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Step-by-step guide on how to write a highly impressive and effective critical lens essay to earn top grades.

How to write a critical lens essay

Unleashing the true essence of literature, a critical lens essay delves deep into the realm of literary analysis, exploring the layers beneath the surface. By employing a critical lens, readers embark on a journey towards deciphering a text’s hidden messages, constructing an analytical perspective that transcends the conventional meaning. Embarking on such a venture requires a skillful blend of literary prowess and brainstorming techniques. With this handy guide, you’ll find a treasure trove of strategies and insights to navigate the intricate web of analysis, unlocking the true potential of your critical lens essay.

Excellence in crafting a critical lens essay lies in the art of interpretation and analysis. By adopting a unique lens through which to view a text, readers expose themselves to an array of interpretations and perspectives. Armed with this newfound insight, the essayist can dissect the intricate web of symbols, themes, and literary devices strewn across the pages, intertwining them to form a cohesive analysis. Captivating the reader with a compelling argument and thoughtful analysis underscores the importance of employing meticulous thought when embarking on this intellectual pursuit.

Approaching the construction of a critical lens essay should be akin to delicately weaving together a tapestry of ideas and concepts. An essay of this nature demands a panoramic view of the text, exploring not only the surface-level narrative but also the hidden meanings and salient themes lurking within. Examining the characters, their motivations, and the author’s underlying message allows the essayist to challenge preconceived notions and offer fresh insights. As you embark upon this engaging journey, remember that every word you pen contributes to the intricate mosaic of ideas that is your unique interpretation.

Approaching a Crucial Perspective Composition

Approaching a Crucial Perspective Composition

When it comes to tackling a significant perspective essay, a thoughtful and strategic approach can make all the difference. This type of essay requires you to analyze and interpret a specific quote, known as the critical lens, by considering different perspectives and providing your own insight. To excel in this task, it is essential to understand the nuances of the critical lens and develop a structured approach to effectively convey your thoughts and analysis.

To begin with, familiarize yourself with the critical lens you will be working with. Take time to carefully deconstruct the lens and understand its underlying message. Identify the two literary works that can be used to support or reject the lens. This will form the foundation of your essay and influence your subsequent analysis.

Once you have a firm grasp on the critical lens and the literary works that will be incorporated, it is crucial to develop a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement should succinctly state your perspective on the lens and how it can be interpreted through the chosen literary works. This statement will guide the direction of your essay and provide structure for your arguments.

As you progress into the body paragraphs, make sure to fully analyze each literary work in relation to the critical lens. Remember to include specific examples and quotes from the texts to support your analysis. In addition to explaining how the texts align with or challenge the lens, consider the broader implications of these connections. Explore the underlying themes, messages, and character motivations that are relevant to the lens.

Lastly, conclude your essay by summarizing your arguments and reiterating your thesis statement. Leave the reader with a final thought that encompasses the overall significance of the critical lens and the literary works. Ensure that your conclusion reinforces the message you conveyed throughout the essay and leaves a lasting impression.

By approaching a crucial perspective essay with a well-defined plan and a deep understanding of the critical lens and the literary works, you can effectively analyze and interpret the given quote. Be sure to take the time to develop a strong argument, support it with pertinent evidence, and present your ideas in a clear and concise manner. With a strategic approach, you can craft a compelling essay that showcases your critical thinking skills and understanding of the texts at hand.

The Significance of Comprehending the Quotation

One of the crucial aspects of writing a critical lens essay lies in understanding the significance of the chosen quote. The quote serves as the foundation of the essay, shaping the overall analysis and interpretations that follow. By comprehending the quote, a writer can effectively develop a well-structured essay that showcases their ability to critically analyze and evaluate various literary works and perspectives.

When approaching a critical lens essay, it is essential to carefully examine the quote and break it down into its core elements. This involves deciphering the underlying meaning, identifying key terms, and considering the context in which it was originally written. By gaining a thorough understanding of the quote, a writer is equipped to explore its implications within the framework of the literature being analyzed.

Additionally, comprehending the quote allows writers to establish a clear focus for their essay. It enables them to define the central idea or theme that will guide their analysis and shape their argument. By understanding the quote, writers can develop a coherent and logical structure that supports their interpretation and evaluation of the chosen literary works.

Furthermore, understanding the quote helps writers to establish credibility and authority in their essay. By demonstrating a deep understanding of the quote and its relation to the literature, writers can present a well-informed analysis that engages readers and garners their trust. This is particularly important in critical lens essays, as the writer is required to provide a thoughtful and balanced evaluation of the literary works in question.

In conclusion, the importance of understanding the quote in a critical lens essay cannot be overstated. It forms the foundation of the essay, guiding the analysis and interpretations that follow. By comprehending the quote, writers can effectively develop a well-structured essay that showcases their ability to critically analyze and evaluate various literary works and perspectives.

Choosing the appropriate literature to support your analysis

One of the crucial aspects of writing a critical lens essay is selecting the right texts to support your analysis. The literature you choose should align with the quote, allowing you to explore the various perspectives and ideas present in the texts. By carefully considering the content and themes, you can effectively incorporate textual evidence to develop a strong argument.

When selecting the literature, it is vital to choose works that have a diverse range of ideas and perspectives. This will allow you to present a well-rounded analysis and demonstrate your understanding of different viewpoints. Consider choosing texts that provide contrasting opinions or present distinct themes, as this will make your argument more nuanced and compelling.

Additionally, it is important to choose texts that have a depth of meaning. Look for works that provoke thoughtful analysis and can be interpreted in various ways. Texts with complex characters, intricate plots, and rich symbolism often provide ample material for critical analysis. By selecting texts with depth and complexity, you will have more material to support your analysis and demonstrate your ability to engage with complex ideas.

Furthermore, consider the literary techniques used in the texts. Pay attention to the language, imagery, symbolism, and narrative structure employed by the authors. These techniques can enhance your analysis and provide evidence for your interpretations. Choose texts that utilize literary devices effectively and align with the quote, as this will help you construct a persuasive argument.

In conclusion, choosing the right texts is crucial for a successful critical lens essay. By selecting literature with diverse perspectives, depth of meaning, and effective literary techniques, you can support your analysis and develop a strong argument. Carefully consider the themes, ideas, and content of the texts, ensuring they align with the quote and allow for a comprehensive exploration of different viewpoints. With the right selection of literature, you will be able to critically analyze the quote and provide a well-supported argument.

Analyzing the literary devices and techniques

In this section, we will explore the different literary devices and techniques used in writing and how they contribute to the overall meaning and impact of a text. By understanding and analyzing these devices, readers can gain a deeper insight into the themes and ideas presented by the author.

One common literary device is symbolism, which involves the use of symbols to represent deeper meanings or ideas. Symbols can be objects, characters, or even actions that carry a symbolic significance. By analyzing the symbolism in a text, readers can uncover hidden meanings and themes that may not be immediately apparent.

Another important technique is foreshadowing, which is the use of clues or hints to suggest future events or outcomes. By carefully examining the foreshadowing in a text, readers can anticipate and understand the unfolding of the story, as well as the motivations and actions of the characters.

One of the most powerful literary devices is imagery, which involves the use of descriptive language to create vivid mental images in the reader’s mind. By analyzing the use of imagery, readers can engage with the text on a sensory level, experiencing the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures described by the author.

Another technique that authors employ is irony, which involves a contrast between what is expected or intended and what actually occurs. By recognizing and analyzing the use of irony in a text, readers can gain insight into the author’s point of view and the themes of the work.

These are just a few examples of the many literary devices and techniques that authors use to convey their ideas and messages. By analyzing these devices, readers can deepen their understanding and appreciation of a text, and develop their own interpretations and insights.

Creating a strong and coherent argument

Creating a strong and coherent argument

In order to write a compelling and persuasive critical lens essay, it is crucial to create a strong and coherent argument. This means presenting a clear and logical line of reasoning that supports your interpretation of the quote and the texts you have chosen to analyze. A strong argument is one that is well-supported by evidence, well-reasoned, and effectively conveys your main ideas.

One key element in creating a strong argument is providing evidence to support your claims. This can include quotations from the text, examples from real life or other works of literature, and any other relevant information that helps to validate your point of view. The more evidence you provide, the more convincing your argument will be.

Another important aspect of creating a strong argument is logical reasoning. This means organizing your thoughts in a clear and structured manner, making sure that each point flows logically from the previous one. It is also important to anticipate and address counterarguments or opposing viewpoints, showing that you have thoroughly considered different perspectives and have a strong response to them.

In addition to presenting a coherent argument, it is essential to convey your main ideas effectively. This involves using clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex terminology that may confuse your reader. It also means using rhetorical devices such as repetition, parallelism, and analogy to enhance the persuasiveness of your argument.

Finally, a strong and coherent argument requires a strong and confident tone. This means expressing your ideas with conviction and authority, while also acknowledging any limitations or weaknesses in your argument. It is important to strike a balance between confidence and humility, demonstrating that you have fully thought through your argument and are open to constructive criticism or alternative interpretations.

In summary, creating a strong and coherent argument is crucial in writing a successful critical lens essay. By providing evidence, employing logical reasoning, conveying your main ideas effectively, and adopting a confident tone, you can persuade your reader to accept your interpretation of the quote and the texts you are analyzing.

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How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Critical Lens Essay

How to Do an In-Depth Analysis Essay

How to Do an In-Depth Analysis Essay

"Everyone's a critic," or so the saying goes. When it comes to writing a critical lens essay, it's true that you get the chance to view wisdom and literature through a critical lens. The thesis statement is the center point of any essay, so crafting a strong example takes work. Take your inspiration from the format of the critical lens essay introduction, making sure to revise the wording to make your statement as convincing as possible.

Critical Lens Essay

A critical lens essay is a type of literary analysis paper. In this case, you start with a quotation, which you view through a "critical lens." This viewing involves restating the quotation in your own words, thus interpreting it. You take a position in this paper by stating whether you agree or disagree with the quotation as interpreted. The majority of the essay consists of elements from literature, usually two works, that support your position on the legitimacy of the quotation.

Elements of the Thesis Statement

The thesis statement, the final sentence of the introduction, consists of one sentence only. This statement includes the title, author and genre of the works of literature you are using to support your position. The thesis statement also includes literary elements, like characterization or theme, from the pieces that help support your position. Altogether the thesis statement connects the works to the quote. For example, you write, "In the drama, 'Othello,' by William Shakespeare, the development of the characters and the treatment of the themes shows how literature mirrors life."

Writing Process

The process for writing the introduction informs how you write your thesis statement. Start by recopying the given quotation and interpreting it. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the quotation as interpreted. Next, think about why you agree or not, brainstorming literary works that support your position. Consider which elements of the piece support your opinion. For instance, if the quotation suggests problems, consider the conflict and resolution of literary works. The interpretation and your agreement or disagreement serve as the foundation of your thesis statement.

Strengthening the Thesis Statement

Because thesis statements contain a lot of information, you should revise it to avoid awkward wording. Since your agreement sentence comes directly before, you can start the thesis statement with, "The truth of this statement is shown by" then list the literary works and elements. The phrase "The truth of" serves as a transition between the agreement sentence and your thesis, but it leads you to write in the passive. An active statement is more decisive: "The conflict in the novel 'The Old Man in the Sea' shows the truth of the quotation." The certainty of this statement sets the stage for supporting your position.

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  • Greenwich Central School District High School English: Writing a Critical Lens Essay – Steps to Follow

Nadia Archuleta has a B.A. in English writing. She spent five years working abroad and has traveled extensively. She has worked as an English as a Foreign/Second Language teacher for 12 years.

How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Successfully Step by Step

critical lens

Critical lens essay writing is a type of literary analysis where the writer is required to analyze and interpret a specific piece of literature or a quote. The essay typically involves discussing the meaning of the quote and how it relates to two literary works. The author is expected to use literary elements and techniques to support their interpretation and provide evidence from the texts.

The term "critical lense" refers to the perspective or lenses through which the scribe views and analyzes the literature. It often involves exploring the cultural, historical, or philosophical context of the works being analyzed. The goal is to demonstrate a deep understanding of the literature and present a well-argued interpretation.

In this guide, we’ll explore such crucial aspects of how to write critical lens essay, its definition, format, and samples. Just in case you’re in a big hurry, here’s a link to our essay writer service that can help you cope with a task at hand quickly and effortlessly.  

thesis statement for your critical lens essay

What Is a Critical Lens Essay and How to Write It

A critical lens analysis is a form of literary exploration that challenges students to interpret and analyze a specific quote, known as the "lens," and apply it to two pieces of literature. This type of composition aims to assess a student's understanding of literary elements, themes, and the broader implications of the chosen quote. Effectively producing a research paper involves several key steps, each contributing to a comprehensive and insightful analysis. 

The critical lens meaning is to provide a unique perspective into the complexities of literature. It goes beyond mere summarization, urging students to explore the layers of meaning embedded within the chosen quote and its application to literary works. Unveiling the assignment's meaning requires a keen eye for nuance and an appreciation for the intricate dance between language and interpretation.

Knowing how to write a lens essay involves mastering the art of interpretation. As students embark on this literary journey, the process of achieving this task becomes integral. It demands an exploration of the chosen quote's implications, an in-depth analysis of its resonance with the selected literature, and a thoughtful synthesis of ideas. A step-by-step approach is crucial, from deciphering the meaning to meticulously weaving insights into a cohesive and compelling narrative.

A lens analysis is more than a scholarly exercise; it's a nuanced exploration of the intersections between literature and life. It prompts students to unravel the layers of meaning embedded within the viewpoint, dissecting its implications for characters, themes, and overarching narratives. This analytical journey not only refines academic skills but also cultivates a deeper appreciation for the profound impact literature can have on our understanding of the human experience. For those seeking to delve deeper into critical analysis or needing assistance with their academic workload, there is an opportunity to find someone to write papers for money and get proper help.

Step-by-Step Writing Guide

In this guide, we will explore the assignment’s prerequisites and outline five steps to help students understand how to write a critical lens essay.

how to write critical lens essay

STEP 1 - Understand the Critical Lens Quote

The journey of crafting a compelling draft begins with a deep understanding of the chosen quote or viewpoint. This quote typically embodies a philosophical or thematic idea that serves as a foundation for analyzing the selected literary works. Students should dissect the quote, exploring its nuances, underlying meanings, and potential applications to literature.

STEP 2 - Select Appropriate Literary Works

Once the sources are comprehended, the next step is to select two literary works that can be effectively analyzed through this framework. Choosing appropriate texts is crucial, as they should offer rich content and thematic depth, allowing for a comprehensive exploration. Students must consider how the texts align with and diverge from the central ideas presented in the quote.

STEP 3 - Interpret the Chosen Texts

With the literary works in hand, students embark on a close reading and analysis of the selected texts. This involves identifying key themes, characters, literary devices, and narrative elements within each work. The goal is to understand how each text relates to the material and to uncover the deeper meanings encapsulated in the literature.

STEP 4 - Write a Thesis Statement for Your Critical Lens Essay

The thesis statement is the compass guiding the entire document. It should succinctly capture the composer’s interpretation of the original source and how it applies to the chosen texts. A well-crafted thesis statement not only outlines the focus of the essay but also provides a roadmap for the subsequent analysis, showcasing the author’s unique perspective.

STEP 5 - Structure the Essay Effectively

The final step involves organizing the tract into a coherent and persuasive structure. A well-structured article typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, students present their interpretation, introduce the chosen texts, and offer a clear thesis statement. Body paragraphs delve into specific aspects of lenses and their application to each text, supported by relevant evidence and analysis. The conclusion synthesizes the key findings, reinforces the thesis, and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

A successful article requires a meticulous approach to interpreting the quote, selecting appropriate literary works, closely analyzing the texts, crafting a robust thesis statement, and structuring the document effectively. By following these five key steps, students can develop a well-rounded and insightful article that not only demonstrates their understanding of literature but also showcases their ability to apply analytical thinking skills to literary analysis. Should you find the process challenging, simply contact us and say, ‘ Write an essay for me ,’ so we can find you a perfect writer for the job.

Critical Lens Essay Outline

Creating a comprehensive lens essay outline is an essential preparatory step that helps students organize their thoughts and ensures a well-structured effort. Below is a suggested outline, dividing the task into logical sections:


  • Hook: Begin with a captivating hook or quote to engage the reader.
  • Quote: Introduce the chosen quote, providing context and potential interpretations.
  • Interpretation: Offer your initial interpretation and its implications.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your thesis, outlining how the document applies to the chosen literary works.

Body Paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: First Literary Work

  • Brief Overview: Provide a concise summary of the first literary work.
  • Connection to Critical Lens: Analyze how it applies to this text.
  • Evidence: Incorporate relevant quotes or examples from the text to support your analysis.
  • Interpretation: Discuss the deeper meanings revealed through the analysis.

Paragraph 2: Second Literary Work

  • Brief Overview: Summarize the second literary work.
  • Connection to Critical Lens: Examine how it is reflected in this text.
  • Evidence: Include specific quotes or instances from the text to bolster your analysis.
  • Interpretation: Explore the profound implications illuminated by the material.

Paragraph 3: Comparative Analysis

  • Common Themes: Identify shared themes or patterns between the two works.
  • Differences: Highlight key differences and divergent interpretations.
  • Unity: Emphasize how both work collectively to reinforce the analysis.
  • Counterargument.


  • Recapitulation: Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Thesis Restatement: Reiterate your thesis in a compelling manner.
  • Concluding Thoughts: Offer final reflections on the broader implications of your analysis.

By adhering to this outline, students can systematically approach their essays, ensuring a coherent and well-supported exploration of the chosen perspective and literary works. The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding the author through each essential element and facilitating a more organized and impactful final product. You will also benefit from learning how to write a character analysis essay because this guide also offers a lot of useful tips.

rules of critical lens essay


The introduction plays a pivotal role in capturing the reader's attention and establishing the foundation for the ensuing analysis. Begin with a compelling hook or a thought-provoking quote that relates to the chosen perspective. Following the hook, introduce the quote itself, providing the necessary context and initial interpretations. This is also the space to present the thesis statement, succinctly outlining how the outlook applies to the literary works under examination. The thesis should offer a roadmap for the reader, indicating the key themes or ideas that will be explored in the body paragraphs.

The main body paragraphs constitute the heart of the article, where the essayist delves into a detailed analysis of the chosen literary works through the framework provided. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific literary work, providing a brief overview, connecting it to the perspective, presenting evidence from the text, and offering interpretations. Use clear topic sentences to guide the reader through each paragraph's main idea. Strive for a balance between summarizing the text and analyzing how it aligns with the outlook. If applicable, include a comparative analysis paragraph that explores common themes or differences between the two works. This section requires a careful integration of textual evidence and insightful commentary. Keep in mind that learning the ins and outs of a literary analysis essay might also help you improve your overall written skills, so check it out, too!

The conclusion serves as a synthesis of the analysis, offering a concise recapitulation of the main points explored in the body paragraphs. Begin by summarizing the key findings and interpretations, reinforcing how each literary work aligns with the work’s angle. Restate the thesis in a conclusive manner, emphasizing the overarching themes that have emerged from the analysis. Beyond a mere recap, the conclusion should provide broader insights into the implications of the outlook, encouraging readers to contemplate the universal truths or societal reflections brought to light. A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression, prompting reflection on the interconnectedness of literature and the perspectives that illuminate its depth.

Critical Lens Essay Example

Final Remark 

Through the exploration of literary works, students not only refine their understanding of diverse perspectives but also develop essential analytical thinking skills. The ability to decipher, analyze, and articulate the underlying themes and conflicts within literature positions students as adept communicators and thinkers.

Armed with the skills cultivated in dissecting and interpreting texts, students gain a formidable ally in the pursuit of effective communication. By committing to harnessing the insights gained through this assignment, students empower themselves to produce richer, more nuanced pieces. 

thesis statement for your critical lens essay

How to Write a Thesis Statement for Your Critical Lens Essay?

How does using a critical lens essay help writers, what are the best critical lens essay examples.

Ryan Acton is an essay-writing expert with a Ph.D. in Sociology, specializing in sociological research and historical analysis. By partnering with EssayHub, he provides comprehensive support to students, helping them craft well-informed essays across a variety of topics.

thesis statement for your critical lens essay

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Writing a “Lens” Essay

This handout provides suggestions for writing papers or responses that ask you to analyze a text through the lens of a critical or theoretical secondary source.

Generally, the lens should reveal something about the original or “target” text that may not be otherwise apparent. Alternatively, your analysis may call the validity of the arguments of the lens piece into question, extend the arguments of the lens text, or provoke some other reevaluation of the two texts. Either way, you will be generating a critical “dialogue between texts.”

Reading the Texts

Since you will eventually want to hone in on points of commonality and discord between the two texts, the order and manner in which you read them is crucial.

First, read the lens text to identify the author’s core arguments and vocabulary. Since theoretical or critical texts tend to be dense and complex, it may be helpful to develop an outline of the author’s primary points. According the to Brandeis Writing Program Handbook, a valuable lens essay will “grapple with central ideas” of the lens text, rather than dealing with isolated quotes that may or may not be indicative of the author’s argument as a whole. As such, it’s important to make sure you truly understand and can articulate the author’s main points before proceeding to the target text.

Next, quickly read the target text to develop a general idea of its content. Then, ask yourself: Where do I see general points of agreement or disagreement between the two texts? Which of the lens text’s main arguments could be applied to the target text? It may be easier to focus on one or two of the lens text’s central arguments. 

With these ideas in mind, go back and read the target text carefully, through the theoretical lens, asking yourself the following questions: What are the main components of the lens text and what are their complementary parts in the target text? How can I apply the lens author’s theoretical vocabulary or logic to instances in the target text? Are there instances where the lens text’s arguments don’t or can’t apply? Why is this? It is helpful to keep a careful, written record of page numbers, quotes, and your thoughts and reactions as you read.

Since this type of paper deals with a complex synthesis of multiple sources, it is especially important to have a clear plan of action before you begin writing. It may help to group quotes or events by subject matter, by theme, or by whether they support, contradict, or otherwise modify the arguments in the lens text. Hopefully, common themes, ideas, and arguments will begin to emerge and you can start drafting!

Writing the Introduction and Thesis

As your paper concerns the complex interactions between multiple texts, it is important to explain what you will be doing the introduction. Make sure to clearly introduce the lens text and its specific arguments you will be employing or evaluating. Then introduce the target text and its specific themes or events you will be addressing in your analysis. 

These introductions of texts and themes should lead into some kind of thesis statement. Though there are no set guidelines or conventions for what this thesis should look like, make sure it states the points of interaction you will be discussing, and explains what your critical or theoretical analysis of the target text reveals about the texts.

Writing the Body

The body is where you apply specific arguments from the lens text to specific quotes or instances in the target text. In each case, make sure to discuss what the lens text reveals about the target text (or vice versa). Use the lens text’s vocabulary and logical framework to examine the target text, but make sure to be clear about where ideas in the paper are coming from (the lens text, the target text, your own interpretation etc.) so the reader doesn’t become confused.

By engaging in this type of analysis, you are “entering an academic conversation” and inserting your own ideas. As this is certainly easier said than done, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein’s concept of “Templates” may prove useful. In their book, They Say, I Say, the authors lay out numerous templates to help writers engage in unfamiliar forms of critical academic discourse. They encourage students to use the templates in any capacity they find useful, be it filling them in verbatim, modifying and extending them, or using them as an analytical entry point, then discarding them completely.

Here I modify their basic template (They say ________. I say ________.), to create lens essay-specific templates to help you get started:

The author of the lens text lays out a helpful framework for understanding instances of ________ in the target text. Indeed, in the target text, one sees ________, which could be considered an example of ________ by the lens author’s definition. Therefore, we see a point of commonality concerning ________. This similarity reveals ________.

According to the lens text _______ tends to occur in situations where _______. By the lens author’s definition, ________ in the target text could be considered an instance of _______. However, this parallel is imperfect because _______. As such, we become aware of ________.

One sees ________ in the target text, which calls the lens author’s argument that ________ into question because ________.

If the author of the lens text is correct that ________, one would expect to see ________ in the target text. However, ________ actually takes place, revealing a critical point of disagreement. This discord suggests that ________. This issue is important because ________.

Wrapping Things up and Drawing Conclusions

By this point in your essay, you should be drawing conclusions regarding what your lens analysis reveals about the texts in questions, or the broader issues the texts address. Make sure to explain why these discoveries are important for the discipline in which you are writing. In other words, what was the point of carrying out your analysis in the first place? Happy lens writing!

Brandeis UWS Writing Handbook, 70.

UWS Handbook, 76.

Birkenstein, Cathy and Gerald Graff, They Say, I Say. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2007), 2-3.

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

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thesis statement for your critical lens essay

Critical Lens Essay: Writing Process Explored in Just One Article

Back on your studies again, aren't you? Well, what is it that you are looking for now? Ah, a critical lens essay. That may sound easy, alright, but you might feel that it poses a massive challenge, and rightly so. Don't you worry, though, because once you are done reading this helpful guide, you will have a very clear picture of how to write your critical lens essay. So, grab a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable because we're about to begin.

What is a Critical Lens Essay?

Quite a lot of students these days keep asking themselves the same question: "what is a critical lens essay?" The critical lens essay is a kind of the critical analysis essay which focuses on the interpretation of a direct quote from a piece of literature. That may not seem like a good explanation, but in this case, it doesn't need to be too extensive. Writing a critical lens essay is not about throwing theory terms left and right, it's about actually putting the right words into the proper order.

The point is that many famous literary pieces are frequently quoted quite extensively, but the problem is that individuals doing that may not necessarily be familiar with any background information, nor are they aware of the context to which the quote belongs. The way people citing quotes understand them is very much different from their author's intended meaning and, as a result, such quotes end up living their own independent lives. Another extreme is that many people in their speeches and writings support their viewpoint with quotations, which are also taken out of context, thus gradually changing their original meaning in their audience's collective mind. This is why it is always a good idea to actually look at a quote through a critical lens, interpreting it with regards to its context and other circumstances which determine its meaning. But how do you go about writing an essay like that? Critical lens essays are known to have a very rigorous structure, and itis very important to follow it to the letter. So, let us have a closer look at the process of writing .

How to Write a Critical Lens Essay Step by Step

Let us look into the essential steps you're bound to take while writing a critical lens essay. Indeed, they may differ depending on the case, but we suggest coming up with and sticking to the general plan, which is the key to writings an excellent critical lens essay.

The first thing you should do before starting on your essay is find an unusual or particularly famous and widely misunderstood quotation. Also, make sure to find a source your quote is taken from to spare your readers the trouble of finding it by themselves. Once that has been taken care of, it's time to move on to observing other equally essential formalities.

Defining critical lens essay format

It is wrong to assume that critical lens essays are all written in accordance with just one format or citation style. The format of your essay will depend primarily on the citation style that your professor will require you to adhere to; MLA, APA, Chicago Turabian and Harvard being the most common ones. So, check it out with your professor and find a respective post in our blog to know what the standards of your particular citation style are. Keep in mind that your professor may require you to make certain modifications to the requested citation style. For instance, an APA style paper is supposed to have a title page, but some professors mayo specifically instruct their students to avoid those. Therefore, to be on the safe side, we recommend you always take note of all the modifications your professor may require you to do.

The typical structure of a critical lens essay

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing extraordinary about the structure of the critical lens essay: an introduction containing a thesis, three body paragraphs designed to support said thesis, and a conclusion meant to restate the arguments and summarize the results of your study. However, in the majority of cases, the structure of each of these individual parts is clearly predetermined.

Critical lens essay introduction

Your title page (if requested by your citation style), abstract, and outline (if required by your professor) are followed by the introductory paragraph of your essay . It is supposed to start with an attention getter, which in our case should be the quote you're working on. Therefore, make sure you choose a memorable phrase, such that is an arguable yet widely recognized and impressive one.

Your next sentence should explain the quotation or provide your incentives to select it and/or the context to which it belongs. Then comes the culmination of your introductory paragraph: the thesis . Claim something disputive about the quote, the simplest thing here being agreeing or disagreeing with it, and then prove whether or not it is right. You may also state something about the context of your quote or its actual meaning, which can be different from the widely recognized one.

Provide one more sentence, in which you announce your arguments by explaining how you are going to prove your point. This part may sometimes be longer than just one sentence, but for the sake of complying with the classical structure of the critical lens essay, it is better to fit this information into one sentence. However, you should refrain from making it too long and taking up an entire page. If it is absolutely necessary, it is better to split it into several sentences instead of piling up a pyramid made up of multiple subordinate clauses.

Exploring critical lens essay's body paragraphs

Being the significant part of your essay , the body typically comprises three paragraphs, of which the first ones are meant to provide the reader with a structure, which somewhat replicates the introduction.

Before explaining your thoughts in detail, it's always a good idea to start with a literary element, such as a quote, citation or literary device, which is meant to support your thesis. The last paragraph is supposed to convey the author's interpretation of the quote in its relation to the evidence analyzed. In the classic critical lens essay, the body paragraphs are meant to have four sentences each. However, if the essay is too long to limit each of its body paragraphs to just this amount, it should replicate the primary structure of the classic essay by expanding each of the sentences to include several new ones, if necessary. Basically, don't limit yourself to just this plan if you feel like you have something more to say. Keep it concise, though. Every sentence should be ripe with information.

How to develop a critical lens essay conclusion

The conclusion is a very important part of your critical lens essay because it summarizes all the evidence and shows how your whole text body supports the thesis . Be sure to include all these elements in your essay's conclusion, because it's precisely the thing that leaves the final and lasting impression upon your reader. Work hard on it!

Critical Lens Essay Topics Examples

The examples of critical lens essay topics may be diverse, but we will just provide a couple of ideas for you to consider. A very widely cited quotation by the ancient Roman poet Juvenal goes like this: "Mens sana in corpore sano." Torn out of its context, it has been used to support various and even diverse viewpoints of the people who do not even know or care where the quote derives from. This quote is most frequently translated into English as follows: "A healthy mind in a healthy body." Some people interpret this by claiming that a healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body, while others, who subscribe to the notion of the mind being primary, maintain that if the mind is healthy, then it will create the conditions for the body to remain healthy. To a certain extent, one can agree with either of these points, but what did the author actually mean by it? Isn't that's an excellent topic for your critical lens essay?

Let's take another widely quoted statement "Curiosity killed the cat." Not a lot of people know that the prolonged version of this saying actually goes on to tell that "satisfaction brought it back." In this case, the second part about the cat being revived is missing, thus making it an interesting topic for your critical lens essay.

Here are a few more useful tips on how to write an excellent critical lens essay:

Do not try to start writing your essay by developing the introduction - work on your body paragraphs first. And it is not until after you are done putting them together that you can proceed with your introduction and conclusion. It is much easier that way, since in your introduction and conclusion you will have to refer to your body paragraphs, and thus it is better to write them by then.

For your convenience, we have broken down the whole process of writing the critical lens essay into 10 easy-to-follow steps:

  • Choose your topic.
  • Work out a thesis.
  • Conduct the necessary research .
  • Write your body paragraphs.
  • Come up with your introduction and conclusion.
  • Design your cover page and reference list.
  • Format your paper.
  • Do the spell check (if necessary).
  • Get some rest. At this point, it is a good idea to have the paper proofread by somebody else.
  • Proofread the paper by yourself for the last time.

Now, you are ready to submit a perfectly structured critical lens essay.

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4 Steps to Master a Critical Lens Essay Format

Critical lens quotes serve a starting point for your essay. That is a foundation, necessary to build a strong thesis statement, which is a nucleus for the further analysis. Basically, a critical lens essay example will be devoted to your approving or disapproving of the thought, expressed in the quote. So, to start with you provide the quote in the exact same wording as in the original and specify the title, author and the genre of the book the quote is taken from. Then goes the main idea of your essay, which is the result of your personal reflection on the issue. So, that’s the rough, though efficient model of your critical lens essay introduction.

The next element of a critical lens essay outline is the main body of your piece of writing. Here you’ll have 2 paragraphs, each devoted to a single source that support your insight on the initial thought. You’ll also need to provide a title, author and genre of the book and demonstrate at least two pieces of evidence that are a backing for your main viewpoint. The books may be assigned by your instructor or required from you to choose. In case you are to pick something, make sure that the central theme of the initial work intersect and present a new angle for you to look at.

The final point of a critical lens outline is conclusion. Nothing really innovative here. Just recap everything you’ve said above and demonstrate, why it is significant and how it is related to the big picture.

The most difficult thing in a critical lens essay is sometimes understanding what does your instructor actually want from you. The general answer is they want you to think. Most of the time you’ll be given a certain topic to analyze. Thus, working with other sources makes you search for the connections between them and work out a deeper insight on the work of art or literature. So, with a critical lens essay you enhance your writing skills and practice analytical thinking. Isn’t it cool? Get ready to the journey and move to work!

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How to Write a Critical Lens Essay

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Tips and Examples for Writing Thesis Statements

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Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement

1. Determine what kind of paper you are writing:

  • An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience.
  • An expository (explanatory) paper explains something to the audience.
  • An argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. The claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. The goal of the argumentative paper is to convince the audience that the claim is true based on the evidence provided.

If you are writing a text that does not fall under these three categories (e.g., a narrative), a thesis statement somewhere in the first paragraph could still be helpful to your reader.

2. Your thesis statement should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence.

3. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper.

4. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper.

Thesis Statement Examples

Example of an analytical thesis statement:

The paper that follows should:

  • Explain the analysis of the college admission process
  • Explain the challenge facing admissions counselors

Example of an expository (explanatory) thesis statement:

  • Explain how students spend their time studying, attending class, and socializing with peers

Example of an argumentative thesis statement:

  • Present an argument and give evidence to support the claim that students should pursue community projects before entering college

Creating a Thesis and an Outline for a Critical Analysis Essay

Learning Objectives:

LESSON Many college courses, including psychology, literature, philosophy, microbiology, and history, require large amounts of reading. Your instructor may assess your understanding and analysis To analyze is to make a thoughtful and detailed study of something. An analysis is the end result of analyzing. of a text Words that make up a book, essay, article, poem, or speech. through an exam; however, you may also be required to write an essay A short piece of writing that focuses on at least one main idea. Some essays are also focused on the author's unique point of view, making them personal or autobiographical, while others are focused on a particular literary, scientific, or political subject. that measures your understanding and opinion Point of view that shows a personal belief or bias and cannot be proven to be completely true. of a chapter or article A non-fiction, often informative writing that forms a part of a publication, such as a magazine or newspaper. . Sometimes these are assignments that ask you to assess the effectiveness of an author A person who wrote a text. 's work, or how well he or she has made a case.

Keep in mind that the idea of a work's "effectiveness" is subjective because it is based upon your opinion of the author's success. In other words, it is possible that you and a classmate or colleague might disagree about the effectiveness of a specific text Words that make up a book, essay, article, poem, or speech. . This is not uncommon; sometimes there is no "right" answer. For this reason, it is important that you thoroughly understand the text and then provide sound reasoning for your opinions.

In this lesson, you will learn how to develop a thesis statement A brief statement that identifies a writer's thoughts, opinions, or conclusions about a topic. Thesis statements bring unity to a piece of writing, giving it a focus and a purpose. You can use three questions to help form a thesis statement: What is my topic? What am I trying to say about that topic? Why is this important to me or my reader? for a critical analysis essay and how to create a corresponding outline A preliminary plan for a piece of a writing, often in the form of a list. It should include a topic, audience, purpose, thesis statement, and main and supporting points. using evidence Facts, statistics, or expert testimony that supports a claim. to support your thesis An overall argument, idea, or belief that a writer uses as the basis for a work. .

Develop a Thesis Statement

Since the purpose of a critical analysis essay is to assess the effectiveness of a text at its most basic level, your thesis statement should refer to the text that you are analyzing and express whether you think that text is effective or not.

Remember, you are looking at the extent to which a text successfully produces the outcome or result it was meant to produce. Therefore, the first step in developing your thesis statement is to identify what the author wanted to accomplish. The second step is to assess the author's success in doing so.

Here are two examples of critical analysis thesis statements covering the same text. This thesis statement affirms the effectiveness of the author's work:

In Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century , Thomas Piketty successfully argues that without government intervention, the gap between the rich and the poor will continue to grow because of an economic system that favors earnings on investments over earnings on labor.

Conversely, this thesis statement is critical of the author's effectiveness:

Thomas Picketty's book , Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century , does an excellent job of demonstrating how wealth continues to grow through investments, but fails to provide evidence that this favorable growth keeps people from moving from the lower class to the upper class through determination and hard work.

Develop an Outline

The next step to writing a critical analysis essay is to develop an outline. In addition to outlining the body, or supporting paragraphs A selection of a writing that is made up of sentences formed around one main point. Paragraphs are set apart by a new line and sometimes indentation. , you should provide a brief summary A brief restatement of an author’s main idea and major supporting details. Summaries are factual and should be written in the third-person with an objective point of view. of the text you are evaluating in the background Information that describes the history or circumstances of a topic. portion of your introduction The first paragraph of an essay. It must engage the reader, set the tone, provide background information, and present the thesis. . This will give your readers the context The larger setting in which something happens; the "big picture." they need to assess your analysis, which is especially important if they have not read the text you are evaluating.

In the supporting paragraphs, you should use the MEAL concept An acronym that describes a method of organizing the paragraphs in an essay. Under this plan, each paragraph should have a M ain point, E vidence, A nalysis, and a L ink to the next paragraph. to outline the main idea The most important or central thought of a reading selection. It also includes what the author wants the reader to understand about the topic he or she has chosen to write about. , evidence, analysis, and link To connect ideas together within a paragraph or to create a transition from one paragraph to the next, as well as back to the thesis. .

Main Idea:  your topic sentence A sentence that contains the controlling idea for an entire paragraph and is typically the first sentence of the paragraph. , identifying one of the supporting claims A statement that something is true, such as the thesis of an essay. A successful writer must present evidence to prove his/her claim. for the thesis.

Evidence:  facts A piece of information that can be proven. Something that is true and indisputable. , expert Someone who is very knowledgeable about a topic. opinion, or anecdotal evidence A brief, interesting story that supports a claim in a critical analysis or persuasion essay. proving that the claim described in the topic sentence is true.

Analysis:  explaining how the evidence supports the topic sentence.

Link:  a transition Tying two events, passages, or pieces of information together in a smooth way. In writing, transitions are sometimes called links. from the paragraph, as well as back to the thesis.

In the essay, you need to use pieces of the original text as your evidence. If you think the text is effective, identify portions of the text that demonstrate its effectiveness; likewise, if you think the text is ineffective, identify portions of the text that demonstrate its ineffectiveness. In your analysis, you will explain why each portion supports your claim that the evidence contributes to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the entire text.

Keep in mind that you may have more than one piece of evidence or analysis for each of your main points, so your supporting paragraphs may look like MEEAL or MEAAL, or other combinations of evidence and analysis.

Finally, you should outline your conclusion The end portion of a writing that contains a summary or synthesis of the idea in the work. This includes a recap of key points and reminders of the author's purpose and thesis statement. . In this paragraph, you need to bring all the parts of the essay together in the synthesis and create a strong final impression for the reader.

Here is what an outline for a critical analysis essay might look like:

  • Final Impression

Whether it is for a school assignment or a work task, developing the skill of outlining an essay is important. The bigger the assignment, the more important an outline becomes. Writing an outline requires you to closely examine your assignment or task and understand what is being asked of you; it also helps you organize your thoughts, stay on task, and explain your reasoning to others.

Imagine that you are working for a large hospital system, and are reviewing two different proposals for upgrading the hospital's technology system. You will need to evaluate the strengths of each proposal and report back to the larger leadership council on which proposal makes its case more effectively and should be implemented. If you do this successfully, the hospital will have a superior technology system that meets its needs. Your efforts at ensuring the success of the hospital will also make it more likely that you will be asked to take on important tasks in the future, increasing your chances for promotion.

The text below is an example of the kind of writing you might be assigned in one of your courses. Read the text and then review the sample thesis and outline of a critical analysis of the text that follows.

From "The Case for Recess" by Linda Acri in Chicago Family Weekly

Under pressure to improve student grades, many schools have cut back on recess, or even dropped it altogether. This is shortsighted and potentially dangerous, since studies show that unstructured play promotes educational, social, emotional, and creative development.

It may seem logical that more time in the classroom leads to better grades, but research suggests that recess is also important for academic success. Switching between structured and unstructured activities refreshes the brain and enhances its ability to store new information. Too much time spent on one type of task reduces the amount of information a child can absorb, while occasional breaks from schoolwork improve concentration.

The positive effects of recess go beyond grades into expanding the social and personal skills of children. Recess gives children time to talk and connect with one another, which strengthens their communication skills and puts them at ease with school and their peers. Free time at school can help children develop persistence and self-control. Creative skills are boosted when kids plan and design their own games and activities. If we want schools to help children not just learn but also grow as people, we must provide them with time each day just to be kids.

In his 2012 study "Sedentary Children are Blue, Bored, and Belligerent," Doctor Mark Phillips of the Main Hospital demonstrates that children need exercise, fresh air, sunlight, daily interaction with peer groups, and time at school during which they aren't being told what to do. Otherwise, they become "tired, bored, depressed, angry, antisocial, and unfocused." Phillips goes on to say that "schools must take responsibility for what is happening to children," and even suggests that the elimination of recess "borders on criminal."

Recess is also important because many children don't have the opportunity or inclination to play outside when the school day ends. Some participate in sedentary after-school programs like tutoring or arts and crafts. Others go right home, but stay indoors watching electronic entertainment or doing homework rather than playing tag in the yard or throwing around a ball. Many parents don't let their children roam their neighborhood the way they themselves once did. Due to both real and imagined dangers, few adults are comfortable letting their children play outside, particularly in urban neighborhoods or after dark. When I talked with one mother, she told me, "It's just not safe to let them go outside. Look at all the child abductions on television!"

We must help our children to thrive in all the ways they should. School administrators, city councilmen, and parents, think back to your childhood. Remember when you could barely sit still at your desk, filled with gleeful anticipation of schoolyard games, friend time, freedom from the stuffy classroom air, and the opportunity to rest your mind and pencil-gripping hands? Let's give kids a break. Bring back recess!

After reviewing the above text, the next step is to write a thesis statement for a critical analysis of the text. Once you have determined your thesis, you should create your responses, ideas, and thoughts to create an outline evaluating the text.

Thesis: Linda Acri's "A Case for Recess" successfully makes a convincing and persuasive argument for why we must fight for our children's recess time.

Outline evaluating text:

  • Hook: While having tablets, electronic chalkboards, and more intense learning environments in schools might thrill some parents, there really is no substitute for permitting children to play like children.
  • Background: Acri's article sets forth the current problem of schools cutting back student recess time and the importance of recess in a child's educational, psychological, emotional, and intellectual development and overall life.
  • Thesis: Linda Acri's article, "A Case for Recess," successfully makes a convincing and persuasive argument for why we must fight for our children's recess time.
  • Evidence: Acri points out that "switching between structured and unstructured activities refreshes the brain and enhances its ability to store new information."
  • Evidence: Acri cites a study by Doctor Mark Phillips that describes how children become "tired, bored, depressed, angry, antisocial, and unfocused" without recess.
  • Analysis: The argument is effective because it takes a popular idea and refutes it with strong evidence.
  • Link: Further, the evidence suggests that the benefits go beyond schoolwork.
  • Evidence: Recess develops skills such as communication, persistence, and self control that not only improve academic achievement but also help children improve their social, emotional, and creative skills.
  • Analysis: This argument is powerful because it shows that eliminating recess harms not just grades but personal growth.
  • Link: More and more, society expects schools to not only teach but also to help raise children: in order to help children learn life skills we must provide them with time each day just to be kids.
  • Evidence: Many children don't have the opportunity to play outside after school.
  • Evidence: One mother told Acri, "It’s just not safe to let them go outside. Look at all the child abductions on television!"
  • Analysis: Her argument appeals to many readers because it includes a number of scenarios, at least one of which is probably relevant to almost everyone.
  • Link: She shines a spotlight on the fact that most children are not able to enjoy the freedom to play and explore the way their parents did.
  • Synthesis: Acri's argument about the importance of recess in nearly all areas of child development and happy living convinces the reader to fight for unstructured play time in schools.
  • Final Impression: We must encourage schools to recognize the needs of children to exercise, socialize, and rest their brains, and to once again see recess as a benefit rather than a hindrance to academic progress.

Read the text below. After reading it, write an appropriate thesis statement for an essay evaluating the text, followed by an outline of this evaluation.

From "Employers Violate Civil Liberties Over Online Videos and Posts" by Lionel Burnett; Opinion Section, New York Weekly Post

If you aren't hooked up online then you might as well be nonexistent. Your online presence is basically who you are today. It's a fundamental right to be who and what you want to be online as much as it is in "real" life.

Social media has really changed how people relate to one another. We don't have to see people face-to face anymore. We can work long hours or live far apart and still keep up with the life events, celebrations, trials, and tribulations of friends and family. With a couple swipes of the finger on a tablet, I can find out who your friends are, where you go to school, who you work for, and what music you listen to. I can even find out what world city you should live in or what type of animal best describes your personality from the quizzes you post! Through our profiles—the photos, comments, and stories we post—we get to decide how the world sees us. It's a lot of fun! But sadly, opening our lives to the world can also cause us big, big trouble.

My friend Aaron was a teacher at a local school. He's also a guy who loves hunting. He stopped talking to people at work about his hobby after his boss took him aside and said that it was "inappropriate to discuss such matters in this environment, particularly given recent incidents. We don't want to scare the children or parents." Then last week, Aaron posted a few pictures of his latest hunting trip online, along with a video of him showing his eleven-year-old son how to properly load, fire, and unload a shotgun. All his friends thought that it was awesome that he spent time with his son while teaching him gun safety. But then the video went viral, and the principal and superintendent at Aaron's school heard about it. They called him in, and they fired him! They said he'd been warned, and that posting the video was irresponsible. Aaron was fired even though he never signed a contract or committed to any guidelines around using social media. It isn't right and it isn't fair.

Not long ago I had to sign a "social responsibility" statement for my job. The contract requires employees to review the policies and standards of the organization and exercise good judgment online. Human Resources has also issued a ludicrous one-strike rule. This new policy states that if we post something that reflects poorly on the industry, the company, or any employees, we must either a) deactivate our online accounts or b) change our profile names so no one will know where we work. If we refuse, we will be fired. This is a violation of civil liberties! No piece of paper I am forced to sign is going to change what I choose to do online.

No company has the right to tell an employee how to behave in his or her personal life. I fail to see why our Internet lives should be any different than real life. My boss goes out partying every night, but he didn't have to sign a contract saying he would watch what he says or does in a bar. If he tries to fire me for posting things online, I will see to it that he gets dismissed for being so irresponsible and partying all night. Of all of the employees, I guess I am the most upset about this. All of my coworkers signed the new contract without complaining. They aren't all that interested in talking to Human Resources with me either. I will serve as the lone advocate for this important cause without them. I will see to it that these companies stop violating our civil liberties by limiting our vital online presence! 

Sample Answer

While entertaining, Lionel Burnett's "Employers Violate Civil Liberties Over Online Videos and Posts" fails to successfully argue that employer requests for decent online behavior from employees is a violation of civil liberties.

  • Hook: One-sided and filled with biases, Burnett's article, "Employers Violate Civil Liberties Over Online Videos and Posts," reads more like an ill-informed rant than a newsworthy opinion piece.
  • Background: This newspaper article is an opinion piece regarding the importance of social media in today's culture and how employer involvement and concern over employee online activity is unfair and unlawful.
  • Thesis: While entertaining, Lionel Burnett's "Employers Violate Civil Liberties Over Online Videos and Posts" fails to successfully argue that employer requests for decent online behavior from employees are a violation of civil liberties.
  • Evidence: Burnett claims that interpersonal activities are no longer necessary because we can find out everything we want or need to know about everyone online.
  • Analysis: Burnett fails to take into account that many people are not active online and still value meeting their family and friends in person.
  • Link: Focusing only on his own positive views of social media, Burnett blatantly ignores that what people post online has the potential to harm others.
  • Evidence: Burnett is shocked that Aaron was fired from his position as a schoolteacher after sharing information involving guns, even though he had been warned about doing so.
  • Analysis: The school has an interest in seeing that its employees do not post online material that may reflect poorly on its staff and upset parents.
  • Link: Similarly, Burnett's employer is not acting unlawfully by requesting that its employees be mindful about their online practices.
  • Evidence: Human Resources asked its employees to sign a social media contract and although Burnett claims to be vehemently opposed, he went along with it.
  • Analysis: If Burnett is such an advocate for online legal freedoms, why did he sign the social media contract rather than finding a new job with a company that doesn't require such a contract?
  • Link: While Burnett makes an interesting point about his boss—that company expectations regarding online and offline social behaviors are not consistent—he offers no real evidence to support his argument that his employers, or Aaron's for that matter, acted unlawfully (or even unreasonably).
  • Synthesis: Although Burnett's commentary highlights some trends in social interactions in this country, i.e., a moving away from live interpersonal contact to a more virtual reality, it falls short of supporting his claim that employers violate civil liberties over online videos and posts.
  • Final Impression: Burnett offers no facts, just his opinion and personal outrage, on what's becoming a common human resources requirement: the social media contract.

Developing an outline helps me organize my ideas before I get started on writing my first draft. This saves me time and energy, keeping the first draft more focused than if I just start writing without any plan.

You need to reference portions of the text to demonstrate its effectiveness or lack of effectiveness because summaries, paraphrases, and quotes from the text illustrate the writer's actual arguments. The specific words and ideas of the writer are what your arguments and reasoning around the essay's effectiveness are based upon. Referencing the text provides evidence to support your own writing and also provides your own reader with the original text to go back and review.

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How to write a critical lens essay effectively and with no mistakes.

Writing of a critical lens is quite specific as it is almost impossible to find a sample for your particular requirements. Therefore, CrazyEssay.Com is ready to help on this and give some good tips on how to write a critical lens essay.

What Is a Critical Lens Essay?

Before you start, it is necessary to clearly understand, what a critical lens essay is. So, critical lens essay is mostly an assignment on Literature. You are given a certain quote or saying, which plays the function of your critical lens. Also, you are required to review certain literary works (specified in assignment instructions or it is up to you to choose). Those works are to support your understanding of the given quote within the essay writing.

What Parts Should Your Essay Have and What Is Specific about Them?

As your critical lens essay is still an essay, it has the common structure of 3 main parts, including introduction, body part and conclusion in the given order. However, the content should reflect the essay’s aim and there will be some specifications to every part.

  • Content of Introduction for a Critical Lens Essay

An introduction tells your reader, what you are going to write about. That is why it is necessary for you to write down the quote in it and explain how you understand it. The tone of writing and the thoughts included should be followed in further parts. At the end of this first paragraph you should formulate a good thesis statement to link your introduction to the next essay part.

  • Content of the Critical Lens Essay Body Part

It is not a surprise that your body part needs to have 3 paragraphs or more. Nevertheless, this does not mean that each literary work analysis should be separated in a paragraph. You should better structure your essay based on certain ideas, features etc. In each paragraph you should mention all the works in brief and taking into account the specific aspect you need.

  • Conclusion of a Critical Lens Essay

If you do not know what to write in your conclusion, go back to your introduction and read it again. The paraphrased thesis statement is already one sentence you have. Also, check, whether your thoughts have been well-supported by the books. If so, you may already have some findings and conclusion is the best place for them. Do not try to go on writing and never tell some new features or ideas, which have not been mentioned in the body of your critical lens essay.

Avoid Common Mistakes in Critical Lens Essay Writing

There are a few common mistakes students make due to not-understanding of how to write a critical lens essay properly. We decided to tell you them not to follow the same steps.

  • Summary of the Books

There is a significant difference between the summary and critical lens essays. Remember, that you do not need to summarize the literary works’ plot, but just tell about the parts and aspects, which refer to your specifically required quote.

It won’t be possible for you to support your thoughts without including the quotes from the sources used. Therefore, try to keep the good balance of quotes and your personal opinion. There should not be too many borrowed information.

Help with Critical Lens Essay

Imagine that you have got an assignment to write a critical lens essay and you even do not know what to start with. What should you do? Contact CrazyEssay.Com for help!

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thesis statement for your critical lens essay

The Barker Underground

Writing advice from the harvard college writing center tutors, the four parts of a lens essay argument.

by Emily Hogin

One of the most common prompts I see at the Writing Center is the “lens essay.” A lens essay brings two texts in dialogue with one another in a very particular way. It asks you to use Text B – the lens – to illuminate something you didn’t already know about Text A.

How Not to Argue a Lens Essay

A lens essay is not a list of differences and similarities between two texts. The following are some (exaggerated) examples of a bad argument for a lens essay I’ve come across at the Writing Center:

Even though one is philosophy and the other is a novel, both Text A and Text B talk about the imagination.

This first thesis statement notes a similarity between the two texts that will likely be obvious to readers of the text. It doesn’t use one text to illuminate anything about the other.

While both Text A and Text B argue that human nature is unchangeable, Text A asserts that humans are inherently good and Text B asserts that humans are inherently bad.

This thesis makes a claim about each text but doesn’t say anything about them in relation to each other.

Text A, a poem, does a better job of communicating the emotional struggles of living with HIV than Text B, a statistical report, because a poem allows readers to identify emotionally with other people while statistics are more abstract and cold.

This third thesis statement does make an argument that connects both texts, but again fails to use one text to tell us something we don’t already know about the other text.

thesis statement for your critical lens essay

In my experience, a successful lens essay implies a certain kind of thought-process that has at least four parts:

(1) I read Text A

(2) I read Text B (my lens)

(3) I re-read Text A and noticed something I didn’t notice before

(4) That something turns out to carry consequences for my overall reading of Text A (thesis/argument)

(And if you really want to wow your reader, you’d add a final part:)

(5) Applying Text B (my lens) in this way also reveals something significant about Text B

When I say significance or consequences, I don’t mean that it has to alter the meaning of a text radically; it can be something small but important. For example, you might find that one element is a lot more important (or a lot less important) to the overall text than you had previously thought.

As an example, here is an excerpt from the introduction to my last lens essay:

The concept of the imagination is ambiguous throughout Venus in Furs : at times, the imagination appears as passive as a battleground that external forces fight to occupy and control; at other times, the imagination appears to drive the action as if it is another character. Any theory of sexuality that seeks to explain Venus in Furs thus must be able to explain the ambiguity over the imagination. Foucault’s theory of the inescapable knowledge-power of sexuality comes close to being able to explain Sacher-Masoch’s ambiguous concept of the imagination, but applying Foucault in this way highlights Foucault’s own difficulty situating the imagination within his theory.

You can see my lens essay thought-process in just these three sentences:

(1) I read Venus in Furs (Text A) and noticed that the imagination is ambiguous

(2) I read Foucault (Text B, my lens) (3) to better understand the imagination in Venus in Furs

(4) Foucault helped explain why an ambiguous imagination is an appropriate way to look at sexuality

but (5) applying Foucault to the imagination tells me that Foucault’s own theory is challenged when he has to account for the imagination.

Once you have an argument for a lens essay, you will have to structure your paper in a way that allows this lens essay thought-process to come across. This means that each of your topic sentences should refer back to this thought-process. Even if you need a paragraph that discusses one of the texts primarily, your topic sentence should justify why you’re doing that. Your complicated and interesting thesis will likely require you to move back and forth between Text A and Text B (your lens).

Of course, your argument will depend on your assignment, but I’ve found this four-part approach successful in a number of courses where the assignment asked me to bring two texts in dialogue with one another.

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A work of literature must provide more that factual accuracy or vivid physical reality... it must tell us more than we already know. -E.M. Forster Write a thesis statement for your critical lens essay

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"The essay seeks to observe the writing stimulus and the most common literary devices in current literature, as well as to raise the relevance of the plots related to our society and the time in which we live, as well as to understand how the relationship between reader and literature has evolved and influenced to the choices and policies adopted by readers. In short, the essay seeks to relate the literary devices used to the profile of the current reader. "


A thesis statement is established in a paragraph that seeks to summarize an essay, speech, or other vehicle of written information, showing its objectives and purposes and arguments. In other words, the thesis statement seeks to guide the reader, showing what he may experience in the next paragraphs or chapters. Thus, the thesis statement allows the optimization of the time of the reader who can quickly identify whether he is interested in continuing reading or not.

The thesis statement shown above was made for an essay on critical lenses in the current literature.

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  • E.M. Forster

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    In short, the essay seeks to relate the literary devices used to the profile of the current reader. "Explanation: A thesis statement is established in a paragraph that seeks to summarize an essay, speech, or other vehicle of written information, showing its objectives and purposes and arguments.