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  • 40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

what are some words to make your essay longer

To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered.

Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time. In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to utilise them.

It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of using the words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills.

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General explaining

Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of complex points.

1. In order to

Usage: “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for the purpose of an argument. Example: “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.”

2. In other words

Usage: Use “in other words” when you want to express something in a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on a point. Example: “Frogs are amphibians. In other words, they live on the land and in the water.”

3. To put it another way

Usage: This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example: “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the sun.”

4. That is to say

Usage: “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Example: “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.”

5. To that end

Usage: Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example: “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.”

Adding additional information to support a point

Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument. Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

6. Moreover

Usage: Employ “moreover” at the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example: “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…”

7. Furthermore

Usage:This is also generally used at the start of a sentence, to add extra information. Example: “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…”

8. What’s more

Usage: This is used in the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example: “What’s more, this isn’t the only evidence that supports this hypothesis.”

9. Likewise

Usage: Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example: “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in favour of this point of view.”

10. Similarly

Usage: Use “similarly” in the same way as “likewise”. Example: “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to react with surprise to the unfamiliar.”

11. Another key thing to remember

Usage: Use the phrase “another key point to remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the word “also”. Example: “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.”

12. As well as

Usage: Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example: “Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.”

13. Not only… but also

Usage: This wording is used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information. Example: “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the honour of being the first to reach the summit of Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.”

14. Coupled with

Usage: Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example: “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…”

15. Firstly, secondly, thirdly…

Usage: This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example: “There are many points in support of this view. Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. And thirdly, Z.

16. Not to mention/to say nothing of

Usage: “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example: “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.”

Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast

When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence – “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in these examples, to make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting.

17. However

Usage: Use “however” to introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example: “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.”

18. On the other hand

Usage: Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.”

19. Having said that

Usage: Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example: “The historians are unanimous in telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.”

20. By contrast/in comparison

Usage: Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and contrasting pieces of evidence. Example: “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on insufficient evidence. By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.”

21. Then again

Usage: Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example: “Writer A asserts that this was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.”

22. That said

Usage: This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example: “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is unreliable at best.”

Usage: Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. Example: “Much of scholarship has focused on this evidence. Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.”

Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations

Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Here are some ways of doing so.

24. Despite this

Usage: Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in the evidence. Example: “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.”

25. With this in mind

Usage: Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in the knowledge of something else. Example: “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to draw definite conclusions. With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.”

26. Provided that

Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it.”

27. In view of/in light of

Usage: These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example: “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…”

28. Nonetheless

Usage: This is similar to “despite this”. Example: “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”

29. Nevertheless

Usage: This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example: “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.”

30. Notwithstanding

Usage: This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example: “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of how we view the workings of the human mind.”

Giving examples

Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing.

31. For instance

Example: “Some birds migrate to avoid harsher winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south…”

32. To give an illustration

Example: “To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of…”

Signifying importance

When you want to demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such.

33. Significantly

Usage: Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example: “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the kind of gossip prevalent in Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.”

34. Notably

Usage: This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of using it). Example: “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.”

35. Importantly

Usage: Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example: “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by X when he wrote this work, and was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.”


You’ve almost made it to the end of the essay, but your work isn’t over yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion. Here are some words and phrases to help you.

36. In conclusion

Usage: Typically used to introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in a broad overview. Example: “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.”

37. Above all

Usage: Used to signify what you believe to be the most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example: “Above all, it seems pertinent to remember that…”

38. Persuasive

Usage: This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example: “Scholar A’s point – that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain – seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.”

39. Compelling

Usage: Use in the same way as “persuasive” above. Example: “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.”

40. All things considered

Usage: This means “taking everything into account”. Example: “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…”

How many of these words and phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list? Let us know in the comments below, or get in touch here to find out more about courses that can help you with your essays.

At Oxford Royale Academy, we offer a number of  summer school courses for young people who are keen to improve their essay writing skills. Click here to apply for one of our courses today, including law , business , medicine  and engineering .

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Essay Reviews

12 Ways to make your Essay Longer: Words, Phrases, Transits

by James Khim | Oct 17, 2022

Essay Writing

Writing a high school or college essay requires a lot of research and typing. Even after toiling for hours or days, frustration arises when you find out that you are out of the word count.

However, with additional research, the inclusion of more quotes and descriptions can make up for the word count shortfall. There are different tricks you can use to boost your word count and reach the page requirement of your teacher. 

You can make an essay longer by writing more points, explaining your arguments well, or including insightful questions. In addition, you can use formatting hacks to increase the length of an essay by writing shorter paragraphs, using larger fonts, and adding illustrations to an essay. However, these methods should adhere to academic writing standards.

et us explore each one of these tips in detail and add more ways to lengthen an essay.

Ways to Increase Word Count and Make an Essay Longer

1. write more points.

In the outline of your essay, the body has points that you had to explain. If you are yet to meet the word count, including more points in your body is one of the ways of making up for this.

 Making Essays Longer

Also, you can increase the sources and anecdotes in explaining a point so that you get more ideas. 

Adding more sources will provide extra evidence for the reader and makes it possible to increase your word count significantly.

You will not only be providing additional support for your argument but also boosting the paper’s word count. 

2. Using illustrations

Including illustrations is the perfect way to make your essay lighter but longer.

These illustrations can be in the form of screenshots, charts, graphs, infographics, and images.

This helps to make your arguments strong and the essay longer. The trick revolves around making a better argument with a deeper precision. However, always ensure that the illustrations you add are relevant to the arguments of the essay. 

3. Use short paragraphs

The use of precise and well-formatted paragraphs can also help to make your paper longer. A shorter paragraph makes the essay more coherent and gives it a better reading experience.

The paragraphs must have a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. These are the elements that make a readable paragraph with points that are flowing effortlessly. 

4. Stretch the headers

When there is a possibility, try to make your headers longer. In most cases, teachers state what they expect you to include in the header.

You are given the information but there is no limitation to the header word count. In the absence of the guidelines concerning word count, expand on the header to reach the essay’s word count. 

5. Let another person proofread your essay

When you involve an extra eye to go through your essay, it is possible to spot areas where you have not exhausted. A friend, teacher, or classmate can proofread your essay and spot important areas that need more elaboration.

In doing so, you will be adding more words to the essay and covering the deficit. You can add more explanations to the arguments by including relevant quotes that will give it more strength. 

6. Expanding your arguments

If you check the outline you made before writing your essay, it will be possible to spot areas that need more alterations. The outline is the ultimate guideline that will show you if you have drained your points.

When you were writing, it is possible to skip vital points. Therefore, you can lengthen your essay by adding more arguments. Feel free to use first-person language to introduce personalized opinions if needed.

If you did not outline, check what you have written, analyze what the audience needs then know what to include. Writing more points in your essay is one of the best ways of adding more words to your essay.

7. Explain more

 Making Essays Longer

Giving more explanation is also a good way of topping up the word count. You can check the arguments and see if some sections still need more explanations.

Inadequate explanations could be one of the reasons why your essay is short of words.

Go to the introduction, body, and conclusion and give deeper explanations to points that were not well elaborated.

8. Seek clarifications from your instructor

Most teachers, professors, and teaching assistants are always willing to guide students. If you develop a good rapport with them, they are the best source of guidance especially when it comes to essay writing.

They will look over your essays and spot the necessary areas that need tunings before you do a final submission. 

When you have plenty of time remaining before the submission deadline, try to get an appointment with the teachers so that you go over the paper together. The instructor is the best person to give you helpful tips to increase your word count.

9. Include more references and evidence

When you add more references alongside evidence, you will not only make your essay longer but also stronger. An extra reference that goes with evidence will give you a chance to make more explanations that will eventually top up the word count. If you refer back to your essay outline, you can still make each point better by including more supporting details.

10. Include relevant quotations

Apart from adding references and evidence, you can also bring in quotations for strengthening and lengthening the paper.

Make sure that the quotations you add are relevant to the paper’s arguments. The inclusion of a quote that supports the points makes the paper more powerful.

11. Include more transitions

If your essay is only short of a few words to reach the expected limit, transitions can do the trick. Smooth transition words to connect paragraphs or sentences can give you the extra words you need. Their use in connecting one sentence to the next one also makes the essay a seamless flow. 

12. Check the prompt of the essay again

The prompt of the essay is the ultimate guide that shows you how to outline your essay. If you check it again, you can find something you missed discussing in the essay.

Look at the prompts or essay questions from a different perspective to get more ideas. In this way, you can become more thorough and get more words for your essay.

Consulting your instructor about the essay prompt can also help you to find new ways of tackling the subject of the essay. 

13. Check the introduction

 Making Essays Longer

As usual, the introduction is one of the most important parts of an essay. It not only sets out the paper’s tone but also captures the attention of your audience

. However, the introduction does not have to be a short paragraph. You can expound by including more information or simply expand on the ideas you already have.

Adding a quote or a simple story can make the introduction even catchier and attention-grabbing. Taking a moment to revise your introduction adds more words and also makes it a better one. 

Alternative to Score High in an Essays without Writing

It is not easy to get good grades if you cannot write essays that will satisfy your teacher. If the instructors and friends are not helping you, the best alternative is to get professional help. Many online academic writing websites can help you to get your assignment done. 

Select a good writing firm that employs quality and professional writers. These services have writers and editors who scrutinize your essay to ensure it is in line with your guidelines.

As usual, plagiarism will be a subject of concern. Only select writing services that can manually check the essay and also use plagiarism scanners to check for copied content. Online reviews from previous clients can guide you to select the best paper writing services.

An academic assignment is very sensitive and that is why you must give your essay to only professional writers. Check if they are accredited and the number of years they have been offering the same services to students.

Look at their guarantee policy, the turnaround time, previous complaints from clients, and other important factors.

Essays can weigh you down because they need a lot of research and writing. Even so, there is no excuse for late submission or submitting poor-quality papers.

You only have to submit your order in time and give all the necessary instructions. Even more importantly, you can check and ask for revisions if there are areas your requirements were not met. 

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How to make an Essay Longer – 21 Easy Tips!

How to make an Essay Longer – 21 Easy Tips!

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Just about all the advice on the first page of google about how to make a paper longer sucks. No, really. The tricks they suggest suck so bad I can’t believe how bad it sucks.

Most advice on how to make your essay longer tells you to do gimmicky things that will lose you marks.

how to make an essay longer

How do I know? Because I read it. And I (yes, I’m a professor) would instantly see through all those things.

Let me tell you: if you’re wasting time turning “15” into “fifteen” to get an extra 6 characters into your essay , increasing font size, or sticking fluffy adjectives into sentences to make your essay longer and increase word count, you’re stuffing up. You’re flushing marks down the drain.

So, here’s what you SHOULD do to make your essay longer.

How to Make an Essay Longer

1. make sure you included everything.

I can’t tell you how many of my students submit assignments and forget to include important points! Go back to your writing prompt . That’s the thing that you’re going to be graded on.

Go and check out exactly what your teacher asked you to write about. Did you write about every point they suggested?

Related Article: 17+ Great Ideas For An Essay About Yourself

2. Make Every Paragraph at least 4 Sentences

Scan over each paragraph. Do you have any paragraphs that are less than 4 sentences long? This is your low-hanging fruit for making your paper longer. You need to make these paragraphs longer and your page count will naturally increase.

The best paragraphs should be 4 – 7 sentences long .

If you’ve got a 1, 2 or 3 sentence paragraph, make sure you go back through it. What new points can you include to make your paragraph better? Maybe you can:

  • Add a sentence at the start of the paragraph explaining what the paragraph is about;
  • Add a sentence giving a real-life example of the points you’re trying to make
  • Add a sentence giving an explanation of your points.

Or, you can try adding points explaining:

  • Why the thing is true;
  • Where the thing happened;
  • How the thing happened;
  • When the thing happened.

3. Define your Terms

Have you written a paragraph defining your key terms? If you’re writing an essay on modernism, write a paragraph defining modernism. If your essay is about education , write a paragraph giving a brief history of education. This will make your paper better – and longer!

You should have a paragraph or two right after your introduction defining and explaining what your topic is!

Now, if you are going to provide a definition for a term in college or university level writing , you need to read this article . In it, I show you how to write a full paragraph that defines a term in the right way using a research paper, not a dictionary!.

4. Get new Ideas from your Class Handouts

Below are the class handouts that you should go back through to add new ideas. They’re your most important sources. Go through all these sources and try to take down and more key points you can add:

  • Handouts or worksheets in class?
  • Readings or articles that they asked you to read?
  • Lecture slides?

6. Get new Ideas from Friends

You will have many classmates working on the same essay as you. What ideas have your friends come up with? See if you can find out. You want it to seem like you’re working to help each other out. You don’t want to be a sponge, taking from them and not giving back. Help each other out so you both get better marks. I recommend being strategic about this:

  • Offer to look over each others’ work and give suggestions;
  • Trade key points in bullet point format;
  • Brainstorm together to create a master list of key ideas.

8. Get new Ideas from Blogs

There are websites online about just about every topic that you can possibly imagine. That includes the topic you’re writing your essay on!

Let me ask you a question: Why would you waste your time trying to add padding to old sentences to increase your word count when you can write new ones that will win more marks?

It’s really so simple – google your essay topic or question and see what comes up. What have other people said on the topic? What ideas can you grab from others and use for yourself? You can also get new ideas from Google Scholar, which can provide you with a free to access research paper that will give you ideas as well. 

12. Use the Keep Writing Website

Keep Writing is a website where you can write your essay. But, it won’t let you delete anything. So you have to just keep on typing. This means you can just write ideas that roll off the top of your head. I gave this website a go to write this article you’re reading right now and it really did help me just write in a way that flowed nicely and added to my page count quickly. I must admit, after using the website, I copied the text and did some edits. But by that point I had a ton of words in there – more than enough – and I could shorten the essay by deleting the words that weren’t so good. I ended up having the opposite problem – too many words!

13. Include one new Example in Each Paragraph

Another thing you can do is go through each and every paragraph and add one more example and some supporting evidence. Even if you’ve included one example in each paragraph, that’s okay. You can still add more examples. In fact, teachers love to see examples and supporting evidence.

Good examples are what separates good and bad students.

Teachers love to see examples because you can only give examples if you understand the topic. So, when we see examples we go “Yes! You Got It! You understand it!”

16. Don’t add Pointless Words!

‘Padding’ is what we call it when you stick extra words in a sentence just to increase your word count. I’ve taken a sentence from earlier in this post and I’m going to show you the sentence as it is, then show it to you with padding.

Here’s the original:

“You’re going to need some new points to add to your essay. You should not try to make your sentences you’ve already written longer. You shouldn’t be trying to add in fluffy new words or saying things in a longer way.”

Here’s the padding:

“You’re going to need some new points to actually add to your essay , which actually is quite significant . You should not actually try to generally make your sentences you’ve already written longer , generally contrary to popular belief . You shouldn’t be trying to generally add in fluffy new words or saying things in a longer way , which is fairly significant. ”

Your teacher is going to read this and think “This student is a terrible writer.” And you’ll lose a ton of marks.

17. Don’t Change the Formatting

Increasing the line spacing, font size or character spacing will just make your paper worse. You should have ONE space between each word. Your line spacing should either be 2.0 or 1.5 spacing. That’s it. Those are your options. Stick to normal margins in Microsoft Word You should use font size 12. If you artificially change any of this, your teacher will see through it and grade you down .

Final Thoughts

Making an essay longer needs to be done in a way that will get you marks. I can’t believe that there are websites ranking high on google that recommend tricks like “make the space between lines bigger” and “increase your margins”.

If a student did that in my class, I’d fail them instantly. There are smarter and better ways to do it – whether you’re writing a grade 7 essay or dissertation chapter! Do it the right way and you’ll grow your marks and be on the way to success.


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  • Writing Tips

How to Make an Essay Longer

How to Make an Essay Longer

7-minute read

  • 10th May 2023

So you have an essay due the next day. You’ve been holed up in your dorm all day writing it, and now you’ve finished the conclusion. You shake your fist in celebratory fashion as you punctuate the paper’s last sentence. However, your jaw drops in horror when you focus on the word count. The essay rubric states that you must write at least 1,500 words, but you’ve written only 1,000 ! How can this be? You worked so hard to do what the assignment asked you. We know the feeling, and we’re sure every college student experiences it at least once.

So with time running out, you can do the following:

●  Submit the essay and hope the professor doesn’t notice

●  Add some gibberish sentences to get close enough to the required word count

We don’t recommend these options. Making an essay longer seems daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s why we’re providing this post on expanding your essay while keeping it relevant to the topic. We’ll share our helpful tips, and by the end of the post, you’ll know what to do next time your essay falls short of the word count.

1. Add Content to the Essay

Adding more details is a great starting point for increasing the word count. Review your essay and see whether you should have addressed additional points about the topic. Could you include a few more arguments?  

You’ll likely have to review your sources to find additional claims. We understand that you might not want to do this, especially if the clock reads midnight and your class starts in nine hours. However, adding more content not only increases the word count; it also makes your essay more credible. 

If you need to add content, make sure it’s relevant to the topic. Consider the following example:

Personal details about the source’s author are irrelevant. Submitting such details will only earn you the wrath of your professor’s red ink. Let’s try an alternative:

Expanding on the citation with personal insight about screen time adds punch while keeping the discussion relevant. Additional details must move your essay forward the way dialogue and narrative do for a work of fiction.  

2. Add Transitional Sentences and Phrases

Your essay might be short of words because it lacks transitional phrases, so you should add some to the mix. In fact, every academic paper should include a healthy blend of transitional sentences and transitional words/phrases . Not sure what we mean by that? You know words and phrases such as however , moreover , and in addition . 

As with details, transitional phrases help to move the essay forward, so make sure to use them correctly. Let’s take an example from an essay about the late Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic:

As you can see, the writer uses transitional phrases correctly, adding value and words to the essay. When you use them correctly, transitional sentences and phrases improve the flow of your writing , enhancing readability. Professors expect coherent essays that flow smoothly, so transitional sentences and phrases are mandatory, regardless of word count. 

That being said, it can be easy to overuse linking words, particularly if you’re a non-native writer. Check out this interesting article from Fabio Cerpeloni, who argues that linking words can impact the readability of your text . 

3. Spell Out Words and Numbers

If you have contractions in your essay, such as can’t , won’t , and couldn’t , write them out in full. You shouldn’t use contractions at all in academic writing because they’re considered informal. Although using full versions of words seems to be a miniscule measure, doing so can go a long way to increasing your word count. And as a rule, you can also spell out numbers one through eleven. Again, doing this will help expand your essay.

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To save time switching out your contractions, make sure you’re familiar with Microsoft Word’s find and replace tool .  

4. Add More Examples

Using at least two examples, you should aim to support every argument you present. If you have only one example for an argument, add a couple more. Provide citations to support your claims; otherwise, your professor will question your knowledge. As with details, examples will strengthen your essay. It’s a win–win situation!

If the essay has enough citations but still needs more words, you could try paraphrasing claims from sources. Just be sure to paraphrase effectively . You wouldn’t want to fall into the trap of plagiarism!

5. Review the Introduction and Conclusion

Now that you’ve written the essay, go back to the introduction and the conclusion. You might be able to expand on them and provide extra details. Remember that the introduction serves as a lead-in to the essay. In other words, it captures your readers’ attention and makes them want to keep reading. If your introduction appears weak, add details that will engage the reader properly.

And for the conclusion, provide a takeaway for the reader and offer a call to action. For example, what are the most important things to remember about your essay? The conclusion may lack punch, so add some details to improve it.

6. Expand Your Research on the Topic

The amount of research you’ve done could affect the word count. One way to check this is by reviewing your reference list. It should have at least five sources, so if yours has fewer, you need to do more research. Again, it’s not something you’d like to do in the middle of the night; however, sacrifices must be made if your essay needs more research. We guarantee your professor will notice if you haven’t done enough research. Here’s an extra tip: adding details will be much easier if you’re fully knowledgeable about the topic. Trust us on this!

While making an essay longer may seem daunting, doing so is easier if you’ve adequately researched the topic. The essay likely needs more ideas or examples, so go ahead and add them. Additional details will lend value, improve flow, and make your essay more credible. The most important thing to remember is that any details you add must be relevant. Simply adding fluff will weaken your essay and cost you marks. So never submit an essay with a low word count; your professor will notice! And after all, expanding on an essay is part of mastering essay writing skills .

We recommend not waiting until the last minute to check that your essay meets the required word count. Adding details or doing additional research the night before will only spell trouble. We understand the difficulty of making time when multiple papers are due in the same week. However, college life will test your time management skills like nothing else! Use your time wisely!

1.  Why do essays fall short of the required word count?

This is often due to a lack of details and transitional sentences. Review your essay to see whether it’s missing important examples that can strengthen your claims.

2.  Can I simply add “fluff” to increase the word count?

Anything you add to the essay must be relevant and must add value. Your professor is no fool, after all!

3. I hear proofreading is essential before submitting my essay. Can anyone help me with this?

We suggest our proofreading experts at Proofed! They can check your writing for grammar and punctuation errors and ensure perfect spelling and concision. Consider submitting a 500-word document for free today!

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How to Make an Essay Longer Without It Feeling Forced

what are some words to make your essay longer

Ever struggled to meet the word count requirement for your essay? You're not alone. Whether it's a minimum size or a certain number of pages, it can feel like a daunting task to stretch your writing without watering it down. But fear not! This article is here to help. We'll explore some practical tips and tricks to make your essay longer without sacrificing quality. From expanding on your main points to incorporating more evidence, we've got you covered. Say goodbye to staring at a blank screen and hello to meeting your paper length with confidence!

How to Make Your Essay Longer: Practical Tips

Students may aim to make their essays longer to fulfill the word count criteria their teachers or professors set. Meeting these requirements is crucial as it can affect their grades or evaluation. Moreover, longer papers offer more room for in-depth exploration of topics, allowing students to showcase their understanding comprehensively. By expanding their papers, students can provide more evidence and examples to strengthen their arguments, making their points more persuasive. Additionally, longer papers may be seen as a sign of dedication and effort, potentially earning students favorable recognition from their instructors.

How to Make an Essay Longer

Increase Font Size and Spacing

Adjusting the font size and spacing of your text can subtly but effectively increase the overall length of your paper. By slightly enlarging the font size and expanding spacing between lines and paragraphs, you can offer extra bulk to your document without significantly altering its content. Please consult our essay outline guide for more ideas on how to expand your paper's structure.

Replace Contractions with Full Words

Contractions, such as "can't" instead of "cannot" or "it's" instead of "it is," often take up less space. By replacing these contractions with their full-word equivalents, you can make your essay longer by adding additional characters.

Add Transitional Phrases

Transitional phrases help connect different parts of your essay, guiding the reader through your arguments and making your writing flow more smoothly. Adding more of these phrases between paragraphs or sections can improve your paper's coherence, and including extra words can increase its word count.

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what are some words to make your essay longer

Use Synonyms for Shorter Words

Look for opportunities to replace shorter words with longer synonyms without changing the meaning of your sentences. For example, "big" could become "substantial," or "important" could be replaced with "significant." This simple technique can help add size to your paper without sacrificing clarity.

Include Personal Anecdotes

Incorporating personal anecdotes or experiences related to your topic can make your essay more engaging and provide additional content to expand upon. You can augment the depth of your writing by sharing relevant stories or reflections and meaningfully increasing its word count.

Reference Pop Culture or Current Events

Bringing references to popular culture or recent events can enrich your essay and demonstrate your awareness of contemporary issues. By integrating relevant examples or discussions from the media, you can expand your analysis and provide fresh insights, thus extending the volume of your paper.

Provide Detailed Explanations

Take the time to thoroughly explain your ideas and arguments, providing additional context or background information where necessary. By offering detailed explanations, you enhance the clarity of your writing and tally substance and depth, ultimately increasing the word count of your paper.

Use Footnotes or Endnotes

If there are additional points or information that you want to include but don't necessarily fit within the main body of your essay, consider using footnotes or endnotes. These can be used to provide supplementary details, citations, or explanations without disrupting the flow of your primary argument, effectively expanding the content of your paper.

Address Counterarguments

Acknowledging and addressing potential counterarguments demonstrates a thorough understanding of your topic and strengthens your own arguments. By engaging with opposing viewpoints and presenting rebuttals, you not only bolster the persuasiveness of your essay but also bring complexity and word count to your analysis.

Incorporate Quotes from Primary Sources

Introducing quotes from primary sources, such as books, articles, or interviews, can incorporate credibility and depth to your arguments. By directly citing authoritative sources, you provide additional evidence to support your claims and expand the scope of your discussion, increasing your essay's extent.

Include Visuals like Graphs or Charts

Visual aids, such as graphs, charts, or tables, can be used to illustrate data or complex information clearly and concisely. Incorporating visuals enhances the visual appeal of your essay and provides supplementary content to expand upon, contributing to its overall word count.

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what are some words to make your essay longer

Explore Alternative Interpretations

Consider exploring alternative interpretations or perspectives related to your topic. Presenting different viewpoints or analyzing your subject from various angles adds richness and complexity to your essay, ultimately increasing its size and depth of analysis. While trying to manipulate the word count of your paper using these techniques, keep in mind the punctuation marks .

Offer Comparisons or Contrasts

Drawing comparisons or contrasts between different ideas, theories, or examples can enrich your essay and provide additional content to discuss. By highlighting similarities and differences, you add nuance to your arguments and expand the scope of your analysis, thereby increasing the volume of your composition.

Simplify Complex Concepts

Break down complex ideas or concepts into simpler terms that are easier to understand. By providing clear explanations and examples, you not only improve the accessibility of your writing but also encompass substance and depth, ultimately increasing the word count of your document.

Define Technical Terms

If your essay includes specialized terminology or jargon, take the time to define these terms for your readers. By providing clear definitions and explanations, you ensure that your audience understands the concepts you're discussing and integrate additional content to your manuscript, thus increasing its range.

Discuss Opposing Viewpoints

Engaging with opposing viewpoints and discussing their merits can enrich your essay and demonstrate your critical thinking skills. By acknowledging alternative perspectives and presenting counterarguments, you enclose complexity and depth to your analysis, ultimately increasing the reach of your writing.

Extend Implications of Findings

Consider the broader implications of your arguments or findings and explore their significance in greater detail. By discussing the potential consequences or applications of your research, you subsume depth and complexity to your analysis, ultimately increasing the magnitude of your essay.

Expand Examples and Evidence

Provide additional examples, evidence, or case studies to support your arguments and illustrate your points. By offering more detailed and varied examples, you strengthen your claims and make your essay longer, ultimately increasing its word count and persuasiveness. If you still can’t fit into the word limit and none of these tips help, simply say, ‘ write my essay for me ,’ and our writers will produce a cogent paper of the required length.

How To Make An Essay Longer (An Ultimate Guide)

How To Make An Essay Longer

what are some words to make your essay longer

To make an essay longer, focus on quality: elaborate on arguments, add evidence, consider counterarguments, deepen analysis, and clarify points. Use examples, expand introductions and conclusions, and enhance transitions for better flow and comprehension. ‍

Struggling with an essay that just won't stretch to the required length? You're not alone.Studyfy is your ally in this common academic predicament.

Most students have experienced looking at their word count and thinking about how to reach the maximum limit without using filler content. This guide tackles that problem head-on with practical solutions and insights.

We’ll introduce you to plenty of useful techniques so you can increase your word count effortlessly and without compromising your essay’s quality.

How To Make Your Essay Longer With In-Depth Research

One of the first approaches you can use to make your essay longer is to research your points. Remember these pointers:

  • Conduct meticulous and thorough research on your essay’s topic to find new and overlooked information and insights.
  • Make sure you use insights that strengthen your argument further, and not just information to use as filler and is irrelevant. 

Dig a little deeper, and you’ll surely find something you might have overlooked and can add to your paper. 

Ways To Make Your Essay Longer With Elaboration

Another way to make your essay longer is to elaborate more. This means you should explore the points you argue in greater detail. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Break down your arguments : Detail each of your arguments and break them down into sub-points. For example, if you’re writing about sustainable energies, you can elaborate on the different types of sustainable energy sources that exist.
  • The power of descriptive language : By using descriptive language, you can lengthen your essay because you’re painting a more vivid picture of your topic. You’re adding more detail and nuance. 
  • Use real-world examples : These can help add substance, and they will strengthen the validity of your argument.
  • Add background information : When adding new arguments to a topic, you can easily provide background information on whatever it is you want to add. This will help make your essay longer but can also add context, which will help the reader understand your point better.
  • Use anecdotes : If done right and added in the right places, sharing personal stories can make your essay better. 

Using Counter Arguments In Your Essay

You can make an essay longer by using counterarguments. This strategy not only elongates your word count, it has the potential to increase your essay’s quality and persuasiveness.

Consider the following: 

  • Find popular counter-views: Find common counterarguments against your thesis statement. If you know them, you’ll be better equipped to deconstruct and counter them to a larger paper's word count.
  • Show the strength of your view : Properly, you can introduce the strength of your perspective through the counterargument. For example, use strong evidence to oppose the view and then show why your stance deserves to be considered.

Using Quotations and Analysis

If you’re looking for other ways how to make a paper longer, you can use quotes. Quotations and further analysis is a great strategy to add more content to your essay. So, how exactly can you achieve this? Check these pointers out: 

  • Choose relevant quotes : Of course, you’ll have to select quotations and transition words that are related to your topic. You want quotes that capture the core ideas of your argument. If you’re writing about the environment, you’d want to quote an expert environmentalist and so on.
  • Give analysis on your quotes : When you’ve presented a quotation, try providing analysis on it. Discuss its meaning and implications, and demonstrate why it backs up your claims. 

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A Blueprint For A Longer Essay

Another way to tackle how to lengthen an essay's word count is to make a detailed outline before writing so you can plan the number of words you’ll be writing from the start. This will motivate and reassure you that you’re hitting the word count.

Seek Writing Help

Finding writing assistance from professionals can be an easy and effective strategy to make your essay longer. For example, you can send a “ do my essay ” request on Studyfy to get in touch with a professional writer at any time. Here are some tips to remember when seeking help. 

  • Look for credibility : Be sure you’re getting writing help from reputable people. Take a look at their customer feedback and reputation to make sure they deliver what they promise. 
  • Be clear with what you need : Make sure they know that you want a longer essay. Be clear with your instructions.
  • Guidance, not plagiarism : Use professional help for assistance, professional insights, and inspiration. You should use their work as a reference and foundation to build your writing and reach that desired word count.
  • Make use of expert feedback : Make sure you use the feedback that is given to you and practice it. 

If you don’t have much time or energy, turning to writing professionals can be a great deal of help at desperate times of trying to fill out the minimum page count. 

Using Complex Sentence Structures and Richer Vocabulary to Up Your Required Word Count

Another strategy you can use if you’re keen on knowing how to make your essays longer is enriching your essay with vocabulary and complex sentence structures. What does this mean? Check out these tips: 

  • Employ varied language and use synonyms : You can avoid repeating your words by using synonyms to convey similar phrases and meanings. This will add length and keep your audience engaged. With that, try utilizing transition words, transitional phrases and relevant quotations to reach supporting evidence.
  • Use complex sentences : By using complex sentences and clauses in your writing, you can add more nuance to your writing and you can convey more insights. Vary your sentences from short to more detailed and lengthy. Balance this out with easy readability. Make sure that your essay is still easy to understand, regardless of a more nuanced writing style.

Taking Advantage of Examples and Case Studies when Essay Writing

If you want more words to make your essay longer, then using examples and case studies and integrating them into your essay is a great strategy to reach your word count goal.

These can strengthen your argument since they provide tangible evidence. They don’t solely make your essay longer. Here’s what you need to remember: 

  • Select relevant examples and case studies : You should, of course, use examples that back up your arguments. Make sure they are recent examples as well. Imagine yourself writing on technology. If you’re using an example, you should use one from recent years.
  • Go into detail when demonstrating case studies : When you use a case study, you should go into detail and include the context, process, and outcomes. You will add length to your essay, but you will also simultaneously make it more nuanced and strengthen your points.

Using Visual Elements

If done effectively, you can make your writing more engaging. Still confused? Don’t forget you can pay for essay services on Studyfy right now for an extra hand. So, what can you use?

You can use graphs, charts, and even image s to strengthen your essay and make it longer. For example, when you’re finishing up a scientific essay, you can use graphs to showcase statistics and data.

Writing Detailed Intros and Conclusions

Since your introduction and conclusion are decisive elements in your essay, you can make do by increasing their length without compromising their strength and quality. Do keep these tips in mind: 

  • For the introduction : Provide more context so that you can present your thesis in a stronger light. Write hints about what you’ll discuss in your body text.
  • For the conclusion : To make your conclusion longer, you can elaborate on the arguments you’ve developed over the body. You should present a “developed” and concluding version of those arguments. Reflect on what you’ve written without introducing new information. You can create a detailed and persuasive call to action to invite readers to explore the topic more. 


Make sure your sections are well organized, and every argument is fully developed. If they’re not, this might explain why you’re not reaching your word count limit. Need extra help? Don’t forget to take advantage of Studyfy’s custom writing service right now. Elaborate a point completely. Be meticulous and diligent with the development of your points.

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For more help, tap into our pool of professional writers and get expert essay writing services!

Can you teach me how to make my essay longer without sacrificing quality? 

Make sure that your points strengthen your arguments. Elaborate carefully. If you need help, use our college admission essay writing service for expert writing help.

Does this guide include everything I need to know?

Yes. Use our table of contents to jump to the techniques you feel keen on using. You'll find everything you need to know on how to make paper longer. We offer key points, supporting evidence and more examples to help you achieve the desired essay length.

How do I make my essay longer and keep it coherent?

You can make an essay longer and maintain its focus by going back to your thesis statement and main arguments when adding new material. Make sure they strengthen your arguments. 

What should I avoid doing?

When finding ways how to make your paper longer, avoid using filler content, and don't repeat words and sentences.

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7 Tips on How to Make an Essay Longer and Hit Your Word Count

what are some words to make your essay longer

So you’ve written a great essay, but now you’re staring at the word count and panicking because you’re still a few hundred words short. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

Padding out an essay to reach the required length doesn’t have to be painful. In fact, with a few tried-and-true tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a longer and stronger essay in no time. The key is not to just add fluff, but incorporate meaningful content that enriches your writing.

This article will show you several effective ways to make an essay longer and boost your word count in a natural, compelling way. Before you know it, you’ll have surpassed the minimum length and turned in an essay you can feel proud of.

Here are 5 simple tips to make your essay longer:

1. Add Examples and Elaborate

To hit your target word count, adding examples and elaborating on your points is key.

Give examples

Providing examples to illustrate your points is an easy way to boost your word count. For each argument or claim you make, give one or two examples from real life, current events, history, statistics, stories, anecdotes, etc. to strengthen your point. For example, if you are writing an essay on the benefits of daily exercise, give some examples of how exercise has improved people’s lives or health.

what are some words to make your essay longer

  • “Studies show that exercising for just 30 minutes a day 5 times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 50%.”
  • “Someone who starts an exercise routine in their 50s and sticks with it can gain 3-7 years of life expectancy.”
  • “Regular exercise has been shown to boost both short-term and long-term memory in people of all ages.”

Elaborate on key points

Take each paragraph in your essay and see if you can elaborate on the main point or argument by providing additional details, explanations, and commentary. Doing so helps demonstrate that you have a deep understanding of the topic and fills out your essay to reach the required length.

For example, if you make the point that daily exercise improves both physical and mental health, elaborate on how it helps both the body and the mind:

"Physically, exercise increases cardiovascular fitness, builds strength and endurance, helps maintain a healthy weight, and even slows the aging process. Mentally, exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins that act as natural mood boosters and stress relievers. It also stimulates the growth of new neural connections in the brain that help with learning, memory, problem solving, and decision making."

Using examples and elaborating on your key points are simple yet effective ways to make an essay longer and hit your target word count. Add more and more examples and details and before you know it, you'll have reached or exceeded the required length!

2. Include Backstory and Context

To hit your target word count, you need to provide context and backstory for your readers. Flesh out the details and give examples to help illustrate your key points.

Backstory and Examples

Think about the journey that led up to your essay topic. Share some details about key events, experiences, or people that shaped your perspective. For an essay on your career goals, discuss what led you to choose your field of study or current job role. For a persuasive essay, explain what sparked your interest in the issue.

Provide specific examples and anecdotes to bring your points to life. If you're discussing the challenges of long distance relationships, share a story of a memorable visit or phone call. For an essay on your favorite travel destination, describe your favorite memory from the trip. Examples give readers insight into the topic through vivid details and imagery.

Use transition words like "for example," "for instance," "such as," and "including" when integrating examples and anecdotes into your essay. Explain how each example relates back to your main point or argument. The more you can show through examples rather than just telling readers about the topic, the more compelling and impactful your essay will be.

Additional Details

Elaborate on discussions or examples by including additional details and commentary. Ask yourself follow up questions about each point to identify other information you can provide to expand on the topic. Explain the significance and implications of examples or evidence you've included. Discuss other possibilities or perspectives relating to your points.

Use phrases like "more specifically," "in particular," "notably," and "importantly" to signal that you are providing more in-depth details about a point. Repeat key terms and rephrase ideas in new ways to reinforce your main points as you elaborate. With additional details and commentary, you can easily extend the length and substance of your essay.

Providing backstory, real-world examples, and additional details and commentary are highly effective ways to make an essay longer and more compelling while still focused and impactful. Use these strategies to expand on the key points in your outline and hit your target word count. With practice, elaborating in these ways can become second nature!

Pro tip: If you're running short on time, use AI to expand your sections and increase your word count! Hypotenuse AI's text generator can help you write 10x faster without compromising on quality.

what are some words to make your essay longer

3. Use Descriptive Language

One of the easiest ways to boost your word count is to get descriptive with your language. Use colorful adjectives and adverbs, sensory imagery, and metaphors to bring your writing to life. Rather than saying something is “big,” describe it as “enormous,” “gigantic,” or “towering.” Replace a phrase like “walked quickly” with “strode briskly” or “hurried.”

Paint a Picture with Words

Help the reader visualize what you’re writing about by appealing to the senses. Describe how something smells, tastes, sounds, or feels. Use similes and metaphors to make creative comparisons, like “sweet as honey” or “light as a feather.” For example, instead of writing “the beach at night,” describe it as:

The moonlit beach was quiet at night, except for the rhythmic crashing of gentle waves. A cool, salty sea breeze carried the aroma of seaweed and fish. The sand felt soft and cold between my toes as I strolled along the shore, gazing at the inky black ocean freckled with the silver reflections of a million stars.

Make Lists and Use Formatting

Break up long paragraphs by making bulleted or numbered lists of key points, steps, options, examples or pieces of information. Numbered lists suggest a sequence or process, while bulleted lists group related pieces of information. Both make content easier to read and take up more space. You can also use headings and subheadings, indenting, and line spacing to make your essay appear longer.

Avoid Redundancy But Include Synonyms

While repeating yourself word-for-word will seem redundant to the reader, using synonyms and related terms for the same concept is an easy way to expand on ideas without seeming repetitive. For example, instead of saying “the huge, massive tree,” you could write “the enormous, giant, towering oak tree.” Refer to the same subject in different ways by using pronouns like “it,” “they” or “this” and descriptors like “the latter” and “the former.”

With practice, using these techniques will become second nature and help you reach or exceed your desired word count every time. Your writing will also become more engaging and impactful as a result.

4. Vary Your Sentence Structure

Varying your sentence structure is one of the easiest ways to lengthen your essay and keep readers engaged. Using a combination of simple, compound and complex sentences will make your writing more dynamic and compelling.

Simple sentences, consisting of just one independent clause, are great for impact and rhythm. sprinkle them in for emphasis. Compound sentences join two independent clauses together with a coordinating conjunction like "and" or "but." They create flow and help tie ideas together.

Complex sentences have an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. They show how concepts relate and add depth. Aim for 2-3 complex sentences per paragraph.

  • Combine shorter sentences into longer, more complex ones. Look for sentences on the same topic that can be joined. Use coordinating or subordinating conjunctions like "although," "because" or "when."
  • Add dependent clauses starting with words like "that," "which," "who," or "whom." For example, change "Students study hard. They want to get good grades." to "Students who want to get good grades study hard."
  • Use parallel structure and coordinating conjunctions to combine sentences. Change "The essay was informative. The essay was also persuasive." to "The essay was informative and persuasive."
  • Include lists and examples. Lists of three or more related items, with or without bullets, take up space and provide useful details. Examples also add length and help clarify your points.
  • Discuss the implications or consequences of ideas. Explain how concepts relate or build upon each other. For example, change "New technologies are emerging rapidly. They have advanced features." to "New technologies with increasingly advanced features are emerging rapidly, facilitating improvements in many areas of life."
  • Use transition words like "furthermore," "moreover," "in addition" and "another" to introduce new but related thoughts. They create flow and coherence between sentences and paragraphs.

Varying your writing in these ways will not only lengthen your essay but also strengthen it by creating rhythm, flow and depth. Your writing will become more compelling and complex, allowing you to fully explore all aspects of your topic. With practice, paraphrasing can become second nature.

5. Include Quotes and References

To beef up an essay and reach your required word count, incorporating relevant quotes and references from credible sources is an easy strategy.

Dropping in short quotes from experts or key figures related to your topic is an effective way to boost your word count by 30-50 words at a time. For example, if you're writing about environmental protection, consider including a compelling quote from Jane Goodall or David Attenborough on conservation. Just make sure the quote is properly attributed and relates directly to the point you're making.

Citing references, examples and case studies is another simple method for adding length and substance to your essay. For each source, aim to include 2-3 sentences introducing the reference, a sentence or two summarizing key details, and a citation in the proper format (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).

what are some words to make your essay longer

For example:

"A recent study from the Environmental Protection Agency found that recycling just one ton of paper can save 7,000 gallons of water. The study analyzed paper production from start to finish and concluded that recycling has significant environmental benefits compared to making paper products from raw materials. (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2020)."

Including a mix of both quotes from notable public figures and references to credible studies or reports on your topic is ideal for boosting an essay's word count and lending more credibility and persuasive power to your writing. You can find excellent open-source references, statistics, examples and quotes on virtually any subject by searching online databases, company/ non-profit organizations' websites and reputable media publications.

With some digging, you'll find plenty of material to incorporate into your essay. Just be sure to properly introduce, explain and cite each reference or quote to achieve an essay length that hits your target word count. Padding your essay may be necessary at times, but do so in a meaningful way. Keep your writing concise while also being compelling and backed by evidence.

6. Address counterarguments

Addressing counterarguments and providing a thoughtful rebuttal can add depth to your writing while increasing the overall word count. This demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the topic and shows critical thinking skills.

When crafting an argumentative essay, it is important to acknowledge opposing viewpoints in a fair and balanced manner. Consider potential counterarguments to each of your main points and address at least one major counterargument for each point.

Explain why you believe the counterargument is flawed or limited in scope before restating your own argument. This shows readers you have anticipated and can effectively respond to reasonable objections.

If you're arguing that students should be required to wear school uniforms, you may acknowledge counterarguments regarding freedom of expression and individuality before explaining why uniform policies have benefits that outweigh these concerns. A thoughtful rebuttal of major counterarguments can comprise an entire paragraph or two for each point, significantly increasing the overall word count.

7. Provide in-depth analysis

Delve deeper into your arguments by offering thorough analysis and interpretation of the topic. By exploring different facets and implications, you can enrich the content of your essay while also increasing its length through detailed examination and discussion.

To lengthen your essay, choose one of your main points and unpack it in greater detail. Discuss the nuances, complexities and subtleties surrounding your argument. For that point, consider the historical context, social implications, related theories, and differing interpretations. You can examine how your argument applies to various subgroups or consider its impact on public policy.

The more facets of the issue you can analyze and the more connections you can make to other concepts and ideas, the longer your discussion of that point will become. Providing in-depth analysis with specific examples and relevant details fleshes out your writing and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the topic.

Write more with generative AI

Now you can go back through your essay, with the help of our essay generator , and see where you can elaborate on a point, add an additional example or two, rephrase something more concisely, or insert a call to action. The key is to be authentic and not just add fluff for the sake of adding words.

Now get to writing and make that essay as compelling and wordy as possible. The finish line is in sight, you just have to power through the final stretch. Keep your head down, your fingers typing, and soon enough you’ll have a completed essay you can feel proud of.

P.S. Hypotenuse AI offers a 7-day free trial to help you write more with less time. Sign up for a free account here. No credit card required!

what are some words to make your essay longer

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How to Make an Essay Longer With or Without Adding Words

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Your supervisor wants your essay to be at least four pages but you are even struggling to write two, isn’t it?

“According to an analytical rating of text quality study in  journal Assessing Writing , showed that longer texts or essays typically contain more cohesive devices, which has a positive impact on ratings of text quality.”

No need to worry; some tactics will help you in how to make an essay longer without putting much effort.

Table of Contents

Challenges in Making an Essay Longer

Making an essay longer is a challenge for an average student. As author had also faced some bad experiences when doing this. And you know what? Making an essay longer took more time than writing an essay. What the author faced and how he overcame these challenges are going to be discussed in the table.

1Less understanding of MS Word or Google DocxI had zero idea about font spacing during the study. I wrote in very little font with no spacing, which makes the essay short.
2Limited use of transition wordsI didn’t use transition words like “however, furthermore, moreover” to make your essay longer. These words are most important to expand the text
3Limited researchWhen I was a student, researching anything in-depth was exhaustive and tiring work for me, and this is the same for all students today. In today’s world, every topic is covered with research; students just need to do deep research.
4English is not a native LanguageJust like me, most of the students don’t have English as their native language, which makes it hard to write more and more. 
5Don’t add examples in the essayExamples are very important for an essay, and when I was a student, I mostly skipped these things and made the same mistakes the students made in the present.

Most student’s mentality is the same. When the author has faced these challenges during his study career, then today’s students may also face the same problem about how to make an essay longer.

However, worry not, as we have gathered different techniques and strategies to make your essay longer.

Make a Longer Essay without writing more

If you want to expand your essay a little bit or have a question about how to make my paragraph longer, then you don’t need to write more; just follow these magical tips to make your essay longer.

  • Try to use the  Arial font style  because it is more visible and bigger than other types of fonts.
  • Use a big  font size, like 12 , for the body text. The bigger your content size, the more length your essay will show.
  • Thirdly,  use headings and subheadings  to uplift your content visibility, and above that, your content will look longer with more and more headings.
  • Adjust the spacing between the lines. It is mostly adjusted on single or 1.15 in Google Docx; try to make it 1.5. When your lines have a  spacing of 1.5 , you will be amazed to see that your content looks longer.
  • A final tip for how to make an essay longer is to break your big paragraphs into  short passages . Also, try to add spacing before and after each section to make your essay look more lengthy.

These magical tricks work only if you want to make your essay a little bit longer, but if you want your essay to expand on more pages, then you have to follow the below-mentioned strategies for making an essay longer.

Working Strategies for Making an Essay Full Longer

These are some working strategies commonly used for how to make your essay longer. To make you understand the concept of how to make an essay longer, we have taken a real time example.

Why Do Students Get bored in the Classroom?

School boredom is a common challenge that students face during school times. Boredom makes the students lazy, slow, and unethical during class. There are a lot of reasons for this situation.

One main reason for boredom is the need for more interaction between the students. When students don’t engage in extracurricular activities and have less interaction with other students, there is a high chance of boredom.

The student who is upset due to their family issues or problems may feel bored in school. Less student activities organized by school faculty also can lead the student toward boredom.

Students with mental illness or physical weakness may also get bored during class time. Finally, a tough curriculum and extra work burden may also make the student bored in classrooms.

Several steps can be taken to overcome these issues. For parents, they must give a lot of time and attention to their children and find out if they are facing any problems. Furthermore, School administration should also have a check and balance on teachers, and if they are giving extra work to students, then stop them.

The school administration should also take steps to give students some time to play, which will ultimately relax them and make them less bored during class time.

These reasons for boredom and their solutions help students to get out of the stress and boredom and help them stay more active

The above example is a bit similar to one of our students’ work. So, we are sharing real experience-based strategies that worked well for the students and our writers. Now, in light of this detailed example, we have gathered some valid points that will help you to make an essay longer on your own.

Expand on your ideas

This is the first and most effective way to learn how to make your essay longer. Let’s say you’re writing about students’ boredom, and your point is about the reasons for students’ boredom in the classroom. You should discuss the threat to student mental health. You can also talk about how it affects their homes, health, and livelihoods.

Here’s a brief example of how this expansion might look within an essay paragraph:

“School boredom is a common challenge that students face during school times. Boredom makes the students lazy, slow, and unethical during class. There are a lot of reasons for this situation. 

And above these reasons, there are multiple threats regarding student mental health, which can destroy their whole life. Furthermore, student boredom can also affect their home’s physical health and livelihoods”

Now as you see we have discovered more related ideas to classroom boredom, and you can also explain them in the essay to make it longer.

Add more evidence

Look into getting more information to back up what you’re saying. Put in quotes, numbers, or opinions from people who know what they’re talking about to make your point stronger. 

This will definitely work for your how to make an essay longer query! Double-check that the sources you use are reliable and related to the subject you’re discussing. Let’s continue with the research or evidence of an essay on why students get bored in the classroom. 

Here’s an example of how you can add these additional sources and evidence to your essay:

“According to a Westgate and Wilson research article in  Journal of Positive School Psychology , found that two-thirds of students were bored at some time during a typical school day. This research shows that there is a big ratio of students who are facing boredom in the classroom. 

Furthermore, this research tells us that something is wrong with the students, and that is why they are facing this situation.”

Doing your research and having these things in your essay will make your essay more convincing and informative. We have now added the study as a piece of evidence to make the existing essay stronger and longer than before. These studies and research are most suitable when you are looking for a way  how to write a college essay  for exam preparation.

Include counter arguments and refutations

Try to explain the essay with counter arguments and refutations to make a comparison and explain why your point of view is more valid than others. This not only increases the length of your argument but also shows that you have a better grip on the subject. 

Considering other perspectives is important when trying to know how to make an essay longer. It helps you to show your complete understanding of the topic and allows you to reinforce your point. 

Here’s an example of how you can add opposing viewpoints or counter-arguments to your essay:

“While some argue that children’s boredom doesn’t happen, it’s just a myth. According to the control-value theory of achievement emotions (Pekrun, 2006;Pekrun et al., 2010), learners succumb to boredom when they attach little value to the task and when they lack control over the learning process. 

The theory clearly depicts that student boredom is not a myth, but a real issue that students face in today’s world.”

From the above example, we clearly depict an argument that people mostly make about boredom, and as a result, we come up with a counter-argument. By doing this, we make our point of view more strong and also learn about how to make an essay longer

Use transitional words to make your essay longer

Whenever you are thinking about how I can make my essay longer, use the below-mentioned connecting words and phrases to make your essay flow better and give it more length.

These transitions help link your ideas and paragraphs together. Even expert  essay writing services  providers use this trick. Here are some transition words to grab the concept.

FirstlyInitiallyTo begin with
MoreoverFurthermoreIn addition to
AdditionallyIn the first placeHowever
On the other handIn contrastconversely
In conclusionOverallTo summarize

Here’s an example showing the use of transitional words within a paragraph:

“The students who are upset due to their family issues or problems may feel bored in school, as there are many reasons for family issues. However, these issues can make the kid mentally sick.

Furthermore, it is recommended that parents keep their kid away from family problems so he can get less stress and focus on his work in the classroom.”

In the above example, we pick only one line from the above existing essay and use transition words to make your essay longer.

Provide Examples

On your way to learn about how to make an essay longer, try bringing in real-world examples or case studies to back up your points. It can add depth and substance to what you’re saying. Make sure the examples you pick really tie into the points you’re trying to make in your essay. 

Let’s consider an example:

“A real-life case study came up about a professor of civil engineering, Dr. Wong. He has a class of more than a hundred students, but most of them didn’t stay attentive because of boredom, and some students skip the class. So, he thinks about herself: Is he a boring teacher? 

He asks for a solution from a colleague. The coworker suggests that he doesn’t force students to learn everything. Also, try to make a gap during the lecture after some minutes to relax the students. Additionally, he suggested Dr Wong to create groups of students and give them interesting tasks to do and help them by going near every student.”

Now, we have provided a real-life example/Case study of a professor and his students, which helps us to understand the concept of class boredom in-depth and helps us to know how to make an essay longer. Students can use such kinds of examples for  college essay writing  to impress their professors.

Include More Descriptive Language

Try to make the short descriptions more lengthy. You can do this by adding vivid adjectives and adverbs to form a clear image for your reader. Additionally, instead of using very general terms, try to choose a specific and colour language. Let’s see how you can do this with a proper example. 

Basic Description:

“Boredom makes the students lazy.”

Enhanced Descriptive Language:

“Boredom is a state of mind in which a student may feel laziness, with no interest in worldly activities, and close himself/herself in the prison of his thoughts. “

As you see, we can also use descriptive language to make our essays longer. The above example is proof of this. But remember, it is not important to use enhanced descriptive language in every paragraph. Try to add it where you have to make an impact on the reader or audience with emotional or vivid images.”

Explain complex terms

A golden strategy on how to make an essay longer is to discuss complex topics, and break them down further. Offer step-by-step explanations or go into more detail about the intricacies of the subject matter. 

Pinpoint the specific aspects or components of the complex topic that might be difficult for your audience to understand. This could involve technical terms, abstract concepts, or intricate processes.

Here’s an example paragraph illustrating a step-by-step breakdown of a complex topic about blockchain:

“Students with mental illness may feel bored during class. But what is mental illness, and how is it connected with boredom?

Mental illness means a student may have to face any medical problem with brain functioning, or he takes medicines that indirectly affect brain functionality or any financial/family problem that makes them mentally stressed.” 

These mental problems can make a student bored in the class, and he may lack concentration in the class.”

What do we do in this section?  As you see, we pick only a single term about mental illness, and many people may think about how it affects boredom. We expand this term and relate it to mental illness. Hence, we get a firm grip on the essay as well as understand how to make an essay longer.

Make your essay perfect with these resources

To make your essay longer and to make sure it is balanced, you may need some online resources. Here are some resources that you can utilize.

AI Essay Writer

Want to add new data to your essay or want to make a new essay? Try our  AI essay writer tool  to write a perfect essay on your own. Whether a student from middle school or university, this essay writer tool is easy to use and totally free of cost.

Spell Checker

Have you written your essay but still need some spelling corrections? Never mind, utilize our  free spell checker tool  and make your essay error free.

Grammar Checker

Grammar mistakes are very serious when writing or making your essay longer. And you know that paid tools are costly to purchase. Worry not; we have a  free grammar checker tool  that will help you identify your grammar mistakes and tackle them in no time.

Plagiarism Checker

Many students, especially from middle school or high school, may find it difficult to write a complete essay by themselves. They may get help from an online resource, which in return comes out as plagiarism work. We have prepared this  plagiarism checker tool  for you to identify the plagiarism and remove it effectively from your essay.

Problem Solved

Well, these expert tips and tricks must have helped you learn how to make an essay longer tactfully with or without words. As per the required length, you can go about adopting one or all of these expert tricks as you need.

Still, if you have a problem extending your essay, just don’t hesitate to consult our experts, who are available 24/7 for you.

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Home / Guides / Writing Guides / Writing Tips / How to Make an Essay Longer the Smart Way

How to Make an Essay Longer the Smart Way

Meeting an essay’s required page or word count can sometimes be a struggle, especially if you’re juggling multiple papers or exams. In a pinch, students often rely on tricks like increasing margin size or making their font slightly bigger. Though these tricks do increase page length, there are easier (and smarter) ways to write a longer, high-quality essay. Making a paper meet minimum word or page counts doesn’t have to be an agonizing process—you can add length while also adding clarity and depth.

Here are 10 tips on how you can write a longer and a smarter essay, even if the deadline is fast approaching:

Tip #1: Look Back at Your Prompt/Rubric/etc.

If you’ve been provided a comprehensive prompt or rubric for an essay, read it, and read it again. Think about the following:

  • Did you answer all of the questions in the prompt?
  • Did you provide supporting evidence to back up whatever claims you made?
  • Did you leave out any information that might increase the reader’s understanding of your argument?
  • Did you meet all requirements (besides length) for the paper?

If the answer isn’t a decisive “yes” to every question on this list, go back and revise.

Tip #2: Go Back Through Your Introduction and Conclusion

Often times, ideas evolve while writing a paper. If the first thing you wrote was the introduction, go back and reread the first paragraph. You might decide that you left out key information that aids the reader in understanding your argument. When looking back on the conclusion, make sure you’ve both summarized the main points within the essay and provided your reader with a solution to consider. If you don’t feel you’ve done this, go back through and revise the paper.

Tip #3: Have Someone Proofread Your Essay

Even if you’re short on time ask a friend, sibling, or parent to read through your paper, specifically noting any points they find confusing. Then, go back and revise the parts that were unclear, adding in more information to provide readers with further clarity. You have a more comprehensive understanding of what you’re writing about than your reader, so having someone else look over your paper can be a helpful way to ensure that you haven’t missed any important details.

Tip #4: Use Quotations

Chances are, you have already used quotes in your paper. Quotations are a great way to enhance your argument while also driving up a paper’s word count, but don’t add quotes just for the sake of doing so. If you’re short on words, read through your source materials again to see if you’ve missed any valuable quotes. You can also do a little more research to see if there are any other sources you can add to provide the reader with more evidence toward your argument. Longer quotes aren’t necessarily better, but if you’re really in a bind, you might want to lengthen some of the quotes that are already included.

Tip #5: Review Your Outline

Did you make an outline to plan the essay when you first started? Go back through that initial outline and make sure you’ve hit all of your intended points. It’s possible that you’ve left out an important piece of your argument that would both increase page count and make for a better essay.

Tip #6: Include More Transitional Phrases

Graders often look for traditional words linking sentences to each other, like “therefore,” “even though”, and “on the other hand.” Read through your essay and make sure the sentences flow smoothly into each other. If they don’t, go back and add in transitional phrases like the ones listed above. Your writing will be easier to read, and you’ll get closer to the minimum page requirement in the process.

Tip #7: Read Your Paper Out Loud

This might sound like a silly tip, but when you read your paper out loud, you become increasingly aware of any grammatical or syntactical issues. When you rephrase sentences to fix these, you might end up increasing the paper length a bit. In the process of reading out loud, you also might realize that you didn’t include sufficient details within a particular paragraph. If that’s the case, go back in and add more to increase length.

Tip #8: Take a Break From Your Essay

You’ve probably been staring at your computer screen for hours, hoping words will magically pop into your head. Take a break. Eat a snack, go for a walk, or talk to a friend on the phone. You’ll come back to the essay with a fresh perspective after some time away, and you might have new ideas after you’ve had time away from your paper.

Tip #9: Ask Your Instructor for Help

Most teachers, teaching assistants, and professors are willing to look over papers for students before the final submission date. If there is still time, ask if you can make an appointment to go over your paper or head over to office hours. Your instructor might offer tips on how to better answer the prompt, and this in turn may also increase the word count of the paper.

Tip #10: Use multiple examples to back up your argument

If you’ve only used one source or anecdote to explain a given point, find a second source to provide additional evidence for the reader. This method will help drive up a paper’s word count while also providing further support for your argument.

Although hitting a minimum page count can sometimes be challenging, you can do it the smart way by increasing the information you provide to the reader—there’s no reason to resort to tricks like increasing line spacing or font size. If you’re really in a bind at the last minute, you might want to break up some of your paragraphs. This increases length while also making text more manageable for a reader. But after going through the tips on this list, your paper should be adequate in length without you having to even consider spacing.

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How To Make An Essay Longer

Last updated on: Jun 28, 2024

How To Make An Essay Longer - Easy Guide For Beginners

By: Nova A.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Apr 2, 2019

How to Make an Essay Longer

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to meet a word count for your essay but fall short of content?

It can be frustrating and stressful to figure out how to make your essay longer without compromising its quality and coherence.

In this blog, we will provide you with practical strategies and valuable tips to effectively expand your essay while maintaining its integrity.

Say goodbye to the struggle and embrace a well-crafted, lengthier essay.

Let's dive in!  

How to Make an Essay Longer

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Tips on How to Make an Essay Longer 

Essay Writing can be challenging, especially when you need to meet a specific word count or want to delve deeper into your analysis.

There are strategies you can use to effectively increase the length of your essay or research paper without compromising its quality. 

Let’s explore how to make your essay longer hacks and tips while maintaining its effectiveness.

How to Make an Essay Longer

Do a Comprehensive Research

Conducting in-depth research is crucial when aiming to make your essay longer and more comprehensive.

By going beyond surface-level knowledge, you gain access to a wealth of information and insights.

This additional research allows you to develop a deeper understanding of your topic, which in turn enhances the quality of your essay.

When conducting research, keep in mind to rely on credible sources. Credible sources include academic journals, reputable books, scholarly databases, and trusted websites. 

Elaborate on Arguments 

To expand and strengthen your essay, it is vital to provide detailed explanations and expand on your arguments.  Follow these key steps:

  • Offer clear explanations of your main points, using descriptive language to enhance understanding.
  • Support your arguments with relevant evidence, such as data, statistics, or expert opinions.
  • Provide examples and illustrations that exemplify your points and make them more relatable.
  • Engage in critical analysis and interpretation to showcase a deeper understanding of the topic.
  • Address counterarguments by acknowledging opposing viewpoints and providing reasoned responses.
  • Continuously connect your elaborations back to the thesis statement for a focused and cohesive essay.

Add Examples

Start by researching your topic. Make sure you get important details, substantial arguments, and evidence to highlight your points of view better.

When you start writing, look for the claims you’ve made in your essay and analyze the supporting and opposing views.

Make sure you add relevant supporting evidence for each view that makes your essay more engaging and lengthen your paper effectively.

Usually, it’s good to use case studies and real-life scenarios or statistical information to make your arguments stronger.

Whenever you use any mathematical figures try to spell out numbers. Make sure that whatever it is, they support your arguments strongly.

Use Quotations and Citations 

Using quotations from experts and credible sources serves multiple purposes in your essay. 

Quotations play a significant role in enhancing the understanding and depth of your essay. 

They demonstrate that your ideas are supported by established thinkers or recognized sources in the field.

Proper citation is essential when using quotations in your essay. It not only gives credit to the original author but also demonstrates your academic integrity. 

Ensure that you adhere to the required citation style , whether it's APA, MLA, Chicago, or any other specified format. 

Take the time to understand the rules and guidelines for citing quotations accurately.

Include Transitional Phrases and Sentences

Thinkin how to make your essay longer using words while maintaining a smooth flow and coherence?

It is essential to include transitional phrases and sentences in your essay. 

Transitional sentences not only help to make your essay longer but more cohesive as well. Transition sentences are used to connect the ideas being discussed in different paragraphs of the essay. So the right choice of transitional sentences will make your essay a great piece of writing.

Here are some key considerations for using transitional phrases effectively:

Introducing Additional Points:

  • Furthermore,
  • Additionally,
  • In addition to,

Providing Examples or Illustrations:

  • For instance,
  • For example,
  • Specifically,
  • To illustrate this,
  • In particular,

Need more examples of transitional words to make an essay longer? Check out this transition words blog!

Do Not Use Short Forms

Avoid using short forms and contractions. In a formal essay, do not use ‘wouldn't’, ‘can’t’ or ‘don’ts’, use their full form. The same goes for numbers also, use spellings instead of number form.

If you are not sure about the word count then use a word counter to be sure that you have added the required number of words. Increasing the font size will also help to lengthen your essay.

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Be More Descriptive

To make your essay longer while keeping the flow smooth and engaging the reader, it is essential to focus on being more descriptive in your writing.

By incorporating vivid descriptions, sensory details, and figurative language, you can expand the length of your essay while enhancing its depth and richness.

Descriptive language allows you to provide more intricate explanations, paint a more detailed picture of your subject matter, and create a more immersive reading experience.

By employing techniques such as engaging the senses, providing concrete examples, and painting a vivid picture with words, you can reach the required word count.

Add All Necessary Information

During your revision part, ensure that you’ve included all relevant information for the essay and there’s no missing concept or theory.

At times students find sections that can be improved with new arguments or there is a missing piece of evidence.

Look for such loopholes in the content and fix them.

Add details that are relevant, credible, and valuable for your audience as well. Once you’re done with the checking, re-read the essay to ensure complete conformity to quality standards and essay guidelines.

Format Your Paragraphs Well

While writing your essay make sure that paragraphs of your essay are formatted well.

Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence , following the supporting argument, and a concluding or transition sentence.

Keep revising your paragraphs and add the sentences that are missing.

Take a Fresh Look at Your Topic

This may seem a useless tactic but revisiting your prompt in the middle of your writing process will help you a lot to explore the hidden perspectives of the topic.

You may realize that you have not considered a number of dimensions of the topic nor explained them.

This allows you to gain new perspectives, refine your arguments, and ensure that your essay remains relevant and compelling. 

Their explanation will not only help you elongate your essay but also make it more comprehensive.

Add Illustrations

To further add to your essay content, look for illustrative material that can be included to justify your claims better.

These are usually supporting pieces of information like images, charts, statistical reports, and graphs that largely add to the essay's appeal and length as well.

Your sources must be authentic and reliable. Do not forget to include them in your resource list to increase the size and essay length.

Add Lists and Numbers

Another good tip that adds to the page count for your paper is the addition of bullets and lists to organize your ideas properly.

Besides, they also make the paper longer and more readable, and engaging for the audience. Within sections and paragraphs, add lists to further explain a core concept or idea better.

You can also increase the line spacing between texts to make your essay look longer.

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Try Reverse Outlining

After writing your paper, reading back through it and creating an outline will help you reorganize pages. It will make more sense to the readers about your work. It can also point out areas that you need to develop more.

If you see a point and think that you can clarify it more, take the opportunity and make it longer.

If you notice a paragraph that introduces more than one idea, break them into multiple paragraphs and explain them thoroughly.

Take a Break and Revisit Your Essay

To increase the length and improve the quality of your essay, it is essential to take breaks and revisit your work with a fresh perspective.

Stepping away from your writing allows you to clear your mind and return with renewed focus.

When you review your essay with fresh eyes, you can identify areas that need further development, clarification, or expansion.

Take the time to revise and edit your essay, addressing grammar, punctuation, and clarity. 

Approach your Instructor and Ask for Possible Help

Many teachers and instructors are willing to give reviews about the paper before submission. It means you can always consider approaching your instructor for guidance. 

Schedule a meeting and come prepared with specific questions about expanding your essay effectively. 

Explain your concerns about the length and express your willingness to put in the effort to improve. 

Be attentive to the advice given by your instructor and make a keen effort to implement their feedback in your revised essay. 

Make Your Spacing Larger 

One sneaky way to increase the length of your essay is by adjusting the spacing. 

Increase the line spacing between your lines of text by using 1.5 or double spacing instead of the default 1.0 spacing. 

Another option is to use a slightly larger font size, although it's important not to go overboard. For example, you are using times new roman size 12, make it to 12.5!

Incorporating subheadings within your essay can help break up sections and add length. Additionally, take the opportunity to provide more detailed explanations and elaborate on your examples. 

Remember to use these formatting tips responsibly and focus on providing meaningful content to enhance the overall quality of your essay.

Get Professional Writing Help

If you find yourself still struggling to increase the length and improve the quality of your essay, seeking professional writing help can be a valuable option.

These online writing services offer assistance from experienced writers who can help you with essay-lengthening techniques. They also offer suggestions for improvement and provide editing and proofreading services.

Just like that, 5StarEssays.com is one of the best “ write my essay ” services!

Our qualified writing experts can compose an impressive essay that meets the word count without giving the impression of dragging it.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your writing skills and achieve your academic goals.

Nova A.

Marketing, Law

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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How to Make an Essay Appear Longer Than It Is

Last Updated: February 2, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,779,103 times.

You are writing a paper and the deadline is approaching, but you are nowhere near the page limit. Many students find themselves in this position. Luckily for you, you can lengthen your paper by using a few tricks. Increasing the font size, adding a lengthy header, and manipulating the spacing between lines are just a few strategies you can use to make your essay appear longer. However, be aware that breaking your teacher’s guidelines may result in a lower grade.

Playing with the Font

Step 1 Choose a slightly larger font.

  • Don’t pick a very large font like Arial Black or Lucida Handwriting. Your teacher will notice that you are trying to make your essay longer by choosing a larger font.

Step 2 Adjust the font size.

Manipulating Spacing and Margins

Step 1 Increase the spacing between lines.

  • If the increase is too noticeable, then try 1.15 or 1.1 instead.
  • Because all documents are left justified, avoid increasing the left margin. Adjusting the left margin will produce a noticeable change that your teacher will detect.

Step 3 Increase the bottom margin by a quarter.

Adjusting the Header and Footer

Step 1 Lengthen your header.

Expanding the Content

Step 1 Spell out numbers less than ten.

  • Additionally, if you are quoting or paraphrasing research or literature, make sure to cite it properly. Citations can add extra length to a paper as well.

Step 5 Ensure that each paragraph has a topic and a concluding sentence.

  • Expand your introductory paragraph with an attention-getting statement to hook the reader in.

Step 6 Be as descriptive as possible.

  • However, try to avoid being descriptive when it is unnecessary since this may cause your paper to appear embellished or sound verbose.

Step 7 Draw out your conclusion.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Copy and paste your paper into a new document. Make these changes to the new document. Then compare and contrast the document with the changes to the original document. Remove any adjustments that seem obvious. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Use a thesaurus to find longer synonyms to use in place of shorter ones. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Spell out abbreviations; for example, write out “United States" instead of using "US." Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

what are some words to make your essay longer

  • Be aware that breaking your teacher’s guidelines may be considered cheating, which may result in a lower grade or even a zero. Thanks Helpful 12 Not Helpful 1
  • Don't be redundant. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ https://www.paperhelp.org/blog/how-to-make-a-paper-longer.html
  • ↑ https://www.jakebinstein.com/blog/how-to-make-an-essay-look-longer/
  • ↑ https://studentshare.org/study-guides/how-to-make-your-essay-look-longer
  • ↑ http://www.seventeen.com/life/school/advice/a27491/tricks-you-try-to-make-your-school-paper-longer/
  • ↑ https://www.thoughtco.com/how-to-make-paper-longer-793288

About This Article

Jake Adams

To make an essay appear longer than it is, pick a font that's slightly larger than Times New Roman, like Arial, Courier New, or Cambria. If you're required to use 12-point font, try increase the font to 12.1 or 12.2 to gain some extra length without the font looking noticeably larger. Then, press on Control and the F key at the same time to activate the find and replace function, and replace all of the commas and periods with 14-point font. If the essay still isn't long enough, increase the line spacing by 0.1 or 0.2 and make the right margin 0.1-0.2 inches larger. For tips on adjusting the header and footer or adding more content to your essay, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Make Your Essay Longer The Right Way

what are some words to make your essay longer

All college students have been there. They’re writing a paper and the deadline is quickly approaching, but they haven’t met the required word count or page length. A paper’s length is an important part of any good college papers. Meeting the size requirements for a paper shows the professor that you are able to follow instructions. It’s easy to turn to an essay service for one time help when the deadline is nearing and you need to make your essay longer.

There are a number of tricks that every student has tried to reach that magic number. This includes everything from increasing the margin size to making the header longer or increasing font size.

While it is possible to increase the size of a paper like this, there are better ways to do it without angering your professor. It’s possible to add content in a pinch while also adding depth to your paper.

Below are some ways that you can make your essay longer if you’re struggling to reach the required word count.

Add Supporting Evidence

The first thing you should do when looking to make your essay longer is look back at any claims you made. Adding supporting evidence to any ideas that you’ve put forward in your essay is a simple way to make your essay longer. 

If you’ve only used a source or two to explain a point, it might be beneficial to do some extra research on it and add examples to further your argument. Not only will this make your research paper longer, but it will also add depth to your ideas and give them some added support.

Ensure that You’ve Included Everything

Take a look back at the rubric or the prompt for the paper and decide if you’ve included everything to make your research paper complete. You may have glanced over a counter-argument or something that needed to be explained further to meet the requirements. 

Ask yourself if you’ve answered all of the questions posed in the prompt or required by your research. Finding something that you’ve missed in the rubric could be the reason why your paper is shorter than the required length or word count.

Use Transitional Phrases

A natural way to increase the length of your essay is to use transitional words to jump from one idea to the next. Not only will this increase the size of your paper, but it will also allow your reader to follow easily follow your thoughts. Read through your essay and ensure that sentences and thoughts flow from one to another. 

This is also something that graders look for in marking an essay. These transitional words link sentences together and make for a clear and concise narrative. It’s a win-win situation.

what are some words to make your essay longer

Use Quotations

If you have a well-researched paper, it is likely that you’ve already included quotes. However, quotations are an easy way to add something extra to your argument while also increasing the essay’s word quote. Take care to ensure that your paper isn’t only quotations from other writers, this is a good way to spice up your essay.

This not only increases the size of your essay, but it also shows that other writers agree with your ideas and solidifies your arguments. That said, make sure you’ve formatted the quotes correctly and cited any sources.

Take Another Look at Your Outline

Many people see an outline only as a guide to begin writing a research paper. However, if you’re looking for places where you can make your essay longer, it might be worth another glance at your outline. 

A second look may turn up some points that you’ve overlooked or haven’t developed enough. It can also help you find any point you wanted to touch that you can clarify more. Take this opportunity to lengthen your writing and consider paying for a research paper if needed.

You may also find larger paragraphs that can be broken down to introduce new ideas. Break those paragraphs up and explain your ideas with more supporting evidence to increase the word count.

Review Your Introduction and Conclusion

what are some words to make your essay longer

Ideas evolve as you’re writing. Take a second look at your introduction. You may learn that you’ve left out key information that helps the reader in understanding your arguments. Expand on these points to help the reader understand your points and lead them into the supporting evidence that you will present.

The same can be said for the conclusion of your essay. Make sure that all of your key points have been summarized and that you’ve given the reader a solution to the arguments that you’ve made. If you haven’t, rewrite your conclusion to properly wrap up the essay.

Have Someone Read Your Essay

Having someone else take a look at your essay could highlight any points that are confusing. Go back and revise any arguments that were unclear and add more information and supporting evidence to give readers clarity. 

Remember that you are writing the essay as someone who is knowledgable about the subject. You need to provide the reader with enough information to understand your paper. This is helpful in ensuring that you haven’t left out any important details and giving you an opportunity to add length to your essay.

Read Your Essay Aloud

Reading your paper out loud allows you to become aware of any grammar or syntax errors. Rephrasing sentences to fix these errors could make your essay longer. You may also learn that you haven’t sufficiently supported your arguments. 

Spell Out Numbers or Contractions

One way to increase the length of your essay is to spell out numbers and contractions. Instead of writing “7,” write seven. Take out any “don’ts” and “won’ts” for do not and will not.

Keep in mind this might not be possible depending on any style requirements.

Breakup Paragraphs

In a pinch, you may want to look at breaking up longer paragraphs. If a minimum page count is your issue, this may be something that will be easy to do without making your essay unreadable.

When a deadline is approaching, reaching an essay’s minimum page or word count may seem like quite the challenge. However, it is possible without tricks like increasing line spacing or font size.

Use these tips to add length to your research paper while also making it more understandable for the reader.

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Make essay longer with words: Hacks To Increase Word Count

Searching dead hard for writing a detailed essay but failed to reach that minimum level? Still curious about “how to make your essay longer with words”? even though giving half of your time on the deadline doing search? 

Well, well, well! We knew it, that is why you must check this out to get out of your worries and know the answers to all your questions just with a single blog.

Everyone gets worried about how to write an essay like a pro? Adding every detail, and filling every requirement, but still just before the end, one notice that lagging behind the minimum word count. This is the most desperate state that perfect writers understand. However, with the assistance of an  AI essay writer , you can ensure that your essay meets the required word count while maintaining quality and coherence.

Why not playing with the words and making some changes out of the context to fulfill the desired state of requirements? We have got this! Elongate your essay with the following essay writing guide:

Table of Contents

How to Make an Essay Longer?

There are many ways to increase the length of an essay. One of the best strategies is using longer words. Here are 7 of the best tips regarding words to use in an essay to make it longer.

Add More Description in the Essay

The simplest way of increasing the length of your essay is to add more description. It is suggested to add more details and descriptions into the content so your essay word count increases. It could be done by giving extra information about anything being discussed in the essay. 

Use lengthier Phrases Instead of Shorter Ones

The length of an essay can vary depending on the topic, requirements, and purpose. However, if you’re aiming to extend the word count without compromising quality, it’s beneficial to substitute shorter phrases with more expansive ones. By opting for descriptive and elaborative language, you can effectively amplify the content without appearing forced or unnatural. This technique aids in elongating the essay while maintaining its essence. Keep on reading as there’s more to come on how to elongate an essay while preserving its essence. Understanding how long is an essay plays a pivotal role in crafting comprehensive and insightful content.

Write Quotations to Add Value and Words

Quotations do add meaning, significance and value to the content. That’s why in essays students write a lot of quotations and also get better grades for this reason. Addition of motivational quotes is a great idea to make your essay lengthier. If you aim to increase the word count without writing unnecessary things, make sure to use the quotations and get your thing done.

Add References to Add Authenticity and More Words

When you add a reference to a text or any other source in your essay while quoting an information, you automatically add authenticity to your work. Similarly doing the same thing in an essay can help increase the word count. More references you add, the more appealing your work would look and hence the essay will look longer without any extra effort.

Do Not Use Abbreviations, But Only Full Forms

Abbreviations, short forms of any word take less space and fewer words to get covered. Instead, writing the full form takes some space and indeed more words. Therefore in writing an essay, skip using the abbreviations and only include the full forms of all the words. It will help increase the word count of the essay for you or you can hire essay writer .

Words To Make Your Essay Longer

Words To Make Your Essay Longer

How to increase the word count of your essay?

Following are the hacks on how to make your essay longer with words:

Fulfill all the requirements

We have a lot of tricks, don’t worry, but before moving on to that, make sure that you have fulfilled all the requirements that your professor needs out of the essay.

Might be the case that you have missed some important discussion on the argument which is resulting in the minimal word count when  writing a perfect essay .

So, go back to the outline that was pre-made to cross check whether your essay includes all the requirements or left out something.

Ask yourself the following questions to make sure the requirements are completed:

Have I met all the requirements my professor advised?

Am I in the position to defend my argument?

Is my introduction, body and conclusion enough to represent adequate information that can make an  descriptive essay  better?

Asking these questions might help you come up with something important which might be added to increase the word count.

Still can’t reach the minimum word count? Don’t worry as you read you will get to know incorporating some words to make essay longer.

Hop up to the transitional phrases

If your paper isn’t long enough to reach the limit provided, add the transitional phrases while  writing a short essay  and give it a professional look.

Transitional phrases not only make the essay wordy, but also provide connectivity in hopping from one idea to another.

An instructor does search for such phrases as well when marking because this brings a flow to the essay.

Examples of some transitional phrases are as follows:

On the other hand


In other words, 

In particular 

And the list goes on.

Learn the art of description

You have to learn the art of description if it is desired to increase the length of your essay.

Describe every bit of detail that is believed to be relevant if added.

For instance, when discussing a thunderstorm, incorporate myths and legends that resonate with your knowledge, perhaps drawing from childhood tales. Understanding how long is a essay becomes an opportunity to enrich the narrative with personal experiences and cultural references, amplifying its depth and resonance.

Also add the description of additional facts that are believed to enhance the essay and also increase the length of it.

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Accommodate some quotations

It is one of the easiest ways to add expert quotations into the essay and in return increasing the word count. These quotations not only give the picture of good research and evidence that is done on the topic, but also ensure that the word count meets the minimum word count.

However, while adding quotations consider the following:

Make sure that the quote that is added, is relevant to the line or the essay in general when adding.

Add a proper quotation mark and citation or reference the quote otherwise that would be included in copying and plagiarism.

Try to add quotations that are not too long and are catchy enough to attract the reader or instructor. Long quotes are usually boring and some people skip it even when reading.

For example, when you are writing an essay on the planet earth, add the following quotation:

“What I stand for is, what I stand on”

Exemplify everything

While doing perfect essay writing, it is one of the weaknesses of being a human that we rely on one or two sources for writing.

This should not be the case, if you have used one or two sources, try to spread your search.

Add more examples plus statistical facts and figures that will help when you will  write an essay hook , whichever you believe is relevant to your essay. such examples would increase the authenticity and the word count that is included in your  cause and effect essay .

For example: When writing on leadership and management, if one example is added related to democratic leadership, it is also advisable to add examples related to:

Autocratic leadership styles such as Adolf Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Napoleon Bonaparte.

Charismatic leadership styles such as that of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, etc.

Transformational leadership styles such as that of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, etc.

Such examples will also make your interest stick to the essay and make it an enjoyable process.

make your essay longer

Hacks to increase the length of an essay

Following are the hacks that will add length to your essay:

Elongate your header and footer

One of the tricks to make the essay look longer can be to increase the length of header and footer by elongating it. 

Your instructor cannot notice it at first, but even if he/she does, it’s not a big issue because it makes the essay look good, not just increasing the length of it.

For Example:

example of essay

Play with the spaces

Use double spacing where necessary. However, you can always exceed the double spacing and can use 2.5 spacing.

Play with these spaces to make the essay look longer than it actually is. 

This won’t be visible to your instructor for sure because double spacing and 2.5 are almost similar. 

Mess up with your fonts

Mess with the font size by increasing the range to increase essay length. 

Such as you can opt for a 12.5 font size instead of 12.

No one’s going to notice. Don’t worry. 

Play with your margins

Increase the margins of your page to flash an image of a longer essay at first glance.

This tool is easy to use and will make the essay look long enough to fulfill the minimum requirement of the word count. 

For example:


Compare it with normal margins and you will see the difference. 

Temper with your header and footer

By tempering the header or footer, we mean that add the title of your essay to the header.

It leaves a good impression of the essay as well as increasing the word count.

This is going to be a good way of increasing the length of your essay with words. 

Break up paragraphs

Breaking up the paragraphs increases the length of the essay without adding to the unreadability.

However, it should also be noted that the connectivity of the ideas is not altered when splitting up the paragraphs. 

We can best exemplify the power of splitting the paragraph through the following example:

break up paragraph

It’s evident that the second layout appears more extensive than the first, although both maintain an identical word count. This difference arises due to paragraph structuring. The initial layout comprises only three paragraphs, while the second divides paragraphs into smaller segments, contributing to an increased length. Understanding how long should an essay be involves strategic formatting and structural choices to effectively convey ideas while meeting length requirements.


Summing Up: How to Make an Essay Longer By Changing Words

To extend your essay’s length, focus on enriching your content rather than simply replacing words. Add detailed examples, evidence, and counterarguments to bolster your points, providing in-depth explanations and analysis. Utilizing a  thesis statement generator  can also contribute to the coherence and strength of your main thesis sentence and argument.

Incorporate subheadings for organization and employ smooth transitions between ideas. Elaborate on existing examples and make sure all added content naturally integrates into your essay. Finally, after lengthening, thoroughly proofread to ensure quality and coherence. Remember, enhancing the substance of your essay is key to meeting length requirements effectively.

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Secure Your Custom Essay Writing Solution

We hope you have a good understanding now of how to lengthen an essay or how to make essays longer using phrases or synonyms. If you still need help regarding your assignment,  perfect essay writing  is always there to help.

How can I make my essay longer?

You can make your essay longer by breaking up your paragraphs, increasing font size, increasing length of margins, adding enough examples and adding quotes & phrases etc. However, perfect essay writing uses its killer-formula to provide you with the best essay writing services.

Is a longer essay better?

A longer essay can be better if the requirements are fulfilled and is interesting enough to catch the attention of your reader. However, a longer essay might not be better if the word count is given to you and you intentionally exceed the count to gain more marks. Perfect essay writing can now provide you the best optimal essay services using its killer-formula.

What is a long essay length?

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Writing essays can be a challenging task, especially when faced with strict word counts. Sometimes, despite thorough research and thoughtful arguments, your essay may fall short of the required length. If you’re struggling with a long essay and wondering how to make your essay longer, this guide provides practical strategies to increase your essay length effectively without compromising on quality.

Understand the Requirements

Before you start adding words to make your essay longer, it’s crucial to understand the essay requirements thoroughly. This includes the topic, word count, formatting guidelines, and any specific instructions provided by your supervisor or professor. Knowing these details ensures that you meet the expectations and avoid unnecessary filler content.

Expand Your Introduction

The introduction sets the tone for your essay and provides a brief overview of the topic. To make your essay longer, consider expanding your introduction. Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention, provide more background information on the topic, and outline the structure of your essay. This not only increases your essay length but also makes the introduction more engaging and informative.

Add More Evidence and Examples

One of the most effective ways to make your essay longer is to include additional evidence and examples. Support your arguments with more detailed evidence, such as statistics, quotes from experts, and real-life examples. This not only adds length to your essay but also strengthens your arguments and makes your essay more convincing.

Elaborate on Ideas

When you’ve made your main points, go back and see where you can elaborate. Sometimes, initial drafts can be quite concise, missing out on opportunities to expand on ideas. Look for sections where you can delve deeper into explanations, provide further analysis, or explore different perspectives. This method helps to increase your essay length while adding depth to your content.

Integrate Quotations

Incorporating quotations is another effective strategy to make your essay longer. Find relevant quotes from reputable sources to support your arguments. Remember to integrate these quotations smoothly into your text and provide explanations or interpretations. This adds credibility to your essay and contributes to the overall word count.

Use Transitional Phrases

Transitional phrases help to connect ideas and ensure a smooth flow in your essay. They can also add to your essay length. Phrases such as “furthermore,” “in addition to,” “moreover,” and “consequently” can be used to link paragraphs and sentences. However, use them judiciously to avoid redundancy .

what are some words to make your essay longer

Include Additional Subheadings

Adding subheadings can help structure your essay better and make it easier to read. They can also provide an opportunity to introduce new sections and expand on your points. Each subheading should represent a key idea or argument that you can explore in detail. This approach not only increases your essay length but also enhances its organisation.

Revise Your Conclusion

The conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader. To make your essay longer, revise your conclusion to summarise the main points more comprehensively. Reflect on the broader implications of your arguments, suggest areas for future research, or provide a thought-provoking statement to end your essay on a strong note.

Detailed Descriptions

Another way to add length to your essay is by providing more detailed descriptions. Whether you’re describing a concept, a historical event, or a piece of literature, go into more detail. Describe the context, the key elements, and their significance. This not only helps to make your essay longer but also provides a richer reading experience.

Address Counterarguments

Addressing counterarguments shows that you’ve considered different viewpoints and strengthens your essay. By acknowledging and refuting opposing views, you can add depth to your arguments and increase your essay length. This demonstrates critical thinking and a thorough understanding of the topic.

Use More Words

Sometimes, simply rephrasing sentences to use more words can help make your essay longer. For instance, instead of saying “The study shows,” you can say “The results of the study clearly indicate.” However, ensure that the added words are meaningful and do not compromise the clarity or quality of your essay.

Edit and Proofread

After implementing these strategies to make your essay longer, it’s essential to edit and proofread your work. Ensure that the added content is relevant and contributes to your argument. Check for any grammatical errors, inconsistencies, or redundancies. A well-polished essay not only meets the required length but also maintains high quality.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While these tips can help you make your essay longer, it's important to avoid common pitfalls that can diminish the quality of your work:

Adding unnecessary words or sentences just to increase the word count can weaken your arguments and bore the reader.

Ensure that all additional content is relevant to your topic and supports your thesis statement.

Do not sacrifice clarity for length. Your essay should remain clear and concise, even with the added content.

The Bottom Line

Increasing the length of your essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful expansion of your ideas. By following these strategies, you can effectively make your essay longer while maintaining its quality and coherence. Remember, the goal is to add value to your essay, not just to meet the required word count.

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Need to Make Your Essay Longer? Here's How

Tonya Thompson

Don't stress over it, it happens to the best of us—you've been given an essay assignment and have procrastinated, leaving you with three pages of writing that should be closer to six pages. A quick Internet search for advice produces questionable suggestions, including changing your font size to 12.5 (don't do it!), adding spaces between words and paragraphs, or increasing the margin size—all tricks that your professor has likely seen multiple times and will notice immediately.

Most professors know the tricks students use to make essays look longer, such as a larger font and wider margins.

Before you start going through and doing something so drastic as adding spaces where they shouldn't be, let's look at some more natural (and therefore, less obvious) ways of adding word count to your essay. Here are five tactics that will add word count to your essay quickly and correctly.

Include more transitional words

You should already have transitional words or phrases at the beginning of each paragraph in your essay. If you don't, add them as part of improving the overall structure and organization of your writing. But a lot of academic writers don't realize that these transitions can work within paragraphs, as well, to add more logical structure within the paragraphs (instead of simply between them). For example, consider the following paragraph, which is 83 words in length:

In order to create an essay that flows logically, you need to include transition words at the beginning of each paragraph. These transitions aren't limited to only the beginning of each new paragraph and can be used throughout the rest of the paragraph to show how each sentence is connected to the one that precedes it and follows it. Including multiple transitions helps readers maintain focus on what they're reading and helps ensure that the writer focuses on one major idea per paragraph.

Now, let's look at that same paragraph with transitional words added, both at the beginning and throughout the rest of the sentences.

To begin adding additional length and in order to create an essay that flows logically, you need to include transition words at the beginning of each paragraph. However, it's important to note that these transitions aren't limited to only the beginning of each new paragraph and can be used throughout the rest of the paragraph to show how each sentence is connected to the one that precedes it and follows it. As a matter of fact, including multiple transitions helps readers maintain focus on what they're reading and additionally, helps ensure that the writer focuses on one major idea per paragraph.

By adding transitions throughout, I have taken a paragraph from 83 words to 101 words through a relatively simple process. If you do this to each paragraph, you can add a significant number of words without doing much extra writing. Note that if you are being graded on the succinctness of your writing, your professor might argue that adding so many transitions makes your writing wordy. However, a teacher with even the most stringent grading policy must take into account that transitions at the beginning of paragraphs are necessary.

Here is a list of some commonly used transition words that can be used for this purpose:

  • …when in fact
  • Accordingly
  • Additionally
  • After (this)
  • All else being equal
  • All the same
  • As (was) mentioned earlier/above
  • As (was) stated before
  • As a consequence
  • As a final point
  • As a matter of fact
  • As a result (of this)
  • As for (this)
  • As/So long as
  • At any rate
  • Be that as it may
  • Because (of the fact that)
  • Because (of this)
  • By the same token
  • By way of contrast
  • Coincidentally
  • Concerning (this)
  • Consequently
  • Considering (this)
  • Despite (this)
  • Due to (the fact that)
  • Even though
  • First of all
  • First/Second/Third
  • For example/instance
  • For the purpose(s) of
  • For the reason that
  • For this reason
  • Furthermore
  • Given these points
  • Granted (that)
  • Granting (that)
  • In a similar way
  • In addition to
  • In any case
  • In any event
  • In conclusion
  • In contrast
  • In order that/to
  • In other words
  • In particular
  • In spite of (this)
  • In that case
  • In the (first/second/third) place
  • In the event that
  • In the hope that
  • In the same way
  • Inasmuch as
  • Incidentally
  • Instead (of)
  • Looking at (this information)
  • More/Most importantly
  • Nevertheless
  • Nonetheless
  • Not only…but also
  • Notwithstanding (this)
  • On the contrary
  • On the other hand
  • On the subject of (this)
  • One example (of this is)
  • Or at least
  • Owing to (the fact)
  • Particularly
  • Provided (that)
  • Regarding (this)
  • Regardless (of this)
  • Regardless (of)
  • Returning to the subject
  • Significantly
  • So much (so) that
  • Specifically
  • Subsequently
  • Summarizing (this)
  • That being the case
  • That is (to say)
  • The fact that
  • This means (that)
  • To conclude
  • To illustrate
  • To put (it) another way
  • To start with
  • Under those circumstances
  • What this means is
  • Whatever happens
  • With (this fact) in mind
  • With regards to (this)

Write a reverse outline

After the bulk of your paper has been written, going back through and creating a reverse outline can help you find gaps in your writing that could be further developed and filled by additional information or examples. It's as simple as reading back through what you've written and creating an outline of the major ideas, topics and subtopics you've included. If you've provided an example, include that on your reverse outline, as well.

Reverse outlining also helps you find paragraphs that might contain more than one major idea. When this happens, you'll need to divide the paragraph into more than one paragraph and further develop the points within them, ensuring that each paragraph has a topic sentence that matches what the rest of the paragraph is about.

Use expert quotes

One of the easiest ways to add to the word count of an essay is by including expert quotes. Not only do such quotes show that you have considered the thoughts and opinions of others who are well-read on the topic you're writing on, it also can add considerable length to a paper, especially if you include multiple quotes from several different sources.

Using expert quotes can add considerable length to a paper, especially if you include multiple quotes from several different sources.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing quotes and adding them to your essay:

  • Be sure that the quote is applicable to the topic in general, and to the paragraph you're adding it to, in specific.
  • Include quotation marks and the proper citation for each quote. Not doing so is plagiarism.
  • If a quote is more than three lines, put it in block quote format.
  • Separate multiple quotes with your own writing in between, perhaps as commentary on the substance of the quote previously noted.

Use multiple examples to back up your argument

In the same sense that using expert quotes adds to your essay's word count as well as the thoroughness of your research, using examples and anecdotes to expand on your hypotheses is a great way to provide proof for your argument. However, this doesn't have to be limited to one example per point you're making. Consider this: if you are writing a sociology paper about the dangers of social media use for adolescents, you should be able to find several anecdotes of how teenagers have been put in danger in various ways through their social media use. Along with these anecdotes, you can provide expert quotes (or quotes from the teenagers, themselves) to make your argument more solid and add word count to an essay that's too short.

Read your writing aloud

Finally, and after all of the above tactics have been used, read your essay out loud. This achieves two purposes. First, it allows you to proofread and check for any obvious mistakes that might remain after the initial first draft writing phase. Second, reading it aloud helps you to check for any areas that might not flow well (this is easier to hear than see) so you can add to them to achieve a better flow and organization to your writing.

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What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

As she ramps up her nascent presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is revealing how she will address the key issues facing the nation.

In speeches and rallies, she has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, such as lowering drug costs , forgiving student loan debt and eliminating so-called junk fees. But Harris has made it clear that she has her own views on some key matters, particularly Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its war with Hamas.

In a departure from her presidential run in 2020, the Harris campaign has confirmed that she’s moved away from many of her more progressive stances, such as her interest in a single-payer health insurance system and a ban on fracking.

Harris is also expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the economy to immigration, as she aims to walk a fine line of taking credit for the administration’s accomplishments while not being jointly blamed by voters for its shortcomings.

Her early presidential campaign speeches have offered insights into her priorities, though she’s mainly voiced general talking points and has yet to release more nuanced plans. Like Biden, she intends to contrast her vision for America with that of former President Donald Trump. ( See Trump’s campaign promises here .)

“In this moment, I believe we face a choice between two different visions for our nation: one focused on the future, the other focused on the past,” she told members of the historically Black sorority Zeta Phi Beta at an event in Indianapolis in late July. “And with your support, I am fighting for our nation’s future.”

Here’s what we know about Harris’ views:

Harris took on the lead role of championing abortion rights for the administration after Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022. This past January, she started a “ reproductive freedoms tour ” to multiple states, including a stop in Minnesota thought to be the first by a sitting US president or vice president at an abortion clinic .

On abortion access, Harris embraced more progressive policies than Biden in the 2020 campaign, as a candidate criticizing his previous support for the Hyde Amendment , a measure that blocks federal funds from being used for most abortions.

Policy experts suggested that although Harris’ current policies on abortion and reproductive rights may not differ significantly from Biden’s, as a result of her national tour and her own focus on maternal health , she may be a stronger messenger.

High prices are a top concern for many Americans who are struggling to afford the cost of living after a spell of steep inflation. Many voters give Biden poor marks for his handling of the economy, and Harris may also face their wrath.

In her early campaign speeches, Harris has echoed many of the same themes as Biden, saying she wants to give Americans more opportunities to get ahead. She’s particularly concerned about making care – health care, child care, elder care and family leave – more affordable and available.

Harris promised at a late July rally to continue the Biden administration’s drive to eliminate so-called “junk fees” and to fully disclose all charges, such as for events, lodging and car rentals. In early August, the administration proposed a rule that would ban airlines from charging parents extra fees to have their kids sit next to them.

On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs. We will ban more of those hidden fees and surprise late charges that banks and other companies use to pad their profits.”

Since becoming vice president, Harris has taken more moderate positions, but a look at her 2020 campaign promises reveals a more progressive bent than Biden.

As a senator and 2020 presidential candidate, Harris proposed providing middle-class and working families with a refundable tax credit of up to $6,000 a year (per couple) to help keep up with living expenses. Titled the LIFT the Middle Class Act, or Livable Incomes for Families Today, the measure would have cost at the time an estimated $3 trillion over 10 years.

Unlike a typical tax credit, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive the benefit – up to $500 – on a monthly basis so families don’t have to turn to payday loans with very high interest rates.

As a presidential candidate, Harris also advocated for raising the corporate income tax rate to 35%, where it was before the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Trump and congressional Republicans pushed through Congress reduced the rate to 21%. That’s higher than the 28% Biden has proposed.

Affordable housing was also on Harris’ radar. As a senator, she introduced the Rent Relief Act, which would establish a refundable tax credit for renters who annually spend more than 30% of their gross income on rent and utilities. The amount of the credit would range from 25% to 100% of the excess rent, depending on the renter’s income.

Harris called housing a human right and said in a 2019 news release on the bill that every American deserves to have basic security and dignity in their own home.

Consumer debt

Hefty debt loads, which weigh on people’s finances and hurt their ability to buy homes, get car loans or start small businesses, are also an area of interest to Harris.

As vice president, she has promoted the Biden administration’s initiatives on student debt, which have so far forgiven more than $168 billion for nearly 4.8 million borrowers . In mid-July, Harris said in a post on X that “nearly 950,000 public servants have benefitted” from student debt forgiveness, compared with only 7,000 when Biden was inaugurated.

A potential Harris administration could keep that momentum going – though some of Biden’s efforts have gotten tangled up in litigation, such as a program aimed at cutting monthly student loan payments for roughly 3 million borrowers enrolled in a repayment plan the administration implemented last year.

The vice president has also been a leader in the White House efforts to ban medical debt from credit reports, noting that those with medical debt are no less likely to repay a loan than those who don’t have unpaid medical bills.

In a late July statement praising North Carolina’s move to relieve the medical debt of about 2 million residents, Harris said that she is “committed to continuing to relieve the burden of medical debt and creating a future where every person has the opportunity to build wealth and thrive.”

Health care

Harris, who has had shifting stances on health care in the past, confirmed in late July through her campaign that she no longer supports a single-payer health care system .

During her 2020 campaign, Harris advocated for shifting the US to a government-backed health insurance system but stopped short of wanting to completely eliminate private insurance.

The measure called for transitioning to a Medicare-for-All-type system over 10 years but continuing to allow private insurance companies to offer Medicare plans.

The proposal would not have raised taxes on the middle class to pay for the coverage expansion. Instead, it would raise the needed funds by taxing Wall Street trades and transactions and changing the taxation of offshore corporate income.

When it comes to reducing drug costs, Harris previously proposed allowing the federal government to set “a fair price” for any drug sold at a cheaper price in any economically comparable country, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Japan or Australia. If manufacturers were found to be price gouging, the government could import their drugs from abroad or, in egregious cases, use its existing but never-used “march-in” authority to license a drug company’s patent to a rival that would produce the medication at a lower cost.

Harris has been a champion on climate and environmental justice for decades. As California’s attorney general, Harris sued big oil companies like BP and ConocoPhillips, and investigated Exxon Mobil for its role in climate change disinformation. While in the Senate, she sponsored the Green New Deal resolution.

During her 2020 campaign, she enthusiastically supported a ban on fracking — but a Harris campaign official said in late July that she no longer supports such a ban.

Fracking is the process of using liquid to free natural gas from rock formations – and the primary mode for extracting gas for energy in battleground Pennsylvania. During a September 2019 climate crisis town hall hosted by CNN, she said she would start “with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands.” She walked that back later when she became Biden’s running mate.

Biden has been the most pro-climate president in history, and climate advocates find Harris to be an exciting candidate in her own right. Democrats and climate activists are planning to campaign on the stark contrasts between Harris and Trump , who vowed to push America decisively back to fossil fuels, promising to unwind Biden’s climate and clean energy legacy and pull America out of its global climate commitments.

If elected, one of the biggest climate goals Harris would have to craft early in her administration is how much the US would reduce its climate pollution by 2035 – a requirement of the Paris climate agreement .


Harris has quickly started trying to counter Trump’s attacks on her immigration record.

Her campaign released a video in late July citing Harris’ support for increasing the number of Border Patrol agents and Trump’s successful push to scuttle a bipartisan immigration deal that included some of the toughest border security measures in recent memory.

The vice president has changed her position on border control since her 2020 campaign, when she suggested that Democrats needed to “critically examine” the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, after being asked whether she sided with those in the party arguing to abolish the department.

In June of this year, the White House announced a crackdown on asylum claims meant to continue reducing crossings at the US-Mexico border – a policy that Harris’ campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, indicated in late July to CBS News would continue under a Harris administration.

Trump’s attacks stem from Biden having tasked Harris with overseeing diplomatic efforts in Central America in March 2021. While Harris focused on long-term fixes, the Department of Homeland Security remained responsible for overseeing border security.

She has only occasionally talked about her efforts as the situation along the US-Mexico border became a political vulnerability for Biden. But she put her own stamp on the administration’s efforts, engaging the private sector.

Harris pulled together the Partnership for Central America, which has acted as a liaison between companies and the US government. Her team and the partnership are closely coordinating on initiatives that have led to job creation in the region. Harris has also engaged directly with foreign leaders in the region.

Experts credit Harris’ ability to secure private-sector investments as her most visible action in the region to date but have cautioned about the long-term durability of those investments.


The Israel-Hamas war is the most fraught foreign policy issue facing the country and has spurred a multitude of protests around the US since it began in October.

After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in late July, Harris gave a forceful and notable speech about the situation in Gaza.

We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

Harris echoed Biden’s repeated comments about the “ironclad support” and “unwavering commitment” to Israel. The country has a right to defend itself, she said, while noting, “how it does so, matters.”

However, the empathy she expressed regarding the Palestinian plight and suffering was far more forceful than what Biden has said on the matter in recent months. Harris mentioned twice the “serious concern” she expressed to Netanyahu about the civilian deaths in Gaza, the humanitarian situation and destruction she called “catastrophic” and “devastating.”

She went on to describe “the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time.”

Harris emphasized the need to get the Israeli hostages back from Hamas captivity, naming the eight Israeli-American hostages – three of whom have been killed.

But when describing the ceasefire deal in the works, she didn’t highlight the hostage for prisoner exchange or aid to be let into Gaza. Instead, she singled out the fact that the deal stipulates the withdrawal by the Israeli military from populated areas in the first phase before withdrawing “entirely” from Gaza before “a permanent end to the hostilities.”

Harris didn’t preside over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in late July, instead choosing to stick with a prescheduled trip to a sorority event in Indiana.

Harris is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, having met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least six times and announcing last month $1.5 billion for energy assistance, humanitarian needs and other aid for the war-torn country.

At the Munich Security Conference earlier this year, Harris said: “I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs. And let me be clear: The failure to do so would be a gift to Vladimir Putin.”

More broadly, NATO is central to our approach to global security. For President Biden and me, our sacred commitment to NATO remains ironclad. And I do believe, as I have said before, NATO is the greatest military alliance the world has ever known.”

Police funding

The Harris campaign has also walked back the “defund the police” sentiment that Harris voiced in 2020. What she meant is she supports being “tough and smart on crime,” Mitch Landrieu, national co-chair for the Harris campaign and former mayor of New Orleans, told CNN’s Pamela Brown in late July.

In the midst of nationwide 2020 protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Harris voiced support for the “defund the police” movement, which argues for redirecting funds from law enforcement to social services. Throughout that summer, Harris supported the movement and called for demilitarizing police departments.

Democrats largely backed away from calls to defund the police after Republicans attempted to tie the movement to increases in crime during the 2022 midterm elections.

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An Escalating War in the Middle East

Tensions are on a knife edge after israel carried out a strike on the hezbollah leader allegedly behind an attack in the golan heights..

what are some words to make your essay longer

Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Ben Hubbard

Produced by Rachelle Bonja and Sydney Harper

With Shannon M. Lin and Will Reid

Edited by Lexie Diao and Patricia Willens

Original music by Dan Powell and Sophia Lanman

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

Warning: This episode contains audio of war.

Over the past few days, the simmering feud between Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, has reached a critical moment.

Ben Hubbard, the Istanbul bureau chief for The New York Times, explains why the latest tit-for-tat attacks are different and why getting them to stop could be so tough.

On today’s episode

what are some words to make your essay longer

Ben Hubbard , the Istanbul bureau chief for The New York Times.

A pile of rubble with a city skyline in the background. A man in white trousers and a black T-shirt is standing atop the pile.

Background reading

Israel says it killed a Hezbollah commander , Fuad Shukr, in an airstrike near Beirut.

The Israeli military blamed Mr. Shukr for an assault on Saturday that killed 12 children and teenagers in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Ben Hubbard is the Istanbul bureau chief, covering Turkey and the surrounding region. More about Ben Hubbard



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