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Webinar on Ending IMF Surcharge Policy

Protesters at a demonstration hold signs with messages such as "STOP IMF SURCHARGES," "DEBT CRISIS = CLIMATE CRISIS!," and "AUSTERITY NOW!" The image features a webinar announcement titled "Ending IMF Surcharge Policy" from CEPR.

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Close-up of a newspaper with the headline "August Jobs Report," partially covered by a stack of U.S. bills.

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August jobs preview: what to expect in the august jobs report, july jobs preview: what to expect in the july jobs report, u.s. workers are far better off than four years ago.

Four one-hundred-dollar bills partially tucked into a red hat, set against a backdrop of an American flag with white stars on a blue field. The composition suggests a theme of American patriotism and financial concepts, reflecting the idea that workers are better off in a thriving economy.

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Job growth slows to 114,000 in july, unemployment rises to 4.3 percent.

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Las controvertidas elecciones en Venezuela y el camino por delante

La silueta de una mano emitiendo un voto en una urna se representa frente a la bandera venezolana, que presenta franjas horizontales amarillas, azules y rojas con estrellas blancas que forman un arco en el centro. Elecciones venezolanas.

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Las elecciones en ecuador podrían tener consecuencias perdurables, lo que está en juego en las elecciones presidenciales de colombia: construir la paz, reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad, no a las falsas soluciones: los sobrecargos del fmi deben desaparecer.

A person stands holding a bright orange sign that reads "STOP IMF SURCHARGES" in bold black text. They look determined and wear a patterned scarf. The edge of a multicolored woven fabric is visible in the foreground. Other blurred figures are in the background.

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Entrevista con mark weisbrot sobre las elecciones en argentina.

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• Jobs Byte Economic Crisis and Recovery Jobs Jobs Report Unemployment United States Wages

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CEPR Sanctions Watch August 2024

Michael Galant and Pedro Labayen Herrera / August 29, 2024

• Press Release Ecuador Latin America and the Caribbean US Foreign Policy World

Leaked Messages Suggest Collaboration Between US, Ecuador’s Top Prosecutor as She Targeted Opponents, Broke the Law

Washington, DC — Drop Site News and The Intercept Brasil report that they have reviewed more than 1,500 leaked text messages that appear to be between Ecuadorian attorney general Diana Salazar, hailed by the US government as an anti-corruption champion, and former member of Ecuador’s National Assembly Ronny Aleaga. The messages contain numerous bombshell allegations, including claims apparently made by Salazar that slain 2023 presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio had been a US government informant. They and other recently leaked messages also suggest that Salazar has used her position to politically target members of the Ecuadorian left, and appears to have sometimes done so with support from officials in the US embassy in Quito.

“These messages appear to further confirm that ‘lawfare’ ― politicizing judicial systems to target opponents ― has been conducted in a blatant and aggressive manner in Ecuador that calls to mind the same sort of judicial persecution that had put Brazil’s now-president Lula da Silva in jail. This kept Lula ― who left office as one of the most popular presidents in the world and was widely expected to win reelection ― off the ballot in Brazil’s 2018 elections, before he was subsequently exonerated,” CEPR Director of International Policy Alex Main said. 

The messages mostly span March 2023 to March of this year, and were exchanged on an anonymous, private messaging platform called “Confide.” Aleaga, who leaked the messages to the US and Brazilian outlets, stated that he recorded and saved the messages (using a second mobile phone), and had them reviewed and certified by a digital forensics company. Drop Site News and The Intercept Brasil say they have reviewed the forensic report.

The messages appear to show Salazar divulging her own exceedingly unlawful behavior. In a clear case of politicization of justice, “Seño,” who Aleaga says is Salazar, admits to having delayed a corruption investigation against former president Guillermo Lasso and his brother-in-law and close business associate, Danilo Carrera, because they thought the investigation would help the left-of-center Movement of the Citizens’ Revolution, of former president Rafael Correa, in the 2023 snap elections.

“Seño” also made several claims regarding US involvement and political intervention in Ecuador. They boasted of their close relationship and collaboration with the US embassy and revealed that the embassy was worried that the “correistas” (supporters of former president Correa) might win in the 2023 elections, strongly implying that her actions were part of a broader strategy to stop the Left from winning in Ecuador. “They [the US] want RC’s head,” “Seño” told Aleaga. 

Following the Ecuadorian government’s invitation to the FBI to investigate the assassination of Villavicencio in August 2023, “Seño” claimed that Villavicencio had been a US government informant. “Seño” also claimed that several of the suspects in his murder, who were killed while in Ecuadorian government custody, were to have been sent to New York had they not been murdered. Verónica Sarauz, the slain candidate’s widow, recently appeared to confirm this, saying she had knowledge that the suspects were to be taken out of the country.

Other messages appear to show Salazar complaining that the FBI, who had been given access to Villavicencio’s phone, had transferred the phone’s contents to her office in a data dump, but that she suspected the FBI had erased information, which she considered to be “procedural fraud.”

In their exchanges, “Seño” unlawfully shares highly sensitive and confidential information about ongoing criminal investigations in Ecuador. The messages also suggest that Salazar used her privileged access to sensitive information, and the power of her office, to intimidate political actors or to warn them to flee imminent arrest or prosecution. In the case of Aleaga — with whom she had a “‘secretive’ relationship,” according to Drop Site News and The Intercept Brasil — the messages reveal that she warned him that his arrest was imminent, and told him to flee the country to avoid it.

In their investigation, Drop Site News and The Intercept Brasil describe the messages as part of a pattern of Salazar’s abuse of her authority. As such, they examine another scandal that recently emerged concerning the testimony of a former Ecuadorian judge, Wilman Terán, whom Salazar ordered be arrested in December in what appeared to be a politically motivated prosecutorial decision. In recent months, Terán has claimed that Salazar intimidated him into ruling against Correa’s 2020 appeal. In a highly politicized and expeditious court case, Correa — who has lived in Belgium since 2017 — was found guilty of exerting “psychic influence” on his collaborators to accept bribes. Terán also accused Salazar of hiding evidence from him. As in the case of Lula in 2018, this sentence prevented Correa from being a candidate in 2021. 

Terán also submitted his exchanges with Salazar for forensic examination, the results of which have been made public. In these messages, the attorney general displayed similar behavior as in the communications with Aleaga, sharing confidential information and warning of imminent prosecution. In a recent and blatant display of overreach that underscores her immense power, Salazar ordered raids on the offices and homes of two National Court of Justice judges for favoring Terán. These judges had ruled that Terán should be transferred to a different prison and be given greater access to his legal team after enduring “cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment.”

These shocking revelations about Salazar’s unlawful conduct, politicization of justice, and numerous ethical violations, echo similar exposés, reported in 2019 by The Intercept Brasil , on the highly politicized trial against former president Lula. These disclosures led the Brazilian Supreme Court to rule that Judge Sergio Moro had been biased in his treatment of Lula. Subsequent investigative reports published by Brazilian investigative outlet Agência Pública  revealed that US Department of Justice and FBI officials were deeply involved in the Lava Jato judicial operation that culminated in Lula’s jailing. US Members of Congress have twice requested that the US Attorney General share further information regarding the US role in Lava Jato, but have yet to receive a substantive response.  

New Revelations Raise Serious Questions about Ongoing US Support for Salazar  

These latest revelations raise serious questions about the United States’ potential involvement in politicized judicial processes in Ecuador and its ongoing support for Attorney General Diana Salazar, who is widely regarded as a US government protégé. In 2021, the State Department granted Salazar its annual anti-corruption award, lauding “her courageous actions” and praising her as “a role model to judges, lawyers, and prosecutors throughout South America.” In 2024, Salazar was one of the winners of the US government-funded Wilson Center’s Award for Public Service “ for her commitment to justice in Latin America .” The same year, Samantha Power, the US Agency for International Development administrator, eulogized Diana Salazar in TIME , lavishing praise on the Ecuadorian attorney general, who is “now spearheading the effort to prevent violent and well-connected drug traffickers from ruining her beloved country,” and “has earned the respect and support of a population desperate for calm and safety.” 

During her time in office, Salazar has frequently received US authorities, such as General Laura Richardson , the commander of the US Southern Command, and special advisor to President Biden Christopher Dodd , who reportedly told Salazar “you are not alone in this fight.” While in Washington, Salazar visited Attorney General Merrick Garland, who expressed support for the “continued cooperation and partnership with @FiscaliaEcuador in combating transnational organized crime and corruption.”

In Ecuador, Salazar has enjoyed the unflinching support of the US embassy, with regular public meetings and photo opportunities granting her significant political cover. When Salazar faced accusations of having plagiarized large chunks of her graduation thesis, US Ambassador Fitzpatrick responded to the accusations by posing, along with other diplomats, for a photo op alongside Salazar, and stating, “We reiterate our rejection of any violence or threat against the institutions and their representatives, and our attachment to respect for state institutions and the rule of law.” 

This conspicuous endorsement from successive US administrations and the US foreign policy establishment has given Salazar an aura of untouchability. But in recent months, there has been mounting criticism against Salazar for the politicization of her office. As a result, Salazar now faces impeachment proceedings in the National Assembly, where she stands accused of delaying prosecution in several high-profile criminal investigations, including the “ León de Troya, ” “ Encuentro, ” and “ INA Papers ” cases, which concern accusations of corruption against former presidents Lenín Moreno and Guillermo Lasso, and, in Lasso’s case, accusations of covering up his brother-in-law’s links with narcotics trafficking.

“Salazar faces impeachment proceedings and multiple accusations of ethics violations, but this latest news makes it clear that she is a political actor, and may have broken the law in order to achieve political aims,” Main said. “The time has come for Washington’s unwavering support for Salazar to cease, and for this political persecution in Ecuador to come to an end.”

August 29, 2024

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• Comunicado de prensa Elecciones América Latina y el Caribe Venezuela El Mundo

Estados Unidos debería apoyar los esfuerzos de Brasil, Colombia y México para encontrar una solución negociada al impasse electoral en Venezuela

Washington, DC — Un nuevo informe del Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) ofrece un análisis de las disputadas elecciones en Venezuela y esboza un camino a seguir para los actores internacionales, en particular Estados Unidos.

El informe recomienda que la administración Biden y otros actores internacionales apoyen los esfuerzos de Brasil, México y Colombia para llegar a un acuerdo negociado y permitan el avance de esfuerzos diplomáticos durante los cuatro meses previos a enero de 2025, cuando está previsto que comience el nuevo mandato presidencial en Venezuela. Los líderes de estos tres países cuentan con décadas de experiencia en el tratamiento de problemas análogos al actual conflicto en Venezuela, incluyendo conflictos electorales propios.

Desde las elecciones del 28 de julio, se han difundido dos series contradictorias de resultados: una del Consejo Nacional Electoral del país, según la cual el actual presidente, Nicolás Maduro, ganó por nueve puntos porcentuales; la otra, de la oposición venezolana, según la cual Edmundo González ganó por un margen de 37 puntos.

La oposición ha publicado miles de supuestas actas de escrutinio que parecen respaldar su afirmación; la autoridad electoral venezolana aún no ha publicado un desglose detallado de los resultados. Sin estos resultados detallados, es imposible verificar de forma independiente el anuncio de una victoria de Maduro por parte de las autoridades venezolanas.

Como señaló el CEPR antes de las elecciones, ni el gobierno ni la oposición aceptarían la victoria del otro, ya que ambas partes tenían razones válidas para cuestionar la imparcialidad de la votación. El informe señala que, aunque “se ha prestado mucha atención a los desafíos que la oposición venezolana ha enfrentado antes de las elecciones, ha habido poca discusión sobre el impacto de las amplias sanciones impuestas por Estados Unidos, y algunos de sus aliados europeos, y sobre cómo estas han hecho que sea prácticamente imposible tener una elección demócratica, o libre y justa en este momento”.

Las sanciones influyen en las elecciones por la destrucción masiva que han causado, estimada en mayor que el colapso económico padecido por Estados Unidos durante la Gran Depresión. También han causado al menos decenas de miles de muertos , lo que reduce claramente las posibilidades de reelección del presidente en funciones. Y lo que quizá sea aún más importante, millones de votantes venezolanos eran conscientes de que estas sanciones letales probablemente continuarían si reelegían el actual gobierno.

Aunque Estados Unidos ha mostrado cierto apoyo a la negociacion iniciada por estos países, su compromiso sigue siendo incierto, y podría cambiar tras la celebración de las elecciones estadounidenses. El informe muestra que los 25 años de intervención estadounidense en Venezuela, así como “[l]a historia de las dos últimas décadas de política exterior estadounidense en el hemisferio” harían que “cualquier observador racional desconfiara del papel potencial de Washington en un esfuerzo multilateral para resolver una crisis política, especialmente una en la que ya está profundamente comprometido a apoyar a un bando contra el otro”.

El informe señala que “volver a políticas anteriores fracasadas” no ayudará a resolver el conflicto y “ciertamente costará muchas vidas, y causará mucho más sufrimiento adicional”. Por todas estas y otras razones, el informe subraya que es especialmente importante apoyar los esfuerzos de Brasil, Colombia y México para contribuir a una solución negociada del conflicto. Los líderes de estos tres países “tienen décadas de experiencia lidiando con problemas análogos al actual conflicto en Venezuela, incluyendo desafíos electorales propios”. Estados Unidos debería apoyar los esfuerzos diplomáticos que se desarrollen en los cuatro meses que faltan hasta enero de 2025, cuando está previsto que comience el nuevo mandato presidencial en Venezuela.

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Economic Research

Economic Research

The Economic Research Department conducts research on a wide range of topics in support of the Federal Reserve’s policy and public outreach functions.

Research is widely disseminated, including in leading peer-reviewed scholarly journals. The department has an active visiting scholar program, collaborates with global research groups, and hosts the Center for Pacific Basin Studies.

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Wildfires and Real Estate Values in California

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Pandemic-Era Liquid Wealth Is Running Dry


Bank Franchise as a Stabilizing Force


Recent Spike in Immigration and Easing Labor Markets


Breakeven Employment Growth

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United States Patent and Trademark Office - An Agency of the Department of Commerce

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USPTO economists study all aspects of intellectual property (IP) to better understand the determinants of innovation and to support evidence-based policy making. The  Office of the Chief Economist (OCE)  leads these efforts through engagement with scholars, collaboration on research projects, and conference events. OCE also releases  datasets on USPTO patents and trademarks  to advance economic research on IP. 

Recent working paper – “ Untapped Potential: Investigating Gender Disparities in Patent Citations"

OCE recently published a new working paper, " Untapped Potential: Investigating Gender Disparities in Patent Citations ". The paper explores why majority-female inventor teams receive up to 22% fewer citations than patents by majority-male inventor teams. The research also addresses gender disparity's impact on future patents and potential impacts on innovation more broadly.

For more information, read the working paper .

Line graph showing that patents with citations tend to have fewer women inventors.

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Certificate in Health Economics & Outcomes Research

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The online 9-month, part-time health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) Certificate is tailored for individuals seeking an introduction to HEOR, including professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, clinicians and other health care professionals, graduate degree holders, and graduate degree students.

HEOR has become increasingly important. Providing affordable health care while maintaining the best possible health outcomes is a challenge to all governments and health care payers. This is especially true in the United States, which spends almost twice as much per capita compared to other high-income countries yet has substantially poorer health outcomes. Major drivers of the spending gap include higher administrative costs and the higher prices of devices and pharmaceuticals in the US.

As health care becomes more complex, health care decisions can be improved by combining information from economic analyses (health economics) and vital clinical data on patients (outcomes research) to evaluate health care  value . HEOR informs health care decision-making by allowing stakeholders, especially payers, health care providers, and patients, to understand the clinical, economic, and quality of life endpoints of various treatments and health care practices. Individuals seeking an introduction to HEOR, including professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, clinicians and other health care professionals, graduate degree holders, and graduate degree students, are encouraged to apply.

Benefits of the HEOR Certificate Program

  • The flexible online format is perfect for local or global participation
  • Students experience live webinars, active discussion boards and asynchronous lectures
  • Program faculty are experts in clinical investigation, clinical epidemiology, health services research, outcomes research, meta-analysis, biostatistics, drug development, and related fields.
  • No thesis is required
  • Faculty post all required reading materials on the course website, so there are no books or materials that participants need to purchase.

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Inter-American Development Bank

Economic Research Consultant for Agriculture

🔍 washington dc, united states - headquarters.

What you'll need

  • Education : Bachelor's degree in Economics.
  • Experience : Minimum of 2 years of technical professional experience in empirical data analysis; solid training in Econometrics, Applied Micro-Econometrics, and Spatial Econometrics; advanced management of STATA software; management of databases associated with questionnaires with a minimum of 300 questions.
  • Languages : Fluent in Spanish and English. Ability to communicate and write in English.

Key Skills 

  • Continuous learning.
  • Collaborate and share knowledge.
  • Focus on customers.
  • Communicate and influence.
  • Innovate and try new things.


  • Citizenship: You are a citizen of one of our 48 member countries.
  • Consanguinity: You have no relatives (up to the fourth degree of consanguinity and second degree of affinity, including spouse) who work in the IDB Group.

Type of contract and duration

  • Type of contract and modality:  Full-time international consultant.
  • Duration of the contract : 12 months.
  • Job Location : Washington, D.C.

What we offer

The IDB Group offers benefits that respond to the different needs and moments of an employee's life. These benefits include:

  • A competitive remuneration package.
  • Leave and vacations: 2 days per month of contract + parental leave without distinction of gender.
  • Health insurance: IDB Group provides a monthly allowance for the purchase of health insurance.
  • Savings Plan: The IDB Group cares about your future and, depending on the length of the contract, you will receive an allowance for a monthly savings plan.
  • We offer relocation assistance and visa applications for you and your family, where applicable.
  • Flexible and hybrid work schedules
  • Development Support: We offer learning opportunities to enhance your professional profile, such as seminars, one-on-one career counseling, and more.
  • Health & Wellness:  Access to our Health Services Center that provides employees with preventive care and health education.
  • Other benefits: Breastfeeding room, nursery, gym, bike rack, parking, and others.

Our Culture

At the IDB Group, we work for all people to do their best and bring their true selves to work, to be willing to try new approaches without fear, to be accountable for their actions and to receive retribution for them.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Sense of Belonging (DEIB) are the pillars of our organization. We celebrate all dimensions of diversity and encourage women, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, Black and Indigenous people to apply.

We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided with reasonable accommodations to participate in the job interview process. If you are a qualified candidate who has a disability, please email us at [email protected] to request reasonable accommodations in order to complete this application.

Our Human Resources Team thoroughly reviews each application.

About the IDB Group

The IDB Group, comprised of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), IDB Invest and IDB Lab, offers flexible financing solutions to its member countries to finance economic and social development through loans and grants to public and private entities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

About the IDB

The Inter-American Development Bank's mission is to improve lives. Founded in 1959, the IDB is one of the main sources of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research projects and provides policy advice, technical assistance, and training to public and private clients throughout the region.

  • External Opening Date: Sep 2, 2024
  • External Closing Date: Sep 6, 2024
  • External Contact Email: [email protected]
  • External Contact Name: HR Service Center
  • Job Field: Technical Support

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Research on Tap: Addressing Health Inequities through a Health Economics Lens

Tuesday, october 29 | 4-6 pm, kilachand center eichenbaum colloquium room (room 101) 610 commonwealth ave boston, ma 02215.

Host: Sarah Gordon, Assistant Professor, Health Law, Policy, & Management (SPH)

Health inequities are differences in health status between different population groups that arise from the conditions in which people are born, live, work, and age. Many factors influence these conditions, including employment, education, income, geography, as well as health care markets, policies, and delivery system structures. Understanding how these drivers compound across individual, community, and societal levels and identifying evidence-based strategies to reduce health inequities requires interdisciplinary perspectives and collaboration.

This Research on Tap will showcase research from BU faculty in public health, economics, business, social work, and medicine that explores how policies and economic conditions shape inequities in health care access, quality, and outcomes.

About Research on Tap

The Research on Tap series, sponsored by the BU Office of Research, brings together groups of BU researchers around important topics. At each event, 10-12 researchers present a maximum of four slides and deliver a four-minute “elevator pitch” of their work. Research on Tap events are open to faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students. Each presentation is followed by refreshments and lively discussion with colleagues and potential collaborators.

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A&T to Drive AI Innovation, Economic Development in Collaboration with NVIDIA

By Alana V. Allen / 09/06/2024 Strategic Partnerships and Economic Development

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Group photo of A&T deans and leaders and NVIDIA representatives

EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (Sept. 6, 2024) – North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University today announced it has entered a collaboration with NVIDIA aimed at accelerating North Carolina’s economic growth, enhancing workforce capabilities and fostering innovation across key sectors, helping further position the university as a leader in research and technology.

This collaboration aligns with N.C. A&T’s goal to achieve Carnegie Classification R1 research status, the highest classification of research institutions in the United States. By leveraging NVIDIA’s AI technology and resources, A&T will boost its research capacity in fields critical to economic and human advancement.

“Through this impactful relationship, North Carolina A&T and NVIDIA will enhance a foundation for collaboration and innovation, economic development and workforce preparedness, and groundbreaking research,” said Timothy Minor, interim vice chancellor for the Division of Strategic Partnerships and Economic Development. “By integrating AI into every facet of learning, A&T is equipped to prepare students and faculty to find solutions to problems and meet the industry demands for talent in North Carolina and the nation.”

“Workforce enablement is foundational to economic development, and equipping students and faculty with AI training and tools is key to setting them up to foster generative AI innovation,” said Louis Stewart, head of Strategic Initiatives for Developer Ecosystem at NVIDIA. “This collaboration has the potential to greatly elevate NC A&T’s research capabilities and make a lasting impact on North Carolina’s economy and technology ecosystem.”

Key objectives of the collaboration are:

  • Research Enhancement. The collaboration will strengthen A&T’s research initiatives in areas such as AI, cybersecurity, biotechnology and sustainable agriculture. These fields are pivotal to the university’s strategic mission of achieving R1 status, reflecting A&T’s commitment to groundbreaking research and innovation.
  • Educational Excellence. Working with NVIDIA, A&T will develop and refine educational programs, equipping students with the critical AI skills needed to thrive in the global tech industry. This initiative aims to place A&T graduates at the forefront of technological innovation, preparing them for careers in technology.
  • Economic Development. The collaboration seeks to harness AI to drive economic growth in North Carolina’s key industries, including energy, biotechnology, and information technology. This AI-driven transformation will create new opportunities for businesses and communities, helping solidify North Carolina’s position as a tech hub.
  • Inclusivity and Community Engagement. As part of the initiative, A&T will work with NVIDIA to foster a diverse and inclusive technology ecosystem by engaging with community stakeholders, helping ensure that the benefits of AI innovation reach underserved populations.

“A&T is preparing the next generation of socially conscious leaders, pioneering researchers, visionary entrepreneurs, and global change-makers to transform lives and improve the human condition,” said Tonya Smith-Jackson, Ph.D., provost and executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs. “Advanced technology, including generative AI, is integral to that mission.

“Our collaboration with NVIDIA supports synergies that our students and faculty can both contribute to and benefit from, such as advanced research applications, innovations in teaching and learning, and new ways to drive economic empowerment, particularly for those who are underserved. We appreciate the forward-thinking vision of NVIDIA and its recognition that a collaboration with A&T will undoubtedly serve the state, nation and globe.”

Media Contact Information: [email protected]

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New Report Highlights Economic Value of Neutron Science to U.S. Industry

  • Research using neutron beams provides an economic return far larger than the cost of building and operating neutron facilities, according to an economic impact analysis.
  • The study presented four case studies involving the impact of neutron research on different technologies, highlighting the value of neutron science to varied sectors of the economy.
  • The study also highlighted how the lack of domestic capacity in neutron science has negatively impacted U.S. innovation and offered recommendations on how to strengthen U.S. programs in the field.

View from near ceiling shows NCNR guide hall filled with big pieces of scientific equipment, including several long cylindrical "guides" running toward the far end of the room.

Federal facilities that offer neutron beams for U.S. industry play an outsized role in bringing new goods to market more quickly and cost-effectively, according to an analysis of neutron science’s economic impact.  

The study , conducted by the nonprofit research institute RTI International , focuses on quantifying the national economic benefits derived from investments in three neutron scattering facilities operated by the U.S. government: the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR), the   Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) High-Flux Isotope Reactor, and the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source. The study, funded through a cooperative agreement with NIST, also provides insights into ways of keeping the United States competitive moving forward in areas involving neutron research, including infrastructure needs.

Neutrons are subatomic particles that can penetrate materials more deeply than can X-rays and other probes of matter. Researchers can use neutron beams to discover new things about the properties of materials, making neutrons important in scientific research fields from materials science to the physical and life sciences . Neutrons often reveal what X-rays cannot; for example, they can more easily image and study light atoms such as hydrogen. Hydrogen is common in living things and organic matter, making neutrons invaluable for scientific research related to drug development . 

However, U.S. neutron scattering capacity has been declining since the 1990s. In 1985, the United States had five federal laboratories with neutron scattering capacity. Currently, only NIST and ORNL support neutron scattering instruments and offer large-scale “open user” programs, which allow interested parties from other institutions to conduct research using NIST’s and ORNL’s instruments.

RTI reports four different case studies of technologies influenced by research conducted at the three neutron facilities from 1998-2020. In addition to the case studies, RTI surveyed and interviewed 247 users of the facilities about their research results and analyzed the publications, patents and collaborative research networks formed at the facilities. 

Among the findings: 

  • The facilities more than pay for themselves:  The combined benefits of the scientific research described in the four case studies would fully cover the construction and operating costs of NCNR and the two Oak Ridge facilities, even if only 6%-11% of the benefits were attributable to neutron scattering research. 
  • A cost-benefit analysis of the case studies indicates a substantial economic return as well: Assuming neutron scattering accelerated the development of the selected case studies’ technologies by just two years — a conservative estimate, according to expert testimony RTI obtained — the estimated rate of return is 2.67. In other words, for every dollar invested in the facilities, they returned $2.67 to the U.S. economy. And this was just four of the dozens of technologies and products that neutron research has influenced. 
  • The report suggests that the findings represent a small portion of total innovation influenced by neutron scattering infrastructure. RTI identified more than 22,000 scientific publications and 1,565 patents resulting from research conducted at federal neutron facilities between 1960 and 2020. 

RTI further identified at least 372 U.S.-based companies that are known to have used at least one of the U.S. federal neutron sources. These include enterprises of large to small scale across nearly every industry in the United States.

Despite these benefits, most facility users RTI surveyed indicated that they had difficulty performing their research due to inadequate domestic capacity for neutron measurement science. A survey of 247 facility users identified that 77% of these respondents experienced issues due to insufficient capacity in the five years before facility shutdowns in 2020. Of the survey sample, 19% took research they could not complete in the United States to an international facility. 

RTI offered recommendations for strengthening the U.S. neutron scattering system, including forming a federal leadership task force to create a decade-long plan for U.S. neutron scattering facilities, maintaining adequate funding for the three facilities that exist, and constructing new facilities to augment their capacity. 

Report: A.C. Walsh, S. Nienow, J.M.S. Merker, E.C. Decker, C.N Strack, M.E. Salem, G. Martin and B. Shaw.  Assessment of the retrospective and prospective economic impacts of investments in U.S. neutron research sources and facilities from 1960 to 2030: Final report . RTI International. Published May 2024. 


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    The NBER is a network of over 1,800 academic economists who conduct cutting-edge research on major economic issues. It publishes working papers, periodicals, reports, and datasets, and hosts conferences and videos on various subfields of economics.

  6. National Bureau of Economic Research

    The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is an American private nonprofit research organization "committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community." [3] The NBER is known for proposing start and end dates for recessions in the United States.Many chairpersons of the Council of Economic ...

  7. Economic Research

    The economic research and their conclusions are often preliminary and are circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The Board values having a staff that conducts research on a wide range of economic topics and that explores a diverse array of perspectives on those topics. The resulting conversations in academia, the economic ...

  8. Research @ BEA

    Learn about BEA's economic research, methodology, and data on various topics and industries. Browse papers, presentations, and publications by BEA researchers and fellows.

  9. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja

    Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes theoretical, applied, and empirical papers on economics (nano, micro, mezzo and macro). The journal aims to explore all points of view on topics of economic research that contribute to the development of global economies as a discipline.

  10. Economics and Finance Research

    What is IDEAS? IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 4,700,000 items of research, including over 4,300,000 that can be downloaded in full text.. RePEc is a large volunteer effort to enhance the free dissemination of research in Economics which includes bibliographic metadata from over 2,000 ...

  11. Research in Economics

    Established in 1947, Research in Economics is one of the oldest general-interest economics journals in the world and the main one among those based in Italy. The purpose of the journal is to select original theoretical and empirical articles that will have high impact on the debate in the social …. View full aims & scope.

  12. American Economic Association

    The Essential Reference Tool for Economics Literature. EconLit provides the coverage most needed by scholars to make new discoveries, develop important insights, and contribute valuable research to the economics community. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles; Working Papers; PhD Dissertations; Books and Book Reviews; Collective Volume Articles

  13. Economic Research

    The Economic Inequality & Equitable Growth hub is a collection of research, analysis and convenings to help better understand economic inequality. The Governance & Culture Reform hub is designed to foster discussion about corporate governance and the reform of culture and behavior in the financial services industry.

  14. Center for Economic and Policy Research

    Center for Economic and Policy Research -

  15. Economic Research

    Latest Research. Staff Report 660 (August 2024) There Is No Excess Volatility Puzzle. Andrew Atkeson, Jonathan Heathcote, and Fabrizio Perri. Download the PDF. Quarterly Review 4421 | July 2024 (Vol. 44 No. 2) On the Mechanics of Fiscal Inflations. Marco Bassetto, Luca Benzoni, and Jason Hall. Download the PDF.

  16. Economic Research at the SF Fed

    The Economic Research Department conducts research on a wide range of topics in support of the Federal Reserve's policy and public outreach functions. Research is widely disseminated, including in leading peer-reviewed scholarly journals. The department has an active visiting scholar program, collaborates with global research groups, and ...

  17. Working Papers

    Working Papers | NBER

  18. Economics Research Guide: Home

    The Economics Network is based at and supported by the University of Bristol. It receives funding from the Royal Economic Society, the Scottish Economic Society and more than fifty subscribing university departments. This is a free database that has 290+ resources covering topics like behavioral economics, fiscal policy, capitalism ...

  19. Economic research

    Economic research. USPTO economists study all aspects of intellectual property (IP) to better understand the determinants of innovation and to support evidence-based policy making. The Office of the Chief Economist (OCE) leads these efforts through engagement with scholars, collaboration on research projects, and conference events. OCE also ...

  20. American Institute for Economic Research

    American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) seeks to positively influence the world by helping advance peace, prosperity, and human progress. AIER helps educate Americans on the value of personal freedom, free enterprise, property rights, limited government, and sound money.

  21. Centre for Economic Policy Research

    The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) is an independent, non-partisan, pan-European non-profit organisation. It aims to enhance the quality of policy decisions through providing policy-relevant research, based soundly in economic scholarship, to policymakers, the private sector, and civil society. [2]

  22. Monthly Economic Review: September 2024

    In the final week of August, the Bureau of Economic Analysis put a positive spotlight on the economy, showing that it continues to chug along decidedly by revising second-quarter annualized gross domestic product growth upward to 3% from 2.8%.

  23. Household Food Security in the United States in 2023

    Economic Research Report No. (ERR-337) 52 pp September 2024 Household Food Security in the United States in 2023. by Matthew P. Rabbitt, Madeline Reed-Jones, Laura J. Hales, and Michael P. Burke. An estimated 86.5 percent of U.S. households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2023, with access at all times to enough food for an ...

  24. Certificate in Health Economics & Outcomes Research

    Overview. The online 9-month, part-time health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) Certificate is tailored for individuals seeking an introduction to HEOR, including professionals in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, clinicians and other health care professionals, graduate degree holders, and graduate degree students.

  25. Research

    The Reporter is a free quarterly publication featuring program updates, affiliates writing about their research, and news about the NBER. Subscribe to the Free Reporter. On July 1, the Program on Children was renamed the Program on Children and Families. This change, which better captures the range of research carried out by its 171 affiliates ...

  26. Economic Research Consultant for Agriculture

    Founded in 1959, the IDB is one of the main sources of long-term financing for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The IDB also conducts cutting-edge research projects and provides policy advice, technical assistance, and training to public and private clients throughout the region. Follow:

  27. Research on Tap: Addressing Health Inequities through a Health

    This Research on Tap will showcase research from BU faculty in public health, economics, business, social work, and medicine that explores how policies and economic conditions shape inequities in health care access, quality, and outcomes. RSVP. About Research on Tap.

  28. A&T to Drive AI Innovation, Economic Development in Collaboration with

    EAST GREENSBORO, N.C. (Sept. 6, 2024) - North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University today announced it has entered a collaboration with NVIDIA aimed at accelerating North Carolina's economic growth, enhancing workforce capabilities and fostering innovation across key sectors, helping further position the university as a leader in research and technology.

  29. Bhutan Country Economic Memorandum : Maximizing Bhutan's Potential for

    We face big challenges to help the world's poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Data & Research. Open Data; By Country; By Indicator;

  30. New Report Highlights Economic Value of Neutron Science to U.S

    Research using neutron beams provides an economic return far larger than the cost of building and operating neutron facilities, according to an economic impact analysis. The study presented four case studies involving the impact of neutron research on different technologies, highlighting the value of neutron science to varied sectors of the ...