Oracle PL/SQL Assignment Operator

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The assignment operator is specific to PL/SQL.

Its primary function is to set a variable equal to the value or expression on the other side of the operator.

If we wanted to set the variable v_price equal to 5.5 * .90, we would write it as follows:

An assignment can take place in the declaration section when a variable is first declared, or in the execution or exception sections at any time.

For example, to declare the variable v_price, we would write.

The variable is not yet initialized, and its value is NULL.

To initialize the variable to zero, we can use the assignment operator in the declaration section as follows:

In the execution section, the assignment operator is used for assigning constants, literals, other variables, or expressions to a variable.

Another use is to assign a function call to a variable where the return value of the function is ultimately stored.


Sql operators.

This article provides a list of SQL operators, and can therefore be used as cheat sheet for SQL operators.

Not all of these operators are supported across all DBMS s. If in doubt, check the documentation for your specific DBMS.

SQL Arithmetic Operators

Addition operator. Adds two numbers. This operator can also add a number, in days, from a date (may depend on your DBMS).
Subtraction operator. Subtracts two numbers. This operator can also subtract a number, in days, from a date (may depend on your DBMS).
Multiplication operator. Multiplies two expressions.
Division operator. Divides one number by another.
Modulus operator. Returns the remainder of one number divided by another.

SQL Bitwise Operators

Bitwise AND operator. Performs a bitwise logical AND operation between two integer values.
Bitwise OR operator. Performs a bitwise logical OR operation between two specified integer values as translated to binary expressions within SQL statements.
Bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) operator.
Bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) operator. Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation between two integer values.
Bitwise NOT operator. Performs a bitwise logical NOT operation on an integer value.
Bitwise Shift Left operator. Shifts the bits in the left operand to the left by the amount specified by the right operand.
Bitwise Shift Right operator. Shifts the bits in the left operand to the right by the amount specified by the right operand.

SQL Comparsion Operators

Equals operator. Compares the equality of two expressions.
Greater Than operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand has a value higher than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE.
Less Than operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand has a value lower than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE.
Greater Than or Equal To operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand has a value greater than or equal to the right operand; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Less Than or Equal To operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand has a value lower than or equal to the right operand; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
Not Equal To operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand is not equal to the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE.
Not Less Than operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand does not have a value lower than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE.
Not Equal To operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand is not equal to the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE.
Not Greater Than operator. Compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand doesn’t have a greater value than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE.

SQL Compound Operators

Add Assignment operator. Adds two numbers and sets a value to the result of the operation. 
Subtraction Assignment operator. Subtracts two numbers and sets a value to the result of the operation.
Multiplication Assignment operator. Multiplies two numbers and sets a value to the result of the operation.
Division Assignment operator. Divides one number by another and sets a value to the result of the operation.
Modulus Assignment operator. Divides one number by another and sets a value to the result of the operation.
Bitwise AND Assignment operator. Performs a bitwise logical AND operation between two integer values, and sets a value to the result of the operation.
Bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) Assignment operator. Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation between two integer values, and sets a value to the result of the operation.
Bitwise OR Assignment operator. Performs a bitwise logical OR operation between two specified integer values as translated to binary expressions within SQL statements, and sets a value to the result of the operation.

SQL Logical Operators

Returns TRUE when all of the subquery values meet the condition.
Combines two Boolean expressions and returns TRUE when both expressions are TRUE.
Returns TRUE when any of the subquery values meet the condition.
Specifies a range to test. Returns TRUE when the operand is within the range of comparisons.
Specifies a subquery to test for the existence of rows. Returns TRUE when the subquery returns one or more records.
Determines whether a specified value matches any value in a subquery or a list. Returns TRUE when the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions.
Determines whether a specific character string matches a specified pattern. Returns TRUE when the operand matches a pattern.
Negates a Boolean input (it reverses the value of any Boolean expression). It therefore returns TRUE when the expression is FALSE. In MariaDB, is limited to negating the , , and clauses.
Combines two conditions. Returns TRUE when either of the conditions is TRUE.
Same as . Returns TRUE when any of the subquery values meet the condition.

SQL Set Operators

Returns distinct rows by comparing the results of two queries. Returns distinct rows from the left input query that aren’t output by the right input query.
Returns distinct rows by comparing the results of two queries. Returns distinct rows that are output by both the left and right input queries operator.
Returns distinct rows by comparing the results of two queries. Returns distinct rows that are output by both the left and right input queries operator.
Concatenates the results of two queries into a single result set, excluding duplicates.
Concatenates the results of two queries into a single result set, including duplicates.
Returns distinct rows by comparing the results of two queries. Returns distinct rows from the left input query that aren’t output by the right input query.

SQL String Operators

String Concatenation operator (SQL Server). String concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end.
String Concatenation operator (DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite). String concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end.
String Concatenation Assignment operator.
Percent Wildcard character/s to match. Matches any string of zero or more characters. This wildcard character can be used as either a prefix or a suffix, and it can also be used in the middle.
Wildcard character/s to match. Matches any single character within the specified range or set that is specified between brackets  . These wildcard characters can be used in string comparisons that involve pattern matching, such as  . Supported in SQL Server. Not supported in MySQL, Oracle, DB2, and SQLite.
Wildcard character/s to match. Matches any single character that is not within the range or set specified between the square brackets  . These wildcard characters can be used in string comparisons that involve pattern matching, such as  .
Wildcard character – match one character. Matches any single character in a string comparison operation that involves pattern matching, such as  . Not supported in DB2.

SQL Unary Operators

Positive unary operator. Numeric value is positive.
Negative unary operator. Numeric value is negative.
Bitwise NOT operator. Returns the ones complement of the number.
Oracle proprietary operator. Evaluates the following expression for the parent row of the current row in a hierarchical, or tree-structured query. In such a query, you must use this operator in the   clause to define the relationship between the parent and child rows.

Other SQL Operators

Outer join operator (Oracle proprietary operator). Indicates that the preceding column is the outer join column in a join.
Scope Resolution operator. Provides access to static members of a compound data type. A compound data type is one that contains multiple simple data types and methods.

What are SQL Operators?

SQL operators are symbols that specify an action that is performed on one or more expressions.

SQL operators manipulate individual data items and return a result. The data items are called  operands  or  arguments . SQL operators are represented by special characters or by keywords. 

Here’s a simple example:

There are three operators in this SQL SELECT statement.

  • The Equals operator ( = ) compares the equality of two expressions (the value of the PetName column and the string Fluffy )
  • The Greater Than operator ( > ) compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand has a value higher than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE . In this case, it’s comparing the value of the DOB column and the date 2020-01-01 to see if that date is greater than the value of the DOB column.
  • The AND operator combines two Boolean expressions and returns TRUE when both expressions are TRUE . In this case, it returns TRUE when PetName = 'Fluffy' and DOB > '2020-01-01' .

The operators listed on this page can be used to construct complex SQL queries that can help you return the data you need.

For more examples, see 12 Commonly Used SQL Operators .

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usage of the assignment operator in dynamic sql

assignment operator in oracle sql

SQL Tutorial

Sql database, sql references, sql examples, sql operators, sql arithmetic operators.

Operator Description Example
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
% Modulo

SQL Bitwise Operators

Operator Description
& Bitwise AND
| Bitwise OR
^ Bitwise exclusive OR

SQL Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
= Equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to


SQL Compound Operators

Operator Description
+= Add equals
-= Subtract equals
*= Multiply equals
/= Divide equals
%= Modulo equals
&= Bitwise AND equals
^-= Bitwise exclusive equals
|*= Bitwise OR equals

SQL Logical Operators

Operator Description Example
ALL TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition
AND TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND is TRUE
ANY TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition
BETWEEN TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons
EXISTS TRUE if the subquery returns one or more records
IN TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions
LIKE TRUE if the operand matches a pattern
NOT Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE
OR TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE
SOME TRUE if any of the subquery values meet the condition

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Arithmetic Operators in Oracle

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Arithmetic Operators in Oracle with Examples

In this article, I am going to discuss Arithmetic Operators in Oracle with Examples. Please read our previous article, where we discussed Data Query Language (DQL) or Data Retrieve Language (DRL) command in Oracle with Examples. Before understanding Arithmetic Operators, let us first try to understand what are operators and their types.

What are Operators in Oracle?

Operators are used to expressing the conditions in Select statements. The operator manipulates individual data items and returns a result. The data items are called operands or arguments. The different types of Operators available in Oracle are as follows:

Example to Understand Arithmetic Operators in Oracle:

Arithmetic operators in oracle:.

The Arithmetic Operators in Oracle are used for performing mathematical calculations such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Module, and Division represented by the expected +, -, *(star or asterisk), %, and / forward slash symbols respectively on the given operand values. That is, they are used to perform mathematical operations on two expressions of the same or different data types of numeric data. 

The arithmetic operators can be directly used in the SQL statement or in combination with column values. The different arithmetic operators supported by MySQL are shown

How Arithmetic Operators are Evaluated in Oracle?

Similar to basic arithmetic calculations, the arithmetic operators in Oracle also have the same Operator Precedence. If the arithmetic expression contains more than one operator, then the multiplication and division operators are the highest priority and are evaluated first, and then the addition and minus (subtraction) operators are evaluated.

When two operators are having the same priority, then the expression is going to be evaluated from left to right in the Oracle database. The Parentheses in Oracle can also be used to force an operation to take priority over any other operators. Parentheses are also used to improve code readability.

Arithmetic Operator Addition (+)

Explanation: In the Employee table every employee’s salary sums it 2000. When you execute the above query, you will get the following output.

Arithmetic Operator Subtraction (-):

Example: Display the details of employees decreasing their salary by 200.

Arithmetic Operator Multiplication (*):

SELECT ID, Name, Salary, Salary * 2 “Increased Salary” FROM Employee;

Arithmetic Operator Division (/):

This operator is used to perform a Division test. The division will display only the Quotient value, not the remainder value. Example 6/2 gives 3 because 2 divides 6 by 3 times.

When you execute the above SQL query, you will get the following output.

More Examples:

Arithmetic operations on string values in oracle.

SELECT ID, Name + 100 FROM Employee;

In the next article, I am going to discuss Assignment Operators in Oracle with Examples. Here, in this article, I try to explain Arithmetic Operators in Oracle with Examples and I hope you enjoy this Arithmetic Operators in Oracle with Examples article.

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SQL Reference
Part No. B15917-01

2 SQL Operators

This document discusses SQL operators used with Oracle Database Lite. Topics include:

Section 2.1, "SQL Operators Overview"

Section 2.2, "Arithmetic Operators"

Section 2.3, "Character Operators"

Section 2.4, "Comparison Operators"

Section 2.5, "Logical Operators"

Section 2.6, "Set Operators"

Section 2.7, "Other Operators"

2.1 SQL Operators Overview

An operator manipulates individual data items and returns a result. The data items are called operands or arguments . Operators are represented by special characters or by keywords. For example, the multiplication operator is represented by an asterisk (*) and the operator that tests for nulls is represented by the keywords IS NULL . There are two general classes of operators: unary and binary. Oracle Database Lite SQL also supports set operators.

2.1.1 Unary Operators

A unary operator uses only one operand. A unary operator typically appears with its operand in the following format.

2.1.2 Binary Operators

A binary operator uses two operands. A binary operator appears with its operands in the following format.

2.1.3 Set Operators

Set operators combine sets of rows returned by queries, instead of individual data items. All set operators have equal precedence. Oracle Database Lite supports the following set operators.

The levels of precedence among the Oracle Database Lite SQL operators from high to low are listed in Table 2-1 . Operators listed on the same line have the same level of precedence.

Table 2-1 Levels of Precedence of the Oracle Database Lite SQL Operators

Precedence Level SQL Operator
1 Unary + - arithmetic operators, PRIOR operator
2 * / arithmetic operators
3 Binary + - arithmetic operators, || character operators
4 All comparison operators
5 NOT logical operator
6 AND logical operator
7 OR logical operator

2.1.4 Other Operators

Other operators with special formats accept more than two operands. If an operator receives a null operator, the result is always null. The only operator that does not follow this rule is CONCAT .

2.2 Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators manipulate numeric operands. The '-' operator is also used in date arithmetic. Supported arithmetic operators are listed in Table 2-2 .

Table 2-2 Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example
+ (unary) Makes operand positive
- (unary) Negates operand
Division (numbers and dates)
Addition (numbers and dates)
- Subtraction (numbers and dates)

2.3 Character Operators

Character operators used in expressions to manipulate character strings are listed in Table 2-3 .

Table 2-3 Character Operators

Operator Description Example
Concatenates character strings

2.3.1 Concatenating Character Strings

With Oracle Database Lite, you can concatenate character strings with the following results.

Concatenating two character strings results in another character string.

Oracle Database Lite preserves trailing blanks in character strings by concatenation, regardless of the strings' datatypes.

Oracle Database Lite provides the CONCAT character function as an alternative to the vertical bar operator. For example,

This returns the following output.

Oracle Database Lite treats zero-length character strings as nulls. When you concatenate a zero-length character string with another operand the result is always the other operand. A null value can only result from the concatenation of two null strings.

2.4 Comparison Operators

Comparison operators used in conditions that compare one expression with another are listed in Table 2-4 . The result of a comparison can be TRUE , FALSE , or UNKNOWN .

Table 2-4 Comparison Operators

Operator Description Example
Equality test.
!=, ^=, <> Inequality test.
> Greater than test.
Less than test.
>= Greater than or equal to test.
Less than or equal to test.
IN "Equivalent to any member of" test. Equivalent to " ".
ANY/ SOME Compares a value to each value in a list or returned by a query. Must be preceded by . Evaluates to if the query returns no rows.
NOT IN Equivalent to " ". Evaluates to if any member of the set is .
ALL Compares a value with every value in a list or returned by a query. Must be preceded by Evaluates to if the query returns no rows.
[NOT] BETWEEN x and y [Not] greater than or equal to x and less than or equal to y.
EXISTS if a sub-query returns at least one row.
x [NOT] LIKE y [ESCAPE z] if x does [not] match the pattern y. Within y, the character "%" matches any string of zero or more characters except null. The character "_" matches any single character. Any character following is interpreted literally, useful when y contains a percent (%) or underscore (_).
IS [NOT] NULL Tests for nulls. This is the only operator that should be used to test for nulls.

2.5 Logical Operators

Logical operators which manipulate the results of conditions are listed in Table 2-5 .

Table 2-5 Logical Operators

Operator Description Example
NOT Returns if the following condition is . Returns if it is . If it is , it remains .

AND Returns if both component conditions are . Returns if either is ; otherwise returns .
OR Returns if either component condition is . Returns if both are . Otherwise, returns .

2.6 Set Operators

Set operators which combine the results of two queries into a single result are listed in Table 2-6 .

Table 2-6 Set Operators

Operator Description Example
Returns all distinct rows selected by either query.

Returns all rows selected by either query, including all duplicates.

and Returns all distinct rows selected by both queries.

Returns all distinct rows selected by the first query but not the second.

Note: :

The syntax for is supported, but it returns the same results as .

2.7 Other Operators

Other operators used by Oracle Database Lite are listed in Table 2-7 .

Table 2-7 Other Operators

Operator Description Example
(+) Indicates that the preceding column is the outer join column in a join.
PRIOR Evaluates the following expression for the parent row of the current row in a hierarchical, or tree-structured query. In such a query, you must use this operator in the clause to define the relationship between the parent and child rows.

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CASE Expressions And Statements in Oracle

The CASE expression was first added to SQL in Oracle 8i. Oracle 9i extended its support to PL/SQL to allow CASE to be used as an expression or statement.

Value Match (Simple) CASE Expression

Searched case expression, value match (simple) case statement, searched case statement.

Related articles.

  • CASE Expressions and CASE Statements

The CASE expression is like a more flexible version of the DECODE function. The value match CASE expression, or simple CASE expression, compares the value of the expression ( DEPTNO ), with the list of comparison expressions (10 - 40). Once it finds a match, the associated value is returned. The optional ELSE clause allows you to deal with situations where a match is not found. Notice the CASE expression is aliased as "department". This will appear as the column name.

The value match CASE expression is also supported in PL/SQL. The example below uses it in an assignment.

All possible values returned by a CASE expression must be of the same data type.

The searched CASE expression can be more complicated, involving multiple columns in the comparisons. Each comparison is tested in turn and the associated value returned if a match is found. Once again, there is an optional ELSE clause to deal with situations where a match is not found.

The searched CASE expression is also supported in PL/SQL.

The CASE statements supported by PL/SQL are very similar to the CASE expressions. Notice the statement is finished with the END CASE keywords rather than just the END keyword. The PL/SQL CASE statements are essentially an alternative to IF .. THEN .. ELSIF statements. They are control structures that conditionally call blocks of code.

The value match CASE statement below runs a different block of code depending the match found.

As with its expression counterpart, the searched CASE statement allows multiple comparisons using mulitple variables.

For more information see:

  • Oracle9iSQL Reference Release 2 (9.2) : SQL CASE Expression
  • PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference Release 2 (9.2) : PL/SQL CASE Expression
  • PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference Release 2 (9.2) : PL/SQL CASE Statement

Hope this helps. Regards Tim...

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Created: 2005-05-14  Updated: 2019-03-23

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Home » Oracle Basics » Oracle CASE Expression

Oracle CASE Expression

Summary : in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle CASE expression to add if-else logic to the SQL statements.

Introduction to Oracle CASE expression

Oracle CASE expression allows you to add if-else logic to SQL statements without having to call a procedure . The CASE expression evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of the multiple possible results.

You can use a CASE expression in any statement or clause that accepts a valid expression. For example, you can use the CASE expression in statements such as SELECT , UPDATE , or DELETE , and in clauses like SELECT , WHERE , HAVING , and ORDDER BY .

Oracle CASE expression has two formats: the simple CASE expression and the searched CASE expression. Both formats support an optional ELSE clause.

Simple CASE expression

The simple CASE expression matches an expression to a list of simple expressions to determine the result.

The following illustrates the syntax of the simple CASE expression:

In this syntax, Oracle compares the input expression (e) to each comparison expression e1, e2, …, en.

If the input expression equals any comparison expression, the CASE expression returns the corresponding result expression (r).

If the input expression e does not match any comparison expression, the CASE expression returns the expression in the ELSE clause if the ELSE clause exists, otherwise, it returns a null value.

Oracle uses short-circuit evaluation for the simple CASE expression. It means that Oracle evaluates each comparison expression (e1, e2, .. en) only before comparing one of them with the input expression (e). Oracle does not evaluate all comparison expressions before comparing any of them with the expression (e). As a result, Oracle never evaluates a comparison expression if a previous one equals the input expression (e).

Simple CASE expression example

We will use the products table in the sample database for the demonstration.

products table

The following query uses the CASE expression to calculate the discount for each product category i.e., CPU 5%, video card 10%, and other product categories 8%

Oracle CASE - SELECT example

Note that we used the ROUND () function to round the discount to two decimal places.

Searched CASE expression

The Oracle searched CASE expression evaluates a list of Boolean expressions to determine the result.

The searched CASE statement has the following syntax:

The searched CASE expression evaluates the Boolean expression (e1, e2, …) in each WHEN clause in the order that the Boolean expressions appear. It returns the result expression (r) of the first Boolean expression (e) that evaluates to true.

If no Boolean expression is true, then the CASE expression returns the result expression in the ELSE clause if an ELSE clause exists; otherwise, it returns a null value.

Like the simple CASE expression, Oracle also uses short-circuit evaluation for the searched CASE expression. In other words, Oracle evaluates each Boolean condition to determine whether it is true, and never evaluates the next condition if the previous one is true.

Searched CASE expression example

When you use the searched CASE expression within a SELECT statement, you can replace values in the result based on comparison values.

The following example uses the searched CASE expression to classify the products based on their list prices:

Oracle Searched CASE example

Oracle CASE expression examples

Let’s take a few more examples of using the Oracle CASE expression to understand how it works.

A) Using CASE expression in an ORDER BY clause

See the following locations table:

locations table

The following query uses the CASE expression in an ORDER BY  clause to determine the sort order of rows based on column value:

Oracle CASE - ORDER BY example

In this example, the result set is sorted by the column state when the country is the US and by the column city for all other countries.

B) Using CASE expression in a HAVING clause

Consider the following order_items and products tables:

assignment operator in oracle sql

In the following query, we use the CASE expression in a HAVING clause to restrict rows returned by the SELECT statement.

Oracle CASE - HAVING clause example

As shown in the output, the statement returned the number of products for each product that appears in the order_items table. The HAVING clause restricted the products to those that were CPU (category id 1) with the number of products greater than 5 and Video Card (category id 2) with the number of products greater than 2.

C) Using the CASE expression in an UPDATE statement

The following query finds all products whose gross margins are less than 12%:

Oracle CASE - UPDATE example

The following UPDATE statement uses the CASE expression to update the list price of the products whose gross margin is less than 12% to list prices that make their gross margin 12%:

Now, you should know how to use the Oracle CASE expression including simple and searched CASE expressions to add if-else logic to SQL statements.

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assignment operator in oracle sql


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  2. PPT

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  2. 17. IN Operator in Oracle PL/SQL

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  5. Assignment operator in Java

  6. Oracle SQL Video Tutorial 25


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    Assign a value (as part of a SET statement, or as part of the SET clause in an UPDATE statement) :=. Assignment operator. Causes the user variable on the left hand side of the operator to take on the value to its right. The value on the right hand side may be a literal value, another variable storing a value, or any legal expression that yields ...

  3. What is the difference between := and = in Oracle PL/SQL

    General declaration syntax in PL/SQL uses ':='.Look below. variable_name datatype [NOT NULL := value ]; where, variable_name is the name of the variable. datatype is a valid PL/SQL datatype. NOT NULL is an optional specification on the variable. value or DEFAULT value is also an optional specification, where you can initialize a variable.

  4. The Overview of PL/SQL Variables

    To assign a default value to a variable, you use the assignment operator (:=) or the DEFAULT keyword. The following example declares a variable named l_product_name with an initial value 'Laptop': DECLARE l_product_name VARCHAR2( 100) := 'Laptop'; BEGIN NULL; END; Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL (pgsql)

  5. Oracle PL/SQL Assignment Operator

    The assignment operator is specific to PL/SQL. Its primary function is to set a variable equal to the value or expression on the other side of the operator. If we wanted to set the variable v_price equal to 5.5 * .90, we would write it as follows: An assignment can take place in the declaration section when a variable is first declared, or in ...

  6. PL/SQL Language Elements

    Assignment Statement. An assignment statement sets the current value of a variable, field, parameter, or element. The statement consists of an assignment target followed by the assignment operator and an expression. When the statement is executed, the expression is evaluated and the resulting value is stored in the target.

  7. Assignment Operators in Oracle

    The Assignment Operator in Oracle is used to assign or compare a value to a column or a field of a table. The equal sign (=) is the assignment operator where the value on the right is assigned to the value on the left. It is also used to establish a relationship between a column heading and the expression that defines the values for the column.

  8. 13.3 Assignment Statement

    Expression whose value is to be assigned to assignment_statement_target. expression and assignment_statement_target must have compatible data types. Collections with elements of the same type might not have the same data type. For the syntax of collection type definitions, see "Collection Variable Declaration".

  9. Assignment Operator :: Chapter 11: SQL Operators

    In some SQL procedural languages, there are distinctions between assignment and comparison operators. Oracle PL/SQL uses := for assignment and = for comparison; MS SQL Server's Transact SQL uses only one operator for these purposes, =, as does IBM DB2 UDB.

  10. Relational Operators in Oracle with Examples

    Equal (=) Relational Operator in Oracle. The Equal (=) Operator in Oracle is used to check whether the two expressions are equal or not. If both the expressions are equal then the condition becomes true and will return the matched rows. For example, the following SQL Query will return all the records from the Employee table where the Gender is ...

  11. SQL Operators

    This article provides a list of SQL operators, and can therefore be used as cheat sheet for SQL operators. ... Add Assignment operator. Adds two numbers and sets a value to the result of the operation. ... String Concatenation operator (DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite). String concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to ...

  12. usage of the assignment operator in dynamic sql

    These changes document Community specific rules and Oracle's content moderation practices including use of automated tools, appeals process, and Oracle's contact details. If you object to any changes, you may request that your account be closed by contacting [email protected]. Your continued use of Oracle Communities ...

  13. SQL Operators

    SQL Logical Operators. Operator. Description. Example. ALL. TRUE if all of the subquery values meet the condition. Try it. AND. TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND is TRUE.

  14. 6 Using Substitution Variables

    You can define variables, called substitution variables, for repeated use in a single script by using the SQL*Plus DEFINE command.Note that you can also define substitution variables to use in titles and to save your keystrokes (by defining a long string as the value for a variable with a short name).. DEFINE L_NAME = "SMITH" (CHAR) To list all substitution variable definitions, enter DEFINE ...

  15. Arithmetic Operators in Oracle

    Arithmetic Operator Addition (+) Example: Display salary of employees with 2000 increments in their salary. SELECT ID, Name, Salary, Salary + 2000 "Incremented salary" FROM Employee; Explanation: In the Employee table every employee's salary sums it 2000. When you execute the above query, you will get the following output.

  16. 2 SQL Operators

    2.1 SQL Operators Overview. An operator manipulates individual data items and returns a result. The data items are called operands or arguments. Operators are represented by special characters or by keywords. For example, the multiplication operator is represented by an asterisk (*) and the operator that tests for nulls is represented by the ...

  17. CASE Expressions And Statements in Oracle

    The CASE expression is like a more flexible version of the DECODE function. The value match CASE expression, or simple CASE expression, compares the value of the expression (DEPTNO), with the list of comparison expressions (10 - 40). Once it finds a match, the associated value is returned. The optional ELSE clause allows you to deal with ...

  18. Using Oracle CASE Expression By Practical Examples

    Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle CASE expression to add if-else logic to the SQL statements.. Introduction to Oracle CASE expression. Oracle CASE expression allows you to add if-else logic to SQL statements without having to call a procedure.The CASE expression evaluates a list of conditions and returns one of the multiple possible results.

  19. oracle

    The same could be written using IF in PL/SQL: SQL> SET serveroutput ON SQL> DECLARE 2 lv_var1 VARCHAR2(500); 3 lv_var2 VARCHAR2(20); 4 ld_date DATE; 5 BEGIN 6 ld_date := SYSDATE; 7 lv_var2 := 'sample value'; 8 IF ld_date IS NOT NULL THEN 9 lv_var1 := lv_var2; 10 END IF; 11 dbms_output.put_line(lv_var1); 12 END; 13 / sample value PL/SQL ...

  20. sql

    update TABLENAME set COLUMN1 += ?,COLUMN2 += ? You can also combine the arithmetic operators with the simple assignment operator to create compound assignments. For example, x+=1; If not, is there an enhancement of such requirement? This isn't duplicate of similar PLSQL question, I ask about Oracle SQL. sql.