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1) Discuss the nature and importance of judicial independence. In examining this topic analyze what aspects of independence are necessary to achieve judicial impartiality and what aspects may be part of broader issues of the judiciary's desire for greater institutional autonomy.

2) Critically analyze the functions of Parliament and how effectively they may - and should - be performed within the context of Canada's parliamentary system of government. what reforms would you suggest as practical means to foster a more effective Parliament.

3) What are the powers and limitations on the Prime Minister? Do they lead to "Prime Ministerial Government"?

4) Discuss how the nature of Canadian federalism has changed since Confederation through judicial interpretation, political practice, and constitutional amendment. What in you view can and should be changed in our federal structures and division of powers to ensure Canada's survival?

5) Examine the importance of financial arrangements between the federal and provincial governments to the working of Canadian federalism, or to an area of public policy (i.e. health care, or education).

6) Examine individual ministerial responsibility to reveal the differences between theory and practice. Is there any real substance left to the doctrine individual ministerial responsibility?

7) Review critically one or more proposals to reform the Senate. (i.e. Triple E) In your discussions try to identify what failings in the current institutional arrangements are hoped to be ameliorated by Senate reform? Would Senate reform in fact have the desired effects, or are there other consequences or concerns which outweigh the benefits?

8) Many have argued that party discipline is too strong in Canadian politics. Examine why it exists and the range of issues which must be accounted for in order to substantially relax party discipline.

9) Examine the legal and conventional powers of the Governor General? What justification can be given for the personal prerogative powers of the Governor General?

10) Examine the issues involved and the merits of Canada abolishing its ties to the British monarchy. You may draw material and ideas from the current debate in Australia over becoming a republic.

11) Analyze different models for aboriginal self-government for their suitability and desirability. In this topic you should recognize the variety of arrangements possible to implement self-government and their different strengths and weaknesses.

12) Examine some of the positive and negative effects of the Charter of Rights on the Canadian political system. Has it provided a new avenue for disadvantaged group to change public policy? Has it eroded the role of parliament? Does it strengthen or weaken democracy?


. The use of another author's particular ideas must also be credited in a note. All work submitted for this class must be the student's original work done for this class. 

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In This Article Expand or collapse the "in this article" section Canadian Government and Politics

Introduction, general overview and textbooks.

  • Nationalism in Quebec
  • Indigenous Politics
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Political Institutions
  • Constitutionalism, the Judiciary, and the Charter
  • Parties, Elections, and Voting
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  • Canadian Foreign Policy
  • Comparative Politics of Federalism
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  • Indigenous Rights and Governance in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
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Canadian Government and Politics by André Lecours LAST REVIEWED: 26 October 2023 LAST MODIFIED: 26 October 2023 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199756223-0367

Canada is a federation established in 1867. Originally designed to have a very powerful federal government, Canada is now one of the most decentralized federations in the world. Provinces have significant constitutionally assigned exclusive legislative and administrative powers in key policy sectors like health care and education, and they have significant capacity to raise their own revenues. A central piece to Canadian federalism is the equalization program, whose principles are enshrined in the Canadian Constitution and which allows provincial governments to offer public services of comparable quality at a comparable level of taxation by providing payments to provinces whose fiscal capacity falls below a national average. A constitutional monarchy, Canada functions with a Westminster parliamentary system. At the federal level, the legislative branch is bicameral, comprising the House of Commons and the Senate. Senators are appointed by the prime minister and, as a result, the Senate suffers from a democratic deficit that effectively prevents it from exercising its full constitutional powers. The Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) has dominated federal politics, forming most governments, with the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC), along with its predecessor, the Progressive-Conservative Party of Canada, being the only other parties that have governed the country. Thanks in large part to the uninominal majoritarian electoral system used both federally and in the ten provinces, governments in Canada usually involve one party commanding a parliamentary majority, although minority governments at the federal level have been a more frequent occurrence in the twenty-first century. Party discipline in Canada is among the strongest in the world, which facilitates the formation of stable governments but represents a significant obstacle for members of Parliament seeking to represent their constituents. Canada’s foundational cleavage is between English and French speakers, which is reflected in official bilingualism, legislated in 1969. This cleavage is still, in its modern form, at the center of Canadian politics, as Quebec, the only province with a majority of French speakers, has a powerful nationalist movement and has long sought changes to the Canadian Constitution in a way that would recognize its distinctiveness. Canada is a settler society, and Indigenous peoples, who have endured a long history of colonialism, put forth claims related to territorial rights and self-determination. Beginning with the Royal Proclamation of 1763, which stipulated that all land was Indigenous until ceded through treaties, the legitimate instrument for managing the territorial relationship between Indigenous peoples and the state has been treaties (first, the so-called numbered treaties, and since 1975, the “modern treaties”). Canada is widely known for its multiculturalism policy, formulated in 1971, which encourages Canadians from different backgrounds to retain their cultural identities. Central to Canadian politics is a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which serves as a legal basis for Canadians to put forth rights claims. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has helped, to varying degrees, different minorities (gender, sexual orientation, racial, Indigenous peoples) struggle for equality and against discrimination.

The study of Canadian government and politics is rooted in traditions of institutionalism ( Smith 2005 ) and political economy ( Whiteside 2020 ). The focus on institutions reflects an almost existential concern with federalism, whose nature and structure have always been heavily debated in Canadian politics The popularity of political economy approaches stems in large part from Canada’s resource-driven economy and its close relationship with the United States, which has had many intellectuals and politicians worry about the country’s ability to define truly autonomous courses of action throughout the years. In the last couple of decades, there has been a “comparative turn” in the field of Canadian politics that has involved more research placing Canada in comparative perspective ( White, et al. 2008 ; Turgeon, et al. 2014 ), although some scholars have sought to reassert the value of producing deep knowledge on Canadian politics (see, e.g., Noël 2014 ). The literature in the field is primarily in English, but there is also a French-language corpus, primarily on Quebec nationalism and politics as well as on Canadian federalism. As Rocher 2007 shows, French-speaking political scientists, let alone the literature in French, tend to be much less cited than their English-speaking counterparts. A great resource for understanding the field of Canadian government and politics is the presidential address at the annual conference of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA), which is published in the Canadian Journal of Political Science ( CJPS ), the main refereed journal outlet for research on Canadian government and politics. The yearly presidential address, such as Abu-Laban 2017 , often speaks to the state of research on Canadian politics. General works on Canadian government and politics are typically textbooks, of which there are several of high quality (e.g., Cochrane, et al. 2016 ; Brooks and Ménard 2017 ; Bickerton and Gagnon 2020 ). These works tend to cover central themes in the study of Canadian government and politics, which include those found in the study of most liberal democracies: voting and elections; party politics; political institutions; social movements and interest groups, public policy; and societal cleavages such as class, gender, and sexual orientation. Central themes in the study of Canadian government and politics also include questions more peculiar to Canada, such as federalism, constitutionalism, multiculturalism, nationalism, rights regimes, and, increasingly popular in recent years, Indigenous politics.

Abu-Laban, Yasmeen. “Narrating Canadian Political Science: History Revisited.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 50.4 (2017): 895–919.

DOI: 10.1017/S000842391700138X

This Canadian Political Science Association presidential address argues that Canadian political science has always been a national venture, and that, therefore, it is intimately connected to the country’s political development. Accordingly, political science in Canada followed an evolutionary rather than revolutionary pattern of development. Originally grounded in a fairly exclusive British settler society, it has gradually but tentatively opened up to voices from minority groups and populations.

Bickerton, James, and Alain-G. Gagnon, eds. Canadian Politics . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.

A classic textbook edited by two senior Canadian government and politics specialists offering comprehensive coverage across more than twenty chapters, each written by topic specialists, including on salient contemporary issues such as climate policy, Indigenous politics, and immigration. Now in its seventh edition.

Brooks, Stephen, and Marc Ménard. Canadian Democracy. A Concise Introduction . Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2017.

A reader-friendly coauthored introductory text on Canadian government and politics covering all the basics, plus interesting chapters on political culture and on the media. It features many pictures, cartoons, tables, and other learning aids, making it one of the most accessible textbooks on the market.

Cochrane, Christopher, Kelly Blidook, and Rand Dyck. Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches . Toronto: Nelson, 2016.

Recent version of a classic textbook first authored by Rand Dyck three decades ago, now with coauthors. This textbook is extremely detailed, comprising more than seven hundred pages. It usefully integrates theoretical approaches such as historical institutionalism and rational choice within the empirical material on Canadian government and politics.

Noël, Alain. “Studying Your Own Country: Social Scientific Knowledge for Our Time and Place.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 47.4 (2014): 647–666.

DOI: 10.1017/S0008423914001085

This Canadian Political Science Association presidential address constitutes somewhat of a response to the “comparative turn” movement in the field of Canadian government and politics. Although it does not deny the usefulness of the comparison, the article highlights the importance of producing specialized knowledge on Canadian government and politics for the purpose of mobilizing and using such knowledge in order to improve the Canadian polity.

Rocher, François. “The End of the Two ‘Solitudes’: The Presence (or Absence) of the Work of French-Speaking Scholars in Canadian Politics.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 40.4 (2007): 833–857.

DOI: 10.1017/S0008423907071132

Canada has often been sociologically described as “two solitudes,” or two communities, English- and French-speaking, that do not often communicate. This study looks at the extent to which, in the field of Canadian government and politics, English-speaking researchers cite their French-speaking counterparts, whether they write in English or in French. It finds that French-speaking researchers are virtually absent from the work of English speakers, suggesting that some form of the “two solitudes” prevails.

Smith, Miriam. “Institutionalism in the Study of Canadian Politics: The English-Canadian Tradition.” In New Institutionalism: Theory and Analysis . Edited by André Lecours, 101–127. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005.

This chapter examines how neo-institutionalism compares to institutionalist traditions in the study of Canadian politics by examining the theoretical underpinnings of key Canadian politics scholarship. The author concludes that the state was always present as a theoretical focus in the literature on Canadian politics. and that, as such, it did not have to be “brought back in” because it was never evacuated in the first place.

Turgeon, Luc, Martin Papillon, Jennifer Wallner, and Steven White, eds. Comparing Canada. Methods and Perspectives on Canadian Politics . Vancouver: UBC Press, 2014.

This book follows up The Comparative Turn in Canadian Political Science with an examination of how political scientists use the Canadian case to further knowledge on political institutions, processes, mobilization, and public policy. Specific themes explored include race, Indigenous peoples, nationalism, elections and voting, legislative behavior, climate change, and the autism movement.

White, Linda, Richard Simeon, Robert Vipond, and Jennifer Wallner, eds. The Comparative Turn in Canadian Political Science . Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008.

This groundbreaking book suggested that the study of Canadian government and politics took a “comparative turn” in the previous decade or so, making the field less insular and closer to comparative politics. The book examines how comparative politics approaches and theories have shaped the field of Canadian politics, and how the case of Canada contributes to comparative politics.

Whiteside, Heather, ed. Canadian Political Economy . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.

This collective book delves into political economy scholarship in the field of Canadian government and politics. Its fifteen chapters consider different approaches to the relationship between state and market, agents of the Canadian political economy, and selected outcomes. The book covers both traditional themes of political economy (poverty, inequality, social classes, and trade) as well as some different or emerging ones (ecology, Indigenous women, the nonprofit sector, and innovation policy).

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Canadian politics: Understanding Canada’s political system

The Parliament of Canada is the federal legislature of Canada, seated at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and is composed of three parts: the Monarch, the Senate, and the House of Commons.

Photo: La Presse canadienne / Adrian Wyld

In this longform, we look at the Canadian federal political system from every angle.

From the representative structure to the organization of elections and the history of the regime, we give you a detailed explanation of it all:


Click on the title to read the chapter on the Canadian political system.


Click on the title to read the chapter on how Canadian federal elections work.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Hadi Hassin


Click on the title to consult the results of all Canadian federal elections.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Jean-Pierre Karsenty


Click on the title to read the chapter on Canadian political history.

Photo: Bibliothèque et Archives Canada


Click on the title to read the chapter on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Photo: Radio-Canada / David Horemans

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Air Canada pushes for government intervention as clock ticks down on labour talks   Air Canada pushes for government intervention as clock ticks down on labour talks. Posted: 4 hours ago.

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Canadian man says Algeria punished his activism by arresting his son   Canadian man says Algeria punished his activism by arresting his son. Posted: 3 hours ago.

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While voters may have tired of him, Trudeau looks forward to a ’choice’ election   While voters may have tired of him, Trudeau looks forward to a ’choice’ election. Posted: 7 hours ago.

'When you look at the alternative, I think we don't look so bad,' Liberal MP says

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75 Persuasive Essay Topics

Updated 29 Jul 2024

What is a Persuasive Essay?

Persuasive essay writing is quite popular among college students because the purpose is to convince your audience and persuade them that your take on things is correct and valid. It's close in nature to argumentative writing because the most important is to offer at least three arguments and support them with a piece of evidence, real-life examples, and reasoning.

One should also remember the critical key factors that must be used when dealing with persuasive writing topics. You must be aware that the main purpose is to convince your readers by stating an opinion that is reflected in your thesis statement. As you start writing, provide a basic background of the problem as it will help your audience see why you are coming up with certain thoughts and ideas.

The factual evidence must be built in a gradual way where your factual evidence should point your readers to your evidence and the facts that have helped you in your research. It should be sufficient without turning to external data. If there is statistical information, you can use it as a reference. Remember to provide sources for every fact that you provide wherever possible to keep things reliable and avoid plagiarism.

What are the Challenges of Persuasive Essay Writing?

One of the most challenging aspects of persuasive essay writing is choosing a topic that will work. When your argumentative essay topic is chosen correctly, it can boost your grade. Likewise, when the topic is too broad, it can decrease your final grade and become difficult to research. It is a reason why our experts have compiled a list of 75 persuasive essay topics for your inspiration!

Top 10 Persuasive Essay Topics

Before we proceed with the long list, let's start with a top 10 interesting topics for persuasive essay list of the most popular persuasive essay topics in Canada. These will contain the basic explanations to help you get an idea of how things work.

  • Does The School Day Start Too Early? - If you are still in school, or if you are studying Paedagogy, you might want to consider writing about it. While at first sight, it might not sound that interesting, it makes for a good descriptive essay writing help due to the numerous scientific and factual evidence on the matter. In fact, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that teens need more sleep until later hours to develop and function properly
  • Does An Increase Of The Minimum Wage Help The Economy Of A Country? - Another great subject for your do my essay for me request, the task is whether the increase of the minimum wage can be tackled in a variety of ways. Furthermore, the topic itself includes a lot of statistics and can be perfect for any business, economics, marketing, or other related majors.
  • Should Corporations Be Allowed To Advertise In Schools? - One of the best TOP-10 topics for persuasive essay writing that closely relates to business, marketing, and politics. What's more, it can be tackled from a philosophical and psychological perspective by discussing teen development and the effects advertising has on teens.
  • Is Professional Football Too Dangerous For Players? - Whether or not professional football can cause permanent brain damage, or even death, to players is a hot topic both in the scientific community and in pop culture. This makes it one of the 10 topics for persuasive writing that you should definitely consider if you don't know what you are going to write about.
  • Is Society Too Dependent On Technology? - Similarly to the previous one, the issue is an exploration of how technology is integrated into our everyday lives is definitely one that is constantly debated from various standpoints. By choosing it, you will be free to tackle any beliefs you have about technology and write an amazing essay.

Without a doubt, you can focus on various issues that we encounter in our modern society. Here are five more Top 10 persuasive essay topics for you to brainstorm:

  • Do security cameras represent an invasion of privacy?
  • Should fracking be allowed?
  • Should a college education be free for every learner?
  • Should a relaxed dress code be allowed in the workplace?
  • Will the children benefit if everyone on their team receives a trophy?

When you are looking for persuasive essay topic ideas, you must focus on what your course provides and seek an idea that inspires you. If it motivates you to research and you are ready to start a debate, it's most likely the right choice. Here are some more ideas to consider:

Social Persuasive Essay Topics

The majority of persuasive essay subjects that achieve success are usually related to social ideas that we observe daily. When you are stuck for ideas, take a closer look at these suggestions as you explore various topics:

  • Should single fathers receive the same benefits as single mothers?
  • Should bullying in the workplace be turned into a criminal offense?
  • Allowing minors to vote would help to improve our politics.
  • The use of gender segregation in the workplace is illegal.
  • Should people be allowed to work only four days per week?
  • The use of SMART technologies makes our society lazy.
  • How has the social agenda changed since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic?
  • Canada's top social priorities must be independent of the Brits.
  • Is turning to social help services accessible for everyone in Canada?
  • Should the use of wealth in TV advertisements be banned?

Education Persuasive Essay Topics

Another area that you must explore is education. It does not matter if you are majoring in Education, Healthcare, Sociology, or Nursing, modern learning methods and the challenges that educators and students face are representing a good field to start with. Here are some great persuasive essay topics on education that will help you start:

  • Is the use of books in print still important today?
  • Current online education methods in Canada need a greater emotional bond.
  • How have the roles of teachers changed in 2022?
  • Should children be allowed to choose their curriculum subjects?
  • Is the use of school uniforms helping to keep everyone equal?
  • Should STEM subjects be made a top priority for modern times?
  • Is the use of e-books taking away from the tactile perception of information?
  • Are people from Inuit communities receiving the same benefits in education?
  • The use of progressive grading helps to decrease the fear of exams.
  • The Waldorf schools in Canada provide better real-life education.

Environmental Science Persuasive Writing Ideas

The majority of college and high school students in Canada are responsible citisens who work hard to take care of our environment. It's one of the reasons why choosing environmental ideas for persuasive writing is quite popular. If you are not sure about what topics to choose, you may think about events that are taking place in your community or write about international events. The most important is to provide statistical data and stay clear with your arguments. See these good persuasive topics to write about:

  • The use of Green Energy requires even greater financial inflows.
  • The heritage of Green Peace: the perception is not the same today.
  • The use of eco-packaging must be supported by the government.
  • Canada's participation in ecological projects must be doubled.
  • The use of animals in the field of cosmetology must be banned.
  • The role of children in the beauty industry is not ethical.
  • How can we help educate young people about environmental safety.
  • The history of Margaret Atwood: why her legacy lives on.
  • Does crypto mining affect climate change?
  • Environmental activism in Canada needs more governmental support.

Business Persuasive Ideas

If you are majoring in MBA and need to compose a persuasive essay for your business school, these ideas will help you to see what might be explored. Likewise, if you need to dive into marketing, these ten subjects are helpful.

  • The use of corporate ethics often leads to sweeping problems under the proverbial carpet.
  • The business environment in Canada is still affected by the past.
  • Small business in Canada is always dependent on governmental grants and additional funding.
  • Closure of book stores in Canada is the result of technology's pressure.
  • The use of AI-based tools for HR screening job employment in Canada is illegal.
  • The workplace privacy of electronic records is higher than information that's printed out.
  • Is the use of motivation helpful for the final quality of an employee's work?
  • Is MBA education still valid in Canada, considering Social Media's growth and electronic invasion?
  • Should small businesses that are about to close down merge with the larger companies?
  • Workplace harassment reporting is still gender-biased.

Canadian Culture Persuasive Essay Topics

Since you are a student in Canada or an exchange learner who is learning in this beautiful country, do not miss an opportunity to start with a list of arguments related to Canadian culture. You can create a persuasive speech about what inspires you as you learn in Canada or discuss living in the wilderness as you are dealing with the Cottage Culture. The most important is to introduce your subject and make a claim that will help your audience to agree with you. Here are cultural persuasive essay topics:

  • Should the dark sides of Canadian history still be taught at school?
  • Multiculturalism in Canada helps to diminish political conflicts and decreases crime rates.
  • Indigenous people are still not getting sufficient access to education in Canada.
  • Should Canadian hockey become a separate brand?
  • Canadian values represent a mixture of different nations and offer equality not found elsewhere.
  • Equality by law: do men and women in Canada have the same legal protection in every province?
  • Is being passive about the military surplus helpful for Canadian society?
  • The cultural clash in Canada is impossible because the country is the most educated in the world.
  • The origin of friendliness in Canada is related to the high use of technology and reading.
  • Cottage culture in Canada brings awareness of environmental protection.

Social Media Persuasive Essay Writing Ideas

As we are always dealing with social media platforms and spend most of our time stuck on smartphones, it's a great idea to explore the issues encountered on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on. Here is something to help you start:

  • Social media directly affects negative body image among teens.
  • Should children below 13 be allowed to use social media platforms?
  • Is the use of Instagram influencers a good thing for commercial projects?
  • Should political leaders use social media platforms to voice official opinions?
  • Is Twitter a safe place to post personal photography?
  • How should Canada regulate social campaigns that are related to the country?
  • The politics issued by Meta Inc regarding content filters is biased.
  • Is social media marketing becoming the top technology to promote ideas?
  • Social media takes away from our precious time by turning into an addiction.
  • Social networks help to increase awareness about conflicts in remote areas of the world.

Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics

Here are five persuasive ideas where certain controversial conflicts are met:

  • Should marijuana be used for medical and recreational purposes in Canada?
  • Do we have a right to follow a made-up religion and have it registered?
  • Is reporting a suspected domestic abuse an ethical act we can take?
  • The use of crowdfunding for personal reasons is a fraud.
  • Employment of people with disability still represents a problem in the workplace sector.

When You Need Extra Writing Help

Now that you have a plethora of helpful persuasive essay ideas, we are hoping that you will find something that inspires you to help you start writing. You can also approach our persuasive essay writing service when you are stuck or cannot meet your deadline. The most important is to ask for help when you need immediate assistance. Now browse the topics, get inspired, and be ready to start!

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Canadian History Essay Topics For University Students

17 Jan 2019

Canada’s history is an exciting subject. It gives you a particular idea about what life was like before and processes that lead to the modern state. Knowing the history of your country is crucial for general knowledge and the future. Here are 50 Canadian history topics you can write about. They are good as subjects of an essay or a project. Some of them deal with controversial events or movements while some explore general socio-economic, political tendencies. Here you can choose one of history essay topics to create a well-researched and unique paper.

History is a crucial subject. First, it teaches you to understand today’s world. Everything you witness today in Canada regarding government, mentality, or national/international politics has its roots in the past. No event ever happens without reason. If you want to have a better knowledge of causes and reasons – learn history. By leaning past mistakes, we try to avoid them in the future.

Another vital purpose of history is its importance for political science. Learning decisions that were made in the past we can witness the results to decide whether they were effective or not. It is also a great way to master your essay writing skills. If you are not sure about them, you can check how to write an essay for university.

When choosing history project topics, it is essential to find a discussible aspect. It might be controversial or debatable. Building an argument will teach you rhetorical skills. They are useful in life as we often want to be persuasive. To find a suitable subject, you may check out Canadian debate topics .

Always choose a topic that fascinates you and writing will become exciting!

20th Century Canadian History Essay Topics

  • Establishment of the Royal Canadian Navy in 1910: Reasons, and Motivations.
  • Role of Canada in World War I.
  • Vimy Ridge Battle’s Importance for WWI and Canadian History.
  • Controversial Society’s Perception of WWI as an “English War”.
  • Canada’s International Relationship between the two World Wars.
  • Discovering Regional and Social Conflicts at the beginning of the 20th Century.
  • The 20th Century Immigration Waves: Influence on Society, Positive/Negative Effects.
  • Suffrage Movement in Canada, Fight for Women’s Right to Vote.
  • Wall Street Market Crash in 1929 and Processes It Started in Canada.
  • The Great Depression in Canada: Causes, Impact, Results.
  • The Mackenzie King’s Government: Resolution on Participation in World War II.
  • Participation in WWII and Economic Boost.
  • Explore the role of Canadian Troops in WWII.
  • Social and Economic Change in Canada after WWII.
  • Long Way to Independence: Exploration on the Relationship with , Colonialism, and National Identity.
  • Bilingual National Identity Development.
  • The Importance of the Old Age Pension Institution and Its Influence on Society.
  • Reasons for Newfoundland’s Joining as the Tenth Province.

Want to dive into questions of national identity? We gathered all actual Canadian identity essay topics in a new blog post.

Controversial Canadian History Topics

  • Internment Camps in Canada: Reasons, Context, Results.
  • Were Internment Camps Necessary?
  • Separatist Movement in Quebec in the 20th century and its Influence on the Country.
  • Front de Libération du Québec: Were The Methods Justifiable?
  • Quiet Revolution and the Modernization of Quebec.
  • Should the Constitution Be Signed by all Provinces? Explore Quebec’s position.
  • Establishment of the Income Tax in 1917 as “temporary wartime measures.”
  • The controversy of the 1928 Supreme Court Act that stated Women are not “Persons” to be elected to Public Office.
  • Struggle for Equal Rights for Female and Male Workers and Society in the first half of 20th century.
  • Cold War and the Establishment of NATO: Should Canada have joined NATO?
  • Quebec’s Separation Referendum and its Impact on the Country and Provinces’ Equality.
  • Jeanne Sauve, first female General Governor of Canada, Her Government, and Politics.
  • Manitoba Schools Question.
  • Immigration Policy, Its Development, and Results.
  • Establishing Bilingual Society and Its Influence on the National Identity.
  • Controversy Behind Aboriginal Assimilation.

Unique Topics On Canadian History For College Students

Here are several more Canadian history essay topics you can benefit from. Pick one of them for your university paper or to use as a debate subject.

If you need examples of an essay or more information, you can check out research paper writing service .

  • Explore Results and Benefits of the USA-Canada free Trade Agreement.
  • Canadian Historical Role as a Peacemaker.
  • Development of Canadian Identity and Contributing Factors.
  • The BNA Act and the Constitution (1982).
  • Cold War in Canada and Communist Fear.
  • Relations Between Provinces and the Country.
  • The Regina Riot and Its Justification.
  • Radical Political Movements in Canada.
  • Differences Between Participation in WWI vs WWII.
  • International Policy vs Non Participation in the Vietnam War.
  • How The Cuban Missile Crisis Affected USA-Canada Relationships.
  • World’s Peacekeeper Role and National Identity.
  • 1960’s Tension between French and English Provinces
  • The Industrial Revolution and The Working Class.
  • Bennett vs King’s Governments, their measures against the Great Depression.
  • National Identity in 20th century vs in the 21st century.

By choosing interesting Canadian history topics, you are investing in the success of your paper. Pick a relevant one for your interests that has a scientific value. This list of topics on Canadian history may inspire you for future research and if you need - ask us for fast history homework help . Or you can take one of them directly to create an interesting paper. It is important to learn history to prevent mistakes in the future. It is also crucial to understand national identity.

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106 Canadian History Essay Topics

What do you recall when asked about Canadian history? About controversial events or memorable individuals? Or maybe cross-cultural influences? As Canada has it all. By recognizing the complexity of its past, you can understand the current situation. Through Canada’s history, you can see its national identity and the richness of culture.

When choosing Canadian history topics for an assignment, try to select a focus for your paper from the get-go. Find an engaging event or perspective to write about and research it thoroughly. For that, check our list of Canadian topics for a school or college paper prepared by our team. Besides, see tips on writing your essay on the subject.

Let’s get started!

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❓ Canadian History Questions

🍁 good canadian history essay topics.

If you are trying to find a good Canadian history essay topic, then you are in the right place. Here you’ll see ideas according to age and school grade. It should help you to navigate and get inspired for the essay writing.

It doesn’t matter if you are a first-grade student or an undergraduate student. This list will be useful for everyone. You don’t have to stick to your age group; it’s only our recommendation. The offered topics vary from sports, food, culture, economy.

😛 Canadian History Essay Topics for Kids

  • Where does the word “Canada” come from?
  • Indigenous people in Canada . The three categories of indigenous people in Canada are Inuit, Metis, and First Nations. In this essay, children can talk about each group’s cultural identity and their homeland. How do these groups differ from one another?

The focus of a history essay should be on one historical aspect.

  • The voyageurs and Canadian indigenous people
  • Under the French Rule. This topic is quite broad. You can focus on the ways French shaped Canadian culture. Or talk about food, language, and any other aspect they find interesting. There is a lot to discuss!
  • Canada’s role in the First World War. This 20th century Canada history essay topic teach several valuable historical lessons. First, kids can enlarge their understanding of the First War War. Why did Canada have to enter the conflict? What role did the Canadian army play in this conflict?
  • Canada in the Second World War and how did the war affect the country.
  • The Canadian Constitution
  • History of hockey in Canada . Hockey is regarded as the national game in Canada. It plays a massive role in the way people perceive Canada in the international arena. Discuss the significance of the game. Mention where it originated and who brought it to Canada.
  • The life of Samuel de Champlain
  • Maple Syrup as the Symbol of Canadian Culture . Maple syrup is one of Canada’s proudest products. It has a long history of production and distribution. How had Native Canadians been making this delicious sugary treat in the past? How did Europeans evolve their methods?
  • History of Canadian Eastern Bunny
  • The Acadian Culture . The Acadians are the Native Canadian people of the region. They are the descendants of French colonizers who settled in a beautiful area of Acadia. They speak a very distinct version of French called Acadian French. School students and kids can explore their food, their culture, literature, and music of the Acadians.
  • Holidays of the First Natives
  • The Causes of Canadian Confederation

🏫 Canadian History Essay Topics: High School

  • The Aboriginals and Europeans
  • First World War and the role of Canada. This is an interesting Canadian history essay topic for a high school student. Especially if you are looking to write about a significant world event from a non-European perspective.In this work, you can address several issues: Canadian sovereignty, colonial influence, and relationships within the country. Plus, examine in which ways this war changed the country.
  • Women’s rights during the First World War. Canadian women play a massive role in the country. Though it wasn’t always this way. Before the First World War, Canadian women had a small role in political and social affairs. It all changed during the war. Women had to take more responsibility, supporting social life and war efforts. It allowed them to be heard. Discuss the positive effects the First World War had on the emancipation of women in Canada.

The wars has affected Canadian women.

  • World War I and its influence on Canada
  • The political climate in the 1920s
  • An Anti-Liquor Legislation in Canada
  • The Great Depression’s influence on the Canadian identity . Students usually study this period of Canadian history in the 10th Grade. Elaborate on how the Great Depression affected the political and economic situation.
  • Second World War and Canada before, during, and after the war
  • Trudeau’s Era and how his policies changed the country
  • The Settlers influence on the Canadian economy
  • History: Native Canadians and Indian Act Essay
  • The impact of the Great Depression on Canada . Explore one of the most significant events in Canadian history. Elaborate why Canada got so severely affected by the crisis, especially in the prairie areas. In the end, describe the process of recovery. What steps did the government have to take to help people and the economy to get back on track?
  • The history of Canada through immigration . Canada is one of the few countries in the world that is very generous towards immigrants. Why do Canadians have this “open arms attitude”? What influenced the immigration policies?

🎓 Canadian History Essay Topics: University

  • No American Slavery and Canada
  • Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in Canada
  • Bilingualism and Bilingual Identity in Canada
  • The Perception of WWI as an “English War”. It is not a secret that the vast majority of Canadians viewed WWI as an “English War.” At that time, the nation’s ties to Great Britain were solid. After Great Britain declared the war, Canada entered it automatically. In this essay, you can talk about common sentiment.
  • Canada’s International Relationships during the two World Wars
  • Social Conflicts in Canada at the beginning of the 20th Century
  • The 20th Century Immigration Waves. Canada is the country built by immigrants. This essay is a great way to explore Canada’s immigrant success. See what policies have been implemented in the 20th century to promote immigration.
  • The role of women’s labor in British Columbia
  • Wall Street Market Crash in 1929 and how it changed Canada
  • Colonization and Aboriginal People’s Loss of Connection to the Land . Talk about “the colonial wound” that the aboriginal people experienced. They lost the connection to the land, to the language, to the core of their identity. Explore the fur trade, the treaties, the residential schools, the Indian act. Think about how it could have affected the people.

A good topic for a high school or college essay, or as a term paper.

  • Economic Boost in Canada after WWII. Like many countries in the world, Canada experienced an economic boost after the war. Mention the transformation that the country experienced in the industrial sector.
  • Social and Economic Change in Canada after WWII.
  • The relationships between English and French Canadians . Anglophone and Francophone relationships in Canada were not always smooth. There was tension back in the 20th century, which led to the separation between the two groups. Comment on the principal reasons for the tension. How does bilingualism fit into modern Canada?
  • Mi’kmaq in Culture and in Religion
  • Canadian Multiculturalism on Race and Ethnicity
  • Feminism in Canada
  • The Correlation between Art History and the history of Canada . This essay gives a unique opportunity to look at the history of Canada through art history. Art is a subjective way to process reality, but at the same time, it’s one of the purest forms of history. It focuses on people and their emotions rather than dates and places. A good topic for anyone who likes art and history!
  • Overlooked Persons: Women, Workers, & “Others” in 19th Century “Ontario.”

Canadian military history is rich. It starts with the Indigenous Welfare, continues with the French and Iroquois Wars. Then, there are British and French Conflicts, French and Indian Wars. In modern history, the Canadian Army participated in both World Wars. Besides, it took part in the Korean War, in the Gulf War, in the Afghan War, the Cold War, and many others.

Canadian links to Great Britain and the US are very strong. That’s why it usually supports large multinational coalitions. It does not declare wars, but still, you can see the Canadian army forces present.

Nevertheless, Canada tries to remain committed to peacekeeping efforts. It participated in every UN peacekeeping effort from its inception until 1988.

This list focuses on the interesting Canadian military history essay topics.

  • Canadian army in Vietnam. Officially, the Canadian Army did not declare the war against Vietnam. However, recent papers revealed that in 1971 Canada was actively supporting the US army. Additionally, 30.000 Canadians volunteered to serve in the American Army during the war. It could be a debatable essay with a lot of historical evidence.
  • What role did Canada play during the Cold War? Canada was a founding member of NATO. It played a significant role during the Cold War. Even though it was an American ally, it had a different foreign policy. School students can try to elaborate on the relationships between Canada and the Soviet Union. Comment on post-war paranoia, as well as anti-Communist propaganda. Talk about hockey and the famous Canada versus Soviet Union series.
  • Canada’s Involvement in WWII: the causes and effects

More than 45,000 Canadians gave their lives during WWII and another 55,000 were wounded.

  • The Canadian Army in the two World Wars
  • Aboriginals in the Canadian Army. This research paper can focus on the role the aboriginals played and are playing in the Canadian Army. Nowadays, more than 1000 Native Canadians serve in the Army. They represent more than 55 languages and almost 650 different tribes. Examine the role of the indigenous troops in the World Wars.
  • A history of women in the Canadian Army
  • The Canadian military history since 2000
  • The Military Involvement of Canada in the Korean War
  • The Canadian Army in Afghanistan. Critically examine Canadian Involvement in the conflict in Afghanistan. What was the World’s response? What was the Canadian contribution to the campaign against terrorism? Include some numbers and figures into the essay to make it factual.
  • Is Canada a peacekeeping country? Canada tries to play a significant role in peacekeeping efforts, taking part in many related missions in the past years. You can analyze the deployments and missions. What solutions did the Canadian Army promote? Is it possible to keep neutrality in the conflicts?
  • Canadian military funding
  • Patriotism and Nationalism in Canada
  • How the First World War Changed Canada
  • The Beaver Wars. Several questions can be asked: why was beaver fur so critical in the Beaver Wars? What caused the Beaver Wars? What was the outcome of these conflicts?
  • Canada and the American Revolution
  • Invasion of Quebec
  • Canada and the Soviet Union. If you decide to write an essay about Canada-Soviet Union relations, you will not regret it. The relationships did not start until 1941, but it evolved significantly during the 20th century. Talk about Pierre Trudeau’s role in changing them for the best and think why he wanted to lessen the ties with the US. What about cultural relations between these two nations? What about hockey?

Canadian Art becomes increasingly popular around the world. Nevertheless, Canada is a young nation, and the creation of Canadian Art is in process. There is still a long and fascinating journey ahead.

Canadian visual art tradition started at the beginning of the 19th. The most celebrated artists were immigrants. For instance, an Irish artist Paul Kane or a Dutch painter Cornelius Krieghoff.

Only at the beginning of the 20th century, Canadian art became genuinely Canadian. Let’s see the most peculiar Canadian Art History essay topics:

  • The alternative realism of Kent Monkman
  • First Nations Imagery in Emily Carr’s works. Emily Carr was one of the most influential artists in Canada. The Indigenous people inspired her, and her art reflects it. Learn about the artist, understand the work, and what she was trying to say with her art.
  • Love and Loss in Maria Chapdelaine
  • The Great War in the works of J.E.H. Macdonald
  • Women and Girls in Annie Pootoogook’s paintings
  • Indigenous Art in Canada. Aboriginal people in Canada have developed a very distinct artistic tradition. See what techniques, colors, shapes, and themes were standard in indigenous art. Use Robert Davidson, Bill Reid, Jerry Whitehead, as an excellent example of indigenous artists.
  • The story of the Group of Seven. This essay topic is one of the most important for Canadian Art. It is with this group of artists, a distinctly Canadian art started to develop. Students should write about the group’s proposition and the movement it started. Elaborate why for this group nature was so important, why did they paint landscapes?

The Group of Seven is a collective of artists.

  • Abstract Art in Canada
  • How the totem pole became the symbol of Canadian Art?
  • The Barbizon School artists in Canada. The Barbizon School of Art had a very significant influence on the Canadian Artists. You can comment on the school in general. Explain why this theme was so important for Canadian artists. Find several artists that appeal to you and analyze their work.
  • Nationalism and the Group of Seven
  • Contemporary Canadian Art. Aboriginal Art heavily influenced Canadian art. This connection becomes even more apparent in modern art. Examine contemporary landscape artists, contemporary urban landscape works. Explore photography and video as well.
  • Women and the Artistic Field in Canada
  • The Indian Group of Seven. This topic is for everyone who loves art for the artistic value of it. That is exactly what this group is promoting. They believe that there should be a shift made from the “aboriginal” to the “artistic” value of their art. However, it is not their only proposition. Talk about the social and cultural aspects of their manifesto.

✒️ How to Write an Essay on Canadian History

A history essay is one of the things every student has to learn how to write. Throughout your studying, you will most probably have to write hundreds of history essays.

Knowing the past is essential, but being able to connect the past with the present is paramount. Without these connections, history remains in the books; it does not become alive.

This mini-guide can help you to write a solid essay on Canadian history.

1) Define your topic

Even though you have the list of ideas available, it can be challenging. To narrow down your topic, ask questions. Here is the best way to do that:

  • Identify what interests you
  • Review what you have already written
  • Find a topic you understand well

For instance, you can talk about “Immigrants in Canada,” or you can narrow down the topic to “Immigrant workers in Canada 1830-1840.”

2) Determine your thesis statement

To define your thesis statement, you will need to turn your topic into a question.

For example:

Your essay topic is “Immigrant workers in Canada 1830-1840”. Your preliminary thesis can be “British pauper children filled an important labor shortage on Canadian farms between 1830 and 1940.”

You can later refine it even further to make it sound more like:

“Canada’s practice of importing young child laborers was the controversial result of Britain’s attempts to deal with the poor and to fill Canada’s labor needs. Changing public perceptions of childhood led to the demise of child labor importation.”

The main goal is to keep the thesis simple enough but also to make it worth exploring and writing about. A good thesis is specific, explanatory, and argumentative.

A strong thesis statement justifies discussion in an academic paper.

3) Research

It does not matter how well you know the topic or how simple you think it is. There is one step you can never skip—your research. It is the best point of departure, and it will help you see what others wrote about it.

The bibliography is the foundation of your essay. You won’t be able to build a strong argument without a strong foundation. For this purpose, find trustworthy primary and secondary sources.

To find materials use:

  • Encyclopedias
  • Online library and databases (JSTOR, Google Books, Google Scholar)
  • Shelf search

4) Take Notes

This step is not obligatory, but it can help you save a lot of time. Write down an essential piece of data from your sources. Note where the information comes from and why you need it later.

5) Create an outline

Consider taking this step even before you start writing. Why? It helps you to see your essay (and your arguments) even before you wrote it. It also prevents you from losing sight of your evidence. You can use other essays as your essay template.

Five steps for creating an essay outline.

6) Write, Revisit, Edit

While writing, keep your thesis in mind and try not to deviate. As you continue writing and reflecting, you will have more questions. So, don’t forget to adjust your thesis if it changes.

Revising and editing the essay are the last steps. Editing consists of looking for errors in grammar, syntax, word usage, spelling, and punctuation.

Thank you for reading, and good luck with the essay! Share the article with those who may find it useful and leave a comment below.

🔗 References

  • Canadian History Essay Example: Bartleby
  • History Essay Guide: Department of History, University of Ottawa
  • Canadian Identity Essay: Cram
  • Canadian Literature in English: L’Encyclopédie de l’histoire du Québec / The Quebec History Encyclopedia, Marionapolis College
  • History: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Writing Historical Essays, A Guide for Undergraduates: Department of History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
  • Essay Introductions: University of Maryland Global Campus
  • Discover Canada – Canada’s History: Canada.ca
  • Canada’s History: Canada’s History Society
  • How Significant Was the Fur Trade In Canadian History?
  • Were Pierre Trudeau’s Policies Effective for Canadian History?
  • How Has Charlottetown Conference Influenced Canada’s Unity?
  • Should Written Canadian or American History Be Altered to Reflect a Darker Side of Its History?
  • Has Canada Been Truly Built by Immigrants?
  • What Was the Relationship Really Like Between Voyageurs and Aboriginals?
  • What Were the Court Procedures in 19TH Century Ontario?
  • Why Is the Group of Seven So Iconic in Canadian Art?
  • What Has Caused the Beaver Wars?
  • Who Were the Filles du ROI? What Happened to Them for the Most Part? What Was the Ultimate Impact of the Filles du ROI on New France?
  • How Has Women’s Work Influenced Columbia?
  • What Was Life Like for 19TH Century Families Involved in Ontario Lumber’s Industry?
  • When Did Irish Catholics Choose Canada?
  • How Did the Fashion of the French and English Upper Class in the Pre-confederation Era Compare to That of France and England?
  • Can Canada Be Considered a Peacekeeper?
  • Did Henry Alline Have a Lasting Impact on Nova Scotia?
  • What Was the Extent of Canadian Involvement in the Spanish Civil War?
  • Partisan Attack Ads—Are They Really Worse Nowadays?
  • Was Reciprocity Good for British North America?
  • What Has Caused Quebec Referendum?
  • Beyond the Group of Seven: What Other Canadian Artists Had a Major Impact on the Art World?
  • What Was Canada’s Role in the Boer War, and How Did the Public View the War?
  • What Was Health Care Like in New France?
  • How Did Canadians View Napoleon? How Did the Napoleonic Wars Affect Canada?
  • What Was the Deal With Sir. John A. MacDonald and George Brown?
  • Were Internment Camps Necessary?
  • How Does Modern History Portray the Aboriginal People in Canada?
  • What Were the Origins of the Conflict Between the French and the Iroquois?
  • Why Was Slavery Abolished in Upper Canada?
  • Did Religious Orders Other Than the Jesuits Play an Important Role in New France?
  • Environment Research Topics
  • Population Titles
  • Indigenous People Research Topics
  • Constitution Research Ideas
  • Military Research Topics
  • Crime Ideas
  • Social Policy Essay Ideas
  • Political Science Research Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, November 9). 106 Canadian History Essay Topics. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/canadian-history-essay-topics/

"106 Canadian History Essay Topics." IvyPanda , 9 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/canadian-history-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '106 Canadian History Essay Topics'. 9 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "106 Canadian History Essay Topics." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/canadian-history-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "106 Canadian History Essay Topics." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/canadian-history-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "106 Canadian History Essay Topics." November 9, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/canadian-history-essay-topics/.

Political News, Headlines and Stories for Canadians | National Post

U.s. presidential debate barely moves polls for trump, harris, b.c. parents seek changes after daughter, 13, dies of overdose in homeless encampment, terry newman: in gaza terrorists need tunnels, in canada they simply apply for visas, ottawa looks to relocate thousands of asylum seekers to provinces from ontario, quebec, cerb $5,000 income eligibility requirement violated charter rights, but not unconstitutional: ruling, consul general tom clark was 'instrumental' in choice of $9m official n.y. residence: internal briefing note.

A month after the first note, a Global Affairs official wrote instead that no heads of mission, including Clark, were involved in the 'selection or approval process'

A Quebec city is suing Ottawa over a planned downtown correctional centre

canadian politics essay topics

Foreign interference inquiry still pushing for documents despite quiet recent release by government

Prorogation of parliament would present 'more risk than reward' for liberals — unless trudeau steps down, ivison: trudeau won’t be able to demonize conservatives this time, says erin o’toole, latest news videos.

'There's only so far the federal government can actually be nice and say "please," said the immigration minister. 'We also have levers that we need to pull...'

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Beleaguered Liberals 'need a vision' and an 'action plan,' says Champagne

The Liberals' 'Team Quebec' is hard at work but does their magic still work?

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Poilievre says he will force confidence vote on Trudeau's government as soon as possible

Poilievre will need the support of both the NDP and the Bloc Québécois to support his motion

canadian politics essay topics

Government urges more negotiations as Air Canada shutdown looms

The airline will start cancelling some flights as early as Friday if there is no agreement between the company and the Air Line Pilots Association

The judges found that the Charter breach was justified because the government was acting quickly to implement emergency aid programs in response to pandemic lockdowns


Find the best places within Ottawa . From local businesses to food to medical to legal services.

Mark Carney silent on his political future, carbon tax at Liberal caucus retreat

The former Bank of Canada governor has been touted as a possible leadership contender to replace Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is struggling in polls

'Deceitful' Liberals dodging Carney ethics oversight with party appointment, Conservatives say

By reporting to the party, instead of a government entity, Carney will not have to face any scrutiny over his many roles in the private sector as any other public servant would

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'I will be the leader:' NDP's Jagmeet Singh shrugs off suggestions byelection races are a test

Until the party tore it up, the NDP's deal with the Liberals was set to last until June 2025

canadian politics essay topics

Don Braid: Calgary's mushy messages are causing high water use. Talk straight for a change

Calgarians deserve clear descriptions of the failure scenarios

Russia takes notice of Canada's plan to buy 12 submarines that could lie silent under Arctic ice

Equipped with the West’s latest torpedo and sonar technology, the proposed new Canadian subs would be difficult for Russia to counter

Your guide to the world of Canadian politics. (Subscriber exclusive on Saturdays)

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weather (Ottawa)

Conservatives demand answers on how pakistani man in alleged isis plot entered canada.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller said he will be appear before the public safety committee next week

Liberals hire Mark Carney to head party's economic 'task force' ahead of election

The news came as the Liberal caucus is set to meet in Nanaimo, B.C.

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'Something must change': Liberals are under siege in Montreal days before byelection

Poll aggregator 338Canada has the Liberals and the Bloc Québécois in a toss up

CRA wouldn't meet with Jewish charity for years before revoking its charitable status: documents

Papers detail a one-sided series of correspondences between JNF and the CRA between 2019 and 2023

Trudeau Liberals will never hit NATO target if DND can't even spend the money it has

'Government policy without money is basically rhetoric,' says David Perry, head of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute

NDP used images from Russia, Israel in Singh video after criticizing Conservatives for foreign content

Last month, New Democrats denounced the Conservative party after it used non-Canadian stock images in one of its videos, including Russian fighter jets

Liberal MP who called for Trudeau to resign says his mind hasn't changed 'one iota'

Wayne Long first called for a change of leadership after the Liberals’ loss in the Toronto—St. Paul’s byelection in June

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Vancouver attack: Premier David Eby promising change, but will it satisfy voters?

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West expressed his disappointment over the lack of action by the B.C. government after the latest deadly rampage

'This caught them by surprise': Why Jagmeet Singh broke his deal with the Liberals

The Liberals and NDP entered into the deal in March 2022

The Liberal-NDP marriage has ended in divorce. So, who came out on top?

For the NDP, 'it was a rebranding. It was a refresh. We're going to see if it's got enough time to catch and whether or not it's going to work,' one observer says

National campaign director for federal Liberals resigns, citing toll on his personal life

Jeremy Broadhurst said the next federal election could be the most critical campaign of his life, and the party deserves someone who can bring more energy to the job

How and why the NDP decided to break up with the Trudeau Liberals

Jagmeet Singh recorded his video announcement early last week, before Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre publicly called the NDP leader out, labelling him 'sellout Singh'

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Jagmeet Singh says he planned to break up with Trudeau 'way before' Poilievre dared him to

A day after the NDP leader pulled out of a deal with the Liberals, he holds a press conference that sounds very much like a campaign launch

Enemy of Canada? Was 'spy Cam' convicted of leaking top secrets actually on a mission to protect his country?

The Kafkaesque trial and conviction of the ex-RCMP official was hailed as a success. It was anything but, says a journalist friend

'We were ahead of the parade': Canada is following Quebec's lead on tightening immigration

'We cannot open the doors without counting,' said Quebec Immigration Minister Christine Fréchette

Ready for a federal election? Here's what happens after NDP divorces the Liberals

Singh's bombshell announcement puts federal politics into a brave new world

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh pulls out of supply and confidence agreement with Liberals

Singh's announcement comes less than two weeks before Parliament is set to resume

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B.C. Conservative leader tells Jordan Peterson province needs to end school ’indoctrination,’ carbon tax

On Peterson's podcast, he and John Rustad spoke about the revival of the B.C. Conservative Party, energy and education policy, and 'cancel culture'

Tensions surface as B.C. Conservatives recruit three more BC United MLAs to run in fall election

A number of former Conservative candidates have complained the Conservatives were being infiltrated by BC United, with at least one now planning to run as an independent

No Ontario election in 2024, Doug Ford says, but doesn't rule out early vote in 2025

Ford did confirm that he has given his party's members of provincial parliament a December deadline to decide if they will run again

Commons committee calls for second, more in-depth audit on 'green slush fund'

The call comes just three months after Auditor General Karen Hogan published a scathing report on Sustainable Development and Technology Canada

Saskatchewan NDP leader looks to tap into prairie populism with baseball-themed long weekend ad

The unconventional ad was an effective way for the relatively new opposition leader Carla Beck to introduce herself to voters, one pollster said

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Poilievre is going all-in on his pro-worker message with appeals to 'ordinary people'

The pro-worker turn from Poilievre has made some free-market conservatives chafe

A conservative case for not dismantling the CBC: 'It’s just going to make things worse'

'It might make some conservatives feel better emotionally, but it’s not going to do anything for the culture of the country' says Kenneth Whyte, National Post's founding editor

Immigration needs to return to pre-Trudeau levels to slow population growth: Poilievre

'We need to have a growth rate that is below the growth in housing, health care and employment,' the federal Conservative leader said

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    Majority of Canadians believe Liberals' immigration targets are set too high: poll. The government plans to bring in 500,000 newcomers in both 2025 and 2026. Only 20% of respondents said that ...