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Got wisdom to pour.

Amazing post, thanks! Students’ life is amazing, and honestly, it’s the time to remember. I try to find a balance between studies and other things to enjoy those times. And from time to time, when I can’t finish my task and write, I use because I think it’s better to find someone to made my book report than spend a lot of time writing without any results. I’m so happy that there are sources like this, which makes my life and studies process better.

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10 Memes That Describe Your Finals Week

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That time of the year has come back to haunt us. Packed libraries, long lines at Starbucks and 24-hour quiet periods—you guessed it. It’s finals week. But before all of the mental breakdowns and all-nighters ensue, make sure to take some breaks between studying and maybe even glancing at a finals meme or two. Not only do these memes brighten up your hell week, you may find yourself relating to them in every way possible.

Survive finals week with more than memes—like witty tanks to make your study buddy smile:

you've got to be kitten me right now tank

Check out 10 finals memes that will attempt to bring you out of that finals week funk.

1. when you procrastinate.

finals meme

It’s day one of finals week, so naturally you take your time and write everything down in your planner. You think about the bad weeks you’ve had in the past and think this year cannot nearly as bad as the last. So why not settle down and start binging 13 Reasons Why ? You know you’ll be busy later in the week so taking some time to relax seems like the way to go.

2. When you actually start to study

finals week sucks

The art history gen-ed you decided to take last minute at first seemed like hell but as you sift through the book, you realize the concepts aren’t that hard to study. “My week definitely has taken some unanticipated twists and turns, but at the end of the day I was ready for them. I don’t normally do this kind of prep, but for finals I sot down the weekend before and try to map out my game plan , so I was ready,” said American University junior Will Mascaro said.

3. When you walk into your first test

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On day three of hell week, you show up to your first final. Life was much easier a mere five minutes ago before you received that dreaded blue book. There were some tricky questions and a whole open-ended essay portion you may have to bullshit because you chose to watch YouTube videos of pygmy goats jumping until 2 a.m.“I was hella stressed during finals for first semester because I was terrible at time management and still find my self stressed during finals now but I never anticipated that college finals truly require so much more studying time and that you have to plan ahead,” said AU freshman Lily Pourahmad. Hope the next test goes better.

4. When you check Blackboard later

finals week

The first test finally ended. Now you need to study a whole new subject because you have a paper due tomorrow morning. “Finals week is really stressful because everything is due all at once and I feel like I can’t commit enough time to any one thing . It’s frustrating because I never feel like finals, especially huge cumulative tests, are an example of how I’ve done all semester,” said AU junior Natalie Hedden.

5. When you get those teacher evaluation emails

finals meme

Your student email inbox lights up. Time to fill out student evaluations. When working on the silent floor in the library your mind may wander and replay in your head the stress and tears a particular professor may have caused you throughout the semester. One minute you’re managing your time and writing a decent paper then all of the sudden you’re looking up if your least favorite professor has a contract with the university. Finals week is not safe for anybody.

6. When you have your first mental breakdown of the week …

finals meme

On day five, you try and head to bed before the birds start chirping. You wake up the next morning thinking you’d be less stressed. Turns out that’s wrong. Not only do you have to finish your paper from yesterday you forgot to do, but you get an email from your intern boss that you need to do an assignment for the company this week, too. After you have a short mental breakdown, tears included, you have no choice but to head to the library. Like, now.

7. When you’ve slept in the library for a night

finals week

Your sleep schedule at this point could not be worse. You stayed up until 4 a.m. last night studying, submitted your paper on time without reading it and now you’re slaving away on a memo for your internship. Thank goodness for the Starbucks on campus and the extra espresso shot they gave you when they saw what you looked like. It seems funny that a mere few days ago you had it all under control. You catch a glimpse of your reflection in the Starbucks window. With your lack of sleep, dropping out seems like the only sane choice at this point.

8. When all fashion sense has gone down the drain

finals week memes

The grout-fit  is the way to go, especially if you’re spending long hours in the library. You may look back at a picture of yourself from syllabus week and think what a young, vibrant, but naïve person. However, things are looking up now. You only have one more final to study for and you’re slowly making progress with your flashcards. “Personally I am not a grou-fit fan, but I think during finals week anyone can rock a full colored outfit ,” said AU junior Becky Dixon. “How else are you going to survive sitting in the library and feeling the grind of finals?”

9. When you see all of the finals zombies walking on campus

You take a break from making your notecards to get some fresh air outside of the library. After all, the beautiful spring weather has taken over your college town. You might as well enjoy it at least for a few minutes. But when you walk outside and grim scenes have taken over the campus, emotionless students clad in sweatpants and t-shirts with greasy hair roam the quad. Two guys anxiously smoke cigarettes outside of the library and a freshman is crying on the phone. You flee the scene and decide to study at the off-campus coffee shop.

10. When you walk into your last final before summer

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You check your phone one last time before your last final, and you see a text from your mom with this classic Ryan Gosling meme. At first, you’re a little weirded out that she knows about this pop culture reference but feel at ease because she’s always there to support you. Finally, you receive your test and you know the answers to all of the questions. The exam is a piece of cake. You walk out with an hour to spare and you hit up your friends for post-test margaritas. “There is no better feeling than getting out of your last final. It is a feeling no one can quite define but any university student knows the feeling of relief when you leave school for summer,” said AU sophomore Colton Best.

10 More Finals Memes to Get You Through Hell Week

Written by Laura Smythe

11. When Everything Starts Crumbling Around You

You don’t remember if you showered yesterday or the day before and you’ve survived off pasta and grab-and-go food options for days. You try to hold it together, but your smile looks more like a grimace. When your classmate comes up to you and asks about your study schedule, you fight back tears and smile through it. The “I’m fine” you croak out sounds hoarse and he looks even more worried about you than when he approached. Yeah, we’ve all been there.

12. When Everyone Finishes the Test Before You

finals week test taking panic memes

One of the worst feelings during finals occurs when you have barely finished half your exam and 80 percent of the class starts filing out of the lecture hall. Panic and suspicion bubble inside you. Did everyone actually finish this test already? Why do they know so much more about history than me? Should I give up? But alas you pick up your number two pencil and get back to your Scantron grind.

13. When You Can’t Work Up the Motivation

finals week no motivation memes

Ever felt so overwhelmed you decided to not get anything done at all? At least Netflix always has our (exhausted) backs in this time of misery. Good luck resisting the urge to binge-watch  The Office for the fifth time and snuggle deep into your covers. Unfortunately, watching Michael Scott cause a ruckus for 20 minutes proves much more entertaining than making study flashcards.

14. When Your World Spirals Out of Control

finals week memes panic over panic

During finals week, you get no relief. A constant state of panic becomes the norm. The cycle begins when you see you have three exams on one day. Who let this happen?! You feel the panic rise in your chest and soon realize you’ve wasted the last 15 minutes panicking. But realizing it only makes you panic more. The panic cycle of finals sadly only ends when you close your last blue book of the semester.

15. When You Sustain Life Off Coffee

Prepare to order unreasonable amounts of extra espresso shots in your latte. Even the snobbiest coffee aficionados among us don’t drink as much joe as the average college student during finals week. The lines to the campus café practically wind around the building, but you don’t really care. You need all the help from a steaming Americano that you can get.

16. When Your Mom Asks How You Are

She means well, but her innocent question sends you into an emotional spiral. Glancing at your phone, you realize you’ve already spent two minutes chatting with her. Should you have spent that time studying? Your mind’s eye fills with images of your ridiculously long to-do lists in your planner. For the sake of politeness, you carry on as normal and cordial a conversation as you can.

17. When You Find Any Excuse Not to Pick up Your Textbook

finals week memes procrastination

As soon as you sit down cross-legged on your bed with your study guide pulled up on your laptop, the mess of your room starts to nag at you. The chances of getting work done plummet by the minute as the clothes thrown on your floor glare back at you. You decide to spruce up the place (it’ll help you concentrate), but before you know it five hours have passed. Congratulations, you now get to stay awake for five extra hours studying in your now glistening clean apartment.

18. When Delirium Hits

finals week memes 3 a.m. studying

The wacky sleep schedules that come hand-in-hand with finals week don’t mess around. Get ready to constantly ask your tired self, “Why did I do that?” Just try to keep track of your valuables and dorm keys and you should keep your head above water.

19. When You Don’t Get the Grade You Expected

Sometimes all the studying in the world won’t get you the grade you aimed for. Maybe your professor threw the class a curveball or maybe an extra hour’s sleep would have served you better than an extra hour of studying. Either way, don’t beat yourself up about it. Just try your best and give it your all.

20. When Sleeping and Studying Happen at the Same Time

finals week memes asleep on notes exhaustion

Multitasking during finals week doesn’t always help. Try to take care of tasks (and yourself) one item at a time. You won’t earn any As falling asleep on your open history book. Try to stay as focused as you can, and know the end is near.

Students Tell Us How Finals Week Really Makes You Feel

“Suffice to say eating dry iced tea powder as a snack/caffeine source is hardly my most crowning achievement,” University of British Columbia sophomore Casey Broughton said.

“My very first finals week I stayed up for almost 70 hours without sleep and had shifts at work in the meantime. All of this happened in the middle of four finals, and finally when I got home for break I went to see the doctor and had a kidney infection the whole time,” Texas A&M University junior Lindsay Harris said.

“I once spent 16 hours writing a cheat sheet with 4,500 words in five-point font, if that counts for anything. It [paid off] for some parts of the exam, but the final was structured completely different from previous years so I was caught off guard anyway,” UBC sophomore Ashton Kerr said.

“My worst finals week experience happened my freshman year of college, fall semester. I ended up getting food poisoning and was up almost all night before I had to take three finals‑one of which was at 7 a.m. Luckily, I passed,” Ithaca College grad student Brooke Morsch said.

“Last year I was so exhausted from finals that while doing calculus homework I accidentally typed a phone number on my calculator when I had meant to take out my phone,” Texas A&M junior Juniper LeValley said.

“My best finals week I got drunk before my last final of sophomore year, aced the test and my professor gave me chocolate when I turned in my exam and told me she was going to miss me,” IC grad student Kathleen Francisco said.

The One Where Finals Ended!

Written by Amanda DeLuise, junior, journalism, New York University

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I finished all of my finals yesterday!  Except for one lousy ten-page paper that I’m avoiding like the plague for my German Thought and Culture class. It’s not even difficult, it has to be written in english and it’s a pretty easy A (I think, so far I’ve gotten A’s on even the worst papers I’ve written for this class). I just don’t feel like doing it because I’ve been too busy celebrating and wanting to go home (Saturday! Only two more days of work…). It’s been quite a semester. A bad one. Anyway, hopefully everyone else is done soon!

If you finished finals, here are 5 ways to reward yourself.

1. go see a movie..

Now that you don’t have to lock yourself in the library, use the 2+ hours locked in a movie theatre . Go see the latest blockbuster. Especially if you’re a psych major of you know anything about Freud’s “The Uncanny.”

2. Eat real food.

Take a break from that all-ramen diet and go somewhere with a wait staff.

3. Go see a show.

Even if you’ve never heard of the band, go dance out all the excess stress. Plus a little human interaction with people you’ve never seen before can be good. Since I’m sure you’re sick of your study group after seeing them night after night for an entire week.

4. Bake something.

Then eat it. My friend Tina and I did this last night. It was nice to share some holiday goodies with my roommates. The rest of the cookies are for a holiday party I’m attending tonight, if they last that long…

and finally…

5. Have a drink!

If you’re old enough, treat yourself to that $10 martini you’ve had your eye on all semester. There’s a reason it costs so much: It’s awesome. And it doesn’t taste like free cups of jungle juice at a frat house.

**Updated May 1, 2018 to include list items 11–20 and “Students Tell Us How Finals Week Really Makes You Feel” by Laura Smythe

*Updated May 1, 2018 by Amanda DeLuise to include “The One Where Finals Ended!”

finished assignment meme

About Danielle Dibartolo

I am a senior at American University studying broadcast journalism. One day I hope to be the next Kim Kardashian, but better (sorry Kim). In my free time I enjoy singing Karaoke and walking on the StairMaster. I love pizza, aliens, and Kanye West. I am originally from the Jersey Shore so the rest about me is self explanatory.


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These Finals Week Memes Provide The Funniest Study Break

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The end of the semester is near, which only means one thing: finals week, and along with it, finals week memes. Finals week is the more complicated older sister to midterms season — it’s stressful, time consuming, and incredibly crucial for a college student. Self-care is key for conquering finals week, and there are so many methods students use such as working out or spending time with friends. Let’s face it: It’s hard. Having to juggle studying, end-of-semester festivities, and prepping for the holidays can be so harsh on your mental health, hence why it’s important to have that release.

My favorite method of relaxation during finals week is being on my phone and scrolling on social media. If I didn’t have any other responsibilities, then I could possibly spend hours scrolling through Instagram and TikTok for a quick laugh. Memes dedicated especially to finals week are 10 times funnier, because I can definitely relate to most of them. Since you’re a little busy studying, I did you a favor and found some of the internet’s best finals week memes to give you a much-need laugh. Thank me later!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Wetaku (@wetaku_)

Nothing I hate more than cramming for all my classes.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by College49 (@hi.college49)

There’s something about the exam room that just makes me forget everything I’ve learned.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by That Lit Dorm (@thatlitdorm)

Gotta do what you gotta do!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by modern college student memes (@moderncollegestudent)

This semester went by way too fast.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by @memesandmoodz

Waiting until the last minute>>>.

as a uni student , nothing’s funny rn — queen d. (@dlhokazisn) November 15, 2023

No more smiling until exams are finished. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by sad bison memes (@sadbison)

Bottoms up either way!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Medical school | medstudents| doctor (@medschool_life)

I’m Jasmine right about now.

going to school inbetween thanksgiving and christmas break feels like the last lap in mario kart where the music is all fast and gets really stressful — hannah (@supersendsauce) November 26, 2018

And it’s Rainbow Road.

You could give me 25 years to study for an exam and I would still leave it until the last minute — That Student Page (@ThatStudentPage) April 2, 2022

I feel seen.

Me after avoiding uni work 🙃 — That Student Page (@ThatStudentPage) January 9, 2022

True story.

Submitting my final assignment like: — 📈 (@MumsBigBicep) June 21, 2019

Will it, though?

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Spongebob Memes (@spongeboob__memes)

Short answer questions are the worst.

These memes are probably the only thing keeping me afloat this finals season. Good luck on your finals!

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So true | POV : The lost assignments in my bag that I forgot to give to the teacher : | image tagged in gifs,memes,funny,relatable,assignments,front page plz | made w/ Imgflip video-to-gif maker

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procrastination | THE DEADLINE FOR MY ASSIGNMENTS COMING; ME | image tagged in staring down,tonikawa,tonikaku kawaii,procrastination,procrastinate,assignments | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

plagiarism | paraphrasing

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Running Away Balloon

Running Away Balloon | Anime; Me; Anime; Assignments; Me | image tagged in memes,running away balloon,assignments,anime,me,school | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

This is "fine"

This is "fine" | THE 1000 ASSIGNMENTS I HAVENT DONE; ME | image tagged in school,assignments,why are you reading this | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

we had assignment...?

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It's always the dumbest assignments too

It's always the dumbest assignments too | Like give us more essays right before our holiday day off; we didn't have enough already | image tagged in staring fish,assignments,christmas,meme,funny | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

I wish that I tried

I wish that I tried | PARENTS AND TEACHERS; STRAIGHT A'S; THE ANSWERS THAT I LOOKED UP; THE UPCOMING TEST | image tagged in homer simpson's back fat,assignments | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

I'm such a dumbass and do this at least once a semester

I'm such a dumbass and do this at least once a semester | Looking at my grade, knowing I understood the assignment well. Realizing there was a back page that I didn't see before I handed it in. | image tagged in memes,hide the pain harold,assignments,homework,college,math | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

When you have an essay due and you haven’t started

When you have an essay due and you haven’t started | THAT FACE YOU MAKE WHEN YOU REMEMBER AN ASSIGNMENT THAT’S DUE AT MIDNIGHT; AND YOU HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED | image tagged in doc knock fragged up,homework,assignments | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Students Problems Hyper Troll

Students Problems Hyper Troll | HEY FELLOW STUDENTS; THAT ASSIGNMENT IS TOTALLY EASY, YOU FOOLS | image tagged in memes,hey internet,students,university,assignments,easy | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged

Now the Republicans are the ones saddled with a candidate who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence.

Trump with an ear bandage

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Four days after the end of the Republican National Convention, it suddenly looks like a very different event. I watched it intermittently, on television, along with perhaps 25 million other Americans (a relatively small number, though enough to matter). I focused on the highlights, like most viewers did. I read the analysis and thought I understood what had happened. But in the light of President Joe Biden’s brave and unprecedented decision to drop out of the race, my memory of what Donald Trump and his party were doing and saying has permanently shifted. I suspect this will be true for at least some of the other 25 million of us too.

Whatever happens next, the frame has altered. Now it is the Republicans who are saddled with the elderly candidate, the one who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence without veering off into anecdote. Now the Democrats are instead proposing something new. Now it is the many pundits who were already bored by the race and ready to wrap it up who look foolish.

Remember, if you still can: The Republican convention was a carefully curated, meticulously planned presentation. As my colleague Tim Alberta has said, the theme was “strength.” Strength was expressed by exaggerated, absurd, comic-book figures: Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock. The latter chanted “Fight, fight!” and “Trump, Trump!” while pumping his fist. Then he sang “American Bad Ass,” an unlistenable work of profound dissonance. Trump himself walked into the convention hall to the strains of James Brown’s famously misogynistic anthem “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World.”

Read: This is exactly what the Trump team feared

Strength was implied by the equally choreographed demonstrations of debasement. Nikki Haley, who had repeatedly questioned whether Trump is “mentally fit” to be president—and had declared that “the first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate” will win the election—offered her “strong endorsement.” The vice-presidential nominee, J. D. Vance, who had previously compared Trump to Hitler and described him as “ cultural heroin ,” performed a kind of kowtow, appearing at the convention in the form of supplicant, acolyte, prodigal son. Like so many other Republicans, he bowed to the power of Trump, to the vulgarity of Hulk Hogan, to a whole host of things he used to say he didn’t like, and maybe still doesn’t like. He even made a peculiar, strained attempt to link his children and his wife, the daughter of South Asian immigrants, to a cemetery in East Kentucky where he said they will be buried, as if none of this will make sense until all of us are dead.

But then Trump himself appeared, and it was as if the emperor with no clothes had taken the stage. There was nothing strong about an overweight, heavily made up yet nevertheless shiny-faced elderly man who rambled and babbled for an hour and a half, completely undermining the slick image created in the previous four days. He began by sticking to his script, solemnly referencing the failed assassination attempt against him days before. But even when telling that story, he could not master the appropriate tone and almost immediately changed the subject. “And there’s an interesting statistic,” he said: “The ears are the bloodiest part. If something happens with the ears, they bleed more than any other part of the body. For whatever reason, the doctors told me that.”

Eventually, instead of sounding like an “American Bad Ass,” he digressed into pure gibberish . One example:

They’re coming from prisons. They’re coming from jails. They’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. I—you know the press is always on because I say this. Has anyone seen The Silence of the Lambs ? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’d love to have you for dinner. That’s insane asylums. They’re emptying out their insane asylums. And terrorists at numbers that we’ve never seen before. Bad things are going to happen.
In Venezuela, Caracas, high crime, high crime. Caracas, Venezuela, really a dangerous place. But not anymore, because in Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent. In fact, if they would ever in this election, I hate to even say that, we will have our next Republican convention in Venezuela because it will be safe. Our cities, our cities will be so unsafe, we won’t be able—we will not be able to have it there.

On Thursday evening, this performance seemed deranged, sinister, and frightening. Now, following Biden’s decision to halt his own campaign, it just looks deranged. On the one hand, we have a sitting president who understood his limitations and, in an act of patriotism, selflessness, and party unity, decided to step away from power. On the other hand, we have a former president clinging to power, holding on desperately to the myth of a lost election, evoking the same predictable descriptions of carnage and disaster he served up eight years ago. Today, he is still attacking Biden, who is no longer his opponent.

Read: A searing reminder that Trump is unwell

In retrospect, the Republican Party’s convention looks not just staged but also hollow and false. By contrast, the Democratic Party’s convention will be substantive and maybe even spontaneous. In the hours that have passed since Biden’s announcement, a million different Kamala Harris memes, music mixes, and clips have appeared online, not orchestrated by her campaign or by any campaign, just put together by random people, some of whom like her and some of whom do not. One mash-up of her wackier speeches, her laugh, and a Charli XCX soundtrack had 3.4 million views by this morning. We don’t know yet whether Harris will be the candidate or, if she is, whether she will be a good one, but the energy has already shifted from the men trying to impose their image of their party on the country to online Gen Zers who can flip the script any way they want.

I don’t know what will happen next, and that’s the point. The heavy sense of inevitability that surrounded the RNC has lifted. The cadres of people organized by the Heritage Foundation and a dozen offshoots, all quietly preparing to dismantle the rights of American women, to replace civil servants with loyalists, to take apart pollution controls, and to transfer more money into the hands of Trump-friendly billionaires—they are no longer marching inexorably toward the halls of power. The people who spent a week trying to bend reality to fit their flawed, vengeful candidate became too confident too soon.

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Paris 2024 Women's 100m Preview: Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Sha'Carri Richardson, and Dina Asher-Smith headline full schedule

Sha'Carri Richardson in action at the U.S. Trials

Picture by 2024 Getty Images

The women’s 100m will jumpstart the individual sprint action at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 on Friday (2 August). So, who will be the new Olympic champion at the Stade de France?

Double sprint world champion Sha’Carri Richardson is seeking her first Games medal, and leads a stacked women’s field that also includes three-time Olympic gold medallist Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce . Tokyo 2020 gold medallist Elaine Thompson-Herah is absent at the Paris Games through injury, while her Jamaican teammate Shericka Jackson announced that she would not compete on 31 July.

The women’s 100m contest is likely to be defined by the rivalry between the U.S. and Jamaican athletes, who between them have recorded seven of the ten fastest times ever. Richardson is joint fifth fastest on the all-time list at 10.65 seconds.

Paris 2024 is a redemption Games for the U.S. star Richardson, who missed Tokyo 2020 after testing positive for THC (cannabis), a substance banned under World Anti-Doping Agency rules.

“Every move you make is leading to checkmate. So the Olympics, that’s checkmate, that’s the moment an athlete dreams about,” she told Vogue Magazine in the lead up to the Olympics.

Africa’s fastest woman, Ivorian Marie-Josee Ta Lou-Smith **,** Saint Lucia’s Julien Alfred , 2019 world champion Dina Asher-Smith and Nigeria's Rosemary Chukwuma are the other big names to keep an eye on.

With such a fast field, Florence Griffith Joyner’s 100m world record of 10.49 seconds that has stood since 1988 could be under threat.

Below is the full women's 100m schedule at Paris 2024 and how to watch all the action live.

  • Breakout star Sha'Carri Richardson: How the 100m world champion reinvented herself
  • Olympics Athletics schedule at Paris 2024

The women’s 100m full schedule at Paris 2024 Olympics

The women’s 100m start on Friday (2 August) with the preliminary round, before the semi-finals and the finals a day later on Saturday (3 August).

Eight women will line up for the race for the Olympic gold medal in the 100m final.

All times local to Paris (UTC+2).

Friday, 2 August

  • 10:35 – Women’s 100m preliminary round
  • 11:50 – Women’s 100m first round

Saturday, 3 August

  • 19:50 – Women’s 100m semi-final
  • 21:20 – Women’s 100m final

How to watch the women’s 100m live at Paris 2024

All of the action from the women’s 100m from the preliminary rounds thorough to the final race from Paris 2024 can be watched via media rights holders (MRH) here .

  • MRH include Nine in Australia, Globo in Brazil, CBC in Canada, CCTV in People's Republic of China, Fuji TV/NHK/Nippon TV/TBS/TV Asahi/TV Tokyo in Japan, SKY NZ in New Zealand, SuperSport in South Africa, NBC in the United States, and Discovery Eurosport across Europe, alongside France Télévisions in France, ARD/ZDF in Germany, and BBC Sport in the United Kingdom, among others.

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Who is Yusuf Dikec, the Turkish shooter who went viral at the 2024 Olympics?


Turkey’s Savval Ilayda Tarhan, left, and Yususf Dikec compete in the 10m air pistol mixed team gold medal event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Chateauroux, France. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

Turkey’s Savval Ilayda Tarhan, left, and Yususf Dikec pose for a photograph after winning the silver medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Chateauroux, France. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

Turkey’s Sevval Ilayda Tarhan, left, and teammate Yusuf Dikec prepare to compete in the 10m air pistol mixed team qualification round at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Monday, July 29, 2024, in Chateauroux, France. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

L to R on the podium, Turkey’s Savval Ilayda Tarhan and Yususf Dikec, Serbia’s Zorana Arunovic and Damir Mikec, and India’s Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh pose for a photograph after the medal ceremony of the 10m air pistol mixed team event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Chateauroux, France. Serbia won the gold medal, while Turkey and India won the silver and the bronze respectively. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

R to L, India’s Sarabjot Singh uses his phone to take a selfie with teammate Manu Bhaker, Serbia’s Damir Mikec and Zorana Arunovic, and Turkey’s Yususf Dikec and Savval Ilayda Tarhan after the medal ceremony of the 10m air pistol mixed team event at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in Chateauroux, France. Serbia won the gold medal, while Turkey and India won the silver and the bronze respectively. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup)

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CHATEAUROUX, France (AP) — Turkish pistol shooter Yusuf Dikec has gone viral on social media for his seemingly casual attitude while shooting his way to a silver medal at the 2024 Olympics.

The most-shared images show Dikec shooting in a T-shirt with one hand in his pocket, a seemingly standard pair of glasses and an impassive look on his face. He’s been likened to a regular guy competing at the Olympics, or even a hitman.

The 51-year-old is no newcomer, though. He’s competed at every Summer Olympics since 2008.

Some memes contrast Dikec with his Serbian opponent Damir Mikec, who was wearing a blinder over one eye, a lens over the other and a large pair of ear defenders.

Did Dikec win a medal?

He did, and it made history.

Dikec and Sevval Ilayda Tarhan won the silver medal in mixed team 10-meter air pistol shooting Tuesday. It was Turkey’s first-ever medal in Olympic shooting.

Mikec and Zorana Arunovic won gold for Serbia. The bronze went to India’s Manu Bhaker and Sarabjot Singh.

Unlike Dikec, his teammate Tarhan was competing with large ear defenders and a visor, as well as braids in the red and white colors of the Turkish flag. She was shooting with one hand in her pocket, too.


Dikec was 13th in his individual event and is now done at the Paris Olympics. He’s looking ahead to the next Games in 2028, though. “I hope next in Los Angeles (for) a gold medal,” he said Tuesday.

What does he think about going viral?

Dikec seems to be embracing the trend, reposting a video compilation of Turkish-language memes about him to his Instagram page.

The shooting events were held around three hours’ drive south of Paris. Dikec and Tarhan made the journey to the French capital Wednesday, where they were greeted with cheers at the Champions Park , an open-air venue where medalists celebrate with fans.

Why didn’t Dikec wear more gear?

Shooters have some freedom about how they dress for competition.

Paris Olympics

  • Sha’Carri Richardson won her first-ever race at the Olympics in 10.94 seconds to easily qualify for the semifinals.
  • Here’s what to watch as the track and field competition kicks off.
  • Take a look at everything else to watch on Friday .
  • See AP’s top photos from the 2024 Paris Olympics.
  • Olympic schedule of events and follow all of AP’s coverage of the Summer Games .
  • Which countries are in the lead? Take a look at the Olympic medal tracker .
  • Want more? Sign up for our daily Postcards from Paris newsletter.

Many shooters at the Olympic range in Chateauroux, central France, choose to wear visors to reduce the glare of the lights or so-called blinders over one eye to get a better focus for the eye which is looking down the sights.

It’s not quite true that Dikec wasn’t wearing any shooting gear. He had yellow earplugs to block out distractions while he shot in the final. They just weren’t visible from the angle of the image which went viral.

Just like Dikec, Chinese rifle shooter Liu Yukun won a gold medal Thursday wearing earplugs but no blinder or visor.

Have other shooters gone viral at the 2024 Olympics?

Yes, South Korean pistol shooter Kim Yeji’s confident demeanor and dramatic stance have brought praise on social media for her “main character energy”.

“The Olympic #shootingsport stars we didn’t know we needed,” the official Olympics account on X posted Thursday with pictures of Kim and Dikec.

Kim won silver in the women’s 10-meter air pistol event Sunday behind her South Korean teammate Oh Ye Jin. Kim and Oh are roommates and Kim said she was pleased Oh got the gold because she sees her like a “youngest sibling”.

Kim is set to compete again Friday in qualification for the women’s 25-meter pistol event.

AP Summer Olympics:

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Tips that improve your life in one way or another.

LPT: Don't put off completing your work assignments (or homework), do them right away, but DON'T turn them in early. You'll leave time for things to go wrong, and you'll be much less stressed because you'll have already done them, but you won't leave yourself open to being given more work.

"Don't procrastinate" may seem like an obvious LPT, but people don't always think about all of the benefits. When I was a college professor, the difference between the students who waited until the last minute and those who did their work right away was tremendous. This also applies to big projects in the workplace. If you do your assignments immediately:

You won't be stressed out thinking about the work that you still have to do and upcoming deadlines.

If something goes wrong (computer doesn't work, you get sick, car breaks down, etc.) you have time to overcome the obstacle.

If you think about something that will make the work even better, you have time to add it in.

But whatever you do, don't turn in your work early, just finish it early. There's virtually no upside in most jobs to completing a five-day project in two days, because all that will mean is that your boss giving you more to do, increasing your stress level and nullifying the benefits of getting your work done early. Always under-promise and over-deliver.

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