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100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

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Renderforest Staff

20 Aug 2023

11 min read  

100+ Creative Presentation Ideas You Can Steal Today

Have you ever struggled with forcing yourself to stay awake during a presentation? Don’t worry, you are not alone. 

In essence, a presentation is nothing but sharing ideas with others. Whether you intrigue and interest your audience or not depends on how interesting the topic is and how well you present it. 

Whether you plan on making a PowerPoint presentation with neatly designed slides or a video presentation with dynamic transitions, you first  need creative presentation ideas. 

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive list of the most captivating and creative presentation ideas you can put to use. We have separated them into three main categories to make things easier for you.

Let’s dive right in!

Business and Management Presentation Ideas

Education presentation ideas, general presentation ideas.

create presentations and pitch decks

In business, presenting information and complex ideas in an easy-to-digest manner is crucial. If you already have a presentation idea, you only need to find a presentation template to bring it to life. But if you’re still looking for creative presentation ideas, read the list we’ve prepared below.

  • Corporate Presentation : Have you ever wondered what the best way is to build and communicate your company’s identity? Corporate presentations are great for promoting your brand, services, and products by simply talking about them.
  • Company Profiling : Introduce your team. Who are you? What are you passionate about? Your audience is interested to know more about your team members.
  • Company Story : What can strengthen the ties between you and your audience better than a compelling success story told through creative presentations?

Company story presentation

Use Template

  • Product Promos : Create a buzz around your new product with an engaging promo presentation.
  • Sales Pitch : Close that sale you’ve worked so hard for with a well-built sales presentation.
  • Office Tour : Present the cool interior design of your office. Show your favorite spots where you like to wind down with a cup of coffee or, hey, maybe a beer.
  • Product Features : Does your product have interesting features that not everyone knows about? Make a detailed presentation on all the hidden features of your product. Use images and videos to explain how everything functions.
  • Fundamental Principles : Choose a general topic in Business and Management and discuss it through your creative presentation. Here’s an idea: “Fundamental Principles of Strategic Planning.” Could be a great prompt to start with, right?
  • Best Strategies: Be it marketing, financial, or any other type of strategy, an overview of the best strategies can make for informative and useful presentation content.
  • Industry Introduction : Make a presentation about the industry your business operates. Use strong visuals to complement your content and introduce your industry in the best light possible.
  • Comparing Tactics : Make a presentation reflecting on and comparing various tactics.
  • Calculated Risks : We are all worried about possible risks when taking action. Risks are unavoidable. It’s a great idea to prepare your audience for the risks before they come across them. There is a multitude of ways to do it through creative presentations. Cover “Risks in Investing,” “Risks Associated With Trading Derivatives,” and so forth.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages : One never comes without the other. Introduce your team to the pros and cons of your plans, actions, and anything else you consider important.

Advantages and disadvantages presentation slide


  • Debates : Make your presentation even more interactive by involving the audience in debates. Plus, debates and discussions are always helpful in establishing a better understanding of a topic.
  • SWOT Analysis : You can never go wrong with a proper analysis of business strategies, marketing plans, and more. So consider making an analysis presentation to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific business strategy.
  • Portfolio Presentation : Showcase your best projects and works. Why should anyone be interested in you if they haven’t seen your work? Presenting your best projects in a compelling and attractive format will increase your reputation quickly.
  • Current Trends : What are the current trends in business and management.  Always keep an eye on them to stay one step ahead of your competitors.
  • Challenges : Who doesn’t agree that challenges are tough? Making a creative presentation on challenges and the ways that you have overcome them will help you keep track of your development and also prepare for the future.
  • Reporting Progress : Why don’t you make weekly or monthly presentations on your performance, such as financial statements? Measuring and reporting your performance will smooth your path toward your goals.
  • Customer Testimonials : Present your customers’ responses and feedback on your product/service to see what steps you need to take to improve your offerings.
  • Profiles of Successful People : Encourage your team by introducing them to the experiences and achievements of successful people.
  • Tips and Tricks : If you want to cheer your audience up, provide them with hacks and tricks to deal with certain issues. This can include technical tricks and some tips on teamwork, for example.

Office tips presentation slides

  • Rules and Regulations : What are some of the rules that your company never breaks? Discuss the rules and regulations that apply to your team.
  • Top Criteria : Selecting a new quality management system is not easy, is it? Introducing the top criteria for a specific task can be a great presentation topic. How about making a presentation on “Top Criteria for Selecting a New Quality Management System?”
  • Product Development Process : Sometimes, we are interested to see how a product was created. Showcase the development process of your product through a presentation.
  • Most Effective Ways : It’s always good to be introduced not only to what to do but also to how to do it. So make a presentation on the best ways of conducting surveys, research, or anything else.

Product development guidelines slide example

  • Success Factors : This is something all of us are interested in. Introduce the success factors in different areas such as managing successful teams or product design tips.
  • Cause and Effect : This simple and informative presentation structure will be ideal to dive deeper into the intricate world of cause and effect.
  • Past vs. Present vs. Future : Growth will become more visible and obvious once you start comparing what you had before to what you have now. This can turn into a great summary of the major changes within a certain time period.
  • Comparisons : Compare different products/services. It’s a good strategy that will help you emphasize the good and the bad sides of a particular thing.
  • Positive and Negative Effects : It’s always important to show the two sides of a coin. Consider presenting the positive and negative effects of a certain thing. For example, the positive and negative effects of social media is a debated topic nowadays. Pick your topic and reveal it from both perspectives.
  • Problem-Solution Presentation : Identify a relevant problem. A great presentation format would be to introduce not only the complicated problem but its solution as well.
  • Training : Your presentation can become a training session. You can organize a theoretical part and add a practical portion too, like quizzes and discussions.
  • Graphs and Charts : One of the best ways to introduce your info is through statistical graphs and charts, combining survey and observational data. You can use visual animated scenes and infographics.

Key statistics report format

  • Popular Misconceptions : People are often mistakenly drawn from one end to another due to inaccurate data. Help your audience avoid misunderstandings about entrepreneurs, investors, and business management in general. Your presentation will guide them in the right direction, drawing the line between truth and lie.
  • Introduction to Business Topics : No matter the topic, it’s always useful to present basic ideas. Keep it short and clear. This can include an introduction to income statements, or any other important business concept.
  • Stages of a Process : Don’t leave your audience confused with theory but let them see the practical stages of how things are accomplished. (e.g., “The Stages of User Journey”)

User journey stages

  • Management : How do you efficiently manage a business? You can prepare dozens of presentations on management: be it resources, public relations, time, money, or anything else.
  • Competitor Analysis : Know your enemy! You’ve probably heard the famous saying, haven’t you? Track down your competitors and share the info with your team.
  • Appreciation : This presentation should be devoted to the team members who have done an exceptional job.
  • Unknown Facts : Pick a topic and reveal facts that are unknown to most people. What are some of the interesting and truthful facts that they don’t know about branding?

Brand recognition facts

  • Restrictions : No matter what business you have, restrictions are guaranteed. Make a presentation on the restrictions and limitations you face. (e.g. “Restrictions in Integrated Web Design”)
  • Big Breakthroughs : Want to feel proud of yourself and your team? Here is how you can do it: Reveal some cases when you have successfully overcome the toughest of obstacles and learned lessons as a result. Talk about the long path you have been on with your company.
  • Partners and Investors : Tell about your partners. Give info about investors. Cooperation is way more successful when team members are acquainted with the investors. Your presentation can have a strong influence on the performance of your team.
  • Business Ethics : As a significant part of business, it’s important to understand ethics. How about “Ethics in Marketing Research?” There are countless ethical issues.
  • Theories : Gather some of the most important theories that you find useful and prepare a good presentation with examples and visuals.
  • Product/Service Improvement : A briefing like this might include a recap of your product or service or a discussion of any possible improvement before the product is ready for the market.
  • The Rise and Fall of Brands : Don’t avoid talking about the failures and successes of other brands. Doing so can help you with your own journey.
  • Upcoming or Recent Events : Talk about exciting events that you are planning to organize or already have. For upcoming events, you can make a welcoming presentation, announcing the date and venue. Check out an example below:

Event presentation slide example

  • Inspiration : Get ready to give a professional and motivational talk to inspire your audience to take action towards targeted goals.
  • Explain Business Concepts : How does a certain idea or concept work? Give a specific and clear presentation on the concepts that not everyone is familiar with. How does a franchise work? How do partnerships work?
  • QA Presentation : Assure that your audience knows that your product/service is of the best quality.
  • Announcements : Is there a cool and intriguing event that’s coming? Give an announcement through your presentation. It can be short and clear, covering all the key points.
  • Discovery, Invention, Innovation : Share the most interesting discoveries and recent innovations in the business world.
  • How-to Presentations : If you are skilled at something, then you can make a presentation to guide others. Present a step-by-step guide for a specific task, such as conducting surveys or managing conflicts.

Whether it’s a school project or an online class presentation, you need to make it attractive and engaging. So, choose the topic wisely. Below are some education presentation ideas you can use for your next project.

  • Academic Presentation : If you want to educate and share info, then academic presentations with supporting visuals, presentation slides, and videos are what you need.
  • Explainer : Explainers are a powerful way of sharing essential information. You can make short and engaging  explainer videos  to include in your presentations.

  • Pros and Cons : Make a presentation explaining both pros and cons of a certain issue at stake.
  • Best Methods : Talk about various effective methods, be it methods of teaching, learning, or preparing for an exam.
  • Dos and Don’ts of Making Presentations : You can make a whole presentation just talking about presentation best practices . Separate what’s recommended and what’s not and then present those to your audience in a simple way.
  • Guidelines : Present the most effective guidelines for teaching, studying, and co-working.
  • Personal Experience : What can be more helpful for an audience than to learn from someone’s real-life experience? Make a presentation on your personal experience and share your most valuable insights.
  • Quiz-Presentation : Test your students. Make a presentation quizzing their knowledge and competence in a certain field. Why presentation? Because it’s both visually and technically effective.
  • Research : An attractive slideshow is one of the best ways to present your research. Try working on a visual and multimedia presentation to showcase the whole potential of your research in a visually appealing format.
  • Problem-Solving : Decide on an issue and prepare a set of solutions to offer. Don’t leave any questions uncovered. If a problem exists, so does its solution.
  • Project Proposal : How are you planning to get approval for your projects if you don’t propose the main idea and expected outcomes in a professional way? Give your project a classy presentation with this Minimal Titles Pack . 

  • Listing Presentation : Lists always work when you have big sorted data to introduce to your audience.
  • Controversial Topics : Attract your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with a controversial slide deck. Bring forward debatable issues such as euthanasia, AI, and more. Let your audience join you or argue against you.
  • Textbook Presentation : Introduce a textbook in a creative way through interesting visuals and supporting multimedia.
  • Curriculum : What if presentations are the best way of getting your audience acquainted with a curriculum. Alternatively, you can make your next presentation about how to develop a well-organized curriculum.
  • Dissertation : Prepare a presentation for your dissertation. But keep in mind that it has to be accompanied by proper supportive media.
  • Predictions Presentation : What will happen next? It’s fun to predict, isn’t it?
  • Instructions : Do you like giving instructions? Sometimes that’s what you need to do. Structure your presentation in a how-to format, giving instructions for certain actions, like “How to Work Out the Best Schedule?”
  • Precautions : Prepare your audience for the worst and hope for the best. Make a presentation on a set of warnings.
  • Case Studies : What’s the best way of demonstrating your case study? A multimedia presentation can be the answer.
  • Tricks and Hacks : Tips and tricks are always appreciated by your audience. Create an informative presentation on studying tips, time management tips, or anything else you might find interesting.
  • Success Stories : We are always eager to hear success stories. Why? Because they motivate us to move forward with hope for what’s to come. So, make a presentation, telling success stories to motivate teachers, learners, and everyone else.
  • Fact or Fiction : Draw a line between truth and lie, fact and fiction. Bust some myths about a topic of your choice to educate your listeners.
  • Data Analysis : Is a presentation the right place to start with data analysis? Not really. But once you have analyzed your data, showcase it in your presentation, demonstrating your analysis through charts and graphs.
  • Techniques : What kind of techniques can you cover? How about “Techniques for Memory Improvement,” or “ Teaching Techniques ?” You can make up a number of similar topics to share.
  • Recent Advancements : Share the recent advancement in the field of education. What are some of the newest teaching methods? What advanced methods do we need to implement to make the learning process more effective?
  • Steps in the Process : What are the best steps to take towards certain goals? Each path is different and thus requires different steps.
  • Interesting Facts : Gather a set of creative ideas and facts to cover in your presentations.

Recommended Reading

  • 35+ Best Presentation Software: Ultimate List 2023
  • The Art of Consulting Presentations
  • Timeline Presentations: Extensive Guide to Creating Visual Narratives

Here we have random presentation ideas that can inspire you. Make your next presentation a blast by introducing a new creative topic through a unique presentation design.

  • Introduction to a Topic : Often, we don’t really want to go deep into complex concepts but just need a short and clear intro to get a grasp of them. Make a presentation on the basics of the most intriguing and puzzling themes.
  • Ethics of a Certain Field : There are a number of important fields that need to be discussed in terms of ethics. For example, ethics in journalism is a very trendy and essential topic to discuss nowadays.
  • The Future : We are always interested in the future, aren’t we? We make plans for it. We carry hopes for it. Let’s make a compelling presentation that discusses the future of various fields, such as AI or the Internet.
  • Benefits : What are the benefits of a bilingual brain? Try to cover the benefits of a number of issues, such as digital transformation, or a healthy diet.
  • Risks : Discuss the risks of taking certain steps. When we know the risks we can circumvent them, can’t we?
  • Evolution : How do things evolve? It’s super important to present the ways that certain things unfold and change. How did artificial intelligence grow and evolve to such degrees?
  • Components: Pick some topics to discuss the components of. How about making a presentation on “Components of Web Applications?” Pretty interesting, isn’t it?
  • Alternatives : We always feel a need for alternatives. Make a presentation offering alternatives for different tools and objects. One example could be a presentation covering “The Best Free Alternatives to Microsoft Office.”
  • Memoir : Tell the stories of influential people or your own in a value-packed presentation.
  • Video Games : You can reveal the pros and cons of a game or just talk about the trendiest games as of now. You could also reveal statistics about the influence they have on gamers.
  • Music Album Presentation : Present a music album, composers, and musicians. You can talk about their tours, also including videos and audio files of the tracks.
  • Reviews and Reports : Do a book or a film review. Present your criticism and reflections on a book or movie of interest.

Report review presentation slide examples

  • Scientific Presentation : What are the recent scientific discoveries? Not all people are aware, right? Bring forward some intriguing info about the latest discoveries.
  • Job Interview Presentation : Impress your potential employers with a structured and clean job interview presentation.
  • Important Skills : What are the top skills needed in your industry? Create your list and share it.
  • Requirements and Qualifications : What are some requirements for a specific job position or a field in general? Share your experience and knowledge on this topic.
  • “Best of ” Compilation : Gather a list of the best movies, games, books, tools, meals, and anything else, really.
  • News : Sometimes, people don’t care to sit and listen to an hour-long news report. So, how about making a brief and informative summary of the most noteworthy news?
  • Experiments : Make a scientific or social experiment and reveal your results; they might be different from what you expected.
  • Life Story : Use presentation slides to tell about the life of a famous or personal story of an influential person. Use images, videos, and any other visual elements to make your story more vivid.

Making a compelling presentation doesn’t purely depend on presentation software , even though that’s also very important. To make an impactful presentation, one has to first figure out how to approach the topic and decide on the presentation design. 

We hope you found your topic on the list of creative presentation ideas presented above. Best of luck with creating presentations!

Ready to create your video presentation? Find hundreds of slideshow video template options, browse stock images to find a background image, use hand-drawn illustrations, add your color palette, customize your entire presentation the way you want, and share your creative presentation idea in an interesting way. You can also use a recap video template to present the main takeaways of an event or a session in the form of a summary. Click the button to get started:

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20 creative presentation ideas to captivate your audience

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Michael Lee June 17, 2019

The ultimate aim of every presentation is to etch a memorable mark that lingers in the minds of your audience long after the final slide fades away. Memorable presentations should be a creative blend of captivating design, innovative elements, and engaging delivery. To ignite your presentation prowess and set your creativity on fire, we’ve handpicked a treasure trove of 20 ingenious creative presentation ideas that will transform your presentations from bland to brilliantly unforgettable:

1. Experiment with color

It’s surprising what a little color can do. The way you use and pair colors in your presentation design can grab an otherwise disinterested audience member’s attention. Just make sure you do it tastefully and carry the theme across all frames. When in doubt, you can simply choose from one of Prezi’s existing content layouts , each with an appealing color palette.

Try experimenting with a two-toned design by adding different accents to your presentation background and other visual elements. You might start with a black-and-white design, then add a bright pop of one color throughout. Contrasting color palettes (think yellow and blue, pink and mint green, etc.) can also create this eye-popping effect. Alternatively, you can use neutral shades to give off a more subdued vibe.

Another idea? Add a color filter to your images to tie them into your color theme. Learn more about presentation colors in our guide.

2. Use a striking background theme

A colorful background image for a creative presentation

Looking for more presentation ideas and creative ways to present? Put some thought into your background image, as it’s what your audience will be looking at during the entire presentation. If you want to use a photo, choose one that’s beautiful, sentimental, or has action and flow. Just make sure you pick an image that has enough negative space on which to place text. You can also play around with textures and patterns, such as ripples or wood, or themes that are symbolic of your message, such as a passport, billboard, rocket launch, road trip, etc.

Additionally, make sure your chosen background image isn’t distracting. You want to keep your audience’s focus on the foreground — the graphics, text, and special effects you’ve created. Prezi already has a large library of effective and high-quality backgrounds and images you can search for when designing your presentation, so no need to source them from somewhere else.

3. Put thoughts into speech bubbles

Other creative ways to present information include using speech bubbles to communicate key points to audience members. Use them to illustrate an idea or to reveal a character’s thoughts or fears in your story. Have them pop up as notes or commentary in the frame you’re presenting. Similarly, you can use speech bubbles to show milestones on a timeline. If you’re revealing poll or survey results about a product or service, for instance, place data or participant feedback in bubbles.

But, like anything in a presentation, don’t go overboard with it. While speech bubbles can be a fantastic addition, excessive use might divert your audience’s focus from the core message. So, using speech bubbles in the right places to create impact can be effective for engaging your listeners, but scattering them throughout every slide might be a little excessive and cause the opposite effect. Balance is key when using speech bubbles. 

4. Abandon the slide-by-slide style

Prezi's PowerPoint Converter feature lets you turn slides into a dynamic Prezi presentation. It's another great creative way to present.

Free your presentations from the confines of slides. As an interactive presentation tool, Prezi allows for dynamic designs to take your audience on a journey as you tell your story. Zoom in and out on key points. Navigate between topics and sections of your presentation in any order. Go vertical instead of horizontal. Make transitions between ideas look like pathways or scenes instead of simply clicking sequentially from frame to frame. All of these elements come together to make a memorable presentation.

These types of tactics will give your presentation a cinematic feel that will captivate and inspire your audience. An open canvas design also makes it easier for you to tell a story , which people tend to process and remember more easily than straight facts. Prezi’s ready-made templates and striking graphics make it simple for you to share your narrative via one of these seemingly complex designs. If you want to transform a static PowerPoint presentation into a dynamic moving story, simply upload your file and try Prezi’s PowerPoint Converter feature .

5. Tell your story with a video

Female Video Editor Works with Footage on Her Personal Computer, She Works in Creative Office Studio.

Presenters have been incorporating video into their slide decks for decades. Video is one of the most creative ways to present projects. It allows you to tell your story using visuals instead of big blocks of text. Now, however, it’s time to elevate the video so it captures your audience’s attention and enhances your narrative. Embed videos that play automatically when you navigate to certain parts of your Prezi canvas.

Just be sure to use videos that aren’t distracting and that work with the rest of your presentation’s flow. They should still complement your presentation’s overall design theme and message. If you’re not producing a video yourself, you can find thematic ones from stock video sites or on YouTube. Just be aware that you might need permission to use some videos.

It’s important to select videos beforehand and place them strategically so that they hit hard in the right places. Selecting the perfect videos is like choosing gems to adorn your presentation’s crown. These videos should harmonize seamlessly with your content, elevating the story you’re weaving.

Imagine, for instance, using a time-lapse video of a bustling cityscape to represent the rapid pace of change in the business world during your presentation on industry trends. Blending your videos with the theme of your topic in this way goes beyond just catching your audience’s eye, it actually adds depth to your story while also making your message more impactful.

6. Bring your story to life with audio

Another presentation idea to minimize text and maximize audience engagement is to add sound to your presentation. Tell your story using pre-recorded audio. This creative presentation style turns the viewer experience into just that — an experience. While the audio plays, you can move around the stage and navigate to various parts of the presentation that support the narrative visually. Again, the effect is almost movie-like.

Another auditory presentation tool is music. Use music to set the tone of your talk, or inject it periodically to regain the audience’s attention. The appropriate song choice can get the entire audience into the mood of your presentation. Choose upbeat tunes to convey excitement or dramatic ones that will trigger an emotional response . Plus, if you play a catchy tune that sticks in people’s heads, that’ll help them remember your presentation that much more.

7. Add animations

Another creative way to present is by bringing an otherwise static design to life is animation. Go beyond video by borrowing from stop-motion principles for your presentation. Stop motion is a technique in which you film objects one frame at a time to simulate motion in a scene or a story. You can recreate this effect in Prezi by using zoom, fade, and pan animations to tell a moving story frame by frame.

Animations can inspire and engage your audience, but just be sure to use them sparingly and as a complement to your story or message.

7.1. Make it fun with GIFs

Adding animated GIFs to your presentation can not only make it more fun but also help catch your audience’s eye. Because they’re trendy and often reference pop culture or common emotions, GIFs can help you get your point across without having to use just words.

However, it’s crucial to exercise moderation when employing these elements. While animations and GIFs can enhance engagement, excessive use of them can become distracting. There’ll be certain presentation topics or subjects where GIFs will look misplaced, so just make sure you think carefully about whether they correlate with your message before you use them. However, GIFs are a great way to inject humor and light-heartedness right after slides filled with heavy information. When executed skillfully, animations and GIFs transform your presentation into a dynamic and interactive visual journey, leaving an enduring impression on your audience.

8. Create a timeline

The timeline is nothing new. It’s how you apply it to a presentation that can really wow an audience. Prezi’s dynamic designs let you use the timeline as the basis or focal point of the presentation and then navigate along as you tell your story or plan of action.

Zooming in on specific elements of your timeline as you discuss them adds another layer of clarity and focus. It helps make sure your audience stays on track with your story and doesn’t get lost in the details or complexities. This laid-back way of highlighting key moments or steps keeps people interested and makes it easier for them to remember what you’re talking about.

Timeline dashboard example from Prezi Design

9. Use maps

Deliver a creative presentation with maps, especially if there’s a geographic or location-based topic in your content. Set a map as your background or focal point, and prompt different regions to change colors or pop out as you navigate over them. When it comes to designing maps , make sure you’re purposefully selecting colors, as the color palette you choose can change the way people respond to your data. Don’t pick colors that are too similar when you’re making comparisons, for example. Use Prezi’s zoom function to zero in on areas for more details, or pull back to reveal the larger context.

You can also go the thinking map route, which is a visual learning technique that can convey complex ideas simply and creatively. Start with a central theme, then branch out into paths or surrounding points. The eight variations of thinking maps include circle maps, bubble maps, flow maps, treemaps, and more. These can be effective interactive aids in educational presentations as well as for small businesses.

10. Do away with bulleted lists

Avoid bullet points. Instead, use a canvas layout for your presentation ideas. One of the best creative ways to present.

To truly transform your presentations, consider stepping away from the conventional bullet-point lists that often lead to passive learning. Instead, harness the power of visuals to inspire active engagement from your audience. Visual content stimulates the brain’s cognitive processes, making your message more memorable. Engage your listeners by replacing bullet points with visuals .

Prezi’s open canvas design is a valuable tool in this transformation. It shifts the focus from passive delivery to interactive engagement. By using visuals, you prompt your audience to actively process and respond to your content, fostering a deeper understanding and connection with your message. This shift from traditional bullet points to a visually driven, interactive approach can significantly enhance the impact of your presentations.

11. Communicate with images

Presentation images are nothing new. However, when standing alone, photographs, paintings, and other images can have a really powerful effect. Instead of trying to talk over an image, use it as a stepping stone in your presentation, a point of reflection. Once in a while, let visuals do the talking.

Also, a study has found that people process visuals 60,000 times faster than text . So, incorporating more images will make your presentation more memorable.

Androgynous Black woman sitting with dog near mural

However, be careful with your selection of images – make sure that they’re relevant to the topic and aren’t just filling up an empty space.

Also, If you’re using Prezi for your presentation, you can access a huge library of images that takes away the headache of finding that one perfect shot. It’s like having a cheat code for making your presentation pop. So dive into the library and pick out visuals that’ll make your presentation not just informative, but engaging.

12. Play with transitions

Using slide transitions is one of the simple yet creative ways to present a project. They create visual continuity and add movement to slides. However, choosing the right page transition for your slides is truly a form of art. You have to consider the topic, tone of voice, and your presentation design. Page transitions should match the overall design, create flawless continuity, highlight key areas in your presentation, and do all that without stealing the show. Ultimately, you want it to compliment your presentation.

If you are looking for inspiration, check out Prezi Present ‘s wide selection of templates . You can play with transitions by adding additional animated elements that will make your presentation even more dynamic.

13. Swap for an infographic

To truly stand out and make a lasting impression, consider departing from the traditional slide-based approach and exploring infographics. Infographics are powerful visual tools that condense complex information into digestible, visually appealing formats. Instead of the conventional slide-by-slide progression, imagine scrolling through your presentation, seamlessly transitioning from one section to the next. This fluid movement allows you to verbally expand on key points while displaying the core information visually.

Onboarding infographic example

When you’re adding infographics, aim for designs that are easy to understand but also match your brand’s vibe. You want something that looks good and fits well with the rest of your presentation, so everything feels like it’s part of the same story. This helps make your presentation both easy to follow and hard to forget.

14. Get social

Employing a unique hashtag associated with your brand can significantly amplify the impact of your presentation, extending its reach far beyond the confines of the physical venue. This hashtag acts as a vital link between your presentation and the vast world of social media. Inviting your audience to dive into the live-tweet action with a dedicated hashtag during your talk isn’t just a savvy move; it’s a dynamic double play. You expand your reach, drawing in more eager participants, while simultaneously igniting a thriving online symphony of ongoing discussions and insights.

This approach effectively transforms your presentation into an active, two-way conversation. As you speak, people can immediately share their thoughts, favorite parts, and main lessons, creating a sense of togetherness and active involvement. Furthermore, the utilization of a branded hashtag allows you to monitor and engage in these conversations, strengthening your connection with your audience and providing an avenue for addressing questions or feedback. 

Even after your presentation concludes, these online discussions continue to thrive, ensuring that your message remains fresh in the minds of your audience members long after they’ve left the physical venue. This lively and extended interaction adds an exciting twist to your presentations, transforming them from just informative sessions into lively hubs of ongoing conversation and learning.

15. Use creative props

Physical props add a memorable dimension to your talk. Props serve as powerful visual aids, helping to illustrate key points, provide tangible examples, and offer visual cues. Props can be particularly useful for educational presentations, especially if you need to demonstrate an example. Another situation where props are paramount is if you are a brand that’s launching a new product and doing a promotional presentation. 

African man standing by whiteboard and giving presentation to startup team at office. Man explaining marketing strategy using statistical graphs to colleagues at office.

With Prezi’s creative tools at the forefront of your presentation along with your latest product at hand- you’re bound to persuade your audience. Integrating props at the right time in connection to your current presentation can really create a connection between you and your listeners. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes, would you take in the information by just reading and listening, or would seeing and touching physical props add a layer of interest that enhances your mental absorption?

16. Utilize virtual reality (VR)

VR technology allows you to transport your audience into a different environment or scenario closely related to your presentation topic. Transforming your presentation into a new virtual world takes it far beyond the expectations of mundane slide-by-slide presentations.

With VR, you can engage your audience with a dynamic three-dimensional world where they become active explorers, engaging directly with your content. Picture this: You’re showing off architectural wonders, recreating epic historical events, or unraveling the inner workings of intricate systems. VR takes your presentations to a whole new level, letting your audience not only see and hear but also experience and genuinely feel your message. It’s like inviting them to step right into the heart of your story.

17. Use gamification

Picture turning your presentation into an exhilarating game that dares to captivate and thrill your audience. When you add a little playfulness to your presentation, your audience is going to absorb your information without it feeling like a chore. Making aspects of your talk into fun learning experiences is going to keep your audience switched on throughout the whole presentation. 

You can achieve this by incorporating various interactive elements like puzzles, questions, or interactive storytelling that turn your presentation into an immersive and educational game. Encouraging your audience to think and respond will result in active participants rather than passive observers. 

Young woman sharing her view during team building session at startup office. African woman talking with colleagues sitting in circle at a coworking office.

18. Employ live demonstrations

Incorporating live demonstrations into your presentation is a potent strategy for effectively conveying your message. Whether you’re showcasing a product’s functionality, conducting a captivating science experiment, or engaging your audience in a hands-on activity, live demonstrations actively involve your audience and leave an enduring mark.

Live demonstrations can transform presentations into captivating journeys where your audience doesn’t just listen but also witnesses concepts coming to life before their eyes. This physical approach creates curiosity and entices active participation, effectively transforming your message into something tangible. When people can see, touch, or take part in live demonstrations, it makes a strong connection. It brings your audience right into your content and makes sure they take the message away with them afterward. 

19. Design comic-style frames 

Using comic strips as a presentation style is great when you want to make your presentation engaging and easy to remember. It works well for topics where you want to tell a story, explain things step by step, or simplify complex information. Comic strips contain the best of both worlds, combining visuals with storytelling. This means they’re versatile for various topics, such as education, marketing, and product demos.

The clever approach of comic strips crafts an animated, captivating experience that keeps your audience glued to their seats and sparks their eagerness to participate. Not only that, but it also makes your message highly memorable.

Colorful Set of Comic Speech Bubbles in Pop Art Style Template.

Creating a comic strip in Prezi is straightforward. Start by planning your content and breaking it down into bite-size sections that will be arranged in sequence. Then, use Prezi’s features to design each section as a comic frame, inserting relevant visuals and images. Prezi’s text and shape tools help you add speech bubbles or captions to guide the story you’re telling. As you present, take on the role of a storyteller, guiding your audience through each frame of your comic strip presentation with captivating explanations that hold their attention.

20. Emulate the style of TED talks

The TED-style approach is a powerful method of delivering presentations that revolves around the core principles of clarity, simplicity, emotional resonance, and compelling storytelling. In this approach, speakers focus on distilling complex ideas into easily digestible narratives, using relatable language and impactful visuals to engage their audience. TED-style talks typically center on a single compelling idea , conveyed with passion and authenticity, making them concise, memorable, and inspiring for a wide range of viewers.

Learn how you can excel in storytelling and develop TED Talk presentation skills in the following video:

Staying current with creative presentation ideas

Just as technology and communication methods constantly change, so do presentation audience preferences and expectations. Keeping your creative presentation ideas fresh and aligned with contemporary trends can significantly impact your effectiveness as a presenter.

Why keeping up matters

Adapting to audience expectations.

This is the key to making a memorable impact with your presentations. In the modern world, audiences want more than the ordinary; they seek thrilling, dynamic experiences. To make this happen, you must wholeheartedly embrace cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts to make your presentations highly engaging. So, why stick with the mundane when you can captivate your audience’s imagination and curiosity with creative presentation ideas? Break free from the conventional and explore new concepts using Prezi. 

Maintaining relevance

Staying relevant is the cornerstone of success. To connect deeply with your audience, demonstrate your strong dedication to delivering top-notch content consistently. Your presentations should stand out with innovation and creativity, signaling that you’re not merely keeping pace with the times – you’re setting the tempo. With Prezi’s toolbox, you’ll be ready to explore a range of creative presentation ideas that leave a lasting impression on your audience. 

Fueling engagement

Elevating your presentations from mere information-sharing sessions to immersive experiences can be a game-changer. By staying in the loop on fresh creative presentation ideas and cool interactive tricks, you’re all set to captivate your audience. Adding some of these new, interactive touches can help you grab and keep people’s attention way better than just repeating the same slideshows.

Where to get your inspo 

If you’re ready to improve your creative game, there are plenty of helpful blogs, webinars, and online courses about fun presentation ideas you can dive into. Prezi offers a lot of useful tips for making your presentations stand out. Think of Prezi as your toolbox, always within reach to unlock your presentation’s potential and make a lasting impression. For presentation inspiration , check out Prezi’s presentation gallery and explore our highly engaging and creative templates .

Watch this video and learn more about creative presentation ideas:

Get inspired for more presentation ideas

The world isn’t flat, and your presentations shouldn’t be, either. Step outside your comfort zone, and play around with these 20 creative ways to present. Better yet, come up with your own creative ways to present and incorporate them into one of Prezi’s dynamic content layouts. Using this presentation software’s open canvas approach, you can tell your story conversationally and spontaneously so that audience members will engage with and remember.

creative presentation ideas group

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Blog Marketing 15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

15 Interactive Presentation Ideas to Elevate Engagement

Written by: Krystle Wong Aug 04, 2023

Interactive presentation ideas

As attention spans continue to shrink, the challenge of engaging audiences in a short timeframe has never been more significant. Let’s face it — grabbing and keeping your audience’s attention can be quite the challenge, especially when time is ticking away. But fear not, I’ve got the perfect solution: interactive presentations!

Believe it or not, creating an interactive presentation is easier than you might think. In this guide, I’ll show you how to effortlessly turn ordinary slides into captivating experiences with 15 interactive presentation ideas that will leave your audience begging for more. From quirky polls and fun games to storytelling adventures and multimedia magic, these ideas will take your presentation game to the next level.

Venngage is a game-changer when it comes to empowering interactive presentations. With just a few clicks, users can customize their favorite presentation templates , add multimedia content and create immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact. Whether you’re a seasoned presenter or a newcomer, get started with Venngage to elevate your presentation game to new heights of engagement and creativity.

Click to jump ahead:

What is an interactive presentation?

15 ways to make a presentation interactive, 7 best interactive presentation software, what are some common mistakes to avoid when creating interactive presentations, interactive presentation faqs, how to create an interactive presentation with venngage.

creative presentation ideas group

An interactive presentation is a dynamic and engaging communication format that involves active participation and collaboration between the presenter and the audience. Unlike traditional presentations where information is delivered in a one-way manner, interactive presentations invite the audience to interact, respond and contribute throughout the session.

Think of it as a two-way street where you and your audience have a friendly chat. It’s like playing a fun game where you ask questions, get live feedback and encourage people to share their thoughts. 

To make a good presentation , you can utilize various tools and techniques such as clickable buttons, polls, quizzes, discussions and multimedia elements to transform your slides into an interactive presentation. Whether you’re presenting in-person or giving a virtual presentation — when people are actively participating, they’re more likely to remember the stuff you’re talking about.

creative presentation ideas group

Interactive presentations leave a lasting impression on the audience. By encouraging active participation and feedback, interactive presentations facilitate better understanding and knowledge retention. Here are 15 innovative 5-minute interactive presentation ideas to captivate your audience from start to finish:

1. Ice-breaker questions

Start your presentation with intriguing and thought-provoking questions or a fun icebreaker game. These questions should be designed to pique the audience’s curiosity and encourage them to think about the topic you’ll be covering. By doing so, you create an immediate connection with your audience and set the stage for a more engaged and attentive audience.

For example, if you’re giving a business presentation about management and leadership training, you could ask audience questions such as “What’s the best business advice you’ve ever received, and how has it impacted your career?”

creative presentation ideas group

2. Live polling

Incorporate live polls during your presentation using audience response systems or polling apps . This allows you to collect real-time feedback, opinions and insights from active participants. Live polling encourages active participation and involvement, making your presentation feel like a collaborative and interactive experience.

3. Q&A sessions

Encourage the audience to ask questions throughout your presentation, especially for pitch deck presentations . Address these questions in real-time, which fosters a more interactive and dynamic atmosphere. This approach shows that you value the audience’s input and promotes a two-way communication flow.

4. Clickable buttons

Add clickable buttons to your slides, allowing the audience to navigate to specific sections or external resources at their own pace. For example, you could include links to your social media accounts or extra reading materials in your education presentation to give further information about the topic and get your students engaged.

By providing this autonomy, you empower the audience to explore areas of particular interest, creating a more personalized and engaging experience through your interactive slideshow.

creative presentation ideas group

5. Storytelling

Incorporate anecdotes or personal stories related to your topic. Storytelling is a powerful way to emotionally connect with your audience, making your presentation more relatable and memorable. A little storytelling along with a set of creative slides draws the audience in and keeps them engaged as they follow the narrative.

6. Interactive charts and graphs

Use interactive charts and graphs that respond to user input to make your presentation interactive. For instance, allow the audience to click on data points to view more detailed information or to change the displayed data series. Creating charts with interactive visuals help the audience interact with the data, fostering better understanding and engagement.

7. Animated infographics

Add animations to your infographics, making them visually dynamic and progressive. Animated infographics reveal information gradually, keeping the audience curious and attentive. This transforms complex data into an easily digestible and engaging format.

Venngage’s extensive library of infographic templates is a powerful tool to visualize data and elevate the interactivity of your presentations. Personalizing the visuals ensures a cohesive and professional look throughout your interactive presentation. The templates are highly customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, and styles to match your presentation’s theme and branding. 

creative presentation ideas group

8. Gamification

Introduce an interactive quiz, puzzles, or challenges related to your presentation content. Gamification adds an element of fun and competition, motivating the audience to participate actively and boosting their learning experience. Here are some gaming presentation templates you could use. 

creative presentation ideas group

9. Virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR)

If applicable, leverage VR or AR technologies to provide immersive experiences. These interactive presentation tools transport the audience into a virtual or augmented environment, making your presentation more captivating and memorable.

10. Collaborative whiteboarding

Get your audience involved in your presentation by utilizing digital whiteboards or collaborative tools to brainstorm ideas collectively. This fosters teamwork and creativity, enabling the audience to actively contribute and feel a sense of involvement in the presentation.

creative presentation ideas group

11. Hyperlinked text

Keep the information in your slides minimal with a simple presentation and incorporate hyperlinks to direct viewers to relevant websites or blogs , resources, or additional information. This encourages self-exploration and gives the audience the opportunity to delve deeper into topics of interest.

12. Role-playing

Engage the audience in role-playing scenarios to explore different perspectives. Role-playing promotes active learning and helps the audience relate the content to real-life situations, enhancing their understanding and retention.

13. Embedded videos

Include video clips in your slides to provide visual explanations, demonstrations, or interviews. Videos add a dynamic element to your presentation, enriching the content and keeping the audience engaged.

creative presentation ideas group

14. Audience-generated content

Encourage the audience to contribute ideas, stories or examples related to your professional presentation . Audience-generated content fosters a sense of ownership and involvement, making the presentation more interactive and personalized.

15. Slide transitions

Use slide transitions to create smooth animations between slides. Well-planned transitions maintain the audience’s interest and keep the presentation slides flowing seamlessly.

Interactive elements aside, enhance your presentation with these guides on how to summarize information for a captivating presentation and how to make a persuasive presentation to captivate your audience. 

creative presentation ideas group

If you’re looking to create engaging and interactive presentation slides that captivate your audience, these presentation software options are sure to elevate your game:

Prezi is renowned for its dynamic and non-linear presentation style, enabling users to craft visually stunning and interactive presentations. With an array of templates and animation effects, Prezi enhances audience engagement, making your presentations more captivating and memorable.

2. Mentimeter

Mentimeter serves as an audience response system, empowering real-time interaction during presentations. Users can create interactive polls, quizzes, word clouds and more, allowing the audience to respond using their smartphones or other devices. This fosters active participation and provides valuable feedback instantly.

3. Google Slides

Google Slides is a free cloud-based presentation software that not only offers collaboration features but also enables real-time interactions. It includes add-ons and third-party integrations to further enhance interactivity, making it an excellent choice for collaborative and engaging presentations.

4. Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint, a classic presentation software, has evolved to incorporate more interactive features like live captions, real-time collaboration and interactive elements such as quizzes and forms. With its familiar interface and versatile functionalities, PowerPoint remains a reliable choice for interactive presentations.

5. Prezentor

Prezentor caters to sales-oriented presentations focusing on interactive storytelling and data-driven content. It offers analytics to track audience engagement and behavior during presentations, allowing you to fine-tune your approach and keep your audience hooked.

6. Opinion Stage

Opinion Stage is a visual and interactive data collection tool designed to engage and excite audiences whether sitting in a lecture hall, participating in a live Zoom, or watching an on-demand webinar. The Opinion Stage tools are simple and intuitive, making it easy to create attention-grabbing quizzes, surveys, and polls in minutes. A great way to spice up any presentation, encourage audience participation, and collect authentic feedback.

7 . Venngage

Venngage stands out as a versatile design tool that facilitates the creation of interactive infographics, data visualizations and presentations with ease. Offering various interactive elements and animations, Venngage empowers you to craft visually appealing and engaging presentations effortlessly.

With these interactive presentation software options at your disposal, you can unleash your creativity and deliver presentations that leave a lasting impact on your audience. So, go ahead and make your presentations interactive, captivating and memorable!

For more presentation software options, check out this blog on the 12 best presentation software for 2023.

creative presentation ideas group

Creating interactive presentations can be a game-changer for engaging your audience and enhancing your presentation skills, but steering clear of common pitfalls is essential. Here are some key mistakes to avoid when crafting your interactive presentations:

1. Overloading with interactivity

While interactivity is fantastic, bombarding your audience with too many interactive elements can backfire. Strive for a balanced approach that enhances engagement without overwhelming your listeners.

2. Ignoring audience relevance

Failing to tailor interactive elements to your audience’s interests and preferences can lead to disconnection. Make sure your interactions resonate with your specific audience for a more meaningful experience.

3. Not testing interactive elements

Skipping thorough testing of interactive features before showtime can spell disaster. Avoid technical glitches by diligently testing all interactive components in advance.

4. Poor timing and pace

Timing is everything, especially with interactive activities. Ensure seamless integration by planning your key points and the timing of your interactive elements carefully.

5. Lack of clear purpose

Every interactive element should serve a purpose and contribute to your presentation’s objectives. Don’t add interactions just for the sake of it — ensure they add value and align with your message.

6. Failing to engage beyond interactivity

While interactive elements are powerful tools, remember that content is king. Combine your interactive features with compelling storytelling and valuable insights to create an immersive and impactful presentation.

Incorporating animated slides into your interactive presentations enhances the overall appeal and interaction, turning an ordinary presentation into an engaging experience. Try it out with one of our animated presentation templates to get started. 

creative presentation ideas group

How do you start an interactive presentation?

Begin by grabbing the audience’s attention with an intriguing question or a surprising fact, setting the tone for a dynamic and engaging session.

Which type of presentation is the most interactive?

Workshops and seminars are often the most interactive types of presentations as they encourage active participation, discussions and hands-on activities.

How can interactive presentations enhance audience engagement?

Interactive presentations foster a two-way communication flow, involving the audience through polls, quizzes, discussions and multimedia elements, leading to increased interest, attentiveness and better retention of information.

What are some common interactive elements to include in a presentation?

Common interactive elements include clickable buttons, hyperlinked text, polls, quizzes, interactive charts, multimedia content and audience participation activities.

Can interactive presentations be used for educational purposes?

Absolutely! Interactive presentations are highly effective for educational purposes as they promote active learning, encourage critical thinking, and provide real-time feedback and knowledge exchange opportunities.

Need inspiration on how to give an engaging presentation ? Here are 120+ presentation ideas you could use. 

creative presentation ideas group

Venngage makes it easy for anyone to infuse interactivity into their presentations. From clickable buttons and hyperlinked text to interactive infographics and dynamic charts, Venngage offers a diverse range of interactive elements to captivate and engage the audience. Here’s how you can make your presentation more fun and interesting with Venngage:

  • Sign up or log in to Venngage to access the platform.
  • Choose a presentation template or start with a blank canvas to begin designing your interactive presentation.
  • Add and edit slides in the Venngage editor to structure your presentation content effectively.
  • Customize the design by selecting themes, fonts, colors and backgrounds to match your style and branding.
  • Use interactive elements like buttons, links, pop-ups and hover effects to engage the audience during the presentation.
  • Enhance engagement by incorporating interactive media such as videos and audio clips.
  • Preview and test your entire presentation to ensure everything works smoothly before presenting it to your audience.
  • Save your interactive presentation on Venngage and share it online or download it in various formats for presenting purposes.

Well, I hope these 15 5-minute interactive presentation examples can help unlock a new level of audience engagement for your next presentation. From fun quizzes and interactive storytelling to multimedia magic and gamified challenges, the possibilities are endless. So, don’t be afraid to experiment, tailor the ideas to suit your audience members and let your creativity shine.  

That said, remember to strike a balance and keep the interactivity purposeful and relevant. Some common mistakes to avoid when creating interactive slides include overloading the presentation with too many interactive elements and failing to align the interactive elements with the overall presentation goals and content. 

Got it? Great. Now let’s turn that boring presentation around!

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Quick Creative Presentation Ideas & How to PPT Tips (Video)

Watch this quick video to learn some easy PowerPoint tips and creative presentation ideas.

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Discover even more tips and PowerPoint ideas in the written tutorial below:

Jump to creative presentation ideas in these sections:

  • Use Speech Bubbles
  • Create a Timeline
  • Audio Narration
  • Use Bright Colors
  • Use Repetition
  • Tell a Story
  • Ask Questions at Crucial Moments
  • Prepare and Practice
  • Organize Your Presentation Into 3 Clear Points
  • Break It Up With Humor
  • Design Your PowerPoint for Persuasion, Not Distraction
  • Don’t Read From Your Slides
  • Use Visuals to Ground Abstract Ideas
  • Highlight Important Points With Visual Metaphors
  • Make Your Examples Personal
  • Use an On-Topic Template to Guide Your Presentation
  • Don’t Go it Alone: Embrace Teams and Collaborate
  • Build for Big Rooms
  • Watch Your Animations
  • Style With SmartArt
  • Turn to Videos to Add Interest
  • Align Objects
  • Create Quizzes
  • Pay Attention to Body Language
  • Address Audience Questions
  • 27. Turn to Props
  • Use Social Media
  • Close Strong!
  • Share Your Slide Deck After Presenting

30 Creative Presentation Ideas for 2024

Here are 30 cool presentations ideas you can use for your next presentation:

1. Use Speech Bubbles

Speech bubbles add a fun element to your slide. (Presentation template Source: Envato Elements) (Graphic Source: Envato Elements)

A creative presentation idea is to put your thoughts or key points into speech bubbles. You can also use them to add notes, commentary, or milestones to a timeline.

When you use speech bubbles, be careful not to overuse them. The point of the speech bubbles is to make the text stand out. The text won't stand out if you use too many speech bubbles. Instead, it'll lose its effect.

2. Create a Timeline

A cool presentation idea that is great for organizing thoughts, facts, or information it to use a timeline.

Each step in a timeline is typically marked with an image icon or shape. So, a timeline can add visual interest to your information. They also help guide the audience through a narrative while also allowing you the ability to talk through specific points.

3. Audio Narration

Another unique presentation idea is to use pre-recorded audio in your presentation.

When you add narration to your presentation, you’re creating more of an immersive experience. Using narration with matching visuals can be more emotional and impact your audience more.

4. Use Bright Colors

This colorful presentation template is from Envato Elements.

A way to have fun presentations is to add bright colors. There are two ways you can do this:

  • Use a colorful and exciting background that'll grab the audience's attention. Or use pops of color. When using pops of color, it's best to place your color strategically.
  • If you've got an important bit of text that you want your audience to pay attention to, put your pop of color behind that text.

5. Use Repetition

Another creative presentation idea is to use repetition.

Repetition is the oldest trick to remember something. So, if you want your audience to remember a specific phrase, try using repetition.

Choose a phrase that's short and simple. If the phrase is too long, it’ll be harder to remember. Also, don’t repeat the phrase too often. If you do people could tune you out.

6. Tell a Story

The human brain is designed to respond to stories as both a survival mechanism and as an entertainment mechanism. That double role has helped develop it into one of the most powerful communication tools humans have known.

Stories are much more interesting than facts because stories entertain us. Storytelling grabs and maintains attention. It helps the audience understand and remember what was said long after the story’s over.

Instead of presenting your work as a series of facts that'll bore even the most kind-hearted audiences, organize your facts into a story. 

And use a professional design with captivating photo layouts and graphics. This connects your audience visually to your story. Consider the stylish Polarity PowerPoint Template : 

Polarity PowerPoint Template

What interesting connections can you make between your facts? What story can you build around them that'll help your audience stay engaged from start to finish? Tell your story.

Learn more about the presentation writing process: 

creative presentation ideas group

7. Ask Questions at Crucial Moments

Statements sound trite and expected. Especially during a presentation. A presentation essentially consists of a series of statements strung together. So, one more statement isn’t likely to intrigue the audience—not even an exceptional one.

But what if you ask a question instead?

A question breaks up your regular presentation rhythm and helps mark what you’re saying as important. It turns your presentation from a passive story into an active quest that the audience can explore on their own through their answers.

Ask questions and interact with the audience. (Image source: Envato Elements)

Answering a question (even if only in their heads) makes your audience feel involved in your presentation and keeps them glued to your words.

8. Prepare and Practice

Ever wonder how the best presenters always seem relaxed, focused, and engaging? It’s easy to think that to be a great presenter, you need to be completely self-assured and comfortable in front of a crowd. 

Preparation really starts at the very beginning. To succeed, take your presentation topics and map them out. This happens before you ever open your favorite presentation app to edit slides.

A big part of that is outlining your presentations. Just as novelists outline their books, great presenters map out big ideas in advance. 

Think of your outline " roadmap " as a way to get your audience exactly where you want them to go. Following that outline as you build your slides helps you stay focused.

Roadmap presentation topics

Once you've outlined and built your slides, it's time to rehearse relentlessly. It's not much fun, but it serves to build your self-confidence. You learn your content and become comfortable with it. 

This translates directly into a confident stage presence. By feeling better about yourself (and your presentation topics), you'll give a better presentation. And in turn, this fuels audience engagement. Your self-assurance ensures their involvement.

creative presentation ideas group

9. Organize Your Presentation Into 3 Clear Points 

The number three has been considered somewhat of a magical number in many cultures since antiquity. Something about things in threes fascinates the human mind and helps it retain information better. Consider these phrases: 

  • body, mind, and soul
  • lock, stock, and barrel
  • pb and j (two ingredients, but three consonants in this abbreviated form)
  • blood, sweat, and tears

Magical or not, the number three works like a charm. At the end of the presentation, we can all remember three things that were said. 

So instead of leaving those precious three things to luck, why not take charge? Organize your presentation into three main points or takeaways. Then you can be sure that your audience is paying attention to the important things and not the insignificant details. 

Even if you’re making more than three points, which you likely will be, you can find ways to organize all your minor points into three main categories. That way, you can easily address and summarize the gist of your presentation at the end. 

Cost, timeline, results. Problem, suggestions, solution. Beginning, middle, and end. Just remember to divide it into three!

10. Break It Up With Humor

Humor makes the world go around. And the same holds true for the business world. At the end of the day, no one likes to work with a stiff. 

So even when you’re presenting in front of a “serious” client or investor, remember to use humor in your presentation. This doesn’t mean you've got to crack jokes the entire time. It simply means being cheerful, lighthearted, and personable.

Humor not your strong point? No worries. You can even find presentations on creating presentations with humor!

While it can be challenging to nail the right tone with your use of humor it's one of the best presentation ideas to work on. Humor works to:

  • break the ice between you and your audience
  • puts everyone at ease, and helps them feel friendly, and well-disposed towards you (which can lead to improved results from your presentation)
  • open people up to the fun presentation ideas you’re offering in your presentation

11. Design Your PowerPoint for Persuasion, Not Distraction

If you’re using a slide deck, have a goal in mind. That goal is typically to inform or to persuade (or both.) 

People see a ton of presentations - especially those key audiences like potential investors and customers! That means it's essential to stand out.

This is where Envato Elements comes in. It's loaded with designs that work perfectly for creative ways to present a project . Elements is the ultimate resource for presenters who need creative ways to present a project.

Elements offers thousands of PowerPoint templates . Each one is available for a flat monthly rate. That’s right: join today and you’ll have unlimited downloads of all the amazing templates you can ever use.

Elements presentation topics

These templates are built by creative experts with you in mind. Many offer advanced features impossible to find in any free template. 

With Elements, you gain peace of mind thanks to the ease of use. You’ll save time and money and will impress even the most discerning audience.

This is a powerful offer. And Elements has far more than presentation templates. Your membership also includes stock photos, music, fonts, and more. 

All these are useful to build unforgettable fun presentations in 2024. Join today!  

12. Don’t Read From Your Slides

Reading from a slide that everyone in the room can see (and read for themselves) is boring and makes you look unprepared. Your PowerPoint isn’t there to remind you what to say, but to help your audience better understand the point you're making. 

When you read off your PPT presentation, your audience will inevitably read along with you. And it's been shown that our minds wander 20-40% of the time while reading. 

That means that while you’re reading your slides, your audience is distracted. They may be wondering if they’ve left the iron on or what they're having for dinner. And that’s not what you want them to be thinking about! 

Avoid reading from your presentation slides. (Image source: Envato Elements)

Keep the text of your slides short. Only use it to highlight important points you’re making or to mark the headlines of different sections of your presentation. 

Your slides should never be a crutch to your presentation when you can’t remember what to say. And they should never contain more than a few lines of text on them. 

Slides aren't for reading, but for emphasizing your points quickly.

13. Use Visuals to Ground Abstract Ideas

If you can’t use a million bullet points to summarize your presentation on your slides, then what should your slides contain?

Visuals! Lots of visuals!

Graphs, charts, and pies that illustrate your point and help emphasize it. Also, include images that make an impact on the audience and make the gist of your argument memorable. 

There’s a difference between saying that your solution will cut costs by 20% and showing what that looks like on a graph with real numbers. It helps bring the idea from the abstract domain of theory into the concrete domain of facts. 

And don’t just stick to traditional presentation visuals. This isn’t 2010, after all. Remember that cool presentation ideas today aren't the same as a decade ago.

Bring your presentation into the current era by including a variety of your visual elements. Using graphics, emojis, and even GIFs where appropriate will help give currency to your presentation and bring it to life. 

If you want to make it even more dynamic, consider converting your presentation to a digital flip book , which will add more interactive options and real-page transitions on top of it.

Here’s one of our most popular PowerPoint templates, The X Note . It includes many innovative slide design options, from photo layouts, to timelines, and more:

X-Note PowerPoint Template

Discover the best PowerPoint templates with great infographics in this curated article: 

creative presentation ideas group

14. Highlight Important Points With Visual Metaphors

Visuals, whether emojis, graphics, or images, shouldn’t be used gratuitously in your presentation. Instead, everything you put into your slideshow should have a specific purpose. 

A powerful way to use images is through visual metaphors. Don’t just tell your client that with your plan new followers will come to them like bees to honey. Illustrate it with an image to help the point stick in their mind. 

Visual images of a situation we’re already familiar with help retain points longer in our memory. They give us something easy to refer to. 

15. Make Your Examples Personal

Another creative presentation idea is to personalize your talk for the specific audience you’re talking to on each occasion. You can always adjust and personalize your presentation experience to the specific audience. 

Give examples in your presentation that involve the audience and show how your solution will benefit them. 

People may not care (or may think they don’t care) about your solution or talk if it just discusses the general. As soon as people realize that something can directly affect and benefit them personally, they start paying attention! 

Show your audience the direct effects of your presentation by including them in your examples. You’ll have their full attention and work your way halfway to that yes!

16. Use an On-Topic Template to Guide Your Presentation

Premium templates like those found on Envato Elements deliver unmatched style and content choices. Many focus on being flexible, offering the ability to quickly adapt to any topic.

Some of the most useful templates, though, take the opposite approach. These focus on a specific theme to offer creative ways to present a project.

Imagine for a moment you're launching a new mobile app. There are templates for that. Or perhaps you're opening a new restaurant and want to bring in customers. You're covered, thanks to custom templates.

New creative ways to present a project

The advantage here is twofold:

  • You'll find razor-focused slides built for your industry or specialty. These help you to brainstorm new PPT presentation ideas and share them in creative ways.
  • These very same slides save you valuable time and effort. How? Well, you don't have to build custom layouts from scratch. The tedious art of slide design transforms into a quick drag-and-drop exercise.

In other words, you can plan and build your next creative presentation more quickly, all thanks to on-topic templates. 

Even better: your audience will be “wowed” by focused layouts that look tailored for you.

creative presentation ideas group

17. Add Music! 

This may not be common practice in most presentations you've seen, but it's been proven to work by science. According to research done by Ronald A. Berk of John Hopkins University: 

“Music embedded throughout a PowerPoint presentation can sustain attention, while slipping the content into long-term memory.”

And it isn’t new science! We’ve all known this for many decades. Case in point: can you think of how many movies you’ve seen in your lifetime that had no music? I ’ll give you a hint: Zero!

Ever since we discovered how to add sound to movies, we’ve not only been recording dialogue but also music from them. Because music helps set the mood, gives the right emotional effect, and adds excitement.

What's another way you can use music? To lighten up the mood and give everyone a mini dance break! 

If you decide to use it, adding music can make for a really cool presentation that stands out in your audience’s mind.

So, try this innovative presentation idea and add the appropriate music to your next presentation to help bring it to life.

18. Don’t Go it Alone: Embrace Teams and Collaborate

Do you sometimes struggle to dream up unique topics for presentation use? You're not alone.

Nor should you be. Successful presentations are often fueled by collaboration. In other words, teamwork. There's no reason to do everything by yourself.

This can happen at any stage of the process, from brainstorming to the public delivery. By enlisting collaborators, your audience will enjoy the very best your team has to offer.

Teamwork presentation topics

Suppose you've got a colleague who's a wizard with building amazing charts. Or you're presenting about a project and want your audience to hear from its architect. The possibilities for teamwork are endless.

Sometimes, it's great to add collaborators to break up the monotony. No matter how fabulous you are in front of a crowd, audiences may lose focus if you talk for too long. If you've got a lot to share, bringing in other voices helps them stay engaged.

Don't forget that you don't have to be in direct proximity to collaborate. With online team features, you can share files with others around the globe. 

And even as you present, you can bring in other speakers with online tools like Zoom. In today's world, this is more powerful (and useful) than ever before.

creative presentation ideas group

19. Build for Big Rooms

As you explore unique topics for a presentation, it’s easy to get caught up in the big idea. But that should never distract you from key tactical details. Chances are, as you build your slides, you’re working on a single screen. That means you might forget that major PowerPoint presentations are delivered in large spaces.

What looks great on your screen may be impossible to read for a viewer standing in the back of a lecture hall. Or, your slide might be too crowded, just like we’ve already seen. The takeaway here is: always build presentations for big rooms .

That means to keep slides neat and clean, use large and readable fonts, and linger on each slide to give every viewer the chance to absorb it. No matter what presentation topics you’re discussing, taking your time helps audiences engage with your creative mission.

Also, explore contrast. Often, dark backgrounds and light text are more readable than the reverse.

As you can see in this slide from The X Note PowerPoint Template, contrast is easier on the eyes. It also delivers bold and unconventional styling to your slide deck! Truly, a win-win for you and your team.

The X Note PowerPoint template

Above all, make sure viewers can see and understand your inspirational presentation topics—even from a distance.

20. Watch Your Animations

Many presentation topics will include a lot of different slides. And each of those slides might hold several different types of content. Thanks to PowerPoint, it’s easy to add custom animations and transitions with a few clicks.

These motions really pull your audience in by unveiling new items with a cool flourish. Plus, they’ll help you bring focus to key areas and ensure viewers engage with you.

But be careful.

Opt for clean and simple movements that don’t detract from your narrative. Fades and pushes are top choices for stylish and simple animations. 

It’s just as important to organize your animations. If they happen at the wrong time, or in the wrong order, it can absolutely derail your presentation in a flash. Luckily, this is amazingly easy to avoid. In fact, learn to do it in only 60 seconds with our quick tutorial!

creative presentation ideas group

21. Style With SmartArt

PowerPoint is built to bring your fun presentation ideas to life. One great way is by using SmartArt. We’ve already looked at some infographics and charts you may find built into PowerPoint templates. SmartArt takes this to a higher level. In a few clicks, you can build your very own custom infographics on any slide. Let’s add SmartArt to a slide.

SmartArt lives on the Insert tab on PowerPoint’s ribbon. You’ll find it under the Illustrations group. To add SmartArt, simply click on the button and launch the menu seen here.

Style with SmartArt

You’ll see several creative categories for how to present ideas. These include:

  • relationships
  • hierarchies

Simply click on one, then fill in your relevant information. PowerPoint includes a host of built-in design options to help you fully customize your fun presentation ideas.

For example, you can add new steps to a process chart. Or you can change SmartArt colors to precisely match your branding.

Of course, like any slide feature, overusing SmartArt can distract. But, when used carefully, it’s a powerful tool to visualize relationships. Many infographics take a numerical focus, whereas SmartArt is more about ideas and how they connect with each other.

For more on using SmartArt, check out our post and screencast showing you exactly how to get started!

creative presentation ideas group

22. Turn to Videos to Add Interest

As you can already see, plain text is no way to inspire audiences to take action in 2024. It's essential to use other mediums, like photos, charts, infographics, and more.

One of these is video, and it's a category all its own. Have unique topics for presentation use? Bring them to life with video.

Video unique topics for presentation

Imagine for a moment that you want viewers to hear from an expert on a given topic. Maybe they're unavailable to attend the presentation, or present live remotely. Here's your easy fix. Pre-record their narration and add it right to your slides.

Or perhaps you want to show off a scene that photos alone can't capture. Add a video to your slides. It instantly boosts audience interest - and it might give you a little break while they watch!

Your favorite presentation apps often include easy-to-use video features. In fact, you can add YouTube videos right to PowerPoint slides. 

In-slide video is becoming increasingly popular, and it’s a great way to add a bit of flair to your next slide deck for 2024. Learn more below:

creative presentation ideas group

23. Align Objects

Design for persuasion, not distraction. Organize. Use visuals. All those are big creative presentation ideas we’ve already explored. But they don’t tell the full story.

Let’s build a slide in the Neo PowerPoint Template to show you what I mean.

See the slide below? It features a cool infographic and bold text blocks.

It’s also a mess. Nothing is aligned, and content is thrown all around the slide. Any self-respecting viewer will take a single look and recognize sloppy work when they see it. All it takes is a few clicks to totally transform the layout.

Starting Slide Alignment

Alignment means what it says: pieces of content on the slide are neatly arranged relative to:

  • the borders of the slide and
  • other content.

As you can see here, changing this layout makes the very same slide instantly appear neat and clean. The audience will now focus on the content, not your messy style.

Aligned slide Neo

24. Create Quizzes

You can easily add a quiz slide to the Be creative PowerPoint template.

Quizzes can liven up a presentation and help engage your audience by adding a game like element. Many viewers will enjoy interacting with the quiz. But don't forget to make it fun.

A creative PowerPoint presentation idea is to create little quizzes throughout your presentation if it's long. If your presentation isn’t long, you can create a quiz at the end of your presentation.

Asking questions ensures that people listen to your presentation. If you're offering a prize to the quiz winner, tell the audience about the quiz and prize at the beginning of your presentation.

25. Pay Attention to Body Language

Body language is essential when giving your creative presentation. If you’re hiding behind a stand, then you look nervous.

But if you walk around on stage and engage the audience, you’ll look confident and knowledgeable. Learn more about body language in this tutorial:

creative presentation ideas group

26. Address Audience Questions

Agio is a premium PowerPoint template that can be used for any topic.

If your presentation topic is complicated, then let the audience to ask questions anonymously. This makes the audience feel heard and allows you to make sure they understand the topic.

Plus, letting the audience to anonymously ask questions takes the pressure off the individual audience member.

 27. Turn to Props

A creative presentation idea is to use props. This works well if you aren’t presenting to a large audience.

Props can prove or reinforce a point. They'll make the presentation more interesting for your audience.

Besides, people are naturally more visual. So, using props allows them to visualize what you’re discussing.

28. Use Social Media

Munnie creative template is a premium template from Envato Elements.

If your presentation audience is large, then it might be hard to do a quiz effectively.

If you use Twitter hashtags, you can read audience opinions to questions on Twitter. Just make sure you create a unique hashtag for your event.

29. Close Strong!

So, you’ve delivered an amazing presentation and shared stunning slides along the way. Now it’s time to wrap up with a strong finish.

No matter how good your slide deck, it’s absolutely key to recap and summarize at the end. After all, that’s one of the best ways to ensure retention and action.

There are a few things to keep in mind. Remember how you should organize your presentation into three clear points? It’s time to revisit those. 

Highlight key points, touching on each one and briefly recapping how it fits into the message. This locks your message into memory. As you can see in this slide from our MILD PowerPoint Template, a single slide will do the trick.

Neo outro slide

These interesting presentation topics for work truly drove the entire slide deck. Give them the attention they deserve.

The other big element of a strong close is the call to action. Chances are, you’re sharing slides to get an audience reaction. If it’s simply to educate them, your three clear points will suffice. But if you’re, say, fundraising or recruiting, the close is where you ask the audience to do something.

The call to action follows all the normal rules you now know well. Make it clear, bold, and concise. Make your intentions known and make your pitch inspirational. Like any good cause, people need to believe in you and your message.

30. Share Your Slide Deck After Presenting

We began by talking about presentation topics and their goals. Whenever you present, you're trying to inform and/or persuade your audience.

Either way, you want them to take your message home with them to be remembered, considered, and acted upon. 

Think of your favorite speeches, or the best presentations you've ever seen. Chances are, you remember a few key details be they quotes or memorable visuals. 

In other words, no audience can be expected to remember everything. And if you expect them to take detailed notes, you'll find them falling more and more behind you.

Your solution is simple: share your slides after the presentation is over. This is now easier than ever. 

You can upload slides to YouTube or share them in PDF format. It's digital, easy to access, and saves a few trees, too!

creative presentation ideas group

The Best Source for Simple PowerPoint Templates

Envato Elements is a subscription service where you can find top-notch premium presentation templates . To become a subscriber, pay a flat low monthly fee. Once you’ve subscribed, you get unlimited access to presentation templates, audio, stock images, and much more.

Discover how to create with Envato Elements .

Get unlimited downloads with an Envato Elements subscription.

Envato Elements is an excellent value if you need presentation templates or other digital assets often.

How to Come Up With Interesting PowerPoint Presentation Ideas (With Creative Examples)

Presentations have a place in nearly every environment. In this section, I'll share three of my favorite template options that give you fun PowerPoint presentation ideas. You'll see that there are templates for practically every purpose that you can use to launch your next presentation.

1. Educational and Scientific Topics

In the educational world, teachers and students alike put their presentation topics in PowerPoint presentations. When you're cramming for a presentation, you need creative presentation topics to be successful.

Check out these two articles with PowerPoint ideas for educational and scientific PPT presentation ideas:

creative presentation ideas group

2. Pitch Decks

Next, maybe you've heard of a pitch deck.  This is a specific type of presentation that startups and founders use to launch a new company or business.

Your potential investors have likely already seen every idea under the sun. So, it helps to use creative presentation topics to frame your company differently. Try these templates show you how to present an idea for a new company:

creative presentation ideas group

3. Marketing Presentation Topics

Another popular arena for presenting creative presentation topics is in marketing PowerPoints. No matter what you're marketing, you can use these two resources to put together creative presentations with a solid approach: 

creative presentation ideas group

For every presentation you build, using a template is one of the best ways to get creative presentation ideas. You'll find pre-built slides that spark the writing process.

How to Create Unique Topics For a Presentation

Still not inspired? It's possible to use techniques to generate interesting presentation topics for work.

Here are three tips that I use to generate presentation topics:

  • Start with brainstorming . At first, you don't need to create structured ideas. A piece of paper and a pen away from your daily distractions can help you generate creative presentation topics. I typically start with a freeform mind map, connecting ideas that I want to share with my audience.   Naturally, connections between these creative presentation ideas will form and the story will develop naturally.
  • Draw on personal experience . Not every presentation is personal in nature. But connecting the topic to your personal experience is a powerful storytelling tool. Think about how your personal story connects to the topic to generate creative presentation ideas.
  • Take an unconventional view . Even if it isn't your personal view, thought-provoking presentations sometimes take unconventional views. You don't have to take a controversial topic to take an unconventional view. Instead, take a commonly accepted belief and challenge it to get creative.

Dig deep and you might be surprised how many creative presentation topics you might be able to generate. Creative presentation topics are easier to generate when you use this three-step approach.

How to Quickly Customize Creative Presentations That Inspire (In 2024)

Premium templates are one of the best creative ways to present a project. They’re quick and easy to use and deliver inspiring results. Let’s learn how to customize a slide deck to bring presentation topics to life.

Want to follow along? Start crafting creative ways to present a project with the help of Momentum from Envato Elements.

presentation topics

Let's get started:

1. Choose Slides to Work With

As you think about unique topics for presentation designs, it pays to consider your goal. That means choosing only the slides that work best for your idea. In PowerPoint, find the View tab, then click on Slide Sorter . 

Unique topics for presentation

Here, you can click on slides and drag them around to change up the sequence. Or you can hold down Shift on your keyboard and select those that you don’t want to use. Then, press Delete . Once you’re finished, click Normal on the View tab to start editing.

2. Add Your Text

Adding your own text is the best place to start. Slide decks like this include an array of text placeholders. All you've got to do is “fill in the blanks” - replacing the existing text with words of your own. 

Update text project slide

Begin by highlighting any text you see on a slide. Then, start typing. Repeat throughout the slide deck as needed.

3. Customize Fonts

You might not think of text when you imagine creative, inspiring presentation topics. But it’s really one of the best ways to stand out! Any font can be changed, resized, or customized with things like bolds and underlines, along with different colors. 

Update font colorful presentation topics

To do that, select some text on the slide. Then, on the Home tab, find the Fonts group just left of center. You’ll see an array of buttons for every text effect and font change imaginable. Click on each to explore and apply.

4. Show Off Your Photos

Of all the creative ways to present a project, adding images is at the top of the list. And custom PPT themes like this make it easy. Many slides include pre-built image placeholders. 

Photos creative ways to present a project

To use one, simply browse to an image file on your computer. Then, drag it over the placeholder, and drop it into place. That’s all it takes. PowerPoint imports the image and adds it to your slide. What’s more: it’s scaled to fit perfectly. 

5. Change Shape Colors

Most templates are going to have a default color palette. They look great, but you don’t have to stick to them on every slide. In fact, changing a shape color is a creative way to add contrast. 

Shapes unique topics for presentation

Click on a shape, then choose Shape Format on the menu. On the left side, click Shape Fill . You’ll see a color chooser drop-down, from which you can apply any custom color that you want.

5 Top Creative PowerPoint Presentation Template Designs for 2024

Want to bring your presentation topics to life? Turn to these five templates that are trending on Envato Elements. They’re the best out there for creative presentations today:

1. Rotario Creative PowerPoint  

Rotario presentation topics template

Need a winning way to explore unique topics for presentation decks? Rotario is ready for you. With a retro color theme and minimalist style, it’s one of the best ways to share your favorite content. In total, there are 35 slides included.

2. Inspiring PowerPoint Presentation Template  

inspiring unique topics for presentation

Inspire your audience with this powerful presentation deck for PPT. Over 70 unique slides feature every type of layout conceivable. Light and dark versions help you choose a color palette that’s right every time. Plus, you’ll benefit from included vector icons and many aspect ratios. It’s versatile, flexible, and easy to use.

3. Lakewood Professional PowerPoint Template  

Lakewood professional PowerPoint template

For business presentation topics, you can still be creative and inspire your audience. In fact, inspiration may lead to funding, support for your projects, and more. Let Lakewood do the talking for you, in elegant and readable style. It includes a full set of infographics and diagrams to help bring data to life.

4. Halogue - Creative PowerPoint Presentation  

Halogue presentation topics

With unmatched style and funky graphics, Halogue is a top creative choice for 2024. Over 40 slides center around master layouts, making bulk edits a breeze. A unique custom icon pack lets you bring new life to every slide. In fact, each design element is totally customizable. This gives you the ultimate creative control.

5. Reddo Modern PowerPoint  

Reddo modern PowerPoint template

Think all the creative ways to present a project involve bright, flashy slides? Think again. Reddo proves the opposite, delivering a sleek and beautiful slide deck for your next project. You’ll find 120 layouts inside, some featuring modern infographics, Excel-based charts, and more. It’s a fashionable way to make that great first impression.

Learn More About Presentations

Want to give the best presentation? Read these articles to learn more:

creative presentation ideas group

More Creative PowerPoint Templates

If you're still looking for premium templates, check these articles out:

creative presentation ideas group

Download Our Free PDF eBook on Making Great Presentations

Want even more skills to make great presentations? Download our free eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations , which comes with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. 

Making Great Presentations eBook Free Download

This 30-page PDF guide with included checklist will help you with the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and quickly prepare it to present powerfully. 

Make Your Next Presentation Memorable! 

Simply presenting the facts makes for a baseline presentation. To impress, convince, and convert your audience with your presentation you’ll need to build some structure and excitement into your talk both verbally and visually. 

Take advantage of these creative ideas for making your presentation better. 

For even more ideas on how to improve your presentation, check out this article featuring presentation tips or browse through our featured  presentation material : 

How do you structure and design your presentations? And what will you do differently in your next presentation given these unique presentation ideas?

Use these creative presentation ideas now. Download a template. And start your next great presentation today!

Editorial Note :  This tutorial was originally published in September of 2016. It's been updated to include new information—with special help from  Andrew Childress  and Sarah Joy .

Julia Melymbrose

  • Delivery Techniques →

Creative Presentation Ideas Without PowerPoint: 7 Unique Ways to Engage Your Audience


Are you in a creative rut when it comes to making presentations and engaging your audience? Have you found yourself relying too much on good ol’ PowerPoint and need a breath of fresh air? We have the ultimate answer to your woes – 7 unique ways to present your subject without PowerPoint! These top 7 suggestions guarantee to get your audiences’ attention, keep them engaged, and make them beg for more. From utilizing props and infographics to interactive activities and storytelling, you’ll be able to find the method that works best for you. And they all come without having to use PowerPoint! So Read on to discover the secrets behind our top 7 creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint, and how you can make your next presentation a smashing success!

Quick Breakdown

There are many creative ways to present information without using PowerPoint, such as creating a hands-on demonstration , using scanned images with voiceover narration, or making a video. You can also use posters, flipcharts , props, and other visuals to help engage your audience.

Explaining Concepts with Storytelling

Storytelling can be a powerful way to explore complex concepts and engage with audiences. Using stories to explain ideas encourages critical thinking, increases audience engagement, and gives meaning to abstract topics. Unlike the structure of PowerPoint slides, storytelling allows for organic dialogue between presenter and audience, creating an environment where both are actively involved in exploring concepts. Furthermore, by using a narrative approach to present information, ideas become easier to remember as they are given much-needed context. Arguments against using stories as a means of communication focus on its relative unstructured nature and the lack of advantages that tangible visuals provide. Others find it difficult to measure engagement when using stories as opposed to traditional PowerPoint slides or other visual aids . However, the most effective storytellers understand how to use emotion, tension, humor, surprise, and suspense to narrate concrete arguments that will stay with their audiences long after their presentations have ended. Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of interpersonal communication; it’s no wonder the listener’s attention is captured from start to finish. By creatively utilizing this ancient technique in combination with modern teaching practices, presenters can captivate their audiences with gripping narratives about important topics. Such engagement not only encourages comprehension but also sparks curiosity and debate among listeners. With so much potential for success, explain concepts with storytelling has become increasingly popular in business settings and other professional environments. Ready to take your presentation skills up a notch? By engaging audiences with interactivity you can ensure that your audience members leave with a full understanding of the concept you were trying share while having a great time doing it!

Engaging Audiences with Interactivity

Interactivity is a great tool for engaging (and not boring) audiences in a presentation. Interactivity can come in many forms and can be tailored to the subject matter, needs of the presenter, and objectives of the audience. Depending on the environment and resources available, there are several ways to introduce interactive elements into presentations. Two popular types of interactivity that can be used are Q&A sessions and polling or surveys . Q&A sessions can be structured by designating time at the end of the presentation or set up as an ongoing part of the presentation. This allows the presenter to quickly address questions from the audience while also staying on topic and providing additional clarity when necessary. Polling or surveys are great for getting more in-depth opinions from participants on a specific topic, helping to provide further context around various aspects of presentation topics . Another method for introducing interactivity is game-based activities. This could include quizzes, challenges, puzzles, scavenger hunts, and other types of games depending on the objectives. Games are often a great way to get people engaged with one another as well as pique interest in the content presented. It’s important to carefully consider whether this type of activity is appropriate for your particular situation prior to implementing it into a presentation. Overall, there is no single best way to incorporate interactivity into your presentation but it is a powerful tool that can help make it successful if used correctly. It’s important to understand how certain interactive elements might affect your message by building in enough time for feedback and thorough responses if needed. With careful planning and consideration for all audiences involved, you can craft engaging presentations without relying on PowerPoint alone. Next we will look at how using an interactive whiteboard is another great alternative for presenting without PowerPoint.

Interactive Whiteboard

Interactive whiteboard technologies offer content-rich, audience-engaging presentations without the same level of formality as PowerPoint. With an interactive whiteboard, you can tap into a wide variety of multimedia content that encourages audience engagement and creativity while reducing any text-heavy messages. A well-made and engaging presentation on an interactive whiteboard can provide students or trainees with an immersive experience, allowing them to visualize and understand complex topics in ways that are not possible with traditional paper-based materials. From the point of view of traditional powerpoint presentations, one advantage of an interactive whiteboard is the fact that the audience can actively participate in the process by sharing their thoughts or responses via either verbal discussion, written comments, or drawings in real time. Other benefits include simple navigation and navigation tools for finding specific parts or pages within a presentation. Additionally, sound effects like music or videos may also be included to make the presentation more attention-grabbing and creative. A disadvantage is that interactive whiteboard systems are typically more expensive than traditional PowerPoint software. Moreover, they often require additional hardware such as a projector or other devices needed to connect it to media sources such as computers and tablets. Furthermore, without technical support assistance at hand, it can be difficult for those who are unfamiliar with this technology to operate the interactive board effectively. Therefore, it is important to take into consideration these potential cons before planning a presentation on an interactive whiteboard system. Overall, when used responsibly and creatively, an interactive whiteboard provides a captivating alternative to PowerPoint presentations without diminishing its educational value and potential effectiveness in communicating key messages and ideas to your target audience. As the next section will discuss further, adding hands-on activities to your presentation is another way create impactful and engaging experiences for your attendees.

Hands-On Activities

Hands-on activities evoke a sense of participation and engagement that can be just as powerful as engaging with a PowerPoint presentation. However, they work best with smaller audiences where the participants are able to get up close to the facilitator and interact with one another. Depending on the type of message you’re trying to convey, different types of hands-on activities may be suitable. For example, if you want to capture creative ideas in a group setting, an exercise such as “speed sketching” could be conducted. Everyone in the group would have to collaboratively draw a set concept or idea in five minutes or less . Alternatively, if you’re trying to inspire people about a specific topic, physical representation will help them retain more information and give them a better understanding of complex topics . More traditional activities such as panel discussions and debates are also great options for fostering an interactive environment amongst any audience. Leading into the next section: Illustrating ideas with multimedia has been tried and tested by many businesses and organizations for its ability to effectively engage larger audiences who may have varying interests or perspectives on the topic being presented.

Illustrating Ideas with Multimedia

When it comes to creative presentation ideas without PowerPoint, leveraging multimedia to illustrate ideas can be an effective method of bringing the audience into an experience and capturing their attention. Multimedia elements such as images, videos, audio clips, and even live web streams can help bring the presentation to life and add a “wow” factor that PowerPoint cannot provide. Not only can visuals help encourage engagement, but this type of multimedia also helps break up the monotony associated with lecturing for long periods of time. By introducing multimedia elements during a presentation, audiences will find this type of approach to be interesting and memorable. Using multimedia for presentations can also add to the impact of narrative content. Rather than just reading from a script or speaking from memory, adding visuals or sound effects can make stories more captivating while strengthening an argument. That said, it’s important to remember there are drawbacks associated with multimedia elements. If not used sparingly, they can quickly become too distracting or take away from the message you’re trying to convey. Ensuring multimedia adds value instead of detracts from your talk is key when leveraging multimedia in creative presentations. Finally, leveraging multi-media is only one side of incorporating creative techniques into a presentation — performance demonstrations are another great way to engage an audience. In the next section we’ll look at how you can use props and physical demonstrations to capture the audience’s attention and create a lasting impression.

  • According to a 2004 study , PowerPoint is just presentation technology’s latest iteration and will eventually be replaced by something else.

Performance Demonstrations

Performance Demonstrations are a great way to keep your audience engaged and excited about your presentation. Whether you decide to show off a skill you possess or hire an expert in their field, an engaging, “real performance” is sure to leave a lasting impression on your audience. The advantages of performing a demonstration are that it keeps the audience focused, provides an interactive element to the presentation and makes for a more creative form of communication. Additionally, it allows the presenter to explain some abstract ideas in concrete terms. For example, when explaining aerodynamics, if you have an expert mathematician available, they could use calculus to calculate air resistance and lift force while teaching the audience a physical demonstration. On the other hand, there are potential downsides when incorporating performance demonstrations into your presentation. Not everyone will understand the topic presented; visual learners may comprehend more easily than those with auditory learning styles and vice-versa. Additionally, performance demonstrations run the risk of not being done effectively causing confusion instead of clarity during the presentation. Regardless of these drawbacks, if done correctly, performance demonstrations can be a great way to engage any audience. Following this section about Performance Demonstrations we will explore how Presenters can use Physical Objects as another unique way to capture an audience’s attention and lead them through their message without PowerPoint.

Present Ideas Using Physical Objects

Using physical objects to convey a message can be an effective and creative means to engage an audience. By incorporating tangible elements, such as props, displays, and other materials, presenters can physically demonstrate a concept or idea in a way that captures attention and encourages interaction. Additionally, physical objects can enable the audience to have both tactile interaction as well as visual stimulation. This can help to keep individuals focused on the presentation and more likely to remember what is being said. For example, while explaining increasing sales numbers over time, a presenter may use a graph written on a whiteboard with colored markers. As each section of the graph is explained, the presenter can point to sections of the board with the markers to emphasize certain points or data points. This allows for visual tracking of progress on the graph, as well as directing attention away from other slides or topics being discussed. Furthermore, using physical markers instead of electronic slides gives the audience something tangible with which to interact and remember. Physical objects may also be used as props for storytelling or examples within a presentation. However, this approach can prove difficult if not done correctly due to unexpected issues with transport or storage of materials. If not managed properly ahead of time, these unforeseen problems can have an impact on the quality of the presentation and its potential success. For this reason it is important to weigh all options carefully before selecting any physical props for incorporation into the presentation.

Visual Props

Visual props are a great way to engage audiences and create interesting presentations. These props can include items such as whiteboards and markers, storyboards, sculptures, or even art installations. Visual props can be used to illustrate complex concepts, break up information into more concentrated bits, and make your audience feel like they are actively participating in the presentation. On one hand, visual props might help enhance rather than dominate a presentation. Rather than simply showing an audience slides of written words on a screen and speaking over them, visual props may allow the presenter to incorporate elements of drama and interaction with the audience. For example, depending on the type of prop you choose, viewers may be encouraged to ask questions or share their experiences in relation to what is being presented. On the other hand, using too many props can become overwhelming for an audience and detract from the larger message you want to convey. Additionally, if your chosen prop is too heavy or bulky it can become difficult for a presenter to move around while speaking over them. It is important to focus on how much of your prop should be seen and how much of it should remain behind-the-scenes or in storage during a presentation so that it has maximum impact if needed but also won’t distract from the topic at hand. Overall, visual props provide an effective way to engage viewers in a presentation without the use of PowerPoint. With thoughtful planning, visuals can be used in strategic ways that emphasize key points and foster a greater understanding rather than being distracting or overwhelming to your audience. In order to reach your audience with flashcards – the next step after incorporating visual props – additional considerations have to be taken regarding content selection as well as readability and accessibility.

Reaching the Audience with Flashcards

Using flashcards is a great way to engage an audience and make sure information is retained. This can be done before your presentation, during question and answer, or at the end as a review for what has been discussed. Flashcards are especially helpful for presentations that include a lot of facts and/or data, as they allow individuals to easily retain information without relying on taking notes. Moreover, flashcards can be used in creative ways to keep an audience’s attention. For example, a presenter can set up different stations throughout the room that have cards which can be collected during the presentation. Additionally, they can be used as an interactive prop to illustrate points or ask questions to audience members. Finally, they can be used as part of a game or challenge to test how well attendees absorbed the content. The downside is that using flashcards can take up considerable time depending on the size of the audience and it must be incorporated correctly into the flow of the presentation to avoid disruption. Additionally, it may not be effective if you are presenting topics with limited supporting numbers or facts. That being said, incorporating flashcards into an engaging presentation when done properly adds excitement and encourages participation among attendees. As mentioned previously, there are many different ways to creatively engage your audience without having to rely on tools like PowerPoint. However, having a few final tips will help make sure your unique presentation goes off without a hitch so let’s discuss that in the following section: A Few Final Tips on Creative Presentations.

A Few Final Tips on Creative Presentations

Creating a successful and engaging presentation without PowerPoint can be difficult. Apart from frameworking it differently and using alternative tools, there are a few time-tested approaches that could help you create powerful presentations. Here are a few tips to consider when creating creative presentations without PowerPoint. 1. Develop Your Story: Whether it’s one of your own experiences or craft an interesting case study for the audience to learn from, using the story format allows for naturally captivating presentation. By starting with a hook and weaving through historical perspectives and facts, you can make sure your presentation will be more memorable and enjoyable for the audience. 2. Have Fun With It: When developing your presentation without PowerPoint, it’s essential that your main focus is getting the information across in an easy-to-understand yet engaging way. Having fun while delivering the content will make it easier for audience members of all age ranges to remember what they were taught. 3. Enrich with Visuals: A presentation isn’t complete if there aren’t visuals to enhance the delivery of your message or topic. Tools like Prezi and PowToon are great alternatives to PowerPoint that you can use if you want to add visual appeal to your next presentation; similarly, incorporating images or art into your slides will guarantee attendees understand essential points they need to take away from your content delivery process. 4. Set Your Audience Expectations: Prepare a clear plan before presenting so that every component found within each slide is communicated effectively and thoroughly explained during the talk; also tell your audience exactly what you should expect from them as well – is there a question and answer session ? Do they have an activity or assignment to complete by the end? By providing these expectations ahead of time, navigating through the material will appear much easier both visually and mentally. 5. Practice & Rehearse: No matter how great of an idea you come up with, if you don’t practice it beforehand then it won’t go over as smoothly as intended. Make sure you’re well rehearsed on all topics covered within the presentation so that no questions go unheard due to memory recall issues caused by stress in public speaking contexts; additionally, rehearsing frequently also allows for polish lines that add even more flavor to any speech! When crafting a creative presentation without PowerPoint, following these top tips helps ensure success in each delivery. As long as thought is put into their approach beforehand, practically anyone can develop an effective method for teaching others without relying solely on slideshows generated through computer software programs like Microsoft Office Suite products!

Responses to Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of using alternative presentation ideas without powerpoint.

The advantages of using alternative presentation ideas without Powerpoint are plentiful. For starters, they allow speakers to be more creative and expressive since they don’t need to limit themselves to text-based slides and static visuals. Additionally, these alternatives can be especially effective for highly interactive or participatory presentations. For example, having audience members take part in activities such as role playing, group exercises and simulations can help create an engaging dynamic and offer a much more immersive experience than a traditional powerpoint presentation. Finally, alternative presentation ideas allow the speaker to use a wide range of media formats including videos, visuals, music and sound effects to present their message in a compelling way. These elements can create emotional connections with the audience that are unlikely to be achieved through static “bulleted text” slides.

How can I make an effective presentation without Powerpoint?

Making an effective presentation without Powerpoint can be achieved by leveraging various creative techniques. Firstly, it is important to know your audience and the message which you are trying to convey. When beginning a presentation without Powerpoint, it is beneficial to start strong with a short introduction of yourself and the topic. This will help the audience to more easily relate to what you are sharing. Secondly, using hands-on activities such as demonstrations or simulations are powerful teaching tools that could help to engage your audience in the presentation. You may also consider using props, videos/animations or storytelling techniques as they can draw in an audience and bring to life the subject matter. Thirdly, focus on keeping your audience well informed throughout the duration of the presentation by strategically placing breaks or visual cues. This can make the content easier to digest, in addition to lightening up any dull sections with humour or anecdotes. Lastly, end on a strong note and ensure that there is closure after delivering your message. Acknowledging any questions from the audience, a summary of what was discussed and thanking them for attending will help round off a successful presentation without Powerpoint.

What are some creative presentation formats that do not require Powerpoint?

Creative presentation formats that do not require Powerpoint include: 1. Storytelling – Use stories to bring your message to life and engage your audience. Telling an interesting, engrossing, or even personal story can be a great way to capture and retain the attention of your audience. 2. Role Play – An interactive way to demonstrate a concept is by having people act out scenarios related to the topic at hand. Whether it’s two people performing a skit or a large group of volunteers playing characters in a scene, role play can make abstract concepts concrete while providing a visual aid for the rest of your audience to latch onto. 3. Visual Presentations – One of the most common forms of presentations rely on visuals such as diagrams, maps, charts, etc., rather than words. Incorporating some visual elements will make it easier for people to understand certain key points in your discussion as well as help you keep your audience engaged during long sections of speech. 4. Demonstration – Show don’t tell is an old adage that applies when presenting without Powerpoint. You might prefer to use the time allotted for interactive demonstrations either in person or video clips that show the product or service in action. 5. Workshops – Teaching your audience a new skill or practice can be incredibly engaging while managing to educate them along the way as well. Setting up guided workshops with activities designed around group dynamics can also be highly effective in terms of creating lasting engagement with everyone present.

Ready to get started?

  • Inspiration

17 fun presentation ideas (with video!) to wow your audience

Three professionals in a meeting, discussing over a digital tablet with positive expressions, using Biteable video maker.

  • 30 Mar 2023

So you want to be the next Steve Jobs. Or Martin Luther King. Or any other dazzling orator you look up to. But you need a little something to add to your presentation ideas – you don’t want to bore people to death with Powerpoint.

Whether you’re creating a sales presentation, an event presentation, or just showing your travel video to Uncle Ron, we’ve compiled some of the best ways to get your audience seriously hyped up about your message.

Biteable offers online video presentation software, so we know a thing or two about making engaging presentation videos. In this guide, we share some of our favorite video presentation inspiration and show you some of the different types of presentations you might consider.

When you’re ready to make your own video presentation, head over to  Biteable  for hundreds of brandable templates, video scenes, and workplace-ready animations. With Biteable, making a video presentation is as easy as making a PowerPoint – only a whole lot more fun.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Types of video presentations

If you’re looking to win over your audience with a presentation, videos are the best way to do it. According to Insivia, viewers retain  95% of a message  when they see it in a video, but only 10% if they have to read on-screen text.

When you’re making your presentation, you could either make your video the whole presentation, or just a part of the whole. Did you know, for example, that you can  embed a video in a Powerpoint document?  Either is possible with our video templates and it can be interesting to mix things up once in a while.

There are four main types of presentations:

  • Informative
  • Demonstrative
  • Inspirational

Picking the right one will ensure you’re onto a winner with your video presentation. For example, if you’re onboarding some new employees, you might choose a video template that’s an informative presentation like this one:

Or, if you want to show off how something works, a demonstration presentation might be what you want to create:

A persuasive presentation would involve creating a video more like this charity infographic example:

And if you want something a little more inspirational, try something like this positive quote video template.

But that’s not all, folks! If you’d like to check out more awesome Biteable video templates, visit our  templates page here .

Creative (and fun!) video presentation ideas

You’ve now picked the type of presentation you need. But how do you get creative with your video?

First of all, it’s important your video is top-notch. Without high-quality graphics and production value, your message may fall by the wayside. Choose online  video presentation software  that’s easy to use and makes great-looking videos. That’s where Biteable comes in.

Whatever the topic of your presentation, your video format and design need to match the overall tone and message.

Delivering a corporate presentation on climate change? A fast-paced, wildly colorful template with upbeat music is going to feel a little off-message.

To identify how to design your presentation, think about the feelings you want to evoke in your audience. Want them to be crying with laughter? Moved to tears? Motivated into taking action? Pinpointing the emotions behind your presentation will help you choose the right template and make the best video possible.

17 great video presentation ideas

Now you’ve nailed down the type of video presentation you want to make, it’s time to master the finer details. Here’s just some of the ways you can make your message sing.

1. Start with a bold statement

A bold statement can capture your audience’s attention right from the get-go. Your statement should offer something slightly unusual and maybe even a little controversial. Something to make people sit up and take notice.

2. Tell a story

One of the best ways to get your audience’s attention is to tell a story – it’ll hit them right in the feels.

A personal, human story works because it the audience can relate to it on a personal level. Think about some stand-out examples of human stories that relate to your business or idea, and tell that story so people will connect with the central character. The bigger the emotion the better: love, longing, overcoming obstacles, things we’ve all had to deal with at some point in our lives.

Think about the  ‘story arc’  – how will you frame your message so the audience immediately empathizes?

If you’re selling trainers, perhaps you’ll talk about someone who’s training for a marathon. If you’re lobbying for women’s rights, perhaps you’ll tell a story of when a passing comment affected you deeply. Maybe you should think back to the decision that started your business, and start your presentation with that.

Here’s a great example of storytelling from one of the world’s top brands:

3. Use music

Music has great power to support and enhance the emotion in a video presentation, and has been proven to sustain an audience’s attention and aid in information retention. Music is used in movies to suggest an emotional state to the viewer, so why not in a video presentation?

Modern, up-tempo music will snap people to attention at the right moment, while slow, minor-key sounds relax the brain, which is useful for reviewing content so it can slip more easily into long-term memory.

It can be a struggle to find good quality  royalty free music , but here at Biteable we have a selection of great royalty free tracks (or you can upload your own if you’re that way inclined).

Music is one of the most critical (and often overlooked) aspects of any presentation. Here’s a good example of a Biteable template where the music does a great job of supporting the message.

4. Visual metaphor

Research has shown that combining pictures and text is one of the best ways to help people engage with and retain information. There’s something about how our brain works that makes text by itself far less memorable, so if you can combine something visual with your message, you’ll keep people’s attention longer and they’ll remember more of your presentation.

Talking to a group of people about taking action on something that scares them? A picture of someone diving or bungee jumping could work. Telling your boss how important that company retreat is next year? Show them an image of happy, relaxed people with their toes in the sand.

It doesn’t have to be obvious and clichéd, either. Closed doors, wide open roads, and lighting a candle all have subconscious messages that you don’t really need to explain. (Whatever you do, just don’t use the ultimate cliche: the overused  ‘water ripple’ .)

5. Use questions

Questions can be a great way to open a presentation, because they encourage the audience to think for themselves. It opens them up to a realm of critical thinking, which is perfect when you’re gonna sock it to them with your impactful message.

‘Did you know 15 billion trees are cut down each year?’

‘Have you ever considered what life would be like if you didn’t have to save money?’

The art of asking questions in a presentation means you can incorporate them into your video as a great lead-in. Combined with some appropriate music, it can really get your audience thinking about the issue, and then you’ll go on to explain exactly what your solution is.

Having a laugh can really do a lot to win over an audience. There’s no need to be too serious, and even if you’re dealing with a heavy topic, lightening the mood can work wonders.

Whether you’re looking to create a funny sales video, an event presentation, or a presentation for an interview — one thing’s for sure, you can’t go wrong by including humor.

7. Repetition

Simple. Effective. Powerful.

Repetition can be used in several ways: by offering several one-word sentences in a row (the repetition is in the rhythm), or by repeating a word or a key phrase several time throughout your presentation.

In his famous Stanford speech in 2005, for example, Steve Jobs concluded by saying  “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

Repetition is powerful. It drives home your key message and strengthens your position.

8. Motion Graphics

Motion graphics  are basically animation with text as a major component, and is a staple of what we do at Biteable.

When you use moving graphics in a presentation, it instantly captures attention. If your audience is just taking their seats, or are halfway through hearing your story, there’s no doubt they’ll sit up and take notice if you introduce some cool motion graphics, like this Meeting Tips example.

Although they can sometimes feel clichéd, quotes are a great way to impart a message in a presentation. Want your audience to understand something complex? A quote from Einstein should do it. Or would you like to say something meaningful and poetic? A couple of lines of Shakespeare should convey some wisdom.

10. Audio narration

Narration can give a different mood to your presentation, especially if the voice is powerful and the words are heartfelt. Use it to change the tone or pace of your presentation and it will certainly keep your audience hooked if there’s a danger of them losing interest.

11. Go bright with color

Color can have a huge effect on how your video comes across. Don’t be afraid to experiment. The contrasts of black and white can be extremely effective, but you can also grab people’s attention with some carefully-chosen primary and secondary colors, like in our Motion Graphics template.

12. Use illustrations

Illustrations are a great way to communicate information, especially if you’ve got lots to say. Whether you want to create a crowd of people or a cool depiction of some new fancy gadget, illustrations can draw the eye and make your presentation more interesting.

13. Infographics

When you utilize infographics, you can pack in a huge amount of data and information without confusing your audience. Think pie charts, digital numbers, and ascending animated graphs. These can show your audience boring data in an exciting way.

14. Create interesting transitions

The one advantage of video over a standard presentation is that you can do all types of funky things with transitions, like a whip pan transition, when the camera quickly pans between scenes. It’s a bit like a wipe, but much faster. Check out our full article on transitions  here .

15. Make it look cinematic

Adding a cinematic touch can help your audience feel receptive to your message because subconsciously, they will associate these elements with being at the cinema, eating popcorn, and generally having a good time.

16. Go retro

A cool, retro look for your presentation will make it hard to ignore. By going retro, you add a little bit of cheeky style to your message. You don’t need to go  quite as retro as the template below, but taking a step back in time is a sure way to add a little bit of zing to things.

17. End on a meaningful note

Your presentation will only give your audience a lasting impression if you end it right.

It’s important to let the audience know what you want them to do next: to visit a website for more information, to ponder an idea or new direction, or to take action toward a particular goal.

An attention-grabbing visual will work really well here, along with a meaningful end to the music – a change of pace, volume, or pitch.

What’s the takeaway message? A strong CTA (call to action) will ensure your presentation is memorable and much more likely to be talked about.

Video brings your presentation alive

Of course, we’re a little biased here at Biteable, but we’ve also sat through enough mind-numbingly dull presentations to know that video offers a delightful treat for your audience. It brings your message to life in a way no other medium can.

Ready to start crafting your presentation? Check out our range of templates  here .

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

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35+ Creative Presentation Ideas and Tips to Ensure a Captivating Delivery

35+ Creative Presentation Ideas and Tips to Ensure a Captivating Delivery


Imagine stepping onto a stage, the spotlight shining brightly on you, and you’re about to deliver a presentation that will change the minds of your audience.

You’re not just providing information; you’re telling a story, painting a picture, and inspiring action.

But how do you create a truly captivating presentation? How do you make sure your audience is hanging on to your every word, long after you’ve stepped off that stage?

That’s where this guide comes in.

We’ll share with you 35+ creative presentation ideas and tips that will help you craft presentations that are both informative and engaging. You’ll learn how to structure your presentation, use visuals effectively, and deliver your message in a way that resonates with your audience.

So whether you’re a seasoned presenter or a complete novice, this guide has something for you. By the end, you’ll be armed with the knowledge and skills you need to create presentations that will leave a lasting impression.

Let’s get started.

How to brainstorm creative presentation ideas?

There is nothing more important than thinking of presentation ideas before you start creating content. Why? Because a well-planned strategy keeps you on track and restricts you from making mistakes that could hamper your content delivery. Let us share some tips with you that will help with brainstorming presentation ideas.

Before delving into specific topics, take a moment to ponder the overarching purpose of your presentation. What do you hope to achieve? Are you aiming to inform, educate, persuade, or entertain? Having a clear understanding of your WHY will guide your brainstorming process and ensure your content remains aligned with your goals.

Who are you presenting to? Understanding your audience’s background, interests, and expectations is paramount. Tailor your ideas to resonate with their level of knowledge and capture their attention. For instance, if presenting to a group of experts, you’ll delve into intricate details, while for a general audience, you might adopt a more simplified approach.

If you have chosen a topic, check if people are interested in it or not, you can use Google Trends to understand this.  Enter your topic in the search bar and observe the graph showing search volume over time. If the volume is consistently high, people are interested. Scroll down to see related terms and rising queries for insights into specific aspects gaining traction.

Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Infuse your presentation with anecdotes, case studies, or personal experiences to bring your message to life.  Stories have the power to connect with your audience on an emotional level, making your content more memorable and impactful.

Don’t limit yourself to a single source of inspiration. Explore books, articles, podcasts, documentaries, and even conversations with experts in your field. Diverse perspectives can spark unexpected ideas and enrich your presentation’s content.

Sketch out your ideas on paper, mind maps, or digital platforms. Visualizing your thoughts can help you organize your content, identify connections, and uncover new possibilities. Remember, brainstorming is an iterative process. Don’t be afraid to revisit your ideas, refine them, and discard those that don’t align with your overall vision. With a bit of creativity and a well-structured approach, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a presentation that captivates your audience and leaves a lasting impression.

List of Creative Presentation Ideas and Tips to Make a Striking Appearance

Use your visuals smartly.

Consider using high-quality images, infographics, and charts that complement your message. Visuals not only break the monotony but also provide a memorable anchor for your audience. Use them as storytelling tools, guiding your narrative and emphasizing key points. 

Don’t shy away from incorporating multimedia elements, like videos or animations, to add dynamism.

When in doubt, turn to the experts at Design Shifu . Enjoy perks like same-day delivery, unlimited designs, and unlimited revisions, all backed by a 100% 14-day money-back guarantee. 

With a dedicated designer and easy integrations with Canva, Trello, Slack, and more, Design Shifu provides an intuitive dashboard for all your design needs. Elevate your presentations effortlessly – click now to book a demo and discover a world of design possibilities!

Now, back to you designing your presentation yourself, ensure that your visuals are cohesive and align with your overall theme, creating a seamless and visually appealing experience for your audience. 

Remember, a well-balanced and thoughtfully curated visual presentation can leave a lasting impression and make your message more impactful.

Make use of infographics

Choose vibrant colors and intuitive design elements to make your infographics pop. Whether it’s illustrating statistics, timelines, or comparisons, infographics provide a powerful visual narrative that captivates your audience. Arrange information in a logical flow, guiding your viewers through a seamless understanding of your message. 

This visual aid not only adds aesthetic appeal but also serves as a memory aid, ensuring that your key points linger in the minds of your audience long after the presentation concludes.

Incorporate humor

Humor not only breaks the ice but also creates a more relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and ensure that your jokes align with the context of your message. 

A well-timed quip can not only capture attention but also enhance information retention. Consider using relatable humor that resonates with your audience, turning your presentation into an engaging experience. Remember, a dash of humor can transform a mundane presentation into a memorable one, fostering a positive and receptive atmosphere among your listeners.

Don’t just stick to PPT

There is no rule to using Microsoft PowerPoint while delivering presentations. Explore alternative tools like Keynote or Prezi to inject innovation into your delivery. Keynote, with its sleek interface and unique transitions, offers a seamless experience for Mac users, allowing you to create visually stunning slideshows. 

Alternatively, platforms like Prezi enable dynamic, non-linear presentations, fostering a more interactive and engaging experience for your audience. 

Experiment with these tools to add a layer of creativity and uniqueness to your delivery, steering away from the conventional PowerPoint approach. 

Add maps when discussing locations

Visualize data spatially to provide a clearer understanding of your message. Whether highlighting global reach, regional impact, or specific site locations, maps serve as powerful visual aids. 

Choose clear and concise map designs, and ensure they align with your overall presentation theme. By incorporating maps, you not only make your content more visually appealing but also facilitate a better comprehension of the spatial relationships within your narrative. 

From pinpointing key areas to illustrating trends across different regions, maps can be instrumental in conveying complex location-based information in a way that is both informative and visually engaging.

Play with Fonts and Colors

Select fonts that align with your message and theme, experimenting with different styles to create hierarchy and emphasis. Bold headers, italicized quotes, or playful fonts can add dynamism to your slides.

Similarly, leverage a thoughtfully chosen color palette to evoke specific emotions or align with your brand identity. Use contrasting colors for text and background to ensure readability, and employ consistent color schemes for a polished look. 

The strategic use of fonts and colors not only enhances aesthetics but also contributes to the overall cohesiveness of your presentation, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Use contrasting colors

Opt for a palette that combines light and dark hues, ensuring clarity and readability. Utilize high-contrast combinations for text and background to enhance legibility, making your content stand out. 

Contrasting colors not only add visual interest but also guide the viewer’s attention to key elements on your slides. Consider incorporating complementary colors to create a harmonious balance or use bold contrasts for a striking effect. 

By thoughtfully employing contrasting colors, you not only enhance the overall aesthetics of your presentation but also contribute to a more engaging and memorable viewing experience for your audience.

Use flow charts

Utilize standardized shapes and connectors to create a clear visual hierarchy, guiding viewers through each stage of the process. Flow charts not only enhance understanding but also provide a logical flow to your narrative. 

Incorporate color-coded elements to emphasize different branches or decision points, adding an extra layer of clarity. By integrating flow charts, you not only enhance the visual appeal of your presentation but also facilitate a more efficient and comprehensible transfer of information, ensuring that your audience can easily grasp intricate details.

Add creativity to your deck

You can consider integrating interactive elements, such as clickable buttons or hyperlinks, to create a more engaging user experience.

For instance, you can design a clickable menu that navigates to different sections of your presentation, adding an interactive twist. 

Experiment with custom illustrations or graphics that align with your content, making your slides visually distinct. 

Infographics , as mentioned earlier, can be creatively designed to convey information in a visually appealing manner. 

Additionally, try incorporating multimedia elements like short video clips, GIFs, or audio snippets to break the monotony and add a dynamic touch. By thinking outside the traditional slide format, you can transform your presentation into a visually stimulating and memorable experience for your audience.

Choose themes that align with your message, creating a cohesive and immersive experience. For a presentation on environmental sustainability, opt for a “Green Innovation” theme, featuring eco-friendly colors, plant motifs, and recycled paper textures. In economic discussions, a “Financial Horizon” theme could utilize sleek, modern design elements and currency symbols. 

Addressing health topics, like cancer awareness, a “Hopeful Healing” theme may incorporate calming colors, supportive imagery, and symbols of resilience. 

Tailor your themes to evoke the right emotions and associations, ensuring that your visuals not only captivate but also reinforce the essence of your presentation content.

Use striking colors to get noticed

Opt for vibrant hues that not only align with your brand or theme but also stand out against a background, ensuring visibility. Consider contrasting color combinations to create visual interest and emphasize key elements. 

For example, use a combination of deep blues and bright yellows or rich purples and energetic oranges. Experiment with color psychology, choosing shades that evoke the desired emotions or reactions from your audience. 

Striking colors not only enhance the visual appeal of your slides but also help create a memorable and impactful presentation that commands attention from the moment you begin.

Maintain a consistent presentation layout

Choose a clean and organized template that aligns with your theme or branding. Ensure that fonts, colors, and graphic styles remain uniform across all slides, creating a visually cohesive experience for your audience. 

Consistency in layout helps guide the viewer’s focus and enhances the overall flow of information. Whether it’s the placement of titles, bullet points, or images, a consistent layout provides a visual rhythm that makes your presentation easy to follow. 

By adhering to a unified structure, you not only convey a polished and well-thought-out image but also contribute to a smoother and more seamless delivery of your content.

Try bold and upper-case letters

Bold text commands attention and emphasizes key points, ensuring that your audience doesn’t overlook critical information. Combine this with upper-case letters for a powerful visual impact, making your text stand out with a bold and assertive tone. However, use this formatting sparingly to avoid overwhelming your audience; reserve it for headlines, key takeaways, or impactful statements. 

This combination of bold and upper-case letters can effectively highlight the most crucial aspects of your presentation, leaving a lasting impression and reinforcing the significance of your message.

Use duotones

Duotones involve overlaying two contrasting colors to create a striking and harmonious effect. Select a dominant color for your images and apply a second color to create a cohesive yet visually dynamic look. 

For instance, you can use a combination of deep blue and vibrant orange for a bold and energetic feel. Duotones not only enhance the overall aesthetic but also add a contemporary touch to your presentation. 

Experiment with different color combinations that resonate with your theme or message, and watch as duotones transform your visuals into a visually captivating experience for your audience.

Try handwriting fonts

Infuse a touch of personalization and creativity into your presentation by doing this. Choose a style that aligns with your message and adds a human touch to your slides. 

Handwriting fonts convey a sense of authenticity, making your content feel more relatable and approachable. Whether it’s for headers, quotes, or specific emphasis, using handwritten fonts can break away from the formal tone of standard presentations. 

However, ensure readability by using these fonts sparingly and pairing them with a clean, sans-serif font for body text. Handwriting fonts can add a unique charm to your presentation, making it memorable and fostering a more engaging connection with your audience.

Select memes that align with your content and audience, adding a light-hearted touch to break the ice. Integrate memes strategically, perhaps to emphasize key points, provide commentary, or even add a touch of wit to statistics or quotes. 

Ensure the memes are relevant to your message and won’t be misinterpreted. Memes can be a creative way to connect with your audience, making your presentation more enjoyable and memorable. 

Just remember to use them in moderation, as abusing them may detract from the professionalism of your presentation. Choose memes wisely, and watch as they add a fun and memorable element to your delivery.

Bind people using emotions

Share relatable stories, anecdotes, or real-life examples that resonate with the emotions you want to evoke. Whether it’s joy, empathy, or inspiration, appealing to emotions creates a memorable and impactful experience. 

Use visuals that tug at heartstrings, incorporate testimonials that elicit empathy, or narrate personal experiences that convey authenticity. 

By fostering an emotional connection, you not only capture your audience’s attention but also leave a lasting impression. Remember, people are more likely to remember how you made them feel rather than the specific details of your presentation. 

Embrace the emotional dimension to create a presentation that not only informs but also moves and inspires your audience.

Implement storytelling through your slides

Begin with a captivating introduction that sets the stage and grabs your audience’s attention. Structure your content with a clear beginning, middle, and end, guiding your audience through a coherent and engaging storyline. Introduce characters, whether they’re real individuals, case studies, or even hypothetical personas, to humanize your message. 

Use visuals and anecdotes to illustrate key points, creating a sense of connection and resonance. Build suspense, highlight challenges, and conclude with a satisfying resolution or call to action. 

By infusing your presentation with storytelling elements, you not only make your content more memorable but also captivate your audience on a deeper level, fostering a more profound understanding and appreciation of your message.

Try retro visuals and typography

Choose a vintage color palette, featuring muted tones or bold, vibrant hues reminiscent of bygone times. Integrate retro-inspired imagery, such as old advertisements or iconic symbols, to add a touch of nostalgia. 

When it comes to typography, select fonts that reflect the styles prevalent in the retro era, whether it’s the bold and geometric designs of the ’70s or the sleek and streamlined fonts from the ’50s. 

This aesthetic not only adds a unique visual flair to your presentation but also taps into the emotional appeal of nostalgia, creating a memorable and distinctive experience for your audience. 

Experiment with retro visuals and typography to infuse your presentation with a charming and timeless vibe.

Make use of transitions

Thoughtfully chosen transitions can add a dynamic layer to your delivery, creating a seamless and engaging flow. Experiment with subtle fades, slides, or creative animations to transition between key points. 

However, use transitions judiciously, ensuring they complement rather than distract from your content. Align the transition style with the tone of your presentation; for a professional setting, opt for smooth transitions, while a more creative presentation may benefit from playful animations. 

Well-executed transitions not only enhance visual appeal but also contribute to a more polished and professional presentation, keeping your audience focused and intrigued as you navigate through your content.

Use real people

Incorporate images, testimonials, or video clips of individuals relevant to your message—whether it’s satisfied customers, team members, or individuals impacted by your work. 

Humanizing your content fosters a stronger connection with your audience. Share personal stories or experiences to add a relatable touch, allowing your audience to connect emotionally with the real-life aspects of your presentation. 

By showcasing real people and their experiences, you not only build trust but also make your content more engaging and memorable. Remember to respect privacy and seek permission when using personal stories or images to ensure a positive and ethical presentation experience.

Use icons for every pointer

Icons serve as intuitive visual cues, making information easily digestible for your audience. Select icons that align with the content of your presentation—whether it’s data, actions, or concepts—and use them consistently for uniformity. 

For instance, employ a lightbulb icon for ideas or innovation, a calendar icon for timelines, or a gear icon for processes. This approach not only adds a touch of creativity to your slides but also aids in conveying complex information quickly. 

Icons act as visual anchors, guiding your audience through your presentation and reinforcing key points in a visually compelling manner.

Keep 1 topic per slide

Dedicate each slide to a single, clearly defined concept or key point. This strategy helps prevent information overload and ensures that your audience can easily absorb and retain the content. Embrace succinct headlines, supported by relevant visuals or concise bullet points, to convey your message effectively. 

By adhering to a one-topic-per-slide structure, you not only streamline your presentation but also provide a more digestible and engaging experience for your audience. This approach allows each concept to stand out distinctly, facilitating better understanding and retention of the information you’re conveying.

Use only 1 visual per slide

Focus each slide on a single compelling image, infographic, or chart that directly supports your key point. This approach minimizes visual clutter, allowing your audience to absorb and appreciate each visual element without distraction. 

Whether it’s a striking photograph, an informative graph, or an illustrative icon, let each visual take center stage, reinforcing the clarity and effectiveness of your message. 

This streamlined approach not only enhances visual appeal but also ensures that your audience stays engaged and retains the essential information presented on each slide.

Experiment with your design

Play with unconventional layouts, explore asymmetry, or incorporate unique graphic elements to add visual interest. Consider breaking the traditional grid structure and arranging content in unexpected ways to capture attention. 

Experiment with bold color combinations, gradients, or even texture overlays to give your slides a distinct and memorable look. Don’t be afraid to mix and match fonts to create a visually dynamic composition. 

By pushing the boundaries and experimenting with design elements, you not only make your presentation visually engaging but also showcase a sense of creativity and innovation, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Build a strong narrative

Progress logically, building tension and anticipation as you delve into key points. Use each slide as a chapter, seamlessly connecting ideas and creating a narrative flow. 

Introduce relatable characters or real-world examples to add a human touch, making your narrative more engaging. Conclude with a satisfying resolution or a clear call to action, leaving a lasting impact on your audience. 

A well-crafted narrative not only makes your presentation more memorable but also ensures that your audience follows a cohesive and compelling journey from start to finish.

Make your presentation interactive

Encourage audience participation through polls, quizzes, or open-ended questions to foster active involvement. Use clickable buttons or hyperlinks to navigate through specific sections, allowing your audience to explore topics at their own pace. 

Consider incorporating interactive multimedia elements such as videos, clickable images, or dynamic charts to enhance engagement. Facilitate discussions by inviting audience input or feedback at strategic points. 

By making your presentation interactive, you not only capture attention but also create a dynamic and participatory environment, ensuring that your audience remains actively engaged throughout the session. This approach fosters a more memorable and impactful experience, turning your presentation into a two-way communication rather than a one-sided delivery.

Use only black and white colors

This simplistic approach can make you stand out. It will go great if your topic is related to the art of photography.

Use contrasting shades to emphasize key points, and leverage the interplay between light and dark for visual impact. This restrained color scheme not only conveys a sense of elegance but also ensures that your audience’s focus remains on the content itself. 

Consider incorporating high-quality images or graphics with strong contrasts to enhance visual appeal. By opting for black and white, you not only achieve a timeless and classic look but also communicate a sense of clarity and professionalism in your presentation.

Add videos to your presentation (In Full Screen)

Utilize videos to add a dynamic and immersive element, capturing your audience’s attention and enhancing overall engagement. 

Whether it’s a product demonstration, customer testimonials, or a narrative sequence, incorporating full-screen videos provides a cinematic experience that complements your message. 

Ensure the videos are high-quality and relevant to the content, seamlessly integrating them into your slides to maintain a professional and polished look. 

By strategically placing full-screen videos at key points, you not only diversify your presentation format but also create a memorable and visually compelling experience for your audience.

Add a timeline to explain event

Use a visual timeline format to provide a clear overview of the sequence of events, whether it’s project milestones, historical developments, or a company’s growth trajectory. 

Place the timeline prominently on a slide, and use distinct markers or milestones to represent significant points in time. Include concise descriptions or visuals alongside each event to provide additional context. 

This visual representation not only aids in comprehension but also helps your audience grasp the temporal progression of your narrative. 

Timelines are versatile tools that can be applied across various themes, making them an effective visual aid for conveying temporal sequences in a presentation.

Use nostalgia

Incorporate elements that bring back memories, triggering familiar experiences and emotions. This could include vintage imagery, retro design elements, or references to cultural touchstones from the past. 

Nostalgia can be a powerful storytelling tool, allowing you to tap into shared experiences and sentiments. Share anecdotes or examples that resonate with a collective sense of nostalgia, making your presentation more relatable and memorable. 

However, be mindful of your audience and ensure that the nostalgic elements align with the overall tone and purpose of your message, creating a presentation that not only informs but also resonates on a deeper, emotional level.

Make your deck mobile-friendly

With an optimized design, recipients can easily view and navigate through the slides on their smartphones or tablets, providing a convenient and seamless experience. 

Whether you’re distributing the presentation via email, cloud storage, or presentation-sharing platforms, a mobile-friendly format ensures that your audience can access and review the content effortlessly, even when on the go. 

This adaptability enhances the overall accessibility and usability of your presentation, making it a practical choice for sharing and collaboration after the initial delivery.

Incorporate your social proof

Showcase testimonials, positive reviews, or endorsements from satisfied clients, customers, or industry experts to validate your message. This could include quotes, statistics, or even visual representations of social media mentions or endorsements. By integrating social proof, you not only add authenticity to your presentation but also build trust and confidence with your audience. 

Ensure that the social proof aligns with the theme and objectives of your presentation, using it strategically to reinforce key points and enhance the persuasiveness of your message. 

Whether it’s a case study, success story, or client testimonial, social proof adds a compelling layer to your presentation, influencing your audience’s perception positively.

Add the QR code of your socials

Place QR codes strategically on your slides, enabling your audience to quickly and easily connect with you on various social platforms. 

This interactive addition allows viewers to scan the code using their smartphones, instantly directing them to your social media profiles. Whether it’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or other platforms relevant to your presentation, this integration fosters seamless networking and engagement. 

Including QR codes of your socials not only simplifies the process of connecting with your audience but also encourages post-presentation interaction and collaboration. It’s a modern and practical way to bridge the gap between your presentation and online presence.

Share your slide deck for reference after the presentation

Provide your audience with a downloadable link or a shareable file through email or a cloud storage platform. 

This not only allows attendees to revisit the content for a deeper understanding but also serves as a valuable resource for those who couldn’t attend. Ensure the file format is widely compatible, and consider creating a PDF version to maintain the layout and formatting integrity across different devices. 

Sharing your slide deck post-presentation demonstrates transparency, reinforces key points, and enables your audience to share the information with others, extending the reach and impact of your message.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What can i make a slideshow about.

Creating a slideshow offers a versatile platform for various topics. You might consider developing a presentation on a personal interest, such as your favorite hobby or travel experience, allowing you to share your passions with others.

Alternatively, professional achievements and career journeys can be effectively communicated through a well-crafted slideshow. 

For a more creative approach, consider compiling a visual representation of historical events, science and technology advancements, or even a visual book or movie review.

What is a good 5-minute presentation?

Crafting a compelling 5-minute presentation requires a balance between brevity and substance. Quick tutorials or how-to guides are excellent choices, providing valuable information without overwhelming the audience. Short stories with a moral or lesson can capture attention and leave a lasting impression. 

Another effective approach is to highlight key points of a more extensive topic, ensuring that the essential information is conveyed within the time constraint. Additionally, presenting a thought-provoking question can spark discussion and engagement within a limited timeframe.

What can I make a fun presentation about?

Fun presentations are an excellent way to captivate your audience. Consider delving into your favorite childhood memories, injecting humor into a typically serious topic, or sharing unusual facts and trivia to entertain and educate simultaneously. 

Funny pet stories or videos often resonate well with audiences, as do hilarious personal anecdotes that showcase your personality. You can also explore comedy or parody presentations, offering a lighthearted and entertaining perspective on common subjects.

What is in a good presentation?

A good presentation encompasses several key elements. A clear structure, consisting of a well-defined introduction, body, and conclusion, helps guide the audience through your message. Organizing content logically ensures that your presentation flows smoothly. 

Engaging visuals, such as images, graphs, or videos, enhance understanding and maintain interest. Including relevant and interesting information is crucial, while delivering the content with confidence and enthusiasm captivates the audience. 

Encouraging audience interaction or participation fosters a more dynamic and memorable experience, and ending with a call to action or key takeaway leaves a lasting impression.

What are some interesting topics to talk about for a presentation?

When selecting a presentation topic , consider the interests and preferences of your audience. Engaging topics might include discussions on the impact of technology on society, environmental conservation efforts, or raising awareness about mental health. 

Exploring the future of artificial intelligence, sharing insights into space exploration and discoveries, or promoting cultural diversity and inclusion are also compelling options. Innovative solutions to common problems and explorations of historical mysteries or unsolved cases can captivate an audience’s curiosity and stimulate meaningful discussions.

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With a dedicated designer at your service and seamless integrations with Canva, Trello, Slack, and more, Design Shifu is your comprehensive solution for Print and digital Graphics, Logo and branding, Infographics, Merchandise, and even Presentation Decks! Ready to revolutionize your design game? 

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120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: August 15, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

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Free Presentation & Public Speaking Kit

Everything you need to become more comfortable and effective during your next presentation, including:

  • Free Guide on Best Practices
  • PowerPoint Presentation Templates
  • Video Examples of Great Speakers

Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

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20 Interactive Presentation Ideas

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Giving a presentation at work can be intimidating, even if this isn’t your first rodeo. You want to convey the information clearly and intelligently, but you also want it to be a crowd-pleaser. But how? The presentation has to be conducted professionally, but you don’t want to bore everyone or yourself, for that matter.

‍ Tedious, boring meetings serve no one and are a waste of time. This is a pity, as often good information is shared, but delivered in such a sterile way, that the audience doesn’t find it useful. What you want to give is an interactive presentation – where your audience feels seen by you and where real communication of ideas has occurred.

What Are The Benefits of an Interactive Presentation?

While you might feel that you just want to present the information and get this over with, audience engagement is crucial. Going the extra mile to make your presentation engaging and interactive won’t just make it more enjoyable for you and the audience, but a better learning experience for both of you. ‍

Think of interaction as a means of making your presentation more consumable for the audience. Trying to pull all of this together can drive you mad, but MeetingPulse is here to help. We’re an online platform, completely customizable for your company or organization.

We offer live interactive opportunities throughout your meeting with your audience, using computers, tablets, even their phones. Your audience will be completely engaged with your presentation, and you won’t have to worry about it. We can take this task off your plate.

‍ Related: Top Interactive Online Meeting Ideas

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Putting together a creative and interactive presentation can be challenging. Here are 20 interactive presentation ideas:

We love icebreakers, don’t we? We secretly dread the ones that embarrass us, but the good news is, they don’t have to be embarrassing. The goal of ice-breakers is to warm up the audience and to initiate a rapport with them. This usually happens by getting to know one another better.

In a small audience, you might share a bit of information about yourself and ask each audience member to do the same. In a large meeting, you might ask the audience to introduce themselves to the person sitting next to them, or another favorite is Five of Anything .

Powerpoint around a table

Video Clips

We’ve all heard of death by Powerpoint , haven’t we? It’s a ghastly way to go. But fortunately, if you include a video clip or two in your slides, boredom may be avoided. A new voice can help your audience to remain engaged , and you can have help presenting bits of information.

Pro Tip: Let the video do the boring bit. A video clip can be a presentation within your presentation.

Keep the audience guessing. One slide doesn’t have to follow the next. You can mix things up a bit. Moving around your presentation, not following a predicted order, will engage your audience as you pique their interest. One exciting idea is to allow the audience to determine the course of topics — more on this one later.

Q&A Session

Asking and answering questions is a great way to get the audience involved. This can be more than a brief time at the end of a presentation for the audience to ask questions. Open questions may be asked of the audience throughout or breaks taken between sections for questions to be answered.

Interactive Quiz

Take your question-asking to a new level, and create an interactive quiz . The audience may engage with it on any device they have with them — even their phones. MeetingPulse is the expert on that. The quiz may also be embedded within your presentation, with questions strategically placed to gage audience expertise, attention, and engagement.

Bring Props

No, we don’t mean a bag of cool, but random stuff. Delivering an excellent presentation has a lot to do with storytelling. So a prop can be useful in injecting energy and adding another dimension to the topic. For maximum effect, the props should be few, and they shouldn’t distract from what you’re saying.

Tell a story

Everyone loves a good story! Telling your audience a story during your presentation will draw them to you and your topic . Stories stir our interest, our emotions, and they stay in our memory. The best speakers are excellent storytellers — so hone this skill.

Audio Narrative

Speaking for an extended period can be challenging, so add some audio narrative to your presentation. Pre-record audio on a few slides or sections so that you can have a break, and your audience hears a slight change in presentation. An audio narrative can go into more depth than the slide shows, or it can be an opportunity to add music or other invigorating elements.

Laptop on wooden table

Poll Your Audience

A sure-fire method for engagement is polling the audience . Asking questions that have to do with the topic or just a lot of fun questions, is an enjoyable way of interacting. Your poll can be with raised hands, or you can use software.

‍ MeetingPulse is experienced at creating interactive meetings with live polling for real-time engagement .

Discussion Questions

An audience divided into small discussion groups during a presentation, is a fantastic way of keeping everyone engaged and interested.

‍ Discussing topics relevant to the presentation will help the audience retain the information and the audience members will help each other gain a better understanding.

Encourage Movement

Our other ideas stimulate activity in the mind of the audience, but physical movement is necessary for the body. Many people fall asleep when they’re sat in one place for too long. If the audience is to be kept awake and fresh, movement is vital. This may be accomplished by frequent intermissions, where people can walk and stretch their legs, or by directed “movement breaks.”

Get Your Audience Asking Questions

Questions aren’t just for the end of the presentation. Audience members may be invited to write their questions on the topic at the beginning of the presentation . This helps them to be listening out for the information they especially wanted and fosters engagement. Frequent question breaks throughout the presentation are also helpful.

Let Your Audience Direct

This will mean a little extra work on your part, but giving the audience some say in the flow of the presentation, can be very rewarding. Your slides may be arranged on several points, and the audience may be allowed to choose which points they want to hear first, second, and so on. 

Share a Hashtag

If you’re presenting at an event that already has a branded hashtag, encourage your audience to use it as they ask questions and make comments on social media. But if your presentation is standalone, you can still create a hashtag and encourage the audience to use it. You can keep track of their questions and comments by tracking the hashtag on social media.

What can be more energizing than a little music at just the right moment? You can use music as a background to some of your slides, or do a fantastic blast of pop music to move onto a new section of your presentation. This will refocus your audience and keep them enthusiastic about your presentation. It’s also suitable for those directed movement breaks, aka dance breaks.

Transitions and Animations

Transitions on your slides may be automated, so they move smoothly from one to the next. You can create a theme with animation that shows itself throughout the presentation. Transitions can be made fun and visually appealing for your audience.

‍ This doesn’t have to bog you down, at MeetingPulse, we can integrate your Powerpoint with our interactive software and create a wildly engaging presentation.

Infographics and a phone

Data Visualization

Data visualizations can demonstrate the facts and figures of your presentation in a display that helps the audience to understand it better. Visualizations can be in the form of colorful charts, graphs, infographics, etc. They are fun and engaging while helping to convey the meanings of your figures succinctly.

‍ Related: Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos’ Tips for Running a Great Meeting

Get Off The Stage

It can be exciting for you and your audience if you occasionally leave the stage and walk among them. While we don’t recommend crowd surfing (unless it’s that kind of event), this is a great way to interact with the audience and heighten the energy in the whole room.

Augmented Reality

If you’re especially daring, augmented reality is making its way into the professional space. You can forget all about a slide presentation and create a 3-D experience for the audience. This idea is tech-heavy and tough on the budget, but if you can swing it, they won’t forget it. There won’t be one sleepy eye in the place!

Play With The Length and Structure

While you may have been allotted the usual stretch of time, it could be very refreshing to audiences if you got to the point, made the point, and sat down. Feel free to mess with the structure of your presentation as well.

Why not redesign your talk and forget the expected norms, and instead, consider your audience. Prioritize getting the information into their hands and making it a memorable and quality event.

Well, there you have it, twenty of the most exciting and interactive presentation ideas ever! What you have to present is important, so why not take the time to create an event that will be enjoyable, interesting, and engaging for everyone involved. You don’t have to try all of these ideas in one presentation, but add them to your toolbox for future ones.

‍ And remember that MeetingPulse is here with an online platform to take your presentations and meetings from mundane to memorable.

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To make MeetingPulse a seamless addition to your meetings, we offer custom themes. You can use your own logo and your colors in Attendee View as well as Broadcast View. Your company name can also be included in the webpage’s title. Your meeting can also have its own domain. This is great if you are going to promote your meeting offline. For example, you could use “acme2022.com” instead of “meet.ps/acme-all-hands”.

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Creative Presentation Ideas to Impress Your Audience

Keeping an audience captivated during a presentation. It’s a task many find daunting. Whether you’re delivering a basic PowerPoint to your fellow students in a classroom or sharing a  pitch deck with potential investors , you may wonder how you can ensure your presentation will be memorable and exciting.

Keep reading if so. While your main goal should be to deliver a presentation that thoroughly covers your chosen topic, experimenting with different creative presentation ideas can also help you ensure your speech captures an audience’s attention in the first place. 

The following are just a few ideas worth considering. They’ll transform a bland speech into one that truly resonates.

Creative Presentation Ideas: How to Make the Right Impression

Tell a story.

Incorporating storytelling into a presentation is often an effective way to engage an audience. Instead of relying solely on dry facts, you can convey your idea through:

  • Case studies
  • Testimonials

Also, consider how different types of visual content might help you tell a story and forge an emotional connection with audience members. For example, a graph or chart may be ideal for a slide whose purpose is to share objective facts and data. On the other hand, if your goal is to tell a story, you might incorporate video.

Keep this in mind when choosing a presentation maker. The tool you work with should allow you to include all types of content that might enhance your speech.

Be aware, research indicates video content is  more engaging  than other forms of online content. It’s therefore safe to assume that such content would also drive engagement in the context of a presentation.

( Tip:  A video presentation doesn’t merely need to consist of live-action footage. You can also include animation to illustrate a unique idea or topic.)

Make it Interactive

One of the key reasons many dread giving presentations is simple: fear of public speaking is  among the most common anxieties  many people share.

Luckily, when presenting to an audience, you don’t technically need to be the only one doing the talking. You can give yourself breaks by designing and delivering an interactive presentation.

Ways to do so include:

Again, when coming up with creative presentation ideas, your main goal may be to ensure your audience members don’t lose interest in your speech. One simple way to achieve this goal is to provide those audience members with frequent opportunities to participate directly.

Be Dramatic

No, not in the way you may be thinking! We’re not recommending you get up in front of a group and start crying to get their attention.

(Although, to be fair, that could work.)

Not everyone feels comfortable exercising their acting and improv chops during a presentation. Additionally, not every presentation idea lends itself to this type of creativity.

However, if you believe your audience would be receptive to this approach, and you’re not afraid to get into character, adding an element of drama or role-playing to your presentation can help clarify complex concepts and make your message more engaging. 

This is another way in which you might make a presentation more interactive. While you don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, depending on the circumstances, you could ask for volunteers to join you in acting out certain scenarios. This can lighten the mood and keep everyone engaged.

Use Visual Aids

You likely already appreciate how certain types of visual aids can boost the effectiveness of a presentation. For example, if you’re sharing data, you can help viewers digest it with an infographic.

However, it’s worth considering how less traditional visual aids could also prove useful. Examples to consider include:

  • Hand-drawn illustrations

On a related topic, it’s also important to customize your presentation’s visuals so they represent your brand. This may involve:

  • Using a branded color scheme
  • Choosing the right font for text sections of slides
  • Working with a template that allows you to modify all major visual elements

That said, the visual elements of a presentation may not be the only aspects that reflect your brand. Remember, you can include video, which means you can also include audio. Consider how such elements as the right music can potentially strengthen the link between your brand and your presentation.

Make a Mobile-Friendly Version

The day of your presentation doesn’t need to be your one shot to impress your audience! Sometimes, it might be wise to also create a separate mobile-friendly version of a presentation that audience members can view later on their phones and tablets. In some instances, audiences might appreciate the option to see a slide again, watch a video a second time, etc.

Bonus Hint: Use a Template

This may seem counterintuitive. If your goal is to flex your creative muscles, using presentation templates might seem to limit your ability to create something fresh and exciting.

This is a fair assumption to make. However, it’s worth noting that starting with presentation templates can help you save time in the process of designing slides and developing a natural flow for your work. This, in turn, will give you more time and energy to devote to coming up with creative ideas.

Extra Bonus Hint! Stick to Best Practices

Yes, leveraging creative presentation ideas to grab someone’s attention is smart! Just make sure you’re not getting so creative that you end up delivering a presentation that overwhelms your audience or fails to get your message across.

Always keep the basics in mind to ensure your work is organized and clear. For example, you should:

  • Use bullet points, headers, and other formatting elements to ensure text sections are clear
  • Restate important points
  • Stick to a coherent color scheme
  • Focus on one idea per slide
  • Summarize your topic at the end
  • Speak clearly

Powtoon’s Video Presentation Maker Helps You Unleash Your Creativity

Just as using the right template can help you create a presentation more efficiently than you otherwise might, using the right tool can allow you to incorporate creative presentation ideas effectively.

That’s exactly the type of tool you’ll find with Powtoon’s  presentation maker . We also offer video-making tools and resources, helping you generate impressive content on a budget.  Sign up today to learn more!

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20 incredible presentation ideas to wow your audience.

Every presenter knows the pulse-racing thrill of a captive audience; it’s the oxygen for our ideas and the electricity in our words. But the art of electrifying an audience isn’t simply about unleashing a tornado of information or leaning on stock presentation templates mixed with an elevator pitch . It’s about crafting a narrative that captivates, illuminates, and motivates. This article explores 20 presentation ideas and successful presentation tips that aim to wow your audience and turn them into active participants in your narrative journey.

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Table of Contents

20 of The Best Presentation Ideas for Engaging Your Audience

Below we explore 20 of the best creative presentation ideas. We examine personal touches, humor, simplicity, breaks, and group activities. We’ll also tap into the power of demonstrations, metaphors, pace variation, and lasting takeaways. Here we go!

Storytelling Techniques

Storytelling paints pictures with words, weaving a narrative that resonates emotionally. It is also about transforming data or marketing materials into vivid narratives. For example, illustrate a sales growth report through the journey of a single customer, or explain company history by telling the founder’s story. These techniques humanize information, making your presentation more engaging and relatable.

Interactive Elements

Interactive elements are the spark plugs of your presentation engine. Deploy live polls to gauge audience sentiment, quizzes to reinforce key points, or hold spontaneous Q&A sessions. For instance, quiz the audience after explaining a complex concept to ensure understanding and retention. Interactivity keeps the audience invested and alert.

Visual Aids

Visual aids are your presentation’s secret sauce. They transform complex visual elements into digestible formats. Incorporate infographics to break down data, use compelling images to evoke emotions, or play short videos for a dramatic effect. For example, replace a bulleted list of product features with a stunning infographic. Visuals add vibrancy and captivate attention.

presentation ideas

Audience-Driven Content

Audience-driven content is the bridge between the presenter and the listener. Understand your audience’s interests, problems, and preferences to achieve this. For instance, if you’re presenting to a tech-savvy crowd, incorporate the latest industry trends and technologies into your narrative. Tailored content resonates, engages, and holds relevance.

Creative Presentation Formats

Traditional formats often cage the potential of a business presentation. Experiment with formats like PechaKucha ( 20 slides or images that are displayed for 20 seconds each) , Ignite ( 5 minute long presentation with 20 slides ), or TED-style talks (18-minute insights). For instance, PechaKucha can be perfect for a product launch, keeping the narrative concise and impactful. You can even make a PowerPoint into a video , or experiment with other features. For example, you could create a roadmap in Powerpoint or create a poster in Powerpoint or other tools. These formats bring novelty, maintain interest, and enhance information delivery.

Personal Anecdotes

Personal anecdotes inject authenticity into your presentation. They humanize you, making the audience relate to your journey. For instance, share your first-hand experiences of overcoming challenges if you’re discussing entrepreneurship. This creates an emotional connection, making your presentation both relatable and memorable.

Thought-Provoking Questions

Thought-provoking questions are the catalysts for audience reflection and engagement. They inspire critical thinking, stimulate discussion, and create a dialogue. For example, if presenting on climate change, ask, “How can your individual actions contribute to a sustainable future?” Or in a marketing strategy talk, pose, “How would you differentiate this product in a saturated market?” Let the power of curiosity drive your presentation.

presentation ideas

Incorporating Humor into Creative Presentations

Humor is the magic wand that can transform the atmosphere of your presentation. It breaks the ice, lifts spirits, and boosts engagement. A well-placed joke can lighten complex subjects. For instance, if you’re discussing a tough financial quarter, you might say, “We’re in the red, but at least it’s our company color.” Remember, a laughing audience is an engaged audience. You may even get creative with business cartoons or animated videos for business .

Use of Technology and Multimedia

Incorporate modern technology and multimedia elements like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), or interactive digital content. This not only modernizes your presentation but also creates an immersive experience for the audience.

Incorporate Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Utilize case studies or real-world examples relevant to your topic. This approach helps in illustrating points more concretely and makes your presentation more relatable and practical for the audience.

Expert Guest Speakers or Interviews

Inviting guest speakers or showing interviews with experts can add credibility and variety to your presentation. This can be particularly effective for topics requiring specialized knowledge.

Use of Infographics and Data Visualization

Complex data can be made more accessible and engaging through well-designed infographics and data visualization tools. These help in breaking down information into more digestible pieces.

Interactive Workshops or Hands-On Demonstrations

Turn part of your presentation into an interactive workshop or include hands-on demonstrations. This approach is especially effective for educational and instructional content, as it allows the audience to apply what they learn in real-time.

Minimalist Presentation Slides

Minimalist slide design directs the spotlight where it belongs: on the speaker and the message. Clean, uncluttered slides avoid overwhelming the audience and allow them to focus on your words. For a PowerPoint presentation, use simple visuals and limited text. In a video presentation, consider a minimalist backdrop with minimal on-screen elements. By embracing simplicity, you amplify the impact of your message.

Utilizing Breaks and Intermissions to Keep the Audience’s Attention

Long presentations can be mentally draining for both the presenter and the audience. Incorporating well-timed breaks or intermissions becomes vital to maintain audience focus and energy. These pauses allow participants to recharge and process information. By providing intentional breaks, you promote audience engagement, ensuring they remain attentive throughout the presentation.

Collaborative Activities

Group activities and collaborative exercises are potent tools for audience interaction and learning. Incorporate brainstorming sessions, group discussions, or small team activities to foster engagement.


Live demonstrations and examples breathe life into your presentation. They provide tangible evidence and make concepts more relatable. By showcasing a product in action or illustrating a process firsthand, you capture the audience’s attention and maintain interest. Demonstrations engage multiple senses, leaving a lasting impression and enhancing the overall impact of your presentation design.

presentation ideas

Analogies and Metaphors

Analogies and metaphors are the translator’s toolkit for simplifying complex concepts. By comparing abstract ideas to relatable experiences, you make them more accessible and memorable. For instance, describing a computer virus as a “digital flu” helps the audience grasp the concept of its spread and impact. Analogies and metaphors create vivid mental images that enhance audience understanding and retention.

Varied Presentation Pace

Varying the pace of your presentation is key to keeping the audience engaged and avoiding monotony—shift between slower and faster segments to maintain attention and create dynamic momentum. For example, during a data-heavy section, slow down to emphasize crucial points and then pick up the pace during a story or interactive activity to infuse energy. By modulating the tempo, you keep your audience on their toes and enhance the overall presentation impact.

Memorable Takeaways

Memorable takeaways are the lasting gems that linger in your audience’s minds. Provide actionable insights, key messages, or practical tips that they can apply after the presentation. For example, in a leadership talk, offer a “5-step framework for effective decision-making” or share a memorable quote that encapsulates your main message. These takeaways empower the audience to take action and ensure that your presentation has a lasting impact beyond the event itself.

The Power of Storytelling in Presentations

Storytelling has been an integral part of human communication since ancient times. It’s a powerful tool that captivates and engages audiences, making it a crucial element in modern presentations. Here’s why storytelling is essential and how to harness its potential:

  • Emotional Connection: Stories evoke emotions and create a sense of empathy, allowing the audience to connect with the message on a deeper level.
  • Memorable Impact: People remember stories far better than dry facts and figures. A well-told story leaves a lasting impression.
  • Relatability: Stories humanize information, making complex concepts relatable and understandable for the audience.
  • Engaging Narrative: A well-crafted story keeps the audience hooked, driving them to actively participate in the presentation.
  • Illustrating Concepts: Use storytelling to illustrate abstract ideas, turning them into vivid mental images that stick with the audience.
  • Overcoming Objections: Address objections or concerns through storytelling, showcasing how others have overcome similar challenges successfully.
  • Persuasive Communication: A story with a clear message is persuasive, motivating the audience to take action.
  • Fostering Empowerment: Stories that highlight real-life achievements empower the audience to believe in their potential.
  • Building Trust: Sharing personal experiences builds trust and credibility with the audience.
  • Enduring Legacy: Well-crafted stories are often retold, spreading your message beyond the immediate audience.
Emotional ConnectionStories evoke emotions and create a sense of empathy, allowing the audience to connect with the message deeply.
Memorable ImpactPeople remember stories better than dry facts and figures. A well-told story leaves a lasting impression.
RelatabilityStories humanize information, making complex concepts relatable and understandable for the audience.
Engaging NarrativeWell-crafted stories keep the audience hooked, driving active participation in the presentation.
Illustrating ConceptsStorytelling turns abstract ideas into vivid mental images, aiding audience understanding and retention.

Incorporate storytelling into your presentations to elevate them from mere information-sharing sessions to captivating and unforgettable experiences.

presentation ideas

Recap: Essential Tips for a Successful and Engaging Presentation

To create a presentation that lingers in minds and sparks a fire of engagement, embrace the magic of storytelling, interactive zest, captivating visuals, and audience-centric content. Pepper it with personal tales, mind-bending queries, and well-placed humor. Keep it sleek with minimalist slides, revitalize it with timely breaks, and foster collaboration. Add flair with demos, analogies, and metaphors. Vary the tempo, leaving the crowd craving more. And don’t forget those unforgettable takeaways that ignite action.

Why Presentation Ideas Matter

Business presentations, when armed with creative presentation ideas, become dynamic tools. They capture the audience’s attention, amplifying the impact of your message. Creativity isn’t mere decoration; it’s the engine of engagement, turning listeners into active participants in your business narrative.

The Power of Creative Presentation Ideas

Creative presentation ideas are more than a splash of brilliance; they are the lighthouse that guides your audience through your narrative. These ideas imbue an experience, a human element that resonates beyond mere data. They invite your audience on a journey, making them co-authors rather than mere spectators of your story. This inclusion boosts retention, as information becomes not just absorbed but lived. And when an audience is engaged, participation is no longer a chore, but a natural response, a dialogue that enriches both speaker and listener. Remember, a presentation is an exchange of ideas, and creative ideas make this exchange a memorable event.

FAQs: Presentation Ideas

Looking for more guidance on presentation ideas? We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common concerns and provide presentation tips on crafting remarkable presentations.

How Do I Choose the Right Creative Presentation Idea for My Topic?

Choosing the right presentation idea starts with understanding your presentation topic and audience. Consider the nature of your content and the desired impact. For a data-driven presentation, infographics or visualizations may be effective. For a storytelling approach, personal anecdotes can engage the audience. Tailor your choice to align with your message, goals, and the preferences of your audience. Experiment, adapt, and find the idea that best resonates with your topic.

How Can I Ensure My Entire Presentation Stays Engaging Throughout?

To maintain engagement throughout your presentation, utilize a variety of techniques. Start strong with a captivating opening to hook your audience. Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or short activities to keep them involved. Vary your delivery style, pacing, and tone to maintain interest. Use visuals, storytelling, and relevant examples to illustrate your points. Keep the content concise and focused, avoiding information overload. Lastly, conclude with a powerful ending that leaves a lasting impression.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Creative Presentation?

Some key mistakes to avoid include overwhelming slides with excessive text or complex visuals. Steer clear of relying solely on monotonous delivery without engaging the audience. Avoid cramming too much information into a single presentation and neglecting to practice and rehearse. And find the right presentation tools for sales marketing to compliment your content. For example, PowerPoint is often best for standard content, while a Canva presentation may be ideal for those with lots of unique visuals. Lastly, don’t forget to tailor the content to your specific audience and their interests

How Can I Improve My Presentation Skills to Deliver a More Engaging Presentation?

Improving your presentation skills takes practice and intentional effort. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement. Practice your delivery, focusing on clarity, body language, and vocal variation. Utilize visual aids strategically to enhance your message. Engage in public speaking opportunities to gain confidence.

How Can I Adapt My Presentation to Suit Different Audience Types?

Adapting your presentation to different audience types requires understanding their needs and preferences. Research your audience beforehand to gather insights. Tailor your language and examples to resonate with their industry or background. Adjust the level of technicality or complexity based on their knowledge. Incorporate relevant anecdotes or case studies that relate to their interests. By adapting your presentation to suit different audience types, you demonstrate attentiveness and increase the chances of engaging and connecting with them effectively.

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How to create the Best Thank You Slide for PPT in 2024

A laptop with thank you message along with three text areas to add contact information and a blue background

Importance of a Thank You Slide in Presentations

In the dynamic landscape of presentations, a Thank You PowerPoint template serves as the final touch that leaves a lasting impression on your audience. It’s not just a formality but a powerful tool to convey gratitude, reinforce key messages, and provide closure. This seemingly simple slide can enhance audience engagement and reflect the professionalism of the presenter.

Purpose and Benefits of a Thank You Slide

The primary purpose of thank you slides are to acknowledge your audience’s time and attention. It also offers an opportunity to summarize the presentation, provide contact information, and invite further interaction. A well-crafted Thank You PPT can make your presentation memorable and facilitate future communication.

Design Principles

Choosing the right template.

Selecting an appropriate template sets the tone for your slide. The template should align with the overall theme of your presentation and reflect your brand’s identity. PowerPoint offers a plethora of templates, but customization can help you stand out.

Color Schemes and Their Impact

Colors evoke emotions and can significantly impact how your slide is perceived. Opt for colors that complement your presentation palette. A harmonious color scheme can enhance readability and visual appeal.

Font Selection and Typography

Fonts play a crucial role in conveying your message effectively. Choose clean, professional fonts that are easy to read. Maintain consistency in font usage to ensure a cohesive look throughout your presentation.

Incorporating Brand Elements

Infuse with elements of your brand, such as logos, slogans, and color schemes. This not only reinforces brand recognition but also adds a touch of professionalism to your presentation.

Using High-Quality Images and Graphics

Visuals can significantly enhance the impact of your thank you presentation slide. Use high-quality images and graphics that are relevant to your presentation theme. Avoid generic stock photos and opt for visuals that add value to your message.

Content Tips

Crafting a memorable thank you message.

Your thank you message should be sincere and impactful. Avoid generic phrases and tailor your message to reflect the essence of your presentation. A personal touch can make your audience feel appreciated.

Personalization and Relevance

Personalize your thank-you for the presentation by addressing your audience directly. Mention key points discussed during the presentation and how they relate to your audience. This creates a sense of relevance and engagement.

Adding Contact Information

Include your contact information to encourage further interaction. This can include your email address, phone number, and physical address. Make sure the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Incorporating Social Media Links

Social media links provide additional channels for your audience to connect with you. Include icons and links to your social media profiles to expand your network and foster ongoing communication.

Visual Appeal

Balancing text and visuals.

Striking the right balance between text and visuals is key to an effective Thank You slide. Overloading the slide with text can be overwhelming, while too many visuals can be distracting. Aim for a harmonious blend that complements your message.

Using Animations and Transitions

Animations and transitions can add a dynamic element. Use them sparingly to highlight key points without overwhelming the audience. Subtle animations can enhance the visual appeal and keep your audience engaged.

Ensuring Readability and Accessibility

Ensure that your thank-you ppt is easy to read and accessible to all audience members. Use a legible font size and color contrast that meets accessibility standards. This ensures that everyone, including those with visual impairments, can appreciate your slide.

Consistency with Presentation Theme

Maintain consistency with the overall theme of your presentation. This includes color schemes, fonts, and visual elements. A cohesive professional thank you slide reinforces your message and enhances the professionalism of your presentation.

Advanced Techniques

Interactive elements.

Incorporate interactive elements to make your end slide more engaging. This can include clickable buttons, links to additional resources, or interactive forms for feedback. These elements encourage audience interaction and provide valuable insights.

Multimedia Integration

Integrate multimedia elements such as videos or audio clips to add depth to your last slide. A short video message can add a personal touch and make your gratitude more memorable.

Data Visualization

Use data visualization to highlight key points or achievements. Charts, graphs, and infographics can make complex information more digestible and visually appealing.

Infographics and Icons

Infographics and icons can simplify complex information and make your Thank You more engaging. Use them to illustrate key points and enhance the visual appeal of your slide.

Best Practices

Testing on different devices.

Test your end slide on various devices to ensure it looks great on all screens. This includes laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Adjust the design as necessary to ensure a consistent experience.

Gathering Feedback

Seek feedback from colleagues or peers to refine your last slide. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement and ensure your slide resonates with your audience.

Iteration and Improvement

Continuously iterate and improve based on feedback and changing trends. Regular updates keep your presentations fresh and relevant.

Staying Updated with Trends

Stay updated with the latest trends in presentation design. This includes new tools, techniques, and best practices. Keeping abreast of trends ensures your last slides remain modern and impactful.

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15 Interactive Presentation Ideas

Engage your audience by creating a stunning, interactive presentation with visme..

Create a stunning and engaging presentation by taking advantage of these 15 interactive presentation ideas . Getting audience participation is a great way to create a memorable experience for your viewers.

This video covers interactive presentation ideas like using icebreakers, incorporating live polls, creating a non-linear presentation, asking discussion questions and more. Watch the video below to learn more.

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creative presentation ideas group

Video Transcript

Are you giving a presentation and concerned about keeping your audience’s attention? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one and we’re here to help.

Hello world! I’m Mike Ploger here with Visme, the online tool that has changed the way that people give presentations. 

For most of us, our biggest fear when giving a presentation is losing our audience. The last thing that we want to see are eyes losing focus, mouths whispering or hands tapping cell phones. 

So, how can you combat this? Well, try to interact with your audience. Don’t just talk at them, but include them in your presentation. 

Throughout this video, I’m going to share 15 interactive presentation ideas to help you engage your audience in ways that maybe you hadn’t thought of before. Shall we?

1. Start With an Icebreaker

A fun way to begin a presentation is by getting your audience to interact with one another. Get conversations started, whether it’s at multiple tables at a large conference or just amongst those in a small meeting. 

Icebreakers are beneficial because they help you and your audience better understand one another. If it’s a large audience, chances are that they might all be complete strangers. So take the opportunity to help them become more familiar with one another. 

One example would be the Favorites Icebreaker. Participants simply list the things that they love with one another. 

Or simply try asking your listeners to come up with one word when they think of your presentation topic. Listen to their answers and consider them when moving forward with your presentation. 

2. Use Video Clips

Now sometimes, there’s no denying that a video has already said or demonstrated something better than you ever could. So, why not include that video in your presentation? 

Don’t think that it’ll take away from your work. Rather, it’ll keep your audience more focused and entertained. Even if there’s a video of yourself, it could be useful to share with your audience if the setting is hard to duplicate. 

With Visme, videos can be easily embedded into presentations. All you have to do is go to the Media tab on the left side bar and click Insert Video.

3. Make Your Presentation Non-Linear

Most presenters believe that their slides have to go in order from slide 1 to slide 2 to slide 3, but what if I told you that it’s okay to jump to various slides? 

By creating a non-linear presentation, your viewer is in control of what slides will come next. 

How? Create a Table of Contents slide, linking the sections to different slides. It’ll make for a good homepage to revisit throughout the presentation and it will also keep readers on edge wondering what’s coming next. 

4. Have a Q&A Session

Asking your audience questions and giving them the opportunity to do the same with you is a simple yet effective way of making an interactive presentation. 

During your preparation phase, leave places within the presentation for you to ask your audience a few questions. They can be simple, funny, complex – it’s totally up to you. 

It’ll allow you to get a read on your audience while breaking up your presentation. How do you feel about this, or raise your hand if, are good places to start. 

And of course, encourage your audience to ask questions themselves. You don’t want them to be confused early on and be unable to obtain information later because they’re stock on that one topic that they didn’t fully understand. 

5. Create an Interactive Quiz

Another way to gauge your audience’s knowledge on your topic is by creating a quiz. Take your verbal questions a step further by writing them into your slides. 

Don’t know how? Let Visme help. You can ask questions and, depending on what answer is chosen, a corresponding slide will appear next. 

These work great with embedded presentations that some may be watching on their own or, of course, it also works best with audiences right in front of you. Give it a try!

6., Bring Props Along to Your Presentation

If you are looking to bring your presentation to life, add a few props into the mix. 

By bringing in physical objects or even living things as I’ll mention here in a second, your audience will be more hooked than if they were just staring at a screen. 

However, make sure you keep your prop relevant. It should directly tie in with your presentation topic. If you’re talking about robots, bring a robot. Discussing anatomy? Don’t forget a few bones. 

And maybe the most creative example that we’ve ever seen was from the one and only Bill Gates. The founder of Microsoft went the extra mile when he released a swarm of mosquitoes into his audience. 

However awful as it may sound, it was perfect given his topic: a TED talk on mosquitoes and the dangers of malaria . I encourage you to check it out for yourself and see what ideas it may spark in your head. 

7. Tell Your Audience a Story

Don’t be afraid to share stories with your audience. An anecdote in the beginning of a presentation is an excellent way to draw viewers in. 

But it doesn’t have to stop there. A good story can be the most memorable part of a presentation. 

They can create suspense, deliver raw emotion or bring a topic to life. We love TED talks here at Visme, and Hans Rosling loves telling stories, which he did all throughout his TED talk here . 

8. Add an Audio Narrative

Now, so far, I’ve mentioned a few ideas to give yourself breaks throughout your presentation, and another would be to include an audio narrative. 

Maybe there’s a podcast that touched on your topic or somebody else perfectly summed up one of your points. Don’t hesitate to embed those recordings into your slides. It’ll save your voice while creating a much more interactive viewing experience. 

9. Poll Your Audience

Earlier I mentioned starting with an icebreaker and including your audience by asking them questions. Well, one great way to do both of those things is with an audience poll. 

You can have viewers simply raise their hands or go a step further with polling software . It is now available to have live, up to the second answers from your audience. Check out sli.do for some of the best results. 

And whatever presentation topic you have, polls can be used for fun, to get opinions or even to prove a point. Use them to your advantage. 

10. Include Discussion Questions

If your audience is sitting at a handful of tables, take the opportunity to create round table discussions. Start by putting up a question on a slide and ask your audience to discuss the answer amongst themselves. 

You’ll often see this in classrooms with teachers as they engage their students, but it’ll also work in big presentations as well. 

It requires very little effort on your part and gets your audience interacting with one another, which as we’ve seen, can be pretty powerful. 

11. Encourage Movement in Your Audience

Another great way to create interaction is by encouraging movement in your audience. It could be as simple as taking breaks, asking your audience to stand when speaking or even just raising hands when they’re answering a question. 

Or try getting creative. Ask your audience to move to certain spots in the room depending on how they feel about a certain topic. 

Or why not get people on stage for a creative activity? It’ll take some brain power, but getting people up and moving is one of the most effective interactive presentation techniques. 

12. Share a Hashtag for Social Interaction

Creating a hashtag is one of the latest trends for big events. We see them for conventions, conferences, festivals, weddings, anything where people are brought together. 

So, why not use one for your presentation? If a hashtag hasn’t already been created by your event organizer, create your own.

It’s a great way for people to share your content, leading to an even bigger audience. It’s a simple concept that can go a long way towards getting your expertise out to the masses. 

13. Add Music

In any setting, the right music will set the mood. So, use that to your advantage when planning a presentation. 

You can set simple instrumentals as a light background to complement your speaking, or you can add a spark of loud pop music to grab your audiences’ attention. 

Again, Visme makes this so easy in our presentation building tool. Adding audio is just a few clicks away. 

14. Play With Transitions and Animations

Animating your slides is key for keeping your audience guessing and engaged. Work with different transitions when introducing new information like we have here next to me. 

But you want to be wary when beginning to use transitions. Don’t go overboard. Find that one style that you like and stick with that style throughout your entire presentation. 

You don’t want or need 18 different transitions because it’ll start to confuse your audience. Find one look for your animations and stick with it. 

15. Use Data Visualizations

And lastly, our 15th tip in this video, whenever possible, visualize your data. Give your facts and statistics importance by turning them into charts and graphs. 

By creating data visualizations, your audience will digest information much quicker and easier. A well thought out icon or graphic is much more memorable than a spreadsheet of numbers. 

Visme is king of the data visualization world and has the software to make creating graphics a walk in the park. So, head over to Visme.co right now to get started. 

Once you have a blueprint for how you want to interact with your audience, Visme can help you bring it altogether in a beautiful presentation . 

Be yourself! Get creative and find what works for you. We’re just here to help you get on your feet. 

Hey! Thank you so much for watching. If you found that we were helpful, don’t hesitate to subscribe to our channel . We are consistently putting out content to help those with data visualization, design and other marketing questions. 

Good luck! I’ll catch you next time. For now, I’m Mike Ploger with Visme, helping you Make Information Beautiful.

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Travel Guide: Moscow

It seems that you like this template, travel guide: moscow presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Do you know some acquaintances that want to travel to Russia, the biggest country in this planet? Now you can be their own tour guide with this template. Include as much information as possible about tourist attractions, monuments and things to do in Moscow. Let the simplicity of these slides and their cool illustrations speak in favor too!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 25 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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Moscow Matrix

MoSCoW Matrix Template

Use the MoSCow Method to efficiently place deliverables in a matrix to understand their importance to your team’s projects.

About the MoSCoW Matrix Template

When you’re working on a project with a lot of deliverables, it can be difficult to track priorities. And as deadlines approach, sometimes priorities can shift, further complicating your workflow. How can you keep track of evolving priorities and still focus on a complex project? 

What is the MoSCoW method?

The MoSCoW method is a powerful technique for tracking priorities, which are categorized and placed in a matrix model. Project managers, product developers, and business analysts use the matrix to align their teams when working through a set of project deliverables. Teams collaborate with stakeholders to analyze and rank the importance of deliverables with MoSCoW, making it easier to stay on track. 

MoSCoW is an acronym for Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have. These four priority categories make up the four segments in the matrix. “Must Have” items are necessary for delivery; “Should Have” items are important but not necessary; “Could Have” items are nice to have (they are not priorities, but your team can work on them if time and resources permit); and “Won’t Have” items do not fit into the scope of the current project. To use MoSCoW, you create four category segments showing your current priorities and their status (Complete, In Progress, or Not Yet Started). 

When to use the MoSCoW method

The MoSCoW method is useful whenever you need to present business needs to an audience, assess priorities, and collaborate on impending deliverables with a group of stakeholders. By drawing and updating the matrix, you can get a snapshot of your priorities and their impact at each stage of a project. MoSCoW allows everyone on your team to easily grasp upcoming tasks and their impact on your timeline.

Create your own MoSCoW matrix

Making your own MoSCoW matrix is easy. Miro comes with the perfect canvas to create and share it. Get started by selecting the MoSCoW matrix template, then take the following steps to make one of your own.

Fill in your must-haves.  The MoSCoW matrix is divided into four categories. The first is Must Haves, the items that are necessary for completion of your project. If you’re unsure whether a task is a Must-have, ask yourself the following questions: If you do not complete this task, will your product or service work as intended? Can you still deliver the product without this item? Does this task allow you to fulfill all legal requirements for your project? Will your product or service be safe without it? Will your customer suffer consequences if you fail to complete this task?

Fill in your should-haves.  Next, move on to the items that are not necessary to complete your project but are still important for success. Remember, the items in this category are not  vital , but you should try and incorporate them into your timeline anyway. If you’re unsure, ask yourself: Although it might be painful not to complete this task, could you still ship the product without it? Can you use a workaround to avoid this task?

Fill in your could-haves.  Many teams colloquially refer to these items as “nice-to-haves.” While they might make the service run more smoothly or make your product look better, these tasks are not important. If you have the time or resources to complete them at the end, then you can do so. If not, you can plan to do them later. To fill out this part of the matrix, ask yourself the following questions: What are the benefits of these tasks? Do they outweigh the costs? How will these tasks impact our timeline? Can we still complete the project on time and within budget if we include these tasks?

Fill out your won’t-haves.  These items are outside the scope of your current project. Maybe you don’t have the budget to complete them, or maybe they don’t fit into your timeline. If you’re not quite sure whether something is a Won’t Have, ask yourself: How does this item impact our budget? Does our team have the bandwidth to complete this task? Will this item have a tangible impact on our customers? No one likes to admit that they can’t complete something, but don’t think of Won’t Haves as failures; they’re projects for another day.

How do you use the MoSCow template?

The MoSCoW acronym (excluding the o's) is carved with the first letters of the priority categories it works with. These are Must-haves, Should-haves, Could-haves and Won't-haves. And that's how you can define which task falls into which category.

What are the benefits of using the MoSCow method?

The key benefits of the MoSCoW technique are that it's quick and easy to use. The technique is good for highlighting the priorities of projects that are in progress and for organizing efficient time management.

Get started with this template right now.

Project Kick-off Thumbnail

Project Kickoff Template

Works best for:.

Project Management, Documentation, Meetings

This Project Kickoff Meeting Template helps you have all the information about your project in one shared space, like a project manifesto. This template has seven activities to define your project’s goals and objectives, the team’s roles and responsibilities, and the next steps and resource materials for further consultation. Use the Project Kickoff Meeting Template to manage projects effectively and keep everyone aligned.

pyramid diagram template

Pyramid Diagram Template

Business Management, Strategic Planning, Prioritization

A pyramid diagram is a perfect tool for demonstrating concepts that can be broken down into a layered hierarchy. Each level of the pyramid builds on the one before it, clearly illustrating how certain actions lead to specific results. The Miro Pyramid Diagram template is your tool for any and all pyramid illustrations.

Project Scope Thumbnail

Project Scope Template

Project Management, Decision Making, Project Planning

A project scope helps you plan and confirm your project’s goals, deliverables, features, functions, tasks, costs, and deadlines. A project manager and team should develop a project scope as early as possible, as it will directly influence both the schedule and cost of a project as it progresses. Though project scopes will vary depending on your team and objectives, they generally include goals, requirements, major deliverables, assumptions, and constraints. Aim to include the whole team when you create a project scope to ensure everyone is aligned on responsibilities and deadlines.


SAFe Roam Board

Agile Methodology, Operations, Agile Workflows

A SAFe ROAM Board is a framework for making risks visible. It gives you and your team a shared space to notice and highlight risks, so they don’t get ignored. The ROAM Board helps everyone consider the likelihood and impact of risks, and decide which risks are low priority versus high priority. The underlying principles of SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) are: drive cost-effective solutions, apply systems thinking, assume that things will change, build incrementally, base milestones on evaluating working systems, and visualize and limit works in progress.

PI Planning-thumb-web

PI Planning Template

PI Planning, Product Management

The Miro PI Planning Template streamlines the Program Increment planning process for Agile teams. It facilitates a collaborative environment, enabling teams to efficiently align on strategies, identify dependencies, and convert decisions into actionable tasks. With features like real-time collaboration, Jira integration, and a centralized workspace, the template supports teams in enhancing efficiency, engagement, and decision-making.

meeting-organizer-thumb-web (1)

Meeting Organizer Template

Meetings, Workshops, Project Planning

When it comes to ideas generated during a meeting, you want quantity AND quality. So why choose? Our meeting organizer template will maximize your meeting’s chances of yielding lots of great ideas. It will give you a simple, efficient way to design any activity (including meetings and daily planning) and make sure remote teammates know just what the meeting aims to accomplish. And you can give your meeting organizer power by connecting Miro to your favorite apps and services: Atlassian’s JIRA, Google Drive, Slack, Trello, DropBox and OneDrive.


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