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Thesis and Project Proposal System-CASR

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Guidelines for M.Sc. Engg./M. Engg. thesis proposal presentation in the department of CSE, BUET

The students of department of CSE, BUET are instructed to focus on the following points during their M.Sc. Engg./M. Engg. thesis proposal presentation:

» 1. Problem Statement: A clear definition of the problem at hand with examples and illustrations is expected. » 2. Present State/Literature: A brief literature review, i.e., the present state of the problem is expected. » 3. Limitations of current state of the art (if any): If there is any limitation of the current state of the art, it must be discussed. » 4. Objectives and Outcomes: The objectives and the outcomes must be spelled out clearly. » 5. Methodology: The methodology to conduct the research must be discussed. If some progress has already been made, this can be presented briefly. For experimental work the description of experimental setup including datasets must be presented. » 6. Presentation: The presentation skill of the student will be judged. The timing will be strict and he will be stopped abruptly when the time is up and the members may evaluate only based on what has been presented. Currently, the timing has been set to 15 minutes. » 7. Q&A performance: The ability to handle the Q&A will be judged here.

Note that for the written proposal the CASR approved format word limitations must be followed strictly and accurately.

Steps for Proposal Submission

Guideline for Proposal presentation [<= 10 Mins]

1. Introduction and Literature Review: (   a. Present a succinct introduction on the problem and give some preliminaries   b. Highlight research gaps (and hence core contributions): a gap-contribution mapping may be presented here.   c. When discussing literature, mention ; a list of references at the end of a presentation is not that meaningful. Preferably, present a brief table with all results discussed. 2. Objective and Outcome: (   a. Follow the thesis proposal and present briefly.   b. Link the objective to the outcomes (preferably through a pictorial mapping) 3. Methods (   a. Present the methodology succinctly. Should include, but not be limited to the following (as and when appropriate):     1) methodological components: Strongly recommended to add a schematic diagram of the methods.     2) datasets and experimental design (if appropriate).     3) Proof/Algorithmic idea/sketch (if appropriate).     4) evaluation metrics and plan of comparison. 4. Preliminary results (Optional; only if time permits)   a. You may present some results. NOT NECESSARY 5. Conclusion ( 6. Back-up slides should be ready in case more explanation/information is sought by the members

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BUET Thesis/Project Management

Thesis and Project Proposal System

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  • My data is not updated as in BIIS. Ans. Please update data using 'Synchronize' option in your profile.
  • How do I use equation in the proposal? Ans. Please try to use the symbols available with the editor. If insufficient, please insert the equation as an image.
  • [Student] My supervisor name is empty/wrong in the system? Ans. Please make sure BIIS is updated and then update data using 'Synchronize' option in your profile.
  • [Student] My degree program is empty/wrong in the system? Ans. Please select the correct degree program from 'Update Proposal' option.
  • [Student] What information can I update? Ans. You can update phone number, email address, present address and proposal information.
  • [Student] Some information are not editable; how to edit those? Ans. Non-editable data comes from BIIS. First make sure BIIS is updated and then update data using 'Synchronize' option in your profile.
  • [Student] I am getting word limit error even though word count is less than limit. Ans. It may happen if you are pasting from MS word. While pasting, use 'Paste as plain text' option.
  • [Teacher] I don't have Tabulator/Head/Director options. Ans. Please update data using 'Synchronize' option in your profile. After update, please login again.
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  • [Teacher] I don't see my students in the list. Ans. Please tell your students to login to the system. Once they login, your list will be updated automatically.
  • [Teacher] How to use subscript/superscipt in title?. Ans. Please use HTML notation in the title field. Example: H<sub>2</sub>O for H 2 O and X<sup>3</sup>Y for X 3 Y . Subscript/superscipt will be shown in the PDF.

Please check the FAQ for common questions and userguide for how-tos. For support: email to [email protected].

buet thesis proposal format

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CE 400: Thesis and Project Examination

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technolog (BUET) Thesis Template

Contains the thesis template using memoir class,

Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting poetry, fiction, non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or manuscripts.

UoB guidelines : The dissertation must be printed on A4 white paper. Paper up to A3 may be used for maps, plans, diagrams and illustrative material. Pages (apart from the preliminary pages) should normally be double-sided. Memoir class loads useful packages by default (see manual).

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technolog (BUET) Thesis Template

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1 Thesis Proposal

Profile image of Sumon Chowdhury

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At present, traffic congestion problem in Dhaka city is getting worse day by day. This is due to the huge amount of flow from side approaches, illegal car parking, mismanagement of traffic signal etc. The main aim of this investigation is to assess and develop the traffic operations at the Science Laboratory-Elephant Road signalized intersections in Dhaka city. This intersection is located in the busiest portion of Dhaka. The intersection has heavy traffic volume with higher delay and heavy traffic congestion compare to any other similar intersections in Dhaka. In this study, the intersection is analyzed as an isolated signalized intersection by using VISSIM simulation computer program. VISSIM computer program is also used for improvement through optimization process. The geometric, traffic and signalized data were collected during peak time periods. Four alternatives are recommended to solve the current and future problems. The recommended alternatives are—1. Banning right turning at all approaches (this alternative has already been implemented), 2. Optimization of the existing traffic signals, 3. Construct one through overpass for one direction and 4. Construct two overpasses for two directions. The first two alternatives will not be able to improve the level of service significantly. In contrast, the third and fourth alternative will improve the level of service with low delay time. The estimated initial cost of constructing two overpasses is more than annual saving. However, third alternative will be more cost effective and adequate to resolve traffic congestion problem of that location. If alternative three was selected to solve the existing situation; it will beneficial by reducing the congestion on the signalized intersection especially during peak hours, reducing the cost of traveling, increasing the efficiency of the road network, increasing safety, improving traffic flow and traffic operations, and reducing air pollution and preserving the environment.

buet thesis proposal format

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

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The increasing vehicular traffic on roads is growing issue in today's life. This leads to the congestion on the streets and degrades safe and efficient movement of traffic. This is becoming an important issue in the urban premises. It is observed that traffic congestions take place majorly at the intersections where the entering and exiting traffic from the towns to the highways creates conflicts due to improper movement. This study intended to examine flow of traffic at an intersection on Badlapur-Katai road in state of Maharashtra. The location is a part suburban areas of Mumbai metropolitan city. The Majority population is of working class also the industrial development in this area is high due to MIDC and thus the road carries huge traffic during peak hours. The study comprises of collection of the current traffic volume data, projection of the traffic for next 20 years and analysing the intersection for its serviceability. The outcomes may show the requirement of improvement of intersection as grade separated intersection.

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

Transportation contributes to the economic, industrial, social and cultural development of any country. Traffic congestion is a major problem due to the unexpected growth of private vehicles in a country. The intersection is the most important part in any highway, Because the traffic congestion is due to this. An intersection is defined as the general area where two or more highways join or cross, within which are included the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements in that area. In this project, an intersection at Tirupur was taken for analysis. All the necessary traffic parameters of the intersection was collected and analyzed. The intersection is designed as per IRC standards ensuring safe and efficient movement of vehicles at intersection

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology IJSRSET

Intersection is one of the most important components of urban roads, and traffic flow is the node that realizes route change. When the vehicle passes through the intersection due to the need for traffic flow route conversion, the driver can slow down, change lanes, park, steer. A series of tasks such as acceleration, etc., must be completed, and this process must be completed at the intersection and its neighboring area. Therefore, a number of traffic conflict points are formed at the intersection and its adjacent area, and the intersection between traffic flows in different directions, Traffic conflicts such as merger and direction change occur. Traffic characteristics of intersections are more complex than road sections, and road traffic bottlenecks and traffic accidents are frequent. Good design of intersections ensures safe and efficient operation of the entire road network. Based on the analysis of the serious causes of urban traffic problems, the importance of intersections in improving road traffic capacity, traffic jams and accidents is analyzed. The basic content, types, forms, advantages and disadvantages of intersections are analyzed in detail. Carry out a specific analysis of the crossover design method classified by the crossover point, and demonstrate the existing and unsolved problems.

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT)

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https://www.ijert.org/improvement-of-traffic-operations-in-congested-signalized-intersections-a-case-study-in-bangalore-city https://www.ijert.org/research/improvement-of-traffic-operations-in-congested-signalized-intersections-a-case-study-in-bangalore-city-IJERTV2IS70850.pdf Intersections are usually considered as the critical points within the network and the evaluation of their performance provides valuable understanding and useful indication about the performance of the system. The capacity of signalized intersection is of more significant because such intersections often control the ability of the city streets to accommodate traffic. In Bangalore city, most of the signalized intersections are congested and operate in LOS E or F. The objective of the present study is to improve the performance operation of the signalized intersections by investigating the proper alternatives to enhance the traffic capacity. To achieve this objective, Bilekahalli signalized intersection in Bangalore city, along the Bannerghatta road, were selected. The required data for the study purpose like Road Inventories and Traffic Volume Counts were collected. Traffic Volume Counts were collected by the video footages through the cameras installed at the signalized intersections by the Traffic Management Centre, Bangalore City Traffic Police Department. The results of this study revealed the selected traffic facility currently undergoes serious degradation causing breakdown conditions. Thus, urgent considerations must be given regarding the upgrading in the LOS by suggesting many alternatives.

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The increase in traffic congestion and accidents at the intersections are serious problems in Azzawiya City, resulting in high operating costs, lost time, driver frustration, high fuel consumption, and high pollution emissions, as well as human and material losses due to accidents. Therefore, the major goal of this study is to use Sidra Intersections 7.0 software based on HCM 2016 methodology to improve traffic efficiency at four critical intersections in Azzawiya city. The evaluation of the selected intersections takes into account a wide range of factors, including traffic volumes, geometric characteristics, and findings of the related studies. The analysis results were used to propose measures to improve traffic efficiency in terms of capacity and safety. In this thesis, geometric adjustments, signal timing optimization, and change of control type were the primary measures used to achieve the research's objectives. Several solutions have been proposed to improve the existing condition of intersections. Using the optimum signal timing combined with implementing some geometric adjustments, the LOS for Omar Al-Mukhtar intersection (signalized) improved from F to E, and the control delay decreased from 105.6 to 78.5 sec/veh. Al-Ghardabiya intersection (signalized) showed a decrease in delay time from 121 sec/veh to 76.8 sec/veh and LOS improved from F to E by using the optimum signal timing combined with implementing some geometric adjustments. To improve safety condition, Shlaby intersection (sign-controlled) was converted to a signalized intersection, which resulted in a slight increase in control delay from 26.2 sec/veh to 31.1 sec/veh and improvement of the LOS from D to C. For Al-Rihanna intersection (roundabout), a proposal has been made to provide short entry and exit lanes for all of its legs by restricting vehicles from parking near and inside the roundabout, which resulted in an improvement in LOS from E to C and control delay decreased considerably from 44.4 to 15.7 sec/veh. Overall, the study findings revealed that the capacity and safety level of the intersections that located in the city center (Shlaby & Al-Rihanna) can be improved considerably by implementing some minor geometric and operational changes. However, these simple and low-cost alternatives are not sufficient for the signalized intersections that are located on thecoastal road (Omar Al-Mukhtar & Al-Ghardabiya). Other solutions that require higher costs and relatively longer time, such as changing the intersections category from an at-grade intersection to a grade-separated intersection or constructing a ring road around the city to relieve pressure on the section of the coastal road passing adjacent to the city center. Keywords: Capacity; Safety; Traffic Efficiency; SIDRA; HCM; At-Grade Intersections

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Proposal process and defense.

Data collection may not begin until the Dissertation Proposal has been successfully defended and the study has received IRB approval. 

The Dissertation Proposal

The Proposal should be prepared in accordance with UTC formatting/APA style guidelines and should include a committee page similar to the committee page for the Dissertation, as shown in the Thesis and Dissertation Standards (link:  Thesis and Dissertation ). The Dissertation Proposal should also include a Title page which replaces the word “Dissertation” with “Proposal.”

The Proposal includes the first three chapters (Introduction, Literature Review, and Methodology) and their traditional elements, the References, and appropriate Appendices (surveys, assessments, measurement scales). The Proposal typically begins with a description of the context or background for the research question(s) in the study. It also defines key terms and variables and identifies hypotheses.

For additional information, please refer to  Writing the winning thesis or dissertation: A step by step guide  by Joyner, Rouse, and Glatthorn. 

The Proposal PowerPoint

The Proposal defense includes a 20-25 minute PowerPoint presentation. The candidate will provide the Chair with a draft of the Proposal PowerPoint presentation  at least 14 days prior to  the Proposal defense.

The Proposal PowerPoint should focus on the research design process and should not typically exceed 14 slides total (not including references). The Proposal PowerPoint recommended organization follows:

  • 1-2 slides introducing the topic
  • 2-4 slides summarizing the background/literature (Chapter 2)
  • 5-8 slides describing the research questions and research design process (Chapter 3)
  • Slide(s) with references 

Defense and Approval of the Dissertation Proposal

The Proposal defense serves as an opportunity for the candidate to share with the Committee a complete first three chapters of the proposed study that is a comprehensive and well-defined plan for the dissertation. The format of the Proposal defense is a 20-25 minute brief and succinct presentation (including the PowerPoint presentation guidelines above) followed by questions from the Committee. The Dissertation Chair will determine when the Proposal is ready for review by the committee. The Chair provides the Committee with the draft manuscript  at least 14 days prior to the Proposal defense. The Chair will then contact the candidate and Committee to set a Proposal defense date and time (allotting 90 minutes). Once the date and time have been established, the Chair will notify the Program Office ( [email protected] ). The Program Office will distribute appointment invites for the defense. 

Candidates are expected to dress in professional business attire for the defense presentation. On the day of Proposal defense, the candidate will make a brief and succinct overview of the Proposal, ensuring that the following major points are addressed in a thorough yet clear manner:

  • Significance of the proposed research
  • A summary of key points extracted from the literature on the topic
  • A description of the conceptual framework and how the problem will be measured or assessed
  • A proposal for analysis and interpretation of data or evidence

The Proposal defense requires demonstration of two elements: 

  • The candidate, Chair, and Committee have thought deeply and carefully about the Proposal; the “big picture” is defensible
  • The candidate is able to weigh the suggestions of the Committee and accept those that will strengthen the study

Following the candidate’s presentation, each Committee member will be given the opportunity to present questions to the candidate; this is intended to probe the candidate’s understanding of the Proposal and to clarify, to both the candidate and Committee members, information which has been presented. Committee members may also suggest changes in any aspect of the Proposal at this point. It is imperative to remember that opinions may differ; should differences arise, the Chair will provide guidance.

After all Committee members have had opportunities to ask questions and make suggestions or comments, the Committee will deliberate and determine whether or not the Proposal has been successfully defended and can be approved. An approved Dissertation Proposal functions as a document/plan specifying that, assuming the candidate carries out the project as described in the Proposal, the Committee cannot find the Dissertation defense unacceptable based solely upon the research plan. However, it is important to note that approval of a Proposal does not ensure approval of Chapters 1-3 when defending the Dissertation.  

  • If upon completion of the Proposal defense, the Proposal is not ready for approval, the Chair will notify the Program Office ( [email protected] ) to hold the Examination Results Form. The candidate will work with the Chair to complete the Proposal based upon the Committee’s feedback and another defense meeting will be convened within a time frame agreed upon by the Dissertation Committee.
  • If there are revisions needed for the Proposal, the Chair will notify the Program Office ( [email protected] ) to hold the Examination Results Form. Once the requested revisions have been made and approved, the Chair will submit a copy of the manuscript to the Program Office and request that the Program Office circulate the Examination Results Form from each Committee member and the Program Director/Advisor.
  • If the Proposal is approved (with no revisions), the Chair will submit a copy of the manuscript to the Program Office ( [email protected] ) and request that the Program Office circulate the Examination Results Form for digital signatures from each Committee member and the Program Director/Advisor. 

Once the Proposal has been approved by the committee and Program Director/Advisor, the candidate may move forward with the IRB application process (link:  Academic Research Integrity ).  Data collection may not begin until the Dissertation Proposal has been successfully defended and the study has received IRB approval. 

Minimum Degree Credit Hours 

The Leadership and Decision-Making doctoral degree requires a minimum of 76 total graduate credit hours. Each Ph.D. candidate is required to successfully complete a minimum of 15 Dissertation credit hours and defend the Dissertation. Ph.D. candidates who do not complete the Dissertation hours within the 15 credit hour time frame must take an additional 2 Dissertation credit hours each semester through graduation. The candidate must be enrolled in a minimum of 2 Dissertation credits (LEAD 7999) during the semester in which the Final Dissertation Defense is held.  

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BUET Central Library maintains an online repository of all post graduate thesis of BUET. Unless an embargo is placed, all thesis are available for download for free of charge. Click here to go to the Central Library website with link of all published thesis on Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

BUET Central Library Thesis Repository

Latest Published Thesis / Reports from Department of EEE

Phase change material based broadband multifunctional metasurface for the visible range.

By Ehsanul Karim, Md.. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xviii, 82 p.

Place Hold on Phase change material based broadband multifunctional metasurface for the visible range

Design optimization of a silica based short length multifunctional Dual-core photonic crystal fiber

By Tanvir Mahmud Prince, Md.. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xiii, 79p.

Place Hold on Design optimization of a silica based short length multifunctional Dual-core photonic crystal fiber

Design and performance analysis of IoT-based smart system for preventing unlicensed car driving and theft detection using biometrics

By Mosharraf Hossain Khan, Mohammad. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2023 . xx, 82p.

Place Hold on Design and performance analysis of IoT-based smart system for preventing unlicensed car driving and theft detection using biometrics

Hardware security enhancement by obfuscation with multiple types of cells integrated with Anti-SAT block

By Hamidur Rahman. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xv, 95p.

Place Hold on Hardware security enhancement by obfuscation with multiple types of cells integrated with Anti-SAT block

Design and analysis of hyperbolic metamaterials based high-sensitivity microbe sensors

By Sarker, Dip. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xxi, 107p.

Place Hold on Design and analysis of hyperbolic metamaterials based high-sensitivity microbe sensors

Automatic sleep stage adaptive apnea detection scheme using EEG signal and its spectro-temporal variation

By Saha, Suvasish . Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xiii, 73p.

Place Hold on Automatic sleep stage adaptive apnea detection scheme using EEG signal and its spectro-temporal variation

Performance optimization of perovskite solar cell with CNT as both hole transport layer and back contact using machine learning

By Ihtesham Ibn Malek. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xi, 82p.

Place Hold on Performance optimization of perovskite solar cell with CNT as both hole transport layer and back contact using machine learning

Effect of process variability in spin orbit torque magnetic tunnel junctions on the performance of spiking neural networks.

By Shafin-bin-Hamid. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . 74 p.

Place Hold on Effect of process variability in spin orbit torque magnetic tunnel junctions on the performance of spiking neural networks.

Analysis of highly sensitive PCF-based sensors for detection of liquids and greenhouse gases

By Ranju Sardar, Md.. Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xxi, 139 p.

Place Hold on Analysis of highly sensitive PCF-based sensors for detection of liquids and greenhouse gases

Multilingual audio based emotion recognition using self-supervised learning

By Das, Auditi . Dhaka Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BUET 2024 . xv, 66 p.

Place Hold on Multilingual audio based emotion recognition using self-supervised learning

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  3. Thesis proposal presentation

  4. Thesis Proposal

  5. Thesis Proposal

  6. Sisneri Vlog


  1. PDF User Guide for Thesis and Project Proposal System CASR, BUET

    RAC/BPGS. A screenshot of the „Update Proposal‟ page is shown below. 1.2.2 View Proposal Using the „Proposal->View Proposal‟ menu, a student can go to „View Proposal‟ page. Here, he/she will be able to view the formatted proposal and will also be able to download the proposal in PDF format.

  2. Accepted Proposal List

    Thesis and Project Proposal System CASR, BUET. Total Proposals: 1329: Search: SL Roll Name Title Supervisor Department/Institute; 1: 0422082009: Nafisa Anzum Sristi: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF COPPER OXIDE/OLIVE OIL-BASED NANOFLUID IN TURNING HARDENED STEEL:


    umber is square bracket "[1]". Whichever style is followed, the references should be. onsistent throughout the document.For citation and referenc. use any standard Reference Style. An example reference. le is attached in this document. If the list is numbered, the numbering should be as per.


    Thesis and Project Forms Contact Institute of Information and Communication Technology (IICT) 6th & 7th Floor, ECE Building, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Palashi, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh Phone: 880-2-55666000/6515, 880-2-9665602 Email: [email protected]

  5. PDF Department of CSE, BUET

    Arch. / M. Engg./PG. Dip. Thesis/Project proposal by the CASR. All the items, which are applicable of the following list, must be mentioned and filled in properly. Please submit eighteen (18) copies in the full script plain paper with soft copy [one original and other 17 photocopies]. You can submit your soft copy to Email: [email protected]

  6. Thesis and Project Proposal System-CASR

    For online submission of thesis and project proposal to CASR follow the following link: Thesis and Project Proposal System-CASR. Buet. About Us. Industrial and Production Engineering is an engineering discipline that is greatly valued internationally. It has been contributing enormously to the improvement of productivity and operations as well ...

  7. Department of CSE, BUET

    Follow the thesis proposal and present briefly. b. Link the objective to the outcomes (preferably through a pictorial mapping) 3. Methods (<=5 Mins) a. Present the methodology succinctly. Should include, but not be limited to the following (as and when appropriate): 1) methodological components: Strongly recommended to add a schematic diagram ...

  8. PDF Microsoft Word

    M. Engg./PG. Dip. thesis/project proposal by the CASR. All the items, which are applicable of the following list, must be mentioned and filled in properly. ... for BUET workshop facilities (if required):-----15. Justification of having Co-Supervisor: Co-supervisor is not encouraged in Masters level thesis unless there is an absolute necessity. ...

  9. BUET

    Format for Thesis of Ph.D, M.Phil, M.Sc. Engg. Degrees and Project Report of M.Engg and Post Graduate Diplomas. Thesis submission guidelines. Post Graduate Theses download Instruction. Quick Links ... Phone: 02 9665604 email: [email protected]. Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. ...

  10. Resources

    PG Thesis Template - Overleaf Project. Make sure to make your own copy and edit it there. ... Thesis Proposal, Board of Examiner; MSc Examination Schedule Form; M.Sc. Result Publish Form; Clearance Form - BUET Switched to online clearance and filling out a ... (rajongope(at)eee.buet.ac.bd) Please mention a title within 8 words, the body of the ...

  11. Thesis and Project

    Students are required to submit thesis and sessional course project reports as per the OBE template given below. A workshop on the new OBE curriculum was organized by the SAC titled "BUET EEE Workshop on OBE Curriculum For 3rd and 4th Year Undergrad Students". The workshop discusses the Thesis and Project Report templates in details.

  12. FAQ

    How do I use equation in the proposal? Ans. Please try to use the symbols available with the editor. If insufficient, please insert the equation as an image. [Student] My supervisor name is empty/wrong in the system? Ans. Please make sure BIIS is updated and then update data using 'Synchronize' option in your profile.

  13. CE 400: Thesis and Project Examination

    The Department of Civil Engineering, BUET, the largest department in the University, offers the very best civil engineering education in the country. It offers B. Sc. Engineering, M. Engineering, M. Sc. Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy degrees to its graduates. ... CE 400: Thesis and Project Examination. BUET. BAETE Accredited; Find us on:

  14. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technolog (BUET) Thesis Template

    This template is an adaptation and modification of Oscar's. Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting poetry, fiction, non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or manuscripts. UoB guidelines: The dissertation must be printed on A4 white paper. Paper up to A3 may be used for maps, plans, diagrams and illustrative material.

  15. DOCX Iict, Buet

    The Notation Convention for Reference for BUET Thesis/Project. Use a blank line between references. A numbered list of references must be provided at the end of proposal of project/thesis, before any appendices. The list should be numbered either in the order of citation in the text, or in alphabetical order.

  16. Rules and Regulations

    Status Change between Full-time and Part-time. Any student, who wants to change his/her postgraduate programme from Full-time to Part-time and vice-versa, he/she must apply at least TWO WEEKS before the first announced starting date of registration of academic calendar in each semester. Application received after that date will not be considered.

  17. (DOC) 1 Thesis Proposal

    Four alternatives are recommended to solve the current and future problems. The recommended alternatives are—1. Banning right turning at all approaches (this alternative has already been implemented), 2. Optimization of the existing traffic signals, 3. Construct one through overpass for one direction and 4.

  18. Casr Buet

    pdfFiller's add-on for Gmail enables you to create, edit, fill out and eSign your buet thesis format and any other documents you receive right in your inbox. Visit Google Workspace Marketplace and install pdfFiller for Gmail. Get rid of time-consuming steps and manage your documents and eSignatures effortlessly.

  19. Proposal Process and Defense

    The Proposal defense serves as an opportunity for the candidate to share with the Committee a complete first three chapters of the proposed study that is a comprehensive and well-defined plan for the dissertation. The format of the Proposal defense is a 20-25 minute brief and succinct presentation (including the PowerPoint presentation ...

  20. Thesis

    BUET Central Library maintains an online repository of all post graduate thesis of BUET. Unless an embargo is placed, all thesis are available for download for free of charge. Click here to go to the Central Library website with link of all published thesis on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. BUET Central Library Thesis Repository.


    A Thesis Proposal is a document that sets forth what is to be studied as a thesis project, why and in what way. It contains a number of important sections. The purpose of the proposal is to communicate the plan for the work to the faculty of the Division of Emerging Media Studies via the First Reader (principal thesis advisor) and a Second Reader.