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Applications and Experiences of Quality Control

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100+ Medical Books for Free! [PDF]

Welcome to your ultimate destination for downloading free medical books! Here, you’ll find a wide selection of medical resources and knowledge to help you achieve your academic and professional goals.

We understand the complexity and diversity of medicine, which is why you’ll find books in all its branches in our library, such as cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, oncology, and surgery, among many other specialties.

1) Abortion Books

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the twenty-third week of gestation. After that time, the termination of pregnancy before delivery is called preterm birth. Abortion can occur naturally, spontaneously, or be deliberately induced.


2) AIDS Books

3) anatomy books.

According to its approach, it is possible to divide anatomy into clinical or applied anatomy, descriptive or systemic anatomy, regional or topographic anatomy, functional anatomy, or anatomical pathology, among others.

4) Anesthesia Books

It acts directly on the nervous system of the organism, which runs through the spinal cord, the brain, the vertebral column extending through all the ramifications that reach each of the organs of the body, as well as only to defined parts depending on the type of anesthesia administered.

5) Asthma Books

Asthma is a chronic (long-term) condition that affects the airways in the lungs. The airways are the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs. With asthma, the airways can sometimes become inflamed and narrowed, making it difficult for air to flow out when exhaling.

6) Books about Cancer

Cancer refers to any of a number of diseases characterized by the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue.

7) Books about Down Syndrome

8) breast cancer books.

Breast cancer is a disease of the mammary gland that occurs when cells grow and multiply abnormally. As a result, they grow uncontrollably and form tumors. It is the most common cancer in women, although it can also occur in men.

9) Cardiology Books

10) childcare books, 11) dentistry books, 12) dermatology books, 13) diabetes books, 14) embryology books, 15) endodontics books, 16) epidemiology books.

Epidemiology is the science that studies the frequency of occurrence of diseases and their determinants in the population. Its interest is focused on the population, in order to know who, where and when they get sick, as necessary steps to get to know the reason for the distribution of the health-disease phenomenon and the application of this knowledge to the control of health problems.

17) Euthanasia Books

18) forensic medicine books, 19) gastroenterology books, 20) general medicine books, 21) geriatrics books, 22) gynaecology books, 23) hematology books.

Oncologic diseases: – Leukemia. – Lymphomas. – Myelomas.

24) HPV Books

Many people with HPV do not have symptoms. One way to know if you have it is through a Pap smear, as it can detect changes in the cervix caused by HPV. Another way to know is if you have genital warts.

25) Immunology Books

The immune system is composed of the structures and processes that enable an organism to recognize a foreign element (external or internal) and to respond. This immune response aims to restore balance (homeostasis).

26) Internal Medicine Books

Thus, the Internist brings together the function of various specialists and prevents treatments from overlapping. This is fundamental in the case of medication. In fact, if there is no control, medications can interact and cause harmful effects. In any case, the internist always has the support and opinions of the other specialists.

27) Kinesiology Books

It is used in natural medicine and increasingly in traditional medicine. The method used to evaluate or detect the cause of the problem or stressor is the Kinesiology Muscle Test, with which you can have safe communication between patient and therapist.

28) Neonatology Books

Neonatology is related to pediatrics in that those who practice it are ultimately pediatric physicians specializing in those problems or issues typical of newborn infants. Neonatology is usually performed in hospitals and not in outpatient centers since it needs to be carried out from the moment the baby is born in a hospital or private clinic.

29) Nephrology Books

Nephrology should not be confused with urology, a discipline that encompasses all surgical aspects of the kidney and male genital tract. However, in some cases, such as urinary tract infections, there may be overlap between the two.

30) Neuroanatomy Books

The nervous system fulfills very important functions in the organism: it relates the individual with the environment, fulfills defense and nutrition functions, collaborating with the survival of the person and also intervenes in sexual behavior, assuring the conservation of the species.

31) Neurology Books

Neurology comprehensively encompasses: medical care of the neurological patient, teaching of subjects affecting the nervous system, and research, both clinical and basic, within its scope.

32) Neuroscience Books

Our brain defines us, processes the world around us and determines how we respond to stimuli. Processes such as falling in love with someone, being able to recognize yourself, or having a smell remind you of a place, all happen in the brain. But it also has dysfunctions caused by diseases, injuries or developmental deficiencies that affect the organ. All these processes have to do with neuroscience.

33) Nursing Books

In 1852 was the beginning of professional nursing, since through the publication of  Nightingale’s  book «Notes on Nursing», nurses began to feel an interest in acquiring technical knowledge about their profession.

34) Nutrition Books

Updating our knowledge in the field of nutrition aims to establish the best dietary recommendations to prevent disease and promote optimal health. Dietary habits are the most important environmental factor in the modulation of gene expression during the life of each person.

35) Obesity Books

Obesity is considered a disease, since excess weight causes major health problems, to the point of becoming a public health problem. An obese person runs the risk of suffering from diabetes, arterial hypertension and cardiac disorders, among other physical complications.

36) Obstetrics Books

Obstetricians are concerned not only with the physical condition of the mother and her baby, but also with the psychological and social factors associated with motherhood. Their main objective is to constantly evaluate and monitor the pregnancy up to the time of childbirth. 

37) Ophthalmology Books

The word Ophthalmology is derived from the Greek roots Ophthalmos, which is translated as ‘eye’ and logos, which is one of the dozens of Greek words that are translated as ‘word’, ‘thought’ or ‘speech’. If translated literally Ophthalmology means «the science of the eye».

38) Orthodontics Books

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos (460-377 BC) was the first person on record to recognize the malposition of the teeth and to speak of the possibility of correcting them for aesthetic reasons. He made this statement in one of his books and, consequently, the Greeks were the first to be concerned about the correct position of teeth. 

39) Parasitology Books

A parasite, in turn, is an organism that feeds on specimens of other species, living at their expense and affecting them without killing them. They are living organisms with eukaryotic cells, complex structure and nucleus, and are classified into protozoa, helminths and arthropods.

40) Pathology Books

It is classified into general and systematic; the former explores what are degenerations, cancer, necrosis, inflammation, among others, the latter focuses on the study of organ systems, applying the basics learned in general pathology.

41) Pathophysiology Books

Pathophysiology describes the “history” of the disease and, once it reaches the living organism, it is divided into three phases: initial, clinical and resolution. This science does not have a direct relationship with the therapeutics of diseases, but is limited to explaining the processes that determine their symptoms and signs.

42) Pediatric Dentistry Books

The difference between pediatric dentistry and traditional dentistry is that the treatment of cavities varies if the teeth are temporary or permanent, which is why pediatric dentistry only treats children who still have baby teeth.

43) Pediatrics Books

It is not therefore a discipline aimed at the study of the diseases of a particular organ or system, but is the medicine of a being whose physical, psychological and social characteristics are very different from those of the adult subject.

44) Periodontology Books

45) pharmacology books.

Thanks to pharmacology, it is possible to know drugs in depth and to know how their interactions with the organism develop. In this way it is possible to determine their effects on living organisms, which can be positive or toxic.

46) Physiotherapy Books

Physiotherapy includes the application of electrical and manual tests to determine the value of muscle involvement and strength, tests to determine functional capacities, range of joint movement and measures of vital capacity, as well as diagnostic aids to control evolution. .

47) Psychiatry Books

It was not until the 19th century that mental disorders began to be scientifically treated as diseases. Until then, people suffering from mental illness were locked up in insane asylums and received various treatments designed to restore their sanity.

48) Radiology Books

Some of the lesions that can be diagnosed by this test are the following: Bone lesions, Diseases of the thorax, Pathologies of the abdomen. In some specific cases, radiology can also be used for treatment.

49) Semiology Books

In the field of Medicine, it is dedicated to studying the signs (objective clinical manifestations) and symptoms (subjective perceptions) presented and reported, respectively, by the patient, in order to reach a diagnosis through their organization into syndromes, prioritization, and reasoning.

50) Sexology Books

Sexology  investigates sexual interactions, behaviors, orientations and identities. Its specialists, known as sexologists, can contribute to the fight against sexually transmitted diseases, design a treatment for anorgasmia, work on the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and offer therapeutic assistance to increase the intimate enjoyment of a couple, to name a few possibilities.

51) Surgery Books

Surgery  is the branch of medicine dedicated to cure diseases by means of operations. There are several branches of surgery such as: general surgery, orthopedic and trauma surgery, plastic surgery…

52) Thanatology Books

Thanatology is the name given to a discipline related to the effects of death on the organism. It consists of a series of knowledge from medicine and other sciences that analyzes various aspects of death.

53) Toxicology Books

Toxicology is the scientific study of the harmful effects that occur in living organisms due to chemical substances. It involves observing and documenting the symptoms that occur after exposure to toxic substances. There are various types of toxicology, including environmental toxicology, industrial toxicology, food toxicology, and pharmaceutical toxicology.

54) Traumatology Books

Traumatology  is the branch of medicine that specializes in trauma and its consequences. Experts in traumatology, known as traumatologists, study the injuries that occur in the  musculoskeletal system .

55) Urology Books

On this occasion, we offer a comprehensive set of urology books in PDF format for you to immerse yourself in all the details related to the medical discipline that deals with kidney diseases.

56) Virology Books

Virology is the study of viruses and virus-like agents, including, but not limited to, their taxonomy, culture and genetics. Virology is often considered part of microbiology or pathology .

57) Mental Health Books

Mental illness is an alteration of an emotional, cognitive or behavioral type in which basic psychological processes such as emotion, motivation, cognition, consciousness, behavior, perception, language, etc. are affected and which makes it difficult for the person to adapt to the cultural and social environment.

58) Genetics Books

Genetics  is a branch of biology that studies how hereditary traits are transmitted from generation to generation.

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  • Merck Manuals Online Medical Library for Health Professionals Online version of The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, The Merck Manual of Geriatrics, The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook, and The Merck Manual of Health & Aging.
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  • Nursing: Mental Health and Community Concepts This textbook is an open educational resource with CC-BY licensing developed specifically for prelicensure nursing students. The e-book and downloadable versions are free. Print version to be made available in January 2023.
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  • Open Michigan - Open Health Collections The University of Michigan's Open Michigan collection includes tools for health sciences, such as textbooks, courses, audio-videos, journals, images, datasets, software, and other mixed content.
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  • DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals Free, full-text, quality controlled, scientific and scholarly journals -- DOAJ aims to cover all subjects and languages.
  • Free Medical Journals From Amedeo: Over the next few years, important medical journals and books will be available online, free and in full-text.
  • PubMed Central (PMC) The U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature
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Research Databases

Produced by the Web of Science Group,  BIOSIS Previews ®  an expansive index to life sciences and biomedical research from journals, meetings, books, and patents. The database covers pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more. Includes BIOSIS indexing and enhanced MeSH disease terms.

This collection is an essential source of high-quality health care data, not only useful for providers and patients, but also for those responsible for researching, teaching, funding and administrating at all levels of the medical profession.

Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source is the definitive full-text research database for dental practitioners and researchers. It offers top dental and oral sciences journals commonly purchased by dental schools and related institutions.

Food Science Source is an extensive full-text database designed to support the research needs of the food industry. It provides hundreds of full-text journals, monographs, magazines and trade publications, plus a wealth of food industry and market reports. Subjects include food processing, safety, service, shipping and innovation. 

GIDEON (Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network) provides a current, evidence-based resource for diagnosis, treatment and teaching in the fields of tropical and infectious diseases, epidemiology and microbiology.

Produced by CABI, this database was created to ensure that key literature from all sources can be brought to the attention of those working in public health. The database covers all aspects of public health at both international and community levels, as well as a wealth of material from other biomedical and life science fields.

Produced by the Web of Science Group, this comprehensive database provides indexing and abstracts for pharmaceutical and medical journals published worldwide. It is essential to anyone interested in keeping abreast of today's health-related drug literature.

Physicians around the world use Isabel to help construct or broaden a differential diagnosis. By entering the information normally captured in a patient workup, Isabel provides physicians with a list of possible diagnoses to help them construct their thinking and make an accurate final diagnosis quickly and easily at the point of care.

MEDLINE with Full Text is a robust database providing full text for hundreds of top biomedical and health journals indexed in MEDLINE. Many journals are available with no embargo, so doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers can access information as soon as it is published.

This database is the world's largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it is an indispensable tool for the discovery of global scholarly research.

Created for sports medicine and physical therapy students and researchers, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source offers full-text sports medicine and rehabilitation journals, trade publications and magazines.

Ideal for students and teachers of anatomy, physiology, biology and other life sciences, Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase (SMART Imagebase) contains downloadable medical illustrations, animations and interactive multimedia.

SPORTDiscus with Full text is the definitive database for sports and sports medicine research. Providing hundreds of full-text sports medicine journals, it is an essential tool for health professionals and researchers studying fitness, health and sports. 

Produced by ViDALGroup, ViDAL Consult improves patients’ safety by offering the most complete access to Spanish-language drug information related to reference clinical content within a single interface.

MEDLINE Complete is a leading full-text database of biomedical and health journals, providing full text for thousands of top medical journals with cover-to-cover indexing. It is an essential research tool for doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers.

With CINAHL Complete, users get fast and easy full-text access to top nursing journals, evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons and more. Take a few minutes to evaluate all that CINAHL Complete has to offer and you’ll see why hundreds of thousands of nurses and allied health professionals rely on this essential resource.

eBook Collections

Simplify the research process for nursing staff and students with this curated e-book collection designed for use in hospitals, medical institutions and academic institutions. From clinical guides and evidence-based practice manuals, to practical handbooks and professional growth titles, this collection provides researchers the information they need to provide outstanding care.

Offer clinicians and students unlimited, anytime access to essential medical e-books. This subscription collection features thousands of hand-selected e-books designed for use in clinical settings, biomedical libraries and academic-medical institutions.

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CCRPS Clinical Research Taininrg

Top 4 Clinical Research Books You Need To Read

With scientific discoveries and technological advancements comes knowledge. This knowledge defines the scope and practices of the different fields of professions that they apply to. Due to the continuous nature of medical research, the medical sciences are not also behind on scientific discoveries. More often than not, there is a new field knowledge that changes the way people do their job. The change could be something in something routine as checking the blood pressure of a patient or measuring the body temperature. A smart clinical research scientist knows that they have to ensure that they stay up to date with scientific discoveries to help patients as well as themselves.

If you have been offered a clinical research job or you are interested in one, one thing you should know for sure is that to be successful in this field, you need to know your stuff. It is true what they say, to remain relevant in any field is to remain knowledgeable.

To help your cause, we have made a list of 6 books that will help you succeed in the clinical research field.

Fundamentals of Clinical Trials , by Lawrence M. Friedman, Curt D. Furberg, David DeMets. This book looks into key issues like assessment, reporting of results, randomization, interpretation etc. This book introduces clinical trials to you beautifully, with real life examples used to explain key features of clinical trial.

Designing Clinical Research , by Dr. Stephen B Hulley, MD, MPH, Steven R Cummings, MD, Warren S Browner, MD. This book is an important book for doctors, pharmacists, nurses and all medical professionals involved in medical research. It explains useful methods for designing, funding and implementing clinical research.

Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research, Third Edition , by Warren S. Browner MD. This book contains the essentials of clinical trials and publication. This book will come in handy for those who wants to know more about organizing, delivering, and publishing the results of their research in the best way possible.

Practical Guide to Clinical Data Management, Third Edition , by Susanne Prokscha. One issue that always pops up in clinical research is how to manage the large volumes of ever increasing data. If you are already working in the field, you could no doubt relate. This is a task that can be rightfully described as “extremely time consuming”. This book gives powerful insights on current industry tactics on the use of Electronic Data Capture (EDC) for clinical research. This book will help you solve the age-long problem of managing voluminous clinical research data.

Honorable mentions

Basic Principles of Clinical Research and Methodology by S. K. Gupta

A Clinical Trial Manual from the Duke Clinical Research Institute . Kate Davis, Margaret Liu.

Handbook for Good Clinical Research Practice . WHO.

We have introduced many good reads for those who like to stay informed. Whether you are someone looking to get started in the field or someone who is looking for a refresher, these are the perfect places to start. If you need motivation to get reading, here are some clinical research positions to remind you of what is possible when you apply yourself.

If you prefer online classes with professional guidance, check out CCRPS’ certification courses . They offer one of the only major ACCRE accredited courses in the US. The courses are created by real, senior professionals who skip the nonsense and get right into what you need to succeed in the field.

To learn more about the role of a Clinical Research Coordinator, consider this Clinical Research Coordinator course .

Explore the realm of drug safety with our Pharmacovigilance Certification .

Dive into clinical research specifics with the CRA certification .

Understand the essential regulations with the ICH-GCP course .

Begin your journey in clinical trials with the Clinical Trials Assistant Training .

Enhance your skills with the Advanced Clinical Research Project Manager Certification .

For physicians aiming at leading research, consider the Advanced Principal Investigator Physician Certification .

Specialize in monitoring clinical trials with the Medical Monitor Certification .

Take courses from CCRPS and learn more on how to become a clinical research professional.

Discover more from Clinical Research Training | Certified Clinical Research Professionals Course


What You Need to Know About Being a CTA (Clinical Trial/Research Assistant)

How does clinical research billing work.


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    To help your cause, we have made a list of 6 books that will help you succeed in the clinical research field. Fundamentals of Clinical Trials, by Lawrence M. Friedman, Curt D. Furberg, David DeMets. This book looks into key issues like assessment, reporting of results, randomization, interpretation etc. This book introduces clinical trials to ...