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Parent Child Relationship Essay | An Essay on Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships

December 22, 2021 by Prasanna

Parent Child Relationship Essay: Loving a child is an exhausting experience, but giving them everything they need will be worth the struggle! Societal norms dictate that adults can improve their relationships with their children through strengthening, acknowledging and supporting each other. A parent-child relationship is unique in that it has many qualities that are present in no other type of interaction. At the same time, mistakes parents make can cause damage to their relationships and affect the development of the child. In this essay, we shall explore how to establish a healthy and mutually beneficial parent-child relationship.

Parent-child relationships are essential to the development of children and their overall health. Though the time-consuming nature of parenting can sometimes make it seem like a burden, it is crucial that parenthood shouldn’t be taken for granted. Strong parent-child relationships are a central part of child development. They impact children’s emotional, social, and cognitive development and can significantly improve their future achievements. One way of strengthening parent-child relationships is to keep the lines of communication open through conversation.

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What is a Parent Child Relationship?

Parent-child relations are important in many areas of one’s life. In the home, a parent and child relationship is often defined as the way the two interact with each other. Unhealthy parent-child relationships may negatively affect how a person interacts or functions in society and at school, or shows up on various psychological tests. If a parent is not providing love, support and care, then they may be creating an environment where a child could experience trauma and dysfunction.   This will result in an inability for the child to function adequately, and this may place them at a socio-economic or academic disadvantage later in life.

Parents should adopt a more open mind to help their child grow into adulthood. The child should be encouraged and praised for their individuality, creativity and originality. Parents as well as teachers also need to become more child-centered. A child that is not heard, or who is teased or made fun of, will become self-conscious. Self-consciousness is a roadblock for their ability to learn and grow. Furthermore, a path for healing involves opening communication about issues of importance to the child so that they can express their emotions privately and safely.

Strengthening Parent Child Relationships:

The close relationship between a parent and their children can carry on into adulthood, making the transition to independence for both parent and child tricky. When parents are aware of the new struggles their child might be experiencing, it can help to strengthen the relationship by creating balance between individual responsibilities. There are many concepts to learn and parents must work in unison to create mutual and enjoyable relationships with their children. Moreover, it is necessary to establish your children as the most important people in your life by taking the time to nurture them every day, especially when they are young. Let your children know it is OK to make mistakes, ask them for their opinion on a sincere matter and let them talk about themselves in ways that are not invasive. Parents need to remember that a child needs time and patience in developing their personality and individuality. Your love should be unconditional and children that feel loved are open to making anyone feel good – positive results will come as a result. There can be no greater gift you can give your children than to care for and protect them as they navigate adolescence. Making the effort to do this shows that they are not insignificant and you want them to succeed in life.

Another important aspect to remember is that your child will eventually say or do something that is going to bother you. Instead of feeling hurt or offended, tear the sentiment down. Remove your child from a situation that is getting out of hand, or censor words you find unkind. Limiting and being assertive are key parts of being in parental control. You need to take the leap of faith, because resentment will negatively affect the dynamics of your family. Punishing a child for bad behavior is not a healthy way to go about disciplining. Many parents view hitting and yelling as the only acceptable way of settling any disagreements. Doing so can cause frustration to kick in. This can cause the child to have meltdowns that may negatively impact their academics and social relationships. Instead, rewards can be used to influence children to learn control. In fact, many kids have better self-control when rewarded for holding off from their needs like television or video games.

Importance of Emotions for Family Relationships

Bringing these feelings and emotions up front can help your children understand more clearly. Use touch, choice words, gestures and facial expressions to convey what is most important to you: Your love and affection are the basis of a strong relationship. Implied emotions and attitudes will carry more weight with your children than words alone. While children openly express their emotions, parents often hold back and display a more stoic image; however, these expressions are still valid to how the parent-child relationship is growing.

Parents should look for ways to coach their process of positive emotions with empathy and understanding; if they are not sure of their approach, they should move to a more traditional position and proceed. Emotions are the outward expression of their mental states, and children need to learn how to interpret their emotions. This will teach them to be aware of their emotional state, as well as when they are to blame. Additionally, children need to be taught how to  remain calm and also soothe themselves, as having unruly emotions leaves them vulnerable.

Ways to Improve Parenthood Skills

One major way to improve a family relationship is having a discussion of the relationships between adults and children. It is important for children to feel that they are allowed to voice their opinion and for parents to listen to without judging. As parents, our ability to love unconditionally can be limited by tension, even when we are relaxed. Take advantage of this fact if you want to, as long as you are able to give everything to your children at home, it is better than giving nothing and having terrible results. A good rule is that you should never enact a punishment if the child wants to do something they think they cannot do.  Your punishment should be kept for when the child makes a mistake. As soon as it is done, explain it and make sure that the child does not repeat it again. Being a parent is tough and there are countless factors that can influence or affect a parent-child relationship. Asking the following questions can help you improve your parenting skills:

What Needs to Improve?

  • Are there negative patterns that take place and create stress or negativity?
  • Are parental skills deficient?
  • Is communication poor?
  • Does conflict harm our emotional stability or relationships?
  • How can we do things differently to improve the situation?

Essay on Parent Child Relationship

Strengthening Self Esteem in Parenting

Parent-child relationships are some of the most crucial social interactions in any person’s life. They’ll set the boundaries, give insight, and guide you throughout your life. One of the many stressors in parenting is dealing with your child not being obedient. Often, we can see that children who are well behaved have a sense of self worth and confidence in themselves. This can be achieved if you make sure to compliment your child for good behavior and provide rewards for their hard work.

Sometimes developing this form of self-esteem leads them to forming stronger relationships later on in life as well. The thing that parents often get wrong is assuming a fun and playful character derails the development of young personalities. By punishment and creating hostility in children, you are instead building them up for the wrong kind of person; the kind of person who is easily influenced and picked on. This type of personality will shut down its ability to enjoy just being a good person while also disregarding others. Teasing, bullying and hostile behavior is common and it is needed for society to exist.

However, this does not mean that all teasing; bullying and hostile behavior is acceptable or good. People learn by example and most people have a natural disposition that they copy or take from a variety of things. If you are toxic, you will attract a community that is just like you. We do not realize when we pick up bad habits by being around toxic people; we try to reinforce these bad qualities and attitudes in the environment that we work or play in. Bad traits can come from any place, it takes effort and responsibility to change them.

Conclusion on Parent Child Relationship Essay

The most reliable way to strengthen your parent-child relationship is to try and learn from previous experiences. Don’t always believe what other people tell you and make an educated decision based on your own experiences. Beyond that, try and find a healthy balance between independence and cooperation between yourself and your children.

FAQ’s on Parent Child Relationship Essay

Question 1. What is a good parent/child relationship?

Answer: A good parent-child relationship is built on mutual respect. Parents need to be open minded and understanding while children need to be responsible and respectful. The two should also work together to make sure they are on the same page about what’s best for each other. If parents are not on the same page with their children, it can lead to a strained or non-existent relationship.

Question 2. What are factors influencing parent/child relationships?

Answer: Parent-child relationships are influenced by a number of factors. Social science research shows that the quality of parent-child relationships is determined by a wide range of factors, including whether parents were angry or angry at their child, the degree to which the child feels accepted, and how demanding parents are.

Question 3. What are the qualities of a good parent?

Answer: There are many qualities that make up a good parent, and we all want to be the best parent we can be. It’s important to remember that parenting is a constantly evolving role as our children grow and change. The following are traits of what makes a good parent:

  • Responsible
  • Able to provide stability and guidance
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Parenting For Brain

Parent-Child Relationship: How To Strengthen It

inductive discipline mother provides son with guidance

Table of Contents

Why Is A Parent-Child Relationship Important

The early parent-child relationship is important because it directly affects a child’s physical, emotional, social, and attachment development, determining their future personality, behavior, relationship, and life choices.

In other words, the parent and child relationship forms the foundation of the child’s future success.

A study at Harvard University shows that a loving parental relationship is the strongest predictor of a child’s future success.

Creating a close and positive parent-child relationship is a crucial aspect of parenting.

Despite its importance, building strong child-parent relationships is rarely the focus of day-to-day life.

Benefits of having a strong relationship with your child

The benefits of a positive relationship on child development are numerous. They contribute to a child’s future success in the following ways.

Secure Attachment

A positive parent-child relationship in early childhood fosters a secure attachment in the child.

Psychologists have found that secure attachment is the best type of attachment.

Children with a securely attached relationship with their parents are more resilient .

They persevere when facing challenges. They have fewer behavioral problems, higher self-esteem, better academic performance , and other positive outcomes. 

Relationships between parents and children also affect how one forms future relationships in adulthood.

Securely attached people have positive internal working models, allowing them to develop competent social skills.

Social-Emotional Regulation

Parent-child interactions in the early years set the groundwork for a child’s social development .

Young children learn to self-regulate by watching and mimicking their parents. A close relationship with the parents facilitates the emotional development of children.

Mental Health and Well-Being

A healthy relationship with the child is strongly associated with their mental well-being .

Research shows that having a poor connection is a risk factor for developing depressive symptoms.


Relations with others are vital innate motivators in humans.

A child is more intrinsically motivated to engage in an activity valued by people they feel connected to.

Parents with strong bonds with their children can greatly influence their academic interests and help them succeed.

Why “Spend More Time” or “Eat Meals Together” Don’t Work

A lot of advice found on the Internet concerning parent-child relationships is ineffective at best but detrimental to the relationship at worst.

You can find advice like “spend more time” or “eat family meals together” everywhere.

Here’s the problem with this type of advice:

If spending more time and eating meals together were the way to improve relationships, we should all have had perfect relationships with our kids after the year 2020 when we were in lockdown.

But it didn’t work out that way for many families.

For many parents, that year made the relationship worse, a lot worse.

This advice would have worked if the parent already had a great relationship with the child and wanted to deepen it.

Chances are, you are not looking for that type of advice because your relationship isn’t exactly great yet.

Here’s why this kind of advice doesn’t work.

If a relationship were a bottle of water, following that advice would be like you keep pouring water into it, ignoring the huge leaky hole at the bottom.

No matter how much you pour in, you will not fill up the bottle without first fixing the hole in the relationship.

That means spending more time together without addressing the source of strain in the relationship is useless.

Parent-Child Relationship Problems

Parenting is one of the most fulfilling yet challenging jobs.

Family life can be stressful. It’s no surprise that creating healthy parent-child relationships is often put on the back burner when issues such as missing homework, poor grades, unfinished household chores, or bad behaviors arise.

Many parents unknowingly spend more time damaging the relationship than strengthening it.

When problems become too big to ignore, desperate parents try to follow advice found on the Internet.

When they cannot get results with this ineffective advice, they think their kids are having problems.

How to strengthen the parent-child relationship

While younger children care more about how much time you can spend with them, older kids don’t translate more time into closer relationships.

You don’t need to spend much time connecting with your kids.

Children need quality time, not just time together.

But before you work on the relationship, think about your parenting goal .

Are you committed to building a strong relationship and setting it as your parenting goal?

Knowing your goal will help you prioritize what you do daily.

For example, is getting good grades more important than having a close relationship?

Is having the trash can empty worth damaging it?

One of the best things about prioritizing your relationship is that once you have a strong connection, all your other goals will be much easier to fulfill.

Once you know your goal, here are the steps to strengthen your relationship.

First, Attune

Step one to strengthen a relationship is to show attunement. It means attuning to your children’s emotions.

Emotional attunement is the best way to establish a connection with another person.

When they’re happy, you share their happiness.

When people are sad or frustrated, you share their sadness or frustration and show that visually through your body language, facial expressions, and words.

For example, if you have a conflict with your kid and they’re angry, without sounding angry, you can say with a frown, “You look upset. It is so unfair, isn’t it?”

This attunement can usually calm a child immediately; by doing that, you strengthen and repair the relationship quickly, even during a fight.

Then, Repair

Fix that hole in your relationship bottle!

If you have conflicts with your child about almost anything, that means you don’t really have a discipline problem—you have a relationship problem.

For some parents, apologizing repairs the relationship if they have been wrong in a recent fight.

You don’t have to take on everything. Point out the part you could have done differently. If your child’s feelings were hurt, apologize.

Admitting a mistake will not undermine your authority. It will show that you’re big enough to take responsibility for it, which will earn you respect.

If you haven’t had a recent fight, follow these steps.

  • Start with the biggest conflict or disagreement in your relationship.
  • Evaluate whether being right in it is that important to you.
  • Imagine 20 years from now, will you care more about winning this fight or your relationship with your child?
  • Talk to your child about your decision in #3.
  • Invite your child to discuss alternative solutions together, collaboratively. Do it together. A relationship takes two.
  • Go down your list of conflicts and repeat #1-5.

Finally, Quality

Here are some essential qualities psychologists have found to benefit your relationship with your child.

Practice Responsive, Warm Parenting

A responsive parenting style, such as authoritative parenting, can help your child develop a secure attachment.

Being responsive means meeting your child’s needs and showing parental warmth.

For instance, attune to your child’s emotional responses. Acknowledge your child’s feelings when they are in distress or emotionally dysregulated. Use emotional coaching rather than dismissing to teach kids about self-regulation.

Spend Quality Time Together

Spending quality time with your child doesn’t mean doing more educational activities.

It means mindfully attending to your child’s needs. It means being present.

Even resolving conflicts can become quality time if done right.

When conflicts arise, many parents bulldoze over them, skip over them, or try to sweep them under the rug so they can move on to “happily spend quality time together.”

But quality doesn’t mean that only positive emotions are involved.

Helping your child develop emotional regulation skills during tantrums, teaching them patiently how to disagree respectfully, or encouraging problem-solving instead of just saying no are all quality times well spent.

Use Positive Discipline

Using punishment is the most common way to damage your relationship with your kid.

Discipline means to teach, not to punish.

You don’t need to punish to teach.

Using positive parenting to discipline can strengthen your bond.

Positive discipline is about teaching, guiding, and correcting your child in a kind and firm way.

Children as young as 1-year-olds can benefit from using nurturing and positive discipline.

Being positive is not being permissive. Permissive parents don’t set boundaries or enforce rules.

Authoritative parents, on the other hand, are positive and still enforce reasonable rules.

Respect Builds Relationships. Lack of Respect Destroys Relationships.

Mutual respect is crucial in every healthy relationship.

A positive parent-child relationship is no exception.

Respecting a child means respecting that they are people, too.

They have their own needs, wants, and preferences. They may be a little ignorant because they still have much to learn, but we shouldn’t treat them as less because of that.

Provide Autonomous Support

Autonomy is the next most important innate human desire​after basic needs such as food and safety .

Humans thrive when given the freedom to choose and decide on their actions.

Allowing our children to act autonomously on things that are not safety- or health-related is a significant motivation booster.

Being a controlling parent reduces your child’s motivation and damages your relationship with them.

Allow Open Communication

Talk to, not at, your child to build trust. Have a good conversation.

Listen to things that bother them, even things that may make you unhappy.

Some parents feel that children giving negative feedback or voicing their concerns are talking back.

But if you can demonstrate grace in taking feedback, your child will learn to do the same when you give it.

Letting your child have a voice also helps them build confidence. Language development is another bonus to these new communication habits.

Love Them Unconditionally

Unconditional love from the parent is the most precious gift you can give your child.

Unconditional love means you love them even when you dislike their behavior, such as not doing homework, being mad that they failed an exam, or being annoyed that they don’t finish their chores.

None of these are more important than the unique bond between parents and children.

Final Thoughts On Parent-Child Relationships – Change is hard

Building a close, secure relationship with their child is a goal many parents have, but not many pursue.

We are too inundated with daily hassles and often forget the most important thing in life — families.

Shifting our focus from shortcut parenting hacks to creating a long-lasting bond with our kids is not easy, but it’s very well worth it.

The last thing we want is to have an estranged relationship with the ones we love when they grow up .

Also See: Why Adult Children Are Cutting Off Their Parents

  • 1. Vaillant G. TRIUMPHS OF EXPERIENCE: THE MEN OF THE HARVARD GRANT STUDY . Harvard University Press; 2012.
  • 2. Greenberg MT, Siegel JM, Leitch CJ. The nature and importance of attachment relationships to parents and peers during adolescence. J Youth Adolescence . Published online October 1983:373-386. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02088721
  • 3. van Ijzendoorn MH, Kranenburg MJ, Zwart-Woudstra HA, van Busschbach AM, Lambermon MWE. Parental Attachment and Children’s Socio-emotional Development: Some Findings                on the Validity of the Adult Attachment Interview in The Netherlands. International Journal of Behavioral Development . Published online December 1991:375-394. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/016502549101400402
  • 4. Ryan RM, Powelson CL. Autonomy and Relatedness as Fundamental to Motivation and Education. The Journal of Experimental Education . Published online September 1991:49-66. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.1991.10806579
  • 5. Ryan RM, Brown KW, Creswell JD. How Integrative is Attachment Theory? Unpacking the Meaning and Significance of Felt Security. Psychological Inquiry . Published online August 13, 2007:177-182. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/10478400701512778
  • 6. McKee L, Roland E, Coffelt N, et al. Harsh Discipline and Child Problem Behaviors: The Roles of Positive Parenting and Gender. J Fam Viol . Published online April 20, 2007:187-196. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-007-9070-6
  • 7. Cullaty B. The Role of Parental Involvement in the Autonomy Development of Traditional-Age College Students. Journal of College Student Development . Published online 2011:425-439. doi:https://doi.org/10.1353/csd.2011.0048

Disclaimer: The content of this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult your healthcare provider for medical concerns.

Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships Essay

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There are many factors that influence a person’s life in his or her formative years, but parenting is the most important among them. It is the responsibility of parents to explain to their children what is right and what is wrong so that they can form their own opinion and develop a sense of self-worth. For example, when conflicts occur because of cultural differences, parents should discuss that every person can have his or her own background, religion, and any other cultural details. Despite differences, it is critical to respect each other, which would minimize conflicts. Empathy is the key quality that should be cultivated by parents to shape their child’s emotional world and the sense of self-importance.

To help their children feel better, some parents can use lie and justify their actions, seeing them as the only solution. In “White Lies” by Erin Murphy, Connie faced bullying from her classmates for being different. To protect herself, she told them that her father working at the candy factory can provide them with various sweets. In fact, “Her mother was filling a cardboard box. And Connie, bathed in unflinching fluorescence, was curved over her notebook making small, careful check marks” (Murphy, n.d.). By writing this quote, the author appeals to the reader’s emotions and as if asks the question of whether the example of Connie’s mother is correct or not.

It seems that she is not guilty since there was no other opportunity to help her daughter feel self-confidence and address school bullying. Namely, Murphy stresses that classmates were lacking cultural awareness, while the teacher was absolutely ignorant to relationships in the classroom. It is evident that Connie’s relationships with classmates improved, but the long-term benefits include achieving emotional stability, reducing her anxiety, and developing healthy self-esteem. It is not possible to recommend all parents to imitate this example since every situation should be considered individually. Nevertheless, it can serve as one of the ways by which parents can practice empathy and support their children.

Another example of parental empathy is inviting children to play team games. In a class, where African-American, Hispanic, and Chinese students learn together, conflicts seem to be unavoidable. Some students can be mocked, others can gather in groups to look stronger for those who are different from them. In cooperation with teachers, parents can show children that they can strive for a common goal during games that can be organized in schools or during leisure time.

They would become more receptive to the feelings of different people and expand their social sphere, which is favorable for self-confidence development. Team games foster a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and give a lot of empathic experiences. By playing in a team, children learn to find common ground, cooperate, care about each other, solve problems, negotiate, communicate, and find a compromise. Play is a powerful tool for socialization as it helps children to accept differences between people, overcome obstacles, and avoid dividing the world into friends and foes.

To conclude, parent-child relationships should be characterized by emotional openness. The “White Lies” story by Erin Murphy offers useful insights on how parents can support their children by being empathetic. Empathy cultivation helps children to develop self-confidence and build relationships with others. Teaching self-importance is closely related to empathy in relationships between children and their parents.

Murphy, E. (n.d.). White lies . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, October 30). Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships. https://ivypanda.com/essays/empathy-in-parent-child-relationships/

"Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships." IvyPanda , 30 Oct. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/empathy-in-parent-child-relationships/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships'. 30 October.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships." October 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/empathy-in-parent-child-relationships/.

1. IvyPanda . "Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships." October 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/empathy-in-parent-child-relationships/.


IvyPanda . "Empathy in Parent-Child Relationships." October 30, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/empathy-in-parent-child-relationships/.

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Parent-child Relationships: a Comprehensive Exploration

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Published: Mar 8, 2024

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Attachment theory, impact of modern society, parenting styles, communication.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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parent child relationship essay

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Parent Child Relationship

Impact of social media on parent-child relationship, meaning of social media.

Social media includes popular networking websites, like Facebook and Twitter.  It involves groups, forums and other platforms for interactive sharing and discussion of various events, news, blog post and articles.

Definition of social media

“Social media are platforms that enable the interactive web by engaging users to participate in, comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social graph, other users and the public”(Cohen, 2011).

“The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviour’s, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child.  The relationship involves the full extent of a child's development.” 

Of the many different people form over the course of the life span, the relationship between parent and child is among the most important.  The quality of the parent-child relationship is affected by the parent’s age, experience, and self-confidence, the unique characteristics of the child compared with those of the parent. 

Social Media Effect on Parent Child Relationship

For better or worse, social media has changed the way we parent.  You may not have been able to get a conversation out of your teenager at dinner, but if you check their Facebook page, you can find out if they’re in a relationship.

“Social media, a term that is used to define communicating and networking with others through the internet using a website site such as Facebook or Twitter, has completely changed the world.  In particular, its influence on parenting is enormous.”People love social media technology, and it’s great that kids have access to endless amounts of information and culture.  We are witnessing a new digital revolution.

In general, social media has influenced parenting for the better.  Pregnancy and parenting unite people as you could have absolutely nothing else in common with another person except that you both have a child or are pregnant and suddenly you are so very much the same.

It was through social media that people are able to find people going through the same experiences you are going through, and are able to connect with them.  There are many social media forums and groups where you can join in and support each other, grieve many losses, celebrate healthy births, ask thousands of questions that people are too embarrassed to even ask our own doctors.

Social media has the power to bring out the ugly and envious side in us as we start comparing our parent child relationship with that of others which is utter nonsense and should never be done.  Unfortunately, these are difficult lessons to learn.

Parents are usually the Role model for their children.  The way their parents use the social media is often noticed and imbibed by the children at a faster rate than other good qualities which they should imbibe.  People often view Facebook, go through their emails when with their children impacting their children and their habits .

The other issue is the addiction attached to the social media and games that tend to bypass other things and give less time to important things in the day.  Thus the parents should understand and control their child as well as themselves from not over indulging in anything.

The last issue is that people tend to suffer heavily by constantly glaring through social media, especially eye problems. Thus to avoid a long term problem both parent and child should understand the issue and concern.“Overall, social media is a very useful tool. People can’t imagine what their life would be without pictures of their beautiful daughter plastered all over Facebook for friends and family to enjoy, what life without Twitter in general would be like, or what loosing hundreds of amazing online friendships would do to me.”

A research was conducted in April 2016, the highlights of which are following,

1)Types of social media engaged in frequently

parent child relationship essay

(Multiple responses obtained)


84 out of 100 subjects used WhatsApp frequently whereas 59 of 100 used Facebook.

Thus it is clearly evident that Facebook and WhatsApp are the major social media sites which eat up the time of the parent.

16 participants used Instagram.

13 participants used LinkedIn and 13 participants used twitter.

There was 1 participant who also used YouTube frequently.

2) Type of activity carried out by parent and child together

parent child relationship essay


Major type of activity that almost 47 participants carry with their children is Indoor/Outdoor games thus inculcating the habit of playing in natural environment and not on electronic device.

Also there are 40 such participants who play with toys along with the child and be a child themselves, whereas 38 of those participants also talk and chat together and spend more time just developing trust.

There are few parents, almost 13 of the total sample size who indulge in playing computer games along with their children thus developing a wrong habit of playing on the computer rather than out in the nature.

3) Engagement of children during parental usage of an electronic device

parent child relationship essay

82% of the responses pointed the use of social media while the child is busy playing, watching TV or sleeping with 33% using while the child is sleeping whereas 26% and 23% use while they are playing and watching TV.

While remaining 18% of the responses hinted that they use social media while the child is studying or at tuitions.

This clearly points out that parents majorly use social media while the child is sleeping or engrossed in playing / watching TV thus not affecting the quality time spent with child.

4) Use of social media in educating the child

parent child relationship essay

63% participants use social media to educate their children while 37% do not use social media to educate their children.

Thus the chart clearly carves out that there is a growing sense of feeling that social media can be used in educating children.

5) Hand of social media in narrowing the gap between parents and children

parent child relationship essay

When asked about whether social media has narrowed the gap between parents and children 62% participants said yes and 38% refrained from the same.

The reason that was given by maximum participants was, “No quality time is given because of constant engagement on social media”

6)  Relationship healthier without social media

parent child relationship essay

76% out of the total participants answered yes that their relationship would be healthier without social media and the reason given was that no quality time is given to family because of constant use of social media.  

The remaining 24% were of the different view and had a belief that people need to balance their lives be it social media or anything else.


  • Schools should train the parents regarding the potential effects of the excessive use of social media on parent-child relationship.

It is highly recommended that the use of social media for child education should be limited as there are other ways to educate the child regarding the same things learnt on the electronic device.

The most important recommendation is parents should understand that the relation between child and parent is of utmost importance and the relation needs different inputs at various stages of growing up.  Thus the awareness of the various things needed to nurture the relationship is of utmost importance.

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Home Essay Samples Sociology

Essay Samples on Parent-Child Relationship

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  • Parent-Child Relationship

Respecting Parents: The Essential Value Explored in Confucius' "Analects"

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The Role of Respect for Parents in a Child's Behaviour

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Child Abuse: It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

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Best topics on Parent-Child Relationship

1. Why Should We Respect Our Parents: Exploring Islamic Arguments

2. Respecting Parents: The Essential Value Explored in Confucius’ “Analects”

3. The Role of Respect for Parents in a Child’s Behaviour

4. Why Parents Should Discipline Their Child: Importance of Discipline

5. Child Abuse: It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

6. Growing Up Without A Father And His Role In Childhood Development

7. Sandra Cisneros And Only Daughter: Sharing One Part Of Identity

8. Literary Analysis Of The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

9. Child Abuse In Parenting: The Morality Behind Children Being Spanked

10. The Reflection On Parenting Skills In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

11. Similar Themes In The Story Of Rapunzel And Documentary Movie Surfwise

12. My Virtual Child: Childhood Development Paper

13. Analysis of the Mother-Daughter Relationship in the Video Pineapple Ice Cream Using David Kolb’s Theory

14. Analysis of the Novel Two Kinds by Amy Tan: The Value of a Healthy Parent-Children Communication

15. The Factors that Link Parental Separation and Loss of Custody to Child Development

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Parent-child Relationship Essay Examples

Curfew for minors: effective safety measure or infringement of rights.

Curfews have many great outcomes, and I believe they keep us and others safe. Many parents also share this belief that when they give their children a curfew they are protecting them from a certain danger. I have to agree with those parents. I believe...

What It Takes to Be a Good Parent: Nurturing the Future

What it takes to be a good parent goes beyond the surface, transcending mere provision of material necessities. The role of a parent is one of profound influence and responsibility, shaping the lives of the next generation. Being a good parent demands a myriad of...

Discussion of Whether Parents Are Responsible for Their Children's Behavior

The three articles are crucial in understanding behavioral problems in children. They also help to evaluate how parenting influence children behaviors. Here I want to find out arguments against well-known statement that parents are not responsible for their children's behavior. This essay gives analysis of...

Caregiving Connections: Exploring Relationships Between Caretakers

Caregiving can be distributed among multiple family members and friends, although there is not much information regarding the number of caregivers who play a secondary role, the types of help they provide, how much time they spend providing help and whether the relationships between primary...

Career Choice: the Problem of Career Selection

Career plays a very fundamental and significant role in the life of individual and society. It determine the pattern of income distribution among individuals and also affect the individual personality and concepts in life. Career is therefore a choice of life pursuit, life work or...

Parenting Responsibilities: Augmentative and Alternative Communication

To start with, this is responsibilities of parents essay in which will be discussed why it is important for parents to be involved in communication with children. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) involves various communication methods that provide communicative support for individuals with severe expressive...

The Role of Father in the Family: the Review of Studies

Parents agreed that children’s well-being is mostly depended on family environment. This the role of father in the family essay will explore the role and father's influence through different studies. Parents expressed that family quarrel is very common in our culture. If there is a...

Gained Privileges: Should Parents Give Their Child Allowance

When we think about privilege we tend to think about male privilege, the benefits that males have over females in society. But does privilege start at a young age? But not only if young boys experience privilege more than young girls, but if different races...

Child's Sleep Difficulties and Theirs Solutions

My writing is called an essay about sleep problems that can appear in children and here I will share how they can be solved with a help of practitioners. If a child is having difficulties sleeping, then this can have an impact on both the...

The Complexity of Raising Children: Generation Gap and Over Guardianship

Childhood development is crucial to socialization and how an individual identifies themselves for their entire life. One pivotal element of childhood development is how the child is raised and whom that child is raised by; however, different forms of parenting produce different types of children....

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