Solar Energy in China and Its Influence on Climate Change The influence of solar energy on climate change has impacted production, the advancement of solar energy has impacted climate change in the geography of China.
  • Full Renewable Energy Plan Feasibility: 2030-2040 The paper argues that green energy in its current state will struggle to meet the humanity’s demand and the development of better hybrid, integrated grids is required.
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  • Utilization of Solar Energy for Thermal Desalination The following research is set to outline the prospects of utilization of solar energy for thermal desalination technologies.
  • A World With 100% Renewable Energy Large corporations, countries, and separate states have already transferred or put a plan into action to transfer to 100% renewable energy in a couple of decades.
  • Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies.
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  • Solar Power as the Best Source of Energy The concepts of environmental conservation and sustainability have forced many countries and organizations to consider the best strategies or processes for generating electricity.
  • Installing Solar Panels to Reduce Energy Costs The purpose of the proposal is to request permission for research to install solar panels to reduce energy costs, which represent a huge part of the company’s expenses.
  • Renewable Energy Sources for Saudi Arabia This paper will provide background information on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its energy resources, and how it may become more modern and efficient.
  • Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation: Business Structuring The proposed Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation will function on a captivating value statement in product strategy and customer relationships as the core instruments of sustainable operations.
  • Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits The US should consider the adoption of renewable sources of energy, because of the high cost of using fossil fuels and expenses related to health problems due to pollution.
  • The Use of Renewable Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment.
  • Renewable Energy Systems Group and Toyota Company The application of the Lean Six Sigma to the key company processes, creates prerequisites for stellar success, as the examples of Toyota and the Renewable Energy Systems Group have shown.
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  • What Steps Are Necessary to Further the Use of Renewable Energy Resources in THE US?
  • Why Is Renewable Energy Use Growing?
  • What Type of Renewable Energy Should Businesses in Your Region Invest In?
  • How Does Renewable Energy Reduce Climate Change?
  • Can the Development of Renewable Energy Sources Lead To Increased International Tensions?
  • How Do Renewable Energy Resources Affect the Environment?
  • Why Have So Many Governments Decided to Subsidize Renewable Energy Initiatives?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 26). 118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/

"118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 26 Oct. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics'. 26 October.

1. StudyCorgi . "118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "118 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Renewable Energy were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics

Renewable energy is a topic which is at the forefront of energy development. The global drive to manage, mitigate and prevent climate change has seen the contribution of renewable energy, as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels, to global energy generation increase significantly over the past decade. The growing importance of renewable energy as a solution to the global climate crisis has seen extensive research undertaken and necessitates substantial future research to be conducted. This has made renewable energy a highly popular choice for dissertations, both with undergraduates and for postgraduate studies.

When selecting a dissertation topic that is focused on renewable energy it is important to choose a topic which presents a novel and engaging approach. There is an extensive body of published literature which the dissertation topic should enable critical engagement with. However, it is important to ensure that a selected dissertation topic does not simply rehash previous research, the development of renewable energy is constant and presents opportunities for numerous dissertations which examine key issues and debates including those related to sustainability, energy security, justice, equality and development.

Governing the Renewable Energy Transition

Renewable energy and energy security, emerging renewable energy technologies, renewable energy in developing countries, renewable energy within the circular economy.

Governance is and will be a highly important component of the regime shift to renewable energy. Government policies have the potential to support, guide and increase the rate of the energy transition, equally, there is the potential for ineffective policies to hamper the transition to renewables-based energy sectors. A successful transition will require a transformative governance which encourages the integration of knowledge across all aspects of the energy sector and enables the development of a sustainable and just renewable energy-based society. Under this purview falls some dissertation topics which are highly relevant to current events, namely the on-going global Covid-19 pandemic and how it and similar disruptive events may have a negative impact on renewable energy deployment if not appropriately managed. The role of governance remains an on-topic aspect of renewable energy which provides for a variety of dissertation examinations. Some examples of dissertation topics which examine renewable energy and governance are:

  • Is the urgency of energy sector reform reflected in government policies or is there a need for new economic incentives to facilitate the transition to a renewables-based energy sector?
  • How do disruptive events impact the transition to renewable energy generation?
  • Will renewable energy generation enable new forms of alternative governance structures?
  • Are governments effectively engaging citizens in the process of renewable energy generation and energy conservation?
  • Do grassroots innovations positively contribute to the renewable energy transition and what influence does government policy have on the success or failure of grassroots renewable energy systems?

Increasing the capacity of renewable energy provision within a nation has the potential to contribute significantly towards enhancing energy security through the development of national energy provision which does not rely on foreign energy imports. Renewables-based energy sectors have complex interactions with energy security due to the variation in energy generation potential which is observed for many renewables. Reconciling renewable energy generation with energy security is a highly important component of future energy sectors, if renewables-based energy sectors cannot provide energy security then they will not be successful. There are multiple perspectives which can be taken in dissertations investigating this aspect of renewable energy, ranging from the development of diverse renewable resources, through to energy storage and distribution. Here are a few topic suggestions which investigate this aspect of renewable energy:

  • Can we store enough: The future of batteries and energy storage.
  • Can renewable energy resources present a viable future: Are renewables sufficient?
  • Securing the future: Are Renewables the solution?
  • The justice of renewable energy in developing countries; All for one and one for all.
  • Energy storage: breaking the barriers to the future of energy solutions.
  • Batteries: Which is the most desirable option?
  • The future of energy supply, can we meet demand?

The status of development of renewable energy technologies differs between renewable resources. Some, such as solar PV and wind turbines are well-established and current research focuses on the refinement and improvement of these technologies and their associated infrastructure. However, the energy demands of society are diverse and there is a need to ensure that renewable energy generation can meet this diversity of needs. The replacement of traditional fossil fuels poses a greater challenge in some areas compared to others, for example, the replacement of aviation fuel with a renewable and low-carbon alternative. Dissertation topics examining emerging renewable energy technologies present an interesting option which looks to the future of renewable energy and identifies gaps in our current knowledge pool. Some examples of dissertation topics based on emerging renewable energy technologies are given below:

  • How ‘green’ is green hydrogen? Examining the potential for green hydrogen utilisation in a sustainable society.
  • Guilt free jet setting: Can biofuels make aviation fuels carbon neutral and sustainable?
  • Reconciling biofuels and food security can we achieve both?
  • Why is Geothermal renewable energy underutilised?
  • Are all biofuels the same: Quantifying the environmental impact of biofuel production.

The case of developing countries is highly relevant to the subject of renewable energy systems. This is due to the potential for developing countries to avoid the negative impacts of increasing energy demand with economic development if renewable energy resources are selected rather than traditional fossil fuels. This way the mistakes of developed nations and the resulting environmental degradation could potential be avoided. However, there comes into play issues regarding justice and equity, whereby it can be argued that developing countries should be afforded the same development opportunities as already developed countries and that to impose conditions on the energy sector development would be unjust. Dissertation topics in this area can be varied and the following titles are just some examples of areas you could potential explore:

  • How will an energy transition to a renewables-based energy sector impact energy poverty in developing countries?
  • Are decentralised, small-scale renewable energy generation systems the answer to supporting the development of rural communities?
  • What are the barriers to renewable energy based economic development pathways for developing countries?
  • Empowering rural communities: Renewable energy for the future.
  • Can renewable-based energy transitions be just?
  • Economic development and renewable futures can the two be reconciled?

The development of a sustainable future will be influenced by our approach to the use and consumption of resources. The nature of renewable energy is such that it will play a vital role in reducing the consumption of natural resources and limiting environmental degradation. The circular economy is being increasingly touted as the way forward for resource use and renewable energy resources are likely to be an integral aspect of the circular economy. However, the role of renewable energy within the circular economy is one which needs to be explored and developed, yes, the use of renewable energy has a lesser environmental impact that fossil fuels, but this does not mean that renewable energy does not have a degradative environmental impact. The sustainability of renewable energy, resource consumption and their role within the circular economy is an important area of research which is likely to receive considerable attention in the coming years and thus is a highly on-trend topic for a dissertation. Some example of dissertation titles which would fall within this area are:

  • Can the sustainability of renewable energy systems be increased through the development of end-of-life component recycling?
  • The place of renewable energy resources within the circular economy: Will it be possible to produce energy without consuming natural resources?
  • Which renewable resource presents the most sustainable option: A life-cycle approach to calculating the environmental impact of renewable energy.
  • Does the use of limited or rare natural resources in renewable energy systems mean that there is a finite lifespan of renewable energy systems?
  • Powering the circular economy, what role will renewable energy systems play?
  • The future of solar energy: Will it be possible to reduce resource consumption in solar energy systems?
  • Do we perceive renewable energy systems as ‘greener’ than they are: A case study of the environmental impact of solar photovoltaic panel production.

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Renewable Energy Dissertation Topics


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 12, 2023

renewable energy thesis ideas

Renewable energy is one of the most popular research topics. Thousands of students used these topics for their MTech and PhD theses, but a few of them struggled to find the right topic and a good paper for their graduation. Now, all thesis on renewable energy resources problems can be solved with a single phone call, which means that our Leverage Edu experts can help MTech and PhD students who are having problems with their thesis on renewable energy resources. As a master’s student, you may choose renewable energy as your thesis topic . If you decide to write a thesis on renewable energy, you may be unsure of how to begin or even what you are required to do. Don’t worry, we have you covered. In this blog, you’ll find renewable energy dissertation topics to help you write your thesis.

This Blog Includes:

Why is renewable energy important, best renewable energy research topics 2023, topic 1 .

Renewable energy is one of the fastest-growing systems in developing countries. It is widely used for “self-service” purposes. It is quite popular due to some unique advantages in its application. PhD research topics in Renewable Energy provide a distinguished platform for PhD/ MS scholars. We assist our serving hands in developing the best profile for their career.

Renewable Energy’s Untapped Potential

  • Ecofriendly
  • Reasonable Price
  • Lower Maintenance
  • Health Advantages
  • Unending and also Reliable Resource

It is the “core portion of the modern power system” all at once. It aids in the regulation of low, high, and variable power generation. As a result, we are also current in all of these recent areas. As a result, we guide you in every nook and cranny of your area with the help of our expert advice.

Topic 1: Renewable Energy: Prospects and Challenges Today

Topic 2: Renewable energy for Africa ‘s long-term development

Topic 3: The Impact of COVID – 19 on the Biofuel Market

Topic 4: Geothermal energy is an untapped abundant energy resource.

Topic 5: Wind Energy’s Future

Topic 6: How valuable is home wind energy?

Topic 7: Renewable Energy’s Economic and Environmental Benefits

Topic 8: Why is it more important than ever to prioritise renewable energy?

Topic 9: Is it expensive to finance renewable energy?

Topic 10: Climate change mitigation; can renewable energy help?

Topic 11: Living Green: How many people have access to renewable energy?

Topic 12: Understanding the distinctions between renewable and alternative energy technology 

Topic 13: Is solar energy the way to go?

Topic 14: 2030 Approach to Renewable Energy

Topic 15: The cost of solar energy versus other renewable energy sources

Renewable Energy Dissertation Examples

Here are some dissertation topics for you to cover under the renewable energy topic. The examples are personalised for the UK, but you can mend them according to the country that you choose to write about.

Topic Name: Investigating the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion – a case study of the renewable energy industry in the United Kingdom .

Aim of the Study: The current study aims to investigate the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion using the UK renewable energy industry as a case study.


  • To present an initial concept of biomass conversion and its benefits.
  • In the context of the UK renewable energy industry, describe the economic benefits of increasing biomass conversion.
  • Identifying challenges in biomass conversion and devising strategies to overcome these challenges.

Topic Name: Examining the benefits of using solar energy and its role in addressing the global threat of climate change .

Aim of the study: The current study aims to investigate the benefits of using solar energy and how it is addressing the issue of climate change.

  • To explain the advantages of using solar energy and its increasing use in various sectors.
  • To demonstrate how solar energy can be used to address a global threat such as climate change.
  • To provide a stringent set of recommendations for the most effective use of solar energy in combating climate change.

Topic Name: Investigating UK retail organisations’ use of renewable energy to meet environmental sustainability goals.

Aim of the Study: The purpose of this research is to assess the strategy of using renewable energy in the UK retail sector to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

  • To express the importance of renewable energy sources in the UK retail industry.
  • To investigate how retail organisations in the United Kingdom use renewable energy to achieve environmental sustainability goals.
  • To share effective ideas on how UK retail organisations can use renewable energy sources effectively to achieve environmental sustainability goals.

Topic Name: A critical assessment of the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry, which is driving the use of renewable energy.

Aim of the Study: The purpose of this research is to evaluate the growing concern for sustainability in the UK construction industry, which drives overall renewable energy consumption.

  • To explain why the UK construction industry is becoming increasingly concerned about sustainability.
  • To investigate how renewable energy consumption in the UK construction industry is increasing in tandem with the growing concern for sustainability.
  • To encourage organisations in the UK construction industry to increase their use of renewable energy sources in order to meet sustainability goals.

Topic Name: Assessing the impact of solar energy on agricultural sustainability practices in the United Kingdom.

Aim of the Study: The current study aims to assess the effects of using solar energy in sustainability practises in the UK agriculture industry.

  • To demonstrate the concept of solar energy consumption and its implications for environmental practices.
  • To place the use of solar energy in the UK agriculture industry within the context of sustainability practices.
  • To make recommendations for improving the use of solar energy and reaping its benefits in the UK agriculture industry.

How renewable energy affects the future of our planet. Use of biomass as a renewable energy source. The limitations of fossil fuels: the significance of renewable energy and its economic benefits. Methods for extracting power from flow-structure interactions.

A thesis statement example: Solar power is an excellent alternative energy source because it is renewable, cost-effective, and does not pollute the environment.

Three obstacles to renewable energy are: Putting energy storage in place. Traditional fossil-fuel plants operate at a reduced level, producing a consistent and predictable amount of electricity Bringing together distributed systems Renewable energy reporting

This was all about Renewable energy Dissertation Topics. For more information, subscribe to Leverage Edu and if you wish to study abroad, connect with our counsellors at 1800 57 2000 and book a 30-minute free session.

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Vidisha Dewan

Graduated with English as a major, I’m a writing enthusiast. Writing helps me blend my passion and profession to achieve creative satisfaction. I am an opinionated person, but always open to change. Try to keep my work surroundings creative and fun, with space for constructive feedback.

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Topics for master theses

renewable energy thesis ideas

Here is a list of possible topics to write a Master thesis under the supervision of ENE’s researchers:

  • Master's thesis

Master thesis in cooperation with Fjord Miljø AS in Nordfjordeid

Some highlights of the company:

  • Developer of equipment to the fish farming industry
  • Our mission is to provide equipment to protect fish from lice infection
  • Our products are for example protection shields, upwelling system, filtration of surface water and monitoring environmental conditions by the use of sensors
  • We are constantly seeking new developments to improve our solutions
  • We are also in a progress of making new partners to have the option to supply complementary products which will supplement our existing products
  • Main office is located in Nordfjordeid
  • Contact person: Arild Heggland

Some aspects that could be the foundation of a master thesis:

  • Market knowledge of Fjord Miljø and our products
  • Market rating of Fjord Miljø
  • How to improve knowledge and rating?
  • Estimate willingness to pay for protection against lice infection
  • Valuation of our products
  • How do fish farmers consider new products to be useful in the future, these products will be specified later
  • Where do fish farmers expect the industry to move on, landbased, closed containers in sea, continue as their producing today?
  • Other relevant topics.

Supervisor: Stein Ivar Steinshamn .

Finance as resource allocation: Does ESG build real assets?

This study complements the many that have asked whether ESG (environment, sustainability and governance) is associated with higher or lower return on investment: Finance also creates real assets. Is there evidence, in our time, that preferences or policies, regulation, raises resource flows and asset creation (builds windmills, for instance).

Supervisor: Gunnar S. Eskeland .

The potential in renewable power

Contact Eskeland for Study design, as many approaches are on the table. One is the role of taxes (incl the new 'grunnrenteskatt'), another is new concessions and the role and shape of auctions, including contracts of difference; a third is offshore installations and how they are placed in terms of access to markets, etc.

Political Economy and Social Perspectives on the Climate Transition

NHH works with technically oriented partners (industry, ntnu, ife) on scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy. This thesis will combine such scenarios for the transition with perspectives from political economy (as with: who pays, and industry interests, and rich vs poor) and social acceptance.

Electric vehicles and de-carbonizing transportation

This topic is in collaboration with ENOVA.

Norway has pledged to reach almost net zero emissions by 2050. The transport sector is responsible for almost one-third of the emissions in Norway, and the use of passenger cars alone is responsible for almost 10%. Therefore, to reach net zero, it is vital to de-carbonize the Norwegian car fleet. A key strategy to reduce emissions from the transport sector is to induce households to replace their fossil fuel cars with electric vehicles. Although most of the new cars sold in Norway are electric, the national fleet of cars still contains 'only' electric vehicles 20%. Will all cars in the future eventually be electric? Or are there barriers preventing the switch to electric vehicles?

In this topic, students will explore the sources of emissions from the Norwegian car fleet and how these emissions can be reduced. The thesis will focus on two main issues:

1. Emissions from the car fleet in Norway: Emissions from the transport sector have been steadily falling. But the car fleet is projected to increase in the coming years, and the share of transport with car is also increasing.

a) What are the drivers of emissions? For example, number of miles driven per car, age of the cars, geographical distribution, etc.

b) How will these emissions evolve over time?

2. Switching from fossil fuel cars to electric vehicles: Purchasing and driving electric vehicles have been heavily subsidized by the government. But people are still driving fossil fuel cars.

a) What are the barriers to replacing your fossil fuel car with an electric vehicle? For example, economic, behavioral, social, etc.

b) How can we induce households to make the switch to electric?

This topic can be approached from many different angles and is suitable for a wide range of empirical methods.

Supervisor: Isabel Hovdahl .

Electric vehicles in Norway: Emission reductions versus lost tax tax revenue

An analysis of electrical vehicles in  Norway where reduced emissions are measured against  reduced tax revenue.

A number of topics in collaboration with the Maritime Cleantech cluster administration

  • What branding effect will the use of green/emission-free logistics chains have for the fish farming industry?
  • What is the willingness to pay on the part of cargo owners for the use of low- and zero-emission vessels in their logistics operations?
  • Economic valuation of Maritime Cleantech as a cluster organisation.
  • Hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels - how big a role can the production and distribution of these play for Norwegian value creation in 2050?
  • Joint Norwegian investment for the maritime industry: how to position ourselves for increased exports of green technology? (Strategic/Marketing)
  • Analysis of the market for green maritime technology in Southern Europe (can be built on research done by Innovation Norway in France, Spain and Italy)
  • Size, scope and framework of incentive schemes for contracts for difference.
  • Are end consumers willing to pay for green (maritime) transport? If so, how much?
  • Profitability analyzes and CO2 reduction for conversion of existing vessels vs. new construction.
  • Life cycle analyzes for ships - case speedboats and/or cargo ships - Lifetime of vessels - co2 emissions - conversion or measures that can reduce emissions during the ship's lifetime.
  • Return scheme/ circular economy model for ships.
  • Is there an update of the policy apparatus to support wider and more retrofit solutions for ships, to make them more energy efficient?

Possible topics in collaboration with Maritime Cleantech cluster partners with assistance from the cluster administration

  • Shipping aims to halve its emissions by 2050. How should a shipping company approach this goal in terms of investment and redevelopment programmes? (Shipping company)
  • How to market/sell green fuels and technologies that have not yet been demonstrated in the market? For example hydrogen, fuel cells etc. (fuel producers, FC producers and the like.)
  • Strategy for marketing hydrogen/ammonia as a safe and secure green fuel (producers).
  • Green innovation: How to change from traditional offshore to deliveries in new value chains (supplier industry, shipyards, shipping companies).
  • Efficient/appropriate incentive/public/industrial structure for the production and supply of new energy carriers from wind farms and other offshore locations.

Evaluation of various ways for Norway to fulfill the Paris-agreement

The objective is to compare various ways Norway can fulfill the Paris-agreement with respect to consequences for the Norwegian economy and for global emissions among other things.

Use high frequency satellite data to estimate economic and environmental outcomes of energy production processes

ESA’s Earth Online portal offers European research institutes direct and simple access to Earth Observation data coming from satellite missions operated directly by the European Space Agency and Third Party Missions. These data can be combined with ghgsat estimates to answer the following question: "How much carbon dioxide equivalent was released during the mining/extraction of a particular mine/oil & gas field?"

Supervisor: Giacomo Benini .

Airbnb in Norway & electricity prices

The risk of accepting Airbnb guests is that they might run up all of your utilities. Are renters sensitive to this concern? Estimate the relationship between listings and electricity prices.

Scrape the Data from http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data/ and determine whether Airbnb listings in the last 2 years respond to electricity prices.

Supervisor: Evelina Gavrilova-Zoutman .

Can or will energy transition hold back development

Clean up and transition in the north sea, energy companies, esg and responsive strategies, esg in finance, and eus taxonomy, how suited are batteries to solve the intermittency problem.

A study of the efficiency and suitability of batteries in order to solve the intermittency problem associated with new renewable energy such as solar and wind power.

Hydrogen and its role in Europe's energy transition

Transport and co2 emission reductions (or any segment: maritime, aviation, cars, etc), war, crisis and energy in europe, green energy and guarantees of origin.

During the last years, governments around the world have implemented different policies to promote investments in renewable production capacity. One of the main instruments is a policy known as guarantees of origin. These guarantees operate as a guarantee for final consumers that the electricity they consume comes from renewable energy sources.

An important characteristic of the guarantees is that the producers are free to sell the electricity and guarantees separately. What we are observing is that while electricity from Norwegian hydropower is largely sold to consumers in Norway, the guarantees from Norwegian hydropower is sold to consumers in Germany and the Netherlands. Despite the growing importance of this policy, there are few studies of the impacts of guarantees of origin on renewable production capacity.

In this master thesis, the students will investigate the effect of this policy instrument on renewable electricity capacity in Europe. What has Norway’s role been in promoting renewable energy capacity through guarantees of origin? What has the interaction been between guarantees of origin and other incentives to boost investments in renewable production capacity? And what are the implications of the de-coupling of the sale of the electricity with the sale of the guarantees?

This topic of research is suitable for many different types of methods, depending on the interests and skills of the students. The thesis can be based on either a statistical analysis, case study or modelling exercise.

Supervisor: Isabel Hovdahl and  Mario Blázquez .

Detailing the Value of Climate- and Environmental Surveillance on Sea food production

What’s the cost-benefit for using an integrated climate and environment surveillance on seafood production? The student will assess the impact and values associated with using a detailed monitoring tool called Clarify, which currently is employed by many seafood producers. The student will be given access to unpublished data afforded by Clarify that can be directly compared to other chains of the seafood production, including feeding, fish welfare, loss to sickness and slaughter. Additional climate data can also be made available to the student depending on emerging needs. This Master opens for a relevant exploration of how monitoring can strengthen seafood sustainability and resilience to the changing climate conditions that remain the key premise for seafood production. The industry partner for this thesis is Clarify.

Supervisor: Geir Drage Berentsen .

Optimal placement and impact of offshore wind parks

In this thesis, the students will use historical weather data to investigate the potential of Norwegian wind power in a scenario where all the current offshore locations suggested by the NVE are in full production. Alternative locations derived from optimizing production output are available and can be compared to the sites suggested by NVE. A secondary goal is to use the results to investigate the impact on the European energy market. The industry partner for this thesis is Statkraft.

The black swans of climate risk: Compound events

Extreme weather events such as floods, heatwaves, droughts, and storms cause major economic losses to private and public sector alike. The latest IPCC report shows that the frequency, and to some extent the magnitude, of such events will continue to increase although there are exceptions. The probability of so-called ‘compound events’ – that two or more extreme events happen simultaneously or successively – will increase due to this ongoing trend.

Such events carry even more extreme economic losses and play a crucial role in evaluating climate risk, but they are not well constrained nor understood. In 2018, there was elevated risk for snow-driven flooding in central Norway, which was followed by one of the warmest and driest summers on record, which coincided with several climatically induced forest fires. Based on both historical data and climate predictions, the students will evaluate the probability and potential economic consequences of compound events today and in the future and provide insights and advice for the insurance industry. The industry partner for this thesis is Tryg.

What are the optimal sites for future seafood production?

Wind conditions, sea currents, -temperature and -salinity are all important factors when considering new locations for ocean-based aquaculture facilities. Moreover, locations that are considered optimal today may not be suitable locations in the future due to climate change. In this thesis, the students will investigate the current optimal placements of aquaculture based on detailed historical data. By considering state of the art climate predictions, it can be investigated how these placements will change on different time horizons. The students should also discuss placement conflicts with fisheries and coastal shipping routes. The industry partner for this thesis is Clarify.

Economic impacts of climate change

Many social and economic activities are heavily affected by weather variables such as temperatures and precipitation. In this master thesis, the students will explore the relationship between weather variables and economic decisions made by Norwegian households and/or businesses. In addition, the students will explore how climate change, through its effect on temperatures and precipitation, will affect these economic decisions into the future.

Examples of relationships to explore are the effects of heatwaves on human mortality rates, extreme precipitation on agricultural production, or drought on hydropower production. The exploration can be either on the macro or micro level and can be in the form of either a statistical analysis or modelling exercise. For the prediction exercise, the students will have access to novel climate forecasts from the Climate Futures project. An interesting question to explore is how access to improved seasonal weather forecasts can mitigate the harmful economic impacts of climate change.

Analysis of catch data in Norwegian fisheries

Organizing and analyzing data from the Norwegian directorate of fisheries.

Supervisor: Arnt Ove Hopland.

Econometric analysis of the sales of new cars in Norway

Supervisor:  Øyvind Thomassen .

Contact: [email protected] .

I have three data sets that you can use for the thesis: 1) price lists with car model variant and some technical characteristics, 2) new registrations of car model engine variants, by age and sex of the registered owner, 3) the annual rules for calculating the registration tax (engangsavgift). 

For most uses, you will want to merge data sets 1) and 2). This will entail some tedious data work (probably using Stata or R), because of a lack of exact common identifiers. 

The data go up to 2015, but it may be possible to obtain more recent data. 

There are many questions that could be answered with the data, including saying something about the effect of the favorable tax treatment given to electric vehicles, which probably explains their large market share in Norway. 

To choose this topic you must have taken a course in econometrics.

Econometric analysis of data from the government vehicle register

Like my topic ‘Econometric analysis of the sales of new cars in Norway’, this topic is based on data on cars in Norway. However, for this topic, I currently do not have the data, but I believe they can be obtained from Statens Vegvesen (Norwegian Public Roads Administration). See information here: https://www.vegvesen.no/om-oss/om-organisasjonen/apne-data/api-for-kjoretoyopplysninger/utvidet-utlevering-av-kjoretoyopplysninger/

My other topic uses data on the flow of new cars. This topic uses data on the stock of cars. The two data sources could conceivably be combined.

Background from a course in econometrics is needed.

Natural resource extraction nearby: opportunity or concern for non-resource firms?

How does natural resource extraction such as oil&gas production affect nearby firms in other sectors, such as manufacturing and services? Potential agglomeration effects could benefit firms, but increased competition for labor or more corruption might harm firms. Since firms are the backbone of every modern economy, these considerations are crucial to understand whether natural resources are a blessing or a curse.

Supervisor: Paul Pelzl .

Topics on Environmental Economics

Potential topics are:

  • Zero emissions (in shipping/buildings/road veh/airplanes): too much, or just right?
  • Certificates of Origin for Electricity; Stepchild or rising star?
  • A carbon cap for Norwegian farmers: Let forests do what cows and farmers cannot?
  • Carbon footprint and economic analysis for a firm/sector
  • Hydrogen: which part is failing: cars, hydrogen or filling and logistics
  • A new look at biomass and biofuels: can photosynthesis propel transport
  • Oceans in a sustainability strategy
  • Solar power: if a leap lies ahead, what can trigger it
  • Decentralized power generation in Norway: framework and business analysis
  • Renewable power in Norway: shall it expand, and with what instruments
  • A role for Norway as a battery for Europe’s intermittent power
  • A business analysis of Norway’s three proposed carbon capture and storage projects (cement, fertilizer, waste dump)
  • Analysis of emission reduction prospects in Norwegian transport
  • Econometric analysis of demand for energy (or carbon) intensive goods, transport
  • Forests: More wood and biomass in buildings: Economic analysis of climate prospects
  • Financial markets: is there evidence of ‘sin portfolios’ or ‘virtue’ (or green/fossil)? The value of fossil assets / promises in financial markets
  • Analysis of CO2 markets
  • Modeling energy exchange in Northern Europe

Analysis of electric batteries and improvements in electricity networks

In cooperation with ENOVA

Contact: Gunnar Eskeland  (NHH) and  Børge Nilssen Stafne (ENOVA)

Logistics: improvements in efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions

Contact: Gunnar Eskeland  (NHH) and  Arnt Gunnar Lium (ENOVA)

Electricity in the transport sector: Economic and environmental effects

Regulation and benchmarking of natural monopolies in the energy sector.

Supervisors: Endre Bjørndal and Mette Bjørndal .

Pricing and congestion management in wholesale electricity markets

Integration of renewable energy sources in electricity markets, local flexibility markets and demand response in the electricity sector, integration of regional electricity markets and use of hvdc interconnectors, european integration of intraday and balancing markets, sustainable energy and development.

Around the world, the governments are imple- menting policies to foster the introduction of renewable energy. In that context, there are different research questions to develop in a master thesis that could contribute to develop a sustainable economic system.

  • Which will be the relation between renewable energy and hydrogen?
  • Which are the policies introduced in cities to reduce carbon emissions?
  • Which will be the impact of the adoption of renewable energy in women unemploy- ment? Could the introduction of renewable energy increase the gender gap?
  • Which will be the changes in the design of electricity markets induced by the intro- duction of renewable energy?
  • Which is the relation between hydrogen and lithium batteries? Which is the best way to store electricity in the short-term and in the long-term?
  • Which policies could be implemented to promote energy effciency?
  • How do the electricity grid need to change to accommodate renewable energy?

Supervisor: Mario Blazques de Paz

Transmission constraints

Electricity markets are moving through the integration around the world. Moreover, the countries are increasing their investments in renewable production capacity to fulfil with the agreements in carbon emission reductions. In that context, the transmission grid plays a crucial role promoting the integration of electricity markets and accommodating the renewable production capacity into the system. In re- lation with this topic, there are different research questions that could be of interest to develop a master thesis.

  • Which should be design of electricity markets in the presence of transmission con- straints.
  • Could the integration of electricity markets in Europe increase competition? Which will be the impact of that integration in the investments in transmission capacity, and in renewable production capacity?
  • Which should be the relation between the spot and the redispatch market when the transmission lines are congested? How we can design those markets to increase com- petition?
  • How should the regulator design transmission tariffs to guarantee investments in trans- mission capacity, and transmission effciency?

Supervisor:  Mario Blazques de Paz

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EERE SETO Postdoctoral Research Award 2018

The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Postdoctoral Research Awards are intended to be an avenue for significant energy efficiency and renewable energy innovation. The EERE Postdoctoral Research Awards are designed to engage early career postdoctoral recipients in research that will provide them opportunities to understand the mission and research the needs of EERE and make advances in research topics of importance to EERE programs. Research Awards will be provided to exceptional applicants interested in pursuing applied research to address topics listed by the EERE programs sponsoring the Research Awards.

Applicants may select one research proposal on one research topic. Proposals must be approved by the research mentor listed in the application. 

Solar Energy

S-501 Applying Data Science to Solar Soft Cost Reduction

Possible disciplines: Economics, computer science, business management

The emergence of new big data tools can revolutionize how solar technologies are researched, developed, demonstrated, and deployed. From computational chemistry and inverse material design to adoption, reliability, and correlation of insolation forecasts with load use patterns, data scientists have opportunities to dramatically impact the future scaling of solar energy.

EERE's Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) is seeking to support postdoctoral researchers to apply and advance cutting-edge data science to drive toward the national solar cost reduction goals.

Areas of interest include:

  • Novel analysis of Green Button (smart meter) and PV performance data with the Durable Module Materials (DuraMAT) Consortium.
  • Power system planning and operation modeling to better understand the performance of solar generation assets on both the transmission and distribution grid.
  • Quantification of direct and total system cost and benefits of distributed energy generation and storage, especially as related to reliability and resiliency.
  • Data analytics for prediction of solar generation and PV system performance.
  • Computational methods for revealing insights about diffusion of solar technologies at the residential, commercial, and utility scales that integrate large administrative, geospatial, economic, and financial datasets.
  • Data tools for advancing photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) to reduce the non-hardware-related costs for solar energy. Specifically this could include work related to transactive energy value, such as analysis of the potential for PV and CSP to act autonomously in response to different grid and market signals and/or creating software that can perform these activities, as well as other novel topics not included here.
  • Studies of the impact of federal government funding of solar technologies and programs (e.g. connecting scientific articles, patents, and commercial press releases to understand how federal R&D dollars in clean energy are communicated to and understood by the marketplace).

S-502 Solar Systems Integration

Possible disciplines: Power systems engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, atmospheric sciences

The Systems Integration program of SETO aims to address the technical and operational challenges associated with connecting solar energy to the electricity grid. We seek postdoctoral research projects that will help address significant challenges in the following areas:

  • Planning and operation models and software tools are essential to the safe, reliable and resilient operation of solar PV on the interconnected transmission and distribution grid, especially for understanding how power flows fluctuate due to clouds or other fast-changing conditions, as well as interacting with multiple inverter-based technologies.
  • Sensors and cybersecurity communication infrastructures and big data analytics enable visibility and situational awareness of solar resources for grid operators to better manage generation, transmission and distribution, and consumption of energy, especially in the face of man-made or natural threats.
  • Higher solar PV penetration will require more advanced protection systems in distribution grids given that normal power flow (and fault current) are no longer unidirectional. Directional and distance relays may no longer operate as expected with inverter-based distributed energy resources.
  • Cybersecurity for PV systems integration into utility operations, such as isolated layers of trust and mutual authentication. Advanced PV cybersecurity may be needed to ensure access control, authorization, authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and availability for the future smart grid.
  • Power electronic devices, such as PV inverters and relevant materials, are critical links between solar panels and the electric grid, ensuring reliable and efficient power flows from solar generation.
  • Integrating solar PV with energy storage would help to enable more flexible generation and grid and provide operators more control options to balance electricity generation and demand, while increasing resiliency. When combined with the capability to island from the area power grid, solar -- plus energy storage microgrids -- support facility resiliency. Resiliency is particularly needed for strengthening the security and resilience of the nation's critical infrastructure (e.g. for safety, public health and national security.)
  • The ability to better predict solar generation levels can help utilities and grid operators meet consumer demand for power and reliability.

S-503 Concentrating Solar Thermal for Electricity, Chemicals, and Fuels

Possible disciplines: Mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science

Concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies use mirrors or other light collecting elements to concentrate and direct sunlight onto receivers.[1]  These receivers absorb the solar flux and convert it to heat. The heat energy may be stored until desired for dispatch to generate electricity, synthesize chemicals, desalinate water or produce fuels, among other applications. The dispatchable nature of solar thermal energy derives from the relative ease and cost-effectiveness of storing heat for later use, for example, when the sun does not shine or when customer demand increases or time value premiums warrant. Heat and/or extreme UV intensities from sunlight may also be used to synthesize chemicals or produce fuels. The ability to produce heat for chemical processes without the added cost of fuel and to shift electricity production to alternative energy forms can provide benefits. To realize these benefits operations must be efficient and cost-effective.

SETO seeks to develop processes that can occur at a competitive cost compared to traditional synthetic routes. Careful analysis of integrated solar thermochemical systems will be required due to the complexity of most chemical processes and the typically thin profit margins in commodity chemical markets.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Novel thermochemical materials or cycles for high volumetric energy density storage systems (with accessible thermal energy storage densities > 3000 MJ/m3 of storage media). Of particular interest are designs that are capable of cost-effective, simple, periodic recovery from performance degradation.
  • Novel concepts for using solar thermal sources to produce value-added chemicals, such as ammonia, methanol, dimethyl ether or other chemicals for which there is a sizeable market.
  • Innovative catalysts, materials, and reactor designs to enhance the thermochemical conversion processes.
  • Development of thermal transport systems and components. Generally, proposed innovations should support a 50% efficient power cycle (or other highly efficient end use), a 90% efficient receiver module, and multiple hours of thermal energy storage with 99% energetic efficiency and 95% exergetic efficiency, while minimizing parasitic losses. Novel concepts should also be compatible with 30 years of reliable operation at the targeted temperature conditions.

This is a broad call and postdoctoral applicants interested in using heat from solar installations to create value-added products at a national scale are encouraged to apply.

Stekli, J.; Irwin, L.; Pitchumani, R.  “Technical Challenges and Opportunities for Concentrating Solar Power With Thermal Energy Storage,” ASME Journal of Thermal Science Engineering and Applications; Vol. 5, No. 2; Article 021011; 2013; http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/1.4024143.

S-504 Photovoltaic Materials, Devices, Modules, and Systems

Possible disciplines: Materials science and engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, applied physics, physics, chemistry

In photovoltaic hardware, substantial materials and system challenges remain in many current and near-commercial technologies.  Research projects are sought in applied and interdisciplinary science and engineering to improve the performance and reliability of photovoltaic materials, devices, modules, and systems in order to drive down energy costs.  Areas of interest include:

  • New module architectures, module components, and innovative cell designs that enable modules to produce more electricity at lower cost and improved reliability; modules that are compatible with higher system voltage and/or have improved shading tolerance especially in monolithically integrated thin-film modules.
  • Development or adaptation of new characterization techniques to evaluate defects and increase collection efficiency of absorber materials or interfaces. Projects should expand understanding of effective methods to control material quality in order to improve PV device efficiency and stability.
  • Scalable, high-speed measurement and characterization methods and tools for cells, modules, panels and systems.
  • Fundamental understanding of degradation mechanisms in PV devices, modules and systems. Development of models based on fundamental physics and material properties to predict PV device or module degradation and lifetime in order to enable shorter testing time and high-confidence performance prediction.
  • Cost-effective methods to recycle PV modules and related components that can be implemented into the current recycling infrastructure or module architectures designed for improved recyclability.
  • Stable, high-performance photovoltaic absorber materials and cell architectures to enable module efficiencies above 25% while reducing manufacturing costs.
  • Transparent electrodes and carrier selective contacts to enable low-cost cell and module architectures amenable to mass production.
  • Low-cost materials and high throughput, low cost processes for current collection and transport.
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Integration of renewable energy with urban design : based on the examples of the solar photovoltaics and micro wind turbines


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Technische UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnchen

  • Professorship of Economics of Energy Markets
  • TUM School of Management
  • Technische UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnchen

Technische UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnchen

Final Theses & FAQs

Scroll down for our thesis FAQs on the application and writing process.

Open Final Theses

  • Machine Learning for Power Market Analysis at the Center for Energy Markets (master)
  • Master thesis in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT)  (master)
  • Damages of high-voltage vehicles (HV-Fahrzeuge)  (master)

See a list of general topics/ past master theses below.

General Theses Topics

We welcome any energy, energy transition, and energy policy related topics. You can approach us with your own or ideas you want to develop in collaboration with an industry partner. The topics below reflect a list of possible thesis topics.

  • Energy- and environment-related entrepreneurship
  • Environmental regulation 
  • Energy transition and the evolution of international trade 
  • Financing of energy transition: strategies for energy companies 
  • ESG impact on investmnent in the energy sector
  • Auction and game theory applied to energy markets 
  • Energy storage 
  • Modelling of energy prices
  • Stochastic optimization in energy markets
  • Network and infrastructure regulation
  • Power markets and renewable integration
  • Renewable energies
  • Diffusion of digitization technologies in power sector
  • Responsible Development of the Extractive Mining Industry
  • ESG Impact on Investment in Extractive Mining Industry
  • Modelling of energy prices: How technologic developments affects price correlations
  • Investments and co-investmnents in H2
  • The choice of energy projects portfolio
  • Competition of hydrogen technologies: Green vs. Blue
  • Financing of Energy Transition: Strategies for Energy Companies 
  • Evolution of the LNG Market: data-driven country strategy analysis
  • Electric mobility
  • How to achieve carbon neutrality
  • Carbon vs. price competition
  • Data-driven models on energy transition
  • Multi-objective (Data-driven) Optimization
  • Modeling energy trade networks (using IEA, IHS, other data)
  • Digitization and its impact on technologies adoption
  • Social and environmental implications of technology, with a focus on electronic waste
  • Corporate social responsibility of lead firms in the electronics commodity chain
  • Modern consumption of technology
  •  International climate politics and policy with a focus on renewable energy solutions.
  • Media and climate change
  • Environmental justice and inequality with a focus on waste issues

Thesis FAQs

Finding a topic.

  • Can I suggest an own topic? We on occasion post current topics of bachelor's and master's theses on our webpage but you are also encouraged to approach us with your own ideas, possibly in collaboration with an industry partner.

Application Process

Please refer to this Google Form  for detailed description and use it for the application. 


  • Who will be my supervisor? Your thesis examiner will be either Prof. Schwenen or Prof. Ikonnikova possibly in collaboration with one of the doctoral researchers at the CEM for the supervision.   
  • Do I have to write a thesis proposal? If you decide to write a thesis on a topic agreed by us, the next step is to write a short thesis proposal (maximum three pages). This proposal should (i) define the research question, (ii) indicate the data and methodology to be used and (iii) discuss the related literature. After this step, your thesis can be registered.  
  • How many meetings with the supervisor are necessary? One meeting per month is a good rule of thumb. Please always send your questions prior to the meeting.  
  • Can I get feedback on my thesis before handing in? If you have specific questions, you can get feedback on these. General feedback is not possible, as this would be equivalent to reading the whole thesis upfront.


  • How do I register my thesis? As soon as you and your supervisor agreed on a topic, you need to fill out the required form, sign it and send it to your supervisor. TUM SoM  form ; For students of other departments please check the form with your respective  department .  
  • Can I still change the title afterwards? Changing the title is possible. Contact your supervisor to that end at least 1 month before handing in.

Writing Process

  • What is the quantitative scope of my thesis? As a rule of thumb, bachelor's theses should have about 25 to 35 pages and master's theses about 50 to 60 pages.  
  • What are the main evaluation criteria? Coherent literature review, language, execution of the topic, reaction to difficulties (esp. redefining the scope of the thesis during the process). A thesis has to adhere to scientific standards. It is your duty to familiarize yourself with those standards.  
  • Should I write the thesis in Word or Latex? If not stated otherwise by your supervisor this is up to you.  
  • How does the thesis have to be formatted? Make sure that your thesis is appropriately and consistently formatted. As an orientiation we provide exemplary Word and Latex templates. Appropriate fonts are for example Times New Roman pt. 12 or Arial pt. 11. Appropriate page margins can for example be 3cm left, 3cm right, 2.5cm top, 1.5cm bottom. To be sure, check your formatting with your supervisor.  
  • How do I cite properly? If not stated otherwise by your supervisor, citation-style is APA.  
  • How do I proceed with own graphics? State that it is your own graphic in the caption. If it is your own design but based on a graphic from a book/ paper, please add: “based on source”.

For further questions, please contact [email protected].

Disclaimer: Please note that only those examination regulations that can be found on the website of the TUM business faculty are legally binding.

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Student thesis topics

Status: 07.08.2024
Name Advisor Type
Chow MA
Ludolfinger MA
Ludolfinger MA
Pant MA
Pant MA  
Pant MA


Legend: BA = Bachelor thesis, MA = Master thesis, IDP = Interdisciplinary project (Department of Informatics, further information ), Int = Internship, FP = Forschungspraxis

In case there is no suitable topic, you can also try to contact a researcher with suitable research interests .

Theses at the mse coses lab.

As part of the research at the CoSES Lab of the MSE theses are also available. These can be found on the CoSES homepage .

  • Faculty/Staff
  • MyMichiganTech
  • Safety Data Sheets
  • Website Settings
  • Social Sciences
  • Theses and Dissertations

Environmental and Energy Policy Theses

Master of science degrees awarded in environmental and energy policy.

K. Rana. 2020. Plasticless: A Comparative Life-Cycle, Socio-Economic, and Policy Analysis of Alternatives to Plastic Straws. [ProQuest]

S.V. Nguyen. 2019. Mining the Evidence: Public Comments, Evidence-Based Policymaking, and a Controversial Mine. [ProQuest]

S.K. Ford. 2019. Mineral Policy: The Severance of Rights, Resources, and Relations. [ProQuest]

M.N. Smith. 2017. Wetland Policy Design in the Upper Great Lakes States: Cases of Policy Success and Failure. [ProQuest]

M.L. Maggio. 2017. Investigating the Utility of Rapid Assessment Process for Environmental Development Work of Peace Corps Master's International Students. [ProQuest]

C.D. Henderson. 2016. Investigating the Social Habitat of Deer Hunters in Michigan. [ProQuest]

E.W. Prehoda. 2016. Energy Justice and U.S. Energy Policy: Case Study Applications Exploring U.S. Energy Policy through an Energy Justice Framework. [ProQuest]

N. Khan. 2015. "Change for good? An assessment of the disconnect between perceived benefits by ENGOs and user satisfaction of solar bottle lights in informal settlements of Dhaka City, Bangladesh." [MTU Library]

A. Kreuze. 2015. "The hydrosocial costs of high-volume hydraulic fracturing: A tale of two counties in Michigan." [Proquest]

J. F. Lind-Riehl. 2015. "The role of hybridization and the United States fish and wildlife service biologists’ discretion in the implementation of the Endangered Species Act." [Proquest]

E. P. Louie. 2015. "Writing a Community Guidebook for evaluating low-grade geothermal energy from flooded underground mines for heating and cooling buildings." [MTU Library]

M. Morrison. 2015. "Reducing Releases of PAHs: A Comparative Case Study of Coal Tar sealant bans In the United States. A" [Proquest]

T. Patterson. 2015. "Evaluating the oil sands reclamation process: Assessing policy capacity and stakeholder access for government and non-governmental organizations operating In Alberta’s oil sands." [Proquest]

M. Rahman. 2015. "Examining Policy Capacity initiatives within climate change frameworks In three U.S. and Canadian sectors using Nvivo Content Analysis." [MTU Library]

R. L. Williams. 2015. "A case study of data in the management of water resources in the Gunnison River Basin, Colorado." [Proquest]

X. Yang. 2015. "An analysis of China’s biofuels policy and Chinese discourse on land acquisition for biofuels In Africa." [Proquest]

J. D. Borde, "Understanding people's adoption of individual-use renewable energy technology," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives [ MTU library ] [ Proquest ]

F. Li, "A cost-benefit analysis of a 25% RPS in Michigan" [ MTU Library ] [ Proquest ]

F. Liu, "Migration patterns among young adults in the United States: Environmental, social, and economic explanations" [ MTU Library ] [ Proquest ]

A. Yu, "Pesky pests of the Great Lakes State: Is public participation influenced by geographic differences?" [ MTU Library ] [ Proquest ]

B. T. Pattullo. 2013. "Agroforestry addressing social and environmental issues in Paraguay."

E. Brenna, "Perceptions of water conditions and management in the Sonora River Basin, Sonora, Mexico," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.T2012 B838; Online at [MTU Library]

A. C. Orthober, "Public participation in Michigan mining policy : the Kennecott Eagle Project case," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.T2012 O77; Online at [MTU Library]

V. S. Gagnon, "Fish contaminants through the tribal perspective : an ethnography of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community's tribal fish harvest," Thesis (Thesis (MS) ). MTU Archives LD3300.T2011 G135; Online at [MTU Library]

J. R. Schubert, "Peer influence in NIPF landowner decision making in the western Upper Peninsula, Michigan," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.T2011 S384; Online at [MTU Library]

E. A. Adams, "Nongovernmental organization staff views of global water privatization," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.T2011 A212; Online at [MTU Library]

C. Goss, "U.S. utilities' experiences with the implementation of energy efficiency programs," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.T2011 G677; Online at [MTU Library]

L. Pavlot, "Silver Spring as a case example of implementing smart growth policies," Thesis (MS). JRVP Stacks-3; MTU Archives LD3300.T2010 P337

K. Makinen, "Balancing wildlife and bioenergy values on private forestlands in the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2010 M235; Online at [MTU Library]

S. Balint, "Federal and state policy influence on woody biomass utilization," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2009 B186; Online at [MTU Library]

G. M. Borg, "EPA's Council for Regulatory Environmental Modeling : a case study of science policy implementation," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2009 B732; Online at [MTU Library]

A. T. Kozich, "Wetland mitigation in Michigan's Upper Peninsula : compliance with site monitoring and invasive plant species standards," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2009 K88

N. H. Johnson, "A cost-benefit analysis for a proposed wind turbine at Principia College," Report (MS). Archives Oversize.R2009 J66

N. Manda, "Environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Zambia : how effective is public participation in the EIA process in Zambia?," Report (MS). Archives Oversize LD3300.R2008 M271

S. A. Pilling, "Perceptions and realities of water quality in a Yaqui village," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2008 P641

K. R. Dahal, "Hazard and risk : perception of Glacial Lake Outburst Flooding from Tsho Rolpa Lake, Nepal," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2008 D129

S. Dahal, "Nepali community forestry and a case study of a model women's forest user group," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2007 D129

K. L. Graves, "Risk perception of natural hazards in the volcanic regions of Ecuador and Guatemala," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2007 G776

G. K. Greer, "Barriers impeding success of local watershed groups in Michigan's Upper Peninsula: examining state-level policies and their influence on success," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2007 G793

A. Sather-Knutsen, "Community responses to land ownership parcelization in the Keweenaw Peninsula," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2007 D129

M. Shamir, "The status of the precautionary principle in international environmental law," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2006 S531

J. R. Barnes, "Sustainable energy systems : a study of the obstacles impeding the expansion of the wind energy and lignocellulosic ethanol industries," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2006 B261

H. E. Steudle, "The sustainability of record-setting material recovery programs," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2006 T555

X. Wang, "Non-agricultural uses of farmland and official decision making regarding farmland uses in China," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2005 W246

S. A. Qadir, "ISO 14001 in India: More than a certificate on the wall?," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2005 Q2; Online at [MTU Library]

K. Strong, "The conceptualization and implementation of the wilderness idea in the Porcupine Mountains," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2005 S923

K. D. Kruse, "We speak for ourselves : a grassroots effort to change Wisconsin's mining law," Thesis (MS). JRVP Stacks-3; MTU Archives LD3300.T2005 K89

A. R. Morua, "Environmental challenges of rural communities : a case study in Rosario de Tesopaco (northwest Mexico)," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2005 M827

R. G. Staves, "Environmental justice, lead issues and children," Report (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.R2005 S775

J. Binkley-Power, "The expansion of renewable energy in our National Parks : powering Isle Royale," Report (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.R2004 B612

Y. B. Han, "Factors determining the marketing and development of alternative-fueled vehicles (AFVs) in the U.S. : an exploratory study," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2003 H233

T. A. E. Fillmore, "Yupiaq ecological knowledge : a case study of the Fall Collection in Chefornak, Alaska," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2003 F487

S. Keith, "The diffusion of constructed wetland technology for residential on-site wastewater treatment in the United States," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2003 K28

M. L.-H. Barbier, "Been-here's versus come-here's? Not necessarily. Conflict and community in Keweenaw County land use planning," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2003 B236

L. Zhu, "Policy options to prevent or control the spread of zebra mussels at Isle Royale National Park," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2003 Z64

F. Wang, "Protecting the public water supply system in city of Houghton by managing land use in a comprehensive and coordinated way," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2003 W246

K. A. Miller, "Community security through citizen participation : providing web-based information and training to citizens and emergency responders in Houghton County, Michigan," Report (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.R2003 M647

G. Chi, "The use of geographic information system for improving ecological footprint studies at the local level : a case study of transportation in Houghton Country, Michigan," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2002 C532

C. M. Corey, "A safe minimum standard assessment of the Florida manatee for the population of Citrus County Florida : a case study," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2002 C797

Q. Ji, "Emissions trading : U.S. lessons for Beijing, China," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2001 J61

M. M. Hornyak, "Wetlands permitting in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan : a study of mitigation and monitoring," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2001 H816

C. J. Vander Schee, "Administrative structure, autonomy, health, and disciplinary composition of environmentally related programs at private liberal arts colleges and universities," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2001 V228

A. Banerjee, "Eco-labeling for energy efficiency and sustainability : an evaluation for U.S. programs," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2001 B215

J. D. Gondek, "An analysis of the effectiveness of using geographic information systems to analyze recreational use patterns in a national forest," Report (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.R2001 G636

B. Yan, "The usefulness of internet resources for environmental compliance assistance and how to approach environmental compliance analysis : a case study of http://www.chemalliance.org," Report (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.R2001 Y21 [Chem Alliance]

J. A. Myrom, "The United States experience with deposit refund systems : a meta-analysis," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T2000 M998

M. E. Jarvie, "Working class women and participation in environmental politics," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T1999 J38

T. L. Adamec, "ISO 14001-an environmental management system standard," Thesis (MS). MTU Archives and Library Stacks-3 LD3300.T1998 A197

M. Valtasaari, "The Forest Stewardship Council : environmental responsibility through global marketing," Report (MS). MTU Archives LD3300.R1998 V215


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renewable energy thesis ideas

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  • Last Updated: Jul 1, 2024 2:28 PM
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113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best renewable energy topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on renewable energy, 💡 interesting topics to write about renewable energy, ❓ questions about renewable energy.

  • Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy It is of essence to note that, with the depletion of fossil fuels, more emphasis is now being put on the use of solar energy as an alternate energy source.
  • Solar Energy Installation Project Management 0 Pilot solar energy project Managers will run a pilot project to determine the feasibility of the project. A number of resources will be required to complete the project.
  • The Benefits of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy This research paper seeks to describe renewable and non renewable energy sources, their effects on the environment and economic benefits.”Fossils fuels are one of the most widely used sources of energy”.
  • Renewable Energy: Comparison Between Biogas and Solar Energies Again, the research finds that the cost of installation is higher compared to solar energy sources. However, the paper is going to compare solar and biogas energy sources.
  • Wind Energy as Forms of Sustainable Energy Sources T he only costs to be met in producing wind energy is the cost of equipment for harnessing wind, wind turbines for converting the energy and photovoltaic panels for storing energy.
  • Using Solar (PV) Energy to Generate Hydrogen Gas for Fuel Cells With the current technologies, an electrolyzer working at 100% efficiency needs 39 kWh of electricity to liberate 1 kg of hydrogen.
  • Carbon Footprint and Renewable Energy The consumption of fossil fuels by the energy infrastructure is one of the greatest sources of greenhouse gases which are responsible for recent global warming and climate change concern. This is the increase in the […]
  • Climate Change and Renewable Energy Options The existence of various classes of world economies in the rural setting and the rise of the middle class economies has put more pressure on environmental services that are highly demanded and the use of […]
  • Investment in Renewable Energy Sources Thus, it is possible to say that climate crisis can prove to be a catastrophe that can profoundly influence people living in various regions of the world; more importantly, the existing policies are not sufficient […]
  • How Solar Energy Can Save the Environment? Over the past few decades, the level of greenhouse gasses in the environment has been on the rise. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.
  • Renewable Energy: Geothermal Energy Of all these forms of renewables, geothermal energy is perceived as one of the renowned forms of renewable energy which is generated from the crust of the earth.
  • Renewable Energy Ethical Question Despite the fact that the power of wind, sun, and water can be transformed into energy the great majority of people argue the importance of the renewable energy system implementation proving that the disadvantages should […]
  • Solar Energy in the United Arab Emirates The success of the solar power initiatives in the UAE is largely attributed to the wide range of financial incentives that the UAE government has offered to the companies that are prepared to advance the […]
  • Renewable Energy Sources Thus, the establishment that the use of fossil fuels adversely affects the environment is important in explaining the shift to the use of renewable energy sources.
  • Adopting Renewable Energies Proponents of fossil fuels assert that while alternative energy sources purport to be the solution to the problems that fossil fuels have caused, alternative energy sources can simply not cater for the huge energy needs […]
  • The Sun’s Light and Heat: Solar Energy Issue The figure below provides an overview of the major parts of the solar system, which include the solar core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona among others.
  • Science and the Use of Non-Renewable Energy Resources It is scientific knowledge that the use of fossil fuels such as oil leads to the pollution of the environment. This is the reason why science can be used to explain the lethal effects of […]
  • Climate Change: Renewable Energy Sources Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity, and deforestation and “oil dependency” only exacerbate the situation and rapidly kill people. Therefore it is important to invest in the development of renewable energy sources.
  • The Role of Renewable Energy in Addressing Electricity Demand in Zambia In this regard, ZESCO Limited, the Zambian power utility company, has an obligation to generate and supply the electricity in the country.
  • Barriers to Deploying Renewable Energy in Hotels The main benefit of renewable energy is environmental protection, improving the environmental and social performance of the industry, and reducing utility costs.
  • Renewable Energy: An International Profile To illustrate the severity of some of the outlined consequences and challenges presented to the national environment, the following graph is presented, illustrating the growth rate of the US fracking industry.
  • “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”: Developing Renewable Energy The focus of this bill on the technological aspect of environmental protection is seen in the allocation of funds on loan guarantees, grants for researchers, and the manufacturing of advanced systems.
  • Technology and Wind Energy Efforts by the elite members of the society enlightened the global countries about the benefits of renewable energy sources in conserving the environment prompting the need to consider wind energy.
  • Efficient Solar Refrigeration: A Technology Platform for Clean Energy and Water Refrigeration cycle capable to be driven by low grade energy, substituting gas-phase ejector used in conventional mechanical compressor.
  • Non-Renewable Energy and Gross Domestic Product of China The use of non-renewable energy in China has the negative impact on the GDP, as indicated by the negative values of DOLS and CCR coefficients. The generation of renewable energy has a negligible negative impact […]
  • Making Solar Energy Affordable Solar energy is a type of energy that is obtained through tapping the sun’s rays radiant and converting it into other energy forms such as heat and electricity.
  • Government Subsidies for Solar Energy This approach has enabled solar companies and developers to penetrate the energy market despite the high costs involved in developing solar power.
  • Electrical Engineering Building Uses Wind Energy The purpose of this fact-finding mission was to determine an appropriate type and rating of the wind turbine based on three factors: the average wind data at UNSW; the peak power demand for the EE […]
  • Solar Energy: Review and Analysis Available literature shows that most commercial CSP plants in Spain and the United States using synthetic oil as the transfer fluid and molten salt as the thermal energy storage technology are able to achieve a […]
  • Solar and Wind Energy in the Empty Quarter Desert However, the main bulk of the report focuses on the proposal to build a stand alone renewable energy source, a combination of a solar power wind turbine system that will provide a stable energy source […]
  • Wind Energy for the Citizens of Shikalabuna, Sri Lanka The citizens of Shikalabuna are shot of the possibility to implement the required wind turbines and get a chance to pay less using the natural source available.
  • Renewable Energy and Transport Fuel Use Patterns The base data is as follows: Table 1 The first segment of this analysis tests for differences between consumption of natural gas and ethanol.
  • Renewable Energy Technologies As for the construction decision and the way of harnessing the wave power, a variety of solutions has been proposed. Cheap and reliable desalinization technology such as one described in the Economist article could be […]
  • Solar Energy Selling Framework The list of actions to complete the required activity goes in the following sequence: planning actions, sales pitch itself, and reflection. The actions, aimed at doing are the four stages of a sales pitch, that […]
  • Renewable Energy Resources in Qatar The topicality of the problem is evidenced by current trends favoring the use of renewable energy resources and the necessity to avoid further deterioration of the situation in this sphere.
  • The Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Effect The key difference factor of the solar cells is the material and technology that is used. Photon behavior in a solar cell is defined by the materials used and the construction of the cell itself.
  • Solar Energy: Commercial and Industrial Power Source This is made further possible by the inspirational circulars related to the application of more solar energy in the state. This is one of the major participations that came in to the notice.
  • Conceptual Chemistry. Wind Turbine vs. Coal Energy The current paper is aimed at considering and comparing traditional coal energy and the newly popular wind turbine energy in the context of their costs and environmental benefits.
  • Solar Energy and Its Impact on Society He believed that the wheel was the extension of our feet, the hammer was an extension of our hands, and technology is the extension of our mind and mentality.
  • Bismuth Vanadate Photocatalyst for Solar Energy 20 In the scheelite BiVO4, it is possible to find out a hybridized band structure with Bi 6s and O 2p orbitals.
  • Renewable Energy and Politics Relationships The global regimes concerned with energy use and distribution call on states to stick to commerce when dealing with energy matters instead of mixing it with politics, but it seems the pleas are ignored given […]
  • Solar Energy Power Plant & Utility Supply Contract The first assumption from the case above is that the advisement by SEPP to the US not to provide EEC certificates was made orally and was came after the contract had been signed.
  • Renewable Energy in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE Adoption of solar power technologies would be extremely beneficial to Gulf countries, and it will help to address most of the issues related to resource shortages.
  • Solar Energy Industry in the UAE The UAE International Investors Council insists that the sustainable use of the available financial resources, particularly, FDI, should be viewed as the foundation for enhancing the development of the state industries, especially as far as […]
  • Biofuel: Renewable Energy Type The purpose of this essay is to discuss this statement and evaluate its accuracy in accordance to the latest studies, as well as the pros and cons of biofuel in general.
  • Wind Energy Feasibility in Russia In Russia, feasibility studies have been conducted to establish the viability of wind turbine projects. In conjunction with the problem statement above, the following aims have been formulated: To use the available and relevant data […]
  • Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. at Canada’s Market The company’s mission is to expand the renewable energy production through the development and operation of their high-quality facilities, considering the need to preserve the environment and the necessity to balance the interests of the […]
  • Google’s Driverless Cars and Renewable Energy Some of the firms are testing the technology with the application of low-powered green energy. The violations of the road regulations are not the only issue with the driverless car technology.
  • Solar Energy: Definition and Ways of Usage Observers believe that the energy from the sun has the potential to satisfy the world’s energy requirements. Energy from the solar is free, and we can never deplete solar energy.
  • Solar Energy Panels in UAE This report will examine the future of solar energy and the incentive schemes that can be put in place to develop the United Arab Emirates solar energy industry.
  • Wind Power as an Alternative Energy Source Wind energy is a renewable source of energy that is an alternative to fossil fuel use, which is necessary for the conservation of the environment.
  • Environmental Issues for Managers: UK’s Current Strategy on Renewable Energy & Technologies The renewable energy strategy of the UK entails escalating the utilization of micro-generation and lessening energy wastage. Barriers to Adoption of Renewable Energy and Technologies The main barriers to adoption of renewable technology in the […]
  • Solar & Wind Sources: Hybrid Energy System Of the Australian capital cities, Darwin, Australia is the smallest and is located in the north-most part of the country. The following is the analysis of the factors to be considered.
  • The Cost Efficiency of Renewable Energy The mentioned benefits as well as other objectives are the reasons why departments of energy around the globe highlight on the generation of electricity from the renewable sources.
  • Legal and Political Factors of Renewable Energy Development To overcome these barriers the government has put in place various regulations and policies to facilitate the development of renewable energy.
  • Environment and Renewable Energy A greater focus on renewable energy development is necessary in this day and age due to the various problems brought about by the use of fossil fueled power plants, which have caused not only an […]
  • Technological Factors of Renewable Energy Development There are three reasons behind this: Renewable energy resources from a commercial energy standpoint are as of yet an unproven method of reliable energy production The means by which renewable energy is produced requires a […]
  • Social Background of Renewable Energy Development According to Craddock, although some people believe that the development of renewable sources of energy is driven by the economic needs, the social force also plays an important role in increasing popularity of this form […]
  • Economic Factors of Renewable Energy Development There has been a consistent increase in the price of a barrel of oil in the world market over the last fifty years.
  • Producing and Transmitting Renewable Energy Complexity in producing and transmitting renewable energy is multifaceted and may be related to many factors, which hinder production and transmission of renewable energy to users.
  • Renewable Energy Policies in Thailand Craddock defines renewable energy policies as “Regulations or incentives that are created to encourage the use of renewable energy, and the main purpose of these policies is to increase the production of renewable energy”.
  • Solar Energy Houses’ Benefits In the same breadth, another advantage of the solar energy houses is that they reduce the emission of carbon dioxide through other processes.
  • Is Renewable Energy a Viable Option? One of the most critical questions that majorities ask and the main hurdle to renewable energy is whether renewable energy can ever efficiently become a viable energy option relative to the traditional, ready available sources […]
  • Economics of Renewable Energy This form of renewable energy has proven to be the best in the industrial sector. This means that the society has to look beyond the use of non renewable energy.
  • Renewable Energy: Wind Generating Plant for the Local Community The financial department will deal with all the financial aspects of the project, while marketing department will handle the marketing of the energy source in the society.
  • Usage of Renewable Energy in Saudi Arabia Energy system stability for the year 2010 In the Table, the Potential for adopting CSP in the Kingdom for the year 2010 rated 124,560 TWh and has a capacity credit of 90%.
  • Wind-Based Energy Market The energy department in the U.S.has been able to discover and point a number of challenges and problems in the development of wind energy.
  • Solar Energy in the UAE It is important to note that the nature of the solar field is modular, and that it has a number of parallel solar collector rows.
  • Solar Energy Business Model Based in Melbourne Competitiveness The concentration of solar energy consultancy industry Industry concentration is a term used to define the measure of the number of organizations as well as the size of the organizations, which are considered predominant […]
  • Abu Dhabi Wind Energy The report covers energy crisis in Abu Dhabi, wind energy as a potential source of renewable energy for Abu Dhabi, and recommendations.
  • Wind Energy for Environmental Sustainability Production of this energy is important to the survival and enhancement of lives of people in a society. It refers to the role of that business or a corporate towards the society.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy Another advantage is the fact that most of the turbines that are used in the generation of wind power are located in ranches, and on farms.
  • Making Solar Energy More Affordable The use of solar energy can be critical for environmental and economic sustainability of many communities that can be located in different regions of the world.
  • Renewable Energy Sources Summary Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy and geothermal energy are the main renewable sources of energy. In an analysis of 2005 energy sources, it is evident that nuclear energy was the dominant energy source followed […]
  • Wind Energy, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Reliable sources of energy need to be renewable; they include wind energy, solar energy and hydro-energy; wind energy is a dependable source of energy although it remains the least used among the available renewable sources […]
  • Renewable Energy Co: Engineering Economics and TOP Perspectives of Renewable Energy in Canada The beginning of the twenty-first century reflects the concerns of people about the sources of energy, lack of power supply, and importance of reconsidering values and sources of energy that have been established in the […]
  • Solving the Climate Change Crisis Through Development of Renewable Energy Thus, the threats of the climate change can be overcome with references to resolving the economic crisis with the help of orientation to the new sources of renewable energy, which can be discussed as beneficial […]
  • Can a Switch to Renewable Energy Sources Help Combat Global Warming? This paper will argue that since fossil fuels have been the primary contributors to the global warming problem, a switch to renewable energy sources will help to mitigate global warming and possibly even reverse the […]
  • Wind and Solar Energy as a Sources of Alternative Energy Fthenakis, Mason and Zweibel also examined the economical, geographical and technical viability of solar power to supplement the energy requirements of the U.S.and concluded that it was possible to substitute the current fossil fuel energy […]
  • Wind Energy: The Use of Wind Turbines One of the most promising is wind energy, specifically the use of wind turbines to produce clean and renewable energy. The only problem is that it is more expensive to build large wind turbines.
  • New Techniques for Harnessing Solar Energy Due to the scarcity of fossil fuels and the expenses incurred in the mining of fossil fuels, it is important that we find a new source of energy to fulfill the energy needs of the […]
  • Is Solar Energy Good for the State of New Jersey? The state of the New Jersey is second to California in terms of the use of solar energy. As people are waking up to the reality that the limited world’s resources are increasingly being depleted, […]
  • The Use of Solar Energy Should be Adopted in All States in the U.S. The emphasis on renewable sources of energy has been enhanced by the fact that the limited world’s resources are increasingly being depleted; thus, the states have adopted the use of solar energy so as to […]
  • What Energy Is Renewable?
  • What Is the Cleanest Renewable Energy Source?
  • How Does Renewable Energy Work?
  • What Are the Types of Renewable Resources?
  • Is Renewable Energy Healthy?
  • What Are the Benefits of Renewable Energy?
  • What Are the Cons of Renewable Energy?
  • What Is the Most Powerful Renewable Energy?
  • What Affects the Development of Renewable Energy Power Generation Projects in China?
  • Can the World Be Powered Fully by Renewable Energy?
  • How Safe Is Renewable Energy?
  • Why Is Renewable Energy Not Popular?
  • What Are the Most Renewable Energy Sources?
  • How Renewable Energy Can Change the World?
  • What Drives Renewable Energy Development?
  • What Role Can Renewable Energy Play for North Africa and the Middle East?
  • How Does Renewable Energy Impact Carbon Emissions?
  • What Will the Situation for Renewable Energy in Europe Be in 2030?
  • What Is the Main Problem With Renewable Energy?
  • How Efficient Is Renewable Energy?
  • Can Renewable Energy Be Overused?
  • Why 100% Renewable Is Not Possible?
  • Which Country Has Highest Renewable Energy?
  • What Are the Effects of Renewable Energy?
  • What Is the Safest Energy Source?
  • Water Issues Research Ideas
  • Global Warming Essay Titles
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  • Green Building Questions
  • Electric Vehicle Paper Topics
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  • Greenhouse Gases Research Ideas
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/renewable-energy-essay-topics/

"113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "113 Renewable Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 1, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

Top 35 Projects Based on Renewable Energy

Latest Projects Based on Renewable Energy

The following projects are based on renewable energy. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using renewable energy.

1. Automated Solar Grass Cutter

Today the most promising source of energy where everyone focusing is the concept of Solar Power and its Utilization. Generally, we see people who had gardens use lawn mowers manually to cut the unwanted grass. Those lawn movers are powered from normal household’s power through cables or using petrol/diesel. Using cables creates messing problem and if there is any power cut, we can’t use that lawn mower. Similarly, if we use petrol/diesel powered machine, it requires money and they create pollution through the smoke. Through this project, you are going to build a unique Automatic Solar Grass Cutter (Lawn Mower) which is powered by solar energy and it will overcome all the above-mentioned problems.

2. Generating Electricity From Sound Waves

In today's world, we are facing scarcity of Electricity. Generally, in lots of places in INDIA and SOUTH AFRICA, some villages are not getting electricity. In that way, you might be thinking about the hydropower or wind or solar but there is something crazy about generating electricity through industrial machine sounds or sound produced by the crowd in stadium or vehicle traffic noise. Sounds cool right! SLNOTE

3. Turning Gravity into Light

In today's modern world we have ample amount of facility which can satisfy above our basic need, unfortunately this condition is not satisfied everywhere in countries like Kenya, India where millions of people don't have electricity to lighten their house even renewable energy(wind, solar, water) are hardly available at some places and they are using harmful fuels like kerosene to power their house spending 20% of their income. What is the solution?

4. Smart Power Shoe

Humans are harvesting energy in wonderfully different ways, which means they think a lot to innovate something which is helpful to society. It's not easy to think about the alternative energy apart from solar, hydro, biogas. Renewable energies are the best alternative energy in today's world. We are generating power through nature by converting heat/pressure/kinetic energy into electrical energy in a more effective way.

5. Ocean Drone

DronDrones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space.

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Want to develop practical skills on latest technologies? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

6. Dual Wind Turbine

A new wind turbine generator system (WTGS) is introduced, and its mathematical model, blade pitch control scheme, and nonlinear simulation software for the performance prediction are presented. The notable feature of WTGS is that it consists of two rotor systems positioned horizontally at upwind and downwind locations, and a generator installed vertically inside the tower.

7. Electric Harvesting Tiles

It's all about generating energy from people's footsteps. Every time the people walk we are capturing that kinetic energy and turns into electricity the more people walk moreover we can create. Well, it's not just about the power it's about power data and engagement. You can generate 10 seconds of light from one foot. We don't want any large transformer for generating power. Yes, this creation is helpful for human resources. It requires no natural resources.

8. Battery Bottle

Adventure come with obstacles. Life is full of adventure but now where ever you go you phone is always with you or some other electronic devices which helps you to keep in touch and you find your way but these devices need to be charged. It's also very important to be hydrated in this adventurous life. But what if clean water is not available any solution? In this project you are going to make an innovative model with battery pack having USB connection and which also purifies water.

9. Air Pollution Detector

Air pollution consists of chemicals or particles in the atmosphere that causes serious health and environmental health but what causes air pollution for our planet. Most of the air pollution comes from human activities very least are from natural activities like a volcano eruption. Most of the harmful gases formed are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfates, nitrates, through Greenhouse gases, smog, toxic pollutants like lead and mercury now the question is do we have a solution? In this project, you are going to make an air pollution detector by using an Arduino and some air quality sensors. You need one Arduino Uno, LCD display, and 5-volt power supply

10. Noise Pollution Detector

Noise is basically an unwanted sound(>90db)One more type of pollution that harms the environment and living entities in a big way is Noise pollution. It's a machine created unpleasant noise which disrupts the human or animal life construction, transportation, railway, aircraft noise. these increase in high-pressure waves can cause you high blood pressure, headaches, hypertension.

11. Water Pollution Detector

Water is the bases of life and only a tiny share of water all the water on earth is fresh and renewable. More than 97% of water is salty to drink.another 2% is locked up in ice form and glacier. Less than 1% ii left for Drinking, Agriculture, Industry, and nature. Water is a global issue but it's also a very local issue.

12. Transparent Solar Building

13. solar backpack.

A backpack — also called bookbag, kitbag, knapsack, rucksack, rucksack, pack, backpack or backpack — is, in its simplest form, a cloth sack carried on one's back and secured with two straps that go over the shoulders, but there can be variations to this basic design. Backpacks are commonly used by hikers and students and are often preferred to handbags for carrying heavy loads or carrying any sort of equipment, because of the limited capacity to carry heavy weights for long periods of time in the hands.

14. Vortex Type Bladeless Windmill

As you are well aware of the fact the natural energy is the need of future considering a small initiative by Government of India to supply electric current to every home in the country and supply it for 24 Hours, alternatives to hydropower, which credits natural energy its own importance in the market.

15. EWICON- Electrostatic Wind Energy Converter

As you are well aware of the fact the natural energy is the need of future considering a small initiative by Government of India to supply Electric Power to every home in the country and supply it for 24 Hours, alternatives to hydropower, which credits natural energy its own importance in the market.

16. How to Design a Water Cleaning Boat?

Due to lack of circulation, water can become stale and undrinkable. In order to ensure safe and clean drinking water on board, your boat freshwater system needs to be sanitized if it hasn’t been used for some time, for example before your first use of the system after your boat has been stored for the winter. In order to clean boat water tanks, you have to remove the old water before starting the disinfection procedure.

17. Battery Free Flashlight

Do you think by using battery constrain you to run the technology anywhere in the world or in a solar system. Our drawback is battery we need some platform or power source for storage of power in the form of chemical energy. What if you are making your project without battery sounds crazy right! You don't need to store energy anywhere or neither you need to convert into another form. What happens when you use the battery you are converting in the chemical energy to store in battery and then again to are converting into electrical energy in that process you are losing some amount of energy in form of power. Usually batteries are made of terrible chemicals among very few are being recycled and finally, in the end, we have to dispose of them in the earth which might be very dangerous for humans in future

18. Salt Light Lamp

The idea behind this project salt lamp is the chemical conversion of energy. It utilizes the scientific process behind the Galvanic cell, but instead of electrolytes, the SALt lamp uses saline solution, making it harmless and non-toxic. SALt lamp project is an LED lamp powered by the galvanic reaction of an anode with saline water. It also has a USB port to charge low-power mobile devices such as cellphones, smartphones, and mp3 players.The anode must be replaced approximately every six months and the saline water daily; sea water is usable.

19. Eco Cooler

As temperature is rise in many parts of the country, we are suffering from heat cramps, exhaustion, dehydration and heat stroke.According to studies in America, hundreds of people around the world die every year from heat-related conditions, which can be completely avoided if preventive measures are taken.where temperature reach up to 45 deg Celsius making corrugated tin huts unbearable to live in.

20. Solar powered Environmental system

To save the city it is very high time to take necessary steps. Creating public awareness is first one of the steps. For creating public awareness we need real time data of the noise we are creating everyday. If every one can see the noise level and air quality in real time it will create a mental pressure for taking steps against the pollution. Researcher will also be benefited from this open source real time data.

21. Matlab Simulation on HydroEnergy system

Hydropower is common for many years in countries that have mountains and water. Small hydroelectric power plants harness the falling water kinetic energy to generate electricity. Turbine transform falling water kinetic energy into mechanical energy and then,

22. Simulation Of Solar Energy System With MATLAB

Solar energy is that energy which we gain from the sun through radiation on daily basis. Solar energy is present on the earth continuously and the energy generated by the sun is abundant for all types of application but harnessing that energy is the major factor.

23. Matlab simulation on Wind Energy system

Wind energy is an efficient and emerging field of power generation since high power can be generated without many losses compared to other types of power generation. Wind energy is extracted from the blowing winds which hit the turbine blades causing them to rotate along their axis.

24. Aluminium Powered Car

About the project.

Alternate power sources are rapidly spreading into research fields. Multiple sources are being experimented to replace the combustion fuels from petroleum products. One such experiement is power by aluminium

25. Perpendicular Wind Turbines

Perpendicular Wind Turbines. Rising sea levels and escalating pollution levels has generated worldwide interest and has given rise to new wind turbines designs.(Check out EWICON, Bladeless windmill)

26. Electricity from Sand Bacteria

Given the finite supply of fossil fuels, this biofuel cell is a promising approach for generating power in a renewable, carbon-neutral way. One approach is use of fuel cell and generating the energy using bacterias from muds

27. All About Buildings With Photovoltaic Glazing System

28. hydropower using treated sewage water.

Urban migration is the major reason for the generation of large amounts of sewage water. To overcome that large number of sewage treatment plants are built.

29. Ocean Electricity

There are different electricity sources and from them some cause high pollution to the environment and while others are free from pollution but the efficiency is very less. If there is no water in the dam then there is no electricity from the hydroelectric station.

30. Underwater Turbines

We are in an era where we can’t live without electricity even for ten minutes. The major proportion of electricity is produced is from non-conventional or non-renewable sources. Thermal power station alone accounts for about 70 - 80% of the electricity generation.  And the remaining is produced by hydro, wind, etc.

31. Hybrid Solar Energy

These days electricity has become a need for the survival of the human being on this earth. The major source of the electricity is conventional energy sources which is produced in thermal power stations by using Coal. And the reserves of the coal are been depleted day by day.

32. Automatic Solar Tracker

You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.

33. 4 Smart Energy Projects

34. solar & smart energy systems, 35. 5 arduino projects, latest projects based on renewable energy, any questions.

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Solar farm and wind mills.

Wind turbine blades and connected photovoltaic panels are seen in the tidal flat wetland of Yancheng City, Jiangsu province, September 23, 2023.

7 Steps to What a Real Renewable Energy Transition Looks Like

Historically, an overhaul for humanity's energy system would take hundreds or many thousands of years. the rapid shift to cleaner, more sustainable sources of power generations will easily be the most ambitious enterprise our species has ever undertaken..

Humanity’s transition from relying overwhelmingly on fossil fuels to instead using alternative low-carbon energy sources is sometimes said to be unstoppable and exponential . A boosterish attitude on the part of many renewable energy advocates is understandable: overcoming people’s climate despair and sowing confidence could help muster the needed groundswell of motivation to end our collective fossil fuel dependency. But occasionally a reality check is in order.

The reality is that energy transitions are a big deal, and they typically take centuries to unfold. Historically, they’ve been transformative for societies—whether we’re speaking of humanity’s taming of fire hundreds of thousands of years ago, the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, or our adoption of fossil fuels starting roughly 200 years ago. Given (1) the current size of the human population (there are eight times as many of us alive today as there were in 1820, when the fossil fuel energy transition was getting underway), (2) the vast scale of the global economy, and (3) the unprecedented speed with which the transition will have to be made in order to avert catastrophic climate change, a rapid renewable energy transition is easily the most ambitious enterprise our species has ever undertaken.

As we’ll see, the evidence shows that the transition is still in its earliest stages, and at the current rate, it will fail to avert a climate catastrophe in which an unimaginable number of people will either die or be forced to migrate, with most ecosystems transformed beyond recognition.

Implementing these seven steps will change everything. The result will be a world that’s less crowded, one where nature is recovering rather than retreating, and one in which people are healthier (because they’re not soaked in pollution) and happier.

We’ll unpack the reasons why the transition is currently such an uphill slog. Then, crucially, we’ll explore what a real energy transition would look like, and how to make it happen.

Why This Is (So Far) Not a Real Transition

Despite trillions of dollars having been spent on renewable energy infrastructure, carbon emissions are still increasing , not decreasing, and the share of world energy coming from fossil fuels is only slightly less today than it was 20 years ago. In 2024, the world is using more oil, coal, and natural gas than it did in 2023.

While the U.S. and many European nations have seen a declining share of their electricity production coming from coal, the continuing global growth in fossil fuel usage and CO2 emissions overshadows any cause for celebration .

Why is the rapid deployment of renewable energy not resulting in declining fossil fuel usage? The main culprit is economic growth, which consumes more energy and materials . So far, the amount of annual growth in the world’s energy usage has exceeded the amount of energy added each year from new solar panels and wind turbines. Fossil fuels have supplied the difference.

So, for the time being at least, we are not experiencing a real energy transition. All that humanity is doing is adding energy from renewable sources to the growing amount of energy it derives from fossil fuels. The much-touted energy transition could, if somewhat cynically, be described as just an aspirational grail.

How long would it take for humanity to fully replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, accounting for both the current growth trajectory of solar and wind power, and also the continued expansion of the global economy at the recent rate of 3 percent per year? Economic models suggest the world could obtain most of its electricity from renewables by 2060 (though many nations are not on a path to reach even this modest marker). However, electricity represents only about 20 percent of the world’s final energy usage; transitioning the other 80 percent of energy usage would take longer—likely many decades.

However, to avert catastrophic climate change, the global scientific community says we need to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050—i.e., in just 25 years. Since it seems physically impossible to get all of our energy from renewables that soon while still growing the economy at recent rates, the IPCC (the international agency tasked with studying climate change and its possible remedies) assumes that humanity will somehow adopt carbon capture and sequestration technologies at scale—including technologies that have been shown not to work —even though there is no existing way of paying for this vast industrial build-out. This wishful thinking on the part of the IPCC is surely proof that the energy transition is not happening at sufficient speed.

Why isn’t it? One reason is that governments, businesses, and an awful lot of regular folks are clinging to an unrealistic goal for the transition. Another reason is that there is insufficient tactical and strategic global management of the overall effort. We’ll address these problems separately, and in the process uncover what it would take to nurture a true energy transition.

The Core of the Transition is Using Less Energy

At the heart of most discussions about the energy transition lie two enormous assumptions: that the transition will leave us with a global industrial economy similar to today’s in terms of its scale and services, and that this future renewable-energy economy will continue to grow, as the fossil-fueled economy has done in recent decades. But both of these assumptions are unrealistic. They flow from a largely unstated goal: we want the energy transition to be completely painless, with no sacrifice of profit or convenience. That goal is understandable, since it would presumably be easier to enlist the public, governments, and businesses in an enormous new task if no cost is incurred (though the history of overwhelming societal effort and sacrifice during wartime might lead us to question that presumption).

But the energy transition will undoubtedly entail costs. Aside from tens of trillions of dollars in required monetary investment, the energy transition will itself require energy—lots of it. It will take energy to build solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, electric vehicles, electric farm machinery, zero-carbon aircraft, batteries, and the rest of the vast panoply of devices that would be required to operate an electrified global industrial economy at current scale.

In the early stages of the transition, most of that energy for building new low-carbon infrastructure will have to come from fossil fuels, since those fuels still supply over 80 percent of world energy (bootstrapping the transition—using only renewable energy to build transition-related machinery—would take far too long). So, the transition itself, especially if undertaken quickly, will entail a large pulse of carbon emissions. Teams of scientists have been seeking to estimate the size of that pulse; one group suggests that transition-related emissions will be substantial, ranging from 70 to 395 billion metric tons of CO2 “with a cross-scenario average of 195 GtCO2”—the equivalent of more than five years’ worth of global carbon CO2 emissions at current rates. The only ways to minimize these transition-related emissions would be, first, to aim to build a substantially smaller global energy system than the one we are trying to replace; and second, to significantly reduce energy usage for non-transition-related purposes—including transportation and manufacturing, cornerstones of our current economy—during the transition.

In addition to energy, the transition will require materials. While our current fossil-fuel energy regime extracts billions of tons of coal, oil, and gas, plus much smaller amounts of iron, bauxite, and other ores for making drills, pipelines, pumps, and other related equipment, the construction of renewable energy infrastructure at commensurate scale would require far larger quantities of non-fuel raw materials —including copper, iron, aluminum, lithium, iridium, gallium, sand, and rare earth elements.

While some estimates suggest that global reserves of these elements are sufficient for the initial build-out of renewable-energy infrastructure at scale, there are still two big challenges. First: obtaining these materials will require greatly expanding extractive industries along with their supply chains. These industries are inherently polluting, and they inevitably degrade land. For example, to produce one ton of copper ore, over 125 tons of rock and soil must be displaced. The rock-to-metal ratio is even worse for some other ores . Mining operations often take place on Indigenous peoples’ lands and the tailings from those operations often pollute rivers and streams. Non-human species and communities in the global South are already traumatized by land degradation and toxification; greatly expanding resource extraction—including deep-sea mining —would only deepen and multiply the wounds.

The second materials challenge: renewable energy infrastructure will have to be replaced periodically— every 25 to 50 years . Even if Earth’s minerals are sufficient for the first full-scale build-out of panels, turbines, and batteries, will limited mineral abundance permit continual replacements? Transition advocates say that we can avoid depleting the planet’s ores by recycling minerals and metals after constructing the first iteration of solar-and-wind technology. However, recycling is never complete, with some materials degraded in the process. One analysis suggests recycling would only buy a couple of centuries’ worth of time before depletion would bring an end to the regime of replaceable renewable-energy machines—and that’s assuming a widespread, coordinated implementation of recycling on an unprecedented scale. Again, the only real long-term solution is to aim for a much smaller global energy system.

The transition of society from fossil fuel dependency to reliance on low-carbon energy sources will be impossible to achieve without also reducing overall energy usage substantially and maintaining this lower rate of energy usage indefinitely. This transition isn’t just about building lots of solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries. It is about organizing society differently so that is uses much less energy and gets whatever energy it uses from sources that can be sustained over the long run.

How We Could Actually Do It, In Seven Concurrent Steps

Step one: Cap global fossil fuel extraction through global treaty, and annually lower the cap. We will not reduce carbon emissions until we reduce fossil fuel usage—it’s just that simple. Rather than trying to do this by adding renewable energy (which so far hasn’t resulted in a lessening of emissions), it makes far more sense simply to limit fossil fuel extraction. I wrote up the basics of a treaty along these lines several years ago in my book, The Oil Depletion Protocol .

Step two: Manage energy demand fairly. Reducing fossil fuel extraction presents a problem. Where will we get the energy required for transition purposes? Realistically, it can only be obtained by repurposing energy we’re currently using for non-transition purposes. That means most people, especially in highly industrialized countries, would have to use significantly less energy, both directly and also indirectly (in terms of energy embedded in products, and in services provided by society, such as road building). To accomplish this with the minimum of societal stress will require a social means of managing energy demand.

The fairest and most direct way to manage energy demand is via quota rationing . Tradable Energy Quotas ( TEQs ) is a system designed two decades ago by British economist David Fleming; it rewards energy savers and gently punishes energy guzzlers while ensuring that everyone gets energy they actually need. Every adult would be given an equal free entitlement of TEQs units each week. If you use less than your entitlement of units, you can sell your surplus. If you need more, you can buy them. All trading takes place at a single national price, which will rise and fall in line with demand.

Step three: Manage the public’s material expectations . Persuading people to accept using less energy will be hard, if everyone still wants to use more. Therefore, it will be necessary to manage the public’s expectations. This may sound technocratic and scary, but in fact society has already been managing the public’s expectations for over a century via advertising—which constantly delivers messages encouraging everyone to consume as much as they can. Now we need different messages to set different expectations.

What’s our objective in life? Is it to have as much stuff as possible, or to be happy and secure? Our current economic system assumes the former, and we have instituted an economic goal (constant growth) and an indicator (gross domestic product, or GDP) to help us achieve that goal. But ever-more people using ever-more stuff and energy leads to increased rates of depletion, pollution, and degradation, thereby imperiling the survival of humanity and the rest of the biosphere. In addition, the goal of happiness and security is more in line with cultural traditions and human psychology . If happiness and security are to be our goals, we should adopt indicators that help us achieve them. Instead of GDP, which simply measures the amount of money changing hands in a country annually, we should measure societal success by monitoring human well-being. The tiny country of Bhutan has been doing this for decades with its Gross National Happiness ( GNH ) indicator, which it has offered as a model for the rest of the world.

Step four: Aim for population decline . If population is always growing while available energy is capped, that means ever-less energy will be available per capita. Even if societies ditch GDP and adopt GNH, the prospect of continually declining energy availability will present adaptive challenges. How can energy scarcity impacts be minimized? The obvious solution: welcome population decline and plan accordingly.

Global population will start to decline sometime during this century . Fertility rates are falling worldwide, and China, Japan, Germany, and many other nations are already seeing population shrinkage. Rather than viewing this as a problem, we should see it as an opportunity. With fewer people, energy decline will be less of a burden on a per capita basis. There are also side benefits: a smaller population puts less pressure on wild nature, and often results in rising wages . We should stop pushing a pro-natalist agenda; ensure that women have the educational opportunities, social standing, security, and access to birth control to make their own childbearing choices; incentivize small families, and aim for the long-term goal of a stable global population closer to the number of people who were alive at the start of the fossil-fuel revolution (even though voluntary population shrinkage will be too slow to help us much in reaching immediate emissions reduction targets).

Step five: Target technological research and development to the transition. Today the main test of any new technology is simply its profitability. However, the transition will require new technologies to meet an entirely different set of criteria, including low-energy operation and minimization of exotic and toxic materials. Fortunately, there is already a subculture of engineers developing low-energy and intermediate technologies that could help run a right-sized circular economy .

Step six: Institute technological triage . Many of our existing technologies don’t meet these new criteria. So, during the transition, we will be letting go of familiar but ultimately destructive and unsustainable machines.

Some energy-guzzling machines—such as gasoline-powered leaf blowers —will be easy to say goodbye to. Commercial aircraft will be harder. Artificial intelligence is an energy guzzler we managed to live without until very recently; perhaps it’s best if we bid it a quick farewell. Cruise ships? Easy: downsize them, replace their engines with sails, and expect to take just one grand voyage during your lifetime. Weapons industries offer plenty of examples of machines we could live without . Of course, giving up some of our labor-saving devices will require us to learn useful skills—which could end up providing us with more exercise. For guidance along these lines, consult the rich literature of technology criticism.

Step seven: Help nature absorb excess carbon . The IPCC is right: if we’re to avert catastrophic climate change we need to capture carbon from the air and sequester it for a long time. But not with machines. Nature already removes and stores enormous amounts of carbon; we just need to help it do more (rather than reducing its carbon-capturing capabilities, which is what humanity is doing now). Reform agriculture to build soil rather than destroy it. Restore ecosystems , including grasslands, wetlands, forests, and coral reefs.

Granted, this seven-step program appears politically unachievable today. But that’s largely because humanity hasn’t yet fully faced the failure of our current path of prioritizing immediate profits and comfort above long-term survival—and the consequences of that failure. Given better knowledge of where we’re currently headed, and the alternatives, what is politically impossible today could quickly become inevitable.

Social philosopher Roman Krznaric writes that profound social transformations are often tied to wars, natural disasters, or revolutions. But crisis alone is not positively transformative. There must also be ideas available for different ways to organize society, and social movements energized by those ideas. We have a crisis and (as we have just seen) some good ideas for how to do things differently. Now we need a movement.

Building a movement takes political and social organizing skills, time, and hard work. Even if you don’t have the skills for organizing, you can help the cause by learning what a real energy transition requires and then educating the people you know; by advocating for degrowth or related policies; and by reducing your own energy and materials consumption . Calculate your ecological footprint and shrink it over time, using goals and strategies, and tell your family and friends what you are doing and why.

Even with a new social movement advocating for a real energy transition, there is no guarantee that civilization will emerge from this century of unraveling in a recognizable form. But we all need to understand: this is a fight for survival in which cooperation and sacrifice are required, just as in total war. Until we feel that level of shared urgency, there will be no real energy transition, and little prospect for a desirable human future.

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