grades 9-12 analytical writing rubric

9th-12th grade analytical writing rubric

Offer 9th-12th Grade students a structure for analytical writing with this standards-aligned rubric developed by educators for Feedback Studio.

Rubric suitable for formative and summative assignments with tasks involving the rigorous analysis of a text or texts. Use this rubric when asking students to analyze an author's use of rhetorical strategies, to analyze the impact of a literary element in a story, etc. Consider using the 9th-12th Grade Analysis QuickMark set with this rubric. These drag-and-drop comments were tailor-made by veteran educators to give actionable, formative feedback directly to students. While they were explicitly aligned to this particular rubric, you can edit or add your own content to any QuickMark. This rubric is available and ready to use in your Feedback Studio account. However, if you would like to customize its criteria, you can "Duplicate this rubric" in your Feedback Studio account and then edit the rubric as needed. Or, download this .rbc file and then import to your account to begin editing the content.

Interactive Writing Rubric

High School

Element: Argument

Strand: Position

Criteria: Thesis

Criteria: Justification

Strand: Ideas

Criteria: Quality

Criteria: Substantiation

Strand: Organization

Criteria: Structure

Criteria: Flow

Element: Evidence

Strand: Contextualization

Criteria: Framing

Criteria: Context

Strand: Selection

Criteria: Choice

Criteria: Presentation

Strand: Interpretation

Criteria: Analysis

Element: Language

Strand: Style

Criteria: Register

Criteria: Craft

Strand: Sentence Fluency

Criteria: Fluency

Criteria: Concision

Strand: Word Choice

Criteria: Diction

Criteria: Range

Strand: Conventions

Criteria: Spelling

Criteria: Grammar

Element: Process

Strand: Process

Strand: Publishing

Criteria: Professionalism

Criteria: MLA Formatting

Criteria: Document


This strand encompasses the argument in the essay—the four or five key sentences that state what you are proving and how you are proving it.

Thesis: The sentence(s) explicitly or implicitly stated early in the paper that outline the argument being made in the paper.

Assertions: The assertion is the sentence at the paragraph level that is the written articulation of the subargument. This sentence is sometimes called the topic sentence.


This strand evaluates at the holistic and synthesis level. The Ideas strand seeks to evaluate how well the Position is proven (substantiation) and how well the ideas are synthesized and interwoven. This strand is broader than the Interpretation strand—it encompasses the essay as a whole.

Quality: Quality evaluates the correctness of ideas, the complexity of ideas, and the integration of ideas across a full spectrum.

Substantiation: Substantiation addresses the level of proof that supports the position. When scoring at levels 5-8, it is important to think about the substantiation of both the position’s depth and breadth.


Organization is a crucial aspect of argumentation. This strand addresses the overall structure of a paper. Does the organization support and encourage logical order? Do ideas flow smoothly?

Structure: This criterion addresses the overall architecture of the essay—is the paper ordered (chronologically, compare and contrast, logically, cause and effect, etc) in a way that supports the position?

Flow: Do ideas flow smoothly within sentences and paragraph and between sentences and paragraphs?


There are two primary criteria that make up Contextualization:

Framing: The framing criterion is the broader umbrella within contextualization. Framing occurs often occurs within the introduction, thesis statement, and around evidence. Does the author include only the basic frame (novel, historical event) or is their argument framed within the greater discourse of historical ideas and movements?

Content: Context is more specific and concrete than framing; it refers to the background information around the evidence chunks. Does the author set up the reader with enough background information for the paragraphs to be read smoothly and cohesively?


Selection primarily evaluates evidence selection—relevance, persuasiveness, and concision. Included in this strand is evidence presentation—how smoothly is argument incorporated into the paragraph.

Choice: When we evaluate choice, we are analyzing the type of evidence selected—is it pertinent, is it relevant, is it authoritative?

Presentation: Evidence must be presented clearly within an essay; this criterion addresses the blending, chunking, and overall weaving of evidence into an argument.


Interpretation deals with logic, analysis, and reasoning. The Ideas strand within Argument is comprehensive and evaluates the synthesis of ideas. The interpretation strand is much more specific to the paragraph level.

Analysis: Analysis evaluates the discussion of evidence. At the lower level, is the interpretation accurate and focused? At higher level, students are expected to analyze thoughtfully, including subtle nuances while retaining clarity.

Justification: Justification evaluates a student’s ability to develop a link from evidence to assertion. As readers and teachers, we often find that students almost prove their argument but fail to fully land on their point: this criterion addresses that logic gap.


Formal essay writing style is more limited than its creative counterparts. The style strand evaluates the formal register, or formal style, of the author’s writing as well as their craft.

Register: Addresses the appropriateness of style/language for the task/audience. For academic writing pieces assessed using this rubric, we strive for formal register.

Craft: Craft refers to the specific writer’s moves in expository writing.

Sentence Fluency 

Sentence Fluency focuses on the type, fluidity, and effect of sentences within the essay. Strong sentence fluency leads to natural, active, and concise writing.

Fluency:  Fluency is the ability to expertly deliver information quickly, naturally, and correctly.

Concision: Concision is marked by effective and efficient communication: it is free of superfluous information and requires a strong command of language and a dedication to revision.

Word Choice 

This strand evaluates one’s ability to select the best word to communicate an idea and utilize a broad range of dynamic, striking, and sophisticated words.

Diction: Selecting the best word to most clearly and powerfully communicate an idea.

Range: The breadth of words used correctly; an author’s vocabulary.


Authors need to understand and apply grammatical rules; they also need to spell correctly.

Grammar: These are Standard English rules of communication.

Spelling: This criterion evaluates spelling in an essay.


David Conley clearly articulates that “self-management behaviors” are one of the four key levers to ensure college and career readiness. Revision evaluates the changes made from the rough draft to final draft, including the depth of those changes, the independence of the author, and the effect of the changes on the essay. In this way, we require students learn self-management behaviors (reflection, time management, advocating for themselves, professional meetings, etc.) in order to revise their paper.

Quality: “As the lone criterion for Revising, quality evaluates all aspects of revision.”


This strand encompasses the final product, from completion, timeliness, and presentation to MLA formatting guidelines.

Professionalism: Includes completion, timeliness, attention to the details of the assignment, and final product presentation.

MLA Formatting: Follows MLA formatting guidelines.

Document: Formatting of the document, from headers and title to spacing.

Click Numbers to View Standard Bearers



  • 0 Ideas 0 
  • 2 Ideas 2 
  • 3 Ideas 3 

4 Ideas 4 (Set 1) Ideas 4 (Set 2)

5 Ideas 5 (Set 1) Ideas 5 (Set 2)

  • 8 Ideas 8 
  • Most ideas and content are plausible
  • Basic interpretation
  • Almost all ideas/content are reasonable
  • Accurate interpretation
  • Almost all ideas/content are logically, accurately interpreted
  • Slight nuances introduced
  • Overall, depth of understanding
  • Overall, strong depth of understanding
  • A few key nuances introduced
  • Overall, insightful depth of understanding
  • A few key nuances slightly incorporated into argument
  • Overall, insightful depth of understanding/ analysis
  • Key nuances incorporated into argument
  • Position is controlling idea
  • Overall, position mostly substantiated
  • Opposing viewpoints are anticipated and addressed when necessary
  • Overall, position strongly substantiated
  • Overall, position compellingly substantiated

0 Contextualization 0 (Set 1) Contextualization 0 (Set 2)

  • 3 Contextualization 3 

4 Contextualization 4 (Set 1) Contextualization 4 (Set 2) Contextualization 4 (Set 3)

  • 5 Contextualization 5 
  • 6 Contextualization 6 
  • Mostly reasonable, basic background of text/ content
  • Mostly reasonable background of text/ content
  • Primarily accurate, general background of text/ content
  • Clear, sufficient background of text/ content
  • Presents larger frame of argument
  • Precisely, articulately frames larger argument and, when appropriate, larger discourse
  • Mostly plausible basic background about most evidence
  • Primarily accurate basic background about almost all evidence
  • Primarily accurate background when necessary
  • Most context appropriately incorporated into paragraph – is not clunky
  • Clear, sufficient evidence background when necessary
  • Sometimes previews/ hints at interpretation
  • Precise, clear, sufficient evidence background when necessary
  • Most context smoothly incorporated into paragraph
  • Generally previews/ hints at interpretation
  • Concise, precise, sufficient evidence background when necessary
  • Almost all context smoothly incorporated into paragraph
  • Effectively previews/ hints at interpretation


1 Interpretation 1 (Set 1) Interpretation 1 (Set 2)

2 Interpretation 2 (Set 1) Interpretation 2 (Set 2)

  • 3 Interpretation 3 
  • 5 Interpretation 5 
  • 6 Interpretation 6 
  • 8 Interpretation 8 
  • Connected to assertion
  • Adequate in amount
  • Some basic analysis
  • Generally plausible analysis
  • Some adequate analysis
  • Mostly plausible analysis
  • Roughly incorporates some key words
  • Almost all adequate analysis
  • Generally focused, logical, accurate
  • Roughly incorporates key words
  • Some thoughtful analysis
  • Mostly focused, logical, clear analysis
  • Appropriately incorporates key words when appropriate
  • Mostly thoughtful, articulate analysis
  • Largely focused, logical, clear analysis
  • Effective key word analysis incorporated when appropriate
  • Almost all thoughtful, articulate analysis
  • Largely focused, clear, nuanced analysis
  • Effective key word analysis incorporated when appropriate to substantiate assertion
  • Comprehensive analysis demonstrates thorough, critical thought while retaining clarity
  • Effective key word analysis substantiates position
  • Generally understandable interpretation/ reasoning
  • Most explanation related to assertion
  • Mostly understandable interpretation/ reasoning
  • Some rough word glue , some rough logic glue
  • Connects evidence to assertion
  • Mostly understandable, sound interpretation/ reasoning
  • Generally effective word glue, rough logic glue
  • Links evidence to assertion
  • Primarily understandable, sound, generally thoughtful interpretation/ reasoning
  • Generally effective word glue/ logic glue
  • Logically develops link from evidence to assertion
  • Primarily effective word glue/ logic glue
  • Logically, mostly develops link from evidence to assertion
  • Primarily effective word glue/ logic glue when necessary
  • Largely convincing, thoughtful justification
  • Logically, fully develops link from evidence to assertion
  • Smooth, primarily effective word glue/ logic glue when necessary
  • Largely focused, convincing, thoughtful justification
  • Articulately, fully substantiates assertion
  • Smooth, masterful use of word glue/ logic glue when necessary
  • Primarily focused, compelling, thoughtful justification
  • Articulately, fully substantiates position
  • 2 Word Choice 2 

3 Word Choice 3 (Set 1) Word Choice 3 (Set 2)

  • 4 Word Choice 4 

5 Word Choice 5 (Set 1) Word Choice 5 (Set 2)

  • 6 Word Choice 6 
  • Some active verbs
  • Some accurate active verbs
  • Functional diction
  • Mostly accurate active verbs when appropriate – minimizes be/ have/ ~ing
  • Strong, active verbs when appropriate – minimizes be/ have/ ~ing
  • Words effectively convey intended message
  • Effective diction
  • Powerful, energizing active verbs when appropriate – minimizes be/ have/ ~ing
  • Words precisely convey intended message
  • Precise diction
  • Some appropriate academic language
  • Some appropriate basic content language
  • Academic, task specific content language generally correct
  • Attempts at sophisticated vocab
  • Varied academic, content language mostly correct
  • Broad range of academic language mostly correct
  • Generally effective use of sophisticated, varied vocab
  • Broad range of academic language overwhelmingly impactful, correct
  • Overwhelmingly effective use of sophisticated, varied, powerful vocab
  • 1 Conventions 1 
  • 2 Conventions 2 
  • 3 Conventions 3 

4 Conventions 4 (Set 1) Conventions 4 (Set 2) Conventions 4 (Set 3) Conventions 4 (Set 4)

  • 5 Conventions 5 
  • Most task/ content specific language correct
  • Most general academic, task/ content specific language correct
  • Almost all correct
  • Several errors do not obstruct meaning
  • Errors do not hinder reading
  • Few or no mistakes
  • Capitalization errors ≤ pages
  • Capitalization/ end punctuation errors ≤ pages
  • Capitalization/ punctuation (excluding commas) errors ≤ pages
  • Grammar does not obstruct meaning
  • Capitalization/ punctuation (no commas)/ subject-verb agreement errors ≤ pages
  • Grammar does not hinder reading
  • Capitalization/ punctuation (w/ commas)/ subject-verb agreement/ vague pronoun reference errors ≤ pages
  • Grammar contributes to readability
  • Capitalization/ punctuation (w/ commas)/ subject-verb agreement/ vague pronoun reference / misplaced modifier errors ≤ pages
  • Strong grammar contributes to readability


MLA Formatting

  • Almost all necessary documents turned in on time
  • Follows guidelines of assignment
  • All documents turned in on time
  • Neat, complete
  • Crisp, neat, complete
  • Correctly cites using parentheses
  • Correctly cites using parentheses, quotation marks, periods
  • Correctly cites using parentheses, quotation marks, commas, periods
  • Correctly uses in text citations, block quotes
  • Correct citation punctuation
  • Correctly uses in text citations, block quotes from multiple texts
  • Mostly correct Works Cited
  • Entirely correct Works Cited
  • Header provides correct info
  • Header is correctly formatted and provides correct info
  • Centered title
  • Properly formatted, spaced header, title, text


Scoring Rubric: Literary Analysis/Interpretation

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5 Analytic Rubric Examples for High School

5 Analytic Rubric Examples for High School

Analytic rubrics are one of the best ways to assess students. While holistic rubrics are a great way to highlight success and what students have done well, analytic rubrics are much more comprehensive. In this post, we’re going to highlight 5 analytic rubric examples for high school.

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What is an analytic rubric.

Analytic rubrics are assessment resources that assess students across specific criteria. In an analytic rubric, each section of the rubric has an independent score.

For example… in an essay, you might score the student’s ability to summarize, use vocabulary, connect ideas – etc. Each section or criteria of the rubric will have an independent score which is totalled up at the end to provide a comprehensive grade. 

With analytic rubrics, the combination of multiple criteria that determine both strengths and areas for growth creates a grade that is comprehensive and helps the student to understand where they were successful and what they might need help developing.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common advantages and disadvantages of analytic rubrics.

Advantages of Analytic Rubrics

  • Comprehensive assessment
  • Assessment of multiple categories/criteria
  • Simple to understand

Disadvantages of Analytic Rubrics

  • Can take longer to use (if online tools are not utilized)
  • They also highlight areas for growth (weaknesses)

Now that we understand what an analytic rubric is, let’s take a look at 5 pre-built rubrics that can be accessed in our rubric maker . 

1. Book Report Rubric

analysis essay rubric high school

Default Assessment Criteria: Book Summary, Critical assessment of text, presentation of ideas, use of language and conventions, word choice.

Use the Book Report Rubric Maker – Click here. 

2. Discussion Forum Rubric

analysis essay rubric high school

Default Assessment Criteria: primary content contribution, Critical engagement, frequency, use of language and conventions, formatting and referencing.

Analytic Discussion Forum Rubric – Click here. 

3. Essay Rubric

analysis essay rubric high school

Default Assessment Criteria: Content and clarity, thematic organization & thesis, formatting and referencing, use of language and conventions, perspective.

Use the Essay Rubric Maker – Click here. 

4. Research Paper Rubric

analysis essay rubric high school

Perhaps one of the most important writing tasks for students who are entering post-secondary studies; a research paper is essential. Our research paper rubric is based on an analytical design that highlights the most important criteria for developing a well written paper.

Default Assessment Criteria: Content and focus, purpose integration, formatting and referencing, use of language and conventions, word choice.

Analytic Research Paper Rubric – Click here. 

5. Reading Response Rubric

analysis essay rubric high school

One of the most common types of assignments in class – assessing a reading response could help your students to better understand  how they should be engaging with material in class.

Default Assessment Criteria: Understanding and reflection, depth of connections, use of language and conventions, word choice, formatting and referencing.

Use the Reading Response Rubric Maker – Click here. 

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ACT Writing Rubric: Full Analysis and Essay Strategies

ACT Writing


What time is it? It's essay time! In this article, I'm going to get into the details of the newly transformed ACT Writing by discussing the ACT essay rubric and how the essay is graded based on that. You'll learn what each item on the rubric means for your essay writing and what you need to do to meet those requirements.

ACT Essay Grading: The Basics

If you've chosen to take the ACT Plus Writing , you'll have 40 minutes to write an essay (after completing the English, Math, Reading, and Science sections of the ACT, of course). Your essay will be evaluated by two graders , who score your essay from 1-6 on each of 4 domains, leading to scores out of 12 for each domain. Your Writing score is calculated by averaging your four domain scores, leading to a total ACT Writing score from 2-12.

The Complete ACT Grading Rubric

Based on ACT, Inc's stated grading criteria, I've gathered all the relevant essay-grading criteria into a chart. The information itself is available on the ACT's website , and there's more general information about each of the domains here . The columns in this rubric are titled as per the ACT's own domain areas, with the addition of another category that I named ("Mastery Level").

demonstrate little or no skill in writing an argumentative essay. The writer fails to generate an argument that responds intelligibly to the task. The writer's intentions are difficult to discern. Attempts at analysis are unclear or irrelevant. Ideas lack development, and claims lack support. Reasoning and illustration are unclear, incoherent, or largely absent. The response does not exhibit an organizational structure. There is little grouping of ideas. When present, transitional devices fail to connect ideas. The use of language fails to demonstrate skill in responding to the task. Word choice is imprecise and often difficult to comprehend. Sentence structures are often unclear. Stylistic and register choices are difficult to identify. Errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are pervasive and often impede understanding.
demonstrate weak or inconsistent skill in writing an argumentative essay The writer generates an argument that weakly responds to multiple perspectives on the given issue. The argument's thesis, if evident, reflects little clarity in thought and purpose. Attempts at analysis are incomplete, largely irrelevant, or consist primarily of restatement of the issue and its perspectives. Development of ideas and support for claims are weak, confused, or disjointed. Reasoning and illustration are inadequate, illogical, or circular, and fail to fully clarify the argument. The response exhibits a rudimentary organizational structure. Grouping of ideas is inconsistent and often unclear. Transitions between and within paragraphs are misleading or poorly formed. The use of language is inconsistent and often unclear. Word choice is rudimentary and frequently imprecise. Sentence structures are sometimes unclear. Stylistic and register choices, including voice and tone, are inconsistent and are not always appropriate for the rhetorical purpose. Distracting errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are present, and they sometimes impede understanding.
demonstrate some developing skill in writing an argumentative essay The writer generates an argument that responds to multiple perspectives on the given issue. The argument's thesis reflects some clarity in thought and purpose. The argument establishes a limited or tangential context for analysis of the issue and its perspectives. Analysis is simplistic or somewhat unclear. Development of ideas and support for claims are mostly relevant but are overly general or simplistic. Reasoning and illustration largely clarify the argument but may be somewhat repetitious or imprecise. The response exhibits a basic organizational structure. The response largely coheres, with most ideas logically grouped. Transitions between and within paragraphs sometimes clarify the relationships among ideas. The use of language is basic and only somewhat clear. Word choice is general and occasionally imprecise. Sentence structures are usually clear but show little variety. Stylistic and register choices, including voice and tone, are not always appropriate for the rhetorical purpose. Distracting errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics may be present, but they generally do not impede understanding.
demonstrate adequate skill in writing an argumentative essay The writer generates an argument that engages with multiple perspectives on the given issue. The argument's thesis reflects clarity in thought and purpose. The argument establishes and employs a relevant context for analysis of the issue and its perspectives. The analysis recognizes implications, complexities and tensions, and/or underlying values and assumptions. Development of ideas and support for claims clarify meaning and purpose. Lines of clear reasoning and illustration adequately convey the significance of the argument. Qualifications and complications extend ideas and analysis. The response exhibits a clear organizational strategy. The overall shape of the response reflects an emergent controlling idea or purpose. Ideas are logically grouped and sequenced. Transitions between and within paragraphs clarify the relationships among ideas. The use of language conveys the argument with clarity. Word choice is adequate and sometimes precise. Sentence structures are clear and demonstrate some variety. Stylistic and register choices, including voice and tone, are appropriate for the rhetorical purpose. While errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics are present, they rarely impede understanding.
demonstrate well-developed skill in writing an argumentative essay The writer generates an argument that productively engages with multiple perspectives on the given issue. The argument's thesis reflects precision in thought and purpose. The argument establishes and employs a thoughtful context for analysis of the issue and its perspectives. The analysis addresses implications, complexities and tensions, and/or underlying values and assumptions. Development of ideas and support for claims deepen understanding. A mostly integrated line of purposeful reasoning and illustration capably conveys the significance of the argument. Qualifications and complications enrich ideas and analysis. The response exhibits a productive organizational strategy. The response is mostly unified by a controlling idea or purpose, and a logical sequencing of ideas contributes to the effectiveness of the argument. Transitions between and within paragraphs consistently clarify the relationships among ideas. The use of language works in service of the argument. Word choice is precise. Sentence structures are clear and varied often. Stylistic and register choices, including voice and tone, are purposeful and productive. While minor errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics may be present, they do not impede understanding.
demonstrate effective skill in writing an argumentative essay The writer generates an argument that critically engages with multiple perspectives on the given issue. The argument's thesis reflects nuance and precision in thought and purpose. The argument establishes and employs an insightful context for analysis of the issue and its perspectives. The analysis examines implications, complexities and tensions, and/or underlying values and assumptions. Development of ideas and support for claims deepen insight and broaden context. An integrated line of skillful reasoning and illustration effectively conveys the significance of the argument. Qualifications and complications enrich and bolster ideas and analysis. The response exhibits a skillful organizational strategy. The response is unified by a controlling idea or purpose, and a logical progression of ideas increases the effectiveness of the writer's argument. Transitions between and within paragraphs strengthen the relationships among ideas. The use of language enhances the argument. Word choice is skillful and precise. Sentence structures are consistently varied and clear. Stylistic and register choices, including voice and tone, are strategic and effective. While a few minor errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics may be present, they do not impede understanding.

ACT Writing Rubric: Item-by-Item Breakdown

Whew. That rubric might be a little overwhelming—there's so much information to process! Below, I've broken down the essay rubric by domain, with examples of what a 3- and a 6-scoring essay might look like.

Ideas and Analysis

The Ideas and Analysis domain is the rubric area most intimately linked with the basic ACT essay task itself. Here's what the ACT website has to say about this domain:

Scores in this domain reflect the ability to generate productive ideas and engage critically with multiple perspectives on the given issue. Competent writers understand the issue they are invited to address, the purpose for writing, and the audience. They generate ideas that are relevant to the situation.

Based on this description, I've extracted the three key things you need to do in your essay to score well in the Ideas and Analysis domain.

#1: Choose a perspective on this issue and state it clearly. #2: Compare at least one other perspective to the perspective you have chosen. #3: Demonstrate understanding of the ways the perspectives relate to one another. #4: Analyze the implications of each perspective you choose to discuss.

There's no cool acronym, sorry. I guess a case could be made for "ACCE," but I wanted to list the points in the order of importance, so "CEAC" it is.

Fortunately, the ACT Writing Test provides you with the three perspectives to analyze and choose from, which will save you some of the time of "generating productive ideas." In addition, "analyzing each perspective" does not mean that you need to argue from each of the points of view. Instead, you need to choose one perspective to argue as your own and explain how your point of view relates to at least one other perspective by evaluating how correct the perspectives you discuss are and analyzing the implications of each perspective.

Note: While it is technically allowable for you to come up with a fourth perspective as your own and to then discuss that point of view in relation to another perspective, we do not recommend it. 40 minutes is already a pretty short time to discuss and compare multiple points of view in a thorough and coherent manner—coming up with new, clearly-articulated perspectives takes time that could be better spend devising a thorough analysis of the relationship between multiple perspectives.

To get deeper into what things fall in the Ideas and Analysis domain, I'll use a sample ACT Writing prompt and the three perspectives provided:

Many of the goods and services we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars and other goods on assembly lines, where once there were human workers. Many of our phone conversations are now conducted not with people but with sophisticated technologies. We can now buy goods at a variety of stores without the help of a human cashier. Automation is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what is lost when we replace humans with machines? Given the accelerating variety and prevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and meaning of their presence in our lives.

Perspective One : What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people.

Perspective Two : Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone.

Perspective Three : Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and machines toward new, unimagined possibilities.

First, in order to "clearly state your own perspective on the issue," you need to figure out what your point of view, or perspective, on this issue is going to be. For the sake of argument, let's say that you agree the most with the second perspective. A essay that scores a 3 in this domain might simply restate this perspective:

I agree that machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone.

In contrast, an essay scoring a 6 in this domain would likely have a more complex point of view (with what the rubric calls "nuance and precision in thought and purpose"):

Machines will never be able to replace humans entirely, as creativity is not something that can be mechanized. Because machines can perform delicate and repetitive tasks with precision, however, they are able to take over for humans with regards to low-skill, repetitive jobs and high-skill, extremely precise jobs. This then frees up humans to do what we do best—think, create, and move the world forward.

Next, you must compare at least one other perspective to your perspective throughout your essay, including in your initial argument. Here's what a 3-scoring essay's argument would look like:

I agree that machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone. Machines do not cause us to lose our humanity or challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be.

And here, in contrast, is what a 6-scoring essay's argument (that includes multiple perspectives) would look like:

Machines will never be able to replace humans entirely, as creativity is not something that can be mechanized, which means that our humanity is safe. Because machines can perform delicate and repetitive tasks with precision, however, they are able to take over for humans with regards to low-skill, repetitive jobs and high-skill, extremely precise jobs. Rather than forcing us to challenge our ideas about what humans are or could be, machines simply allow us to BE, without distractions. This then frees up humans to do what we do best—think, create, and move the world forward.

You also need to demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the way in which the two perspectives relate to each other. A 3-scoring essay in this domain would likely be absolute, stating that Perspective Two is completely correct, while the other two perspectives are absolutely incorrect. By contrast, a 6-scoring essay in this domain would provide a more insightful context within which to consider the issue:

In the future, machines might lead us to lose our humanity; alternatively, machines might lead us to unimaginable pinnacles of achievement. I would argue, however, projecting possible futures does not make them true, and that the evidence we have at present supports the perspective that machines are, above all else, efficient and effective completing repetitive and precise tasks.

Finally, to analyze the perspectives, you need to consider each aspect of each perspective. In the case of Perspective Two, this means you must discuss that machines are good at two types of jobs, that they're better than humans at both types of jobs, and that their efficiency creates a better world. The analysis in a 3-scoring essay is usually "simplistic or somewhat unclear." By contrast, the analysis of a 6-scoring essay "examines implications, complexities and tensions, and/or underlying values and assumptions."

  • Choose a perspective that you can support.
  • Compare at least one other perspective to the perspective you have chosen.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the ways the perspectives relate to one another.
  • Analyze the implications of each perspective you choose to discuss.

To score well on the ACT essay overall, however, it's not enough to just state your opinions about each part of the perspective; you need to actually back up your claims with evidence to develop your own point of view. This leads straight into the next domain: Development and Support.

Development and Support

Another important component of your essay is that you explain your thinking. While it's obviously important to clearly state what your ideas are in the first place, the ACT essay requires you to demonstrate evidence-based reasoning. As per the description on [bolding mine]:

Scores in this domain reflect the ability to discuss ideas, offer rationale, and bolster an argument. Competent writers explain and explore their ideas, discuss implications, and illustrate through examples . They help the reader understand their thinking about the issue.

"Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone."

In your essay, you might start out by copying the perspective directly into your essay as your point of view, which is fine for the Ideas and Analysis domain. To score well in the Development and Support domain and develop your point of view with logical reasoning and detailed examples, however, you're going to have to come up with reasons for why you agree with this perspective and examples that support your thinking.

Here's an example from an essay that would score a 3 in this domain:

Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases, they work better than humans. For example, machines are better at printing things quickly and clearly than people are. Prior to the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg people had to write everything by hand. The printing press made it faster and easier to get things printed because things didn't have to be written by hand all the time. In the world today we have even better machines like laser printers that print things quickly.

Essays scoring a 3 in this domain tend to have relatively simple development and tend to be overly general, with imprecise or repetitive reasoning or illustration. Contrast this with an example from an essay that would score a 6:

Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases, they work better than humans. Take, for instance, the example of printing. As a composer, I need to be able to create many copies of my sheet music to give to my musicians. If I were to copy out each part by hand, it would take days, and would most likely contain inaccuracies. On the other hand, my printer (a machine) is able to print out multiple copies of parts with extreme precision. If it turns out I made an error when I was entering in the sheet music onto the computer (another machine), I can easily correct this error and print out more copies quickly.

The above example of the importance of machines to composers uses "an integrated line of skillful reasoning and illustration" to support my claim ("Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases, they work better than humans"). To develop this example further (and incorporate the "This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone" facet of the perspective), I would need to expand my example to explain why it's so important that multiple copies of precisely replicated documents be available, and how this affects the world.


World Map - Abstract Acrylic by Nicolas Raymond , used under CC BY 2.0 /Resized from original.


Essay organization has always been integral to doing well on the ACT essay, so it makes sense that the ACT Writing rubric has an entire domain devoted to this. The organization of your essay refers not just to the order in which you present your ideas in the essay, but also to the order in which you present your ideas in each paragraph. Here's the formal description from the ACT website :

Scores in this domain reflect the ability to organize ideas with clarity and purpose. Organizational choices are integral to effective writing. Competent writers arrange their essay in a way that clearly shows the relationship between ideas, and they guide the reader through their discussion.

Making sure your essay is logically organized relates back to the "development" part of the previous domain. As the above description states, you can't just throw examples and information into your essay willy-nilly, without any regard for the order; part of constructing and developing a convincing argument is making sure it flows logically. A lot of this organization should happen while you are in the planning phase, before you even begin to write your essay.

Let's go back to the machine intelligence essay example again. I've decided to argue for Perspective Two, which is:

An essay that scores a 3 in this domain would show a "basic organizational structure," which is to say that each perspective analyzed would be discussed in its own paragraph, "with most ideas logically grouped." A possible organization for a 3-scoring essay:

An essay that scores a 6 in this domain, on the other hand, has a lot more to accomplish. The "controlling idea or purpose" behind the essay should be clearly expressed in every paragraph, and ideas should be ordered in a logical fashion so that there is a clear progression from the beginning to the end. Here's a possible organization for a 6-scoring essay:

In this example, the unifying idea is that machines are helpful (and it's mentioned in each paragraph) and the progression of ideas makes more sense. This is certainly not the only way to organize an essay on this particular topic, or even using this particular perspective. Your essay does, however, have to be organized, rather than consist of a bunch of ideas thrown together.

Here are my Top 5 ACT Writing Organization Rules to follow:

#1: Be sure to include an introduction (with your thesis stating your point of view), paragraphs in which you make your case, and a conclusion that sums up your argument

#2: When planning your essay, make sure to present your ideas in an order that makes sense (and follows a logical progression that will be easy for the grader to follow).

#3: Make sure that you unify your essay with one main idea . Do not switch arguments partway through your essay.

#4: Don't write everything in one huge paragraph. If you're worried you're going to run out of space to write and can't make your handwriting any smaller and still legible, you can try using a paragraph symbol, ¶, at the beginning of each paragraph as a last resort to show the organization of your essay.

#5: Use transitions between paragraphs (usually the last line of the previous paragraph and the first line of the paragraph) to "strengthen the relationships among ideas" ( source ). This means going above and beyond "First of all...Second...Lastly" at the beginning of each paragraph. Instead, use the transitions between paragraphs as an opportunity to describe how that paragraph relates to your main argument.

Language Use

The final domain on the ACT Writing rubric is Language Use and Conventions. This the item that includes grammar, punctuation, and general sentence structure issues. Here's what the ACT website has to say about Language Use:

Scores in this domain reflect the ability to use written language to convey arguments with clarity. Competent writers make use of the conventions of grammar, syntax, word usage, and mechanics. They are also aware of their audience and adjust the style and tone of their writing to communicate effectively.

I tend to think of this as the "be a good writer" category, since many of the standards covered in the above description are ones that good writers will automatically meet in their writing. On the other hand, this is probably the area non-native English speakers will struggle the most, as you must have a fairly solid grasp of English to score above a 2 on this domain. The good news is that by reading this article, you're already one step closer to improving your "Language Use" on ACT Writing.

There are three main parts of this domain:

#1: Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics #2: Sentence Structure #3: Vocabulary and Word Choice

I've listed them (and will cover them) from lowest to highest level. If you're struggling with multiple areas, I highly recommend starting out with the lowest-level issue, as the components tend to build on each other. For instance, if you're struggling with grammar and usage, you need to focus on fixing that before you start to think about precision of vocabulary/word choice.

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

At the most basic level, you need to be able to "effectively communicate your ideas in standard written English" ( ). First and foremost, this means that your grammar and punctuation need to be correct. On ACT Writing, it's all right to make a few minor errors if the meaning is clear, even on essays that score a 6 in the Language Use domain; however, the more errors you make, the more your score will drop.

Here's an example from an essay that scored a 3 in Language Use:

Machines are good at doing there jobs quickly and precisely. Also because machines aren't human or self-aware they don't get bored so they can do the same thing over & over again without getting worse.

While the meaning of the sentences is clear, there are several errors: the first sentence uses "there" instead of "their," the second sentence is a run-on sentence, and the second sentence also uses the abbreviation "&" in place of "and." Now take a look at an example from a 6-scoring essay:

Machines excel at performing their jobs both quickly and precisely. In addition, since machines are not self-aware they are unable to get "bored." This means that they can perform the same task over and over without a decrease in quality.

This example solves the abbreviation and "there/their" issue. The second sentence is missing a comma (after "self-aware"), but the worse of the run-on sentence issue is absent.

Our Complete Guide to ACT Grammar might be helpful if you just need a general refresh on grammar rules. In addition, we have several articles that focus in on specific grammar rules, as they are tested on ACT English; while the specific ways in which ACT English tests you on these rules isn't something you'll need to know for the essay, the explanations of the grammar rules themselves are quite helpful.

Sentence Structure

Once you've gotten down basic grammar, usage, and mechanics, you can turn your attention to sentence structure. Here's an example of what a 3-scoring essay in Language Use (based on sentence structure alone) might look like:

Machines are more efficient than humans at many tasks. Machines are not causing us to lose our humanity. Instead, machines help us to be human by making things more efficient so that we can, for example, feed the needy with technological advances.

The sentence structures in the above example are not particularly varied (two sentences in a row start with "Machines are"), and the last sentence has a very complicated/convoluted structure, which makes it hard to understand. For comparison, here's a 6-scoring essay:

Machines are more efficient than humans at many tasks, but that does not mean that machines are causing us to lose our humanity. In fact, machines may even assist us in maintaining our humanity by providing more effective and efficient ways to feed the needy.

For whatever reason, I find that when I'm under time pressure, my sentences maintain variety in their structures but end up getting really awkward and strange. A real life example: once I described a method of counteracting dementia as "supporting persons of the elderly persuasion" during a hastily written psychology paper. I've found the best ways to counteract this are as follows:

#1: Look over what you've written and change any weird wordings that you notice.

#2: If you're just writing a practice essay, get a friend/teacher/relative who is good at writing (in English) to look over what you've written and point out issues (this is how my own awkward wording was caught before I handed in the paper). This point obviously does not apply when you're actually taking the ACT, but it very helpful to ask for someone else to take a look over any practice essays you write to point out issues you may not notice yourself.

Vocabulary and Word Choice

The icing on the "Language Use" domain cake is skilled use of vocabulary and correct word choice. Part of this means using more complicated vocabulary in your essay. Once more, look at this this example from a 3-scoring essay (spelling corrected):

Machines are good at doing their jobs quickly and precisely.

Compare that to this sentence from a 6-scoring essay:

Machines excel at performing their jobs both quickly and precisely.

The 6-scoring essay uses "excel" and "performing" in place of "are good at" and "doing." This is an example of using language that is both more skillful ("excel" is more advanced than "are good at") and more precise ("performing" is a more precise word than "doing"). It's important to make sure that, when you do use more advanced words, you use them correctly. Consider the below sentence:

"Machines are often instrumental in ramifying safety features."

The sentence uses a couple of advanced vocabulary words, but since "ramifying" is used incorrectly, the language use in this sentence is neither skillful nor precise. Above all, your word choice and vocabulary should make your ideas clearer, not make them harder to understand.

Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points?   We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must use to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

How Do I Use the ACT Writing Grading Rubric?

Okay, we've taken a look at the ACTual ACT Writing grading rubric and gone over each domain in detail. To finish up, I'll go over a couple of ways the scoring rubric can be useful to you in your ACT essay prep.

Use the ACT Writing Rubric To...Shape Your Essays

Now that you know what the ACT is looking for in an essay, you can use that to guide what you write about in your essays...and how develop and organize what you say!

Because I'm an Old™ (not actually trademarked), and because I'm from the East Coast, I didn't really know much about the ACT prior to starting my job at PrepScholar. People didn't really take it in my high school, so when I looked at the grading rubric for the first time, I was shocked to see how different the ACT essay was (as compared to the more familiar SAT essay ).

Basically, by reading this article, you're already doing better than high school me.


An artist's impression of L. Staffaroni, age 16 (look, junior year was/is hard for everyone).

Use the ACT Writing Rubric To...Grade Your Practice Essays

The ACT can't really give you an answer key to the essay the way it can give you an answer key to the other sections (Reading, Math, etc). There are some examples of essays at each score point on the ACT website , but these examples assume that students will be at an equal level in each of domains, which will not necessarily be true for you. Even if a sample essay is provided as part of a practice test answer key, it will probably use different context, have a different logical progression, or maybe even argue a different viewpoint.

The ACT Writing rubric is the next best thing to an essay answer key. Use it as a filter through which to view your essay . Naturally, you don't have the time to become an expert at applying the rubric criteria to your essay to make sure you're in line with the ACT's grading principles and standards. That is not your job. Your job is to write the best essay that you can. If you're not confident in your ability to spot grammar, usage, and mechanics issues, I highly recommend asking a friend, teacher, or family member who is really good at (English) writing to take a look over your practice essays and point out the mistakes.

If you really want custom feedback on your practice essays from experienced essay graders, may I also suggest the PrepScholar test prep platform ? As I manage all essay grading, I happen to know a bit about the essay part of this platform, which provides you with both an essay grade and custom feedback. Learn more about PrepScholar ACT Prep and our essay grading here!

What's Next?

Desirous of some more sweet sweet ACT essay articles? Why not start with our comprehensive guide to the ACT Writing test and how to write an ACT essay, step-by-step ? (Trick question: obviously you should do this.)

Round out your dive into the details of the ACT Writing test with tips and strategies to raise your essay score , information about the best ACT Writing template , and advice on how to get a perfect score on the ACT essay .

Want actual feedback on your essay? Then consider signing up for our PrepScholar test prep platform . Included in the platform are practice tests and practice essays graded by experts here at PrepScholar.

Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?   We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible.   Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next.   Check out our 5-day free trial today:

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Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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Writing Rubric for Literary Analysis Essays, High School Writing, Common Core

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Use this common core aligned essay rubric to guide students through the objective writing standards for literary analysis essay writing. This rubric has five categories: Introduction, Body Paragraphs, Conclusion, Ideas/Content & Word Choice, Conventions/Word Choice. Descriptions are detailed and specific with terminology directly from the Common Core standards – excellent for using as a teaching tool with your students!

Descriptions are detailed and specific with terminology directly from the Common Core standards – excellent for using as a teaching tool with your students!

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    7 6. Topic sentences are present and make an argument connected to the thesis; however, ideas are obvious and basic. 5. Topic sentences are not linked to the thesis. Topic sentences show misunderstanding or prompt or text. 4 3. Topic sentences not evident. Topic sentences are facts or summaries.

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    4-5. 6. 1. Thesis paragraph. Hook, author and title, and clear outline of the ideas you will prove. Your main ideas are stated, but are not explained clearly enough so that your reader can understand them. Missing author/title. Title not punctuated. Thesis statement explains the topic and outlines the three ideas you will address in the essay.

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  14. High School

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  16. 9 10 Literary Analysis Rubric Ed1

    Analysis Writing Conventions and Craf provided. develop ideas and insight in the essay, extend thinking, and make connections. develop ideas and make connections, but may also summarize rather than analyze. mostly summarize or restate text evidence, without developing ideas or connections. may be missing or show a lack of understanding.

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  22. Writing Rubric for Literary Analysis Essays, High School Essay ...

    This common core aligned essay pack contains three excellent rubrics: Expository Writing Rubric, Persuasive Writing Rubric and Literary Analysis Essay Rubric. Each rubric is sold separately in my store, but the bundle offers a discount! Each rubric includes a l. 4. Products. $5.99 $8.00 Save $2.01. View Bundle.