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🤖 Free Business Plan Generator (AI-Powered)

Starting a business is an exciting journey, filled with aspirations and ambitions, yet crafting a solid business plan can sometimes feel like navigating through a dense fog. The AI-Powered Business Plan Generator shines a light on this path, offering a straightforward way to outline your vision, strategies, and financial forecasts. By providing customized, coherent business plans, this tool assists in laying down the foundation of your entrepreneurial dream, ensuring every aspect is addressed. It simplifies the planning process, enabling you to focus on bringing your business idea to life with confidence and clarity.

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Writing a business plan can often feel like navigating through a dense forest without a map. You know your destination—securing investment, defining your business strategy, or setting clear objectives—but the path isn't always clear. Enter the AI-powered business plan generator, a tool designed to illuminate the way forward. This guide will walk you through the essentials of crafting a comprehensive business plan, touching upon the traditional elements that captivate stakeholders. In the final stretch, we'll introduce how an AI-powered business plan generator can streamline this process, making it more accessible and less time-consuming.

How to create a Business Plan

Now that you're familiar with the executive summary, let's tackle how you can create the rest of your business plan.

You can start manually by outlining your plan's structure and filling in the details step by step, or opt for a business plan generator to streamline the process.

Either method requires careful consideration of each section to ensure your plan is thorough and compelling.

Manual Methods for creating a Business Plan

You'll start with the Executive Summary, distilling your business idea into a compelling snapshot that captures attention.

Next, you'll outline your Company Overview, providing a clear picture of who you are and what you stand for.

Then, lay out your Business Objectives, Products and Services, and your Market Analysis Approach to build a solid foundation for your plan.

Executive Summary Essentials

Although it's often crafted last, the Executive Summary stands as the crucial opener of your business plan. It distills key aspects such as your mission, product highlights, and financial ambitions for quick investor insight. It encapsulates your company's essence for investors and maps out the business plan development milestones.

Ensure it crisply outlines your executive summary, underscoring the company's financial goals. This will help capture investors' attention right off the bat.

Company Overview

Begin your company overview by detailing your business's foundational elements, including its name, location, and the team driving its operations.

Here's what to include:

  • A clear description of your business structure and ownership.
  • The mission statement that defines your business's purpose.
  • An outline of the products or services you offer.
  • Background information that paints a picture of your company's history and objectives.

Business Objectives

To set your business on the path to success, start by defining clear and measurable objectives that reflect both your immediate and long-term aspirations.

Align your business objectives with strategic objectives to meet financial goals.

Conduct market research to fine-tune your target market strategies .

Ensure company goals are realistic and adaptable, setting a course for growth and market competitiveness.

Regular updates keep your plan relevant.

Products and Services

After setting clear business objectives, focus on articulating the core of your offering by detailing the products and services your business provides. Your description should also include:

  • Unique features and benefits of each product or service.
  • Specific products' competitive advantages.
  • Your strategy for sales, distribution, and supply chain.
  • Trademarks and market placement for your products and services.

Market Analysis Approach

A thorough market analysis is crucial for your business plan as it reveals the dynamics within your target market and guides your competitive strategy .

You'll identify potential customers, understand established market trends, and analyze how competitors differentiate themselves.

This knowledge shapes your sales plan and informs your marketing and sales efforts, highlighting opportunities in an otherwise crowded marketplace and showcasing your grasp of the competitive landscape.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

Crafting a marketing and sales strategy requires precise identification of your target customers to ensure your message resonates and spurs action. Here's how to proceed:

  • Define your target market for the new product.
  • Develop a pricing and sales channel approach.
  • Design a marketing plan with promotional tactics.
  • Analyze market trends to refine your strategy.

Stay focused on meeting customer needs and differentiating from competitors.

Financial Analysis and Projections

Diving into the financials, you'll need to gather historical data and conduct a thorough analysis of revenue streams , costs, and profit margins to inform your projections for the next three to five years.

Your financial plan hinges on these insights.

Operations Plan

To ensure your business runs like a well-oiled machine, start by mapping out your key operational processes and procedures. Your operations plan is a vital section of your business plan. Here's what to include:

  • Outline technology's role in business operations.
  • Develop a comprehensive staffing plan.
  • Establish a robust inventory management system.
  • Implement quality control measures to provide additional assurance of product or service excellence.

Funding Requirements

Having established the operational foundations of your business, let's now focus on determining the capital necessary to fuel your growth and operational needs.

Outline your funding requirements by presenting clear financial data, including projected income, balance sheets, and cash flows.

You'll need this to secure funding from venture capital firms or potential investors, ensuring they grasp how their capital will propel your business towards its targets.

Appendices and Exhibits

When crafting your business plan, don't overlook the appendices and exhibits; these sections provide the substantiating details that reinforce your proposal's integrity. Include:

Documents that outline key personnel qualifications and experience.

Details on intellectual property, such as patents.

Additional information for financial institutions, like credit histories.

Contracts, leases, or other legal documents relevant to your business.

Using a Business Plan Generator

You might wonder why you'd use a Business Plan Generator—these tools streamline the planning process, making it easier for you to focus on the core aspects of your strategy.

To get started, you'll follow a series of steps that help structure your executive summary, goals, and market analysis within a proven framework.

The benefits are clear: using a generator can save you time and provide you with a professional, investor-ready plan.

Steps to use the Business Plan Generator

To create a business plan using a generator, start by selecting a template that aligns with your industry and business type.

Here are the steps to use a business plan generator:

  • Identify Your Business Details : Start by providing the name of your business and the industry it operates in. This foundational step sets the stage for the tailored guidance the generator can offer.
  • Describe Your Offerings : Clearly articulate what products or services your business sells or offers. This will help the generator understand the value proposition of your business.
  • Define Your Target Audience : Specify who your ideal customers are, including demographic information. Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating a focused and effective business plan.
  • Outline Your Marketing Plan : Detail your strategies for promoting your business. This includes how you plan to reach your target audience and differentiate yourself from competitors.
  • Detail Your Operational Strategy : Explain how your business will operate on a day-to-day basis. Include information on your supply chain, logistics, and any other operational details.
  • Provide Financial Information : Input how much money you need to start your business and project how much revenue it will generate. This financial planning is critical for assessing the feasibility of your business idea.
  • Set Business Objectives : List what you aim to achieve with your business in the short term and the long term. These goals will guide the direction of your business strategy.
  • Click on Generate : After entering all the necessary information, click the "generate" button to create your personalised business plan. This plan will be tailored to the specifics of your business, providing a roadmap for success.

Benefits of using a Business Plan Generator

Harnessing a business plan generator can significantly streamline the process, saving you both time and effort as you craft a detailed blueprint for your venture.

Here are the benefits:

  • Provides a structured framework to write a business plan efficiently.
  • Helps identify opportunities in new markets.
  • Enhances financial literacy through budgeting and forecasting tools.
  • Clarifies business objectives, aiding in communication with stakeholders.

Tips for Creating a Business Plan

When crafting your business plan these tips collectively form a comprehensive business plan, providing a roadmap for your business and presenting a compelling case to investors and lenders.

Here are the tips for creating a business plan:

  • Articulate your mission and vision succinctly.
  • Outline your offerings and financial ambitions.
  • Provide a snapshot of your business's financial health and market potential.
  • Clarify the business structure ( sole proprietorship , partnership, corporation).
  • Highlight ownership details.
  • Showcase key employees, emphasizing their expertise.
  • Define short- and long-term goals for your business.
  • Align goals with your strategic direction.
  • Establish a direct link between financing needs and future growth.
  • Describe your offerings and emphasize how they meet market needs.
  • Support claims with market research.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of your competition.

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Plannit AI

How it Works

Step 1

Start With Your Idea

Craft Your Vision: Jumpstart your business journey with a brief description of your business. Acknowledge your business type and let us seamlessly transform it into a meticulously structured plan.

Step 1

Series Of Guided Questions

Easily navigate through each section with Plannit's step-by-step guidance. Enter your own detailed solutions or leverage with AI-generated content and receive helpful prompts and ideas along the way. Plannit's AI capabilities provide insightful and precise content for market analysis, financial projections, marketing strategies, sales plan and more.

Step 1

Collaborate With Your Partners

Bring your team over! PlannitAI provides a dedicated space where you can invite team members to view, shape and refine your online business plan. With or without the help of our AI model You can reword, rephrase, prolong and shorten sections to your liking. Collaborate in real-time to ensure your business strategy benefits from diverse insights and expertise, leading to a well-rounded and robust plan.

Step 1

Present With Confidence

With a polished, expertly crafted plan in hand, You have already won half the battle. Confidently present business strategy to investors, stakeholders, or financial institutions.ć Start your journey with Plannit AI and transform your vision into a reality, creating a pathway for that entrepreneur life.

Try Plannit AI Today

Who can benefit from plannit.


Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Analyze your ventures through extensive business plans aligned with your vision and goals.


Business Owners

Back your business with a solid plan that aligns with your objectives. Perfect for small businesses.


Educational Institutions

Develop your business understanding and vocabulary by analyzing your business idea and creating a plan.


Startups Accelerators

Work alongside your founders as they build their plan to ensure they have a solid roadmap for scalability.

Funding Ready Business Plan

Executive summary, company overview.

Problem Statement

Business Description

Mission Statement

Business Model

Products and Services

Additional Features

Revenue Model

Market Analysis

Target Market

Market Size and Segments

Unique Value Proposition

Risks and Mitigations

Identified Risks

Mitigation Strategies

Financial Overview

Income Statement

Marketing and Sales Plan

Focus On Your Vision

Language support.


Key Features & Benefits

Ai editing companion.

Modify and regenerate sections of your business plan using premade or custom prompts. Our AI will help you refine your plan to perfection.

Multi-User Collaboration

Invite team members with easy sharing to collaborate on your business plan in real-time. Communicate and make changes together. Collaborate with your partners in real-time as you perfect your plan.

Education Center

Immerse yourself in a rich library of articles, tools, templates, webinars and resources for continuous business and professional growth. Learn all about the key aspects of starting, running and growing a business.

Powered by Chat GPT

Our algorithms are powered the latest in AI technology to ensure the most accurate and relevant output. We use OpenAI's GPT 4 and 3.5 engines for the perfect blend of accuracy and speed.

Business Resources

We recommend a variety of useful tools and resurces that help sustain your growth. We only recommend the best in the business. Filter your needs and equip yourself with the best tools.

Your plan in your language. We offer a choice of over 150 worldwide languages to ensure the best fit for your business plan.

Financial Projections

Take an additional questionnaire about your financial trajectory and get a detailed financial projection + 3 year income statement for your business.

Tools and Templates

Plannit's comprehensive suite that accompany business planning. From pitch decks to financial models, we have you covered.

Plan Export

Download your business plan in an editable .docx format. Fully edit & share your plan with investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Plannit Business Ecosystem

Business Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Initiate with Your Business Concept: Lay the Groundwork: Start by introducing your business idea into Plannit AI's Business Plan Generator. This first step is crucial, as it sets the tone for a tailored, insightful business plan that truly resonates with your vision. Capture the Essence: Our platform is designed to grasp the nuances of your concept, ensuring that the generated plan accurately reflects the core and potential of your business.
  • Navigate Through the AI-Guided Questionnaire: Tailored Interactive Experience: Plannit AI’s AI-guided questionnaire is your interactive guide through the planning process. It meticulously gathers information about your business's objectives, strategies, and market positioning, ensuring a comprehensive and reflective plan. Intelligent Feedback and Suggestions: As you progress through the questionnaire, benefit from smart prompts and suggestions, ensuring that your plan is not just detailed but also strategically sound and aligned with industry standards.
  • Generate Your Plan with Advanced AI: Intuitive Plan Creation: With the questionnaire complete, Plannit AI's advanced algorithms intelligently analyze your responses. They then craft a detailed, customizable, and strategically aligned business plan, providing you with a structured, coherent, and actionable format. Benefit from AI-Powered Insights: Plannit AI offers AI-driven insights and suggestions, ensuring your plan is not just a document but a strategic tool equipped with tailored AI prompts and an in-app plan editor. Get inspired by browsing through our sample business plans, a collection of successful strategies across various industries.
  • Finalize Your Plan with Confidence: Dynamic Adaptation and Refinement: Plannit AI recognizes that a business plan is a living document. Our platform allows for continuous adaptation and refinement, ensuring your strategy remains agile, relevant, and aligned with your evolving business goals. Professional Presentation and Sharing: Once your plan meets your standards, utilize Plannit AI's export features to present your plan professionally. Choose between various formats for exporting your business plan, ready to impress stakeholders, attract investors, or guide your team. Review and Adapt: Ensure your business plan is a living document, ready to evolve with your growing business. Plannit AI's dynamic platform allows you to adapt your strategy as new opportunities or challenges arise.
  • Roadmap for Success: At its core, a business plan acts as a strategic guide, providing detailed steps on how your business will achieve its objectives. It helps you navigate the startup phase, manage growth effectively, and tackle unforeseen challenges with a well-thought-out strategy.
  • Securing Funding: For startups and businesses looking to expand, a business plan is crucial for securing loans or attracting investors. It demonstrates to potential financial backers that your business has a clear vision, a solid strategy for profitability, and a plan for delivering returns on their investment.
  • Informed Decision-Making: A well-prepared business plan offers valuable insights into your market, competition, and potential challenges. This information is vital for making informed decisions, from day-to-day operations to long-term strategic shifts.
  • Market Analysis and Strategy: It allows you to conduct an in-depth analysis of your target market, understand customer needs, and position your product or service effectively. The marketing strategy outlined in your business plan helps in identifying the best channels and tactics to reach your audience and achieve market penetration.
  • Financial Planning: One of the most critical components of a business plan is the financial forecast. It outlines your funding requirements, expected revenue, profit margins, and cash flow projections. This section is essential for budgeting, financial management, and ensuring the financial viability of your business.
  • Goal Setting and Performance Measurement: A business plan sets clear, measurable goals and objectives. It provides a framework for monitoring performance, measuring success, and making necessary adjustments to stay on track.
  • Aspiring Entrepreneurs: If you're at the idea stage, looking to transform your vision into a viable business, Plannit AI offers the tools and guidance to bring your concept to life. Our platform helps you articulate your business idea, define your target market, and develop a solid plan to turn your dream into reality.
  • Students and Educators: For students delving into the intricacies of business planning and educators teaching the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Plannit AI serves as an invaluable resource. It provides a practical, hands-on tool for learning and teaching how to create detailed business plans, analyze markets, and understand financials in a real-world context.
  • Startup Founders: In the dynamic startup environment, Plannit AI is the ideal partner for founders looking to pivot quickly, secure funding, or understand their competitive landscape. With our AI-driven insights and market analysis tools, startups can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to thrive in competitive markets.
  • Small Business Owners: For small business owners seeking to optimize their operations, expand their customer base, or explore new markets, Plannit AI offers targeted solutions. Our platform simplifies the planning process, enabling owners to focus on growth while managing the day-to-day challenges of running their business.
  • Consultants and Freelancers: Consultants and freelancers specializing in business development, strategic planning, or financial advising will find Plannit AI a powerful addition to their toolkit. It allows them to provide clients with comprehensive, data-driven business plans and strategies, enhancing the value of their services.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Leaders of non-profit organizations can leverage Plannit AI to plan initiatives, secure funding, and manage resources more efficiently. Our platform helps non-profits articulate their mission, set achievable goals, and measure their impact, ensuring they can make a difference in their communities.
  • Innovators and Inventors: Individuals looking to commercialize innovative products or technologies can use Plannit AI to navigate the complexities of bringing new ideas to market. From patent strategies to go-to-market plans, our platform covers all bases, ensuring innovators can focus on what they do best.
  • Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) and Government Agencies: Government and SBA backed entities can greatly benefit from integrating Plannit AI into their services, enhancing their ability to support a larger number of clients more efficiently. By facilitating quicker, more in-depth business plan development, these organizations can spend more time assisting with plan execution and less time on creation, ultimately serving their communities more effectively.
  • Anyone with a Business Idea: Ultimately, Plannit AI is for anyone with a business idea, regardless of industry, experience, or stage of business development. Our mission is to democratize business planning, making it accessible, understandable, and actionable for everyone.
  • Interactive Questionnaire and ChatGPT Integration: Plannit AI transforms the business planning process into an engaging conversation. Through our advanced ChatGPT integration, we offer a questionnaire that dynamically adapts to your responses, ensuring your plan is personalized, comprehensive, and aligned with your business goals.
  • Dynamic Planning Environment: Unlike static templates provided by many, Plannit AI introduces a living platform that grows with your business. It features real-time updates, strategic insights, and a feedback mechanism that keeps your business plan current and actionable.
  • Extensive Educational Resources: Our Education Center is packed with articles, guides, and sample plans to bolster your planning process. It's designed to arm you with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of your industry confidently.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Customization: Recognizing the collaborative essence of business planning, Plannit AI supports team efforts with multi-user editing, annotations, and feedback features, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your strategy.
  • Customer Success Stories: Our users' achievements are a testament to Plannit AI's effectiveness. These success stories illustrate how diverse businesses have utilized our platform for strategic planning and growth.
  • Tailored Business Plan Creation: Our platform stands out with its tailored approach, featuring customizable templates that directly cater to your business type and industry, making plan creation straightforward and relevant.
  • Content Generation:: ChatGPT helps draft various sections of a business plan, from executive summaries to marketing strategies, by providing structured and coherent text based on the prompts given.
  • Strategic Insights: It can offer suggestions on business strategies by analyzing trends and providing examples from a wide range of industries.
  • Financial Planning: While it can't replace professional financial advice, ChatGPT can guide the structure of financial projections and statements, helping you consider important financial aspects of your plan.

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AI Business Plan Generator for Crafting beautiful designs

  • Write a prompt to generate a first draft business plan.
  • Pick a style first and the Visme AI Business Plan will generate the text and visual graphics.
  • Add customization to any section of your business plan and share as a FlipBook document.

Generate business plan with AI

AI Business Plan Generator for Crafting beautiful designs

Brought to you by Visme

A leading visual communication platform empowering 27,500,000 users and top brands.

Penske Truck Leasing

Business Plans Created With Visme’s AI Business Plan Generator

Ai business plan prompt 1.

Develop a comprehensive business plan for a charity, outlining initiatives and fundraising strategies to support community causes.

AI Business Plan Prompt 2

Create a business plan for a travel agency, highlighting services, target markets, and marketing strategies for growth.

AI Business Plan Prompt 3

Draft a business plan for a wellness center, emphasizing services, client acquisition, and revenue projections.

AI Business Plan Prompt 4

Prepare a business plan for an educational institute, focusing on curriculum, marketing, and student enrollment strategies.

How it works

How to generate AI business plans with Visme

Save time and create eye-catching business plans quickly with Visme AI Designer. Input text prompts for the AI generator right inside the Visme template library. Generate stunning ready-to-go business plans quickly.

How to generate AI business plans with Visme

  • First, log in to your Visme dashboard. Then, access the business plan template section by clicking on Create New -> Project -> Documents -> Business Plan. On the results page, scroll down and choose the “Generate with AI” option.
  • A popup will appear where you must type in a prompt describing your business plan in detail. Explain your brand voice and tone in the prompt and ask the AI to include certain aspects you want the business plan to feature.
  • Visme Chatbot will propose suitable styles. Choose the one that matches your business plan’s visual strategy, then let AI create the first draft content and design. Preview and edit your AI-generated business plan, or generate again.
  • Visme lets you customize your project from end to end. First, choose a color theme, then adjust the text, or add photos, videos and graphics from Visme’s free assets gallery. Create new and unique visuals with Visme AI tools.

Other types of documents you can create with Visme AI Business Plan Generator

AI Business proposals

AI Business proposals

AI Reports

AI Newsletters

AI Ebooks

AI One-Pagers

AI Magazines

AI Magazines

AI Training Manuals

AI Training Manuals

AI Marketing Playbooks

AI Marketing Playbooks

AI Press Releases

AI Press Releases

AI Sales Playbooks

AI Sales Playbooks

AI Whitepapers

AI Whitepapers

AI Catalogs

AI Catalogs

Features of the ai business plan generator, ready-to-go business plans in seconds.

Visme’s free AI business plan maker produces results in just seconds. From a detailed text prompt, the generator offers a first draft business plan that’s ready to go with customization. It gives you a head start and saves lots of precious time you can invest in other aspects of your business.

Ready-to-go business plans in seconds

Customize every part of your business plan

Customization and personalization with Visme is easy and user friendly. The app provides a range of options like altering the color theme, modifying text and fonts, inserting images, videos and graphics from the Visme royalty free asset gallery. Create and customize new visuals with other Visme AI tools.

Customize every part of your business plan

Distinguish your business plans with interactivity and data visualization

Visme offers plenty of interactivity options for your business plan. Present your plan using a flipbook effect, add animation to text, graphics, shapes or objects in your design. For data heavy plans, Visme has a selection of over 60 graphs, charts and data widget to display information visually. Additionally, use diagrams, roadmaps and timelines to show other types of information.

Distinguish your business plans with interactivity and data visualization

Add your branding

Maintain your brand's integrity effortlessly even when working with AI-generated business plans. Set up your brand kit using AI-powered Visme Brand Wizard or manually. Incorporate your brand's color scheme, font pairing, logo design and other brand assets to ensure everything aligns with your company's branding.

Add your branding

Share online, privately or download

Present and share your business plans generated with Visme AI Designer using a flipbook effect to stand out from the crowd. Alternatively, you can download them in various formats, including PDF, share on social media or schedule them to be published as posts on your social media channels. Additionally, you can share your business plans as private projects with a password entry.

Share online, privately or download

More than just an AI Business Plan Generator

Unique Elements & Graphics

Beautify your content

Unique Elements & Graphics

Browse through our library of customizable, one-of-a-kind graphics, widgets and design assets like icons, shapes, illustrations and more to accompany your AI-generated documents.

Tables & Dynamic Fields

Stay Up-To-Date

Tables & Dynamic Fields

Add user-friendly tables to your docs and connect them to live data or add variables, Dynamic Fields, to keep your plans up-to-date.


Make it engaging


Share AI-generated business plans online with animated and interactive elements to grab your audience’s attention and promote your business.

More AI tools in Visme

Ai image generator.

The Visme AI Image generator will automatically create any image or graphic. All you need to do is write a prompt and let AI magic do the rest.

AI Image Generator

Visme AI Writer helps you write, proofread, summarize and tone switch any type of text. If you’re missing content for a project, let AI Writer help you generate it.

AI Writer

AI Text-to-Speech Generator

Convert text to speech with the AI Text-to-Speech generator. Input copy, select from 6 voices. Language detection and audio generation are automatic.

AI Text-to-Speech Generator

AI TouchUp Tools

The Visme AI TouchUp Tools are a set of four image editing features that will help you change the appearance of your images inside any Visme project. Erase and replace objects that you don’t want in your photos.

AI TouchUp Tools

Save yourself hours of work with AI Resize. This feature resizes your project canvas and adjusts all content to fit the new size within seconds.

AI Resize

The Brand Wizard

The AI-based Visme Brand Wizard populates your brand fonts and styles across a beautiful set of templates.

The Brand Wizard

Make the most of Visme's features

Choose the perfect visual from our extensive photo and video library . Search and find the ideal image or video using keywords relevant to the project. Drag and drop in your project and adjust as needed.

Incorporate 3D illustrations and icons into all sorts of content types to create amazing content for your business communication strategies. You won’t see these 3D designs anywhere else as they’re made by Visme designers.

When you share your Visme projects, they’ll display with a flipbook effect . Viewers can go from page to page by flipping the page like a digital magazine. If you don’t want the flipbook effect, you can disable it and share as a standard project.

Remove the background from an image to create a cutout and layer it over something else, maybe an AI-generated background. Erase elements of the image and swap them for other objects with AI-powered Erase & Replace feature.

Create scroll-stopping video and animation posts for social media and email communication. Embed projects with video and animation into your website landing page or create digital documents with multimedia resources.

With Visme, you can make, create and design hundreds of content types . We have templates for digital documents, infographics, social media graphics, posters, banners, wireframes, whiteboards, flowcharts.

Design and brainstorm collaboratively with your team on the Visme whiteboard . Build mind maps and flowcharts easily during online planning and strategy sessions. Save whiteboards as meeting minutes and ongoing notes for projects.

Edit your images , photos, and AI image-generated graphics with our integrated editing tools. On top of the regular editing features like saturation and blur, we have 3 AI-based editing features. With these tools, you can unblur an image, expand it without losing quality and erase an object from it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can i get better results with the ai business plan generator.

Like any AI generator that depends on a text prompt, the prompt is everything. To get better results with the AI Business Plan maker, you need better prompts. Write the prompt to be as detailed as possible. Include all the content topics you want the business plan to cover. As for style elements, there’s no need to include them in the prompt. Focus on choosing the style that you like from the Chatbot suggestions. Try to select the style that already features the color palette and shapes that you like. AI will change icons and photos based on text it generates.

How many AI business plans can I generate?

Visme AI Business Plan Writer is available in all plans with higher credits/usage available in Premium plans. Note: AI credits are spread amongst all AI features. So if you use other AI features, your credits will be reduced.

Can I use a generated business plan without customizing it?

It’s in your brand’s best interest to edit the generated business plan at least a litte. FIrst of all, fact check everything as AI is known for sometimes offering wrong information. Second, double check the tone and voice of the writing and scan for repeated words and phrases. Finally, revise all visuals to ensure they match your brand’s visual strategy. Change visuals individually after the business plan is generated.

Is the Visme AI Designer a third-party API?

No, Visme AI business plan creator was developed in-house and is a unique tool. However, it does use third-party APIs: ChatGPT and Unsplash.

What other content types can I generate with Visme AI Designer?

Right now Visme AI Designer generates presentations, documents and printables. We are working on supporting more content types and will be rolling them out soon.

What types of documents can I generate with Visme AI Designer?

You can generate over 35 types of documents with Visme AI Designer, including business proposals, reports, newsletters, plans, ebooks, whitepapers, and more. For a full list of documents, please register with Visme and visit the templates section of the Visme app.

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Plansnack Business Plan Template Screenshot

Business Plan Templates

Business plans are like a dance between imagination and strategy, where bold ideas twirl into reality and entrepreneurs groove to the rhythm of their dreams.

business plan templates

Other plan templates

  • Succession planning
  • Professional development
  • Communication
  • Corrective action
  • Performance improvement
  • Project communication
  • Implementation
  • Ux research
  • Classroom management
  • Operational
  • Small business
  • Procurement

Popular template categories

  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • White papers
  • Letterheads
  • Newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Human resources
  • Certificates
  • Invitations
  • Social media
  • Table of contents
  • Magazine covers
  • Price lists
  • Album covers
  • Book covers
  • See All Templates

AI Business Plan Generator

Get your professional business plan ready in minutes.

Your business plan is just a click away. Answer a few questions, and our AI business plan generator will craft a detailed business plan tailored just for you in minutes.

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Why Bizplanr is the Best Business Plan Generator?

Ai assistance - a way to save time., it's free - say no to costly business plan writers, it works for any industry, get your business plan ready in 3 simple steps, start with simple questions.

Start by answering a few simple, context-aware questions about your business & idea. Our AI uses your responses to tailor the planning process uniquely to your business needs.

AI Crafts Your Plan

As you provide details, our AI constructs a comprehensive business plan that integrates all necessary components, such as market analysis and financial projections.

Review, Download, and Share

Once your plan is ready, review it for any final changes. Once you're finished, easily share your professionally-designed business plan with stakeholders and investors.


Explore How Bizplanr Meets Various Business Planning Needs

Secure your funding.

Use our AI to develop a persuasive business plan tailored for banks, investors, or grants. Ensure that your plan stands out by clearly describing your financial needs and potential.

Launch Your Startup

Create a detailed business plan covering all operations and marketing aspects for startup success. Our tool helps you map out each step, from conception to market entry.

Validate Your Business Idea

Evaluate the viability of your business concept with a solid business plan. By assessing the feasibility, our plan helps you confirm your idea's marketability.

Academic Planning Assistant

Our free tool streamlines students' project work, provides detailed business plans for assignments and presentations and ensures comprehensive learning.

Business Plan Examples & Templates

Need some references? Check out some of our professionally generated business plan samples

Read more about Bookstore Business Plan

Bookstore Business Plan

Read more about Yoga Studio Business Plan

Yoga Studio Business Plan

Read more about Pool Hall Business Plan

Pool Hall Business Plan

What our users have to say.

Don’t just take our word for it; read why thousands of our users love Bizplanr.

Astrid M

It was challenging for me to create a business plan for my café until I discovered Bizplanr. The process is fast and cost-effective compared with other solutions available on the market. It was like having a mentor guiding me through every step. I’d surely recommend it to others.

Javier R

Co-founder of Innovatech

Using Bizplanr made creating our business plan much easier. The financial projection tools are simple and quick, helping us focus on what we do best—innovate. Highly recommended for any tech startup looking to streamline their planning process.

Dr. Marcus J. Thompson

Dr. Marcus J. Thompson

Clinic Director

When we were setting up our new clinic, Bizplanr made the business planning side much easier. Creating a business plan felt like a breeze; I created my first plan in just a few hours.

Anjali S

Nonprofit Director

Our nonprofit often struggled with the complexities of planning and funding. Bizplanr provided a straightforward method to create a detailed plan, helping us focus more on our mission rather than getting stuck in paperwork.

Ethan W

E-commerce Entrepreneur

Switching to Bizplanr was a smart decision. Our previous software lacked many modern, AI-powered features, and the interface was confusing. Now, I’ve got all the features I need, not to mention at a reasonable cost.

Tanya J

Business Consultant

As a consultant, it's important to provide clients with clear and practical business plans. Bizplanr helps me create these plans quickly, offering straightforward strategies and reliable financial outlooks.

Frequently asked questions

Is the Bizplanr 100% free?

Do I need to pay to download my business plan?

How should I edit my business plan?

How much time will it take to create a business plan?

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Free AI Business Plan Generator

Answer a few questions about your business and we'll generate a complete business plan that you can share with lenders and funding providers when you seek financing.

Hansa's Free AI Business Plan Generator for small business owners.

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Create a business plan Now

Looking for a business plan template.

We've been there.

Business plans play a pivotal role when you seek loans or grants for your small business, but we weren't satisfied with the amount of work it takes to create one. Even using a template can be time consuming for most owners.

Our easy-to-use tool takes a matter of minutes, creating a persuasive plan for your business that meets lender guidelines and requirements.

How it works

Create your custom business plan with ai, for free ..

Creating a business plan has never been easier.

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‍ Provide some basic information about your business, click generate, and watch as our AI business plan writer works its magic!

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‍ Get your plan as a pdf so you can share it and make changes.

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By signing up for Hansa's business plan generator , you're joining other folks just like yourself who want to level up their businesses.

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"Mind blowing”

Create your business plan in mere minutes.

Creating a business plan used to take hours or even days. With some companies requiring one to get funding, it can become a real hurdle to getting the capital you need.That's why we created an AI-powered generator that will take basic information about your business and generate a business plan document for you in a matter of minutes.

Have questions? We have answers.

What is a business plan used for, why is a business plan required by some funding providers, how is a business plan typically prepared, will i need to share any sensitive information, it's never been easier to create your business plan.

Most of our members are able to create a business plan for their business in  under 15 minutes! (Trust us, we've looked at the data.) Get started on your business plan today and create a document you can use to level up your business and secure the funding you need.

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Business plan templates

From competitive analysis to financial projections, business plans give your new business a roadmap for success. Download one of our free business plan templates and take your company to the next level.

Big Data Startup Business Plan Template

Big Data Startup Business Plan Template

Create a professional Big Data Startup business plan with our customizable Startup Business Plan Template.

Virtual Assistant Business Plan

Virtual Assistant Business Plan

Strategize your way to success with this customizable AI virtual assistant business plan template.

Virtual Reality (VR) Business Plan

Virtual Reality (VR) Business Plan

Our free virtual reality (VR) business plan helps you customize your document and create a winning strategy to land investors.

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Laundromat Business Plan

Create your success roadmap with a laundromat business plan template, designed to arrange the essentials of the laundry business.

5-Year Business Plan Template

5-Year Business Plan Template

Empower your path to long-term success with our 5-year business plan template.

Car Wash Business Plan Template

Car Wash Business Plan Template

Launch and grow your car wash business with our customizable plan template.

Airbnb Business Plan Template

Airbnb Business Plan Template

Unlock your path to success with our Airbnb business plan template, made to guide you in structuring the fundamental aspects of your Airbnb business.

Clothing Line Business Plan

Clothing Line Business Plan

Use this free and customizable clothing line business plan to appeal to investors and set up your fashion brand.

Gym Business Plan Template 

Gym Business Plan Template 

The Panda tips in this gym business plan template guide you through the process of researching and presenting information necessary to secure funding and partners for your business.

Handyman Business Plan Template

Handyman Business Plan Template

Start a new handyman business using a well-researched handyman business plan template to meet your goals faster.

Vending Machine Business Plan Template

Vending Machine Business Plan Template

If you’re starting a new vending machine business, a well-rounded vending machine business plan can improve your chances of success.

Bar Business Plan Template

Bar Business Plan Template

Create your path to success with our bar business plan template, designed as a valuable tool to help entrepreneurs organize the bar business.

Massage Therapy Business Plan

Massage Therapy Business Plan

This massage therapy business plan template helps you cover the basics of starting or expanding a massage business.

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Template

Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Template

Use a complete bed and breakfast business plan template to set up your business for growth and success.

Catering Business Plan

Catering Business Plan

Chart your path to success with our catering business plan template designed to help entrepreneurs organize their catering business.

Event Venue Business Plan Template

Event Venue Business Plan Template

Launch and grow your event venue with our customizable business plan template.

Event Planning Business Plan 

Event Planning Business Plan 

Prepare your event planning business for success with our ready-to-fill and easily downloadable event planning business plan template.

Rental Property Business Plan

Rental Property Business Plan

Develop a rental property business plan tailored to serve as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs to organize their rental business.

Coaching Business Plan Template

Coaching Business Plan Template

If you want to grow your new or existing coaching business, use our free coaching business plan template as a roadmap to success.

Lawn Care Business Plan

Lawn Care Business Plan

Use a comprehensive lawn care business plan template that includes guidance and all critical information.

T-shirt Business Plan Template 

T-shirt Business Plan Template 

Craft a winning T-shirt business plan in a structured business format that attracts investors and funding.

Candle-Making Business Plan Template

Candle-Making Business Plan Template

Use a candle-making business plan template to get together all of the information you need to ensure that your candle business succeeds.

SBA Business Plan Template

SBA Business Plan Template

Use our free and fully customizable SBA business plan template to get started when writing a successful proposal for an SBA loan.

Cleaning Business Plan Template

Cleaning Business Plan Template

Discover a hassle-free way to document a roadmap for your cleaning business with this free business plan template.

Real Estate Business Plan Template

Real Estate Business Plan Template

Start off your new real estate business on the right foot by using a real estate business plan template to ensure your goals, visions, and finances are sorted.

Trucking Business Plan Template

Trucking Business Plan Template

Empower your journey to success with our trucking business plan template, designed as a valuable tool to organize the essentials of your trucking business.

Food Truck Business Plan Template

Food Truck Business Plan Template

Find a fully customizable, free food truck business plan template that helps you create an effective proposal for interested investors.

Simple Business Plan Template

Simple Business Plan Template

This simple business plan template walks you through the stages of establishing a successful business or seeking funding.

Solar Farm Business Plan

Solar Farm Business Plan

Give your solar farm business the best start by creating a professional business plan to keep your company on the right track.

Ecommerce Business Plan Template

Ecommerce Business Plan Template

This Ecommerce Business Plan Template is tailored particularly to e-commerce companies, and all you require to do is add the elements related to your business.

Accounting Firm Business Plan

Accounting Firm Business Plan

Use this Accounting Firm Business Plan to achieve your goals. Accounting firms are comparable to other industries and need the Business Plan to help their development.

Campground Business Plan Template

Campground Business Plan Template

This PandaDoc Campground Business Plan Template has all the essential information to help you develop a successful business strategy.

Firewood Business Plan

Firewood Business Plan

This Firewood Business Plan Template perfectly outlines the company structure of a probable firewood venture. It highlights the budgets needed to start and manage the unique business.

Funeral Home Business Plan

Funeral Home Business Plan

A Funeral Home Business Plan covers detailed data on the courtesies offered by the company, market analysis, administration strategies, personnel procedures, budget and financing plans, and other applicable topics.

Community Center Business Plan

Community Center Business Plan

You can use this Community Center Business Plan Template, it is perfect for anyone desiring to open and run a society center. It gives the center’s owner an outline of areas that must be disseminated with the investors to earn an acquisition.

Gas Station Business Plan

Gas Station Business Plan

Take the first step towards success in the fuel industry with our professionally crafted Gas Station Business Plan template.

Beauty Supply Store Business Plan Template

Beauty Supply Store Business Plan

This Beauty Supply Store Business Plan Template covers all the appropriate sections needed to invest in a beauty supply store. The template will help you to raise money for your business.

Flower Shop Business Plan Template

Flower Shop Business Plan Template

The Flower Shop Business Plan Template is organized to help you achieve the awareness of various investors to invest in your company.

Electrical Contractor Business Plan

Electrical Contractor Business Plan

This Electrical Contractor Business Plan template include information about the services you offer, who your target consumers are, why they should prefer you over your opponents and how much capital you require to get started.

Car Dealership Business Plan Template

Car Dealership Business Plan

A Car Dealership Business Plan is a detailed plan that will help you take your business to the next level. Use this template to create your plan.

Farm Business Plan Template

Farm Business Plan

Farm Business Plan gives an overview of the company, including corporation history, owner backgrounds, creations and more. Use this template to quickly develop your farm company plan.

Consultant Business Plan Template

Consultant Business Plan Template

An example of a document outlining your strategy for launching or expanding your consulting firm is a Consultant Business Plan Template. The essential elements include a summary of the company, team, sector, rivals, target audience, and an operations and marketing strategy.

Construction Company Business Plan

Construction Company Business Plan

The objectives and tactics of a construction company are described in a business plan for a construction company. For the creation of your business plan, use this Construction Company Business Plan Template.

Fashion Business Plan Template

Fashion Business Plan Template

Structural and action plans for a fashion firm are laid out in the fashion business plan template.

Daycare Business Plan

Daycare Business Plan

The creation of a business strategy is the first step in starting a daycare. Use this Daycare Business Plan Template to describe your company’s objectives, as well as your target market, potential rivals, and your financing strategy.

Convenience Store Business Plan

Convenience Store Business Plan

Do you need a Convenience Store Business Plan Template? This plan includes all the details and information needed to secure funding for a convenience store.

startup business plan

Startup Business Plan Template

We offer you the steps and the tools to create a fantastic business plan. Attract investors with this sleek and free startup business plan template.

business plan

Business Plan Template

This business plan template is a great tool for your startup to customize to reflect your strong qualifications, experienced team, and marketable business idea.

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a document that helps small business owners determine the viability of their business idea. Combining market research and financial analysis, a professional business plan helps startup CEOs and potential investors determine if the company can compete in the target market.

Typically, a good business plan consists of the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Mission statement
  • Product and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Operations plan
  • Management organization
  • Financial plan
  • Conclusion & appendix

Every section involved in a business plan is designed to help startup businesses reach their target market.

A business plan asks founders and entrepreneurs to detail their business strategy in a step-by-step process that makes sense from an operational perspective. This is essential if a startup is seeking a business loan or an investment from a venture capital firm.

However, even small businesses that are already economically viable can benefit from creating a business plan, since it encourages business owners and their management teams to examine their business model and reevaluate the best ways to reach their target customers.

Should I use a business plan template?

Yes.  If you’ve never written one, a business plan can be challenging to write.

Creating a successful plan that you can use to grow your small business can require weeks of market analysis and financial preparation. You may spend time using Microsoft Excel or Powerpoint in order to create documentation which better supports our operational decisions.

However, almost every professional business plan is structured in the same way and most ask for the same information. Because of this, using a business plan template is advisable to save time, money, and effort.

Business plan templates for free

Rather than spending time trying to figure out how to write a business plan , use a free template as a guide to completion.

Business plan templates from PandaDoc can help you reach an effective go-to-market strategy even faster by asking you to provide all the relevant information you need when creating an effective business plan.

Grab a free template to get started!

Frequently asked questions

How many pages should my business plan be.

This depends on the kind of business plan you need to write and how you intend to use the plan that you create.

For example, a plan for a small business seeking potential investors or a business loan will need to provide income statements, cash flow statements, and a balance sheet (usually for a three-year or five-year forecast period).

These financial statements can be omitted if a small business owner isn’t seeking funding and is instead planning to use their business plan as a guiding document for themselves and their management team members.

Some business plans may only run a few pages. Fully-developed business plans can be as long as 50 pages. Much of this depends on the type of business, the operational strategy, and the level of detail that goes into developing the business plan.

Who needs a business plan?

Every business should have a business plan. This is an essential guidance document for any founder or CEO.

Good business plans help a company determine the viability of its place in the market and can help the business develop better strategies for differentiating itself from its competitors.

Business planning also forces business owners to evaluate their marketing strategy, the cost of customer acquisition and retention, and how they plan to grow their business over time.

What is the best business plan template?

Business plans come in all shapes and sizes. The best business plan template for your business is one that you understand and that matches the size and legal structure of your operation.

If you’re a sole proprietor, a business plan template designed for a big corporation probably doesn’t make sense. However, a business plan that helps you build an effective roadmap to grow your business while protecting your intellectual property is a good starting point.

PandaDoc offers specialized business plan templates for common industries along with tips to help you get started with business planning.

Should I hire someone to write my business plan for me?

No. You’ll find freelance writers and business strategy companies out there who are happy to write your business plan for a fee.  These resources can guide you through the process, but you should write (or be heavily involved in) the creation of your business plan.

The reason for this is simple: You know the most about your business, and your business needs you to succeed.

A writer can work with you to make your business plan sound better to investors, and a consultant can help you fill in knowledge gaps — like how to conduct a SWOT analysis — and point out weaknesses in your plan. But, at the end of the day, you need to use the business plan to pitch investors and run your business.

Those ideas and guiding principles aren’t something you can outsource.

Should I use business planning software?

Software isn’t required when creating an effective business plan. Most business planning software is designed to help you navigate the outlining and writing process more effectively.

You don’t need software to write a professional business plan, but a solid template can help you get started. Download a free template from PandaDoc today and take your business to the next level.

Get started with PandaDoc today

Improving the world one entrepreneur at a time

Free business plan generator.

Answer a few questions to take one of the first steps in creating your business

Our free tool for young entrepreneurs will ask you a few questions about your business and then Rising Innovator will take that information and generate a downloadable PDF document.

A business plan is an essential document that outlines how you turn your dreams into reality — it’s a a step-by-step guide to growing your business.

You’ll be prompted to provide basic information about your company, your goals, details about your products and services, market research and strategy, and cash flow projections. Then it will compile your answers to the questions into a document you can download and use to guide you as you build your business.

And if you need help, we provide tips and and examples to help you fill out the fields in each step. After you complete your plan, we also offer business plan analysis and consultation for a small fee. The business plan you create though is free to download and you can come back and revise it as often as you wish.

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  • / AI Business Plan Generator

Generate Your Business Future: AI Business Plan Generator

Craft Your Perfect Business Plan Easily with AI Assistance

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Craft Customized Business Plans with AI

Transform your entrepreneurial vision into a concrete reality with AI Business Plan Generator customized for aspiring entrepreneurs, startup founders, small business owners, and freelance business plan writers. Our AI Business Plan Generator Online Free tool helps you to generate high-quality business plans easily. Customize every detail to align perfectly with your brand guidelines, ensuring your business strategy reflects your unique vision and goals from the very first draft.

How to Generate Business Plan With AI

Three Simple Steps for generating Business Plan:

On the AI Writer Dashboard, click on "AI Chat" from the left menu section.

Type in your “Business Category with a little detail” in the provided field. Adjust your preferences by selecting advanced options like writing style.

Click ‘Generate’ to let the AI analyze your input and provide you with the Business Plan.

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Upgrade Your Business with AI-Powered Planning

Discover our AI Business Plan Generator, a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate tool designed to release your creativity in crafting comprehensive business plans. Whether you're new to business planning or a seasoned professional, our intuitive interface eases the process. Customize every detail easily, from financial projections to strategic goals, ensuring your business plan reflects your unique vision and objectives. Transform your ideas into actionable plans with precision and ease using our innovative AI-powered Business Plan Generator.

Enhance Your Business Plans with Interactive Features

Simplified provides extensive interactive options for your business plans. Showcase your plans with dynamic text effects and add animations into text, graphics, shapes, or objects in your designs. For data-intensive plans, Simplified offers a diverse range of graphs, charts, and data widgets to visually represent information. Utilize diagrams, roadmaps, and timelines to effectively convey various types of information.

Team Collaboration for Smooth Business Planning

Collaborate easily with Simplified AI Business Plan Generator, designed to facilitate teamwork and enhance collaboration. Whether you're working with colleagues, advisors, or stakeholders, our tool supports easy communication and shared access to project updates. Ease planning processes, delegate tasks, and ensure everyone is on the same page with real-time editing and commenting features. Empower your team to contribute their expertise and insights, driving collective success in business planning endeavors.

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Simple Business Plan Template (2024)

Krista Fabregas

Updated: May 4, 2024, 4:37pm

Simple Business Plan Template (2024)

Table of Contents

Why business plans are vital, get your free simple business plan template, how to write an effective business plan in 6 steps, frequently asked questions.

While taking many forms and serving many purposes, they all have one thing in common: business plans help you establish your goals and define the means for achieving them. Our simple business plan template covers everything you need to consider when launching a side gig, solo operation or small business. By following this step-by-step process, you might even uncover a few alternate routes to success.

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Whether you’re a first-time solopreneur or a seasoned business owner, the planning process challenges you to examine the costs and tasks involved in bringing a product or service to market. The process can also help you spot new income opportunities and hone in on the most profitable business models.

Though vital, business planning doesn’t have to be a chore. Business plans for lean startups and solopreneurs can simply outline the business concept, sales proposition, target customers and sketch out a plan of action to bring the product or service to market. However, if you’re seeking startup funding or partnership opportunities, you’ll need a write a business plan that details market research, operating costs and revenue forecasting. Whichever startup category you fall into, if you’re at square one, our simple business plan template will point you down the right path.

Copy our free simple business plan template so you can fill in the blanks as we explore each element of your business plan. Need help getting your ideas flowing? You’ll also find several startup scenario examples below.

Download free template as .docx

Whether you need a quick-launch overview or an in-depth plan for investors, any business plan should cover the six key elements outlined in our free template and explained below. The main difference in starting a small business versus an investor-funded business is the market research and operational and financial details needed to support the concept.

1. Your Mission or Vision

Start by declaring a “dream statement” for your business. You can call this your executive summary, vision statement or mission. Whatever the name, the first part of your business plan summarizes your idea by answering five questions. Keep it brief, such as an elevator pitch. You’ll expand these answers in the following sections of the simple business plan template.

  • What does your business do? Are you selling products, services, information or a combination?
  • Where does this happen? Will you conduct business online, in-store, via mobile means or in a specific location or environment?
  • Who does your business benefit? Who is your target market and ideal customer for your concept?
  • Why would potential customers care? What would make your ideal customers take notice of your business?
  • How do your products and/or services outshine the competition? What would make your ideal customers choose you over a competitor?

These answers come easily if you have a solid concept for your business, but don’t worry if you get stuck. Use the rest of your plan template to brainstorm ideas and tactics. You’ll quickly find these answers and possibly new directions as you explore your ideas and options.

2. Offer and Value Proposition

This is where you detail your offer, such as selling products, providing services or both, and why anyone would care. That’s the value proposition. Specifically, you’ll expand on your answers to the first and fourth bullets from your mission/vision.

As you complete this section, you might find that exploring value propositions uncovers marketable business opportunities that you hadn’t yet considered. So spend some time brainstorming the possibilities in this section.

For example, a cottage baker startup specializing in gluten-free or keto-friendly products might be a value proposition that certain audiences care deeply about. Plus, you could expand on that value proposition by offering wedding and other special-occasion cakes that incorporate gluten-free, keto-friendly and traditional cake elements that all guests can enjoy.

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3. Audience and Ideal Customer

Here is where you explore bullet point number three, who your business will benefit. Identifying your ideal customer and exploring a broader audience for your goods or services is essential in defining your sales and marketing strategies, plus it helps fine-tune what you offer.

There are many ways to research potential audiences, but a shortcut is to simply identify a problem that people have that your product or service can solve. If you start from the position of being a problem solver, it’s easy to define your audience and describe the wants and needs of your ideal customer for marketing efforts.

Using the cottage baker startup example, a problem people might have is finding fresh-baked gluten-free or keto-friendly sweets. Examining the wants and needs of these people might reveal a target audience that is health-conscious or possibly dealing with health issues and willing to spend more for hard-to-find items.

However, it’s essential to have a customer base that can support your business. You can be too specialized. For example, our baker startup can attract a broader audience and boost revenue by offering a wider selection of traditional baked goods alongside its gluten-free and keto-focused specialties.

4. Revenue Streams, Sales Channels and Marketing

Thanks to our internet-driven economy, startups have many revenue opportunities and can connect with target audiences through various channels. Revenue streams and sales channels also serve as marketing vehicles, so you can cover all three in this section.

Revenue Streams

Revenue streams are the many ways you can make money in your business. In your plan template, list how you’ll make money upon launch, plus include ideas for future expansion. The income possibilities just might surprise you.

For example, our cottage baker startup might consider these revenue streams:

  • Product sales : Online, pop-up shops , wholesale and (future) in-store sales
  • Affiliate income : Monetize blog and social media posts with affiliate links
  • Advertising income : Reserve website space for advertising
  • E-book sales : (future) Publish recipe e-books targeting gluten-free and keto-friendly dessert niches
  • Video income : (future) Monetize a YouTube channel featuring how-to videos for the gluten-free and keto-friendly dessert niches
  • Webinars and online classes : (future) Monetize coaching-style webinars and online classes covering specialty baking tips and techniques
  • Members-only content : (future) Monetize a members-only section of the website for specialty content to complement webinars and online classes
  • Franchise : (future) Monetize a specialty cottage bakery concept and sell to franchise entrepreneurs

Sales Channels

Sales channels put your revenue streams into action. This section also answers the “where will this happen” question in the second bullet of your vision.

The product sales channels for our cottage bakery example can include:

  • Mobile point-of-sale (POS) : A mobile platform such as Shopify or Square POS for managing in-person sales at local farmers’ markets, fairs and festivals
  • E-commerce platform : An online store such as Shopify, Square or WooCommerce for online retail sales and wholesale sales orders
  • Social media channels : Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest shoppable posts and pins for online sales via social media channels
  • Brick-and-mortar location : For in-store sales , once the business has grown to a point that it can support a physical location

Channels that support other income streams might include:

  • Affiliate income : Blog section on the e-commerce website and affiliate partner accounts
  • Advertising income : Reserved advertising spaces on the e-commerce website
  • E-book sales : Amazon e-book sales via Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
  • Video income : YouTube channel with ad monetization
  • Webinars and online classes : Online class and webinar platforms that support member accounts, recordings and playback
  • Members-only content : Password-protected website content using membership apps such as MemberPress

Nowadays, the line between marketing and sales channels is blurred. Social media outlets, e-books, websites, blogs and videos serve as both marketing tools and income opportunities. Since most are free and those with advertising options are extremely economical, these are ideal marketing outlets for lean startups.

However, many businesses still find value in traditional advertising such as local radio, television, direct mail, newspapers and magazines. You can include these advertising costs in your simple business plan template to help build a marketing plan and budget.

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5. Structure, Suppliers and Operations

This section of your simple business plan template explores how to structure and operate your business. Details include the type of business organization your startup will take, roles and responsibilities, supplier logistics and day-to-day operations. Also, include any certifications or permits needed to launch your enterprise in this section.

Our cottage baker example might use a structure and startup plan such as this:

  • Business structure : Sole proprietorship with a “doing business as” (DBA) .
  • Permits and certifications : County-issued food handling permit and state cottage food certification for home-based food production. Option, check into certified commercial kitchen rentals.
  • Roles and responsibilities : Solopreneur, all roles and responsibilities with the owner.
  • Supply chain : Bulk ingredients and food packaging via Sam’s Club, Costco, Amazon Prime with annual membership costs. Uline for shipping supplies; no membership needed.
  • Day-to-day operations : Source ingredients and bake three days per week to fulfill local and online orders. Reserve time for specialty sales, wholesale partner orders and market events as needed. Ship online orders on alternating days. Update website and create marketing and affiliate blog posts on non-shipping days.

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6. Financial Forecasts

Your final task is to list forecasted business startup and ongoing costs and profit projections in your simple business plan template. Thanks to free business tools such as Square and free marketing on social media, lean startups can launch with few upfront costs. In many cases, cost of goods, shipping and packaging, business permits and printing for business cards are your only out-of-pocket expenses.

Cost Forecast

Our cottage baker’s forecasted lean startup costs might include:

Business Need Startup Cost Ongoing Cost Source

Gross Profit Projections

This helps you determine the retail prices and sales volume required to keep your business running and, hopefully, earn income for yourself. Use product research to spot target retail prices for your goods, then subtract your cost of goods, such as hourly rate, raw goods and supplier costs. The total amount is your gross profit per item or service.

Here are some examples of projected gross profits for our cottage baker:

Product Retail Price (Cost) Gross Profit

Bottom Line

Putting careful thought and detail in a business plan is always beneficial, but don’t get so bogged down in planning that you never hit the start button to launch your business . Also, remember that business plans aren’t set in stone. Markets, audiences and technologies change, and so will your goals and means of achieving them. Think of your business plan as a living document and regularly revisit, expand and restructure it as market opportunities and business growth demand.

Is there a template for a business plan?

You can copy our free business plan template and fill in the blanks or customize it in Google Docs, Microsoft Word or another word processing app. This free business plan template includes the six key elements that any entrepreneur needs to consider when launching a new business.

What does a simple business plan include?

A simple business plan is a one- to two-page overview covering six key elements that any budding entrepreneur needs to consider when launching a startup. These include your vision or mission, product or service offering, target audience, revenue streams and sales channels, structure and operations, and financial forecasts.

How can I create a free business plan template?

Start with our free business plan template that covers the six essential elements of a startup. Once downloaded, you can edit this document in Google Docs or another word processing app and add new sections or subsections to your plan template to meet your specific business plan needs.

What basic items should be included in a business plan?

When writing out a business plan, you want to make sure that you cover everything related to your concept for the business,  an analysis of the industry―including potential customers and an overview of the market for your goods or services―how you plan to execute your vision for the business, how you plan to grow the business if it becomes successful and all financial data around the business, including current cash on hand, potential investors and budget plans for the next few years.

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Krista Fabregas is a seasoned eCommerce and online content pro sharing more than 20 years of hands-on know-how with those looking to launch and grow tech-forward businesses. Her expertise includes eCommerce startups and growth, SMB operations and logistics, website platforms, payment systems, side-gig and affiliate income, and multichannel marketing. Krista holds a bachelor's degree in English from The University of Texas at Austin and held senior positions at NASA, a Fortune 100 company, and several online startups.

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A quality logo built on FreeLogoDesign.org is the first step towards success. Get rid of your old brand or create a new one for your business with our custom logo maker.

How to create a free logo with our logo creator

How to create a free logo with our logo creator

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Why choose Free Logo Design for your business logo creation

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Easily create professional logos with FreeLogoDesign. Drag and drop elements where you want them. Edit colors, titles and shapes to design the logo of your dreams.

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Don’t start from scratch. Choose your line of business from 35+ logo categories. Do you want to create your logo from nothing? Start with a blank template and let your creativity flow.

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There are millions of icons available to customize your logo as much as you want. On the editor, click on Add an icon and start your search. Whether you are looking to create a logo for your restaurant or your music band, we are sure you will find the right icon to create a perfect logo.

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Need a profile picture and a banner for your Facebook page? That's easy. The social media add-on creates versions of your logo so that it can be used on the most popular social networks, profile picture and banner included. To facilitate the use of your logo in any context, choose the Black and White add-on and get another useful version of your logo.

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Create business cards directly from your logo with FreeLogoDesign’s business card maker. Create a professional logo, then choose our Business Card add-on. You will only have to enter your contact information and select one of our many templates to get a file ready to be sent to the printer.

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Do like millions of users across the world and choose our free online logo maker tool for the creation of your custom logo. See why thousands of small businesses like yours trust Free Logo Design for their logo needs.

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See why millions of people around the world choose to design their logo with FreeLogoDesign

Millions of businesses in the world trust the FreeLogoDesign.org's free logo design. No need to hire an expensive graphic designer. Create your logo on your own.

entrepreneurs like yourself have already created their logo and brand with our logo creator since its launch.

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I was sent a link after having a conversation about deciding on a logo. I liked one of the logos well enough to call it my own. It was quick, easy and affordable.

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I started with Free Logo Design just to get some ideas and planned to use a professional designer. I was suprised to find so many selections to choose from, and multiple choices for my own choice for a logo that was "my" company. No need for a professional.

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Build your logo, build your success

Build your logo, build your success

The Free Logo Design team is here to help you build your logo and launch your brand.

The customer support team is ready to answer any questions quickly you may have. Feel free to shoot us an email or open a ticket through customer service to get all the answers to your questions about your logo design or our logo creator. Contact support now to get help with your logo creation.

Free Logo Design FAQs

Can i make edits to a logo after purchasing it.

You can make a lot of minor edits (font, shape, color, etc.) to your logo. You can also download it as many times as you need. If you have an Unlimited plan or a Privilege plan, there are no restrictions: you can modify your logo design as many times as you like.

Is it really free to use?

You can create and modify a logo as much as you like entirely for free. You’ll never have to pay to use the logo maker tool. All templates, icons and shapes are available for free for every user. When you’re satisfied with your logo, choose the perfect package for your needs.

Do I need any experience in graphic design?

FreeLogoDesign logo maker is an intuitive tool, easy to use for everyone. Choose elements and drag-and-drop them anywhere you want on your canvas. Edit the text, color or shape of any element in your project. The only limit is your creativity.

What’s included in the Basic package?

Our Basic package includes a high-definition image, ready to be used for web or print. You’ll also get the SVG vector file of your logo and a PDF file. You can also decide to complete your package with add-ons, like business card templates, social media files, and a brand guide for an extra.

I don’t know where to start. Are there any templates or examples I can start working with?

FreeLogoDesign offers a library of thousands of logo templates to browse through. Once you’ve chosen your favorite template, add one of thousands of icons available to customize your logo.

Where can I get inspiration to help me create my logo?

Read our blog articles and get inspired by our many posts on logo design and creation. Read tips and tricks to facilitate your logo creation or learn more about the rich history of famous logos.

How can I make a unique logo for free?

We believe it is possible to create a unique logo for free using our logo maker. First, you need to have an idea of the general style of your logo. Then, browse our logo templates and choose your favorite. To make it unique, customize every visual component: icons, fonts, colors, text, etc.

Are there any good free logo makers?

FreeLogoDesign is a free logo maker used every day by thousands of people around the world. As its name suggests, you can create and download a logo for free. This is the perfect way to try our tool to create all components of your brand identity.

How to make a business logo?

All businesses and companies need a logo. Therefore, where to start? First, we believe you should analyze your products and target clientele. It will help you create the perfect logo. Then, find your business name and note down logo styles you like.

Do you have more questions? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Don't wait create your own logo now.

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How to start a small business

This guide will help you get your business up and running..


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If you're launching your own business, you have a ton of questions that need to be answered: How do you name your business? How do you register it? Will people think your product is good enough to purchase? And how will you afford to get it off the ground when you still have bills to pay? 

With the help of experts and entrepreneurs, we've created this guide to help you figure out the solutions to the above questions and more. Read on and find out what you need to do to successfully launch your small business.

Already have your business plan ready and just need help legally forming it? These companies can help .

Research your market

Formulate a business plan, the different types of business models, fund your business, pick a business name, create a website for your business, legally form your business, apply for a business license (if you need one), apply for an employer identification number (ein), consider business insurance, open a business bank account, launch your business.

It's great that you have a dream and ambition, but you need to make sure there's a market for whatever product you want to create.

"It's important to do that market research prior to spending any kind of money so you can make sure you have something," says Abby Mercado, a former venture capitalist and founder of Rescripted , a women's health media company.

When done right, market research can reveal your ideal customer's specific needs, as well as the solutions they've tried before, your competitors, the price your customers are willing to pay, and more.

How to use social media and real-life feedback for your market research

Social media can give you an idea of what your potential customers are talking about online. If you're planning to launch a dog food company, for example, searching Reddit or going through the comments on competitors' TikTok and Instagram accounts can yield valuable information about what your customer wants. This approach is often referred to as "social media listening."

But it's also important that you don't limit your research to just searching around online and social media. For example, when Mercado was doing market research for what would eventually become Rescripted, a media company focused on women's reproductive health, she reached out to a fertility clinic she was familiar with and got feedback from a doctor there. According to Mercado, the doctor loved her idea and introduced her to potential customers who gave her even more feedback.

Questions to ask for good feedback

Here are some thought starters around the types of questions that would be useful to ask your target customer: 

  • Which brands (in your targeted market) have you purchased from in the last 3 months?
  • How satisfied are you with the products/solutions that already exist for this market? 
  • What was your reasoning for purchasing from a competitor? 
  • Which features are most useful to you? 
  • How do you prefer to shop for this product/service? 
  • At what price would you be unwilling to purchase this product? 

You can also get more useful feedback if you're able to give people an example of your product. For instance, if you want to open up a bakery, maybe whip up a small batch of cookies and hand them out in your neighborhood in exchange for people answering some questions.

Friends and family can sometimes be a good place to start looking for feedback about your offerings, but make sure you're surveying your ideal customer. This is the person who will most likely compare your business to competitors before deciding to buy. So if you're opening a butcher shop but your mom's a vegan, consider getting feedback from someone else. 

A business plan is a document that includes your business's goals and the framework you'll follow to achieve them. It can be a helpful document regardless of your business's size and whether this is your first business or your tenth. 

One of the most useful functions of a business plan is that it keeps you and your team organized and on the same page. If you're launching your business with a partner or are hiring a senior leader, having a written document everyone agrees on can help smooth over arguments about strategy.

A business plan also provides a roadmap for how you need to market your business and earn revenue during different stages of its growth. By identifying certain milestones in your plan, you can get a general sense of whether your business is on track or if you need to make adjustments. 

Finally, when you're applying for a business loan, grant or other types of funding, people may want to see your business plan before they give you money. 

The Small Business Administration (SBA) suggests your business plan include the following:

  • An executive summary that provides basic information about your company and team, including what your product is and your company's mission. 
  • A company description with more specific details about the market you serve and the advantages you believe you have that will give you an edge over the competition. 
  • Trends or themes you're seeing in your target market.
  • The legal structure of your business and who will be on your team (also mention if you're flying solo).
  • An in-depth description of your product or service (including any patent filings and copyrights) as well as your marketing plan. 
  • A declaration that you're seeking funding (if applicable). It can also be a good idea to include your financial projections with your funding request if you're approaching investors for your business. 

The business model is the part of your business plan that breaks down how you'll make money.

There are many business models and plenty of examples of companies that have obtained success with each one. Picking the right one depends on the nature of your business (among other things), since what works for a tech start-up might not fly for a food truck.  

Service (Fee-for-service)

As the name may suggest, a service-based business model involves carrying out a task or service in exchange for a fee. The fee may be paid as a fixed sum or an hourly rate. Common small business examples using a fee-for-service model include consulting, coaching or freelance work. 


A subscription business model involves charging a fixed fee on a recurring basis in exchange for a product or service. This is a common model among online service providers, but it can also be used to sell physical products, such as subscription boxes.

This business model involves introducing customers to a free, basic version of the service in the hopes that they'll upgrade to a paid premium version with more features. Because this business model makes it possible for some customers to simply stick with the free version, it isn't ideal for product-based businesses. One example of a freemium business model is an app with free basic features and premium features that are unlocked when you pay to upgrade your plan.  

This type of business model involves selling a physical item in exchange for money. Products can either be sold in-person (think: bakery, ice cream shop, stationery store, etc.) or online as an e-commerce brand. It can be costly to produce a product so the goal is to make the item for a low cost and sell it at a higher price. 

You're going to need some type of funding to get your business up and running. Those costs can range from the equivalent of a night out to the price of a midsize sedan (and more) depending on your business, but you have plenty of options to secure your seed money. 

These are the most common ways to finance your small business idea.


Best for: Businesses with low startup costs; founders with enough personal savings

Bootstrapping is perhaps the simplest way to fund your business because it involves spending your own money to get started. You don't have to apply for funding or worry about paying back a lender. 

Bootstrapping works best when you have low start-up costs (or if you have a high amount of personal wealth). The biggest risk with bootstrapping is sinking too much money in the business and then coming up short in your personal life when you need cash for an emergency or to cover the essentials.

If you aren't in a place where you feel comfortable assuming the risk of bootstrapping, there are other options to consider. 


Best for: Raising small amounts

Crowdfunding involves asking multiple people to provide small amounts of money to help you reach a larger funding goal for a business idea. So if you need $5,000, you might have 200 people giving you small amounts of money to help you reach that goal. 

With crowdfunding, you typically don't have to pay back the people who gave you money (though some crowdfunding platforms make you give the cash back if you don't reach your funding goal within a certain amount of time). 

When Dr. Jenny Woo was working to launch Mind Brain Emotion , a deck of skill-building cards, she used a combination of bootstrapping with a small amount of money and crowdfunding through Kickstarter. 

"For me personally, Kickstarter was the lowest risk," she explains. "The worst risk is you don't get funded. It's also less time-consuming than if you were to pitch [to investors] or try to get a loan."

Crowdfunding can be a good way to close small funding gaps that you can't afford to fill with your personal savings. However, keep in mind that many campaigns may only last 30 to 60 days on the platform so you have to be realistic about how much money you can raise in that time. 

Some crowdfunding platforms charge a platform fee. The fee is charged as a percentage of the total funds you raise and it can range from 5% to 12%. This obviously eats into the money you can walk away with.

Best for: Businesses that don't need urgent funding; businesses that can meet any usage rules

A grant is a lump sum of money awarded to a business or organization that doesn't need to be paid back. Business grants are commonly provided by government organizations, nonprofits and corporations. 

You'll need to fill out an application to be considered. Some grant application processes may have lengthy approval and disbursement timelines so even if you qualify it may take some time to receive the funds. This is why grants may not be for everyone. If you need money more urgently to fund product development, you may need to look at other options.

While it can take a while to be awarded grant money, it can be well worth it if you don't need to dip into your savings or take on debt for your business. 

Also keep in mind that some grants have strict rules on how you can use the funding. For instance, some grants may only be used to fund research and development while others can only be used for purchasing equipment. 

Small business loans 

Best for: Founders who need a large lump sum of money upfront and can afford to make small, incremental repayments

Unlike a grant, a small business loan is money that's provided by a lender that must be paid back within a certain amount of time. The terms of your small business loan can depend on your credit score, the type of business you're running and how much money you need. 

You'll also need to pay interest in addition to the principal amount. So before you decide to take on a small business loan, make sure you can afford to pay it back without defaulting on your balance. 

CNBC Select ranks OnDeck as one of the best small business loan lenders for its same-day funding service, and Kiva for its 0% interest crowdfunded microloans.

Types of loans

Better business bureau (bbb) rating, loan amounts.

$5,000 to $250,000

Up to 24 months

Minimum credit score needed

Minimum requirements.

In business at least 1 year, $100,000 annual revenue, business bank account

Terms apply.

  • Potential for same-day cash disbursement (only available in certain states, for term loans up to $100,000)
  • Top-tier A+ rating with the BBB
  • Low minimum credit score
  • Fixed monthly payments
  • 100% Prepayment Benefit option, so you can pay your loan off early without any penalty or fee
  • Doesn't lend to businesses in Nevada, North Dakota or South Dakota
  • Early prepayment fee if you don't qualify for the 100% Prepayment Benefit

Peer-to-peer crowdfunded loan

$1,000 to $15,000

Up to 3 years

No minimum credit score required

You must be 18, live in the U.S., use this loan for business purposes, not currently in foreclosure, bankruptcy or have any liens, and have a small number of your friends and family willing to make a loan to you (Nevada and North Dakota residents are not ineligible)

  • Ability to borrow with no interest
  • Loans are geared toward borrowers who are unbanked and have trouble qualifying for financial products
  • Ability to market your product to 1.6 million lenders on Kiva
  • You need to prove your creditworthiness by inviting friends and family to lend to you
  • It can take a while to receive your loan since investors need to raise money
  • No BBB rating

Small business credit card 

Best for: Founders who want access to a line of credit for small expenses over time

A small business credit card also involves taking on debt to finance your business costs. Unlike a loan, a business credit card is a form of revolving credit that you can use repeatedly (so long as you make good on your payments). This can make it more flexible than a loan, where you need to apply for a lump sum upfront, requiring you to know exactly how much money you'll need from the very beginning. 

The Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express is a strong option for business credit because it offers a 0% intro APR period of 12 months on purchases from the date of account opening (18.49% - 26.49% variable APR after that; APR will not exceed 29.99%). ( See rates and fees ).

The Blue Business® Plus Credit Card from American Express

Earn 2X Membership Rewards® points on everyday business purchases up to $50,000 per year, then 1X point per dollar

Welcome bonus

Earn 15,000 Membership Rewards® points after you spend $3,000 in eligible purchases on the Card within your first 3 months of Card Membership.

0% for 12 months on purchases from date of account opening

Regular APR

18.49% - 26.49% variable; APRs will not exceed 29.99%

Balance transfer fee

Foreign transaction fee, credit needed.

See rates and fees , terms apply.

  • No annual fee
  • Straightforward rewards program
  • 2.7% foreign transaction fee

The Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card is also a solid contender since it doesn't charge an annual fee and you'll earn 1.5% cash back on purchases for your business.

Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card

Earn 1.5% cash back on every purchase made for your business

Earn $750 bonus cash back after you spend $6,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening

0% for the first 12 months from account opening on purchases; N/A for balance transfers

18.49% - 24.49% variable

Either $5 or 5% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater


  • Free employee cards
  • Simple cash-back program
  • Special financing offer for purchases
  • 3% fee charged on purchases made outside the U.S.

Which funding method is right for you?

When deciding which funding route to take, you probably want to spend as little of your own money as possible. In this case, you might first consider crowdfunding and applying for grants since you don't need to pay back this money. In the best-case scenario, you'll raise all the money you need for start-up costs without spending a dime of your savings. 

But it's more likely that crowdfunding or grants will cover some of your expenses, but not everything. If you need to save some money to bridge that funding gap, consider a high-yield savings account . An FDIC-insured account is one of the safest places to put your cash, and your funds will earn interest while remaining easily accessible. The Marcus by Goldman Sachs High Yield Online Savings account, for example, doesn't charge any monthly fees, overdraft fees, or excessive transaction fees. LendingClub High-Yield Savings also has no monthly fees, and doesn't require a minimum balance to earn its high APY.

Marcus by Goldman Sachs High Yield Online Savings

Annual percentage yield (apy), minimum balance, monthly fee, maximum transactions.

At this time, there is no limit to the number of withdrawals or transfers you can make from your online savings account

Excessive transactions fee

Overdraft fee, offer checking account, offer atm card.

  • No minimum balance or deposit
  • No monthly fees
  • No limit on withdrawals or transfers
  • Easy-to-use mobile banking app
  • Offers no-fee personal loans
  • Higher APYs offered elsewhere
  • No option to add a checking account
  • No ATM access

LendingClub High-Yield Savings

No minimum balance requirement after $100.00 to open the account

Overdraft fees

Taking on debt to start your business should be a last resort and only used after careful consideration. You must be confident that you can pay back in full any money you borrow for your business. 

Your business's name communicates to the world who you are and what you can do — so it's important to pick a name that lets you put your best foot forward. 

But there are also some legal considerations to make when picking the right business name. For instance, you must avoid selecting a name that sounds too similar to your competitors' names. You can use the Trademark Search tool from the United States Patent and Trademark Office to see if your desired business name has already been trademarked by another business. 

Additionally, you may also need to double-check any laws around naming a business for your state. Some states may require you to add certain "identifiers" to the end of your business name if you're a registered legal entity. Identifiers could include words like "Inc," or "Corp." 

If you're confused about where to start, services like LegalZoom can help you get started in the right direction. LegalZoom lets you set up your business legally and will check that your desired business name is available for you to use.

From $35 to $279+

App available?

Standout features.

LegalZoom offers all sorts of legal document templates online so users can avoid having to hire an outside lawyer. Its downloadable wills, living wills and financial power of attorney documents make it easy to estate plan. LegalZoom also has its own network of attorneys that customers can utilize to ask questions, etc.

Your business needs a website to let potential customers know where to find you online and how to contact you. Your website's complexity will often depend on the type of business you're running. If you have a coaching or consulting business, a simple website where you can talk about who you are and what services you offer works perfectly.

Creating a simple website on your own is relatively straightforward, especially when you use a service like Squarespace or Wix that lets you use premade templates without having to learn to code.  


Plans start at $16/month when you pay annually

Free trial available?

14-day free trial

Squarespace offers several features for building yourself a website, including a wide variety of templates to choose from, support from a Squarespace web designer, marketing tools, a logo maker and more. Its offerings cater to several industries and website uses including blogs, portfolios, fitness, beauty, restaurants, artists, photographers and weddings to name a few.

Plans start at $17/month

No free trial but Wix offers a 14-day money back guarantee

Squarespace offers over 900 website templates, and a website building tool that leverages AI to design a site based on your desired customizations.

However, if you're selling goods and your website is your online storefront, you'll need more functions such as accepting (and processing) customer payments, collecting contact information, displaying your goods in an easy-to-navigate user interface and more. You can still use services to build a more complicated e-commerce website on your own, but it may be worth hiring an expert depending on your skill, time and patience.

Here are some signs that you may want to hire a website designer instead of creating the website yourself:

  • You need advanced features to help you sell products online. 
  • You need a long-term relationship with a designer to help your site evolve as your business grows.
  • You're too busy to do it yourself and are comfortable spending the money to have someone else do it.

One key decision to make that will have far-reaching consequences with taxes and more is your business's legal structure. The three most common legal structures that pertain to small businesses are a sole proprietorship, a limited liability company (LLC) and an S Corporation (S-Corp for short). 

Each structure outlines its own set of distinctions and protections for operating your business. 

Sole proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is probably the simplest structure to understand and use. A sole proprietorship is owned by one individual (the sole proprietor). You don't need to file any paperwork to "incorporate" your business as a sole proprietorship. If you begin operating a business and don't file as any business structure, you'll be automatically considered a sole proprietorship, according to the Small Business Administration (SBA) . 

However, because a sole proprietorship doesn't create a separate entity for your business, you are liable for your business's debts.

"I rarely recommend a sole proprietorship because it's the default structure and you aren't taking advantage of the legal rights you can have with other business structures," says Shaliz Sadig Romano, the Co-Managing Partner at Romano Law , a law firm that represents entrepreneurs. "If something goes wrong, we want to make sure the assets of the company are what's on the line, not your house, car or other personal assets." 

Limited liability corporation (LLC)

Next down the line is an LLC. As the name suggests, an LLC limits the liability you may take on from your business activities. With this type of legal structure, your business becomes an entity that's separate from you and will have its own bank account and taxpayer ID. 

This creates a huge advantage for you as the business owner since you'll be able to protect your personal assets from liabilities, debt, lawsuits or bankruptcies incurred by your business. 

According to Romano, filing for an LLC also sets your business up for growth – investors may feel more comfortable getting involved with an LLC, for example, and you also can hire employees under this structure.  

"As the saying goes, an LLC is a lawyer's likely choice because it's great for small businesses and even some bigger ones that want to keep growing," Romano says. 

S Corporation

An S Corp is another legal structure that provides limited liability protection to the business owner, much like an LLC. Both LLC's and S Corps are considered "pass-through" entities because the business itself doesn't pay taxes but rather the tax liability "passes through" to the owner's personal taxes. Both structures allow owners to protect the owner's personal assets. 

One key difference between the two is that an LLC can have an unlimited number of owners (called members or shareholders) while an S Corp can have no more than 100 shareholders.

Which one is right for you?

Begin by thinking about where you see your business heading. This can provide some clues about which structure may be right for you. "What I tell clients before diving in is that it's important to have a vision of where you want to start and what you want to see in the next two to five years," Romano explains. "Are you looking to be a really small solopreneur like a consultant and don't intend on hiring or having office space? Or are you looking for something much bigger?"  

For instance, if you're planning to run an online e-commerce business on a platform like Etsy all by yourself on the weekends, you may feel secure enough to run it as a sole proprietorship. But if you want to open up a storefront and can see yourself seeking assistance from investors one day, an LLC or S Corp may be a better fit for you. 

Another consideration is the scope of your business practices. According to Romano, while an LLC is fine for doing business in the U.S., not all countries recognize an LLC as a legal entity or have different rules around it. So if you plan on doing business overseas, you'll want to read up carefully on that country's practices around legal structures so you can choose the one that's right for you. 

The other thing to consider are requirements for filing an S Corp . To file an S Corp, you must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident and your business must operate domestically. You also can't have more than 100 shareholders — a person or organization that owns stock in the company — and those shareholders must have voting rights. 

This is not the case for filing an LLC. You don't need to be a U.S. citizen or legal resident to file an LLC. 

Understanding the requirements and do's and don'ts of each of the legal structures can give you a sense of which one best suits your needs. LegalZoom also offers tools to help you figure out which type of legal structure is best for your business.

These companies help you legally form your business

LegalZoom is a well-known service in this space. According to its website, LegalZoom helps users through three steps for getting their business started: Choosing a name and business structure, compliance information and paperwork filing for the business structure. Once you're off the ground, you can also use other LegalZoom features — like getting the right business licenses and getting operating agreements — to manage your business. Pricing can depend on the type of business you're forming, the formation state and any other business management features you might need.

For a more bare-bones service, Tailor Brands is a standout option. At the most basic tier, you can file an LLC application in your state and get it processed within 14 days. For this, you'll only pay your state's filing fee. Other tiers are more costly but offer services beyond just LLC application filing.

The highest pricing tier for Tailor Brands — the Elite package — comes with LLC formation, expedited LLC filing (processed within two days), legal compliance, a domain name and website plus a $50 Amazon gift card all for $249 per year plus your state's fee. You'll also get access to a host of additional business tools with this tier, like digital business cards, eight free logos and more.

Tailor Brands

From $0 to $249/year + state fee

Tailor Brands offers a basic LLC filing service for new business owners that costs $0 (you'll just pay your state's filing fee). It also offers a more comprehensive suite of business management services for a yearly subscription fee, including a website, domain, compliance services, business cards, logos and more.

Another service, Bizee , offers a ton of bang for your buck even at the most basic pricing tier ($0 + your state's filing fee). At this pricing level, you can take advantage of

  • unlimited business name searches
  • paperwork filing
  • access to a Registered Agent (to assist with state compliance for a year)
  • compliance alerts
  • banking offers
  • business tax consulting
  • unlimited phone and email support.

There are also several add-ons for an additional charge that you can pick and choose from.

From $0 to $299/year + state fee

Bizee offers a slew of features even at the most basic pricing tier. You'll be able to submit your business filing, receive compliance alerts and take advantage of business tax consultations, business banking offers and unlimited phone and email support. There are also several add ons you can pay extra for at any tier.

A business license is an official permit distributed by a state or local government allowing an organization to conduct business. Not all businesses may require a license but there are certain industries where you must have a license to operate.

For instance, if you're opening a business as an esthetician and offering hair and nail services to clients, you'll likely need an esthetics license to perform those services. If you're opening a bakery, you'll also need a license to prepare and sell food. And if you're starting a construction business, you'll want to get licensed as a contractor. 

As you might imagine, there are many consequences for operating a business without a license — especially if your services result in harm.

Always be sure to check with your state or jurisdiction's business license requirements before you begin operating. 

An employer identification number (EIN) allows the IRS to identify your business and track its tax activities. 

While an EIN may not be necessary for every type of business, certain entities are required to have one, including corporations, partnerships and organizations with employees. 

Business owners can visit the IRS website for additional information on who needs an EIN.

It's free to get an EIN. You'll just need to submit IRS Form SS-4 . If you choose to apply and submit your information online, your EIN will be issued immediately, according to the IRS website . If you apply by mail, it'll take approximately four weeks to process your application. 

There's also the option to apply by fax, which will allow you to receive an EIN within four business days. 

Business insurance can protect your business and its physical property, but it can also provide coverage in the event of a lawsuit, harm, theft and more. 

For instance, if a natural disaster wrecks your bakery's storefront or the vehicles you use to make deliveries get broken into, you can file an insurance claim to cover your losses.

Insurance can also help pay for some expenses if your business is facing a lawsuit. Or, if an employee becomes sick or injured while doing their job, an insurance policy that includes worker's compensation will allow your business to provide the medical care they need. 

The type of insurance and the amount of coverage you need will depend on the business you're running and how much risk is involved with that business. 

CNBC Select ranked The Hartford Business Insurance as one of the best providers for small business insurance since this company services many industries at relatively affordable prices. Nationwide also excels at offering a wide variety of plans to business owners.

The Hartford Business Insurance

The best way to estimate your costs is to request a quote

Policy highlights

The Hartford has been offering insurance policies for over 200 years and insures over 1 million small businesses. It offers coverage for a variety of industries and is highly rated for customer satisfaction.

App available

  • Quotes available online
  • Highly rated for customer satisfaction
  • App doesn't support business policy management

Nationwide Business Insurance

Nationwide offers insurance policies for small and large businesses alike in a variety of industries. A number of insurance types also help business owners to tailor their coverage.

Keeping your business finances separate from your personal finances is ideal since it allows you to stay organized and keep better track of your transactions come tax time. Plus, some lenders and grant funders require that you have a business bank account so that you can receive your funds. 

It's fairly simple to open a business bank account, and the process is very similar to opening a personal bank account. 

CNBC Select ranked the Bluevine Business Checking Account as one of the best accounts for small businesses since it doesn't charge a monthly maintenance fee, has no minimum deposit required to open the account and no minimum balance requirements. On top of that, account holders earn interest on their balances and get access to a convenient mobile app.

Bluevine Business Checking

Special offer, monthly maintenance fee.

Standard $0; Bluevine Plus $30/month (with options to waive) ; Premier $95/month (with options to waive)

Minimum deposit to open

Standard: 2.0% APY on balances up to and including $250,000 if you meet a monthly activity goal* Bluevine Plus: 3.0% APY for Plus customers Premier: 4.25% APY without minimum qualifications

Free ATM network

No fees at over 38,000 ATM locations nationwide

ATM fee reimbursement

Small business perks.

Two free checkbooks

Mobile check deposit

Terms apply. Bluevine accounts are FDIC insured up to $3 million per depositor through Coastal Community Bank, Member FDIC

  • No monthly fees, monthly or daily balance minimums, ACH payment fees, incoming wire fees or overdraft fees
  • Ability to instantly lock and unlock your Bluevine Business Debit Mastercard® for added security
  • Connect to business tools like PayPal, Stripe and Expensify
  • Unlimited transactions
  • Online only (not great if you prefer in-person banking)
  • No ATM refunds for out-of-network transactions

*The requirements to earn interest are either:

  • Debit Card Spend: Spend $500 per month with Bluevine Business Debit Mastercard® issued by Coastal Community Bank pursuant to a license from Mastercard inc, which can be used everywhere Mastercard® is accepted.
  • Incoming Payments: Receive $2,500 per month in customer payments into Bluevine Business Checking account via ACH, wire transfer, mobile check deposit, or directly from merchant payment processing provider

As for savings accounts, one of the strongest options on the market is the Axos Bank Business Premium Savings account. It doesn't charge a monthly maintenance fee, doesn't have a minimum deposit required to open the account and there are no overdraft fees. It offers a very attractive APY for account balances and you can deposit checks into the account through the mobile app.

Axos Bank Business Premium Savings

Minimum deposit.

Up to 6 free withdrawals or transfers per statement cycle

Yes, if the account holder has an Axos business checking account

  • Above-average APY
  • Deposit checks remotely using your mobile device
  • No physical branches for in-person banking

Set up your accounting system

As a business owner, you'll need to prepare for tax events and manage your cash flow to help you reach your business goals year-round. Working with a professional can help you understand the numbers underpinning your business and clarify what decisions you need to make for long-term success.

"Staying organized is key," says Sheneya Wilson, Founder and CEO of Fola Financial. "Work with a professional who's not just interested in giving you services at the end of the year but rather someone who can work with you throughout the year so you can be prepared."

Of course, good professionals can cost a lot of money. If you want to take a more DIY approach to your business's accounting, consider paying a small monthly fee for software like Quickbooks or Xero . These types of programs can often help you track business expenses, pay bills, and accept payments. They can also integrate with payroll services to make paying your employees simple.

Quickbooks® Payroll

Starts at $22.50/month + $6/month per employee (with discount; regular price starts at $75/month + $6/month per employee)

Benefits Administration

401(k) plans, health benefits, workers' compensation administration

Starts at $3.75 per month for three months (with discount; regular pricing starts at $15 per month)

Yes, through a partnership with Gusto

Yes, in partnership with Gusto; When you sign up for Xero you get 30 days of Gusto for free and after that, you must pay Gusto's standard charges

Once you've checked off all the other items on your to-do list, the last thing left is to actually launch your business and begin operating. 

Before you launch, it can be helpful to set up social media profiles for yourself so you can spread the word before your business is even running. You may be able to get your early clients and customers through friends and family. 

This is also where you can refer back to your business plan for steps on how you'll market the business and increase sales. 

Keep in mind that running a business means you're constantly learning and adapting. There will always be ups and downs but being able to pivot quickly and learn from what's working (and what's not working) can help you recover quickly and build a sustainable business.

Money matters — so make the most of it. Get expert tips, strategies, news and everything else you need to maximize your money, right to your inbox.  Sign up here .

Meet our experts 

At CNBC Select, we work with experts who have specialized knowledge and authority based on relevant training and/or experience. For this story, we interviewed: 

  • Sheneya Wilson, the Founder and CEO of Fola Financial
  • Shaliz Sadig Romano, the Co-Managing Partner at Romano Law 
  • Dr. Jenny Woo, the Founder and CEO of Mind Brain Emotion 
  • Abby Mercado, the Co-Founder and CEO of Rescripted and a former Venture Capital Investor at the Altira Group

Why trust CNBC Select? 

At CNBC Select, our mission is to provide our readers with high-quality service journalism and comprehensive consumer advice so they can make informed decisions with their money. Every article is based on rigorous reporting by our team of expert writers and editors with extensive knowledge of small business products. To research the best insurance companies, we compiled over 100 data points on more than a dozen insurance companies. While CNBC Select earns a commission from affiliate partners on many offers and links, we create all our content without input from our commercial team or any outside third parties, and we pride ourselves on our journalistic standards and ethics. See  our methodology  for more information on how we choose the best commercial auto insurance companies. 

Catch up on CNBC Select's in-depth coverage of  credit cards ,  banking  and  money , and follow us on  TikTok ,  Facebook ,  Instagram  and  Twitter  to stay up to date.

For rates and fees of the Blue Business Plus Credit Card from from American Express, click here

Find the right savings account for you

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  • Bilt and Walgreens partner to simplify FSA, HSA purchases Jason Stauffer
  • Chase Ink Business Cash vs. Chase Ink Business Unlimited Jason Stauffer
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The Best Project Plan Template

  • Michaela Rollings
  • August 23, 2024

Table of Contents

In any organization, project plans are essential documents that outline the goals, objectives, scope, timelines, resources, and potential risks associated with a specific project.

These plans provide a roadmap for all team members to follow and help ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. Better yet, having a project plan template make that roadmap even more clear and replicable across teams.

The Main Benefits of Project Plans

One of the key benefits of project plans is that they provide a clear direction for all team members involved in the project. By clearly outlining the goals and objectives of the project, team members can understand what is expected of them and how their individual contributions fit into the bigger picture. This helps to align everyone’s efforts towards achieving the desired outcome – and that’s even easier with a project plan template.

Project plans also help to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. By outlining the specific timelines and resources required for each phase of the project, project managers can better track progress and make adjustments as needed to keep the project on track.

Hive’s to-do list view pictured above.

This helps to mitigate the risk of delays and cost overruns, which can have a significant impact on the overall success of the project.

Additionally, project plans help to identify potential risks and challenges that may arise during the project. By considering these factors early on, project managers can develop strategies to address them proactively and minimize their impact on the project.

This can help to improve the overall chances of success and reduce the likelihood of unforeseen issues derailing the project. Making project plans repeatable with a project plan template also helps the reduction of issues that could arise.

What Does A Project Plan Template Help You Do?

What’s even better than any old project plan? A free project plan template, built custom for your team and needs. When you’re just starting out, you don’t always have the money, time, or energy to spend on paying someone to build out a complex plan. But our free project plan plan template will cover that for you.

Set Clear Goals

One of the key reasons why project plans are important is that they help teams to clarify their vision and set concrete goals for their project. By outlining the project’s mission, objectives, and strategies, a project plan provides a framework for decision-making and helps to keep the team or organization on track towards its long-term goals – it can even help you automate them.

Without a clear plan in place, it can be easy for teams to lose focus and become overwhelmed by day-to-day operations. That’s why we’re helping you develop this project plan template – it will take you 60 seconds to create, and it will save you HOURS down the line. Here’s why it’s helpful to have a project plan template.

Communicate With Stakeholders

In addition to providing a roadmap for the business, a well-developed project plan also serves as a communication tool for stakeholders. Whether it’s potential investors, employees, or suppliers, a project plan can help to convey the project’s goals and objectives in a clear and concise manner. There’s no easier way to ensure you’re all on the same page than a project template.

This can be particularly important when seeking financing, as lenders and investors will want to see a well-thought-out plan that demonstrates the company’s potential for success.

Anticipating Future Challenges

Another key reason why project plans and a project plan template are important is that they help store and replicate successful past projects. If you’ve got a project template that has been battle-tested and used throughout the course of months and years, it’s easier to guarantee project success.

This level of preparation can also help the business to navigate unforeseen challenges and adapt to changing market conditions.

6 Steps to Writing A Project Plan

Writing a project plan is essential for effectively managing and executing a project. To ensure success, it is important to follow a systematic approach to develop a comprehensive and well-thought-out plan.

The following are the steps needed to write a project plan, whether it’s from a project plan template for Word, or something more complex, like an agile project plan template:

1. Define the project scope: Identify the objectives, deliverables, timeline, budget, and resources required for the project. Clearly outline what needs to be accomplished and the constraints that need to be considered.

2. Identify key stakeholders: Determine who will be involved in the project and their roles and responsibilities. This includes team members, sponsors, clients, and any other relevant parties.

3. Create a work breakdown structure: Break down the project into smaller tasks and subtasks to organize and prioritize the work that needs to be done. This will help ensure that all aspects of the project are considered and accounted for.

4. Develop a timeline: Create a schedule that outlines the start and end dates of the project, as well as key milestones and deadlines. This will help keep the project on track and ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner.

5. Assign resources: Allocate resources, such as personnel, equipment, and budget, to each task in the project plan. This will help ensure that the necessary resources are available to complete the project successfully.

6. Monitor and control progress: Establish metrics and key performance indicators to track progress and measure the success of the project. Regularly review and update the project plan to address any deviations or issues that arise.

By following these steps, you can develop a well-structured and detailed project plan that will guide the successful completion of your project.

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These are just a few places to start! The sky is the limit, and we want this project plan template to be as customized as possible.

Have any feedback for us about project plans? Email us at [email protected].

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Estate Planning Guide and Checklist for 2024

Key takeaways.

  • Common estate planning documents are wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and living wills.
  • Everyone can benefit from having a will, no matter how small their estate or simple their wishes.
  • Online estate planning services offer basic packages for less than $200.
  • Estate planning attorneys can cost several hundred dollars per hour.
  • Estate plans must be updated after significant life events.

Why you can trust us

Our Reviews Team consists of trained lawyers who have spent hundreds of hours researching estate planning and using the services we recommend. We only recommend services we find to be helpful and accurate. To develop our reviews and guidance, we:

  • Spent 300 hours researching and using online estate planning services
  • Consulted with legal experts, probate attorneys, and financial planners to learn the best practices in estate planning
  • Went behind the paywall to gain firsthand experience with five of the top online will creation services to review and compare them with each other
  • Read hundreds of customer reviews on trusted third-party websites, such as Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Trustpilot

Trust & Will Logo

What is estate planning?

Organizing your affairs in preparation for the end of your life is an important task, and estate planning is an ongoing process that includes much more than writing a will. This type of planning helps determine who can make decisions on your behalf, who takes care of your dependents, and how to avoid unnecessary taxes and waiting periods.

Estate planning covers any decisions regarding money, property, medical care, dependent care, and other matters that can arise when a person dies.

The biggest benefit of estate planning is peace of mind—you’ll know your wishes will be fulfilled for the benefit of your loved ones. At the very least, everyone should have a simple estate plan in place.

Elements of estate planning

Most of this process consists of creating and finalizing estate planning documents, such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and living wills. You can be as detailed as you want. Some people even include a letter of instruction with their estate to walk their family members through the documents.

A will, formally called a “ last will and testament ,” is a legal document stating how you want your executor (the person legally obligated to administer your estate) to distribute your assets when you die.

Dying without a will is known as dying “intestate,” which means state law will dictate what happens with your estate.

Probate refers to the process of distributing your estate after you’ve died. Your estate will go through the probate process whether you die with or without a will, but having a will ensures your executor honors your wishes. Going through probate court without a will is more time consuming and expensive, with the money coming out of your estate first.

If you already know where you want your assets to go, it’s easy to make a will without a lawyer . Online will services offer interactive questionnaires to help you create a legally binding will specific to your state.

A trust is a legal contract that allows another person (the “trustee”) to hold property for you (the “grantor”). This is typically so the beneficiaries (individuals or institutions who stand to inherit something) can use the property at some point in the future. You can place money, physical assets, or anything else of value in a trust.

Trusts are also helpful to hold property when beneficiaries are minor children who are not yet fit to handle their full inheritance. In that situation, the property will stay in the trust until the beneficiaries reach a certain age.

Property is also distributed faster in a trust because you avoid a lengthy probate court process, so it’s sometimes preferred for that reason.

Living trust vs. testamentary trust

You can create a living trust , also called an inter vivos trust, to hold property both before and after your death.

A testamentary trust is a type of trust that a will creates, so it only becomes effective after the grantor’s death.

The difference between these two kinds of trusts is that a living trust is effective while the grantor is alive, and a testamentary trust only becomes effective after the grantor’s death.

Revocable vs. irrevocable living trusts

A revocable living trust is one where the grantor retains the right to modify, amend, revoke, or terminate the trust. In an irrevocable living trust, the grantor is not allowed to make changes to the trust, but some states may allow the trustee to transfer property in and out of an irrevocable trust with permission from the trust’s beneficiaries.

A revocable trust becomes irrevocable when the grantor dies, since they can no longer make changes to it. Some people choose to place their assets in a revocable trust rather than only using a will. Upon the grantor’s death, the executor distributes assets in a trust faster because they don’t have to go through probate.

Info icon

Helpful hint: Trusts are not just for wealthy people. Anyone who wants their property to go to their relatives in a quick and easy manner can create a trust. For example, parents of young children may put property in a trust specifically designated to fund a child’s education.

Power of attorney

Power of attorney (POA) refers to the authority you give someone else to make legal, financial, or medical decisions on your behalf. These documents are commonly included in online estate planning service packages.

The person to whom you grant power of attorney is called your “agent.” You identify this person in a document that only takes effect when you are considered unable to act on your own behalf, or you can grant someone POA for a specific purpose, such as purchasing a vehicle for you.

If you become unable to manage your own legal or financial affairs and you have not designated an agent to act on your behalf, a court may appoint one for you. Each state has its own laws on POAs, but the general types to be aware of include (but are not limited to) durable, limited, and financial.

A durable power of attorney means your agent can continue to act on your behalf even when your situation changes, such as if you become ill and are unable to make decisions. It can grant broad authority or be restricted to a specific purpose.

Helpful hint: Some states allow “springing” durable POAs, which means the POA only takes effect when you are deemed incapacitated. This is useful if you don’t want to give someone else decision-making authority right away, but want protection if you ever need someone to advocate on your behalf.

A limited power of attorney gives the agent authority to make decisions for a specific purpose, or for a limited period of time. In contrast, a general POA gives the agent broad authority to act.

A financial power of attorney gives the agent authority to manage your financial affairs. You can make this effective immediately or at the time of an event, like a sudden incapacitating illness or death.

Health care decisions

Health care is one of the most common aspects of estate planning. You want someone you trust to help ensure your wishes are respected if you become unable to advocate for yourself. Living wills, health care proxies, and advance health care directives are tools you can use to protect yourself in the future.

Living wills

A living will states your preferences regarding health care planning, such as whether you want life-extending treatment, how you want to manage long-term care, what procedures you do or do not want, and other end-of-life matters.

Health care proxies

A health care proxy is a durable POA specifically for medical treatment—you appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf when you are deemed unable to do so by a medical professional.

Advance health care directives

Advance directives is an umbrella term that can refer to any document regarding future medical decision-making. It can refer to a living will, health care proxy, or other legal document.

One document to include with your advance directive is a HIPAA authorization. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996). 1 This federal law protects your medical records by requiring a signed authorization form before you grant access to someone other than yourself. Having a signed authorization for your agent ensures they can access your medical records when the directive takes effect.

Tax planning documents

Taxes can take an alarming percentage of what you leave to your beneficiaries, but you can limit what taxes your estate pays in a few ways. Each state has its own tax laws, so your obligation will depend on where you live. While financial and tax planners are best equipped to advise you on these matters, you should consider a few types of taxes when organizing your affairs: estate, inheritance, and gift taxes.

According to the IRS, an estate tax applies to estates valued more than a certain threshold at the time of death. 2 You calculate the tax by:

  • Adding the fair market value of everything a person owns
  • Taking out deductions
  • Adding the value of gifts made during the person’s lifetime
  • Taking out any credits

If the estate value is above $13.61 million (as of 2024), the estate pays a tax to the federal government.

Inheritance tax

Only six states impose inheritance taxes:

  • Pennsylvania

While estate taxes are owed to the federal government, inheritance taxes are owed to the state government. Additionally, while estate taxes are paid directly from the estate itself, inheritance taxes are paid by the heir or beneficiaries based on what they received in probate.

These taxes do not apply to surviving spouses or to payouts from life insurance policies. Instead, inheritance taxes usually only apply to more distant relatives and heirs. It’s unlikely this tax affects you, but it’s good to be aware of it if you live in one of the six states that apply it.

Many people choose to make gifts during their lifetime to reduce the value of their estate when they die. According to the IRS, gifting can take different forms : selling something for less than its full value, transferring the right to use income from property, or transferring money or property without expecting to receive the full value in return. 3 Usually, the person giving the gift owes the tax, but other arrangements are possible with the advice of a tax professional.

Estate planning checklist 2024

The best way to approach estate planning for the first time is to make a checklist for yourself. Everyone has unique needs, and an estate planning attorney may be helpful if your needs are complex. Before making the choice whether to hire an attorney or do it yourself, these are general steps you can take to get started.

☐ Take an inventory

Write down everything you own of value that you can think of. This may seem overwhelming, but keeping a running list of assets is worth the time to make sure nothing important is left out. Make sure to consider both tangible and intangible assets. Tangible assets are:

  • Other physical items of value

Intangible assets are:

  • Bank accounts
  • Retirement accounts, like 401(k)s or IRAs
  • Life insurance plans
  • Financial elements, like bonds or annuities
  • Other nonphysical items

Listing liabilities, like mortgages, lines of credit, and other debt, is a good idea as well. That’s because certain debts must be paid—even after death. In that case, it will come out of your estate.

☐ List your family members

The purpose of listing your family members is to account for the needs of immediate family and dependents. Your will and life insurance policies are the primary ways to plan for the needs of your surviving spouse and make guardianship designations for children and other dependents. Many people also make arrangements for pets.

☐ Choose which directives you want in place

The more you plan ahead, the fewer decisions you’ll have to make during an already stressful time. The tools discussed in this article (such as living wills, powers of attorney, and trusts) make navigating illness and other end-of-life matters easier because you’ll have a plan for most scenarios. Decide which tools you want in place and how to set them up.

Once you know which directives you want to include in your life plan, talk to anyone you are considering naming as an agent. You’ll want to be sure they are willing to act if needed. You should also consider naming secondary agents if the first person is unavailable when the directive takes effect.

☐ Designate your beneficiaries

A beneficiary is a person or institution inheriting a piece of your estate, such as money, physical property, or control of or interest in a business.

You should name your beneficiaries on your bank accounts, retirement accounts, and life insurance policies. If you name beneficiaries to those accounts in your will, make sure the names match to avoid any confusion.

Choose backup beneficiaries for your assets if a person is unavailable or dies before your estate distribution. You can also name a beneficiary in a “residuary” clause in your will. This person will inherit anything left over after your estate distribution.

Helpful hint: This is a good time to check the named beneficiaries on all of your accounts to make sure they are updated. For example, if you are married for the second time, and your first spouse is still named as a beneficiary of a bank account, you can change it to your current spouse to avoid conflict in the future.

☐ Look up your state’s laws

States have different laws regarding what happens when a person dies. To ensure you have optimal asset protection, check your state’s probate and estate or inheritance tax laws . If you believe an estate or inheritance tax may apply in your state, contact a professional to help you reduce your tax burden as much as possible.

☐ Choose a law firm or online service

Now that you have a clear picture of your estate and who should receive it, you can decide whether an online estate planning service is right for you.

If you aren’t leaving behind any dependents and you have a good idea of how you want to distribute your estate, you can easily find an online legal service to get you started with estate planning documents and help you create a will online. Many services include living wills and POAs, as well as the option for attorney advice.

If you have dependents who will need care after you’ve died, you want to disinherit a family member, or you’re generally having trouble deciding how to divide your estate, you have two options. The first is to use an online estate planning service and opt for the package that includes attorney assistance. Services will typically charge an annual fee to have access to an attorney. Still, this fee is likely to be less than paying for a private attorney.

Our top choices for estate planning services offer basic will packages starting at $39.99. But you can get a package that includes attorney assistance, as well as additional estate planning documents, for around $249. Estate planning attorneys will either offer services for a flat fee or charge several hundred dollars per hour to work with you.

If you have more complex needs, you may want to contact a law firm specializing in estate administration and planning. Many attorneys offer free consultations to help you find the best fit.

After estate planning

Once you’ve finalized all the necessary documents and the originals are in one safe space, remember to keep them updated.

We spoke with Tim Hurban , Esq., an estate planning attorney licensed in Georgia and Michigan with more than 12 years of experience, about how often and when you should update your estate planning documents. He advised “updating your will and other estate planning documents . . . based on individual circumstances and life events.” Specifically, Hurban told us you should review and update these documents in situations such as changes in:

  • Family structure (marriage, divorce, children, grandchildren)
  • Assets and liabilities (property, business, financial circumstances)
  • Laws (tax, inheritance)
  • Personal wishes
  • Health care preferences

Typically you should revisit your estate plans every three to five years—even without major life changes. If you create your documents using an online will maker service, many services offer free, unlimited changes for at least the first 30 days after purchase. With services that offer a membership, you’ll generally be able to make unlimited updates to your estate documents, so long as you pay the monthly or annual subscription. The Reviews Team chose Trust & Will as the “Editor’s Pick” in our roundup of the best online will makers of 2024 because of their helpful guidance and ongoing updates, a service that costs $199.99.

You can supplement the benefits of estate planning by using other tools to plan for your future. NCOA’s Age Well Planner gives personalized guidance on financial, health, and other decisions.

Frequently asked questions

Estate planning is not only about your peace of mind—it gives your loved ones guidance on how to move forward after you’re gone. It also plans for the care of individuals or animals who depend on you. Effective estate planning can also minimize the tax burden and probate costs that would typically deplete your estate.

The biggest mistake you can make in estate planning is failing to have a plan at all. A simple will is better than no plan—even if your situation is complicated. Other common mistakes are not properly executing estate planning documents, not providing for future care of dependents, and not expressing wishes for end-of-life care.

Not necessarily. Many small or straightforward estates can be managed using a low-cost online service. These services sometimes provide the option of consulting with an attorney for an additional fee. For very large or complex estates, consulting a specialized attorney or tax professional is a good idea.

Absolutely not! Everyone benefits from estate planning. In fact, failing to plan can lead to lengthy court processes and high probate fees, which affect small estates to a greater degree than large ones. Planning ahead allows your loved ones to keep as much of your estate as possible by avoiding unnecessary costs or taxes.

Have questions about this review? Email us at [email protected] .

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Found on the internet at https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html
  • IRS.gov. Estate Tax. Found on the internet at https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/estate-tax
  • IRS.gov. Frequently Asked Questions on Gift Taxes. Found on the internet at https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/frequently-asked-questions-on-gift-taxes

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