Conjugation verb essayer in French

Model : marcher / balayer

Auxiliary : avoir

Other forms: s'essayer / ne pas essayer / ne pas s'essayer

The regular verbs of the 1st group follow this conjugation model (verbs ending in -er). Verbs ending in -ayer follow at the same time this model (il balaye) and the model of balayer (il balaie)

The verb has several variants of conjugation, which may correspond to different meanings. Please use the menu to select one or all variants.

  • il/elle essaye
  • nous essayons
  • vous essayez
  • ils/elles essayent
  • il/elle essaie
  • ils/elles essaient
  • j' essayais
  • tu essayais
  • il/elle essayait
  • nous essayions
  • vous essayiez
  • ils/elles essayaient
  • j' essayerai
  • tu essayeras
  • il/elle essayera
  • nous essayerons
  • vous essayerez
  • ils/elles essayeront
  • j' essaierai
  • tu essaieras
  • il/elle essaiera
  • nous essaierons
  • vous essaierez
  • ils/elles essaieront

Passé simple

  • il/elle essaya
  • nous essayâmes
  • vous essayâtes
  • ils/elles essayèrent

Passé composé

  • j' ai essayé
  • tu as essayé
  • il/elle a essayé
  • nous avons essayé
  • vous avez essayé
  • ils/elles ont essayé


  • j' avais essayé
  • tu avais essayé
  • il/elle avait essayé
  • nous avions essayé
  • vous aviez essayé
  • ils/elles avaient essayé

Passé antérieur

  • j' eus essayé
  • tu eus essayé
  • il/elle eut essayé
  • nous eûmes essayé
  • vous eûtes essayé
  • ils/elles eurent essayé

Futur antérieur

  • j' aurai essayé
  • tu auras essayé
  • il/elle aura essayé
  • nous aurons essayé
  • vous aurez essayé
  • ils/elles auront essayé
  • que j' essaye
  • que tu essayes
  • qu' il/elle essaye
  • que nous essayions
  • que vous essayiez
  • qu' ils/elles essayent
  • que j' essaie
  • que tu essaies
  • qu' il/elle essaie
  • qu' ils/elles essaient
  • que j' essayasse
  • que tu essayasses
  • qu' il/elle essayât
  • que nous essayassions
  • que vous essayassiez
  • qu' ils/elles essayassent
  • que j' eusse essayé
  • que tu eusses essayé
  • qu' il/elle eût essayé
  • que nous eussions essayé
  • que vous eussiez essayé
  • qu' ils/elles eussent essayé
  • que j' aie essayé
  • que tu aies essayé
  • qu' il/elle ait essayé
  • que nous ayons essayé
  • que vous ayez essayé
  • qu' ils/elles aient essayé


  • j' essayerais
  • tu essayerais
  • il/elle essayerait
  • nous essayerions
  • vous essayeriez
  • ils/elles essayeraient
  • j' essaierais
  • tu essaierais
  • il/elle essaierait
  • nous essaierions
  • vous essaieriez
  • ils/elles essaieraient

Passé première forme

  • j' aurais essayé
  • tu aurais essayé
  • il/elle aurait essayé
  • nous aurions essayé
  • vous auriez essayé
  • ils/elles auraient essayé

Passé deuxième forme

  • j' eusse essayé
  • tu eusses essayé
  • il/elle eût essayé
  • nous eussions essayé
  • vous eussiez essayé
  • ils/elles eussent essayé
  • ayant essayé
  • essayé
  • essayés
  • fé essayée
  • fé essayées
  • ayons essayé
  • ayez essayé
  • avoir essayé

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Conjugaison du verbe essayer

Participe passé essayer, sans accord.

Masculin Féminin
Singulier essa essa
Pluriel essa essa

Avec accord

Passé composé, plus-que-parfait, passé simple, passé antérieur, futur simple, futur antérieur, conditionnel, synonyme du verbe essayer, traduction essayer.


Lawless French

Essayer – to try

French verb conjugations.

j’   (tu)  
tu   (nous)  
il   (vous)  
vous   (tu)
ils   (nous)  

  Essayer is a stem-changing verb (y to i).

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verb essayer futur simple

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French Verb Conjugation Using "Essayer" (to Try)

Erica Shires / Getty Images

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The French verb  essayer  means "to try." It's a simple word that can easily be confused with  essuyer  (to wipe) , so be sure to look and listen for that 'A' in  essayer .

In order to place  essayer  into the past, present, or future tense, the verb needs to be conjugated . Just follow along in this lesson and you'll be saying "tried" and "trying" in French before you know it.

Conjugating the French Verb  Essayer ​​

Essayer  is an optional stem-changing verb . Typically with verbs that end in - yer , the 'Y' has to change to an 'I' in certain forms. The rules are a little more casual with  essayer  as you'll see in the table. When there are two forms of the conjugation, you can use either.

The stem of  essayer  is  essay -. To this, a variety of infinitive endings is added that conform with the subject pronoun as well as the tense of the sentence. For instance, "I try" is " j'essaie " or " j'essaye ." Similarly, there are two options for "we will try": " nous essaierons " or " nous essayerons ."

All this leaves you with many words to memorize. The good news is that there are many opportunities to practice it and use  essayer  as you "try" things throughout your day.

j' essaie
tu essaies
il essaie
nous essayons essaierons
vous essayez essaierez
ils essaient

The Present Participle of  Essayer

The  present participle  of essayer is  essayant . This is as simple as adding - ant  to the verb stem. Not only does it work as a verb, but it can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed.

The Past Participle and Passé Composé

The  past participle   essayé  is used to form the  passé composé , a common past tense form of "tried" in French. To use this, you'll also need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb   avoir . For example, "I tried" is " j'ai essayé " and "we tried" is " nous avons essayé ."

More Simple  Essayer  Conjugations to Know

When the action of trying is in some way questionable, you can turn to the subjunctive verb mood . Similarly, if it's dependent on something, the conditional verb mood is used.

With less frequency, you will come across the passé simple or the imperfect subjunctive . These are mostly found in formal writing and will help considerably with reading comprehension.

Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passé Simple Imperfect Subjunctive
j' essaie
essayai essayasse
tu essaies
essayas essayasses
il essaie
essaya essayât
nous essayions essaierions
essayâmes essayassions
vous essayiez essaieriez
essayâtes essayassiez
ils essaient
essayèrent essayassent

To use  essayer  in commands or direct requests, turn to the imperative verb form . When using this, the subject pronoun is not required: use " essaie " instead of " tu essaie ."

(tu) essaie
(nous) essayons
(vous) essayez
  • How to Conjugate "Essuyer" (to Wipe)
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb 'Dire' (to Say)
  • Using the French Future Tense
  • Learn How to Conjugate the Verb "Penser" (to Think)
  • Learn How to Conjugate the French Verb "Passer" (to Pass)
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Admirer" (to Admire)
  • How to Conjugate the French Irregular Verb 'Écrire' ('to Write')
  • Conjugate the Irregular French Verb Boire (to Drink)
  • Comprendre: To Understand
  • Conjugate the Irregular French Verb Connaître, to Know
  • Learn to Conjugate the French Irregular Verb Lire (to Read)
  • French Irregular -RE Verbs
  • Passé composé: French Compound Past Tense
  • How to Conjugate "Louer" (to Rent)
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Online Language Dictionaries

model for -er verbs:
model for -ir verbs:
model for -re verbs:

- model verb
Verbs that follow
this model:

Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut ( or ) then type "conj essayer" in your address bar for the fastest conjugations. It is conjugated like:

j' e, essaye
tu es, essayes
il, elle, on e, essaye
ils, elles ent, essayent
il, elle, onessayait
ils, ellesessayaient
passé simple
il, elle, onessaya
ils, ellesessayèrent
futur simple
j' erai, essayerai
tu eras, essayeras
il, elle, on era, essayera
nous erons, essayerons
vous erez, essayerez
ils, elles eront, essayeront

formes composées / compound tenses

passé composé
j'ai essayé
tuas essayé
il, elle, ona essayé
nousavons essayé
vousavez essayé
ils, ellesont essayé
j'avais essayé
tuavais essayé
il, elle, onavait essayé
nousavions essayé
vousaviez essayé
ils, ellesavaient essayé
passé antérieur
j'eus essayé
tueus essayé
il, elle, oneut essayé
nouseûmes essayé
vouseûtes essayé
ils, elleseurent essayé
futur antérieur
j'aurai essayé
tuauras essayé
il, elle, onaura essayé
nousaurons essayé
vousaurez essayé
ils, ellesauront essayé
que j' e, essaye
que tu es, essayes
qu'il, elle, on e, essaye
que nousessayions
que vousessayiez
qu'ils, elles ent, essayent
que j'essayasse
que tuessayasses
qu'il, elle, onessayât
que nousessayassions
que vousessayassiez
qu'ils, ellesessayassent
que j'aie essayé
que tuaies essayé
qu'il, elle, onait essayé
que nousayons essayé
que vousayez essayé
qu'ils, ellesaient essayé
que j'eusse essayé
que tueusses essayé
qu'il, elle, oneût essayé
que nouseussions essayé
que vouseussiez essayé
qu'ils, elleseussent essayé


j' erais, essayerais
tu erais, essayerais
il, elle, on erait, essayerait
nous erions, essayerions
vous eriez, essayeriez
ils, elles eraient, essayeraient
j'aurais essayé
tuaurais essayé
il, elle, onaurait essayé
nousaurions essayé
vousauriez essayé
ils, ellesauraient essayé
passé II
j'eusse essayé
tueusses essayé
il, elle, oneût essayé
nouseussions essayé
vouseussiez essayé
ils, elleseussent essayé
(tu) e, essaye !
(nous)essayons !
(vous)essayez !
tuaie essayé !
nousayons essayé !
vousayez essayé !

*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular forms. ( example ) *Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to the model. ( example ) *Grayed conjugations are forms that are extremely rare.

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Conjugueur Bescherelle

Conjugaison du verbe essayer

  • Voix active
  • Voix passive
  • Temps simples
  • Temps composés

j’ essaie / essaye

tu essaies / essayes

il (elle) essaie / essaye

nous essayons

vous essayez

ils (elles) essaient / essayent

j’ essayais

tu essayais

il (elle) essayait

nous essayions

vous essayiez

ils (elles) essayaient

Passé simple

il (elle) essaya

nous essayâmes

vous essayâtes

ils (elles) essayèrent

Futur simple

j’ essaierai / essayerai

tu essaieras / essayeras

il (elle) essaiera / essayera

nous essaierons / essayerons

vous essaierez / essayerez

ils (elles) essaieront / essayeront


j’ essaierais / essayerais

tu essaierais / essayerais

il (elle) essaierait / essayerait

nous essaierions / essayerions

vous essaieriez / essayeriez

ils (elles) essaieraient / essayeraient

que j’ essaie / essaye

que tu essaies / essayes

qu’il (elle) essaie / essaye

que nous essayions

que vous essayiez

qu’ils (elles) essaient / essayent

que j’ essayasse

que tu essayasses

qu’il (elle) essayât

que nous essayassions

que vous essayassiez

qu’ils (elles) essayassent

essaie / essaye

Passé composé

j’ ai essayé

tu as essayé

il (elle) a essayé

nous avons essayé

vous avez essayé

ils (elles) ont essayé


j’ avais essayé

tu avais essayé

il (elle) avait essayé

nous avions essayé

vous aviez essayé

ils (elles) avaient essayé

Passé antérieur

j’ eus essayé

tu eus essayé

il (elle) eut essayé

nous eûmes essayé

vous eûtes essayé

ils (elles) eurent essayé

Futur antérieur

j’ aurai essayé

tu auras essayé

il (elle) aura essayé

nous aurons essayé

vous aurez essayé

ils (elles) auront essayé

j’ aurais essayé

tu aurais essayé

il (elle) aurait essayé

nous aurions essayé

vous auriez essayé

ils (elles) auraient essayé

que j’ aie essayé

que tu aies essayé

qu’il (elle) ait essayé

que nous ayons essayé

que vous ayez essayé

qu’ils (elles) aient essayé

que j’ eusse essayé

que tu eusses essayé

qu’il (elle) eût essayé

que nous eussions essayé

que vous eussiez essayé

qu’ils (elles) eussent essayé

ayons essayé

ayez essayé

avoir essayé

ayant essayé essayé (é, ée, és, ées)

je suis essayé(e)

tu es essayé(e)

il (elle) est essayé(e)

nous sommes essayé(e)s

vous êtes essayé(e)s

ils (elles) sont essayé(e)s

j’ étais essayé(e)

tu étais essayé(e)

il (elle) était essayé(e)

nous étions essayé(e)s

vous étiez essayé(e)s

ils (elles) étaient essayé(e)s

je fus essayé(e)

tu fus essayé(e)

il (elle) fut essayé(e)

nous fûmes essayé(e)s

vous fûtes essayé(e)s

ils (elles) furent essayé(e)s

je serai essayé(e)

tu seras essayé(e)

il (elle) sera essayé(e)

nous serons essayé(e)s

vous serez essayé(e)s

ils (elles) seront essayé(e)s

je serais essayé(e)

tu serais essayé(e)

il (elle) serait essayé(e)

nous serions essayé(e)s

vous seriez essayé(e)s

ils (elles) seraient essayé(e)s

que je sois essayé(e)

que tu sois essayé(e)

qu’il (elle) soit essayé(e)

que nous soyons essayé(e)s

que vous soyez essayé(e)s

qu’ils (elles) soient essayé(e)s

que je fusse essayé(e)

que tu fusses essayé(e)

qu’il (elle) fût essayé(e)

que nous fussions essayé(e)s

que vous fussiez essayé(e)s

qu’ils (elles) fussent essayé(e)s

soyons essayé(e)s

soyez essayé(e)s

être essayé(e)(s)

étant essayé(e)(s)

j’ ai été essayé(e)

tu as été essayé(e)

il (elle) a été essayé(e)

nous avons été essayé(e)s

vous avez été essayé(e)s

ils (elles) ont été essayé(e)s

j’ avais été essayé(e)

il (elle) avait été essayé(e)

nous avions été essayé(e)s

ils (elles) avaient été essayé(e)s

j’ eus été essayé(e)

tu eus été essayé(e)

il (elle) eut été essayé(e)

nous eûmes été essayé(e)s

vous eûtes été essayé(e)s

ils (elles) eurent été essayé(e)s

j’ aurai été essayé(e)

tu auras été essayé(e)

il (elle) aura été essayé(e)

nous aurons été essayé(e)s

vous aurez été essayé(e)s

ils (elles) auront été essayé(e)s

j’ aurais été essayé(e)

il (elle) aurait été essayé(e)

nous aurions été essayé(e)s

vous auriez été essayé(e)s

ils (elles) auraient été essayé(e)s

que j’ aie été essayé(e)

que tu aies été essayé(e)

qu’il (elle) ait été essayé(e)

que nous ayons été essayé(e)s

que vous ayez été essayé(e)s

qu’ils (elles) aient été essayé(e)s

que j’ eusse été essayé(e)

que tu eusses été essayé(e)

qu’il (elle) eût été essayé(e)

que nous eussions été essayé(e)s

que vous eussiez été essayé(e)s

qu’ils (elles) eussent été essayé(e)s

aie été essayé(e)

ayons été essayé(e)s

ayez été essayé(e)s

avoir été essayé(e)(s)

ayant été essayé(e)(s)

verb essayer futur simple

  • Conjugation essayer
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Conjugation French verb essayer

Translation essayer, indicatif (indicative), présent (present), passé composé (present perfect), imparfait (imperfect), plus-que-parfait (pluperfect), passé simple (simple past), passé antérieur (past perfect), futur simple (future), futur antérieur (past future), conditionnel (conditional), passé (perfect), subjonctif (subjunctive), passé (past), impératif (imperative), infinitif (infinitive), participe (participle), gérondif (gerund), synonyms for the verb essayer.


Lexis Rex Home

Future of the French verb essayer

j'essayeraiI will try
tu essayerasyou will try
il essayerahe will try
elle essayerashe will try
nous essayeronswe will try
vous essayerezyou will try
ils essayerontthey will try
elles essayerontthey will try
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Verb Table for essayer

All conjugation types.

  • Conjugation with avoir (Currently shown)
  • Reflexive (conjugation with être)

Indicatif  •  Subjonctif  •  Conditionnel  •  Impératif  •  Formes impersonnelles

j'essaie / essaye
tuessaies / essayes
il/elle/onessaie / essaye
ils/ellesessaient / essayent

Passé simple


Futur simple

j'essaierai / essayerai
tuessaieras / essayeras
il/elle/onessaiera / essayera
nousessaierons / essayerons
vousessaierez / essayerez
ils/ellesessaieront / essayeront

Passé composé




Passé antérieur


Futur antérieur

quej'essaie / essaye
quetuessaies / essayes
qu'il/elle/onessaie / essaye
qu'ils/ellesessaient / essayent
j'essayerais / essaierais
tuessayerais / essaierais
il/elle/onessayerait / essaierait
nousessayerions / essaierions
vousessayeriez / essaieriez
ils/ellesessayeraient / essaieraient
essaie / essaye

Participe présent


Participe passé


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  • Essayer Conjugation

Mastering the conjugation of "essayer," a pivotal verb in French , facilitates a deeper understanding of the language's complexities. It shifts remarkably across tenses, from 'j'essaie' in the present to 'j'essaierai' in the future, highlighting the verb's versatility. This essential guide ensures you deftly navigate through its various forms, enriching your French linguistic prowess.

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Which group does the verb 'apprendre' belong to in French?

Which common mistake often occurs when conjugating 'apprendre' in the present tense?

How does the conjugation of 'apprendre' change from singular to plural forms in the present tense?

What does the subjunctive mood express for the verb 'apprendre'?

How does the past participle of 'apprendre' change with different subjects in the passé composé?

How is 'apprendre' conjugated in the passé composé tense?

What is the correct present tense conjugation of 'apprendre' for the pronoun 'nous'?

In the past tense 'passé composé', how is 'apprendre' conjugated for 'je'?

What is required to conjugate 'apprendre' in the passé composé?

Why is 'avoir' used as the auxiliary verb in the passé composé of 'apprendre'?

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Understanding Essayer Conjugation in French

Conjugating the French verb essayer translates to attempting or trying in English. It's an essential verb that you’ll often encounter. Getting familiar with its conjugation can significantly enhance your French learning journey.

The basics of Essayer Verb Conjugation

Essayer is a regular -er verb but with a slight twist. When conjugated, the 'y' changes to an 'i' in the singular and the third person plural forms, although this change doesn’t apply to all tenses. This variation is a key aspect to remember about essayer conjugation.

Remember, the spelling change from 'y' to 'i' before a silent 'e' helps with the pronunciation.

How to Conjugate Essayer in the Present Tense

Conjugating essayer in the present tense involves a straightforward pattern similar to that of other regular -er verbs, with the noted exception of the 'y' to 'i' change in certain forms. Here’s how you conjugate essayer in the present tense:

j' /essa eI try
tu essa esyou try (singular informal)
il/elle/on essa ehe/she/one tries
nous essayonswe try
vous essayezyou try (plural formal)
ils/elles essaient/essayentthey try

Note that both 'j'essaie' and 'j'essaye' are acceptable forms of the first person singular in the present tense, reflecting the spelling variation mentioned earlier.

Mastering Essayer Conjugation: The Past Tense

To form the past tense, also known as the passé composé , of essayer , you need the helping verb 'avoir' and the past participle 'essayé'. The structure is similar to many other French verbs. The conjugation in the passé composé depends on the subject pronoun:

j'ai essayéI tried
tu as essayéyou tried (singular informal)
il/elle/on a essayéhe/she/one tried
nous avons essayéwe tried
vous avez essayéyou tried (plural formal)
ils/elles ont essayéthey tried

The past participle essayé maintains its spelling across all subject pronouns in the passé composé, which simplifies its usage. The auxiliary verb 'avoir' is conjugated according to the subject, making understanding of 'avoir' conjugation equally essential in mastering essayer in the past tense.

Deep Dive into Essayer Conjugation French

Conjugation forms an integral part of mastering French, bringing verbs to life in different contexts and tenses. A detailed look at essayer conjugation across various moods and tenses can broaden your understanding and usage of this versatile verb.

Essayer Conjugation Present: A Closer Look

The present tense of essayer offers the first glimpse into its usage, showing how the verb adapts in current scenarios. The unique 'y' to 'i' switch in certain forms makes it slightly different from other regular -er verbs.Here is the conjugation of essayer in the present tense for quick reference:

The forms 'j'essaie' and 'j'essaye' are both correct, demonstrating a flexible aspect of French spelling and pronunciation norms.

Navigating Essayer Imparfait Conjugation

The imparfait , or imperfect tense, conveys ongoing actions or states of being in the past. It illuminates what was happening at a certain point without focusing on the beginning or end of the action. Conjugating essayer in the imparfait involves a standard set of endings added to the stem: Stem: essay-Here’s a quick guide to its conjugation:

j'essay I was trying
tu essay you were trying (singular informal)
il/elle/on essay he/she/one was trying
nous essay we were trying
vous essay you were trying (plural formal)
ils/elles essay they were trying

The Subjunctive and Conditional Moods in Essayer Conjugation

The subjunctive and conditional moods of essayer explore possibilities, hypotheses, and situations dependent on conditions.For the subjunctive mood, expressing doubt, wish, or uncertainty, here are the forms:

que j' /essa eThat I try
que tu essa esThat you try
qu'il/elle/on essa eThat he/she/one tries
que nous essay That we try
que vous essay That you try
qu'ils/elles essaient/essayentThat they try

The conditional mood deals with potential scenarios or actions that would happen under certain conditions. Here’s how to conjugate essayer in the conditional mood:

j'essayer I would try
tu essayer you would try (singular informal)
il/elle/on essayer he/she/one would try
nous essayer We would try
vous essayer You would try (plural formal)
ils/elles essayer They would try

Understanding these moods requires recognizing the nuances in tone and meaning they bring to conversations or written text. The subjunctive often appears after expressions that start with 'il faut que' (it is necessary that), 'bien que' (although), or 'pour que' (so that), reflecting its use in expressing desires or hypothetical situations. Meanwhile, the conditional mood is frequently used in polite requests or in sentences that begin with 'si' (if), laying down a condition for the action to occur.

Practising Conjugate Essayer Across Tenses

Understanding how to conjugate the French verb essayer across different tenses is integral to mastering its use. This versatility allows you to express actions in the present, past, future, and conditional states, making your French more fluent and nuanced.

The Future and Perfect Tenses of Essayer Verb Conjugation

Conjugating essayer in the future and perfect tenses allows for expressing actions that will occur or have been completed. The future tense speaks about events that will happen, while the perfect tense, using the passé composé, talks about actions that were completed in the past.

The future tense of essayer closely follows the regular -er verb conjugation pattern but with its unique twist in spelling.

j'essaieraiI will try
tu essaierasyou will try (singular informal)
il/elle/on essaierahe/she/one will try
nous essaieronswe will try
vous essaierezyou will try (plural formal)
ils/elles essaierontthey will try

For the perfect tense, combining the auxiliary verb avoir with the past participle essayé forms a compound tense that expresses actions completed in the past.

j'ai essayéI have tried
tu as essayéyou have tried (singular informal)
il/elle/on a essayéhe/she/one has tried
nous avons essayéwe have tried
vous avez essayéyou have tried (plural formal)
ils/elles ont essayéthey have tried

Regular vs Irregular Patterns in Essayer Conjugation French

The verb essayer presents an interesting case of blending regular -er verb conjugation patterns with its own unique irregularities. Understanding these patterns is crucial to effectively using essayer in various contexts.

A regular verb follows a predictable pattern of conjugations across different tenses and moods. In contrast, an irregular verb does not follow these standard conjugation patterns, making memorization necessary.

With its unique 'y' to 'i' shift in certain forms and uses, essayer stands between the realms of regular and irregular verbs. In the present tense, for example, both 'j'essaie' and 'j'essaye' are acceptable, showcasing this flexibility. This mix of predictability and irregularity is what makes studying French both a challenge and a joy. Understanding when each form is appropriate comes with practice and exposure to the language in various scenarios.

The choice between using the 'y' or changing it to 'i' in essayer conjugation often depends on pronunciation ease rather than a hard rule, especially in informal settings.

In summary, mastering the conjugation of essayer requires understanding its regular patterns and the exceptions. Whether you’re expressing what you're trying or what you will try in the future, or what you have tried in the past, essayer is a verb that can add depth to your French repertoire.

Common Mistakes and Tips for Conjugation Essayer

Conjugating essayer , meaning 'to try' in French, can sometimes be tricky for learners. While it follows the general pattern of regular -er verbs, certain nuances can lead to common mistakes. Understanding these can significantly improve your grasp of French verb conjugation.

Avoiding Common Errors with Essayer Conjugation

Conjugating essayer presents unique challenges that often lead to mistakes. Recognizing these can help you avoid them in the future.Here are some frequently encountered pitfalls:

  • Mixing up the 'y' to 'i' change: In certain forms, especially in the singular and the third person plural forms of some tenses, 'essayer' changes the 'y' to an 'i'. Not applying this change where necessary is a common error.
  • Forgetting the double 's' in the nous form: In the present tense, 'nous essayons' retains the double 's', rather than changing to a single 's', which can be misleading.
  • Incorrect auxiliary verb in compound tenses: Using the wrong auxiliary verb (être instead of avoir) for the passé composé and other compound tenses is another typical mistake.

Always double-check the spelling when conjugating essayer , especially for the 'y' to 'i' shift and the use of double 's' in the nous form.

Handy Tips to Remember Conjugation Essayer

To successfully memorise and apply the conjugation of essayer , consider implementing these strategies:Here are beneficial tips to enhance your learning process:

  • Create mnemonic devices: Developing unique memory aids can help you recall the specific spelling changes of essayer .
  • Practise with sentences: Use essayer in various sentences to get comfortable with its conjugation across different tenses.
  • Listen and repeat: Engage with multimedia resources in French to hear the conjugation of essayer in action. Repeating what you hear reinforces learning.

Understanding that the 'y' to 'i' change in essayer conjugation is to facilitate pronunciation can help remember when to apply it. This change occurs before a silent 'e', a common practice in French to make pronunciation smoother. Making such connections between language rules and their practical applications can significantly enhance your language learning.

Essayer Conjugation - Key takeaways

  • Essayer Conjugation French: Essayer means 'to try', and its conjugation is essential for proficiency in French.
  • Essayer Verb Conjugation Twist: While essayer follows the regular -er verb pattern, it features a 'y' to 'i' change in singular and third person plural forms for certain tenses.
  • Conjugation Essayer in the Present: Forms include 'j'essaie/essaye', 'tu essaies', 'il/elle/on essaie', 'nous essayons', 'vous essayez' and 'ils/elles essaient/essayent'.
  • Essayer Past Tense and Perfect Tense: Utilizes the auxiliary verb 'avoir' and the past participle 'essayé', yielding forms like 'j'ai essayé', demonstrating consistency across subject pronouns.
  • Essayer Imperfect Conjugation (Imparfait): Reflects ongoing or habitual past actions, for example, 'j'essayais', 'tu essayais', indicating actions or states of being continuing in the past.

Flashcards in Essayer Conjugation 12

It's important because it's the only tense used to give commands or instructions.

'Apprendre' is part of the first group of verbs, making it very regular in pattern.

Mixing up the conjugation with -er ending verbs

By changing 'apprend' to 'appront' for plural forms

The subjunctive mood expresses doubts, wishes, or possibilities, essential when expressing desires or uncertainties about learning.

The past participle 'appris' changes based on the subject's number.

Essayer Conjugation

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Frequently Asked Questions about Essayer Conjugation

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Why is the conditional tense important for the verb 'apprendre'?

Which group does the verb 'apprendre' belong to in French?

Which common mistake often occurs when conjugating 'apprendre' in the present tense?

Essayer Conjugation

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Essayer Conjugation

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Verb conjugation of "essayer" in French

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Conjugate semi-regular -oyer/-ayer/-uyer verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)

verb essayer futur simple

ATTENTION: This rule doesn't apply to envoyer and derivatives (See  Conjugate voir/envoyer in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple) )

Conjugation of ESSAYER (to try) in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) in French

j'essa erai
tu essa eras
il/elle/on essa era
nous essa erons
vous essa erez
ils/elles essa eront

ATTENTION: Verbs in - AYER , in spoken French (included written dialogue in a play for example) also accept  an alternative version  where the y  is kept (and also pronounced differently):

Quand pa i eras -tu cette facture ? When will you pay that bill?

Quand  payeras -tu cette facture ? When will you pay that bill?

Ils bala i eront le sol avant que nous ne venions. They will sweep the floor before we come.

Ils  balayeront  le sol avant que nous ne venions. They will sweep the floor before we come.

Here are more examples:

Je netto i erai l'appart pendant que tu seras partie. I will clean the flat while you're gone.

Il essu i era ses pieds sur le paillasson avant d'entrer. He will wipe his feet on the mat before coming in.

Nous nous ennu i erons à cette soirée. We will get bored at this party.

Vous pa i erez votre tournée ? Will you buy your round?

Common  -AYER / -OYER / -UYER  verbs

See also  Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)

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Learn more about these related French grammar topics

  • Le Futur Simple (Indicatif)
  • Verbes « semi-réguliers »

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Le futur simple: the future tense in French

When to use the futur simple in french, how to conjugate the futur simple in french.

  • Lingolia Plus French

What is the futur simple?

Le futur simple corresponds to the will-future tense in English. We mostly use this tense to talk about future plans or intentions, as well as to make predictions about what may occur in the future. We conjugate the future tense by adding the endings -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez and -ont to the infinitive of the verb.

Learn everything you need to know about the futur simple in French grammar with Lingolia’s quick and easy examples, then put your knowledge to the test in the exercises.

  • Demain, je rangerai les dossiers.
  • Tu ne finiras jamais en une journée.
  • Est-ce que tu pourras m’aider? Si on range à deux, on finira plus vite.

We use the futur simple in the following cases:

  • to talk about future intentions Example: Demain je rangerai les dossiers. Tomorrow I’ll sort the files.
  • to make suppositions or predictions about the future Example: Tu ne finiras jamais en une journée. You’ll never finish that in one day.
  • in conditional sentences ( if sentences) Example: Si on range à deux, on finira plus vite. If we tidy up together, we’ll be done faster.

Futur simple vs. futur proche

The futur simple and the futur proche are used in different contexts, sometimes comparable to the English will vs. going to :

Use the futur simple :

  • to express events in the more distant future (signal words: dans une semaine, l’année prochaine … ) Example: J’ habiterai encore à Paris dans deux ans . In two years I will still be living in Paris.
  • in sentences that contain a subordinate clause introduced by quand, lorsque or dès que. Example: Nous sortirons quand la pluie s’arrêtera. We’ll go out when the rain stops.

Use the futur proche :

  • for the immediate future (signal words: dans une minute, dans une heure, ce soir … ) Example: Je vais dîner avec Jacques et Estelle ce soir . I’m going to have dinner with Jacques and Estelle tonight.
  • in spoken French

To conjugate the futur simple , we take the infinitive of the verb and add the following endings (for -re verbs, we remove the final e ):

Person verbs verbs verbs
j’aimer je finir je vendr
tu aimer tu finir tu vendr
il/elle/on aimer il/elle/on finir il/elle/on vendr
nous aimer nous finir nous vend
vous aimer vous finir vous vendr
ils/elles aimer ils/elles finir ils/elles vendr

The verbs avoir and être are irregular in the futur simple .

Person avoir être
j’ je
tu tu
il/elle/on il/elle/on
nous nous
vous vous
ils/elles ils/elles

To see the conjugation of any French verb in the futur simple , go to our verb conjugator .

  • Add a grave accent to a short e in the stem of the verb. Examples: peser to weigh – je p è serai modeler to model – je mod è lerai
  • Many verbs ending in -eler/-eter double the final consonants. Example: jeter to throw – je je tt erai
  • Some verbs lose the i of the ending - rir before adding the future ending. Examples: courir to run – je cou rr ai mourir to die – je mou rr ai
  • For verbs ending in - yer, the y becomes an i in the futur simple . For verbs ending in - ayer , both y and i are permitted. (Note: the following verbs don’t follow this pattern: envoyer → j’enverrai and renvoyer → je renverrai ). Examples: employer to employ – j’emplo i erai, tu emplo i eras, il emplo i era, nous emplo i erons, vous emplo i erez, ils emplo i eront payer to pay – je pa y erai/pa i erai
  • Verbs ending in - oir are irregular in the futur simple , as are aller, envoyer, faire and venir . Check their conjugation in the list of irregular verbs . Example: pouvoir to be able to – je pourrai , tu pourras , il pourra , nous pourrons , vous pourrez , ils pourront

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French Future Tense

By: Author David Issokson

Posted on Published: September 12, 2012  - Last updated: July 15, 2024

French Future Tense

The French future tense (futur simple) is formed by adding the future ending (-ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont) to the future stem. For example, je parlerai (I will speak). Another future tense called the futur proche is formed by combining the present tense of aller (to go) with an infinitive. For example, je vais parler (I am going to speak).

French Future Tense - Guide to both the futur simple and futur proche tenses.

French future tense

How to form the futur simple.

In French, the futur simple endings are the same for every verb in the the language. For regular -er and -ir verbs, the future stem is the infinitive of the verb. For regular -re verbs the future stem is the infinitive minus the -e.

French future tense conjugation.

This table shows the futur simple endings for regular verbs.

je parler
tu parler
il parler
nous parler
vous parler
ils parler
je finir
tu finir
il finir
nous finir
vous finir
ils finir
je vendr
tu vendr
il vendr
nous vendr
vous vendr
ils vendr

Irregular verb stems

Many French verbs have an irregular stem in the futur simple . This means that rather than just adding the ending of the infinitive (je parlerai) , the infinitive appears in a completely different spelling. For example, for the verb être (to be), the futur simple is je serai (I will be).

to goj'iraiI'll go
apercevoirto noticej'apercevraiI'll notice
to havej'auraiI'll have
courirto runje courraiI'll run
devenirto becomeje deviendraiI'll become
must, have toje devraiI'll have to
envoyerto sendj'enverraiI'll send
to becomeje seraiI'll become
to make, doje feraiI'll make, do
to be necessaryil faudraIt will be necessary
mourirto dieje mourraiI'll die
to rainil pleuvraIt will rain
can, to be able toje pourraiI'll be able to
recevoirto receiveje recevraiI'll receive
revenirto come back, returnje reviendraiI'll be back
to knowje sauraiI'll know
tenirto holdje tiendraiI'll hold
valoirto be worthil vaudraIt will be worth
to comeje viendraiI'll come
to seeje verraiI'll see
to wantje vouraiI'll want
to buyj'achêteraiI'll buy
to callj'appelleraiI'll call
employerto hirej'emploieraiI'll hire
essuyerto wipej'essuieraiI'll wipe
jeterto throwje jetteraiI'll throw
nettoyerto cleanje nettoieraiI'll clean
préférerto preferje préféreraiI'll prefer
s'asseoirto sitje m'assiérai
or je m'assoirai
I'll sit

Futur simple uses

The following example sentences all use the futur simple . You will see that they all include an element of uncertainty.

  • Si j’ai l’ argent , j’ achèterai la vo iture . I’ll buy the car if I have the money.
  • J’espère qu’elle viendra demain . I hope she’ll come tomorrow.
  • Je pense qu’il pleuvra demain. I think it’ll rain tomorrow.
  • Je crois que les enfants seront très heureux . I believe the kids will be very happy.

Future-future rule

There is a grammatical in French which I called the “future-future” rule. In English, you say “I will call you when I arrive”. In French, the futur simple is used for both verbs in this kind of sentence. Hence it would look like: “I WILL call you when I WILL arrive” or “Je vous téléphonerai quand j’ariverai” .

The following sentences are examples of the future-future rule. The trigger words for this rule are underlined.

  • Je t’appellerai dès que j’aurai les nouvelles. I’ll call you once I get the news.
  • Je partirai en vacances quand il fera beau. I’ll go on vacation when it’s nice out .
  • Il se couchera dès qu ‘il finira son travail. He’ll go to bed once he finishes his work.
  • J’achèterai une maison quand j’aurai assez d’argent. I’ll buy a house when I have enough money.

Si clause sentence with futur simple

The futur simple can be used in sentences like, “If I have the money, I will buy the car”. “Si j’ai l’argent, j’achetèrai la voiture” . The rule is: Si + present tense, then + futur simple . Here are some examples:

  • Si j’ai le temps , je partirai en vacances. I’ll go on vacation if I have the time.
  • Si j’ai les moyens, j’acheterai le bateau. I’ll buy the boat if I can afford it.

Futur antérieur (past future tense)

The futur antérieur (past future tense) is used to describe actions that will have happened in the future. For example, J’aurai mangé (I will have eaten).

  • For verbs which use avoir (to have) as an auxiliary verb in the passé composé , the futur an é rieur is formed with avoir conjugated in the future and the past participle.
  • For verbs which use être as an auxiliary verb in the passé composé , conjugate être in the future and add the past particle.

Futur antérieur conjugation

The following table summarizes the conjugations for the French past future tense and includes a reflexive verb .

j'aurai parlé
tu auras parlé
il aura parlé
nous aurons parlé
vous aurez parlé
ils auront parlé
je serai allé(e)
tu seras allé(e)
il/elle sera allé(e)
nous serons allé(e)s
vous serez allé(e)(s)
ils/elles seront allé(e)s
je me serai levé(e)
tu te seras levé(e)
il/elle se sera levé(e)
nous nous serons levé(e)s
vous vous serez levé(e)(s)
ils/elles se seront levé(e)s

Futur antérieur example sentences

The future perfect can be used in straight “will have happened” sentences as well as form anteriority – Action A will have happened before action B.

“Will have” sentences

This following are examples of straight “will have” sentences.

  • J’aurai appris tous ces verbes avant la fin de l’ année . I will have learned all these verbs before the end of the year.
  • Tu aura déjà trouvé un nouveau boulot avant juillet. You will have already found a new job before July.
  • Nous aurions acheté une nouvelle maison avant 2027. We will have bought a new house before 2027.

Anteriority examples

The following example sentences introduce the idea of “anteriority”: When action A occurs, action B will have already occurred.

  • Quand tu arriveras à la maison, j’aurai déjà fini mon repas . When you get home, I’ll already have finished my meal.
  • Quand elle partira, je serai déjà parti. When she leaves, I’ll already have left.
  • Dès que tu accepteras ma décision, nous en parlerons. Once you accept my decision, we’ll talk about it.


The following example sentences express probability: Action A should have happened.

  • Il aura encore oublé le rendez-vous! He must have forgotten the meeting again!
  • Elle aura encore brûlé le gâteau! She must have burnt the cake again!
  • Ils auront encore raté l’examen! They must have failed the exam again!

The following example sentences cover the concept of “whether” – “I wonder if + completed action”.

  • Je me demande si elle sera venue. I wonder if she came.
  • Je voudrais savoir s’ils auront fini les devoirs. I’d like to know if they finished the homework.
  • Je me demande s’il se sera rendu compte de sa faute. I wonder if he realized his mistake.

Futur proche: Near future tense

The futur proche is formed by following a conjugated form of aller (to go) + infinitive . For example, je vais manger (I’m going to eat). Je vais is the conjugated form of aller in the first-person singular form and manger is the infinitive of to eat.

Futur proche conjugation

French near future tense (le futur proche) conjugation.

Futur proche uses and examples

The futur proche often suggests a high level of certainty, meaning it is very likely that the event will happen in the future. The name of the tense is literally the “near” future tense, the described event can occur both in the immediate (next few minutes) or more distant (next few years) future.

The main point is that there is that the level of certainty is higher than the futur simple, which we will see below.

Example sentences:

  • Je vais acheter les billets. I am going to buy the tickets (it is certain; I have a reservation).
  • Nous allons dîner au restaurant . We are going to eat out (again it is certain, we have a reservation).
  • Ils vont achter la maison. They are going to buy the house (Again, it is certain – they got approved for the loan).

To negate the future proche , wrap ne…pas around the conjugated form of aller . This page on our site covers French negation rules in detail.

  • Je ne vais pas manger. I’m not going to eat.
  • Il ne va pas travailler . He’s not going to dance.

Related lessons

  • Guide to verb conjugations
  • Verb tenses
  • Imperfect tense
  • Conditional tense
  • Recent past
  • Subjunctive

French grammar | Lessons by David Issokson

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

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Futur simple

Futur simple

Das futur simple ist eine französische Zeitform der Zukunft und vergleichbar mit dem deutschen Futur I . Das futur simple drückt Absichten , Vermutungen und Handlungen in der Zukunft aus.

Das futur simple ist im Gegensatz zum futur composé (oder futur proche) keine zusammengesetzte Zeitform, sondern besteht nur aus einem Verb .

Du bildest das futur simple, indem du an den Infinitiv des Verbs die Endungen -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez und -ont hängst.

Das sieht dann zum Beispiel so aus:

  • tu aimer as
  • il / elle / on aimer a
  • nous aimer ons
  • vous aimer ez
  • ils / elles aimer ont

Futur simple = Infinitiv + Endungen -ai , -as , -a , -ons , -ez , ont .

Achtung: Bei Verben auf -re fällt das letzte e weg: Dire → dirai, diras, dira, dirons, direz, diront


1. Avoir und être sind unregelmäßig:

2. Stammänderungen im Präsens werden auch im futur simple beibehalten:

  • appeler → j’appe ll e → j’appe ll erai
  • peser → je p è se → je p è serai
  • essayer → j’essa i e → j’essa i erai

3. Bei Verben auf -yer wird, im Gegensatz zum présent, das y bei allen Personen zu i :

  • employer → j’emplo i erai

4. Ein paar andere Verben sind auch unregelmäßig:

  • aller → j’irai
  • faire → je ferai
  • venir → je viendrai
  • envoyer → j’enverrai
  • Verben auf -oir , zum Beispiel voir → je verrai , pouvoir → je pourrai , savoir → saurai oder devoir → devrai

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verb essayer futur simple

Das futur simple wird in der geschriebenen und gesprochenen Sprache benutzt. Man verwendet es hauptsächlich für Handlungen und Zustände in der Zukunft , aber auch für:

  • Absichten für die Zukunft → Demain, je lirai un livre.

Vermutungen für die Zukunft → Tu réussiras ton examen demain.

Konditionalsätze → Si Marie a suffisamment étudié pour l'examen, elle le réussira aussi.

  • Dimanche, je partirai en vacances. (Sonntag werde ich in den Urlaub fahren.)
  • Est-ce-que tu pourras m’aider ? (Wirst du mir helfen können?)
  • Fabien appellera sa grand-mère. (Fabien wird seine Großmutter anrufen.)
  • Nous regarderons la télé. (Wir werden fernsehen.)
  • Le samedi, vous ferez du shopping. (Samstags werdet ihr einkaufen.)
  • Chloé et Émilien chanteront une chanson. (Chloé und Émilien werden ein Lied singen.)
  • Viendras -tu me voir à Marseille ? (Wirst du mich in Marseille besuchen?)

Wahrscheinlich hast du gemerkt, dass die Übersetzungen dieser Beispiele ein bisschen unnatürlich klingen. Das liegt daran, dass wir im Deutschen anstatt des Futur I meistens einfach Präsens benutzen.

Anstatt „Sonntag werde ich in den Urlaub fahren.“ würden wir also „Sonntag fahre ich in den Urlaub.“ sagen.

Im Französischen ist es aber ganz normal das futur simple zu verwenden.

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  20. Essayer au futur simple Flashcards

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