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▾ Wörterbuch (Deutsch)

Dissertation substantiv, feminin —, dissertation n, doctoral thesis n, kumulative dissertation f —, seine dissertation f —, vorgelegte dissertation f —, medizinische dissertation f —, exzellente dissertation f —, ▸ wörterbuch (deutsch), dissertation substantiv ( plural: dissertations ) —, dissertation f, diplomarbeit f, doktorarbeit f, degree dissertation n —, dissertation project n —, final dissertation n —, cumulative dissertation n —, dissertation work n —, dissertation subject n —, doctoral dissertation n —, excellent dissertation n —, dissertation text n —, medical dissertation n —, dissertation prize n —, degree dissertation title n —, long dissertation n —, dissertation projects pl —, ▸ externe ungeprüfte quellen (englisch), ▾ externe ungeprüfte quellen (deutsch).

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englisch deutsch dissertation

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Theses and Dissertations

The following resources are general indexes to theses and dissertations on all topics, including those on Germanic Studies. Dissertations are important as they often express the most innovative work on a topic; include comprehensive citations and bibliographies of primary and secondary sources; and provide detailed literature reviews and theoretical discussions.

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global This index includes dissertations and masters theses from most North American graduate schools as well as many European universities. Full text is provided for most indexed dissertations from 1997 to the present, while most dissertations from 1980 on include abstracts written by the author. Orders for complete dissertations before 1997 may be placed online, but check UW's Library Catalog first to see if they are owned on campus. Free interlibrary loan may also be a possibility
  • Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL) Covers from 1920 to present. Includes doctoral dissertations about English language, literature, and culture published anywhere in the world
  • DART-Europe DART-Europe is a project by research libraries and library consortia to improve global access to European research theses
  • Dissonline.de - Digitale Dissertationen im Internet Open access dissertations online, a service of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, integrated into their larger catalog (after entering search, limit to Hochschulschriften and even further to Online Ressourcen ). Instructions, in German, here
  • Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) OS offers free access to the full text of nearly 100,000 electronically stored UK theses; of the remaining 200,000 records dating back to at least 1800, many are available to be ordered for scanning through the EThOS digitisation-on-demand facility. A rich resource!
  • Foreign Dissertations at the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) CRL holds more than 800,000 foreign dissertations and Habilitationsschriften from universities outside of the US and Canada. If you know the exact title of a dissertation and do not find it in the CRL Catalog, CRL has a program to purchase foreign doctoral dissertations for scholars' individual research needs; such requests should be initiated via Interlibrary Loan
  • Helveticat The catalog of the Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek; search for dissertations by combining diss with a keyword
  • Index to Theses in Great Britain and Ireland A comprehensive listing of theses with abstracts accepted for higher degrees by universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland since 1716. As of 2013, there were 589,028 theses in the collection, with 355,862 having abstracts
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). NDLTD supports electronic publishing and open access to scholarship in order to enhance the sharing of knowledge worldwide. Try the new Global ETD Search
  • Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD) Index of more than 1.5 million electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), with preference given to records of graduate-level theses freely available online
  • Österreichische Dissertationsdatenbank This database references over 99,000 dissertations and theses held at Austrian Universities; about two-thirds are abstracted in both German and English
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  • Last Updated: Mar 4, 2024 9:12 AM
  • URL: https://researchguides.library.wisc.edu/german


Ph.D. Dissertations


In addition to excellent mentorship and advising, we provide financial support – more than half of our doctoral students are employed by the department or on affiliated research projects. Further, many of our Ph.D. students are supported by scholarships and/or grants.

The primary contact person for doctoral students is Dr. Gert Fehlner .

The following is an overview of all in-progress and completed Ph.D. dissertations, dating back to the 1990s.

(Updated: September 2023)

Table of Contents

  • English Literature

Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen

Prof. dr. monika fludernik, prof. dr. barbara korte.

  • North American Studies

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck

Prof. dr. sieglinde lemke.

  • English Linguistics

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Kortmann

Prof. dr. dr. h.c. christian mair, prof. dr. dr. h.c. hildegard l.c. tristram (†), english literature.

In progress :

  • Anderson, Nathan "Critical Practices, Critical Theory: Literary Criticism Now and Then"
  • García de Alba Lobeira, Sonia "Narratological Approaches to the Study of Interiority in Middle English Romance"
  • Haufe, Dunja "Medieval Shapeshifters"

Huber, Mareike "The Functions and Effects of Invented Languages across Different Types of Media"

  • Janeva, Kalina "Representations of Female Hunger in Women's Prose in English from the Early Modern Period to Modernism"

Müller, Mariam "Female Embodied Experiences in Body Horror"

  • Straßburg, Sebastian "Representation of Consciousness in the Early Modern English Pastoral Romance"

Wolf, Sophia Elisabeth Philomena "Retellings of Premodern Texts"

  • Herlyn, Anne "Dialogue and Narrative Structures in Middle English Verse Romances"
  • Keller, Nikola | GRK 1767 "Von Sklaverei erzählen – Sklaverei abschaffen? Erzählende Passagen in deutsch- und französischsprachigen Abolitionsdramen des 18. Jahrhunderts (1725–1802)"  (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Judith Frömmer, Universität Freiburg)
  • Kleinschmidt, Sebastian | GRK 1767 Narrating Salvation – Narrative Techniques in Middle English Afterlife Visions
  • Luo, Xi "Ritual on the Contemporary Stage: Narrative and Performance"
  • ALBER, Jan (2005, publ. 2007). Narrating the Prison: Role and Representation in Charles Dickens' Novels, Twentieth-Century Fiction, and Film
  • ALDERS, Maximilian (2015, publ. 2016). Mind-Telling: Social Minds in Fiction and History
  • BUTTER, Michael (2007, publ. 2009). The Epitome of Evil: Hitler in American Fiction, 1939–2002 (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke, Universität Bonn)
  • CAMBIAGHI, Mara (2015, publ. 2020). A.S. Byatt's Art of Memory
  • CHRIST, Birte (2008, publ. 2012). Modern Domestic Fiction. Popular Feminism, Mass-Market Magazines, and Middle-Class Culture, 1905–1925
  • FEST, Kerstin (2005, publ. 2009). ...And All Women Mere Players? The Construction of Feminine Identity in the Novels of Dorothy Richardson, Jean Rhys and Radclyffe Hall
  • FONIOKOVÁ, Zuzana (2009, publ. 2015). Kazuo Ishiguro and Max Frisch: Bending Facts in Unreliable and Unnatural Narration (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Milada Franková, Masaryk-Universität, Brünn)
  • FRANZEN, Johannes (2016, publ. 2018). Indiskrete Fiktionen: Theorie und Praxis des Schlüsselromans 1960–2015   (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Werner Frick, Universität Freiburg | GRK 1767)
  • HAMILTON, Theresa (2012, publ. 2013). Humorous Structures in Comic English Narratives, 1200–1600
  • HARTY, John Francis (2007, publ. 2009). Oscillation in Literary Modernism
  • HENKE, Daniela | GRK 1767 (2021, publ. 2023) Zerborstene Texte und Wirklichkeiten in der Schwebe: Experimentelles Erzählen über den Nationalsozialismus (1990–2010) (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Sabina Becker, Universität Freiburg)
  • HESTERMANN, Sandra (2001). Meeting the Other – Encountering Oneself: Paradigmen der Selbst- und Fremddarstellung in ausgewählten anglo-indischen und indisch-englischen Kurzgeschichten
  • JACOBY, Nathalie (2000). "Skrupulosität im Umgang mit der elend festgeschriebenen Realität macht die schönsten Geschichten kaputt! Zur formalen Integration von fiktiven und faktischen Elementen in der Literatur am Beispiel der zeitgenössischen fiktionalen Biographie" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Willy Michel, Universität Freiburg)
  • LEDERER, Thomas (2005, publ. 2007). Sacred Demonization: Saints' Legends in the English Renaissance
  • MUNZ, Melina | SFB 1015 (2020). "Otiose Leisure in Contemporary Indian Fiction in English"
  • NANDI, Miriam (2005, publ. 2007). M/Other India/s: Zur literarischen Verarbeitung von Armuts- und Kastenproblematik in ausgewählten Texten der indisch-englischen und muttersprachlichen indischen Literatur seit 1935
  • NOOR, Farha | SFB 1015 (2022). "Leisurely Feelings: Conceptualising Emotional Manifestations of Otium in South Asia" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Hans Harder, Universität Heidelberg)
  • RICCARDI, Silvia (2020). "Anatomy of Dark Romanticism. Enacting the Deviant in Literature and the Visual Arts" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan Alber, RWTH Aachen)
  • SCHWARZ-SPRONDEL, Johanna (2010). "Mythos als philosophisches und literarisches Problem" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmuth Gander, Universität Freiburg | Promotionskolleg "Geschichte und Erzählen")
  • SHAMS, Golnaz (2018, publ. 2020).  Social Minds in Drama: The Delineation of Mentalities and Collectives
  • SIVERIO, Francesca (2023) "Negotiating Temporalities. Performing the Cultural Present in Selected Works by Salman Rushdie, Jeet Thayll and Rana Dasgupta"
  • SPOHN, Verena (2018, publ. 2023). Vom Du erzählen: Die Du-Anrede als narrative Strategie in volkssprachlichen religiösen Texten des späten Mittelalters (Erstbetreuung: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Henrike Manuwald, Universität Göttingen | GRK 1767)
  • THOSS, Jeff (2011, publ. 2016). When Storyworlds Collide: Metalepsis in Popular Fiction, Film and Comics (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Werner Wolf, Universität Graz)
  • WEILER, Christina (2017). The Romantic Roots of Cognitive Poetics: A Comparative Study of Poetic Metaphor in Herder, Novalis, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Shelley (Erstbetreuung : Beate I. Allert, Purdue University)
  • WAßMER, René | SFB 1015 (2020, publ. 2022). Muße in der Metropole: Flanerie in der deutschen Publizistik und Reiseliteratur um 1800 (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Peter Philipp Riedl, Universität Freiburg)
  • WIRTH, Annika (2020). "Narrating Captivity, Narrating Identity: Identity, Ideology, and Dissidence in Factual Gulf War Captivity Narratives"

PD Dr. Benjamin Kohlmann | Chair of Prof. Fludernik

  • HATTON, Nikolina (2019, publ. 2020). The Agency of Objects in English Prose, 1789–1832: Conspicuous Things

In progress – primary supervision:

  • Bantle, Sophie "The Neo-Victorian Detective Series in Popular Anglophone Fiction and Television"
  • Beckers, Cornelius "Through Pen and Paper: Ordering Knowledge and the Consolidation of Imperial Power in Early British India, c. 1750-1830"
  • Bender, Stefanie "Future Fictions in the 21 st  Century: Ethics and Aesthetics"
  • Eckert, Celina "A Winding Path to Taking Roots: Concepts of Gardens and Gardening in British Travel Texts, 19 th Century to Present"
  • Fortmeier, Lilli "Hellenic Universalism as Post-Imperial Practice"
  • Kapp, Tanja "New Psychogeography: Inter- and Transmediality in Contemporary Forms of Walking"
  • Machata, Klara "Space, Place and the Anthropocene in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction"
  • Sarica, Özlem " From Victim to Hero? Reconfigurations of the Female Detective on British Television"
  • Sperlich, Kristina "The Heroic in Contemporary Children's and Young Adult Fiction"

  In progress – secondary supervision:

  • Baumann, Uwe "Dunkle Moderne als Reiseziel. Touristifizierung und mediale Repräsentation von 'verlassenen' Architekturen europäischer Regime: Ein adriatischer Vergleich" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Markus Tauschek, Universität Freiburg)
  • Riggert, Mirja "Weiblichkeitskonstruktionen in autobiografischen Reiseerzählungen und deren mediale Repräsentationen in Geschichte und Gegenwart" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Michaela Holdenried, Universität Freiburg)
  • Neubrandt, Susanne „Die Rezeption Arthur Schnitzlers in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Universität Freiburg)
  • Winsky, Nora "Touristische Praktiken und deren mediale Repräsentationen im Kontext von Freiburg und der Schwarzwaldregion" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag, Universität Freiburg)
  • Zimmermann, Gisela "Pilgern im Zeitalter der digitalen Kommunikation" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Markus Tauschek, Universität Freiburg)

Completed  – primary supervision:

  • BAY, Katja (2012).  Im Spiegel der Zukunft: Wissenskultur und -ethik in  Star Trek: Voyager
  • CHURN, Natalie (2014).   It's Time: Social Justice and Concepts of Time in Australian Public and Popular Culture
  • DUESTERBERG, Susanne (2013, publ. 2015).   Popular Receptions of Archaeology :  Fictional and Factual Texts in 19 th  and Early 20 th -Century Britain
  • EWERS, Isabell (2021). "The Sherlock Holmes Paradigm in Contemporary Crime Series"
  • FLOTHOW, Dorothea (2005, publ. 2007).  Told in Gallant Stories: Erinnerungsbilder des Krieges in britischen Kinder- und Jugendromanen 1870-1939
  • GÖB, Kathrin (2014).   KriegsreporterInnen und das Militär: Eine Untersuchung britischer und US-amerikanischer Korrespondentenmemoiren aus dem Golfkrieg 1991 und dem Irakkrieg 2003
  • HADAMITZKY, Christiane (2016). "Homely, Easy and Attainable for All": The Representation of Heroism in Victorian Periodicals 1850 to 1900 – „Chamber's Journal"–"Leisure Hour"–"Fraser's Magazine"
  • HERMANN, Martin (2015).  A History of Fear: British Apocalyptic Fiction, 1895–2011
  • KAPP, Tanja (2023). "Urban Psychogeography: City Walks and New Intermedialities"
  • KATTANEK, Sita Maria (2013).  "Representations of Organ Transplants: Western Fantasies and Black Market Realities"
  • LECHNER, Doris (2016).   Histories for the Many: The Victorian Family Magazine and Popular Representations of the Past.  "The  Leisure  Hour" , 1852 – 1870
  • LIEDKE, Heidi (2016, publ. 2018).  The Experience of Idling in Victorian Travel Texts, 1850–1901
  • PIRKER, Eva Ulrike (2011, publ. 2012).  Narrative Projections of a Black British History
  • SCHÜLY, Christoph (2009).  Charles Dickens: Popularisierungen eines populären Autors im 19., 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
  • SPITTEL, Christina (2009).  "Based on a True Story: The Great War in Australian Novels, 1914–2008"
  • TAKORS, Jonas (2014, publ. 2017).  Henry VIII in Twenty-First Century Popular Culture
  • ZIPP, Georg (2021). "Ways of Articulating and Negotiating Poverty and Social Inequality in 20 th - and 21 st -Century Caribbean Fiction"

Completed – secondary supervision:

  • FRITSCHER-FEHR, Melanie (2016, publ. 2019).  Demokratie im Ohr. Das Radio als geschichtskultureller Akteur in Westdeutschland, 1945–1963 (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek)
  • FEHRLE, Johannes (2011, publ. 2012).  Postmodern Gunslinger in a Transnational West: Revisions of the Western in Canadian and American Literature (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck, Universität Freiburg)
  • HARDT, Maria-Xenia (2020). "Heroes Through Time: The Process of Heroization and Heroic Moments in  Doctor Who " (Primary Supervisor: PD Dr. Nicole Falkenhayner, Universität Freiburg)
  • KIRCHER, Marco (2011, publ. 2012).  Wa(h)re Archäologie. Die Medialisierung archäologischen Wissens im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marlies Heinz, Universität Freiburg)
  • LINDNER, Oliver (2003, publ. 2005).  "Solitary on a Continent": Raumentwürfe in der spätviktorianischen Science Fiction (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elmar Schenkel, Universität Leipzig)
  • VAN TOURHOUT, Benjamin (2017). "Hybrid Heroes & Ambiguous Empathy" (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bart Philipsen, Universität Leuven)
  • VEDERNIKOV, Sergey (2021). "The Rhetoric of Disaster" (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck, Universität Freiburg)
  • WURICH, Marc (2016, publ. 2019).  Urbanitätserfahrung und Erzählen. Berlin-Romane zwischen 1880 und 1920 (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Universität Freiburg)

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge | Chair of Prof. Korte

  • Busch, Sarah "Emotional Audiences – An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Role of Affect in the Reception of Postdramatic Theatre"

Donelly, Orla "The Political Activism of Twenty-first-century Irish Stand-up Comedians"

Kübler, Lukas "Fremde Räume und soziokulturelle Propriozeption – Eine Raumästhetik; Selbstverortung in und durch Alternativwelten und deren Veränderung durch digitale Räume"

Sereni, Eleonora "Female Superheroes in Films and TV Series of the Comic-Book 'Modern Age'"


In progress:

  • Aksay, Kübra "Narrativity and Performativity in Modern Video Games"
  • Ergin, Ece "The Indigenous Experience and Trauma: Narrativizing Survival in the midst of Uncovering Canada’s Residential School Memory"
  • King, Kathi "African American Woman Writers and the WPA" (AT)
  • Reineke-Kurz, Anja "American Crime Fiction in Transition" (AT)
  • Remy-Kovach, Léna "'Finding Direction:' Strategies for Healing and Survivance in Contemporary Wonderworks from Turtle Island"
  • Rüskamp, Eva. "Caught Between Conservation and Transformation: Locating Rural Spaces and their Communities in the Sustainable Transition (Case Study: Central and Southern Appalachia)"
  • Ruschen, Alina Zoe "Helden, Vorbilder, Autoritäten. Adaptionen von Klassikern in der zeitgenössischen englischsprachigen Jugendliteratur"
  • Rüskamp, Eva "Caught Between Conservation and Transformation: Locating Rural Spaces and their Communities in the Sustainable Transition (Case Study: Central and Southern Appalachia)"
  • Sautter, Christopher "History of Muralism"
  • Seefeldt, Kristina "Heroism and the U.S. Military Complex"
  • Sultany, Aiyal "Persuasion Strategies Used in Political Texts"
  • Tomlinson, Donna "Staged! Representations of Adult Offspring Identities in Selected Twentieth-Century Drama Texts"
  • FEHRLE, Johannes (2012). " Revisionist Westerns in Canadian and U.S. American  Literature"
  • FRANKIEWICZ, Shane (2018). "The Western: A Diachronic Analysis of the All-American Genre" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. S. Lemke, Universität Freiburg)
  • VEDERNIKOV, Sergey (2021). "The Rhetoric of Disaster"
  • WHALEN, Tom (2008, publ. 2011). "The Birth of Death and Other Comedies: The Novels of Russell H. Greenan"
  • Bambey, Morgan "The Witch: Its Representation and Function in Contemporary American Culture"
  • Conrady, Claudia "Closet Narratives"
  • Domonell, Janek "Trauma and Cross-Cultural Solidarity: A Post-Colonial Reading of Teju Cole’s Oeuvre"
  • Gezici, Özde "The (Im)possibility of Doing Nothing: Sleep, Mourning and Mindfulness in the Neoliberal Era"
  • Howard, Jennifer "Cultural Change in Post-Covid America"
  • Huang, Minghsa "The Arts of Subversion: On Alice Walker's Novels in the Light of Feminist Theories"
  • Marx. Theresa "Representations of a Sustainable Future"
  • Sands, Sarah " African American Crime Fiction of the 20 th Century"
  • FRANKIEWICZ, Shane (2018). "The Western: A Diachronic Analysis of the All-American Genre"


  • Raphael, Sarah Sofie "English as a Lingua Franca in the Humanities? Language Policy in Structured Doctoral Programs in Germany"
  • Serditova, Dana "Salience in New Orleans English"

Completed :

  • BAI, Yinchun (2023). "Towards Discourse Markers: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Grammatical Constructionalization"
  • BLUMENTHAL-DRAMÉ, Alice (2011, publ. 2012).  Entrenchment in Usage-Based Theories: What Corpus Data Do and Do Not Reveal about the Mind
  • BOUR, Anthony (2014, publ. 2015).   Description of Multiple Modality in Contemporary Scotland: Double and Triple Modals in the Scottish Borders
  • EHLERDING, Hannes (2011).   Changing Norms in English Language Teaching: The Present and Future of Foreign Language Education at German  Gymnasien
  • HERNÁNDEZ Y SIEBOLD, Nuria (2011, publ. 2012).  Personal Pronouns in the Dialects of England: A Corpus Study of Grammatical Variation in Spontaneous Speech
  • ILIN, Natalia (2018).  Perception of Learner Errors and Non-Standard Features in the Native and Non-Native Language: Evaluation vs. Processing Cost
  • JUSKAN, Marten (2016, publ. 2017).  Production and Perception of Local Variants in Liverpool English: Change, Salience, Exemplar Priming
  • KINSEY, Sonya (2017). "Linguistic Markers of Canadian Aboriginal English"
  • MCCONNELL, Kyla (2023). "Individual Differences and Task Effects in Predictive Coding"
  • RÁCZ, Péter (2012, publ. 2013).  Salience in Sociolinguistics: A Quantitative Approach
  • ROLLER, Katja (2016).  Salience in Welsh English Grammar: A Usage-Based Approach
  • SCHNEIDER, Agnes (2015, publ. 2017).  Tense, Aspect and Modality in Ghanaian English: A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Progressive and the Modal  Will
  • SCHRÖTER, Verena (publ. 2019).  Null Subjects in Englishes. A Comparison of British English and Asian Englishes
  • SCHULZ, Monika (2011, publ. 2012).  Morphosyntactic Variation in British English Dialects: Evidence From Possession, Obligation and Past Habituality
  • SZMRECSANYI, Benedikt (2005, publ. 2006).  Morphosyntactic Persistence in Spoken English. A Corpus Study at the Intersection of Variationist Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Discourse Analysis

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford | Chair of Prof. Kortmann

  • Nedic, Vinko Fabian "Influence of Voice Pitch and Accent on Perception"
  • MAURER, Anne-Julie (2014).  Acquisition of Subphonetic Variation by German L2 Learners of English

Prof. Dr. Benedikt Szmrecsanyi | Chair of Prof. Kortmann

  • EHRET, Katharina (2016, publ. 2017).  An Information-Theoretic Approach to Language Complexity: Variation in Naturalistic Corpora
  • Bailey, Kebrina "Creole and English in a British Overseas Territory. Language Variations and Language Attitudes in 21 st Century Anguilla"
  • Bonnet, Isolde "Multilingualism and identity construction among Cameroonian immigrants in Europe"
  • Cuthbertson, Laura "Beyond Tense and Aspect: Temporal Conceptualisation in Present-day Spoken English"
  • Mahler, Hanna "English-German Contrastive Linguistics: A Quantitative Perspective"
  • Müller, Julia "Gender Systems as a Cause of Interference in Second-Language Processing"
  • Neuhausen, Miriam "Language and Identity in Mennonite Communities in Southern Ontario, Canada"
  • Song Shuang "Linguistic Expression of Emotions in English and Chinese Computer-mediated"
  • AYAFOR, Munang Isaiah (2005). Official Bilingualism in Cameroon: An Empirical Evaluation of the Status of English in Official Domains
  • CHITEZ, Madalina (2014). Learner Corpus Profiles: The Case of Romanian Learner English
  • CUTHBERSTSON, Laura (2023). Beyond Tense and Aspect: Temporal Conceptualisation in Present-Day Spoken English
  • DEUBER, Dagmar (2005).  Nigerian Pidgin in Lagos: Language Contact, Variation and Change in an African Urban Setting
  • DIACONU, Gabriela. (2012). Modality in New Englishes: A Corpus-Based Study of Obligation and Necessity
  • GÜNTHER, Ulrike (2002).   What's in a Laugh? Humour, Jokes and Laughter in the Conversational Corpus of the BNC
  • GUNDERMANN, Susanne (2014).   English-Medium Instruction: Modelling the Role of the Native Speaker in a Lingua Franca Context
  • HAJIYAN, Mehdi (2015). Connectors in Contrast: A Comparative Study of Iranian-Learner and Native-Speaker Usage
  • HINRICHS, Lars (2006). Codeswitching on the Web: English and Jamaican Creole in E-mail Communication
  • HÖHN, Nicole (2011).  Quotatives in the Jamaican Acrolect: Corpus-Based Variationist Studies of Vernacular Globalisation in World Englishes
  • HONKANEN, Mirka (2018). "'like my homeboy will say, THIS NA REALLY NAIJA': African-American and Nigerian resources in U.S.-Nigerians' Digital Communication"
  • HORCH, Stephanie (2016). Conversion in Asian Englishes: A Usage-Based Account of the Emergence of New Local Norms
  • HUNDT, Marianne (1998). New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction? A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Variation
  • JANTOS, Susanne (2009). Agreement in Educated Jamaican English: A Corpus Investigation of ICE-Jamaica
  • KOSSMANN, Bianca (2007).  ' Rich' and 'Poor' in the History of English: Corpus-Based Analyses of Lexico-Semantic Variation and Change in Old and Middle English
  • LAVERSUCH, Iman N. (2005). "The Discourse of Race: A Historical Analysis Based on Usage in the US: Census and Related Sources"
  • LEUNG, Glenda-Alicia (2013). A Synchronic Sociophonetic Study of Monophthongs in Trinidadian English
  • LI, Jingying (2020).  Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition: A Corpus-based Comparison of Chinese and German Learner English
  • LORENZ, David (2013). Contractions of English Semi-Modals: The Emancipating Effect of Frequency
  • MAZAHERYLAGHAB, Hamzeh (2013). Iranian Learner English: A Corpus-Based Study of Phrasal Verb Usage
  • MOLL, Andrea (2015). Jamaican Creole Goes Web. Sociolinguistic Styling and Authenticity in a Digital Yaad
  • MOLLIN, Sandra (2006). Euro-English: Assessing Variety Status
  • NITZL, Irene (1999).   Formen und Funktionen des Pidgin im zeitgenössischen nigerianischen Drama
  • PERCILLIER, Michael (2016).   World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition: Insights from Southeast Asian Englishes
  • ROHE, Udo (2018). The Progressive in Present-day Spoken English: Real-time Studies of its Spread and Functional Diversification
  • ROSENFELDER, Ingrid (2009). Sociophonetic Variation in Educated Jamaican English: An Analysis of the Spoken Component of ICE-Jamaica
  • RUDNICKA, Karolina (2018). The Statistics of Obsolescence: Purpose Subordinators in Late Modern English
  • SAND, Andrea (1996, publ. 1999). Linguistic Variation in Jamaica: A Corpus-Based Study of Radio and Newspaper Usage
  • SANDERSON, Tamsin (2008). Corpus • Culture • Discourse
  • SCHRÖDER, Anne (2003). Status, Functions, and Pros pects of Pidgin English: An Empirical Approach to Language Dynamics in Cameroon
  • SEDLATSCHEK, Andreas (2009). Contemporary Indian English: Variation and Change
  • SEGGEWISS, Friederike (2012). Current Changes in the English modals – A corpus-based Analysis of Present-day Spoken English
  • TERASSA, Laura (2017). Morphological Simplification in Asian Englishes: Frequency, Substratum Transfer, and Institutionalization
  • TRAŞCĂ, Luminiţa (2014).  [NOUN + NOUN] Constructions in English and Romanian Written Styles: A Corpus-based, Comparative Study of Frequency, Change and the Modernisation of Discourse Norms
  • VON SCHILLING, Martin (2007). Learner Training, Attitudes and Motivation – Exploring One Route to a Better Learner: An Investigation into the Effects of Learner Training on Young Adults Learning English as a Foreign Language
  • WAIBEL, Birgit (2007). Phrasal Verbs in Learner English: A Corpus-Based Study of German and Italian Students
  • WINKLE, Claudia (2015). Non-Canonical Structures, They Use Them Differently: Information Packaging in Spoken Varieties of English
  • ZÁME ČNIK , Jiří (2019). "Information Density, Language Processing and the Rational Speaker"
  • DAWSON, Christina (2011).  Shared Alternatives to Subject-Verb Agreement: The 3 rd  Singular Verb and its Uses in English and Brittonic
  • MEINKING GUIMARAES, Luciana (2009).  The Uses of Secular Rulers and Characters in the  Welsh Saints'  Lives  in the  Vespasian  Legendary ( MS Cotton  Vespasian  A XIV )
  • SCHUSTEREDER, Stefan J. (2012).  Strategies of Identity Construction: The Writings of Gildas, Aneirin and Bede

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About DissOnline

The German National Library houses the largest national collection of online dissertations in Europe. We have been collecting online dissertations and theses since 1998. Since then, the collection has grown to more than 284,000 documents (as of November 2020).

Since these activities began under the aegis of DissOnline more than 20 years ago, electronic publishing has become a part of everyday university life. This is due to the close cooperation between universities, their libraries and computer centres, and representatives of academia as well as the long-standing support provided through projects funded by the German Research Foundation ( DFG ).

The DissOnline project was brought to a successful, sustainable conclusion. Stakeholders whose initiative had supported DissOnline then became free to transfer their commitment to other areas. In June 2012, the DissOnline advisory committee therefore decided to integrate the functions and information on the website www.dissonline.de into the German National Library’s services. This is particularly relevant in terms of the deposit of works with the German National Library. The extended metadata format XMetaDissPlus enables all types of publications and documents available in subject-specific and institutional repositories and on university servers to be deposited in just one fully automated transaction.

Deposit information

The DissOnline portal is also integrated into the German National Library's catalogue as a search option. This means that online dissertations are listed as a component of the German National Library’s collection alongside traditional printed dissertations, other online university publications and academic literature. Our catalogue offers a wide variety of search options that are constantly being developed and optimised further. You will find an explanation of all the available search options here:

Guide to searching dissertations and theses in the German National Library’s catalogue (only available in German)

In order to enhance the international visibility of the collection, the metadata for all German online dissertations is continually delivered to DART , the European portal for online dissertations. NDLTD : Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations is committed to the promotion of electronic publishing in the academic sector beyond Europe. The International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) takes place every year.

Statistical information

Online university publications have been collected, catalogued and archived at the German National Library since 1998. The illustration shows how the percentage of online publications has developed over the years since this work began. Here it must be considered that although dissertations are subject to a mandatory publication obligation and an obligation to be placed on deposit with the German National Library, only an approximate impression of doctoral and publication activities in Germany can be given.

As the statistics refer to the year in which the publication was released rather than the year in which it was deposited, it is quite possible that figures may rise in succeeding years. This applies in particular to the most recent full year.

Graphical representation: Proportion of online publications in relation to the total number of dissertations and habilitation by year of publication in the collection of the German National Library

The DissOnline projects

  • 1998–2000 Dissertations Online
  • 2003–2004 Establishment of a coordinating body for online university publications
  • 2005–2007 DissOnline Tutor
  • 2005–2008 Establishment of a portal for online university publications

The intensive cooperation between all partners and sponsors also made it possible to start collecting dissertations and theses on a voluntary basis in 1998, eight years before the amendment to the Law Regarding the German National Library and the provision stipulating the mandatory deposit of online publications.

Last changes: 08.03.2021 Short-URL: https://www.dnb.de/dissonline

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In welcher Sprache soll ich meine Dissertation schreiben?

Die dissertation auf englisch oder deutsch schreiben.

Mich erreichte vor kurzem folgende Frage:

„Hallo, ich bin in der Endphase meiner Promotion und plane ca. 1 Jahr bis Abgabe. Die meisten meiner Paper sind auf Englisch, die Fachliteratur auch. Deutsch schreiben fällt mir allerdings leichter. Ich bin mir nicht sicher in welcher Sprache ich schreiben soll. Über meine Karriereplanung auch noch nicht. Englisch wäre bestimmt für eine Forscherkarriere an der Uni hilfreich?!“ Vielen Dank für die Frage, denn diese Frage stellen sich viele Promovierende! Für viele internationale Promovierende ist die Frage sogar, ob sie in ihrer Muttersprache, in deutscher oder in englischer Sprache schreiben sollen.

Weil diese Frage nicht so einfach zu beantworten ist, möchte ich hier einige Aspekte zur Entscheidungsfindung aufzählen. Bedenken solltest Du folgende Aspekte:

Was sagt die Promotionsordnung?

Zunächst ist das wichtigste, dass die Promotionsordnung das Verfassen der Dissertation in englischer Sprache erlaubt. Das ist zwar in den meisten Promotionsordnungen der Fall, ich möchte es nur hier nicht unerwähnt lassen, weil der formale Aspekt einer der wichtigsten ist (es wäre doch zu ärgerlich, dass man die mühselig, in einer Fremdsprache geschriebene Dissertation einreicht und dann die rote Karte bekommt).

Was sagt die Promotionsbetreuung?

Es kann hilfreich sein, sich zu der Frage, in welcher Sprache die Dissertation verfasst sein soll, den Rat der Promotionsbetreuung einzuholen. Doktorvater, bzw. Doktormutter haben die Expertise im Forschungsfeld und können möglicherweise noch einige Aspekte zur Entscheidungsfindung beisteuern. Außerdem kann man bei der Erörterung dieser Frage auch herausfinden, was für den Begutachtungsprozess noch so zu beachten ist, z.B. beim Layout, der Seitenzahl, usw..

Was ist in der Fachdisziplin üblich?

In manchen Disziplinen ist es bereits üblich, in der Wissenschaftssprache „Englisch“ zu schreiben. Forschung erstreckt sich über die globalisierte Welt und international wird per Internet kommuniziert. Wer will, dass die eigenen Forschungsergebnisse auch international diskutiert werden, muss auf Englisch schreiben, denn sonst werden sie schlichtweg vom Rest der „scientific community“ nicht wahrgenommen. Allerdings muss das nicht unbedingt die Dissertation sein – es können auch einzelne Aufsätze international publiziert werden. Hier ist für die eigene Dissertation zu prüfen, welche Rolle sie (als gesamtes Dokument) in internationalen Kontexten spielen soll – und ob es Sinn macht, strategisch Paper in englischer Sprache zu publizieren – oder die Dissertation auf Deutsch zu schreiben, zum Beispiel, weil das schneller geht.

Welche Publikationsstrategien hat das Forschungsfeld?

Auch die Publikationsmedien verändern sich. Wurde früher noch viel gedruckt, kopiert und verschickt, bzw. als Buch publiziert, geht der Trend heute zu Open Access. Viele wissenschaftliche Informationen werden global frei zugänglich. Informationen zu den unterschiedlichen Open Access-Angeboten der Fächer https://www.open-access.net/informationen-fuer-verschiedene-faecher/. Hier ist zu überlegen, inwieweit man sich selber der Publikationsstrategie der eigenen Fachdisziplin anpassen möchte oder das ggf. auch verlangt wird. Ohnehin ist auch zu überlegen, die Dissertation online zu publizieren – so wird sie schnell auffindbar, die Forschungsergebnisse können sich schnell verbreiten.

Willst Du schnell fertig werden?

Hier solltest Du überlegen, was Dir leichter fällt. Ist es umständlich und langwierig in Englisch, bzw. einer anderen Sprache als Deiner Muttersprache zu schreiben? Hast Du einen zeitlichen Rahmen, den Du nicht überschreiten darfst und was hast Du in der geplanten Promotionszeit sonst noch zu tun? Es kann auch ganz praktisch sein, die Dissertation in der Sprache zu verfassen, die einem am leichtesten fällt, weil das einfach am schnellsten geht.

Wo willst Du hin mit Deiner Dissertation?

Hat die Karriereplanung etwas damit zu tun, in welcher Sprache die Dissertation geschrieben ist? Es ist möglicherweise leichter und international anschlussfähig, eine Dissertation in englischer Sprache vorweisen zu können. Allerdings könnte es auch eine Rolle spielen, wie viele Paper bereits in Englisch, wie viele Paper gemeinsam mit renommierten und anerkannten Forscher/innen veröffentlicht sind und welche Rolle die Dissertation im Gesamtkontext aller Veröffentlichungen einnimmt. Generell (und das beziehe ich auf die Ausgangsfrage oben) ist es nicht so, dass das Verfassen einer Dissertation in englischer Sprache immer für eine Forscherkarriere an der Universität hilfreich ist. Für die wissenschaftliche Karriere als Nachwuchsforscher/in spielen so viele Aspekte eine Rolle, dass die Frage nach der Sprache der Dissertation fast schon egal ist (da ist die Note vielleicht sogar wichtiger).

Fazit: Ein klares “vielleicht ist die Sprache der Dissertation gar nicht sooo wichtig?”

Schlussendlich gibt es keine richtige und keine falsche Entscheidung zur Frage, in welcher Sprache die Dissertation geschrieben werden soll. Viele Aspekte aus der Fachdisziplin und die Überlegungen zu den Publikationsstrategien spielen eine Rolle. Wesentlich für die wissenschaftliche Karriere (oder die berufliche Orientierung aus der Wissenschaft heraus) ist, was Du sonst noch so machst. Bist Du gut vernetzt? Kannst Du während der Promotionsphase Kompetenzen erwerben, die über Dein Dissertationsthema hinausgehen (Präsentation, Vermittlungskompetenzen, Führungs- und Projektmanagement, Hochschuldidaktische Weiterbildung, usw.) mit denen Du Dich nach der Promotion auf Deinen Wunschberuf bewerben kannst?

Am praktischsten ist es, die Dissertation in der Sprache zu verfassen, die Dir selbst am leichtesten fällt und die die Gutachter/innen lesen können. Etwaige Nachteile, z.B., dass man mit einer in deutscher Sprache geschriebenen Dissertation nicht die Aufmerksamkeit der internationale Forschung erhält, kann dann möglicherweise mit englischen Aufsätzen, bzw. englischsprachigen Papers in relativ barrierefrei erreichbaren Open Access-Zeitschriften wieder wettgemacht werden. Auch die Frage der Karriereoptionen ist in der Relation zum Gesamtpaket zu sehen.

Was meinst Du – gibt es noch weitere Aspekte und wie entscheidest Du Dich?

Visualisieren in der Wissenschaft


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Publishing a dissertation is a prerequisite for the conferral of a doctorate degree and regulated in the faculties' doctoral degree regulations. The University Library is happy to provide advice and support around the publication of your dissertation.

Please note:

  • Publication is only possible after submission of the written print permission from the PhD board.
  • The form of your thesis has to be agreed on by your supervisor and the PhD board.
  • Your thesis must be declared as dissertation either on the title leaf, the back of the title leaf or in the imprint. The place of the dissertation, the names of the reviewers and the date of the oral exam must be stated.
  • Concerning copyright: should your thesis include someone else's copyrighted material it must be either covered by the right to quote or you must obtain the rights of use that are necessary for publication.

The doctoral degree regulat ions prescribe exactly which prerequisites have to be met (number of mandatory copies etc).

Online publication of dissertations

Your thesis will be published online in FIS, the Research Information System of the university, thus making your work available worldwide for free in accordance with open access principles. It will be accessible and archived permanently thanks to our cooperation with the German National Library . Your dissertation will be listed in library catalogues, databases, and search machines and can be found and cited with a permanent URN or DOI .

1. Copyrights and publishing agreement

In order to publish a dissertation, the University Library requires the signing of a publishing agreement (113.5 KB) , in which you declare to:

  • grant the University Library the non-exclusive, permanent licence for uitilisation of the thesis, without obligation for utilisation
  • grant the University Library Bamberg the right to save the file, make it accessible in data networks and, if necessary, convert it into other data formats
  • insure that you are the sole holder of all rights and that no rights of third parties are being violated by the publication of the document

Advisors of the thesis confirm with the publishing agreement, that the online publication of the dissertation have been co-ordinated with them.

2. Form and formatting

Please format your document into an unprotected pdf that is neither encrypted nor password protected. Please make sure the used fonts are embedded in Unicode.

The digital version must be identical to the to-be-submitted print version. For this reason, you should use the pdf-document as master for the print copies you will need. This ensures that the formatting of both digital and printed version will be identical.

The to-be-published dissertation should not contain a curriculum vitae or a declaration.

3. Submitting and publishing

Please upload the digital version of your dissertation to the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A login with the BA number is required. External doctoral students without a BA number can apply here for a user account for doctoral candidates.

Additionally to the submission of a digital copy, a submission of six printed versions to the university library (for faculties Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities) or to the dean's office (for faculties Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences) is obligatory.

Please submit the signed publishing agreement along with the printed copies.

The electronic version of your dissertation will be checked with your submitted print copies and metadata supplemented if necessary.

Dissertations can only be published after the oral exam has been passed and the printing permission resp. interim notice is present. When all requierements are met, the dissertation will be published in FIS and is accessible online. A notification will be sent to the German National Library in Frankfurt/Main with the online release, where the publication and its metadata will be indexed and archived long-term. Your dissertation will be indexed in the Bamberg Catalogue, the Bavarian Library Network Catalogue and the university's bibliography.

Cumulative dissertation

A cumulative dissertation/dissertation based on papers is published in FIS . The faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration allows a submission in form of printed copies.

Parts of the dissertation that have not yet been published must be included as preprint resp. postprint.

Articles that have already been published and are excluded from secondary publication rights due to legal circumstances are to be included with their bibliographic description, synopsis and if possible a link to the digitally accessible original publication ( DOI , URN , URL to a "secure" server).

1. Copyright and publishing agreement

§ Copyright §§ Co-authors

There are often co-authors involved with academic papers. Co-authors have to agree with secondary publication according to coypright law. We suggest that you obtain the written approval of all co-authors - if possbile - for publishing in your dissertation. An agreement by e-mail is sufficient.

Suggested phrasing of an agreement by co-authors (German and English) (12.5 KB, 1 page) (12.5 KB)

§§ (Secondary) publication rights

For articles already published or accepted for publishing, you will likely have granted the journal publisher resp. conference organiser rights of use. In many cases these rights constitute a bar to the declaration within the publishing agreement ("third-party rights"). To be able to include the article fully in your dissertation, you have to holt (secondary) publication rights. The list in SherpaRomeo offers you a quick overview over the rights allowed by journal publishers to authors within their standart contracts. However, the list not legally binding and in case of doubt, the contract of publication is always in force.

Within the SherpaRomeo list "preprint" is defined as the version of a text pre peer-review. Postprint is defined as the edited version after peer-review. Postprint differs from the published article only in layout, not in content. This means de facto that the author is not allowed to use the pdf-file with the layout of the publishing house.

It is possible to obtain (secondary) publishing rights retroactively.

Suggested phrasing of a request for secondary publishing rights to the publisher (German and English) (13.1 KB, 1 page) (13.1 KB)

General Information:

The digital version must be identical to the to-be-submitted print version. For this reason you should use the pdf-document as master for the print copies you will need. This ensures that the formatting of both digital and printed version will be identical. The to-be-published dissertation should not contain a curriculum vitae or a declaration for reasons of data protection.

The doctoral committee of the faculty Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration put together guidelines for cumulative dissertations. They include criteria that are to be specified, interpreted an applied during the doctoral degree proceedings if necessary.

https://www.uni-bamberg.de/fileadmin/uni/fakultaeten/sowi_pa/promotion/PROMA-KumDiss.pdf (German)

Good-practice examples:

Faculty of Human Sciences

Psychosoziale und neurobiologische Determinanten der Inhibition von Schmerzmimik/ Karmann, Anna Julia; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2015

The dissertation consists of one overarching text and three studies as full-text. Studies I (S. 42 ff.) and III (S. 81 ff.) have been already published at the time of the dissertation, study II  (S. 51 ff.) was yet unpublished. All studies have been provided with bibliographic descriptions and legal information, study I with a DOI.


Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences Faculty

Operational business-IT alignment in healthcare : theoretical foundation and empirical evidence/ Weeger, Andy; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2017

The dissertation consists of one overarching text ("Introductory Paper") as well as nine studies, three of which are included as full-text (Paper III, Paper VII and Paper VIII). All studies have been already published and are provided with bibliographic description, some with DOI, URN or URL.


Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration

A life course perspective on women's reconciliation of family and employment/ Brehm, Uta ; Universität Bamberg : Bamberg, 2017

The dissertation consists of one overarching text ("Introduction") as well as three studies as full-text. Studies I (S. 39 ff.) and III (S. 125 ff.) have been already published at the time of the dissertation, Studie II  (S. 75 ff.) is submitted for publication. All studies are provided with bibliographic data.

Full-texts can be included in the dissertation, if a secondary publication of your already published papers is legal. It is also possible to secondarily publish individual papers to increase reception.

Please upload the digital version of your dissertation to the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A login with the BA number is required. External doctoral students without a BA number can apply here for a User Account for Doctoral Candidates.

Publishing with the University of Bamberg Press (UBP)

englisch deutsch dissertation

If you wish to publish your dissertation online as well as in printed form, the  University's publisher, the UBP , is a good choice. All publications of the University of Bamberg Press are published in monograph serieses which have different standards.

As part of a hybrid publication, your work will be published online as well as printed from a publishing house with institutional connection to your university. The online edition will be published on the FIS (Reserarch Information System) of the University Bamberg with all advantages of an online publication, the printed publication will have all advantages of a conventional publication. Your thesis will receive an ISBN and it will be obtainable by book shops and relevant online booksellers. It will be indexed in library catalogues, databases and search engines and conveniently searchable due to well-maintained metadata. The University of Bamberg Press provides help with layouting and marketing, ensures an inexpensive and quick publication and guarantees the citability of both online and print edition.

You may find further information here . If you plan on publishing your dissertation with UBP, we recommend to first contact us by phone or schedule a consultation.

Publishing with a commercial publisher

All faculties allow you to publish your thesis with a commercial publisher.

Publication in the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, as well as publication in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences is bound to a minimum circulation of 150 copies. Six copies are to be submitted to the Deans' Offices free of charge.

In Human Sciences and Education as well as in the Humanities three copies are to be submitted to the university library.

 In the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration it is possible to publish by submitting 80 copies of your thesis to the faculty.

Premature delivery of the doctoral certificate

Under certain circumstances faculties allow for a premature delivery of the doctoral certificate. Those circumstances are regulated in the doctoral degree regulations.

Confirmation in advance ( German: Vorabbestätigung lt. § 16(3)  PromO HuWi + GuK)

According to § 16 (3) of the doctoral thesis regulations there is the possibilty to bear the doctoral degree before submitting print copies for students in the faculties of Human Sciences and Education and the Humanities. For this purpose the doctoral candidate has to submit the digital version of their thesis to the University Library Bamberg. They must also entitle the library to publish the doctoral thesis in case the doctoral candidate does not attend their duty to publish the thesis within the period stated in § 15 para. 3 of the doctoral thesis regulations. The submission of this digital version of the thesis should be done via the Research Information System (FIS) under "My FIS" and "Submit Publication". A BA-number is required to log in. External doctoral candidates without BA-numver can register a user account here .

If the formal terms have been met and the files are useable, the university library will notify the doctoral committee and the certificate can be delivered prematurely. The contract, the files (pdf-files and master file) together with their meta data will be deleted, as soon as the print copies have been submitted to the University Library by the doctoral candidate or the publisher in charge of the publication.

Confirmation of granting the right of publication in favour of the Bamberg University Library (134.8 KB)

Preliminary bearing of the doctoral degree

The preliminary bearing of the doctoral degree can be granted in the faculties Publication in the Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration and in Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences, if there is an attested, exceptional necessity and if a contract for the publication according to the doctoral degree regulations is presented (§ 12 (4) doctoral degree regulations Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration resp. § 15 (4) doctoral degree regulations Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences).

If the formal conditions are met, that is if the contract for publication is received and the data meets the formatting guidelines and are useable accordingly, the university library will notify the doctoral committee and the certificate can be delivered prematurely. The contract, the files (pdf-files and master file) together with their meta data will be deleted, as soon as the print copies have been submitted to the university library by the doctoral candidate or the publisher in charge of the publication.  

englisch deutsch dissertation

If you are unsure about which publisher to choose or if you need help evaluating an offer, feel free to contact your subject librarian .

If you have further genral questions about the publication of your thesis or if you would like to publish with University of Bamberg Press (UBP), please contact the Research and Publishing Services team (phone (0951) 863-1568).

We will also gladly offer a consultation appointment .

If you have any questions about publishing your research data, please contact Janina Kühner .

Further information about copyright law and open access

  • Laws concerning copyright and related property rights in Germany: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_urhg/index.html
  • FAQ about secondary publishing rights of the initiative „Digitale Information“ from the alliance of German science organisations: https://gfzpublic.gfz-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_2956897
  • Info hub about open access in Germany: https://open-access.network/startseite

englisch deutsch dissertation

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Dissertation search tools available at Yale

  • Orbis (Yale dissertations only) Orbis holds records for all Yale dissertations for which microfilm copies exist, i.e. all dissertations completed in departments of the Graduate School since 1965, plus select dissertations completed in departments of the Graduate School between 1892 & 1965. Yale dissertations can be located in Orbis by: (1) Entering the author / title in a Simple Search (2) Using the terms “dissertation” or “thesis” and words known to be in the bibliographic record in a Keyword search. more... less... If you do not locate a Yale dissertation in Orbis, check the card catalog at Manuscripts and Archives. Except for some early dissertations that are not available, all Yale dissertations are held at Manuscripts and Archives.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses This database makes nearly every dissertation ever filed in the United States available in PDF format. Not all dissertations are available, however, as authors with dissertations under contract with a press are sometimes encouraged not to make their dissertations freely available. In these cases you can at least read an abstract. Note that you can search by school, department, and adviser.

From European institutions

  • DART-Europe The European portal for finding electronic theses and dissertations. DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • Deutsche Nationalbibliothek German dissertations since 1998 are comprehensively collected by the National Library of Germany, so search its online catalog by clicking on the link above.
  • Dissonline Searches electronic university publications held by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, including dissertations and "Habilitationen".
  • Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) EThOS offers free access, in a secure format, to the full text of electronically stored UK theses--a rich and vast body of knowledge.
  • Index to Theses A Comprehensive Listing of Theses with Abstracts Accepted for Higher Degrees by Universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716. Abstracts are available from many theses since 1970 and for all since 1986.
  • Österreichische Dissertationsdatenbank This database references over 55,000 dissertations and theses held at Austrian universities; select dissertations are available online.

From international institutions

  • CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database. If you know the exact title of a dissertation and do not find it in the database, CRL recommends searching the CRL Catalog. If the title does not appear in the database or the catalog, contact CRL directly to inquire if it is held. CRL continues to acquire about 5,000 titles per year from major universities.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD) The NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The NDLTD Catalog contains more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. For students and researchers, the Union Catalog makes individual collections of NDLTD member institutions and consortia appear as one seamless digital library of ETDs.
  • The Universal Index of Doctoral Dissertations in Progress This site holds a database of voluntarily-registered, author-identified doctoral dissertations in progress around the world. Its goal is to avoid duplications in doctoral dissertations, create the ultimate meeting place for researchers, and allow for interaction between them. Bear in mind, though, that only dissertations which have been registered by their authors can be found in the database. Registration and access to the database are free.
  • Theses Canada This is your central access point for Canadian theses. From here you will be able to: - search AMICUS, Canada's national online catalog, for bibliographic records of all theses in Library and Archives Canada's theses collection; - access & search the full text electronic versions of numerous Canadian theses and dissertations; - find out everything you need to know about Theses Canada, including how to find a thesis, information on copyright, etc.
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  • Last Updated: May 6, 2024 4:20 PM
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▾ Dictionary (English)

Dissertation noun ( plural: dissertations ) —, dissertation f, diplomarbeit f, doktorarbeit f, degree dissertation n —, dissertation project n —, final dissertation n —, cumulative dissertation n —, dissertation work n —, dissertation subject n —, doctoral dissertation n —, excellent dissertation n —, dissertation text n —, medical dissertation n —, dissertation prize n —, degree dissertation title n —, long dissertation n —, dissertation projects pl —, ▸ dictionary (english), dissertation noun, feminine —, dissertation n, doctoral thesis n, kumulative dissertation f —, seine dissertation f —, vorgelegte dissertation f —, medizinische dissertation f —, exzellente dissertation f —, ▸ external sources (german), ▾ external sources (english).

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osal aims at assessing the strength and weaknesses of non-governmental initiatives in designing and implementing PES instruments. st es die Stärken und Schwächen von nicht-staatlichen Initiativen während des Prozesses der Ausgestaltung und der Umsetzung von PES Instrumenten zu untersuchen.
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[...] [...] compile accepted doctoral dissertations and postdoctoral theses, as wel ects currently in progress at German-speaking universities. [...] [...] angenomme Habilitationen auch die an deutschsprachigen Universitäten in Bearbeitung befin tisch [...]
sis or submission with a library, the author shall be entitled to apply for access to the copies deposited therewith to be withheld for a maximum of five years from the time of delivery. st die Verfasserin oder der Verfasser berechtigt, den Ausschluss der Benützung der abgelieferten Exemplare für längstens fünf Jahre nach der Ablieferung zu beantragen.
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German-english translation for "dissertation", "dissertation" english translation, „dissertation“ : femininum, overview of all translations.

  • (doctoral) thesis Dissertation Schulwesen | school SCHULE Dissertation Schulwesen | school SCHULE
  • eine Dissertation über ( Akkusativ | accusative (case) akk ) etwas schreiben to write a thesis on etwas | something sth eine Dissertation über ( Akkusativ | accusative (case) akk ) etwas schreiben

Context sentences for "Dissertation"

Example sentences from external sources for "dissertation" (not checked by the langenscheidt editorial team).

  • Source: OPUS
  • Original text source: Tatoeba
  • Original text source: WIT³
  • Original text source: TED
  • Original database: TED Talk Parallel Corpus
  • Original database: News Commentary

Synonyms for "Dissertation"

  • Diss (ugs.) , Doktorarbeit , Inauguraldissertation

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englisch deutsch dissertation

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Marcus Alaimo: “The Romantic-Utilitarian Debate” directed by David Bromwich, Leslie Brisman, Stefanie Markovits

Andie Berry: “This Has Not Happened: African American Performances At The Edge Of The Century” directed by Daphne A. Brooks, Tavia Nyong’o, Marc Robinson

Daniel de la Rocha: “Frustrated Journeys: Social Immobility and the Aesthetics of Disappointment in Nineteenth-Century Fiction” directed by Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Marta Figlerowicz, Stefanie Markovits

Seamus Dwyer: “Scripts and Literature in the Manuscripts of England and France, 1370-1425” directed by Jessica Brantley, Ardis Butterfield, Emily Thornbury

Emily Glider: “Geopolitical Players: Diplomacy, Trade, and English Itinerant Theater in Early Modern Europe” directed by David Kastan, Lawrence Manley, Ayesha Ramachandran

Tobi Haslett: “All This Sociology and Economics Jazz: Blackness, Writing, and Totality after Civil Rights” directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Michael Warner, Michael Denning

Adam C. Keller: “Character in Conflict: Soldiers and the Formation of Eighteenth-Century Literary Character” directed by David Bromwich, Jill Campbell, Anastasia Eccles

Elizabeth R. Mundell-Perkins: “Matter of the Mind: Narrative’s Knowledge and the Novel of Impressionability, 1897-present” directed by Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Marta Figlerowicz, Juno Richards

Colton Valentine: “Between Languages: Queer Multilingualism in the British Belle Époque” directed by Marta Figlerowicz, Stefanie Markovits, Katie Trumpener, Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Elizabeth Colette Wiet: “Maximalism: An Art of the Minor” directed by Marc Robinson, Joseph Roach

Helen Hyoun Jung Yang: “Healed by Water: American Hydropathy and the Search for Meaning in Nature” directed by Caleb Smith, John Durham Peters, Wai Chee Dimock

December 2023

Shu-han Luo: “Didactic Poetry as Formal Experiment in Early Medieval England” directed by Emily Thornbury, Ardis Butterfield, Lucas Bender

Cera Smith: “Blackened Biology: Physiology of the Self and Society in African American Literature and Sculpture” directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Tavia Nyong’o, Aimee Meredith Cox

Michael Abraham: “The Avant-Garde of Feeling: Queer Love and Modernism” directed by Langdon Hammer, Marta Figlerowicz, Ben Glaser

Peter Conroy: “Unreconciled: American Power and the End of History, 1945 to the Present” directed by Joe Cleary, Joseph North, Paul North

Trina Hyun: “Media Theologies, 1615-1668” directed by John Durham Peters, Catherine Nicholson, Marta Figlerowicz, John Rogers (University of Toronto)

Margaret McGowan: “A Natural History of the Novel: Species, Sense, Atmosphere” directed by Jonathan Kramnick, Katie Trumpener, Marta Figlerowicz

Benjamin Pokross: “Writing History in the Nineteenth-Century Great Lakes” directed by Caleb Smith, Greta LaFleur, Michael Warner

Sophia Richardson: “Reading the Surface in Early Modern English Literature” directed by Catherine Nicholson, Lawrence Manley, John Rogers(University of Toronto)

Melissa Shao Hsuan Tu: “Sonic Virtuality: First-Person Voices in Late Medieval English Lyric” directed by Ardis Butterfield, Jessica Brantley, John Durham Peters

Sarah Weston: “The Cypher and the Abyss: Outline Against Infinity” directed by Paul Fry, Tim Barringer, John Durham Peters

December 2022

Anna Hill: “Sublime Accumulations: Narrating the Global Climate, 1969-2001” directed by Joe Cleary, Marta Figlerowicz, Ursula Heise (UCLA)

Christopher McGowan: “Inherited Worlds: The British Modernist Novel and the Sabotage and Salvage of Genre” directed by Joe Cleary, Michael Denning, Katie Trumpener

Samuel Huber: “Every Day About the World: Feminist Internationalism in the Second Wave” directed by  Jacqueline Goldsby, Margaret Homans, Jill Richards

Shayne McGregor: “An Intellectual History of Black Literary Discourse 1910-1956” directed by Joseph North, Robert Stepto

Brandon Menke: “Slow Tyrannies: Queer Lyricism, Visual Regionalism, and the Transfigured World” directed by Langdon Hammer, Wai Chee Dimock, Marta Figlerowicz

Arthur Wang: “Minor Theories of Everything: On Popular Science and Contemporary Fiction” directed by Amy Hungerford, John Durham Peters, Sunny Xiang

December 2021

Sarah Robbins: “Re(-)Markable Texts: Making Meaning of Revision in Nineteenth-Century African American Literature” directed by Caleb Smith, Jacqueline Goldsby, Anthony Reed

David de León: “Epic Black: Poetics in Protest in the Time of Black Lives Matter” directed by  Langdon Hammer, Daphne Brooks, Marta Figlerowicz

Clio Doyle: “Rough Beginnings: Imagining the Origins of Agriculture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain” directed by Lawrence Manley, David Kastan, Catherine Nicholson

Clay Greene: “The Preexistence of the Soul in the Early English Enlightenment: 1640-1740” directed by John Rogers, Jonathan Kramnick, Lawrence Manley

December 2020

Wing Chun Julia Chan: “Veritable Utopia: Revolutionary Russia and the Modernism of the British Left” directed by Katie Trumpener, Jill Richards, Katerina Clark

James Eric Ensley: “Troubled Signs: Thomas Hoccleve’s Objects of Absence” directed by Jessica Brantley, Alastair Minnis, Ardis Butterfield

Paul Franz: “Because so it is made new”: D. H. Lawrence’s charismatic modernism directed by David Bromwich, Ben Glaser, and Langdon Hammer

Chelsie Malyszek: Just Words: Diction and Misdirection in Modern Poetry directed by Lanny Hammer, David Bromwich, and Ben Glaser

Justin Park: “The Children of Revenge: Managing Emotion in Early English Literature” directed by Roberta Frank, Alastair Minnis, David Kastan

Peter Raccuglia: “Lives of Grass: Prairie Literature and US Settler Capitalism” directed by Michael Warner, Jonathan Kramnick, Michael Denning

Ashley James: “ ‘Moist, Fleshy, Pulsating Surfaces’: Seeing and Reading Black Life after Experientiality” directed by Professors Jacqueline Goldsby, Elizabeth Alexander, and Anthony Reed

Brittany Levingston: “In the Day of Salvation: Christ and Salvation in Early Twentieth-Century African American Literature” directed by Professors Jacqueline Goldsby, Robert Stepto, and Anthony Reed

Lukas Moe: “Radical Afterlives: U.S. Poetry, 1935-1968” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer, Jacqueline Goldsby, and Michael Denning

Carlos Nugent: “Imagined Environments: Mediating Race and Nature in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock, Amy Hungerford, and Michael Warner

Anna Shechtman: “The Media Concept: A Genealogy” directed by Professors Amy Hungerford, John Durham Peters, and Michael Warner

December 2019

Bofang Li: “Old Media/New Media: Intimate Networked Publics and the Commodity Text Since 1700” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock, R. John Williams, and Francesco Casetti

Scarlet Luk: “Gender Unbound: The Novel Narrator Beyond the Binary” directed by Professors Margaret Homans, Jill Campbell, and Jill Richards

Phoenix Alexander: “Voices with Vision: Writing Black, Feminist Futures in Twentieth-Century African America” directed by Professors Jacqueline Goldsby, Daphne Brooks, Anthony Reed, and Wai Chee Dimock

Andrew S. Brown: “Artificial Persons: Fictions of Representation in Early Modern Drama” directed by Professors David Kastan, John Rogers, and Joseph Roach

Margaret Deli: “Authorizing Taste: Connoisseurship and Transatlantic Modernity, 1880-1959” directed by Professors Ruth Yeazell, Joseph Cleary, and R. John Williams

Ann Killian: “Expanding Lyric Networks: The Transformation of a Genre in Late Medieval England” directed by Professors Ardis Butterfield, Jessica Brantley, and Alastair Minnis

Alexandra Reider: “The Multilingual English Manuscript Page, c. 950-1300” directed by Professors Roberta Frank, Ardis Butterfield, and Alastair Minnis

December 2018

Seo Hee Im: “After Totality: Late Modernism and the Globalization of the Novel” directed by Professors Joseph Cleary, Katie Trumpener, and Marta Figlerowicz

Angus Ledingham: “Styles of Abstraction: Objectivity and Moral Thought in Nineteenth-Century British Literature” directed by Professors David Bromwich, Jill Campbell, and Stefanie Markovits

Jason Bell: “Archiving Displacement in America” directed by Professors Caleb Smith, Wai Chee Dimock, and Jacqueline Goldsby

Joshua Stanley: “If but Once We Have Been Strong: Collective Agency and Poetic Technique in England during the Period of Early Capitalism” directed by Professors Paul Fry, David Bromwich, and Anthony Reed

December 2017

Carla Baricz: “Early Modern Two-Part and Sequel Drama, 1490-1590” directed by Professors David Quint, Lawrence Manley, and David Kastan

Edward King: “The World-Historical Novel: Writing the Periphery” directed by Professors Joseph Cleary, R. John Williams, and Michael Denning

Palmer Rampell: “The Genres of the Person in Post-World War II America” directed by Professors Amy Hungerford, Michael Warner, and R. John Williams

Anya Adair: “Composing the Law: Literature and Legislation in Early Medieval England” directed by Professors Roberta Frank, Ardis Butterfield, and Alastair Minnis

Robert Bradley Holden: “Milton between the Reformation and Enlightenment: Religion in an Age of Revolution” directed by Professors David Quint, Bruce Gordon, and John Rogers

Andrew Kau: “Astraea’s Adversary: The Rivalry Between Law and Literature in Elizabethan England” directed by Professors Lawrence Manley, David Quint, and David Kastan

Natalie Prizel: “The Good Look: Victorian Visual Ethics and the Problem of Physical Difference” direcgted by Professors Janice Carlisle and Tim Barringer

Rebecca Rush: “The Fetters of Rhyme: Freedom and Limitation in Early Modern Verse” direcgted by Professors David Quint, David Kastan, and John Rogers

Prashant Sharma: “Conversions to the Baroque: Catholic Modernism from James Joyce to Graham Greene” directed by Professors Paul Fry, Joseph Cleary, and Marta Figlerowicz

Joseph Stadolnik: “Subtle Arts: Practical Science and Middle English Literature” directed by Professors Ardis Butterfield and Alastair Minnis

Steven Kirk Warner: “Versions of Narcissus: The Aesthetics and Erotics of the Male Form in English Renaissance Poetry” directed by Professors John Rogers and Catherine Nicholson

December 2016

Kimberly Quiogue Andrews: “The Academic Avant-Garde: Poetry and the University since 1970” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer, Paul Fry, and Wai Chee Dimock

Alexis Chema: “Fancy’s Mirror: Romantic Poetry and the Art of Persuasion” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Paul Fry

Daniel Jump: “Metadiscursive Struggle and the Eighteenth-Century British Social Imaginary: From the End of Licensing to the Revolution Controversy” directed by Professors Michael Warner, Jill Campbell, and Paul Fry

Jordan Brower: “A Literary History of the Studio System, 1911-1950” directed by Wai Chee Dimock, JD Connor, and Joe Cleary

Ryan Carr: “Expressivism in America” directed by Michael Warner, Caleb Smith, and Paul Fry

Megan Eckerle: “Speculation and Time in Late Medieval Visionary Discourse” directed by Jessica Brantley and Alastair Minnis

Gabriele Hayden: “Routes and Roots of the New World Baroque: U.S. Modernist Poets Translate from Spanish” directed by Landon Hammer and Wai Chee Dimock

Matthew Hunter: “The Pursuit of Style in Shakespeare’s Drama” directed by David Kastan, Lawrence Manley, and Brian Walsh

Leslie Jamison: “The Recovered: Addiction and Sincerity in 20th Century American Literature” directed by Wai Chee Dimock, Amy Hungerford, and Caleb Smith

Jessica Matuozzi: “Double Agency: A Multimedia History of the War on Drugs” directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Amy Hungerford, and Anthony Reed

Aaron Pratt: “The Status of Printed Playbooks in Early Modern England” directed by David Kastan, Lawrence Manley, and Keith Wrightson

Madeleine Saraceni: “The Idea of Writing for Women in Late Medieval Literature” directed by Jessica Brantley, Ardis Butterfield, and Alastair Minnis

J. Antonio Templanza: “Know to Know No More: The Composition of Knowledge in Milton’s Epic Poetry” directed by John Rogers and Paul Fry

Andrew Willson: “Idle Works: Unproductiveness, Literature Labor, and the Victorian Novel” directed by Janice Carlisle, Stefanie Markovits, and Ruth Yeazell

December 2015

Melina Moe: “Public Intimacies: Literary and Sexual Reproduction in the Eighteenth Century” directed by Katie Trumpener, Wendy Lee, Jonathan Kramnick, and Jill Campbell

Merve Emre: “Paraliterary Institutions” directed by Wai Chee Dimock and Amy Hungerford

Samuel Fallon: “Personal Effects: Personal and Literary Culture in Elizabethan England” directed by David Kastan, Catherine Nicholson, and Lawrence Manley

Edgar Garcia: “Deep Land: Hemispheric Modernisms and Indigenous Media” directed by Wai Chee Dimock, Langdon Hammer, and Anthony Reed

Jean Elyse Graham: “The Book Unbound: Print Logic between Old Books and New Media” directed by David Kastan, Catherine Nicholson, and R. John Williams

December 2014

Len Gutkin: “Dandiacal Forms” directed by Amy Hungerford, Sam See, and Katie Trumpener

Justin Sider: “Parting Words: Address and Exemplarity in Victorian Poetry” directed by Linda Peterson, Leslie Brisman, and Stefanie Markovits

William Weber: “Shakespearean Metamorphoses” directed by David Kastan

Thomas Koenigs: “Fictionality in the United States, 1789-1861” directed by Michael Warner, Jill Campbell, and Caleb Smith

Andrew Kraebel: “English Traditions of Biblical Criticism and Translation in the Later Middle Ages” directed by Alastair Minnis, Jessica Brantley, and Ian Cornelius

Tessie Prakas: “The Office of the Poet: Ministry and Verse Practice in the Seventeenth Century” directed by John Rogers, David Kastan, and Catherine Nicholson

Nienke Christine Venderbosch: “‘Tha Com of More under Misthleothum Grendel Gongan’: The Scholarly and Popular Reception of Beowulf ’s Grendel from 1805 to the Present Day” directed by Roberta Frank and Paul Fry

Eric Weiskott: “The Durable Alliterative Tradition” directed by Roberta Frank, Alastair Minnis, Ian Cornelius

December 2013

Anthony Domestico: “Theologies of Crisis in British Literature of the Interwar Period” directed by Amy Hungerford and Pericles Lewis

Glyn Salton-Cox: “Cobbett and the Comintern:  Transnational Provincialism and Revolutionary Desire from the Popular Front to the New Left” directed by Katie Trumpener, Katerina Clark, and Joe Cleary

Samuel Alexander: “Demographic Modernism: Character and Quantification in Twentieth Century Fiction” directed by Professors Pericles Lewis and Barry McCrea

Andrew Karas: “Versions of Modern Poetry” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Langdon Hammer

James Ross Macdonald: “Popular Religious Belief and Literature in Early Modern England” directed by Professors David Kastan and John Rogers

December 2012

Michael Komorowski: “The Arts of Interest: Private Property and the English Literary Imagination in the Age of Milton” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

Fiona Robinson: “Raising the Dead: Writing Lives and Writing Wars in Britain, 1914-1941” directed by Professors Katie Trumpener, Margaret Homans, and Sam See

Nathalie Wolfram: “Novel Play: Gothic Performance and the Making of Eighteenth Century Fiction” directed by Professors Joseph Roach and Katie Trumpener

Michaela Bronstein: “Imperishable Consciousness: The Rescue of Meaning in the Modernist Novel” directed by Professors Ruth Yeazell and Pericles Lewis

David Currell: “Epic Satire: Structures of Heroic Mockery in Early Modern English Literature” directed by Professor David Quint

Andrew Heisel: “Reading in Darkness: Sacred Text and Aesthetics in the Long Eighteenth Century” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Elliott Visconsi

Hilary Menges: “Authorship before Copyright: The Monumental Book, 1649-1743” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and John Rogers

Nathan Suhr-Sytsma: “Poetry and the Making of the Anglophone Literary World, 1950-1975” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Langdon Hammer

December 2011

Patrick Gray: “The Passionate Stoic: Subjectivity in Shakespeare’s Rome” directed by Professors Lawrence Manley and David Quint

Christopher Grobe: “Performing Confession: American Poetry, Performance, and New Media 1959” directed by Professors Amy Hungerford and Joseph Roach

Sebastian LeCourt: “Culture and Secularity: Religion in the Victorian Anthropological Imagination” directed by Professors Linda Peterson and Katie Trumpener

Laura Saetveit Miles: “Mary’s Book: The Annunciation in Middle England” directed by Jessica Brantley and Alastair Minnis

Stephen Tedeschi: “Urbanization in English Romantic Poetry” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Christopher R. Miller

Julia Fawcett: “Over-Expressing the Self: Celebrity, Shandeism, and Autobiographical Performance, 1696-1801” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Joseph Roach

Daniel Gustafson: “Stuart Restorations: History, Memory, Performance” directed by Professor Joseph Roach and Elliott Visconsi

Sarah Mahurin: “American Exodus: Migration and Oscillation in the Modern American Novel” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Robert Stepto

Erica Levy McAlpine: “Lyric Elsewhere: Strategies of Poetic Remove” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Langdon Hammer

Sarah Novacich: “Ark and Archive: Narrative Enclosures in Medieval and Early Modern Texts” directed by Professors Roberta Frank and Alastair Minnis

Jesse Schotter: “The Hieroglyphic Imagination: Language and Visuality in Modern Fiction and Film” directed by Professors Peter Brooks and Pericles Lewis

Matthew Vernon: “Strangers in a Familiar Land: The Medieval and African-American Literary Tradition” directed by Professor Alastair Minnis

Chia-Je Weng: “Natural Religion and Its Discontents: Critiques and Revisions in Blake and Coleridge” directed by Professors Leslie Brisman and Paul Fry

Nicole Wright: “‘A contractile power’: Boundaries of Character and the Culpable Self in the British Novel, 1750-1830” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Katie Trumpener

December 2010

Molly Farrell: “Counting Bodies: Imagining Population in the New World” directed by Professor Wai Chee Dimock

John Muse: “Short Attention Span Theaters: Modernist Shorts Since 1880” directed by Professors Joseph Roach and Marc Robinson

Denis Ferhatović: “An Early English Poetics of the Artifact” directed by Professor Roberta Frank

Colin Gillis: “Forming the Normal: Sexology and the Modern British Novel, 1890-1939” directed by Professors Laura Frost and Pericles Lewis

Katherine Harrison: “Tales Twice Told: Sound Technology and American Fiction after 1940” directed by Professor Amy Hungerford

Jean Otsuki: “British Modernism in the Country” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Margaret Homans

Erin Peterson: “On Intrusion and Interruption: An Exploration of an Early Modern Literary Mode” directed by Professor John Rogers

Patrick Redding: “A Distinctive Equality: The Democratic Imagination in Modern American Poetry” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Langdon Hammer

Emily Setina: “Modernism’s Darkrooms: Photography and Literary Process” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer and Pericles Lewis

Jordan Zweck: “Letters from Heaven in the British Isles, 800-1500” directed by Professor Roberta Frank

December 2009

Elizabeth Twitchell Antrim: “Relief Work: Aid to Africa in the American Novel Since 1960” directed by Professor Wai Chee Dimock

Emily Coit: “The Trial of Abundance: Consumption and Morality in the Anglo-American Novel, 1871-1907” directed by Professors Catherine Labio and Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Andrew Goldstone: “Modernist Fictions of Aesthetic Autonomy” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer and Amy Hungerford

Matthew Mutter: “Poetry Against Religion, Poetry As Religion: Secularism and its Discontents in Literary Modernism” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Pericles Lewis

Anna Chen: “Kinship Lessons: The Cultural Uses of Childhood in Late Medieval England” directed by Professors Jessica Brantley and Lee Patterson

Anne DeWitt: “The Uses of Scientific Thinking and the Realist Novel” directed by Professor Linda Peterson

Irina Dumitrescu: “The Instructional Moment in Anglo-Saxon Literature” directed by Professor Roberta Frank

Susannah Hollister: “Poetries of Geography in Postwar America” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Langdon Hammer

James Horowitz: “Rebellious Hearts and Loyal Passions: Imagining Civic Consciousness in Ovidian Writing on Women, 1680-1819” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Elliott Visconsi

Ben LaBreche: “The Rule of Friendship: Literary Culture and Early Modern Liberty” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

December 2008

Sarah Van der Laan: “What Virtue and Wisdom Can Do: Homer’s Odyssey in the Renaissance Imagination” directed by Professor David Quint

Annmarie Drury: “Literary Translators and Victorian Poetry” directed by Professor Linda Peterson

Jeffrey Glover: “People of the Word: Puritans, Algonquians, and the Politics of Print in Early New England” directed by Professors Elizabeth Dillon and Wai Chee Dimock

Dana Goldblatt: “From Contract to Social Contract: Fortescue’s Governance and Malory’s Morte ” directed by Professors David Quint and Alastair Minnis

Kamran Javadizadeh: “Bedlam and Parnassus: Madness and Poetry in Postwar America” directed by Professor Langdon Hammer

Ayesha Ramachandran: “Worldmaking in Early Modern Europe: Global Imaginations from Montaigne to Milton” directed by Professors Annabel Patterson and David Quint

Jennifer Sisk: “Forms of Speculation: Religious Genres and Religious Inquiry in Late Medieval England” directed by Professor Lee Patterson

Ariel Watson: “The Anxious Triangle: Modern Metatheatres of the Playwright, Performer, and Spectator” directed by Professor Joseph Roach

Jesse Zuba: “The Shape of Life: First Books and the Twentieth-Century Poetic Career” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer and Amy Hungerford

December 2007

Rebecca Boggs: “The Gem-Like Flame: the Aesthetics of Intensity in Hopkins, Crane, and H.D.” directed by Professor Langdon Hammer

Maria Fackler: “A Portrait of the Artist Manqué : Form and Failure in the British Novel Since 1945” directed by Professors Pericles Lewis and Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Melissa Ganz: “Fictions of Contract: Women, Consent, and the English Novel, 1722-1814” directed by Professor Jill Campbell

Siobhan Phillips: “The Poetics of Everyday Time in Frost, Stevens, Bishop, and Merrill” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Langdon Hammer

Morgan Swan: “The Literary Construction of a Capital City: Late-Medieval London and the Difficulty of Self-Definition” directed by Professor Lee Patterson

Andrea Walkden: “Lives, Letters and History: Walton to Defoe” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

Rebecca Berne: “Regionalism, Modernism and the American Short Story Cycle” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Vera Kutzinski

Leslie Eckel: “Transatlantic Professionalism: Nineteenth-Century American Writers at Work in the World” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Jennifer Baker

December 2006

Gregory Byala: “Samuel Beckett and the Problem of Beginning” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Pericles Lewis

Eric Lindstrom: “Romantic Fiat” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Paul H. Fry

Megan Quigley: “Modernist Fiction and the Re-instatement of the Vague” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Pericles Lewis

Randi Saloman: “Where Truth is Important: The Modern Novel and the Essayistic Mode” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Laura Frost

Michael Wenthe: “Arthurian Outsiders: Heterogeneity and the Cultural Politics of Medieval Arthurian Literature” directed by Professor Lee Patterson

Christopher Bond: “Exemplary Heroism and Christian Redemption in the Epic Poetry of Spenser and Milton” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

Lara Cohen: “Counterfeit Presentments: Fraud and the Production of Nineteenth-Century American Literature” directed by Professors Elizabeth Dillon and Wai Chee Dimock

Nicholas Salvato: “Uncloseting Drama: Modernism’s Queer Theaters” directed by Professors Joseph Roach and Michael Trask

Anthony Welch: “Songs of Dido: Epic Poetry and Opera in Seventeenth-Century England” directed by Professor David Quint

December 2005

Brooke Conti: “Anxious Acts: Religion and Autobiography in Early Modern England” directed by Professor Annabel Patterson

Brett Foster: “The Metropolis of Popery: Writing of Rome in the English Renaissance” directed by Professors Lawrence Manley and David Quint

Curtis Perrin: “Langland’s Comic Vision” directed by Professor Traugott Lawler

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 ⇄  Übersetzung für ' Dissertation ' von Englisch nach Deutsch

  • dissertation in 1927 with a dissertation entitled "L\'Influence du nominalisme sur la pensée chrétienne".  Wikipedia [6454830] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip6454830').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Garrigou-Lagrange also supervised the doctoral research of Maurice Zundel who completed his dissertation in 1927 with a dissertation entitled "L'Influence du nominalisme sur la pensée chrétienne".
  • dissertation was perceived to be ground-breaking, over 300 people attended the dissertation defense, including the press, and articles about his predictions and a Herblock cartoon appeared in major newspapers. This was quite unusual for a doctoral dissertation .  Wikipedia [2589171] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip2589171').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Since Alpher's dissertation was perceived to be ground-breaking, over 300 people attended the dissertation defense, including the press, and articles about his predictions and a Herblock cartoon appeared in major newspapers.
  • dissertation entitled, "Underspecification in Yawelmani Phonology and Morphology." Her dissertation was selected for publication in Garland\'s Outstanding Dissertation series (Archangeli 1988).  Wikipedia [21459205] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip21459205').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> at the University of Texas-Austin in 1981, and her PhD from MIT in 1984, with a dissertation entitled, "Underspecification in Yawelmani Phonology and Morphology."
  • dissertation advisor was Richard Rosecrance. Peter Katzenstein was on Lake\'s dissertation committee.  Wikipedia [21187332] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip21187332').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">He received his PhD from Cornell University in 1984. His dissertation advisor was Richard Rosecrance. Peter Katzenstein was on Lake's dissertation committee.
  • dissertation won the Alain Fournier PhD Dissertation Award (best Canadian PhD dissertation in computer graphics) and the ACM SIGGRAPH outstanding doctoral dissertation award (best PhD dissertation in computer graphics and interactive techniques). He then attended Stanford University as a postdoctoral scholar.  Wikipedia [20872874] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip20872874').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> His doctoral dissertation won the Alain Fournier PhD Dissertation Award (best Canadian PhD dissertation in computer graphics) and the ACM SIGGRAPH outstanding doctoral dissertation award (best PhD dissertation in computer graphics and interactive techniques).
  • dissertation . In 2013, scientist defended his doctoral dissertation .  Wikipedia [20704960] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip20704960').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In 2004, he defended his Ph. D dissertation . In 2013, scientist defended his doctoral dissertation.
  • dissertation advisor to several students, including Richard Ravalli, Trevor Albertson, and served on the dissertation committee for Tami Davis-Biddle.  Wikipedia [20415649] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip20415649').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Herken has served as a dissertation advisor to several students, including Richard Ravalli, Trevor Albertson, and served on the dissertation committee for Tami Davis-Biddle.
  • dissertation , which won ACM Dissertation Award in 2001. He co-advised, with Vyas Sekar (a former student of his), Junchen Jiang\'s PhD thesis, which won the 2017 Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Distinguished Dissertation Award.  Wikipedia [19706324] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip19706324').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">D. dissertation , which won ACM Dissertation Award in 2001.
  • Dissertation . In 1980, he defended his doctoral dissertation .  Wikipedia [19062044] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip19062044').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In 1970, Grigoriev defended his Candidate's Dissertation . In 1980, he defended his doctoral dissertation.
  • dissertation on the dimensionality of space and time won the third prize in the 1985 Gravity Research Foundation dissertation competition.  Wikipedia [18893415] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip18893415').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Wu's dissertation on the dimensionality of space and time won the third prize in the 1985 Gravity Research Foundation dissertation competition.
  • dissertation advisor to Janice Raymond, whose dissertation was published in 1979 as "The Transsexual Empire".  Wikipedia [1803529] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip1803529').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Daly was the dissertation advisor to Janice Raymond, whose dissertation was published in 1979 as "The Transsexual Empire".
  • Dissertation Completion Award is presented to Northern Illinois University Ph.D. students writing a dissertation that bridges two academic fields.  Wikipedia [12078268] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip12078268').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">The Thomas C. Wiegele Interdisciplinary Dissertation Completion Award is presented to Northern Illinois University Ph.D. students writing a dissertation that bridges two academic fields.
  • dissertation "Choice and its Discontents," Iyengar received the Best Dissertation Award for 1998 from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.  Wikipedia [11960544] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip11960544').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">For her dissertation "Choice and its Discontents," Iyengar received the Best Dissertation Award for 1998 from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology.
  • dissertation on migrant farm workers. To finance his research, Street began writing for Pacific Sun, a weekly newspaper in Marin County, California. Street titled his dissertation "Into the Good Land: the Emergence of California Agriculture, 1850-1920." However, the dissertation was rejected by two members of the dissertation committee.  Wikipedia [11838746] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip11838746').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Street decided to write his doctoral dissertation on migrant farm workers.
  • Dissertation Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) is a bibliographic database of American dissertations published since 1938, initially by University Microfilms International (UMI) now by ProQuest, Ann Arbor.  Wikipedia [11637917] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip11637917').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> Dissertation Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI) is a bibliographic database of American dissertations published since 1938, initially by University Microfilms International (UMI) now by ProQuest, Ann Arbor.
  • dissertation , “An Fhrainc Iathghlas? Tionchar na Fraince ar Athbheochan na Gaeilge, 1893-1922″ (NUI, Galway), won the Adele Dalsimer Prize for Distinguished Dissertation in 2014.  Wikipedia [11147412] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip11147412').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">Her doctoral dissertation , “An Fhrainc Iathghlas? Tionchar na Fraince ar Athbheochan na Gaeilge, 1893-1922″ (NUI, Galway), won the Adele Dalsimer Prize for Distinguished Dissertation in 2014.
  • dissertation . The first accusations of plagiarism in Guttenberg\'s dissertation were made public in February 2011. Guttenberg\'s doctoral dissertation , "Verfassung und Verfassungsvertrag" ("Constitution and Constitutional Treaty"), had been the basis of his 2007 Doctorate from the University of Bayreuth.  Wikipedia [10725555] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip10725555').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In 2011, Guttenberg resigned amid controversy over his dissertation .
  • dissertation ; in 1996 – his Doctorate dissertation . In 1997, he became a professor.  Wikipedia [21381091] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip21381091').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';">In 1980, he defended his Candidate's dissertation ; in 1996 – his Doctorate dissertation. In 1997, he became a professor.
  • dissertation received the Dissertation Award (Dissertatieprijs) of the Linguistics Association of the Netherlands for the best dissertation in Linguistics in 1998.  Wikipedia [19593197] ';document.getElementById('wpsnip19593197').style='cursor:auto; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1); padding:6px 10px; margin:1em 0 1em 0';"> The title of her thesis is "The landscape of polarity items," published with Groningen Dissertations in Linguistics (GRODIL) 18.

Online Sprachwörterbücher

'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˌdɪsə ˈteɪʃ n/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˌdɪsɚˈteɪʃən/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(dis′ər tā shən) | | | | |
WordReference English-German Dictionary © 2024:

(school, university: extended essay) ( )Arbeit
 All final year students have to write a dissertation on a topic of their choice.
 Alle Studenten des letzten Jahres müssen eine Arbeit zum Thema ihrer Wahl schreiben.
(doctoral thesis)Doktorarbeit
 The student was pleased to have finally finished the dissertation for her doctorate.
 Die Studentin war zufrieden, dass sie endlich ihre Doktorarbeit für ihr Doktorstudium beendet hatte.
(master's extended essay)Diplomarbeit
 You will need to write a 20,000-word dissertation for this master's course.
 New: Anna war froh, endlich ihre Diplomarbeit abgeben zu können.
 Für dieses Masterstudium musst du eine Masterarbeit im Umfang von 20.000 Wörtern schreiben.
(formal text or speech)Ausführung, Ausarbeitung
 The philosopher wrote a dissertation on freedom.
  • 1. (wissenschaftliche) Abhandlung
  • 2. Dissertation f

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( sth.) ] etw. ) dissertieren  
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des Verkaufs
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Nations   - ] Wohlstand Nationen
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Translations for Dissertation in the German » English Dictionary

Dis · ser · ta · ti · on <-, -en> [dɪsɛrtaˈtsi̯o:n] n f, examples from the internet (not verified by pons editors).

Im Dezember 1998 hat sich Barbara Mittler mit einer Arbeit über die frühe chinesische Pressegeschichte noch vor ihrem 30. Geburtstag habilitiert.

In ihrer Dissertation , die hinsichtlich Materialbeschaffung und Methodik ohne Vorbild war, gelang es ihr, das nicht-sprachliche Medium Musik soweit sprachlich fassbar zu machen, dass eine integrierte Analyse der modernen chinesischen Musik in Verbindung mit der rein musikwissenschaftlichen Betrachtung möglich wurde.

Seit Oktober 1999 ist sie als Hochschuldozentin am Sinologischen Seminar in Heidelberg tätig.

In December 1998, before her 30th birthday, Barbara Seals earned her habilitation with a thesis on early Chinese press history.

In her doctoral dissertation , which was without a model in regard to procurement of materials and methodology, she managed to capture in language the non-verbal medium of music in a way that made possible an integrated analysis of modern Chinese music in connection with a purely musicological consideration.

Since October 1999 she has been an instructor at the Department of Chinese Studies in Heidelberg.

Er studierte Kunstgeschichte, Geschichte und Volkswirtschaft an den Universitäten München und Bologna und produzierte CD-ROMs zu Themen aus dem Kunst-, Literatur- und Wissenschaftsbereich.

Unter Anleitung seines Lehrers Prof. Hans Belting schloss er sein Studium an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe 1999 mit einer Dissertation über den barocken Jesuitenmaler Andrea Pozzo ab, in dessen illusionistischer Architektur er Parallelen zu Werken zeitgenössischer Videokünstler erkannte.

Die Dissertation wurde 2001 unter dem Titel ?Andrea Pozzo und die Videokunst? auf Deutsch veröffentlich.

He also produced a series of CD-ROMs on the subjects of art, literature and science.

Under the supervision of his teacher Prof. Hans Belting, he completed his studies at Karlsruhe University of Design in Karlsruhe, in 1999, with a dissertation on Baroque Jesuit painter Andrea Pozzo, in whose illusionist architecture he recognized parallels to works by contemporary video artists.

The dissertation was published in German, in 2001, bearing the title "Andrea Pozzo und die Videokunst".

04.11.2013 Hans-Spemann-Preis geht an BIOSS Forscherin

Dr. Franziska Wöhrle erhält den Förderpreis der Fakultät für Biologie für ihre Dissertation zur Signalvermittlung des Proteins „Grb2 associated binder 2“ (Gab2) in der chronischen Myeloischen Leukämie (CML).


4 November 2013 BIOSS researcher wins Hans Spemann Award

Dr. Franziska Wöhrle receives the incentive award of the Faculty of Biology for her dissertation on signaling of the protein „Grb2 associated binder 2“ (Gab2) in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).


( 2 ) Die Dissertation muss einen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisfortschritt erbringen.

(3) Die Dissertation ist in sprachlich korrekter und einwandfreier, dem wissenschaftlichen Standard entsprechender äußerer Form, maschinengeschrieben und gebunden vorzulegen.

(4) Die Dissertation ist in der Regel in deutscher Sprache abzufassen.

( 2 ) The dissertation must provide a new insight into the discipline in question.

(3) The following requirements apply to the dissertation : correct use of language, faultless external form complying with scholarly standards, typed and bound.

(4) As a rule, the dissertation is to be written in the German language.

Januar 2013 :

Dr. Raphael Wittkowski wurde mit dem Preis "Beste Dissertation in der Mathematisch-Naturwissensch... Fakultät 2012" ausgezeichnet.Link

January 2013 :

Dr. Raphael Wittkowski was honored with the prize for the best dissertation of the year 2012 of the faculty of natural sciences.

Schon als kleiner Junge war Otto Schott vom Betrieb in der väterlichen Glashütte in Witten ( Westfalen ) fasziniert.

Die Familientradition des Glasmachens begeisterte ihn so sehr, dass er in Aachen, Würzburg und Leipzig Chemie, Mineralogie und Physik studierte und 1875 in Jena die Dissertation „ Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis der Glasfabrikation “ schrieb.

Im Jahr 1879 begann er, das Verhalten verschiedenster chemischer Verbindungen beim Schmelzen, in der Glasbildung und bei der Kristallisation grundlegend zu erforschen.

Even as a young boy, Otto Schott was fascinated by his father ’ s glassmaking business in Witten ( Westphalia ).

He was so enthusiastic about the family tradition of glassmaking that he studied chemistry, mineralogy and physics in Aachen, Würzburg and Leipzig, and, in 1875, he wrote the dissertation » Contributions to the Theory and Practice of Glass Fabrication « in Jena.

In the year 1879, he began conducting basic research on the melting, glass forming and crystallization behavior of many different chemical compounds.

, bei denen die Druck- und Temperaturbedingungen des Erdmantels bis in eine Tiefe von 450 Kilometern simuliert werden.

Wie sich steigender Druck auf Minerale des Erdreichs auswirkt, studierte er in seiner inzwischen fertig gestellten Dissertation , die neue Einblicke in die Geochemie des Erdmantels ermöglicht.

s mantle can be simulated for depths of up to 450 kilometres.

In his now-finished dissertation , he examined the effect of increasing pressure on minerals within the earth, providing new insight into the geochemistry of the earth's mantle.

„ Der Stellenwert von Pali und Sanskrit in der Wortprägearbeit des Königlichen Instituts Thailands “ ) beschreibt die Bedeutung „ neo-indoarischer “ Elemente bei der Festlegung der thailändischen Fachterminologie und geht auf linguistische Merkmale, den historischen Kontext und sprachpolitische Hintergründe der modernen Wortprägearbeit in Thailand ein.

Inspiriert durch praktische Erfahrungen als Gastdozentin für Sanskrit am Sanskrit Studies Centre der Silpakorn-Universität Bangkok arbeitet Susanne Götz seit April 2008 als Promotionsstudentin des Asien-Afrika-Institutes der Uni Hamburg an ihrer Dissertation mit dem Arbeitstitel:

„Translations from Pali into Thai:

Her M.A. thesis ( titled “ The Significance of Pali and Sanskrit in the Word Coining Process of the Royal Institute of Thailand ” ) describes the importance of “ neo-Indic ” elements in the process of coining Thai technical terms and thereby deals with linguistic features, the historical context and the linguo-political background of the modern word coining process in Thailand.

Inspired by practical experiences gained through teaching Sanskrit as a guest lecturer at the Sanskrit Studies Centre of Silpakorn University in Bangkok, Götz began working on her dissertation as a Ph.D. student at the AAI (Asia-Africa-Institute) in April 2008. The working title of her dissertation is:

“Translations from Pali into Thai:

Die Universitätsbibliothek bietet dem Promovenden / der Promovendin die Möglichkeit, eine elektronische Version der an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal erstellten Dissertation auf dem Hochschulschriften-Server zu veröffentlichen.

Ein Vorteil für den Promovenden/die Promovendin ist die Reduzierung der Druckkosten, wenn die elektronische Dissertation eine Veröffentlichung im Sinne der Promotionsordnung ist.

Es werden nur 3 gedruckte Archivexemplare benötigt.

The University Library offers the doctoral / PhD student the opportunity to publish an electronic version of the thesis prepared at the University of Wuppertal on the publications server of the university.

An advantage for the doctoral /PhD student is to reduce the cost of printing, if the electronic thesis is a publication within the meaning of the doctorate regulations.

Only 3 printed copies are required.

Sie werden in dieser Zeit jedoch schon enger mit der Arbeitsgruppe ihres späteren Betreuers verbunden sein, dort Veranstaltungen belegen und z.B. ggf. an Arbeitsgruppensitzungen teilnehmen.

Im ersten Jahr muss das Konzept für die Dissertation mit dem Betreuer vorbereitet werden.

Im dritten Semester des Masterstudiums wird ein Projekt- oder Forschungsmodul im Umfang von 30 KP absolviert, das die Dissertation thematisch und / oder methodisch vorbereitet.

During this time they will be closely connected with the group of their future supervisor, will take lectures there and e.g. attend the working group meetings.

The concept for the thesis must be prepared together with the supervisor in the first year.

A project or research module totalling 30 CP should be completed in the third semester, which prepares for the thesis topic and/or methods.

In diesem Jahr wurde auch wieder der Sonderpreis des Präsidenten für ausländische Studierende verliehen.

Darüber hinaus erhalten beziehungsweise erhielten weitere junge Wissenschaftler für ihre Dissertationen in den jeweiligen Fachbereichen den Preis der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität.

s special prize for foreign students was again awarded this year.

In addition, several young scientists received the Johannes Gutenberg University Prize for their doctoral theses in their respective faculties.

Nach seinem Studium der Mathematik in Freiburg und Bonn wurde Jakob Stix an der Universität Bonn promoviert.

Seine Dissertation über „Projektive anabelsche Kurven in positiver Charakteristik“ zeichnete das Mathematische Institut der Universität Bonn als beste Doktorarbeit 2002 aus.

After his studies of mathematics in Freiburg and Bonn, Jakob Stix earned his PhD from the University of Bonn.

His PhD thesis on “Projective Anabelian Curves in Positive Characteristic"was chosen as the best PhD thesis of 2002 by the Mathematics Institute of Bonn University.

Anmeldung zur Prüfung ( s. § 8 PromO )

Nachdem Sie Ihre Dissertation erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben, vereinbaren Sie mit Ihrem Betreuer ein Datum für die mündliche Prüfung (Rigorosum/Disputation), und sprechen Termin, Uhrzeit und Prüfungsraum mit dem Dekanat für BWL ab.

Mindestens 6 Wochen vor der geplanten Prüfung stellen Sie einen Antrag auf Zulassung zur Doktorprüfung an den Dekan (formlos).

Register for the oral examination ( s. § 8 PromO )

After you have successfully completed your thesis , please set a date for the defense of your dissertation with your supervisor and speak to the Dean’s Office regarding date, time and location.

Submit a request to the Dean (informal) at least 6 weeks before the intended oral examination and hand in the following:

Zur Verfügung gestellt haben die Preise die Boehringer Ingelheim-Stiftung, die Freunde der Universität Mainz e.V., die Peregrinus-Stiftung, die Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung, der Lions Club ( Oppenheim ), die Alfred Teves-Stiftung und die Antonie Wlosok-Stiftung.

s prizes were provided by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation, the Friends of Mainz University, the Peregrinus Foundation, the Dr. Feldbausch Foundation, the Lions Club ( Oppenheim ), the Alfred Teves Foundation, and the Antonie Wlosok Foundation.

In addition, several young scientists received the Johannes Gutenberg University Prize for their doctoral theses in their respective departments.

Das Promotionskolloquium

Nach Annahme der Dissertation findet ein wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vor einem Prüfungsausschuss statt.

Beachten Sie hierbei bitte, dass wir eine Ladungsfrist von 10 Tagen rechnen.

The doctorate colloquium

After the acceptance of the thesis , a scientific colloquium takes place before an examination board.

Please bear in mind that we work with a notice period / invitation period of 10 days.


Formular Mobilitätscheck für Studierende, die ihre Diplomarbeit oder Dissertation schreiben.

TEXT, 130618 L06 ISIS-Leitfaden-Berichte, 130618_L06_ISIS-Leitfaden-B... 484 KB

Form Mobility voucher for students who are currently writing their master or PHD thesis .

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Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Meaning of dissertate in English

  • At the start of each semester dissertating students and their advisors will schedule a series of regular meetings to confer about the students ' research and/or writing of the dissertation .
  • I think it's helpful to approach dissertating like a long distance runner , as many principles that the sport of distance running teaches are transferable to writing a doctoral dissertation .
  • boilerplate
  • composition
  • corresponding author
  • dissertation
  • essay question
  • peer review

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Robbing, looting, and embezzling: talking about stealing

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  1. dissertation

    Sortieren Sie Ihre gespeicherten Vokabeln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'dissertation' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  2. Dissertation

    Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "Dissertation" - Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen.

  3. Dissertations

    North America. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Fulltext. (restricted access: members of Heidelberg University only) The world's most comprehensive curated collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering over 5 million citations and 3 million full-text works from thousands of universities in 60 countries.

  4. Research Guides: German Language Humanities: Dissertations

    Full text is provided for most indexed dissertations from 1997 to the present, while most dissertations from 1980 on include abstracts written by the author. Orders for complete dissertations before 1997 may be placed online, but check UW's Library Catalog first to see if they are owned on campus. Free interlibrary loan may also be a possibility.

  5. Ph.D. Dissertations

    Ph.D. Dissertations. We currently host approximately 40 Ph.D. students, who are writing their dissertations on a wide variety of topics in English linguistics and British, North American and postcolonial literature and cultural studies. As such, t he University of Freiburg's English Department has one of Germany's largest and highest ...

  6. DNB

    The German National Library houses the largest national collection of online dissertations in Europe. We have been collecting online dissertations and theses since 1998. Since then, the collection has grown to more than 284,000 documents (as of November 2020). Since these activities began under the aegis of DissOnline more than 20 years ago ...

  7. Die Dissertation auf Englisch oder Deutsch schreiben?

    Am praktischsten ist es, die Dissertation in der Sprache zu verfassen, die Dir selbst am leichtesten fällt und die die Gutachter/innen lesen können. Etwaige Nachteile, z.B., dass man mit einer in deutscher Sprache geschriebenen Dissertation nicht die Aufmerksamkeit der internationale Forschung erhält, kann dann möglicherweise mit englischen ...

  8. Dissertations: University Library

    Your thesis will be published online in FIS, the Research Information System of the university, thus making your work available worldwide for free in accordance with open access principles. It will be accessible and archived permanently thanks to our cooperation with the German National Library.Your dissertation will be listed in library catalogues, databases, and search machines and can be ...

  9. German Language and Literature: Dissertations & Theses

    Searches electronic university publications held by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, including dissertations and "Habilitationen". Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) EThOS offers free access, in a secure format, to the full text of electronically stored UK theses--a rich and vast body of knowledge.


    DISSERTATION Bedeutung, Definition DISSERTATION: 1. a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done in order to receive….

  11. What Is a Dissertation?

    A dissertation is a long-form piece of academic writing based on original research conducted by you. It is usually submitted as the final step in order to finish a PhD program. Your dissertation is probably the longest piece of writing you've ever completed. It requires solid research, writing, and analysis skills, and it can be intimidating ...

  12. dissertation

    Many translated example sentences containing "dissertation" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "dissertation" ... Deutsche Bundesbank: Elemente einer politisch-ökonomischen Theorie der schleichenden Inflation mit endogenisiertem Zentralbankverhalten", zuvor ...

  13. dissertation

    Translation for 'dissertation' using the free English-German dictionary by LANGENSCHEIDT -- with examples, synonyms and pronunciation.

  14. Scribbr

    Help you achieve your academic goals. Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

  15. Dissertation

    Translation for 'Dissertation' using the free German-English dictionary by LANGENSCHEIDT -- with examples, synonyms and pronunciation.

  16. Dissertations

    May 2022. Samuel Huber: "Every Day About the World: Feminist Internationalism in the Second Wave" directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Margaret Homans, Jill Richards. Shayne McGregor: "An Intellectual History of Black Literary Discourse 1910-1956" directed by Joseph North, Robert Stepto. Brandon Menke: "Slow Tyrannies: Queer Lyricism ...

  17. dissertation

    Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für dissertation im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.

  18. dict.cc

    Übersetzungen für den Begriff 'Dissertation' im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch

  19. dissertation

    Englisch: Deutsch: dissertation n (school, university: extended essay) (umgangssprachlich) Arbeit Nf : Abhandlung Nf : Aufsatz Nm : Essay Nm : All final year students have to write a dissertation on a topic of their choice. Alle Studenten des letzten Jahres müssen eine Arbeit zum Thema ihrer Wahl schreiben.

  20. dissertation meaning of

    Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'dissertation\x20meaning\x20of' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer

  21. Verteidigung der Dissertation

    Zur mobilen Version wechseln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'Verteidigung der Dissertation' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  22. Dissertation

    ( 2 ) Die Dissertation muss einen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisfortschritt erbringen. (3) Die Dissertation ist in sprachlich korrekter und einwandfreier, dem wissenschaftlichen Standard entsprechender äußerer Form, maschinengeschrieben und gebunden vorzulegen. (4) Die Dissertation ist in der Regel in deutscher Sprache abzufassen.


    DISSERTATE definition: 1. to write or present a dissertation (= a long piece of writing about a subject, usually done as…. Learn more.