Carsharing: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda

Nansubuga, Brenda and Christian Kowalkowski (2021), “Carsharing: A systematic literature review and research agenda,” Journal of Service Management.

57 Pages Posted: 20 Aug 2021

Brenda Nansubuga

Affiliation not provided to ssrn, christian kowalkowski.

Linköping University

Date Written: July 28, 2021

Purpose – Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. Specifically, this study details implications for service theory and practice. Methodology – Systematic selection and analysis of 279 papers from the existing literature, published during the period 1996–2020. Findings – The literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and barriers, customer behavior, and vehicle balancing. Originality – This is the first systematic multidisciplinary literature review of carsharing. It integrates insights from transportation, environmental, and business studies to identify gaps in the existing research and specific implications for service research. Implications – For managers, the study illuminates the importance of collaboration among automotive sector stakeholders for the purposes of widening their customer base and maximizing utilization and profits. For policy makers, the paper highlights their important role in supporting carsharing take-off, emphasizing balanced support for different mobility services to promote mutual success.

Keywords: Carsharing, non-ownership, vehicle balancing, automotive, business model, access-based consumption

JEL Classification: R4, M00

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Christian Kowalkowski (Contact Author)

Linköping university ( email ).

Linköping, 581 83 Sweden

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Nansubuga, Brenda

Kowalkowski, christian, abstract [en].

Purpose Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. Specifically, this study details implications for service theory and practice. Design/methodology/approach Systematic selection and analysis of 279 papers from the existing literature, published between 1996 and 2020. Findings The literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and barriers, customer behavior, and vehicle balancing. Practical implications For managers, the study illuminates the importance of collaboration among stakeholders within the automotive sector for purposes of widening their customer base and maximizing utilization and profits. For policy makers, their important role in supporting carsharing take-off is highlighted with emphasis on balancing support rendered to different mobility services to promote mutual success. Originality/value This is the first systematic multi-disciplinary literature review of carsharing. It integrates insights from transportation, environmental, and business studies, identifying gaps in the existing research and specifically suggesting implications for service research.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages

Keywords [en], national category, identifiers.

Funding Agencies|CarE-Service project - European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [776851]; SE:Kond 2 LIFE project - Swedens innovation agency Vinnova [2019-04463]

The access economy is a business model emphasizing temporary access and usage over permanent ownership, centered on the renting of products among individuals or organizations. Endorsed by the media, analysts, and researchers, access-based services, which allow customers to pay for the temporary use of a product without owning it, have gained popularity in various consumer and business-to-business industries, including mobility, fashion, and mechanical equipment. However, many providers of such services face difficulties attracting and retaining customers, scaling their businesses, and achieving profitability. Against this backdrop, the objectives of this research are, first, to understand how service providers in the access economy can create value for their customers to promote higher customer adoption and sustained retention rates, and second, to understand how collaboration within an ecosystem can facilitate value creation in the access economy. The thesis draws on consumer and business marketing literature to examine ownership and access dynamics. It uses the mobility service sector as a context to analyze the access economy. Four different types of access-based mobility are analyzed: carsharing, car subscriptions, e-scooter rental, and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). The papers appended to the thesis use different methods, including a systematic review, two case studies, a survey, and a conceptual study to address the research purpose. The analysis is conducted from three different perspectives: customer, service provider, and ecosystem, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of value creation in the access economy. The thesis contributes to the literature on the access economy by identifying various business models within access-based mobility and emphasizing the role of collaboration among ecosystem actors. Furthermore, it provides practical implications for service providers to improve their offerings and attract more customers.

Abstract [sv]

Access-ekonomin är en affärsmodell som betonar tillfällig tillgång och användning framför permanent ägande, med fokus på uthyrning av produkter mellan individer eller organisationer. Accessbaserade tjänster, som gör det möjligt för kunder att betala för tillfällig användning av en produkt utan att äga den, har fått mycket uppmärksamhet i media och av analytiker och forskare. Fenomenet har blivit populärt inom många olika konsument- och företagsmarknader, inklusive mobilitet, mode och mekanisk utrustning. Många leverantörer av accessbaserade tjänster har dock svårt att attrahera och behålla kunder, skala upp sin verksamhet och uppnå lönsamhet. Mot denna bakgrund är syftet med denna forskning att för det första förstå hur tjänsteleverantörer i accessekonomin kan skapa värde för sina kunder för att främja högre kundadoption och bibehållen retentionsgrad, och för det andra att förstå hur samarbete inom ett ekosystem kan underlätta värdeskapande i accessekonomin. Avhandlingen utgår huvudsakligen från konsument- och företagsmarknadsföringslitteratur för att undersöka dynamiken mellan ägande och access. Den kontext som analyseras är transport- och mobilitetssektorn. Mer specifikt analyseras fyra olika typer av accessbaserad mobilitet: bildelning, bilabonnemang, uthyrning av elsparkcyklar och transport som tjänst (Mobility-as-a-Service; MaaS). I avhandlingens fem artiklar används olika metoder för att besvara forskningsfrågorna, såsom en systematisk genomgång, två fallstudier, en undersökning och en konceptuell studie för att ta itu med sitt forskningssyfte. Analysen genomförs ur tre olika perspektiv: kundens, leverantörer och ekosystemet för att få en djupare förståelse för värdeskapande i accessekonomin. Avhandlingen bidrar till marknadsföringsforskning om access-ekonomin genom att identifiera olika affärsmodeller inom accessbaserad mobilitet samt analysera den roll som samarbete mellan aktörer i ekosystemet spelar. Avhandlingen har även praktiska implikationer för tjänsteleverantörer som strävar efter att förbättra sina erbjudanden och attrahera fler kunder.

Public defence

Schäfers, tobias, supervisors, sundin, erik.

Funding agencies: The CarE-Service EU project and the SE: Kond 2 Life Vinnova project

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Nansubuga, Brenda

Kowalkowski, christian, abstract [en].

Purpose Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. Specifically, this study details implications for service theory and practice. Design/methodology/approach Systematic selection and analysis of 279 papers from the existing literature, published between 1996 and 2020. Findings The literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and barriers, customer behavior, and vehicle balancing. Practical implications For managers, the study illuminates the importance of collaboration among stakeholders within the automotive sector for purposes of widening their customer base and maximizing utilization and profits. For policy makers, their important role in supporting carsharing take-off is highlighted with emphasis on balancing support rendered to different mobility services to promote mutual success. Originality/value This is the first systematic multi-disciplinary literature review of carsharing. It integrates insights from transportation, environmental, and business studies, identifying gaps in the existing research and specifically suggesting implications for service research.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages

Keywords [en], national category, identifiers.

Funding Agencies|CarE-Service project - European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [776851]; SE:Kond 2 LIFE project - Swedens innovation agency Vinnova [2019-04463]

The access economy is a business model emphasizing temporary access and usage over permanent ownership, centered on the renting of products among individuals or organizations. Endorsed by the media, analysts, and researchers, access-based services, which allow customers to pay for the temporary use of a product without owning it, have gained popularity in various consumer and business-to-business industries, including mobility, fashion, and mechanical equipment. However, many providers of such services face difficulties attracting and retaining customers, scaling their businesses, and achieving profitability. Against this backdrop, the objectives of this research are, first, to understand how service providers in the access economy can create value for their customers to promote higher customer adoption and sustained retention rates, and second, to understand how collaboration within an ecosystem can facilitate value creation in the access economy. The thesis draws on consumer and business marketing literature to examine ownership and access dynamics. It uses the mobility service sector as a context to analyze the access economy. Four different types of access-based mobility are analyzed: carsharing, car subscriptions, e-scooter rental, and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). The papers appended to the thesis use different methods, including a systematic review, two case studies, a survey, and a conceptual study to address the research purpose. The analysis is conducted from three different perspectives: customer, service provider, and ecosystem, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of value creation in the access economy. The thesis contributes to the literature on the access economy by identifying various business models within access-based mobility and emphasizing the role of collaboration among ecosystem actors. Furthermore, it provides practical implications for service providers to improve their offerings and attract more customers.

Abstract [sv]

Access-ekonomin är en affärsmodell som betonar tillfällig tillgång och användning framför permanent ägande, med fokus på uthyrning av produkter mellan individer eller organisationer. Accessbaserade tjänster, som gör det möjligt för kunder att betala för tillfällig användning av en produkt utan att äga den, har fått mycket uppmärksamhet i media och av analytiker och forskare. Fenomenet har blivit populärt inom många olika konsument- och företagsmarknader, inklusive mobilitet, mode och mekanisk utrustning. Många leverantörer av accessbaserade tjänster har dock svårt att attrahera och behålla kunder, skala upp sin verksamhet och uppnå lönsamhet. Mot denna bakgrund är syftet med denna forskning att för det första förstå hur tjänsteleverantörer i accessekonomin kan skapa värde för sina kunder för att främja högre kundadoption och bibehållen retentionsgrad, och för det andra att förstå hur samarbete inom ett ekosystem kan underlätta värdeskapande i accessekonomin. Avhandlingen utgår huvudsakligen från konsument- och företagsmarknadsföringslitteratur för att undersöka dynamiken mellan ägande och access. Den kontext som analyseras är transport- och mobilitetssektorn. Mer specifikt analyseras fyra olika typer av accessbaserad mobilitet: bildelning, bilabonnemang, uthyrning av elsparkcyklar och transport som tjänst (Mobility-as-a-Service; MaaS). I avhandlingens fem artiklar används olika metoder för att besvara forskningsfrågorna, såsom en systematisk genomgång, två fallstudier, en undersökning och en konceptuell studie för att ta itu med sitt forskningssyfte. Analysen genomförs ur tre olika perspektiv: kundens, leverantörer och ekosystemet för att få en djupare förståelse för värdeskapande i accessekonomin. Avhandlingen bidrar till marknadsföringsforskning om access-ekonomin genom att identifiera olika affärsmodeller inom accessbaserad mobilitet samt analysera den roll som samarbete mellan aktörer i ekosystemet spelar. Avhandlingen har även praktiska implikationer för tjänsteleverantörer som strävar efter att förbättra sina erbjudanden och attrahera fler kunder.

Public defence

Schäfers, tobias, supervisors, sundin, erik.

Funding agencies: The CarE-Service EU project and the SE: Kond 2 Life Vinnova project

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carsharing a systematic literature review and research agenda

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Carsharing: a systematic literature review and research agenda

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Authors: Nansubuga, Brenda ;  Kowalkowski, Christian

Source: Journal of Service Management , Volume 32, Number 6, 2021, pp. 55-91(37)

Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited


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Keywords: Access-based consumption ; Automotive ; Business model ; Carsharing ; Nonownership ; Vehicle balancing

Document Type: Research Article

Affiliations: Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden

Publication date: May 4, 2021

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Carsharing: a systematic literature review and research agenda

  • Marknadsföring, Helsingfors
  • Linköping University

Forskningsoutput : Tidskriftsbidrag › Översiktsartikel › Peer review


Purpose: Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. Specifically, this study details implications for service theory and practice. Design/methodology/approach: Systematic selection and analysis of 279 papers from the existing literature, published between 1996 and 2020. Findings: The literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and barriers, customer behavior, and vehicle balancing. Practical implications: For managers, the study illuminates the importance of collaboration among stakeholders within the automotive sector for purposes of widening their customer base and maximizing utilization and profits. For policy makers, their important role in supporting carsharing take-off is highlighted with emphasis on balancing support rendered to different mobility services to promote mutual success. Originality/value: This is the first systematic multi-disciplinary literature review of carsharing. It integrates insights from transportation, environmental, and business studies, identifying gaps in the existing research and specifically suggesting implications for service research.

Referentgranskad vetenskaplig tidskrift
Sidor (från-till)55-91
Antal sidor37
StatusPublicerad - 23.07.2021
MoE-publikationstypA2 Översiktsartikel i en vetenskaplig tidskrift
  • 512 Företagsekonomi

Åtkomst av dokument

  • 10.1108/JOSM-10-2020-0344 Licens: CC BY
  • 10-1108_JOSM-10-2020-0344 Publicerad version, 679 KB Licens: CC BY


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  • Research Social Sciences 100%
  • Systematic Review Social Sciences 100%
  • Customers Economics, Econometrics and Finance 100%
  • Systematic Literature Review Psychology 100%
  • Service Industries Social Sciences 60%
  • Business Model Economics, Econometrics and Finance 50%
  • Stakeholder Economics, Econometrics and Finance 50%
  • Profit Economics, Econometrics and Finance 50%

Citera det här

T1 - Carsharing

T2 - a systematic literature review and research agenda

AU - Nansubuga, Brenda

AU - Kowalkowski, Christian

N1 - Funding Information: This research received financial support from the CarE-Service project (which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776851), and the SE:Kond 2 LIFE project (2019-04463), which was funded by Sweden's innovation agency Vinnova. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, Brenda Nansubuga and Christian Kowalkowski.

PY - 2021/7/23

Y1 - 2021/7/23

N2 - Purpose: Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. Specifically, this study details implications for service theory and practice. Design/methodology/approach: Systematic selection and analysis of 279 papers from the existing literature, published between 1996 and 2020. Findings: The literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and barriers, customer behavior, and vehicle balancing. Practical implications: For managers, the study illuminates the importance of collaboration among stakeholders within the automotive sector for purposes of widening their customer base and maximizing utilization and profits. For policy makers, their important role in supporting carsharing take-off is highlighted with emphasis on balancing support rendered to different mobility services to promote mutual success. Originality/value: This is the first systematic multi-disciplinary literature review of carsharing. It integrates insights from transportation, environmental, and business studies, identifying gaps in the existing research and specifically suggesting implications for service research.

AB - Purpose: Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. Specifically, this study details implications for service theory and practice. Design/methodology/approach: Systematic selection and analysis of 279 papers from the existing literature, published between 1996 and 2020. Findings: The literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and barriers, customer behavior, and vehicle balancing. Practical implications: For managers, the study illuminates the importance of collaboration among stakeholders within the automotive sector for purposes of widening their customer base and maximizing utilization and profits. For policy makers, their important role in supporting carsharing take-off is highlighted with emphasis on balancing support rendered to different mobility services to promote mutual success. Originality/value: This is the first systematic multi-disciplinary literature review of carsharing. It integrates insights from transportation, environmental, and business studies, identifying gaps in the existing research and specifically suggesting implications for service research.

KW - 512 Business and Management

KW - carsharing

KW - nonownership

KW - vehicle balancing

KW - automotive

KW - business model

KW - access-based consumption

UR -

UR -

U2 - 10.1108/JOSM-10-2020-0344

DO - 10.1108/JOSM-10-2020-0344

M3 - Review Article

AN - SCOPUS:85111671545

SN - 1757-5818

JO - Journal of Service Management

JF - Journal of Service Management

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Major knowledge shortfalls for Colombian Amazonian anurans: Implications for conservation

  • Camacho-Rozo, Claudia P.
  • Urbina-Cardona, Nicolás

The Amazon boasts the highest anuran species diversity in the world. The Colombian Amazon has the highest rates of illegal deforestation, leading to accelerated species loss. The objective of this review was to identify knowledge shortfalls in anuran research to effectively address conservation efforts. We conducted a systematic literature search from different databases. To this end, we evaluated knowledge gaps in the published literature to pinpoint areas where information is lacking, aiming to address critical topics essential for advancing scientific understanding and informing effective conservation and management strategies. We read the Abstract, Methods, Study Area, Results and supplementary material for each document following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta‑Analyses) protocol. We found 161 documents, with the earliest publications dating back to the 1940s, and the highest productivity occurring since 2000. The diversity of research topics has increased over time. The most studied topics were systematics and taxonomy, natural history, geographic distributions, while the least studied topics (with less than six documents) were cell biology and microbiology, genetics, toxicology, ethnobiology, diet, infectious diseases, biogeography and macroecology. There remains a need for further research in these underrepresented areas. Only 10 species were represented in more than 17 papers and 165 species were represented in less than three publications. Only three species (Allobates femoralis, Dendropsophus parviceps and Phyllomedusa bicolor) were studied from more than 10 topics and, in general, the studies concentrated on adult life stages, maintaining a gap in the knowledge of larval stages (Haeckelian shortfall). We found 296 anuran species reported in the published documents; and the departments of Amazonas, Caquetá and Putumayo had the highest number of studies with great knowledge gaps in Meta, Vichada, Nariño and Cauca. There was an important increase in the collection of primary field data, and the use of biological collections for specimen studies, with 30.6% and 40% of total studies in these periods, respectively, relying on these data sources. However, in the entire 76‑year span, there has been only one publication that conducted experiments on anurans, highlighting the considerable lack of eco‑physiological studies. Our review did not find a population ecology paper with detailed demographic data or life tables (Prestonian shortfall), although we did uncover six papers reporting abundance data of seven species that could be applied to conservation efforts. We found two papers that reported on functional traits such as reproductive modes and morphological traits (Raunkiæran shortfall); but we did not find a paper on biotic interactions (Eltonian shortfall), species'abiotic tolerances (Hutchinsonian shortfall), or explicit evolutionary patterns (Darwinian shortfall). Only five anuran species were listed in the "Catálogo de Anfibios y Reptiles de Colombia" and only two species have distribution models available on the BioModelos online platform to map Colombian species distribution (Wallacean shortfall). Of the 296 anuran species, 32 are classified under various IUCN threat categories, although these assessments were based solely on geographical distribution data (AOO and EOO) due to the lack of population trend information, resulting in 218 species categorized as of least conservation concern, due to their wide distribution. This study highlights the limited focus on anuran population ecology in the Colombian Amazon, despite its critical role in understanding demographic processes and species conservation. Herpetological research in the Amazon must focus on providing the following critical information for species conservation: (a) long‑term participatory population assessments in mature native forests, (b) detection of changes in the abundance and value of species' functional traits in response to landscape anthropogenic transformation and (c) the development and validation of species distribution maps for the Amazonian region. Sharing raw anuran species population and distribution data through open‑access platforms are crucial steps for the development of informed conservation strategies for the region. Such data enable early detection of habitat degradation and loss effects and establishes a research agenda for long‑term participatory monitoring of anuran species and their habitats.

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  19. Carsharing: a systematic literature review and research agenda

    Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research and to identify directions for future work. ... published between 1996 and 2020.FindingsThe literature review identified four key themes: business models, drivers and ...

  20. Can carsharing services be profitable? A critical review of established

    Carsharing: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda. Brenda ... Journal of Service Management. 2021; PurposeFollowing the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper synthesizes this growing literature to provide a comprehensive ... State of the Art and Steps Towards a Research Agenda. F. Boons Florian Lüdeke‐Freund ...

  21. PDF Modeling and optimization for carsharing services: A literature review

    tematic review on the method-based solutions to the vehicle relocation problem in the one-way carsharing networks. Jorge and Cor- reia (2013) conducted a literature review on demand modeling and the ways to balance the vehicle stocks in the one-way carsharing systems. Both of the two studies only focused on a particular operation problem in the ...

  22. Carsharing business models.

    Download Table | Carsharing business models. from publication: Carsharing: a systematic literature review and research agenda | Following the recent surge in research on carsharing, the paper ...

  23. Two decades of research on "masstige" marketing: A systematic

    Therefore, the present moment offers an appropriate time to consolidate the existing literature and lay the groundwork for future researchers. To achieve this aim, this paper endeavors to narrow the literature divide between luxury and affordability to establish a strong conceptual boundary using SPAR-4 protocol and the TCCM approach.

  24. Two decades of research on "masstige" marketing: A systematic

    Request PDF | Two decades of research on "masstige" marketing: A systematic literature review and future research agenda | In the 21st century, luxury marketing increasingly utilizes ...

  25. Digital nomads: a systematic literature review and future research agenda

    Purpose This study aims to address the need for robust conceptual foundations in the digital nomadism discourse through a systematic literature review (SLR). It delves into digital nomadism within sustainable tourism, providing valuable insights to foster community development. Design/methodology/approach This study uses a rigorous eight-step process that combines an SLR and a system dynamics ...

  26. Conceptualising the Artificial Intelligence Divide: A Systematic

    A systematic literature review was conducted, analysing 46 studies that examined various aspects of the AI divide. Three levels of the AI divide emerged: access, skills, and outcomes.

  27. Major knowledge shortfalls for Colombian Amazonian anurans

    The Amazon boasts the highest anuran species diversity in the world. The Colombian Amazon has the highest rates of illegal deforestation, leading to accelerated species loss. The objective of this review was to identify knowledge shortfalls in anuran research to effectively address conservation efforts. We conducted a systematic literature search from different databases.

  28. Career Competencies: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda

    DOI: 10.5465/amproc.2023.13266abstract Corpus ID: 260141289; Career Competencies: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda @article{Talluri2023CareerCA, title={Career Competencies: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda}, author={Surendra Babu Talluri and Nishant Uppal and Alexander Newman and Jos Akkermans}, journal={Academy of Management Proceedings}, year={2023}, url={https ...