Chemical Pathology

Chemical pathology is a medical specialty that involves the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of disease through the measurement of hormones and other molecules in body fluids. It includes the biochemical diagnosis of abnormal cell metabolites, electrolytes, proteins, and lipids. Chemical pathology plays a critical role in the management of a wide range of conditions, from cancer and diabetes to thyroid disorders and nutritional deficiencies. It also allows for more accurate monitoring of treatments and the detection of early signs of disease. As such, it is an invaluable tool in the practice of medicine.

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  • Applications of machine learning in the chemical pathology laboratory
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  • Rivak Punchoo 1 , 2 ,
  • Sachin Bhoora 2 ,
  • Nelishia Pillay 3
  • 1 Tshwane Academic Division , National Health Laboratory Service , Pretoria , Gauteng , South Africa
  • 2 Chemical Pathology , University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences , Pretoria , Gauteng , South Africa
  • 3 Computer Science , University of Pretoria Faculty of Engineering Built Environment and IT , Pretoria , Gauteng , South Africa
  • Correspondence to Dr Rivak Punchoo, Tshwane Academic Division, National Health Laboratory Service, Pretoria 0001, South Africa; rivak.punchoo{at}

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Machine learning (ML) is an area of artificial intelligence that provides computer programmes with the capacity to autodidact and learn new skills from experience, without continued human programming. ML algorithms can analyse large data sets quickly and accurately, by supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, to provide classification and prediction value outputs. The application of ML to chemical pathology can potentially enhance efficiency at all phases of the laboratory’s total testing process. Our review will broadly discuss the theoretical foundation of ML in laboratory medicine. Furthermore, we will explore the current applications of ML to diverse chemical pathology laboratory processes, for example, clinical decision support, error detection in the preanalytical phase, and ML applications in gel-based image analysis and biomarker discovery. ML currently demonstrates exploratory applications in chemical pathology with promising advancements, which have the potential to improve all phases of the chemical pathology total testing pathway.

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Handling editor Tahir S Pillay.

Contributors All authors wrote the first, subsequent drafts and reviewed the final draft of the manuscript. SB prepared figures and table. All authors conceived the idea for the manuscript.

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Blog – From 10 tests a day to 5,000: the past, present and future of chemical pathology

10 October 2018

In our third blog for NHS70, Dr Kate Earp goes back to the 1940s to explore how tests on blood and bodily fluids used to be conducted – before life-saving advancements in technology transformed our laboratories.

Chemical pathology, sometimes referred to as clinical biochemistry, is perhaps one of the lesser-known pathology specialties.  As a chemical pathologist, my job is to measure the amount of chemicals – minerals, drugs and proteins – within bodily fluids. Doctors and nurses rely on my interpretation of test results to diagnose, treat and monitor the health of their patients.

Chemical pathology now is a fundamental part of how we manage chronic illnesses like diabetes and osteoporosis, and many doctors like me spend much of our time in clinics seeing patients face-to-face. Looking back over developments in chemical pathology, though, it wasn’t always like this. At the birth of the NHS, testing was arduous and ineffective, its value largely misunderstood, until advancements in technology transformed our specialty into a cornerstone of modern medicine.

When the NHS was in its infancy in the 1940s, chemical pathology laboratories were very basic. They were only able to test patient samples for a small number of substances and only a minority of patients would have access to blood tests. It could take days to perform some of the tests and they were very labour intensive, with multiple steps to create mixtures of chemicals and then add the patient’s sample. And after all that work, the results produced were not even particularly accurate; only a rough estimate of the amount of a substance in a patient’s blood could be given.

For all these reasons, the laboratory was initially not seen as being that useful to patient care, often tucked away in the basement of the hospital, consisting of one small room with only a handful of staff. However, during the 1950s, new techniques were developed which enabled a greater number of substances to be measured and more helpful results produced.

One of the major advances came when ‘automated’ analysers were introduced; robotic machines would perform many of the tasks which were previously done by hand. With the introduction of computer processing, microchips were built into laboratory machines and connected to computers, allowing staff to interact with them more efficiently.

This raft of new, pioneering technologies enabled a greater number of samples to be processed in a shorter time frame. In particular, doctors were beginning to realise the usefulness of being able to test and monitor patients’ blood results, and performing blood tests started to become a routine part of patient assessment.

Today, chemical pathologists play a fundamental role in the health service, providing their expertise to other doctors and healthcare staff over the phone and at Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings.  Many of our laboratories look very high-tech: purpose-built, large, modern buildings which house many complex pieces of equipment and at which hundreds of staff work.

Take my lab for example – we’re part of a large teaching hospital and process around 5,000 samples a day, from a combination of GP surgeries, hospital wards and outpatient clinics. From one tube of blood (which is about one teaspoon), over 20 different substances can be tested for, helping your doctor to monitor how your vital organs – such as the kidneys, liver and heart – are functioning. Blood test results are also able to help to diagnose conditions such as diabetes, heart attacks and certain kinds of cancer, with an accuracy which would have been unthinkable all those years ago. Abnormal results are automatically flagged and passed to a chemical pathologist like myself, so we can arrange for extra tests and advise GPs and other doctors on what to do next.

Now, much of the focus of the NHS laboratory is assisting with disease prevention. People who are at high risk of developing diabetes can be identified by a blood test and given clear advice on prevention. In addition NHS laboratories across the country now have an automated alert system that looks at blood tests from all patients whose kidney function is being monitored and detects if it has declined significantly. These alert means we can advise doctors on how take preventative action to stop the kidney from worsening further.

Technology is developing all the time and the accuracy with which we can measure changes in body chemistry makes personalising and monitoring treatment much easier.

New tests are emerging to help with the diagnosis of more and more conditions, with blood tests used to replace time-consuming tests that patients could find uncomfortable. For example, faecal calprotectin tests are used to rule out serious diseases of the gut – like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis – where previously, patients would have to go to the hospital for a camera test or colonoscopy. Tests can also help us monitor how well the treatment is working; when I’m treating a patient for low bone density, a simple blood test will show the treatment’s impact around the three-month mark. Previously, we would have had to wait to see results in a bone density scan, which didn’t show any changes for a year or more.

Another emerging area is ‘personalised medicine’, since we now know that some patients respond better to certain treatments. Tests are now available which can predict how well a person will respond to medication – for example, before giving a patient a drug called azathioprine, used to treat conditions affecting the immune system, we can do a blood test that checks how well a patient will respond and if they are at risk of side effects. The doctor looking after the patient can then alter the dose of the drug accordingly.   

Of course, new developments and techniques are emerging every day. Chemical pathologists are always looking for ways of doing things better – indeed, when we’re overseeing laboratories, it’s a fundamental part of our job. Chemical pathology is a forward-looking speciality, which is what makes it so exciting to work in. Using cutting edge technology to improve patient care is what we do on a daily basis.

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Dr Kate Earp

  • Specialty Registrar in Chemical Pathology and Metabolic Medicine, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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  • J Toxicol Pathol
  • v.34(4); 2021 Oct

Contribution of toxicologic pathologists for the safety of human health in biomedical research—past, present, and future of the JSTP

Makoto enomoto.

1 Former Vice-President, An-pyo Center, 582-2 Shioshinden, Iwata-city, Shizuoka, Japan

Hijiri Iwata

2 Laboratory of Toxicologic Pathology, LunaPath LLC, 3-5-1 Aoihigashi, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka, Japan

3 Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, 1111 Highland Ave, WIMR3136, Madison, WI 53705, USA

The research field of “Toxicologic Pathology” evaluates potentially toxic chemical exposures and chemically mediated illnesses in humans and experimental animals. Comparative studies of chemical exposures between model organisms and humans are essential for the risk assessment of chemicals and human health. Here we review the development and activities of the Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology (JSTP) during its 37-year history. Toxicological pathology studies provide many interesting and valuable findings. Rodent cancer bioassay data demonstrate the importance of dose levels, times, and duration of exposures to chemicals that possibly cause human cancers. Studies of toxic injuries in the nasal cavity demonstrate that specific chemical compounds affect different target cells and tissues. These observations are relevant for current air pollution studies in the preventive medicine field. Future toxicological pathology studies will be enhanced by applying molecular pathology with advanced observation techniques. In addition to the nasal cavity, another sense organ such as the tongue should be a potential next program of our mission for risk assessment of inhaled and ingested chemicals. As a message to the younger members of the JSTP, interdisciplinary and global cooperation should be emphasized. Elucidating the mechanisms of toxicologic pathology with a combination of advanced expertise in genetics and molecular biology offers promise for future advances by JSTP members.

Toxicologic Pathology and Experimental Medicine

As you may know, Katsusaburo Yamagiwa and Koichi Ichikawa’s first publication “Experimental study on the pathogenesis of epithelial tumors” in 1915 was a milestone in the history of research on chemical carcinogenesis 1 . After their discovery, many studies have been conducted to understand the mechanism of action of chemical carcinogens. The field of “Toxicologic Pathology” evaluates potentially toxic chemical exposures and chemically mediated illnesses in humans and animals. Comparative studies of chemical exposures between model organisms and humans are essential for the risk assessment of chemicals and human health.

In 1985, the American Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) invited Japanese Society of Toxicological Pathology (JSTP) representatives to their Symposium entitled “Estimating Human Risk from Animal Tumor Data”. Makoto Enomoto described the current level of diagnostic expertise among toxicologic pathologists in Japan. He also presented a comparison of histological data from human stomach and liver cancers with the results from experimental animals with these cancers. By 1970 stomach and liver cancers were most prevalent in Japan. N-Methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and N-Ethyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG) were used to induce stomach carcinomas in rats and dogs, respectively. Carbon tetrachloride and luteoskyrin are known to induce cirrhosis combined with hepatocellular carcinoma. Luteoskyrin is an anthraquinone derivative that was isolated from mycotoxin which causes the so-called “yellowed rice”. Histological specimens of stomach cancer induced by derivatives of nitrosoguanidine in rats or dogs were compared with those of human endoscopic biopsy specimens ( Fig. 1A ). Histopathological changes in rodents associated with progression from acute to chronic hepatic damage including cirrhosis and liver cancer induced by carbon tetrachloride and luteoskyrin were compared with biopsy or autopsy specimens from human liver cancer patients ( Fig. 1B and 1C ) 2 .

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Development of disease models. A) Stomach cancer in human, dog and rat. H.E. stain. a) biopsy specimen, stomach adenocarcinoma, man, 65 years old, b) gastric mucosal adenocarcinoma, beagle dog, treated with MNNG drinking water, c) early-stage mucosal adenocarcinoma, glandular stomach, rat, treated with MNNG drinking water. B) Human liver cancer, c-type virus hepatitis patient. H.E. stain. d) biopsy specimen, acute hepatitis, man 30 years old, e) biopsy specimen, chronic active hepatitis, 32 years old, f) necropsy liver tissue, liver cirrhosis, 52 years old, g) liver cancer with cirrhosis, 52 years old, C) Liver disease in F344 female rat from inhalation of carbon tetrachloride study. H.E. stain. h) acute liver damage, 4 weeks, i) subacute liver damage, 13 weeks, j) hepatic nodule (chronic damage), 52 weeks, k) liver cirrhosis with carcinoma, 78 weeks.

Progress and Contributions of JSTP during 37 years of History

The history of the JSTP was surveyed comprehensively a decade ago by the late Yoichi Konishi, one of our founding members 3 . This review described the development of JSTP independence from the Japanese Society of Toxicology, interactive communication with the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science (JALAS), and cooperative activities with the STP as well as the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology (ESTP). He also stated that education of the toxicologic pathologists was the most important goal. The late Nobuyuki Ito and Yoichi Konishi organized and started the annual JSTP meeting in Nara, inviting internationally famous pathologists from around the world including the USA, Germany, Japan, and faculty members of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). Tremendous efforts and a variety of the other smaller seminars organized by experimental pathologists in Japan contributed to the mentoring of young toxicologic pathologists who graduated from a variety of schools such as veterinary, human medical pathology, pharmacology, or basic biology. Thus, safety assessments of chemicals including medical drugs, pesticides, and food additives were completed by many institutes/laboratories in compliance with GLP requirements of Japan, Europe, and the USA over the last half-century. The basic roles of the toxicologic pathologist and key points for their routine safety assessments are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 1 .

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Outline of the standard tasks of the toxicologic pathologist.

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Development and Advancement of Toxicologic Pathology

A. toxicology contributions.

Among the interesting results obtained from the experimental assessment of the toxicologic effects of drugs and pesticides, three important examples are illustrated below. 1) Physiological and pharmacological effects of estrogen. A variety of effects of estrogen in addition to its function as a female sex hormone have been described ( Fig. 3 ). It is notable that estrogen itself can be a carcinogen causing mammary carcinoma in humans, similar to the early induction of pituitary tumors observed in mice. Since estrogen is made in the body, the possible differences between its “in situ” and artificial exogenous effects need to be elucidated. 2) Disturbance of the hormone balances by psycho-neurology drugs. Psycho-neurological drugs resulted in disturbed hormonal imbalances in experimental animals as side effects; these included a variety of toxicological injuries and tumorigenic endpoints ( Table 2 ). 3) Side effects of the quinoline drugs. Figure 4 summarizes the toxicological side effects of quinoline compounds. The difference in the appearance of toxicological disorders among animal species is also notable. Pathological effects of these medical quinoline drugs could be the key factors for the discovery of the new generation of improved quinoline drugs.

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Physiological and pharmacological effects of estrogen.

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Toxicological side effects of the quinoline drugs.

B. Rodent cancer bioassays

As with Ito’s medium-term assays for chemical carcinogenicity studies 4 , two-year cancer bioassay programs were carried out extensively in Japan, the USA, and Europe. In order to improve the design of rodent cancer bioassays, joint meetings were held in Tokyo and Hakone, Japan between 1975 and 1980. Members of the National Cancer Institute, USA, and experimental Japanese scientists participated in these meetings. They agreed on guidelines for: 1) well-controlled animal testing facilities, 2) proper animal handling and husbandry by appropriately trained technical personnel, and 3) the standardization of preclinical safety evaluation testing guidelines. Finally, the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) regulations became law in 1979. As a result, data obtained from studies conducted since 1980 show higher quality and more reproducibility between different testing facilities, providing better accuracy in predicting and evaluating the potential toxicity and carcinogenicity of chemicals for humans ( Table 3 ). Also, the incorporation of mechanistic and toxicokinetic data of chemicals obtained from rodent bioassays greatly deepened the scientific insight on tumor development 5 , 6 , 7 . Table 4 showed that the guidance for obtaining the reliability of toxicity and carcinogenicity studies. Groups of 50 males and females of selected strains of rats (F344/SD/Wistar) or mice (B6C3F 1 /ICR) are assigned to each of the control or treatment groups. Following the 13-week repeated dose toxicity studies, top doses are chosen to expose animals to a minimally toxic change. And lower doses are selected within the linear range of kinetics. Animals are given three or four dose levels of test substances by gavage, feeding or drinking water consumption, dermal painting, or inhalation exposure. Dosing to animals starts at age 5–6 weeks and lasts for 2 years. Then surviving animals receive a complete histopathologic examination. All studies include clinical biochemical measurements, as well as assessments of gross behavioral changes, body and organ weights, food and water consumption. Because of the assistance of the animal care specialists trained by the JALAS and technical specialists for clinical examination, the data of carcinogenicity studies are reliable. Further, the historical control data of gross macroscopic lesions and histological lesions are useful for evaluating the toxicological and/or carcinogenic potential of chemical substances. These data also may contribute to the elucidation of age-associated spontaneous morphologic changes in a commonly used strain of rat and mouse in the long term animal studies 8 , 9 , 10 ( Table 5 ).

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The most significant fact in a large-scale bioassay is recognizing the importance of dose levels, times, and duration of exposure in the safety evaluation of carcinogenic as well as classical toxic agents. A great deal of attention will have to be paid to the concept of threshold doses and exposure levels that may be required to achieve preneoplastic conditions or the induction of carcinogenic processes. Thus, bioassay studies successfully identify tumor-causing agents in rodents by providing information on dose-responses and characterizing other chemical-related toxicities. A no-effect level can exist for tumor development and the exposure-response can be supralinear in range. We suggest that linear extrapolation from high toxic exposures to postulated low exposure effects of DNA-reactive carcinogens can yield overestimates. The finding of no-effect levels provides a basis for understanding why very low-level environmental exposures to humans of even DNA-reactive carcinogens may convey insignificant cancer risks 7 , 11 , 12 , 13 .

C. Air pollution and inhalation study

Inhalation studies over the past half century by toxicologic pathologists have provided ample evidence for human health risks associated with air pollution particulate matter (PM). Both Ulrich Mohr and the late Donald L. Dungworth are owed a great deal for their contributions in the field of inhalation toxicology. Their efforts led to large respiratory pathology research programs throughout the world. In Japan, extensive studies on toxic and carcinogenic effects of nano-level size particulates 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 and nanotubes 19 , 20 , along with earlier rodent bioassays that exposed the whole body of animals to a variety of industrial chemicals, have demonstrated the effects of airborne chemical hazards. Air pollution containing carcinogenic PM derived from automobile exhaust, paved roads containing toxic pitch, coal tar, and asbestos are sources of injury to the respiratory organs including the nasal cavity. Toxic injuries of the nasal cavity caused by chemical compounds were studied extensively by toxicologic pathologists, demonstrating differences of target cells and tissue sites depending on chemicals ( Fig. 5 ) 21 . It should be also noted that there are significant increases of macrophages in rodents following inhalation of pharmaceutical materials 22 . The importance of exposure levels to toxic and carcinogenic substances present as PM air pollution needs to be emphasized with respect to human health risks. Pathologists have reported that chronic exposure to high levels of ambient PM (daily average of PM 2.5 ; 22 μg/m 3 ) is associated with small airway remodeling of human lungs 23 , 24 . The public health burden associated with the air pollution-related carcinogens has been forecast based on exposure levels at which there is a measurable cancer risk. Table 6 shows that carcinogenic particulates were present in the air of major cities and industrial sites at greater than μg/m 3 levels. Furthermore, Fig. 6 demonstrates the different effects between oral and nasal breathing of the inhaled polluted air.

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Effects of chemicals in the nasal cavity – difference between sites and target cells.

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Air pollution and oral (tobacco smoking) versus nasal inhalation.

Future Development of the JSTP and Message

The practice of identifying cancer hazards through rodent cancer bioassays is being replaced or supplemented by evaluating molecular biomarkers to characterize hazards 25 , 26 , 27 . Future experimental animal studies are expected to contribute to the safety assessment of chemical agents by applying advanced immunohistological assays for early detection and diagnoses of cancer cells 28 . Since a study on toxicologic pathology of the nasal cavity emphasized the important role of nasal breath for filtrating airborne pollutants, further investigation on sense organs such as the nose for smell and the tongue for taste should be carried out for safety assessments of both humans and animals.

Interdisciplinary research cooperation with areas of genetics, embryology, pharmacological toxicology, and clinical pathology should be necessary to improve and deepen the research success of our mission 29 . Global corporation should also be a key factor in the further development of our society, as the 37th JSTP annual meeting president Hijiri Iwata stressed at the conference. Many of the biggest mistakes in history have been based on consensus thinking. Consensus should never be regarded as a substitute for scientifically based facts 30 .

Conference Presentation

Presented virtually by Makoto Enomoto at the 37th JSTP annual meeting in January 2021.

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest.


We would like to thank Dr. Roger Wiseman at the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Wisconsin for his critical reading of the manuscript.

Chemical Pathology

A chemical pathologist has expertise in the biochemistry of the human body as it applies to the understanding of the cause and progress of disease. This physician functions as a clinical consultant in the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. Chemical pathology entails the application of biochemical data to the detection, confirmation, or monitoring of disease.

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The Association of Clinical Pathologists Logo

Chemical Pathology

Chemical Pathology is the branch of pathology dealing with the biochemical basis of disease and the use of biochemical tests for screening, diagnosis, prognosis and management.

Chemical pathologists have two important clinical roles. The first is liaising with healthcare professionals such as general practitioners, nurses, non-consultant and other consultant doctors to provide advice on which tests to use and how to interpret the results of the tests when investigating patients. This commonly includes a wide range of conditions such as liver disease, kidney disease, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, and hormone imbalances. The second is having direct responsibility for patients in out-patient clinics and on the hospital wards. In these settings, chemical pathologists diagnose and treat a wide range of metabolic disorders such as high cholesterol, diabetes, hormone imbalances, kidney stones, bone disease and nutrition imbalances.

Chemical pathologists are also responsible for the provision of a reliable analytical service. This includes measuring markers of liver and kidney function, hormones, drugs and tumour markers in hundreds to thousands of patient samples every day. Many of these analytes are measured on automated analysers operated by biomedical scientists. The management, assurance of quality and provision of advice on the choice of tests and assessment of the significance of the results (especially with some of the more uncommon tests) are the province of the chemical pathologist.

Chemical Pathology Committee

Dr C Meek (Chair, Education rep)

Dr E Bate (Vice Chair)

Elected members

Prof. R Gama (Best Practice Guidelines Editor) Dr Y Baoku Dr A Ryan

Trainee Members’ representative

Council members.

Dr T El-Shanawany Dr A Pugh Dr W Simpson Dr K Skordilis Dr W Wassif

Useful links

Association for Clinical Biochemistry American Association for Clinical Chemistry Assay Finder UK National Institute of Biological Standards and Control Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism UKNEQAS Society of Toxicology American Board of Forensic Toxicology Cornell University’s Poisonous Plants Database

The Association of Clinical Pathologists

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Chemical Pathology

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Recent advances in bacterial detection using surface-enhanced raman scattering.

research topics in chemical pathology

1. Introduction

2. overview of bacterial sers detection and analytes, 2.1. different sers detection methods: label-free and label-based, 2.2. target analytes for sers bacterial detection, 3. label-free bacterial sers detection, 3.1. sers-based bacterial gene probe, 3.2. biomarker-based detection, 3.3. bacterial whole cell detection, 4. enhancing sers detection performance, 4.1. different types of sers substrates with enhanced sensitivity, 4.2. bacterial concentration methods, 4.3. microfluidic sers-based detection, 4.4. differentiation of spectra using chemometric analysis, 4.5. ai/ml-enabled sers detection, reproducibility of sers, 4.6. detection of microbes in complex samples, 5. challenges and opportunities, 6. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Bacteria StrainsDetection MethodSubstratesLimit of DetectionCondition of Detection
Escherichia coliLabel-free detectionSilver nanoparticlesDown to single cellLiquid (Lab test) [ , , ]
4.3 × 10 cells/mLLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
2.5 × 10 cell/mL Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
-Liquid (Lab test) [ , , , , , , , ]
Planar monolithic porous polymer layers functionalized with gold nanoparticles-Solid (Lab test) [ ]
magnetite–gold magnetic nanoparticles10 CFU/mLLiquid (in apple juice) [ , ]
Vancomycin-coated long-range ordered 3D nanoassembly of gold/silver core–shell nanorods with edge-on substrate-Solid (Lab test) [ ]
A polymer mat covered a layer of gold-Solid (in blood, urine, water or milk) [ ]
Label-based detectionIron oxide-gold core–shell nanoovals;
QSY21 as target
210 CFU/mLLiquid
(Lab test) [ ]
Citrate-stabilized gold nanosphere and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-stabilized gold nanorod particles2.0 × 10 CFU/mLLiquid
(in water sample) [ ]
PseudomonasLabel-free detectionSilver nanoparticles10 CFU/mLLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
Roughened metal shelter10 CFU/mLLiquid (in diluted blood) [ ]
Au@pNIPAM hydrogel with embedded Au nanorods and mesostructured Au@TiO substrate with a mesoporous TiO thin film over a submonolayer of Au nanospheres3.4 × 10 CFU /mLLiquid (in vivo) [ ]
Label-based detectionSilver nanorod array; pyocyanin as the biomarker5 ppb; 2.38 × 10 mol/LSolid (in clinical sputum samples: wounds and urine specimens) [ ]
StaphylococcusLabel-free detectionSilver nanoparticlesDown to single-cellLiquid (Lab test) [ , ]
Silver nanoparticles-Liquid (in diluted blood) [ ]
Silicon wafer decorated with silver nanoparticles10 cells/mLSolid (in human blood) [ ]
Label-based detectionAu-coated magnetic nanoparticles core/shell nanocomposites; DTNB as target10 cells/mLLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
GA-modified Au@Rubpy/L-GO SERS tags-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Gold nanoparticle-on-wire; DNAs as target10 pmol/LLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
SalmonellaLabel-free detectionVancomycin-coated silver nanorod100 CFU/mLSolid (in fresh produce) [ ]
Silver nanoparticles-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Silver nanorod array substratesDown to single cellSolid (Lab test) [ ]
Au@Ag core/shell nanoparticles15 CFU/mLLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
Ag nanocrystals into Ag nanospheres10 CFU/mLLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
SalmonellaLabel-based detectionSilver nanoparticles;
O-antigen as target
(Lab test) [ ]
ShewanellaLabel-free detectionBiofilms cultivated on gold-coated glass slides, gold nanoislands-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Tip-coated multimode fiber, liquid core photonic crystal fiber10 cells/mLLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
Ag or Au colloidal particles onto a rigid, ceramic filter-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Label-based detectionGold nanoislands; the intracellular bioreduction of two stable valence forms of chromateDown to single cellLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
BacillusLabel-free detectionRough silver (colloidal) film-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Thin gold layer on an electrochemically roughened nanoscopic silver substrate-Solid (in human blood) [ ]
Label-based detection AuNPs/PVP/Au; dipicolinic acid as a biomarker~10 (SERS EF)Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Fe O –Au core–shell nanoparticles-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Other bacteria
Helicobacter pyloriLabel-free detectionSilver nanoparticles~10 (SERS EF)Solid (Lab test) [ ]
Listeria monocytogenesLabel-free detectionsilver nanoparticlesDown to single cellLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
KlebsiellaLabel-free detectionVancomycin-coated silver nanorodBacterial strain levelSolid (Lab test) [ , ]
CitrobacterLabel-free detectionVancomycin-coated silver nanorodBacterial strain levelSolid (Lab test) [ , ]
ProteusLabel-free detectionsilver nanoparticlesBacterial strain levelLiquid (Lab test) [ , ]
ArthrobacterLabel-free detectionsilver nanoparticles-Liquid (in soil and groundwater) [ ]
SphingomonasLabel-free detectionsilver nanoparticles-Liquid (in soil and groundwater) [ ]
Shigella sonneiLabel-free detectionsilver nanoparticles-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Mycobacterium smegmatisLabel-free detectionSilver on anodic aluminum oxide nanoparticle arrays-Solid (Lab test) [ ]
Erwinia amylovaraLabel-free detectionsilver nanoparticles-Liquid (Lab test) [ ]
Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaLabel-based detectionGold nanoparticle-on-wire; DNAs as target10 pmol/LLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
Vibrio vulnificusLabel-based detectionGold nanoparticle-on-wire; DNAs as target10 pmol/LLiquid (Lab test) [ ]
StructureChemical ConstituentsGram
Cell wall
Peptidoglycan [ ]Alternating polymers of NAM (N-Acetylglucosamine) and NAG (N-acetylmuramic acid)+/−
Teichoic Acid [ ]Polyribitol phosphate or glycerol phosphate is cross-linked to peptidoglycan.+
Lipoteichoic Acid [ ]Lipid-linked teichoic acid.+
Periplasmic Space [ ]proteases, phosphatases, lipases, nucleases, and carbohydrate-degrading enzymes
Outer Membrane [ ]Phospholipids with saturated fatty acids.
Proteins [ ]Porins and lipoproteins transport proteins.
Lipopolysaccharide [ ]Lipid A and core polysaccharide
Other external structures
Capsule [ ]Polysaccharides (disaccharides and trisaccharides) and polypeptides.+/−
Pili [ ]Pilin and adhesins.+/−
Flagellum [ ]Motor proteins, flagellin.+/−
Biomarker Proteins [ , ]For example, M proteins of streptococci and O antigen.
Staphyloxanthin for Staphylococcus sp.
Pyocyanin for Pseudomonas sp.
Other internal structures
Metabolic products [ ]ATP, NAD, and NADP++/−
Proteins [ ]Metabolic proteins+/−
DNA or RNA [ ]Nucleotides+/−
ChemicalsPeak Position (cm )Tentative Peak AssignmentsChemicalsPeak
Position (cm )
Tentative Peak Assignments
Cell wallOther external structures
Peptidoglycan (NAG) [ ]
(514.5 nm)
964N/AFlagellum [ ]
(532 nm)
1059N/A945Skeletal CCN
1536N/A1453CH rocking
1638N/A1662Amide I
Teichoic acid [ ]
(532 nm)
964POH bendingOther internal structures
1250PO- bendingCell plasma
SERS [ ]
(514.5 nm)
1212CN bending1330N/A
1322CHOH bending780N/A
1646Amid II1125N/A
Lipoteichoic acid [ , ]Similar to teichoic acid1230N/A
Periplasmic space [ ]N/AMetabolic products (4-ATP) [ ]
(632.8 nm)
1089NH rocking
1176CH bending
Outer membrane proteins (Porins and OmpA) [ ] Raman
(514.5 nm)
1553Trp1211CN bending
1579Trp1286CH stretching
1602Phe1492CC stretching and
CH bending
1669Amide1593CC stretching and NH bend.
Lipopolysaccharide [ ] Raman
(514.5 nm)
1612N/AInternal proteins [ ]
(830 nm)
1250Amide III
1652N/A1322Adenine, guanine, and Tyr
1726N/A1003C(CC) aromatic ring (Phe)
N/A Not available 1081V(PO) in oligonucleotides
(830 nm)
546CO and POC bending
795V(PO2) and v(CC) ring breathing
816CO and POC
8531,4 glysosidic link
Chemometric MethodsSERS SubstratesBacterial SamplesNumber of BacteriaResults and Conclusions
DFA-HCA; PCA [ ]Silver colloidClinical bacterial isolates from patients with UTI (Escherichia coli; Klebsiella oxytoca; Klebsiella pneumoniae; Citrobacter freundii; and Enterococcus spp. and Proteus mirabilis)6 species, 5 strainsDiscriminate between distinct species and discriminate Escherichia coli on strain level.
PCA, HCA, and DFA based on the “barcoding method” [ ] Au-nanoparticle-covered SiO substrateBacillus thuringiensis; Bacillus cereus; Bacillus anthracis; Bacillus licheniformis; Mycobacterium smegmatis; Mycobacterium fortuitum; Escherichia coli; Salmonella typhimurium8 speciesSpecies and strain separation
PCA, HCA, and PLS-DA [ ]AgNRMycoplasma pneumonia and clinical throat swab1 specie, 3 strainsThe throat swab samples spiked with M. pneumonia, and actual clinical throat swab samples were correctly classified.
PCA [ ]Internal deposition of silver nanoparticlesStaphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli O157:H72 speciesDifferentiate Staphylococcus. epidermidis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and their 1:1 ratio mixer
PCA [ ]Au, ion-doped SiO sol–gelKembolar pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus4 species, 2 strainsDiscriminate SERS spectra of different bacteria and the culture media in which they are grown.
PCA and SVM [ ]Silver colloid incorporates a microfluidic deviceEscherichia coli9 strainsClassification between strains with a high correct rate
PCA [ ]Silver nanoparticlesEnterococcus faecalis; Streptococcus pyogenes; Acinetobacter baumannii; Klebsiella pneumoniae4 speciesDiscrimination between G+ and G-bacterial genera
PCA, LDA, and HCA [ ]Roughened gold-coated glass slidesArthrobacter strains14 strainsDistinct molecular differences on the surface of fourteen closely related Arthrobacter strains; liquid and solid cultures are distinguished
PCA [ ]Magnetic–plasmonic Fe O –Au core–shell nanoparticles (Au-MNPs)Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Escherichia coli K12, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa3 speciesDiscriminate between species
PCA and HCA [ ]Gold nanoparticles (GNPs)Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 50013, Salmonella O7HZ10, Shigella boydii CMCC51514, Shigella sonnei CMCC51529, Shigella dysenteriae CMCC51252, Citrobacter freundii ATCC43864, and Enterobacter sakazakii 1546 species, 2 strainsDiscriminate between species and serotypes
PCA [ ]AgNRGeneric Escherichia coli; Escherichia coli O157:H7; Staphylococcus aureus; Salmonella typhimurium 1925-1 poultry isolate, and Escherichia coli DH 5a3 species, 3 serotypesDistinguish between distinct species, differentiate pure cell samples from mixed cell samples, and classify different bacterial strains.
PCA and PLS-DA [ ]VAN AgNRSalmonella enterica serotype Anatum, Salmonella enterica serotype Cubana, Salmonella enterica serotype Stanley, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Staphylococcus epidermidis3 species, 4 serotypesDifferentiate between species and serotypes in mung bean sprout samples
PCA and machine learning algorithm—RamanNet [ ]AgNRE. coli, S. typhmirium, S. minnesota, S. mileloti, P. aeruginosa, M. catarrhalis,
H. pylori GU2, F. tularensis LVS, E. coli 0128B12, E. coli 011B4, E. coli J5, and E. coli H100
6 species, 7 strainsDiscriminate between distinct species and discriminate on strain level
PCA [ ]AgNR E. coli, S. typhimurium, S. minnesota, V. cholerae, Rhizobium species R. CE3, and R. NGR, as well as Neisseria meningitidis6 speciesSERS spectra can be used to differentiate between the different enteric LPS
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Share and Cite

Hassan, M.; Zhao, Y.; Zughaier, S.M. Recent Advances in Bacterial Detection Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Biosensors 2024 , 14 , 375.

Hassan M, Zhao Y, Zughaier SM. Recent Advances in Bacterial Detection Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Biosensors . 2024; 14(8):375.

Hassan, Manal, Yiping Zhao, and Susu M. Zughaier. 2024. "Recent Advances in Bacterial Detection Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering" Biosensors 14, no. 8: 375.

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Band 3 Medical Secretary - Chemical Pathology

Job posting for band 3 medical secretary - chemical pathology at university hospitals birmingham, job summary.

To provide secretarial support to the clinical team with particular responsibility for audio typing clinical letters, maintaining clinics by booking appointments and liaising with the outpatient booking team, telephoning patients, scanning correspondence and carrying out general office duties. The post holder will provide an empathic and sensitive point of contact for patients/relatives and carers, undertaking work under the direction of the Medical Secretary Supervisor.

Main duties, tasks & skills required

To provide excellent telephone skills, accurately record telephone messages and provide a point of contact for patients in an empathetic and sensitive manner. To problem solve and exercise initiative when dealing with enquiries. To type letters from audio, maintain clinics by booking appointments and, when required, book interpreters and collect patient files from medical records. Scan correspondence, ensure post is opened and sent accordingly. Work collaboratively by liaising with Clinical Management and the outpatient booking team for changes to clinics and resolve patient queries. Input and look up data on Trust IT systems in accordance with Trust policy and carry out general office duties. You will also have good communication and keyboard skills.

If you have any queries regarding this role, please contact either Grace Rooke ([email protected]) or Mandy Simpson ([email protected]).

We are recognised as one of the leading NHS Foundation Trusts in the UK. Our vision is to Build Healthier Lives, and we recognise that we need incredible staff to do this.

Our commitment to our staff is to create the best place for them to work, and we are dedicated to:

Investing in the health and wellbeing of our staff, including a commitment of offering flexible working where we can; Offer our staff a wide variety of training and development opportunities, to support their personal and career development objectives.

UHB is committed to ensuring that our staff are treated fairly and feel that they belong, by creating a kind and inclusive environment. This is about equity of opportunity; removing all barriers, including discrimination and ensuring each individual member of staff reach their true potential, achieve their ambitions and thrive in their work. This is more than words. We are taking action. Our commitment to an inclusive culture is embedded at all levels of the organisation where every voice is heard, driven by our diverse and active staff networks, and at Board level by the Fairness Taskforce led by our CEO. We nurture a culture which empowers staff to challenge discriminatory behaviours and to enable people to bring their 'whole self' to a kinder, more connected and bold place to work.

University Hospitals Birmingham is a Smoke-Free premises hospital.

Job description

*Please Note : For a specific detailed job description for this vacancy, please see attached Job Description*

Person specification


  • Good General Education (e.g. GCSE English and Maths A-C) GCSE Level 9-4
  • Business Administration NVQ level 3 or equivalent experience in a clerical environment
  • Experience of dealing with the Public/Customer service experience
  • Experience of working with a range of Microsoft Office packages (eg. Word,Excel and Outlook)
  • Experience of using IT systems

Disclosure and Barring Service Check

This post is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions Order) 1975 and as such it will be necessary for a submission for Disclosure to be made to the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) to check for any previous criminal convictions.

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Three UNM Health Sciences faculty promoted to rank of Distinguished Professor, along with six others

headshot of Elain Bearer, Cameron Crandall, and Matthew Campen from left-to-right

The University of New Mexico announced the promotion and honor of nine faculty to the rank of Distinguished Professor, three of whom teach in UNM Health Sciences. The rank of Distinguished Professor is awarded to faculty who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and are nationally and internationally renowned scholars. This is the highest title that UNM bestows upon faculty.

The selections cut across campus from the School of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Anderson School of Management, School of Engineering, and College of Arts and Sciences. The research conducted over the decades by this group of faculty demonstrates the very high levels of research activity conducted by an R1 institution, a designation by the Carnegie Classifications of Institutions of Higher Education. UNM is the only university in New Mexico with this prestigious designation.

The faculty promoted to Distinguished Professors include Matthew Campen, PhD, MSPH, from the College of Pharmacy; Cameron Crandall, MD, from the School of Medicine; and Elaine Bearer, MD, PhD, MA, from the School of Medicine.  These UNM Health Sciences faculty join Tobias Fischer, PhD; Mala Htun, PhD; Tiffany Lee, PhD; Gabriel Lopez, PhD; Xin (Robert) Luo, PhD; and Robert Miller, PhD, from UNM’s central campus. 

“Congratulations to our colleagues on their well-deserved promotions to Distinguished Professor,” said Doug Ziedonis, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President of UNM Health Sciences & CEO of UNM’s Health System.

research topics in chemical pathology

This prestigious rank is a testament to their exceptional contributions to health science research. Their groundbreaking work and dedication have advanced their respective fields and elevated UNM’s global reputation. Attaining this rank is more than a title; it is a recognition of their enduring impact on science, education, and dedication to our students. Congratulations!

UNM Health Sciences Faculty

Elaine Bearer headshot

Elaine Bearer, Pathology, School of Medicine

Professor Dr. Elaine Bearer is a brain scientist and practicing physician whose work combines molecular pathology with novel imaging techniques to understand cognitive impairment, dementia, and emotional regulation. Her work is marked by its wide scope and range of methods, as well as its impact on fundamental techniques in pathology. Bearer’s work has received continuous NIH R01 support for over 25 years, resulting in 83 peer-reviewed journal articles, two books, eight book chapters, 55 published abstracts and peer-reviewed short papers, and three patents.

Bearer is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  She served as vice Chair for Research in the Department of Pathology from 2009-2015. She has contributed to shared research resources including the establishment of the UNM Brain Bank and the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC).

Outside UNM, Bearer’s extensive service commitments include serving as Editor in Chief for  Natural Sciences , Charter member of the National Museum of the American Indian (Smithsonian Institution), co-founder of the San Lucas Health Project in San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá, Guatemala, which provides health care of over 40,000 persons in a remote area, and organizer for  Art and Science Systems Biology in New Mexico , a public outreach art exhibition.

Mattew Campen headshot

Matthew Campen, Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy

Professor Matthew Campen is an environmental toxicologist whose work has focused on the physical effects of inhaled pollutants on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. His research is noted for having established the interactive effects of gaseous and particulate emissions on the body.  These discoveries played key role in explaining observed elevated health risks experienced by individuals who live near pollution sources, such as highways.

Campen’s recent work examines emerging contaminants including wildfire smoke, ozone, and microplastics. A key element of his work has been to track inflammatory signals in the blood following exposures. Portions of his work have involved extensive community engagement, including mobile lab work to gauge the impact of windblown dust from former uranium mining sites. Campen’s research has been supported by some $26.9 million in NIH funding, plus $3.3 million from other funders. He is currently PI on 3 NIH R01 grants and directs two funded centers.

Campen has served in multiple service and leadership roles within UNM, including the co-director of the UNM Clinical and Translational Science Center and the director of the UNM Center for Metals in Biology and Medicine. His public service has included frequently providing media comments on wildfire events and public health and educational initiatives in high schools in Albuquerque and Santa Fe (on, among other things, the dangers of e-cigarettes) as well as his current research on microplastics that has garnered worldwide attention. Campen is active in the discipline including Society of Toxicology and the American Heart Association and has won multiple national awards for his scholarship.

Cameron Crandall headshot

Cameron Crandall, Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine

Professor Dr. Cameron Crandall is a scholar and practitioner of emergency medicine. His research program addresses a wide range of topics, including firearm trauma, injury prevention, device placement, resuscitation, and sedation. Crandall is particularly noted for his work on recognizing and treating intimate partner violence, responding to substance use disorders in emergency medicine settings, and caring for LGBTQ and gender-diverse patients. His work integrates social sciences with clinical science, and it has led to changes in clinical practices, legislation, and state policy.

Crandall is co-author of over 90 articles in general medicine journals as well as specialized outlets in emergency medicine. His scholarship on intimate partner violence is included in the leading textbook for emergency medicine. His research has been supported by over $3.5 million from multiple government agency sources.

Crandall has been an active and effective mentor and facilitator of others’ research. He has mentored more than 85 residents and fellows, in addition to medical students and junior faculty. He led an expansion of the Emergency Medicine Department’s research capacity and has served as vice-chair of research for the department. His community-engaged scholarship on the treatment of transgender, gender-diverse, and sexual minority patients has led to improved access to care. In 2021, he received the UNM School of Medicine’s Stonewall Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of this work. 

Crandall currently serves as associate vice president for LGBTQ Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. He has engaged in extensive statewide, national, and international service, including serving on and chairing the New Mexico Crime Victims Reparations Commission; serving on emergency preparedness groups for Olympics events hosted in Atlanta and Salt Lake City; and responding to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

James Holloway headshot

I’m proud and frankly humbled to see the incredible work of this year’s distinguished professors. From transforming patient care and understanding the complexity of the human body, to understanding the complexity of the Earth we stand on, to revitalizing the critical languages so critical to our shared humanity, and beyond, our distinguished professors are changing our understanding of ourselves, our society, and our world.  New Mexico is blessed to have such amazing people at our flagship university.

UNM Central Campus Faculty

Tobias Fischer headshots

Tobias Fischer,   Earth and Planetary Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Tobias Fischer studies connections between volcanic gases and large-scale geological cycles, including subduction of the lithosphere, recycling of subducted volatiles through eruption of magmas, and the effects of volcanism and degassing on the chemistry of the atmosphere and the long-term carbon cycle. His work has shown how water and other volatiles are involved in magma generation, and how volcanic heat drives geothermal fluid circulation in the crust.

Fischer’s findings include the discovery of linkages between variations in gas fluxes and explosive volcanic eruptions, the quantification of nitrogen recycling in subduction zones, and the discovery and quantification of the transfer of crust- and mantle-sourced carbon to the surface in continental rift zones. His work on carbon emissions in rift zones has crucial implications for climate research by providing more complete quantification of natural carbon emissions (which in turn allows better quantification of anthropogenic emissions) and understanding of mass and energy transport in both volcanic arc and intraplate/continental rift regions. He has promoted the use of continuous gas flux monitoring worldwide as a basis for predicting volcanic hazards.

Fischer received UNM’s inaugural Globally Engaged Research award in recognition of his promotion of global research networks and efforts to build the capacity of volcanologists in the global South. Among several such roles, he chairs the Deep Carbon Degassing (DECADE) initiative that coordinates around 80 scientists from 12 countries to maintain continual monitoring efforts that facilitate eruption forecasting, quantify natural CO2 emissions, and provide quantitative assessment of the efficacy of engineered CO2 sequestration efforts.

Currently, Fischer directs a new center at UNM that monitors volcanic hazards globally. He has served on committees for the National Research Council, multiple NSF panels, multiple instrumentation facilities evaluation committees, and spent two years as a rotating program manager for NSF. His own program has been supported by over $4.7 million in research funding since coming to UNM of which $1.5 million is current funding.

Mala Htun headshot

Mala Htun,   Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Mala Htun is in the Political Science Department in the sub-field of comparative politics. She is a scholar of political rights and representation, with particular attention to the comparative determinants of policies about gender, sexuality, and family across countries and over time.

Htun’s principal contributions have been 1.) to demonstrate that during transitions from dictatorships in Latin American the democratization processes counterintuitively enhanced the power of the opponents of liberalizing family and personal law; 2.) that mandatory quotas for female representation in some Latin American legislatures have not consistently led to substantive representation of women’s interests because of subordination of representatives to party priorities; and 3.) that variations in policymaking on women’s rights across countries and over time are affected by whether the policies in question are focused on women’s status as a group, address state responsibilities for social well-being, or engage questions of religious doctrine. 

In addition to Htun’s work in comparative politics, her more recent team research has examined causes of gender and racial inequities in higher education and provided empirical evaluations of policies intended to produce more inclusive climates within universities, reduce unconscious bias, minimize harassment and incivility, and open up informal networks to women and members of underrepresented groups. These collaborative efforts have brought in over $5 million in funding from NSF and resulted in publications based on empirical examination of various policy interventions. She published proposals in  Science  to address the inequitable impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic careers.

Htun has been extensively involved in national academic leadership through positions in the American Political Science Association, including Vice-President and chair of the Presidential Task Force on Women’s Advancement in Political Science. Her work has led to a number of national recognitions, including a summer fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard, an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship, and her induction as a Fellow in the American Association of Arts and Sciences, among others.

Tiffany Lee headshot

Tiffany Lee,  Native American Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

Tiffany Lee is a professor and chair of Native American Studies. Her research has focused on Indigenous education and language revitalization, especially among the Diné, on how to integrate Indigenous language immersion into the curriculum, and on the role that language revitalization can perform in promoting strong Indigenous communities and advancing tribal self-determination. Lee’s work is both theoretically framed and evidence based, and includes a strong community-based component. Her research draws strength from her own work as a teacher serving native communities at the beginning of her career.

Lee has a strong record of grant funding in a field that receives comparatively little support from funders, having been PI or co-PI on grants from the Mellon Foundation and the New Mexico Public Education Department totaling $1.5 million, as well as a team member on a two-year Kellogg Foundation grant for $640,000 to support formation of the Saad K’idilyé “language nest” immersion program.

Lee is currently president of the American Indian Studies Association. She was the founding chair of the Native American Studies department.  Outside of UNM, she has served on numerous state and community councils and working groups related to American Indian education.

Gabriel Lopez headshot

Gabriel Lopez, Chemical and Biological Engineering, School of Engineering

Professor Gabriel Lopez is a biomedical engineer whose work has focused on the creation of new biomaterials, the control of interfaces between materials and biological systems, and development of bioanalytical methodologies and systems. Among his diverse contributions has been to identify what chemical features of synthetic surfaces resist the attachment of proteins and cells (biofouling). This has important implications for preventing infection of implanted medical devices.

Lopez’s work has been supported by approximately $50 million in funding from a range of agencies, including NSF, NIH, DOE, DTRA, DIA, the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, SNL, and LANL, as well as from foundation and industry source. He holds 43 patents, and several of his inventions have been licensed by start-up companies. He was the creator of UNM’s graduate program in Biomedical Engineering the founding director of UNM’s Center for Biomedical Engineering.

Lopez is a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, and of the National Academy of Inventors, among numerous other honors. In 2020 he was appointed to NSF’s Committee for Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering. Lopez has been active in community service, developing technologies for low-cost testing and treatment of water supplies, and low-cost point-of-care diagnostic services to address heath care service disparities in low-income and minority communities.  He served at the UNM Vice President for Research from 2016-2020.

Robert Luo headshot

Xin (Robert) Luo, Marketing, Information, and Decision Science, Anderson School of Management

Professor Xin (Robert) Luo is a scholar of information security, privacy protection strategic management of information systems, and global IT management. He has published 132 peer-reviewed journal articles, 83 conference proceedings, and 11 book chapters. Twelve of his articles are published in the top business journals such as  Information Systems ,  Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management ,  Journal of the Association for Information Systems , and  Journal of Management Information Systems .

At least 52 of Luo’s other articles are placed in journals rated A* by the Australian Business Deans Council. He has been cited just under 10,000 times. Google Scholar ranks him as the 3rd most cited scholar in the area of behavioral information security. He has been named by Stanford University and Elsevier publications as one of the world’s top 2% scientists.

Luo’s research has been supported by $5 million in grant funding from NSF and the National Security Agency. In addition to his information security work, he has conducted public interest studies on teacher recruitment and retention, examining teachers’ social support and coping strategies, with particular attention to the stresses on female teachers. In addition to his own scholarly work, Luo has contributed to journals in his field, as Co- Editor in Chief of the  International Journal of Accounting and Information Management , and Associate Editor for the  Journal of the Association for Information Systems.

Robert Miller Headshot

Robert Miller, Biology, College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Robert Miller is a comparative immunologist, much of whose work has focused on marsupial and monotreme molecular immunology. His work demonstrates how marsupials and monotremes contribute key information about the evolution of the immune system in mammals. His research has expanded to cover whalers, reptiles, birds, and invertebrates.

Miller’s laboratory discovered a third lineage of T-cell receptors in marsupials and his work has led to fundamental discoveries about how the immune system works, including immune suppression during pregnancy. He has also documented the capacity of neonatal marsupials to regenerate spinal cords that have been cut or crushed, a capacity that is later suppressed by immune functions as the animals mature. Understanding how immune mechanisms and tissue regeneration interact may have potential medical implications in the future.

Miller took three years away from UNM (2015-2018) to serve as acting director and then deputy director of the Division of Integrative Organizational Systems at the National Science Foundation. During this period, he wrote the NSF white paper outlining the problems of antibiotic resistance that informed then-President Barack Obama’s 2016 White House Microbiology initiative. The Department of Homeland Security has twice selected Miller to represent NSF on the advisory committee on Foreign Animal Disease Threats.

In addition to his national visibility, Miller’s work is recognized internationally, especially in Australia, where he frequently collaborates and has participated in research funded by the Australian Research Council, as well as in China and Mexico.

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Bali Pulendran is new director of Institute for Immunology, Transplantation and Infection

The institute’s purpose is to understand the human immune system at multiple levels — molecular, genetic and cellular — and to harness this understanding to prevent and treat disease.

August 1, 2024 - By Bruce Goldman

Bali Pulendran

Bali Pulendran

Bali Pulendran, PhD, professor of pathology and of microbiology and immunology, has been appointed director of Stanford Medicine’s Institute for Immunology, Transplantation and Infection.

Pulendran , the Violetta L. Horton Professor II, assumed the directorship on Aug. 1. He succeeds Mark Davis , PhD, founding director of the institute, who is stepping down from the post after 20 years to concentrate on advancing the work in his laboratory.

“Mark is a true visionary whose discoveries in immunology are legendary,” Pulendran said. “He’s had a transformative impact on human immunology and spawned a whole generation of scientists who are today’s leaders in this exciting field.”

The institute, known as ITI , is a collaborative effort of interdisciplinary teams composed of immunologists, infectious-disease experts, computational scientists, clinical scientists and clinicians, driven by a common goal of understanding the human immune system at the molecular level and translating this understanding into better vaccines and therapeutics. Insights into systems immunology are attained by gauging widespread activities and interactions of multiple molecules, genes and cells in blood and tissue samples from people responding to infections or receiving vaccinations.

“Bali Pulendran has the experience, skills and knowledge to lead ITI into the future,” said Lloyd Minor , MD, dean of the School of Medicine and vice president for medical affairs at Stanford University. “A collaborative and multidisciplinary scientist, Bali has made significant strides in advancing global health by creating greater understanding of how vaccines interact with our bodies and using that knowledge to make them even more effective. His insights and leadership will only further the ability of ITI scientists to pioneer the field of systems immunology.”

Pulendran runs a roughly 50-person lab with a research interest in learning how the evolutionarily ancient innate immune system regulates the workings of its relatively recent partner, the adaptive immune system, and how to harness that new understanding to designing improved and novel vaccines. He has co-authored nearly 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, many in front-line publications such as Nature , Science and Cell , and has trained more than 50 postdoctoral scholars and graduate students.

“Bali has just been a ball of fire in using the latest technologies to understand human vaccine response,” Davis said. “He has done more than anyone in the world to understand how vaccines work.”

Pulendran came to Stanford Medicine in 2017, leaving his positions as a chaired professor of pathology and laboratory medicine and director of the innate immunity program at Emory University in Atlanta.

Davis recruited Pulendran, whom he has known since 2008, to Stanford Medicine. “He was doing the first really inspiring work on using the systems-immunology approach,” said Davis, the Burt and Marion Avery Family Professor and a professor of microbiology and immunology. “I had independently come to realize that this was the way forward because conventional approaches weren’t working. This has become the standard approach now.”

Pulendran, born in Sri Lanka, obtained a bachelor’s degree at Cambridge University’s Queens College. He attended graduate school at the University of Melbourne, Australia, receiving his PhD in 1995. After serving as a postdoctoral scholar at Immunex Corp. in Seattle, then holding assistant and associate professorships at the Baylor Institute for Immunology Research in Dallas, he joined Emory’s faculty as an associate professor in 2002. Promoted to full professor in 2004, he became director of Emory’s innate immunity program in 2008, receiving a chaired professorship that same year.

“I hope to see the ITI soar along its innovative trajectory of discovering fundamental new biology about our human system and collaborating with partners to translate these discoveries into novel medicines and vaccines,” Pulendran said.

Bruce Goldman

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Wiley expands its chemical compound coverage with new smartspectra databases.

Wiley, one of the world's largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, today announced the release of two new Wiley SmartSpectra Database Collections generated using the most current machine-learning techniques to significantly expand the number of spectral data available for analysis.

These new data collections, the  Wiley SmartSpectra Vapor Phase IR Database Collection  and  Wiley SmartSpectra Raman Database Collection  were created by Wiley Science Solutions using an AI-powered spectrum prediction engine derived from its high-quality, comprehensive spectral database collections—the largest commercially available. These new databases cover a broad range of compounds including general organics, biochemicals, drugs, dyes, food related compounds, industrial compounds, monomers, pollutants, and more.

“We are very proud of the work we continue to do in this area. As we expand the addressable chemical space, we help scientists reach conclusions faster,” said Graeme Whitley, Director of Data Science Solutions at Wiley.

The Wiley SmartSpectra databases of “computed” spectra are designed for use along with Wiley's empirical databases of “measured” spectra in the analysis of unknown samples. They are especially useful in the identification of rarer compounds and materials, when a match cannot be found in the empirical databases.

Wiley SmartSpectra Databases are available exclusively through Wiley's KnowItAll software, a comprehensive solution for spectral analysis and management.

Learn more at Wiley Science Solutions: For more information about the two new databases, please visit

About Analytical Qualification Using Infrared (IR) and Raman Spectroscopy Scientists use spectral search software along with spectral reference databases to identify “unknown” substances or verify the composition of materials. First, an Infrared or Raman spectrometer measures a substance and produces a spectrum, which is expressed as a graph showing a series of peaks that is specific to the sample material. That spectrum is then compared to a spectral database containing the measured spectra of known substances using spectral search software. By using algorithms, the spectroscopy software finds the best match between the measured unknown spectrum and the library of known spectra, and the results suggest the most likely identity of the substance. Spectral analysis using search software and spectral libraries is used across a wide range of applications in industry, government, and academic laboratories.

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  5. PDF Chemical pathology: Understanding the biochemical basis of disease

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  7. What is chemical pathology?

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  9. Blog

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  12. Research

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  14. 3928 PDFs

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    For more information on becoming a Chemical Pathologist go to the College website at. This brochure is published by: The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. Durham Hall, 207 Albion Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel: 61 2 8356 5858 Fax: 61 2 8356 5828 Email: [email protected] Web:

  17. Chemical Pathology

    Dive into the research topics where Chemical Pathology is active. These topic labels come from the works of this organisation's members. Together they form a unique fingerprint. South Africa Keyphrases. 100%. Wart Virus Medicine and Dentistry. 38%. High-risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV) Keyphrases.


    FUTURE OF CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY. Basingstoke District General Hospital, Basingstoke, United Kingdom. University Department of Pathological Biochemistry, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow G4 0SF, United Kingdom. Department of Chemical Pathology, South Sefton District, Clinical Laboratories, Fazakerley Hospital, Liverpool L9 7AL, United Kingdom.

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    Chemical Pathology Research Papers/Topics . Chemical Ecology of Animal and Human Pathogen Vectors in a Changing Global Climate. Abstract: Infectious diseases affecting livestock and human health that involve vector-borne pathogens are a global problem, unrestricted by borders or boundaries, which may be exacerbated by changing global climate. ...

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  28. Wiley expands its chemical compound coverage with new SmartSpectra

    Wiley, one of the world's largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, today announced the release of two new Wiley SmartSpectra Database Collections generated using the most current machine-learning techniques to significantly expand the number of spectral data available for analysis. These new data collections, the Wiley SmartSpectra Vapor Phase IR Database Collection and ...