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Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language

There are numerous advantages of learning a foreign language. Essay sample is focused on social, health, and other foreign language benefits, as well as reasons to learn another language.

Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language Essay Introduction

Benefits of learning a second language essay body, benefits of learning foreign language essay conclusion, works cited.

Why are foreign languages in demand and popularity? Not everyone probably thinks about it until they face a particular situation. Let us consider several reasons for bilingualism, such as advantages in career, travel, unlimited communication, cultural content, and the fact that knowing at least one foreign language makes the person smarter.

The first cause of foreign language usefulness is professional opportunities. You need to know a foreign language to increase your employability, work in a prestigious fast-growing company, and get the appropriate payment. It also applies to study and internships in foreign countries because plenty of companies are trying to learn from the experience of their foreign colleagues. In the case you know the foreign language, you can help in the translation of texts, preparation of documents, or during negotiations with foreign partners. Besides, you can learn some interesting and helpful information by reading foreign professional literature.

The second reason concerns traveling. Knowing the foreign language, you will be happy to listen to guided tours in original, chat with people with great ease and pleasure, and, who knows, maybe the foreign language you can speak will save the life of someone. Traveling around the world, you can always find your way, talk to the locals, learn about their lives and culture, and perhaps, receive a useful lesson (“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language,” par. 8). In other words, knowing the foreign language allows penetrating the traditions of the other culture.

The third reason in favor of knowledge of a foreign language is communication. Usually, to learn a foreign language well enough, it is necessary to plunge into the environment of living in that particular culture. In turn, such a dive does not pass entirely but forms certain personal qualities. For example, some studies have shown that people, who know more than one language, expand their horizons and are more likely to empathize taking the first steps in communication. Communication in a foreign language with native speakers will significantly strengthen your communication skills and develop life-long friendships (“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language,” par. 14).

Moreover, a foreign language helps you to enrich yourself culturally by watching movies in their original, listening to the voice and intonations of actors, and avoiding translators. You can listen to your favorite songs of foreign singers and understand their meaning with great pleasure. Despite the considerable amount of translated literature, the knowledge of a foreign language opens the door to the world of original literature. It is also essential to point out that by learning a foreign language, you can improve your native language as well. When people start to talk in a foreign language, which has its grammar, logic, and exceptions, they choose words and phrases in the native language to translate, which helps to increase the speech culture and vocabulary of the native language.

Besides, if you are interested in the events taking place in the world, the knowledge of the foreign language would be your advantage. You can easily understand the news as many world newspapers and Internet posts are published in a foreign language. Consequently, you will be able to understand the meaning of the above, taking into account all the details. It is much more objective than hearing a translation, where a lot can be unsaid or translated inappropriately. Thus, knowledge of a foreign language provides access to information, while it is commonly considered that he who owns the information – owns the world.

Finally, the last but not the least reason is probably, the most important. Knowledge of a foreign language expands consciousness. According to Merritt, “speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognize, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems” (par. 3). Your mind will be reconstructed to understand completely new concepts. In this sense, learning foreign languages is highly efficient due to switching codes. Switching from one language to another is a challenging job for the brain that is undoubtedly useful. Several studies have shown that among patients with dementia, symptoms began four years later in people who know two languages than in people who know one language (Merritt par. 6). In other words, the brain of bilinguals was struck but continued to operate at a higher level for a longer time.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that people are blacksmiths of their happiness, and a lot in life depends on them. Knowledge of foreign languages gives people plenty of advantages. It is the opportunity to travel around the world without an interpreter, to read foreign literature, to watch foreign films in the original, and to have friends from different countries. If you are willing to change something in your life for the better, then learn a foreign language, and maybe somewhere, there is a pleasant surprise waiting for you, such as an exciting journey or attractive employment.

Merritt, Anne. “ Why Learn a Foreign Language? Benefits of Bilingualism. ” The Telegraph . Telegraph Media Group, 2013.

“Ten Amazing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Foreign Language.” Lingholic . n.p., 2014.

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StudyCorgi . "Benefits of Knowing a Foreign Language." September 9, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/benefits-of-knowing-a-foreign-language/.

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Home Essay Samples Science Second Language

The Importance of Learning a Foreign Language

Table of contents, breaking down barriers, cognitive benefits, professional advantages, cultural enrichment, role of education, references:.

  • Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development: Language, Literacy, and Cognition. Cambridge University Press.
  • Crystal, D. (2017). English as a Global Language (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dewaele, J. M. (2018). Why the dichotomy ‘L1 versus LX user’ is better than ‘native versus non-native speaker’. Applied Linguistics, 39(2), 236-240.
  • Grosjean, F. (2010). Bilingual: Life and Reality. Harvard University Press.
  • Nikolov, M. (2009). Early Learning of Modern Foreign Languages: Processes and Outcomes. Multilingual Matters.

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Learning a Foreign Language Essays

by Dhruvisha Shah (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)

learning a foreign language essay conclusion

good points and well organised
Feb 08, 2016

didn't like it
May 12, 2016

Your writing skill is very good, you have used many pinpoints in your essay, and I get very good tips from it. thank you good luck.
Jul 11, 2016

Good essay with strong vocabulary
Sep 19, 2016

thank you so much and nice essay well written (Y) appreciated.........
Nov 14, 2016

its written correct here.
the points are very good and in systematic way and pretty correct.
its easy and understandable essay.
keep it up
Jan 19, 2017

Nothing about languages
Mar 14, 2017

It's a gud n impressive statement
Apr 26, 2017

This essay has been taken from Cambridge Ielts book. The answer has been prepared by an examiner, therefore a perfect example of Ielts sample.
Jul 24, 2017

good essy but conclusion is too small. Otherwise it is excellent.
Feb 10, 2018

The last para does not provide any supporting reasons, and the conclusion is poor. Moreover, the paragraph supporting the argument also does not talk anything about how it is beneficial to learn language at an early age. It just talks about the grasping capabilities and the like but it has to talk specifically how it is going to be benefit like finding good jobs, taking a course in foreign language,etc.
Mar 26, 2018

Cohesion and Coherence issue
Nov 17, 2019

Hi, can you help me identifying the thesis statement? Many many thanks

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Learning a Language Abroad

by Phuc (Vietnam)

Please check my writing and give me feedback. Thank you very much. As a part of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. Do you agree or disagree? It is said that living abroad would help improve your foreign language abilities and knowledge of another culture. According to my point of view, I partly agree with this opinion. Firstly, while we live among people who use the language, we will have a chance to practice it all the time. Rarely can we find a native speaker in our hometown. To almost all students, they usually find it difficult with speaking and listening skills. These cannot easily be improved if we use it uncommonly. Moreover, we may confront many situations which we have never faced up before. To deal with those difficulties after a few times, we will easily recognize the differences between the two cultures. Some factors are acceptable in our country but they are totally naughty in another one. For example, in many Asian nations, people usually ask about the others’ ages, work and also family; but to Western citizens, it is impolite to do so. These things are only taught while we stay in its culture. On the other side, each country has each education system. To study in another language is a challenge. To get used to their teaching manner, which is totally different from ours, is more challenging. People studying abroad often get ‘culture shock’ while they are not accustomed to the new lifestyle and the new way they have to study. Generally, living abroad is one of the best ways to learn the culture and language. But there are still some disadvantages. We have to overcome the shocks so that we can become proficient.

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Learning Languages at Primary School (2)

by Abrar khan (Sydney)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? The idea of whether children should be taught a foreign language at primary or secondary school is still debatable. Many people are of the opinion that it is more beneficial for a child to learn a second language at secondary school rather than primary. In this essay, I will attempt to explain the advantages and disadvantages of this view from my own personal perspective. To begin with, a child's mind cannot absorb too many contents at primary school and bombarding him with words from two languages (native and foreign) may lead his mind into a state of confusion. A student studying at Class one for instance, who just started to talk in his mother tongue will face great difficulty in learning a second language. Thus, it would be more appropriate to teach such a child a second language at secondary school where his mind will be ready to learn a new language. Secondly, in some situations, for instance in the case of an immigrant child, it would become very stressful for the child when he has to learn three languages (Native, Country Language, foreign language at school) simultaneously at primary school. In worse circumstances, as some researchers have shown from their studies, such children have difficulty in deciding which language to speak and may end up learning nothing. clearly, this child would face no difficulty if he is taught the third language at secondary school. Other commentators are of the view that foreign languages should be taught at primary school as it will spark the interest of learning new languages in the child's mind and as he grows up, by the time he enters secondary school he might be able to communicate in the foreign language. The argument here is that if such language is taught at secondary school, most of the children will not take interest in learning and may find it unnecessary. To recapitulate. children are mentally ready to learn a second language at secondary school and also suitable in circumstances where the child has to learn more languages. It is the responsibility of the child if he wants to continue learning this language after secondary school or not. In conclusion, I believe that teaching a foreign language would be more appropriate at secondary level as its advantages clearly outweigh its disadvantages. ***** Please give me comments for my learning a foreign language at primary school essay.

Learning Languages at Primary School (3)

by budi (indonesia)

Could anybody help me to assess my essay? Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? The right time for children to learn second languages has been a riddle since society started thinking about global citizenship and opportunity, especially in countries whose first language is not English. Most professional in the field believed that it is best to start learning second language at primary school while other practitioner suggested that start to learn that in secondary school is more efficient. I believe that the best time to start learning second language is at primary school. It is due to the fact that for biological reason, it is more beneficial and children can have an early exposure to the language. Medical research found out that the primordial part of the brain is responsible for emotional sensing, reflexive movement, and imitating ability. This imitating ability, which is developing significantly during primary school period, contributes significantly in language learning. On the other hand, logical thinking ability is developed later, that is during secondary school phase. This brain development knowledge is very fundamental information to support the idea that the best time to learn second language is during primary school. Many language researchers, educators, and experts believed that each individual needs different time to absorb every aspect of new language learned such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This learning curve, which can not be accelerated, can only be balanced by starting it at early as possible. By doing so, children can get early exposure to the language. Thus, they also more get used to and are more confident in using it. For this reason, it is obvious that starting it early in primary school give children more benefits. After compiling that brain development phase information about imitating ability that contributes to language training as well as the fact that getting early exposure that can give more advantages, it is clear that the best time to begin learning foreign language is at primary school.

This essay has a high range of good vocabulary but there are some grammatical errors that you should improve. Also, you need to add two examples for each of the students responding to elementary school or secondary school. Thank you. I hope this helps you.

Learning Languages at Primary School (4)

by Md Abu Bakar Siddiq (Bangladesh)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Learning a foreign language such as English is essential for our daily life, continued higher education, business, etc. But it’s a big controversy when to start it. Whether it should be initiated at primary level education or at secondary school level. I think it would be better to inaugurate learning another nation’s voice at primary level education. If we organize our children to be taught a foreign language at primary school, they can catch and follow instructions regarding this easily. Furthermore, it is easier for them to remember this early period learning for a long-time, since at this tender age the brain remains fresh and sharp to follow any instructions. Along with this, children’s foundation on that particular language becomes stronger that ultimately makes them more interested about that nation. Yet, some experts think differently. According to them, it is not wise making students’ interest about a second language before secondary level education. Firstly, it will put extra pressure on their brain. Secondly, this approach may make students reluctant about their mother language, which will hinder them to learn more about their culture, customs, and country as well. But, I do not agree with these cheap, awkward opinions. This is because I don’t believe beginning foreign language learning at primary school will put that much of an enormous stress on the kids’ mind and body. If adequate measures are taken during teaching they can enjoy it. On the other hand, side by side teaching institutes should be cautious about their attitude toward the mother language. So, it is crystal clear that learning another language along with the native one at primary level education has some added benefits over learning it at secondary school education. *** You can comment below on this learning a foreign language essay.

Learning Languages at Primary School (5)

by Rehmatullah Saeed (Pakistan, Karachi)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Some school of thoughts argue that a foreign language should be learnt in the primary school while others argue that this strategy would put extra amount of pressure on the innocent children and subsequently considering the importance, necessity and obligation of learning a foreign language then I strongly believe the thoughts of the first party. Apparently the advantages of learning a foreign language in the primary level cross the minor number of disadvantages. Generally the age of childhood is very fresh and not any type of psychological pressure from their home and outside the home is on their shoulders and they are just free to play, enjoy and study, so the structure of the foreign language can easily be copied in their minds and finally they can become more mature when they get qualified to the secondary school due to the long term procedure. On the other hand some school teachers devise quiet complicated teaching methodologies for teaching students and in the result the children get bored and failed in clearing the examinations of the foreign language. Therefore students could get mentally confused and discouraged to follow up the other school subjects as well. For instance my cousin was trying hard to learn the English language but did not succeed to pass the very basic English language examinations and he also complained for the identical reason. To sum up all the observations then we can get a perception that teaching a foreign language to the students of the primary school is the best idea and beneficial for the future of the students but meanwhile a very slow and progressive, enjoyable and transparent teaching strategies should be planned in order to provide a very delightful environment to the lower aged students. Please comment on my essay about learning a foreign language at primary school.

Generally, the grammar in this essay does not have errors that would cause strain for the reader. Also, there is a wide range of vocabulary used and the structure and tone appropriate.

However, there are a couple of weaknesses that need to be addressed. Particularly in the introduction and in the first body paragraph, the sentence length is too long. This results in loss of coherence. It is best to have a variety of sentence lengths throughout your essay.

Also, the essay asks you to address learning a language in primary school rather than secondary. To my mind, this means that you should talk about language learning in secondary school as well.

Apart from that, there are some misused lexical items.
Jan 25, 2015

The essay is a nice one but needs to be more coherent.

There should also be some discussion on secondary school as we are comparing the learning with that of primary school.

Vocabulary range is very good.
Apr 19, 2015

The answer does not read smoothly because you didn't make use of cohesive devices. Most of the sentences are very long, and this will make the reader lose your trail of thoughts.

Your answer lacks insight as you didn't get deeper into highlighting the issue (learning languages at an early stage). You need to write with a good sense of audience.

The topic sentences of each paragraph (2 & 3) are not effective. We can hardly talk about any development of ideas.

You used a good range of vocabulary, but there are times when the meaning is spoilt. There are some grammar mistakes, and there is no variety in sentence structure.
Aug 17, 2015

It’s very good if one speak very well other languages. For that, experts discuss what is better for children. Is that learning foreign language in the primary or secondary level?

I notice that analysts giving some advantages and few disadvantage with explanation and include my knowledges what I get from my experiences.

First benefit is that children can speak very well another language, like their mother language's word and it became easy to have lot of words and sentence vocabulary. Because at age, the memory is empty, and able to receive more and fast.

Second benefit; is the improvement their intelligent. While, at secondary school, learn this new language, became difficult. And proposed one the big problem is pronunciation.

For disadvantages are:

At the primary school, children can easy speaking and learn a vocabulary. But they like playing and painting. So, they don’t accept to practice writing, reading and learn a grammar, however this materials become really worked at secondary school.

In conclusion, speaking, learn a vocabulary with alphabet are worked at primary school especially the pronunciation which is big hurdle, for who want learn new language because it’s my problem for a foreign language. I pronounce it like my mother language, because I studied it at secondary level not at the primary.

Nov 16, 2015

Some school of thoughts argue that a foreign language should be learnt in the primary school while others argue that this strategy would put extra amount of pressure on the innocent children and subsequently considering the importance, necessity and obligation of learning a foreign language then I strongly believe the thoughts of the first party.

Apparently the advantages of learning a foreign language in the primary level cross the minor number of disadvantages. Generally the age of childhood is very fresh and no any type of psychological pressure from their home and outside the home is on their shoulders and they are just free to play, enjoy and study, so the structure of the foreign language can easily be copied in their minds and finally they can become more mature when they get qualified to the secondary school due to the long term procedure.

On the other hand some school teachers devise quiet complicated teaching methodologies for teaching students and in the result the children get bored and failed in clearing the examinations of the foreign language. Therefore students could get mentally confused and discouraged to follow up the other school subjects as well. For instance my cousin was trying hard to learn the English language but not succeeded to pass the very basic English language examinations and he also complained the identical reason.

To sum up all the observations then we can get a perception that teaching a foreign language to the students of the primary school is the best idea and beneficial for the future of the students but meanwhile a very slow and progressive, enjoyable and transparent teaching strategies should be planned in order to provide a very delightful environment to the lower aged students.

May 10, 2017

learning a new language at a later stage stage of life can be a challenge , but children can learn a new language pretty well. In my opinion its better and easier to make children familiar with a new language than its to an grow up person . in my essay i will state some reasons for the same .

firstly , with the advance in science and technology , new facts about human brain are surfacing , one fact being that brain in its early years of development is more capable of learning new complex human behavior , language being such complex human behavior . thus introducing a foreign language at a primary level will yield better results .

secondly , introducing a foreign language in primary schools also means that children can communicate with different people from different cultures much more easily thus enlarging their circle of friendship which will prove beneficial for the overall growth and development pf children .

to conclude , i strongly suggest that foreign language should be introduced early in academic curriculum so that our children will grow up into much more responsible human beings .

Learning Languages at Primary School (6)

by Milan Jetha (Rajkot, Gujarat, India)

Hi guys, please give me suggestions on my essay: Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Some schools of thoughts argue that children should start learning foreign languages from primary school while others argue that it would be more of burden on primary school pupils to start learning foreign languages at an early age. I strongly believe that students should learn foreign languages from primary school. Both the pros and cons of this argument will be discussed before reaching a reasonable conclusion. To begin, some people think that a student does not have any psychological burden in his/her childhood so this is the perfect age for learning a new language. Moreover, pupils will be more confident to speak a foreign language with anyone if they learn it in primary school. Also, children’s minds are ready to learn new things easily in their early age. As an example, some high secondary students are having difficulties in speaking English language, the reason being that they did not learn English language in their childhood. However, there are some plausible counters to this argument. Some plebeians believe that by learning English in primary school students would feel a burden on them. Also, there will be some chances to lose the importance of their native language if students concentrate on foreign languages from an early age. For instance, by giving priority to foreign languages some students are not properly able to speak their native language. In conclusion, according to these arguments it seems that there are strong benefits of learning English in primary school rather than secondary school. By giving knowledge of a foreign language from primary school children will grow smart. *** You can comment below on this learning a foreign language essay to help the student improve their score.

The article is well composed covering all the necessary points. But shall i ask a query of mine, i have recently started preparation for IELTS last week. And am just worried about writing as i want to score 7.5+. What sort of things should be included?
Nov 09, 2015

Hi Rockko,

Check out this lesson:

English as the Primary Language

by Rakez (hyderabad,india)

It is very clear now that English should be the primary foreign language taught in all schools around the world. Learning a different foreign language before English is, in today’s world, a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? There is no deny that English is the top most widely spoken language in the world. The practice of speaking and writing in English came into existence since centuries. It continued to be popular and familiar to various nation, majorly because of the British influence. However most of the people, agree that learning a foreign than English is waste of time. First of all, the popularity of learning English is increasing day by day in countries like Middle east, South east asia and African countries. Teaching English in the schools helps the pupils to gain international language experience. For example, it broader employment and higher education opportunities in English speaking countries more than non- English speaking countries. Moreover, all the famous literatures from the ancient to modern are written in English. On the other hand, in a few countries like Japan, China and Korea the government and public only shows interest in their respective native languages. In the today’s present busy world, people learn foreign language like Spanish, French as a hobby which would not be a beneficial in their real life, except unless they visit the language spoken country. However, English has international reorganization and only primary foreign language to promote the business across the globe. Although, teaching a new foreign language in schools other than English will not be a success in practice, because hardly students find the person who speaks outside the school. In summary, English is the only ultimate foreign language that can be taught in schools without second the thought. However, I feel that learning a new language other than English is waste of time because it will be less in practice. Please could someone give me some feedback?

Good points and well developed essay.

Apart from few mistakes, except & unless, either one will do.

Use of the in some places is unnecessary

This is comment from my knowledge
Best way is to read and correct the essay yourself

But, write, leave for few hours, come back and read , mostly able to find the mistakes.

Hope that helps
Oct 27, 2014

You use repeated word maximum
Oct 27, 2014

here in India particularly in Kerala, this essay may get maximum 6.5.
Oct 27, 2014

Thank you, for the feedback. I will try to minimize the errors and try avoiding in the future.
Oct 28, 2014

you could be able to mention the points, however some grammar needs to be corrected.
Nov 12, 2014

I need improve my preposition
Dec 09, 2014

What do you have to change exactly?

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Foreign Language IELTS Essay: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

  • Last Updated On July 30, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

Foreign Language IELTS Essay

Writing Task 2 of the IELTS exam has displayed a large variety of questions over the years. However, there are still some general themes and topics that are often repeated in IELTS Writing Task 2. One of these recurring themes is the learning foreign language essay.

Table of Content

In this theme, you can be asked to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning a different language belonging to any foreign country. Additionally, you can also be asked to express your own opinion on the topic. This blog shares detailed information about the Foreign Language IELTS essay, which is one of the widely asked essay topics for IELTS.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay: IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

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Before we get deeper into the topic and start discussing model answers, let’s walk through some general tips that can help you leave a good impression on the examiner about your English language skills in IELTS writing task 2 topics.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay

Tips to Ace the Foreign Language Essay Writing Task 2 IELTS

Although you can find an endless number of relevant examples for the essay writing task in IELTS, there really is no fixed format that can guarantee you a good band score in the writing section. So, what really works in helping you get a good score in task 2?

  • A strong introduction and conclusion that are in coherence with the topic assigned: This will immediately get your examiner hooked onto the paragraphs written inside your piece and will leave a great impression on them!
  • Use of refined vocabulary along with excellent use of grammar: Making use of good (and sometimes complex) vocabulary accompanied by an accurate usage of the English grammar is a pre-requisite for getting a good score in writing. It shows the examiner that your own knowledge of the language is vast.
  • Providing relevant examples from different parts of the world: Many aspirants miss out on supporting their arguments along with good examples from either their own country or a different country. This leads to them losing out on marks in task 2.

Following these three tips will really catapult your writing task 2 score, which will have a greater impact on your overall band score for the writing section. To make the application of these tips more clear, let’s take a look at some of the sample answers for the foreign language theme.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay Samples

Question – Some people believe that the only reason for learning a new/foreign language is for travelling or working in a foreign land. While others argue that there are many more reasons as why someone should learn a new language apart from their native language. You have to discuss both these arguments and give your own opinion on the following topic. Make sure to give reasons for your answers and provide examples. Minimum word limit – 250 words


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Sample Answer 1

Learning a second language or a foreign language is linked to many advantages that far surpass the sole reasons of learning a new language for travelling or working in a foreign land. However, for the sake of playing the devil’s advocate, I’ll say that some people belonging to a different school of thought consider better job opportunities and travelling to be the only motive behind learning a foreign language. I am of the opinion that there are other reasons like learning about a foreign culture, and the bright prospect of cognitive development that propel many monolingual people to study a new language. With ever-increasing globalization and the opening up of international barriers, more and more people choose to emigrate to new and foreign lands in the hope of better job prospects. This often requires them to learn a new tongue. For instance, many people prefer learning languages like English, Spanish, and French, rather than the Russian language because countries speaking the former tongues have shown more affinity towards emigrants and provide a multitude of better job opportunities. This makes many people believe that jobs and sometimes travel are the only driving forces for learning a new tongue, especially for a young learner. On the other hand, some people including myself have researched the pros and cons of learning a foreign language thoroughly and have found that the pros far outweigh the drawbacks. The onset of memory ailments like dementia can be slowed down by cognitive development that comes with learning a foreign language. Furthermore, multilingual people are more confident and can easily acclimate themselves to new and alien surroundings by the virtue of their communication skills that have been expanded and upscaled. They find it easy to overcome language barriers and truly become global citizens speaking the global language. In conclusion, to go through the tough process of honing effective communication skills in a third language or a second language, people realise that it is not just for the sake of travel or work that they are doing this process. Instead, it stems from a deeper love for the language and the confidence that speaking a new tongue instills in them. Question – When living in a foreign country where you have to speak a new language, you can face serious social and practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and examples in your answer and write at least 250 words.

Foreign Language IELTS Essay

Also Read: SAT Writing & Language Test 2024

Sample Answer 2

Language barriers arguably form the backbone of the biggest social and practical problems that people living in a foreign land have to face and overcome often. In my personal opinion, it can also spark serious problems in various countries, however, the widespread use of technology in curbing these issues to a certain extent over the past few decades. People belonging to different cultures can have issues in understanding each other because of speaking different languages and sometimes even because of different ways of pronunciation of the same words. Migration is not on the rise in the twenty-first century and people often move to distant lands in hopes of jobs, travel, and sometimes studying. In such a scenario not speaking the land’s language can become a basis for social problems like discrimination, racism, etc. Interestingly enough, technology has played a pivotal role in curbing the extent of practical problems faced by people when moving to a new land without being savvy with the foreign language. For instance, there are many web-based applications that do the translation job for people and save them the trouble of having to explain their point to the natives merely through vague hand gestures.

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By way of conclusion, I stand firm on the point that social problems can far exceed practical problems when migrating to a foreign land without being fluent in the foreign language and perhaps, some language learning could really help in becoming a part of the foreign culture quicker and better. Although, as far as practical problems are concerned, technology is a boon that is eliminating most of them.

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Introduction, enhancing cultural understanding, boosting career prospects, improving cognitive abilities.

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learning a foreign language essay conclusion

Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? Essay

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Have you ever wondered why some people have certain flexibility of mind? They can see problems from various standpoints, understand many views on a matter, and can find a suitable solution to a problem relatively easily. Good command of a foreign language is the major contributor to the person’s flexibility of mind, memory capacity, and ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

While it is true that there are numerous study areas for a student to become proficient in, having a good command of a foreign language enhances the overall learning capacity and may even improve your health.

  • Studying any foreign language improves your memory and can even prevent a possible onset of Alzheimer’s disease (Jha par. 2).
  • Studying a foreign language improves your ability to understand complex concepts and ideas in other fields of study (Bialystok and Martin 1).
  • Studies have shown that learning foreign languages modifies the gray matter, responsible for processing the information in the brain (“Learning Languages ‘Boosts Brain’” par. 3).
  • People with a good command of a foreign language can manage their daily schedules more effectively and even make smarter financial decisions (Woodruff par. 1).

(Speaking a foreign language not only improves your overall learning capacity but is also an asset to your professional resume.)

Learning a foreign language enhances your career prospects, including potentially higher salary (“What Is a Foreign Language Worth?” par. 9).

  • Speaking at least one foreign language gives you a competitive edge in comparison with other candidates for the job position you choose.
  • Speaking a foreign language improves your decision-making process (Caldwell-Harris par. 2), thereby enhancing your ability to reach a compromise in difficult situations.
  • It can boost your confidence regarding your professional performance.
  • It can improve your teamwork skills, which is extremely useful in a work setting in your future career.
  • Being proficient in a foreign language may result in getting an internship position abroad, which will improve your professional competence.

(However, the advantages of learning a foreign language are not at all limited to the areas of your life involving work and studies. A foreign language opens up a whole new world of experience, the most exciting of which is traveling.)

Speaking a foreign language gives you an opportunity to discover foreign cultures while traveling.

  • Speaking the local language when traveling is a unique opportunity to learn about a particular foreign culture in a profound way.
  • By communicating with locals in their language, you can gain insights into their thinking patterns and mentality.
  • The local people will appreciate your efforts, whether you speak fluently, or not.
  • By befriending the locals, you will gain an opportunity to witness their culture on the inside, as they might invite you to spend some time in their home.
  • By learning about another nation’s mentality, you have an opportunity to find out new ways of looking at familiar things, shift your perspective, and broaden your horizon. (Speaking the local language has many practical advantages. It can come in handy when buying souvenirs and other products at the local market.)
  • By haggling in the local language, you gain the vendor’s respect and save money you would normally spend by paying the “sticker” price. (Finally, being proficient in a foreign language is an advantage in almost every area of your professional activities, studies, and leisure. This skill will enrich your life from many perspectives.)

Having a good command of a foreign language can enrich your personality and lead to many exciting and pleasant experiences.

  • Speaking a foreign language makes you a well-rounded person who can share interesting insights into the mentality and culture of another nation.
  • Thanks to this skill, you will be seen as a far more interesting and extraordinary person, which will, in turn, boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Learning about foreign traditions and customs allows you to make comparisons with your own cultural background.
  • These comparisons help better understand your culture.
  • Moreover, it helps you see the influence of other cultures on the one of your own and understand the underlying reasons for the particular beliefs and values.
  • By learning more about a foreign culture and the culture of your own, you will feel like a citizen of the world and a part of the global fabric of cross-cultural experience.
  • The ability to speak a foreign language will not only make you an attractive employee but also more appealing to the opposite sex.

As you can see, learning a foreign language has multiple advantages. It improves your learning capacity, preserves your health, enhances your career prospects, enriches your traveling experience, and makes you a well-rounded and interesting person to encounter. Overall, these innumerable benefits outweigh the difficulties that we might have while studying the language. Isn’t it truly worth the effort?

Works Cited

Bialystok, Ellen and Michelle M. Martin. “Attention and Inhibition in Bilingual Children: Evidence from the Dimensional Change Card Sort Task.” Developmental science 7.3 (2004): 325-339. Print.

Caldwell-Harris, Catherine. How Knowing a Foreign Language Can Improve Your Decisions . 2012. Web.

Jha, Alok. Being Bilingual May Delay Alzheimer’s and Boost Brain Power . 2011. Web.

Learning Languages ‘Boosts Brain’ 2004. Web.

What Is a Foreign Language Worth? 2014. Web.

Woodruff, Mandi. Here’s Why Bilingual People Make Better Financial Choices . 2012. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 8). Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/

"Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" IvyPanda , 8 Apr. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits'. 8 April.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

1. IvyPanda . "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.


IvyPanda . "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

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Band 8+: Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The purpose of learning a foreign language has been a topic of debate, with some individuals asserting that acquiring proficiency in a second language is primarily beneficial for those who aim to travel or work abroad, while others contend that there exist additional rationales for learning a foreign language. In this essay, both perspectives will be examined, followed by providing my own viewpoint on the matter.

Individuals in favor of the notion that learning a foreign language is solely for individuals looking to travel or work in a foreign land argue that such an endeavor expands opportunities and enriches experiences. For instance, mastering a foreign language enables individuals to engage in deeper cultural interactions during vacations, thereby enhancing their overall travel experiences. Moreover, being bilingual or multilingual enhances one’s career prospects in an increasingly globalized world. The ability to communicate in multiple languages breaks down barriers and opens the door to a plethora of opportunities, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life.

Conversely, proponents of the idea that there are other compelling reasons for learning a foreign language emphasize the acquisition of new knowledge and insights. By learning languages such as Japanese, individuals gain access to a unique cultural perspective, including literature, traditions, and problem-solving methods. For example, understanding Japanese can provide a deeper understanding of the country’s renowned wisdom and achievements in various fields such as technology, literature, and arts. Furthermore, learning a foreign language can facilitate academic pursuits by enabling individuals to access scholarly materials and resources available only in a specific language.

In conclusion, while it is undeniable that many individuals learn a foreign language primarily to facilitate travel or work opportunities abroad, I firmly believe that the benefits of language acquisition extend beyond these practical purposes. Learning a foreign language not only broadens one’s cultural understanding and experiences but also unlocks a world of new knowledge and possibilities. Therefore, I contend that learning a foreign language is a valuable pursuit that enriches one’s personal growth and intellectual curiosity.

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Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. discuss both these views and give your own opinion..

On the one hand, those who believe that proficiency in a foreign language should be solely for employment and travel opine that we should learn a second language to enhance our communication skills during travel or work in foreign countries. For instance, fluency in Spanish allows individuals to immerse themselves in the rich cultures of […]

The purpose of language acquisition has been a topic of ongoing discussion, with some contending that its primary function is to aid in travel or employment in foreign countries, while others argue that it serves broader intellectual and cultural purposes. This essay will examine both viewpoints and present my perspective on the matter, emphasizing that […]

Language acquisition has long been a subject of debate, with some asserting that its sole purpose lies in facilitating travel or employment abroad, while others argue that it serves broader intellectual and cultural purposes. This essay will explore both perspectives and present my stance on the matter emphasizing that learning a foreign language brings multifaceted […]

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Student Essay: The Value of Foreign Languages

learning a foreign language essay conclusion

Essays About Language: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Language is the key to expressive communication; let our essay examples and writing prompts inspire you if you are writing essays about language.

When we communicate with one another, we use a system called language. It mainly consists of words, which, when combined, form phrases and sentences we use to talk to one another. However, some forms of language do not require written or verbal communication, such as sign language. 

Language can also refer to how we write or say things. For example, we can speak to friends using colloquial expressions and slang, while academic writing demands precise, formal language. Language is a complex concept with many meanings; discover the secrets of language in our informative guide.


5 Top Essay Examples

1. a global language: english language by dallas ryan , 2. language and its importance to society by shelly shah, 3. language: the essence of culture by kelsey holmes.

  • 4.  Foreign Language Speech by Sophie Carson
  • 5. ​​Attitudes to Language by Kurt Medina

1. My Native Language

2. the advantages of bilingualism, 3. language and technology, 4. why language matters, 5. slang and communication, 6. english is the official language of the u.s..

“Furthermore, using English, people can have more friends, widen peer relationships with foreigners and can not get lost. Overall, English becomes a global language; people may have more chances in communication. Another crucial advantage is improving business. If English was spoken widespread and everyone could use it, they would likely have more opportunities in business. Foreign investments from rich countries might be supported to the poorer countries.”

In this essay, Ryan enumerates both the advantages and disadvantages of using English; it seems that Ryan proposes uniting the world under the English language. English, a well-known and commonly-spoken language can help people to communicate better, which can foster better connections with one another. However, people would lose their native language and promote a specific culture rather than diversity. Ultimately, Ryan believes that English is a “global language,” and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages

“Language is a constituent element of civilization. It raised man from a savage state to the plane which he was capable of reaching. Man could not become man except by language. An essential point in which man differs from animals is that man alone is the sole possessor of language. No doubt animals also exhibit certain degree of power of communication but that is not only inferior in degree to human language, but also radically diverse in kind from it.”

Shah writes about the meaning of language, its role in society, and its place as an institution serving the purposes of the people using it. Most importantly, she writes about why it is necessary; the way we communicate through language separates us as humans from all other living things. It also carries individual culture and allows one to convey their thoughts. You might find our list of TOEFL writing topics helpful.

“Cultural identity is heavily dependent on a number of factors including ethnicity, gender, geographic location, religion, language, and so much more.  Culture is defined as a “historically transmitted system of symbols, meanings, and norms.”  Knowing a language automatically enables someone to identify with others who speak the same language.  This connection is such an important part of cultural exchange”

In this short essay, Homes discusses how language reflects a person’s cultural identity and the importance of communication in a civilized society. Different communities and cultures use specific sounds and understand their meanings to communicate. From this, writing was developed. Knowing a language makes connecting with others of the same culture easier. 

4.   Foreign Language Speech by Sophie Carson

“Ultimately, learning a foreign language will improve a child’s overall thinking and learning skills in general, making them smarter in many different unrelated areas. Their creativity is highly improved as they are more trained to look at problems from different angles and think outside of the box. This flexible thinking makes them better problem solvers since they can see problems from different perspectives. The better thinking skills developed from learning a foreign language have also been seen through testing scores.”

Carson writes about some of the benefits of learning a foreign language, especially during childhood. During childhood, the brain is more flexible, and it is easier for one to learn a new language in their younger years. Among many other benefits, bilingualism has been shown to improve memory and open up more parts of a child’s brain, helping them hone their critical thinking skills. Teaching children a foreign language makes them more aware of the world around them and can open up opportunities in the future.

5. ​​ Attitudes to Language by Kurt Medina

“Increasingly, educators are becoming aware that a person’s native language is an integral part of who that person is and marginalizing the language can have severe damaging effects on that person’s psyche. Many linguists consistently make a case for teaching native languages alongside the target languages so that children can clearly differentiate among the codes”

As its title suggests, Medina’s essay revolves around different attitudes towards types of language, whether it be vernacular language or dialects. He discusses this in the context of Caribbean cultures, where different dialects and languages are widespread, and people switch between languages quickly. Medina mentions how we tend to modify the language we use in different situations, depending on how formal or informal we need to be. 

6 Prompts for Essays About Language

Essays About Language: My native language

In your essay, you can write about your native language. For example, explain how it originated and some of its characteristics. Write about why you are proud of it or persuade others to try learning it. To add depth to your essay, include a section with common phrases or idioms from your native language and explain their meaning.

Bilingualism has been said to enhance a whole range of cognitive skills, from a longer attention span to better memory. Look into the different advantages of speaking two or more languages, and use these to promote bilingualism. Cite scientific research papers and reference their findings in your essay for a compelling piece of writing.

In the 21st century, the development of new technology has blurred the lines between communication and isolation; it has undoubtedly changed how we interact and use language. For example, many words have been replaced in day-to-day communication by texting lingo and slang. In addition, technology has made us communicate more virtually and non-verbally. Research and discuss how the 21st century has changed how we interact and “do language” worldwide, whether it has improved or worsened. 

Essays About Language: Why language matters

We often change how we speak depending on the situation; we use different words and expressions. Why do we do this? Based on a combination of personal experience and research, reflect on why it is essential to use appropriate language in different scenarios.

Different cultures use different forms of slang. Slang is a type of language consisting of informal words and expressions. Some hold negative views towards slang, saying that it degrades the language system, while others believe it allows people to express their culture. Write about whether you believe slang should be acceptable or not: defend your position by giving evidence either that slang is detrimental to language or that it poses no threat.

English is the most spoken language in the United States and is used in government documents; it is all but the country’s official language. Do you believe the government should finally declare English the country’s official language? Research the viewpoints of both sides and form a conclusion; support your argument with sufficient details and research. 

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Student Opinion

How Important Is Knowing a Foreign Language?

learning a foreign language essay conclusion

By Jeremy Engle

  • March 29, 2019

Have you ever studied a foreign language ? Do you think it’s still necessary to do so?

Isn’t it easy to find people who speak English in other countries if you really need to communicate with someone? And aren’t there translation apps for your phone you can download anyway?

What is the value of knowing more than one language in the 21st century? Is it really worth the time, effort and investment?

In “ Do You Speak My Language? You Should ,” Bénédicte de Montlaur writes:

In January, the Modern Language Association made an astonishing announcement in The Chronicle of Higher Education: From 2013 to 2016, colleges across the United States cut 651 foreign language programs . French was the hardest hit, losing 129 programs, followed by Spanish with 118, German with 86 and Italian with 56. Once these programs close, they are very hard to reopen. According to a Pew study from last year , only 20 percent of K-12 students in America study a foreign language (compared with an average of 92 percent in Europe), and only 10 states and the District of Columbia make foreign-language learning a high school graduation requirement. The decline in language education could have devastating effects for generations to come. With fewer options for learning a foreign language in school, a sharp decrease in interest is likely to follow. According to the Modern Language Association, enrollment in college-level foreign-language courses dropped 9.2 percent from 2013 to 2016. The association says these changes are most likely a direct result of the 2008 recession, which hit foreign-language degree programs harder than many other humanities programs. As programs shrink so does the supply of qualified teachers . It’s a vicious cycle. And yet, knowing a foreign language is becoming ever more essential. The freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is Spanish-English bilingual, recently tweeted , “Bilingualism is a huge advantage in the economy and the world.” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, who at age 29 is already one of the best-known members of the Democratic Party, is a case in point. Her sentiment is shared by many. In response, some educators and parents are rethinking the way language is taught and calling for expanded access to language education. Nationwide, parents and teachers have been leading grass-roots initiatives to provide foreign-language learning in public schools, and some universities have instituted innovative language programs. From pre-K to graduate studies, there is a move toward holistic language education, based on the notion that learning a language should be grounded in the real, everyday use of that language.

The article concludes:

If Americans want the next generation to be active participants in a multilingual world, dual-language and multicultural education is crucial. Government spending on foreign-language education and the education of qualified foreign-language teachers needs to increase. More states need to enforce language-education requirements. Colleges need to recognize the importance of their foreign-language education programs. In turn, more parents, students and teachers need to lobby for language programs. The necessity of foreign-language education could not be clearer right now. The future in America, and everywhere, is multilingual. And so is the present.

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Essay#47 | Learning a Foreign Language

How to write an advantages and disadvantages essay.

Very often in the IELTS exam, you will have to write an essay called an ‘advantages and disadvantages’ essay. This is where you have to write about the good and bad points of a common situation.

Here is a typical question:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of leaving your country to live or study abroad?

  • write an introduction to the topic
  • think of two advantages to the situation and provide clear examples
  • think of two disadvantages and write about these with good support
  • write a short conclusion giving your overall opinion

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following ways of learning a foreign language.

State which you consider to be the most effective.

  • studying on your own
  • taking lessons with a private tutor
  • taking lessons as part of a class
  • taking lessons online
  • going to live in a country where the language is spoken

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model answer.

The question of how to learn a foreign language has become increasingly important in recent years as business has become more international. Although there are a number of effective ways, l am convinced that living in a country where that language is spoken is the most efficient way of learning.

Traditionally, people have learned languages as part of a large group in a classroom. This has the advantage of providing many opportunities to practise what you learn with a number of different people. In addition, the fees for this form of education are usually reasonable, since a large number of people are taught at once. However, the size of the group means that more demands are placed on the teacher’s time. Students may not get the individual attention they require to improve.

The amount of individual attention you receive is certainly an advantage of working with a private tutor. Also, the student can work at a pace which is comfortable for them. On the other hand, working with a private tutor can lack the social element, which is crucial in learning to communicate well in a foreign language. It can also prove to be beyond the means of many people.

By far the most natural way to acquire a language is to go where it is spoken. Not only is every social interaction a chance to practise, but you are also exposed to the real, living language. As well as that, you are able to acquire a natural accent by imitating the people around you. This is not to say, of course, that there are not drawbacks. Many people suffer from culture shock away from home, and it can be very difficult to integrate into a foreign culture.

In conclusion, I would argue that the advantages of going to another country to learn far outweigh the disadvantages, making it the best option.

(312 words)

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Why Should You Learn A Foreign Language Argumentative Essay Examples

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Learning , Education , Knowledge , Politics , World , Linguistics , Europe , English

Words: 1900

Published: 01/24/2020


Native English speakers sometimes do not realize that learning a second language is essential to enlarge their awareness of other people’s identities and culture as well as enlighten them about the importance of developing communication skills in a different language. Any child, teenager and even adult, no matter his or her nationality, has much to gain from learning a foreign language. Speaking the universal language – English – should be no excuse to hinder a person’s capacity to broaden his/ her mind and spirit through the challenging exercise of learning a second language. Another point that you need to take into account is that young learners of a new language are much better at acquiring native-like pronunciation in the foreign language than older learners, but it is not before children are 11-13 years old that they will be able to learn in a systemic way. So, there is no excuse for older learners to claim it is too late. The sooner you start, the easier the process may be, mainly in what concerns the acquisition of a good accent, but it is always good to find the time to invest in a language that is recognized as important, like Mandarin, Spanish, French or German, as all these languages connect you to Europe, Asia and South America, allowing you to have a communicating advantage in case you deal with these countries professionally. Even if your accent is not perfect, native speakers won’t worry about the detail, if you make the effort to communicate in their own language. You can be sure your chances of communicating well are increased if you try to speak someone’s native language. Therefore, no matter how old you are, what you ought to remember is that it is highly advisable, for a number of reasons, to take the challenge of learning a foreign language. Let us analyze in detail some of the most favorable personal gains it entails. To begin with, knowing different languages broadens your communication capacity and shows that you are socially open-minded and culturally active, which is not only appealing to other people, but also a sign of maturity. You become a much more interesting person. You can make new friends. Find love. Travel without restrictions or fears. Secondly, speaking another language stimulates your curiosity to communicate with different people in their own language and the process will unconsciously allow you to sympathize and understand better people who try to speak your own language as foreigners. This way you will develop a higher degree of tolerance and acceptance of the differing views of other people. You accept better what you can understand and the process of learning a new language is an invitation to open your world to other worlds, enlarging your inner borders until you create bridges. You gain in wisdom, general knowledge and independence, as you are not closed in a self-defensive position. You open the windows of your spirit to a wider spirit: multiculturalism. If you truly create this inner capacity to share other people’s language, culture and ultimately experiences, you will become a citizen of the world. Nowadays it is almost inexcusable to close borders, when the world is a global village. But there are advantages to consider other than the obvious personal ones. If you are sensible you will realize the tremendous benefits of learning another language. Eventually, you will experience professional benefits as all your efforts to master a new language will be an asset you take with you as a citizen and an employee. In fact, if you consider the possibility of studying abroad, or working abroad, knowing different languages is highly valued. In some countries where a second language is usually compulsory, like Portugal, job interviews are often conducted in English. Candidates who are not proficient or at least very good in the second language may lose their opportunity of getting the job or the internship they were aiming to achieve. In other words, candidates are expected to show their expertise in a field, showing at the same time their language skills. And this is a rule that cannot be ignored in most countries in Europe nowadays, neither should it be in English-speaking countries. Another reason why people should be aware of the importance of enrolling in a foreign language is the fact that the world has become a global village and, although English is still the most widely spoken language, there are other emerging languages that are equally important, or are becoming more and more important every day, due to financial and economical reasons. In Europe, where learning a new language – sometimes two languages – is compulsory at a very early age, this awareness is governmental, therefore political. According to Androulla Vassiliou, commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, "Linguistic and cultural diversity is one of the European Union's major assets," and he justifies it by explaining the goal : "Language learning facilitates communication between peoples and countries, as well as encouraging cross-border mobility and the integration of migrants" and concludes by saying: "I am happy to see that even our youngest citizens are being exposed to the joys of discovering foreign languages. I also encourage people to look beyond the most widely-used languages so they can appreciate Europe's incredible linguistic diversity." It is easy to conclude that if you are not part of the global solution you may become part of the problem. Any resistance to accept a global pattern may have high costs in your future and even jeopardize unique chances. Therefore, encouraging people to learn with «joy» a new language is an invitation to build bridges, instead of walls, among all nations. As Charlemagne once put it «to have another language is to possess a second soul ». It is curious to observe that, contrary to European and other countries’ policy towards languages, even official ones, «The U.S Constitution say nothing about language» according to Professor B. Spolsky. It is even more interesting to find the reasons why the U.S. attitude concerning, for example, bilingualism is not one of incentive and it is rather one of mistrust. After the I World War anti-German feelings lead to a high degree of xenophobia and the bigoted idea that teaching a second language at school was not a good idea. «Bilingualism was associated with inferior intelligence and lack of patriotism», explains Professor B. Spolsky, concluding that monolingualism became a rule. It was not before 1968 that The Bilingual Education Act opened a new road for the teaching of a second language, providing financial support for programs to teach students different languages. Unfortunately, after lots of ups and downs, this important Act expired in 2002, closing this precious assistance to help American students feel motivated to learn other languages. This restrictive policy is probably the reason why there is such a great mistrust and lack of appetite to develop linguistic knowledge among American students. It is, therefore, not surprising that some people defend that learning a foreign language is not essential if you master English. However, I strongly disagree. Professional and personal challenges are becoming wider and more and more global. Young people’s mobility is endless and the capacity to adapt to a new language and culture may dictate a successful or unsuccessful future career. This way, learning a foreign language is an incentive to broaden your mind and prepare you for a very demanding future. Being stubborn is unwise. It can even be dangerous if it leaves you in a weaker position. English-speaking citizens are in a privileged position to rule the communication systems in the world, but being lazy and self indulgent in what concerns learning foreign languages may become a handicap. Most English-speaking business people believe they can do business with other countries in English, as those understand English or use interpreters. But they are often at a disadvantage in meetings where their business partners discuss details in their own language and they do not understand a single word. Also when they need to socialize they are often left aside as they cannot understand what is being said. Socializing is, however, a privileged way to study your business and learn a lot of useful details that may help you secure a contract or make sales. You cannot do it if you feel an outcast amongst people speaking a language you cannot grip. You may also argue that you will never have to work abroad, as emigration is not in your plans. Therefore, you consider it is useless to learn a new language. But how can you predict your future? How do you know you will never need to cope with a sudden change in your destiny and be forced to move overseas? How can you be sure your company or enterprise won’t open a branch in Europe, Asia or Africa? Would you really miss the opportunity of being promoted, getting that ambitioned post, and becoming the new manager of a foreign company’s branch because you cannot or won’t accept to acknowledge the need to learn a foreign language? It is worth giving this point of view a thought the next time you claim there is no purpose in learning a new language. All in all, I believe that there are several advantages that should be taken into account by anyone resisting learning a new language. They are practical, professional, personal, even emotional or intellectual, but all of them are signs to guide you and motivate you to grab the opportunity of learning a foreign language. Even if the process is slow, even if there is some initial resistance, the final outcome is tremendously beneficial: knowing one or more foreign languages contributes to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and a much more inclusive society; it helps you fitting in any social environment, as your communicative skills improve and you can become a citizen of the world in personal, educational and professional terms. Last but not least, any person resisting the obvious advantages already exposed, will certainly be able to recognize that knowledge – the information, facts, ideas, principles, skills acquired through experience or education – can never be looked as a drawback as it always means a better informed and a better prepared mind. Knowledge makes you travel farther and faster in your own development as a human being. And it is not a heavy luggage to carry. Just the opposite. The more you know – and learning a new language is what knowledge is all about – the stronger and at the same time lighthearted and free you become. Maybe that is the meaning of the French proverb that says: «a man who knows two languages is worth two men».

http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-12-990_en.htm- European Commission Press Release: «Children In Europe start learning foreign languages at an increasingly early age» http://www.cal.org/resources/digest/digest_pdfs/does-the-us-needs-a-language-policy.pdf CALdigest – «Does The United States Need a Language Policy? » Bernard Spolsky, Professor Emeritus, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 2010 Ferguson Fellow, Center for Applied Linguistics. http://noviceinlanguageland.wordpress.com/2012/01/03/20-quotes-for-foreign-language-learners/ 20 Quotes for Foreign Language Learners, January 3, 2012


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IELTS essay, topic: What are the difficulties of learning a foreign language, and how to overcome them?

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8
  • by Simone Braverman

Many people believe that learning a foreign language is a very difficult task. What are the most difficult things about learning a foreign language? What is the best way to overcome them? Explain and include your personal experience or knowledge of these problems.

It is true that acquiring new language skills is by no means an easy task. Language learners might encounter several challenges such as unfamiliar accents or grammar structures a foreign language. However, in my opinion, such difficulties can be tackled by a well-rounded education system.

When it comes to languages, it is undeniably crucial to get used to a native accent and intonation for effective communication. However, picking up an accurate accent can be enormously difficult, especially for adult learners because of their lack of language learning ability. If a language learner has an unrecognisable accent and intonation, they would not be understood by native speakers. On top of that, each language has different grammar and typical grammatical sequencing of words. For example, Korean sentences always end with verbs whilst English not, which means that a Korean English-learner should the correct order of words.

learning a foreign language essay conclusion

Despite the aforementioned difficulties, I strongly believe that everyone can master a foreign language when a couple of feasible steps are taken. Firstly, it is more important than anything to start learning a new language at a young age. By incorporating foreign language programmes in the primary school curriculum, children can easily be exposed to languages of the world and eventually acquire language skills without difficulties. Secondly, the government can financially subsidise schools to run student exchange programmes that help adolescents to get experiences abroad and make friends overseas while improving their foreign language in a way.

In conclusion, I believe that individuals can have difficulties in learning a new language because of different accents and unfamiliar grammar, however, these problems can be overcome by a good quality of education system subsidised by governments.

The writer covered the task by talking about some difficult aspects of learning a new language and steps to overcome them. The ideas are presented in an orderly way, their logical sequencing and the use of paragraphing make this essay easy to follow. Skillful use of linking words and expressions helps the writer maintain coherence and cohesion. Word choice needs some more attention in this essay (see suggested corrections for expressions underlined in blue), however, overall this essay seems to be worthy of IELTS Band 8.

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2 thoughts on “IELTS essay, topic: What are the difficulties of learning a foreign language, and how to overcome them?”

yoo, writer didn’t cover the topic entirely, cuz he didn’t add his own experience

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Simone Braverman is the founder of IELTS-Blog.com and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

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Understanding language and learning

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In this free course, Understanding language and learning , you considered the role of language in learning and started out from the assumption that language, and more particularly, linguistic interaction with other people, is a key aspect of learning. You also began to develop more critical skills, asking questions about what we actually mean by language and whether it is possible and necessary to separate out one language from another. In relation to English in particular, you began to question the extent to which new forms of English or ‘Englishes’ must begin to be recognised alongside more established ones. The growing discomfort with established notions of language in general and English in particular has been prompted by well-documented and intensified global interconnectedness in recent years, leading to increased language contact and a growing number of English-language users. Such real-world phenomena bring into question what we mean by English and what we mean by language. For educational practitioners, it raises important practical questions about the norms according to which students should be taught.

This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course EE818 Language, literacy and learning [ Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. ( Hide tip ) ] .


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Learning foreign language essay

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Conclusion Given the importance of learning foreign languages

Given the importance of learning foreign languages to adults and their need to develop their language skills in this study, we tried to analyze and understand more about this process, about education psychology and more specifically perceptions and attitudes of the two groups of actors for this ever-changing process. We have tried to provide our assistance in a field that requires further research, with regard to the approaches and strategies used in teaching.

According to sociology of education and according to Charlot, Bautier (Botie) and Rochex (Rosheks) (1992, 29), it is necessary to share the knowledge report with the school report.

They are a relation of feelings, values, between an individual (and a group) to processes and products of knowledge as well as situations and persons.

Improving teaching is a process that requires and goes through many stages, and is about awareness, planning, implementation, and reflection. Good ideas come from talented people working together. Clear requirements are set and then work is centralized.

Using active methods, placing an adult student at the center of learning, where he or she takes decisions, is very important. Most of the pedagogical literature deals with the teaching of foreign languages at younger and younger ages. It is thought that more scholars who teach foreign language, general or specific language, are required to have much to do with their practical experience and in-depth studies to further enrich the teaching methodology with the ages of increased.

In conclusion, the objectives set out in the planning of learning and activities are not mandatory to apply as it does to the subject objectives.

learning a foreign language essay conclusion

Proficient in: Education

“ Have been using her for a while and please believe when I tell you, she never fail. Thanks Writer Lyla you are indeed awesome ”

This means that the teacher can plan those goals he feels most appropriate for students to manage the class, taking into account the diversity of students. He always takes care to set goals that facilitate and improve student learning in formal learning. Classroom management consists mainly of its physical and social aspect and it is the responsibility of the teacher and the student to provide and protect it so that it is more effective for successful learning development, including all the student’s social classes.

From the paper we came to a conclusion that interactive games are very necessary to help children learn English and to make the subject more beautiful and enjoyable for children.


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2.Garo, S. (2008). M?simdh?nia Bashkohore,Tirane, botimet TOENA.

3. Planifikimi i Politikave dhe Pratikave t? P?rgatitjes s? M?suesve p?r nj? Arsim gjithep?rfshir?s n? kontekstin e Diversitetit Social dhe Kulturor – Raporti Vendor p?r Shqip?rin? – Raport Pune, Working Together Learning for Life, Bolonj?, 20 Dhjetor 2009

4. John H. Hollo?ay, September(2003) Managing Culturally Diverse Classrooms.

5. Standartet p?r Shkollat Mike p?r F?mij?t – Insituti Pedagogjik? Kosov?, Prishtin? 2012

6. Manual p?r M?suesit – M?simdh?nia dhe t? nx?nit n? edukimin jo formal, (2006)Tiran? , Botimnga ILO IPEC,

7. T? marr?sh parasysh k?to dy interpretime supozon t? ndryshosh, diferencosh, personalizosh – Eroll Veliaj.

8. Diversiteti Sfida K?rkesa P?rkrahja – Paketa e Masave p?r Integrim, Prill 2010

9.Manual ‘Jam mes jush”, Ministria e Arsimit, F. Kulla, L. Remacka. M. Ndrio, Tiran? 2014

10.Radoman, V, Nano, V., Closs, A., 2006

11. Metodat e k?rkimit shekncor sasior n? shekecat sociale, Aleksand?r Kocani,(2009) Tirane, Botimi i dyt?, U.F.O.Pres,

12.Balla, B (2014), Cik?l leksionesh, Metodat e k?rkimit shkencor, Tirane

13 Ylli, M (2011) .Cik?l leksionesh, Metodat e k?rkimit shkencor,Tirane

14Muharremi,A (2013) Menaxhimi ne klase (Marredheniet e mesimdhenies ndervepruese me sjelljen disruptive te nxenesve ne klase ) teme doktorature ,Universiteti i Tiranes Fakulteti I Shkencave Sociale Shqiperi.

15. Madsen, J. C. H., Becker, ?. C., &Thomas, D. R. (1968). Rules, praise, and ignoring:

Elements of elementary classroom control. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

16. UNICEF Manual p?r M?suesit “nd?rmjet?simi i konflikteve n? grup moshat shkollore”, Botimi Pegi, 2006.

17.Anderson,C,M, & Spaulding,S.A, (2007) Using positive behavior support to design effective classrooms, Chicago.

18. Karaj, Theodhori, (2008) Menaxhimi I klas?s,Tiran?,

19. Miller, Bonnie. (2005)Komunikimi me f?mij? (Doracak p?r prind?r dhe arsimtar). Ferizaj: QPEA.

20. Muharremi, A. “Marr?dh?niet e m?simdh?nies nd?rvepruese me sjelljen disprutive t? nx?n?sve n? klas?”, (teme doktorature).

21. Miller, Bonnie (2003)“Si t? krijohet kontakti i suksessh?m me nx?n?sit”,Prishtine QPEA,

22. Musai, B. (2003). Metodologji e m?simdh?nies, Tiran?: Pegi

23. Musai, B, (1999) Psikologji edukimit,Tiran? , Zylfiu, Njazi, Didaktika, Prishtin? 2001

24. ?illo?er, D, J. Eidell , T. L & Hoy, ?. K , The school and Pupil control Ideology, Educational Researsh, Ne? York, 1973

25. Agbuga, B. (2011). Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Choice and Self-Reported Disruptive Behaviors of Elementary School Students, Education and Science 2011, Vol. 36, No 160, f. 24

26. Kounin, J. (1970). Discipline and group management in classrooms. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Cituar nga Orlich, C. D., Harder, J., Callahan, C., Kravas, H., Kauchak, H., Pendegrass, R.A., Keogh, J. (1995). Strategjit? e t? m?suarit, Eureka, Tiran?, f. 318, 319.

27. Eggen D.P. Cauchak D.P. “Educational psychology: windows in the classroom” Pearson Merill, Prentice Hall 2004

28. Fives H and Buehl M.M (2008) “What do teachers believe? Developing a framework of examining beliefs about teachers knowledge and ability”Contemporary educational Psychology

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Conclusion Given the importance of learning foreign languages

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Ielts essay # 217 - children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school., do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages.

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learning a foreign language essay conclusion

I want to study more vocabularies and improve my English language skill.

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American Psychological Association

How to cite ChatGPT

Timothy McAdoo

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We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test , and we know our roles in a Turing test . And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we’ve spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT . We’ve also been gathering opinions and feedback about the use and citation of ChatGPT. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and shared ideas, opinions, research, and feedback.

In this post, I discuss situations where students and researchers use ChatGPT to create text and to facilitate their research, not to write the full text of their paper or manuscript. We know instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use ChatGPT, and we’ll be continuing to collect feedback about instructor and student questions. As always, defer to instructor guidelines when writing student papers. For more about guidelines and policies about student and author use of ChatGPT, see the last section of this post.

Quoting or reproducing the text created by ChatGPT in your paper

If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.

Unfortunately, the results of a ChatGPT “chat” are not retrievable by other readers, and although nonretrievable data or quotations in APA Style papers are usually cited as personal communications , with ChatGPT-generated text there is no person communicating. Quoting ChatGPT’s text from a chat session is therefore more like sharing an algorithm’s output; thus, credit the author of the algorithm with a reference list entry and the corresponding in-text citation.

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat

You may also put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix of your paper or in online supplemental materials, so readers have access to the exact text that was generated. It is particularly important to document the exact text created because ChatGPT will generate a unique response in each chat session, even if given the same prompt. If you create appendices or supplemental materials, remember that each should be called out at least once in the body of your APA Style paper.

When given a follow-up prompt of “What is a more accurate representation?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that “different brain regions work together to support various cognitive processes” and “the functional specialization of different regions can change in response to experience and environmental factors” (OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript).

Creating a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software

The in-text citations and references above are adapted from the reference template for software in Section 10.10 of the Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 2020, Chapter 10). Although here we focus on ChatGPT, because these guidelines are based on the software template, they can be adapted to note the use of other large language models (e.g., Bard), algorithms, and similar software.

The reference and in-text citations for ChatGPT are formatted as follows:

  • Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023)
  • Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023)

Let’s break that reference down and look at the four elements (author, date, title, and source):

Author: The author of the model is OpenAI.

Date: The date is the year of the version you used. Following the template in Section 10.10, you need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.

Title: The name of the model is “ChatGPT,” so that serves as the title and is italicized in your reference, as shown in the template. Although OpenAI labels unique iterations (i.e., ChatGPT-3, ChatGPT-4), they are using “ChatGPT” as the general name of the model, with updates identified with version numbers.

The version number is included after the title in parentheses. The format for the version number in ChatGPT references includes the date because that is how OpenAI is labeling the versions. Different large language models or software might use different version numbering; use the version number in the format the author or publisher provides, which may be a numbering system (e.g., Version 2.0) or other methods.

Bracketed text is used in references for additional descriptions when they are needed to help a reader understand what’s being cited. References for a number of common sources, such as journal articles and books, do not include bracketed descriptions, but things outside of the typical peer-reviewed system often do. In the case of a reference for ChatGPT, provide the descriptor “Large language model” in square brackets. OpenAI describes ChatGPT-4 as a “large multimodal model,” so that description may be provided instead if you are using ChatGPT-4. Later versions and software or models from other companies may need different descriptions, based on how the publishers describe the model. The goal of the bracketed text is to briefly describe the kind of model to your reader.

Source: When the publisher name and the author name are the same, do not repeat the publisher name in the source element of the reference, and move directly to the URL. This is the case for ChatGPT. The URL for ChatGPT is https://chat.openai.com/chat . For other models or products for which you may create a reference, use the URL that links as directly as possible to the source (i.e., the page where you can access the model, not the publisher’s homepage).

Other questions about citing ChatGPT

You may have noticed the confidence with which ChatGPT described the ideas of brain lateralization and how the brain operates, without citing any sources. I asked for a list of sources to support those claims and ChatGPT provided five references—four of which I was able to find online. The fifth does not seem to be a real article; the digital object identifier given for that reference belongs to a different article, and I was not able to find any article with the authors, date, title, and source details that ChatGPT provided. Authors using ChatGPT or similar AI tools for research should consider making this scrutiny of the primary sources a standard process. If the sources are real, accurate, and relevant, it may be better to read those original sources to learn from that research and paraphrase or quote from those articles, as applicable, than to use the model’s interpretation of them.

We’ve also received a number of other questions about ChatGPT. Should students be allowed to use it? What guidelines should instructors create for students using AI? Does using AI-generated text constitute plagiarism? Should authors who use ChatGPT credit ChatGPT or OpenAI in their byline? What are the copyright implications ?

On these questions, researchers, editors, instructors, and others are actively debating and creating parameters and guidelines. Many of you have sent us feedback, and we encourage you to continue to do so in the comments below. We will also study the policies and procedures being established by instructors, publishers, and academic institutions, with a goal of creating guidelines that reflect the many real-world applications of AI-generated text.

For questions about manuscript byline credit, plagiarism, and related ChatGPT and AI topics, the APA Style team is seeking the recommendations of APA Journals editors. APA Style guidelines based on those recommendations will be posted on this blog and on the APA Style site later this year.

Update: APA Journals has published policies on the use of generative AI in scholarly materials .

We, the APA Style team humans, appreciate your patience as we navigate these unique challenges and new ways of thinking about how authors, researchers, and students learn, write, and work with new technologies.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

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  24. How to cite ChatGPT

    We, the APA Style team, are not robots. We can all pass a CAPTCHA test, and we know our roles in a Turing test.And, like so many nonrobot human beings this year, we've spent a fair amount of time reading, learning, and thinking about issues related to large language models, artificial intelligence (AI), AI-generated text, and specifically ChatGPT.