Zodiac Signs Research Essay

1st period Zodiac signs have been around for a period of time now. The orders of the signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These signs are divided into four sections, which are Earth, water, and fire. A lot of people still wonder whether or not what they say about the zodiac signs are true or not, such as horoscopes and compatibility charts. The main concern is the affect your zodiac sign have on your personality and compatibility.

Water signs are proven to be very emotional people.

Water signs consist of Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. Relationships don’t come easy to these people. They’re very sensitive with there feelings all around. With that being said, it’s easy for them to pick up a vibe from others. These people have really strong intuition. The feelings of other people really interest them. Males of this sign are said to be the most sensitive males on the planet.

People like this tend to feel sympathy for others, which means anything that has to do with helping someone, or giving someone attention, would be the perfect Job or task for them.

Zodiac Sign Research

However, although the three signs are water signs, they do have their differences. A Pisces are a very changeable person, which means one thing never satisfies them for too long. Attention span for them runs very short. It’s hard to get them to stick to something, and stay with it. They thrive off of change.

essay zodiac signs

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Now, what interest most people if anything else doesn’t, is compatibility. The water signs are most compatible with earth signs. These signs would be Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. These are the signs that water signs are most likely to get along with, and can benefit from one another.

The earth signs are sure to keep you on your feet. Moving along, Earth signs, which in my personal opinion, I think are the most interesting people, in fact are! These are the most intelligent, stable, open-minded, practical, and reasonable people on earth. Unlike Water signs, earth signs don’t really like change too much. They like too experience routines for a long period of time. The earth signs as said earlier include, Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. These people are really sensual, and base all their thoughts off reality.

This somewhat explains why these people tend to be sarcastic. These people like to plan, and make goals for themselves. By conversing with these people they can usually tell you their whole true life. Some of the most successful people in the world, such as BeyondГ©’, Michael Jackson, and Paul Walker, are Virgo which is an earth sign. Surprisingly, these three earth signs have many differences. A Virgo falls into the sub- category of mutable, which means they can connect with everybody, and they can easily be in charge without creating conflicts.

This is because they have many different outlooks, and can easily see things from a different perspective. It is very easy for these people to bring things or people together. If there’s ever a problem Virgo are the ones to call. They have such an adaptable and diverse personality. Something out of nothing. The word that is said to describe theses people is preserving. Taurus can come off as basic compared to other signs. Their main concern is achievement. Capricorn on the other hand, are the ones that like to be the center of attention.

They love to run things, as long as their doing that then they’re happy. Capricorn are very outgoing people. They are considered far from shy. Of course, earlier it was said that the earth sign is most compatible with the water sign. After all they do say water feels at peace in earth (Bloodspot). You should also know that although someone is the same sign, males and females have different traits. This is common sense. Now, with all of that being said, moving on to air signs. This includes Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These people love to talk”, (Nuance Belches). This clearly means that communication is one of their best traits. Air signs are very social. Your most likely to catch these people at parties, speaking at conferences, and hosting big public events. These people have some of the most vivid imaginations. This makes them very creative, and has a very artistic sensibility. Therefore, they make great designers. The difference between these signs is that the interesting Gemini has two sides. This means that it has the traits of another sign, as well as its own.

However, like a Virgo, this sign also falls under the sub-category of being mutable. In this case they can also almost get along with any other sign. A Libra is also known to play the leader role. Labia’s are also well known for not wanting to be alone. One of their main focuses is actually how well they interact with others. Unlike Libra being so into people, Aquarius people focus way more on the world, and really like to express new des by their daily activities. These air signs are compatible with last but not least fire signs.

According to the astrology world “air feeds fire”, (Bloodspot). The fire signs are Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. These signs are well known for being independent. Because they’re so focused on them, these people usually become very successful and on top. Due to their abundant focus on independence, they usually have a hard time with the closes people to them, because they lack showing them attention. These people are also very arrogant, so if you ever want to be felt sorry for, or held in arms, stay away from fire sign.

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Zodiac Signs Research Essay

50 Astrology Essay Topics: Immerse Yourself in Astrology

50 Astrology Essay Topics

essay zodiac signs

It is assumed that people started observing the sky in the Lower Paleolithic period – then, they identified the seasons of the year.In the 23rd – 22nd centuries BC, Arab astronomers studied several lunar eclipses. All those three phenomena overlapped with the change of three successive rulers of ancient Sumeria.

Thus, it was believed that the eclipses predicted the change of power. In those days, astrology was a mystical teaching, but it was then that the basis of scientific knowledge was created. It was astrology that accompanied the birth of all great civilizations. In ancient times, the exploration of the starry sky was carried out by priests. Their wisdom was considered secret and passed on from generation to generation, but the circle of the trusted people was kept small.

Later, astrology was studied by the outstanding scientists of Babylon and Assyria, Ancient Greece and Egypt, India and China. This way, Pythagoras, Plato, Cicero, Seneca, Aristotle, Claudius Ptolemy, Hippocrates, Avicenna and many others learned its secrets.  

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Astrology supports the idea that the whole world is a unified system and its parts are closely connected. Thus, natural cycles affect the rhythms of planetary movement. Studying these cycles, it is possible to predict what will happen at a particular time and how the course of events will look like.

Also, another sphere worth studying is the astrology of personality. It states that each person has chances to define their own path, and its options can be described in the birth chart (horoscope).

Any event can be interrupted by free will. Thanks to astrology, we can get necessary information and warnings that help us avoid something or, on the contrary, realize the plans and intentions.

No doubt, all this makes astrology particularly interesting for college students who have open minds and are willing to broaden their horizons further.

50 Astrology Essay Topics Suggestions To Choose From

How is astrology research different from other school subjects? As it was mentioned earlier, astrology is related to various fields. So you will definitely have the opportunity to apply your knowledge to write outstanding astrology essay topics.

It is also important that many topics are poorly studied or completely unexplored, which allows you to become a pioneer in this matter. You might be inspired by one of the following:

  • The Essence of Astrology as a Cultural and Historical Phenomenon
  • How Do Ancient People's Beliefs Relate to Astrology?
  • Successes of Ancient People in Studying Astrology
  • Ancient Astrological Practices: Do They Have a Right to Exist?
  • What Principles Were Laid by Ptolemy 2000 Years Ago?
  • How Did the Fates of Nations and Kings Change Because of Astrology?
  • Major Stages in the Development of Astrology and What Makes Them So
  • Characteristics of the Development of Astrology from Ancient Period to Our Time
  • Why Did Philosophers Refuse to Observe the Starry Sky?
  • Hard Times for Newtonian Physics, or Modern Stage of Astrology
  • Astrological Knowledge Base: Perspective of Different Ages
  • Astrology: Its Subject, Object and Functions
  • A Look at Astrology from the Perspective of Philosophy and Religion
  • The Connection between Astrology and Religion
  • What Unites Astrology and Religious Practices
  • Developed Astrological Systems: The Reasons for Their Origin
  • The Rise of Newtonian Physics and the Decline of Scientific Astrology
  • Calendar Astrology and Astrology Omens: Their Evolution and Prospects
  • What is Modern Astrology Characterized by?
  • What Are the Key Aspects Behind Astrology?
  • What Can Astrology’s Musings Offer, Based on Examples?
  • Can Astrology Describe the Negative Character Traits of the Zodiac Signs?
  • Zodiac Signs of World Rulers and Leaders
  • Would History Change If Hitler Had Another Zodiac Sign?
  • Why Didn't Astrologers Stop Hitler Knowing His Zodiac Sign?
  • Talents and Traits of Various Signs
  • Is Astrology a Science? Pros and Cons
  • Scientific and Extra-Scientific Knowledge: What Do They Have in Common?
  • The Connection Between Astrology and Other Sciences
  • Astronomy and Astrology: Are They Different Disciplines?
  • Can Astrology Change Our Life?
  • How Does the Moon Affect Our Habits and Lifestyle?
  • A Look at the Psyche from an Astrological Perspective
  • Archetypical Psychology: Its Basics and Functions
  • Natal Chart Trends Used in 2021
  • Horoscopes in Magazines: Is There Any Truth In Them?
  • Can Esoteric Be Called Rational: An Astrological Perspective
  • Rationalism in Psychology: Its Foundations
  • Similarity As A Basic Principle Of Astrology
  • Can Ontology Be Learned With The Help of Astrology?
  • The Role of Free Will in Hindu Astrology
  • Contribution of Nostradamus to the Development of Astrology
  • Zodiac Symbolism and Its Role In Modern Astrology
  • Astrology in the 21st century: Characteristics and Perspectives
  • Influence of Astrology on Contemporary Art
  • Should Astrology Affect Our Way of Thinking?
  • Predictions by Medieval Astrologers: Did They Come True?
  • The Four Elements and Their Key Characteristics from an Astrological Perspective
  • Why Is Astrology So Popular These Days?
  • Studying Astrology: Where To Start?

Of course, the field is so in-depth that the list of astrology essay topics can be endless. As you explore it, you may discover things you have never heard of before. Or vice versa, you can ensure that your earlier understanding was right. In any case, deep research always leads to interesting results.

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Resources to Help you Write A Brilliant Work

Despite the fact that many researchers consider astrology a pseudoscience, many see its excellent potential for understanding the Universe, our destinies and human nature And that is why there is a wide range of sections which differ in tasks. Perhaps some of them will inspire you to complete your astrology topics:

Natal astrology predicts the main trends in the person’s destiny, their character traits, talents, predispositions, etc.;
Synastry astrology deals with how the relationships develop;
Medical astrology studies health issues;
Electional astrology suggests the best moment to do something;
Mundane astrology predicts how states and nations will evolve;
Vedic astrology is associated with Ayurveda, yoga and other esoteric studies;
Astropsychology is a combination of astrology and psychology, based on the theories of Carl Jung;
Karmic astrology reveals the causes of certain problems (debts, diseases), and also determines the purpose of people’s lives, their mission.

Once you select the theme, you need to find books that describe the foundations of astrology and then move on to scientific research. Here’s a list of such resources we’ve prepared for you:

  • The Only Way to Learn Astrology, by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers, 2018
  • The Eagle and the Lark, by Bernadette Brady, 1998
  • The Inner Sky, by Steven Forrest, 2012
  • The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology, by April Elliott Kent, 2016
  • Planets in Transit, by Robert Hand, 1980
  • Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope, by Sue Tompkins, 2002
  • The Twelve Houses, by Howard Sasportas, 2009
  • Astrology: Sense Or Nonsense?, by Roy A. Gallant, 1974
  • Fundamentals of Astrology, by M. Ramakrishna Bhat, 1988
  • Astrology: Art and Science, by Sandy Anastasi, 2013

Struggling to capture your thoughts on paper? Our service to do my assignment can transform your ideas into a compelling and academically rigorous essay, tailored to your specific requirements. Let us help you achieve academic success with ease and confidence.

Scientific Articles That May Be Handy

Astrology topics are closely related to various sciences and religions, ancient spiritual practices and modern techniques of self-improvement. Why does interest in astrology grow over time?

The answer is simple – it’s the eternal desire of a person to know their future and ways of shaping it.

Thanks to astrology, it is possible to realize how various spheres of life are connected and get a broader perspective on many things. It also gives a chance to observe the cosmic order in our chaotic life. Knowing what the future has in store, many people feel more self-confident and calmer.

So, what do scientists think about this? We have compiled a list of articles worthy of your attention:

  • Astrology and Modern Science: A Critical Analysis, by Lawrence E. Jerome, 1973
  • The Scientific Evidence of Astrology, by Abhinav Kashyap, 2019
  • How Astrology Paved the Way for Predictive Analytics, by Philip Ball, 2020
  • What Makes Some People Think Astrology is Scientific?, by Nick Allum
  • Significance of Astrology In Our Lives, by Rumani Saikia Phukan, 2015

Extra Books For You to Read

From ancient times, astrology was considered as a means for determining the fate of a person by the position and movement of the stars. The famous astronomer Ptolemy wrote the foundational textbook, covering many astrology topics.

Interestingly, the scientist believed that the location of the stars does not determine destiny entirely, as the main choice still depends on the person. And what do you think? In case you are still wondering, if it’s true, here are some materials to get acquainted with:

  • Seeing Stars: Harness the Power of the Zodiac, by Stella Andromeda, 2019
  • Astrology for the Soul, by Jan Spiller, 1997
  • Vedic Astrology for Beginners, by Pamela McDonough, 2020
  • Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune, by Chris Brennan, 2017
  • Astrology, Karma and Transformation, by Stephen Arroyo, 1992.

To Wrap It Up

The universe is a system where everything has its laws. According to astrology, those who know the rules can choose what’s better for their present and future. In our modern world where everything changes so fast, people are in a constant hurry. Many find themselves in difficult and even desperate situations. That is why astrology becomes a helpful tool.

We hope that the materials and astrology essay topics mentioned in the article will be useful for your research – be free to use them. And let the world be amazed by your discoveries!

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Essay: Zodiac Signs and Personality Characteristics

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  • Subject area(s): Psychology essays
  • Reading time: 19 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 29 March 2016*
  • Last Modified: 30 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 5,420 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 22 (approx)

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The sky is the most mysterious part of our everyday experience. Familiarity may make the amazing events going on at ground level seem almost ordinary. Plants and animals grow and die, rain falls, rivers flow. We feel we understand that.

But the sky is beyond comprehension. Two great objects travel through it, one hot and constant, the other cold and changeable. In the daytime it is moody; there may be blazing sun, or racing clouds, or darkness followed by thunder and lightning. And yet on a clear night the sky is the very opposite – predictable, if you look hard enough, with recognizable groups of stars moving in a slow but reliable manner.

Man’s interest in the sky is at the heart of three separate stories – astronomy, astrology and the calendar. .

Astronomy is the scientific study of sun, moon and stars. Astrology is a pseudo-science interpreting the supposed effect of the heavenly bodies on human existence. In early history the two are closely linked. The sky is the home of many of the gods, who influence life on earth. And the patterns in the sky must surely reflect that influence.

Astrology is an elaborate system of knowledge and there are voluminous treatises containing very intricate calculation based on the position of stars and planets and the inter-relation existing between them and the various phenomena on earth including human life.

“Astrology does not offer an explanation of the laws of the universe, nor why the universe exists. What it does, to put it in simplest terms, is to show that there is a correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm. In short that there is a rhythm to the universe, and that man’s own life partakes of this rhythm.” (Miller, 2006)

Astrology’s major focus is the zodiac which help in determine the characteristics of a person and the events that may take place. Therefore, at this point it becomes impertinent to cast a glance at zodiac signs,

The zodiac is the term used to describe the circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic – the path of the sun. The term zodiac derives from Latin zōdiacus, which in its turn comes from a Greek word, meaning “circle of animals”.

From the earliest of times, the zodiac has been universally used to predict or reflect characteristics of personality, whether from the Chinese, Mesopotamian, Indus Valley, Egyptian or any other culture, echoing the ancient philosophy ‘As above – so below’… what we today call astrology.

The zodiac further categorizes into the planets and the elements which consist or represent the 12 zodiac signs, also known as the Sun signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Zodiac Signs

The Zodiac signs, also known as the Sun Signs, represent the 12 equal divisions of the topical zodiac which begins with the positions of the Sun. The twelve signs have the same names as the 12 segments of the constellations. The dates for each sign is determined by the Sun passing one sign to another. The dates are as follows:

Glyph Sign Birthdates Symbol

♈ Aries (the Ram) March 21 – April 20

♉ Taurus (the Bull) April 21 – May 21

Gemini (the Twins) May 22 – June 21

♋ Cancer (the Crab) June 22 – July 22

♌ Leo (the Lion) July 23 – August 23

♍ Virgo (the Virgin) August 24 – September 23

♎ Libra (the Balance) September 24 – October 23

♏ Scorpio (the Scorpion) October 24 – November 22

♐ Sagittarius (the Archer) November 23 – December 21

â™’ Capricorn (the Goat) December 22 – January 20

â™’ Aquarius (the Water-Bearer) January 21 – February 19

â™” Pisces (the Fish) February 20 – March 20

Element: Fire

Ruling Planet: Mars

Symbol: The Ram

Psychological Need: To be self-confident and free; to lead

Best Quality: Leadership

Key Traits: self-esteem, initiative, activity, pioneering, ambition, enterprise, courageous, energetic, impulsive, optimistic, egotistical, innovative, original, strong drive, leader, enthusiastic, extroverted, competitive, self-reliant, self-assured

Downside: egotistical, quick tempered, aggressiveness, hatred of restraint, officiousness (minding other people’s business, meddling)

Aries is a Fire sign whose ruling planet is Mars. This planet represents action, anger, energy and sex. This is considered a masculine sign, positive, extrovert.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and also represents spring. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• This sign has a “me first” attitude

• Are courageous and have an energetic drive to get the work done and to achieve goals

• Pure honesty is expected by an Aries personality

• Independence is a keyword of Aries personalities of astrology signs.

• The Aries person has a tendency to be quick-tempered, opinionated, and critical.

• Labelled as intolerant, selfish, cruel, and arrogant.

• Aries personalities of astrology signs may have strong drive, high leadership qualities and be quite ambitious

• Have strong self-reliance and self-assuredness.

• They have a determined personality of astrology sign along with a powerful ego.

Element: Earth

Ruling Planet: Venus

Symbol: The Bull

Psychological Need: To be resourceful and productive

Best Quality: Stability

Key Traits: affectionate, dependable, patient, stable, determination, endurance, thoroughness, conservative, harmony, possessions, practicality

Downside: obstinacy, stubbornness, argumentative, possessiveness, love of rich food, dull

Taurus is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus in the common man and Vulcan in the man on the path to discipleship. Venus is the planet of harmony, love, beauty and music. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• They can be patient, reliable, warmhearted and loving. But, the flip-side is also just as common where they become possessive, overly emotional, self-indulgent and jealous.

• Are known for their stability, reliability and dependability.

• They are prone to being inflexible, short tempered, argumentative and the most stubborn

• Taurus can be quite materialistic and greedy

• They are conservative, conventional and introverted.

Element: Air

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Symbol: The Twins

Psychological Need: To communicate

Best Quality: Versatility

Key Traits: versatile, adaptable, nonconformist, inquisitive, curious, quick-witted, communication, networking, congenial, tactful, mentality, thinking, writing, speaking, literacy, speech, intellectual

Downside: changeable, fickle, indecision, superficiality, restless, nervousness

Gemini is an air sign ruled by Mercury in the common man and Venus in the man on the path to discipleship. Venus is the planet of harmony, love, beauty and music. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• Gemini are known to be “sociable.”

• They appear to be restless or often scheming

• The Gemini person is usually very versatile, flexible and a jack-of-all-trades making them appear quite intelligent

• Gemini are scatter brained, silly and at best flexible

• These lively, youthful people are not only quick-witted but great conversationalist.

• Are vain, cold and insensitive

• Are superficial because of their changeable nature.

• Some can be very rigid idealists

Element: Water

Ruling Planet: Moon

Symbol: The Crab

Psychological Need: To give and receive emotional warmth and security

Best Quality: Tenacity

Key Traits: domesticity, sympathy, sensitiveness, artistry, tenacity, protectiveness, caring, nurturing, maternal

Downside: touchiness, timidity, clannishness, restlessness, indolence, overemotional, over-sentimental

Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon in the common man and Neptune in the man on the path to discipleship. Neptune is the planet of mystical consciousness, or the innate sensitivity which leads to higher vision. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• Intimate relationships and close friendships are important to a Cancer than another personality of astrology sign.

• Cancers are homebodies who love their families and their homes.

• They have a strong intuition

• Safety and security are important

• The Cancer person can be deeply emotional in fact overly emotional or sensitive at times to the point of being clingy, moody and irritable.

• Cancers make loving and caring intimate partners.

• Cancers are generous and kind to others spent.

• Cancers thrive on emotional stability.

• They can be too cautious, lazy, selfish and self-centered at times.

Ruling Planet: Sun

Symbol: The Lion

Psychological Need: To create and express oneself

Best Quality: Kindness (generosity)

Key Traits: affection, nobility, generosity, loyalty, dignity, leadership, radiant, vitality, authority, will, power

Downside: domination, arrogance, autocracy, cruelty, overbearing, vanity, ostentatious, false pride

Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun in the common man and also the in the man on the path to discipleship. The Sun represents your ego structure. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• Are confident individuals who are the most extroverted and flamboyant

• These people can be very magnetic, sunny, and charismatic,

• Leos have been known to over dramatization and act vainly when they express themselves.

• They have a strong sense of character.

• Leo rules the sense of self-worth.

Symbol: The Virgin

Psychological Need: To analyze and find order

Best Quality: Analytical

Key Traits: discrimination, analytical, methodical-ness, service, helpful, studiousness, hygiene, purity, mentality

Downside: criticism, cynicism, fear of disease, perfectionism

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury in the common man and the Moon in the man on the path to discipleship. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• Virgo people are the most health conscious

• A Virgo would be a careful planner, calm, helpful, and dependable

• They have a perfectionist attitude with fragile egos.

• Virgos are very practical and responsible, but at times they can be picky, disorganized and even dependent.

• If a Virgo becomes melancholy, they can project the worst of their negative side of fault finding, picky, superficial, critical and petty.

• They are delightful people who will do anything for you in an unselfish, dependable and meticulous way.

• Virgos can go overboard and become nervous hypochondriacs with their health consciousness.

• They make romantic partners, with a good sense of humor, and can be impressive conversationalist.

• They have excellent organizational skills

Symbol: The Scales

Psychological Need: To create harmony and balance

Best Quality: Affability

Key Traits: balance, harmony, companionship, charm, social grace, justice, courtesy, hopefulness, artistic ability, attractiveness, fairness

Downside: always needing approbation, indecision, lack of poise, emotional fluctuation, can’t say no

Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus in the common man and Uranus in the man on the path to discipleship. Venus influences your love nature. Venus is the Goddess of love and beauty, as well as the light of inspiration and devotion to truth. Uranus rules your search for freedom. It represents that which transcends the limits of the finite life. The personality characteristics of this sign are as follows:

• A Libra person has a strong sense of what they consider right and wrong.

• They have a need for peace, as well as to please everyone and have everyone like them.

• Balance is their goal

• When the worst comes out in a Libra can be insincere, fickled, self-indulgent who can be quite apathetic.

• They are extroverts and sociable

• They are charming fair-minded person will be poised gracious and kind.

• Libra’s have been known to be somewhat flirtatious, tending towards gossip since others feel very comfortable around these sociable types.

• But they are known for their the white lies, self-indulgence, and their need for peace at any price

• They are easily influenced and quite gullible at times.

• They will be loyal and fair

Ruling Planet: Pluto/Mars

Symbol: The Scorpion

Psychological Need: To experience intense emotional transformation

Best Quality: Resourcefulness

Key Traits: regeneration, courage, desire, resourcefulness, cunning, secretive, austere, determined

Downside: discord, misuse of sex, passion, temper, willfulness, vindictive, resentful, jealousy, envy, possessiveness, troublesome, uncompromising

Scorpio is a water sign ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto in the common man and Mars also in the man on the path to discipleship. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• Desire of all kinds rule this sign.

• Scorpio are strong-willed, bold, courageous, competitive, resourceful, mysterious and direct.

• Scorpios have one of the most intense, intuitive and complex souls of the personalities of astrology signs

• They are one of the most secretive of all

• Some would call them controlling, jealous, destructive and sarcastic.

• Scorpios are very suspicious and intolerant and cruel or violent.

• As a friend, Scorpios are very loyal and helpful.


Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Symbol: The Archer/Centaur

Psychological Need: To explore and expand horizons

Best Quality: Loyalty

Key Traits: aspiration, love of freedom, expansion, exploration, idealism, luck, orthodox religion, philosophy, law, generosity, optimism, honesty

Downside: over-confidence, dogmatism, bluntness, exaggeration, fanaticism, sportiveness, gambling

Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. In the orthodox man the ruling planet is Jupiter with tendencies like ambitious desire and direction. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• This is the most free-spirited, easy-going, inquisitive and straightforward

• Sagittarians think deeply about the big picture

• Maintaining a fun, child-like quality throughout life

• They are the most optimistic of all the personalities of astrology signs, possessing idealistic philosophical feelings.

• This sign is a seeker of knowledge

• Sports are of great interest to a Sagittarian with abundant energy.

• A true Sagittarian has grace, beneficence, and is full of harmony and completion.

• This sign loves to travel and makes friends easily.

• They are hot-headed.

• They are eternal procrastinators

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Symbol: The Goat/Sea Goat

Psychological Need: To find structure and social acknowledgment

Best Quality: Diplomacy

Key Traits: ambition, conservatism, conscientiousness, organization, position, honors, justice, caution, economy, authority,

Downside: pride, suspicion, selfishness, resentfulness, pessimism, unforgiving, deceitfulness, justice without mercy

Capricorns are an Earth Sign in which both the orthodox man and the disciple are ruled by the planet Saturn. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• They love power, respect and authority.

• Capricorns are cool, calm, self-disciplined and possess a powerful inner strength

• They are prudent, conservative, very practical and responsible.

• Capricorns approach finances with prudence, planning and discipline.

• Capricorns are the eternal opportunists

• Their general outlook is fairly rigid and unmoving.

• Many will consider this sign to be an egotistical, demanding and intolerant status seeker.

• They will provide stability, loyalty and security for life.

• They display a degree of pessimism.

Ruling Planet: Uranus/Saturn

Symbol: The Water-bearer

Psychological Need: To innovate, be original, and break forms

Best Quality: Altruism

Key Traits: humanitarianism, independence, originality, progressiveness, cooperation, brotherhood, diplomacy, altruism

Downside: argumentative, impractical, emotionally-detached, dictatorship, stubborn or closed-minded, rebellious

This is an Air Sign ruled by Uranus and Saturn in the ordinary man, and Jupiter in the disciple. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• They are idealistic unconventional thinkers

• In fact some will think an Aquarian to be impersonal, too radical, rebellious, unrealistic and impractical

• They are progressive, unique, logical and ingenious.

• Aquarian is smart, quick, fun and a memorable person.

• Some may appear unsympathetic and cold fanatic.

• These personalities of astrology signs tends to stay free and self-reliant.

Ruling Planet: Neptune/Jupiter

Symbol: The Fish

Psychological Need: To gain faith and belief in transcendence

Best Quality: Sympathy

Key Traits: compassion, universality, intuitiveness, inspiration, renunciation, sacrifice

Downside: worry, psychic negativity, introspection, lack of confidence, secretiveness, seclusion, procrastination, sorrow

Pisces is a Water Sign ruled by Neptune and Jupiter in the conventional man, and Pluto in the disciple. The personality characteristics of this signs are as follows:

• Pisces are patient, perceptive, spiritual, peace-loving and imaginative person

• Pisces like to influence others through their compassionate, charitable and imaginative natures, but they are often influenced and vulnerable.

• Are considerate and sensitive

• This is an artistic, creative and psychic sign with a keen imagination.

• They are easily influenced or impressionable.

• They have qualities of decisiveness, timidity, melancholies

• Pisces will be a deep caring individual

• The Piscean worker is personable, easygoing and charming

(Weaver, n.d.)

Every zodiac sign is allied with a planet which defines it in terms of personality traits and characteristics.

Through thousands of years of observation, two things have been noted:

• Each planet represents an energetic part of our being, or a component of life (i.e. emotions, communication style, and love style).

• The position of each planet in the heavens indicates the style in which the planet’s component is manifested.

Natal astrology observes that the positions of the planets at the moment of your birth indicate the style in which each planet’s component is manifested in your life.

Greeks believed that the planets were gods or the living instruments of gods. This means that they were considered agents, in the same sense that human beings are considered agents: they could act and be acted upon in ways comprehensible to us, at least in principle. One aspect of the planets’ life and behavior we can observe and even predict: their motions and their positions relative to one another, to the zodiac, and the horizon.

The planets acquired their personas from the Greek gods whose manifestations they were. This is true in a primary way of the five, and in a secondary way of the two luminaries, for the Sun acquired some of the traits of Apollo and the Moon some of the traits of Artemis/ Diana. Primarily, though, the Sun carries the persona imputed to the Sun god — which is of course a tautology, indicating only that in the ancient world the Sun was divine. Likewise the Moon.

Each Greek God has his/her own personality which is reflected through the planets. The descriptions below describe how each planet is represented as well as the sign equivalent to it.

☉ The Sun

Best quality: Rulership

Worst quality: Dictativeness

The Sun tells us of the actual core of a person, the inner self, of that which is of central concern. It also shows us the general vitality and the ability to assert oneself, it describes a general tone of being which colors everything else.

Sign equivalent: Leo

☽ The Moon

“I feel”

Best quality: Adaptability

Worst quality: Inconstancy

The Moon represents our feelings and emotions, the receptivity, imagination and basic feeling tone of a person. It also has an effect on the sense of rhythm, time and timing, it influences our adaptability to change, our mobility and versatility.

Sign equivalent: Cancer

☿ Mercury

“I think”

Best quality: Expression

Worst quality: Restlessness

Mercury represents reason, reasonableness (common sense), that which is rational. It stands for the spoken and written word, putting in order, weighing and evaluating, the process of learning and skills.

Sign equivalents: Gemini and Virgo

“I love”

Best quality: Affection

Worst quality: Pliancy (bending too easily, taking the easy way out)

Venus gives us a sense of beauty, the enjoyment of pleasure, aesthetic awareness, love of harmony, sociability, taking pleasure in relationships and eroticism.

Sign equivalents: Libra and Taurus

“I act”

Best quality: Initiative

Worst quality: Harshness

Mars represents the energy and drive of a person, their courage, determination, and the freedom of spontaneous impulse. It also describes the readiness for action, the way one goes about doing things as well as simple aggression.

Sign equivalent: Aries

♃ Jupiter

“I grow”

Best quality: Benevolence (kindness)

Worst quality: Conceit

The search for individual meaning and purpose, optimism, hope and a sense of justice are represented by Jupiter. So also faith, a basic philosophy of life, the striving for spiritual growth and expansion.

Sign equivalent: Sagittarius

â™” Saturn

“I achieve”

Best quality: System and Organization

Worst quality: Selfishness

Saturn shows how we experience “reality”, where we meet with resistance and discover our limitations. It represents the conscience and moral conviction, the laws and rules which we choose to obey. It also tells us about our powers of endurance and the ability to concentrate, it lends qualities like earnestness, caution and reserve.

Sign equivalent: Capricorn

â™… Uranus

“I evolve”

Best quality: Originality

Worst quality: Rebellion

Uranus stands for intuition, it transmits sudden inspiration and lightning insights. An openness for all that is new, unknown and unusual. A sort of wrong-headed contrariness is also associated with this planet. It is said to be characteristic of astrology as such.

Sign equivalent: Aquarius

♆ Neptune

“I dream”

Best quality: Idealism

Worst quality: Vagueness

This planet gives us the supersensory, opens doors to mystical experience and the transcendental. On this level it is hard to discern where perception moves into deception, illusion and false appearances, and so Neptune is associated with all of these, with drugs and all kinds of pseudo-realities.

Sign equivalent: Pisces

“I empower”

Best quality: Transformation

Worst quality: Inversion (turning things upside down)

Pluto describes how we deal with power, personal and non-personal, be it through suffering the power of others or exercising it ourselves. It describes how we meet the demonic and magical, our regenerative powers and our capacity for radical change and rebirth: the cycles of dying and becoming.

Sign equivalent: Scorpio

(Greene, 1977 & Corrine, 2009)

The other categorization of the zodiac signs are the 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. These are also regarded as the 4 basic principles of life. Each element is assigned to 3 Sun signs which is known as the triplicity.

The “four elements” of astrological tradition refer to the vital forces (or energies) that make up the entire creation that is commonly perceived by human beings. The four elements in a birth chart reveal the ability to participate in certain realms of being and to tune in to specific fields of life experience.

The four elements—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—each represent a basic kind of energy and consciousness that operates within everyone. Each person is consciously more attuned to some types of energy than others.

The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire signs respond to energy very quickly. They favor action. They are ready to go, take a risk, start a business, go on a trip, etc. They are confident, idealistic, intense, and approach life with zest and enthusiasm. Here is energy to conquer, lead, and travel physically and mentally. Aries must act, Leo must lead grandly, and Sagittarius explores unknown places and ideas.

Positive Traits: extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, inspirational, visionary, high-spirited, simple and direct, physically active, dramatic, courageous, warm

Negative Traits: overly active to the point of burnout, restless, impatient, selfish, insensitive, willful, hasty, lacking in perspective, thoughtless, impulsive, reckless, extravagant, and wild.

The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth signs are more cautious in their approach. They are more practical, realistic, and they need solid footing before going forward. Taurus will dig the heels in and really ponder things. Virgo will analyze. Capricorn will climb, but will do it with care, first needing a vision, a plan, an organized structure before starting the ascent. Earth signs are dependable, thorough and solid.

Earth signs seek to engage the physical world and master it through efficient organization. Earth signs seek economic security, respect, and prestige, and they work hard for it.

Positive Traits: practical, efficient, organized, realistic, patient, self-disciplined, hard-working, productive, enduring, persistent, dependable, stable, good common sense

Negative Traits: slow, stodgy, lacking in vision, unimaginative, petty, excessively conventional, narrow-minded, stubborn, resistant to change, hoarding, ultra conservative.

The Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Air signs approach energy mentally; they are thinkers. They are social, always ready for a new relationship or friendship. They love learning, but bore easily. Gemini has great intellectual curiosity, but too many personalities. Libra is partnership driven, but not in an emotional way. Aquarius is popular with friends and is unstoppable when it has a cause to champion. Air signs are into ideas and people. They are communicative; they must share information, interact with others, and influence society.

Positive Traits: articulate, objective, mentally clear, detached, capable of forethought, understanding, socially adept and adaptable, cooperative, relational

Negative Traits: unemotional, lacking in sympathy, impractical, disassociated from the body and the physical world, over-adaptive, abstracted, glib and facile, hyperactive

The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Water signs respond to energy almost unconsciously. They are deeply emotional. Cancer is motivated to nurture and be nurtured. Scorpio has intense vision, never swaying, looking straight ahead with laser-like focus. Pisces is the trickiest to describe. Pisces energy is chameleon-like, absorbing its surroundings.

Positive Traits: deeply emotional, sympathetic, empathetic, nurturing, calm and peaceful, sensitive, compassionate, imaginative, intuitive, psychically aware

Negative Traits: emotionally insecure and unstable, shy, timid, lacking in confidence, oversensitive, easily influenced and manipulated, withdrawn, uncommunicative, vindictive and vengeful, takes everything personally, moody and depressed

Each individual born belong to a particular planet, element or zodiac signs might carry traits which makes them similar and different form each other. This research’s purpose is to explore the area of zodiac signs and how they might be linked with the personality traits of each individual.

Review of Literature

Astrology is a complex system that dates back to the third Millennium B.C. It is based on celestial observations and correlating events. Astrology helped lay the foundation for the development of astronomy. It has influenced belief systems and even entire cultures. The many components of astrology, such as signs, planets and aspects, are what make it a complex system. The many components are considered when forming accurate readings of astrological transitions and how they relate to each individual.

Anyone can gain greater personal understanding with astrology since it affects peoples’ lives just as the moon influences the tides. Astrology provides the tools that can help make the best and most informed decisions. It is like a map for the soul that provides individuals with insights into the future, and reveals the tendencies, quirks, and truth about human nature, relationships, career choices and the world at large. Astrology may be used as a guide for daily living, as well as for forecasting and predictions

The link between the zodiac signs and the personality characteristics has been explored numerous times resulting with either significant but mostly insignificant results, The following studies show the results of various researches made upon this topic

Another study by Hume and Goldstien (1977) on 196 college students investigate the hypothesis and that the personality can be predicted on the basis of an individual’s astrological chart. In the study, two separate, renowned personality tests were administered and the hypothesis could not be supported as the results showed the participants couldn’t accurately identify their astrological personality at a greater than chance level.

The two studies by Illingworth and Syme (1977) and Tyson (1977) found no correlation between sun sign and personality traits measured by the CPI, including the femininity index.

In his research, Dean (1983) conducted a test by the UK Sunday newspaper News of the World, a panel of four astrologers were able to guess the Sun signs of 8 out of 12 subjects (one for each sign) following one or two interviews lasting no more than five minutes each, vs 1 expected by chance. The test was repeated in 1981 and again the panel got 8 out of 12 right.

Gauquelin (1982) compiled personality profiles from biographies of 2000 sports figures, actors, scientists, and writers. Compared these profiles with personality traits associated with the sign of the sun, moon, and ascendant according to eight astrology texts. No correlation was found using either the sidereal or tropical zodiac.

Pawlik and Buse’s (1984) study on 799 adult subjects consisted of a test is presented of the hypothesis that the relationship between astrological birth sign and personality differences in extraversion and neuroticism (as reported by Mayo, White and Eysenck) can be explained in terms of self-attribution of personality. An explanation of the Mayo-White-Eysenck results in terms of attribution theory was essentially verified

Dean (1985) tested whether astrology can predict E (extraversion) and N (emotionality) in ordinary people, the test was conducted over 1198 subjects mostly from the southern hemisphere, all of whom had known birth times. The results of 132 such tests, and a multiple discriminant analysis, showed that no factor performed consistently above chance level.

Dwyer (1987), in his research paper, used a sample of 175 mixed adults who completed a 36-item questionnaire addressed to likely Pluto meanings, namely intensification, exaggeration, social power, transformation, and suppression. The results were suggestive of no meaningful trend whatever, which does not deny that Pluto may have meanings other than those tested

According to the study by AinO (1992) the sign positions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars were compared between 5147 psychology students and 3232 engineering students. No result was significant.

AinO (1993) tested the claim that the Sun’s element at birth is related to the psychological functions in Carl Jung’s typology, specifically whether the Sun in a Fire sign is related to a dominant Intuition function, Earth to Sensing, Air to Thinking, and Water to Feeling. I was tested over 370 subjects (168 males, 202 females). When the 370 cases were divided into Intuition vs Sensing, or into Thinking vs Feeling, the relation with element was again non-significant

This study by Rooij (1994) replicated the study by Mayo, White and Eysenck that confirmed the astrological proposition that people born with the sun in a positive sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) are extraverted and those with the sun in a negative sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces) are introverted.

A study by Wymen and Vyse (2008) explores the effect of horoscope on people’s personalities and indicates how investigation is made difficult by the Barnum Effect, a concept which refers to peoples’ inclination to allow their personalities to be summed up using indistinct, unclear and broad descriptions. In the case of an investigation into the effects of star songs on a person’s personality the Barnum Effect can have significant consequences as it increases ambiguity and undermines the attainment of empirical data.

Clarke, Gabriels & Barnes (2010) suggests that the astrological theories assume a link between an individual’s personality traits and the positions of the sun, moon, and planets in the zodiac at the moment of birth.) Scores on extroversion and emotionality were obtained from 190 first-year university students. Multiple t tests showed a significantly greater mean extroversion score for the group with both the sun and the moon in positive signs than for the group with both in negative signs. No other differences in means were significant. The findings generally did not support theories claiming that tendencies toward extroversion and emotionality are determined by astrological signs.

In his study, Steyn (2011) examined the relationship between astrological signs and personality traits in 65, 268 South African jobseekers (mean age = 24.8 years, females = 59%, Blacks = 98%). Contrastive analysis of personality traits by astrological signs yielded no significant differences.

A research paper by Silverman & Whitmer indicated how the subjects might be aggressive, ambitious, creative, intuitive, and extroverted. As exact birth times were available for subjects, it was possible to determine their sun, moon, and ascending signs. The results showed that the astrological indicators of personality were not related to either self or friends’ descriptions of the subjects’ personalities

• Aquarius Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/aquarius/

• Aries Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/aries/

• Bobgan, M. & Bobgan, D. (1992). FOUR TEMPERAMENTS, ASTROLOGY PERSONALITY TESTING. Santa Barbara, California: EastGate Publishers.

• Cancer Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/cancer/

• Capricorn Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/capricorn/

• Clarke, D., Gabriels, T., & Barnes, J. (1996). Astrological Signs as Determinants of Extroversion and Emotionality: An Empirical Study. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 130(2), 131-140.

• Corrine, L., (18 Aug. 2009). Astrology Basics — Lesson 1. In Free Astrology Lessons (1). Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/basics/

• Corrine, L., (2009). Planets in Astrology — Lesson 5. In Free Astrology Lessons (5). Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/planets

• Corrine, L., (2009). Zodiac Signs — Astrology Lesson 8. In Free Astrology Lessons (8). Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/zodiac

• Corrine, L., (21 Aug. 2009). Elements Qualities Polarities — Astrology Lesson 7. In Free Astrology Lessons (7). Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/elements

• Eaks, D., Jarrett, S., & Worth, N. (1998). An Introduction to Astrology. Victorian Astrologers’ Association.

• Gemini Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/gemini

• Greene, L. (1977). First Steps in Astrology. Retrieved fromhttp://www.astro.com/astrology/in_signs_e.htm

• Lane, Corrine. (19 Aug. 2009). Astrology Glyphs — Symbols Lesson 2. In Free Astrology Lessons (2). Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/glyphs

• Libra Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/libra

• Pisces Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/pisces/

• Rooij, J. J. F. (2002). Introversion-extraversion: astrology versus psychology. Personality and Individual Differences, 16 (6), 985-988.

• Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/sagittarius/

• Scorpio Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/scorpio/

• Silverman, B. I. & Whitmer, M. (2010). Astrological Indicators of Personality. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 87(1)

• Steyn, R. (2011). Astrological Signs and Personality Differences. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 21(3), 493-494.

• Taurus Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/taurus/

• The Planets. A Brief Introduction to Astrology. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.astro.com/astrology/in_planets1_e.htm

• Virgo Zodiac Sign Astrology. (2012). In Free Astrology Lessons. Retrieved from http://astrolibrary.org/virgo/

• Weaver, S. (n.d.). The Personalities of Astrology Signs Show Human Idiosyncrasies. Retrieved from http://www.2012-spiritual-growth-prophecies.com/personalities-of-astrology-signs.html

• What do you mean, “test” astrology?. (2005). Retrieved from http://skeptico.blogs.com/skeptico/2005/02/what_do_you_mea.html

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Essay on Astrology

Students are often asked to write an essay on Astrology in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Astrology

What is astrology.

Astrology is a belief system that suggests there’s a link between the positions of heavenly bodies and events on earth. It’s ancient, dating back thousands of years. People who study astrology are called astrologers. They believe that the movements and positions of stars and planets can affect human behavior and fate.

Astrology’s Components

Astrology has several parts. The zodiac is a key component, which is a belt of the heavens divided into twelve equal parts. Each part is named after the constellation that appears in it. Astrologers use these to make predictions.

Types of Astrology

There are many types of astrology, each focusing on different aspects. Some popular types include Natal, Mundane, and Electional astrology. Natal astrology is based on a person’s birth chart, Mundane deals with world events, and Electional picks the best time to do something.

Astrology vs Astronomy

Astrology and astronomy are different. Astronomy is a science studying celestial objects and phenomena. Astrology, on the other hand, is a belief system. It’s not based on scientific evidence but is still important to many cultures.

Astrology Today

250 words essay on astrology.

Astrology is a belief system that suggests there is a relationship between the positions of celestial bodies and events that occur on Earth. It is an old practice, dating back thousands of years, and is still popular today.

There are many types of astrology. The most common is Western Astrology, which uses the zodiac signs like Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. Another is Vedic Astrology, which comes from India and uses a different set of signs. There’s also Chinese Astrology, known for its 12-year cycle and animal signs.

Astrology and Personality

Astrology is often used to gain insight into a person’s character or future. This is done by looking at a person’s “birth chart”, a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment of the person’s birth. Astrologers believe that this chart can reveal a lot about a person’s life and personality.

Common Criticisms

Many people criticize astrology because it’s not based on scientific evidence. Critics argue that astrological predictions are too vague and can apply to anyone. Despite this, astrology continues to attract followers who find comfort and guidance in its teachings.

Astrology, with its rich history and various types, continues to be a fascinating subject for many around the world. While it may not be scientifically proven, its influence on culture, personality understanding, and future predictions is undeniable.

500 Words Essay on Astrology

The zodiac signs.

Astrology is often connected with the zodiac signs. These are twelve sections of the sky, each named after the constellation that appears in it. The zodiac signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each sign is associated with specific traits or characteristics. For example, Leos are often seen as brave and outgoing, while Virgos are viewed as careful and organized.

Birth Charts

In astrology, a birth chart is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment you were born. These charts are used to predict a person’s personality and future events. The position of the Sun, Moon, and planets at the time of your birth is thought to shape your personality, affect your relationships, and predict future events in your life.

Astrology and Culture

Controversy around astrology.

There is a lot of debate about whether astrology is a science. Many scientists argue that there is no proof that the position of stars and planets can predict personality traits or events. They say that astrology is not based on evidence and cannot be tested in the same way as scientific theories. On the other hand, many people who believe in astrology argue that it provides valuable insights into personality and life events.

In conclusion, astrology is a fascinating and complex system of beliefs that has been around for thousands of years. While it is not considered a science by all, it continues to play a significant role in many cultures around the world. Whether you believe in astrology or not, it’s interesting to learn about the zodiac signs, birth charts, and how they are used to predict personality traits and life events.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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essay zodiac signs

12 Zodiac Signs Overview (Dates, Traits, Meanings)

Liz Roby

The zodiac signs are the key to understanding astrology and your unique personality. Wondering what is my zodiac sign?

You’re not alone. People worldwide consult this timeless system to understand themselves and improve their relationships.

The zodiac signs in order run from Aries to Pisces. By studying each sign, you’ll understand what motivates others and how to seduce them.

The zodiac signs are the foundation for using astrology to understand people and resolve conflicts. Each zodiac sign’s compatibility depends on the element and modality.

You can navigate obstacles by tapping into the strengths of each zodiac sign. Understanding each sign’s preferences can also help you avoid common pitfalls.

Table of Contents [ show ]

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)


The first zodiac sign is Aries , the ram. Aries is a cardinal fire sign, meaning it is associated with the element of fire and is the first sign of the spring season.

Aries people are headstrong and willful. They are active, athletic, and determined to succeed. As the first sign of the zodiac, they resemble firstborn children in their enthusiasm and eagerness to prove themselves.

They love challenges and rush to explore. Aries are adventurous and become bored unless they have a regular adrenaline rush to keep them alert and focused.

Their best compatibility is with other fire signs like Leo and Sagittarius and air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. They love the thrill of the chase and need to feel like heroes in a relationship.

Get insights into your astrological makeup with our free birth chart calculator.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)


The zodiac sign Taurus is a fixed earth sign. Associated with the nurturing, abundant earth element, Taurus people are patient, reliable, and work to make others feel secure.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus , making those born under this sign creative, romantic, and sensual. They seek pleasure but aren’t afraid to work to achieve success.

They have a sense of value and expect respect from others. Taurus people have an eye for quality; don’t cut corners. They can be frugal but will splurge for their favorite luxuries.

Taurus people are sensible and patient. They understand good things take time; they can be excellent cooks and gardeners.

Taurus compatibility is best with other earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn. They are also attracted to water signs like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)


Gemini is a mutable air sign. The sign of the twins is flexible and adaptive. They are intellectual, witty, and charming. People born during the sign of Gemini have a gift for languages.

They can be flighty and indecisive and excel in intellectually stimulating work. Gemini loves traveling and learning new things.

Their best compatibility is with other air signs like Libra and Aquarius. They are also an ideal match for fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Mercury rules Gemini and is responsible for this sign’s reputation as a messenger. Geminis are clever and enjoy socializing and learning about pop culture.

Start exploring your birth chart for free today.

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)


Cancer is the sign of the crab. The Moon rules Cancer, which is a cardinal sign like Aries. Unlike Aries, Cancer is a water sign. People born under this sign are nurturing, compassionate, and intuitive.

They are the mothers of the zodiac, and they treat others like family. In extreme cases, Cancer may treat others like children and can be patronizing. They are introverted and moody.

People born with the sign of Cancer can be shy initially. Their best compatibility is with other water signs like Scorpio, Pisces, or earth signs. They have a sixth sense of people and feel most comfortable at home.

This zodiac sign’s months are June and July . Cancers love being near the water. They are especially fond of the ocean; like the tides, their emotions are ruled by the Moon.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)


Leo ‘s zodiac sign meaning relates to being social, outgoing, and popular. People born under this fixed fire sign are generous and make natural leaders.

The zodiac sign animal for Leo is the lion, and like their symbol, they are protective and proud. They make their voices heard, and when they are happy, angry, or sad, everyone knows it.

They have the most flamboyant of the zodiac sign’s personalities because their ruling planet is the Sun . They are confident and inspire others to follow their dreams.

Leo is most compatible with other fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries, and air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. They are assertive and need a partner who follows their lead.

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Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)


Mid- August to mid- September zodiac sign dates fall under the sign of Virgo . Virgo is a mutable earth sign ruled by Mercury. They are intelligent, analytical, and detail-oriented.

Virgo people are health-conscious and love order and cleanliness. They are sensible and avoid drama. Virgo people can be critical because they try to help others improve.

They are diligent and cautious. Virgo won’t be rushed and take their time. They are intellectual and can be helpful and humble.

Their best compatibility is with other earth signs such as Capricorn and Taurus. Virgo also is compatible with water signs like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)


Libra is a cardinal air sign with scales as its symbol. People born under Libra are influenced by the planet Venus. Libra is romantic, idealistic, and imaginative.

People born under the sign of Libra are friendly, compassionate, and gentle. They avoid conflict when possible, but will advocate for others if they sense injustice.

Libras have artistic skills and are known for their talents in the humanities and fashion. They are naturally beautiful and seek pleasure and comfort.

They are intellectual and outgoing. Libras are most compatible with other air signs like Aquarius and Gemini. They are also compatible with fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

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Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)


Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs. The fixed water sign is ruled by two planets , Pluto and Mars . Scorpios are intelligent, intuitive, and attracted to wealth and power.

They are determined and dig deep to find the truth. Scorpio is a sign obsessed with precision and secrets. They are attracted to the occult and other mysterious topics.

Scorpio is most compatible with other water signs such as Cancer and Pisces. They are also an ideal match for earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)


Sagittarius is the sign of the archer. The symbol for this sign is a centaur with a bow and arrow. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign meaning people born under this sign are passionate, flexible, and adventurous.

Sagittarius is one of the most independent of all the zodiac signs. They love to roam free and become frustrated if a love interest is too clingy. They can be sensual and seductive but don’t corner them.

Sagittarius people love learning about spirituality, culture, law, and philosophy. They search for purpose and meaning.

Sagittarius people are most compatible with other fire signs like Aries and Leo. They are also compatible with air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

They can be brutally honest and say what they believe. They are generous and prosperous. Sagittarius people are notorious for being gamblers. Fortunately, they are also lucky.

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Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)


Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn . People born under this sign are practical, hard-working, and traditional. They are old souls who create a stable foundation for others.

Capricorns focus on rules and crave order and control. They look to the past for security. Their symbol is the mythical sea goat and they can be stubborn and determined like the goat.

They are mature for their age and often seem older than they are. Capricorn people are low-key and avoid drama. They are sensible and have a knack for timing.

They are used to hardship and aren’t deterred by challenges. Capricorn people are self-disciplined and thrive with repetition and consistency.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)


The sign of Aquarius is the most rebellious in the zodiac. Ruled by unpredictable Uranus , Aquarius people are erratic and creative. Theirs is a fixed air sign.

They are innovative and excel in science and technology matters. Aquarius is independent yet compassionate about humanitarian issues. They are progressive and love being catalysts for change.

Aquarius people are creative and intelligent. They are intuitive and have a gift for sensing trends on the horizon.

People born under this sign struggle in intimate relationships. They are aloof, moody, and independent. Yet they have many friends from all walks of life.

Their best matches are other air signs like Gemini and Libra. They are also compatible with fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

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Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)


Pisces , the sign of the fish, is one of the most sensitive in the zodiac. Their planetary ruler is Neptune and they are spiritual, emotional, and empathetic.

Theirs is a mutable sign and they are flexible and impressionable. They are mystical and spiritual. Pisces are natural healers who use their intuitive gifts to share compassion and understanding.

They have strong imaginations and can be prone to fantasies and escapism. They can also be self-sabotaging and tend martyrdom.

Yet Pisces people are also among the most caring and nurturing. They can be introverted and gentle. Pisces are most compatible with other water signs like Cancer and Scorpio.

Pisces people are also an ideal match for earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. They are easily influenced and can be encouraging to others.

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Aquarius: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Virgo: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Taurus: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Scorpio: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Sagittarius: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Pisces: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Libra: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Leo: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Gemini: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Capricorn: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Cancer: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Aries: Traits, Compatibility, and More

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Astrology Zodiac Signs

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Star Sign Dates & Traits

There are 12 different horoscope signs, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, traits, desires, and way of viewing the world. Your personal astrological sign is based on the position of the sun on the day you were born. Take a look below to learn what your zodiac sign is, and click on each to discover their powerful traits and secrets.

Aries Dates

Mar 21-Apr 19

Aries Traits

Eager, dynamic, quick and competitive

Taurus Dates

Apr 20-May 20

Taurus Traits

Strong, dependable, sensual and creative

Gemini Dates

May 21-Jun 20

Gemini Traits

Versatile, expressive, curious and kind

Cancer Dates

Jun 21-Jul 22

Cancer Traits

Intuitive, sentimental, compassionate and protective

Jul 23-Aug 22

Dramatic, outgoing, fiery and self-assured

Virgo Dates

Aug 23-Sep 22

Virgo Traits

Practical, loyal, gentle and analytical

Libra Dates

Sep 23-Oct 22

Libra Traits

Social, fair-minded, diplomatic and gracious

Scorpio Dates

Oct 23-Nov 21

Scorpio Traits

Passionate, stubborn, resourceful and brave


Sagittarius dates.

Nov 22-Dec 21

Sagittarius Traits

Extroverted, optimistic, funny and generous

Capricorn Dates

Dec 22-Jan 19

Capricorn Traits

Serious, independent, disciplined and tenacious

Aquarius Dates

Jan 20-Feb 18

Aquarius Traits

Deep, imaginative, original and uncompromising

Pisces Dates

Feb 19-Mar 20

Pisces Traits

Affectionate, empathetic, wise and artistic

What is the Zodiac?

The zodiac is made up of twelve constellations and signs, dividing the sky into twelve sections. These pieces of the cosmos are ruled by the constellation they are affiliated with, forming each member of the zodiac. These twelve sections are further defined by the elements they are affiliated with, and the planets they are ruled by.

For example, the sun travels through each sign throughout the year, marking significant shifts that occur about every thirty days. However, we also see change occur as other planets and the moon soar through our galaxy, enriching our lives with a variety of challenges, blessings, and emotional movement.

The sign any given planet is placed under will give us insight around how that celestial bod is acting in the moment, providing a map for the energy we are to contend with throughout the day.

The Elements of the Zodiac Signs

Each of the zodiac signs is ruled by an element: fire, earth, air, or water. Each of the elements is characterized by different strengths and tendencies. But how each star sign is affected by its element is unique to that sign.

Water signs are seen as shy, reserved, and sensitive, but also intuitive and in-tune with their feelings. They make natural empaths, with an ability to tap into the emotions of people around them. They're nurturing towards the ones they love but need to be careful they're not overly giving with anyone who might take advantage of this quality. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Fire signs, meanwhile, are known for passion, creativity, competitiveness, and inspiration.

Earth signs are considered conservative, realistic, and "down-to-earth." Patience is what gets them ahead in life, because they understand the importance of building up personal or professional goals over time. They love to be spoiled but do the same for anyone lucky enough to win their affections. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Finally, air signs are thought of as rational, social, and intellectual. People with this sign are naturally friendly, communicative, and analytical. Their curiosity makes them excellent students, and most continue to self-educate long after they've completed formal schooling. They love keeping up-to-date with their friends, but need to be mindful to carve out time for quiet reflection, and avoid overstimulation, anxiety, or insomnia. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

The Zodiac Signs Traits

As the first sign to appear in the zodiac, aries are typically brave and outgoing..

They're assertive by nature and won't hesitate to tell you how they feel. But they do need to be mindful that they don't hurt anyone's feelings by speaking impulsively. They can be headstrong at times, and make better leaders than followers.

No one will expose you to the finer things in life quite like a Taurus.

This fixed earth sign has impeccable taste and loves to indulge. They tend to be financially responsible, but still know how to treat themselves and the ones they love. Though they do have a stubborn streak, this member of the zodiac is incredibly loyal and reliable.

Perhaps the most curious sign in the zodiac, Geminis make great students and communicators.

They're witty and charming, but also have a darker side to them. They love to socialize but can become nervous or overstimulated when they don't take time for themselves. This sign is also great at multitasking but needs to be careful not to take on too much at once.

As a water sign, Cancers feel deeply, though will often keep these sentiments hidden under their shell.

They are intuitively nurturing and love to take care of the people around them. They have a reputation for being moody and aren't always the best at unpacking their feelings with others. They often opt to sort out their issues alone.

Warm, artistic, and protective of the ones they love, Leos make great friends and companions.

They are confident and larger-than life, easily charming the people they encounter. However, this sign can be dramatic from time to time, especially if they feel disrespected. They feel passionately about their personal interests but need to be mindful that they show interest in the lives of those around them as well.

One of the most efficient members of the zodiac, Virgos are organized, driven, and meticulous in their work.

They are very detail-oriented, making them master editors with extremely high standards. However, they need to be mindful that they are not overly demanding or critical of themselves or those around them.

Known for their diplomacy and harmonious energy, Libra is one of the most laid-back members of the zodiac.

They are extremely relationship-oriented but can sometimes prioritize their partner's needs over their own. This Venus ruled sign has a keen eye for aesthetics with impeccable personal style and well decorated homes.

Mysterious, charismatic, brave, and magnetic, Scorpios are hard to ignore.

They are extremely intuitive and make natural psychologists with an ability to easily read those around them. They form intense bonds with their friends and romantic partners, but they can become possessive or jealous if they're not completely confident with themselves.

Sagittarius is one of the most beloved members of the zodiac–with an adventurous, charismatic, and generous spirit.

They lean toward optimism and love to take risks, but need to be mindful of living in the present and making practical plans for the future. Sagittarius are natural philosophers and are always looking to explore the mysteries of the universe.

Perhaps the most disciplined members of the zodiac, Capricorns are known for their endurance and determination.

Career-motivated and focused on status, these earth signs are highly driven to reach their professional goals and take their responsibilities very seriously. They're typically resistant to change and will often stick with their personal routines for many years.

Nothing says "quirky" quite like Aquarius energy does. This member of the zodiac embodies rebellion, creativity, eccentricity, and intelligence.

They're driven by a desire to evolve past antiquated ideals, and help society move into a more compassionate space. They can be seen as unpredictable or disorganized, but often surprise people with their streaks of brilliance and hidden genius.

Pisces signs have a peaceful and gentle presence about them, with an uncanny ability to tap into the emotions of the collective.

They're extremely malleable and need to be careful of who they surround themselves with. Since they are hyper-intuitive, they can sometimes become disconnected–making it important for this water sign to ground often.

The Rulers of the Zodiac

Each of the zodiac signs is also associated with a planet, or a "ruler." This planet exerts a stronger influence over a given sign than any other planet. It affects how your zodiac sign interacts with others, approaches life, and forms relationships. A sign's temperament is often defined by its planetary ruler, bringing through a passive, aggressive, conservative, receptive, or extroverted personality type.

The traditional planets–Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter–all serve more than one sign. While the sun and moon are assigned only to Leo and Cancer.

Mars–ruled signs tend to be motivated by passions and can sometimes lean toward aggressive or impulsive behaviors. Mercury-ruled signs have a natural curiosity, making them excellent students and communicators. With Venus as a planetary ruler, we see a desire for romance, aesthetics, and luxury. Saturn can bring out a restrained or traditional personality type who values structure and order. Jupiter bestows the signs it rules with optimism and a larger-than-life energy. The sun's rulership of Leo can be credited for this member of the zodiac's warmth and sense of pride. The Moon is responsible for Cancer's intuition and nurturing tendencies.

These seven celestial bodies solely governed the zodiac for centuries. But as astronomers continued to discover planets, some members of the zodiac were given a secondary, or modern, ruler. Pluto represents power and transformation, aligning with the intensity it brings to Scorpios. Uranus is known to shake things up, bringing an unpredictable element to Aquarius signs. Meanwhile, Neptune is thought to be responsible for the dreamy outlook of Pisces. Though the modern planetary rulers have prominent roles in the signs they govern, it's important to take into account each sign's traditional planets as well, and how these rulers work together.

House Systems

In addition to having a planetary ruler, each member of the zodiac has a "house" that it is the natural ruler of. If you've ever pulled up your birth chart, you likely noticed that it is divided into twelve sections–each of which are correlated with a number. These numbers make up the house system and will give you additional insights to help you unlock the secrets of your natal chart.

While Aries is the natural ruler of the first house, it won't necessarily govern your personal first house, unless you are an Aries rising. The first house of the zodiac is always ruled by your rising sign–and is known as the house of self. It can provide information regarding our identities, as well as physical appearances. It can even uncover information surrounding our births.

The second house rules money and it's what helps someone feel secure. Information around how a person learns and communicates can be found in the third house, while the fourth tells the story of your home life. The fifth house rules creative expression and leisure activities, while astrologers turn to the sixth house to learn more about someone's daily routines and health. Love and relationship matters are spotlighted in the seventh house, while the eight house is often referred to as the house of "sex, death, and taxes." Our spiritual paths can be understood through the ninth house, and our career paths unfold in the tenth. Your connection to community and social activism will be found in the eleventh house, as well as group activities you like to participate in. The twelfth house is perhaps the most misunderstood area of a birth chart, as it rules the unseen, the subconscious, and secrets.

When reading your natal chart, you'll want to pay close attention to the rulers of each house in your chart and take note of your planetary placements and how they interact with one another. The house system is the backbone of any astrology reading, allowing us to interpret many areas of our life piece-by-piece.

Tropical and Sidereal Astrology

Tropical astrology is typically practiced by western astrologers and is formed around the traditional dates of equinoxes and solstices. It finds these calculations based off its relationship to the sun. Sidereal astrology takes a different approach toward calculating planetary placements. It considers the wobble of the Earth on its axis–and pays more attention to the movement of our constellations versus the fixed nature of our sun.

Why People Believe in Astrology

People believe in astrology for many reasons, which won't be the same for all. Some take a surface-level interest, turning to their daily horoscopes for a glimmer of what the day might hold. Others plummet into extensive dives into their natal charts in an effort to understand themselves and those around them more clearly. There is a general belief that a greater force in the cosmos has an effect on us humble humans, which leaves us turning to the heavens for clarity on our paths.

Culture Astrology

  • Sagittarius

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  • Hellenistic
  • Unravelling The Zodiac Mysteries

How to Write an Essay on Astrology?

How to Write an Essay on Astrology?

Should astrology stand along with other sciences, such as astronomy and physics? Even if you disagree but get this topic for your college essay, you should learn how to write it correctly according to your professor's instructions and recommendations. Of course, the theme doesn't require your interest or involvement in horoscopes. However, understanding the seriousness of the matter of such an ancient field of study as astrology is relevant for creating a perfect paper that your teachers will approve of. So, if you want to earn a high grade on your work, explaining how people trusted astrological signs hundreds of years ago and predicted certain events from the positions of the celestial objects in the sky would guarantee excellent results and a good grade. However, there are other aspects you need to consider while crafting an essay. Here you will find the best tips on h creating outstanding writing on such a challenging and complex topic as astrology.

Do Research

As with any college assignment, your task requires thorough research and evaluation. Even if you are not specializing in science, try to collect all the relevant information concerning astrology to confirm your thesis. Thus, searching online might be a good idea, especially today when we have access to some information we can include in academic work. Understanding the main questions the audience might want to hear the answers to will enable you to come up with the clearest ideas of what material to incorporate into your writing. Considering opposing points of view might help find the necessary information for developing the topic and providing the reader with other possible opinions and statements. If you want to become a better writer in your task, ensure you gather the necessary information to compose a coherent and well-constructed paper. Your research work will come in handy in this case.

Choose an Appropriate Vocabulary

Using relevant vocabulary is essential when implementing an academic task. If you have a problem delivering a message using formal words, turn to unique resources for help to learn more academic vocabulary. You can take your teacher's advice on constructing the thesis statement considering the academic norms and forms. Gaining professionalism and mastering the language might be challenging, especially when you need more time to prepare your writing. However, learning the basics from particular textbooks or online sources will help you manage the task effectively. Feel free to confront some difficulties. Overcoming the challenges on the way to success will determine how well you are prepared for future academic accomplishments.

Follow the Structure

Whatever topic you choose or are given for an essay, you should follow a particular structure to meet the norms and requirements of an academic paper. The astrology essay is not an exception. So, before you start composing the text and putting all the facts and evidence together, ensure it consists of three main parts: introduction, body copy, and conclusion. Then, after you make some drafts, you can segregate the information according to the academic writing format. Remember, it's essential that your introduction hooks the reader and draws their attention till the main body begins.

Suppose you have difficulty managing your writing independently due to overwhelming homework or tasks given by your teachers. Whatever reason you have to postpone your work or rely on somebody else to do it for you, the results and grades are the only things that matter. To maintain high performance at school, you can always go to professionals for help, especially when there is no other way to handle the problem. Reading the best essay writing reviews will enable you to choose the most suitable company that would fit your needs and requirements.

Do Proofreading

Making an essay on Astrology might be exciting and challenging. You might need to spend more time and energy collecting specific data or searching for facts to help you deliver the message. However, when you finish your work, only hurry to hand it in to your teachers if it's proofread several times. You may need to turn to somebody to help you direct some mistakes that cannot be seen to you, as there are chances that even minor errors can escape your sight. Your classmate can perfectly do the job for you and glance at the work to see if it's done correctly. Then, take your writing to the instructor to check it before the final delivery.

No matter how challenging your astrology essay might be, try to put as much patience and diligence into work as possible:

  • Sketch the outline and ensure you include the main ideas to support your opinions on the topic and provide the opposite thoughts, which may resonate with the reader with different views on the matter.
  • Add the thesis statement to describe the issue or the problem in several sentences, which will give the whole picture of your essay and put the reader into the case you reveal.
  • Make your conclusion clear and coherent for creating structured content with appropriate academic terms or language corresponding to your theme.
  • Following the particular format and regulations, you will craft an excellent paper to impress your teachers with well-done work.

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essay zodiac signs

Believe it or not, Astrology has always been thought of as something that directly affects human lives. Moreover, as something so mainstream, it’s important that young and old understand the implications behind it and how the whole phenomenon even works. Knowing about something and having faith in it are two different things, and being a college student, it becomes necessary to open your mind to the former.

When students expand their insights and broaden their minds to different information and knowledge, it helps them make better references and stronger reason for existence. For this reason and many others, such as the book report writing service , a subject such as astrology is necessary to attend during college life.

Table of Contents

40 Astrology Topics for Good Research

topics for research

In the meantime, come up with a good topic on Astrology for your own research. Look at what you can research in Astrology:

  • Astrology as a Historical and Cultural Phenomenon: What Is It?
  • Primitive People and Their Beliefs Related to Astrology
  • The Role of Ancient Peoples in Astrology: What Was Achieved?
  • How Truthful and Useful the Strange Ancient Practice of Astrology Were?
  • The Basic Principles Laid Down by Ptolemy Nearly 2000 Years Ago
  • The Influence of Astrology on the Fortunes of Kings and Nations
  • The Main Stages of the History in Astrology: What Is the Most Significant Period of Time and Why?
  • The Features of the Development of Astrology from Ancient Times to the Present Day
  • Why Did Several Prominent Philosophers (Giulio Libri and Cesare Cremonini) Refuse to Even Look Through the Telescope?
  • The Modern Stage of Astrology: The Crisis of Newtonian Physics
  • Classification of Astrological Knowledge Through the Ages
  • The Object, Subject and Epistemological Functions of Astrology
  • Astrology from the Standpoint of Religious and Philosophical Systems
  • Astrology and Religion: What Is the Connection Between Fields?
  • Astrology and Religious Practices: What Combines?
  • The Emergence of Developed Astrological Systems
  • The Crisis of “Scientific Astrology” and the Triumph of Newton’s Physics
  • The Development of Astrology Omens and Calendar Astrology
  • The Modern Definition of “Astrology”: 3 Aspects of the Concept
  • Is There Something Really Meaningful Behind Astrology?
  • How Far Can Astrology’s Musings Go Based on Examples?
  • Can Astrology Determine the Most Maddening Habits of Every Zodiac Sign?
  • World Famous Leaders and Their Zodiac Signs
  • What Will Happen If Hitler Had Another Star Sign?
  • If Astrologers Knew Who Hitler Would Become: Why Didn’t They Stop Him?
  • Mental Abilities of Each Sign of the Zodiac
  • Has It Been Determined Already if Astrology Is a Science or Not?
  • The Problem of the Relationship Between Scientific and Extra-Scientific Knowledge
  • The Interaction of Astrology with Various Scientific Disciplines: What Are They?
  • Are Astronomy and Astrology Two Different Notions?
  • How Can Astrology Possible Make a Difference in Our Lives?
  • Moon Can Make People Cry, Murder or Act Funny: What Is the Logic Behind It?
  • The Human Psyche Through the Eyes of an Astrologer
  • Mind and Space: Holotropic States of Consciousness, Archetypical Psychology, and Transit Astrology
  • Top 5 Natal Chart Trends Used in 2019
  • Why Do Horoscopes of the Same Zodiac Sign in Different Newspapers Differ So Much?
  • The Rationalization of Esoteric Thinking on the Material of Astrology
  • The Idea of Similarity in Astrology and Its Rational Equivalents
  • The Similarity as the Basis of the Astrological View of the World
  • Astrology as the Ultimate Ontological Framework

To be honest, there are so many hidden depths in Astrology that it can be really interesting to study many questions from different perspectives. Maybe, conducting research on these topics will make you think about this field in a different way and convince you that astrology really is something impressive. Look at what can help you make the research process smooth and pleasant.

The List of Information Sources on Astrology to Write a Good Paper

Despite the fact that a number of scientists do not recognize Astrology as a science arguing that it does not have an irrefutable evidence base, other researchers see the potential for discoveries in this field that can change the concept of life, the universe, the cosmos, and human. To empower your journey into this intriguing area, write my speech on the insights from these books and scientific journals, which you can use as a basis for your work and new discoveries in Astrology. Below, we have collected the most interesting and relevant studies on astrology, providing a solid foundation for further exploration and discourse.

Top 10 Books to Start a Journey in Astrology

If you just have started studying Astrology, it makes sense to start with books explaining basic concepts and then proceed to scientific researches. As a rule, books are written for a wide range of readers because this is a great way to take an introductory course, understand the basic vocabulary and terms, and make a list of questions for further study. Here are the books we recommend starting with.

  • The Manual of Astrology , 2010
  • A History of Western Astrology , 1987
  • A Guide To The Signs , 1992
  • Fundamentals of Astrology , 1988
  • Astrology For You , 2005
  • Astrology: Art and Science , 2013
  • Astrology: Sense or Nonsense? , 1974
  • Yogas in Astrology , 2003
  • Vedic Nadi Astrology And Career , 2005
  • Secrets Of Astrology , 2013

So, if you are well-versed in the basic concepts, let’s proceed to scientific researches the list of which we have collected below.

7 Scientific Articles on Astrology to Study and Analyze

International Journal of Jyotish Research offers various articles to study on Astrology, including:

  • Astrological Theory of Siddhars in the Context of Human Diseases Development, 2019
  • A Look at the Sun from an Astrological Point of View, 2019
  • Vedic Astrology: The Question of Predetermining Gender of the Unborn Person with Data Mining Methods, 2018
  • Influence of Planets on Export Trade: Astrology at the Interface with the Economy, 2018
  • Vaasthu Sasthiram Techniques, 2018
  • An Empirical Study of the Question If Our Birth and Sex Are Determined in Advance, 2018
  • Evidence of the Importance and Relevance of Vedic Astrology, 2018

Some More Sources of Information You May Use As Well

  • An Attempt to Prove That Astrology Is Still Valid as a Science, 1990
  • Criticism of Modern Concepts of Astrology,1997
  • Astrology from a Mathematical Point of View – What Is the Meaning of House Division?, 2000
  • New Attempts and Research Methods Used by Modern Astrologers, 2003
  • Astronomy and Astrology, 2011

Feel free to use the topic and materials provided in this article for your scientific immersion in the secrets of Astrology. The academic world is waiting for your new discoveries and theories on Astrology! Impress everyone with your well-written research paper , which you order from our specialists.


Too busy to write your paper by yourself?

What Are the 12 Zodiac Sign Dates?

By Narayana Montufar

April 1, 2021

What Are the 12 Zodiac Sign Dates?

From the moment you heard about astrology, you probably asked yourself the most basic question, “What is my zodiac sign?” You were probably told there were 12 zodiac signs—but are you familiar with the zodiac sign dates? While this one zodiac sign works as your main archetype and has a lot to do with your personality traits, we dare say it barely scratches the surface of your personality.

Your astrological sign—also known as your sun sign or zodiac sign—refers to the sign the sun was in at the moment you were born. As the star of our solar system, the sun spends approximately four weeks in each of the 12 zodiac signs, which is what the zodiac signs and dates are based on: the movement of the sun through the sky.

Therefore, when trying to figure out your sign, your birthday can easily guide you to it, unless you were born on the day the sun switched signs. This would mean you were born “ on the cusp .” But contrary to popular belief, your sense of self doesn’t respond to two zodiac signs! Since the sun can only occupy one zodiac sign at a time, this means that your sun sign is defined by the minute you were born. Below, are a list of the zodiac cusp dates in case you’re curious.

When it comes to the parts of your personality that are conscious and on display, your sun or zodiac sign relates to your sense of self, your confidence, and your identity. If you don’t know what your astrological sign is, you can find it in our free birth chart calculator .

As you will soon see, your sun sign is only the beginning of a rich and complex journey that involves the rest of the planets, as well as the other 11 zodiac signs. That’s right: Your chart contains the entire zodiac wheel! When talking about the zodiac wheel and the zodiac signs, it’s important to notice that there isn’t such a thing as a thirteenth sign ! Sure, some astrologers consider the constellation Ophiuchus a 13 zodiac sign, but Western astrology is no longer based on constellations (like Vedic or sidereal astrology is).

While the ancient art of Western astrology began as a study of the constellations as archetypes, when astrologers realized that Earth was moving, this morphed into an Earth-centric practice centered on the points that mark our four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Indeed, it’s in this seasonal emphasis where astrology finds its laser-focused, spot-on predictions.

Let’s now unpack the energy of the 12 zodiac sign dates and various seasons. Regardless of your zodiac sign, you’ll be able to perceive how the energy of each season applies to you and everyone else around you!

What Are the Zodiac Sign Dates?

Aries Dates : March 21-April 19

Taurus Dates : April 20-May 20

Gemini Dates : May 21-June 20

Cancer Dates : June 21-July 22

Leo Dates : July 23-August 22

Virgo Dates : August 23-September 22

Libra Dates : September 23-October 22

Scorpio Dates : October 23-November 21

Sagittarius Dates : November 22-December 21

Capricorn Dates : December 21-January 20

Aquarius Dates : January 21-February 18

Pisces Dates : February 19-March 20

  Aries Zodiac Sign Dates: March 21–April 19

essay zodiac signs

Every year, the sun enters Aries on the same day as the Spring Equinox. This is the starting point of the zodiac and the astrological year. Ruled by fiery and intense Mars, Aries season is full of light and energy. It’s one of the two times each year when the sun shines directly on the equator.

Marked by the newborn Ram archetype, Aries season is all about embracing new beginnings and feeling alive as we channel our inner warrior and fearlessly reach for our goals. Impulsivity and aggressiveness are the negative expressions of Aries season, which can be channeled through active sports and healthy competition.

Taurus Zodiac Sign Dates: April 20–May 20

essay zodiac signs

After a month of so much excitement, the sun moves into Taurus and suddenly the vibe mellows out and our natural rhythm slows a few notches. As the days warm, we now take the time to stop and smell the roses and see the flowers bloom. We are now under the spell of pleasure goddess Venus, when touch, smell, taste, sound, and sight deepen and reach their highest expression.

Our five senses are reawakened, reenergized, and refocused on our appreciation of nature, art, and all things beautiful. Being one of the most sensual signs, the nocturnal energy of Taurus loves rest and relaxation, which, of course, can sometimes make us a little lazy.

Gemini Zodiac Sign Dates: May 21–June 20

essay zodiac signs

Then comes playful Gemini season, a time to socialize not only with our faves, but also with new and exciting faces. The sign of the Twins is ruled by intellectual cosmic messenger Mercury, the fastest-moving planet in the solar system. Following its swift steps, we feel jittery and jump from one get-together to the next—and how could we not?

It’s the middle of summer and there’s so much fun to be had! Another Gemini season signature is communication in all its forms: writing, speaking, reading, and learning. Of all the zodiac signs, Gemini is the one that best embodies the concept of sacred duality. At a deeper level, it’s also an opportunity to explore that same concept within us.  

Cancer Zodiac Sign Dates: June 21–July 22

essay zodiac signs

Every year, the sun enters Cancer on the same day as the Summer Solstice. Ruled by the maternal and nocturnal moon, this month is about getting cozy, cooking, eating delicious food, and chilling out with the ones we love. It’s also the perfect time to get in touch with our emotions and to spend time near the water, whether it’s a beach, lake, or river.

Self-care is another activity the sign of the Crab loves because it’s the type of energy that connects us to our bodies. But don’t confuse self-care with passivity! Like the tenacious Crab, this is also the season to be assertive about getting what we want.

Leo Zodiac Sign Dates: July 23–August 22

essay zodiac signs

We’ve been focusing on self-care and we’re now ready to shine our brightest! We’ve reached Leo season, the peak of summer and the only month that’s ruled by the mighty sun. During the month ahead, Leo’s sunny influence wants us to get in touch with our creativity, our inner child, and what makes us truly unique.

Vibrant and playful Leo season is all about embracing big, bold vitality, beauty, and what lights our inner fire. This season activates our zodiac sign, so there is no better time to meditate on what it means to be a Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, or any other sign.

Virgo Zodiac Sign Dates: August 23–September 22

essay zodiac signs

Life has been entertaining, but once the sun moves into Virgo , our mood becomes a bit more introverted. The mind is increasingly activated as we shift into mercurial territory. Like Gemini season, Virgo is ruled by communicative Mercury, except this is the nocturnal, not diurnal, manifestation of our cosmic messenger. We become master analysts and organizers, fine-tuning the routines that keep life working at its best.

Wellness, efficiency, and logic are all Virgo’s expertise, naturally gravitating us toward life practices that nurture body and soul. Being the studious worker bee of the zodiac, Virgo provides the perfect milieu to organize our finances and workload through efficient systems like apps and spreadsheets.

Libra Zodiac Sign Dates: September 23–October 22

essay zodiac signs

Libra season begins on the day we welcome the Fall Equinox. Ruled by Venus, Libra season is all about enjoying the pleasures of life and classy things like high-end design, trendy clothes, and long, lavish dinners with our VIPs. Attuning us to the diurnal energy of Venus, the month ruled by Libra is a very social time in which we nurture our most important connections and friendships.

Harmony and equilibrium are also part of Libra’s realm, making this the best time of year to balance the masculine and feminine energies within us. Beautifying the home is also advised during this time, as Venus turns our eyes to all things aesthetic.

  Scorpio Zodiac Sign Dates: October 23–November 21

essay zodiac signs

Just as the air begins to cool in the Northern Hemisphere, so does the vibe around us. We have arrived at one of the most introspective times of the year because bold Scorpio is all about going inward and psychoanalyzing our deepest, darkest motives. It’s also the time when we celebrate the departed as well as our ancestral line.

Ruled by transformative Pluto and red-hot Mars, Scorpio season is primed for tapping into our sexual energy as the most sacred form of creation. Tricky to maneuver, no-nonsense Scorpionic energy is not for the faint of heart, and only those who dare to go deep in its journey of transformation will experience its profound riches.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign Dates: November 22–December 21

essay zodiac signs

The lights are back on again as the sun enters the sign of never-ending optimism: the sign of the Archer! Like its mythical symbol the Centaur, Sagittarius is all about chasing the horizon, either physically or metaphorically. Now is when we yearn for knowledge, and adventure is expanded by the abundant influence of our greatest benefic Jupiter.

Being one of the most positive planets in astrology, it wants us to see the big picture and believe the best in others and ourselves. Long-distance travel is also encouraged by this worldly sign, because travel exposes us to the richness that only other cultures can provide.  

Capricorn Zodiac Sign Dates: December 21–January 20

essay zodiac signs

Once the sun moves into industrious Capricorn , it’s time to get down to business! This traditional, pragmatic, ambitious sign knows how to climb the tallest mountains in order to build something of enduring meaning. Capricorn season is ruled by Saturn, the old sage and keeper of time, ultimately bringing our awareness to how well we use it.

Often referred to as the CEO of the zodiac, goal-oriented Capricorn connects us with the more material side of life like success, money, and social status. Out of all the seasons, this is the one in which to channel our inner boss as we chase our most precious goals and go for the gold.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign Dates: January 21–February 18

Going against tradition, here comes free birth chart calculator season, a sign ruled by two polar opposite planetary energies: Saturn and Uranus. In many ways, Aquarius awakens the inner rebel in us—but not without a cause—because its incredible intellect asks us to question everything we’ve been told about how things should be.

Community-oriented Aquarius season is also our best opportunity of the year to network with like-minded folks and reconsider how these connections relate to our biggest hopes and dreams. This is the sign of the people, the one that most represents the collective state of mind, so altruism is also encouraged during this time.

Pisces Zodiac Sign Dates: February 19–March 20

essay zodiac signs

Last, we close the astrological calendar year by diving into the waters of Pisces . Suddenly, life naturally slows down, and we’re asked to tune into our intuitive, compassionate, and artistic side. Mystical and magical Pisces is the season of divine transcendence, holding the knowledge of all the other 11 signs.

This fascinating world is ruled by titans Jupiter and Neptune, whose almost intoxicating essence blurs the line between dreams and reality. For this reason, the month ruled by Pisces is ideal for getting in touch with our feelings and creativity instead of focusing on more tangible things and activities. Romance is also highlighted, and we now have cosmic permission to open our hearts.

Zodiac Sign Cusp Dates:  

Aries-Taurus cusp : April 16-April 22

Taurus-Gemini cusp : May 17-May 23

Gemini-Cancer cusp : June 17-June 23

Cancer-Leo cusp : July 19-July 25

Leo-Virgo cusp : August 19-August 25

Virgo-Libra cusp : September 19-September 25

Libra-Scorpio cusp : October 19-October 25

Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp : November 18-November 24

Sagittarius-Capricorn cusp : December 18-December 24

Capricorn-Aquarius cusp : January 16-January 22

Aquarius-Pisces cusp : February 15-February 21

Pisces-Aries cusp : March 17-March 23

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Essay on Zodiac Signs

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it. A basic essay mainly consists of three parts: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.

There are twelve zodiac signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

12 zodiac signs

There are twelve zodiac signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Broadly speaking, the zodiac is the half of the heavens extending by roughly 8° on either side of the Sun’s course and containing the paths of the major planets, divided into twelve equal parts named after the twelve-star groups known as the zodiac signs.

Aries is the sign of Rama. The Gah’s sign is cancer . Libra is the sign of the scales. Capricorn in the sign of the goat. Taurus is the sign of the bull. Leo is the sign of the lion. Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion. Aquarius is the sign of the water carrier, and Gemini is the sign of the twin. Virgo is the sign of the virgin. Sagittarius is the sign of the Archer and Pisces is the sign of the fish.

All these Zodiac signs are not found in the same order in all astrology. Nor do they represent the same period of the year. Those who believe in astrology are very specific about these signs, which according to astrology, are related to every one’s birth date. If read carefully, the fate of each sign appearing in the newspaper is drawn so cleverly, and so vaguely, that no one can say that it does not apply to him.

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Frequently asked questions (faq), what are zodiac signs.

The zodiac is the half of the heavens extending by roughly 8° on either side of the Sun’s course and containing the paths of the major planets, divided into twelve equal parts named after the twelve-star groups known as the zodiac signs.

What are the twelve Zodiac Signs?

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  • Astrology largely exploits people's tendencies to buy into generic descriptions of themselves.
  • Modern astrophycists have pointed out that, in fact, the signs that people go by are based on the night sky from 2,000 years ago.
  • Due to the earth's natural wobble, the night sky actually has shifted so that the standard constellations are all about a month off.

Denis OREA/Shutterstock

I make no apologies for being an advocate of open inquiry. But I also make no apologies for being an advocate of science. After all, science has brought us such advances as modern medicine, an understanding of the inter-connectedness of life on this planet, the ability to create extraordinary architectural masterpieces, the moon landing, and way more.

In recent years, I've gotten to collaborate with State University of New York at New Paltz astrophysicist Raj Pandya on various projects. Professor Pandya runs several astronomy-related programs in his role as Director of the John R. Kirk Planetarium on our campus. In fact, he is a master at leading stargazing events, seemingly knowing the name and story of nearly each and every star up above!

Last summer, during a stargazing event that I was fortunate to attend, Professor Pandya pointed out something remarkable. This was the fact that the zodiac signs that drive the beliefs of many who adhere to astrology are actually based on what the sky looked like in about 600 B.C. and, in fact, because of a natural wobbling of the earth over time, the constellations demarcated back then—that correspond to Capricorn, Aries, Pieces, etc.—are all, in fact, incorrect. They no longer match up with dates that they had matched up with in 600 B.C. In short, everyone who believes in astrology is actually off by approximately a month in terms of what their sign, so to speak, actually is.

As Professor Pandya puts it:

"The Sun’s position in the sky with respect to the background stars slowly drifts over time due to the Earth’s orbit. The apparent annual path that the Sun traverses from our perspective is called the ecliptic. Constellations that lay on the ecliptic (which will not be visible when the Sun is passing through them) are zodiac constellations. There are traditionally 12 zodiac constellations that span approximately 30 degrees in the sky each, which means the Sun spends roughly one month in each constellation.

"Around 2000 years ago, a person’s zodiac or “astrological sign” was originally determined by what constellation the Sun was in on their birthday. (Note that the Sun being in the foreground of this constellation during this time means it would not be visible on the person’s birthday.) The dates that the Sun passed through each constellation were observed, and these dates became associated with each 'astrologic sign.'

"Many people still use these traditional dates to look up their “astrologic sign.” However, the actual dates that the Sun currently passes through a given zodiac constellation has shifted by about one month since the traditional dates were determined due to the Earth’s precession, or wobble. As the Earth rotates, it also imperceptibly wobbles, like a spinning top right before it falls over. This wobbling motion is called precession and is caused by the Moon’s gravitational effect on Earth’s equatorial bulge. The result is that the Earth’s axis of rotation is not pointing at a fixed position in space, but is instead slowly tracing out a circle. Therefore, the dates that the Sun appears to pass through each zodiac constellation must also change. The change is slow, as one complete circle of precession takes about 26,000 years! However, it is significant enough that in the ~2000 years since the traditional dates for each “astrologic sign” were defined, the Sun’s position along the ecliptic on a certain date has shifted west by about 30 degrees, or one whole zodiac constellation. To better illustrate this, I used the virtual planetarium software called Stellarium to tabulate when the Sun actually passes through a given zodiac constellation, and compared it with the traditional dates associated with each 'astrologic sign':

Professor Raj Pandya, used with permission

"One interesting result here is that the Sun actually passes through a 13th constellation that was not traditionally recognized as a zodiac constellation (this is because the official boundaries for each constellation were not internationally agreed on until 1928). So, if you were born between November 30 and December 17, the Sun was actually in the zodiac constellation of Ophiuchus on your birthday, not Sagittarius as you might think if you Googled what your 'astrologic sign' is.

"Another thing to note is that not all zodiac constellations equally cover 30 degrees of the sky, some are larger and some are smaller. The largest zodiac constellation is Virgo, hence, the Sun spends more time in Virgo than any other constellation of the zodiac. So more people will have birthdays during the time when the Sun is in Virgo than any other zodiac constellation, simply because of how the constellations boundaries are drawn. Conversely, the ecliptic only goes through a small section of Scorpius, so only people born within a narrow five-day period in late November were born when the Sun is passing through Scorpius."

Hey, I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but with an upsurge in interest in astrology, I kind of felt like someone needed to set the record straight!

For decades, social psychologists have studied what we call the Barnum Effect (see Tabacyk et al., 2010). This phenomenon is based on the late P.T. Barnum's famous quote: There is a sucker born every minute . And it applies to the psychology of belief in the supernatural . Some of the classic work on this topic has been conducted on belief in astrology, basically showing that if you write a personality description that is broad and general enough, you can pretty much get anyone to believe that it corresponds to their personality in particular. Social psychologists have often pointed to the Barnum Effect to help us understand why so many people believe in astrology.

essay zodiac signs

Bottom Line

The large-scale belief in astrology may actually owe very much to the Barnum Effect: The fact that people will pretty much believe that any personality description matches them in particular if the description is framed in very general terms. Not only does astrology lean heavily on such broad-sweeping, general descriptions of people but, above and beyond that, due to the natural changes in the night sky across time (due to the earth's natural wobble), the zodiac signs that characterize modern astrology are, in fact, actually all wrong and are shifted by about a month.

That all said, you've got to be wondering. And the answer is this: My sign is Aquarius. But, based on the data provided by Professor Pandya, I'm actually Capricorn. Now what do I do with that!?

Facebook image: Denis OREA/Shutterstock

Pandya, R. (2021). Personal communication.

Tobacyk, Jerome; Milford, Gary; Springer, Thomas; Tobacyk, Zofia (June 10, 2010). "Paranormal Beliefs and the Barnum Effect". Journal of Personality Assessment. 52 (4): 737–739.

Glenn Geher Ph.D.

Glenn Geher, Ph.D. , is professor of psychology at the State University of New York at New Paltz. He is founding director of the campus’ Evolutionary Studies (EvoS) program.

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Two young people crossing paths over a cityscape, looking at their phones. The glow of the phones illuminates constellations in the sky.

The New Age of Astrology

In a stressful, data-driven era, many young people find comfort and insight in the zodiac—even if they don’t exactly believe in it.

Astrology is a meme, and it’s spreading in that blooming, unfurling way that memes do. On social media, astrologers and astrology-meme machines amass tens or hundreds of thousands of followers, people joke about Mercury retrograde, and categorize “the signs as ...” literally anything: cat breeds , Oscar Wilde quotes, Stranger Things characters , types of french fries . In online publications, daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes and zodiac-themed listicles flourish.

This isn’t the first moment astrology’s had and it won’t be the last. The practice has been around in various forms for thousands of years. More recently, the New Age movement of the 1960s and ’70s came with a heaping helping of the zodiac. (Some also refer to the New Age as the “Age of Aquarius”—the 2,000-year period after the Earth is said to move into the Aquarius sign.)

In the decades between the New Age boom and now, while astrology certainly didn’t go away—you could still regularly find horoscopes in the back pages of magazines—it “went back to being a little bit more in the background,” says Chani Nicholas, an astrologer based in Los Angeles. “Then there’s something that’s happened in the last five years that’s given it an edginess, a relevance for this time and place, that it hasn’t had for a good 35 years. Millennials have taken it and run with it.”

Many people I spoke to for this piece said they had a sense that the stigma attached to astrology, while it still exists, had receded as the practice has grabbed a foothold in online culture, especially for young people.

“Over the past two years, we’ve really seen a reframing of New Age practices, very much geared toward a Millennial and young Gen X quotient,” says Lucie Greene, the worldwide director of J. Walter Thompson’s Intelligence Group, which tracks and predicts cultural trends.

Callie Beusman, a senior editor at Broadly , says traffic for the site’s horoscopes “has grown really exponentially.” Stella Bugbee, the president and editor-in-chief of The Cut , says a typical horoscope post on the site got 150 percent more traffic in 2017 than the year before.

In some ways, astrology is perfectly suited for the internet age. There’s a low barrier to entry, and nearly endless depths to plumb if you feel like falling down a Google-research hole. The availability of more in-depth information online has given this cultural wave of astrology a certain erudition—more jokes about Saturn returns, fewer “Hey baby, what’s your sign?” pickup lines.

A quick primer: Astrology is not a science; there’s no evidence that one’s zodiac sign actually correlates to personality. But the system has its own sort of logic. Astrology ascribes meaning to the placement of the sun, the moon, and the planets within 12 sections of the sky—the signs of the zodiac. You likely know your sun sign, the most famous zodiac sign, even if you’re not an astrology buff. It’s based on where the sun was on your birthday. But the placement of the moon and each of the other planets at the time and location of your birth adds additional shades to the picture of you painted by your “birth chart.”

What horoscopes are supposed to do is give you information about what the planets are doing right now, and in the future, and how all that affects each sign. “Think of the planets as a cocktail party,” explains Susan Miller, the popular astrologer who founded the Astrology Zone website. “You might have three people talking together, two may be over in the corner arguing, Venus and Mars may be kissing each other. I have to make sense of those conversations that are happening each month for you.”

“Astrologers are always trying to boil down these giant concepts into digestible pieces of knowledge,” says Nicholas. “The kids these days and their memes are like the perfect context for astrology.”

Astrology expresses complex ideas about personality, life cycles, and relationship patterns through the shorthand of the planets and zodiac symbols. And that shorthand works well online, where symbols and shorthand are often baked into communication.

“Let me state first that I consider astrology a cultural or psychological phenomenon,” not a scientific one, Bertram Malle, a social cognitive scientist at Brown University, told me in an email. But “full-fledged astrology”—that goes beyond newspaper-style sun-sign horoscopes—“provides a powerful vocabulary to capture not only personality and temperament but also life’s challenges and opportunities. To the extent that one simply learns this vocabulary, it may be appealing as a rich way of representing (not explaining or predicting) human experiences and life events, and identifying some possible paths of coping.”

People tend to turn to astrology in times of stress. A small 1982 study by the psychologist Graham Tyson found that “people who consult astrologers” did so in response to stressors in their lives—particularly stress “linked to the individual’s social roles and to his or her relationships,” Tyson wrote. “Under conditions of high stress, the individual is prepared to use astrology as a coping device even though under low-stress conditions he does not believe in it.”

According to American Psychological Association survey data, since 2014, Millennials have been the most stressed generation, and also the generation most likely to say their stress has increased in the past year since 2010. Millennials and Gen Xers have been significantly more stressed than older generations since 2012. And Americans as a whole have seen increased stress because of the political tumult since the 2016 presidential election. The 2017 edition of the APA’s survey found that 63 percent of Americans said they were significantly stressed about their country’s future. Fifty-six percent of people said reading the news stresses them out, and Millennials and Gen Xers were significantly more likely than older people to say so. Lately that news often deals with political infighting, climate change, global crises, and the threat of nuclear war. If stress makes astrology look shinier, it’s not surprising that more seem to be drawn to it now.

Nicholas’s horoscopes are evidence of this. She has around 1 million monthly readers online, and recently snagged a book deal—one of four new mainstream astrology guidebooks sold in a two-month period in summer 2017, according to Publisher’s Marketplace. Anna Paustenbach, Nicholas’s editor at HarperOne, told me in an email that Nicholas is “at the helm of a resurgence of astrology.” She thinks this is partly because Nicholas’s horoscopes are explicitly political. On September 6, the day after the Trump administration announced it was rescinding DACA—the deferred-action protection program for undocumented immigrants—Nicholas sent out her typical newsletter for the upcoming full moon. It read , in part:

The full moon in Pisces ... may open the floodgates of our feelings. May help us to empathize with others ... May we use this full moon to continue to dream up, and actively work toward, creating a world where white supremacy has been abolished.

Astrology offers those in crisis the comfort of imagining a better future, a tangible reminder of that clichéd truism that is nonetheless hard to remember when you’re in the thick of it: This too shall pass.

In 2013, when Sandhya was 32 years old, she downloaded the Astrology Zone app, looking for a road map. She felt lonely, and unappreciated at her nonprofit job in Washington, D.C., and she was going out drinking four or five times a week. “I was in the cycle of constantly being out, trying to escape,” she says.

She wanted to know when things would get better and Astrology Zone had an answer. Jupiter, “ the planet of good fortune ,” would move into Sandhya’s zodiac sign, Leo, in one year’s time, and remain there for a year. Sandhya remembers reading that if she cut clutter out of her life now, she’d reap the rewards when Jupiter arrived.

So Sandhya spent the next year making room for Jupiter. (She requested that we not publish her last name because she works as an attorney and doesn’t want her clients to know the details of her personal life.) She started staying home more often, cooking for herself, applying for jobs, and going on more dates. “I definitely distanced myself from two or three friends who I didn’t feel had good energy when I hung around them,” she says. “And that helped significantly.”

Jupiter entered Leo on July 16, 2014. That same July, Sandhya was offered a new job. That December, Sandhya met the man she would go on to marry. “My life changed dramatically,” she says. “Part of it is that a belief in something makes it happen. But I followed what the app was saying. So I credit some of it to this Jupiter belief.”

Humans are narrative creatures , constantly explaining their lives and selves by weaving together the past, present, and future (in the form of goals and expectations). Monisha Pasupathi, a developmental psychologist who studies narrative at the University of Utah, says that while she lends no credence to astrology, it “provides [people] a very clear frame for that explanation.”

It does give one a pleasing orderly sort of feeling, not unlike alphabetizing a library, to take life’s random events and emotions and slot them into helpfully labeled shelves. This guy isn’t texting me back because Mercury retrograde probably kept him from getting the message. I take such a long time to make decisions because my Mars is in Taurus. My boss will finally recognize all my hard work when Jupiter enters my tenth house. A combination of stress and uncertainty about the future is an ailment for which astrology can seem like the perfect balm.

Sandhya says she turns to astrology looking for help in times of despair, “when I’m like, ‘Someone tell me the future is gonna be okay.’” Reading her horoscope was like flipping ahead in her own story.

“I’m always a worrier,” she says. “I’m one of those people who, once I start getting into a book, I skip ahead and I read the end. I don’t like cliff-hangers, I don’t like suspense. I just need to know what’s gonna happen. I have a story in my head. I was just hoping certain things would happen in my life, and I wanted to see if I am lucky enough for them to happen.”

Now that they have happened, “I haven’t been reading [my horoscope] as much,” she says, “and I think it’s because I’m in a happy place right now.”

A woman's face hovers over an Earth surrounded by Zodiac signs. A constellation of stars forms the shape of her brain.

For some, astrology’s predictions function like Dumbo’s feather—a comforting magic to hold onto until you realize you could fly on your own all along. But it’s the ineffable mystical sparkle of the feather—gentler and less draining than the glow of a screen—that makes people reach for it in the first place.

People are starting to get sick of a life lived so intensely on the grid. They wish for more anonymity online . They’re experiencing fatigue with ebooks , with dating apps , with social media . They’re craving something else in this era of quantified selves, and tracked locations, and indexed answers to every possible question. Except, perhaps the questions of who you really are, and what life has in store for you.

Ruby Warrington is a lifestyle writer whose New Age guidebook Material Girl, Mystical World came out in May 2017—just ahead of the wave of astrology-book sales this summer. She also runs a mystical esoterica website called The Numinous , a word that Merriam-Webster defines as meaning “supernatural or mysterious,” but that Warrington defines on her website as “that which is unknown, or unknowable.”

“I think that almost as a counterbalance to the fact that we live in such a quantifiable and meticulously organized world, there is a desire to connect to and tap into that numinous part of ourselves,” Warrington says. “I see astrology as a language of symbols that describes those parts of the human experience that we don’t necessarily have equations and numbers and explanations for.”

J. Walter Thompson’s Intelligence Group released a trend report in 2016 called “ Unreality ” that says much the same thing: “We are increasingly turning to unreality as a form of escape and a way to search for other kinds of freedom, truth and meaning,” it reads. “What emerges is an appreciation for magic and spirituality, the knowingly unreal, and the intangible aspects of our lives that defy big data and the ultra-transparency of the web.” This sort of reactionary cultural 180 has happened before—after the Enlightenment’s emphasis on rationality and the scientific method in the 17th and 18th centuries, the Romantic movement found people turning toward intuition, nature, and the supernatural. It seems we may be at a similar turning point. New York Magazine even used the seminal Romantic painting Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog to illustrate Andrew Sullivan’s recent anti-technology essay, “I Used to Be a Human Being.”

JWT, along with another trend-forecasting group, WGSN, in its report “Millennials: New Spirituality,” lump astrology in with other New Age mystical trends that have caught on with young people in recent years: healing crystals , sound baths , and tarot , among others.

“I think it’s become generally less acceptable to just arbitrarily shit on things as like ‘that’s not rational, or that’s stupid because that’s not fact,’” says Nicole Leffel, a 28-year-old software engineer who lives in New York.

Bugbee, the editor-in-chief of The Cut , noticed this shift a couple years ago. “I could just tell that people were sick of a certain kind of snarky tone,” she said. Up to that point, the site had been running slightly irreverent horoscopes with gifs meant to encapsulate the week’s mood for each sign. But Bugbee realized “that people wanted sincerity more than anything. So we just kind of went full sincere with [the horoscopes], and that’s when we saw real interest happen.”

But a sincere burgeoning interest in astrology doesn’t mean people are wholesale abandoning rationality for more mystical beliefs. Nicholas Campion, a historian of astrology, points out that the question of whether people “believe” in astrology is both impossible to answer and not really a useful question to ask. People might say they don’t “believe” in astrology but still identify with their zodiac sign. They may like to read their horoscope, but not change their behavior based on what it says. There is more nuance than this statistic allows for.

Many mainstream examinations of astrology as a trend are deeply concerned with debunking . They like to trot out the National Science Foundation survey that measures whether people think astrology is scientific and remind readers that it’s not. Which, it’s not. But that’s not really the point.

While there are surely some people who blindly accept astrology as fact and view it as on par with a discipline like biology, that doesn’t seem to be the case among many of the young adults who are fueling this renaissance of the zodiac. The people I spoke to for this piece often referred to astrology as a tool, or a kind of language—one that, for many, is more metaphorical than literal.

“Astrology is a system that looks at cycles, and we use the language of planets,” says Alec Verkuilen Brogan, a 29-year-old chiropractic student based in the Bay Area who has also studied astrology for 10 years. “It’s not like these planets are literally going around and being like ‘Now, I'm going to do this.’ It’s a language to speak to the seasons of life.”

Michael Stevens, a 27-year-old who lives in Brooklyn, was in the quarter-life crisis season of life around the time of the total solar eclipse in August this year. “Traditionally, I’m a skeptic,” he says. “I’m a hard-core, like Dana Scully from X-Files , type of person. And then shit started to happen in life.” Around the time of the eclipse, in the course of his advertising work, he cold-called Susan Miller of Astrology Zone, to ask if she would put some ads on her site.

She was annoyed, he says, that he called her at the end of the month, which is when she writes her famously lengthy horoscopes. But then she asked him for his sign—Sagittarius. “And she’s like, ‘Oh, okay, this new moon’s rough for you.’” They talked about work and relationship troubles. (Miller doesn’t remember having this conversation specifically, but says “I’m always nice to the people who cold-call. It sounds totally like me.”)

Studies have shown that if you write a generic personality description and tell someone it applies to them, they’re likely to perceive it as accurate—whether that’s in the form of a description of their zodiac sign or something else.

Stevens says he could’ve potentially read into his conversation with Miller in this way. “She’s like ‘You’re going through a lot right now,’” he says. “Who isn’t? It’s 2017.”

Still, he says the conversation made him feel better; it spurred him to take action. In the months between his call with Miller and our conversation in October, Stevens left his advertising job and found a new one in staffing. Shortly before we spoke, he and his girlfriend broke up.

“[I realized] I’m acting like a shitty, non-playable character in a Dungeons and Dragons RPG,” Stevens says, “so I should probably make choices, and pursue some of the good things that could happen if I just [cared] about being a happy person in a real way.”

Stevens’s story exemplifies a prevailing attitude among many of the people I talked to—that it doesn’t matter if astrology is real; it matters if it’s useful.

“We take astrology very seriously, but we also don't necessarily believe in it,” says Annabel Gat, the staff astrologer at Broadly , “because it’s a tool for self-reflection, it’s not a religion or a science. It’s just a way to look at the world and a way to think about things.”

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Beusman, who hired Gat at Broadly, shares her philosophy. “I believe several conflicting things in all areas of my life,” she says. “So for me it’s very easy to hold these two ideas in my head at once. This could not be true at all, and also, I’ll be like ‘Well, I have three planets entering Scorpio next month, so I should make some savvy career decisions.’”

This attitude is exemplified by The Hairpin’ s “Astrology Is Fake” column, by Rosa Lyster, with headlines like “ Astrology Is Fake But Leos Are Famous ,” and “ Astrology Is Fake But Taurus Hates Change.”

It might be that Millennials are more comfortable living in the borderlands between skepticism and belief because they’ve spent so much of their lives online, in another space that is real and unreal at the same time. That so many people find astrology meaningful is a reminder that something doesn’t have to be real to feel true. Don’t we find truth in fiction?

In describing her attitude toward astrology, Leffel recalled a line from Neil Gaiman’s American Gods in which the main character, Shadow, wonders whether lightning in the sky was from a magical thunderbird “or just an atmospheric discharge, or whether the two ideas were, on some level, the same thing. And of course they were. That was the point after all.”

If the “astrology is fake but it’s true” stance seems paradoxical, well, perhaps the paradox is what’s attractive. Many people offered me hypotheses to explain astrology’s resurgence. Digital natives are narcissistic, some suggested, and astrology is a navel-gazing obsession. People feel powerless here on Earth, others said, so they’re turning to the stars. Of course, it’s both. Some found it to be an escape from logical “left brain” thinking; others craved the order and organization the complex system brought to the chaos of life. It’s both. That’s the point, after all.

To understand astrology’s appeal is to get comfortable with paradoxes. It feels simultaneously cosmic and personal; spiritual and logical; ineffable and concrete; real and unreal. It can be a relief, in a time of division, not to have to choose. It can be freeing, in a time that values black and white, ones and zeros, to look for answers in the gray. It can be meaningful to draw lines in the space between moments of time, or the space between pinpricks of light in the night sky, even if you know deep down they’re really light-years apart, and have no connection at all.

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Essay on Astrology

Essay on Astrology (953 Words)

Astrology is the study of positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.

Have you ever wondered what the signs of the Zodiac mean? When we turn on the TV^ it seems we always see an advertisement on horoscope predictions.

People call in and get the predictions they have been looking for. When the newspaper first arrives, some people go to the horoscope section first.

They base the entire day or entire week on the report they get. It seems that this phenomenon is something all new, or is it? Astrology has been around since ancient times, even dating back to biblical days.

Astrology has a long line of history and a bright future. The signs of the Zodiac include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Image Source: tharunaya.co.uk

Astrologers also claim the planets play a role in many key factors. We will also look at astrology as a science; a way to predict and control our life and our destiny.

Although many people refer to astrology as just being superstitious others say the predictions are not worth the paper they are written on. Astrology is a phenomenon that dates back to biblical days.

There is an ancient legend, that Adam received the doctrines and mysteries of astrology direct from his Maker and thus by foreknowing that the earth was to be destroyed first by fire and afterwards by water. Astrology has played an important role in our civilisation.

Starting with Adam and even being present in today’s society. Different civilisations seemed to be practicing astrology independently. People noticed the Sun in particular had a change on how crops grew. Many people viewed astronomy and astrology as a similar science until the 1500s.

People knew by looking at the sun or what the size of the moon was when to plant crops or even when a baby was going to be born. These early astrologers were searching for their place in life.

A place where they fit into the universe. They believed that every component of the universe was linked together and everyone had their own place.

Every aspect of one’s life was based on the planets and the stars. Even behaviour was blamed on the position of the sun!

Astrology is widely practiced today. Even today most farmers have a Farmer’s Almanac. This book tells you when to plant your crops, and many people have success.

Some won’t even think about planting crops without this information. This is a form of astrology, although many people do not realise it.

A popular form of astrology is the Physic Friends Network. This is a 900 number you can call in to see what your sign is and how this affects you.

The astrologers on the Physic Friends Network always seem to know what has happened in the past and what will occur in the future.

Everyone who says they are astrologers obviously are not and it’s up to us to use our own judgement to decide.

When you hear people talk about signs of the Zodiac you often wonder what does that mean? Ancient astronomers noted that the sun makes a yearly journey across the celestial sphere, part of which is represented in the picture by the blue band.

The ancient astronomers associated dates with the constellations in this narrow belt (which is known as the Zodiac), assigning to each constellation of stars the dates when the sun was in the same region of the celestial sphere as the constellation.

Each Zodiac sign belongs to four different elements: Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Fire is a positive element; this element focuses on changing energy from one form to another. Air is also a positive element that is associated with the spiritual part of life.

Earth on the other hand is a negative element that is solid and approves of people on earth. The last element is water this is to a negative element that tends to be mysterious.

Astrologers say they can predict your life through this sign but often you can be very similar to other zodiac signs. Astrologers say that the best way to explain zodiac signs is to ‘imagine that your divine spirit is imprisoned in an earthly form, much like animals in a cage.’

They can predict what moods you will be in, what type of person you will marry or even the sports you like to play! These kinds of predictions may or may not come true. Not all astrologers can understand or interpret your true readings. Even if you do not believe in astrology, you can still have a good time.

When you pay a minimal charge to find out what the future holds for you, you always want to hear good news. Although sometimes there will be bad news as well.

It is believed that planets tend to affect our lines in many ways. They play an important role in our universe. Research has been done to prove that the weather and earthquakes can be determined through a close look at the planets. The developments are still in the first stages.

The future of astrology could be significant in the predictions of dangerous hurricanes and earthquakes. These facts may aid in saving lives. Astrologers served in the king’s court in early times to predict many things.

When a battle was going to take pace or even the fate of their kingdoms. Many astrologers held influential and well paid positions.

Even today, Astrology is an interesting career for youngsters. Unfortunately, the research is still in the development stages. This research could be beneficial to all of us someday.

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Which Golden Girls Character You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Are you spicy like Blanche, a straight-shooter like Dorothy, as clever as Sophia or a bit 'delulu' like Rose?

Once upon a time in 1985, a groundbreaking sitcom graced the silver screen, introducing the world to four unforgettable women who brought laughter, friendship and enough cheesecake to last a lifetime. Still, one question remains: Are you a Blanche, Dorothy , Sophia or Rose? Since its premiere on Sept. 14, 1985, The Golden Girls has become a cultural phenomenon, showcasing the hysterical escapades of four middle-aged women navigating life’s ups and downs.

Set in Miami , the iconic series revolved around the lives of Blanche Devereaux, Dorothy Zbornak, Sophia Petrillo and Rose Nylund . Similar to the eclectic dynamic within female friendships, each of the women brought their own unique flair, creating a charming mix of chaos, camaraderie and humor: Blanche’s perpetual spice, Dorothy’s no-nonsense pragmatism, Sophia’s clever wit and Rose’s "delulu" innocence.  The show tackled a variety of topics, from aging to love and loss, all while serving up laughs and memorable moments. It’s safe to say that the success of The Golden Girls has a lot to do with the dynamic blend of characters, much like the 12 zodiac signs — where the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.  Read on to discover which of The Golden Girls most resembles your zodiac sign.

Blanche Devereaux: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Herb Ball/NBCU Photo Bank

"Oh please, it’s bad enough hearing all those snickers as you walk down the aisle, but me in white, even I couldn’t keep a straight face.” A sultry southern belle known for her vivacious charm and unapologetic pursuit of romance, Blanche Devereaux's spicy spirit and large-than-life presence perfectly embody the essence of the Fire element. She's bold, passionate and confident, often leading her into situations that are both hilarious and scandalous.

Similar to Mars-ruled Aries , Blanche isn't afraid to take risks, whether pursuing a new romantic interest or initiating spontaneous adventures with her friends. She can also be headstrong and impulsive, a classic Aries trait. Blanche can also resonate with charismatic Leo , especially in her theatrical storytelling and the way she revels in the attention of her admirers. She'll also stop at nothing to defend and support her girlfriends.

Lastly, Blanche's innate sense of optimism and desire for freedom mirrors Sagittarius ' eternal quest for experience. Her social calendar would also resemble this Mutable sign's love for fun and adventure.

Dorothy Zbornak: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Gary Null/NBCU Photo Bank

“Rose, I know this is a long shot, but did you take much acid during the sixties?”

Practical and level-headed, Dorothy Zbornak is the straight shooter of The Golden Girls . Everything from her grounded nature and unwavering sense of responsibility resembles the slow-and-steady Earth element. Her logic, pragmatism and ability to solve problems make her a pillar of strength among the friend group.

Like Taurus ' loyalty and stubborn nature, Dorothy stands firm in her beliefs and isn't easily swayed by others. She also values the comfort of her home and appreciates simplicity in her life. Dorothy can also resonate with analytical Virgo , as she is often the voice of reason, providing Blanche, Rose and her mother, Sophia, with grounded advice when faced with challenges.

Lastly, Dorothy's no-nonsense approach and innate sense of responsibility mirror Capricorn 's ruthless determination, as she is essentially the backbone of her friend group.

Sophia Petrillo: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

"Your heart's in the right place, but I don't know where the hell your brain is."

Quick-witted and fiercely independent, Sophia Petrillo is the sensationally sarcastic matriarch of The Golden Girls . Renowned for her sharp tongue and clever humor, Sophia naturally embodies the witty traits of the Air signs. She thrives in lively conversations and makes hysterical observations in just a few words.

Similar to Gemini 's curiosity and knack for engaging in fast-paced conversation, Sophia is mentally agile (despite her age) and able to switch topics seamlessly, which is very mercurial. She is also lighthearted and playful, often entertaining her daughter and friends with mischievous tales from the past. Sophia can also resonate with Libra as she is often the glue that holds everyone together. Moreover, she isn't afraid to speak her mind when she believes something is unjust. Lastly, Sophia's quirky, unconventional nature and innate ability to think outside the box go hand-in-hand with rebellious Aquarius . She embraces her individuality and isn't afraid to challenge societal norms.

Rose Nylund: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces

"Ooooh, I see your point. Well, what about this: 'Miami is nice/So I'll say it thrice!''

Innocent, sweet and typically the most gullible member of The Golden Girls , Rose Nylund is gentle in her approach as she naturally empathizes with others. Her intuition, compassion and exceptionally kind heart resemble the Water element in more ways than one.

Like Cancer 's nurturing qualities and strong connection to family, Rose often finds herself reminiscing her times back home in Minnesota, sharing heartwarming memories as she tends to be quite nostalgic, which is very Cancerian.

Rose also possesses a strong sense of loyalty and depth beneath her sweet exterior, which can be a Scorpio trait. She often sees beyond the surface of things, which allows her to pick up on the repressed feelings of those that surround her.

Lastly, her idealistic and romantic nature—which can be seen as a bit "delulu" at times — resembles that of a dreamy Pisces . After all, there is nothing this Neptune-ruled sign enjoys more than getting lost in the fantasy of their imagination, and Rose is no exception. Her empathy is all-encompassing and the whimsical tales of her childhood are often incredibly far-fetched.

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The 2 Zodiac Signs Whose Lives Significantly Improve Before September 2024 Ends

Success will find these two zodiac signs this september.

  • Marielisa Reyes

Written on Sep 17, 2024

excited smiling woman with zodiac sign whose life improves september 2024

If you've been experiencing rotten luck lately, it may be time to take a look at what's going on in the stars. Thanks to several stressful astrology transits we've experienced over the last few weeks, certain zodiac signs have had a rough go of it lately. 

However, things may just be turning around, as according to astrologer Carol Starr, "There are two zodiac signs who are going to find a big life improvement the month of September."

Two zodiac signs whose lives will significantly improve by the end of September 2024:

As Starr explained in a TikTok video, Taurus and Aquarius have experienced many obstacles as of late. "I hear about it a lot. I hear about your struggles and your problems and your issues."

However, things are beginning to look up for these two zodiac signs — and it's not just dumb luck. According to Starr, “It’s not that it’s just gonna happen, but you’re gonna have opportunities and you’re gonna use them wisely .” 

@astrostarr4 2 Zodiac signs who will have biggest life improvement in September 2024? #astrology #astrologytiktok #astrologers ♬ original sound - libracarolastrologer

RELATED: Zodiac Signs With The Most (And Least) Luck In Life

taurus zodiac sign life improves september 2024

The first lucky zodiac sign in September 2024 is Taurus. According to Starr, “You’ve had some issues going on for the last several months,” but your luck will soon start turning around as you’ll see a lot of growth in areas that have remained stagnant. However, you can’t just expect things to fall into your lap. Like anything in life, there’s a need for hard work and effort, which thankfully Taurus doesn’t shy away from. 

As spiritual messenger Emma Mejah explained, “This month things are really speeding up" for Taurus, especially since "You've already been working on some plans or starting something new.” And because of all this visualization, your September forecast is all about progression and speeding things up. 

“You’re going from new to established, to cemented,” Mejah added. You’ve been waiting for this moment for the longest time. So, whether it’s a career goal, life plan, or relationship plan, get ready Taurus — this is your time to shine! 

RELATED: The Happiest Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Happy

2. Aquarius 

aquarius zodiac sign life improves september 2024

Starr explained that the month of September will open up doors for great improvement for Aquarius. According to an astrologer named Lindsay , much of this has to do with something "new" that you're bringing into the world. This could be "a new idea, a new product, or service," Lindsay explained, adding that "It could also be that you’re doing something in your life that you’ve never done.” 

Aquarius will find themselves “stepping outside of their comfort zone” this month. But don’t worry too much about it. According to her, it’s an easy energy and something that won’t make you feel nervous or uncomfortable. She continued, “You’re kinda just ready to go for it.” 

But that’s not all. Aquarius should expect to experience some form of love after working on their spiritual journey for the longest time. Which is great, “because not only have you successfully healed yourself now you are carrying that energy of love and high vibrational light to heal others as well,” ended Lindsay. 

RELATED: The Most (And Least) Ambitious Zodiac Signs, Ranked


See What The Universe Has In Store For You


Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.

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